#ask tadashi
lemonshrimpular · 2 months
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this means WAR!!!!
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kamisama1kiss · 4 months
I just watched the Haikyuu movie Dumster Battle, and omg!! It was SOOO good😭😭🙏 I nearly jumped out of my seat so many times when at the cinema
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napakmahal · 2 months
You and tadashi arguing about “who snores the loudest” and Hiro comes in with receipts ((you both snore and keep him awake sometimes))
Since moving out Hiro was always over at your place. After school most night he would take the later bus and go to your apartment instead of going back to the cafe. Aunt Cass got silence and Hiro got to hang out with his brother who he swore he didn’t miss.
Your kitchen still wasn’t broken in yet so you just bought takeout rather than cook. Mid bite, you yawned and quickly covered your mouth with your hand.
“That’s like an eighth time you’ve yawned.” Hiro observed with his form dragging along his plate.
You swallowed. “Yeah it cause your brother keeps me up at night.”
“What? Me!” Tadashi’s shrieked with offense. “You keep me up.”
Hiro dropped his fork and gagged. “Holy shit, you guys are fucking gross.”
“What?” You asked, still confused. Until it hit you and your own face contorted into disgust. “Ugh, ew. No, I mean your brother snores loud enough to shake the fucking walls.”
“Oh,” Hiro calmed down and shrugged nonchalantly. “Yeah, you really do.”
Tadashi dramatically dropped his fork onto his plate and struck his hands up. “Why is everybody ganging up against me? Okay, do I snore? Yes, but only when I’m like deadly tired.”
“So you’re deadly tired all the time?” You asked.
Tadashi scoffed and looked directly at his little brother. “See, she wants you to think she’s so soft but she snores so loud I’m considering getting her a sleep apnea machine. I think she has a deviated septum.”
You leaned over and slapped him in the arm so loud it made a ‘crack’ sound. He whined at the feeling and started rubbing his arm. “You’re such a liar.”
“I’m the liar? Me?” He laughed.
You looked over to Hiro. “Okay, you’re sleeping her tonight, right?”
He simply nodded.
“Okay, so just make sure you’re secure on your bed or else the absolute waves your brother makes might kick you off.”
Tadashi just gave you the finger but smiled so you know he was joking as he started collecting your dirty plates.
That night you slept in your shared room with your brand new mattress that took weeks to show up and was delayed twice. Hiro went to sleep on your pullout but not before plugging his phone and leaving it on.
That morning when you got up, Hiro was already up on his phone. Grocery sized bags drooping under his eyes.
Tadashi came walking out of the shower with wet hair and looked at Hiro laying there on his phone. “Shit dude, did you sleep.”
“Yeah you look horrible.” You said muffled by your toothbrush and mouth covered in foamy toothpaste.
“No I did not sleep, you guys are so fucking loud.” He reached over to his phone that had been recording the sounds coming from your room.
Embarrassed and deflecting, Tadashi whacked Hiro on the side of the head. “Why would you record that. What if we weren’t sleeping, then what?”
Hiro dropped his phone in his lap and you almost let your toothbrush slip out of your mouth. Hiro’s jaw was practically dislocated with a face of horror. “Why the fuck would you say that to me?”
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freakurodani · 10 months
tsukishima blue and loneliness ??
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its the self imposed loneliness that comes from not letting yourself be vulnerable enough to care for me
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joseigamer · 4 months
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I finally found the source for the interview between Satomi Tadashi and Kazuma Kaneko (main writer and artist) where they literally call Tatsuya and Jun gay - (”homo” - english loan word). It’s from the Innocent Sin World artbook (pub. in 2000). Here is the translation, and here is a link to the artbook. It’s on page 32. It’s not like this is anything new, but I feel like it’s important to have the original text onhand when sharing stuff like this! Translation under the cut for ease of access/archival purposes:
— What do you think Jun thinks of Lisa and Tatsuya’s relationship? SATOMI: I think he wants Lisa to be a bit more gentle with Tatsuya. KANEKO: She’s really got a jealous nature, doesn’t she? “Shaddup, woman.” Didn’t everyone expect Jun to say that? And then he’d say “Tatsuya, hold my hand a little bit tighter please.” SATOMI: Well, everyone is free to think what they like about that. *laugh* Personally, I don’t think he’s necessarily gay. KANEKO: Jun isn’t gay…but he likes Tatsuya, right? SATOMI: He likes him. If Tatsuya asked, “Do you like me?” Jun would say, “I like you!” KANEKO: Tatsuya would ask “Do you like me”? SATOMI: I think he’d ask like that. KANEKO: I think he’d say something like “What do you think of me?” And then Jun would say, “I like you!” SATOMI: If Jun said something like that, he would turn his back and seem happy. KANEKO: Who would? SATOMI: Tatsuya would. KANEKO: Tatsuya would turn his back and say, “You do?” happily? Well then, he’s gay, isn’t he! SATOMI: *laugh* …that’s why I said that everyone can think as they like about that issue. KANEKO: Well, I don’t know much about that field, anyway. I’ll have to do a little more homework. Hey, does Jun have thick hair? SATOMI: It’s not thick. KANEKO: And Tatsuya’s hair isn’t thick either? SATOMI: Right. So even if it gets tangled together, they’ll be okay. (NOTE: This refers to old, old literary references in which two people slept together in the same bed, so close together that their hair got tangled together.) KANEKO: What, so they really are gay. I see, so they’re gay, huh…Well, then Jun’s probably thought of assassinating Lisa? By setting some sort of trap for her…
[credit to chthonian.net for the translation]
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itsnotira · 2 months
Karasuno, But Make it Community
First Years GC: Kiyoko & Yachi???
My Lovecore Playlist My Paradise~ Ask Box Masterlist
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thewritetofreespeech · 7 months
Could I request Cherry, Adam, and Takeshi with a painter s/o?
Their careers are very similar, Karou with his calligraphy and them with their painting.
They probably met when they were hosted at the same show on classical Japanese artforms.
As an artist himself he has a deeper appreciation for their technique with their brush strokes and fine detail work. It’s so delicate and perfect. He could watch them paint for hours.
Likely met at a charity or fundraising gala at a gallery they were showcased in and Ainosuke took a liking to their work.
Not knowing they were the artist, he provided his critics and was unanimously shut down by them. Decimated even by their words.
They told him that a bureaucrat like him could not possibly understand the passion of art like this, and since then Ainosuke has been obsessed with them and their passion.
He envies their expressiveness and creativity.
They get to be so free. Both on and off the canvas. Artist are known for being a little eccentric, so they can get away with things he would never dream of being so bold about.
Takeshi is actually a fairly skilled painter, but his art has no life to it. He can ‘play the notes, but not make the music’ as it were. So he just leaves the art in their relationship to them.
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lilacgaby · 13 days
Hey, saw your requests post thingie, can I request a lil Haikyuu drabble where Oikawa or Yamaguchi(whoever you feel better writing!!) has an s/o who's always giving them buttons, pebbles, feathers, leaves, etc.(in other words a magpie s/o lol)?? Thank you!! =D
i'll do them both to celebrate my first haikyuu post!!
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tooru would be so smug about it everytime you got him something like, oh? you thought of me when you got this? you shouldn't have..
will show off the most random items you gave to him for the rest of the day, to iwa, to his coaches, literally everyone.
he has an interview later? he'll take a picture with the feather you gave him earlier tucked behind his ear. hes practicing? he'll put the rock in his pocket for good luck (and accidentally hit iwa with it, oops.)
i think he'd start going this for you in return too, starting off with flowers he found around as he walked, rocks he bought in the tourist traps in the cities he'd visit, and even jewelry he'd think would look cute on you.
at the end of the day he's happy with anything you give him, he'd be surprised at the habit at first though, but would think it was so cute after a while.
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tadashi would be the type of boyfriend to do this already, so if you two are doing it to eachother? your bags are full at the thought of it.
he'd get you all different types of flowers from the grass outift karasuno, especially dandelions omg?? you'd make wishes together after he walks you home from practice omg :((
the stuff you give to him are all nicely organized away in his room. the first thing you have ever given he still has like what?? is he insane (yes for you)
whatever you hand him is automatically his good luck charm, he'll hold in his hand fondly and have it for the rest of the day, he has a pocket dedicated just to stuff you give him, is sooo dependent on the action of you giving him stuff atp that if you don't give him something one random day he'll be upset.
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heartfall-syndrome · 16 days
do u like yamaguchi from haikyuu??
I like yams, he’s a lil man!
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Just look at that face! How could I not like him!
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thefuzzzz · 3 months
Haikyuu!! Camp Half-Blood AU
I drew all of these at 1 am please excuse the poor coloring skills, it was 4 in the morning at that point (Image text written out after the cut, plus bonus explanations for design and AU choices :))
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Image Text and Explantions:
Sawamura Daichi: Image Text:
Son of Hephaestus
18 years old
Head of the Hephaestus cabin
Has been at camp for 7 years
Mainly uses a sword as his weapon, prefers fighting up close
Goes on a lot of quests
Has fully mastered the volcano training wall
Usually the one who shows younger campers around and trains them
Has a bunch of scars
Old quest team was Sugawara and Asahi, after Asahi left it became Sugawara and Tanaka
Prefers close range fighting over long range
Forces Suga to help him train the younger kids, especially in archery
Simultaneously everyone's favorite and least favorite older camper
Plans on going to New Rome University
Sugawara Koushi: Image Text:
Son of Aphrodite
18 years old
Head of the Aphrodite cabin
Has been at camp for 7 years, but got there a little earlier than Daichi
Uses a bow and arrow
Can charmspeak, but he doesn't use it often and isn't the best at it
Hates quests so much
Oikawa is also in the Aphrodite cabin (sorry to any Sugawa shippers), and they almost kill each other every two seconds
Prefers long range fighting over close range
Helps out in the infirmary sometimes
Hates the Aphrodite kid stereotypes and will punch anyone in the face who compares him to them
Younger campers love him, older campers are afraid of him
Azumane Asahi: Image Text:
Son of Ares
18 years old
Has been at camp 7 years
Used to go on quests with Daichi and Suga
Uses a spear
Very similar to Frank Zhang in personality and views of his godly parent
Was head of his cabin, left camp, then became head again
Hates his whole cabin (not really he loves them)
Got into an arguement with Nishinoya over how the gods treated demigods during the war with Kronos. Noya said he partially sided with Kronos's army, and Asahi thought he was nuts for that. They both ended up leaving camp, Asahi going to mortal school. He didn't know where Noya was.
He was convinced by Hinata to come back for the Battle of Manhattan, and almost lost his mind when he realized Noya was back on CHB's side and not with Kronos
Is the most mature of the Ares cabin
Yuu Nishinoya: Image Text:
Son of Hermes
17 years old
Would've been at camp for 7 years, but spent a year away from camp (no one knows where he was except Asahi)
Uses knives typically
Was head of his cabin, got fired
Huge trouble maker, lives up to Herme's kid reputation
Pranks everyone, especially new campers
After an argument with Asahi, he went to join Kronos's army, but decided not to after all
Spent the rest of that year training before going back to camp and helping them win the Battle of Manhattan
Smooths things over with Asahi, but never tells anyone else that he was planning on joining Kronos
Trains constantly, always in training gear
Kageyama Tobio: Image Text:
Son of Hades
15 years old
Has been at camp for 2 years, but spent a lot of his first year on a quest or in the underworld
Animals don't like him because he's a Hades kid
Weapon is a bow, Suga was his mentor
Basically Nico Di Angelo, but taller and less emo
Ghost king
Only person in his cabin
Went to Camp Jupiter for a while before coming to Camp Half-Blood
Earned the title Ghost King while at SPQR
Ends up going on a lot of quests with Hinata
Hinata Shoyo: Image Text:
Son of Zeus...currently unclaimed
15 years olf
Has been at camp for 1 year
Uses knives, mentored by Noya
Spends every second training, always in training clothes
Once he's claimed, he instantly gets sent on a quest with Kageyama
Gets claimed after saving someone from a monster by using his powers
Jumps super high with wind powers
Gains massive control of his powers later on, but has to spend a lot of time training them
Tsukishima Kei: Image Text:
Son of Athena
15 years old
Has been at camp for 2 years
Weapon is a sword, but he's versatile
Got claimed after "erm, actually"-ing everyone enough for them to just know
Skips training and thinks he's too good to train with others
Won't spar with anyone
Pretends he's not sweating his ass off in that sweater
Goes to mortal university after turning 18, but comes back to camp every once in a while
Wants to go to Camp Jupiter very badly, but doesn't want to leave Yamaguchi (he will never admit this)
Yamaguchi Tadashi: Image Text:
Son of Demeter
15 years old
Has been at camp for 2 years
Uses a sword, or just his kinda weak plan powers
Also skips training to look cool, but trains in secret. Usually wearing training clothes under his casuals
The only person keeping the strawberry field alive
Learns to use his powers very well later
I picked Demeter to be his godly parent because 1.) yall remember 2020 where everyone drew him in that fucking strawberry dress, and 2.) I saw a post somewhere about how Demeter's children often let personal relationships cloud their judgement (COUGH COUGH TSUKI)
Anyways, hope yall enjoyed my inane rambling. I'll never shut up about this AU, it plauges me. I thought it up while making a bagel, Haikyuu was on the TV and there was a Percy Jackson book in front of me. I might make more stuff from this because I’m mentally ill about it
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mallgothyamaguchi · 1 month
ive seen that all of your bookmarks are tskym and you dont have many of them (not that thats a bad thing!!!) could you give a bookmark tour and like give a reveiw of each?
ofc! tsukkiyama bookmark tour begin!
autumn by windofjune - this fic is ongoing but i'm just totally in love with the author's writing style. essentially, tsukishima and yamaguchi have had mutual feelings for a long time, but nothing was ever acted upon, so in college, they begin to drift apart from one another even when living in the same apartment. tsukishima faces an injury to his knee and yamaguchi gets dumped by his boyfriend, leading to their slow-burning reconciliation as they both recover from their emotional and physical injuries. everything is so beautifully written and i'm not-so-patiently waiting for chapter 8 hehe
Sleeping Habits by BlueColoredDreams - piece written in a series of vignettes as tsukishima and yamaguchi grow older, ending in their high school years. very sweet and very fluffy. i'm a snuggler, so any fic that involves sleeping and cuddling, i'm there.
(Not) A bad day by WhereDoesTheTimeGo - yamaguchi has a bad day, and all of his insecurities bubble up, so tsukishima comforts him. they both have their own self-doubts and insecurities unveiled, but everything's okay with a snuggle and first kiss. you will notice there is a pattern in my fic tastes, lol.
Home Is Where The Heart Is by Pepper_Moon - very short and sweet domestic fic about the two moving in together in a cottage in the countryside after marrying. artist yamaguchi and writer tsukishima. SO COTTAGECORE. the author is also currently writing a chaptered piece for day 1 of tsukkiyama week i'm very much looking forward to reading!
just ourselves by beefybuttlord - another short and sweet fic where hinata asks yamaguchi what his relationship with tsukishima really is. essentially it's a "what are we" fic. puts how i think their canon relationship is in 800 words.
hottaru-kun by palebluestings - very much plays around with the significance of names and naming conventions in japanese culture, and the different ways kanji can be read. tsukishima has started calling yamaguchi 'tadashi', but yamaguchi still calls him 'tsukki'. also, cue tsukishima being a little jealous of yamaguchi hanging out with his brother. it's a cute and thoughtful fic.
The sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me. by yamaguchiforpresident - as they get older, yamaguchi gets more and more attention from girls (and guys), and by their third year, tsukishima realizes he's in love with his best friend. lots of pining from tsukishima, and does he do anything about it? hmmm... a little bit of yamayama (at least from tsukishima's perspective), so yet again, jealous tsukishima >:)
Won't You Stay For The Ride? (The Views Will Be Nice) by xxet - self-hating tsukishima begins to have his walls broken down by yamaguchi as they grow up. tsukishima is totally whipped, and everyone knows. flips back and forth between past and present throughout. good mix of fluff and angst.
i wish to be found by TheFledglingDM - ok this one isn't in my bookmarks but i'm actually obsessed with this fic i'm shocked i didn't bookmark it. essentially a 'You've Got Mail' au, where yamaguchi is a small bookstore owner who took it over after his mother passed and tsukishima is a financial executive for a chain bookstore with aspirations to become a published author. when tsukishima helps to make the decision to put a store location near yamaguchi's bookstore, yamaguchi fears he may be put out of business. unknowingly, for a whole year prior, they've been online best friends over discord. mistaken identity, enemies to lovers, influence of and allusions to pride & prejudice, what more could you want from a fic? so skillfully written. i will never shut up about it. i finished it a month ago and i think about it every other day.
hope you enjoyed my thoughts on these fics! honestly, i haven't been reading many fics recently since life got pretty busy and then that makes me pretty tired and i've been very focused on writing my own fics...but! with all the entries for tsukkiyama week i have so much new content to read. i'm still pretty new to ao3 (it's been a little over a year since i started reading fics on there), so that kind of explains why my bookmarks list is pretty short, and also i tend to bounce between different forms of reading like manga to physical books to fanfiction. kind of just depends on what my mood is at the moment. now that i've started writing, i've really been fueling my tsukkiyama brainrot into that, lol. when it's slow at work, i'm collecting ideas in my brain for them.
bottomline: tsukkiyama will always and forever be my #1, so if there's a fic i'm reading it and if they have zero fans, i'm dead.
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entriprises · 11 days
random miscellaneous facts about my muses:
bob's common white lie is that he's seen a movie when he hasn't. sometimes he just knows a lot about a movie but he hasn't seen it but that's too many words, and other times its easier to say yes than get hounded
romeo's phone has a crack in one of the corners but he tries hard to make sure his phone is crack and scratch free otherwise
mark, jen, bobby, and cathy have no cracks or scratches on their phones
holly has a slider phone and that thing has withstood so much there's scratches everywhere but no cracks
tadashi's phone has no cracks but it's also just got weird little enhancements and features on it that he's done himself
baymax has no phone but he has a call making feature and can host video calls
buttercup through all of middle school had a flip phone held together by tape alone. it fell out of her pocket nearly every time she went flying or skateboarding
cathy's frequent emojis include: 🐑🐄🐎🐓🌾☀️🍻😘🫶🤣🤔❤️💝
if bradley had a bigger memory of his parents together he would absolutely believe in true love. carole often described it as true love in stories but it’s not the sort of thing that he took very literally. he’s seen a lot of failed relationships in his life and i think he just sees love as something that’s work and patience and a commitment which also goes hand in hand with why he’s had not many romantic relationships. he does believe in great loves, he thinks his partners are the loves of his life but true love is a little fairytale-ish in his understanding of it. if you asked him to define it he would probably explain it using a fairytale example. he also thinks it implies some sort of limit or correctness and doesn’t think anyones limited to one true love in the sense that you can find a great love with someone else
cathy believes a lot of things are meant to be and they happen how they’re supposed to with the exception of great tragedy and loss of lives. this more so applies to job loss, relationships, meeting people, falling out of touch, etc
cathy doesn’t believe in love being meant to be or that somebody has a true love in that regard. she doesn’t think things like that are accidental. she thinks love is the sort of thing you work towards and you make it together. you are actively loving and tending to that love. she believes in love on purpose and existing with so much love that there never is any confusion about its presence
birthdays: bradleys is june 27, emmett and neal are both march 21, jennifer’s is november 13th (first appearance) annnd that’s all I know
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ask-kenji-sato · 2 months
Tadashi Hamada?, is that you?
Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten that comparison. I don’t know whether I should be flattered or offended.
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napakmahal · 2 months
Dude lowkey back in quarantine where I had my big Tadashi obsession I used to imagine how big his biceps would be…
Liek….. idk I know it sounds insane but I would be swinging my legs while watching him lift something heavy…
No because you’re so real for this. Like he lifts machinery and heavyweight tools all day. Plus with his knowledge of physiology and kinesiology he’s a proud wearer of the “lift with your legs not your back” shirts.
The stupid bike broke down. Tadashi’s stupid red moped that costed him more than it saved to keep had broken down for the millionth time. But this time he actually bought new parts instead of using the old crap. New and heavy parts.
After lifting heavy metal pieces onto his work station and comparing the new parts to the old, he’d started sweating and took his SFIT hoodie off.
“Do you need help?” You offered from the dusty old couch in his garage as he struggled to pick up another box and hoist it onto his work table.
He grunted, “Not yet, we’ll see though.”
His arms were completely strained and his knees were dangerously close to the hard garage floor. Every time he lifted, he let out a strained grunt and a heavy breath. Every time he tried to pick it up his arm continued to flex his arms.
Tadashi’s work out of choice is cardio but all the lifting he does gives him weightlifter muscles and strength.
You don’t realize you’ve been staring at him and practically drooling until he nearly shouted at you to help him because his arm cramped and he couldn’t drop the box.
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raisunomii · 3 months
your art is really good! i love it & you are so talented hehe
Aaaa thank you! Heres a yams sketch for u lol
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eggyrocks · 4 months
Since your last smau is (sadly) finished can you please write your next one about tsuki. I was thinking a grumpyxsunshine relationship where shes friends with nishinoya and having a hard time so he convinces his roomates to let her move since they have an extra room and tsuki thinks hes going to hate her but her warm&sweet personality makes him warm up to her even tho he hates how much he likes her like man is DOWN BAD.
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the masses are knocking down my door demanding a tsukki smau but idk if i can deliver bc u guys. i have to be honest with you (and i know i am going to get burnt at the stake for this) i kinda hate tsukishima. also. that's tadashi's boyfriend.
this idea is very cute though i think it would be a really good smau but i am not convinced i could execute
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