#ask will solace
TW for blood
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Stayed up way too late drawing my boys & am too tired to think of a caption rn, but wanted to post anyway ✌️
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lice-haver · 22 days
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Friendly reminder that Will Solace canonically sang a song so pretty it made little yellow flowers grow up out of the ground.
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qiinamii · 10 months
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"Xiao does things" (and friends) twitter log part 2
-- UPDATE: removed some of the arts to make its own individual post since I am bad at organizing, sorry! (but the last one is new lol) xD
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willthespy · 5 months
I feel like Nico would learn to use a bow and arrow to feel closer to Bianca, he knows she’s never coming back but he loves her all the same.
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ellilyre · 14 days
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
Do u still have that height chart u made of all the characters? Im trying to find references, no prblem if u dont!!!
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You might be referring to my old one, but this is my updated one! Forgive the hastily doodled on clothes - this is also my body type/scar/tattoo/etc/general ref sheet, and while I've posted it without the colors before, it feels weird posting it with colors cause for some reason then it looks like theyre all naked, lol. Ref sheets are funny that way. So doodled on clothes it is.
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moncuries · 5 months
i do not gaf about drawing percy with blond or black hair but atp, annabeth is black to me. it has changed her character and how she moves thru the story significantly and i do not want to draw her as a white girl anymore. so please do not request it from me.
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mediumgayitalian · 3 months
What are some of your Will headcanons?
Any angsty ones?
hair style:
will's hair has a Mind Of Its Own. it is impossible. brushing it? keep dreaming. styling it? dude just give up
he can, however, wrangle it into two french braid pigtails. those are fun.
in the august after the giant war, the aphrodite cabin take it upon themselves to 'style' nico, including giving him these little elastics with a skull charm (like this but with skulls), but he doesn't like tying his hair back very much (too tight) so he gives them to will as a joke.
will LOVES them.
he literally wears them almost every day. the next time they go out on a supply run, nico sees these little elastic charms and buys them for will. he can't summon the courage to give them to him face to face but he leaves them on his bed. will adores them, too, and it starts something of a tradition of people giving will charm elastics as a small thank-you.
he has a collection of them and wears them whenever he wears his hair in braids.
his favourites are the skull charms, though.
artistic ability:
will really doesn't have many musical talents. he's hard of hearing and while hephaestus-made hearing aids definitely work better than mortal ones, it's not really something that can be cured, so he has a lot of trouble staying on key/making music himself.
however! apollo is the god of poetry and art in general -- that is more than just visual!!
will is a really good writer, poetry especially. he's very articulate and verbose and writes with startling clarity. he's written a lot of songs and a lot of poems, although he hasn't shown anybody in years.
he used to share them with his older brothers and sisters and sibling, but...well. obviously that's no longer an option.
he's never stopped writing, though. he may keep it to himself, but it's kind of an open secret. he's scribbling in his notebooks all the time -- it's impossible not to notice.
his friends and siblings, however, are the only ones who know that he writes creatively. they've peeked over his shoulder here and there (and also kayla is a huge huge snoop, like, badly, and austin is easily convinced to be complacent in her crimes), and sometimes he says things that are just kind of poetic.
no one else knows, though. he's deliberately obnoxious about it -- every once in a while, at campfire open mics, he'll clear his throat loudly and grin as people groan and recite something so bad apollo might have written it. most people think will's quite bad at writing, actually.
another thing he's really good at is drama, which is a surprise to absolutely no one. although beyond his regular histrionics, chiron had shakespeare as part of his curriculum, and will could play puck like nobody's business. he recited a mercutio so good once lee actually cried with laughter (so did everyone else). on a hauntingly beautiful february in 2004, he played ophelia by the creek so beautifully that it was silent for a good four minutes after he finished.
there are very, very few people at camp who remember that. will hasn't recited anything in a while.
an unexpected bonus of his medical knowledge, actually, is a really good understanding of depth, space, and anatomy.
he's a surprisingly good artist.
it started pretty normal -- he was having trouble articulating a question to michael one time, and in a fit of frustration drew a diagram to try and explain himself. it was really good, even as rushed as it was, so michael used to give him 'homework' that was hand-drawing posters of various body systems to hang in the infirmary.
it was kind of spooky how will could do it without looking it up. just close his eyes and start sketching an accurate nervous system. cool though.
his older sister, cass, encouraged him to branch out of anatomy diagrams and create whatever he liked. she made the unfortunate mistake of giving him several cans of paint and free reigns on blank infirmary walls (they're freaky and boring) to a nerdy eight-year-old -- that's why r2d2 and c3po are chilling on the wall by the mortal medicine cabinet.
he doesn't paint a lot now, 'cause he doesn't have the damn time, but when rachel finds out who painted the infirmary walls she hounds him until he takes a morning to paint with her. they have a lot of fun. they end up with more paint on each other and their clothes than their canvases, predictably.
when will was a kid, he had twelve older siblings.
apollo tends to have kids in brackets. he is, as everyone knows, a hoe, so he'll be busy on olympus or with artemis and go a while without having any kids, and then he'll be on earth for like three years and have a litter. so a lot of his kids end up the same age.
before the war, in the same cabin, there was: cass, the oldest, 18, somewhat year-long; diana, 18, year-long; lee, 16, somewhat year-long; michael, 16, somewhat year-long; gabriel, 15, summer-only; leanna, 15, summer-only; mercury, 15, summer-only; kate & phoebe, 14, summer-only; laurel, 13, summer-only; amir, 13, summer-only; melody, 12, summer-only; and will, 8, year-long (for now).
their abilites were pretty vast and well-rounded, and they came from all over the continent.
there was a time when the infirmary wasn't understaffed at all.
will doesn't like to think about it.
on their birthdays, apollo leaves them all a gift on their bunks (or their beds at home, if their birthdays aren't in the summer).
each of them gets a piece of blessed gold jewelry when they're ten. will got a pair of threader earrings with thin blue sapphires that he loves. he can't wear them often because they're a genuine hazard in the infirmary (yes, more than flip-flops) and he doesn't want them ruined. but he wears them on the rare days he has off.
he actually has quite a lot of jewelry! because he is a sappy nerd, he has two watches: a hephaestus-made one, totally waterproof, weatherproof, and monsterproof, because it helps quell the anxiety when so many people are counting on him (he has to know when people will be better and how long he can be away from his patients, also used to tell people to fuck off when he's on break lol); and his mother's much nicer watch that she gave to him when she dropped him off at camp for the first time -- it's not changed for the time zone. he knows what time it is for her, and it makes him feel better about being so far away from her.
he wears both watches on the same wrist, ala chad danforth.
he has a third watch. it was lee's. it's got r2d2 on the face. will got it for him with his own money when he was nine years old, for his birthday. it lives in a box under his bunk. it's cracked and broken and never tells the right time except on 1:52 p.m. on june 30th, although the year gets farther and farther off every time will checks it.
contrary to popular belief, will does not actually wear the same pair of cargo shorts every day.
...because he has seven pairs of the same shorts.
he does have other shorts through. namely swim trunks and a pair of tighter shorts he wears specifically to kick ass in volleyball. he didn't try for this or anything, he got the shorts at the thrift store, but he's pretty sure they might be designer. he gets a lot of compliments from the aphrodite cabin when he wears them.
he also has a collection of nerdy t-shirts (his anakin sand-rant t-shirt is worn to threads), novelty pajama pants, hoodies, and flannel.
he has more than one tattoo. he has several, actually; constellations, lines from freckle to freckle so faint you can barely see them: the seer, the drummer, the archer, the tiny lion, the archangel, the maiden, the lyre, the twins, the boat stern, the hearth, and the singer.
just plain will:
he's slightly red-green colourblind.
when he gets mad, his cheeks puff up and he gets all red in the face before erupting. his older siblings used to call him tinkerbell.
he gets teased for being so dramatic that he was named for the most dramatic apollo kid who ever lived -- shakespeare. but his actual, legal name is just plain will solace. when pregnant, his mom used to mutter 'it's you, me, and sheer fucking force of will, baby' to herself a lot, as a kind of mantra, and then will was born and she thought it would be kind of funny to name him will (she was right). lee invented william andrew solace so he'd have something to yell when will got in trouble lol.
he has the climbing wall record. this is because he climbs a lot of trees. he has no explanation and no one is going to stop him.
when he was a kid, and the whole mythology thing was explained to him, he misnderstood michael's explanation of food sacrifice as one to be done to all theoi/mythical beings. he worked his way to praying through the entire pantheon, a horde of minor gods, hestia, chiron, argus, and half the nymphs before someone caught wind and explained to him properly. it is the main reason all the nymphs and dryads are so endeared by him. he used to go around asking their names and very seriously writing it down in his little notebook to pray to them properly.
he carries around notebooks constantly. at first, diana gave them to him because he was driving everyone bonkers with his endless questions and she needed Five Minutes, Will, Gods, Please of silence, but he really took to it and wrote everything in there. he keeps them all as a sort of diary. kayla reads them any time he has his back turned.
it is really, really hard for him to talk about his siblings. but he knows kayla and austin feel kind of left out and hurt about it, since they didn't get the chance to know them like will did (the kids never met them), so sometimes, late at night, he calls them softly over to his bunk and they curl up, one under each arm, and he tells them stories until his voice goes hoarse and they're long asleep.
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i-spilled-my-soup · 5 months
hi!!!!!! not sure if you take art requests anymore. and erm this may seem quite strange, but ty for reading anyway
could you draw will dying and nicos just like. There. idk how to describe it but id love to see how you would draw despair!! your artstyle would capture it suuuuuper well like your asklepious au art is STUNNING. ty!!!!!
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mariamlovesyou · 6 months
it really speaks to how disregarded bisan must feel when as she's expressing in arabic in her live vid how frustrated she is that she has to speak english all the time in her videos, half of the comments were all "can you speak english so i can understand"
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hyacjnthus · 1 year
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will canonly calls nico “babe” how am i supposed to feel about that
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neo-kid-funk · 26 days
Hey I know you ship percico, but how do you feel about solangelo? Just curious, also if you like them I would love to see solangelo art, I love your art style
I think Solangelo is a very sweet and cute ship, and in Canon I'm happy that Nico found someone that makes him happy 😊 I haven't perfected my style of drawing Will, I guess I haven't really gotten his features down completely in my head yet like I do with Percy or Nico but I hope you like this Solangelo sketch! Thank you for the ask btw! 💖
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heyimboredtalktome · 1 year
Nico: Terrible things happen with good people everyday
Nico: Consequently, I'm not one of the good people, I'm one of the terrible things
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rayssion · 8 months
Solangelo fic idea because I love them,
Soulmate au wherein once you're claimed the mark of your soulmate appears as a tattoo on your body, it might be the same place as your soulmate, it might be different. If your soulmate is a mortal then only a letter 'M' appears.
Everyone is so worked up because Will never showed his mark, some of them speculated his soulmate is a mortal, some of them argued that it could be unrequited love like his soulmate might be Annabeth but she found her soulmate so he's destined to be alone. No one knows for sure, except for his sister Kayla.
The helm of darkness? Geez who could it be? The only child of Hades out there is Nico di Angelo. Will is 100% sure that the boy despise his guts, also he heard from Kayla that the boy already has a crush, and he's not sure if the concept applies on roman demigods, but didn't Hazel have a soulmate already?
Will never shows his mark, he felt devastated especially that the son of Hades is quite distanced.
Nico tries to operate between his pitiful crush on Percy, Jason who's urging him to let go and find himself another person, and his own mark.
The little sun tattooed on the side of his torso.
Funny thing, everyone thinks his soulmate is a mortal.
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willthespy · 10 days
I’ve been inactive so have this little doodle I drew on my phone (Will following Nico w his little medkit.)
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Yes, someone looked at me when i drew this.
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crush-like-that · 1 month
Do you have any solangelo hcs :)
yes I do!!! they're literally all I think about
nico blushes so so bad. All the time. when he's embarrassed, when he's mad, when he's caught off guard, when will talks to him, etc etc. Will absolutely loves it.
Nico doesn't understand physical affection ("what are the guidelines," he complains to hazel, "what are the rules, what am I supposed to do") but Will lives off of casual physical touch (an arm draped across someone's shoulders, leaning against each other, sitting super close even though there's a million other seats.) Nico eventually becomes okay with touch, but only with Will. Will does it so casually that it seems like there are no rules for him. Nico may not understand it, but it's easier to just let it happen and not worry about it.
Nico IMs Hazel alot because people are so so hard to understand. He's never had friends before. He's never had a best friend. He's never had a crush on a friend. He simply doesn't know how to act. Hazel laughs at him (with him?)
One day Will was in the infirmary alone, taking stock of items and cleaning up. He had turned on the radio and was singing along quietly. He ended up getting really into it and the closest holdable object became a microphone. Unknown to Will, Nico had been standing by the doorway, watching. He had planned on saying hi, but he... got distracted. Nico smiles, a lil laugh bubbling out of his chest. Will screams and literally collapses. He lays on the floor for a solid two minutes, holding his chest, before asking Nico what the hell he was doing. Nico apologizes, but he really can't bring himself to feel too sorry.
Will stares so bad. He stares at Nico while he trains, while he talks- while he's doing literally anything. Does not matter, Will Solace is somewhere near by and he is staring. Everyone notices, it's so obvious. Nico pretends he doesn't know. He's afraid that if he says something about it, Will will stop.
Will has a collection of pretty rocks, leaves, flowers, etc. all gifted to him by Nico. Nico sees Will in everything, every pretty thing of the earth.
Nico snorts when he laugh and he gets so embarrassed over it. Will thinks it may be his favorite sound in the world
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