#ask: zen 💙
vagabond-umlaut · 10 months
THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER IDC WHAT THE WOLD HAS TO SAY. !!! our littol bbg @ sae 😂😭
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darksvster · 6 months
Hi, I usually only send asks to people on anon, but I really wanted to say that I am so sorry this fandom has been so awful to you and made what should have been a fun and cool thing such a negative experience. I will be sad not to see the rest of the scripts, but I hope stopping the posts gives you some peace 💙
thanks for the kind words, honestly i need them right now. after some consideration, i've come to make a decision on how i want to operate moving forward.
as of now i've permanently deleted my scheduled posts on twitter, i won't be posting anything there anymore.
for tumblr, i removed everything from my queue and they're sitting in my drafts, but i may just post the excerpts i like this weekend.
on the whole, i'm taking a big step back from this fandom. i've met a lot of nice people here and made friends, but the loud voices of some of the worst people here just make this an overall unenjoyable experience. for my own mental health, i think it's important to simply cut off the opportunity for people to engage with me directly.
to give some clarity, this is not just about people doubting my posts. i find those to be funny since i have never made it a secret where i get my scripts from, people just seem to be unwilling to read or do research. i actually do have one single image of a script on my phone that the librarian okayed me to photograph. but i forgot about it while making edits and now i simply don't want to post it. (i thought i didn't copy down daemon asking for rhaenyra's hand in episode 4, apparently, i was wrong and just forgot about the picture.)
this is about people calling me awful names, accusing me of pedophilia, because that's everyone's favorite word to use in this fandom, and insulting my friends when i won't respond to them.
it's about people who seem to think i deserve harassment because i put myself out there. it's about people who think i'm just too engaged and need to be more "zen" about fandom and the insults being hurled my way. it's about people who feel entitled to my posts and regularly demand greedily that i post about their favorite character already.
it's also about people cozying up to me one minute and then calling me names the next. it makes it really hard to trust anyone in this fandom, much less want to befriend them. i shouldn't have to get used to people suddenly popping up in my dms trying to befriend me after finding out that i could be a "source" for them, but i did and that's on me.
i said before that if i stopped this project i would expose everyone who was an asshole to me. the hilarious fact is that it would literally be too many screenshots of people acting like the worst type of people. all the things i listed above are from multiple people across multiple platforms. it's not just twitter, or tumblr, or discord, or reddit. it's the fact that these people exist literally in every corner of this fandom that makes me want to pull back completely.
i'll keep contributing in the areas where i enjoy contributing, but i'm done engaging with people who seem to view me as entertainment or a punching bag.
to people who have defended me without knowing me, or have simply just been polite, thanks so much. it really does help even if i don't reply to every kind word.
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blueboyinthestars · 2 months
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Hello! I'm Hamato Leonardo, the eldest of my brothers!
I am a minor, so i ask you to please not be weird!!!
any pronouns are okay, although recently i've been preferring he/him
#🍊<3 mikey<3
#zenny<3 zen<3
#💣 <3 raph<3
#elltalks anything by me that was deemed out of character or is something that seems odd for me I guess.
#📋🖥 <3 donnie<3
#💀💣<3 Casey!! IXBSKANA >////<
#🧪👶<3 april<3333
#💙🎵 Music!!!
#❤️💙🐢 @blueshellhaver
#❤️💜🐢 @purpleshellhaver
#❤️💥 raphie<33
#LILJELLY!! @purpleshellhaver AGAIN bc I love my Lil bro sm and I also can't take away their matching tag with his twin so he get two!!.
Let me know if either of you two don't want to be tagged!!
#sleepyleo💙 posts made when sleepy!!
@caseyjones2012 MY MANS ILY SM IFNSKABZ
@apriloneill (totally not my favorite rn...)
@jellynardo SO cool but SOOOO british.
@doctordelicate-touch you remind of an orange sweater. Your awesome.
@straighteal my baby bro<33
@blueeedevilll SILLY!?!??!!?
Purple shell and blue shell I already tagged not gonna make them suffer twice...!
DNI if you support t-cest/pro-shipping, Wilbur Soot, Dream, Melanie, or being a shitty person!! TY<33
@blueshellhaver is my favorite :)
I also have an account over on spacehey under the same user that is being set up, and am connected to @blueboyinspace
Banner made by @w1ll0zfak3
(Now some other important stuff)
I'm (probbaly) fictionkin
I don't entirely understand this all and how i feelz but people's identity change all the time,
And right now this ig, makes me happy, and you could say I'm just here. I feel like leo all the time. Sometimes my brain will tell me I am him, even if subtly. So that's all there is to it I guess. Maybe this won't last forever, but right now this is how I feel.
I now have discord! Not comfortable with dms until I get to know you tho.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
Sweet requests 💙 I would love some sweet Jake Jensen or Steve Rogers. Reader and then have been fighting, and reader is ready to give up, but their man won’t let them. Please and thank you!
Rerouted, a Jake Jensen x Reader tale
Warnings for some language and innuendo, angst, kinda hurt/comfort due to miscommunication and insecurities. WC 2.7k
Summary: Vacation with your boyfriend is a disaster.
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You’ve had smoother starts to vacations, that’s the truth.
Delayed flights. Turbulence. Arriving before check-in with a raging headache.
Jake did his (awkward) damnedest to sweet-talk the desk clerk to let you both into the room early, but his attempts failed and you put those thick headphones right back on and crashed on a lobby chair. You feel his bouncing leg shake the cushions gently as he sits guard over your luggage.
Though your head feels a little better, you need to shower before any real relaxation can happen. You shuffle your feet on the industrial hallway carpet and stare at the back of Jake’s sneakers.
The heavy steel door smacks you hard in the arm when he lets go just at the moment you turn to adjust the rollers of your bag.
“Dammit,” you hiss.
“Shit, babe, are you okay?”
It takes every fiber of your being to simply respond, “yeah.”
You immediately announce your intention to hog the bathroom for a nice long cleanse of your body, mind, and soul.
Jake asks for five minutes first.
Sure. Poop all you want, bud. It’s not like your very first international getaway as a couple has gone swimmingly so far…
You try some stretches to relieve a kink in that weird place below your neck and between your shoulders but not quite over your spine. Worst spot ever. Maybe the shower can heal all travel wounds?
Your boyfriend gives you the all-clear, but you didn’t even hear him close the door or flush. Whatever. He knows it’s your territory now. A forfeit is a forfeit.
A long while later you emerge a modicum improved with a clear head and the memory of not charging your toothbrush overnight. You had to sacrifice a cute beach coverup to make space for the charger. No matter because you’ve got time now.
You change into one of your swimsuits and a light maxi dress, throwing out a comment that some drinks poolside might be a good jumpstart to the trip, but Jake doesn’t move. He’s playing on his laptop.
That joke? The one where ‘you can take the man out of the tech but you can’t take the tech out of the man?’ Yeah, that doesn’t apply to Jake Jensen. It’ll be a cold day in hell when he leaves it all behind, but you check things on your phone all the time, too. Fair is fair.
You unplug what you think is one of the hotel’s complimentary devices—sad blow dryer or shitty coffee maker or something—and set your brush up. 
A quick glance in the mirror gives you a boost. Your skin looks pretty great, all things considered, and you have that new lip gloss to—
You jump in alarm, barely able to get to the bathroom door before Jake is right there.
“JESUS FUCK, WHAT DID YOU—fuck.” He rips your charger out of the wall to replace the other black plug. Jake doesn’t even look at you before huffing out “don’t TOUCH that” and racing back to his open laptop on the bed.
“Fuckfuckfuck, come on,” he mutters.
“Are you working?” you screech once it hits you that the device is some sort of signal amplifier. You aren’t tech illiterate, but you aren’t Jake’s level. He knows the golden rule is no work on your together time though.
“It’s important. I have to…there—“ he scrambles to type something out, zoned entirely into his computer.
His computer. Open to work. On your vacation. Which he brought extra equipment for.
Then you see another router on the small desk, and another on his bedside table.
And you’ve suddenly had enough.
“One day, Jay. One day,” you burst. “You couldn’t even give me one damn day of our own vacation.”
That momentary zen you felt flushes right down the toilet with your composure. Tears immediately sting the corners of your eyes. It’s all you can do to snatch sunglasses and a room key from the desk corner and walk out.
“Babe, wait, I just need a—“
The door shuts, fast as ever, loud as fucking thunderclap, and you’re barefoot in the hallway.
You do not fucking care and keep walking toward the pool.
One overly sweet and dangerously delicious cocktail later, Jake still hasn’t come to find you. You sit at the shaded bar with your hand over your eyes to take in the view since these are Jake’s prescription sunglasses you’ve taken. Either option is not great for the last dregs of a headache.
Cocktail number two it is…
Mercifully, clouds roll in. Not the kind that deters guests from the pool or beach. Nothing threatening the splendor of this perfect destination.
You walk to the edge of the pool deck and sip, waiting, alone.
Several times your brain tricks you into turning back, thinking Jake’s come out, thinking he’s groveling behind you. Do you even hope for that? Do you want him to sweep you off your feet? Do you believe him if he comes up with promises upon promises to put the work away, to instead put all that effort into you two?
You have no idea, so you just keep sipping until slurping on air and plunking the empty onto a free lounge chair.
Sputtering and coughing ring to your right.
“Dear god—” Jake wipes his mouth, holding a full coconut husk of your drink of choice “—is that what diabetes tastes like?”
He tries to hand you his peace offering, the peace offering he’s now taken some of and insulted. You turn back to the ocean, and Jake continues to squint harshly, nose scrunched so hard that you can see his teeth.
“Got something in my pocket—“ he smirks “—or maybe I’m just happy to see ya.”
Silence. He can’t hold the gag.
“It’s Tylenol. I grabbed Tylenol for your head.”
When you still don’t cave, he starts twitching, fumbling around with his watch, and clearing his throat.
“I wasn’t—there wasn’t supposed to be a—“ he swivels to look around him and steps closer “—a gig today, but then…boss, um, he—“ Jake waves his free hand out to help illustrate his lack of euphemisms for classified ops “—bungled a…a staging and—fuck it. I give up. He’s an idiot, and I’m a dick, and I’m sorry. I just didn’t want them to get hurt if I could help.”
“You always have to help them, Jay. It never stops. I don’t see this working if you can’t step away for one damn day. I’m not this girl,” you fuss, “and I don’t want to date that guy.”
The wind picks up a little, swishing your hair around the makeshift headband of Jake’s sunglasses. You take pity and return them. He doesn’t put them on immediately though, his look guilty, replying in a soft and broken tone.
“Please don’t say stuff like that. I’m trying.”
“I am, too.” You square your shoulders to his and rip the drink out of his hand. “But isn’t trying and trying and not succeeding just failing in slow motion? Because that’s what it feels like to me every time you choose a machine over me.”
“That’s not fair.”
Your glare stops that line cold.
“What I mean is—ok, this is too…” Jake puts on the dark sunglasses. “Imagine my very sincere, partially-blind eyes when I say this is the best I’ve got. You know I don’t know how to be—“
“I swear to god if you say ‘lovah,’ Jake Jensen.” Little shit is always making a joke out of everything.
Since that is exactly what he was about to say, Jake cocks his hip and scratches his goatee. “Fine. Boyfriend. I’ve never gotten this far with someone, but I want it. I want this. I want it with you. I can’t be better until—ya know—try shit to do the best I can and maybe, actually, get better.”
You bitterly sip your sweet treat, saying flatly, “Charming.”
“I only had my job before—“ he pets his big hands down your bare arms “—you know that. It’s hard to switch off. And I am sorry. I did not intend to jump onto a…call the second we got here.“
Poking at the ice in your drink isn’t distracting enough. You’re mad and hurt. This vacation was supposed to cut you off from all that, to give you and Jake time to hang together uninterrupted, and most importantly, to feel like you were enough excitement and company for the guy inoculated from excitement by years of intense shit.
You do not feel like enough now.
“You brought an entire suitcase worth of equipment,” you say flatly.
“Force of habit,” he counters, trying to move his hands to your waist, but you step back. “It’s like a safety net. You pack an extra outfit per day and I come with…an extra router, couple of splitters, a sat phone, and…whatnot. Same sorta difference.”
“I don’t want to be on vacation with a sat phone and a split couple of wires.”
“Right. I understand that. I know it’s not…ideal.”
“And the next four days are going to be?”
“Ooh,” Jake hisses and makes a face, “if Pooch can survive that long without me, it’ll be a miracle.” He scratches the back of his head while you stare him down again.  “What?”
You clutch your drink, bunch up a bit of your skirt, and storm off down the boardwalk to the ocean.
It takes Jake a hot second.
“No. Hey! Come on,” he pleads quietly, hoping not to attract the attention of other guests while he chases you to the beach.
When Jake first approached you at a bar with the worst pickup line you’d ever heard, it was cute, endearing in an ‘I can fix him’ kind of way, but maybe you aren’t strong enough. You can’t just be training wheels while he gets his shit together. You’re not going to be some fucktoy in the corner and wait for him to get sick of you—or yell at you for doing something wrong—because then he’ll only associate you with being some sort of practice, a relationship that was doomed since he’ll want to start fresh with someone else who never fights with him, someone who understands this tech shit, someone who never gets angry, someone who isn’t insecure about—“
“I’m sorry I yelled,” Jake says, finally grabbing your arm to spin you around. “You are not practice.”
Did you…were you muttering all that…out loud? How strong are these drinks??
He jumps in front of your path when you attempt to flee, embarrassment warming you more than the shaded sun.
“No. No, I am not great at this. I’m doing everything wrong, and, babe, I know that.” Jake wildly talks with his hands and walks backward while you slog through loose sand. “I also know that you have put up with every stupid ass stunt I’ve pulled trying to impress you or be the guy I think you deserve. Which I am also convinced is some dude way better than me anyhow. Please don’t. Please don’t say you’re done with me. I can’t ruin this. You’re the best girl I’ve ever b—“
Jake cuts himself off with a wince.
Your head snaps up.
“Oh my god,” you shriek. “Were you just gonna say banged? I’m the best bang, REALLY?”
“Bagged,” he corrects with a sad flick of the wrist, “I was saying bagged, but then I knew it was wrong so I stopped and I’ve made it worse, haven’t I? Seriously if you just give me five minutes, I can look up the most spectacular apology. I can deep fake that cat from the Tiktoks you like reciting Shakespeare if you want just please—”
“Damn it, Jay. Get it through your head. I don’t want your rehearsed version of being a boyfriend, and for one weekend, I didn’t want to share you with your whole team.”
His eyebrows shoot up over the dark lenses. “Kinky,” he whistles. “Wait, no, I’m sor—”
“Go fuck yourself.” You walk away down the resort shore.
He infuriatingly does not follow this time, and instead, you hear his pathetic call “You look nice by the way. I like that dress.”
When that’s all you’ve gotten by a few seconds later, you glance to see Jake, too, walking away. That’s not right; he’s supposed to grovel. He’s supposed to keep following to convince you he loves you.
Sucking your drink down, you dump the ice, umbrella, and straw onto the sand and lob the coconut at Jake’s retreating form. You don’t have great aim.
It bounces straight off his ass and makes him yelp in surprise.
“What the—did you just…”
You puff out your chest, unashamed, as Jake’s mouth gapes open. He slowly stretches to his full height and adjusts his glasses.
“Why you little...“
“Yeah? What are you gonna—eek!”
 He’s after you.
You squeal and bolt down to the water in a zigzag to evade him.
“I’ll get you, minx,” Jake roars into the wind.
You can’t help but laugh as you barely dodge him. It’s easy for a special ops guy to catch a civilian in a long dress trying to run on wet sand, but Jake grins the whole time and lets you have a few extra moves before his arms wrap your waist.
He lifts you off the ground.
“Think that’s funny, huh?” he growls playfully in your ear, holding you tight as you thrash a little. 
It’s a fit of giggles for him to wrestle you into a hug, facing him. Jake’s still smiling, breathing heavier but not from any great exertion. He rests his forehead against yours, the wire rim of his sunglasses brushing your eyebrows.
“How’s your head feeling, baby?” His hands stroke your sides tenderly, and you sigh, a few more toxic fumes of anger releasing into the breeze.
“Um,” you assess, squinting, “better than my feet.”
You’ve dug the wrung of a barstool into your arch, stood on hot cement, traipsed across a sharp-shelled beach, and run over the solid, water-logged shore, all barefoot.
“I can help with that.” Jake kisses the tip of your nose and sweeps you up bridal style.
After an involuntary scream of alarm, you clutch at his neck. “That’s not necessary.”
“I know, but that’s the point. How else are you supposed to know how unnecessarily crazy I am about you?” For a complete nerd, your boyfriend is quite built. “And I’m gonna guess you are ‘throwing coconuts’ crazy about me, maybe?”
“God help me, I am.”
“Yeah? Glad you dig losers, babe, because I’m the biggest one you can find.” 
As he makes his way up the wooden steps back to the pool, you grip his flexed bicep. “Yeah, you are…”
He puts you down by the tap to rinse your feet, spraying first yours, then his.
“See,” he whispers, standing and moving you both out of the way for a large family to use the water, “I like ‘em frisky, too, so we’re a perfect match.” He keeps his voice very low. “I can think of at least one thing to do to keep you off those poor feet for a few hours.”
You bite your lip, and even though you can’t see his eyes through the mirror-finish, you know he’s affected by that move. “What’s that?”
He gets bashful and ducks his face off to the side--he’s not very smooth with dirty talk. He knows you love to tease him though. He also…loves being teased.
You take his hand in yours, giving it a squeeze, your own small ‘I’m sorry.’
Jake pushes up his sunglasses and beams with a snort of approval. “Well, it starts with ordering room service and then unplugging everything…”
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A/N: Thank you for waiting since mid-December for this one, but I'm finally pleased with how it turned out. Sadly, I thought of the fight scenario way back when, and just kept blanking on a way to dig them back out of it. I really, really did not want a bunch of promises and excuses and it was important to me that it not be a one-sided issue. Relationships are, in fact, a two-way street after all!!!
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @peyton-warren and I don't really know anyone else for a Jake tag, but yeah, let me know...
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paracosmicat · 1 year
Ship ask: 7 for Lukadrinette! 💙💚💖
11. Who is the worst driver? It has to be Marinette, she is always in a rush so she adapted to getting from point A to B as quickly as possible, her breaks be damned.
Headcannons below:
- Girl doesn’t even notice hard stops anymore, she’s just used to bracing herself meanwhile no one else in the car is
- Adrien very sweetly and politely offers to drive instead and she is always like “no, buttercup! you just relax” meanwhile in his head he’s like “that’s what I’m trying to do”
- Luka prefers to sit in the backseat so he can be next to his guitar comfortably, so every now and then he just jolts forward and pretends he is trying to engage in the front seat conversation
- honest to god neither of them would say anything to her, she wouldn’t even be aware that she was a crazy driver until Alya got in the car and was like YOU ARE STRESSING ME OUT LET ADRIEN DRIVE
- Post revelation Luka teaches her how to be a more zen driver which she totally practices all the time definitely not only when her boyfriends are in the car with her Original
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welcometololaland · 3 months
💙 Blue: What inspires you to finish writing a fanfic, and what makes you quit writing one at any stage in the process?
hi friend! thank you for the ask!!!
the answer to this is...it depends. i think for certain fics, finishing is very easy. Love Game, for example - i never ever wanted that fic to end. i didn't need any extra motivation. some fics, like Speak for Yourself, kind of came to their natural end and it all felt very zen.
THEN i have some fics (ALTA, the 10 things i hate about you AU that i still haven't posted) that i'm fighting until the very last word. i think the only way i get to the end of those is with some serious encouragement/complaining to my friends (@rmd-writes and @celeritas2997 are ALWAYS copping it from me) and by looking at my word count about like 'do you want this to waste away in your google docs forever? or do you want the ability to post it?' and i make it work fuelled by spite and the will of god.
i don't think i've ever quit writing a fic that i've been more than 25% of the way through. the reason i will drop it (if ever) is just if i lose motivation and can't get past a block. my usual tactic is to drop it for a bit and come back later, and if i never come back, well, it's just a WIP forever. i don't totally abandon, i just say 'see you later' and fail to return. some of those fics - product placement is one i can think of off the top of my head - i will eventually finish. but some of them will just live in the sanctuary of my gdocs, and i'm okay with that.
from this ask game
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pavedinashes-if · 1 year
What are the ROs love languages?
Thanks for the question! Quite a bit of typing here but definitely giving a good insight. Obviously there's a lot more to each of them, but have a peek. :)
Samual / Samantha "Sam" Peters - (Neighbour, Police Officer) 💙 - Receiving: Words of Affirmation (e.g. recognize their dedication for their job and sincere wish to help people) - Giving: Acts of Service (e.g. whatever necessary to make your life more Zen - they're on it)
Felix / Felicia Nowak - (Ex, Rich Kid) 🩷 - Receiving: Physical Touch (e.g. show them there's a connection money can't buy - they are more than their money) - Giving: Gifting (e.g. fulfilling even your most absurd wishes - at any co$t)
Alex Czenacki - (New Foe, Lawyer) 🧡 - Receiving: Quality Time (e.g. valuing and building an almost spiritual connection) - Giving: Words of Affirmation (e.g. he sees your struggle, your worth and your growth)
Noah / Naomi Cho - (Best Friend, Photographer) ❤️ - Receiving: Acts of Service (e.g. be an integral part and support in their every day - even from afar) - Giving: Quality Time (e.g. making sure you build new unforgettable memories - worth a bestseller)
Xavier Hoffmann - (New Friend, Musician) 💚 - Receiving: Receiving Gifts (e.g. show him you thought about him - no matter where you've been) - Giving: Words of Affirmation (e.g. he's your biggest fan)
Bianca Wolf - (Childhood Friend, Student) 🩵 - Receiving: Quality Time (e.g. she's a daydreamer, give her shared memories to dream about) - Giving: Acts of Service (e.g. she can't wait to do anything for you - puppy like)
Laurenz / Laura Svenson - (Rival, Pro Skater) 💛 - Receiving: Words of Affirmation (e.g. show them they're finally good enough) - Giving: Physical Touch (e.g. break their shell by being gentle)
Francesco / Francesca Moretti - (Bestie's BF/GF, Model) 💜 - Receiving: Words of Affirmation (e.g. make sure they know they're more than their stunning looks) - Giving: Physical Touch (e.g. they are obsessed with every inch of you)
Dima / Dalia Petrov - (Boss, Club Owner) 🖤 - Receiving: Quality Time (e.g. make their rare moments of peace worth it) - Giving: Acts of Service (e.g. whatever you need and before you even know it - without exception)
Dr. Michael / Michaela Sturm - (Doctor) 🤍 - Receiving: Physical Touch (e.g. the desperate need to relief daily tension - a long hug, a deep kiss or maybe more) - Giving: Quality Time (e.g. a day without you smiling is a lost one)
"Sparks" - (Dealer) 🩶 - Receiving: Receiving Gifts (e.g. they never received any gifts - from you it's precious, almost holy) - Giving: Words of Affirmation (e.g. show them you don't judge - you see their true self)
Paul / Paula Gerwig - (Stranger, Executive Vice President) 🤎 - Receiving: Acts of Service (e.g. they'll ask for your presence...) - Giving: Gifting (e.g. ...and they'll give back in return)
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guppygiggles · 1 month
Since Avery and Casper could use some Zen/peace...
(gives them a coupon to try one of those fish feet spa treatments)
I don't really have time to draw this (I wish I did), but...
This immediately caused me to imagine Casper and Avery sitting on the edge of the dock with their feet in the water, and Finn swimming up and tickling them... /////
Fun fact: Finn is primarily a lee, and really only a ler of opportunity. He's the slowest on land and fastest in the water of all my characters, so he'll only tickle you on land if you're in a compromised position already (or you outright ask him to). He'll tickle you in the water, though... especially if you're in an inner tube and he can easily get to all your spots, or if you're just dipping your feet in, ehehe.
To your point, though... thank you. I think both Casper and Avery could use some pampering, especially if it makes them giggly and flustered. 💙
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anonzentimes · 4 months
Hey Zen. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Advian, but you can call me Ade for short. Nice to meet you. 🙂👋🏻 🐺💖🎨
Anyways, I'm sending you a message because I want to ask if I could talk to you and share my DR AU series & story + my DR OC/Self-Insert with you? I was inspired by @bunnyloveee sharing their DR OC Saki Hattori and her story with Nagito + her role as SDR2's new support and Chiaki's replacement to you, and I enjoyed reading their story on Saki & Nagito, so I thought I'd ask if I could do the same thing with you. If you'd like to and are okay with hearing my story, that is. 💖🍀📓
Anyways, feel free to respond back to me whenever you get the chance. I hope we could possibly become friends with each other. If you'd like to, that is. Thank you and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night. 🤗🫂💟 🤗💕❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖💕🤗
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Sure! I like hearing people's creative stories and ocs it's super wholesome and fun. I may take a bit to respond since I'm a generally busy or just too tired to articulate stuff at a certain moment, however I always eventually do respond and I love hearing what people have to say. Feel free to talk about ocs!
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vagabond-umlaut · 8 months
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littlemessengers · 1 year
You may ask us ☆ the RFA ☆ anything !!!! Especially if it is related to ☆ age regression ☆ ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
Our only rule is ☆ STAY FAMILY FRIENDLY ☆
☆ Big Brother ☆ Of The Year ☆ 707 ☆
♡ Sweet Baby Yoosung ♡
☆ Mr. Celebrity Zen ☆
♡ Overworked Jaehee ♡
☆ Cat Mom Jumin ☆
♡ Elusive Photographer V ♡
💥/🧡💚/our biggest fan ♡/🍉/chelsea 💗💛💙/zen’s admirer/idia/vee🩵/v heart/☕️/mary anon/💞/✨/♥️🖤/🍰/jaehee anon/tom/💓/🌌🐱/⌛️/☀️/🌿
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maarigolds · 2 years
I go through cycles of hope and pessimism regarding season 2 some days I’m convinced it’s happening others I’m pretty sure it’s not. At this point I just want them to say something lol which also might take forever with how it took 3 months to makes a decision for Sandman. I think too many people are trying to read tea leaves though I don’t think there are any indicators or dual meanings they could give the show no publicity no press no buzz and then basically double renew it ala Locke and Key or spend hours chatting it up on online and canceling it any way like 1899. No rhyme or reason it sucks but that’s how Netflix rolls. People are gonna make themselves crazy following instagram or tiktok movements
Yeah, I get that. Netflix is a fucking mess and almost nothing they do makes a lick of sense to me.
Honestly I've had a couple of weeks where I was scared every time I opened the tag, thinking that what was waiting for me were cancellation news. Now i'm trying to be a bit more zen about it: as you said it might take months to get news so it's no use to worry like this.
Obivously I'm still trying to stay positive, so when people ask for reassurance, I will give it to them and say things that I absolutely do believe in. But at the same time I'm done trying to discern what the fuck is going on from instagram and tiktok posts. It's not good for my mental health lmao
What I will do and think we should all do, is keep on posting and reblogging about it. Not about how scared we are or that we demand a s2, but about how great the show is. (And also keep watching it on netflix!)
The lockwood&co appreciation week is coming up (tomorrow!!! You can find everything on @manikas-whims) so everybody do your best to spread positive things about the show!!! That's what gets more people watching 💙🖤🧡
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taemisser · 4 months
Hi Zen! How are you? Hope you're doing well. 🙏
I'm T, she/her.
I was wondering if I can ask for a channelled msg from my future husband? I'm interested in men, he/him.
Thanks a ton for this opportunity! 💙
Hii, i’m doing well and i hope you are as well 🫶
i’ve channeled some songs in the form of a message from your future husband but just as a disclaimer since i’m not v experienced in this sort of channeling (my experience is mostly in regards to channeling for shifting) that these may not be completely accurate and i don’t want to claim that they are, so if any of them don’t resonate, take what does and leave what doesn’t 🫶
these are all channeled from a huge pl i have w over 48hrs worth of songs
sextape - deftones
too sweet - hozier
new romantics - taylor swift (also paper rings)
linger - the cranberries
i will follow you into the dark - death cab for cutie
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laurenairay · 3 years
she’s got a sunshine smile - T. Jost
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Summary: You met Tyson on the first day of freshman year – but now that senior year has started, is time running out to be anything more than friends?
Word count: 14.1k
Warnings: college au, pining, idiots to lovers, slow burn, some bad language.
A/N: This is my entry for @antoineroussel​’s​ winter fic exchange 2k22 for @ghostyjosty​​! Emmie, it was a joy to write for you - I had so much fun with the college au element, and I hope I included everything you asked for that we discussed. I hope you enjoy this! 💙
Title from Sunshine Smile by Adorable.
Senior year of college. The beginning of the end. The last three years had passed by so quickly and even now that you were pulling into the parking lot, you weren’t sure if you were ready for this final year. Who could ever be truly ready for that first step into their adult life, no longer in education and expected to figure out their future? It was the unknown that scared you so much – that freefall into a blank canvass, that lack of security, that complete change of pace. The last three years had flown by like the blink of an eye after all, and you knew this year would be no different. So were you ready?
But maybe you were getting ahead of yourself; it was only the first day back on campus, after all. Nothing good ever came from stressing yourself into the ground, and you didn’t want to start the last year of college with an anxiety panic - so you took a deep breath, trying to calm your anxieties, trying to banish those panicking thoughts. If nothing else, because college was coming to an end, you had to make the most of the time you had left. All or nothing right? You could be ready for that.
You knew one thing though. After an eight-hour car journey, filled mostly with bad karaoke from your dad, you were ready to get into your dorm and unpack. As you got out the car, stretching your legs as your parents did the same, you took in the late September colours and sights and scents around you and couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face.
Yeah, this felt like coming home.
As always, as you unloaded the car and brought your belongings into the (senior!) dorm building, your mom got way too emotional, and your dad left you with a gruff pat on the back – and you wouldn’t have them any other way. After all these years away from home, they knew you needed your space, and especially since your dormmate hadn’t arrive yet, you were going to take advantage of the relative calm while you could.
That, and you got to choose the comfiest bed. Hah.
From through the cracked-open door, you could hear the sounds of the other students on your floor greeting each other and hauling their belongings up the stairs, and you knew the smile on your face looked stupid. It was just so good to be back in the familiar surroundings you had grown used to, and the more you heard, the more it settled you. All those anxieties from your car journey started to melt away, and by the time you’d unpacked all of your clothes, bedding and books, you were practically zen.
“I swear to Beyoncé that my journey here gets longer every year,”
Well, the zen was nice while it lasted. Ladies and gentleman, the drama queen you had lived with for the past three years.
“I missed you too, Abby,” you mused, “I’m glad you made it okay,”
You hugged both her moms tightly, laughing at Abby’s disgruntled face, before sitting back on your bed to finish pinning photos from home to the corkboard on the wall, as well as the copious strings of fairy lights that you and Abby had collected over the years to the wall, while they brought the rest of the bags in from the hallway. Eventually you had your wall and shelving as perfect as you could get it, just in time for Abby and her moms to bring in the last of her belongings, making you laugh at the large pile covering her side of the room.
“How do you always manage to overpack?” you grinned.
“It is a gift,” Abby shrugged.
“It’s something alright,” her mom Jenny teased.
That earned Abby sticking her tongue out in retort, making you all laugh again.
“I’m going to get some food, give you some space to unpack. Did you want anything?” you asked.
Her moms shook their heads but your friend nodded enthusiastically.
“Something carb-filled for sure,” Abby groaned, hands on hips as she looked over her pile of bags.
“Carbs it is,” you laughed, rolling your eyes fondly.
There were many reasons the two of you had become friends – the shared love for carbs was just one of them.
With a bump to her shoulder and a final hug with her moms, you left the dorm, winding your scarf around your neck as you walked down the stairs, smiling and waving at all the returning students you recognised in passing.
People from your dorm building. People from your classes. People you recognised from the library. Sure, you didn’t know all of their names – and definitely not any of the new freshman – but seeing all of their smiling/nervous/tired faces gave you that sense of belonging that you’d been craving. College really had become your second home, your home away from home, and you couldn’t wait to catch-up with the people you’d missed the most.
The main campus courtyard was alive and buzzing with students already, and it sent a thrill through your body. This was everything you’d been missing, and you found yourself smiling as you walked towards the canteen, minding your own business as you glanced around, until your eyes landed on him.
There he was, the guy that always made your breath hitch in your throat with the smallest of actions. Tyson Jost. Surrounded by his three closest friends and the usual large crowd of hangers-on, it didn’t surprise you that Tyson and his friends were already the center of attention.
Tyson was everything – the life of the party, the cheerful smile in class, the gentleman who held open the door to the dorm building, and the cute guy who was perpetually single. There was no shortage of girls lining up to flirt with him, so why would he ever give you a second glance like that?
No, you were just the girl in the background, the one who got a nod and a wave, and some sweet but stilted conversation. That’s the way it always had been, ever since the first day of freshman year, and that the way it would stay, until you graduated, parted ways, and never saw him again.
You couldn’t miss what you never had, right?
So you walked past him with nothing more than a smile, knowing these feelings could never be more than hope.
Tyson had been on campus exactly one hour and he was already overwhelmed. Not with his living situation, no – that had been sorted without hesitation. For the fourth year running, this time in senior dorms thankfully, he was living with friend JT. The grumpy ginger had easily become one of his best friends within the first week of freshman year, and alongside the two guys who lived next door to them in freshman year – Mat and Dante, best friends from the same hometown – the four of them had formed a quick but solid bond that had lasted all these years already. So again, the four of them were living in neighbouring rooms in the dorms. If it wasn’t broken, why fix it, right?
No, it wasn’t the living situation. It was his courseload. While he’d been waiting for JT to arrive on campus, Tyson had made the mistake of looking at his class schedule starting next week, and had promptly felt his anxiety start to rise. Anatomy, nutrition and biology this semester alone. His head was already swimming with the amount of information he was going to have to process, and he couldn’t imagine how he was going to stay on top of all the technical language. He was going to have to keep himself accountable, stay on top of all his notes and essays without fail, because there was no way he could fall behind with any of that.
This was nothing new though. He knew that studying an undergraduate in Exercise Science to hopefully go on to a Masters in Athletic Training would require a lot of work – but it was necessary to go into the career that he wanted. He knew that much. That didn’t mean he could stop the feeling of being overwhelmed though, as much as he tried.
Instead he hid it behind a wide smile, laughing at his friends’ jokes as they sat on some benches in the campus courtyard, trying to let the happy energy of everyone around settle his nerves. He knew it would work eventually – or his friends would notice eventually and help him sort his head out – but for now, this was the best he could do.
But there was one bright spot in the bleak outlook of senior year. Seeing the girl of his dreams again. You. You, the girl he’d shared at least one class every semester since freshman year. You, the girl who had (by luck or fate) always lived in the same dorm building as him, having kept the same dorm mate Abby like he had with JT, this year with you living on the floor above him. You, the girl who’d always lit up the room with your sunshine smile.
And somehow, despite sharing that class, living nearby, making his heart beat that little bit faster, Tyson had never managed to hold a conversation with you of more than mundane class questions or a hello in passing. You always made him feel like a fool through no fault of your own – it was like he lost the ability to speak like a functioning human being. Words dried up in his throat, he blurted things out without thinking, and he became uncharacteristically shy around you.
Something which JT, Mat and Dante thought was hilarious, earning him never ending teasing.
He could do nothing but endure it though, because they were right. He was an idiot, and time was running out – this was senior year, and if he didn’t do anything, say anything, then he knew you would slip through his fingers like sand. But now was not the time. No, not so publicly, with so many excited people around him and the guys. Tyson could only hope that you shared a class with him again – maybe biology this semester? – to give him a final chance. So all he could do right now was ignore JT’s snickering as he watched you from across the courtyard, helplessly not trying to seem too desperate for you to catch his eye.
And you walked past him without a second thought, sending him nothing more than a small smile that withered the lingering hope.
Fate was a funny thing. For the 10th semester running, you shared a class again with Tyson – this time, biology – and although you definitely weren’t complaining about seeing him for an extra hour a week, this fall semester was slightly different.
Different, in the sense that he’d asked if he could sit next to you in the class.
It was all you could do to nod silently, eyes wide as your heart went crazy, smiling back at him when he smiled at you and sat down. Maybe it was just needing that sense of familiarity, with college coming to a close? Maybe. But it had been two weeks since then, and your traitorous heart still skipped a beat whenever he sat down next to you, a helpless smile spreading across your lips when he said good morning.
Each class had been a slow soft tease, a taste of something you couldn’t have, sitting next to him for that hour that felt so comfortable, like the two of you had been partners for years. It almost wasn’t fair, tempting you with this luxury that you knew wouldn’t last, but you gave into the weakness that stopped you from changing anything.
If this was the only way you could have Tyson, then you would take what you could get. As sad as that was. At least the biology lectures kept your mind occupied – there was just so much to learn and the only conversations you had with Tyson were about the subject matter, but it kept you from yearning too much, at least in his presence.
“Okay, class dismissed. I look forward to reading your analysis next week!”
Next to you, Tyson let out a huffed breath, making you laugh softly. You knew exactly how he felt with the reminder of assessments already.
“Off to a good start this semester already huh?” you mused.
“At least it’s not as difficult yet as our chemistry class last spring term?” Tyson offered.
You couldn’t help but grimace, remembering being dropped in at the deep end with difficult question sets, and Tyson laughed loudly.
“Yes, that’s the face, that sums it up perfectly,” Tyson grinned.
You felt heat rise to your cheeks at how graphic your expression must have been, but your grimace quickly faded to a smile at the laughter in his eyes. How could you stay disgruntled when faced with that?
The two of you packed up your bags in a comfortable silence, before walking towards the exit side by side. All the words you’d been desperate to say for years were swimming around in your head but every time you parted your lips to speak, your mind went blank. How did this one guy, this one sweet guy, reduce you to such an idiot?
And all too soon, your time was up – you’d reached the corridor outside. Biting your bottom lip, you hesitated slightly, Tyson’s eyes widening in…hope? Hope?
“I’ll see you soon?”
Was that the best you could do?
“Yeah, of course, can’t wait,” Tyson said quickly.
Can’t wait?
What did that mean?
But now wasn’t the time to figure that out, not with so many people around the two of you in the corridor. So you just smiled, raising your hand in a goodbye wave, earning one in return, before you turned and walked away, thoughts swirling even more.
Tyson watched you walk away helplessly, standing in the middle of the corridor like an idiot. Why did his words always bubble in his throat when he tried to talk to you? Why couldn’t he just be normal around you?
And as soon as he heard familiar laughter he froze, internally groaning as he remembered who was meeting him for lunch.
“Yeah, of course, can’t wait,” Dante and Mat chorused breathily, eyelashes fluttering dramatically as JT propped himself up against the wall with laughter.
“Shut up!” Tyson hissed, punching Dante in the arm.
They just laughed louder, making Tyson groan. Okay, yeah, maybe blurting out such a stupid phrase wasn’t his best move, but come on! He panicked!
“Such a smooth operator,” JT teased.
“I’d like to see you do better,” Tyson muttered, cheeks flaring with a blush.
“If I thought you wouldn’t smother me in my sleep, I could easily do better in asking her out,” JT shrugged.
Tyson found himself scowling before he could stop himself, only making Dante and Mat laugh harder, and he knew just from all the students staring at them that they were making a scene.
“You guys are the worst,” Tyson grumbled.
But JT just smirked, looping an arm around his neck to start them walking, Dante and Mat still snickering as they headed out of the building.
“You’re way too easy to wind up,” JT teased, “And all over a girl you’ve barely talked to?”
“I’m trying!” Tyson sighed, pouting slightly.
Because he was, for fuck’s sake. It wasn’t his fault that he felt like such an idiot all the time.
“Tys, it’s been three years. You need to try harder,” Mat mused.
“He’s right – we literally have this 1 year left and that’s it. No more chances,” Dante added, smiling sadly.
“You’ve got to take that step, that chance. You’ve got nothing to lose,” Mat finished, nodding firmly.
This seriousness from his friends, Mat and Dante in particular, was uncharacteristic but incredibly welcome. They were right, of course, but it didn’t hurt to hear it out loud.
“Since when did you guys get smart?” Tyson said, his voice a little tight.
“They didn’t,” JT snorted, earning protests from the two guys in question, “you’re just so fucking obvious that it’s painful,”
Tyson felt his cheeks flare with heat, and by the laughter from his friends he knew it was obvious. And then he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “I just…I don’t even know how to take that next step. It took me over three years to ask if I could sit next to her,”
“Yeah, yeah, we know, she’s got a sunshine smile that just throws you off,” Mat said, rolling his eyes playfully.
“How is it sitting next to Sunshine anyway? That must be torture for you,” Dante smirked.
Sunshine. Damn it, that was going to stick, wasn’t it?
“Firstly, fuck you all. Secondly…it’s so hard not to make an idiot of myself constantly,” Tyson groaned.
“Yeah, of course, can’t wait,” Dante and Mat chorused again, swooning into each other.
This time Tyson found himself laughing alongside JT, shaking his head at his friends. Idiots, the both of them.
“I know, I’m dumb around her,” Tyson said, smiling sadly.
“To be honest, Tys, I think she likes that,” JT said simply.
“What?” he frowned.
That couldn’t be right, right?
“She smiled hopefully at you when she walked away today. She’s never laughed at your stumbling, from what I’ve seen. And the fact that after three years of you acting dumb around her, she’s happy to sit next to you in class? I’d say she’s into it. Sunshine seems like the kind of girl who wouldn’t have a problem with telling someone to leave her alone if she wasn’t at least interested a little bit,” JT smiled, shrugging.
That nickname definitely wasn’t going anywhere.
But was JT really right? Did he really have a chance with you after all this time? Even if he had never been in his best form around you?
“I swear to god Tys, the next time you see her, just talk to her like she’s one of us. Ask her about the last TV show she watched. Ask her about her thoughts on the college team’s chances in the championship this year. Ask her about her last spotify playlist. Literally anything,” Mat sighed.
“Baby steps,” Dante added, nodding encouragingly.
“Baby steps,” Tyson said softly, almost to himself, “That…that doesn’t sound too bad. I could do that,”
“Atta boy,” Mat grinned.
JT just shook him with the arm he still had around Tyson’s neck, before releasing him.
“You’ve got this Tys,” JT said firmly, “Now can we please get something to eat?”
Late night snacks – there really was nothing better after an afternoon and evening of studying. Sure, you’d taken a quick break a few hours ago, a study buddy watching your belongings in the library while you dashed out to eat (with you repeating the favour after returning), but it had gotten to the point where your eyes were bleary and your stomach was rumbling. There was no way you wanted to burn out after only one month into your senior year, so there was only one thing for it.
You went to the cafeteria.
There were a few usual students that you recognised in there already, night owls like yourself, but the other usual person that you normally enjoyed seeing wasn’t slumped at a table for once. That’s right, Tyson. Late night snacks in the cafeteria was yet another place where your paths usually crossed. Underneath his fratboyesque exterior, you knew how hard he worked, knew how piled under he was with his classes. Even from afar – and now sitting next to him in biology class – you knew how dedicated he was, and it wasn’t unusual to see him grabbing a late night snack like you did. He always went for a peanut butter sandwich with at least one banana, while you usually went for Greek yoghurt with berries of some kind – you’d learned the hard way that late night pizza just wasn’t sustainable.
Wow that was a little too stalkerish, wasn’t it?
As bad as it sounded, it really wasn’t like that. When a guy as eye-catching as Tyson did the same thing over and over in the same place as you, it wasn’t hard to notice. Maybe he even noticed the same things about you. Maybe not.
Either way, it didn’t matter, because he wasn’t even in the cafeteria tonight. You’d have to find something else to occupy your thoughts, as hard as that would be.
Tyson shuffled into the cafeteria a little later than usual, rubbing the crick out of his neck where he’d been bent over his books for the past three hours. As he’d thought, his classes were kicking his ass, and he was only just about able to keep up with all of his reading. But so far, so good – he wasn’t actually behind in anything – and now he was rewarding himself with his usual after-study treat; a peanut butter sandwich with a banana, and you.
Okay that sounded bad. But was it so awful that seeing you across the cafeteria made even his most stressful days just that little bit brighter? And there you were, sitting by yourself with your normal bowl of Greek yoghurt and berries – raspberries today – and you hadn’t noticed him at all. He didn’t know how he felt about that.
Tyson knew he’d made so much progress over the past month, more than he’d ever made in the last three years, so why shouldn’t he keep pushing forward? What was it that Mat had said? That he should just start a conversation with you like he would with them? What was holding him back from doing that right now?
Nothing, that’s what.
So steeling himself with his bottle of water and snacks, Tyson walked over to where you were sitting and took a deep breath before sitting down. It was all he could do to offer you a shy smile as you looked over the table at him in surprise.
“Hi,” he murmured.
“Hi! I didn’t think you’d be in here tonight,”
Tyson found himself trying to hide a grin as your eyes went wide in shock at your words. You noticed him like he noticed you? But clearly you hadn’t meant to say that, and there was no way he wanted you embarrassed.
“Anatomy class is kicking my ass. I need a snack after studying all evening,” Tyson said simply, nodding.
“I definitely feel that,” you laughed, waving your yoghurt spoon in indication.
Tyson cracked open his water bottle with another smile. Talking to your felt so easy, so natural – why had he struggled for so long? Right, here goes nothing. Conversation. He could do this.
“I’m so looking forward to getting back to my dorm and watching tv though – no more books tonight,” Tyson mused.
“That sounds like a great idea,” you said, smiling at him, making Tyson smile back instantly, “are you watching anything in particular right now?”
Oh fuck it worked. You were talking with him about something other than classwork!
“I’m rewatching Leverage?” he offered.
Your lips parted in surprise, making Tyson wince slightly, before a wide smile spread across your face.
“I love Leverage! Fuck, that’s so cool that you watch it too,” you said happily.
There it was, the first non-class link in common. Oh fuck. He did it.
“I’m always tied between Elliot and Sophie as my favourite characters. They’re both so badass and vulnerable at the same time, in their own ways,” Tyson admitted.
“My god, yes. I kinda want to be both of them,” you laughed, nodding, “I do love Parker’s growth as a person though, and Hardison is just brilliant,”
It was like you could read his mind. Fuck. “Have you watched the new season yet? Leverage: Redemption?”
“No!” you groaned dramatically, making Tyson laugh, “I haven’t found the time to really settle in and appreciate it yet. Have you?”
Tyson shook his head, smiling. “No, not yet. That’s why I’m rewatching it again, to refresh my memory before watching the new series,”
“That’s a great idea!” you said, smiling.
He couldn’t help but smile back, your sunshine smile as addictive as always. But then he hesitated for a moment, taking a bite of his banana as a thought entered his mind. Could he really ask? There was no harm in it, right? He swallowed his bite, and took a slow breath, smiling nervously at you.
“Maybe we could watch the new season together?” Tyson suggested, trying to keep too much hope out of his voice.
Surprise filled your face, genuine surprise, but then you nodded, smiling widely, and Tyson felt all his nerves quickly fizzle away.
“I’d love that,” you said a little shyly, but still warmly.
And that warmth filled his chest, butterflies joining, and all he could do was try to contain his giddiness. Fuck, oh fuck he’d really done it.
“Abby doesn’t appreciate the show like you do,” you added.
Tyson laughed – he could see that with your roommate, and JT was the same way, so he definitely understood it. Fuck, had he really arranged to watch the show with you? The boys were going to be so proud.
“So what’s your favourite episode?” you asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.
He grinned. “Well…”
That night in the cafeteria was the start of something…new with Tyson. The two of you had spent another two hours in the cafeteria just talking, mostly about Leverage but then other tv shows too, until the point where you realised the two of you were the only ones in there. Tyson had walked back with you to the dorm building too, made even easier with the fact that he lived in the same dorm building as you, on the floor below. Where had all this easy conversation been over the past three years? Why had he always been so stilted at awkward before? What had changed?
Whatever it was, you definitely weren’t complaining, because it just kept happening. Whenever the two of you saw each other, there was always a conversation now, about anything and everything, whether it was in class or in the library or in the cafeteria, or even just randomly on campus (despite the teasing grins of his friends that you chose to ignore). It was like a switch had been flipped, and you found yourself looking even more forward to seeing him nearly every day. And after a few weeks of this new Tyson, you could only hope that this was the way the rest of your time at college would continue to go.
Which takes you to now, the end of October, and a very important day on the college student calendar.
“Come on! It’s Halloween! You have to come out,”
You snorted at the dramatic pout on Abby’s face, but shook your head fondly as she didn’t quit. Same old antics, same old Abby.
“I have a paper due on Monday,” you reminded her, waving your hand in a flourish across the notes covering the desk you were sitting at.
And you weren’t even fudging the truth this time – you’d retreated to study in your dorm room because a) the library had been unusually busier than normal, probably because of tonight, and b) you knew Abby had a late class so you were able to have the peace and quiet you’d needed to get the most of your paper written.
But then Abby had arrived back to the dorm 10 minutes ago and had been lovingly pestering you ever since.
“You may have a paper due on Monday, but today is Friday and you already pretty much have it finished,” she pointed out.
Damn it. She did have a point there – you only had to finish this last paragraph before writing the conclusion and editing…
As if she sensed your wavering stance, which she probably could scent like a shark to blood in water, Abby grinned and sat in your lap, your old desk chair creaking ominously.
“There’s a simple house party we’ve been invited to – seniors only, with great music and basic food and drink supplied,” she explained, “Obviously I’ll pick us two up some extra drink, but it’s not costume mandatory, so I think we should go. I know I can’t go without my very best friend in the world by my side,”
She finished with a dramatic toss of her hair, leaning backwards across the arm of your desk chair in a swoon. You huffed out a laugh at her dramatics, and tilted your head back against the back of your chair to look up at her properly, only to be met with wide pleading eyes. It is senior year after all…
“Okay, you win. But I’m not staying late late,” you said firmly.
“Deal,” she said quickly.
“And you can’t ditch me straight away for a cute guy – we need at least two drinks together first,” you added.
Abby grinned sheepishly. “Deal,”
“And I need to finish this paragraph before we start getting ready,” you finished.
“Deal,” Abby nodded, “I’ll go out and pick up some drinks for us while you finish your writing,”
Perfect. That way she wouldn’t be hovering and she could burn off some of that restless energy. Abby kissed your cheek triumphantly and sprang off your lap, earning another iffy creak from your deskchair, before scooping up her rucksack and blowing kisses as she walked backwards out of the dorm room. You couldn’t help but laugh as she made her exit, feeling lighter in yourself for it. Abby might be a whirlwind of energy but she had only good intentions, and you knew it would do you some good to have a break from writing your paper. You’d done so much work on it already today – why shouldn’t you let your hair down and have a little fun?
An hour later, the party was in full swing, in the off-campus house of a group of seniors – you knew a couple of the hosts from class, so that was something at least, and you could only be grateful that there were no costumes. Tonight was definitely a jeans and sneakers night, even if you’d relented to Abby’s prodding and poking to wear a cute top along with the comfortable clothing. And you were far from the only person dressed for comfort and warmth rather than sexy, so that was even better.
As promised, Abby had stayed by your side with your wider group of friends for two drinks – the two of you had downed a shot of good vodka each before leaving the dorm (a gift from her moms), and had spent that first hour of the party drinking a couple of beers by and in the kitchen, laughing and talking over the loud somewhat-Halloween-themed music.
It had been everything you’d asked for, but you could see Abby eyeing up a cute boy (from her history class, maybe?) across the room, so you nudged her with your shoulder.
“Go on, go ask that cute guy to dance,” you murmured into her ear.
Abby turned to you and grinned, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears. “You don’t mind?”
“No, of course not. You’ve been making eyes at him – go make his night,” you teased.
Abby just laughed and pressed a kiss to your cheek before sauntering across to the guy in question. How one girl could have so much confidence was beyond you – but you loved her for it. To be honest, you weren’t quite ready to leave the party just yet though, despite your earlier intentions. The vibes were good, the music was better, and it had been a while since you’d had more than a couple of drinks. Why not, right? So you did another quick shot in the kitchen with some of the girls, everyone letting out a loud whoop afterwards, and grabbed a fresh beer before heading out of the kitchen. A quick glance to your left showed Abby and that cute guy dancing together on the makeshift dance floor, and you smiled to yourself as you made your way into the room properly, eyes widening at the sheer number of people who’d made their way into the party since you’d arrived. The dancefloor had grown massively, and there looked to be a flip cup competition going on as well as beer pong?
As if on cue, the people surrounding the beer pong table let up a loud cheer, clearly signalling the end of a match.
“We’re next!”
Your eyes widened at the loud call, and your eyes fell to, of course, none other than Tyson’s friends Mat and Dante…and Tyson himself. Where was his roommate?
“I need a partner!” you could see Tyson protest.
Mat’s eyes looked around the room until they landed on you, and your heart froze as he grinned wildly and beckoned you over. You almost ducked back into the crowd with a wince, but it was too late – Tyson saw you and beckoned you over too. With a long swallow of your beer, you made your way through the crowd, smiling hesitantly at the three guys in front of you.
“Will you be my beer pong partner?” Tyson asked quickly, “JT hates this game so he’s avoiding us,”
Mat and Dante burst into laughter, but you ignored them, as you’d learned to do quite easily over the past few weeks.
“Sure, I’ll be your partner,” you nodded, biting your bottom lip briefly.
You weren’t too bad at beer pong – unless you were really drunk, you could usually make most shots. Usually. Hopefully tonight wouldn’t be the night you’d make an ass of yourself, not in front of him.
“Finally, someone with skills!” Tyson grinned, guiding you around to your side of the table.
“We’ve literally never played beer pong together,” you mused, raising an eyebrow.
You could see his friends, Mat and Dante, sniggering from across the table, but you chose to ignore them again for your own sanity.
“I can feel the vibes,” Tyson said seriously.
Mat and Dante straight up burst out in laughter, making your cheeks heat up.
“The vibes!” Mat cackled, leaning into Dante as he laughed.
“Yeah definitely the vibes, sunshine!” Dante snickered.
You looked at Tyson, only to see him blushing fiercely and glaring at his friends. What the hell was going on?
“Sunshine?” you asked dryly.
“It’s your smile,” Tyson mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.
Oh wow. He…he liked your smile? And told his friends about it?
“Are we playing beer pong or not?” Mat asked loudly, earning cheers from the partygoers around you.
That line of thought was something you would have to explore later. But for now…
“Oh we’re going to kick your ass,” you said firmly.
Where had the first semester gone? Somehow it was already the last week of school before the winter break started on December 18th which only meant one thing – exams. Tyson was stressed enough as it was, and it didn’t help that his first exam of the week was a late evening biology lab practical exam. Who assigns a lab exam at 9pm on a Monday? Cruel, cruel people, that’s who. But as it was, Tyson had to suffer through a freshwater biomonitoring lab exam, covering the identification and quantification of aquatic animals and their importance as indicator organisms – because that would be helpful in his future career. Not.
The one bright spot? Leaving the lab with you when the exam was done, you looking about as grimly confident as he did. It seemed like last week’s late-night-cafeteria spontaneous study session had paid off, even if it wasn’t the easy conversation he’d grown used to with you. It was something at least, and it had clearly led to a good outcome. A positive outcome? Well, at least not a miserable outcome. At this point, he would take that.
“I am so ready for sleep,” you groaned, tilting your head back as the two of you left the building.
“Lucky you,” Tyson mused, “I promised the guys I would meet them at Larry’s Bar after we’d finished,”
(“Come on Tys, you can make it for one drink, to celebrate or commiserate,”
“I don’t like the thought of her walking back across campus that late after our Biology lab,”
“Biology eh? I bet you’re studying her biology,”
“Shut the fuck up Barzy,”)
“Ouch, rather you than me,” you laughed, shaking your head fondly.
Tyson grinned at the fondness in your voice; every time it made his heart feel all giddy, even though he knew it wasn’t like that, not yet. He also knew you would join Abby and your other friends if you could – but unlike Tyson who had his next exam in two days, you had yours tomorrow, so he didn’t blame you for not wanting to go out.
“Come on, let’s get you back then before you coach turns into a pumpkin, Cinderella,” Tyson teased.
But you frowned, turning to face him as you stopped outside the Science building.
“Larry’s Bar is on the opposite side of campus to our dorms,” you said softly.
It was clear in your voice that you didn’t understand, but that didn’t change Tyson’s mind. He remembered once, after yet another late night in the cafeteria, that you hated walking by yourself in the dark, even though you were lucky enough that nothing bad had ever happened – it just made you uneasy, spiked your anxiety, and there was no way Tyson was going to let you feel that way if there was anything he could do about it.
“You don’t like walking in the dark by yourself – I’d rather make sure you’re okay,” Tyson shrugged.
You bit your bottom lip, clearly hesitating, but Tyson just shook his head, smiling at you as he walked backwards away from the building.
“I’m not changing my mind. Come on Sunshine,” he grinned.
“Oh fuck, fine,” you sighed, walking a little faster to catch up with him, although the smile that crept over your lips let him know you weren’t mad in the slightest.
Tyson kept smiling to himself as the two of you started to walk side by side, trying not to look too manically happy, especially after that difficult lab exam. Anyone that looked at him would think he was crazy, he knew that much, but he didn’t care. Just being by your side like this was more than he’d ever dreamt he could have, and he wanted to cherish it. Only two semesters left, after all. On second thoughts, that line of daydream wasn’t something he wanted to explore right now. No, he was going to live in the moment – because in the moment, was you.
“So what are you doing for winter break? Are you going home?” Tyson asked, breaking the silence.
“Yeah, my dad’s coming to pick me up early in the morning on the 18th. I can’t wait,” you grinned, nodding, “even though I went home for thanksgiving weekend, I’m looking forward to more time with my family, you know?”
Tyson nodded as well, smiling back at you, “I definitely get that. I always feel like it’s not enough time with my mom and sister,”
Your smile turned a little sad and you nudged Tyson with your shoulder, Tyson just nudging you back with a soft laugh. To be able to be this open and vulnerable with you already was a little scary, but it still felt so right, so he was trying not to think about it too hard. Talking about his feelings was a good thing right?
“You’re going back home to see them too, right?”
“Yeah, for sure. Mat, Dante and I are all going back to BC, so they’re driving me back before heading back to the same hometown together,” Tyson explained.
That was going to be one hell of an interesting car ride, same as every year they offered when Tyson’s mom couldn’t get the time off work to pick him up. Nothing was ever dull with Mat and Dante together.
“Well…good luck with that,” you teased.
Tyson just laughed, shrugging his agreement. The conversation continued about family Christmas traditions, staying light and easy, everything that Tyson hadn’t known he needed after that difficult lab exam, and he was almost sad to reach the front doors of the dorm building. Time with you never felt long enough, and he didn’t know if he wanted to dive too deeply into that feeling yet.
“Thanks for walking me back, Tyson,” you murmured, “I really appreciate it,”
“Hey, no, any time. I meant that,” Tyson said firmly.
“You’re a gentleman, Tyson Jost. Don’t let anyone tell you any different,” you replied, smiling sweetly.
Tyson felt his cheeks heat up in a blush, making you laugh softly, before you looked up at him sweetly. He could swear that he felt his heartbeat speeding up just that little bit, even though it was crazy, until you wrapped your arms around him in a gentle hug. Oh fuck. He didn’t hesitate to hug you back, burying his face in the woolly hat you wore, not flinching when your cold nose brushed against his neck. Fuck you felt so good in his arms. This felt insane, to be honest, to hold you like this. How was he supposed to carry on for a normal night now, now that he knew what it felt like to wrap his arms around you, puffy winter coat be damned?
Eventually, long past what society would consider a hug between friends acceptable, you stepped backwards, breaking the hug. Your smile was a little shaky, as if you also knew that this had been more than a simple hug goodbye, but Tyson didn’t dare say anything, not trusting himself to say anything that wouldn’t ruin the moment.
And it was clear that you felt the same, in the way that you just raised a hand in a silent goodbye, and Tyson found himself doing the same, knowing his smile was just as shaky as yours. He waited until the front door was closed behind you to walk away, back across campus to the bar, more overwhelmed than he’d ever felt before. His head was swimming, swirling, spinning, just from a hug goodbye.
A hug.
But it had been a hug with you, the girl that had haunted his dreams for years at this point. This was a step in the right direction, right? Your reaction at least told him, showed him, that you were as affected by it as he was. That he wasn’t crazy to have enjoyed the hug as much as he did. Fuck knows how he was going to downplay his stunned giddiness in front of JT, Mat and Dante though – he’d never hear the end of it from them if he couldn’t get himself under control by the time he reached the bar.
One thing was for sure – things were going to be different when he got back from winter break.
It’s funny how a simple action can change everything. Like, everything. You were almost thankful for the winter exams you had to focus your full attention on, because the moment that you finished them and allowed that hug with Tyson to enter your mind, it was like nothing else could occupy it. Knowing what it feels like to be wrapped in his arms? To have your face buried in his neck? To see the shaky effect it also had on him? It was torture. And not knowing what to do about it made your head swirl even more, so much so that even Abby asked you why you were so distracted on the day you were packing to go home for the Christmas break. Not that you told her anything – it was still too raw, too fresh – but still.
You’d been too nervous to say anything during exam week – you needed full focus on your exams and so did Tyson – but even after that last exam, the night before you were leaving for home, you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything. What could you even say? I really liked our hug, let’s do it again some time? No, ridiculous. But every time you thought back to that goodbye, his matching shaky smile, the fact that he waited until you were safely in the building…it had to mean something, right? It wasn’t just you who felt something, right? He felt something too?
The problem with getting stuck in your head, stuck in your thoughts, was that you missed your opportunity to say anything before the two of you left campus. It was only just as you finished packing the car with your dad that you saw him rush out of the dorm building. You’d frozen as his eyes scanned the parking lot desperately, your heart skipping a beat as his eyes found you and he smiled. But your dad had been oblivious and wanted to get going, so it was all you could do to smile apologetically. Tyson had looked disappointed, making you feel more guilty about not seeking him out the night before, until he’d wiggled his hand near his ear in the shape of a phone.
I’ll call you!
You didn’t know what the smile on your face looked like, but if Tyson’s relieved smile was anything to go by, that was a good sign.
And call you he had. When you’d arrived home (despite him still being in the car with Dante and Mat, which was a whirlwind), when he’d arrived home, and almost every day since then. And even though neither of you had even spoken about the hug, asked for clarification, any of it, this new stage of talking so often felt even more than anything before. It felt like you were on the precipice of falling into something, something, but you didn’t know what. All you did know was that every time your phone rang with his caller ID, something inside you lit up. And every time you answered, his happy reply told you he was just as excited to talk to you.
It was strange, this level of closeness with him, after such a short turnaround from next-to-nothing the previous three years. A good strange, of course, you weren’t complaining. But you also still hadn’t asked him what this all meant to him. Maybe that was cowardice or low self-esteem or anxiety talking. Maybe you were just straight out scared to lose the progression you’d made so far. But you knew you had to do something, because if nothing else, his new year’s eve text gave you hope.
Happy New Year, Sunshine.
I can’t wait to see you again soon.
That had to mean something. It just had to. It would be cruel otherwise, right? And if nothing else, you knew Tyson wasn’t a cruel person. You’d just have to figure out the right time and place to talk to him, that was all.
It couldn’t be too hard, right?
And then all too soon, it was January 3rd and time to get back to campus.
As tradition, there was a welcome back to campus mixer, but after a heavy new year’s eve back home with your family and hometown friends, you hadn’t really felt the vibe. So after an hour, and checking with Abby who was in no way ready to go back to the dorm too, you headed back to your room intent on a much more chilled out evening.
But just as you’d taken off your make-up and gotten changed into pyjama shorts and an old t-shirt, someone knocked on your door.
What the hell? Everyone you knew was still at the mixer when you left?
Then they knocked again, so you huffed out a breath and pulled on an old sweatshirt, before opening the door…revealing Tyson standing there holding a plastic shopping bag with a hopeful smile on his face. What the fuck?
“Sorry to show up unannounced,” he said sheepishly.
Oh fuck, you had no make-up on, your hair piled on top of your head, and some of your oldest pyjamas on. Damn it. Too late now though – he’d seen you au natural…and he wasn’t running away? He still wore that hopeful smile? Fuck, okay then.
“That’s okay – but what’s the occasion?” you asked lightly.
“Can’t I come and see one of my favourite people?” he mused,
Whew, favourite people. He had to know he was toeing that invisible line, right? You just raised an eyebrow at him, making him huff out a laugh.
“JT sexiled me?” Tyson offered,
“Oh fuck, already? That was quick,” you snorted.
Then you felt bad – who were you to judge? You were the one who hadn’t hooked up in forever. You were the one still thinking about a simple hug, after all. But it wasn’t that simple, was it? Now wasn’t the time to get lost in your thoughts about that again though. Good for JT.
“I know right?” Tyson laughed, “JT rarely hooks up, so I figured I’d be a good buddy and leave him to take his time. Then I saw Abby was still at the mixer but you weren’t, so I was hoping that we could hang out? If that’s okay with you, of course,”
Oh wow. He chose to hang out with you, over everything else? Fuck. Maybe you weren’t wrong in overthinking the pre-winter-break-hug.
“That sounds good to me. I was just thinking about putting on a tv show or something,” you shrugged, trying to keep your cool.
“We could finally watch some Leverage: Redemption?” Tyson suggested.
He remembered.
“Yes,” you said quickly, making him laugh.
Whoops. Hopefully that didn’t sound too desperate?
“I brought snacks,” he grinned, lifting the bag in his hand.
“You don’t need to bribe me,” you mused.
If only he knew what you’d do to have him hang out with you whenever. Although, by the blush on his cheeks, maybe he was thinking the same?
“I was hoping to bribe you for a pair of sweatpants or basketball shorts at least?” he asked hopefully.
Ah fuck, yeah he wasn’t able to go back to his dorm from the mixer – and no-one in their right mind would lounge in denim jeans.
“Alright, I’ll take your bribe. Abby should have some sweatpants that’ll fit you,” you smiled.
Tyson just hovered next to you as you browsed through Abby’s wardrobe – you knew she wouldn’t mind at all – until you found the sweatpants you were looking for. Brilliant, freshly washed too.
“Here you go. I’ll get the show up on my laptop while you get comfy?” you suggested.
“Sounds great. Thanks,” Tyson grinned.
As always, his grin sent your heart fluttering, but you tried to ignore it as you smiled back, choosing to walk over to your bed instead, also ignoring the sounds to Tyson kicking off his shoes and jeans as you sat down and got comfy. By the time you’d found the show and pulled up the first episode, Tyson was easing in to sit next to you on your bed, his thick thigh pressed up against yours in a way that made your breath hitch in your throat. No, you weren’t a Victorian maiden. No, this wasn’t Pride and Prejudice. No, you weren’t a character in a Regency novel. You could handle a little thigh-on-thigh, right?
“I’m really glad I get to watch this with you,” Tyson murmured, as you pressed play.
“Me too, Tyson,” you said softly, smiling up at him.
Be still your racing heart.
“So, Tyson Jost huh?”
“Um, I don’t know?”
“Do you need me to beat some sense into him?”
“Not yet?”
“Good to know. I do want my sweatpants back though,”
From that night on, it was like a switch had been flipped, a gate had been opened. Every 2 or 3 nights, Tyson would come to your dorm and the two of you would watch an episode of something – you’d worked through Leverage: Redemption fairly quickly, and you’d had that ache in your heart that this was the end of hanging out with Tyson alone, but he’d turned up two nights later with a recommendation of a new show from JT and the tradition was born. It was just another notch in this new relationship friendship with Tyson, a little something more between you again, to the point where Abby made lewd facial expressions at you whenever she found the two of your watching something on your laptop together. You had no idea how much of it Tyson caught, but if was anything like how much you saw Dante and Mat teasing him, it wasn’t pretty to think of. You were just glad that Abby had no interest in teaming up with Dante and Mat in teasing you. That wouldn’t end well for anyone.
Tonight though you were alone in your dorm in the second week of February – a set of calculations was driving you crazy and you’d insisted on not going to the party that Abby was going to, and she’d left you with a sad smile. Only 30 minutes later she’d texted that she’d forgotten her keys to the dorm, so you’d had the doorlatch set to unlocked – who knew when she’d be back – smiling to yourself at her forgetfulness. As long as she got home eventually, you didn’t care – she deserved to have fun.
When you’d eventually got to the bottom of the problem set, figuring out where you were going wrong (and then saving your work on your laptop because damn if you had to start over…), you rewarded yourself with a long hot shower, taking advantage of the late-night emptiness of the communal girls’ shower room, trudging back to your dorm in your cosy pyjamas and slippers with a  pleased smile on your face…until you noticed that the dorm door was a little more open that you’d left it.
You swallowed heavily, hoping to whatever higher power that it was just Abby back earlier than you’d anticipated, clutching at your phone and wash bag as you slowly inched the door open. Your heart froze as you saw Abby’s bed was empty…but your bed wasn’t? Fuck. Quickly flipping the main lights on with a clenching in your chest, it took you a moment to recognise the figure lying unconscious on your bed, but your lips parted in shock when you finally did.
What the fuck?
You quickly shut the door behind you and whipped the towel off your head, letting your damp hair fall down with a huffed sigh. What the hell was he doing here? Why had he come up an extra set of stairs to pass out in your bed? Flipping the main lights back off, leaving the bedside lamp to illuminate the room that you had left on while you were showering, you reached out a hand to shake him slightly, but he just mumbled something unintelligible. Great, out like a log. Fuck. Well, there was no way you were sleeping in Abby’s bed – she kicked, hard – so you’d just have to move him over to the edge of the bed and slide in next to him. That would be okay, right? You threw on an old sweater and put your belongings down on your desk to deal with in the morning, before returning to Tyson’s side.
He had some questions to answer in the morning, that was for sure.
With a final sigh, you rolled him from lying on his side onto his front, right at the edge of the bed, and placed a wastebin by his head just in case, trying to make sure his limbs weren’t in any weird position that would make him ache in the morning. Sure he wasn’t a big guy, but this dead weight was difficult to manoeuvre without taking all the pillow space with him. At least he’d kicked his shoes off before passing out. At least he was on top of the covers. When you’d moved him as much as you could, leaving you enough room on the side closest to the wall, you slid under the covers, grateful there was this small barrier between you – your fragile heart could only take so much.
You knew he’d be sweating in his jeans and long-sleeved top in the morning, probably feeling like death if the smell of beer was any indication, but this was the best you could do for now.
But tomorrow you had to talk with him. This…this showed you that much at least.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
You blinked your eyes open blearily, glancing around until you noticed your phone was on your desk. Why was it…oh. Oh. Last night, Tyson. And he…wasn’t here?
Tyson was gone. He’d woken up and gone without another word. Fuck. You were on your own with Abby snoring away in her bed, not a sign of Tyson even being here at all last night other than the wastebin you’d put next to the bed. Lunging out of bed to turn your phone alarm off, you wasted no time in sitting back down on your bed, running a hand through your messy hair. Why did this happen to you? Why did you deserve this? You felt a lump rise in your throat, tears stinging at your eyes, feeling stupid all over again. Why would he stay, right? Maybe all of this build-up had just been in your head. Maybe he was just messing with you for fun. Maybe all of this was just a joke to him and he was laughing with his buddies.
No, he couldn’t be, he wouldn’t be. Tyson wasn’t like that. He…
“Hey, good morning,”
You snapped out of your thoughts, head snapping up to see Tyson walking into your room with two coffees in a cardboard carrier in one hand, your keys in the other hand. What the fuck?
“I borrowed your keys, I hope you don’t mind,” he said a little sheepishly, dropping them onto your small desk, along with placing the coffee down too.
Then he looked at your expression, mild horror passing over his face. Fuck.
“I-I was always going to come back, I swear!” he said quickly, “I just went to get us coffee,”
“I don’t mind you borrowing my keys,” you said hesitantly, “but what’s going on?”
“I’m so sorry,” Tyson blurted out, “I was so drunk last night and I should never have drunkenly stumbled in here let alone passed out on your bed, but it was all I could think of wanting to do,”
As much as you needed, and deserved the apology, it still made your heart ache a little bit.
“Why?” you murmured, feeling your heart start to close in on yourself.
“You’re the only person I find myself thinking about,” he said softly, “And drunk me is apparently no different,”
As your breath hitched in your throat, you found yourself searching his face for any more answers, Abby’s snores still filling the background. His brow was furrowed, his mouth tense, and his eyes were tired but honest. Fuck. You were the only person he thought about? What did that even mean?
“Tyson…” you sighed, words trailing off.
Tyson huffed, running a hand through his unruly curls.
“Please tell me that it isn’t just me who feels something between us?” Tyson said quietly.
Oh fuck. Your lips parted slightly, words failing you. He…what? Did he really say that? Did he actually admit to feeling what you felt?
He sighed, his expression shutting down into something completely closed off, nothing like what you’d ever seen on him before. Fuck, no, say something before he walks away.
“The coffee is an apology. I’m sorry,” he mumbled, “Thank you for not just kicking me out last night,”
“You don’t have to buy me coffee to say thank you, Tyson,” you blurted.
Something flickered in his eyes as he looked at you, and he bit his bottom lip before squaring his shoulders slightly.
“How about as a date then?” he said, looking you straight in the eyes.
“A date?” you whispered.
He swallowed heavily but nodded, even as you ran a shaky hand through your messy hair.
“Unless…you don’t want it to be a date?” Tyson added, wincing.
You quickly shook your head, biting your lip briefly before sighing. “I really would like it to be a date. I just, I never…why me?”
“After all the talking in class, the phone calls over the Christmas break, the watching tv shows together, that hug…how could you not realise that I like you?” he asked, confused.
You huffed out a breath, smiling weakly up at him. “I dared not hope,” you admitted.
Tyson’s lips parted in surprise, before even more confusion filled his expression. “What?”
If he could be brave, and speak his mind, then so could you, right? This was what you wanted, to talk to him this morning…so it was time. You’d kept your own feelings inside for so long, only Abby really knowing the depth of them, or the anxiety that went with them, but you could be brave like he just was, right?
“I didn’t want to break my own heart, Tyson, in the chance that you didn’t like me too. I’ve liked you for so long and this year has seemed like a fantasy compared to the last three years, but I didn’t want to lose anything or ruin anything by opening my mouth,” you admitted.
His eyebrows pinched together and he quickly shook his head, smiling sadly, making that spark of hope flare up inside of you again.
“There’s no-one in my life like you. Even just being around you makes me happier. You’re everything I’ve wanted since the first day I met you,” Tyson said firmly, “It took me three years to get the courage to even sit next to you in class,”
He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly at the last confession, making you laugh softly, earning a hopeful smile from him again.
“Sounds like we’re just as pathetic as each other,” you mused, smiling shyly up at him.
His grin came back in full force, and he moved to sit on the end of your bed, eyes wide and full of hope, that familiar confidence making you smile slightly. That was more like it.
“So you like me and I like you. Seems pretty concrete to me,” Tyson said happily, “We’re doing this then?”
“Are you asking me out, Tyson Jost?” you said, smiling a little helplessly.
He immediately nodded, making you smile even more.
“Breakfast on campus now but a proper date in a few days’ time?” he added, hopefully.
Oh fuck, wow, yes.
“I think I can work with that,” you grinned.
“Valentine’s day? Is that too cliché?” Tyson asked, a little sheepishly.
This all felt like a bit of a dream, too good to be true, but there he was in front of you with a hopeful smile on his face and it was everything you’d been hoping for, for years. And now that you had the chance to take it…why would you turn it down?
So you shook your head, smiling back at him. “No, that sounds perfect to me,”
Because Valentine’s Day with Tyson? You could only imagine how wonderful it would be.
“Great, I can’t wait,” he grinned, making your heart beat that little bit faster as always, “um, I’ll leave you to get dressed and meet you downstairs for breakfast?”
“Give me 20 minutes,” you nodded.
This giddy feeling didn’t leave you even when he left the room with a smile, or even when Abby let out a truly spectacular snore, and you found yourself smiling as you drank the coffee he’d left behind for you. It had happened, it had finally happened. Tyson had admitted how he felt about you, and he meant it entirely. You’d told Tyson how you felt about him and he didn’t run away. He’d asked you on a date and bought you coffee and now you were having breakfast together?
A dream indeed.
But one you intended to live out.
Tyson felt like he was floating. After nearly screwing up completely by getting blackout drunk, passing out in your bed, and not getting back in time with coffee before you woke up – and fuck if he ever saw sadness on your face like that again, it would be too soon – the fact that he’d finally confessed how he felt for you, that you’d returned your matching feelings, and that he’d asked you out on a date?
Even just getting breakfast with you had been amazing. Sure, he’d been incredibly hungover, but that had just made you laugh, an easy teasing setting the tone for a light-hearted breakfast that had served to be the start of something great. He knew it had to be – how could it not, after the build up that the two of you had had? JT had not-so-silently judged him for being a drunken idiot that night, but he’d still been excited for Tyson that he finally had a date with you, as had Mat and Dante, and they’d even promised not to show up at the café he was planning on taking you to make a scene.
Because if he didn’t have that promise, he knew they would do exactly that.
Despite his loveable idiot friends hyping him up alongside their teasing over the few days before the big date, Tyson was still nervous. This was his chance to show you the difference between friend-Tyson and potential-boyfriend-Tyson. This was the chance he’d been hoping he’d have for years, and his usual anxiety was whispering all sorts of overwhelming fails to him as he walked towards the café to meet you – you’d had a class and were meeting him after that – and he was doing his best to ignore all of it.
The pressure though, wow. Maybe Valentine’s Day wasn’t the best idea after all. Too late now though – he’d already had a text from you saying you were on your way there, so he would just have to suck it up and power through the anxiety, right?
And there you were, waiting outside the café with a shy smile, dressed in nice jeans and a cute top with your warm puffer jacket over the top, and Tyson felt his heart start beating that little bit faster. You were here, waiting for him. This was it. The date was really happening.
Tyson smiled a little helplessly, biting his lip briefly before taking a deep breath.
“Shall we go inside?” he asked, wincing at how stiff he sounded.
But you didn’t seem to notice. “Sure,” you nodded, smiling back at him.
The moment that the two of you stepped inside the café, Tyson found himself wincing. The Valentine’s Day decorations were…garish, at best. Giant pink hearts and glitter and streamers and wow was that cupid? Ouch. Your eyes were just as wide as his though, a genuine look of surprise on your face too, and Tyson huffed out a laugh, just glad you were on the same page.
“Do you want to find a table while I order?” he suggested.
“Are you sure?” you frowned.
“Absolutely,” he said, grinning, “What would you like?”
“A caramel latte?” you asked hopefully.
Sweet but not over-the-top. Perfect reflection of you, if he was being honest.  Good to know.
“Sure thing. Hopefully I won’t be long,”
You just laughed softly, squeezing his arm slightly before making your way through the busy tables, leaving Tyson a little stunned. You squeezed his arm. You’d initiated a new kind of physical contact. Fuck yes. He was still smiling as he ordered, not bothered by the bored-barista’s dull tones, and thankfully the wait wasn’t as bad as he’d thought. It was easy enough to find the table you were sitting at – he was used to picking you out of a crowd after all – and the sweet sunshine smile you sent him as he sat down made his heart skip a beat as always.
“Thanks for the coffee,” you murmured, clasping your hands around it.
“Of course,” he nodded.
You bit your lip, glancing around the room, before smiling back at him. “It’s busier than I thought it would be in here,”
Damn it.
A small frown spread across your lips, making Tyson wince, but he didn’t say anything. Couldn’t say anything. Unsurprisingly, an awkward silence fell over the two of you, the busy atmosphere of the café throwing Tyson off completely. Even though he opened and closed his mouth a couple of times to say something, he found his words drying up, just like they used to around you. It wasn’t fair! After all this time he finally was on a date with you, and he’d reverted back to his idiot self?
Anxiety was a bitch and Tyson didn’t know how to kick it away.
“This is weird, isn’t it?” you said suddenly.
Oh fuck.
“It’s not you? I’m genuinely distracted by all the Valentine’s Day fluff,” Tyson admitted, “And I’m nervous,”
When you burst into laughter, the ball of tension in his chest eased a little. At least he hadn’t fucked this up completely.
“I’ll admit I agree about the aggressive decorating, but why are you nervous? It’s just me,” you shrugged.
Tyson felt his cheeks heating up in a blush, but he shook his head. “That’s just it though – it’s you. I’ve thought about asking you out for so long, and the last thing I want to do is mess this up and ruin my chance with you…and I’m doing that anyway,”
Damn it.
He huffed out a breath, looking down at his clasped hands, until one of yours slid over to rest on them.
“You aren’t messing up. And you aren’t ruining anything,” you said softly, smiling sweetly.
That sweet sunshine smile made hope flicker in his chest once more, and he was hopeless to stop himself smiling back.
“So I get another shot?” he asked hopefully.
You weren’t just going to up and leave?
“Not that the first ‘shot’ was done but sure. Let’s start over,” you mused.
“Hi, I’m Tyson,” he blurted out.
You laughed at his loud exclamation, but shook your head fondly. “Never change Tyson, never change,” you giggled.
And just like that, things fell back into place. Finally, conversation started flowing between the two of you, and Tyson felt that flicker of hope flare into bright excitement, but tried to rein in his giddiness. This date was everything he had hoped for, feet intertwined, leaning forward to hear each other in the noise of the room, shy smiles but pointed comments at the cheesiness of your surroundings. To him, you were perfect, and he found himself getting lost in the animation of your face as you detailed a hilarious story from a girls’ night out where Abby wasn’t the one making a fool of herself for once. There was such joy and life and laughter in your eyes – hell, your whole body – and he found himself wanting so much more, even so early in what he hoped he could call a relationship.
Because at the end of the day, that’s what he wanted. An actual relationship with you. To be able to call you his girlfriend. To be able to call himself your boyfriend. To bring you home to meet his mom and Kacey. To go home with you to meet your parents. He knew how easy it would be to get lost in the fantasies swirling round his mind, like he had for years, so he focused on the moment, the real life moment where he had you in front of him and he could laugh at your stories.
Let people stare. Let them be jealous of being on such a brilliant date.
Almost two hours passed in the flash of an eye, with another coffee and a brownie each, stories and laughter and a little flirting filling the time in the natural way that Tyson had been hoping for. And as much as he wanted this to go on forever, he knew it would be best left in a great place. The two of you walked back to the dorms, Tyson carrying your heavy textbook for you (which fuck yeah, it made you smile sweetly), still talking as fluently as you had in the café. He hadn’t fucked up – he’d gotten through the date and it had been amazing. Maybe he had the opportunity to take you out again?
“This was really fun, Tyson,” you murmured, leaning against the wall outside your dorm room.
“Yeah?” he grinned, “I had a great time,”
The shy smile that spread across your lips only pumped his bravado some more.
“I’d love to do this again,” he added.
You nodded immediately, making him grin.
“I’d love to, too. Um, I have girls’ night with Abby and the other girls tonight, and then we have our late class chemistry class the night after…but maybe we could do dinner the night after that? My treat this time,”
Fuck. Was it really that easy? Did you really ask him out on a date?
“That’s perfect. I…I can’t wait,” he said, a little helplessly.
You grinned up at him – be still, his racing heart – and reached out to squeeze his hand gently before dropping it again. Oh fuck. How did he not know how soft your hands were before this?
When you hesitated slightly, hand on your door handle, Tyson took the last of the chances he’d been waiting for, and leant his head down, pressing his lips to yours in a quick kiss. Nothing dramatic, nothing intense, just short and soft and sweet and everything he’d been wanting. He pulled away with a blush flaring on his cheeks, eyes wide in a little panic, but the grin that spread across your face made that panic disappear immediately, his lips still tingling with the impulsive embrace.
Oh fuck, he’d just kissed you. He’d kissed you. He’d kissed you.
The boys were going to be so proud.
“See you tomorrow?” you murmured.
“Yeah, see you,” Tyson nodded, head still spinning as he took a few steps backwards.
The sound of your soft laughter filled his ears as he walked away, waiting until your door was closed behind you to turn around properly and head back to his own dorm downstairs. For what could have been a disaster date, it had turned out into something he had never expected, ending in a way he could only have hoped for in his dreams. What a perfect first date. And Tyson knew this was the start of something amazing.
That first date was the start of something amazing – and you couldn’t believe just how much. That next night, when Tyson sat down next to you in your chemistry class (the last semester you would ever have chemistry, thank fuck) and kissed you hello? Mindblowing. Sure, you could’ve done without the murmurs that sprung up around you, but Tyson’s bright smile washed away any hesitation you’d had. Even more so when he took your hand in his and intertwined your fingers to walk back to the dorms.
Holding hands with Tyson Jost. Who would’ve thought?
Naturally Abby was over the moon for you – even though she’d interrogated Tyson when he’d walked you back up to your room, you knew she only had the best intentions for you. And by the laughter in Tyson’s eyes, he knew it too.
(In contrast, JT had just given you an approving nod at lunch, and Mat and Dante had both given you a high five. Boys.)
The rest of the Spring Semester seemed to both fly by as well as trickle slowly, so much happening in that time that it was a little overwhelming. Tyson had asked you to officially be his girlfriend after only the third date, just over a week after that first date, which had surprised you but you had obviously accepted happily. Tyson Jost’s girlfriend – who would’ve thought? That did mean you got to make out with him in the middle of a bar on his birthday mid-March, earning wolf-whistles and cheers that you chose to ignore, Tyson grinning at you before kissing you again. And sure, you’d had some glares from jealous girls, now that you’d taken Tyson ‘off the market’ but to be honest? The glares were worth it. Being in a relationship with Tyson was everything you could ever have dreamed of.
You couldn’t wait to introduce him to your parents this summer.
But it wasn’t just your relationship with Tyson that made time speed past. Classes were intense, including your shared final chemistry class. The end of spring semester exams were no joke either – the late-night-cafeteria snack-and-study sessions were a godsend, and it meant you and Tyson at least had some time together in your own private way, even if it wasn’t all fun and games. You made it through those exams and papers, as did he, and the spring semester came to an end with a collective sigh all round. Tyson had even sprung in a last-minute coffee date before you left campus, to celebrate the end of exams, and that goodbye kiss had left your head spinning.
After a much-needed and incredible Spring Break with Abby and the girls in Malibu, at one of their uncle’s beach houses, you relished getting back to campus to see Tyson, even if it meant welcoming the arrival of the end of March and the start of the last ever semester of college.
Only a few days into the summer semester, the first week of April, and you could tell Tyson was stressing out. It wasn’t just classes though – you knew it was something else, and if there was something you could do to help? Especially since Mat and Dante had sent you pleading looks at lunch while JT looked grumpier than usual? Well, you were absolutely going to try to help, even just a little bit.
It wasn’t like you couldn’t relate with your own stress with trying to apply for graduate jobs, after all.
By a good turn of fate, Abby had headed out for the evening with some girls from one of her classes, so you had texted Tyson earlier with the insistence that he came up to your dorm that evening – and by the time he trudged upstairs in ratty sweatpants and an old t-shirt, you had takeaway pizza ready on your desk and all the fairy lights on to create a relaxing atmosphere.
By the smile the spread across his lips, it looked like you succeeded.
“Hey Sunshine. This is unexpected,” Tyson mused, shutting the dorm door behind him.
“I thought we could use a chilled night without homework or stress,” you said simply, reaching out a hand towards him.
Tyson’s lips pursed slightly before he nodded, walking over to you and taking your hand in his, sitting down next to you. “I’ve been that bad, huh?”
You winced slightly, but shook your head. That wasn’t what you meant.
“Classes have been pretty stressful for me too, as has trying to plan for after college, and I know you’d be the same. You work so hard, Tyson. I thought this would be good for us,” you explained.
He smiled weakly but nodded, looking at you a little sadly.
“You’re too good for me,” he murmured.
“Not even slightly,” you said firmly, gently squeezing his thigh briefly, “why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind?”
Because you knew your boyfriend – there was so much he still hadn’t said. By the way he was steeling himself, you could see that he was finally going to open up.
“I’m just…I feel over my head with our shared Physics class, let alone my kinesiology class and final psychology class. The reading alone is crazy. There’s so much to think about with all of that, and with all the work for the application for my Masters in Athletic Training? As well as trying not to mess things up with us? It’s just a lot,” he rambled.
Oh wow. All of that had just been swimming around in his head? You didn’t waste any time in leaning over to kiss him gently, a slow sweet kiss that had Tyson humming quietly and melting into your touch, making you smile against his lips. Pecking his lips a few more times before pulling away, you raised a hand to cup his face, running your thumb over his cheekbone before dropping your hand completely. At least the panic was gone from his eyes – at least you could help him that much.
“It’s only April, Tyson. We have until mid-June before we even have our last exams and our last papers to hand in,” you reminded him, “Not to mention we have the senior sunset event with a cook-out to say goodbye to college. You haven’t been messing anything up with us, I promise. We have so much time left still, and so much to look forward to with our friends,”
“I know. Really, I do. But I know how quickly that time is going to go too. Like, where has this year gone?” he sighed.
He was right in the respect, you had to give that to him. And it wasn’t just the year in terms of college work – it had already been 6 weeks since the two of you had become official, and now there were only 10 weeks left of college? 10 weeks and that was it?
“Oh man, I’ve made you panic too, haven’t I?” he groaned.
You laughed softly, letting your fingers trail up to play with the curls at the base of his neck. “Not panicking. Just being realistic. The future is coming, and we all need to find our place in it,”
Okay so maybe that was a bit deep, but you meant it. Just as you’d thought at the beginning of the school year, the end of college meant stepping out into the big wide world, and it still scared you as much as it had in September. But maybe it could be a little bit more manageable now?
“Your place is by my side for as long as you want it, you know that right?” he said simply.
Oh what a sweetheart. He really meant that, didn’t he?
“Well I have been applying to some graduate jobs here…” you teased.
“…because I’m applying to do my masters degree here?” Tyson asked, sounding more than a little stunned.
“I know we haven’t been together long, but this relationship feels like the real deal to me, you know? I wanted to give us a proper chance to see where we can go,”
“Yes, absolutely. I want that,” Tyson said quickly.
You couldn’t help but laugh as he blushed at his words, but he didn’t take them back, letting you know how he truly felt. He was as committed as you were – and that was something you were going to treasure.
“You and me - we’re in this for the long haul?” you asked hopefully.
“You’re not getting rid of me any time soon,” Tyson grinned, “You’re stuck with me, Sunshine,”
“I think I can handle that,” you grinned back, “So, pizza time?”
There wasn’t anything you wanted more, to be stuck with him. You may not know what the future held for you, or for Tyson, or for your relationship, but taking that next step with Tyson by your side? Yeah, you couldn’t imagine wanting anything else.
And then she smiled, Just for fraction of a little while, And everything was warm again inside. She's got a sunshine smile, The kind that warms up the corners of my cold room, She's got a sunshine smile, The kind that makes you forget again.
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@Mod_Mello how did you come up with EtC, also, may I inquire about the Adorable gay bean that is zen, like, he's just the best, keep up the good work!
As I’ve explained a couple times before, EtC started out as a little animation test! ^^
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This is what started it all! My design for Henry has always been very simple, so one day in early September last year, I had the idea to try animating a little fall with him. I had an itch to animate something, and I could see the motion perfectly in my head. I’m fairly sure I started this whole project rather late at night, I couldn’t sleep, and I just wanted to animate 😅 This little animation, sketch took about a day, then another two to line and color.
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As I was working on this, the whole time I was wondering, “what happened to Henry to get him here??” and from there, the entire rest of the story slowly unfolded. It took me a full month to animate the rest of this video, as well as all the fails, working maybe 8 hours a day, if not more, nearly every day. I took break days on Sundays to do doodle requests on my Instagram, all the while slowly putting the pieces of this story together, up until we got to Zen. The point where Zen is introduced was as far as the original plan I made during all this animating got. Past Zen calling the government, I wasn’t sure what was going to happen with the entire rest of the story. So I had maybe one act prepped before I actually started doing asks. Thankfully, though, I’ve found I work best when I just wing it when it comes to story writing. A lot of intricate planning usually just gets in my way, and brainstorming has never been my forte. All I need is a bare bones guideline, and the ideas will come to me when the time is right, I just have to be patient and keep moving forward. And that’s exactly what happened, as I started doing asks, the ideas started flowing, we got the Discord up and running, and the plot fleshed itself out as I went. Big plot holes practically filled themselves in once I got Erik helping with the writing, and now I have a good idea on what the entire rest of the comic is going to look like! It’s been a year long process to get to this point, but this is honestly one of the best stories I’ve ever told, and I can’t wait to show you all the rest of it ^^
And as for Zentaro, he’s actually my wonderful girlfriend’s Henry Stickmin OC, so you can thank her for creating such a great character! ^^ I knew from day one of this project that I wanted to include him, and I’m so glad so many people love him as much as I do~ 💙
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Here’s my first ever drawing of Zen, as a treat ^^ His role in EtC has evolved so much since this initial concept, I’m such a proud parent, our little man’s a main character now~
-Mod Mello 💎
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kdinjenzen · 4 years
RWBY Vol 8 Ep 7 has finally gone live for everyone and I really just want to talk about it for a second.
I know some folks still may have not seen it... so time to tag thing properly like a good person.
So hey, whatcha know about that?
Canon trans May Marigold confirmation on screen!
As Kerry and I mentioned on Stay Zen, this was always the plan and May being a transwoman is something that predates my being cast.
Ya love to see it. 💙🧡
The past week has been pretty darn wild and I expect it to get even more so.
RWBY and RWBY Spoilers both got trending on Twitter and Tumblr last week with post of May’s on screen confirmation taking the number one spot on the RWBY tags ALL WEEK LONG.
RWBY was actually top trending on Tumblr on Saturday with the May post taking top spot.
You could say I was more than overwhelmed, I definitely wanted to start reblogging and retweeting all the art and such IMMEDIATELY, but... ya know, spoilers.
I waited a year and a half for this moment, what’s another week?
I say “I waited a year and half for this moment,” but really I’ve been waiting my whole life.
I’ve never seen anything quite like this and only ever DREAMED of something so wildly powerful and meaningful existing in media.
...and more than that, I’m the one who was blessed enough to get the chance to do it.
To get a bit personal, I’ve mentioned “my entire heart is in V8” and I think people finally understand why.
And, yes, this was the episode that got me crying for hours after we recorded it.
I was actually crying while delivering the lines for this, it was a lot for me.
Everything there hit so close to home for me that I requested those lines be saved for last in that session.
The CRWBY sound team, and the director of that session Dustin, being amazingly supportive absolutely said “of course.”
When we finally got to those lines the team kept checking and asking if I was okay to do another take. It was an emotional session for me and the love and care taken even in these VO sessions meant everything.
When I say I love CRWBY and that they care so deeply, I absolutely mean it.
You all saw the final product and I hope you felt it was real, was raw, and was powerful.
I poured my soul into the performance because I figured if this was my one and only shot to make something like this happen... I had to make it count.
This paired up with Kiersi’s powerful writing, I feel we did a great job.
As someone who is trans, this was everything I ever dreamed of seeing.
As someone who saw her VO career burst into flames after coming out, this was a moment of triumph.
As myself... this was my heart put on display for the world.
This was everything to me.
Now this where I thank Eddy, Kerry, Kiersi, Miles, and every member of CRWBY for how much care they put into May Marigold and how much love and support was given to me.
None of this would have been possible without every single person on the team being as open and kind as they are.
I love them all and I thank them for always listening to everything.
To the FNDM and RTCommunity?
You have no idea how much all the posts in support of May mean to me.
Seeing all the posts, the fanart, the fancams, the countless messages... EVERYTHING!
My heart is so full of joy every time I see them.
This much support for a trans character!? IT BLOWS MY MIND! I never thought I’d see the day!
And to those of you who’ve messaged me privately saying how much this meant to you?
That this has helped you realize who you are?
That this gave you the courage to come out?
And I’ll keep working harder for you all, for myself, and for everyone. 💙🧡
From the bottom of my heart, and heck on behalf of May Marigold herself... thank you.
I am so deeply humbled by everyone’s response.
The weight of this moment has been on my mind consistently throughout the year, we don’t GET moments like this.
... and hope I did a good enough job.
To wrap it up, I’ll say it again.
As the voice of May Marigold I’m here to confirm: Yes, May IS Henry Marigold’s cousin.
But far more importantly, May Marigold is the very first onscreen trans character, confirmed IN UNIVERSE ON THE SHOW, for RWBY!
Can ya believe it, folks? 💙🧡
There’s a post going around that points out May’s physical reaction to Weiss just before she speaks.
Something along the lines of “For a split-second May wasn’t in that room anymore, was she?”
And if that ain’t just exactly how I felt going into recording those lines... for a small moment of time I just was... not there in the booth and recording lines... I was somewhere else entirely and when I finally came back? There were tears in my eyes.
We did it, everyone. We really did it.
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