meetinginsamarra · 19 days
mayprompts2024, #29 hero
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Chapters 1 to 5 here on AO3
If you like the tattoo AU give it some love on my AO3, please. It would mean a lot to me. TYSM!
White Pony Tattoo - Part Nine (hero)
John turned around to head for the next bus stop, not knowing if he would even be able to get there. Taking a step and moving away from the tattoo shop seemed impossible. The weight of the world was crushing down on his shoulders and the outlook of not seeing Sherlock for at least a week cut deep into his chest and right into his heart.
The connection I’ve felt, being with Sherlock. Now that it’s gone, I almost feel sick.
John rubbed his eyes and sighed heavily.
Dear God, I think I’ve fallen for him. Fuck. Not just his looks, which are top notch of course, no, it’s the whole package of his personality. Even if he is a real dick at times. I can’t help it.
And yet, I’m wondering.
Did he feel it, too? He practically glowed down there in the lab, speaking to me, showing off his equipment. My appreciation of what he has achieved made him incandescent.
But does he like me back? As a person, as John Watson, the whole package I come with? Or was he just happy to have an audience that applauded his every move? To be forgotten as soon as I’m gone and out of his sight?
The gloomy thoughts clogged John’s brain and rendered him unable to walk away, condemning him to oscillate on the pavement in front of the shop.
“Oh, hello dear. You must be John?”
John was so preoccupied by his musings that he jumped badly when a woman’s voice suddenly adressed him.
“Erm, yes?”
Looking into the direction the voice had come from, John registered a frail but distinguished looking old lady. She had just sat down two heavy looking bags with groceries and held a bunch of keys in her hand. A large golden number dangled from the main key ring.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. But you looked so forlorn and sad. Sherlock has not rejected you again, or has he?”
“Ah, no, he’ll tattoo me,” John quickly connected the puzzle pieces, “and you must be Sherlock’s landlady.”
“Tch, I forgot to introduce myself properly.” She chuckled and offered her hand. “I’m Martha Hudson. Most of the time I’m more like Sherlock’s housekeeper since he cannot be arsed to do the simplest household chores himself.”
Shaking her hand firmly, John laughed. “That sounds very much like him. Always thinking about ink, is he?”
“Yes, yes. He calls it the INK, written all in capital letters. It’s his greatest passion, he cares for little else.” She unlocked the front door.
This offhand comment struck a chord in John, one whose sound he did not really want to hear again. Doubt. Doubt if Sherlock really cared about him apart from putting INK on his skin. He shook himself mentally, trying to get rid of the anxiety that crept upon him like a feral beast.
“Pleased to meet you. Let me just praise the scones you’ve made. They’ve been the best I ever had.”
Mrs Hudson made a delighted sound. “What a charmer you are!”
“Just telling the truth.” John pointed to the grocery bags. “Can I help you with these?”
“Oh, please, if you don’t mind, dear. When the weather is like this, my bad hip is always acting up.”
John carried the bags into 221A, Mrs Hudson’s flat on the ground floor. He put them onto her kitchen table and was about to leave when she invited him on a cup of tea as a thank you for his help. Like every proper Englishman, John could not refuse.
“Did you know that Sherlock explicitly requested tea and scones for you today?” Mrs Hudson said when she handed John the cup with steaming hot tea, watching his face quizzically.
“No?” The undeniable sly look on her otherwise so friendly and open face caught John a bit on the wrong foot. “I thought it was the usual hospitality he shows to his clients.”
Mrs Hudson outright laughed.
“My dear, he never cares about hospitality. The clients come to him anyway, no matter how rude he behaves. Can you imagine my surprise when he asked me to provide tea and scones for your appointment today?”
She refilled John’s tea cup. “He said I need tea and the best scones you can bake when John comes back. Sherlock even added a please in an afterthought.”
“He was sure I’d come back and acept his offer. He just knew.” John shrugged. “He knew me better than I know myself.”
“Not the point, dear. Sherlock wanted to have tea and scones for you. He wanted to impress you and be nice. You must mean something to him if he goes to such lenghts, don’t you think?” Mrs Hudson winked and grinned.
John wondered if she had adopted this mannerism from Sherlock or if it had been the other way around.
“I don’t know. I’d like to think so.” John decided to be honest with Mrs Hudson. Somehow, he was convinced he could trust her. He added wistfully. “I really wish I would be more to him than just the next canvas to put his INK onto.”
“He’s had a hard time in the past,” Mrs Hudson said, “he doesn’t let people get close to him easily or quickly lowers the protective shield he’s put around his heart.”
“Really?” John wondered. “He seemed pretty open and relaxed when he showed me all the stuff in his ink laboratory in the basement.”
“He what?” Mrs Hudson cried out and jumped up. The hip was not bothering her now, apparently.
“John! He never lets people in there. It’s his sanctum sanctorum. It took four months and constant nagging on my behalf until he let me take a look and I own this house. If he shows it to you just like this, you have to be very special to him already!”
Blissful warmth spread through John’s body. His nerves tingled and his blood sang a dulcet melody full of hope. Could it be that…
John beamed. “Thank you so much for telling me, Mrs Hudson. That he cares about me.”
Suddenly, Mrs Hudson’s posture changed.
She fixated John with ice cold eyes, pinning him on the chair. Steel had replaced every trace of her earlier softness and age-related frailty. She stepped up to John.
“Just to give a you heads-up, you’re not the only person who cares about Sherlock.” Her voice was sharp, quiet and deadly serious. “Or protects him.”
It sent chills running down John’s spine.
Mrs Hudson briefly squeezed John’s shoulder. “If you hurt him, I’ll lace your tea with rat poison. I know a nice lad who is a building contractor and he’ll bury your body somewhere in a concrete slab.”
Theatrical as it might appear, John believed her every word.
And just like this, the fearsome avenging angel that had occupied Mrs Hudson’s body disappeared, leaving the nice old landlady behind.
“Do you want another cup of tea, my dear?” She asked sweetly.
In this moment John decided that Martha Hudson was a true heroine.
tagging some people @totallysilvergirl @peageetibbs  @lisbeth-kk @raina-at @calaisreno
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Ok but like.
Imagine you’re a demigod going on a quest to the Underworld. You’re absolutely terrified because the Underworld??? The literal Hell??? Hades?? Hello??? but still you have to go anyway. You enter the Underworld, trying your best to keep calm while looking for the palace. It’s dark. Everything’s gloomy and scary. Screamings are everywhere. The Styx is boiling wtf i’m not doing this—-
And then you meet a boy.
Nico di Angelo. Son of Hades. The only somewhat mortal resident of the Underworld.
Who appears to be living quite comfortable in this hell of a place???
He meets you up near the Styx, riding on the Cerberus as if it was his childhood little pony. He wears comfortable and clean-looking sweaters and sweatpants that make you think ‘a god or not a god?’
When you have finished stuttering thru your quest to him, he brings you to the palace with a simple “Come, I’ll ask my dad for you.” The castle is terrifying and he’s trudging through the hallways in fluffy slippers. The skeletons seem to bow slightly as he passes.
Nico leads you to a large door and pokes his head in before turning back with a frown. “Dad’s gone at the moment,” he says, and then moves on again, “You can wait in my room.” He has a room??? Screw it. A chamber. Whatever that is. Clean bed and carpeted floor. There’re a TV and a PS5 wtf you don’t even get to touch electronics! And snacks??? What’s next, a tea party?? He just looks at you and nods that yes, he does have tea party with his stepmother in the weekend.
Holy Hades.
Isn’t the Underworld supposed to be scary? Nico sure doesn’t act like it is??
Maybe di Angelo’s the son of Hades, but still, not in the million years could you have expected this.
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autistook · 28 days
DAISIES - pt 15
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Merry Brandybuck x fem!hobbit!reader / soft oc
Words: 6.9k
Summary: Merry continues his journey, while your journey with Rath is about to escalate. He tells you the truth about why he saved you.
Possible TW's: violence, death, blood, near-drowning
AN: The appearence of the fic dialogue-wise keeps changing when I put it on tumblr so if it changes throughout, my apologies. Comments and reblogs are more than appreciated :3
Merry yawned softly. The stars were almost completely hidden by the veil of clouds and the moon was barely visible. Merry turned on his side and shut his eyes for a few more minutes, desperate for some proper rest.
Despite Merry’s attempts he could not fall asleep, so he got up, rubbed his eyes gently with his fists and looked around to see if anyone but Aragorn was awake. 
Pippin was sleeping peacefully next to him, Legolas and Gandalf were nowhere in sight, Boromir was fast asleep and Gimli was snoring so loudly that Merry was surprised no one had woken up because of it yet. Aragorn was sitting on a large rock smoking his pipe and Bill the Pony was eating grass next to a sound asleep Sam, who Merry was surprised to see was not with Frodo. Merry noticed all of Frodo’s things abandoned on the ground next to Sam. He decided it was best to find out his friend’s whereabouts.
He did not have to look far. Frodo was sitting on the cool ground staring at the night sky, his spirit gloomy.
“Why are you awake?” Merry asked, startling Frodo.
“Merry! I thought everyone would be asleep by now,” cried Frodo.
“No. I can't seem to sleep,” said Merry, sitting down next to Frodo. It was deeply dark all around them and the only sound they could hear was Gimli's snoring. “Do you know where Gandalf and Legolas have gone? I did not see them anywhere.”
“I do not know,” Frodo responded, shrugging his shoulders. “Truth be told, I did not know they were gone. I thought at least Gandalf would be sound asleep. Legolas maybe too.”
“Huh. Do elves even sleep?” Merry wondered out loud. Frodo chuckled softly.
The two sat in silence for a while. Small gusts of December wind made them shiver every now and then, but otherwise the night was not too cold. The stars had now completely veiled and Gimli had stopped snoring. It was dead quiet.
“I can't help but feel guilty,” said Frodo suddenly. Merry stared at him with pity.
“We are here because we want to,” said Merry, but Frodo shook his head dismissively.
“I'm talking about leaving my sister behind,” Frodo corrected and Merry's heart broke a little. “She means the world to me and I left her. I miss her terribly. I don't suppose I'll ever see her again.”
“I do wish she was here,” Frodo continued with a sigh. “Not among the horrible dangers we are surrounded with of course, but just with us.”
Merry stayed quiet. Of course he felt that way too, but so far Frodo had not talked about his feelings or concerns about you during the journey, so he wanted to give him more space to talk about you. After Frodo said nothing for a long time, Merry dared to speak.
“I know what you mean. She would have loved Rivendell,” said Merry and a wide smile appeared on Frodo's face.
“She really would have. I tried teaching her Elvish several times, but she never quite got the hang of it. She was very fond of the Elves, though. I caught her and Sam chatting about them several times while he was gardening.”
Merry smiled. He felt slightly better when he was thinking about you back before all of the chaos had fallen on all of you.
“Imagine how much she would have loved all of those fresh fruits they provided to us!” Merry said, chuckling softly.
“She wouldn't have left any for us,” joked Frodo and both of them laughed whole-heartedly.
“Mister Frodo, what are you doing up?” said Sam, who had made his way to the two Hobbits without them noticing.
“Nothing to worry about, Sam,” Frodo responded. “You should go back to sleep. I have Merry here with me.”
“But Mister Frodo…”
“It's alright, Sam,” Frodo said and smiled warmly. “You need to rest.”
Sam blushed and nodded. Feeling a little defeated he walked back to his spot and crawled under the covers, but still stayed awake for a while, keeping an eye on Frodo.
Merry and Frodo talked for an hour more, before both of them finally felt tired enough to go and get some sleep; but also because Gimli, not so politely, told them to be quiet. 
They did not get to sleep for long, as the sun slowly rose behind the thick mist, shining light in their eyes. The first rays of morning sun looked almost ethereal, pieces of it sneaking through the clouds.
“Gentlemen, it is time to continue with our journey,” announced Aragorn. Pippin groaned and pulled his blanket over his head. Merry walked to Pippin and pulled his blanket off, making him grunt again, his expression very displeased.
“Get up,” said Merry while softly kicking Pippin's side.
“Do I have to?” cried Pippin, covering his eyes with his arms.
“Come on,” said Frodo, a hint of amusement in his voice and he lifted Pippin up with Merry.
There were nothing but large, threatening yet beautiful mountains to their left, and in all other directions all was plain and dead. Merry's feet felt tired. It had been a long and cold walk. The wind was blowing through the snowy tips of the Misty Mountains and all four Hobbits were trembling. The sun was not high enough yet to provide enough warmth. Legolas on the other hand walked gleefully around, keeping watch on their surroundings and wandering off to admire the sky and sun every now and then.
When they finally stopped for a small break, Merry lowered himself down on the ground on his back. His exhaustion was getting the best of him and even though he was ravenous, the cool ground and getting some rest felt more inviting than any piece of bread or drop of water.
Merry closed his eyes for a bit, putting his arms over his eyes to protect them from the bright sunlight. 
“You should eat, Merry,” noted Boromir and Merry quietly waved it off.
After some time of shivering on the ground Merry decided to get up and have a bite. He sat up and noticed that everyone in the group was focused on listening to Aragorn’s stories except Frodo, who was sitting a short distance from them, holding something in his hands. Merry began walking up to Frodo and to his amazement, he noticed that there was a small flower in his friend's hands. Frodo noticed Merry approaching and smiled faintly.
“I found it just a moment ago,” he said to Merry. “It had pushed through the gravel.”
It would have been a signal of hope, had it not been wilted. It was a dead daisy, its appearance piercing through Merry's heart; to him it felt like a bad omen. His heart was telling him that you were not safe. Frodo handed over the flower to Merry, who looked at it with concern, his whole body tensing up.
“Frodo?” said Merry quietly.
“Yes, Merry?” responded Frodo, slightly concerned by Merry’s tense exterior.
“I can’t help but feel uneasy. I feel like something is wrong,” Merry said anxiously.
“What do you mean?” Frodo asked. 
“Do you think she has left the Shire?” Merry said, twirling the dead daisy by its stem. He tended to fidget with anything he could hold in his hands when he was missing you. Merry sighed, his breath shaky. He continued: “That she decided to go after us?”
Frodo’s heart sank for a moment, but then he gave Merry a gentle smile, softly squeezing his shoulder.
“She wouldn’t,” he responded, knowing deep down that he was lying to both himself and Merry.
“Do we know for sure?” said Merry, his eyes full of sadness and increasing fear. Frodo looked at him and then at the flower. In his heart he knew it was very much possible that you were in danger, hurt or worse; and both of them knew you were more than likely to have followed them.
Throughout the day Frodo's anxiety grew, which Gandalf took note of rather quickly.
“What's on your mind, Frodo?” Gandalf asked as the night fell on them. Frodo was wide awake, while everyone else was sound asleep around them; except Boromir, who was on watch that night.
“My sister, Gandalf. I worry she might have left the Shire,” Frodo responded. Gandalf tilted his head, looking at him with a curious expression.
“What makes you think this way?” Gandalf asked.
“It's a feeling. A sense of dread and almost a suffocating worry.”
“My dear Frodo,” said Gandalf in a comforting tone. “You need not to worry about what you can't control. Even if your sister has left the Shire, I am sure she is safe and sound.”
“She has absolutely no sense of direction, Gandalf,” Frodo said, covering his face with his palm. Gandalf tried to hide his amusement at the thought of you wandering around the Shire and near its borders cluelessly. “She probably has left the Shire and walked straight into the hands of orcs.”
“That is very unlikely, Frodo,” said Gandalf. “You need to stop letting your mind spiral and focus on what is in your hands; what you can control.”
Frodo sighed. He knew Gandalf was right. He had no way of knowing if you were alright or not. He couldn't possibly know if you had even stepped outside of your room for months.
“You're right, Gandalf. All of my thoughts just feel… heavy.”
Gandalf gave Frodo a warm smile, but his eyes were troubled.
“You are carrying a heavy burden, Frodo,” said Gandalf, looking at Frodo's chest around the area where the Ring was resting. “Do not take on more burden and worry than you already are carrying.”
Frodo gave him a faint nod. Gandalf reached for the wooden and curiously carved pipe on his belt. He offered Frodo some Old Toby as well, but after he refused, Gandalf settled on smoking the pipe-weed alone as Frodo sat next to him, his heart still heavy.
Merry had Pippin around his arm. They lockstepped forward cheerfully as the rest of the Fellowship were almost left behind. The temperature finally felt more comfortable than it had for weeks and that gave the young halflings a boost of energy that was quite irritating for almost everyone else around them. The two did not mind being a possible disturbance and they kept singing songs whilst hopping forward cheerfully, and they laughed so loudly it echoed all around them. Boromir looked at Merry and Pippin and he smiled wide, his teeth showing. Boromir had gotten to know both of them quite well and every passing moment he grew more fond of them. He slowly adapted an almost big brother-like role in the lives of Merry and Pippin, which gave them both a sense of stability and security. 
“How are you feeling?” Boromir asked Merry as they sat down for a little bit of rest along with everyone else. Merry was in the middle of biting into his apple, the juice of the fruit now lingering on his lips as he stared at Boromir, surprised by his question.
“I’m alright,” he responded. As he looked at the sturdy warrior beside him, he noticed some darkness in his eyes. “How are you feeling?”
Boromir looked down at his hands. He was softly brushing his thumb on the horn that was hanging near his waist. His mind was elsewhere; the Ring was tempting him and he needed a distraction.
“Truth be told, I have been worried about you, Merry,” said Boromir, his gaze soft and eyes locked on Merry. Merry turned his face away. He knew what Boromir was about to ask and his heart began to hurt. He had gone most of the day finally thinking about something other than his worry for you and he craved more time to distract himself from reality.
“I am alright,” Merry said, eyes on the ground and avoiding Boromir’s gaze. Boromir shook his head.
“I can tell that you are not. I have seen how absent your mind is when Pippin is not around to take your thoughts elsewhere.”
It was true. Pippin noticed the changes in Merry’s mood quicker than anyone else and he was always by his side in an instant. Whether it was through food, song or joking around, Peregrin made sure that Merry’s heart would feel just a little bit lighter. He was a source of light for Merry as he so desperately needed it. 
Merry stood up and left Boromir sitting alone. He made his way next to Pippin and the two immediately started joking around. Merry laughed at Pippin’s banter but the laugh did not come from his heart. Boromir and Merry exchanged meaningful looks once more until Merry got back to his distractions.
“What day is it, Gandalf?” asked Pippin, walking fast beside the Wizard, trying his best to keep up as he was so little. 
“What does it matter, Peregrin Took?” asked Gandalf, irritated by the fifth question in a row that the young Took had presented. “Why must you be so inquisitive today? Can you go do something useful for once, instead of giving me a hard time?”
Pippin apologized, his frame sinking as he walked back to Merry.
“I told you,” said Merry. “You shouldn’t bother him too much, Pip. He gets annoyed easily.”
“Meriadoc is right, Peregrin,” Gandalf commented. Merry and Pippin slowed down as they had not realized he was still in the hearing distance. As he walked further away, he continued: “I do get annoyed when young Hobbits bother me and ask me stupid questions.”
“What is he, an owl? How did he hear that?” asked Merry.
“No, Master Meriadoc, I am not an owl,” Gandalf said loudly from a distance and Merry gulped. It made him wonder how well the Wizard could actually hear and how many of their conversations he had been eavesdropping on. Merry stopped Pippin by his arm so they could have their private conversations without Gandalf listening to them.
“I think he needs more pipe-weed to calm his nerves,” Pippin whispered and Merry snickered. 
“I think so too,” said Merry and reached into his satchel. He pulled out the last remaining pipe-weed he had, walked a little forward towards Gandalf and Pippin smacked his hand. 
“Merry!” Pippin whispered in shock. “You can’t actually go give Gandalf your last leaf! You promised me some!”
Merry chuckled and pulled out his own pipe.
“Pip, I was only joking. I am desperately craving pipe-weed and I am going to smoke the last of it as we walk. You can join me or not.”
Pippin smiled and bounced on his feet. He took his own wooden pipe from his belt where it was hanging from and smiled widely. The two were beginning to be left behind when Aragorn noticed them standing far away, where they were lighting up their last remaining pipe-weed.
“Merry! Pippin!” Aragorn shouted, his voice gentle but commanding. His shout sounded like one of a frustrated parental figure and it made Merry cough uncontrollably. Pippin smacked his back and after a moment of collecting himself, Merry took a sip of water and the two got back to the group. As the smoke and smell of the pipe-weed surrounded them all, Gandalf rolled his eyes.
“Hobbits,” he muttered to himself and lit up his own pipe.
Your breath was shaky as you stopped in your tracks.
“Rath,” you panted and he walked back to you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, his hand on your shoulder and the wound on his palm bleeding on your cloak.
“My ankle hurts again,” you said, tears in your eyes. The pain was almost insufferable. You did not want to bother your friend, so you had kept the pain to yourself for several hours. As the aching got worse by the minute, you no longer could take it. It felt like arrows had been shot toward you and all of them landed on your twisted ankle. There was still a day of travel ahead and at first you were determined to make it there on your own; you couldn’t handle the idea of Rath having to carry you all the way to Isengard.
Just a few moments earlier an orc had ambushed you both and Rath got wounded; not in a way that was worse than any of his previous damages throughout his life, but his palm was cut deeply. Rath did not seem to mind it but seeing it made you feel slightly sick.
“Did something happen when we got ambushed?” he asked.
“No,” you said, shaking your head and a tear falling from your eye as the level of the pain began rising. “It’s been hurting for a while now.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” he cried and sat down on the ground on his knees. He began examining your ankle. It was swollen and bruised; much worse than it was the previous day. “You should have let it heal longer. You should have told me. You know I can carry you.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to be a burden.”
Rath smiled. He found your insecurity and apologetic nature heartwarming. They were some of the traits he saw in you that reminded him of his little sister. Many of your traits in fact you shared with his sister. One that stood out to him the most was the child-like enthusiasm and curiosity you had begun to show him after traveling together for a rather long time. 
“You are quite amusing, Baggins. You are no burden. I am happy to carry you.”
He guided you to sit down on the ground and elevate your leg on a nearby rock. He wrapped a cloth around it tightly, supporting the ankle as much as he could. He had some herbs with him that would ease the pain once mixed with some hot water, so he started a fire and made you a mixture that would soon lessen your agony.
“Are we far?” you asked.
“Far from what?” Rath asked, now dipping a cloth in the herb mixture, soaking it hot. He began pressing it softly on the swollen parts of your ankle. You hissed and bit your lower lip to hold back your reaction to the stinging sensation.
Rath moved the cloth around the ankle, pressing ever so slightly on one spot for a few seconds before moving to another.
“No, we are not far. Like I said, a day or two. If you allow me to carry you, I believe we will make it there by morning, if we are lucky.”
You felt some hope rise to the surface. Help was near and with luck you would soon find Merry, your brother and your friends. 
“Are we going to rest before that?” you asked, already tired even though it was barely noon.
“If you need to. We can go as far as you feel like you can and then we can rest. I still have some mushrooms for you to eat later, if you are interested.”
Your eyes lit up from excitement and Rath looked at you, his head tilted and adoration in his eyes. He found the way that hobbits became fiends at the mention of mushrooms alluring and he loved teasing you with it ever since he learned about it.
“Any chance I could have some now?” you inquired, eyes full of hope. Rath laughed loudly.
“No, not yet,” he responded and you frowned. You did not realize the pain on your ankle was mostly gone. “I think you have to wait just a little bit longer, little one.”
“Why?” you cried in an almost child-like manner. He smiled and shook his head. You noticed the warm expression on his face and you tilted your head curiously. “What?”
“It’s just that sometimes you really remind me of my little sister.”
“I do? How come?”
Rath kept pressing the cloth on your ankle. The small fire he had lit up began dying down as you waited for his response eagerly. 
“It’s just the way you talk and behave sometimes.”
“Behave?” you asked, narrowing your gaze.
“You can be quite childish,” he smirked and you gave him a playful push on his shoulder.
“Shut up,” you said with a chuckle. Your eyes widened as you realized the pain in your ankle was gone and Rath had begun to press the cloth on the wound on his own hand instead. You reached for the cloth and took it from him gently. He looked at you, puzzled and tried to take it back.
You held his hand still with your free hand. Softly you began to tap the damp cloth on the wound. Rath did not move his eyes off you for the whole time you took care of him. His bleeding slowly stopped after it had lasted for over half an hour and Rath began to stitch it himself with a needle and thread he had in his bag. You were always surprised by the amount of convenient equipment he carried with him.
“Thank you for that,” he said. To you he seemed almost embarrassed by showing vulnerability, but you did not see the guilt in his heart that he was hiding. When he finished patching himself up, he stood up and offered you his hand. “It’s time to go.”
Your laughter was so loud Rath had to put his hand over your mouth to quiet you down. The stories you both were sharing were ones of hilarious nature, so it was hard to keep it down and you forgot to be wary of the dangers around you.
“Sorry!” you whispered as he took his hand off your lips, your voice still cracking from amusement. Rath looked around the both of you and after he declared it was safe, he cracked up as well. Both of you giggled quietly, trying to not erupt into a laughter that would wake up every living thing around you.
“Do you want the mushrooms now?” Rath asked and you noticed he was holding a large pile of mushrooms in his hands. Their color was almost golden in the light of the campfire and your mouth began watering at the sight of them.
With a swift scoop you took all of the mushrooms to yourself and started shoving them in your mouth so quickly that one might have thought you had not eaten in days. Rath chuckled and shook his head. “Are they that good?”
“You have no idea,” you responded and took another handful of mushrooms from his grasp. You ate them so quickly you barely had any time to savor the earthy flavors. 
“I am glad you enjoy them,” Rath said and rested his arms on his knees, staring into the fire across from him. The sight reminded you of the first night you met him. He had the same look in his eyes, but behind them was now more compassion than before. The aura around him was tense.
“What are you thinking about?” you asked him and he turned to look at you.
“My sister,” he responded and handed over the last mushrooms he had with him. You scooped them up and ate them immediately.
“What about your sister?”
“Just how much I miss her.”
“When are you going to see her?”
“Hopefully soon. I just need to… get you help first.”
You took a deep breath. You could not help but feel a little responsible for his sadness. You were the one to keep him occupied for so long. There was a part in you that wanted to send him back to his home so you could find your own way to the White Wizard and he would get to hug his family again; but you needed him. You needed someone to help you.
“Do you want to go home?” you asked and he furrowed his brows.
“Of course I do. But I need to finish this first.”
You shuffled right beside him and put your head on his shoulder, gently resting it there. You could feel him take a deep breath.
“I really do appreciate all that you’ve done for me, Rath.”
He took another deep breath and laid his head on top of yours. He said nothing, but you could feel the warmth and affection radiating from him. You had started to see him as family and he had become one of the closest friends you had ever had.
Your eyes fluttered open slowly. It was still dark, the campfire was still warm and your head was still resting on Rath’s shoulder. You had fallen asleep and were not sure how long you had been unconscious.
“I think I fell asleep,” you said, your voice raspy and faint.
“It seems that way,” Rath responded and chuckled. He was no longer resting against you, but he did not seem to be disturbed by your closeness and the way you used him as a pillow.
“Did I sleep for long?”
“Maybe an hour or so,” he answered and threw a piece of wood to the bright, golden flames. “The sun will come up in a few hours, if you need to sleep some more. We are not far.”
“I don’t need to,” you responded, even though your body was screaming for more rest.
“Whatever you say.”
You walked to the other side of the fire and dug into your bag. You were low on water, but your thirst had increased and you needed to hydrate. You chugged down the rest of your water in one go and put the bottle back in the bag. In slow steps you sat back down on the ground, resting against Rath some more.
“Why have you been so nice to me?” you asked. You had wondered about it for quite some time now. He had taken care of you for so long, but still you were not entirely sure whether you knew the whole truth. You did not understand why he had helped a worn out halfling he found passed out on the ground. “Why have you helped me all the way here?”
Rath did not answer right away. Instead he just stared into the fire and stayed so still he looked like a statue to you.
“You were in need of help,” he finally responded. “You were on the brink of death. I did not want that to happen.”
Your heart fluttered from affection. His words impacted you deeply and the sisterly love for him inside you grew every passing moment.
“You have saved me from the brink of death. There was no need for you to help me this far.”
“I wanted to help you. Partly for my own selfish reasons.”
You tilted your head and looked at him, almost thirsty to know more.
“Selfish reasons?” you repeated. He did not answer. “Rath?”
He leaned a little away from you and finally turned his gaze away from the fire, locking his eyes with you.
“Selfish reasons.”
“I heard you, Rath. I’m just curious: what were the reasons?”
Rath looked away again. His gaze drifted into the darkness across your campsite, into the depths of the forest and seemingly into another dimension. You could see his warm presence slowly fade away.
“I saw you laying there. I saw a helpless, little halfling. I needed to make sure you were alive. I had to nurse you back to health. And… It took longer than I expected. Then you started reminding me of my little sister.”
“I have to say you lost me. None of that is selfish, is it?”
“Just listen to me,” he snapped and your heart skipped a beat. This was the first time he had been so quick-tempered with you. He continued: “You started reminding me of my little sister every passing day and it made everything harder. I took different routes than I intended, just because you made me feel like I was at home with her.”
You smiled at him fondly. His reasons seemed perfectly valid to you; of course he missed her and if that made him want to be around you more, that was alright with you. Though, one thing he said bothered you.
“What do you mean it made everything harder?”
Rath swallowed and went completely silent. You could barely hear his breathing. The fire was dancing around gently and you could hear the crackling of the sparks. Rath’s exterior grew tense.
“There were rumors.”
Rath looked at you again. There was a deep, almost threatening blackness in his eyes as he looked at you. It made your breath hitch for a moment. You had never seen him look so dark.
“Rumors about something of great value being carried around. Something of immense power.”
“And you thought I could help with it?” you deducted, listening to him patiently and waiting for a more clear explanation. Rath seemed to be dragging it on and on, not entirely certain how to continue.
“They did not clarify what it was. Just that there was a prize for whoever brought it to Saruman.”
“Saruman?” you whispered, confused.
“The White Wizard.”
“Is that the reason we are going to Isengard? Did you find the item and not tell me?”
Rath did not respond. He looked at the grass beneath you and his face was blank.
“They said it was being carried by someone,” Rath continued, his voice almost cold now. “By a halfling.”
A wave of anxiety rushed through you and filled your heart. Your stomach twisted slightly at his words; words that you did not yet understand.
“They said a halfling was carrying a great treasure and the one who brought it to him would redeem a great prize. And the halfling carrying it should be brought in alive and unharmed. And there were more rumors…”
“Rumors?” you asked again, your heart beating slightly faster. It felt like something heavy was pressing on your heart and shivers crept up your spine. Something was wrong.
“Rumors about the halfling. That the halfling carried the name ‘Baggins.’”
You moved away from him quickly. Not far, but you were no longer resting against him.
“What are you talking about?”
“This is not easy for me. I did not think I would grow so fond of you. I care about you.”
You stood up and took a step back from him. He looked at you with tears in his eyes, but his face was now cold and he was squeezing his fist roughly.
“Rath?” you said shakily. Your heart felt like it was going to jump out of your throat and your legs started to feel weak. It felt like your body was about to collapse.
"I wish it didn't have to be this way. The prize is too great. I need it. My family needs it. If you just give me the brooch, I can probably let you go,” he said, standing up and taking a step toward you. You took a few small steps back. His aura was now slightly threatening and your blood was going cold.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Just give it to me!” he said, his voice now loud and commanding. He took two quick steps toward you and tried to reach for the daisy brooch on your chest. Your breath hitched and you backed away from him again. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. It was a gift. It’s not–”
“Give me the damn thing!” Rath said, raising his voice. You felt tears rise to your eyes.
“No!” you cried and covered the brooch with your left hand. “It’s just a brooch! Please, stop this. You’re scaring me!”
Rath took several aggressive steps towards you and grabbed your hand. You squeezed the brooch tightly and he began trying to wrestle it off of you. Of course it was just a brooch, but Rath did not know it.
“Fucking give it to me!” he shouted, his eyes burning with rage. Your heart was beating so fast you could no longer hear properly. Dread took you over and you managed to squirm yourself off his grasp, falling on your side on the ground. You looked up at him, terrified, as you stumbled on your feet while getting back up. He was filled with rage. “I have to do this. I don’t want to have to hurt you!”
“No,” you responded with a shaky voice. You took one glance at your backpack, but it was out of your reach. You looked to your right but there was nothing you could use to defend yourself. Your head was spinning. Rath was betraying you. Rath’s gaze narrowed.
“You give me no choice,” he said, his voice dark and shaky. He started walking towards you with large, rage-filled steps. Your heart jumped and before you even realized it, you were running away with no sense of direction. It was still dark and you could not see ahead. Your only choices were to surrender to your friend who had betrayed your trust or to run for your life. You ran head first into the deep woods and did not look back. You could hear Rath’s heavy footsteps behind you as you ran and the wind howled in your ears.
“One more time!” Merry said, clapping his hands together once. 
“Alright, alright!” Pippin responded and picked up another acorn off the ground. He lifted it to the same level as his eyes and stuck his tongue out as he focused on his aim. With a gentle movement he threw the acorn towards Merry. Merry lifted his arm up quickly and caught the acorn mid-air.
“Yes!” shouted Merry and Pippin at the same time. Frodo and Boromir clapped at them enthusiastically, supporting their accomplishment. They had been throwing acorns for a while to pass the time and Merry and Pippin had managed to catch ten in a row. It was a silly way to pass the time, but Gandalf was busy thinking and they had to do something before moving forward.
“Can I try again? I believe I can beat your record,” Boromir said and smirked at Merry. 
“Go ahead. Though, I doubt it!”
Boromir chuckled and switched places with Pippin. He sat on the ground, his legs crossed and he picked up several acorns, throwing them at Merry all at once. A few hit him in the face, while the rest of them flew past him or dropped in his lap.
“Oh, my bad!” Boromir grinned.
“What was that about?” Merry cried, rubbing his stinging face.
“I just wanted to prove that you are no champion. I managed to catch five of them at once, after all.”
“You have bigger hands!” Merry responded and Boromir laughed loudly. “Besides, I was supposed to throw acorns for you to catch to prove you wrong.”
“Alright, alright!” Boromir said, his hands up in surrender. “I just wanted to mess with you, Merry. Do your best.”
Merry took a few acorns and put them on his left palm. He took one at a time, and by the eight one that Boromir had caught in a row, he found himself to be a sore loser; he threw all the acorns at once, hitting his big brother-figure in the face.
“Merry!” shouted Aragorn, who was now standing there beside them. He had not seen the playful banter before. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I was just-”
“Merry has been bullying Boromir a lot,” said Pippin. Merry’s jaw dropped at Pippin's good-natured betrayal.
“Pippin!” Merry cried.
“He has been absolutely awful,” grinned Pippin. Aragorn shook his head in disapproval.
“Stop messing with him and behave,” Aragorn said and smiled at Boromir knowingly. The three tended to tease Merry around a lot and these early hours of a new day were no different. Aragorn straightened his coat and gestured towards Gandalf. “He has made up his mind. We must proceed.”
Merry, Pippin and Boromir got up from the ground simultaneously and left the small piles of acorns behind. As they continued their journey, Boromir smirked and gave Merry a friendly smack on his back. 
“You’re all awful,” he muttered.
The morning light started to come up and you were panting heavily. The rock you were resting against was cold and your ankle was burning with pain. You had not heard any movement around you for fifteen minutes and you were wishing Rath was now far behind. 
You peeked from behind the mossy boulder and scanned your surroundings. There was no sign of any other living thing. You got into a more comfortable position, closed your eyes and burst into tears.
The betrayal felt like someone stabbed your heart and nothing had hurt you so badly in a long time. It was not quite as bad as when Merry left you, but it still felt like your world was once again collapsing around you. Your cheeks were burning up and you could taste the salty tears on your dried up lips. You wanted to scream the pain out. A small wail escaped your throat and you put your hand over your lips to suffocate your cries. You did not want to be heard.
“I know you’re here!” shouted Rath from somewhere close by and you immediately got up, limping away from your hiding spot. You were not sure if he heard you and had located you, but you did not feel safe staying still. The grass and gravel under you made soft noises as you went forward, and every now and then your ankle gave out, making you fall with a loud thump.
You scratched your cheek on the gravel as you fell on your stomach. It stung but you knew there was no time to stay and try to make it better. You got up so quickly you almost twisted your ankle again, so you fell on your knees. With a small cry of pain you got up again.
To your right was a cliff. There were many boulders around it and it looked like it would also have several places to take cover and hide, so you started to quietly limp towards it. When you reached the tall cliff, you turned around to see if Rath was anywhere in sight. All the trees were still and the sky was grey. Nothing was moving in the grass.
You turned your back to the forest and started climbing the cliff as fast as you could. Your ankle felt like it was about to crack off your body as you put your weight on it. Every step with it erupted a sharp grunt out of your mouth. Towards the top your hands started to slip as there was some water resting on top of the rocks. You could hear some movement of water in the pressuring silence. As you reached up, you finally felt the steady top of the cliff. In a grunt of pain you lifted yourself up and crashed down on the top, your cheek hitting the cold stone.
You barely had gotten up when your wrists were grabbed tightly and Rath turned you around to face him. With a loud scream of fear you started to fight him off.
“No!” you cried, trying to stay on your feet as the pain grew worse. Rath’s grip was strong and he was bruising your skin with every movement he made.
“I need to do this for my family!” Rath cried, his voice one of pain and guilt. His eyes were still filled with rage and despite being terrified of him, you could see he truly had grown fond of you and felt hurt himself.
“Let me go!” you said, tears falling down your scratched up and burning cheeks. “Please! Don’t do this!”
“My family needs this!” he shouted and pulled you in closer. His breath was hot on your face as he held onto you tightly He was trying to hold your wrists with one hand and the other one was trying to unhook the golden brooch off your cloak.
You felt yourself almost lose your balance and you took a quick glance over your shoulder. You were on the edge of the cliff and behind you, way down was dark water. It seemed endlessly deep. With one swift movement you tried to switch sides with Rath so you could push him down and run away before he got up from the water, but it was no use. He did not move an inch and his grip on you was still strong. The pain of his betrayal and physical assault made more tears fall from your eyes as you stumbled a bit closer to the edge.
“My sister needs this. Just fucking--”
A loud wail of wind passed your ear and a fleshy sound followed it. An arrow sunk into the left side of Rath’s chest and your wrists were released. He fell on his back, gasping for air and your heart sank from the sight of your friend’s spirit passing away.
The brooch was steady on your chest but your feet slipped on the cold, grey, wet stone and you were no longer touching the ground. There was only air around you as you fell backwards and somewhere away from the cliff were loud noises you could not decipher. 
As you plunged into the cold water, you felt paralyzed and the darkness around you began consuming you. You could not move. You sunk down deeper and you could see movement on top of the cliff over the surface, but it was blurry and far. You felt your lungs get heavier and your head felt light. The last remaining air was escaping your lungs and the pressure in your body was growing unbearable. You thought of Merry and how you’d never be able to see him again. You thought of your parents and the way they died; how it was about to happen to you.
There was a loud splash you could barely hear through the ringing of your ears and as a large hand grabbed your cloak, your vision darkened and you saw no more.
@chatteringfox @shiinata-library @ahobbitsjourney23 @mayo-advance @datglutengoblin @mournthewicked @channiesbedbug
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
More Reading Thoughts: The Scouring of the Shire
(Okay so I downloaded Phil Dragash’s reading of this and listened to it on the longest plane flight of my trip and may or may not have made a total fool of myself grinning at it throughout LOLOL)
(But I didn’t have time to write my reactions to it until now so here we go)
“On the further side of the river they could see that some new houses had been built…all very gloomy and un-Shirelike” Uh-oh.
BAHAHAHA the way Sam immediately goes OFF
I love Merry trying to be a diplomat
Frodo like “oh goodness gracious, now what trouble has that Lotho gotten up to with MY house”
(Also that little bit of stealth sass like “well I’m GLAD he’s not calling himself a Baggins anymore, I can pretend I’m not associated with him”)
Merry be like “Fine, if you won’t open this gate, I’LL OPEN IT FOR MYSELF”
I mean I can’t say that I’m happy to see him but also it’s kinda fun to be this surprised. I’d forgotten all about him being here!
Haha the way he immediately runs away from Merry once he’s challenged tho
“Neat work, Bill!” HAHAHAHA
GOOD JOB BILL (the pony)
I love the fact that 50% of the hobbits’ intimidation factor comes from the fact that Merry and Pippin are so BigTM (and the other 50% is Swords)
Pippin listening to all this talking like “heck, I’m tired and wet and I don’t have time for this, just let me sleep in a shack if you want” is such a mood
Also Pippin tearing down the rule lists LOL
Sam has had it up to HERE with this nonsense
Me, at all the burning going on: “Uh-oh.”
“Looking both important and rather scared” Heehee X-D
“‘What’s all this?’ said Frodo, feeling inclined to laugh.” Me too, Frodo!
“Calling your Chief Names, Wishing to punch his Pimply Face, and Thinking you Shirriffs look a lot of Tom-fools.” OKAY SAM GO OFF LOLOL
OKAY SO at this point in the audiobook Mr. Dragash had the most BRILLIANT reading for this line:
“To the discomfiture of the Shirriffs Frodo and his companions all… [dramatic pause, then raucous laughter erupts in the background] …roared with laughter.”
He also had a great reading for this part:
The sheriff, shouting after them, insistent but nervous: “But don’t forget! I’ve arrested you!” Frodo, with the softest voice ever: “I won’t. Never. But I may forgive you.”
Sam has a friend! :-D
I mean I’m sorry that this is the way we find it out but he has!! A buddy!!
Now I’m sure “cock-robin” must have had a different meaning in Tolkien’s time…
“If I hear not allowed much oftener, I’m going to get angry.” Same, Sam.
Eeeew the table hasn’t been scrubbed for WEEKS?? I can only imagine it looking like the underside of a restaurant table, months-old crusty chewing gum stuck on it and all. Blergh 🤮
LOLOL “They would have started earlier, only the delay so plainly annoyed the sheriff-leader”
Our four hobbits have come back from their adventure so delightfully full of SassTM
My word, if I keep pointing out every funny thing that happens here I’ll be writing down the whole chapter. Look at the hobbits hustling the sheriffs who were supposed to be “arresting” them!
For someone who’s supposed to be arrested, it sure looks like Merry is the one who’s in charge :-3
And all the sheriffs like “WE GIVE UP” and the hobbits like “okay :-D”
“We shall break a good many things yet, and not ask you to answer. Good luck to you!” OKAY PIPPIN GO OFF
(......This is getting very long so I’m gonna put the rest under a read-more)
Nooooo look what they’ve done to Hobbiton D-8
This whole conversation is so tense. I find myself wanting to cheer on the hobbits’ comebacks, but the ruffian here always gets the upper hand in the next line…
DON’T SNAP YOUR FINGERS IN FRODO’S FACE!! Heckin’ RUDE! Only the Sackville-Bagginses have ever done that, and that’s BEFORE Frodo saved the world! D-:<
“Down on your knees in the road and ask pardon, or I will set this troll’s bane in you!” >8-D Friendly reminder that Pippin stabbed a troll in the gut to sAVE BEREGOND— *is slapped*
The fact that Pippin, Merry and Sam immediately jump to Frodo’s defense, but Frodo does not. That says so much about their friendship, and about Frodo, and how they all see themselves and their roles in this story…and it’s so sad that Frodo hangs back, not even willing to defend himself…
But also how bad*ss is that, letting your three armed friends charge to your defense while you just sit there impassively?? It’s like the “cool guys don’t look at explosions” trope.
Pippin has exactly the childish drive for revenge that you’d think he would, but Frodo sees the reality of the situation and knows Lotho has been played as a puppet and is now a prisoner to his own schemes. Good stuff.
Frodo: “Violence isn’t the answer.” Merry: “You’re right. It’s the question, and the answer is yes.”
(The way the music swelled here in Dragash’s audiobook was so good ahahaha)
“Come on! I am going to blow the horn of Rohan, and give them all some music they have never heard before.”
(And this was the part of the audiobook where I grinned like an idiot and clapped my hands and bounced a little in my seat and probably confused the guy in the seat next to me LOLOL)
Sam HIMSELF wants to turn back for the horn call!! And so does Bill! Aaaaahhh!!
This was so well foreshadowed by the Ringwraiths in Buckland at the beginning of the book I cannot bELIEVE—!!
(Writer Brain is just buzzing with this right now, sorry, LOL)
“And your face is no worse than it was, Sam.” Is Farmer Cotton calling Sam ugly?? 🤣🤣 He’s roasting his future son-in-law LOLOL I love him already
Even Farmer Cotton ships Sam and Rosie ROFL
Rosie just asked why you left Mister Frodo! What do you do??
>Tell her you love her
>Run away
Sam ran away! (What a mood)
I love that they built the fire just for fun and because it’s against the rules, LOL! A fire is exactly the thing that would cheer me up too!!
I assume Robin was one of the sheriffs that took off his feather and joined in the revolt :-D
Merry like, “See, Frodo?? Violence!!”
“Good for the Tooks!” HECK YEAH
“I’ll bring you an army of Tooks in the morning!” HECK YEAH!!
It’s so sweet of Frodo to be like “I still don’t want anyone to die” but also still turning the logistics over to Merry’ cause he’s The Plan Guy
What have I said all along?? Merry is the Smart One :-D
Okay Sam’s father-in-law is heckin’ BAD*SS I LOVE HIM
This is literally “put down your weapons, I’ve got a sniper with a bead on you”
“He aimed a savage blow at Merry who stood in his way. He fell dead with four arrows in him.” YOOOOOOOOO!!
I like to think Merry didn’t even flinch. Just like…watched him keel over dead. HECK.
I love how bad*ss all the hobbits get to be in this chapter ahahaha
Aaaaand all the others give up. Nice >:-D
Aww, Farmer Cotton and the Gaffer are friends! And Cotton would have housed the Gaffer himself if he could have!! I love how sweet they all are to each other ^-^
HA! Okay, Lobelia, that’s pretty cool, I admit. Maybe you’re all right after all. ;-P
The Gaffer just telling Frodo off for leaving 🤣🤣 And Frodo politely apologizing!! Because even though the Gaffer’s problems are small in comparison to everything else happening in the world, they’re still important! I’m love
This is so stinkin’ cute. Lookit my silver-tongued Baggins using his Words of Affirmation again! It’s the least he can do to repay Sam for all he’s done, but I think it’s the thing that means the most to Sam.
Frodo: “Indeed, if you will believe it, he’s now one of the most famous people in all the lands, and they are making songs about his deeds from here to the Sea and beyond the Great River!” Sam: 😳😅☺️ Rosie: 😲😍🥰 The Gaffer: “Sounds fake but okay”
I frickin’ love the “lure them into a trap and surround them with hobbits” tactic. You never think hobbits can be scary until there are A LOT OF THEM VERY SUDDENLY
I also think this is a fun use of the hobbits’ canonical superpower of staying hidden in plain sight.
Seventy ruffians dead, and only nineteen hobbits on the other. As casualties go, that’s not bad! Sad that any hobbits died at all, of course, but it’s a relatively clean victory.
Also the book gets Very Historical for a moment and I think that’s Very Funny
Heck yeah Cottons!
And Frodo does his part by protecting the ruffians who surrendered! The pacifist has a role to play. :-D
Noooo, look what they’ve done to Bag End!! D-8
(Ted Sandyman accidentally foreshadowing Sam going over the Sea??)
Frodo is very right. If more hobbits are like Ted, the Shire is in real trouble. Worse is the enemy within than the enemy from without. :-/
“Save your breath! I’ve a better.” HAHAHA YES MERRY LET’S GO
Oh but look what they’ve done to Bag Endddd 😭😭😭
“Yes, this is Mordor.” Thanks, I hate it :-C
“If I had known all the mischief he had caused, I should have stuffed my pouch down Saruman’s throat.” Dude Merry sounded so angry in Phil Dragash’s audiobook here. (Also can’t believe that Merry’s bag has become the running joke that it is LOLOL)
>8-O >8-O >8-O SARUMAN!!
Saruman: “Ah, yes, they called me Sharkey in Isengard! A sign of affection, possibly.” Tolkien, in a footnote: “It was not, in fact, a sign of affection.”
I….do not like….how Saruman casts such aspersions on Gandalf. Nor how his accusations almost seem to have some merit at the moment. “When his tools have done their task he drops them.” That is dangerously close to accurate, or at the moment it feels like it is. Gandalf did leave them, even knowing that things were going wrong in the Shire…
But at the same time, it’s not Gandalf’s job to fix everything himself! The hobbits got to participate in the saving of their world, and they got the honor and the renown and the incredible experiences and the personal growth that comes along with it. Same thing here; they get the opportunity to be the heroes and save their own home. It isn’t easy, but it is good, and it has its own rewards.
“Well, if that’s what you find pleasure in, I pity you.” Frodo couldn’t be more right. Anyone who takes pleasure and comfort in the pain and misery of others is a pitiable person.
Frodo still refuses to kill. His home was defiled…his last comfort stolen…and his honor insulted to his face…and he still refuses to kill Saruman. Holy cow that takes some major strength of character. What an absolute chad.
(And Sam leads the charge to avenge Frodo because Of Course He Does)
Talk about heaping coals on your enemy’s head, bruh. Even Saruman has to respect it.
And Frodo extending the olive branch to Wormtongue. Truly the G.O.A.T.
Holy COW this got dark 0_o
(Also Dragash made Wormtongue sound absolutely miserable on that “you told me to; you made me do it”)
Aaaand Saruman is dead
And Wormtongue is dead
Something something Saruman’s spirit looking to the West, from which he came, and where he can never return again, and then being blown away to nothingness…
It really is the saddest thing that the end of the war happens at the door of Bag End. Nowhere is safe. The movies have the hobbits return to an unchanged Shire, realizing that they’re the ones who’ve been changed by their experiences, and they’ll never be able to see home the same way again (which is, I think, analogous to the experience of American Vietnam vets)…..but here in the book, the war comes home, marring the very land that our heroes set out to protect, which is what Tolkien experienced at the end of the Great War. They’re different kinds of tragedy, and they both hurt, but I think this one is just an edge more bitter.
…..Anyway, I loved this chapter! It ends with on a downer note, but the rest of it was a lot of fun. X-P
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♡ ‧₊˚✧ SCENE !! ✧˚₊‧ ♡
Contents include: What scene is, The history, How to dress scene, scene music and the difference between scene and emo :3
Disclaimer: I only did this for fun so some stuff may be incorrect, please feel free to (politely) correct me if need be
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“What even IS scene anyway??”
I’m glad you asked!! Scene is a subculture that gained popularity during the early 2000’s in the USA, later spreading around the world. It was heavily influenced by the “emo” subculture and various different rock subgenres such as alternative and hardcore.
How to dress scene
It definitely isn't cheap to dress scene but holy woah is it fun. You can find scene stuff from brands and stores like:
☆ Hot Topic
☆ Spencers
☆ D-tox
☆ Whatever 21
☆ Cupcake Cult
☆ Drop Dead
☆ Newbreed Girl
You’ll also often find scene kids wearing a few different characters, franchises and fandoms such as:
☆ Sanrio (Hello Kitty And Friends)
☆ Monster High
☆ Gloomy Bear
☆ Skelanimals
☆ Nyan Cat
☆ Tokidoki
☆ My Little Pony
☆ Various “little kid shows”
☆ And most importantly Invader Zim, specifically the character “Gir”.
Now, onto the actual clothing:
☆ Puffy tutus
☆ Zip-up hoodies
☆ Skinny jeans
☆ Knee-high Converse
☆ Leggings
☆ Short jean shorts and skirts
☆ Layered clothes
☆ Graphic shirts
☆ Band t-shirts
☆ Tank tops
☆ Crop tops
☆ Hats
☆ Tiaras
☆ Bows
☆ Tights
☆ Studded belts
☆ Belts in general
☆ Spiked collars
☆ Dog collars (in some cases)
☆ Headbands and other various hair accessories
☆ Knee-high socks
☆ Gloves
☆ Big sunglasses
☆ Lots of necklaces
☆ Kandi bracelets/cuffs
☆ Basically fishnet everything
When it came down to makeup both scene boys and scene girls wear it :P
For girls they wear:
☆ Big black eyeliner
☆ Mascara
☆ False lashes
☆ Foundation
☆ Colourful and/or black eyeshadow
For guys, they keep it pretty simple with:
☆ Black eyeshadow
☆ Black eyeliner
☆ Foundation
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The genre of music scenesters listen to can be classified as many different things but the main ones are:
☆ Screamo
☆ Pop-punk
☆ Hyper-pop
☆ Crunkcore
☆ Deathcore
☆ Rave
☆ Techno
☆ Electropop
Mind you, these are only some of the many genres.
☆ 3OH!3
☆ Dot Dot Curve
☆ Panic! At the disco
☆ Avril Lavigne
☆ Fall Out Boy
☆ Hollywood Undead
☆ Suicide Silence
☆ Paramore
☆ Millionaires
☆ Falling in reverse
☆ Ghost town
☆ Pierce The Veil
☆ S3RL
☆ Set It Off
☆ Brokencyde
Scene VS Scenecore
☆ https://blog.spacehey.com/entry?id=695617
☆ https://aesthetics.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000029083#:~:text=Scene%20is%20more%20a%20music,not%20entirely%20a%20music%20genre.
☆ https://www.tumblr.com/hedphonwolfz30185/639870249496379392/yesso-sick-of-ppl-thinking-scenecore-is-the-same?source=share
☆ https://imgur.com/gallery/scene-vs-scenecore-Pwlw72F
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From what I’ve gathered, scenecore is just a more “modern” take on scene?? There’s no clear answer it seems.
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chillyfrys · 2 months
Wait for me..?
My Oc X ponyboy Curtis
Warnings: mention of drugs
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It was a particularly gloomy day, school had just ended and Ponyboy was home alone doing some homework. Until His attention was brought to the door opening in a hurry, then to the very disheveled Roddy standing in front of him. “Roddy? What’s up..?” Ponyboy asked as he set down the pencil he had been writing with, and stood up slowly. “They found them.. someone ratted me out. I-I don’t have much time.” Roddy said in a different tone much different than his usual bright sarcastic manner. Ponyboy looked at him, confusion written on his face.
“Found what? Ratted you out for what?? I’m confused Rods.” Roddy shook his head.
“I’ve been selling drugs okay.. I-i needed the money. But- The cops are searchin for me” he stammered, threading his fingers through his signature faded red hair. Pony stood there, dumbfounded with so many questions. He didn’t know how to react. “Roddy?! Oh my god- why? Who..? Whe-” his questions came to a stop when Roddy shushed him. “Shh.. listen. I don’t have much time, but I-I.. need to tell you somethin.” Ponyboy stoped, looking into Roddy’s eyes as his hands came to cup his face. “Ponyboy.. i love you.” The words felt so natural as the fell from Roddy’s lips. Ponyboy gasped, a blush creeping up his face. Pausing before he mumbled
“I-.. I love you too” Roddy grins, stepping a little closer. “wait for me.. yeah?” Ponyboy nodded, his eyes threatening to water. Roddy paused a moment before he pressed a passionate kiss to pony’s lips, as if it was a goodbye. Pony let out a shaky breath as the kiss ended, so much was happening so fast- he didn’t know either to cry of sadness of happiness? Though the sadness seemed to take over as Roddy placed the dog tag necklace he always wore in his palm. His thumb dragged along the name engraved into the small metal necklace.
“You can give it back when I come back..” Roddy whispered against Ponyboy’s lips, giving him another kiss before pulling back. ponyboy whispered an “goodbye..”
“this isn’t goodbye.. this is see you later.” And then Roddy was gone, out the door and running down the street.
Leaving ponyboy with so many feelings and many more unanswered questions.
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niemernuet · 7 months
I am a one-trick-pony (my one trick being a shameless sucker for Ginodi) (it's not a good trick)
Before Date Night
"I feel gloomy just looking at it."
Loïc shrugged. "Eh, it's actually still rather bright outside. Also, the snow is just perfect, so that is worth everything. But you haven't answered my question: Why are you calling me on Zoom?"
Marco frowned out of the screen of Loïc's laptop. "You're not answering your phone so I thought you're probably busy clicking through five hundred pictures of Finnish nights."
Loïc blushed, and with a sheepish grin dug through the unmade blanket spread around him. "Sorry…," he said as he looked at the dozens of notifications. "What is it?"
Marco took a deep breath. "I'm not asking you because I have to, technically…" He broke off with a new scowl when he saw Loïc's grin grow wider and wider.
"Okay, that was a mistake," he muttered. "Sorry for interrupting."
"No no no!" Loïc yelled, though he could not contain his smirk. "Don't hang up! I promise I won't laugh! So, you need my fashion advice."
"I don't need anything at all from you!" Marco snapped, though the fact that he did not end the call spoke for itself.
Loïc kept grinning at him until Marco turned away from the screen with a groan, and returned a few moments later with two coats.
"Black or camel hair?"
Loïc cocked his head, and chewed on his lower lip. "That depends…"
"Great answer," Marco griped, "thanks a bunch!"
"You can't just jump that question on me like that!" Loïc exclaimed. "There's so many variables you need to consider. What's the occasion? Who's coming with you? What are you wearing underneath?"
Marco sighed, and rolled his eyes. "Dinner with Gino in Locarno to mark the real beginning of the season. His parents recommended the place, apparently they know the owner, and I don't want leave a bad impression."
"Half a dozen crystal globes make up many fashion mistakes," Loïc said. "You could rock up in Crocs and nobody would care."
Marco glared at Loïc while he giggled at his own joke. When he realised that Marco would not join him, he got serious again.
"What kind of place is it? Pizzeria? Trattoria? Grotto?"
Marco shrugged. "Does it matter?"
"Of course it does! I need to know the setting!" He paused when a thought occurred to him. "Don't tell me you're going to that hack Ivo Adam!"
With another sigh, Marco put one of the coats down, and scrolled through his phone. "Osteria," he read from the screen. "Not by Ivo Adam. Also, could you come to a decision? I have to leave in ten minutes."
"With that hair?"
"Coats!" Marco snarled, and waved the garments in front of the screen again.
Loïc sighed, and thought about his next words. "Do you still have that black and grey shirt with the flowers that you wore when we met in Montreux last summer?"
Marco nodded.
"That shirt, jeans, black sneakers, and the camel hair coat," Loïc said, and leant back in his pillow.
Marco pondered his words for a moment. "Really?"
"Well, brown leather shoes would fit better but I suppose you still haven't bought a pair, have you?"
Marco shrugged, and grumbled something inaudible.
Loïc's grin came back with a vengeance. "Thought so."
Marco put the coats down, and leant over to reach the laptop. "No need to be so smug."
"You're welcome."
"Yeah, yeah, thank you. Just…don't tell Gino I asked you."
Loïc hissed. "I'm not sure I can do that."
Marco groaned. "But at least wait until I've had a chance to talk to him."
"Of course, no problem," Loïc said with a smile.
A stiff, not too cold wind was blowing over the piazza and taking all the dry leaves with it. Gino was waiting behind a pillar of the arcades going around the entire square when Marco stepped out of the hotel. The clock change had shifted nightfall a few days ago, and there was still a bit of grey light outside the reach of the golden street lights.
"I was about to come back up," Gino smiled, and pulled Marco into a lingering kiss.
"You can't rush perfection," Marco muttered, his forehead pressed against Gino's.
"You're right," Gino said, and tenderly pushed a lapel of Marco's jacket aside. "My compliments to your fashion consultant."
Marco's shoulders slumped. "That rat!" he grumbled.
With a laugh, Gino took him by the hand, and pulled him along.
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vaugarde · 11 months
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Made my Pinkiedash kids in Ponytown :) (+ Toola Roola who also happens to be a Pinkiedash kid in this au)
They're not 1:1 accurate to their actual designs in my head but they're close. Using this as an alternative while I get comfortable with my art again because I know I'm not totally comfortable with drawing ponies yet and I want to stick to what I know for now. So I'm also gonna smack their notes here lol
Toola Roola
-Eldest child
-Toola Roola is really just a composite character between g3 Rarity and g3 Toola Roola, moreso Rarity who I have a ton of nostalgic attachment to. I'm just using Toola Roola as well because I obviously can't have her be named Rarity or have her be a unicorn here, much less a princess. (I mean I guess I could through recessive genes but I don't headcanon Pinkie or Rainbow to have any unicorns in their recent family anyways) I mean... just look at g3 Rarity and tell me to my face that she doesn't look like a Pinkiedash kid.
-Her special talent is in art but she also loves roller skating and is interested in magic. She sometimes spends time with Twilight in the castle to learn how to use a magic wand. She not-so secretly wants to be an alicorn. Miiight have a crush on Nightfall Flicker (Twilight's kid).
-Super curious and inquisitive, always asking questions and wanting to try out new things.
-Very clumsy and air headed, and has the tendency to be selfish and disregard her duties. She's gotten fired from a lot of jobs due to this and it's what's holding her back in her magic studies. (adhd queen)
Sugar Rush
-She got Pinkie's excitement and fun and Dash's adrenaline junkie and love for sports... she is very, very eccentric as a result.
-She's always challenging other ponies in sports competitions, whether they want to or not. She's actually a really good sport though and mostly does it for fun when it's with friends. She's encouraging and sweet when she wins, and pouty but celebratory to the winner when she loses.
-She can get insecure over her friends though, since they can't quite keep up with her attitude. She worries that they're all secretly exhausted of her and actually want to get rid of her. She can get pretty overbearing as a result.
-She helps out at Sugar Cube Corner with Mama Pinkie sometimes, but doesn't really have the patience to bake. She prefers racing Mama Rainbow.
-Does she sleep?
-Not sure on her special talent yet
Blueberry Drizzle
-Very gloomy and quiet. She doesn't have a very high opinion of herself and can't find the motivation to do much of anything.
-She feels rather out of place in the PinkieDash household considering her parents and siblings are far more outgoing and brash, and her siblings could easily talk over her and leave her behind. She is far more withdrawn and quiet and her relationship with them is more distant as a result (to her mothers' dismay).
-She was never emotionally neglected or anything, her moms love her very much and made sure to spend individual time with her... she just can't keep up and feels horrible about it.
-(This is kind of meant to be a parallel to how Pinkie felt with her own family back home. They love her but it wasn't the environment she thrived in)
-Her relationship with Sugar Rush is a lot more strained however and the two dislike one another.
-Her special talent is creating rainstorms and she's the one that succeeds Rainbow at his weather management job.
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comidyye · 7 months
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HAIII HI IM ASH !!! im a TEENAGE brain surgeon FANARTIST whoo Also likes to make SH🥩Tposts and Edits here an theRRe !!!
they / He ★ minor ★ neurodivergent ★ excluusivly english Srry!!!
I USUALLY ONLLY REALY POST stuff about my CURENT HYPERFIXATION !!! My twitter IS pretty Dead rn And On tiktok (SAme @) I uslly post edits / memes!! CONTENT ⚠️ : ART MAY INCLUDE (TAGGED) GORE /BODY HORROR /BLOOD /EYESTRAIN .. anything suggestive is highly UNlikely However
ART: #doodle ★ RANDOM: #rambljngs
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HERESSZ SOME OF my Strong Recent / curent fixations! ALSO : WHen i Fixate on a series i Usually have one character Im Obseszed w/.. I wil List them 2 !
★ resident evil ( rebecca, leon, hunk, stars wesker) ★ slashers/slasher adjacent (martin (77), billy lenz, leslie vernon, henry barrow)
★ spooky month ( bob / dexter) ★ yu-gi-oh [ s0 & dm ] ( ryou / s0 yami yugi) {reoccurring} ★ fnaf ( glitchtrap, vanny, funtimes, springbonnie) {reoccurring} ★ wii deleted you ( henry morris) {short} ★ kirby ( marx) {reoccurring} ★ animatronics - All kinds!! halloween/scary, old kids bands, theme parks ( rockafire explosion, circus playhouse band) ★ smile for me ( dr habit) ★ childs play franchise [ 1-2, 7] ★ super paper mario ( dimentio) {reoccurring} ★ welcome home - eeh... ( wally / eddie) ★ madness combat ( tricky)
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CLOWNS ARE PROALY MY BIGEST SPECIAL INTEREST! I KEEP A RUNNING LIST OF ALL THE FICTIONAL CLOWNS I KNOW. i have a google doc with MOST of them However the list is originally made/updated in Discord so the doc is likely an inaccurate count of the clowns. LAST CLOWN COUNT TOTAL: 178 CLOWN DOC If you know a clown not on the list send me their name thru The ask box Please! Fictional clowns from established series only - no ocs or anything !
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IN GENERAL : obscure, surreal, crreepy stuf !!! ... I <3 HORROR. ONE OF MY favorite things ever is cannibalism !!! Its super neat how versatile it is in media fiction-wise, and i like learning history and stuff around it too. i only think its a really cool thing in fiction though, dont.. im not weird <3
GAMEZ : DAY SHIFT AT FREDDYS(!), rhythm heaven, Klonoa, NiGHTS, um jammer lammy, splatoon, Omori, Balan wonderworld, undertale, deltarune, needy streamer overload, dropsy, FAITH: the unholy trinity, league of legends(ONLY FOR FIDDLESTICKS AS A CHARACTTR-I DONT PLAY), killer frequency, happy hills homicide, 1996 resident evil
SHOWS/SERIES : dont hug me im scared, the walten files, BUGBO, Ena, My little pony, kaiba(2008), tokyo mew mew, devilman ovas, milky way & the galaxy girls, the amazing digital circus, bee & puppycat, over the garden wall, infinity train, garfield & friends, gloomy bear, tokyo mew mew, wordgirl! MOVIES/MUSICALS: ride the cyclone, mean girls(musical), rocky horror picture show, trick r treat, re-animator, killer klowns from outer space, inu-oh, benny loves you, day of the dead(for bub), house of 1000 corpses, behind the mask: the rise of Leslie vernon, black christmas (1974), martin (1977), texas chainsaw franchise + chucky franchise CONTENT CREATORS: MARRKIPLIIER, JERMA! failboat, Dougdoug, dead meat, wicked masters, dawko, ANDY LAND, Itemlabel, CHRBRG, j-gems, lumpy touch, matt rose, planet clue, RTGAME, ooftroop, astralspiff, vernias MUSIC ARTISTS: WILL WOOD & LEMON DEMON . ... Chonny Jash, tally hall, CREATURE FEATURE, ROB ZOMBIE, KMFDM, icp, that handsome devil, oingo boingo, nero's day at disneyland, rusty cage, maretu, the stupendium, MSI(....Eeh..), duran duran, mcr, american murder song, s3rl, stolen babies(!). i am a hereditary connoisseur of 80s new wave/alt
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DNI UHHH JUST DONT BE A BIGOT?!?! + FUCK PROSHIPPERS .. Dont piss on people 4 Their Interests n OH Sfw interactions Only Please SO nsfw dni Thannkz.. Just puting that out there Just in case.
BOUNDARIES:? Just Use common SEnse i would Think !! i dont think im crazy chronically online - school comes First Unfortunately . But if yurr that inntreseted in becoming Friends juuss lemme know howevrr You want .. Even with my own friedns I don't talk a lot however so dont expect full convos from me All the Time
ASK BOX..? anything related to me Just dump in there !! questions r whatevaa ... art requests about my fandoms r on the table, but dont expect me to do them!! low chance but still, shoot your shot COMMISIONS? if yur interested Ask and im sure we can work something out somehow : o)))! i do have a cashapp, but i dont have set pricing and i wont accept all requests SHIPS/OCS N SHIT? i generally dont really have any ocs n dont Really selfship unless like Platonic - I'm not a big shipper but may have a rarepair here and there - Real chill shit REPOSTS/USING ART? tell me if Yoou want to repost something somewherer - even if i do give the thumbs up Credit is required!!!! Feel free 2 use my stuff as a pfp just don't claim it as Your own -- Give Credit if someone Asks . Bare minimum Stuff
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WELL thank You 4 Coming By < 3333333 SEE U AROUND!!!!!!!1
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Returning Home Chapter 10- Thorin Oakenshield x OC
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Thorin Oakenshield x Bellarose Baggins
Description: While attempting to get through the forest of Mirkwood they're captured by none other than the Woodland Realm guards.
Word Count: 2.2k
Just an hour later the Company rode away on Beorn’s ponies, heading straight for Mirkwood. Bellarose could now confirm that riding in pants was much easier than any skirt she’d ever wear. They rode rapidly across the land until they finally approached a looming and rather gloomy looking forest. Gandalf was the first to dismount his horse. 
“The Elven gate,” he announced as the others dismounted their own ponies. “Here lies our path through Mirkwood.” 
“No sign of Orcs,” Dwalin mentioned. “We have luck on our side.” 
“Not quite,” Bellarose responded vaguely, her eyes on a too large bear that stood on a distant ridge. Beorn. 
“Indeed,” Gandalf agreed. “Set the ponies loose, let them return to their master.” The Company did as he said and took their supplies off the ponies. 
“This forest feels...sick,” Bilbo decided nervously as he walked towards the forest. “As if a disease lies upon it. Is there no way around?” Gandalf shook his head. 
“Not unless we go two hundred miles north, or twice that distance south.” Bellarose had been unsaddling her horse when she heard her brother gasp slightly. She turned to face him with concern. 
“Bilbo? Are you okay?” The boy nodded hesitantly and slipped his hand out of his waistcoat pocket. 
“Yes…I’m okay…” 
“Not my horse! I need it,” Gandalf interrupted any further questioning she had as he walked back towards his horse, where Nori was almost finished unsaddling it. Everyone looked at him in surprise. 
“You’re not leaving us?” Bilbo asked in disbelief. 
“I would not do this unless I had to,” the Wizard answered. Bellarose sighed softly. She had a feeling that they weren’t as likely to successfully traverse the forest without the Wizard, but she also had a feeling that stating that wouldn’t lead to him changing his mind. So, she remained silent and instead looked towards the forest until Gandalf spoke again. 
“I’ll be waiting for you at the overlook, before the slopes of Erebor,” he informed Thorin as he passed him, stopping once he reached his horse. “Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that mountain without me. This is not the Greenwood of old. The very air of the forest is heavy with illusion. It will seek to enter your mind and lead you astray.”
“Lead us astray?” Bellarose repeated curiously. “What does that mean?” The Wizard didn’t immediately answer as he got on his horse. 
“You must stay on the path; do not leave it,” he reaffirmed ominously. “If you do, you will never find it again.” With that, he wheeled his horse around and rode away. 
“No matter what may come, stay on the path!” The Company looked at the forest once he was out of sight, then Thorin sighed. 
“Come on. We must reach the mountain before the sun sets on Durin’s Day. This is our one chance to find the hidden door,” he said, leading everyone into the dark forest. 
There was a paved path that started at the Elven Gate, which they followed. The path took them through all sorts of twists and turns over all sorts of terrains. It took them over bare ground, high ledges, fallen tree trunks, and more. The more Bellarose walked the happier that her ankle injury wasn’t that bad. It had healed since last night, just like Oin said, but with how much walking she was doing she found herself beginning to form a small limp. And it seemed she wasn’t the only one suffering. 
“Air,” Bofur all but gasped out. “I need air.”
“My head, it’s spinning,” Oin added, sounding disoriented. Bellarose sighed softly but, just as Bofur insinuated, it felt like the air was thick and palpable. The air was knocked out of her anyhow when she suddenly ran straight into Balin’s back. Kili, who’d been walking directly behind her, ran into her and a chain reaction formed with the others. 
“What’s happening?” Oin questioned. 
“Keep moving,” Thorin demanded as he made his way to the front. “Nori, why have we stopped?”
“The path...it’s disappeared!” Bellarose’s eyes widened as she moved out from behind Balin. Sure enough, a steep cliff replaced the path they’d been on. 
“What do we do?” 
“Find it,” answered Thorin. “All of you look. Look for the path!” As the Company wandered through the forest, it was becoming increasingly obvious that whatever lay in that forest was beginning to affect them mentally. 
“I don’t remember this place before. None of it’s familiar,” Balin said as he staggered about. 
“It’s got to be here.”
“What hour is it?”
“I do not know. I don’t even know what day it is.”
“Is there no end to this accursed place?”
Bellarose had long since stopped listening to their rambling, realizing that they were only confusing her the more she did so. She looked around desperately, then gasped. The rest of the company had been replaced with clones of her. It was as if she’d stepped into some sort of hall of mirrors. She clenched her eyes shut and shook her head, and when she opened them again she was surrounded by the Company again, much to her relief. Just faintly she could hear voices whispering, but she had no time to investigate before Ori suddenly leaned down and picked something up beside her. 
“Look,” he said, holding up a small brown pouch. 
“A tobacco pouch,” Dori realized, grabbing the pouch from his brother. “There’s Dwarves in these woods.” Bofur took the pouch from him. 
“Dwarves from the Blue Mountains, no less. This is exactly the same as mine.”
“Because it is yours,” Bilbo retorted, standing beside them. “You understand? We’re going round in circles. We are lost.” Dwalin shook his head vehemently. 
“We’re not lost. We keep heading east.”
“But which way is east? We’ve lost the sun,” Oin said. The Dwarves began bickering amongst themselves, but Bellarose couldn’t even try to focus on them as her head began spinning.
“The sun,” she faintly heard Bilbo say, sounding slightly spaced out. “We have to find the sun. Up there. We need to-”
“Bilbo, I-I don’t feel good,” she interrupted nervously.
“O-Okay Bella, just sit down for a moment. We’ll figure this out,” her brother said quickly, helping her to sit on a large tree root. 
The girl almost couldn’t hear him. Everyone and everything became blurry, even Bilbo who was still in front of her. She barely realized that he’d walked away from her before everything around her suddenly went black, the last thing she heard being Thorin calling her name. 
Bellarose woke up very abruptly when she was dropped on the ground without any cushioning. Well, that was a lie. She was cushioned by whatever was wrapped around her. It was…spider webs? A chill shot up the girl’s spine and she all but ripped the webs off of her. If there was one thing she hated, it was spiders of any size. 
It seemed that the Company had also been in the same predicament as when she looked around they were also ripping off their webbed wrappings. They yelled and cursed the entire time, which almost made Bellarose laugh if she hadn’t been focused on taking a headcount. One of them was missing…
“Where’s Bilbo?” She gasped as she shot up. 
That immediately quieted the Dwarves down as they began looking for the older Baggins sibling. Unfortunately it didn’t last long as before they knew it, they were surrounded by giant spiders. Bellarose was quick to unsheathe her sword and begin fighting as the rest of the Company engaged in combat. She was momentarily distracted when she saw Bombur get knocked to the ground by one of the spiders, though she got back to her own fight when several other Dwarves went to help him. 
Eventually the Company managed to defeat the surrounding spiders. They began to run through the forest as more spiders jumped down on threads of silk. The spiders jumped down in front of the Company and hissed. Thorin, who had been leading them, raised his sword in preparation to fight, but suddenly stopped and looked up. 
“Bellarose followed his gaze just in time to see a blonde Elf swing down one of the spider’s silk to land on top of it, killing it immediately. She watched in awe as he slid on the forest floor under the spider that faced Thorin. He sliced it in half before coming up to kneel with an arrow knocked in his bow, aimed directly at Thorin. It was at that moment that Bellarose realized this Elf was different from the ones in Rivendell, he looked meaner. The angry look on his face scared her.
“Do not think I won’t kill you, Dwarf,” he threatened in a low voice. “It would be my pleasure.” Bellarose looked around desperately for a way out, only to realize that they were not only completely surrounded, but also outnumbered by Mirkwood Elves, all with drawn bows aimed at them. As it turned out, staring the pointed end of an arrow directly in the face was in fact not a good feeling. She gripped Thorin’s arm worriedly. 
“Help!” Kili suddenly yelled, making everyone whip around. They saw a spider pulling away the younger Durin by the foot, which caused Fili to yell his name worriedly. A female Elf appeared seemingly out of nowhere, killing three spiders with her bow and knife like it was second nature (which, with how many spiders there apparently were in Mirkwood, probably was second nature). She then killed the spider that pulled Kili with an arrow before turning to attack another spider. 
“Kili!” Bellarose yelled, throwing her sword at him upon seeing another spider rushing towards him. The Elf closest to her advanced on her, though stopped when they noticed Kili killing the spider. Once all the spiders had been killed the elleth (female Elf) took Bellarose’s sword from Kili and pushed him back towards the rest of the Company. 
“Search them,” the blonde Elf instructed. The other Mirkwood Elves approached the Company and began searching them, taking any weapons they found. Bellarose rolled her eyes as one of them patted her down rather delicately (almost as if he were afraid he’d break her), his large hands taking up half her torso. 
“Samnyë munta amame (I have nothing else on me),” she grumbled. For a moment the ellon (male Elf) looked surprised to see a Halfling speaking his native tongue, but he got over it quickly and stood up straight once again after confirming her claim. 
“Echannen i vegil hen vin Gondolin. Magannen nan Gelydh (This is an ancient Elvish blade. Forged by my kin).” Bellarose faced the blonde Elf when he spoke. He had the Orcrist, Thorin’s sword, in his hands and he was examining it closely. 
“Where did you get this?” He questioned, looking at the Dwarf. 
“It was given to me,” Thorin responded gruffly. His answer earned him a sword pointed directly at him. 
“Not just a thief, but a liar as well,” the ellon sneered before looking around. “Enwenno hain (Take them)!” Once again the Elves did as they were told and began to lead the Company away. Bellarose kept her head down until she heard Bofur speak from beside her. 
“Thorin, where’s Bilbo?” He questioned in a loud whisper, which sent a wave of panic over the girl. Why hadn’t she noticed her brother wasn’t with them? She looked around frantically, even attempting to turn back before one of the Elves pushed her forward. 
“Keep moving!” She opened her mouth to say something but was stopped by Thorin grabbing her arm. 
“He will follow us,” he whispered into her ear. “Have faith in your brother.” The Hobbit’s jaw clenched in anger, but she continued following the others over a bridge and into the Woodland Realm without protest. She hoped that Thorin was right. 
“Holo in ennyn (Close the gate),” the blonde Elf instructed once everyone was inside. Bellarose glanced back, sighing as what was possibly their last chance of freedom dissipated with the clanging of the now closed gate. 
The Company was led through the raised wooden hallways of the Woodland Realm. The entire place was built of tree roots that lay in a subterranean cavern. It was beautiful, Bellarose had to admit. It would’ve been a lot more beautiful if she wasn’t being held prisoner there, but beggars can’t be choosers. 
Finally they reached the prison corridor. The Dwarves were roughly pushed into several neighboring cells, though they didn’t go quietly. 
This is not the end of it! You hear me?”
“Let us out of here!”
“Get off me!”
“Don’t touch me,” Bellarose snapped, ducking under the Elf’s hand when it attempted to push her into a cell. Instead she walked in on her own accord and faced him with her arms crossed. 
“In perian harya aica lamba (The Halfling has a sharp tongue),” the Elf muttered. 
“Ana i perian macilrya mendëldë mana exa aicaië (Give the Halfling her sword and you’ll see what else is sharp),” she retorted with a sarcastic smile that the Elf returned condescendingly before slamming her cell door closed. She huffed as the last Elf left the prison corridor, leaving the Company alone.
Tag(s): @atomicsoulcollecto
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burgertronfangirl · 1 year
BotBots: Creepypasta (Part 1)
"That was nice darling, maybe you should take the full facial mud mask instead of just half of it?" Burgertron asked. Bonz-Eye shooked her head," No thanks Burgertron, meet up at the same place and same time next week for our weekly spa sessions, "Burgertron nodded his head," That would be splendid! Ta-ta Bonz-Eye! "Upon saying their final goodbyes, they parted for their homes.
Once Bonz-Eye reached home, she made sure that she had locked the door and the windows. She checked every curtain in her cottage to see if they were drawned. Once she had checked the house throughly, Bonz-Eye heaved a sigh of relief.
Only her minion Kikmee was in the room with her. Even so, Kikmee was asleep and she knew who Bonz-Eye was in the first place. an evil grin appeared on Bonz-Eye's face. She carefully peeled of her cutie mark of three butterflies off her flank. that was something she was proud of: She had lived in Equestria for many years but no one has ever noticed that her cutie mark was a fake, just a sticker. Every morning, she would put the sticker on her flank. When she came home, she would peel it off and put it in a secret spot where no one could ever find it.
On her flank now was her true cutie mark, the one that had appeared when she first came to Equestria. The story she told the Cutie Mark Crusaders of how she got her cutie mark was fake. Her real cutie mark was a sharp blade with alot of blood stained on the metal. Beneath the blade was a pool of blood and there was a single drop of blood dripping from the blade and into the pool of blood.
Bonz-Eye sat in her comfy armchair and fidgeted abit: It was too comfortable for her. In the gloomy evil darkness,she recollected her thoughts, like her life story.
Bonz-Eye's name wasn't even Bonz-Eye. It was Bonz-Kill. She wasn't even from Equestria. She came from a different dimension, a world of magic and mayhem. There were pixies, elves, goblins, witches, wizards... about every magical creature that appeared in fairy tales. Bonz-Kill was an enchantress and her minion Kikmee was a bat.
Bonz-Kill wasn't your ordinary enchantress, she was the most powerful across the whole land. Unlike the other enchantresses, she had a pair of raven-black wings that were so large that it would drag along the floor when you walked. Oh yeah, and she was blood-thirsty, VERY blood-thirsty.
In the dead of the night, she would kidnap someone. that special someone will get tortured in her secret torture chamber till he or she dies, the Bonz-Kill would eat the body and drink the blood. this only happened once a month, as Bonz-Kill would only had to eat once a month. One day, a night guard caught her and she got banished to a land. of rainbows and sunshine: Equestria. All the things that Bonz-Kill detested. She didn't believe that friendship and love were more powerful than power and darkness.
She realized that she was now a pegusus, without a horn, she couldn't do magic, the government of her hometown must have decided that she was too dangerous to be trusted with magic. She looked at her flank and saw a bloody knife and a pool of blood. She decided to start anew. It wasn't time to kill...yet. After all, she was just a filly.
She made a sticker that had three pink butterflies and placed it over her flank. Even though she absolutely hated it, at least it didn't make her flank seem too gruesome. She changed her name to Bonz-Eye and pretended to be shy and kind to everypony. She could fly, perhaps faster than Dimlit, but she pretended that she was weak at flying.
Over the years, she resisted the urge for drinking blood and drank animal blood instead, twice a year. no one seemed to notice that 2 animals go missing every year.
At this last flashback, Bonz-Eye saw Kikmee wake up. Once Kikmee saw that her master was thinking, she went back to sleep.
Bonz-Eye had resisted the urge for too long. She couldn't stand her stomach growling at her any longer. No more Mrs. Nice Pony, it was time to find her next victim. Who said that she had to kidnap at night? Or even kidnap at all?
To be continued...
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@bonkersdbobcat​ asked:
🧸 - Do they have any stuffed animals? If so, are they decorative or do they sleep with them?
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He has a puce colored pony he likes very much. It mostly stays in his closet, but if he’s in a gloomy mood he’ll take it out for a cuddle. 
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Human au ask so what are the mane 6’s thoughts on spike
AS of this ask.
Twilight views him as both her number one assistant, and precious little brother. He is someone that she couldn't live with, even compared to her other family members he's the closest thing she has. Their bond is unbreakable, and if anyone ever actually tried to purposely hurt him, there would be hell to pay.
Fluttershy thinks he's nice... but she's too afraid to get to know him better. She's got the biggest inkling on what he is, and that terrifies her. She doesn't knwo if she wants to get to know him or not. This is probably the most dangerous outlook in the sense that her relationship with him is odd, and probably has the least chance of advancing, next to RD.
Rainbowdash doesn't trust him. It seems pegasi are more instinctually attuned to dangers, being the fastest and fleetiest of Ponies. She knows he's something dangerous, and honestly? She just wants to protect her friends. She's not trying to be a bitch, but when something unknown and dangerous is there, she can't help but be on guard. Especially with all the crazy stuff happening now.
Rarity, she wants to get to know him better. He gave her good advice, and since she's the element of generosity its out of her heart that she wants to reach out to others. She's still unsure, that tingling feeling makes her feel uncomfortable. But... he's not dangerous, at least from what she can see.
AJ furthest removed from him, in the sense that she's always busy with work. She doesn't have time to think about it, but when she owes a favor, she owes a darned favor! And damn it, she owes him a favor. Even if he didn't ask for anything in return. She's still unsure about him.
Pinkie, she knows there is something there, but she doesn't know what it is. She's grown the closest to him. And has seen that there is more to him than a gloomy guy1 He wants to get along with people, and she's going to extend that hand. So far the closest friend he has in ponyville.
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stisdale · 6 months
Jury Duty
The courthouse is new, and the jury waiting room is spacious, with lockers, a small kitchen, a little coffee shop near the stairs, large television screens and lots of comfortable chairs. The tall windows face east across the river, toward the mountain. But there are still two hundred of us pressed together for the next few days: all ages, old men in Carhartts and boots, young women in suits with briefcases. Even as late arrivals check in, we watch two long videos. One extols the civic responsibility of jury duty, and one—featuring our county’s racially diverse judges—teaches us about unconscious bias. A short, brightly smiling woman gives us polite but firm directions, and begins to call panels. There are three, and I am number 6 on the third panel.
Eighteen of us are seated in the courtroom. We get a long, friendly welcome from the judge, who reviews at length the reminders of unconscious bias, and tells us we are there for a trial on charges of harassment and assault. A sorry-looking fellow watches us from behind his young attorney. Brief clouds of bad breath float by, lingering fogs, and now and then I wonder how much virus the mists carry.
Each of us answers standard voir dire questions: Where do you live? Where do you work? What are your hobbies? Have you ever been the victim of a crime? What is your education? Do you know anyone in law enforcement?
It is difficult for many people to answer these questions succinctly. Have you been a victim of a crime? Yes, let’s start with when I was five and my wagon was stolen. But eventually it is my turn. I live in Northeast. I have a college degree. I am a writer. I have been the victim of two burglaries. I don’t know anyone in law enforcement.
Almost no one has been the victim of any crime, and the majority have some college education. But then the defense attorney asks us where we get our news. “Social media.” “Reddit.” “My mother.” “I don’t follow the news. “Friends.” Social media.” “Social media.” “Social media.” “Instagram.” (Instagram?) A few people mention the New York Times and NPR.  I make a list: New York Times, Washington Post, the local newspaper and radio stations.
The defense attorney asks us if we trust the justice system. I say that I am aware of a shortage of public defenders. The prosecuting attorney asks us how we would feel if the evidence consisted of an eyewitness. I say I couldn’t be able to convict a person based only on an eyewitness.
I am dismissed. Six people are empaneled, including the pony-tailed guy on DUI diversion and the old man next to me who had to be prompted to answer questions and actually said, “I’m not paying attention.”
I wish I had mentioned reading DW, The Guardian and Al-Jazeera.
Back to the jury room. The staff remains cheerful; the crowd remains restive. The screens show silent HGTV renovation shows. When the woman is ready to call another panel, she says, “I know. You will hate me. I am sorry!”
I am called back as the fortieth person on a panel of forty. The judge gives us a long reminder about unconscious bias, and tells us this is going to be a longer trial of several days for multiple serious charges: car theft, evading police. A handsome man with olive skin and a long black braid turns to look at us. The judge wants to know if a trial of this length will be a problem—“an honest problem,” she adds.
I am sitting next to a twenty-something woman with acne and brightly dyed hair who can’t hold still. She whispers to me; she is an artist, she can’t miss work, how can she get out of here? But she doesn’t raise her hand. Her legs jutter and shake.
Eight people are dismissed for hardship: a man who doesn’t speak English well, a few others who run a business on their own, and a gloomy sad sack of a man from my first panel, who says he is unable to speak above a whisper. Once again, I am near a flamboyant woman with long nails and lashes. She makes a lot of jokes; the defense here seems to like her. But she wants out. She does nails for a living and is losing income. It’s a hardship, she says. She is not dismissed.  
It is late in the afternoon and we are sent home for the day. The next morning, we are briefly seated and then sent to wait in the hallway. The fidgety artist never appears. We wait for almost three hours. People pace and stare at their phones and stare out the window at the heavy atmospheric river falling. A few people work on laptops. A few of us read. The woman with the long nails and eyelashes chuckles at her Instagram feed and noisily eats a foil-wrapped sandwich and a big packet of chips and a can of selzer. She mumbles and complains out loud to the room. Can’t we get this over with? How much longer does this go on? Now and then she heaves a big sigh. Everyone pray that we go soon.
Finally the clerk comes out to tell us that the case has been resolved, which I take to mean the guy pled and will do some time. But we are not dismissed. We return to the jury room.
It is an airport gate after several delays. Long silences. Inexplicable announcements. Staff in the background doing mysterious tasks. A few people grumble about the perceived but not articulated unfairness of it all. People nap, eat the expensive snacks from the coffee shop, stare at the silenced screens. A woman with the permitted circular needle does crochet and talks to everyone sitting nearby, though no one responds. The woman across from me has kicked off her shoes and curled up in the chair; she is on her ear buds, talking to a contractor about remodeling details. We are in a Bardo realm, suspended.
In mid-afternoon, the last panel of the day is called, twenty people. Most answer in a dead voice, Here, and rise to get their badges. “I know!” the woman says. “I am so sorry!” A few people never answer; they have wandered away. I want to be called. I feel lucky to be here. I’ve read four magazines and eaten a gyro and I believe in the jury system and it is only two days in two years. But clearly I am in the minority.
When we are finally all dismissed except for those kept in the courtrooms, I ask the woman what happens to people who don’t show up when their name is called. She says with the same bright energy she has maintained for two days. “It’s up to the judge, but maybe he makes them do jury duty all over again.” We both smile at this idea.
I ride home on the bus, rush hour. A boy plays a tinny video game. A kid in the back shrieks with anger. I can smell sweat and stale fried chicken. A man stinking of cigarettes holds his head in his hands, two garbage bags full of clothes at his feet. When the bus sways, people catch each other, apologize, turn to look out the windows again. These are my peers.
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anubianwrites · 8 months
7. Lover's Poison
The sun rose over the horizon, light spilling into the manor windows, rousing the changeling from her bed.  The light glistened on her mocha skin.  She stretched and yawned as she greeted the new day.  Looking out over the city of Chili Valley.  The people were bustling, the woman dismissively looked away and turned her attention to the lavish interior of her bedroom.  The silken black drapes and matching bed sheets.  The dark toned gold and black furniture was gloomy.  Just as she liked it.  “Visciousiana!”  her mother the Duchess Du-Cothe, called as she entered the room, dressed in a fine hunter green gown and emerald jewels.  “Goodness you aren’t bathed and dressed yet?!  We have an important date today and need to be an entirely prepared young lady!”  Visciousiana rolled her eyes.
“It is an arranged marriage, mother, not a royal coronation!”  she said, already exasperated.  “Do you not think this is a touch early, mother, I surely the age of 19 is still too young to marry…”
“Oh stop, he’s very rich, powerful enough to get you into the royal courts, and advance your station!”  her mother insisted.  Visciousiana groaned in frustration.  She hated this entire dog and pony show of the nobles' political dances when she felt there were far more direct methods.  “You can never be too young to advance your lot in life, child.  Better you start climbing the ladder now rather than wait to be a spinster.”
“Then you marry him, mother so I can pursue my own interests in peace without having to be shackled to some sad old man to grope me at his leisure.”  She retorted as she stepped into the bathroom to begin her bath.  Her mother sighed in frustration.
“Honestly dear, it’s not an execution!  You can still pursue your fashions, and you aren’t being required to provide for him a child…though doing so won’t hurt your chances of keeping such high status in your pocket, dear.”  The Duchess called into the bathroom as she assessed what to dress her child in today.  The Duchess needs to marry off her daughter soon, she was already a topic of suspicion by the noble circles.  She was reclusive, highly opinionated and brisk at best.  The Duchess sought to secure her daughter a match that elevates her status higher, giving her daughter more power and control.  Visciousiana knew this deep down, but she still found the whole ordeal exhaustive peacocking and it was a waste of energy to her.  Her mother was a minor duchess in the noble courts of Fawkes, she dreamed of elevating her daughter to better positions so she wouldn't have to bow or scrape for power.
The duchess selected a lovely day outfit of fine black and silver fabrics, she sighed at the limited color palette, but her daughter made it herself and it was of fine quality.  “At least attempt to be on good behavior today, dear.  You need to make a good impression!”  A loud groan emanated from the bathtub.  
“Very well mother, I will ‘attempt’ to do so.  I make no promises.”  Visciousiana curtly stated.  The duchess sighed exasperated.  
“Darling, please.  I do this to advance you.  Why do you make it so difficult?”  she asked as her daughter emerged from the bathroom in her bath gown.  Visciousiana sighed, relenting and took her mothers hands.
“I don’t mean to be a difficult mother, I am just so frustrated that advancing through high society requires me to be sold off like a goat.”  she sighed genuinely as she looked at her mother.  The duchess smiled and touched her daughter's cheek lovingly.
“To be honest darling, so do I.  If it could be otherwise for our station in high society, I would not bother so.  Now.  Breakfast should arrive shortly, let's get you fed and dressed!”  the duchess smiled as they shared an understanding.
The carriage trucked along the great road to the estate party hosted by the infamous changeling Archduchess, Larx, the Mistress of Faces.  One of the most influential nobles on the continent held near monthly events.  Larx’s estate, the Palace of Effervescence, often was the venue of much of the kingdom's noble activities.  The Mistress of Faces was a social butterfly, but she was as mysterious as she was powerful.  Viciousiana was not a noble on the same social strata as Larx, and her mother relentlessly reminded her of this.  The only way she could climb the strata would be;1. absurd levels of fame, but that brings her to the ranks of a celebrity, a spectacle rather than an equal.  2. Marriage to someone in a strata above her to elevate.  This was the route to true power in the noble society her mother aimed to push her into.  Ultimately she had little choice.
The carriage arrived near midday at the grand marble palace.  The grounds were enormous, the gardens colorful and lavish, peppered with fine statues of changelings and other shape changing creatures.  The duchess and her daughter rode in silence for the four hours it would take to arrive.  They would be guests of the Archduchess for the next week.  
A footman opened the door to the carriage and helped the duchess out, followed by Viciousiana.  Their servants would attend to the luggage brought to their small apartments in the grand palace.  They were expected to be greeted by the Archduchess before the midday activities commenced.  Viciousiana was excited to see the other noble ladies she got along with.  Her particular favorites she kept contact with were Lord Rinndall Mionhond, a wood elf from the Minstrel Forest, and Lady Ecstasy Hellsglade, a tiefling noblewoman her age from Avernus Hearth.  They were both expected to be here with their families as well.  Viciousiana was excited to see them again.  She intended to spend as much time away with them as possible.
They approached the grand gates of the palace walking past the fine statues that lined the cobblestone walkway.  The armed guards bearing the crests of the Archduchess’ houseflank the ornate gold and iron doors of the palace thrown open.  The grand entry hall was fine white and dark green polished tiles, gold candelabra chandeliers.  And the twin grand staircases leading to upper levels.  In the middle of the room by the stairs, another set of guards reside.  The Archduchess sat upon an alabaster and gold throne decorated with carvings of birds and wyverns.  The herald announced them as the entered, to the Archduchess.  “The Eminent Duchess Du-Cothe and her daughter Lady Viciousiana of the Ebony Masque!”  Viciousiana and her mother approached and curtsied low to the Archduchess Larx who rose and extended her arms in greeting.  
“Clarissa!  It delights me greatly to see you and your beautiful daughter again!  Welcome to my home!”  The Archduchess proclaimed.  Viciousiana was a bit taken aback, she rarely directly addressed her guests by name on arrivals.  Viciousiana smiled brightly as they are led to the main hall to socialize with the other guests before they were dismissed to rest in their rooms until later.  The assembled nobility were all dressed in finery and fine casual day clothing.  The hall was filled with gentle music from a harpsichord being played by a musician and the gossiping of the guests.  Visciousiana quickly dashed off to find her friends.
“Ahh Visciousiana, it’s about time you arrived!” Lady Ecstasy greeted.  “Rinndall and I have been absolutely bored to death by the dull gossip of the others.  If I have to hear one more dreary tale of a servant placing a comb to the left rather than the right I might scream and hurl myself from the balcony!”  The tiefling lady expounded.
“Truly it has been absolutely uneventful.  This is a dull affair once more, which is a shame.  Though I do hear there shall be horse riding later on this afternoon, a hunt and even a thrilling concert for us by Millenia Torr herself.”  Rinndall sighed.  Viciousiana grimaced.  
“It is so good to see you both, I have been dreading this affair.  Mother is having me meet my future husband, Duke Bruno DuCastle.  I am not thrilled to be sold off like a brood mare to some old man.”  she said in a low voice.  Her friends grimaced.
“Duke DuCastle is a bit of a letch…I pity you, truly my dear.”  Rinndall lamented.
“I hear he retires to sleep rather early in the evening so at least your hours of having to deal with him will be short.”  Ecstasy comments helpfully.
The following meeting that evening was a very formal affair and Viciousiana spent her day escaping the other nobles to ride horses and socialize with her friends in the gardens of the Archduchess.  That evening after dinner they are all having wine in the great ball room before the concert.  Her mother was conversing with several nobles, including a very old changeling male.  Despite his natural abilities maintaining the illusions of youthfulness, he was quite aged, the tells only another changeling could notice.  Her mother trotted him over to her as she was conversing with the Lady Hognadeth Onyxbuster, from the Beerian Mountain city of Blystra.  “Darling, I apologize for the interruption but may I introduce you to Duke Bruno DuCastle, Duke, my daughter Viciousiana.”  the duchess presented.  Viciousiana put on her most charming smile and proper tones as she looked over the white skinned elder changeling.
“Duke DuCastle, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.  Our meeting has been a subject of much anticipation!”  she stated as expected.  The duke’s expression was haughty and seeing the beautiful young woman behave as expected delighted him.
“How well behaved, Duchess, as you promised she publicly performs as expected.  I do hope we shall be able to spend some time together to see how well she performs, privately.”  Visciousiana giggled as expected with a bright smile, but inside she cringed in abject disgust, it took all of her power to not claw his eyes out.  Her body physically tried to gag at the very thought of him touching her.  But she had to play the part.  
“I would look forward to that, Duke, I am told you are a storied man of great interest and I would love to hear some of those thrilling ventures!”  she commented, just as mother rehearsed with her.  The Duke grinned and kissed her hand.  
“I would be delighted to share such tales with you.”  The duke responded.  “You must equally regale me with some of your own experiences and adventures my dear.”  He said in a sultry tone.  “Until later on, my beauty.”  The duke’s eyes admired her youthful bosom.  Once they had left, Viciousiana excused herself from the party to her apartment in the palace where she could be alone.  She started to hyperventilate, that thing was to be her husband.  There were no words in any of the languages she knew to encapsulate her abject disgust.  She was sickened, furious, and terrified of the encroaching wedding day that her mother had already arranged in two months when it was summer, the duke loved summer.
The duchess entered the apartment to check on her child.  “Viciousiana, why are you shut up here?  The party is out there and the duke is going to require your familiarity this evening.  You’ve only just met.”  Viciousiana looked at her mother like she was insane.
“I cannot believe you expect me to marry that!  He is horrid!  All my worst fears manifested.  I will not marry that letcher.”  her mother huffed in a serious tone.
“Young lady you will, and you will be an exemplary Duchess.”  Visciousiana looked away in anger.  The duchess sat down and took her hands.  “Look.  I cannot deny you this knowledge of my love.  We have no choice and no option.  We stand on the verge of poverty as it is.  I’ve done all I can to maintain our lives and find a suitable man to remarry myself.  I am simply past the point of desire.  You are not.  I’ve done all I can to run your fathers businesses…but he was the genius, not I.  After he went to fight in the war for that awful whore of a princess, Allaina Bratwurst, and died, his rival swooped in like carrion birds.  Despite my and his partners best efforts they have maneuvered us out of most of our holdings and forced us to sell off many of our businesses and assets.  The only real chance our family has is to retain any sense of wealth and stay off the streets and end up like that poor woman of legend, Veez.  I will not permit you to fall into such horror and become a dreg!  Marrying the duke will secure our family wealth, and you a future and power that is not moldering in a crumbling manor house.”  Visciousiana could see the fear in her mothers eyes and her desperation.  “I’ve done all I can to keep this ugly truth from you so you need not worry nor fear but there it is, child all out in the open.”  the duchess looked away as tears welled in her eyes and voice broke.  “I will accept your anger and your hatred for forcing you to do this, it is worth it to give you the best I am capable of.”  Visciousiana pulled her mother close to her.
“I could not ever hate you, mother.  You have always given me strength and I recognize you only act with love.  My hatred will never be for you.  You are my everything.  All right, I shall marry the groping withered goat, but I will not promise to love him.”  the duchess smiled and pulled her daughter close, rubbing her back gently.
“Thank you, daughter.  Look at you, already becoming the queen I know you to be, compassionate and wise, yet ruthless.”  she smiled deviously in knowing.  Visciousiana could only smile.
The following week Viciousiana was subjected to the duke’s many riveting tales of mercantile haggling and clever business maneuvers, of which he greatly praised his own ingenious.  She tried so hard to pretend to be interested but he was so dull.  His cold hands touched her far too much for her liking.  Especially when he took her on a small boat ride across the lake, where he taught her to fish, by having her sit in his lap.  His hands wandered, and his attention was very divided.  The hardest part was pretending every touch didn’t nauseate her or throw him from the boat to drown.  She had to also pretend she enjoyed his lecherous attentions and wandering hands groping at her.  But her mothers voice echoed in her head throughout the experience, his title gives her more power and freedom.  Things she needed.  Luckily he was already very aged, she was almost certain if she could prevent herself from becoming so violently disgusted by him to not vomit profusely, she could probably cause him to die of a heart attack.  A promising solution, she thought.  But of course that would require her to be with him as his wife.  A prospect she could not bear to imagine.  Her friends did their best to console her but they were not able to assist much.  One letter she received from Lady Ecstacy however held a unique tidbit of information.  One she would keep in her pocket and form her plans to somehow escape this situation.  She burnt the letter immediately after, she was patient, she could wait.
The Duke Bruno DuCastle could not wait to have the beautiful and youthful Visciousiana all to himself, his wife.  His late wife the former Duchess Jeas DuCastle had served him loyally and faithfully for her sixty years of life.  She provided him with four fabulous children which were well established with children of their own.  But her passing hit the duke hard.  Alas as noble society dictates, a man should not be too alone, after a year of mourning her passing, here he was.  Gazing at a lower duchess’ daughter, she was beautiful and her shape changing talents as a changeling were masterly.  He could scarcely tell she wasn’t human.  One promised to him.  She was young, vibrant, and ample in both bosom and hip.  A fine woman to maybe provide him one more set of children before he left this world, a lasting legacy.  He congratulated himself silently for this victory.  In the summer he will marry the beauty and consummate her properly.
As he courted the promised lady, the duke was enamored by her beauty and poise.  Truly she was of exceptional breeding.  Every action and movement was like a flawless dance.  HGe showed her the glory of her soon to be home one late spring week.  His horses, his lake, his gardens and the pride and joy of his possessions.  The DuCastle Crown, an ancient piece of magical artistry crafted by the finest fey of the wilds from before his family left the wild and settled in this world.  Viciousiana was absolutely in love with the stunning beauty of the crown.  Every lady of the DuCastle house has worn it on their wedding day to bless her with happiness, long life and fertility.  He stated she would wear it on their wedding day.  He thought it suited her more than any other member of the family that has worn it.  She looked like a true queen.  He was falling in love with her beauty and grace.  
Viciousiana was ruthlessly skilled in her pageantry of securing the duke’s affections.  She had set herself entirely to the task.  Duke Bruno DuCastle craved her, he found every moment apart from the young woman like a painful absence, he could not tell if this was lust or love but he didn’t care.  She would belong to him soon enough and both would be his at his pleasure.
It was one week before the fateful day.  Visciousiana was attending the duke’s family get together as they came for the wedding and filled his own palace, The House of Shifting Expression, with exhaustively dull nobles and screaming changeling children constantly shifting forms every few minutes.  She was lunching with the ladies of the family, her mother, aunt, and grandmother, the duchess Clarissa Du-Cothe, Duchess Maz Vain, and Lady Varmillia Corsair, respectively.  Her father’s sisters and mother were to arrive the following day.  The duke’s eldest sister Lady Varn was a dull and fat woman, she rarely used her shifting powers anymore as she felt no need.  She was dressed in a rather ugly yellow cotton and taffeta dress and corset, her hair arranged in a tall, curled bun studded with gold jeweled ornaments of butterflies.  She gorged herself on the fine pigeon pie being served and had atrocious table manners.  What was worse, to Viciousiana’s great dismay, Lady Varn was a talker.  Currently she was sedating the assembled ladies with the sordid tales of her ventures through the royal courts flirting with the Bratwurst princes, especially the handsome Prince Marcus Bratwurst.  She’d read all of his novels of his crime solving adventures and experiences.  She went into detail of the unsavory and graphic sexual acts she would commit to that poor man.  Visciousiana held her tongue but considered, the poor man would suffocate beneath the mountainous blubber within the first 30 seconds and escape that horrible fate before she noticed, some months later.
She then directly addressed Visciousiana as she pushed some boiled peas on her plate pretending to not be on the verge of stabbing her fork through the woman’s fat pale throat.  “Oh Viciousiana, just between us girls,” she began.  The future bride thought to herself ‘oh good, this should prove to put me more off my food.’  “Since our mother is no longer with us to instruct you in what the duke expects, the pleasure falls to me!  My brother will expect you to be waiting in his bedchamber in the ceremonial gown of Skerrit our family has always used for ensuring fertility and that a pregnancy will take.  He will spend an hour cleansing his body and performing his own rituals to prepare for the consummation, you are excited to satisfy him, I know.  The duke is a desirable man and well schooled in the arts of pleasure, if dearly departed Jeas is to be believed.  You are expected to be standing before the bed, prepared and cleansed.  He will then come in and lead you in the prayers to Skerrit for his blessings of fertility and to bless your womb to be most receptive to my brother's virile seed.”  Visciousiana listened intently, more horrified by every syllable that tumbled from the fat woman’s lips as much as her own drool.  “You of course will then spent the first night in his bed, and report to him promptly at the end of the day until you are pregnant.  You’ll have your own separate and private chambers of course.  I hear you are an artist of fashions, I shall instruct my brother in preparing you a workshop for your uses.  It’s important to the duke to support your works and hobbies!”  she chuckled, touching a grimey hand to Visciousiana’s, her voice like a chortling walrus.  She gripped her fork in her other hand ready to strike, but her aunt touched her gently to remind her to hold her wrath.  “Of course, I will be intimately involved in the wedding planning as well!  Oh this will be such a splendid and luxurious affair!  A young woman’s wedding must be memorable of course.  I shall have to write tonight to my friends in the high royal courts to see if any of their caterers and get a list of contacts for flower arrangements and other details.  At the duke’s expense of course, dear!  We are aware of your family's current struggles.  Fear you, not my young sister, such a secret is safe with us.”  the bulbous changeling woman laughed, her flabby restrained bosoms undulating like waves of the ocean at high tide.  The assembled ladies of Visciousiana’s family were mortified by this public discussion.  The duke’s younger sister spoke next, a thin and sharp angled woman currently dressed in a horrible clashing yellow and red dress, her thin and narrow chest barely presenting evidence of being a woman and not a rather tall and ugly ten year old boy.  Her hair was woven into two buns meeting in the center of her thin skull, pulled a bit too tight for comfort, each of the rolled woven buns decorated with ruby, emerald and diamond studded gold dragonfly ornaments.  She was Duchess Okt Sorrus, wife of the powerful Duke Sorrus who ruled the economic and trade centers of Ultrakat City and Goffik.
“Naturally we shall also instruct you in the first weeks. In proper etiquette for the duke’s court.”  her voice was as sharp as her bladed nose.  Visciousiana commented lithely.
“I’ve been instructed in court etiquette since I was seven, matter of fact, certainly I shall manage.”  The two women chuckled.
“For the lower courts of nobility, dear, maybe.  But you are entering the higher echelons of nobility that orbit the illustrious higher courts of royalty.  Your quaint farm teachings are suitable for Chilli Valley’s hearty lower nobles and merchant lords, but not the real noble courts.”  the thin woman arrogantly explained.  “We have alot of work ahead of us sister, this will be a herculean effort.”  the smug woman commented as she sipped a cup of tea. Visciousiana’s expression remained cold and calculated.
“I see.”  she responded curtly.  “My future sister in laws, I shall look forward to your wizened teachings to instruct me from my harsh commoner manners.”  She stated with a small tinge of venom.
“It is a noble duty we undertake, my dear.  Just mind your place and do as commanded and you will pick up the proper ways in due course.  We shall be the harshest of teachers but we do it gladly.  Uplifting the rough people to true society is a god-blessed duty.” Lady Varn dribbled.  Visciousiana took a sip of her water goblet with a fake smile.  Already plotting their ends if she could ever get a chance to make it an accident.
Later that day Visciousiana was taken away by the duke to walk through his summer gardens.  They were truly stunning explosions of red, pink, and yellow, orange and gold.  Roses, daffodils, orchids, azaleas, camellias, stretched for a full mile around them.  The duke’s estate was like its own village.  “You look positively radiant today my dear.  How have you been feeling?  You’ve been a touch ill of late, if you require the doctors I will have one summoned immediately!”  the duke expressed concern.
“Oh your grace, such a gentleman and caring man to ask.  No, I assure you it is nothing serious.  A small seasonal malady, nothing contagious, you needn’t worry.”  Visciousiana smiled charmingly.  The duke was happy to drop such a subject not centered around him.
“I hope the estates please you, though once we are married, you shall have the authority to change some things to better suit your desires, naturally.  To be the Duchess DuCastle is a true honor being bestowed on you.”  he smugly stated matter of factly.  Visciousiana only giggled.
“Truly, your grace, they are most beautiful and I am elated to be granted such a privilege, despite my lowly birth.  Your charity and generosity to marry such a rough necked meager lady from such low status as I, is evidence of your boundless benevolence, duke.”  she flattered him.  He smiled and scoffed.
“Oh, it is a pleasure, I gladly do.  I have the affordance of respect by the higher courts and by the higher nobles as the Archduchess to do so without reprisal.  Such a diamond you are, among the gravel, my dear.”  the duke cooed.  “My sisters have spoken with you regarding proper behavior for my court, yes?”  he asked expectantly.
“Yes, your grace.  They shall begin my proper education to turn this harsh clay into a proper work of art to adorn your court flatteringly, tomorrow morning.  Lady Varn seems to be particularly eager.”  Her stomach was wrenched.
“Ahh most excellent.  I should also warn you my younger sister, the Duchess Okt, is rather stern and sharp tongued.  I apologize for her brisk tutelage you shall have to endure.  I assure you it is worth the tolerance.  But once you are properly educated, and we are wed, I will take you on a grand tour of the lands, show you the wonders beyond your humble hamlet.”  He added.
“I must confess, your grace my father did often take us to vacation in Ghernia’s northern regions and all the way to Winterplot on many occasions.  So I assure you I am not quite so centrally rooted.”  She assured him.  The duke smiled.
“The quaint northern villages of Independence Bay, my beauty, pale in comparison to beauty and majesty of Oznee’s forests, the sparkling lakes of the imperial continent, the celestial performances only found at the Imperial Opera House or the Crimson Theater.  My dear, you’ve seen only the mudpuddles of our world.  I will show you the sun and sky and stars.”  he mused.  Visciousiana smiled and laughed.
“Oh that sounds splendid, duke.  Such wonders you have to show me, the true beauty of the world.  I am eager to see them at your side.”  The duke smiled at her. 
“Yes, you will do well in my court, I think.  My sister has told me you enjoy designing fashions and your mother informs me you are most talented.  While I question the wisdom of a young woman as you entering the higher courts to be engaging in common womanly domestic arts…I will not insist that you cease them.  I do however require such frivolities be kept behind private doors.  You will be representing me, of course, and my image must always be maintained flawlessly.  We have lesser people to spin your cloth and assemble your garments.”  he dismissed rudely.
“Yes, your grace.  I shall endeavor to restrain my sheep shearing and wool weaving low arts hidden from eyes so they do not wound your most gleaming image and bring you any embarrassment.  Though I may require some deeper instruction from you regarding such maintenance so I may perform to your satisfaction.”  He patted her hand as she performed expectedly.  
“That is what I like to hear, my beauty.”  He beamed superiorly.
By  the day of their wedding Visciousiana had been subjected to intense days and long hours of proper etiquette instruction.  To walk behind the duke in all matters, to curtsy to him as he exits or enters a room, to stand when he stands.  To wait to eat until he has begun eating.  To ask questions in private and always labor to flatter him to other nobles.  But most importantly to never speak unless he directly addresses her, unless they are in private.  She is expected to rise before him and ensure the servants are organized before he wakes and only publicly engage in approved female arts and activities.  She found it rather restrictive.  The wedding was an obnoxious display of opulence and wealth.  She felt as if this was a coronation, rather than a wedding.  Perhaps it was.  She couldn't help but feel special and royal on this day.  The first genuine moment of joy she felt in the entirety of this arrangement.  The crown of woven gold, electrum, silver and platinum held three large perfect shimmering diamonds surrounded by jewels of carved emerald and black obsidian.  The ceremony was beautiful and she was truly delighted.  
The duke thought she looked absolutely exquisite, divine even, wearing his family’s crown.  He was happy to see she had recovered from the strange illness that had plagued her this past week.  She was radiant of health, her beauty was even more exquisite than ever.  They were married,  the reception party was that of a royal gala and marched deep into the night.  
The duke, practically giddy to have his new beautiful young wife, sequestered himself in his lavish bathroom dreaming of how he would conquer and break in this fresh new mare.  He performed the hour-long ritual bath and ceremonious prayers as he performed the deed, calling on Skerrit to bless his seed with virility and might.  He dressed himself in the ceremonial wedding robe and gazed at himself in the mirror.  “Come now, old boy.  Tis time to teach this young vixen how to be a woman!  You are an expert, be masterly young man!”  he wiggled his eyebrows to his own reflection and kissed the mirror in awe of his own beauty.  He opened the door.  The room smelled of the earthy and spicy incense of Skerrit burning in the little braziers.  The silken red sheets freshly on the bed.  There stood Visciousiana, as expected, her long raven hair hung beautifully around her mocha shoulders, her expression was sultry and alluring.  She was practically glowing.  The crown rested exquisitely on her head.  The ceremonial gown decorated with lace gold leaf lace vines and leaves snug around her wide hips.  The duke felt himself grow hotter, eager for their encounter.  He puffed out his chest and strode towards her with a smile.  She allured him with her pouty lips and piercing dark brown eyes.  He pulled her close and slid his hand gently up her beautiful neck, her black lipstick painted lips pursed to welcome her new lord.  They kissed, deeply, their hands rubbing over each other’s bodies, Visciousiana cooed eagerly.  “Oh my love, I must have you now.  We can dispense with the prayers, I will be gentle…at first.”  he teased, whispering softly.  Visciousiana let out a soft moan.  
“Yes, husband.  Take me.  Teach me the ways of carnal delights.  Before we begin…may I serve you, my lord, a toast?”  the duke felt himself become even more rigid with delight at her submission and address, his sister's instructions were perfect.  He felt her round and firm bosoms as he kissed her plush lips again with his.  She was perfect.  
“You may, my love.”  he whispered.  Visciousiana let her shapely rear rub against him teasingly as she turned.  The duke gave her firm rear a playful slap, and she chirped in surprise, followed by a moan. 
“You’ll have to hit harder than that, my lord.”  she giggled, bending over before the small table as she poured two glasses of wine.  Soon returning to his side, pushing her chest out to display her cleavage for him.  The duke stroked her hand as he took the silver goblet and kissed her hand, her wrist, and moved up her arm to her neck.  Viciousiana moaned and cooed at his attention, pushing her rear against the spindley man.  He pressed his hips against her as they drank the wine, the duke greedily imbibed his to fortify himself for the loving he must impart on the beautiful woman.  Visciousiana drank hers slowly as the old man crawled onto the bed and waited for her to join.  Extending his hand.  
“Come my love, let me ravish you in the pleasure you deserve.”  he said in a sultry tone.  He coughed for a moment, a tightness in his throat.  “Pardon me…a drop went down the wrong way.”  The beautiful woman watched him.  The duke coughed again.  The tightness became more pronounced.  His chest got tighter, vision started to tunnel.  Visciousiana smiled down at him.
“Are you feeling ill, my love?  Your poor heart giving out as we consummate our love, is such a terrible tragedy.  A terrible family defect.”  She smiled as he gasped one last breath.  Visciousiana turned to the window and sat down at the side table chair and sipped her wine, gazing out into the storming night.  The new Duchess DuCastle.  She smiled, reveling in the freedom.
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writerleo86 · 9 months
Terravenger - Season 5: Part Two - The Pugioh City Survival Arc - Episode 463 (Do Not Copy)
    Standing at the other side of the sacred island were two of the villainous agents. The blind elder called Shade stood with his palms together at the front. And the elder remained by the right side of the emotionless woman called Sirius. But another person stood by her left side.
    This was a younger man with light skin and cold brown eyes. He was a tall and slender man with long brown hair that was combed back and tied in a low pony-tail. He also had a fine mustache. And he had a small fuzz at the bottom of his lower tip. He wore a pale-blue uniform with golden accents. He had a pale-yellow pad on the top of each shoulder along with a small red jewel on the middle of the pad. He also had on a thick black belt, long black boots, and fingerless white gloves. And he had two white symbols on the front left side of his top.
    First, Shade lowered his black eyeglasses using the three fingers from his left hand.
    He called in a soft voice "Slangeoyne!"
    A gloomy blue force began to glow from his white eyes. And he fired a long ray of blue energy onto the large field of invisible wind that guarded the entire island.
    The elder continued to break through the strong barrier while he stayed calm. Then the barrier of calm wind blew away from the island. And Shade gave a soft smile.
    The other man walked two steps forward. He slowly waved his left wrist before him.
    And the young man reported "We are in."
    The emotionless Sirius ordered "We are to infiltrate the castle. And we must destroy everything and everyone inside."
    The young man soon gave a vicious smile and said "But let's have fun while doing our task."
Terravenger -- Season 5: Part Two -- Episode 463:  The Survival Arc -- Breaking Into the Sacred Island
    In the small hallway somewhere at the Mafic Isle, the crafty gentleman called Goran opened his right hand before him. He was joined by the rest of Mayne's warriors -- Cyan, Kross, and Dime.
    Goran had his eyes closed as the three agents gathered around him.
    "So?" asked Dime. "What are you seeing right now?"
    Then Goran gave a sinister smile and reported "We have only a few hours to prepare ourselves. We will be having some company in the form of the fair knights from Pugioh."
    Kross gave out a vicious laugh as a long bladed whip was wrapped around her. And she held the handle of the weapon with her right hand.
    "How wonderful!" cheered the red-haired warrior. "I get to test my new weapon! Let the killings begin!"
    Goran informed the lowly Cyan "You may finally get your taste of revenge. Among this large army is the royal lieutenant of the Midas Armed Forces."
    Cyan gave a soft smile and implied "I'm ready for the Sidney woman this time. I'm going to kill her."
    Dime shook his head as he gave a gentle smile.
    After that, Goran opened his purple eyes and gave another smile.
    "You all have your orders," He told the soldiers. "Let's all prepare to give a great show to our guests."
    Several minutes later, many of the knights wearing either white or golden armor hurried from the right side of Erodios Castle and stood in front of the closed gate that was made of white stone. The three villains soon made their way to the area and met with the large army.
    As they all walked toward the gate, the young male agent pointed his left finger forward. A large wave of yellow energy quickly spiraled from under the ground. The energy whirled around the male as its shape formed into a large snake. Then the crazed man gave a loud laugh.
    The man soon yelled "To the abyss you go!"
    After that, the snake of energy slithered toward the noble army. It crawled through many of them. Those soldiers slowly fell face down on the ground. And the body of each soldier turned into piles of burning ashes.
    The silent Sirius threw three of her small pink needles to the chests of three soldiers as she walked toward them. She knocked down these soldiers using her kicks. And the three villains arrived at the closed gate.
    The elder Shade lowered his black eyeglasses using his right fingers once again. He fired a long ray of blue energy from the white pupils of his eyes to the long gate. Both doors of the gate were pushed open. And the villains proceeded through the gate.
    As they traveled forward, the agents fought through more of the united soldiers until they finally reached the two closed doors of the old castle.
    The young male villain pointed his left finger at the doors as the long snake-like projectile slithered by his left side.
    And the man yelled "Let's go!"
    The snake crawled forward and leaped through the doors.
    As a great storm of lightning began striking from the sky, the three agents walked through the hole made on the doors. Another set of armored knights hurried into the main hallway and confronted the villains.
    The large snake-shaped energy gathered around him as the deranged man called "Neo Anguis!"
    Then the snake began attacking many of the soldier as the male agent told his team "Go for it! I'll take care of the mice here."
    The remaining agents continued up through the stairway and arrived in the dark hallway of Erodios Castle.
    Next, the pair walked through the hallway and made their way into an opened door which led them into the throne room.
    The two students hurried to the center of the room as the villains walked inside.
    Duo Storms noticed the mauve-haired woman standing before him and informed his partner "I remember that chick! Be careful Griffin! She throws needles!"
    The emotionless Jonny Griffin turned to his partner who stood by his right side.
    And Jonny repeated "Needles?"
    Duo reported "Those damn needles hurt! And I figured they're poisonous by their color!"
    The focused Sirius who stood at the other side had thought to herself "That boy knows about the paralyzing venom that are drenched in my senbon? Very clever of him to notice."
    And the mauve-haired warrior leaned her head back.
    "You may be right," claimed Jonny. "The woman must use poison as her weapon. We should think very carefully."
    Duo looked at the other enemy who remained by Sirius's right side.
    And Duo thought to himself "And this geezer! I never saw him before. What the hell can he do?"
    Jonny informed his partner "Relax. I'll take care of the old guy. You deal with the one with the needles."
    "Hold on!" cried Duo. "Did you just read my mind? What the hell?"
    "I didn't need to read your mind to know what you were thinking," implied Jonny.
    A smiling Duo shook his head and replied "Okay! I'll handle Poison there. I'm sure I can deal with her damn needles."
    Duo stared at the elderly agent once again and told his teammate "Be careful. I don't like the look of that guy. He's bad news."
    Jonny answered by shaking his head. And both Duo pounced away along with his opponent.
    After they both landed at the other side of the room, the sharp Sirius threw a barrage of her pink needles as Duo dodged by jumping, rolling, and spinning away.
    "Shit!" thought Duo. "This chick's really goin' for it. She's tryna strike me with her poison!"
    The quick youth continued to avoid every projectile that was thrown by his swift opponent.
    Meanwhile, Jonny remained standing at his spot as he analyzed his elderly opponent using only his eyes.
    "Would you like me to strike first, Child?" asked Shade.
    He gave a soft laugh and implied "I may be unable to see you, Young One. But I do have a slight advantage over you."
    Jonny continued to watch him as the elder continued.
    "You don't talk much, hey? You must be one of those who use their brain more than their brawn. I can respect that. But are you able to figure me out without attacking first?"
    Jonny stood at his area as each hand was still lowered.
    But the older youth called out "Boil Release! Great Cloud of Vulcan!"   
    A large globe of golden fog quickly gathered around the two fighters. The elder Shade began feeling the great amount of heat hat slowly formed within the fog.
    "Are you trying to burn me until I submit?" He questioned.
    While the temperature of the mist continued rising, the calm Shade lowered his head to the right side as he held up his glasses with three of the right fingers.
    "Summoning!" called Jonny. "Eight Young Phoenix Formation!"   
    Eight large birds made with fiery red feathers soon appeared from balls of fire and flew above the emotionless Jonny. And the creatures swarmed toward the elderly villain as fire gathered around their bodies.
    Shade gave a quick smirk and called out "Stal Kylling!"
    Suddenly, eight small birds made of pure silver appeared around the blind elder. Once the swarm of firebirds flew closer, the eight metallic creatures hurried straight for them. And the firebirds along with the armored birds quickly burned into piles of ashes.
    "I should get rid of what you summoned around us," said Shade.
    The elder gave a wicked smile and called out "Sjoohest!"
    Next, another creature was summoned in front of the cocky elder. It was a floating creature that looked like a sea horse. It had a bent neck, a long snout, and a long tail. And its entire body was made of the chemical element, Silver.
    The creature blew a large pump of air from its snout which blew away the heated fog around them.
    The creature finally popped into small smoke as the evil Shade replied "Now that's better. I can feel the cool air of this establishment."
    After that, Shade strengthened his dark tie using his right hand and continued.
    "The only thing you did was give a mere sunburn to the front of my neck. Now I have to put on ointment after I get back. This is quite embarrassing."
    Jonny with a clear mind had placed the fingers of his hands forward as he called out "Summoning! Stalking of Black Wolves!"
    Four large puffs of smoke emerged in front of him which formed into four wolves that were covered in black fur. And the color of their eyes were white.
    "I hear some growling over there," claimed Shade. "You must have summoned something else."
    As every wolf continued growling, Jonny pushed his hands forward.
    "Summoning!" He called.
    And a white mist formed around the entire room.
    The other student Duo lowered to one knee as he looked carefully at his surroundings.
    Then Duo gave a great smile and thought to himself "Maybe this'll work for me."
    His opponent called Sirius had searched around us well and thought "Was it the other kid that brought forth this blinding mist?"
    The blind Shade faced forward and implied "Surely you will be serious about the situation you are in."
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