Galaxies and 11-11
galaxies: three things I want to do before I die
visit another country
break a record
get arrested
11-11: what's something I want but think I'll never have? I want to get married but I don't really see it happening ever
ask me here :)
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There’s a tumblr aesthetics blog that is tagging some of their stuff dealing with black muses as colored people.
eww. can we get links? but like also hopefully they’re not native english speakers? idk I’m just hoping its ignorance.
mod ali
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whatevenisyourdeal · 4 years
Oh, someone just followed me! ... Well this should be interesting! Welcome to my blog, @askbobby-t-wilson ! I hope you enjoy yourself here!
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daisiesforlacey · 4 years
1,2 3 and 5
1. What song makes you feel better?
This was so hard to answer, music is one of my absolute passions in life and having to choose one song??? Nah lol. I’ve narrowed it down to ‘Levitating’ by Dua Lipa, ‘The Wizard and I’ from the Wicked Soundtrack, and ‘Waste the Night’ by 5sos (it’s lowkey my anthem lol)
2. What’s your feel good movie?
Legally Blonde or Miss Congeniality! I love early 2000s movies 💛
3. What’s your favorite candle scent?
I’m a pretty classic girl, I love vanilla candles. They’re perfect for any season and any time of year
5. Who do you feel most you around?
Super cheesy, I know, but my best friend. It seems the only good thing to come out of quarantine is becoming closer to her! We’re always on the same wavelength, we can have really deep and meaning conversations, or really stupid ones. I always feel like I can go to her for anything 💛
Thank you so much for asking 🤍🤍
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fiddlepickdouglas · 4 years
"I say to you, you are God's gift to all womanhood" - Nina Simone, Take Care of Business
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bandsanitizer · 4 years
How did you make your edits for the Austin Moon stuff?
hello bobby lol thank you for the ask!!! um my explaination is going to lack technical terms because i kind of just go with whatever looks right as i edit (hence some inconsistencies) but hopefully this makes sense.
to start: i do all the editing on my phone with the apps pixlr and proknockout. both are free, though they have a quite a bit of ads—they get the job done. additionally, all the original photos either came from ross lynch’s or laura marano’s instagram or a lot of google searching for the perfect picture
now the concepts for the playlists as fake albums came from me rewatching austin & ally this year and being like “wHAT HAPPENED IN THE TIME SKIP???” yknow those years between ally giving austin her book and them being on the helen show? yeah. i was like “what happened?!? i need to know” and originally i was thinking of a fic but i started also getting into the driver era and thus i thought up “what if like... austin moon had other albums?!” cos we kind of just know of his first album in canon. and then it extended to “hOLY MOLY WHAT ABOUT THEIR DUO ALBUM?!?” anyways that’s way more backstory so onto the edits
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okay so this was the simplest of the edits. basically i took this photo:
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cropped it into a square, played around with some of the exposure and such to make ross look less washed out, and then rotated the image and put some text over it. the font is provided with pixlr and i chose it because it conveys how i’d kind of imagine austin moon’s handwriting. the “album” itself was meant to have a very personal/authentic aspect so i thought it fit.
for the back cover/track listing, i took this photo:
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and used proknockout to crop out ross. then in pixlr, i layered it over a solid background, with some rotation. add some filters, played with lighting, then blurred the whole image before adding the text on top. definitely one of the more rushed back cover edits.
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okay so i had fun with this! the front cover comes from this original photo from some magazine shoot the driver era did (i think it was MOOD but i can’t remember)
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this “album” was intended to capture a darker side to austin moon’s music and i really love ross’ harley hair so i had to go with brunet ross lynch. in pixlr i cropped to a square, did a lot of filtering to have cooler tones (matching the darker feel of the playlist) and then played with a filter that adjusts texture. after that, i layered the image over itself with adjustments to size and position to get that distorted effect. then i added the font and such lol
for the back cover the original came from pexels which is a royalty/copyright free image site
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basically to match the title i wanted to utilize an eclipse image. i played around a lot with how i wanted the track listing to be. eventually i figured it out, put the text down with pixlr, and then played with filter and exposure and such to get the bluish glow that matches the front cover edit along with a warmer tone for the background. then i used a filter that inverted the colors to get the contrasting blue-black side. then i used proknockout’s collage option to put the two together—kind of to convey the crossing-paths aspect of an eclipse.
last step was going back into pixlr and if you look closely, it’s not just a solid background. it actually has several lines of the text “there’s no way i could make it without you do it without you be here without you” which is an oblivious reference to the austin & ally theme song. it’s meant (in this au of sorts) to be austin giving recognition to ally’s impact in his life and career on an album that marks a step away from his past. ANYWAYS! the text just has very very low opacity to make it blend better.
where you are
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this one i think i had the most fun and the most trouble with because i could NOT find a nice image of both ross and laura. thus i had to search to find the right images. bc tumblr is limiting me to 10 images total on this, i’m only including one of the two images of laura i used. they’re both from the same photo shoot and screenshots from one of her recent instagram posts. the images of ross/base photos for the edits came from the driver era instagram.
okay so front cover edit took this phot of laura:
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and used proknockout to crop her out of the background. then i used pixlr to layer it into this image of ross to kind of make it appear as if she’s standing behind the piano:
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which you can see in the final edit! then i layered black squares, erasing majority of their inside, to get those black frames throughout the edit. finally i added text. originally I had a logo concept for austin & ally but then thought the simple font looked much better for the concept of the album—which was meant to convey their maturity as artists. also played around with the coloring and shadows and exposure.
finally for the back cover, i cropped this image (sorry rocky):
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and used proknockout to take an image of laura sitting and layer it onto the driver era image. then i played with some exposure and filters to get laura’s lighting to match that of the original image. after realising the pic of laura was way higher in quality than ^this, i blurred it A LOT. then i used the same technique with the black squares, only this time lowering the opacity a bit. then i went with a font that was a bit more playful to set up the track listing. “two in a million” was left as a bonus track since it’s not on the playlist because it’s not on spotify.
and yeah! that’s how the edits were done! they were honestly a lot of fun and sparked by the playlists i made towards the beginning of this year. they all had a few different versions LOL but anyways, thank you for asking! i had fun sharing and i hope you enjoyed the playlists, the edits, and/or this explaination! sorry it’s not too technical!
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ask-lukepatterson · 3 years
I suddenly have LOTS of energy who wants to do something @askalex-thedrummer @ask-reggie-thebassist @ask-nickster @askbobby-t-wilson
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meangirlsx · 4 years
There are a lot of godly parent headcanons already out there but I’m adding to them with some concepts a handful of us came up with.
Julie: Child of Apollo, blessed by Hestia
Yes this would technically make her a full god but she is incredibly powerful, so... 
Obviously she’s insanely musically talented – her music touches people deeply
It helps heal her and the people around her
We also see a connection to healing in the way her love removes Caleb’s stamp from the guys
Hestia blesses her after Rose dies
She has maternal instincts, a spirit of warmth and kindness, and a strong value in family, both given and chosen
We also see a connection to Hestia’s fire in all of the fire and light imagery surrounding Julie in their songs
Luke: Child of Demeter
He believes in connections we can’t see, like energy
He’s also grounded and believes in making your own fate
His mom loves him but also tries to control him, and he leaves her in the winter, like Persephone and Demeter
She fights to get him back, but he leaves her for the underworld
He returns to her world after a time, but he won’t stay forever, just like Persephone
This would also explain his sleeveless tendencies: if he’s also associated with spring, that could bring perpetual warmth
Reggie: Child of Hestia
Reggie places a strong emphasis on found family in particular
He is warm and inviting
He’s a little underestimated, but he’s powerful
Peace is important to him
This also makes him related to Julie which I know we all love to see
Imagine this: Home Is Where My Hearth Is
He has such a big heart and he’s also like the heart of the group, like the hearth
Alex: Child of Aphrodite
He cares a lot about how people perceive him
He has so much love to give to the people he cares about
He is truly a ride or die
He has an effortless sense of cool and style
His anxiety just doesn’t let him realize it
He falls hard and he falls fast
Flynn: Child of Athena, Hunter of Artemis Carrie: Child of Aphrodite (bonus points for a connection to Alex) Willie: Child of Hermes Nick: Child of Hermes Bobby: Child of Hermes Caleb: Hades
Other concepts we really liked included Luke as a child of Aphrodite, Nick as a child of Apollo, and Julie as a mortal because she’s just that powerful.
@reggiesjams @theobligatedklutz @random-nerd-3 @thesevenumbrellas @gaystreetsmarts @lyra-pador @bored-weather @soemthingsparkly @reggiehasadhd @marinettepotterandplagg @carriesphantoms @askbobby-t-wilson 
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because this situation has begun to stress out mr. alexander, i would like to resolve this peacefully. miss @ask-carrie-wilson , mr. @askbobby-t-wilson , @askwillie-the-sk8erboi , would it be possible to come to an agreement such that we no longer need reach across universes with violence?
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waterisntreal · 4 years
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Yes this is inspired by @askbobby-t-wilson’s recent post and what about it?
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ask-nickster · 3 years
is it called sunset curve because none of you are straight?
@ask-lukepatterson @ask-reggie-thebassist @askalex-thedrummer @askbobby-t-wilson
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Top 10 Julie and the phantoms songs
you really just said pick five to die didn't you okay now i want yall to remember that i love and adore all of the songs
10. Edge of Great i was actually having a hard time deciding between this one and Finally Free but i decided on this one just because Luke's guitar solo which I love so much and their little duet at the end
9. Unsaid Emily i said this in the sad songs ask but this song is so emotional and it never fails to make me cry also "maybe time would not erase me" just kind of brings up some fears of my own
8. This Band is Back (Reggie's Jam) I just think this one is so cute also "C'mon Reginald"
7. Wake Up the solos in this are just so beautiful and i feel like they have something that can apply to everyone and sometimes it can just be so hard to take that first step into doing better for yourself and this song really just says its okay if all you do is take that first step
6. Flying Solo this song, while everything in it isn't applicable to us just makes me think about how much i love my best friend and also the drum pad
5. Other Side of Hollywood the theatre kid inside me screams in delight at this song the performance of it all the little break down in the middle the colors like this is something i dream of performing in and Cheyenne is incredible
4. Perfect Harmony wow is this song gorgeous the harmonies? spot on. the emotion behind it? im feeling it too. the chemistry? tangible baby. and the dance which isnt part of the song but yes it is is so beautiful and well choreographed
3. All Eyes On Me now i came for Alex dancing on stage but i stayed for this absolute banger of a song its such a good pick me up song
2. Stand Tall this song just gets me in my feels like in a completely different way than Unsaid Emily it just almost gives me such an overwhelming sense of relief and of course its gorgeous
1. Now or Never i LOVE this song its so fricking good and its in a genre i adore so that helps and i can just sing it and idk it just gives me a happy feeling different from the other ones
ask me here :)
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fysticalmorest · 4 years
I follow all these jatp rp blogs and they fill my dash 24/7 and I dont even know half of what they're saying but I hope they know that I would fight God for them
thank you, nameless faceless people behind those askblogs I am now your chaos demon assigned to protect you
@askbobby-t-wilson @ask-lorelei-covington @ask-streetdog
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between-two-fandoms · 3 years
Little Reggie Peters Sleeps Under The Docks
Ao3 link
Inspired by: King by The Amazing Devil
Summary: The waves crashed and the seagulls cried and Reggie Peters sat alone under the docks with his knees pulled to his chest and saltwater tears streaking down his face because life wasn’t fair so he sat on his rock like a king waiting to be rescued when he knew in his soul no help was coming.
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@askbobby-t-wilson @ask-me-ray-molina Date night? I just tried out a delicious chocolate torte recipe but I need someone to share it with....🤔🤭
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x-lulu · 3 years
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her aura is made of poetry, roses and galaxy
well this is a bit scary haha, it’s my first digital painting ever and I can use a lot more practice but I think for the first try this is alright :)
okay so this is based on something my lovely queen @https-luna told me, I’ll leave the post about it here. but basically she is a greek goddess and she is the goddess of stars, planets, galaxy, comets etc and her name is planeta. this is the imagine I had in my head while I thought of her so I decided to draw it 🙈 hope the painting is alright haha also her face sucks and there are probably other mistakes but we’re gonna ignore that
@nxsmss @rosylinn @obxflowr @rafej-cambanks @killingbxys @askbobby-t-wilson @salea15 @vintageobx @barbiefan21 @pink-meringues @midsommers
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