#asking lúthiena
luna-tormenta · 4 years
10- Have you ever astral projected etc?
Thank you for asking!🖤
When I first began witchcraft, I was able to astral travel and lucid dream very frequently! Once I became pregnant with EllaMay in April 2018, I lost all my abilities.
I am no longer able to hear spirits, astral travel, lucid dream, and feel spirit energies. I have had to relearn and teach myself how to do all of these things again!
I am slowly beginning to hear and see spirits again! As well as, have almost made it into the astral realms. But, as always since April of 2018, something pulls me right back into my physical body.
I've also begun learning energy work to help me begin feeling energies again! 🖤
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venussent · 4 years
May I have a lenormand reading please? I have never received one before! My name is Lúthiena, it is very nice to meet you💜
hello! you’re probably surprised that i’ve replied to this ahaha, this has been in my inbox for a while and i’m really sorry about that! thank you for sending in a reading and it is wonderful to meet you too <3 
there wasn’t a specified q so i asked the cards if there is anything you should know. 
the key: there are new pathways and opportunities that are about to open for you. some obstacles that you’ve been facing will soon be or are already dissolving. this may also be in coordination with the effect of the full moon in pisces. either that, or you may see a solution that you hadn’t before. 
the ship: you are about to make a journey, either physical or mentally, to somewhere you haven’t been before. in taking up the new opportunity shown by the key, you are also leaving something behind. 
in conclusion: you may soon or already find yourself in a situation where you may want to take an opportunity but are worried about what is ahead and what you may leave behind. when you do, consider moving forwards nonetheless. hear out these new opportunities, delve into them and see what they carry. it will likely be scary. 
to clarify this, i asked the cards what would happen if you embarked on these new opportunities. from this, i received the ring. this suggests that some time of commitment or agreement will occur, either towards a person, organisation, or idea. whether you choose to go through with that commitment is up to you, but you should ensure in doing so, you’re not just getting caught in a problem you’ve been in before. 
if you are willing to leave feedback it would be much appreciated, and you can do so here: https://forms.gle/ChhkDkP3XuFWv4Jt7 or through my dms/ask/submit. thank you!
disclaimer: i am not a professional in any concept. this is a subjective interpretation with no guarantee for precision. the belief in divination and their tools is a choice, and for legalities this reading is for entertainment purposes only. please consider your own choices and their consequences logically before making any decisions. 
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chthonicdaughter · 4 years
Hello dearest one! Ive been scrolling through your blog for some time now, just reading everything you have reblogged or posted. All of a sudden I felt like Perse and Hades were near and I hear Hades say "I am very fond of this one" and Perse answers "I am too!" very giggly. It was such a lovely moment. I felt so close with them scrolling through your blog. Thank you so much for this wonderful moment. -Lúthiena🌻✨🌜
Hello sweetling, sorry for my delay life has gone a little mad here.
Thank you so much! I'm so glad my blog brings joy to people! Its always awesome to see my notes fill with people scrolling through!
Hahaha I do love Persephone and Hades too! Though when i asked Persephone about giggling, as she rarely does around me, she got stern and told me i needed a stern mother in my life but of course she giggles. Thank you so much for sharing with me! I love to hear about people's experiences with them as well.
I know they love you dearly also, not that you need me to tell you 🥰.
Stay safe in this bizarre time 😘
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luna-tormenta · 4 years
(heyo luna, this is todayinmagicalhistory!!) 2, 8, 9, 14, 15 for the spirit/deity/astral asks!!
2. How did you know you were experiencing a calling towards a particular deity?
I'm going to answer this with my most recent calling towards Hekate! I first noticed Hekate and felt a "tug" towards her when I was researching Lilith. It is said that a "face" or a separate aspect of Lilith, is Hekate. It was weird because as soon as I read that, my candles popped and fickered. I didn't think much of it at the time because I assumed it was one of my Spirit Family members trying to get my attention.
Next, this was a couple days after Christmas, I was looking online at Barnes & Noble and came across Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction to Hekate's Modern Witchcraft by Cyndi Brannen. I saw some excellent reviews of this book on here and thought "hmm might as well try it". Upon receiving the book, I felt a huge pull to read it before the other 6 books I purchased. Within the first few pages, Cyndi sets up "Cycles" for you to read the lessons in a timeframe of 1 year. These cycles are just guidelines, and take place on the New Moon of each month.
Literally, I received this book 3 days before the New Moon, which gave me the right amount of time to prepare my Keeper Notebook and begin Cycle #1! Upon reading Lessons 1 & 2, I felt as if something just clicked and felt like I had known Hekate for YEARS. She is the Guardian of Children (Kourotrophos) and Mother of All (Pammetor), and I thought these epithets of Hers sound a lot like who I am as a mother and friend.
I actually made first contact with Her last night, and She made me feel so warm, welcomed, and loved. She called me "My Child" and "Dear", and told me She has been there "since the beginning of your life". I am glad to have officially talked with Her, and am excited to see what experiences come from working with Her. 🖤🖤
8. What do you consider your spirit work ‘area of expertise’?
Great question! Honestly, I believe there is so much work I need to learn about spirits and spirit work still! I already have a huge knowledge of them, but the list of learning is never ending! 🖤
My area of expertise would definitely be using divination, specifically pendulum, to communicate with spirits!💀
9. A type of spirit you think is unappreciated and deserves more attention by spirit workers?
I know I've said this before and I will say it until the end of time!
Demons. Demons! DEMONS!!!
They are very stereotyped due to Christianity and Catholicism, and they're just the most beautiful, unique little spirits. It's said they are "evil" and "bad" and "possessive" and what have you. But, any species of spirit can be that way!! All spirits have their malevolent type, not just demons!
And UNSEELIE AND DARKER ALIGNED FAE!!! They are not bad and mean, they love and understand truly the meaning of Life & Death! I wish they weren't stereotyped as well.
14. What’s a misconception about the spirit work community that you wished could be cleared?
Hmm, I haven't really given this much thought before! So, Id have to say the misconception that spirits will and can do anything for you!
Just like us, spirits draw lines. They cannot do everything you ask of them. If they refuse to do something, leave it at that! They aren't your "genie in a bottle", they have their own lives and limited acccess of energies and powers.
15. How do you think the spirit work community could improve/what do you think the spirit work community could do better?
I think we all need to work closely together as a community more, and not be jumping down one another's throats.
There's already a lot of misinformation crawling around, not just on here, but in books, articles, etc about spirit work. I believe if we came together as a whole we would have so much more information and experiences out there for beginners and all witches alike to use as resources.
I also believe we could be better at communicating about different opinions/practices, rather than making someone feel awful for the way they view spirit work/practice spirit work. We all are different, we learn differently. Just because someone's practice is different than yours, doesn't make it less valuable. 🖤
Thank you dearest one for sending these in💀🌙🌻
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luna-tormenta · 4 years
I was tagged by @derpinathebrave thank you so much my dear!🌻✨🌙
coffee or tea cant decide so both!! | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | Egyptian mythology or Greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees both cant decide! | macaroons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library both!!!| rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | London or Paris | Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party  
I tag @the-faeryqueen @todayinmagicalgirlhistory @torque-witch @art-lights14 @alien-witchery @coffeeonacoldday @my-me1ody @darkfyretheumbrawitchreturns @missmermaidwitch 🖤🖤 (clean copy will be in the replies!)
I also tag anyone who would like to do this!😊🌟
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luna-tormenta · 4 years
i'm late lol but if you are still doing that ask game, #6 do you have spirit companions and if so how many and #11 what is the most interesting thing you've encountered in the astral? sorry if this double sends
I currently have 10 spirit companions and 5 others who live in the household! We are but a small family compared to others 🖤
The strangest thing I've seen is the shadow figure who constantly pulls me back into my human body when trying to project! I know it is one of my companions by the way they have to hide and cloak themselves from view. It's just really interesting because whoever it is, will NOT let me into the astral!
Thanks for asking!!🖤🖤🖤
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luna-tormenta · 4 years
Afraid, cat & ghost for the Halloween ask! ♥️
Afraid: what is something you are no longer scared of?
I would have to say probably, ghosts and spirits. My step-dad would tell me stories of hauntings and such when I was really, really young. So I was always afraid. Once I learned how friendly spirits are, I realized he was just telling stories, as spirits have a rule against hauntings.
Cat: what are your pets name?
Viper, Raven, and Cybele 🖤
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Ghost: have you ever had a supernatural encounter?
Yes. A ton! My first was when I was about 2, my grandma and I were driving in her car when something hit the windshield. I remember the windshield being hit and someone was holding my hand. When I was old enough to understand and ask, my dad had told me my grandpa, who had passed away shortly before, saved us. He told my grandma what was to happen and guided her through it. I had many growing up, especially when it involved my grandma and grandpa. My grandma came to me when she passed away, touched my face, I saw a black wreath on my mom's door, and knew. I then texted my dad asking how she was, he ignored the question until I was out of school and was in my mother's driveway when I got home, and said she had passed right before I texted him. The supernatural is amazing to me, and I will never truly understand why that is, but I will cherish every moment I receive.
Thank you so much for asking, my dear friend!🖤
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luna-tormenta · 4 years
1, 3, 6 ~~ knn
1) How tall or short do you wish you were?
I'm 5'8" and ive been super tall my whole life. I was always taller than everyone in elementary and middle school, so honestly I'd like to be 5'2" for a day!
3) Do you have a favorite clothing style?
I have so many!😂 I wear basically everything and anything, whatever fits "me" at the moment! But, if I could choose one style for the rest of my life, I would want to dress like @rattusrattus3 does! Everything they wear is what I wish I could/had! Or be a cottagecore elf, tbh.
6) If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
Mom Brain and Mood Swings 😂😭😂😭
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luna-tormenta · 4 years
Are you a Gold Star lesbian? (Just in case you don't know what it means, a Gold Star lesbian is a lesbian that has never had the sex with a guy and would never have any intentions of ever doing so)
Um this is really weird and if it was from someone who actually knows me, you would know I'm engaged to a man, but am bisexual. So, no. I'm not a Gold Star Lesbian?? Never even heard of that term before....
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luna-tormenta · 4 years
If you still want people to ask questions I choose question 14.
14) Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?
Oh God's, this one is hard!! Im definetly stuck between an elf or merperson. I would love to be an elf and run through the forest with my animal friends and have pointy ears and live for a very long time. And dress like an elf. Like I would love that. But then I would love to be a merperson and swim in the ocean and have sea friends and use a seashell to comb my hair and have hair thats flawless. Theyre both such beautiful creatures. Vampires too!! Ugh. I would have to be a hybrid of them all.
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luna-tormenta · 4 years
Candles, cobwebs, and nightmare for the asks please, love your content!
Candles: what's your favorite scent?
The smell of rain or fresh cut grass or the ocean
Cobwebs: are you scared of insects?
I used to be terribly afraid of bees, but once I learned more about them and how much they help the Earth, and the production of most of our food, I began to be calmer around them! I'm still scared of them when they fly around Ella though😂😂
Nightmare: what's your favorite halloween movie?
The Corpse Bride!! I have a tattoo of a quote from it! It's my favorite.
Thank you for asking, dear friend!🖤
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
Hi there, I was just wondering if you knew what sort of magic you can use jaw bones for? If you know that is, ahh thanks!
Hello dearest one! I'm so sorry it took so long for a reply! Tumblr just doesn't give me notifications for asks I guess??? 🤔🤔
Here are some of my correspondences for bones relating to the mouth:
Survival (we use our mouth to supply energies to our bodies)
Negative workings(As in spoken words hurt, animals attack mostly with their teeth, etc)
Protection (biting, chewing)
Happiness (smiling)
Think about things you associate with mouth's, jaws, teeth, etc. and you will find a correspondence that feels right to you as well💀🌙🌻
Many blessings and love upon you!
Lúthiena 🖤🖤
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luna-tormenta · 4 years
Hey 👉👈 I've got a question. I've been practicing witchcraft for over 4 years now and I have made my own curses. But what are your personal thought on cursing, hexing and jinxing?
My personal thoughts are the same as many others in the Witchblr community! I believe in cursing, hexing, and jinxing! (Especially to those who absolutely deserve it.)
But, what I dont believe in is those who criticize, put down, hate on, etc. others who do believe in cursing.
Others may have their opinion of not agreeing with casting a curse, and thats okay! But please, do not put down those who cast those spells.
There is already so much hate in the world. Theres already enough division in the Witchblr community.
We need to stand together as witches, support one another. Give so much love and compassion. We shouldn't bring each other down for what we believe in our OWN craft. Thats why its our own.
Many blessings and love upon you all 💜
-Lúthiena 🌻✨🌜
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luna-tormenta · 4 years
So about a week ago, a spirit companion of mine was moving my pendulum to letters which formed words to purposely hurt me.
I, of course, banned them from the premises, and upped my wards. I also asked for help from my other companions to put up security too.
I just...I dont know. Im still feeling awful about the whole thing and wish They were still here; but the energy is so, so, sooo much lighter. It waa definetly for the best, because things could have easily turned worse.
Any other spirit workers/companions have any recommendations on how to fill that gap? I feel betrayed. My whole spirit family feels this way. And, we just dont know how to move on..
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luna-tormenta · 4 years
Flannel and quilt :)
Flannel: Have you ever gone on a bad date?
Haha, yes I have! It was when I was a Junior in High School. There was this kid who went to a different school and I met through some friends. He had asked me on a date and it would be the first time we had met. It was so awkward. He was very pushy and just...rude. Very sexist and expected EVERYTHING on this date from me. It was terrible. We were in public too, and he kept grabbing me and trying to make out in this restaurant. Oh Gods, it was BAD BAD.
Quilt: How do you take your tea (or coffee)?
In the mornings, I take my coffee with French Vanilla or Oreo creamer depending on what we have! At night, I have a different cup of tea. My go-to is Rose Mint from my dear friend @torque-witch with a little bit of sugar! My next favorite is Chamomile with honey!
Thank you for asking!🖤
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luna-tormenta · 4 years
Frost ❄
Frost❄: If you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say?
Oh boy, ALOT.
1) He doesn't love you
2) Your rape wasn't your fault.
3) Dont try that substance because you feel alone and empty. It just makes it feel so much worse!
4) Its okay to be different
5) Just because you were abused and couldn't get pregnant by him, doesn't mean you can't be a mother. Dont listen to him. The Gods were watching out for you and waited until you were with the right person. You CAN and WILL have a beautiful daughter.
6) Do NOT give in, it gets so much better
Thank you for sending this in! It made me realize and be so thankful for how much I have grown. Thank you🖤
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