#motherly hekate
serpentcoded · 1 year
Really quite weird for people to make assumptions about others’ practice and relationship with deities, especially deities with a complex history outside of their current pantheon.
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khaire-traveler · 7 days
I'm a bit tentative to reach out to Hekate as my helpol friends have told me she's 'not for the naive' and that I should set up a protection spell beforehand. Is there anything in particular I should know? Sorry to bother!
This straight up sounds like gatekeeping lol. Every Greek deity has had some wild cult worship throughout history, so maybe this is what they're referring to, but it still feels generally incorrect. Granted, I don't know your friends, and I don't worship Hekate directly (I almost did, as she was reaching out), but every time I've interacted with her, she's been extremely friendly, kind, and welcoming; she's never given off a hint of malice towards me. The only time I've heard of needing to protect oneself when doing anything with Hekate is regarding esoteric practices; in no other context have I ever heard about some kind of necessity to protect oneself when interacting with any Greek deities.
In the recent past, there's been a lot of fear-mongering about needing to protect oneself from deities, but I personally believe deities are the protection FROM evil, NOT the cause of it. I don't think you need to protect yourself when interacting with deities in general; I feel it has the potential to come across as offensive and make a bad first impression. This is all my opinion, however, just as how your friends are of the opinion that you do need protection. I highly encourage you to make your own call. What do you feel is the right thing to do? How do you personally want to reach out to her?
Reminder that there is no such thing as a "beginner" deity, and that includes deities who are "not for the naive". I'm genuinely curious who your friends would consider being "for the naive", considering that children worshipped these gods and goddesses. There is no deity that's flat-out off limits within hellenic polytheism. I've met many people who tell me Hekate is motherly and sweet to them; I've had others tell me that they work with much more intense aspects of hers and have felt her presence more intensely, as a consequence. Experiences will always vary between people. This is to say that I disagree with your friends strongly, general speaking. To claim that any deity is "not for the naive" is such a strange take. I'm inclined to believe they're worshipping or working with her more intense aspects, which you do not have to do if you reach out.
Frankly, if you want to reach out to her, I say go for it! Just because your friends said all that stuff doesn't mean your experience with her will be like that. If you're really that nervous, I would encourage asking a deity you're close with to be with you. Just explain that you're a bit nervous and would like some support. I've asked Lord Hermes and Lord Haides to do this with me before, and all went well; just make sure to inform Hekate of the deity's presence once you invoke her, to be polite. I honestly don't know what the hell your friends are talking about lol. Best of luck to you. 🧡
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lostinvasileios · 6 months
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I never had a good relationship with my mother. She had me too young, never healed or even thought she needed it. Since I'm a transgender in this vessel, she only pushed me out more. Grew close to despising me. And... I despised her too. For a very long time. I cried the most tears over her, out of the fear, anger, and pure sorrow that she smashed into me.
I don't like to address her as my mother, to be quite honest. I never really did. She never felt like such to me.
For so long, I felt very alone. I had no mother, and whatever father figures I had were just as, if not more horrible. My family didn't feel like family. Nobody approved of me and my identity or life styles. I lived in such constant fear of everything and everyone, I developed many problems.
But, then... Hekate happened.
I had little hints of her being around for a long while, but I was afraid to accept her calls. I was afraid, since I had heard she didn't like her sons. That she treated her daughters more lovingly than she would her male soul children. Multiple people had hammered such a perspective that I was simply ignoring her out of fear of her shaming me, hating me, or pushing me into things I wasn't ready for.
Oh, god. I was so wrong.
Hekate, mother Hekate... She's so gentle. She's so soft and loving to me. Her cold hands tenderly swipe away my tears and she pats down my wet face with moon tissues.
Draping my hair in stars and tucking me in with a blanket full of the cosmos. Holding me in her arms as if I were the most precious boy in forever to her. Deeming me so beautiful and irreplaceable, she takes such time with mending my motherly issues, with mending my perspectives on myself...
She dips me into a sea of peace, never have I felt such - safety with someone in this way. I've never said "I miss my mother" until I allowed Hekate into my life. I've never felt comfortable regarding to anybody as "mama" until I felt her touch. The love of the moon rushing through my veins and making me feel so - ethereal.
She embraces me as her son, she cradles all of my wounds and soothes them until the pain ceases. She... Makes me feel loved. In a way I never thought I'd even be comfortable with thinking of. With the thought of having... A mom.
Such dark beauty of the night, a queen of the moon and stars lets me rest my head upon her chest and feel as if all of my trauma regarding maternal love has dissolved... Thank you, mother Hekate.
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necrotic-nephilim · 2 months
i recently remembered DickTim Week 2024 is happening very soon and i looked at the prompts again to see if i could get anything out for it and. the Hades & Persephone AU prompt for day 1 has got me really thinking so here's a vague concept i plan to write.
i've been pretty burnt out on modern Hades & Persephone retellings because of how they always seem to fall into the same generic "innocent wide-eyed girl runs from her evil mean mother into the arms of a dark mysterious man because actually she went willingly and chose to marry him" which has gotten repetitive for my tastes. (for clarity i don't care if this retelling is your cup of tea personally, so long as you're not actively trying to rewrite the original myth and claim untrue things about it, if this is your favorite flavor i sincerely hope you enjoy the buffet i just have little interest in it since it feels overdone for me and exhausted of it's supposed commentary atp)
but? but. biblically accurate Hades & Persephone AU has me all kinds of interested. because wait listen so hear me out right. Hades!Dick and Persephone!Tim, obviously. i feel it'd be more loosely inspired by with themes and imagery (though playing with death and nature powers could be interesting, i haven't decided) rather than explicitly making them gods and all. but. something dark and fucked up where Dick and Bruce are especially estranged. maybe to do with Jason's return, maybe to do with them just clashing and having their usual explosive arguments. and Bruce knows the peace needs to be kept, if he and Dick are at odds then everyone starts to pick sides and things just fracture so he needs a peace offering.
and the peace offering is Tim.
Bruce (the stand-in for Zeus) offers up Tim. agrees to have Tim move to Bludhaven and be Dick's... whatever Dick wants him to be. knowing that with the implication comes the likelihood of Dick grooming Tim. and Tim has no real say and is hesitant to put up a real fight. he doesn't want this, he knows what this is going to imply Dick will do to him, but he also knows if he says no things have the possibility to just... fall apart. so he's the unwilling bride, dragged off to the metaphorical underworld (Bludhaven) with Dick, away from his family, his friends, the life he built.
and on the flip side, i think weirdly enough, your best pick for the Demeter stand-in is *Jason*. just, hear me out on that. not necessarily on the side of it being motherly, but on Jason being just estranged enough from the Batfamily to be the one willing to call it out for being bad and wrong and raising bloody hell to get Tim back. maybe it's because Jason wants Tim for himself, maybe it's truly out of a concern for Tim to have autonomy, i'm toying with the idea of it primarily being Tim's POV and him genuinely not knowing which of these is true. (and the truth possibly ends up being a complicated middle ground) and because i like Helena, i think you can use her as the Hekate stand in, the one who strikes a tentative alliance with Jason and tries to go find Tim and bring him back. Tim stuck with Dick, getting groomed and hyperaware of it, possibly even getting fucked the whole time as well, knowing he can't go back without causing massive issues for Dick and Bruce because well, Bruce did promise him to Dick. so he has to adjust his whole life, try to figure out being a vigilante in this new city with Dick breathing down his neck the whole time.
and then much like the ending of the myth, a sort of compromise is struck that's a shaky deal for everyone involved. Tim is put on an essential timeshare, going back and forth between Gotham, where he has friends and family and a support system, then getting dragged right back to Bludhaven with Dick in this brutal cycle that he slowly gets used to and stockholm'd into even liking it. Dick isn't so bad, once he gets used to the quirks of their unbalanced 'relationship'. the sex is even something he can adjust to as well. not quite a happy ending but one that sits in this realistic grey area that becomes Tim's life.
i will write this, eventually, but i don't know if i'll get to it before DickTim Week ends so by posting the idea i'm essentially putting it out into the world so the peer pressure holds me accountable. i just. really like the potential of making Hades/Persephone AUs as fucked up as they can be simply by adhering to the source material and making it a raw story of being stolen away and forced to like this new home you didn't ask for.
also a less fleshed-out aspect of this idea i have ties into Persephone becoming the Queen of the Underworld when she's taken and how the transition from Kore to Persephone could be reflected in Tim. how he makes the best of the worst situation and becomes something far more dangerous and dark when he's in Bludhaven, possibly takes on a new vigilante name/identity and leans into the worst quirks of his personality he tries to tamper because there's no point in not going full tilt Obsessively Weird if he has no choice anyway and it being one small way he takes back his autonomy, and that inevitably making Dick *more* into him, because he gets to see Tim finally just. let loose.
#dicktim#timdick#batcest#necrotic festerings#necrotic works in progress#dicktim week 2024#fandom event#this will be written i've just got a pile of things before it.#i'm mostly posting it so i don't fucking forget about it#i'm also interested in some of the other prompts#day 2 is full of goodies. and day 7.#but the other prompts are probably ideas that'll be shorter and quicker#this one i feel. if i rlly fucking ran with it. could go on to be a novella length idea.#idk how long it'll get when i write it#but there will be smut this i promise you#also i'm respectfully begging y'all pls don't do hades/persephone myth discourse on this post#i really *don't* care if you like romantic retelings i promise. they're just not my vibe#and i also promise i am *incredibly* well read on this myth#if you try to give me the “well in some versions-” argument i'm *going* to get incredibly boring with so many sources.#like i will go step by step through every ancient version of this myth.#i save that discourse for spiritual spaces tho so pls don't drag it here i will combust#anyway making jason the demeter stand in is funny bc greek mythos also does do the incest pretty hard#so like. it still works. it's funny#how long will this take i honestly cannot tell you#depends on if i cave and bump it up in the queue bc it's behind like. four fics i'm so sorry.#but you're welcome to send asks or whatnot to shout at me about this idea and 'yes and' me#that applies to any of my ideas anyone is welcome to 'yes and' that shit#it delights me dearly.#my sole hang up on this rn is how godly do i make it. do i give them powers. or do i just make it vaguely inspired by the myth.#both are fun for their own reasons.
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aidoneusnotfound · 2 months
General info (asteria)
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she is the goddess of stars and nighttime divination (such as by dreams and by stars)
she is a titaness and the mother of Hekate (goddess of witchcraft)
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how i began working with her: she appeared to me in a dream. the dream featured a piece of my life that i needed help with (not mentioning what it was for privacy). I looked her up to confirm she was a real being, then made sure she really wanted to work with me by asking my pendulum
experiences with her: in my experience she is very motherly. she is very forgiving of mistakes. she prefers communication through dreams, candles, and sometimes tarot. she teaches lessons through dreams, and putting you in learning situations. every time ive ever seen her (in my minds eye) she always had blueish green hair, light blue robes and a silver crown, but when i asked her to help me draw how she looks, i got a blob of stars, eyes and random lines.
[more to come!]
What shes taught me: Its ok to feel things, even if the feeling is a little scary. Its ok to stand up for yourself. Dont let fear hold you back from growing. you have control over yourself, and if something makes you unhappy its ok to cut it out. Dont let others take advantage of you.
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evilios · 2 months
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My thoughts on Winter Harvest by Ioanna Papadoupoulou will be under the cut. I have a lot to say about this book, praising and critical alike.
TL;DR: I liked it a lot. The main plotline is interesting, there's enough action sequences and enough dialogue part. It doesn't feel heavy or hard to read. Inclusion of minor mythological entities is a good choice. There are some narrative choices I personally wish were toned down but they worked for the story. I have some critique about certain characterization choices. Overall, solid 8/10.
Anything under the cut will contain spoilers for the plot of the book. I don't think I can spoil the Hymn to Demeter to anyone reading this, but the specific narrative choices are mentioned further.
Click for a detailed review:
This book is written and published in English as the author resides in Scotland, and I have to offer praise to her language. It remains relatively light throughout the narration and doesn't drop in register, allowing you to feel the divinity of her characters. A lot of myth retellings forget that the Gods that speak like modern humans do not create this sense of separation from humanity. In this narration, the Gods speak like the Gods would. Aside from maybe two or three times when we hear Demeter swear out of frustration, her speech remains lifted and mature.
I found the splitting of the book into chapters titled as seasons a very smart choice. We start in Winter, we end in Spring. Not of the same year, not even of consecutive years. I think it creates the cyclical nature of the text that any retelling featuring Demeter requires.
Next are lists of things I liked, felt neutral about, and disliked about specifically the plot of the book.
Things I liked:
All action is set in different parts of Greece that align with the areas of this or that cult of Demeter.
Demeter is the protagonist, at last.
Her motherly grief and rage are shown very explicitly. There are chapters that nearly entirely center around her changing emotions and a lot of the author's commentary is devoted to exploring her feelings.
She has tangible, strong bonds with other characters, a lot of them being women. I loved the bond she has with Hestia a lot, and her distant care for Hera is very sweet.
Demeter has a steady, prominent character growth. A lot of myth retellings go down the path of girl-bossing their main characters or turning them hostile, but she seems to follow a very "leveled" path of development. She learns to care for the children she first left behind, show compassion after being thrust into misery, and more.
But, seriously, the author is very clearly closely familiar with various epithets ascribed to Demeter in Boeotia and Arcadia. All of her main ones and two more rarely seen ones are mentioned, and she acquires them slowly as she goes through changes within herself.
This story closely follows the Homeric Hymn to Demeter and dwells on some local myths, it's very detailed.
There are a lot of "minor" mythological characters that are mentioned in the story. Entities such as Despoina or Arion that I never see mentioned in H&P retellings play a bigger role than just a footnote.
Triptolemus' plotline is very nice, I like when retellings don't forget about him. Their connection with Demeter is very pleasant to witness.
Demeter is Scary just like how I like her.
The establishment of the Eleusinian Mysteries is a big focus.
As for other Olympians, I adore characterization for Hestia. She feels warm and welcoming all throughout the story and even her moments of anger feel more like frustration than wrath.
Hekate is characterized in a very positive manner. Her presence isn't long-lasting but I like that she and Demeter have a positive interaction and part on friendly terms.
Helios is there, he's pretty chill. He feels monumental and revered.
Poseidon, despite his... questionable motivation, is very realistic, if I can say that about a God. His temper, anger, ruthlessness are very palpable. He's well written.
Persephone's marriage is shown as more of an equally beneficial agreement that she personally enjoys despite her inner fear. While the abduction is still criticized, there's a part of Minthe's speech that shows she's more of an equal to Hades.
Persephone's characterization is overall rather sweet. Also I like that she gets to meet her siblings.
Things I felt neutral about that worth noting:
Due to how visceral and raw most of the narration is, we are shown, in rather precise physical detail, the process of swallowing of the children by Kronos as well as multiple instances of childbirth. I wasn't put off by it, I found it necessary for the story, but some readers might want to know.
The author follows the myths where Demeter is repeatedly forced into submission by her brothers, which is something that I personally read as metaphorical but readers might need to be warned that the book contains scenes of sexual assault.
This book follows the... version? that "Kore" is Persephone's first name, and it MAKES SENSE in this book's plot, but it's worth noting that "Kore" just means "girl, young maiden". I'm not sure if it was ever actually meant as a name or as a title of her in a cult.
Hades is not given many lines but there's a "brother I loved the most" thing with him and Demeter, and I found it interesting. I see why she'd be the closest to the God dwelling underground and I like that choice but not enough to focus on it as one of my favorites.
Things I disliked:
The characterization I liked the least across all female Divinities is Hera. While she is definitely a cunning woman who knows what to do to get what she wants, she's also put in the position of the victim. On one hand, I understand this choice. On the other, I'd like to see more happy Hera who loves her husband. Theogamia and all.
Most of the male Deities are more negative than they are positive. I realize that this is Demeter's POV and to her, they might have come off so, but it would be nice to see someone besides Hades show some semblance of positive qualities.
Zeus is mostly arrogant, pushy, and violent. It serves the narrative but I wish there was more of the saving, helpful, caring God he is in cult. His characterization is very one-sided.
Hermes has a very episodic role in the story but for the short time he is present, he kind of acts like a bit of an ass.
There are scenes where Demeter is unnecessarily cruel to certain female characters, namely spring nymphs that didn't see who kidnapped Persephone. I didn't like that scene.
Overall, I liked this book. I recommend it if you're tired of retellings that try to focus on a woman but end up making her resentful towards everyone she meets or turn her into a girlboss that doesn't need anyone's help.
Also. This line:
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loverdeity · 2 months
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Introduction Post
On this blog I want to give reverence to my favourite aspect of Aphrodite, so I go by Areia (she/her).
I have always been drawn to the Hellenic pantheon, and has started my journey of polytheism. I am working as a devotee of Aphrodite, and worshipping many Gods along the way, as the ancients did.
We were made to worship and so I feel drawn to Aphrodite, I feel in this journey she has things to show me.
My mental health hit a low recently and now I am on a journey of love, acceptance, and a hunger for life. I will love myself in worship of Her.
Her presence is so calming and nurturing, I feel such a close connection with Her.
I am maintaining a focus on worshipping Hekate herself, but I am adhering to the Triple Goddess triad of Artemis, Selene, and Hekate. I am working with her wisdom and guidance on the crossroads of life, and I am drawn to her work as the bridge between life and death.
I worship her as the light in my darkness, may she guide me to the key of peace and security.
Epona represents the freedom of living, the nurture of mother nature, and possibility. I see her as quite a motherly figure, a force of nature. I am studying her closely and finding connections between her and Demeter, alongside her daughter, Persephone. This is quite a new connection for me and I am still in my learning phase.
Thanks! - Areia
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will-o-the-witch · 1 year
Annon that asked about Lillith here. So, I've read a bunch of your texts on the subject, I do not intend to worship her or be a devotee specifically because it's a closed religion. In regards to if it is she or not, I'm open to being wrong, but I can't find any other deity similar to what was presented to me. I can't describe her appearance cause I couldn't see her, I don't know how to explain, but it was like I saw her but not with my eyes. She was very motherly, but a strict one, that was times during the dream when she grew (not in size, but in presence) got chaotic and dangerous, and she showed a place that looked like a se'x dungeon honestly lol. I thought about Hekate, Morrigan, and Nyx, because of the dark place and aura, but the strong +18 vibe is one I can't find a similar correspondence. However, she indeed never said with all words that she is Lilith, the dream itself just didn't let me think otherwise I just could feel her identity
“She was very motherly” yeah my previous answer isn’t changing 😂 if you’re looking for me to validate it as Lilith, you won’t find that here. Doesn’t add up at all to me.
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the-welsh-witch · 1 year
Ok serious question, have your deities ever said anything that made you go 'bitch, I did NOT need to be called out by that. The fact that you had to say it irrelevant, how you know this shit?!'
That is my first encounter with Pluto in a nutshell. Had just done my english oracy exam and was in a state of constant anxiety of 'what do I do now?'. Pluto called my ass out hard first time he spoke to me. literally, first advice from him, 'rest, relax, you don't need to be productive all the time and the things you are worrying about can't be changed'. Like, damn.
You had a deity do that before?
Oh, an then first meeting with Loki consisted of him using my mother's words in the exact opposite way she meant them. Same words, opposite meaning. Mind blown, not gonna lie-
So, the only dieties I have really interacted with have been Rhiannon, Manawydan, Hekate, and POSSIBLY Poseidon and Demeter but only when I was little.
Now, Rhiannon has been around for years, and I honestly have no clue why, but she is very motherly. She'll tell me I'm an idiot, but will also allow me to make my own decisions, as long as I make sure to stay safe. She's very 'Fuck around and find out, but if you fuck around I'm not helping you' vibes. On the flip side, she has also helped me A LOT even before I knew of her, and makes her presence known VERY strongly.
Hekate however, is a bit more stern. She does understand that I learn through doing, however since my working with her is new, is a bit more demanding that I do things By The Book. She'll help me, but I'll dedicate a candle or research, or something to her.
Now, Manawydan is a different story. I sort of half work with him, through Rhiannon, respecting that both he and Poseidon are deities of the sea (Manawydan Fab Llyr LITERALLY means 'Manawydan, Son of The Sea', and Poseidon was gifted hold over the seas by his brother Zeus after killing The Titans), and as I have a history with the sea, I like to give back through working with him and Poseidon (I have found many items in the sea, and lived by the sea for a while, etc).
However, I believe myself and my deities have a very respectful is sassy relationship. Deities are different, and some require different things, it depends on how much you research, and how well you know them. I think the best example is that my friend works with Odin. He is both an eons-old deity with immeasurable power that I will never be able to understand, that I had to re-cleanse, ward, and black salt my house INTENSELY after he and Rhiannon got into a disagreement, however, he is ALSO a sassy bitch that likes Sour Cream Pringles.
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royal-wren · 1 year
My Devotionals Masterpost
Love for what's broken, Gentle and Mighty, Indulge, Aphrodite Psithyristes, Infinite-faced, Queen of the people, Ever-green, Red petals
Under the moon, Molpadia, Wild of Heart, Far-shooting Phoibê, Light Bearer
Nimble-fingered Goddess, One with metis, Of the Eyes
True delight in warmer weather
Lady of rot
Shadow work
Hekate Atalos, Abronoê Kore, Keep me sharp
Initiator of day
God of Silence, Mercurius: Giver of Hunger, Among the graves, The Inspiring One, Acceptance, Words: your greatest strength, Teacher, Giver of Joy, Hold My Tongue, Of Earth, the Dead, and Death, God of Memory
Queen of Heaven
First and last
Prince of Venus
Gentlest on all Olympos, Seen and Unseen
Live honestly
Mountain Maia
The Mousai:
To the most elegant Nine
Keeper of Balance
Persuasion's call
Meter Theon (Mater Theia/Meter Megale)
In full sight
Keeper of Oaths
General Devotionals:
Hail to spring 1 & 2, Their many hands on me, Motherly, Gender: A connection to the Divine, The dichotomy of Hekate and Hermes, Pride of Athene and Hermes, Madness: the call of Aphrodite, Dionysos, Hermes, and Artemis, Apollon and Hermes as opposites, Primordial Mothers, Brief embrace of Mother Night and Daughter Day, Haunting Music, Beneath the sky, Divine Inspiration, Love me while I become something new, I flourish with you, Night-wandering Duo: Hekate and Hermes, Most Worshipful and Dear: Hestia and Hermes, Gods of Rain: Zeus, Hera, Maia & the Pleiades and Hyades, Inheriting Sky and Storms: Athene and Hermes, Guides at Night: Artemis, Demeter, Dionysos, Hekate, Hermes, and Selene, Heralds of the Seasons: The Pleiades, Language as a Danger: Hermes and Athene
Godspouse/partner writing:
Under the dogwood, Flowers gathered, Your beautiful mind, Vulnerable, Never enough words, Wrapped up in daydreams, Addicted, Blurred lines, Midnight eyes, My Delight, Lean on me, Cast Away the Dark, Another day with you, Conversations, My Rock
Modern Myth:
The Cornelian Cherry Tree, Penelope, the cunning, As one season is traded for another, Just another night between two lovers, Beloved of Athene, Hermes, and the Raven (How the Raven perfectly mimics) (WIP), Mother of Architecture (Hestia myth WIP), An Apple for your Love (Hermes and Aphrodite)
Last Edited: 6/29/24
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princessmeepa · 1 year
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Can you tell the difference game from mine version or LO/RS version
Note I did not own this characters from the Greek myths and I was just doing this for fun. Astraeus is very mysterious and there is nothing about him besides he is the Husband of Eos and the father of the four winds, so I give him some personality and his likes/dislikes
Astraeus the mysterious God and Titan of Dust and Husband of Eos and the Father of the four winds/ANEMOI
Likes: sweets, drinking tea, looking at the stars, making people/the Gods and his own kind feeling uncomfortable by doing some vaguer stuff or doing vaguer things, spending some time with Eos and his family, helping those around him and making Dusks.
Dislikes: Theseus being a big A$$****, Zeus and Being away/losing the ones the loved and cared about
Friends/allies: Thanatos,Hypnos,Apollo,Hermes,Eros,Dionysus,Makaria,Ariadne,Psyche,Peitho,Pesathea, The ANEMOI, Hades,Persephone, Helios(Sometimes), Selene(His favorite sister in law, because she is the only one who can understand him),Endymion(same thing just like Selene),Hyacinth,Iasion(He likes him for some reason, not in a romantic way),Ampelos,Pan(Why not), Adonis,Crocus,Hekate(His favorite niece not in a creepy way, but in more of a father and daughter type of relationship),Demeter(because she bakes some sweets for him),Hestia(She is very warm and kind to him),Artemis(Because He thinks she is a fun and chill version of Apollo),Amphitrite(She is fun and bubbly),Thetis(He likes her girly, motherly and bubbly personality) Eos(wife), Hedone, Ganymede(because of his beauty and kindness to him), Hebe, the Oneirois, the fates and other demigods/heroes and Tithonus(enemy to friend).
Enemies:Zeus(because he r*pe his own son),Theseus, Phaedra,Hera,Poseidon(didn’t like his anger issues), Ares(because he slept with Eos),Aphrodite(because she’s the the one who cursed her to be lustful over men)Heilos(sometimes), the 13 unlucky souls.
Personally: He can be kinda rude and vaguer when you first meet him, but once you get to know him better and get to know his backstory, He is a very kindhearted young man and loves helping others and He loves his family deeply
Asclepius the Demi god/God of Medicine and Son of Apollo, p.s forgive me that I spelled his name wrong and these two are very old art, by the way.
Likes: his family, marking medications and helping people
Disliking: people and his love ones being hurt and Theseus
Personally: He is a pure cinnamon roll who loves helping everyone
Friends: Apollo and everyone
Enemies: Theseus(because he bullied him and others for no reason) and Zeus(because he killed him)
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Lore Olympus version of Asclepius and Astreaeus
Dark helmet:Absolutely nothing
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liliesandthemoon · 2 months
What type of dream would Hekate give Chloe/Gawain?
*cracks knuckles* let’s fucking do this
Warning: this is obviously spicy lol, not detailed thought.
For Chloe I would say her dreams would include Gawain being more straightforward with his affection, a bit more …assertive.
The Crew go for a vacation in Auguste, Gawain invites Chloe and they both tag along the crew through the day, but when the night has come, and the land is dark...
While everyone was having a good time enjoying the fireworks, Chloe was leaning into him, enjoying the view in their yukatas. Gawain’s hand that was resting on her hip suddenly started drifting some other places… As she gazed at him surprised, he leaned into her ear and whispered…
“Let's take a small detour…the crew won't notice if we are gone for a bit”
Then they go to a more secluded place and well…get down to business.
I imagine dream Gawain talking very dirty(? because I can't imagine the real one doing the same ever LMAO, and at some point he says something that is so out of character Chloe goes like “Cut the cameras…deadass…who this”
Now, for Gawain… what type of dream would this man have…a dream so sweet and fluffy he would die from self embarrassment when he wakes up from it.
Married life… he comes back home from training/knight duties or whatever. Son and daughter run to the entrance and tell him they have missed him a lot, He smiles and gently pats their heads saying they are over exaggerating. Then Chloe appears looking all motherly and stuff making his heart race...then the dream goes on and everything is just cute normal family stuff, but then…!
After tucking their kids to sleep and spending some time chatting about random topics, the hiking trip they were having next sunday, the present they are giving to their kid's for their birthdays etc… then they maybe talk about how grateful they are for these peaceful days and well some kisses turn into more and they have a really intimate moment together, full of love...💙
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luna-tormenta · 4 years
(heyo luna, this is todayinmagicalhistory!!) 2, 8, 9, 14, 15 for the spirit/deity/astral asks!!
2. How did you know you were experiencing a calling towards a particular deity?
I'm going to answer this with my most recent calling towards Hekate! I first noticed Hekate and felt a "tug" towards her when I was researching Lilith. It is said that a "face" or a separate aspect of Lilith, is Hekate. It was weird because as soon as I read that, my candles popped and fickered. I didn't think much of it at the time because I assumed it was one of my Spirit Family members trying to get my attention.
Next, this was a couple days after Christmas, I was looking online at Barnes & Noble and came across Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction to Hekate's Modern Witchcraft by Cyndi Brannen. I saw some excellent reviews of this book on here and thought "hmm might as well try it". Upon receiving the book, I felt a huge pull to read it before the other 6 books I purchased. Within the first few pages, Cyndi sets up "Cycles" for you to read the lessons in a timeframe of 1 year. These cycles are just guidelines, and take place on the New Moon of each month.
Literally, I received this book 3 days before the New Moon, which gave me the right amount of time to prepare my Keeper Notebook and begin Cycle #1! Upon reading Lessons 1 & 2, I felt as if something just clicked and felt like I had known Hekate for YEARS. She is the Guardian of Children (Kourotrophos) and Mother of All (Pammetor), and I thought these epithets of Hers sound a lot like who I am as a mother and friend.
I actually made first contact with Her last night, and She made me feel so warm, welcomed, and loved. She called me "My Child" and "Dear", and told me She has been there "since the beginning of your life". I am glad to have officially talked with Her, and am excited to see what experiences come from working with Her. 🖤🖤
8. What do you consider your spirit work ‘area of expertise’?
Great question! Honestly, I believe there is so much work I need to learn about spirits and spirit work still! I already have a huge knowledge of them, but the list of learning is never ending! 🖤
My area of expertise would definitely be using divination, specifically pendulum, to communicate with spirits!💀
9. A type of spirit you think is unappreciated and deserves more attention by spirit workers?
I know I've said this before and I will say it until the end of time!
Demons. Demons! DEMONS!!!
They are very stereotyped due to Christianity and Catholicism, and they're just the most beautiful, unique little spirits. It's said they are "evil" and "bad" and "possessive" and what have you. But, any species of spirit can be that way!! All spirits have their malevolent type, not just demons!
And UNSEELIE AND DARKER ALIGNED FAE!!! They are not bad and mean, they love and understand truly the meaning of Life & Death! I wish they weren't stereotyped as well.
14. What’s a misconception about the spirit work community that you wished could be cleared?
Hmm, I haven't really given this much thought before! So, Id have to say the misconception that spirits will and can do anything for you!
Just like us, spirits draw lines. They cannot do everything you ask of them. If they refuse to do something, leave it at that! They aren't your "genie in a bottle", they have their own lives and limited acccess of energies and powers.
15. How do you think the spirit work community could improve/what do you think the spirit work community could do better?
I think we all need to work closely together as a community more, and not be jumping down one another's throats.
There's already a lot of misinformation crawling around, not just on here, but in books, articles, etc about spirit work. I believe if we came together as a whole we would have so much more information and experiences out there for beginners and all witches alike to use as resources.
I also believe we could be better at communicating about different opinions/practices, rather than making someone feel awful for the way they view spirit work/practice spirit work. We all are different, we learn differently. Just because someone's practice is different than yours, doesn't make it less valuable. 🖤
Thank you dearest one for sending these in💀🌙🌻
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thesunw1tch · 2 years
The Sun Witch's Path
Whenever I get back into the flow of witchcraft, I always define my practice. I'm not sure why, I just do. Makes me feel very in control of my witchcraft. So, without further ado, these are the paths I take from in my electicism:
I am heavily connected to Air Witchery, and have always been. In my childhood, I used to talk directly into the wind and just vent out my frustrations or ask for advice. I hardly ever heard directly, but more so felt the Wind's companionship and motherly affection - trust me, I am aware that the air has a masculine association, but the Wind was always distinctly female to me.
Hearth, Green, and Kitchen witchcraft were the first types I learned about early in my practice. These paths reside in the home or forest, gathering their magic in places that encompass love and acceptance. This has always appealed to me, and allowed me to discreetly practice witchcraft without drawing attention. Green witchcraft also deals with communing or offering to Land Guardians, Land spirits, etc, which I find hard to do but incredibly interesting.
Hedge Witches combine green witchcraft and spirit work, essentially navigating the space between dimensions and communing with spirits. I haven't dabbled in Hedgecraft very often, mostly whenever I was warding before entering the astral plane or on Samhain, but I still value this aspect of my practice. Especially since I'm working with Hekate now.
Solar energy is hardly ever talked about, but in the past 3 years, I found myself connected more to the Sun than the moon. To me, the Sun is energy and vitality. Life and wonder. I prefer working with this sort of energy in my spellwork, and my connection to Apollo helps with this. Lunar energy, I use for other things. Protection, rebirth, new beginnings. Both of these celestial beings are ancient and powerful, with an infinite amount of energy and wisdom to share.
Sigils are quick, helpful, and easily disposable if push comes to show. They are also quite discreet, especially if you make your own sigils. Blend them in with doodles on a test for intelligence, blend your makeup into a sigil for glamour, or even trace it on an object for protection.
Another thing worth noting is that I am a religious witch, not secular. I am a Hellenic pagan / polytheist, worshipping Hekate, Apollo, Dionysus, and even Aphrodite. Hekate is a new addition to the bunch, but Apollo has been with me for a long, long time. Dionysus is also sort of new, but less so than Hekate. I passively worshipped Dionysus for the entire time I have been devoted to Apollo, but this winter I am going to be properly cultivating this relationship while Apollo is in Hyperborea. Aphrodite has been with me for awhile as well, and has been a great help. Even though I tried to break off my relationship with her, she is quite persistent and even when I wasn't trying to think of her, I was and was worshipping her with a fondness I didn't realise was there.
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Witchcraft is a journey, one that requires patience and hard work. Not every tip or recipe is going to help, and what is one witches omen is another witches blessing. We are all different and magical and that is the beauty of being a Witch, combining anything we can to help each other and be our best selves.
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Deities of Death in Various Mythologies and Cultures
I’ve recently been really interested in death magick, so as part of my research, I’ve written a list of deities associated with death in their cultures. This is by no means all of them out there, so I’d love it if someone could share in the replies what kind of death gods they have in their culture and mythology and their experience working with death spirits.
Anubis: Jackal-headed god who presides over the embalming process and accompanies dead pharaohs in the afterlife.
Osiris: God of the underworld and symbolizes death, resurrection and the cycles of the Niles floods.
Hades: God of the dead and ruler of the underworld. He is also sometimes referred to as the god of riches and wealth.
Thanatos: Personification and god of non-violent death.
Persephone: Goddess of spring and ruler of the underworld.
Hekate: Goddess of magick, witchcraft, the moon, ghosts and necromancy.
Yama: A Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh deity of death, dharma, the south direction and the underworld.
Kali: The dark goddess of time, doomsday and death. She is also commonly associated with sexuality, violence and motherly love.
Shiva: One of the most important gods in the Hindu pantheon, Shiva is the god of destruction and creation.
Freya: Goddess of love, fertility, magick and beauty, but also of battle and death.
Hel: Goddess of death and ruler of Helheim, the place where people who did not die in battle go.
Aztec and Mayan
Au Puch: God of death, darkness and disaster, but also of childbirth and new beginnings.
Coatlicue: Earth goddess of duality, of both creation and destruction, and mother of gods and mortals
Mictlantecuhtli: Skull-faced god of the underworld and the dead.
Other Cultures and Mythologies
The Shinigami: Gods or spirits who invite humans towards death in certain aspects of Japanese religion and culture.
The Grim Reaper: A personification of death popular in Europe who is often portrayed wearing a hood and carrying a scythe.
Maman Brigitte: Deity of death and cemeteries in the Voodoo religion, she is also a spirit of fertility and motherhood.
Santa Muerte: Also known as Lady Death, she is a goddess and saint of death popular in Mexican and Latinx culture.
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grimoire2020aa · 3 years
Deity notes + updates
Hello there! Soooo I’ve returned (long needed hautus) I’ve been getting back into the groove of things here’s a little something from my notes on deities (to any of you concerned with a lesser experienced witch, don’t worry. I am vetting and have not done anything more yet). (
only posting 1 for now)
Nyx (may work with, vetting) - connections with night+other fears
Goddess of night
jet-black and starlit color
symbolism of a black veil to create night (find a black veil/table cloth to cover the altar)
purple as well (for amethyst) also try wearing one? 
Offerings/Objects that relate to her: 
Enjoy amethyst (related to psychic powers, which she also works with) 
Moons of Pluto also representative of Nyx 
(stars, moon, night sky) 
white and red poppies 
horses? seen in some interpretations 
Known for/Roles
Birthed light (eros, golden wings) 
supposedly similar to Hekate (psychic powers)
mother of dreams
calm fears in the night 
geography of underworld
feminine power + fertility + beauty 
always changing 
powerful figure (motherly) over mortals and immortals 
oracular powers 
Night and rites connection 
feared by Zeus (we'll get into that later)
advises Zeus how to reconstruct the world (advisor/motherly role) 
generally one to talk to to sooth your fears 
idea that lightness springs out of darkness
A bit of my notes/my own interpretation of nyx
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