#asp world tour
What was the brain child for The Fine Art of Being a Zeyde
I think it really started with the idea that while Midge is similar to both of her parents in varying ways, I feel like there had to be someone in her family (other than Noah, who pointed out in season 1 that Midge has always been funny, and funnier than Joel) who encouraged her to be herself.
She's...kind of odd. And that's not something Rose would have encouraged, and while Abe probably finds it charming, I don't know that he'd encourage it too much either, especially with Rose there, raising Midge to take cues from her.
Neither Rose nor Abe can cook. Zelda does those things for them. Who taught Midge to make that amazing brisket? Or those killer latkes she boasts about in the first episode? We know Shirley's cooking leaves much to be desired (cabbage, onions). We know Joel doesn't cook. We never see Moishe do anything in the kitchen. Zelda is an option, certainly, but she has a busy job, taking care of the Weissman household.
Who taught Midge to do that? Cooking is a skill. Sure, you can follow a recipe, and your food will probably come out pretty good, but consistency and quality take time to master. She would have had to have started learning before she went to college at some point, because girl went straight from college to married life, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
It wasn't Abe or Rose who taught her that when you're homesick, food is best shared with the people around you, even if you don't know them very well, like when she cooked for the Shy Baldwin tour. That's a value that's taught. Something learned.
Since ASP refuses to give us more Weissman family members, which, to be honest, is bullshit, I decided that it would make the most sense to be Abe's father. Someone who knew Midge from when she was an infant, but passed before the series started. We know Rose's family (The Lehmans) are out in Oklahoma. We're given to believe that they don't have the time- nor do they care enough - to visit Rose and her family. She's a woman, and of no consequence to the family fortune or business.
The first Chaim Weissman, who Noah and Astrid name their son for, makes the most sense. Noah doesn't seem like someone who would name his only child after someone he's never met, so I'm given to believe there's some affection there at least.
From there, Chaim wrote himself. His being a rabbi makes Abe's atheism ring as a sort of rebellion against his father's life, which all children go through. His reliance on facts and science is so solid because he grew up with someone so steeped in religion. When Abe grows into a man, and his mother, Chaim's wife, passes, Chaim decides to go back to Europe and study there. He comes back to the states mostly because he suddenly has two grandchildren he wants to know and be present for, but also because if you were paying attention to Germany in the mid-30's, and weren't in such deep denial (many, many Jews were. They had prospered in places like Germany for many yeas, and were utterly blindsided by their fates), you knew something dark was coming.
Midge's girlhood is spent in the shadow of World War II, and she watches things play out across the Atlantic, often seeing those events through Chaim's perspective, because we often rely on our adults to help us parse out difficult information when we're young.
When he's not eaten up by survivor's guilt, or feeling maudlin about the way the war plays out for the Jews of Europe, Chaim is a jovial, thoughtful man, who adores his grandchildren, and sees a spark in Midge that Abe and Rose know is there, and they like it (though Rose will say she's too strange), but they don't nourish it the way Chaim does. Chaim loves that his little granddaughter is funny, and smart and giving and driven and a little weird.
Sadly, when Chaim dies, there isn't really anyone around to remind Midge that those things are good and not something she should have to hide. He wanted so much for Midge to be the unique person he knew she was. If he'd lived to see her wedding day to Joel, he likely wouldn't have been super thrilled.
If he'd lived longer - much longer - he would have like Susie. And even Lenny.
While he would probably be kind of shocked at Midge's blue material, he'd get the jokes. He wouldn't sit there stone-faced like Abe, or progressively get more drunk like Rose.
He'd laugh. He wouldn't be able to help himself. The jokes are funny. They're shocking, you know. To a man likely born in the 1870's, but they're funny.
Anyways! Thank you for asking this question! It's one of my most favorite things I've written. <3
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musette22 · 2 years
hey! just a lil question in case you know the answer but why did so many people expect the sexiest man alive to go to Seb? I'm seeing so many comments about that and even in the just Jared account, those are two of the top comments "it should've been Seb" but i don't get it. did he mention anything or what did I miss? 😅 as a Seb Stan i feel like i failed this one and I'm only *confusion* ps: congrats to you and the Chris fandom<3
Hi lovely! Thanks for your message. I've gotten quite a few asks about this, but I'm just going to answer this one, because I don't want to dwell on the negativity that's attached to it.
Thanks so much for the congratulations, and thank you for not being argumentative or polarizing in your ask, but let me first of all reiterate, just in case, that I am just as much as Seb stan as I am a Chris stan. I can hear some people rolling their eyes because they're like 'hello you've literally only reblogged chris today' but like........... if it had been Seb, I'd have done the exact same thing obviously, so come on. (I'll put the rest of my reply under the cut because it got long)
Now, I don't know for sure why some people thought it would be Sebastian (I think some people started discussing that it *should* or could be him and that created rumours, but correct me if I'm wrong). As far as I'm aware, there was no real indication that it could be him, beyond that apparently the SMA title is 'supposed' to go to someone who's had a 'big' year in their career, however that might be defined. We can all agree that Sebastian 1000% had a big year, and that he's been doing incredibly well for himself, and that he's looking sexier than ever, so OBVIOUSLY he would have deserved the title, I'm not at all debating that.
But while Sebastian has been doing amazingly well for himself and is much more well known that he was a few years ago, I think he's still not quite at the level of stardom that most people who get 'crowned' SMA are. So to me, it's not a surprise that he didn't get it, and I would have never expected him to get it (at least not this year). Again, not because I don't think he deserves it, but just because I don't feel like he's at at level of fame (yet). And even if I'm wrong, and he is on People's radar, then he'd still have to accept the title, and honestly, I'm not sure if I could see him doing that. Maybe not ever, but especially not at this time in his career. He's focusing on being taken more seriously, and I'm not sure how well a title like this one would help with that. This is just my personal feeling though, and I'll readily admit I might be wrong.
However. That still doesn't change the fact that Chris getting the title does not mean he's stolen it from Sebastian, which is apparently how some people have been acting. That's just complete bullshit. Only one person can get the title every year, and it's a tribute to that one person, NOT a slight to literally every other man on the planet. I personally find it unbelievable that some of Sebastian's stans are saying that Chris doesn't deserve the title because Sebastian should have gotten it. That makes no sense. Maybe if People had announced a shortlist and Chris and Seb had both been on there I'd have sort of gotten it, but that wasn't the case so ???
I've also seen people say Chris hasn't had a big year in his career and he therefore doesn't deserve the title ('what has he had? two bad movies?'), which, with all due respect, get lost. Chris has worked his ass off this year too, he's given us two movies (which I personally genuinely loved, for the record), done two world press tours and given us a whole lot of other stuff too (puppy interview and ASP to name but a few) and in my opinion it's incredibly rude and entitled to say he doesn't deserve the title because his movies didn't do as well as Sebastian's, or because you personally didn't like them. AND THEN, apparently now there are also Chris fans actively mocking and picking fights with Sebastian stans over this, which.... lord help me.
They BOTH did well this year. They're BOTH sexy and wonderful. They BOTH deserve the title, but only one person can get it, and this time it was Chris. Deal with it. Maybe some other year it's gonna be Seb, that would be wonderful!
Pitting these two against each other is something I'll never understand. It's so childish and lame, my god. Do these Seb stans honestly think that Sebastian saw the news and thought 'fuck this guy, it should've been meeee!!!!' or something? Or that Chris is gloating, thinking "I outsexied Sebastian, mwahaha!' Like? Chris and Sebastian are friends. Sebastian is without a doubt happy for Chris, and probably mostly amused about the whole thing. Knowing Sebastian, he'd be embarrassed and upset to know his fans are fighting Chris's fans online, saying it should have been him, and Chris would be disgusted that people are being mean to each other online in his name too. So just... don't do that. Grow up. Stop being negative about literally everything and try and contribute something good and positive to the world instead. In other words: take a leaf out of your faves book.
(just for the record, nonnie, I'm not talking to you here, just the people who are being idiots <3)
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muenchnerdartcenter · 11 months
Nathan Aspinall: The Rising Star of Darts
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In the competitive sphere of professional darts, there are names that resonate worldwide, making hearts race with anticipation. Among the galaxy of such performers, Nathan Aspinall stands out as a burgeoning star, having swiftly risen through ranks to become a key figure in the sport.
Born in Stockport, England, Aspinall displayed a liking for darts at an early age. His passion for the game steadily turned into a serious commitment, and in no time, he embarked on the journey to professional success. Today, Aspinall has transformed into a force to be reckoned with, frightening even the most seasoned dart veterans with his remarkable skill and precision.
Aspinall's formal initiation onto the world stage came in 2015 when he acquired his Professional Darts Corporation (PDC) Tour Card. A relatively unknown figure at the time, Aspinall signaled his arrival with earnest ambition and focused determination. However, his true breakthrough came in 2019 when he stunningly progressed to the semi-finals of the PDC World Championship. This deep run in the tournament from an unseeded position was truly a testimony to his ethos of hard work and his unflagging commitment to self-improvement.
Perhaps one of Aspinall's defining moments in his career thus far was in 2019 when he won UK Open Championship. This victory catapulted him into the league of elite dart players and proved that his performance in the 2019 PDC World Championship was not a fluke. Known for his aggressive style, Aspinall demonstrated impeccable skill and extraordinary grace under pressure, outperforming seasoned adversaries, and emerging as the triumphant contender.
Aspinall, affectionately known as "The Asp," demonstrates a unique combination of cool temperament and aggressive on-stage demeanor, defying the adversarial conditions of high-stakes dart matches. His signature style, coupled with his speed and accuracy make him a compelling competitor in the riveting universe of professional darts.
Off-stage, Aspinall is also renowned for his humility and sportsmanship. He consistently credits his successes to a robust support network, encompassing family, friends, and a growing fan base. Aspinall’s remarkable journey, from a relative unknown to a promise of glittering success, is a testament to the enduring potential of dedication, optimism, and razor-sharp focus.
Looking ahead, the future seems extraordinarily bright for this young dart maverick. As Aspinall continues to make his mark in the darting world, his success sends an inspiring message to aspiring darts players everywhere - with passion, talent, and an unwavering will, anything is possible.
0 notes
ertharetreat · 11 months
The Rise of Eco-Friendly Wellness Centers: Sustainable Practices for a Healthier Planet
In an era characterized by environmental concerns and an increased focus on holistic well-being, the rise of eco-friendly wellness centres has become a testament to the fusion of health consciousness and environmental responsibility. These centres have emerged as pioneers in promoting sustainability while offering individuals an opportunity to nurture their physical, mental, and emotional health. As the world grapples with the consequences of climate change and overconsumption, eco-friendly wellness centres represent a beacon of hope, demonstrating that well-being and a healthier planet can go hand in hand.
Eco-friendly wellness centres, also known as green wellness centres, are designed with a deep commitment to environmental sustainability. They prioritize eco-conscious practices in their design, operations, and offerings. Here are several key aspects of these centres that underline their dedication to a healthier planet:
1. Sustainable Architecture and Design: Eco-friendly wellness centres are often constructed using sustainable building materials and eco-conscious architectural designs. This includes the use of renewable resources, energy-efficient infrastructure, and eco-friendly construction techniques. The aim is to minimize the ecological footprint of the center from its very foundation.
2. Renewable Energy Sources: Many green wellness centers harness renewable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines to power their facilities. This reduces their reliance on fossil fuels and decreases carbon emissions.
3. Organic and Local Cuisine: These wellness centers place a strong emphasis on providing organic, locally sourced cuisine. This not only promotes a healthy diet but also supports local farmers and reduces the carbon footprint associated with transporting food long distances.
4. Zero-Waste Practices: Eco-friendly wellness centers are committed to reducing waste by implementing recycling, composting, and other waste reduction initiatives. They also strive to minimize single-use plastics, encouraging guests to bring their reusable water bottles and containers.
5. Green Landscaping: The surrounding environment of eco-friendly wellness centers is often carefully maintained to promote biodiversity and natural beauty. This may include the use of native plants, organic gardening practices, and wildlife conservation efforts.
6. Mindful Water Usage: Conscientious water management is another hallmark of green wellness centers. They may employ low-flow fixtures, rainwater harvesting, and water-saving landscaping practices to reduce water consumption.
7. Education and Awareness: Many eco-friendly wellness centers take it a step further by offering educational programs and workshops on sustainability, eco-conscious living, and the importance of protecting the environment.
8. Eco-Wellness Activities: These centers often offer wellness activities that are deeply connected to nature, such as forest bathing, outdoor meditation, and eco-tours. Such activities promote a profound connection between individuals and the natural world.
The benefits of eco-friendly wellness centers extend beyond their commitment to a healthier planet. They also offer a unique and rejuvenating experience for individuals seeking to improve their overall well-being. The environment and practices of these centers foster a sense of tranquility, mindfulness, and harmony with nature.
Additionally, the emphasis on sustainability at these wellness centers aligns with the growing awareness of the interconnectedness of personal well-being and the health of the planet. Many individuals are recognizing that taking care of their own health also means taking care of the environment.
In conclusion, the rise of eco-friendly wellness centers represents a significant step forward in the pursuit of both personal and planetary well-being. By integrating sustainability into every aspect of their operations, these centers show that it's possible to lead a holistic and environmentally responsible lifestyle. They serve as models for how we can make conscious choices to nurture our own well-being while safeguarding the health of the planet. As the world continues to grapple with environmental challenges, the emergence of eco-friendly wellness centers stands as a hopeful and pragmatic response.
0 notes
brandonwayneb · 1 year
World Ordeals World Organizations World Or Again Gain Ordeals
FayFamFlowFoRIch For Rich Formation Flamingos 🦩
FayMenGos; Gay Gargoyle Garden’s
Aries ♈️ Fairies 🧚🏻‍♀️
Libras ♎️ Library 📚
Taurus ♉️ Tours 👁️
Virgo ♍️ “V” Go ⚔️
Gemini ♊️ Gym 💪🏽
Cancer ♋️ Can Sir 🖖🏽
Sagittarius ♐️ Nature Sage 🌿
Leo ♌️ Say Loud 📯
Scorpio ♏️ Score 📈
Capricorn ♑️ Count 💸
Aquarius ♒️ Equate ⚖️
Pisces ♓️ Pray 🙏🏽
🧠 isp asp
🧠 Psy
🧠 Scry
🧠 Spell
🧠 Derive
🧠 Invoke
🧠 Project
🧠 Séance
🧠 Remote
🧠 Procure
🧠 Conjure
🧠 Conduit
🧠 Enchant
🧠 Channel
🧠 Telepath
🧠 Manifest
🧠 Summon
🧠 Divination
🧠 Clairvoyant
🗣️ Free For All 💕
ProLife99. 24/777 🍀 ☘️
411 Free info Highway
11:11 Make Wishes
4:20/20 Weed 70’s Hippies
Anti Corruptions “KKK and www”
“Life Blood Internet”
VVV. Dot Victories
Brandon Wayne Burdett
🦩 Birds & Bees 🐝
💪🏽 Ray Ran, Way, & Done ✅
💪🏽 RA RED 🍀
🧘🏼‍♂️ Aura Or Ra 👁️
Amen 🙏🏽
Omen 🙏🏽
🌹 Red Rose Vines Lines 🌹
🍇 Grape Telephone Vines Lines 🍇
❤️🚂🚇: Red Health Line
⛑️🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🍒🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🍓🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🧨🚂🚇: Red Health Line
💄🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🌹🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🐙🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🐞🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🚁🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🥁🚂🚇: Red Health Line
☎️🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🧰🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🍷🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🙏🏽 Prayers & Hearts
✨ Stars & Planets
🦜 Parakeet Flocks
🕷️ Spider Hives
🐝 Bee Hives
🐜 Ant Hives
🦴 Fossils
🌋 Lava
Bats 🦇
Cats 🐈‍⬛
Rabbits 🐰
Ladybugs 🐞
✌🏼 Victory Violins 🎻 & Irish Harps
🇮🇪 🍀 Save The Irish ☘️ 🇮🇪
🙏🏽🌎 Fran & Frank 🤲🏽🌟
🧚🏻‍♀️🧝🏽‍♂️ Elfie & Alfie 🧝🏽‍♂️🧚🏻
💚🍀 Amy & May 🧡☘️
🤗 Hug & Honor Trees 🌳
💪🏽 Keep Strong Tools 🧰
🎶 Sing to your Keys 🔑
🌹Roses In Your Backpack 🎒
🏰 Keep Healthy Thoughts 💭
🌏 Planets & Life Schools 🏫
💁🏽 Don’t Lose to Fools 👀
Fran & Frank
Frizzle & Fin
Amy & May
Elfie & Alfie
Healthy Tiffany Teams
👩🏼‍🦰☎️🥌🥌🥌🥌🥪📞‼️ 🌹🎒
African: Buses, Shuttles, Public Transits
Spanish: Street, Suburban, Car Collections
Irish: Public Stores, Inventory, Trains, Trucks
Barbie: Public Cruise Liners, Morality Training
Indian: Truth News Reporters, Helicopters, Taxi
Asian: Business International Flights; Planes
Hispanic Revivalist
🍀✅ Key In Yarn Ball 🧶🔑
🩸❌ Not “Needle In Hay Stack” 🚹🪡
🍀✅ Joy In Stick, Cars and Drummers 🏎️🥁
🩸❌ Not “Stuck In Stick” Bent Sticks 🪄🪐
African Revivalist
🍀✅ Tribal Health 101 Rituals Respects
🍀✅ Geography Environmentalism
🩸❌ Not Secular Can Sur, Sub Terror Orders
“Secular” “Second Queue Lard”
“secular cancer” “tunnel tube black velvet”
“velocity, bell” “black rail”
“second queue quad hydrant”
“second queue quad lore”
“second queue quad stolen black squads”
“viaduct white space pods and prods”
“whites poke and prod, ROD, and RON”
“whites abuse on biology, again genocides”
"having blacks subway pack surf"
Health ALT
Health OP
Denounce “www” white wires
“white on white diversions and sub diversions”
“Five White Types” “Triad Second Sub Wire”
“5 sub wire” “3 sub wire” “53 vs 35”
“generational genocide social stacking”
“martial law, megamall, micro mall”
“Mat Reel, Car Tan Reel” Tan TIL Eyes Assaults
“White Genocide Commonalities Themes”
“GOOSE” summary
as the US ever had martial law?
In the United States, martial law has been used in a limited number of circumstances, such as New Orleans during the Battle of New Orleans; after major disasters, such as the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, or during riots, such as the Omaha race riot of 1919 or the 1920 Lexington riots; ...
“work over paid corrupt actor down codes”
🤡🧢 pringle chips 🍪🤑
🤡🧢 celery sticks 🥒🤑
🤡🧢 sell micro megamall, plethora skin shop
“pythagorean theorem T cell truth serum”
“Christopher Robin” “Honey Pot” “Mop Head”
towels 🧼 🚿 🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏽‍♂️🧖🏽🧖🏽🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏽‍♂️
towels are for heads
“tow truck pow sights totals”
Vows dont "total" 🙏🏽
Vow’s Life Vows
ALWAYS TWO types of vows.
✌🏽🙏🏽💞🙏🏽 ✌🏽
💪🏽 Sir Tan Lee (Certainly Elite)
🎃 Pumpkin Repeat 🔂
Healthy Tan, Sand, and Land
not “Tan TIL eyes” illusion tricks or illustration stray demonstrations,
not blaming “demon stations”
“white deviant directions blames red Irish”
“red eye rabbits” “irish, and jewish faiths”
“whites abusive spelling with spanish FOOT disorders, false narratives, false sacrificial trope rope tropism”
“white spelling false martyrdom, MARY ANY”
“in white suicide harassments HAIL MARY”
not for talcum powder ❌🥤❄️🍧
not for baking soda ❌🥤❄️🍧
"Tow Cum Powder" 👩🏾‍🍳👩🏾‍🍳👩🏾‍🍳👩🏾‍🍳
"Bake Soda" 🧑🏿‍🍳🧑🏿‍🍳🧑🏿‍🍳🧑🏿‍🍳
NOT Tow Truck "VOW TOTAL" tricks
White Crimes
5 Ways to 3 way off & on multiple mixed community deflections (53 to 35)
1. Old White Goose Factory Reset
2. Old White Box Desk Barn Gymnastics
3. The Bear Bologna Circle Jerk Squad
4. Baxster, white story mall laundry basket
5. Tess, Libby, Sibby, Mall Laundry Baskets
“Cable Modem MOD QUAD POD podcast
Micro Management Mega Mall”
“white mass genocide laundry wires”
raft sent think of an “old billy goat 🐐”
raft sent think of an “old ham bone 🦴”
raft sent think of an “old dolly lama” 🐪🦙
raft sent think of an “oak mill momma” 🐄
raft sent spell “PIE OAK TEA” hebrew basket
🩸🅱️🅾️🅾️🩸 🔪💌📮📩🧾
“commercialized genocide”
“call MUR”
“genocide, CD, DISCO, CO DICK, CO DICE”
“genocide Co Cid, Co Vid white converts”
“genocide Genetic Co Psy, Cell Damages”
“genocide casting DAY MAGE, MAGENTAS”
“genocide in public via CID WHITE CO VID”
“genocide genetic DIE”
“genocides white wizard, white blizzard”
“genocides, wizard, blizzard, lizzard”
“genocides, public health crisis”
“genocides O DOM RAY DAY AR”
“genocides odometer carbon emissions”
“genocides AT D DAY DOOMS, ATOMS”
“genocides MAGENTA purple, Peninsula”
“magenta MEGAPHONE MALL murders”
“magenta project day mage agendas”
“magenta damage, agendas genocides PUR PULL”
“magenta, PULL A CAT”
“magenta, PULL A TACK”
“genocide genetic PSY magenta MAGE agents”
“genocide gnome ELF DOME FAMILY RAPE”
“genocide WITCH family gang rapes”
“genocide MAGES, WIZARDS, DAMAGE cast”
“genocide megaphones microphone magenta agenda day mage white public health murders”
Hate Crime in America Policy Summit
0 notes
visitmiamitours · 1 year
Miami Party Packages: Unforgettable Experiences for the Ultimate Celebration
Planning a memorable party in Miami? Look no further! At Visit Miami Tours, we specialize in offering exceptional party packages that will take your celebration to the next level. Whether you're organizing a bachelorette party, looking for a thrilling boat cruise, or seeking a vibrant night at Miami's hottest clubs, we have the perfect package for you. Join us as we dive into the vibrant nightlife scene of Miami and explore the incredible experiences our Miami party packages have to offer.
Experience the Magic of a Bachelorette Miami Party Make the bride-to-be's last fling before the ring an unforgettable one with our Bachelorette Miami Party package. Enjoy an exciting night out with your best friends as we take care of all the details. Dance the night away at top-rated clubs, sip on delicious cocktails, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Our experienced team ensures every aspect of the party is handled with care, allowing you to relax and enjoy the celebration to the fullest.
Cruise in Style with our Miami Party Boat Packages Picture yourself aboard a luxurious yacht, surrounded by crystal-clear waters and breathtaking views of Miami's skyline. Our Miami Party Boat Cruise packages offer the perfect blend of relaxation and excitement. Whether you choose an afternoon cruise or an enchanting evening voyage, you'll indulge in gourmet cuisine, refreshing beverages, and non-stop entertainment. Dance under the stars, mingle with fellow partygoers and create unforgettable moments on the open seas.
Unleash Your Wild Side at Club Mangos
Experience the vibrant energy of Miami's nightlife at Club Mangos. Our Miami Party Saturday's Night and Friday's Night packages offer an exclusive opportunity to enjoy an open bar and dance the night away to the hottest beats. With reggaeton nights and a pulsating atmosphere, Mangos is the ultimate destination for party enthusiasts. Let loose, mingle with a diverse crowd, and make memories that will be the talk of the town.
Elevate Your Experience at Club Liv
For an unparalleled night of glamour and excitement, our Miami Party packages at Club Liv deliver an extraordinary experience. As you step into the world-famous nightclub, you'll be greeted by opulent surroundings and a buzzing ambiance. Dance to the beats of renowned DJs, sip on signature cocktails and revel in the electrifying atmosphere. Our Saturday's Night, Thursday's Night, and Friday's Night packages ensure you have access to an open bar, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the magic of Club Liv.
King of Diamonds: Where Luxury and Entertainment Collide
If you're seeking a party experience that exudes luxury and style, our Miami Party package at King of Diamonds is a perfect choice. Indulge in a night of elegance and excitement as you enjoy an open bar, live performances, and an unforgettable atmosphere. Join the ranks of celebrities and VIPs who have graced this renowned establishment and create memories fit for royalty.
Soak Up the Sun on a Miami Party Boat Cruise
Looking for a party experience during the day? Our Miami Party Boat Cruise packages also include afternoon options. Bask in the warm Miami sun, lounge on the deck of a magnificent yacht, and enjoy refreshing beverages as you cruise along the stunning coastline. Dance to the rhythm of the ocean, soak in the panoramic views, and let the sea breeze rejuvenate your spirit.
Why Choose Visit Miami Tours for Your Party Experience?
When it comes to planning the perfect party in Miami, Visit Miami Tours stands out as the premier choice. With a wealth of experience and a reputation for excellence, here's why you should choose us for your next celebration:
Unparalleled expertise: With years of experience in the industry, we know how to curate the perfect party experience tailored to your preferences.
Attention to detail: From the moment you book with us until the final farewell, we handle every aspect of your party with meticulous care.
Outstanding customer service: Our dedicated team is available around the clock to assist you and ensure a seamless and memorable celebration.
Exclusive access: Our partnerships with top venues and establishments in Miami grant you access to exclusive perks and unforgettable experiences.
Unforgettable memories: We strive to create moments that will stay with you long after the party ends, leaving you with memories to cherish forever.
Stop dreaming and start planning your ultimate Miami party experience with Visit Miami Tours. Explore our diverse range of Miami party packages and book your adventure today!
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dan6085 · 1 year
20 GOATS of different sports and some of their most notable accomplishments:
1. Michael Jordan (Basketball) - 6-time NBA Champion, 5-time NBA MVP, 10-time NBA scoring champion, 14-time NBA All-Star, 2-time Olympic gold medalist
2. Serena Williams (Tennis) - 23-time Grand Slam singles champion, 14-time Grand Slam doubles champion, Olympic gold medalist in singles and doubles
3. Usain Bolt (Track and Field) - 8-time Olympic gold medalist, holds world records in 100m and 200m events
4. Tom Brady (Football) - 7-time Super Bowl champion, 5-time Super Bowl MVP, 3-time NFL MVP, 14-time Pro Bowler
5. Simone Biles (Gymnastics) - 30 Olympic and World Championship medals, 5-time Olympic gold medalist
6. Wayne Gretzky (Hockey) - 4-time Stanley Cup champion, 9-time Hart Trophy winner (NHL MVP), all-time NHL leading scorer
7. Muhammad Ali (Boxing) - 3-time heavyweight champion of the world, Olympic gold medalist, considered one of the greatest boxers of all time
8. Roger Federer (Tennis) - 20-time Grand Slam singles champion, 8-time Wimbledon champion, 5-time US Open champion, Olympic silver medalist
9. Michael Phelps (Swimming) - 23 Olympic gold medals, holds world records in multiple events
10. Babe Ruth (Baseball) - 7-time World Series champion, 12-time AL home run leader, considered one of the greatest baseball players of all time
11. Marta Vieira da Silva (Soccer) - 2-time Olympic silver medalist, 6-time FIFA World Player of the Year, all-time leading scorer in Women's World Cup history
12. Jim Brown (Football) - 3-time NFL MVP, 8-time NFL rushing leader, considered one of the greatest running backs of all time
13. Lionel Messi (Soccer) - 7-time Ballon d'Or winner (best player in the world), 10-time La Liga champion, all-time leading scorer for FC Barcelona
14. Carl Lewis (Track and Field) - 9-time Olympic gold medalist, holds world records in multiple events
15. Tiger Woods (Golf) - 15-time major champion, 82 PGA Tour wins, considered one of the greatest golfers of all time
16. Martina Navratilova (Tennis) - 18-time Grand Slam singles champion, 31-time Grand Slam doubles champion, 9-time Wimbledon singles champion
17. Mia Hamm (Soccer) - 2-time Olympic gold medalist, 2-time FIFA World Cup champion, all-time leading scorer in US women's soccer history
18. Jerry Rice (Football) - 3-time Super Bowl champion, all-time NFL leader in receptions, receiving yards, and receiving touchdowns
19. Kelly Slater (Surfing) - 11-time ASP World Tour champion, considered one of the greatest surfers of all time
20. Dan Gable (Wrestling) - 2-time NCAA champion, 15-time NCAA team champion as coach, Olympic gold medalist, considered one of the greatest wrestlers of all time.
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barrels-of-sun · 7 years
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You’re looking at your new WORLD NUMBER 1!! Congrats Julian on your well deserved season opener win.
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ksfd89 · 3 years
I was reading some old Jess discussion from here x and found a very interesting quote about Jess from ASP on the WB Winter Tour 2005 (cannot see original transcript though):
‘Jess had a lot of anger and a chip on his shoulder, but he was very intelligent. He was very, actually, loyal to her in his own way. And he tried to fight his own demons to be with her. There were a lot of good things about him. There was a lot of bad that came along with it. Rory is someone who, we established from the very beginning, always was willing to see the good in people. It set people at face value. She's a nonjudgmental gal. And at the time, she was looking for someone who could put that same sort of mental stimulus that she had: the books, the music, the world-life views that she wanted to talk about. So I didn't consider Jess a bad boy, you know. He was a bad boy who read, you know. He wasn't -- what did he do? He never got drunk. He didn't shoot up. He read a book, and he was mean to Luke. Seriously.
He was a teenager.’
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 12 "Dorkus"
"I think you did it."
"These morons need someone to tear them a new one."
"I am going to write the missive to end all missives."
"I don't want your first time to be with a murderer."
"I love you. I would never, ever hurt you."
"I promise you're safe. That was part of the deal."
"You could never be touched."
"How many lives could you have saved?"
"Our mission never involved killing anyone."
"And it's not just wearing raw chickens on their heads and calling each other gay slurs while jumping around naked."
"It was a conspiracy."
"Stop rationalizing it. You killed people. You are not allowed to just say, "yeah, but I had a super good reason for it."
"Who did you kill?"
"What, are you gonna kill me now?"
"I would never hurt you. I just can't let you leave."
"If you could just stop, hear what I have to say, to understand---please--why I did what I did, you could still love me."
"Don't try to justify it all after the fact."
"They showed up one day thinking that I was a double agent, that I couldn't be trusted. They were going to kill me."
"Hey, hey, you can trust me, you can trust me! Ask me and I'll do anything. I'll prove it."
"Don't you see that they did that on purpose?! They knew that if you actually killed someone, you would be their slave!"
"We were the good guys. We were in this together!"
"I did this for you. Don't you understand?"
"The more I hear about this whole thing, the more I'm starting to think the idea that there are good and bad people in the world is just something adults use to get children to stay in line."
"I mean, aren't we being naive?"
"You took me literally?"
"You are already a murderer, [NAME], you don't have to be a douche as well!"
"This is not a philosophy course. This is murder-- serial murder!"
"I was so young and desperate to be special and loved."
"I never had a real girlfriend before."
"I was vulnerable enough to share my darkest fetish with you, and now you're making me feel self-conscious."
"Just come in and take me now."
"You are ridiculously and laughably gullible."
"What self-respecting man wouldn't do anything to get revenge for being degraded like that?"
"Unfortunately, I don't have great aim with a crossbow and I can't see anything in that mask."
"I don't want to be here anymore."
"I feel sick. This isn't what I wanted."
"Don't judge me for what we both know had to happen."
"You know what? Let's just run away together. You and me. Forget everything."
"Don't you see what I'm willing to do for you?"
"No! I don't want to speak to your supervisor!"
"I've gotten zero swipes on my profile!"
"Do you remember any aspect of this super simple plan?"
"I literally think you should consider undergoing a surgical procedure to remove your ovaries/testicles, thereby sparing human race exposure to your DNA."
"I mean, I'm all for public shaming. I practically invented it. It's the sign of a healthy culture. But not when I'm the one getting shamed."
"I wanted to be famous, but not like this."
"To all the so-called mainstream media, including weird web sites that nobody has heard of who have used my name as clickbait, and to all the relentless unwashed hordes on Twitter, who have taken every opportunity to mock and attack me mercilessly from the safety of their stained futons, I offer the following heartfelt sentiment. You can all suck it!"
"Despite my outward bravado, I was dead inside."
"I knew my glamorous reign of terror was over."
"I ordered an asp online so I could kill myself like Cleopatra, and now I'm just waiting for it to sense my body heat and come out and bite me so this will all be over."
"I understand that what you're going through is really intense. And I know you and I haven't really always seen eye to eye, And you say crazy-mean stuff to me all the time. And I have a real problem with your casual racism,
which is something we need to work on. But, girl, I promise I got your back."
"You're young, smart and beautiful, and you got a lot of living ahead of you."
"Maybe this is one of those teachable moments, you know? Like my grandmama says. Maybe this is where you learn the lesson that words really mean something and they can hurt people, so you just can't always say the first horrible thing that pops into your head all the time."
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
"Get me out of this suit!"
"What the hell is going on? Who is that guy?"
"Everyone on campus but me is a dork!"
"I'm gonna explode."
"When I woke up, I was wrapped in dynamite!"
"Oh, my god, it's a bomb."
"Yes, a totally innocent man who seemed super nice and probably did nothing wrong at all just got blown up in our living room. Bummer. Now, let's honor his memory by moving on."
"Can you not make it about you for one second?!"
"Stop wallowing and start concentrating on what's really important here--restoring my reputation."
"I need to go on an apology tour. You know, like celebrities, when they say something offensive, they just go on tv and apologize, and everybody forgives them, even though they don't mean it at all."
"I'm gonna fake apologize, you'll record it, we'll post it online, and it'll all be fine."
"But I thought that you said that you weren't the person who put the acid in the spray tanner."
"Why do you think the devil let me live?"
"I think you saw what you wanted to see."
"You can't kill people from a loving and positive place."
"Invasion of the dad bod snatchers."
"If it's good enough for the CIA, it's good enough for me."
"Get ready to make the most important playlist of your life."
"Well, I decided to stop denying what you and I both knew the minute we laid eyes on each other. And once I did, something inside of me, I don't know, it just, just clicked. And I guess I just wanted to get a little crazy."
"So you just decided to break into my house in the middle of the day?"
"I've been a very bad boy."
"I'm just trying to figure out what your angle is. What are you trying to get out of this?"
"You know what I'm trying to get? 45 minutes alone, so I can go crazy on you."
"Turn out the lights!"
"These are my minions."
"Those are the hounds."
"How do you know I'm not the killer?"
"This whole file is made up."
"Somebody just swiped right on me on Tinder."
"Any guy swiping right on you is a miracle."
"You want a drag?"
"That was the best sex of my life."
"I think you're just relieved to find out that intercourse doesn't have to be followed by hours and hours of crying and a weird purchase of an engagement ring."
"Look, I never knew sex could be like that. At first, I was like, I was like, "wow, she's being really loud. Are the neighbors gonna call the police?" And then I was like, "wow, now I'm being really loud. why am I screaming so much? They're definitely gonna call the police." And then I was just stunned at how flexible you are. I mean, I thought you had to be a gymnast to get both feet behind your head."
"I just think that maybe you and I were meant to be together after all."
"I find her unbearably annoying."
"I recognized the island splash scent of that douche you use."
"What movie are you even referring to?"
"Don't patronize me. I look like a monster."
"Well, have you thought of a little plastic surgery?"
"What are you doing? I thought you came here to apologize."
"I apologize for nothing."
"All evidence points to you."
"I know it was you. Have fun in hell, bitch. And fyi, this is probably gonna hurt a lot."
"Stop recording!"
"I knew that bitch was a nut burger the minute I met her."
"But remember, she's armed and dangerous."
"Oh, please tell me you did not bring your insane and obviously blind Tinder hookup back here."
"I lost my virginity to a Nickelback song."
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i12bent · 3 years
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Gösta Asp (Feb. 6, 1910 - 1986) was a Swedish Modernist painter who trained at private art schools in Sweden and France, before setting off on a tour around the world. He spent considerable time in Bali, and later a whole decade in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Asp is represented at major Swedish museums, such as Moderna Museet in Stockholm. All his works are semi-abstract, whether portraits, still lives, or landscapes.
Above: Fru Krumhausen, 1956 - oil on canvas (Smålands Museum)
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songtoyou · 3 years
Chapter Eight: Be Still
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Would You Call That Love
Pairing: Chris Evans x Raina Morrison (OC)
Rating: PG to PG-13 (Might be 18+ for some chapters)
Story Summary: There was always that one person Chris Evans tended to turn to when he was not in a committed relationship, Raina Morrison. He could confide in her about things going on in his life that he did not feel comfortable talking to his family or close friends about. Chris and Raina were able to establish a way to openly communicate with one another, but also being respectful of the other’s time and needs. It was the only constant “relationship” he had, but without all the nonsense of trying to build a life together. A “friends with benefits” situation. However, what happens when Chris starts rethinking his “relationship” with Raina and if either are willing to pursue something more?
Chapter Summary: Raina and Chris are having trouble dealing with their time apart. Long-distance relationships suck.
Chapter Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,258
Author’s Note: I was having trouble with this chapter. I had to end up rewriting it because I was not feeling the first draft. 
Italics represent flashback conversations.
Sadly, I do not know Chris Evans or anyone in his family, and this is just a fictional take on his life. I do not permit this fic to be reposted on other platforms.  
Tag List: @patzammit​
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Three months. That is how long Raina and Chris had been apart. She continued to star in the Broadway version of Moulin Rouge as Satine. Shows were constantly selling out. Reviews were acclaimed. Unfortunately, Raina was feeling bored. The same routine was beginning to annoy her. She didn't like that there was no room to change things up. Being in a Broadway show was vastly different from her concerts. Raina knew it would be.
Jerry had warned Raina that Broadway was a whole different ballgame than what she was used to or experienced. "You won't be able to change or add things from show to show. It is more rigorous than what you are used to, kid," Raina remembered Jerry telling her one day before she accepted the role. 
Raina wanted a challenge. She wanted to do something different. There were times where Raina felt stagnant in her career. Plus, Raina was now considered an aging pop star, so she had to begin the process of branching out into different fields of entertainment. 
"You should do the voice," Jerry would always suggest, which Raina repetitively turned down. It wasn't that Raina looked down on voice competition shows. She didn't want to open that door to be on television every week for months on end. She was a performer, not a judge.
Again, three months. Three months since Raina had physically seen her boyfriend. They talked on the phone and skyped regularly, but it was not the same as being in the same room. She missed Chris terribly. And he missed her.
Chris had been pretty busy himself, first having to take Dodger back to Boston before getting ready to go to Toronto. With Raina's busy schedule, she would not have been able to take care of the canine. For a week and a half, Chris would attend the Toronto Film Festival to promote the movie Knives Out. Raina wished she could have gone with him. Chris wished she could have gone with him. 
After the film festival, Chris didn't have much downtime. He rushed into working on A Starting Point with Mark to outline the website and coordinate interviews with politicians. 
Raina made it a point to steer clear of conversations about ASP. Truthfully, she didn't find the idea appealing or exciting. Yes, Americans needed to be informed about certain aspects of politics and important issues. But many outlets already offered what Chris and Mark were trying to do. She asked Chris one time what made ASP different from the others. She was surprised that he wasn't quite able to come up with a sufficient answer. Raina knew Chris meant well. 
"Chris," she spoke up one day before he left the City, "You know I will never bullshit you, and I won't ever blow smoke up your ass. That has never been the kind of friendship we had. Nor is it how we want our intimate relationship to go."
He looked at Raina and told her to go on. "Sometimes, I have noticed, is that you tend not to be able to look outside of your privilege, Chris. You know what I am saying?"
Chris turned to his girlfriend. He was confused about where she was getting at. "No. What are you saying?"
Raina sighed. She could tell Chris was on the verge of getting defensive. "Nothing," she said, throwing her hands up in defeat. "Look, let's no…argue about…stupid stuff, okay." Raina pleaded and walked up to Chris to put her arms around him.
He reciprocated by doing the same. Leaning in, Chris captured Raina's lips. "I don't want to argue either. Especially not before I have to leave," he whispered in her ear.
There would times when Raina would look back on that exchange between her and Chris. She felt weird about how Chris became so defensive. Yeah, she could have worded things better; however, why should she? 
Truthfully, Chris was a privileged white male. If he took the time to recognize his privileges, it would make him a better ally to those who represent underprivileged groups. Raina was worried about any possible backlash Chris could face with a project like AS, which was not what she wanted for him. She understood that this was a passion project for Chris and Mark as well. Raina only wanted Chris to make sure that everything was in order and that nothing would be thrown at him unexpectedly. She knew Chris wasn't able to take criticism very well, even when it was constructive, mainly when it came to projects he was enthusiastic about; she understood as she was the same way.
With their time apart, Chris had to miss her birthday, October 19. Chris made sure to send Raina an enormous flower arrangement he could find, along with an array of goodies from Dylan's Candy Bar store. Chris knew the gifts would something Raina would appreciate. However, he still felt guilty that he was not with her to celebrate her birthday in person.
"Hey, birthday girl," Chris greeted Raina through skype on the day of her birthday. He laughed when he saw that she was holding the cupcake pillow he got her.
"I love it!" she exclaimed happily. "And I love my three-tier candy cake. I can't believe you got me that," Raina pointed out as she adjusted the laptop camera to show Chris the candy cake. "I won't be able to eat all of that."
"Yeah, you will," he laughed.
"I miss you," Raina said to Chris. "I didn't think being away from you would be this hard."
Chris sighed, "I miss you, too, sweetheart. But we'll see each other for Christmas, right?"
"Yes, of course. I made sure to schedule that time off. I still plan to come up to Concord for Christmas. My dad has already made plans with Diane for not only Christmas but Thanksgiving as well. So he is taken care of," Raina revealed. "Speaking of Thanksgiving, what are you doing?"
Shifting in his seat, Chris shared that he would spend it in Concord with his family. He noticed the slight disappointment on Raina's face and shift in her demeanor. "You don't want to come here and spend the holiday with me?" she asked solemnly. She didn't want to press on the issue but wanted to hear Chris's reason. 
Raina understood that Chris always liked to spend the holidays with his family, but deep down, she hoped he would change it up this year. "It's just been two and a half months since we saw each other," Raina began but stopped. The last thing she wanted to do was to make Chris feel guilty. "Do you have any time off before then?"
"Like you, I'm completely booked up until Christmas. Mark and I are still working on the website for A Starting Point for the rest of October, then when November comes around, it is all press for Knives Out and premiers. Trust me; I would rather be with you than have to do press junkets or walk red carpets," Chris acknowledged.
Raina grabbed a piece of candy from her three-tier candy cake. She just sat back in her chair, not looking at the computer screen. Raina focused on the candy. She didn't want to look at Chris because if she did, tears would begin to form. For some reason, missing Chris and wanting to be with him felt like the equivalent of homesickness. It was a feeling she had never experienced when it came to another human being. Even when she was a teenager touring across the world, she never felt homesick. Her relationship with Chris brought along a whole new set of feelings for Raina, and part of it scared her. 
She suddenly asked herself, 'Am I becoming too dependent on Chris?' The last thing Raina wanted to be, was co-dependent.
Raina shook her head and sat up in her chair. She looked at Chris and smiled. "I'm sorry. I know you're busy. I don't mean to pressure you or make you feel bad."
The two continued to talk a bit longer until Chris noticed Raina yawning. "Okay, sweetheart, I will let you get to bed."
"No, I can still talk. It's early," Raina whined like a child.
"It's a quarter after eleven, and that is now your fourth yawn in the last fifteen minutes," he pointed out. "You need to get to bed."
Raina sighed, "Alright, boss. I'll get to bed. Talk to you later or when either one of us is available. Bye, honey. Love you."
"Love you, too. Bye."
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Thanksgiving rolled around faster than Chris expected. Time flies when one is busy. He continued to talk to Raina via phone or skype. However, Chris was also beginning to get frustrated at their time apart. Currently, he was home, sitting in his living room with his brother and brother-in-law, watching a football game between the Buffalo Bills and Dallas Cowboys while his mom and sisters prepared dinner. Lisa would poke her head from the kitchen, asking the boys for help from time to time. His niece and nephew were running around playing with Dodger, who appeared to love the attention. 
It was almost perfect, except one person was missing. Raina. He called her earlier that day. She shared that she was celebrating Thanksgiving, Chandler Bing style, with some of the Moulin Rouge cast. 
"What the Hell is Thanksgiving, Chandler Bing style?" Chris asked, confused. 
"Damnit, watch friends, Christopher," Raina scolded teasingly. "Chandler Bing doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving. Because that was the day his parents told him that they were getting divorced. So, instead of all the turkey fixings and stuffing, we have grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup, and a family-size bag of Funyuns as an appetizer. We have lots of booze, so don't worry. Oh, and pumpkin cheesecake. Good times, right."
Chris only laughed. "You're living the dream. I don't think what Ma is making could compare."
"Just be sure to tell her to make her spaghetti for Christmas dinner. Or at least make a small pot of it just for me, okay."
"She's planning to, so don't worry. What are you watching? I hear gunfire," Chris enquired.
"I'm watching my husband, Tommy Shelby, shoot at the Italians," Raina informed as she watched Peaky Blinders. "I love Tommy Shelby. I tell you, Chris, if Tommy Shelby showed up at my door asking me to marry him, I would most likely say yes."
"Is that so."
"In a heartbeat. Sorry, hon, but Tommy Shelby, the things I would let him do to..."
"Thank God he is a fictional character," Chris interrupted. 
"Not in my dreams he isn't," Raina taunted.
"Okay, I'm hanging up now."
"Alright, I'll stop lusting after my fictional husband while I'm on the phone with you," said Raina and switched topics.
The two continued to talk until Chris was ordered into the kitchen by his mother. It was his turn to help.
Chris was chopping carrots and celery when his mother asked how Raina was doing. 
"She is doing fine. Raina wishes she could be here."
However, Lisa could tell something was bothering Chris. He could never hide his emotions from her. "What's the matter, Christopher?"
Chris continued to chop the vegetables until he stopped to look at his mother. "I didn't expect being away from Raina would be this hard, Ma."
"Of course it is. You love Raina," Lisa stated as she continued cooking. 
"I do. But in the past, I had girlfriends who I loved and had to do long-distance," Chris explained. "None of those worked out."
"Because you weren't truly in love with them," Lisa pointed out. "Don't compare what you have with Rain to your past relationships. Every relationship is different. What you and Raina have now is not something you have experienced before, which is real love. True love. Everyone always knew that you two would end up together, except you and Raina. You both are so cute but also clueless at times. You both will get through this. The work commitments will die down. You both will be reunited. Everything will be fine."
Chris took in what his mother was saying. He knew she was right. He had things to look forward to beginning the start of the new year.
"Raina is the first person I dated, well since Jessica at least, that I have really begun to think about marriage and kids. Part of me is scared because it's all so fast. We have only started dating back in mid-July. I don't want to rush anything. I don't want to scare her off. I don't want her to get bored of me," Chris confessed honestly. 
It was heartbreaking for Lisa to hear. She gestured for Chris to sit down at the kitchen table. "You need to stop, Chris. You are allowing your anxiety to get the best of you. Just take a deep breath, okay," she instructed her oldest son. "Raina will never get bored of you. She loves you very much. Don't think about the past; only focus on the future. You and Raina will be fine. More than fine. Yes, there will be hard times, along with good times. It is normal for every functional relationship. You can't have the good without the bad, the sad without the happy, the ups and the downs. The universe needs balance."
"Okay, Oprah," Chris joked. "I get what you're saying."
"Do you?"
"Yeah, I do, Ma."
"Good. Now get back to chopping," Lisa ordered, and Chris went back to cutting vegetables for Thanksgiving dinner. 
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tedllasso · 4 years
Well the haters can say what they want, but his tweets are going viral. And they keep circulating the same photos every other month to try to cancel him. Like if they're so woke and care so much about the state of the world, why are they devoting their energy trying to bring down some actor? Shouldn't they raise awareness about things that actually matter instead? I'm not a fan of ASP but his personal politics have always been clear. These people just want twitter fame. 🙄
they’re just there to hate on him for whatever reason. like you said this happens like once a month. they bring up the cop photo, the army tour thing he did, rsdr, it’s like reading the same damn tweets every time. nothing new. loool
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kuramirocket · 3 years
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From bohemian to classic, from minimalistic to shabby royalty – interior decoration is a reflection of your personality. However, if you are an ardent fan of the Mexican culture, craftsmanship, aesthetics, and more, Interior Affairs by Mexican interior designer Sofía Aspe Interiorismo Studio is a must-have! The interior designer has developed a unique and eclectic style, where modern and contemporary unite in a mixed equilibrium of styles and eras, generating spaces filled with character yet timeless character. In INTERIOR AFFAIRS, SOFÍA ASPE AND THE ART OF DESIGN, her second book in English, the prominent Mexican interior designer showcases some of her favorite projects and celebrates her artistry all-woman studio. Admirers of contemporary design, art, and Latin culture will cherish this breathtaking tour through the celebrated designer’s own home as well as those she has designed in Mexico City, Merida, Miami, Austin, Madrid, and Vail. 
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The book’s extraordinary visual narrative qualifies it to be an interesting coffee table book apart from providing a comprehensive view of the designer’s perspective and creativity abilities. Superbly photographed, Aspe’s projects are showcased one after another in bold and innovative design, alternated with brief introductions providing a profoundly personal perspective about her life and what inspires her. Almost every page of Interior Affairs holds quotes about the designer’s work, her experiences, creative inspiration, and much more. The book is more than capable of transporting one into Aspe’s world of interiors, from the international artists and local artisans she works with to her country’s radiant colors and picturesque charm and her global reach. Reflective of Aspe’s aesthetic, this beautifully packaged book will feature a vibrant cloth cover with a printed textile. 
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Sofía Aspe founded her design studio Sofía Aspe Interiorismo (SAI) in Mexico City in 2012. This all-woman studio has delivered 109 projects and is currently working on 33 new projects, mainly in Mexico, the United States, and Spain. Her projects have been published in numerous interior design and architecture magazines in Mexico, Spain, the USA, Germany, and China. In 2016 her design firm received the First Prize for Residential Interior Design of the Architects and Interior Designers Association of Mexico. It was named one of the top ten most influential interior design firms in Mexico by AD Mexico. Design Hunter and Ambientes Magazine called them one of 100 Authorities in Architecture and Interior Design in Mexico and Latin America.
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jaiashokmahtani · 4 years
Jai ashok Mahtani | World’s best Surf Destinations
I’m Jai Ashok Mahtani, South Africa. Here I’m sharing with you my most favourite “10 Best Surf Spots in the World”.  Surfing for me is a way to be free. These ten spots are literally Adventurous, once in a life at least visit one of them. Surfing is addictive, once you start you can't stop.
My Best Ten surf spots in the world -
Ulu watu, Bali
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Uluwatu is a spot on the south-western tip of the Bukit Peninsula of Bali, Indonesia. Uluwatu was "found" as a surfing spot in 1972 and is known for its clifftop sees and being home to a portion of Bali's best sea shores. In Uluwatu, you have an interesting blend of laid-back riding vibes. Uluwatu sanctuary is determined to the edge of precipices, disregarding the energetic blue water smashing against the stones beneath. You can follow the clifftop way to investigate somewhat further. Uluwatu is home to the most delightful sea shores in Bali. The perspectives from here are staggering, and in the event that you circumvent nightfall, you can watch the Kecak fire move here as well.
Playa grande, Costa rica
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Playa Grande, otherwise called Salinas, is a beach network on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica only north of Tamarindo.Playa Grande is frequently visited for its amazing riding conditions along the important beach, which has since quite a while ago pulled in surfers from over the globe. Playa Grande's waves are available to surfers of all aptitude levels - anybody from a first-time surfer to an ace can hit the waves here. The surf breaks are predictable and moderate, and this beach is significantly less swarmed than neighboring Tamarindo. It is best for fledglings to surf during the lower tides when there are less surfers and the waves are a lot littler.
Bundoran, Ireland
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Bundoran (Irish: Bun Dobhráin) is a town in County Donegal, Ireland. Surfing has gotten inseparable from Bundoran in the past number of years. Its developing prominence has assisted with stretching out the ordinary Easter to September Christmas season to throughout the entire year as surfers travel from everywhere the nation and everywhere on over the world to encounter the differing characteristic enhancements that Ireland's Premier Seaside Resort has to bring to the table. Any weekend at whatever month, be it the center of summer or the dead of winter, you'll for the most part discover some place to go surfing in Bundoran or its encompasses with incalculable sea shore and reef breaks to be found in closeness.
Jeffreys Bay, South Africa
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Jeffreys Bay is a town situated in the Eastern Cape territory of South Africa. This is where legends are conceived, waves are destroyed, and consciences helped or wounded. A spot that draws the absolute best surfers from around the globe consistently, a spot to be free, an epic spot to discover your spirit. it truly is as simple as snatching your board and going, as just about each sea shore in J-Bay offers reasonable epic surfing conditions. The celebrated Supertubes cooks in the winter months when waves can reach up to 12 feet and getting tubed is the situation. Boneyards, directly close to Super, is likewise a famous spot and known for its close to consummate break. Further down the seashore, Point offers ideal conditions for less experienced surfers with little, incredible waves that guarantee a more drawn out ride. Kitchen Windows close to Main Beach is a smooth reef break that is around mid-tide at its best yet can get undesirable when the breeze gets.
Huntington Beach, CA
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Huntington Beach is an ocean side city in Orange County in Southern California. It gets any swell on offer and can regularly have a wave regardless of whether different spots along the coast are flat.The best an ideal opportunity to surf is in winter when greater swells are on offer and the mid year swarm are done surfing. This extended length of beach delivers some exemplary empty waves when the conditions are correct. This surf spot is a delicate and moderate wave a large portion of the year. You can longboard on the latter days however it gets sufficiently quick to short board on a lower tide, especially with a swell combo. In the winter we get NW grows that change the wave from being delicate to really holding some size and being hefty. When there is swell and when there isn't swell the bluffs have a decent group on them. The vast majority of local people will ride it regularly and there are a great deal of new novice surfers trying too.
Bondi Beach, Sydney
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Bondi Beach is a mainstream beach and the name of the encompassing suburb in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Bondi Beach is one of the most well known surf beaches in Australia. Regardless of whether you're figuring out how to surf or experience you can look at our manual for surfing at Bondi. Discover the best season to spot whales at Bondi Beach and the best vantage focuses to get a nearby view. The climate, bars, food, nearness, and beach all have their influence.
San Clemente, CA
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San Clemente is a city in Orange County, California. It's known for San Onofre and San Clemente state sea shores, with their surf breaks and sandstone feigns. San Clemente structures one of the most reliable, and wave-rich zones in Southern California. Moreover, its topography implies that it is presented to both winter northwest swells and late spring souths, and is similarly open to both. T-Street, known for its steady surf and the ability it produces, is the riding core of the town, and has played something other than a passing function throughout the entire existence of the game. At that point obviously there is Trestles (host to North America's just ASP World Tour occasion), Church, and San Onofre, which in spite of in fact existing inside San Diego County, makes up the most notorious aspect of the San Clemente surf scene.
Taghazout, Morocco
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Taghazout is a fishing town on Morocco's Atlantic coast, north of the city of Agadir. It's known for its surf sea shores. Executioner Point is a ground-breaking point break. Taghazout surf spots are a blend of value reefs, sea shore breaks, and focuses, and the smooth strip of landing area that embraces the high precipice tops guarantees simple access everything except the most isolated of peaks.This territory of Morocco appreciates a warm atmosphere and consistent presentation to the incomparable North Atlantic swells makes it an appealing objective for surfers all things considered. While the north of the nation has a considerable amount of waves, most going surfers decide to make a beeline for the central hub of Moroccan surfing, a little fishing town a couple of miles north of Agadir called Taghazout. Here, African culture impacts fast with a flourishing surf scene, making a dynamic objective for surfers hoping to investigate an energizing nation and find new waves.
Teahupo'o, Tahiti
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Teahupoʻo is a town on the southwestern shore of the island of Tahiti, French Polynesia, in the southern Pacific Ocean. It is known for the surf break and substantial, smooth waves seaward. Teahupo'o is a reef break. The swells principally break left, yet the external reef likewise makes right breaks that surfers must be mindful of when rowing out. Teahupo'o is additionally famous for the steady number of barrels it conveys. It is a compensating area and is broadly viewed as being on the 'must-surf' rundown of each eager surfer. Be that as it may, just experienced surfers in top state of being should endeavor Teahupo'o; hefty waves joined with a shallow shoreline can bring about genuine wounds and even passing in a crash.
Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka
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Arugam Bay, referred to locally as "Arugam Kudah", is a bay arranged on the Indian Ocean in the dry zone of Sri Lanka's southeast coast, and a noteworthy settlement of the antiquated Batticaloa Territory. Most guests to Arugam Bay either love it, or disdain it. It's not every tea, however one thing is for sure: it is a fabulous spot to put in a couple of days riding your minds out with ceaseless right-handers. I've been two or multiple times, and I would actually possibly prescribe the long excursion to Arugam Bay on the off chance that you are quick to surf, are visiting during the east coast top season or it's not your first ideal opportunity to Sri Lanka.
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7, 15, 22, 27, 39, 45
7. I love the fight choreography for sure, but I also absolutely love Life in Hate Nation's choreography, particularly each of the girls introductions. And the part during Susannah's Song where the girls are behind the curtain with their sillouettes. Also all of Three Failed Escape Attempts
15. While I'm not certain who counts as major and minor, besides Susannah and Sheila, I absolutely love Kitty and Dorothy. Kitty kinda feels like the sister I wish I had growing up and she also has some of my favourite lines of the whole show. And Dorothy honestly really interests me because of how little we really know about her.
22. I feel like the obvious one everyone loves is Francis getting attacked by an ocelot. I definitely like that one. Other than that I don't have many, but:
Sheila and Susannah have had moments where they almost meet again but don't. Especially with Sheila traveling and Susannah touring, I feel like they have had to have nearly crossed paths at least once or twice.
I have been thinking of which girls would try to find ways of staying in contact with the others after escaping NATION. I feel like Ya-Ya would really try to stay in contact with Judith and possibly the others. Later on down the line I feel like they may all meet again, or at the least some of them.
27. Probably Teenage Delinquent. It was the first song I heard besides Three Failed Escape Attempts and it will definitely hold a specific place in my heart. Also the "When we meet again, how I hope the world is different then" line always makes me cry. I do love Revolution Song and it's staging though!
39. I'm a big fan of Iconis' musicals, and when I first heard about the show, the concept of "lesbian romance in a juvie Hall" kinda intrigued me, so I looked up some videos and the first one I watched was Talia Suskauer singing Three Failed Escape Attempts of Sheila Nail and that definitely had me hooked. Then Teenage Delinquent kinda solidified that. When the show opened and I saw the bootleg, I really connected with it, and seeing such positive WLW and trans representation kinda just made me cry because I was so happy. I also loved that I could see myself in some of these characters, particularly Sheila. It just really resonated with me and I'm glad I checked it out
45. So many for so many different people, but the one that comes up first is for Joe Iconis and it's "How did Judith catch Harriet and the girl who played piano? Was Miss Asp suspicious and had her keep an eye on them or did she just find out on her own and tell Asp herself?"
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