#assistant shirt
johnnydany · 11 months
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World's Okayest Assistant T-Shirt
Get yours styles: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/47628846-worlds-okayest-assistant
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ky-landfill · 1 year
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total-drama-brainrot · 2 months
for that ‘noah is brought back as an assistant after getting himself eliminated’ idea i think noah should just stop trying to tiptoe around anyone after one day. he puts in one (1) day of effort and then just gives up.
“??? noah???”
“who. im not noah. ive never even heard of a noah.” (has changed his shirts and is wearing sunglasses thats all) (no effort to hide his identity)
Noah puts in a genuine effort to remain undetected for a good while (let's say a week or two) after being whisked away back to Camp Wawanakwa, since he really doesn't want to deal with the idiots he worked so hard to escape from so soon, but it's surprisingly difficult to keep himself just indistinct enough to remain under their radar without making himself look suspicious- either to the contestants themselves or to his newfound co-workers.
Maybe acting like a skittish deer every time one of the campers was around was a bit shady, but could you blame him? Anyone else in his position would be wary of discovery too. No one wants to be put on blast on international TV for the consequences of their actions. Thankfully the other interns are polite enough not to comment when he absconds at the smallest signs of his past competitors.
It doesn't help that the eliminated contestants have started to notice that Noah isn't at the Playa with the rest of them. None of them have asked about him yet, but there's a distinct air of concern at the resort every time someone comments about him- or the lack of him.
So, needless to say, Noah's got quite the reputation as a bit of a cryptid among the cast. Which is fine, he can play into that if it means none of them figure out he's been forcibly employed under their sadistic host. Noah goes out of his way to disguise himself behind different outfits, altered hairstyles and a pair of mirrored shades, and straightens his posture into something less lazy and more 'professional' when he's on the clock; it's impressive how much a change in wardrobe and demeanour can disguise someone, just look at Clark Kent. He essentially becomes a ghost to the cast, to the point that a lot of them begin to doubt he was even real and not a mass hallucination.
(Noah encourages the rest of the interns to play into that misconception, mostly because he finds it funny but also because it would aid him in his effort to remain undetected.)
But the trickery soon becomes more hassle than it's worth; Noah's about 80% certain he could do his job in the same outfit he'd worn on the island and not a single person would bat an eye, let alone recognise him. That's the power of being a wallflower- he's fairly unassuming and able to blend into the background. It's his confidence in his lack of notability that leads to him to becoming complacent.
In fact he makes a game out of it, if only to curb the boredom of his job. He goes from spy-level subterfuge to the barest minimum of a disguise; at one point he just slaps on a fake moustache and his mirrored sunglasses and calls it a day. No one notices. This only serves to encourage his blasé attitude towards his discovery- the cast are way too oblivious to notice him, after all.
Which is why Noah's inevitably discovered when he delivers a coffee to Chris on-set dressed in his usual outfit, the only attempt at a disguise being a haphazardly thrown on blonde wig. (Namely, the same wig Courtney later uses in Action.)
"Is that Noah?"
Comes a disbelieving outburst from the cast. Noah isn't sure who said it, but the statement draws attention onto him which is the last thing he wants.
He has to divert suspicion quickly before it's too late.
"No, this is Patrick."
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superbellsubways · 6 months
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jessieren · 1 month
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Some happy smiley bts pics for Thursday Thursday
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bendgineer · 4 months
Between this and constantly referring to Brittany Bowe as "the world record holder" (gotta make sure everyone knows), Hilary Knight is the gf we all should aspire to be.
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thebirdandhersong · 2 months
Respectfully. I am tired of being helpful :)
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tiktaalic · 4 months
Got my head shaved in a frank iero shirt. Because I’m butch. Pretty much the most classic way to get your head shaved
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hubba1892 · 1 year
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Andy Robertson | Liverpool FC vs. Manchester United (7-0)
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brammariek · 2 years
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so i played The Mortuary Assistant, and tossed the vase at the shadow dude and had to make a quick messy comic for it.
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kingtankgirl · 1 month
coffeebar that i (sorta) manage is soft opening tmrw.. lfg
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bruciemilf · 1 year
The way Romanian women enable sexism gives me the angriest laugh of my life I swear
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yappacadaver · 6 months
Yk one of the endings in mortuary assistant where Rebecca gets possessed and killls raymond? I ask myself why he didn’t do something like he did when Rebecca was inthe basement ending
LITERALLYYY mr delver u stupid slut...
most of the fandom at the time was saying similar when end6 came out and I'm not sure if we have any word from Brian himself on why this is the case, but i like Insym's theory and I take it as probable canon so here's what he thought:
In end3 ( the one where rebecca gets possessed and turns him into a meatball) Raymond is supernaturally attacked by a demon in a living host, and is killed. In end6, he is physically attacked by a demon outside of a host who seems to be trying to claw its way into his chest, and survives thanks to the tattoo.
Now, there's a couple differences between these two attacks but the main one (for this theory) being the demon not having a host. Insym and his commenters theorized that the demon inside rebecca was going for the kill from the start, whereas vallerie's demon was trying to possess him. Thus, where rebecca's demon used the force to crumple him like a soda can, vallerie's demon triggered his tattoo magic by trying to hop bodies into him and touching the ink.
this is all theory though and I bet we'll get more lore that explains this in better detail someday xD
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mymichaelbryanthings · 9 months
Miss James, Shirt and Tie.
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“Try not to look official.”
Everyone in suits/ shirt with a tie/ blazer: 🧍‍♀️🧍🏾🧍🧍🏻
“Try to look less official”
Spencer take off your tie you’ll blend in.
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from assistant director wesley mouri:
On the twenty-first day of the month of May, in an early year of a decade not too long before our own, the Twin Cities suddenly encountered a deadly threat to its very existence… 🪴🩸
The Little Shop cast came dressed so colorfully, I had to snap a Pride picture! Week 3 of rehearsals ✅
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