#assuming it doesn't surpass An Act of Trust
grassbreads · 1 year
Guys my Tai Sui professor fic has reached almost 5.5k and I still don't know for sure how I'm going to end it.
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dmagedgoods · 6 months
Imagine the father you hate sends you a talking sex toy
It may be born from expecting some cunning and twisted games from devils (where is the fun, otherwise?), but to merely take Raphael's and Haarlep's relationship the very way it's presented without further thought appears like signing the line without reading the words to me. What they do there clearly has layers. Raphael is smart, he has to be for those contracts, the manipulations, and his little ambitious plan. Furthermore, it's essential for him to stay careful. He, more than anyone, should know not to trust Haarlep. And he most certainly is highly aware. Imagine you want to surpass your fiendish father and he gifts you a toy incubus. What would you do with them? I, at least, know what I would not do with this gift: Order it to take the form(s) of those I most desire (or, worse, cherish to a point) or even fuck it. Now, Raphael is a devil (with a strong human side, fight me, but still a devil): of course, he fucks Haarlep anyway and maybe not to appear ungrateful too (after all, you want Daddy to think you appreciate his gift or at least paint the surface-level impression of it). But he only fucks Haarlep in quite a special way, does he not? - In the one and only way that gives nothing away about him. Or at least it gives nothing away about him that his father (and anyone, really) doesn't already know (or is supposed to know): That Raphael has a very high opinion of himself. Maybe it's even an abstract little joke. I, for my part, see some dry humor in it: His daddy sends this shapeshifting, form stealing incubus spy to get some information on how to pressure his son, should it become a necessity. But all he gets from said incubus spy is the statement that his son only ever fucks himself. "Raphael only loves Raphael." That definitely is what I would want my incubus sex toy to report back to my detested father. (If I was a devil, mind you.) Now Raphael doesn't put that much effort into the act, it seems, but that's not truly necessary after all and only serves him further: I don't think he fancies Haarlep gossiping about his actual sexual preferences with Mephistopheles either. Ah, now maybe Haarlep and Raphael despise each other or maybe they developed a fondness for each other, I can picture both, but it stays true that Raphael doesn't seem like the kind of man who would willingly allow someone to gain an advantage over him by allowing personal information to spread to those he's determined to outsmart. Of course, I guess, it's also a possibility that this 1000+-years-old cambion truly only ever lazily bottoms for his father's incubus toy and only ever while it looks (more or less) like himself because that's all he wants in this regard. Maybe devils are immune to boredom. I, for my part, strongly assume it's a game with daddy dearest.
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tired-teacher-blog · 1 year
Do you think Hawks is a virgin? I'm a bit at odds cuz I just can't quite place it. We know that Hawks was raised by the hero commission since he was a young child and practically isolated from the outside world that whole time. The most pressing thing was to train Hawks diligently to insure he became the perfect hero. I don't see them viewing lessons about love, romance, and physical intimacy as a priority. Due to this I think Hawk's himself has a very narrow understanding of even the act of sex. He's close with Endeavor who has a wife and children so he must understand the basic principle at the very least. Having children means having sex. But other than that the mere concept is loss on him. Being intimate with another person is scary and dangerous. It forces you to put yourself into a very vulnerable position and put your guard down, two things Hawk's can not afford to do. Its shown that Hawk's does enjoy the company of others such as Endeavor, Best Jeanist, Tokoyami, Midoriya and Bakugou but even if he enjoys being around them he can never truly drop the act and just be himself because he doesn't know what "being himself" is. On the other side of things we also know that the commission has forced Hawk's to do terrible things in the past. Would it really be too far of a stretch to assume they also made Hawk's use his body in order to make other ppl lower their guard around him? It isn't an uncommon practice for assassins to seduce their targets beforehand. Hawk's is young, intelligent, strong, and handsome. The perfect combination to make anyone, man or woman, fall for his charms. However, understanding the art of seduction is very different from understanding love. If Hawk's were in a position where he was forced to sleep with someone I think he would take no pleasure from the experience. Its part of his job, his mission, nothing more. He doesn't know or understand that intimacy is supposed to feel good for both himself and the other person.
This is truly interesting Eiri 🤩 alright let's see.
Knowing the commission, it wouldn't be farfetched for them to set their agents up to missions involving sexual activities. Though I can't really tell wether or not Hawks has been implicated in such missions so let's just test the theories :
★ If he in fact was, then I believe his knowledge of sex would have to surpass the basics, which means that not only would he perform sexual services, but he would also need to know his assigned partner's preferences in order to gain their trust and probably their affection as well. In which case, he wouldn't be a virgin (most likely, because some sexual activities can still be performed without losing one's virginity) but either way, he would be very knowledgeable about the subject.
★ Now let's say he has never been instructed to be involved in such missions, in this case I strongly believe he would still be a virgin because, and as you pointed out, he cannot afford to put himself in a vulnerable position or let his guard down because that's what he was taught since childhood. His knowledge of sex however would still be as well as any other young adult's, regardless of virginity or lack thereof.
Intimacy is another whole thing, and I believe it's something Hawks cannot afford to delve into because of the nature of his life.
Whatever it is, I just hope he survives the war so he can finally live life as he wants, now that the commission has fallen.
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unnerving-presence · 3 years
Oh I finally have an idea for a request.
Headcanons of The Oni, Ghostface, Michael and Frank getting brutaly killed by the survivor reader because they were fed up with being the hunted one. To the point were the entity doesn't let the reader in trials anymore
this is by far the coolest idea i’ve ever seen thank you for requesting anon!
i’m gonna guess reader isn’t dating them because i imagine that they would rather talk to them about it then… kill them lol.
i’m don’t know how to write murdering people in a cool way because i don’t murder people so i’m sorry if this isn’t that good 💀
this is quite a long chapter, so be aware
Kazan Yamaoka/The Oni:
The last thing he ever expected a survivor to do to him was kill him. He thought that nobody would dare oppose him, considering his large stature and deadly equipment. Though it seemed he was wrong.
He’s very surprised at first. His careless grip on his sword allowing you to easily knock it out of his grasp and take it for yourself. He makes a mental note to never make a stupid move like that again.
He may have had his kanabo, but he couldn’t grab it fast enough as you quickly slashed and stabbed at his body, slicing tendons and breaking skin. It’s obvious you didn’t know how to properly use a katana, but somehow your blind rage made it hurt all the worse.
It was like when he died all over again. Like the mob surrounding him again. Beating him, stabbing him, calling him names. And it seemed you knew exactly where to make it hurt also. Even reopening wounds. It’s quite pathetic that’s he’s dying like this, he thinks. All because he underestimated a survivor and let them catch him off guard.
After the Entity revives him from the dead, he gets quite angry that he even let a survivor lay a finger on him. He takes the time that he has alone to go thoroughly trash his realm. Crushing statues, ripping the foundations off some of the shrines. He messed it up so badly that he had to go to his granddaughters realm so the Entity could fix his up.
He seeks you out after finding that you’re not even allowed in trials anymore. As much as he wants to, he knows he can’t kill you outside of trials. So he takes you to Rin’s realm with him so he can talk with you about why you did what you did.
He can’t speak much english or really understand it, so he has Rin do the talking for him. After you tell him why, he sort of understands. He was like that at some point in his life. Tired of being targeted and treated like an animal. Just don’t do that shit again and you guys will be on pretty good terms. Hes still kind of angry at you though
Michael Myers/The Shape:
It takes a lot to kill someone like him. He’s not an easy target. He’s been burned, beat, shot, stabbed, bit. He’s been through it all, so when you manage to get your hands on something sharp, Michael didn’t really think much of it. How greatly he underestimated you.
He’s not one to visibly show emotion, but damn can you tell that he is angry. How can a shard of glass do this much to him? Why can’t he move his arms? What are you doing to him?
You stab every place you possibly could. His wrists, his neck, his arms, his stomach. Pretty much everywhere. You even stab his eye. The good one i mean. Until you know he’s dead, you’re not stopping your attacks.
He puts up quite a fight, managing to get his hand around your neck before you can stab it. He can’t really do much though, most of his limbs aren’t even functional at this point from how much you’ve stabbed them.
When he’s sent back to his realm alive and well, he quickly seeks you out. He’s going to make you suffer, no matter what the Entity says. Unfortunately the Entity says he can’t hurt you outside of trials. That’s not really stopping Michael though.
Definitely tries choking you to death the second he sees you but a quick stab in the arm from the Entity makes him rethink his actions. Now he just sort of.. stares at you. He probably doesn’t stop until he’s taken into another trial just to make you uncomfortable. Yeah he’s petty like that.
He can only assume that you’re not allowed in trials since he never even sees you in them anymore. This makes him ever the more angry since he can’t even kill you back. He forever holds a grudge against you. Prepared to be stalked from afar until Michael decides to stop being a petty bitch.
Ghostface/Danny Johnson:
I guess this is what he gets for being cocky all the time huh? He’s pretty confident in himself and thought this ‘game’ was well played on his part. The Entity even granted him the favor of killing a survivor. Until he was the one that was being killed.
He does give you a few punches and tries to get you under him, but a quick slash to his abdomen has him on the ground, holding himself up with one hand and desperately trying to search for his knife with the other. Damn it, you have it don’t you?
It takes more to kill him than you thought, but he’s not as tough as most killers. Finally thrusting the knife in through his neck quickly puts him out of his misery. Knowing he’s dead doesn’t stop you from stabbing him a few more times in his chest though.
Apparently he hadn’t studied you as much as he should’ve. He’s very impressed, he has to admit, but he’s been humiliated. In his eyes he has atleast. Looks like he needs to put you in your place and show you who the real killer is here.
Though finding out soon after that you haven’t been seen in any of the other killers trials, he sort of pissed. He can’t even get payback! He’ll probably whine to the Entity about it though he knows she won’t listen.
He’ll keep his distance for now. He’s sort of embarrassed that you, a puny survivor has killed him, a killer. It doesn’t sit right in his head and he’ll probably get a laugh or two if he tells the other killers so he just keeps it to himself.
Still pissed though. If he ever sees you wandering around he might insult you a bit but it’s all he can really do. I wouldn’t get too close though. He might have the courage to give you a stab in the chest if he’s feeling rebellious.
Frank Morrison/The Legion:
I imagine it goes how his mori would. He would try to swing at you but misses as you quickly duck to avoid the attack. He manages to stab your arm as you shove him back. Unlucky for him, his grip loosened on the knife and was now deep into your arm.
The pain didn’t seem to stop you from yanking the knife out of your arm, and giving him a taste of his own medicine, stabbing him in the shoulder and throwing him to the ground. Before he even has a chance to recover, you’re on top of him dragging the knife through his stomach before ripping his mask off and impaling him straight through his mouth.
He doesn’t have much of a chance to fight back. Your anger far surpassing his, caring about nothing more than making him suffer. In the little time he has to think, he wonders why the Entity is even allowing this. More importantly, why are you so damn strong?
He’s sort of scared of you to be honest, and it takes a lot for him to be scared. That look on your face as you clambered on top of him. You looked like you didn’t have even an inch of humanity left in you. Atleast in the moment you didn’t, not when you were so fed up with dying over and over again. He really felt like he wasn’t coming back after knowing you were going to kill him.
He might tell his friends about it, but nobody else. He trusts them enough to take it seriously and to comfort him. As much as a tough guy he is, he’s really just shocked about the whole thing. He’s never the one that has to die, so he’s never thought much about it, but when you’re in a situation like that, he understands how the survivors feel.
He’s sort of glad you aren’t in trials anymore. He doesn’t want his friends to be hurt, and he definitely doesn’t want himself to be hurt if that’s how you’re going to act near him. Though if you do manage to get near him and talk with him, he will start to understand why you did what you did. He’s not sure if he entirely forgives you, but atleast he knows you won’t hurt him again.
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blossom-tonic · 3 years
Don't leave me too~
-> Kaeya x GN!reader
Credit's for the pic: 優雨 on pixiv
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It was a warm sunny day in Mondstadt. The sun was brightly shining in the clear sky on the Plaza as the famous Calvery Captain of the knights of Favonius was through Mondstadt. His destination? Angel Share.
As usual Kaeya Alberich is going to his favorite and only one bar in Mondstadt on his free day. One of the reasons was to go and see his "dear" brother Diluc Ragenvindr and purposely annoy him but also he wanted to have taste of dandelion wine.
As he opens the door if the bar he expected to see Diluc, scrowling at the sight of him but instead he saw (y/n).
A very dear person to him.
But still it's unusual for them to be sitting in angel share in the middle of the day and especially with a wine glass in their hand. (y/n) was never a drinker they always accompany Kaeya and Rosaria to the bar but never has seen Kaeya the young traveller drinking.
This thought concerns him a little bit which made him go to the said person having his charming smile as he began talking
"what's the famous traveller from (your region) doing on a sunny day in angel share with a wine glass in hand?" He said with a smile putting his weight in his left hand as he put it in the table where (y/n) was sitting.
They heard the familiar voice if a good friend if theirs which put a major smile on their face
"well... original i wanted to go see Diluc and talk to him for the last time but unfortunately he was absent today so now I'm enjoying my first and last dandelion wine. Which i must say it's the only alcohol that actually is tasty in my opinion" they explained rather jokingly while giving the cryo vision Bearer their typical closed eyed smile which would lighten the Calvery Captains day anytime but the fact that (y/n) wanted to go see Diluc was itching him but it wasn't the main thing that's bothering him
"wait, what do you mean by "talking to Diluc the last time,, or "my first and last wine,,?" He asked while having a puzzled expression on his way, which was rare to be honest since all of the Mondstadt knows him as the "calm and charming Calvery Captains,,.
"oh so Master Jean didn't told you? I'm leaving Mondstadt for a little while. I want to go home and see how things are there... You could say i got a little homesick. I was planning on leaving tomorrow so i wanted to at least try the famous dandelion wine from dawn winery" they explained while slowly circulating her glass and looking at the red substance.
Kaeya didn't know which fact hurted more... The fact that (y/n) is gonna leave or the fact that they didn't even wanted to tell him in person but trusted the Acting Grand Master.
"but... you're coming back right?" He asked not letting his upset aura showing and hope they say yes
"well...to be honest, i don't know."
This answer made his heart stop. It was like one arrow was shot directly at his heart.
"i was planning on staying in (your region) for awhile but the maybe continue to travel" they explained while still looking at the wine glass. They weren't keen on leaving either especially since they already felt like home in Mondstadt but they wanted to see the family again to make sure they're alright.
The Calvery Captain was not a dumb man, he knew what his was feeling towards them was and he hated himself for getting this kind of connection towards somebody but still... (Y/n) made his life not seem dull anymore, and the fact that another Person is leaving him again is making him feel devastated.
"well... It was nice seeing you Kaeya but i have to go now. I need some money and the commissions aren't doing them by themselves" (y/n) said joyful as they put the glass on the table and was standing up to go out if the bar.
Instantly Kaeya wanted them to stop walking or making them stop, to convince them to stay here in Mondstadt, to stay with him but he held himself back. Deep down he knows that this is what is right for them, being in a close relationship with him was dangerous and he knows how family is important to them.
So he just let go, watching their frame getting closed by the door.
The sky was getting darker as the traveller was walking to their home while surpassing a yawn. They took a lot of commissions, each one harder then the lady but the amount of Mora was worth it.
As they opened their House door they immediately took off their shoes, and made their way to the bath to get some dirt of their body. As the water ran slowly into the tub, (y/n) took of their clothes and began slowing getting in the tub. They sigh in bliss as the warm water was in contact with their body.
As they relaxed in the tub, the conversation with Kaeya came into their mind. It was wrong for them not telling him in person and they knew that but honestly deep down (y/n) didn't want leave Mondstadt, they didn't want leave their new home, their knew friends and most importantly they don't want to leave Kaeya but even tho Mondstadt became their new home (y/n) could never abandoned their original home.
After some time, the traveller was out of the tub and already in their sleeping chambers, changing out if their dirty clothes to something comfortable as they heard a loud but damp knock. They immediately got of the room and made their way to the front door. With a puzzled expression on their face, since they weren't expecting anyone, they slowly open the door just to see Diluc infront of the door with a passed out Kaeya on his back.
"come in and lay him on the couch." (Y/n) just said calmly, thinking that Kaeya's just passed out bc he drunk a lot like always.
Diluc just nodded as thank you and made his way to the couch and put his brother on it while sighing
"i assume that he just drank a lot and passed out and because your such a good brother you decided to drag him to his dear friend so they can take care of him" (y/n) talked with some joking sarcasm in her tone if voice but Diluc could only sigh. He didn't show it but he was worried about Kaeya.
"he was mumbling some nonsense, while sulking around so...just take care if him please" he said without emotion what was typical but this time the hint if worry was heard in his voice but before (y/n) could ask what he meant he already got out of the house.
(y/n) was now more clueless then before, usually they saw Kaeya as joyful drunk, always laughing, enjoying his time and also shamelessly letting his charm out but to hear him sulking while being drunk was something the traveller couldn't imagine.
As they trying to think about what Diluc said, they were also filling a glass full of water to give for the cryo user. They put the glass down on the little table which was beside the couch and slowly shaking the Calvery Captain. The said man was slowly waking up, tiredly open the one eye that was visible slowly adjusting to the light. He was trying to get up but a soft hand was lightly pushing him down again while also spoking in a soft voice
"lay down. You need the rest." Said (y/n) while also handing him the glass of water which Kaeya gladly took and also began drinking it. The cold water that was slowly going down his throat was helping with burning sensation from the alcohol and made his head pain a little bit bearable.
"what am I doing here?" He asked after putting the glass down but he refused to look into (y/n) eyes
"well diluc said-" she couldn't continue her sentence as Kaeya sighed in annoyance
"Diluc should mind his own business."
"well you know that he doesn't like passed out costumers in his bar but that's not the point. He said you where "sulking around"...so what wrong? I kinda felt that you were off since our conversation in angels share..." The (your vision) user asked with worry. It was rare that they showed they worry about anything really but it's about Kaeya.
"it's nothing really, i shouldn't be hear in the first place. You need the rest so I'll just leave you be." He shortly explained already sitting up and standing up which leads to him wobbling a bit since he still feel the alcohol in his body.
(y/n), worried that he might hurt himself, wrapped one arm around his waist to steady hin and also taking one if his hands and sitting him down again.
"No. You're staying here for to night, i know that you are capable of walking but I don't trust your drunk self." They calmly explained still holding his hand but letting go of his waist.
Kaeya now looking at the their hands while turning his and and wrapping it around (y/n)'s while slowly stroking it with his thumb. It felt nice holding their hand. It made him feel warm and calm and made him forgot that this person who was bringing him happiness for change is gonna leave him soon.
"(y/n), it's maybe the drunk me talking right now but...can I ask you something?"
"of course. You can ask me anything." She answered truthfully, the fact that he sounds so vulnerable made them worry even more.
"Can you stay? I mean stay here in Mondstadt....stay with me...." He asked. Now was (y/n) sure that he was completely drunk. He didn't sound like the Kaeya they knew, he sounded like sad little boy who was in pain.
"Please don't leave..." he said and suddenly the traveler felt themselves being pulled into his chest. His arms wrapping around their frame pulling the close in fear that they would suddenly disappear.
"Please don't leave me too. My father left me, the person who took me in died and my brother hates my guts... you're the only who didn't abandoned me yet...so please don't let me loose another Person i love"
He whispered the words into the crook of their neck, (y/n) could now clearly smell the alcohol but this time she didn't mind it. The Kaeya they saw know was the real one. A broken boy who is afraid to loose again and doesn't know what to do about that.
(y/n) wrapped their arm around the man's body pulling him closer, it was the first time both of them was so close to each other.
"I'm not leaving Kaeya...at least not tonight. We can talk about it tomorrow if you want...let us just stay like this for the night ok?" They whispered, trying to calm the man while softly playing with his blue locks.
Kaeya just nodded closing his eyes and savoring this moment. He would clearly be embarrassed tomorrow of showing this side of him especially infront of you but that didn't matter now. He was just enjoying being closed to you and that's everything he could ask for.
Ok so kaeya could be a little ooc and the ending could be a bit rushed since once again i wrote this in the middle of night bc my sleep schedule is trash c:
Anyways i hope you guys like it and don't forget you can always leave request if you want me to write something :)
Have a good day/night :3
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Yandere Fairy Tail Hc’s
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, delusions, clinginess, overprotective behavior, manipulation, stalking, blackmailing, threatening, sabotage, kidnapping, killing
Hibiki Lates
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✨Hibiki is a semi-delusional Yandere. I admit it, he obviously is quite perceptive and intelligent so he isn't a fully delusional Yandere. Still though he can't help, but think of his darling as something more. He's a womanizer and rumors say that he's had many different girlfriends at the same time. But with the sudden entrance of his darling something seemed to change. He suddenly turned extremely obsessive, wanted to know everything about them and he could never stop thinking about them ever since. So even if he knows that some things he does aren't technically right, he views this whole situation as some sort of destiny and that his darling is his only one. He's quite infatuated with his darling for that reason.
✨Manipulative and overprotective. Hibiki obviously has his charm upon his sleeve and there is a reason he's been voted for several years in a row as a boyfriend every girl would like to have. Problem is that if his darling is looking for a serious relationship, they might ditch him since he is a womanizer and they wouldn't want to be with someone who hangs out with numerous women at the same time. Hibiki has to prove something in here and he is aware of that. But he's a determined and persistent man and he will make sure that he'll court his darling successfully and he isn't above making himself look better than other possible competitors. And a man has to protect his lover after all so of course he is more protective, though he overdoes it in order to look more like a gentleman.
✨Hibiki might just experience for the very first time in his life how real jealousy feels like when you have someone you want to love and cherish for the rest of your life. As someone who is constantly being talked over and the knowledge that he is everyone's dream man give him a certain confidence and since he is a polite man, he never really lashes out on someone. But he learns quickly that he dislikes it when someone else tries to charm his darling the way he does and that e likes it even less when they react flattered by it. Such experiences never really fail to make him a bit more possessive since it's a brilliant reminder that he wants no one else to steal you away from him.
✨He ensures protection as good as he can, but if his darling is a mage themselves he naturally admires their strength and respects it when they can kick someone's asses all by their own. We did see in the Grand Magic Games that he isn't exactly strong when it comes to brute strength so in that aspect his darling might actually surpass him, but he is smart and great in other things. He has without a doubt his own little fanbase and has influence due to his popularity so it may very well be that he uses this against people he views as serious threats and destroys their reputation just like this. He does this more with people who harrassed the s/o or make their life hard rather than people who try to snatch his darling away and make them theirs. In such cases he rather trusts his own looks and charms.
✨Assuming that he does manage to become his darling's boyfriend, it might be not very likely that they would break up very fast since Hibiki almost appears to be the prefect boyfriend, he's probably just a bit too much. But since Hibiki views the whole reason you two met in the first place as fate he of course doesn't plan on letting his darling leave now that he's found true love. He uses manipulation over violence since he sees himself above such brute methods and in general he prefers blackmailing and bribing over physical force the moment he fails to solve an issue the normal way.
✨It's really not seen as anything serious when he first is seen in public with you, but when it is suddenly made clear soon after that he stopped looking at other women and stopped flirting with every women he's encountering, it's made clear that this is due to his relationship with you. His teammates and Ichiya congratulate him soon after for having found the real passionate love. Hibiki is actually a bit careful around his teammates when you're with him since they are womanizers as well and for that might behave the same with you which does make him jealous a bit. I think he has no real problem being extremely cheesy and romantic with you even in front of others. That guy does give his darling space even if he can be rather clingy from time to time, but if he misses them he tends to try to communicate per telepathy.
Eve Tearm
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💛Eve is pretty much alike to Hibiki in this matter. He as well is a semi-delusional Yandere. However, he isn't like Hibiki a more intellectual character yet and different from Hibiki lacks the more serious side. He is younger after all and views that as part of his charm so he has a far more stronger side to himself than Hibiki has. Because Eve falls much more faster in love than Hibiki does and for that has a much more stronger view on destiny and that him and his darling are meant to be. He is protective as well. He might be younger and maybe less experienced than his other friends, but he as well wants to prove his dedication and love to the s/o.
💛Obsessive which should be obvious. What kind of lover would he be if he wouldn't know how to make you happy and how to always surprise you pleasantly. Something that still marks a big difference between him and Hibiki is the fact that Eve actually turns out to be more on the shy side once he's really fallen hard for his darling which is why he at first tends to be a bit more on the stalkerish side before Ichiya, Ren and Hibiki encourage the young man to go for this beaty before someone else takes them away from Eve. That includes them as well, they are womanizers. Eve uses manipulation less than Hibiki does since he is surprisingly bashful, but he will sweet talk things more harmless and appealing if he has too.
💛Eve is less possessive than Hibiki is and overall is less jealous. His darling gets their freedom and can talk to others all they like, he can endure them having friends and spending time with others. He is somewhat more cautios around other members of The Trimens for clear reasons. It isn't like Hibiki and Ren don't respect the fact that yo are Eve's lover, but being charming and flirting with women runs simply through their blood and so they might subconsciously accidentally and up doing just that. Eve of course is respectful with his friends and they understand him and stop quickly as well. In front of strangers flirting he still retains that more mature approach similar to Hibiki, but just like him he shares the dislike of seeing other people being all gentleman and nice to you the same way he is. He's not shy when it comes to making it to others clear that you already have him.
💛Similar to Hibiki he will share the same respect and admiration in case you are a wizard yourself and for that have spells up your own sleeves to fight for yourself, though in case of a sudden battle Eve would like to fight right besides you. Even with his whole soulmate belief Eve still mostly turns away from the idea of killing someone as long as it isn’t an emergency situation. He likes discussing it out as well and in the case that someone does try to cause troubles, you have a guild ready to help you out since Eve naturally won’t let anyone harm you. He can sabotage certain situations as well where odds are put against the person he views as a threat.
💛Assuming that you are part of Blue Pegasus, you two would already spend a lot of time together so there would be no need for him to kidnap you since he constantly hangs around you in the guild, regarding clinginess he can be more extreme than Hibiki is. He is younger and more delusional after all. And since he is seen from everyone in the guild as sie sort of younger brother he would definitely be able to count on their help in case something should have happened that caused you to be mad at him.
💛The wizard, despite higher clinginess, still respects the fact to hold back in public more than Hibiki would. Ren and Hibiki most likely triggered him to go out of his way and talk to his darling way back when he was still a secret admirer and didn’t know how to set up a good scenario and how to talk to them. Has a more submissive nature to him so he would like his darling to be the one to lead this relationship whilst he follows along and does in the meantime things to please them and make them happy. But similar to Hibiki he stops flirting with other women as we for the sake of you.
Ren Akatsuki
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🎆Funnily from all three of them, he probably is the most lucid one. But he still only is a semi-aware Yandere to have, he's stained ith the same delusions as his team members. He can view many of his habits as rather unusual and he knows that as well, but in the end his belief in the greater love manages to overcome most of his doubts and insecurities whether he's wrong about his feelings or not. He mostly tries to show his feelings in a more tsunderish form, but in the end he as well is far too much lovestruck to come over as very cold and his darling can tease him greatly for it. From The Trimens he's notably the most possessive Yandere to have.
🎆Protective and manipulative. No matter how cold he may try to act, he'll always defend you from others and save you when you do trip into some issues and even if he complains afterwards that you should have been more careful, he was very worried and that's evident. Ren is subtle about his manipulations as well, mainly because he wants his darling to love him without him having to use bribing and other sorts of lies and tricks, but similar to Eve he will do it when there would be the need for it.
🎆He doesn't get along very well with other men except Ichiya, Hibiki and Eve for the real funny reasons because he views other guys as his rivals in love (don't expect girls to be safe from this either, he'll merely be more polite). And Ren is the most rude about his jealousy because even if he is more embarrassed to show how much he really do loves you, he sure as hell won't have others flirt with you and take you away from him. He's the passive-aggressive type with such people and his feelings for his darling are always made obvious during such times. In front of people like Hibiki and Eve he is less harsh, but it doesn't stop him from shooing them away when they are suddenly all over you as well.
🎆He might just be the one who would be the easiest triggered from all of them to act when someone starts looking more and more like potential troubles for the s/o and the relationship. I would say that with love rivals he wouldn't be violent, more focused on just scaring them away and use threats and warnings to stay away the moment someone becomes very persistent on having his darling. If it comes to people such as bullies or perverts he has a faster way to react because simple flirting isn't anywhere near as worse as being catcalled or otheriwse humiliated. But just like with Hibiki and Eve I really only see him killing someone when the circumstances are very bad and the person turns out to be a possible death sentence for his darling if he doesn't do something. Anything can happen in the heat f a battle.
🎆Despite his tries to come over as a Tsundere, he still spends a lot of time with his darling which kind of blows his cover up, but that really isn't something new. Ren isn't necessarily clingy unless someone triggered his jealousy extremely or recently something bad happened to his darling and for that reason he decides to accompany them for safety reasons. Kidnapping is still something he wouldn't really consider since, as already mentioned, he is the most self-conscious Yandere to have from those three.
🎆How you can tease him about his constant tries to come over as a Tsundere despite easily getting flustered around you is really funny. Ren wants to look cool in front of his darling which means he obviously doesn't want to embarrass himself whilst you're watching so he always tries his best. He cools his interactions with other girls extremely down after he's courted you since he obviously cares about you more than anyone else. He might still fall back into the habit of simple flirting, but he learned his lessons quickly when you had enough of it, avoided him and did the exact same thing with Hibiki and Eve who naturally flirted back. He got quite mad at them afterwards for this, though they only helped you giving Ren a taste of his own medicine.
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stellar-imagines · 4 years
HEADCANONS REQUEST: ❝studious but rebellious.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Kirishima Eijirou ]
「Headcanons of Bakugou, Todoroki and Kirishima who's studious, mild-mannered, and the typical perfect student but is secretly rebellious, tomboyish, fierce and fiery.」
♤ This guy probably thinks that you're a shitty model student. You were the typical student who's gentle, encouraging, helpful and kind to everyone. Anyone would find it easy to talk to you given how bubbly and mild-mannered you were on a daily basis. You always arrived at school on time, dressed properly, did your homework, actively participate in class and performed well during hero training. Now we all know that Bakugou has a superiority complex and he was a bit pissed that you were so good at everything. He sees you as a rival but he has never actually said it to your face.
♤ He would compete with you without you knowing at all. For instance, after midterms when Aizawa handed back your papers, Bakugou is already looking through all his papers, satisfied with how he had performed. He would then proceed to approach you and demand you show him your scores. Gets cocky if he actually surpasses you and angry when he failed to beat you. Because of this small exchange you have with one another, you became friends. 
♤ Gets along with you better than anyone expected. You were normally studious and looked like the type of student who would be sophisticated and disciplined, someone like Iida or Yaoyorozu. He probably thought that you would be a person who prefers studying, reading books, and all that. Bakugou was kind of surprised that you were actually pretty tomboyish. He knew this from hearing you talk about your hobbies and the things you loved to do. 
♤ He wasn't sure what kind of acts were considered rebellious. Bakugou had this certain image of you as the person who would never break rules or bother other people and act like a responsible person even outside of school. You would sneak out of your room and make a midnight snack. When you're at the movie theater, you would sneak in some snacks inside your bag. 
♤ Though, you weren't the kind of rebel who's a troublemaker ― someone who doesn't like to follow instructions and causes inconvenient disruptions. You're not really everyone's typical girl who loved dressing up and pretty clothes. You were more on the tomboyish side, preferring pants over skirts and t-shirts over blouses. Make-up? You think it's better spent on food! Bakugou thinks you're absolutely right.
♤ Bakugou has no certain preference when it comes to girls. But he definitely likes someone who's too prudent and someone who would want to live their life in their own ways even though their acts are considered rebellious. It's a bonus that you're fierce because you can put him in his place if he gets out of hand. But when it comes to sparring, he won't lose. Lowkey thinks that it's hot when you show your rebellious, fierce, and fiery side. He would rather die than admit that to you.
☆ Todoroki is not a competitive person like Bakugou and he's the type to not really care whether you're actually really smart or not. You both like to share notes with one another and study together. He really likes having you around during study sessions. Sometimes studying alone can get a bit boring. However, even with you around, it's not like you're both going to talk anyway. But you both were comfortable with the silence and can genuinely enjoy each other's presence without having to talk.
☆ He does think that you're the epitome of a model student. A student who is on the top of class due to your outstanding grades, possessing and overall charismatic feel, kind-hearted, and excels in everything you do. Despite your popularity, you're also humble, never boasting your grades, and never looked down on people. Todoroki finds himself admiring you for this. You didn't look like the type who would be reckless and tomboyish so he just assumed that you were what everyone sees you as.
☆ This boy is initially surprised that you were actually quite rebellious at times. When you both started dating and hanging out a bit more, he learned a lot of different sides that you don't normally show to everyone. Even though it was surprising, it's not like he didn't like you any less. He feels like a very special person as he's probably the very few people that knew how you actually are. Before you both even started dating, you got along very well and went out on a few dates. 
☆ Behind closed doors, you were completely different. But not different to the point that would make Todoroki question himself if you're actually the same person. You reveal to him that you might be very diligent when it comes to studying but you really hate doing housework and sometimes argue with your mother over it. At home, you would play games, watch anime, and read manga. 
☆ You're not competitive when it comes to school but you were certainly competitive when it came to games. Todoroki was a bit overwhelmed by your sudden change but he kind of likes that you're comfortable enough to let loose in front of him. Instead of dressing up like girly girls, you always wore sweaters and pants around him. If you were to ask him for one of his hoodies, he would give it to you without asking anything.
☆ Todoroki loves you so much that when you break a few rules a couple of times, he wouldn't even say anything much. You're not rebellious to the point you commit weird acts. Studious and mild-mannered but at the same time, fiery, tomboyish, and rebellious ― he thinks its an interesting combo and that you're unique.
♡ You're his lifesaver. He can't say that he's smart but just like a majority of students in the world, he struggles with a few problems related to studies. Kirishima would always ask you questions and even plead that you tutor him before tests and help him with homework. You were the perfect teenage girl in his eyes. A model student who's good at everything you do, be it studies or even sports.
♡ Super proud of having you as his girlfriend. You're smart, pretty, kind, and reliable. A student that a lot of people looked up to, not only because of their outstanding grades but also because they act humble despite their popularity and smarts. Kirishima's not dating you because you're smart or anything, he's not that type of person. He enjoys spending time studying with you because you somehow make it fun and much more enjoyable.
♡ Kirishima is a bit surprised to know that your hobbies are different from a normal girl's, you preferred playing games over shopping like normal girls. You'd spend most of your money on games instead of makeup and pretty clothes that girls prefer. When going out, he wouldn't have to think about what girls normally liked and could invite you to things that he also enjoys. But of course, he would ask you where you wanted to go beforehand.
♡ Similarly to most, Kirishima didn't expect you to be the rebellious type but he isn't complaining or anything. He's actually pretty happy about it. Since you're very studious and mild-mannered at school, he expected you to be the type of person to stick to the rules. You have confessed the little rebellious acts you've done before, like sneaking out from your house to go to a friend's party.
♡ Sometimes, you'd drag him into your antics, doing weird things in public. He knows how rebellious teens act but you weren't like those people. Driving over the speed limit, shoplifting, smoking and drinking alcohol, even blowing off homework in favor of using social media, and skipping school. Kirishima trusts you and knows that you wouldn't do anything too extreme. And if you happen to do something that might potentially harm you, he's there to stop you.
♡ Best boy to play games with but not only that, he's just super fun to hang out with. No matter what kind of things you like, he's the type of person who's very flexible and willing to get to know a person more despite having different hobbies and interests. Kirishima is very interested in learning different things and supportive so your somewhat contrasting personality doesn't really bother him.
Total: 1390 words Published: 11.09.2020
Thank you for requesting! 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 Honestly, this is basically me in a nutshell but I'm not that rebellious. Sorry but we don't write for Denki. Hope you liked it! ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting it! Surprised that there were a number of similar requests. But we hope you enjoyed this! ― author Natsuki
Requests areopen! Matchups are closed!
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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