#asterisk company
gventuretech · 2 months
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 Asterisk VoIP software offers businesses a versatile, reliable, and cost-effective communication platform. With its robust features, strong security, and adaptability to evolving needs, Asterisk enables organizations to enhance collaboration, streamline operations, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. By leveraging Asterisk, businesses can stay ahead of the curve, drive innovation, and achieve their strategic objectives in today’s competitive landscape.
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................ he 
#i feel like I posted this already but I also can't find it in any recent posts so...#......he#cats#EVEN if I did post it.. why not poast himb again? it's he#I'm like halfway through actually editing aforementioned costumes and stuff and i WANT to work on sculptures again and I have video#s and that worldbuilding slideshow and all of these things so hopefully like.. more usual stuff soon maybe.. to be posted#for now though yeah.. just cats#The end of the year is also when I panic about the passage of time and how little I've gotten done and how I will never actually be a#sucessful game maker slash author slash cat cafe owner slash set designer slash costume designer slash psychologist#who lives in like Scotland or somehting and also owns my own candle company or something ghbjhb#and will probably just be a mentally ill hermit recluse all my life who dies early of mysterious health issues with 5000 projects left#undone and blah blah the crushing weight of chronic illness and capitalism and so on and so forth#So then I scramble to get projects done to try and meet some goals but usually that means I scatter between projects#so it takes longer to finish all of them. Like instead of dedicating 8 hours to one thing and finishing it one sitting. I'll do 2 hours on#this then 2 hours on that then 2 hours on another things. so they all get done slower even though I'm still technically making progress on#them all. This is also a very poo poo pee pee stink brain way to work and is not like. the most efficent thing but it's just how my brain#organizes tasks sometimes lol#***#(<ignore this its part of an OCD compulsion lol. anytime you see me type three asterisks I'm not bleeping out a curse word#it's just a Special Secret Foolish Thing I Have To Do At Specific Uncontrolable Times When Brain Says So gbjhhj)#ANYWAY... eeeee#Still haven't resolved my mystery chest injury though so being at te computer for too long is also kind of achey-inducing#Better get over it though because I have like 30+ hours of slideshow vidoe to edit hahaha hee hee hoo!!!!!
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makenna-made-this · 8 months
The oil company guy looking in our window as he fills the furnace: 👁👄👁
Me and the chicken sitting at my desk with me looking back:👁👄👁 👁🔸️👁
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wildegeist-old · 1 year
I hate you WebToon I hate you corporatization of webcomics I hate you companies who downplay comics as an art form I hate you corporations who see comic artists as money machines I hate you prioritization of quantity over quality I hate you excessive overpromotion of the romance genre while ignoring every other genre I hate you sterilization of webcomics into raw marketability I hate you demonization of any art less than perfect I hate you sites that exist to use creators and not be used by them
I hate what you've done to the current state of the medium and I hate the way you've warped the culture around it into a grindfest to push out as much content as fast possible at the expense of a creator's health
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vagueiish · 4 months
“i love reading about/seeing art of everyone’s ocs :) keep posting!! :)))”
untrue + nobody wants to see my shit + please stop lying
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callixton · 1 year
sometimes i wonder if [redacted] knows he's autistic. surely he must. never in my life have i seen a man so obviously have comorbid adhd/autism
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st5lker · 1 year
the thing im most excited about when it comes to new ai especially audio/voice imitation ai is all the possibilities when it comes to modding. so many video game mods in games with established voice actors when they add new content its always text only or at best chopped up from other voice lines/done with something like uberduck where its very low quality. but with elevenlabs its extremely cheap and easy to make fan content with voiced lines that sound natural and extremely close to the original voice actors. the same way that people make tiktoks where the bratz cartoon girls talk about hating terfs i want someone to make a gay romance mod for persona 5 where ryuji's lines are actually voiced.
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esoomris · 1 year
oh my word so I just bought this new type of tea right. brand Good Earth. Box boasts, among other things, Eco-Friendly packaging, Rainforest Alliance Certified ingredients, and Biodegradable Teabags. So I open the box and all the teabags are sealed in a plastic package. Weird, I thought, especially for a company that’s so proud of their Eco-Friendly Packaging. Most teas I buy they’re just individually wrapped in paper. Which is, I think you’ll agree, more eco-friendly than plastic. But never mind that, I thought, I want some tea. So I open the plastic package and. the Tea Bags. are ALSO made of plastic. floored. stunned. unbelievable. Can you IMAGINE actively ignoring TWO industry standards of biodegradable packaging and then turning around and BRAGGING about how biodegradable your packaging is.
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vindaloo-softtech · 1 year
Hire VoIP Developers for your Business - Vindaloo Softtech
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The recent pandemic forces businesses to adopt the remote working model and allows them to tap into a more comprehensive resource pool for project execution. Observing the demand for dedicated VoIP developers for building custom enterprise-grade VoIP solutions for businesses, Vindaloo Softtech announced the launch of “Hire VoIP developer services”. Vindaloo Softtech is a VoIP development company known for its innovative solutions and services and houses several capable and expert VoIP developers. The company has been offering expert VoIP development services to its customers for many years, and now it has decided to meet the need for dedicated VoIP developers.
“Our team of expert VoIP developers has provided VoIP development services to our customers for 6+ years. Our customers are delighted with our VoIP development services. However, sometimes we receive requests from customers that they would like to hire VoIP programmers for their VoIP development projects. So we launched the “Hire VoIP developer” service as the demand rose. Now anyone can hire an experienced VoIP developer for their VoIP Development projects on flexible pricing plans”, shared a spokesperson of Vindaloo Softtech.
According to the details about the model, customers can hire VoIP developers with in-depth knowledge and experience in all popular VoIP technologies. This hiring model is perfect for VoIP development projects that use different VoIP technologies to develop the final product. On the other hand, if a business needs an expert in a specific VoIP technology, it can hire an expert in the respective technology. For example, if the whole VoIP development project is on Asterisk or FreeSWITCH, the business can hire a dedicated Asterisk developer or a FreeSWITCH developer from Vindaloo Softtech. Furthermore, the model is flexible enough to allow customers to hire more than one VoIP developer for as long as they want. The benefits of hiring remote VoIP developers surely outweigh the costs.
Currently, the company has the resource pool for its customers to hire a dedicated developer in any of the following disciplines:
Asterisk Developers
FreeSWITCH Developers
Kamailio or Opensips Developers
Talking about the hiring model, the company has three different augmented team hiring models to let its customers hire developers.
1. Full time
The company lets its customers hire VoIP experts for 160 hours per month. The hired developer works exclusively on client projects full-time.
2. Part-time
In this model, the customers of Vindaloo Softtech can hire VoIP software developers for 80 hours per month. It means the hired VoIP developer will work for 4 hours per day on the VoIP development project of that customer.
3. Hourly
In this model, Vindaloo Softtech lets its customers hire VoIP developers for a predefined number of hours. The customers of this VoIP development company can hire one or more developers for a specific number of hours which can be used within a week or a month based on that customer’s requirement. This model is focused on VoIP service providers who may need expert-grade VoIP experts to achieve short-term goals or unforeseen needs.
The company’s spokesperson has shared that the hired VoIP developer will perform all required operations for the client, such as development, customization, bug fixing, support, etc. The company has launched a web page under the ‘Hire Dedicated Resources’ section to answer all the queries that may raise the customer’s mind. The webpage contains all the required information related to the company’s services. Get in touch with us!
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What Are the Advantages of Asterisk Development for Businesses?
Businesses usually strive to get solutions for their company that can reduce expenses and increase revenues. The Asterisk development can help businesses achieve this in many ways. In this article, I will share more details on how Asterisk development can help businesses to increase their business benefits. 
The Asterisk is fundamentally a private branch exchange (PBX) which is furnished with all required features one would need to create a private communication solution. Here, by private communication solution, I mean the telecommunication system with different features which is exclusively owned by the company. The Asterisk development is used to build this type of private business communication solution.
The Asterisk development can be useful for businesses in building communication solutions that reduce telecom expenses. The Asterisk-based communication solution uses internet protocol to establish, run and tear down the calls. Thus, it makes internal calls completely free of cost. It means the employees can talk on the phone for free without spending a penny. The company can also take advantage of VoIP calling on top of the communication solution built with expert Asterisk development. The VoIP call rates are cheaper than the PSTN-based call rates because of various reasons. This characteristic of the Asterisk-based communication system makes it a perfect fit for businesses that want to reduce expenses.
The Asterisk development offered by the top VoIP company also assures that you can take advantage of advanced communication features. From the interactive voice response solution to the conferencing solution for video conferences with multiple people, everything can be achieved with the Asterisk development. The top VoIP companies are able to build a unified communication solution with their expert Asterisk development services. 
The communication solutions built with Asterisk development are also appreciated in the industry for remote access. The Asterisk-based systems often have a web-based access panel, which can be accessed from anywhere, at any time without any challenges. This helps in empowered collaboration along with unified communication.
There are many Asterisk developers all across the world that offer Asterisk development services, but all of them might not hold the required expertise. Thus, make sure to choose one of the best Asterisk development companies or hire an expert Asterisk developer who can build a reliable communication solution for your business.
AC InfoSoft is one of the best VoIP companies that offer expert Asterisk development services. This VoIP company is renowned for its client-centric and innovative Asterisk development services. For more details, please visit
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gventuretech · 2 months
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Asterisk software offers a powerful and cost-effective solution for businesses seeking to enhance their communication infrastructure. With its flexibility, scalability, reliability, and integration capabilities, Asterisk empowers businesses to optimize their communication systems to meet evolving needs and drive growth. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, Asterisk software provides the tools you need to stay connected, productive, and competitive in today's business landscape. Embrace Asterisk and unlock your business potential today!
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userpeggycarter · 2 months
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@lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖 animation.
day seven — birthday extravaganza 🥳
OMG its Blorbo Bleebus!
[in ● sp] [id under the cut]
gifset about Peggy Carter from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
gif 1 of 7. two close-up shots of Peggy are blended together. at the middle, there's a static image of Peggy with her arms crossed. the text says, "OMG this motherfucker is Peggy Carter".
gif 2 of 7. two gifs of Peggy are blended together. there are stats bars at the bottom of the gif. the pairings (extremities) are:
just some guy - the protagonist of life head empty - too many thoughts awful company - ray of sunshine hated by all - loved by all trauma 3000 - untouched by history sadistic for fun - helps others for fun stupid as shit - scary-smart 1000 weapons - 1000 tools enemy of god - at peace with life break the rules - change the rules
gif 3 of 7. two shots of Peggy are blended together, one of them being of Captain Carter. the text says, "evokes" and the options are the following:
spontaneous gushing powerful violent urges raw, unbridled affection the horny meta-posting on main creative drive defensive feelings distraction delight symptoms of projection absent-minded doodles on tabletops the most godawful takes known to mankind
all options have a checkmark next to them.
gif 4 of 7. two close-up shots of Peggy are blended together. there's a chart at the center of the gif, titled "subclass". the subclasses are:
angst lady enemy of the state friend shaped girlboss soft and sweet brain cell haver just like you fr aspirational character chew toy
the angst lady, enemy of the state, girlboss, brain cell haver and aspirational character options are marked with a circle.
gif 5 of 7. two shots of Peggy are blended together. at the center of the gif, there are three stats (intense, complex, and fruity) with 10 points each. Peggy has all 30 points. while the intense and complex points are green, the fruity ones have the colors of the bisexual flag (blue, pink, and purple). at the bottom left corner, there's a big asterisk with the following text next to it: if you or a loved one is attached to a character that fills all of these boxes, you may be entitled to financial compensation.
gif 6 of 7. two close-up shots of an animated Peggy are blended together. the text says, "you want them to have...". the list is the following:
a better time less trauma more romance more friends catharsis revenger sympathy a better situation more healing more sex The Realization and a trademark symbol next to it.
all options have a checkmark next to them.
gif 7 of 7. two shots of Peggy are blended together, a close-up and her silhouette entering a room. "select all that apply", the text says. the list is the following:
tragic backstory? orphan? frequently violent? divorced? has enemies? sidekick owner? no friends? pets stray animals? chronic insomniac? murderer?
there's a checkmark next to "tragic backstory", "frequently violent", "has enemies", "sidekick owner", "pets stray animals", and "murderer". each checkmark has a color that corresponds to a small static image at the bottom of the gif. the tragic backstory one is an image of Peggy crying. the frequently violent one is an image of her holding a gun. has enemies: a picture of Dottie. sidekick owner: a picture of her and Jarvis. pets stray animals: a picture of Peggy holding a puppy. murderer: yet another picture of her holding a gun. end ID.
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likeadevils · 4 months
okay i know we’re tired but one last point about the jet stuff i just needed to round out stuff that i always want to add as a footnote whenever i see people discussing it
taylor loans out her jet while she isn’t using it, and i think there is a meaningful difference between “i will take ridiculously frivolous flights” to “i will let other people take flights on it and i won’t regulate how long those have to be” (still bad, but less maniacal imo)
taylor falling out of the top 30 celebrity co2 emissions says to me that she has been taking concrete steps to regulate the use of her jet, and i hope she continues to in the future
she just sold her airplane, and the ridiculously short flights from this month were likely for checking maintenance/showing it to potential buyers. again, still generated a big carbon footprint, but does add nuance
a spokesperson from taylor’s camp told business insider: “Before the tour kicked off in March of 2023, Taylor purchased more than double the carbon credits needed to offset all tour travel.” which says to me that taylor is taking steps to offset the damage she’s caused to the environment (edit: this blew up way more than i thought it was going to so i do just want to add a little asterisk: how expensive, effective, and transparent carbon credits are vary widely depending on where you buy them. i can’t find exactly which ones taylor bought, and even if i could it’s often super difficult to verify what companies are actually doing with the money from the credits for a variety of reasons that i am not smart enough to sum up succinctly and accurately. so, in my opinion and from the current available information, this particular point speaks more to her attempting to do good and willingness to try to offset her footprint than like, a pure w)
there are measures outside of simply reducing her jet use (which is obviously very important) that would have a big impact on her carbon footprint— coldplays tour has created a lot of systems to make their tour run on as much renewable energy as possible, including using biofuels for their trucks, solar power and kinetic power generated by dance floors and bikes for their show, and a more sustainable jet fuel that cuts co2 emissions by 80%.
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I'm so psyched for Bad Faith omg!!! Maybe a sneak peek if possible? 👀👀
....Teensy itsy-bitsy sneak peak 🫶
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“Holy hell,” Jessica sighed. You grunted, head hanging as you felt the weight of her judgement. “Do you have any idea which entities you want to go after?” 
“Yeah.” You set your drink down, reaching out to where you’d set your bag down and drawing out a bland beige file. You’d spent the morning working up your courage to come over and tell Jessica the awful truth, and had spent your time putting together the data to do it. You leaned back, flipping the file open and passing it over. 
“This is every single property and holding company that I have my name on. I circled the apartment buildings that I want to sell, and the companies that I think would be best suited for my purposes.” 
“Is Steven on all of these?” 
“Only the ones that I put an asterisk beside, but I wouldn't be surprised if he came after the others."
Jessica hummed, nodding. “You knew exactly what I’d ask for.” 
“Well, I know you.” 
She smiled, closing your file and setting it on her lap. 
“Then I’m sure you know what I’m going to say next.” 
The implication made your stomach churn with discomfort. You took the glass up again, taking a deep pull from it. 
“I do,” You admitted, “And I know that you’re going to say that it’s the best course of action—” 
“The only course of action.” 
“That’s patently untrue. You have more than one lawyer at your firm.” 
“Not one that could handle a case of this magnitude.” 
“Not even Louis?” 
“Louis is like a french bulldog. Harvey is a pitbull.” 
“You know, that’s actually a really harmful stereotype.”
Jessica’s brows lowered in chastisement, and you looked back down into your drink. 
“Wouldn’t it be a conflict of interest?” You added. 
“How could it be? You’ve barely spoken to or looked at the man in eleven years.” 
Eleven years. Had it really been that long? 
“I know that you and Harvey parted on bad terms,” Jessica offered softly, and continued over your indignant scoff, “But you need to come out of this with the funds and the strength for a good divorce lawyer. Harvey can give you that.” 
“What if he doesn’t take the case?” 
“He will.” 
“But if he doesn’t?” 
“He will.” 
“He won't have a choice.” 
“Oh, he’ll love that. There’s nothing better than having Harvey backed into a corner.” 
“That’s when he comes out swinging the hardest.” She plucked the emptied glass out of your hand, heading toward the kitchen again. “Would you like another one?” 
You sighed, slouching heavily against the couch and scrubbing your tired eyes. 
“I’d just like the bottle of gin—and a straw.”
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oldschoolfrp · 11 months
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"The Hierarchy of the Planes of Hell," naming many of the Dukes of Hell and their patrons, roles, and lesser minions, from Gary Gygax's Monster Manual II for AD&D, 1983. This further describes the role of the dragon queen Tiamat ruling over devils in Hell, through her 3 Dukes Amduscias, Malphas, and Goap who command companies of lower ranking devils. Dispater's messenger Titivilus is given the specific title of Nuncio, implying high status as an ambassador. Some of these individual Dukes are detailed in the MMII, while others are left to the DM's imagination. Those marked by asterisks like Goap are meant to be pit fiends, though that clarification is missing from the text (they are identified as such in Gygax's preview of the new devils in Dragon 75, July 1983).
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theminecraftbee · 4 months
very funny to open the team zits fae au i put down because i got too distracted by persona and to go "wait i WAS doing cyberpunk* impulse before it was cool. i am not giving him yellow hair, though, his whole bit was that he was deceptively abnormal for such a normal-seeming guy--"
*cyberpunk has an asterisk here because it's not REALLY a story with major cyberpunk themes, it's a story about zedaph stealing a baby. like, an evil major telecommunications/electronics company that runs the world for profit IS a major world element and plot beat and it is ABSOLUTELY the case that "what does it mean to be human" is a theme of the au, it's just that the transhumanist stuff is completely separate from the evil government surveillance stuff or the post-apocalyptic world with resources being controlled by a stratified capitalist society thing and it's REALLY more a weirdly sci-fi urban fantasy than actually cyberpunk. i am not sure this is a story to read if you like cyberpunk. i just think it is funny i shoved impulse in a "cyberpunk" desert in like, january, only to discover that i was sort of half predicting what he was about to do, and also that team zits was going to be confirmed on hermitcraft shortly afterwards, although that was WAY more predictable.
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