#astoria talks
curseofaphrodite · 2 months
thinking of coming back here hmmm
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pan-anarcho · 2 months
replaying Bioshock and I'm screaming over every Jasmine poster I find and having no shame at all 😌
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dark-elf-writes · 28 days
Still thinking about the Astoria/HP crossover particularly if/when Harry goes to Hogwarts and after being around H.E.R.A. for so long he is just casually wrecking Voldemort’s plans without even really trying. Like it’s not his fault that he knows what Aura feels like and can point it out. Like just
Harry: *pointing at sorcerers stone* mom that’s an artifact
MC: You’re right it is. Let me talk to Dumbledore about how we properly contain this none of which include a school
- A year later -
Harry: *pointing at Tom Riddles diary in Ginny’s cauldron* that’s not an artifact but it feels like one
Alex: I will be taking that for containment. Lord Malfoy would you like to comment on how that got there
Lucius, sporting a black eye and handcuffed after his fight with Arthur that MC stopped: … no. No I would not.
Just Harry who grew up about godly power and monsters and Voldemort who for the not quite life of him cannot pull one over on one (1) single preteen
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anywayz number one astoria greengrass defender love her so much I will skin your whole body with my teeth if you try and fuck with her that is MY GIRL <3<3<3
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fateunwritten-if · 7 months
I don’t know why I never thought about this before but how old is everyone, including MC?
I can't believe I forgot to post their ages 😭😭😭 But here they are!
MC: Early 20's
Queen Hera: 52 years old
General Idris (RO): 33 years old
Astoria (RO): 27 years old
Prince Ivan (RO): 28 years old
Shadow (RO): Ageless (as a supernatural character), 29 (as a human)
Flora (RO): 27 years old
Prince Emir (RO): 24 years old
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megatraven · 9 months
Hi, I actually have an Astoria question for you if that’s ok.
So the only Astoria routes I read in full were Astraeus and Medusa, where MC rejects her divine heritage (violently in the former and more amicably in the latter, but still, rejection). The fear always being that if she accepted it, therefore accepting Hera, she’d lose herself in the process and all that.
Anyway, I did read the first episodes of everyone’s season 4s because I wanted to see the kid sprites, and it seemed like in some routes she does actually become a goddess?
And I’ve just wondered about that for years, like what happened in those routes and how did it work? I know that MC fearing she’d lose herself in Astraeus and Medusa doesn’t necessarily mean it would have happened, but how does it all go down in the routes where she accepts divinity?
Hi!! That's perfectly fine, I love getting asks about Astoria!
But you're right!
Alex's, Hades', Cerberus', and Chimera's routes all end with MC taking Hera's power in some way. Hydra's, Medusa's, and Astraeus' routes end with MC remaining, for the most part, human.
In Alex's route, Hera is first awoken in MC at the end of season 2, where they discover that she's Hera's vessel, and that if she awakens, her body will become Hera's. Ares briefly awakens her in the season finale by forcing his aura into her, but MC fights and succeeds in regaining control. Hera, it should be noted, does NOT want to awaken again, and MC knows this.
Come season 3, Zeus finds out, and by the season finale, he has dragged her and Alex up to Olympus so that he can reawaken Hera, no matter the cost. Alex fights Zeus, and Hera speaks to MC as they do, noting that Alex will fight to the death for her, and offers her the choice to become a demigod like Alex, taking over her power in the process. MC accepts this, and Hera's power awakens in her; she becomes a demigod, and Hera passes on entirely.
(In the thrilling end, this is slightly different; Zeus channels his aura into her ring- Hera's ring- and beckons to Hera, awakening her. Hera then tells MC that one of them has to die because her power can't stay sealed anymore. She offers immortality to MC, and MC takes it.)
There's a little throwaway line in one of the specials that comes from choosing a certain dialogue option that mentions Hera's throne is now MC's, meaning she did fully inherit the goddess' power in that fight, and she's taken her place.
In Hades' route, she actually starts "becoming" godly at the start of season 3. That is, she's being kept on Olympus under the guise of preparing for her and Hades' wedding, while being there is bringing Hera's power to the forefront. (There's a line in the first episode iirc where MC states sometimes she actually begins to glow while on Olympus, because of Hera's power).
In his route, it's clearly stated and portrayed that in order to awaken Hera and bring her back, the gods must perform a ritual to do so, which is only consistently shown in Hades', Astraeus', and Hydra's routes.
Hades is searching for some way lost to the gods that would keep MC anchored amidst the ritual, so that she doesn't die, while the other gods are impatient and keep pushing to awaken her asap. The ritual comes about during the season finale, wherein every god speaks 'ancient words' and fills her with their power; she holds onto Hades, and its their love that anchors her in place, allowing her to survive and remain herself as Hera's power fully awakens, and she becomes a full-blooded goddess. All of the gods are exhausted afterwards, stumbling back into their thrones.
(In the thrilling end, Hades chooses to do the ritual by himself, hoping that doing it alone will secure her safety. He drains himself, pushing his aura into her artifact, and is visibly pained by doing so. It's also a MUCH more painful process for MC here, and she nearly loses herself to Hera.)
In Chimera's route, it plays out a lot differently. Typhon 'awakens' Hera's power in the season 2 finale, but as a last-ditch effort to help her and Chimera win in a fight against Prime.
In season 3, they face challenges from Echidna. During this season, MC starts experiencing symptoms, takes a pregnancy test, and finds it to be positive. She and Chimera assume she's actually pregnant, and Echidna accuses her of trying to babytrap him, essentially. They wind up arguing with her in the last two episodes of the season, and when her patience runs dry, she attacks them- but it does nothing, because Hera's power has fully awakened, and MC recognizes that she's become the goddess.
Afterwards, the gods ask if she's truly pregnant, at which point she admits to not knowing as she never took a proper test (human ones don't work properly when monsters and gods are involved), and she then discovers that her pregnancy symptoms were a result of her body changing into Hera's.
Meaning, she was in the process of becoming a goddess the entire last season without fully realizing it; she's not actually pregnant. iirc, there's no worry within Chimera's route that Hera will take over MC's body, and there's no issue with the gods seeking to awaken her themselves.
(Interestingly, though not much changes about the awakening in the thrilling end thanks to her acknowledging that awakening in the episode before, Chimera states, "The mere fact that she remains herself through this transformation..." which means that there WAS a chance of Hera awakening and taking over, though it was never something they actively worried about happening.)
In Cerberus' route, it's the most obscure of all, in that we don't actually see it happen. Season 3 ends with MC still human, and wanting to stay that way. Hades says somewhere in Cerb's route that MC will become Hera, and MC is like "mmmm no I don't think I want that" but clearly something changes, because come season 4, she's Hera. My guess is that something similar to Chimera's route happened- a false pregnancy that was a symptom of Hera awakening, unraveling inside of her. It feels like it was something that just happened without much fanfare, something that she genuinely couldn't stop because it Just Happens.
The biggest thing regarding Hera to happen in Cerberus' route is that Zeus tries to force her first into marrying himself, and then Hercules. Something about how Hera shouldn't marry a monster, which Hades fights back against, considering Cerberus is his son. They don't do anything to try awakening Hera though.
Anddd that's all of those guys :]
But since you didn't read Hydra's route either..
I'd just really love to say that when Zeus tries to awaken Hera in Deeandra (Hercules' wife, claiming to be the lost goddess in s2), he claims they need a human sacrifice to do so. Which is a completely different method of awakening Hera when no other route tries to kill a non-vessel to awaken her. (If your guess is that MC was going to be the sacrifice, you would be right, and i will endlessly laugh over how unlucky she is LMAO)
Following that, in season 3, Zeus tries to awaken Hera by flooding his aura into MC, but she's sort of "blocked" from using her artifact most of the season due to a head injury early on, so Zeus' attempt is fruitless. Also through this season, the other gods continuously try to convince MC to become Hera, and she refuses them each time. They don't force her, and ultimately accept her decision at the end of Season 3, after surviving a fight with Zeus.
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keroppidreams · 5 months
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ok i gotta know since this has been bothering me for a couple weeks now, but is anyone else having issues w/ their tumblr account? like my message page is completely blank, cant reply to posts, and every time i send an ask off anon it's never received. plus my ask box keeps saying that i have an ask, but when i check it's empty 😭like it's overall not letting me interact with people.
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Sarah your tag of hades on that bathtub post made me laugh out loud fr
I was hoping you’d see it because he was the first thing that popped up into my head. Just the full suit in a bubble bath makes me think of Hades having a spa day while also ready for work at any time.
Glad to have made you laugh💙💙💙.
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creamecream · 8 months
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I gasped, grabbing the moon goddess and pushing her away before Zephyrus could hit her with his wings, but in the process my feet slipped, and suddenly I was falling backwards, the ground being swept out from under me.
I heard Apollo shout; I heard Artemis scream my name, but they both sounded oddly dull as I fell. I clung to my ring, hoping, praying, that it could somehow save me from falling from Olympus, all the way down to New York City.
I squeezed my eyes shut, but suddenly I no longer felt the air swooshing up around me, instead, I felt lightweight, a sweet scent filling my lungs, as well as countless shades of pink and red filling the usual darkness behind my eyelids.
I slowly open my eyes, only to be completely entranced by the vision I was greeted with, the god of desire, Cupid, holding me aloft in his arms, the bright colors I was seeing being the near gossamer wings he was sporting.
Cupid's voice boomed, much louder and angrier than I had ever heard the god of love and desire sound before. "That is enough!!"
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xbadnews · 1 month
[ teasing ] a light brushing of lips against a partner's skin without fully kissing || @softersinned
she has him in her grasp, though percy hardly wanted to be any other way. astoria had, of course, warned him about how it would feel when she turned him. how agonizing it would be when they were apart in any capacity. the fear, the desire, the rage, the love. percy had thought he knew, percy had been sure that he was prepared but this was agony.
her hand was at his jaw, keeping him steady as he could be. steady was a fleeting feeling, one that was quickly swept up in a feral wave of desire. though there is no space between them, it is too much space & it makes his mind race in every direction as to how to rectify that.
it sets the hairs on his arms on end. he focuses on lovely, red lips only half-hearing the words that come out of them. ( focus, sweet thing. focus. ) whatever she is saying barely breaks through the obsessive haze he's fighting desperately. he can feel her words on his skin. when she leans up towards his neck, a sincere whine rises in his throat. he wants her to press her lips to him, he wants her to sink her teeth into him. anything that will link them.
" You are a wicked thing, " percy breathes, consumed. he's sure that if his heart was still beating, it would be at her will. if his breath still came, it would be for her. she could ask him to do anything in this moment & he would thank her for the opportunity. but she gifts her lips against his neck. he whines again, louder this time.
his eyes dart from her red hair then to the room around them. upon realizing he cannot bear to look away from her, he rectifies his mistake quickly. he puts his hands on her waist in an incredible display of self-control. he wasn't sure if he wanted her to tear him to shreds or if he wanted to kiss her.
"kiss me. bite me. i don't care what, " he feels hysterical, though his voice is closer to a whisper. he was vulnerable, hungry, hers. he needs to be closer, he needs to be one. ( even with her lips at his throat, they are too far apart ) so he pushes the next words through his teeth with such desperation he cannot help but feel real, " please. astoria, have mercy. "
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curseofaphrodite · 2 years
girl simps for someone in an underrated show with no fanfics anywhere 25 dead 12 injured
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pan-anarcho · 3 months
one of the best things of being a self diagnosed autistic imo is coming to terms of the little things you've been doing throughout your whole life like for example for the longest I thought stimming was just me consistently projecting that I'm "always anxious" or me not finding another way to show that I'm "always anxious". but after self diagnosing and learning it's just something I and every other autistic person do and it made come to the terms of "oh what I've been doing is completely fine and is something I shouldn't think too much on when I do it".
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dark-elf-writes · 14 days
!!!! What if in Fawn Spots Harry wasn’t the only one with godly relatives.
It’s more common than one might think. After all the gods have been around for a long time and had plenty of children over the centuries who went on to have children of their own. It’s only that, somewhere along the line the more mortal of those children forgot they had once come from gods and the gods… it hurt to love and lose time and time again. To know there was little they could do to spare their children and their children’s children the passage of time.
But not every family forgot and they more often than not it were blessed, or cursed depending on who was asked, with power most could not understand.
Including one little seer chasing creatures only she could see and giving warnings so few would listen to. But Harry listened.
Harry who knows from enough time around Olympus to listen to what isn’t said. Who knows that seers, true seers, always have a draw back to their power. Who stands beside his new friend at all of twelve years old and refuses to let her feel alone and other.
And Luna who looks at him and wonders if this is what her creatures were trying to tell her when they spoke of a great friendship in her future.
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I don't understand where they're all cOMING FROOMM why do they all HATE ASTORIA WHAT DID MY GIRL DO TO YALL BFFR LEAVE HER ALONE 🗣🗣
#i barely even use twitter man#but i keep getting them pushed towards me WHY#if you ship dramione then good for you idc‼️but i did not ask for all these tweets and why are half of them allergic to respecting astoria😭#the amount of dramione shippers who make astoria an arranged marriage who dies after giving birth and never mention her again is just 💀💀#im going to scream put some RESPECT ON MY GIRLS NAME#if youre gonna include scorpius in the fic or headcanon or whatever THE ONLY THING I WILL ACCEPT IS THEY HAD A LOVING MEANINGFUL MARRIAGE#‼️WHICH THEY DID‼️#and then she dies like canon 🙄🙄 and draco spends ages grieving BUT ALWAYS KEEPS ASTORIA IN THE PICTYRE TALKS ABOUT HER THINKS ABOUT HER#ESPECIALLH AROUND SCORPIUS THAT IS HIS WHOLE MUM OKAY#SHE IS THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE#and then 🙄🙄 i guess 🙄🙄 hes allowed to heal and move on BUT HE STILL BETTER KNOW SHE IS THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE AND SHE WILL BE MENTIONED AT#EVERY POSSIBLE MOMENT 🤺🤺🤺🤺#i saw one tweet which was like omg arranged marriage astoria she dies rught after giving birth and then HERMIONE SATRTS BABYSITTING!!! 😝😍#AND THEN SCORPIUS CALLS HER MAMA 🤭🤭🤭 AND DRACOS LIKE OMG SO TRUE SHE BASICALLY IS HIS MOTHERR#when i tell you i felt so much rage#AND ASTORIA WAS NOT MENTIONED AT ALL SINCE THE FIRST PART OF ARRANGED MARRIAGE GAVE BIRTH DIED LIKE EXCUSE ME#SHUT UP????????#im still mad can you tell#the treatment of women in hp both canon and fanon tbh is my roman empire i will never not be thinking about it#it makes me so so angry#and all the replies to it were like omg so cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺 hermiones his mum now!#dracos in love now!! 🥺🥺🥺#shut the FUCK UP#i know a lot of it is caused by the fact we know jackshit about astoria because her treatment in canon is not much better but plz 😭😭#yall made the marauders fandom outta nothing and you cant use a little imagination to make sure astoria isnt just a FUCKING INCUBATOR??#astoria greengrass you deserve so much better babygirl#astoria greengrass#hpcc#im scared to tag draco malfoy the stans might come for me#i am so god awfully sorry about the amount of tags here oh my days
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fateunwritten-if · 7 months
So I wanted to get a bit of feedback from you guys so hears a little google form i put together 😊
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gryffindorkus · 4 months
not to make myself cry on main but drastoria and regulily really do have the same energy (one just works out and the other never got the chance to try)
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