#astro <3
grungeeuvu · 1 year
I can't send pictures on anon so have these SILLIES ‼️‼️‼️
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PLEASE THE CONSENSUAL SEX ONE ITS BRILLIANT 😭😭 - fengqing will never accept their happiness
Hua Cheng rebranding faster than Twitter and I love that for him!!
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grungiiuvu · 1 year
Alright, au idea (this is not a plot just a thing that came into my head 😭)
Mu Qing: surgeon
Feng Xin: physiotherapist, who is always being told by Mu Qing that he isn't a real doctor and therefore very very dumb
Xie Lian: either a GP or anesthesiologist
Hua Cheng: no idea but I kinda want him to be a secretary 💀 he's just That Guy and obviously him and xie lian are married
AAAAND it's fq enemies to lovers. Obviously. Bc when is it not ????
Mu Qing being a surgeon feels so incredibly natural to me - you know people constantly assume he's an intern when he's actually the best neurosurgeon on the ward or smth
Physiotherapist Feng Xin and he has a clinic nearby the hospital that the others work at and he always meets Mu Qing when they go and get coffee at the nearby cafe (neither are happy about it but both refuse to be the ones to alter their schedule)
Also, Hua Cheng being Just A Guy is so dear to me. He is Ken.
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dykrophone · 3 months
:0 what book?
it's called india after gandhi. it needs to be mandatory reading in schools and especially for every fuckass politician in our country tbh
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book-girl4evaaa · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you. 💖
Chocolate, fun school projects, chemistry (now that I finally understand it), sunset/dusk, and few drops :)
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angstyastro · 1 month
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No braincell in sight
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prettyfilmz · 1 year
miguel o’hara thots
miguel loves watching you fall apart on his dick. you’re face down ass up, mewling and whimpering as he bullies your tight cunt with his thick hard length. you have a death grip on one of your stuffed animals as you laid there with tears rolling down your flustered cheeks and took the brutal pace he gave you. trying to match miguel’s thrusts are almost impossible as he always finds a way to one up you whenever he sees fit, not that you were complaining as having a pleasurably sore pussy wasn’t so bad.
you’ve came multiple times prior which left a creamy ring on the base of his length and a damp puddle on top of the covers. you were overstimulated to the point the pleasure was slightly painful. “m-miggy…s’too much…”you pleaded in between pleasurable sobs only to be met with no answer besides grunts that made your swollen clit throb. you took a free hand to reach behind and push his stomach as a weak attempt to get him to slow down just for him to effortlessly hold your arm behind your back and take his other hand to lay a few heavy spanks on your plush ass gaining positive yelps from you.
“deja de lloriquear como un bebé, puedes soportarlo... siempre lo haces.” he coos in your ear, nipping it gently with his sharp teeth knowing how much you love that. “you’re my big girl, make me proud and cum one more time..”
you already know one more time will mean three more times after that but nevertheless, you love being his good girl and cum as many times as he asks you to.
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divinesangel · 25 days
— how does your destined person feel about you right now? [detailed]
pm me for an affordable, in-depth personal reading! — 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞!
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— 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏
current energies: it's quite likely that this person is going through a lot right now, which is causing them to overthink and have so much on their mind. they seem to have been overthinking many things in their life that they’re still trying to figure out. they’re probably talking to others and getting advice, but deep down, they know it’s something they have to work on and figure out on their own. a lot has been weighing on their mind, especially when it comes to connections. it’s likely that they’re ending cycles or bringing closure to situations that have caused them pain or emotional turmoil. they want to put an end to that, and now they’re carrying the burdens that come with closure and moving on. even though it might sometimes feel overwhelming, they understand that this isn’t the end of the world. they believe that better things are ahead, and as long as they stay persistent and know how to play their cards, they’ll get through this. there are many things in this person’s life that they want to move on from because they know it’s not doing them any good, and it’s just affecting their mental health and well-being. these days, they’ve been focusing on taking care of themselves, paying attention to their own feelings and their heart. but sometimes, they feel conflicted about how to feel about certain people. it seems like they’ve gone through some really painful moments with others, and now they’re unsure how to think about it all. part of them craves a sense of justice, wanting those people to get what they deserve. but there’s also a part of them that’s naturally kind, trying to brush it off and move forward.
feelings: this person wants to be with you as soon as possible. they’re really excited to meet you and already have so much love for you. they constantly wonder who their distant person is, what you’re going to be like, how you’ll look, and if you’ll love them as much as they’ll love you. there’s so much affection and tenderness they hold for you, and it’s something they can’t wait to give. they don’t just want to give you their emotional side, but also their material side. they want to provide for you, give you everything you need, and buy you whatever you want. i feel that once you meet, this person will be quick to show you how they feel. they won’t just express it through words or affection but also through actions. this is someone who will make you feel deeply loved and show you just how much you deserve it. they’re very caring, very nurturing, especially when it comes to a connection as strong as yours, which feels almost like a soulmate bond. they’ll feel even more sure about pursuing you and moving forward with you. you make this person feel incredibly stable. when they think of you, there’s this sense that they’re already complete, that they’ve become the person they want to be. the thought of you brings them a deep sense of stability, likely because they already know this connection will be something special. they feel happiness when they think about it, and they know that meeting you will be a turning point in their life. they’re aware that they’re going through some rough patches in their life right now, but the thought of you brings them so much peace. they know that when they finally get to be with you, they’ll find the happiness they’re searching for.
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— 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐
current energies: this person has been learning to feel more comfortable with themselves and finding contentment with what they have. it seems they’ve recently gone through situations that left them with a sense of lack, and now they’re trying to put the pieces back together. because of this, they’re beginning to realize their potential and finding emotional satisfaction from within, rather than seeking it externally. it’s likely that they’ve had a recent epiphany—a lightbulb moment—that shifted their perspective. they’re determined to leave behind past pains and situations they no longer want to deal with. this self-realization, that they deserve more and deserve to be happy, has sparked active changes in their life. they are very perseverant, and when they want something or are sure about it, they fight for it. they won’t let go unless they no longer feel like pursuing it or something significant happens. i feel like these days this person has been feeling quite confused about whether to pursue certain things or to let them go. it seems like they’re having a hard time distinguishing between what’s worth fighting for and what no longer has a solution. since they’re someone who really believes in fighting for what they want, it clashes with the idea of letting go. however, they’re starting to realize that there are aspects of themselves they need to change before moving forward with something new. right now, they’re in a phase of trying to understand that.
on the other hand, they’re also focused on creating a better environment for themselves, which involves their personal connections and friendships. they’re paying close attention to their circle of friends and acquaintances. it seems like there are some connections that have changed and no longer feel the same. they’re trying to figure out how to take action in this situation and how to let go of these feelings. deep down, they know that to feel better about these connections, they’ll need to let certain people go. overall, they haven’t been feeling their most stable, and they’re working through this to make things work in their favor. i'm hearing they might be attending someone's wedding too.
feelings: this person feels that your connection could be quite life-changing for them. it’s one of the things that draws them to you and makes them feel a deep, perhaps unconscious, attraction. however, when it comes to love, they might not be in the best place right now. they’ve grown up in an environment where those around them may not have been the best influences. because of this, they might have some toxic tendencies or have been involved with toxic people that they still need to move on from.
this awareness makes them think about you a lot. they are very conscious of the people they surround themselves with and the issues they need to leave behind. they worry that you might not like them because of their past or because of who they are now. they often find themselves wondering, "will they leave me once they get to know me better?" or "will they not want me because of my past behavior?" these worries definitely cross their mind whenever they think about you. in their heart, they truly want to give you everything they can, but they wonder if you will view this connection as fair, or if you’ll see their life as one that has been lived fairly. they don’t want to overwhelm you with all these details, so it’s likely they’ll open up to you gradually over time. they know some of their past actions weren’t ideal, and they feel regret and a bit of shame about that. they just hope you’ll still see them in a positive light once they share everything with you.
they’ve already been thinking about becoming the best version of themselves, but they need a bit of support or motivation to fully move out of their current mental state. they’ve been planning how to make these changes, so it’s just a matter of time before they put their plans into action. they’re really looking forward to this connection and have thought about you many times. they’re trying to stay optimistic about your future together and envision the best possible scenario. they’re aiming to avoid any negative thoughts, and they feel that once they’re around you and can communicate more, they’ll be able to express themselves fully and honestly. "i don't want to let them go" is how they'll feel.
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— 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑
current energies: this person has recently wrapped up a very challenging situation. they’re going through a lot of endings right now, which is a bit uncomfortable for them, but they understand it’s for their highest good. it seems they’ve just ended a connection with someone they cared about deeply. however, they discovered that this person had been deceptive or dishonest, and once these secrets came to light, they decided to cut ties abruptly. this person is very confident and tends to sever connections quickly when they feel wronged or when a situation is no longer beneficial. they don’t dwell on their feelings but focus more on the other person’s actions.
right now, they’re very practical and are concentrating on their stability and finances. they seem to be working hard on a project or business venture that’s aimed at increasing their financial security. this project might be in its early stages but has been on their mind for some time, or it's an idea they’ve wanted to bring to life for a while. they have a strong grasp of how to navigate life and make the most of each situation, which can be quite impressive. they’re aware that not all situations will be ideal, but they believe it depends on how one reacts and how much one lets it affect them. in addition, their perspective of the world might be influenced by their travels or interactions with people from various countries, which is likely tied to their business. they’re feeling very content with their current state and the place they’re in. they’re fulfilled with how they’ve handled things and how everything has turned out so far. however, as i mentioned at the beginning of the reading, they’re going through something emotionally. being a hard-working and somewhat workaholic person, this might serve as their escape. they’re so adept at what they do and at coming up with great ideas that their work becomes a refuge from their emotional struggles. the validation they receive from others provides a sense of relief and makes them feel better about themselves. when they get positive feedback or when their projects succeed, it feels like the most important thing to them, overshadowing everything else. while they’re currently satisfied with their position, i wonder how much more they can handle, as they’re already carrying some burdens.
feelings: when it comes to their feelings towards you and your connection, they feel a strong desire to manifest whatever it is that you want. they are working to feel as stable as possible so they can give you what you deserve, both emotionally and physically. however, there’s a part of them that questions whether they truly deserve someone like you. they wonder if they are worthy of you and this has them feeling quite conflicted.
they have strong feelings for you, but they also grapple with self-doubt about whether they’re deserving of this connection. they want to keep you close, not in a possessive way, but out of a genuine desire to protect and cherish you. having been alone for a long time or having had less fulfilling connections in the past, they worry about whether they will know how to handle a relationship with someone like you.
stability is very important to them, and they value it not only for themselves but also for their partner, especially emotionally. when it comes to your upcoming meeting, they will likely feel overwhelmed and stressed, but this is more about their own nerves than anything related to you. they will be anxious about what to say or do, but they are also looking forward to seeing how things will unfold. they believe that things will happen in their own time, and once you both achieve closure and fulfill what you need in your lives, everything will fall into place and manifest as it should.
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𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 !
hi! it's daphne here.
i'm currently offering personal readings for €7 and soulmate readings for €14 so don't hesitate to send me a private message if you're interested!
thank you for being here!
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darkclouud9 · 2 years
One thing I don't like with the stabby stabby group is how much they praise Etho for his genius. They put him in the spotlight when there are other people who are just as good as him :(
Endless is occasionally good (his self reports are perfect sometimes), Evil makes a lot of good plays and his votes are usually right, and Brody and Astro don't get a lot of love either. MrsT and Joker are really good some rounds as well.
They all make it about how good Etho is, when literally everyone else can overplay him from time to time.
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sillybruja · 4 months
venus 2H/8H/Taurus/Scorpio
venus in 2H/8H /Taurus/Scorpio venus - always ending up being the other woman/man, or entering a connection with someone who JUST got out of a meaningful relationship (rebound energy af) or with someone who is entertaining others. these really are the "chosen" placements, but that's usually7 because they entertain people who entertain others & their person has other options🤷‍♀️ But it is something with this placement's energy that makes their person's decision to "choose" them a no-brainer. While venus in 8H/2H/Scorpio/Taurus might intercept their person's other relationships, it is typically expected that their person drops everyone for them due to their natural alluring energy, mystique, love, romance, etc. People with these placements might find themselves feeling low, unwanted, unimportant, not chosen, etc -- when dealing with the wrong people. But with the right people , these individuals are practically worshipped in their relationships. This placement attracts a lot of jealousy too -- particularly jealous of you because they want your partner, your style, looks/body, money, etc.
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moonllita · 15 days
more Astro bots
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leafspiritz · 4 months
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imogen’s new outfit my beloved
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grungeeuvu · 3 months
Would make me giggle if you incorporated chuuya's backstory into the au and he really just popped into existence at like 7 years old and is basically a feral cat until he makes some friends
hmmmmm i'll work on that this is a non-ability au so perhaps instead of the whole lab rat stuff, he just moved here from basically the middle of nowhere?
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brucebocchi · 8 days
bugs when you lift up a rock:
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dykrophone · 5 months
Happy Puthandu if you celebrate!! (Late but 🎉)
omg yeah i do, you too! 😻
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basimdasasonst · 7 days
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hold up let me cook
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angstyastro · 6 days
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Doe eyed mf
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