#astrology analyzation
martian-astro · 3 months
Vedic astrology
D9 is so accurate, like I said before, I do paid readings in real life (Tumblr is also real life, but you know what I mean right?) and I was reading this woman's chart and she had a lot placements in her d9 that indicated that her husband would be a huge gossiper and she got married a week ago and today I met her husband and this man knows EVERYTHING about EVERYONE, he's also really sweet, it's so nice to see.
I wanna make Vedic astrology content, but I have noticed that it does not get as much attention as Western and Its kinda sad. if you want to see the level of compatibility between 2 people,then Synastry and composite is the most accurate. but if you wanna know how your spouse is gonna be like then d9 for the win. I had a lot of faith in juno and groom persona charts but....I just don't find it accurate. I'm sorry. I know A LOT of people and it has never managed to correctly predict their spouse's nature or appearance, for 2-3 people it was kind of accurate but I think it's just a coincidence. And I tried using Jupiter persona chart as well, but that too didn't work.
If you are into astrology and want to know more about your future spouse, I would highly recommend you to take a look at your d9. According to ME, it has never been wrong, like not even once.
I was actually just looking at Beyonce's d9 and everything fits like a puzzle. she has venus in 1st, born to be a star, gaining success through marriage, sun in 2nd, getting a lot of money through spouse, mercury in 8th, joint accounts with the spouse, marriage of conveniencence (let's not act like beyonce and jay-z actually love each other), saturn in 10th, VERY VERY AMBITIOUS, Jupiter in 11th, a lot of social influence through marriage....
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lilithess · 1 year
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capricorn suns are super wild (!!!) and easy to click with. nowhere near the boring capricorn stereotype. they are hardworking, reliable and tough people, but FUN! they have this motherly aura, more so than cancers. a capricorn to me is like a middle aged woman who decided to go wild after a few glasses of wine. and they’re not as judgmental as people claim them to be. the judgy rigid part that everyone talks about goes more for cap moons and mercuries.
aquarius loves a bit of drama (especially men) and wants attention (especially women), but not in a “in your face” way, not in a desperate way. they will keep their cool at all times, it’s like they’re constantly trying to maintain a persona. but if you read between the lines, you’ll notice the competitivness and ego trips. they all have a little “notice me” sittin inside. leo is just more open about it. aquarius men are highly unbothered. aquarius women remind me of closeted scorpio women.
comparing virgo men and virgo women. i don’t know a single nitpicky virgo man. they’re actually all so different. if i met a virgo man, i’d had never guessed it’s him because there’s nothing really that stands out as a common trait. women share the intensity and are incredibly smart and shrewd. i think this sign’s intelligence goes unnoticed. it gives such a “quality” person, even tho the nitpicking can be annoying
geminis can lack a backbone and boundaries a lot, especially at young age. not sure what’s with the “player” stereotype bc i can’t imagine being manipulated by a gemini (especially a guy). they’re honestly kids. however, the gemini as in the sign itself and what it represents has a sort of dangerous potential. they can really be indifferent about matters that i’ve seen no one else be so indifferent about. sort of like “who cares so why not?” lifestyle. they’ll laugh at their own pain like it’s nothing so why not at yours? they have a troll like nature to them and their curiosity has no limits. can be a very dark sign who, for some reason, is considered a light social butterfly.
no one attracts jealousy as well as a leo placement, especially leo rising, venus, and preferably leo stellium. i know a leo rising and that energy ate up her whole chart. no mind her virgo or 12H placements, she’s just OUT THERE in the spotlight always stealing the show. however, i think leo’s intelligence should be apreciated more bc these people are really more than just a diva in a leopard crop top. i’ve seen leo placements dumb themselves down (very annoying) and honestly they can be very naive. the sun shines light at every other planet in our solar system, not the other way around. i think people forget that no matter how much leo seeks attention, they are also the ones giving it to others.
i know mutables are rumored to change the most, but scorpio’s ability to just… change their entire life, identity and being can make you wonder wheather you even knew the person or not. i had a scorpio sun, mercury, mars and ascendant bestie who went from being a rebellious femme fatale who wouldn’t leave the house without make up; wore heels to high school and messed with other people’s relationships for fun - to a stay at home “wifey” with no social life and a man who’s probably not even going to marry her. no one even hears from her anymore. scorpios really die and reborn a completely different person. it’s not the little changes that mutables do on a daily base or just mid conversation. it’s a whole other person.
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Okay imagine Solomon being upset and jealous that MC doesn’t have a mark of his own on their body, MC notices this fact and gets the mark of Solomon tattooed onto their body. I’ve been so obsessed with this idea ever sense Solomon became my no.1 favorite character ever.
Ooh, yes, I've seen this floating around as well!
Solomon would be pleased on the outside, absolutely thrilled on the inside. I think having his own mark would satiate that jealousy, because now having his own mark on your body shows the world that you have a strong bond of trust and care. Just as you do with the brothers, if not more so.
I know many people have different headcanons about where each of the brothers' marks are on their MC's body, which usually have some sort of meaning. I suppose it's up to preference where you'd want to be permanently tattooed, but what if you got it in an area that was special to both of you?
Trying to be as inclusive as I can to everybody's headcanons of the brothers' marks, so take these with a grain of salt or come up with your own! :)
Perhaps Solomon has disclosed with you a certain part of your body that he just adores, an area he often touches in moments when it's just the two of you. Rubbing your knuckles or kissing the back of your hand when watching movies together, caressing the small of your back while you read over a passage from one of his spell books, right behind your ear where he rubs soft circles as you drift off to sleep in his bed, or brushing his lips against your shoulder as he holds you from behind while you make dinner.
Getting his mark in an area he dotes over, one that he never fails to touch or lavish with kisses in those near ritualistic moments, would be the ultimate gesture. Because for him, it would be an indication that the small things he does in the time he is granted with you mean something to you. They're special to you too.
That's the fluffy, sentimental version. Now I kinda want to explore the logistical or rational placing of his mark.
I was looking at the seal of Solomon, and noticed two things: the symbol for Saturn (the one that looks like an awkwardly drawn n) and the symbol for Mars (which interestingly enough, the Mars symbol seems to have the Sun's symbol in it as well. Mars is the "male" symbol, while the Sun is a circle with a dot in the center).
For quick reference, Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius in traditional astrology - representing structure and discipline. Mars rules both Aries and Scorpio in traditional - representing drive and passion. And I'll go ahead and do the Sun's as well, it rules Leo - representing the ego.
Now, I mention this for one reason: medical astrology. Each part of the body (and its systems within) are ruled by a sign (quick fire examples: Capricorn - knees, Aquarius - calves, Aries - head, Scorpio - lower regions, Leo - spine). So, how impressed would he be if he realized you'd tattooed his mark in one of those areas? Just what he'd expect of his clever apprentice! (Even better if you got it on the left side of your body, as the left represents wisdom! Right is power, in case you wanted to know :)).
Perhaps by doing so, you invoke one of the qualities of those aforementioned planet rulings, like you find yourself being more responsible with the mark on your ankle or the back of your knee, maybe you're more authentic with it at the top of your spine, or more aggressive in your pursuits with it on your naval or behind your ear.
I think he'd be fascinated, and oddly flattered, that his mark influences you in a such way. Like he's indirectly influencing you. It'd be similar to how the brothers' sins on your body might make you act certain ways, like more greedy or more gluttonous.
Yeah, he'd be smitten with you and that mark wherever you end up putting it. Whatever makes you happy, as long as he has a little claim of you as well. Perhaps he'd create a mark that represents you to tattoo on his body... If there's room, ha!
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randalltier · 1 month
It's a very proud day to reveal to you all that I've always hated Drake
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man-im-so-high · 3 months
matty healy's birth chart, if you even care
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Ilya Chambertin - How to Astro-Analyze Yourself - Lancer - 1972
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coca-coeli · 3 months
how would the masses feel about an analysis of the gang’s uhhhhhhh astrological charts. i have so many analyses. like for example:
ponyboy curtis is born on the cusp between cancer and leo, on july 22nd. this means that he’s influenced by both the moon (rules cancer and a very emotional, caring, generally insecure sign) and the sun (rules leo, a bold, courageous, selfish sign). those two energies mix in him in a peculiar way—he’s both confident and insecure, put-together and falling apart. he contradicts himself. but cancer influence makes his inner world lush and full of emotions, and leo influence makes his outer world energetic, so all he needs is to be able to express himself in a way that satisfies both worlds. (if you’re born between july 19-25, you have this too!) (though you don’t NEED to have it to relate to it, of course)
(also, headcanoning ponyboy to have a virgo rising puts the earth into play, too. so not only does he have two luminaries playing ping-pong with his psyche, his brain’s desperately trying to pull him down to earth and it’s not working.)
tl:dr stop putting ponyboy as the sun and johnny as the moon. ponyboy is a lunar eclipse and johnny is a solar eclipse.
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emophilzablr · 10 months
— Most of my analysis focus more on the negative impacts simply for the fact that I am attempting to contextualize most of his actions we discuss, as we talk mostly about his love life and his lyrics, and well, the bad parts of him, since we are critical. Though I will talk about positive aspects at a lot of points. I chose to do from Sun to Mars as those are the most "important" aspects, I might do something on the more secondary placements another day. Enjoy! Send asks and curiouscats about it, if you have something to say.
Virgo sun, 2nd house.
Plus, Virgos look for something concrete, while the rest of him, we will get to it, is kind of fighting against it. Virgo is Wilbur’s essence, it's who he truly is, it's the most important aspect, so for him to heal this part, specially as his.
His Sun is in the second house which might cause most of his insecurities, Wilbur seeks security, he seeks to do exactly right, the moment he fails at relationships, at any goal, it's prone to destroying him. Every failure is hell.
Libra Moon, 3rd house.
Here we get to the hell in and out of it itself, so Libra moon by itself is not a problem, yet, in this house and in conjunction with Virgo, it really causes a reaction of emotions that is rather complicated. Because here it is, Virgo already needs to have strong connections, they can though live without them, Libra moon cannot, it's absolutely horrifying to not have, Libra needs desperately to have a partnership with someone, living without it can cause a deep, deep set, emptiness. Also, there's a trait shared by Virgo and Libra moon, their ability to find problems everywhere, specially in other people, which causes conflict, and after that, the feeling of losing this partnership because of this problem, once again, destroys him.
And now the 3rd house, where it all goes even more to shit, Virgos are rational, avoid emotions, so to balance that out, the moon should act as a facilitator to that, but well, as much as Libra moon is not bad at feelings, the 3rd house is. It's 8 or 80, emotions are either extremely rationalized and looked over, avoided, or it's in big bursts. AND AND AND, this we saw so CLEARLY in him, his opinions are always changing, and there's a tendency of him to change for people, change who he is. ALSO!!!!! This placement has something very important, they seek a change of scenery, they need to move constantly, start new things, because they will get anxious and restless with, well, settling with something and staying somewhere for a long time.
Plus, I don't even have to explain, this moon placement also really really is influenced by early childhood memories, so the struggles of his childhood are very, very influential in who he is.
Leo rising.
This one kinda makes me feel bad for him, so basically, Leo risings are painfully self aware and conscious of their appearance and how they're sounding, that remembering every person who ever rejected him fits this so perfectly. Now, put that together with Virgo, his insecurities are SO strong in his life, like he's so insecure it's SAD.
But most of who he is comes from it too, Leo risings are always popular, always take leading roles, always start shit, the band, the content creation, the writing of lore, as much as his insecurities come from here too, he's also always going to be popular, because it's part of his nature. He has a natural charm that is seen in Libra moon too.
Virgo mercury, 2nd/3rd house
It's a good placement to be honest, it does end up bringing insecurity too but, it just means he's intelligent, good communicator, curious, likes to go deep, to create, pay attention to details, though he really enjoys being known by his intelligence so any time he isn't, it definitely isn't his favorite thing.
Both 2nd and 3rd houses are great, big highlight on intelligence and big highlight on creativity, also big nerd, loves reading, researching, being connected and having interests. The 3rd house especially is crazy, he has so many interests, and he always goes deep in them.
This placement literally says, this man is autistic, or at least autistic coded.
Leo Venus, 1st house.
That's what you guys want isn't it you cunts, let's talk about love. Well, if you want to know the good, they're love bombers, extreme love bombers, they will court you, they enjoy the chase, they need you, they will die for you. Well, for a while at least. The expectations are always extremely high, so high it's almost impossible to reach them, and when you do, they have this urge to be the absolute focus of your life, they want to be seen as God by you basically, that's where most his relationships fail, he imagines this relationship, and then gets hurt by the fact that reality isn't exactly what he thought it would be.
Wilbur is insecure, by nature, by every placement, so well, as much as some people might think not, him having this placement means he is incredibly high maintenance in love, incredibly so. He needs to be reassured, he needs to hear, he needs declarations. I think that's what killed him with Amelia, he wasn't the light of her life, and she replaced him, quickly. That scarred every single relationship he had ever since, that Libra factor of avoidance comes back here, he might leave and be bored before the person even proves themselves, because the trauma of having everything he wanted in love proven to him not true really scarred him.
Shubble could be in the same situation, the conflict of getting that spotlight from her and from other people, the expectations he put. ALL HIS PLACEMENTS WERE CONSPIRING AGAINST THEM! Absolutely insane.
He will not only love bomb btw, he will leave everyone and everything behind for a relationship, he deposits not only his self worth, but his happiness and his livelihood for LOVE! Silly, but so me and so bpd…
Talking about BPD, it's in the first house, which means, deep love can turn into DEEP resentment when it ends. Also he needs so badly to be liked by others that as well can cause all these feelings, not liking him, or rejecting him, can be seen as a crime.
Mars in Leo, 1st house.
Again, he needs admiration, he needs the spotlight, not having it is awful, simply not his reality. This placement reinforces that he needs to mean something, to be something, to be something great, something big, and it makes his fear of not being even deeper, all of his placements seem to simply reinforce each other, to deepen his fears and insecurities.
— Ending notes: Wilbur is an intelligent person, with leadership skills and a very very strong urge to be loved, to be devoted, to shine, to be something big. His biggest fears are the lack of that, the feeling of mediocrity, boringness, and settlement. He's anxious and insecure, to a point that it ruins most of the good things in his life, a natural overachiever, who never seems to rest. Hopeless romantic, he needs love, and quick, and deep, and intense, but also is afraid of it simply not being that, because trying made him realize it rarely is. He's interesting, high maintenance and sometimes hard to deal with, but still, all his placements show loyalty, charm, kindness and power.
This power especially, he needs to be in control of himself, of others, of how he is perceived and he needs to control his appearance to others, he strives to be perfect, universally loved, but always, no matter how much of that he seems to have. It simply isn't enough.
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bxtxnx · 9 months
People with Aries Saturn in the 6th house can have debilitating headaches.
Saturn (problem) + Aries (pain, headache) + 6th house (health) = having strong headaches that make the person unable to work and be productive.
This can also apply to people that have Aries Saturn at the end of their 5th house or ar the beginning of the 7th house, since Saturn is close to the 6th house and some of its influence affects the 6th house as well. In this case, the headaches may not be as frequent or severe.
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asstrolo · 2 years
I think we should all self-indulge and talk extensively about our own placements, I encourage all astrology blogs to do it. That's why on this post I'll be talking about what it is like to have an aquarius moo-
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elenagoeslightly · 5 months
i started the astrology lessons today and tbh this stuff is way more complicated than i originally thought, but there is a possibility of being paid for being nosey and aint that the life
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everyday I miss miitomo .. aaa
#these screenshots are not even good or the most interesting/funny/cool ones from back then#they just so happen to be ones I found in a folder so am thinking about them solely for the memory of it all#WORST thing is I never even had friends (still don't have friends really that have many similar interests to me lol..epic hermit moment) who#played or were willing to do I didn't really use the social aspects much. if there were any?? maybe I'm just making up a better game in my#head lol.. I thought maybe you could visit your friends apartments at some point or something? I know you could have multiple mii characters#and put them in their own apartments too.#I could also be mixing it in my mind with tomodachi life. which is a superior game. but also I think mostly I just loved the dress up and#photo creation aspects of this. That you could spend like 30 minutes putting your little avatar person in different lttle poses with differe#nt backgrounds and import your own custom background and etc. etc. And the community questions & answers section was always ridiculous#WHY is it that all actually good and cool things end up shutting down and nobody cares about them but then some tv shows/games/etc. can keep#going for like 808989598590 years when they are actually very bad and stinky and pointless#I know probably something somehting profit motive. if something sucks but is hyped blindly and sells then that's all that matters.#things that are cool and innocative but have a small audience get poo poo pee pee Not Good Enough For Shareholders whatever#>:(#This is why I don't play apps or online games /anything live service or that is dependent on external things to function#Like every once in a while I do but for the most part if something is not it's own self contained experience then I dont care to even get#invested in the first place because it could just randomly be taken away from you at any time without warning or etc.#Also just charmed by anything that incorporates personality tests into part of the structure of an app even in a minor.comepletely trivial w#ay due to my preexisting obsession with anything in the realm of that topic (enneagram. mbti. etc. even astrology. just any way humans categ#orzie and analyze themselves. NOT because I think they're all scientifically valid methods and swear by them in practuce but like. the theor#y of it. I love personaliy testing from like.. a cultural perspective? like the fact that humans make this stuff up at all. and how they use#it and conceptualize it and apply it to their lives. the different frameworks within which the same traits can be categorized in different w#ays. one person looks at X trait and says its bc theyre a virgo. another explains the same exact trait by saying it's bc theyre an infj. etc#I mean some of them I do find actually personally fun to get into themselves (enneagram mostly) but mostly I just like the.. analysis#tfw you're such an analytical person you like to spend time analyzing analysis. Thinking abt the ways people think about thinking abt things#Actually Ive talked before about how I don't relate to/care about/get emotionally attached to media/dont exhibit Fan Behviors or join fandom#s or etc. BUT that is actually the one vaguely media related thing I WILL do. after watching something I like going to places like that#'personality database' site which is the public voting on character's personality types. and I do enjoy going to read the comments. not bec#ause I care about the character themselves. but I love seeing the paragraph long debates about like.. why Whoever is actually an intp NOT an#intj . or like 'OBVIOUSLY theyre 3w4 so/sp ILI are you FUCKING BLIND??!'. essays breaking down every cognitive function they ehibit and why
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astroartmuse · 9 months
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ashmp3 · 10 months
one easy man i did like talking to was the second cancer boy. patient 2 u could call him but one time he was asking me about astrology and i was talking and saying this and that is ur sun and this is ur moon and he was just like :-) no you are my sun and moon :-) and then i was like Okay. Your ruling planet is - and he was like no my ruling planet is you :-)
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ikigaisvt · 1 year
im gonna finish analyzing my birth chart and then i will start analylzing my kpop boys' birth charts!
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koumeowkami · 2 years
my astrology obsessed ass can't help but notice how ayato is the perfect example of an aries: he's hot headed, VERY intuitive, a bit aggressive, possessive, gets angry easily, has no patience, doesn't know what rules are, can't express his feelings well, calls everyone names as a love language (chichinashi 😔), cares about people aggressively, he's also represented by the color red that is often associated with aries ... should i go on
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