#astrology king weekly
billa-billa007 · 1 year
Weekly Astrology Forecast | Aug. 27 – Sept. 2, 2023 | Insights from Joshua the Psychic
Astrology is a belief system that suggests a connection between the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, and events and personality traits on Earth. It is an ancient practice that has been part of various cultures for thousands of years. Astrology is often associated with horoscopes, which are predictions or interpretations based on the positions of these celestial bodies at the time of a person's birth.
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mybrainismelted · 17 days
Weekly Tag Wednesday!
Today we're talking about birthdays! Because it's our super-special host @energievie's Birthday today!! 🎂🥳🎁
Thanks for the tags @deedala and @palepinkgoat!
When is yours? November 14th
Where were you born? in my nation's capital
How do you feel about your legal name? Are you using it online and/or IRL? meh. I have one of those names that has a bunch of different nickname options though, so I don't use my full legal name anywhere unless I have to.
How about your sign? Do you feel it "fits"? ok, so I'm not really big into the whole astrology thing, but sure, I guess... if you use the "old" system of assigning signs. I haven't really looked at the "new" one to see though.
What's your earliest memory related to your birthday? oh gosh. um. I think I was about six when I had a party at Wendy's and "Wendy" was there. And my aunt came from 5 hours away to be there, which is probably why I actually remember it.
What's one of the best gifts you've ever received? hmmm.... I'm sure there were some good ones. But... memory issues.
How about one of the best you've given yourself? Cake. Definitely cake.
What's your favourite cake flavour? gonna be basic like Deanna. Yellow cake with chocolate frosting. That or cheesecake.
How about your favourite flowers? fake ones. They don't make me sneeze.
Have your ever thrown a birthday party? If yes, tell us about your favourite one. Sure, I used to host small parties for everyone in my friend group when I was in my 20's and early 30's. They were small, but always a bunch of fun, and there was cake (that I made, of course)
What's the ultimate birthday song? Ok, you guys KNOW I'm not good with music stuff... lol. So... Happy Birthday?
And last but not least, pick a celebrity with whom you share your birthday. oddly there's not a lot of really famous people that share a birthday with me, so I guess it's King Charles.
tags under the cut!
@celestialmickey @blue-disco-lights @michellemisfit @spookygingerr @thepupperino @gallapiech @spacerockwriting @crossmydna @creepkinginc @suzy-queued @francesrose3 @lingy910y @wehangout @too-schoolforcool @such-a-barbarian @sam-loves-seb @samantitheos @ms-moonlight-inn @i-think-you-mean-reduction @pookiebearmick @guinguin1984 @burninface @sgtmickeyslaughter
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deedala · 4 months
🪐⚡weekly tag wednesday⚡🪐
✨ it's that time again!! lets answer some really random questions for fun ✨
name: deanna🌱
age: noel-aged🖤
astrological sign: 🦂
upon which continent do you reside: north america
tell us how you're feeling right now using 3-5 emojis: 💀🤪🧐🥔🤖
whats your favorite flavor of gum? watermelon mint
whats the last movie you watched? challengers (3rd watch, but i keep watching it while doing other things so i notice new details every time lol)
what was your worst subject in high school? chemistry, i literally failed
whats the job you stayed at for the shortest period of time? i worked at a corporate chain daycare for like 2 months and it was so exhausting and stressful i regularly think i worked there for like 6 months but it was just that much stupid drama packed into 8 awful weeks.
whats your favorite thing to do at an amusement park? i like the mid-level thrill rides. like the thing that spins and lifts you up and down or a roller coaster that doesn't go upside down. (the beast at kings island best roller coaster but will also shake you to within an inch or your life)
what condiments go on top of the perfect hot dog (meat or plant-based)? my vegan hot dog can have yellow mustard on it. maybe onions if they're diced good 👍
cincinnati chili, thoughts? i grew up here so i've had it plenty but not since i was young and i absolutely am fine with never having anything like it ever again.
do you sleep with a plushie? yes, plush round bird and big brown bear! tbh the support did wonders for my shoulder joints
how do you feel about thunderstorms? i would rather not thanks!! when i was a kid i would get stabbing stress stomach pains whenever it stormed, i thought i was dying.
what's the last animal you touched? .... i gave some pats to my neighbor's very sweet dog a few weeks ago. his name is on the tip of my tongue but i cannot remember it right now which is very frustrating!! he's a very pretty boy and he's actually kind of old but looks amazing and im convinced its because my neighbor (who is a veterinarian) has some sort of unnatural animal-care-taking ability
grab the nearest item with words on it that ISNT a book and tell me the final word: "association" on a bottle of hand lotion
have you ever forgotten to do an assignment until the night before its due? yes, why do you ask
and now i invite these precious beans to answer these very random questions or simply accept this 🌼 from the bottom of my heart:
@michellemisfit @too-schoolforcool @darlingian @heymacy @heymrspatel @crossmydna @suzy-queued @jrooc @mybrainismelted @energievie @thepupperino @metalheadmickey @gallawitchxx @mmmichyyy @wehangout @blue-disco-lights @the-rat-wins @loftec @gardenerian @mickeysgaymom @sickness-health-all-that-shit @rereadanon @callivich @lee-ow @palepinkgoat @gallapiech @transmickey @iansw0rld @captainjowl @lingy910y @vintagelacerosette @spoonfulstar @spookygingerr @burninface @themarchg1rl @mikhailoisbaby @sleepyfacetoughguy @whatwouldmickeydo @sleepyheadgallavich @sam-loves-seb @samantitheos @ardent-fox @creepkinginc + anyone else who would like to join in! as always just say i tagged you and i will corroborate 💖
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rereadanon · 9 months
✨Weekly Tag Game✨
Thank you for the tags @deedala @tanktopgallavich @ @mickeysgaymom @gardenerian and @whatwouldmickeydo
And thanks to all the pals that keep tagging me in these, I always copy and paste and leave in my drafts and then something distracts me and days go by and I forget or decide it’s too late. 🫂
Name: Anna 🍌
Location: the DC metro area!
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius bb
What's a TV show or movie you plan to re-watch this year? Started the year off with my current hyper fixation tv show- Deadloch. It’s on prime, it’s a murder mystery, it’s pretty entertaining.
Whats a book or fic you will probably re-read this year? I stayed up way too late reading Ball Kings last night because all it took was @gallawitchxx mentioning Vegas to give me a craving. Otherwise, it’s all my standards to help me survive another year, but @thisdivorce’s most recent update to Change Like Shifting Shadows really made me froth at the mouth for a reread of that!
What is a song you will likely continue to play on repeat? One by Swedish House Mafia- currently my eldest’s hyper-fixation. Who has music recs that we both can enjoy?
What's a tasty treat you look forward to eating more of this year? I try not to live in a world where specific foods are kept for specific events or times but I am still enjoying some Chex mix I made and I am probably going to make it again!
What's a time sink that you will continue to sink time into this year? Tumblr, fic, discord, block breaker, pimple popping videos, meme sending on instagram.
Did you pick up any habits in 2023 that you plan to continue? Wearing unflattering clothing that I like! Platform crocs included.
What's your toxic trait? Encouraging others to spend money or make insane choices if they are fun!
What is a coping mechanism you will continue to indulge in this year? ✨disassociation✨ just like @deedala 🥰 also see time sink answer
Tell me something you like about how you look! I work/ed hard to unlearn society’s standards for loving myself!
Give me at least three adjectives describing things you like about yourself. Loud, loving, rebellious
Tagging a few babes @gallawitchxx @heymrspatel @michellemisfit @whatthebodygraspsnot @sluttymickey @sam-loves-seb @thisdivorce and anyone else that is reading this!
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taratarotgreene · 6 months
Weekly Astrology March 18- 24 and Horoscopes
How was the lovely NEPTUNE CAZIMI for you? yesterday? Were you feeling all La-La-Land? How was your dreams? Espcecially you Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini Leo and VIRGO? MARCH 17 SUN CONJUNCT NEPTUNE at 4:22 am PDT, 7:22 am EDT,11:22 am GMTIDEALISTIC INSPIRING DAY. You’ve heard about all those crazy Royal rumours the past few days? King Charles is dead? #KateGate Kate is dead? Kate and Prince…
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santoschristos · 2 years
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Hororscope of the Stars Celestial Way Mahaboka,m/j
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Don’t Tell Me How We’ve Grown From Having Loved a Little While
Hello My Old Heart - The Oh Hellos EP - The Oh Hellos
Chapter 7 of Cracking like a dry branch in a westward wind, in which Tango and Martyn get a somewhat belated invite from everyone’s favorite, completely sane florida man. Or bat, in this case. Everyone shows up to Grian’s party, mostly by ship, partly by [REDACTED BY ORDER OF COMMANDER X]. Some very, very old friends are introduced, alongside some new technology. Pearl and Grian get ready to do violence.
Available on AO3 here.
Martyn was actually quite comfortable given the circumstances.
When Tango had been transferring the grounded parrot from Blackbone Hospital to Glowhorn Spires (which turned out to be an astrological observation facility), he’d neglected to mention that there were no horses or donkeys to ride. Rather, Martyn had been fastened to the head, or maybe the back, of a two-legged, lizard-looking, slightly feathered, mushroom-gobbling thing called a strider. That walked on lava.
At least the things were vegetarian.
“Over there are the Warped Towers, where most of the mushrooms are grown.” Tango said as his strider walked, pointing at a set of ominous towers glowing a radioactive blue. “And over there are the Ribcage Arches, where basalt is farmed. Oh! You can see the Soulsand Bridges right up ahead! We won’t be walking on them, though, cause the ignaduct hasn’t been extended far enough. Do you like the word ‘ignaduct’? I made it up myself!”
Martyn couldn’t do much but nod along, smiling occasionally and asking the rare question, such as “What exactly are crimson stems?” or “How does one farm lava, exactly?”. This time, he nodded.
Upon arriving at the Glowhorn Spires, Martyn had been shown to a very nice, if slightly off, set of living quarters. The bed was a bit too wide and the mattress a bit too long for a normal person, but it seemed to accommodate his injured wing quite well while also being very comfortable. The water closet was very dark, and had a redstone light set into the floor rather than the ceiling. The only window was a stained glass affair, bringing back some less than welcome memories, but it was very pretty. And the area rug was bright aqua.
Martyn had fallen into an odd sort of routine during his recovery. Wake up, carefully stretch his injuries, wander about for a bit, find breakfast somewhere (usually under the delightfully named Bloodstar Dome), and continue to wander the Neverglades until Tango inevitably called for him, either in person or via a skeleton, usually one named Logan or Evan. He’d then spend most of the day in the king’s Blackstone Throne Room, answering questions and standing awkwardly next to a gaggle of witch advisors, his bright green wings somehow fitting in with the reds and blues that accented the black everything.
This routine was by no means set, and would get disrupted nearly weekly by random construction projects or Tango wanting some ‘overlander advice’ at awful times of night. So he wasn’t exactly surprised by the king’s bursting into his room at 4 am.
“Martyn?! Maaartyn?! I’m sorry to wake you up, but someone’s asking after you.”
The bird jolted upright, a motion made easier by the lack of chest restraints this time. “BWHA! Ah, Tango, you spooked me. Someone’s asking after me?”
Tango nodded, his hair sparking with excitement. “Yep! They’re a bird-person too, I think. Got wings at the very least. Says their name is ‘unimportant’, and that ‘Sitter Sunset has an important message for you’, and that ‘you’re his best method of communication with this king’. I think he means me, right?”
Martyn stared for a second, before shaking his hair out of his face. “O-Okay, uh, give me a few minutes. Where are they waiting?”
“Alright! They’re at the peak of the Burniron Bridge. Said they wanted ‘a clear method of escape’. In all honesty, I can’t blame them!”
Martyn stumbled out of Glowhorn with his hair only half-bound by his headband and a mushroom omelette(?) stuffed into his mouth, sprinting as fast as his cast let him. Burniron wasn’t too far away, but the thing was several stories tall and his legs weren’t the strongest. He was only lightly panting upon reaching the pinnacle of the bridge.
He didn’t recognize the bird, but he did immediately notice that they weren’t a parrot. In fact, they weren’t a bird at all. Martyn didn’t quite know how Tango could mistake the large-eared, dark-coated, yellow-eyed mammal for any type of avian. But with the Basalt King, you really couldn’t be sure…
“Oh! You must be Martyn Viri—“
“JUNGLEWOOD! I-It’s Junglewood, actually. And you are?”
The bat-folk smiled. “Hypno. Hypno Tized, mercenary. Sitter Sunset hired me to get a message to you, since none of the parrots seemed to want to visit the Neverglades.”
“I wonder why.”
The smile widened into a full grin, showing off sharp teeth. “Indeed. Anyway, the Sitter wanted to tell you to try and get King Tek to visit the Coast this Eversun. He’s doing a reception-thing with as many rulers as he can convince to come, and since you’ve got this whole thing going with Tek, he’d like you to try and get him down there.”
Martyn blinked. “That’s it?”
Hypno shrugged. “Yep. Why, were you expecting more?”
“With Grian, honestly, yes. He’s usually very long winded.”
“Well, this time, that’s it. You got any other questions? Cause if not, the job’s done.”
“Oh, no. You can go, uh, Hypno.”
The bat nodded, before pulling something out of his pocket and flipping it at Martyn. The parrot caught it, and saw that it was a coin, gold and stamped with strange lettering.
“My calling card. Cast a little bit of comms magic with it, and you can hire me. See you whenever.”
Hypno suddenly snapped out a very large set of wings from under his coat, dark and patterned with yellow tattoos. He dove off the bridge, and flew off with a light jangling of metal. Martyn stared after him for a moment, before turning his violet eyes back to Glowhorn Spires.
He found Tango sitting under the Bloodstar Dome, munching on a large, raw chunk of crimson mushroom. The king stood up and waved as Martyn approached him, tossing the mushroom to a nearby strider that was just… there.
“How’d it go, Martyn? Did the maybe-bird, uh, deliver a good message?”
The parrot couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Well, yes. He did give me a good message. Hs name is Hypno, by the way, and he’s a bat, not a bird.”
Tango lightly tapped his fist into his other hand’s palm with a look of realization. “A bat-folk! No wonder he’s got such large ears!”
Martyn laughed again. “Yes, his ears are large. But his message from Grian concerns you as well, Tango.”
“It does?”
“Yes. Grian asked me to officially invite you to visit the Sunset Coast this Eversun.”
The king’s face lit up with a wide smile. “Really?! He’s inviting me? I think that’s a first! Of course I’ll come. And you’ll be going too, right? Since Grian and his people are also your people, right?”
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I?”
Grian, for once, got up with the sunrise.
Wings of red and yellow and blue snapped open as the sitter rolled upright, stretching to the ceiling in a routine that (somehow) hadn’t been broken for a week straight. Clawed hands rubbed violet eyes, and clawed feet didn’t stumble for once as their owner tugged on his day clothes. Grian’s face broke into an open grin as he looked out into the first light of Eversun.
“Goooooood morning, for once!” He called into the open air, voice unhindered by any glass. “Good morning sea, good morning sky, good morning random plant we effectively kidnapped from the jungle! Plant-knapped? Plant-knapped!”
With a whoop, the bird launched himself from the ledge and through the gate, air whistling through his ears as he soared away from the mostly finished Stratus Tower. That one was a mostly white affair, with streaks of orange and gold. Grian hoped it would be the first of a series of cloud-themed towers, if he ever got around to planning and finishing the others. But it was a different tower that he was heading for that morning.
Grian banked towards the sunrise, riding the cool winds that only rose during the edges of the day and night past the more complete towers. Reflection Spire glinted at him from the right, the smaller Brazen Spire nearly lost in the glare. He glided close enough to Aura Highrise’s side to brush the vines hanging off its gates, before rolling and doing the same to the bamboo within the planters of Summer Heights.
At last, he came to the structure closest to Climbing Spires, the most polished and largest one yet built. Flare Tower was hexagonal in shape, with six waterfalls and six intake pipes arranged in a stair-step pattern on its exterior. The wide planes of glass cut through the concrete walls, which themselves had a gradient from deep teal at the bottom to creamy white at the top. It was crowned by a twisting, arcing affair of gold and copper, shapes spilling like liquid sunlight from the asymmetrical spire. But most striking of all were the six massive gates cut into the walls at varying heights, empty space that allowed for the free movement of air and those that ride it. Grian dove for the uppermost of these gates, gliding through the central hole cut through the tower’s six floors to land softly on a moss carpet.
Almost immediately, the sitter was absorbed into the organized chaos of the Eversun preparations. A group of waitstaff-in-training, who were probably farmers with crops out-of-season, swept him up in their carefully measured steps. Grian cracked a few jokes and tasted a few fruits before spinning off into a circle of table-setting birds who were vigorously polishing a seemingly infinite number of forks and spoons and blunt knives and chopsticks. Where the latter pieces of cutlery had come from, Grian wasn’t entirely sure, other than that Cub had sourced them from somewhere. How one ate with sticks was something he still hadn’t figured out.
“Sir Sitter! Sir Sitter!”
Grian sleeked down in surprise, before he saw who was calling his name. “Oh, Mini! I didn’t know you’d be here.”
The grey-and-gold parrot smiled, a bit bashfully. “Well, I had some time off from directing the construction of Pegasus, and I wasn’t that far away, so…”
“You don’t need an excuse to be here, mate! Goodness knows you’re welcome anywhere. How goes the construction of—“ Grian lowered his voice conspiratorially “—project Evolution?”
“Good enough, I guess. It’s harder than you’d think to source obsidian around here. Cub’s got a chokehold on farming the stuff, but he uses it all for building. I was able to weasel some out of his head engineer, but not nearly enough to build the whole, uh, mainframe.” The technomancer looked unhappy using the code word, since he was used to dealing with absolute truths.
“Well, if you can stick around, there just might be a chance to weasel some obsidian out of the Basalt King, since he’ll be here later today!”
Mini Muka blanched quite considerably at the suggestion. “Me, talk to a king? To get stuff for Evolution? Isn’t he, like, famously from the, uh, second dimension? I-I don’t know, uh, isn’t Martyn close with the King Tek? Can’t he just ask for it?”
“Well, from what he’s told me over the past few months, Tango would question him if he so much as asked for a candle. In a well meaning way, apparently. If he asked for obsidian, he’d get suspicious for sure. But he’s also a, er, an eccentric, who I suspect would be sympathetic to the plight of a technomancer such as yourself!”
“O-Oh, fine. It’s not like I’ve got anything else on my schedule…”
“Land— er, uh, Sunset Coast in sight!”
The cry from the deer in the crow’s nest soon spread throughout the ship, and reached Queen Gemini’s ears within moments.
“We’re here? We’re here! Miss, could you go call Pan up from his berth? We’re about to dock!”
The fae-deer clambered out of her own cabin, hastily pulling the Crown of Needles around her antlers and smoothing out the nonexistent wrinkles on her dress. She’d adapted to ship life quickly, and now swayed with the movement of the deck like a natural-born sailor. Upon making topside, she nearly froze in place at the sight of the Sunset Coast’s silhouettes in the midday sunlight that reflected off the sea.
She flicked her ears in excitement as she took in the sight. “Oh wow! Towers, waterfalls, pipes of copper and planes of glass as far as the eye can see! Sitter Sunset, you wrote the truth!”
Suddenly, three shapes broke off from the nearest tower, streaks of color that dove straight down before skimming over the water towards the Pride of the Pines. All three circled the ship’s central mast a few times before landing on the deck.
“My lady, be you the Queen Gemini Taylor of Evergreen?”
The queen in question couldn’t help but preen a bit at the formal greeting, having gotten so used to being familiar with her subjects. “Why, yes. I am the Queen of the Crown of Needles. Be you representatives of the Sitter Grian Sunset?”
The lead parrot, a red-and-yellow-and-blue, nodded. “Yes, majesty. I am called Tomo Hawk. These—“ he gestured to the two others: a grey-and-gold and a blue-and-gold “—are Netty Play, and Big B. Stat. We are here to guide your ship into the dock at Flare Tower. Netty will stay with your helmsperson, and Big with your sail-riggers. I will be in the sky.”
“Aye, sir Hawk. Lead the way.”
Upon docking, Gem noticed that she was not the first ruler to arrive at Flare Tower. In fact, she was the third.
“Sovereign Cub? I should’ve expected you to get here first.”
The half-vex blushed, or at least seemed to. At any rate, his cheeks turned lightly translucent. “You know me too well, Queen Gem. But I didn’t actually get here first. Two people beat me.”
“Despite you living literally next door to the Sitter? Who could’ve gotten here faster?”
Cub shrugged, and gestured to a small alcove where two figures were speaking with each other behind a curtain of vines. “They did.”
As Gem approached, she exclaimed in surprise as the first exited the alcove. “Commander X? I had no clue that you were coming, or that the Sitter even knew you existed!”
That dragon-skull helmet laughed a bit, a light and gentle sound. “Oh, hello Queen Gem! For the record, I didn’t know you were coming either. And I was quite surprised to receive an invitation myself!”
“Hey, hey, don’t forget that I’m here too.” The other person ducked out from behind the greenery, and Gem gasped in recognition.
The canid visibly grinned beneath his mask. “Yup. The one and only. Oh, and before you ask, I just happened to be in Dragon’s Spine when X got the invite, and when the commander asked me if I’d like to tag along, I agreed. After all, there’s no quicker way to get from the north to the south than—“
X rounded on Etho. “That’s still a secret! Don’t go spilling what few I have left!”
He threw up his hands. “Alright, alright! I just thought that was common knowledge, y’know?”
As the two kept on bantering, Gem returned to Cub’s side. “Why do you think the commander’s here? And why did he bring the wanderer?”
“When has X’s intentions ever been clear? The fellow’s a literal black box. And Etho’s no better. Last time he was down in Spires, he got into a rather heated argument with Zedaph, who also happened to be here.”
“Ooh, bad luck.”
“That’s an understatement. I had to rebuild three whole hallways after that… situation.”
Just then, a set of very fast and very excited footsteps ran into the foyer where the three rulers and one Etho were, followed by a much lighter and rather bouncy set.
“WOW! Look at all this concrete! Did you cast it all at once! And these plants! They’re a bit yellow, but getting them to grow at all is amazing! Oh, hello, Sovereign Voidstars, Queen Gemini— AH! Commander X! A-And Etho! Fancy seeing you here!”
X started chuckling again. “Hello, King Tango Tek. And you must be Martyn Junglewood.”
The green parrot flushed something fierce. “Y-Yes, sir! Martyn Junglewood, diplomat!”
He stuck out a hand, and X’s gauntlet shook it. Judging from the look on his face, Martyn wasn’t expecting the strength in the commander’s grip.
“It is nice to meet you, Martyn. Tango has written rather frequently about you, and the things you have taught him about the Lands of the Sunrise.”
At this, Tango flushed, blue color rushing to his cheeks. “X! Those letters were written in confidence!”
As the blue-tinted King of the Basalt Throne joined in the joking verbal warfare, Gem realized that Pan was no longer next to her. Come to think of it, Martyn wasn’t anywhere in sight, either…
“Thanks for getting me away from them…” Pan stuttered, paws tapping nervously on the moss carpet.
“No problem, mate. I know firsthand how overwhelming Tango can be, and judging from what little I’ve seen of her, your queen seems to be much the same way.”
“Indeed. Queen Gemini can be very… familiar, I suppose.”
As they walked down the corridor, Martyn eyed the map-lord’s antlers. “So, uh, I don’t want to be rude or anything, but are you a jackalope?”
“Hm? Oh, yes, well, no, uh, it’s complicated. Mom’s a chicken-folk, dad’s a proper jackalope, so that technically means that I’m a wolpertinger. But my wings are stunted, and I don’t like having them out, so most people think I’m a jackalope.”
“Huh, I see.”
Suddenly, a group of parrots wheeled in from one of the glassless windows that lined the hallway, laughing and smiling. They tumbled to a stop upon catching sight of Martyn first, and immediately rushed over to hug Martyn.
“Oh! Hi, Netty! I, uh, wasn’t expecting to run into you here!”
The parrot in question detangled herself and smiled. “I wasn’t expecting to find you here either, dear! Who’s you friend?”
Pan blushed. “I-I’m Pan, ma’am, Pan Climbing-Moss. I’m here with Queen Gemini’s delegation, f-for the Eversun celebrations. Nice to meet you, uh—“
“Netty! Netty Play,” she responded with a smile, “and I’m so glad you’ve already met Martyn! He can be a bit shy, you see—“
“Honey! I am not shy.”
“Are too. Anyone who isn’t an avian makes you all flustered. And speaking of not avians, how do you get along with that King Tek? He seems to be a really nice person.”
Pan turned away as the couple continued to happily argue over Martyn’s sociability, and was promptly drawn into conversation with the other parrots who had flown in with Netty.
“Oh, hello, are you a jackalope? Or a calygreyhound? Or a chimera? Name’s System, by the way. System Zee, with two e’s.” was the greeting of a wide-eyed, goggle-wearing grey-and-gold.
“I don’t think I’ve ever met a rabbit-folk until now! I’m Tomo Hawk, and it’s nice to meet you, Pan!” said a red-and-yellow-and-blue with a shaved head and two trailing streamer feathers.
“Guys, don’t overwhelm him! Pleased to make your acquaintance, Pan. Big B. Stat.” interjected a curly haired blue-and-gold, as he (unsuccessfully) tried to stop the other two from shoving their faces in Pan’s.
In rapid succession, the map-lord had shaken three offered hands and accepted three offered hugs that involved wings. It seemed to him that parrot-folk were very touchy-feely in general.
All of a sudden, Netty jumped up with a flap of her wings, startling Martyn into stumbling back. She pressed a hand onto her ear while speaking. “Go ahead! Oh, okay! Guys, we’ve got the next ship to guide in! It seems li— wait, Joeyish, calm down! I can’t hear you and Salem at the same time! Calm down! Correction, we’ve got several ships to guide in! Two outriggers and three… uh, galleons? The big ones with really big sail— no, correction again, kinda small ones with relatively big sails.”
Pan managed to extricate himself from the other three parrots and half-hopped his way to Netty’s side. “Uh, if you don’t mind, but what colors are they flying? I-If you can find that out, of course.”
“Oh, no problem! You get that, Joeyish? Uh huh… yep, okay, thanks! He says that the outriggers are flying a green-and-lighter-green-and-yellow flag with a geometric maze-like pattern. And the small galleons are flying a grey-and-green-and-black-and-slightly-teal flag with four stripes of the green. Sound familiar?”
“Yes, yes. The outriggers must be from the Labyrinth, and the pattern confirms it. The small galleons, on the other hand, have to be from the Tangle.”
Netty was hopping up and down with anticipation at this point, leaning in to hug Pan quickly before jumping towards the window. “Thanks, Pan Climbing-Moss! I hope to see you later!”
She dove out into the afternoon sky, and was swiftly followed by the rest of the birds, each of whom waved before leaving. Once they were gone, Martyn sighed.
“Sorry if they overwhelmed you. Even back in the Emerald Lands, the Evo crew was know for being a bit… foreword.”
Pan flicked his ears in surprise, eliciting a jangle from his earrings. “Oh! They are foreword, certainly, but they’re also very nice. What’d you call them? The Evo crew?”
“Uh… yeah. It was an old acronym we made up as kids. Stood for ‘Emerald Vivid Ocean’, which we tried to make into a slang term for the tree canopy. It, uh, never caught on.”
Netty glided through the air, happily riding the thermals as she followed Joeyish and Salem’s directions to the incoming ships. The connection was getting spotty the further she strayed from Flare Tower’s Shrieker, but hey, that’s just the price of wireless communication. She quickly spotted the outriggers, and motioned for System to follow her. They broke off from Tomo and Big, who kept on soaring straight for the galleons.
The crow’s nest keeper quickly spotted the two parrots with a shout, and an official-looking fellow with an absolutely massive sword on his back stepped out of the shelter on deck. Even from in the sky, System could see him smile. It was an expression that completely suited the ocelot’s kind face.
“Hail, Luck of our Lady! Permission to land?”
The smiling ocelot waved them down. “Permission granted, parrot-folk!”
Netty and System twisted around the mast and came to a stop in front of the ocelot. Upon closer examination, he was quite clearly the Emperor of the Labyrinth. His robe was embroidered with a maze-like pattern, a looping thing that confused the eyes, done up all in green and gold and black. In contrast, his face was warm and simple, one that would seem wrong without smile lines and gentle crow’s feet.
“Hello, parrot-folk! I am Impulse Esvee, Emperor of the Emerald Throne! Be you representatives of the Sitter Grian Sunset?”
System responded. “Yes, we represent the Sitter of the Dusk Throne. I am called System Zee, and she is called Netty Play. We are here to guide your ships to dock at the Flare Tower. Netty shall guide your helmsperson, and I shall be in the sky.”
“Very well, System. I am glad for your help, for these waters are not familiar to me. Lead the way!”
A strangely colored red-and-black parrot had her eyes screwed shut, desperately feeling out through the Sensors to guide System away from any whirlpools or rogue waves. One toe on one clawed foot was locked in a rhythm that was unconscious to her now, as steady as any pendulum’s swing. After fifteen stressful minutes of audio-visual navigation, she sighed in relief as the Luck of our Lady slid into port.
“I really don’t know why you even bothered to learn the Sensors, Salem.”
Salem Lady shot her co-worker and friend a sharp look. “Joeyish, I don’t know why you haven’t learned the Sensors yet. You know the Shrieker, and it honestly isn’t that different.”
Joeyish Taurtis threw up his hands and odd blue-and-red wings in a plain expression of exasperation. “How many times do I have to tell you?! The Sensors mess with your brain, mate! They screw up all your neural pathways! I swear you’ve changed since you started operating large boards, Salem.”
“I started operating large boards at fifteen, Joeyish. Name one person who didn’t change after age fifteen.”
“Easy. Oli of the Crown of Grasses.”
“Wha— actually, no, that’s vaild. Honestly, he’s only gotten more like he was at fifteen, if memory serves.”
A voice suddenly crackled over the Shrieker system, distorted slightly by the distance and the medium. “Big to shrieker mainframe, acknowledge!”
Joeyish leaned over to his amethyst receiver. “Joeyish here, go ahead.”
“Aye! Both Luck of our Lady and Undertow are docked with their respective escorts! Got any more ships for us?”
Salem grasped her crystal and closed her eyes. “Salem here. Don’t think so… wait! I’ve got a real fast clipper racing up from the coast near Climbing Spires! I-I think it’s a brigantine? It’s got magic shoving it onwards, that’s for sure. Seems warm and kinda fiery… animal, I reckon. Tomo, you’re closest. Can you get eyes on it? The magic’s messing up my visual.”
A different voice came through the system in response. “Tomo here, on it! Seems like they’re flying a mostly orange and brown flag with a yellow center and some green elements in the background. That good?”
“Salem, aye. I think that’s Great Acacia, y’know, the nation of farmer monks and artisan nuns? The Sovereign Voidstars sent them a message, right?”
“Big here, and yes, Voidstars sent a invite. Acacia is also allied with the Labyrinth, so it’s safe to say that the Emperor would have told them about his invite.”
“Salem, gotcha. We can assume this ship is heading for Flare Tower, then. Tomo, Big, could you go escort them in? Joeyish’ll have to help you, since the Sensor is all jammed up.” The other parrot gave her a side eye before turning back to his console.
As Big and Tomo soared towards the speeding clipper, both immediately began to feel the magic that surrounded it. Salem was right; it was animal magic, warm and blazing and alive. And it was strong, far stronger than anything they’d seen outside of duels. Like a tame inferno, it pushed at the sails and tugged at the bow of the brigantine vessel. Tomo was unsure as to how they were supposed to land on the racing ship, but when he asked Big, the blue-and-gold just shrugged.
“Magic, right? Dive-bomb it comet style after we get permission. The real problem is getting permission.”
“I think I’ve got an idea for that.”
Brother Reginald flinched away from the sudden bright light that flashed from behind the sails of the Budding Leaves. It felt like animal magic, but he didn’t recognize the exact feeling it gave off; the light was somehow cooler than his own magic, and somehow felt humid. One look at at Brother Michael told the horse-folk that his elder agreed.
Suddenly, Sister Harmony pointed at the source of the light. “Brothers, there are parrots above us!”
Both monks’ heads snapped back to the light, which had lessened somewhat. Sure enough, two parrots, a blue-and-gold and a red-and-yellow-and-blue, were flying alongside the ship. The latter was the source of the light, as they grasped some sort of brightly colored conduit in their hand.
The blue-and-gold cupped their hands around their mouth and shouted. “Hail, Budding Leaves! We be the representatives of the Sitter Grian Sunset! Permission to land?”
The three hoof-folk shared a look, and came to a conclusion.
“Permission granted!”
Pearl jumped at the sudden thump of something on the deck above, snatching up her scythe reflexively. She forced herself to calm down before ascending topside. There she found a pair of unknown, armed, rather nervous looking parrots explaining something to Brother Michael.
“See, we could have just dive-bombed through your aura, but that would’ve stripped some of our own. So to preserve some of our energy, since it’s a decent flight back and we don’t have any rockets yet, we had to comet-bomb to get in here mostly unscathed. It’s a very strong aura though, so a little bit got shaved off the top anyw—“
With a start, the blue-and-gold noticed Pearl’s approach and nudged the other parrot, who immediately clammed up. Both hastily bowed to Brother Michael and turned with a smart salute to Pearl.
“Hail, High Priestess of Great Blackwood Pearl Moon! I am Big B. Stat, and this is Tomo Hawk! We be representatives of the Sitter of the Dusk Throne. We are to guide you into port at the Flare Tower. If it pleases you, I shall fly ahead while Tomo stays with your helmsperson.”
Pearl considered denying their help for a moment, not wanting to get into Grian’s debt anymore than she already had. But she reasoned that it would be best to stay civil until she could confront the bird herself.
“Aye. Lead the way, Stat.”
At this point, everyone aboard the Soaring Dream was thoroughly lost. The waters of the Sunset Coast were full of towers, each of which looked extremely similar to the others in Scar’s eyes. Mumbo was no help; he was thoroughly seasick and viciously uncomfortable near so much salt water. And the helmswoman had barely any experience dodging whirlpools.
As the light frigate hopelessly swirled about in the afternoon sunlight, Mumbo, who had stuck his head out of one of the portholes, suddenly gave a shout. “Duke Scar?! Duke Scar?! D-Do you see that?”
The half-elf leaned over the railing to stare at his engineer. “What is it, Mumbo? Do I see what?”
“Birds! Er, bird-people! Over there! They’re flying at us!”
“Oh! They are! I hope they know how to get to Fang Tower.”
“Flare Tower, sir duke. Flare Tower.”
“Tomo here. Salem, who’s that?”
The black-and-red gave a small yawn before answering. Hey, it had been a long day. “Salem, eye. Who’s who?”
“The little frigate over here! Real bright flag, blue on two different colors of green on orange with a tiny bit of yellow.”
“Uh… that’s Technicolor City. Grian sent their duke an invite, right?”
“Seems like it. But if the duke’s on this Soaring Dream, he’s in the wrong place. They’re all the way over by Ruby Skytouch.”
“Jeez, do they not have a navigator? Guide them over here, would you?”
“Tomo, on it.”
“Hail, Soaring Dream! Permission to land?”
“Oh, hello there! Yes, yes, permission to land!”
Tomo and Netty descended slowly to the frigate’s deck, the ship having drifted to a stop a while ago. What little crew Scar had brought were all waiting for the two parrots, looking rather windswept and hungry. Mumbo stumbled out of the captain’s cabin behind the duke, vines hanging limp and leaves wilting with seasickness.
“Hail, Duke of Colors! We be the representatives of Sitter Grian Sunset. I am Netty Play, and he is Tomo Hawk. We are to guide you to the Flare Tower. I shall stay with your helmsperson, and Tomo will fly ahead, if that pleases you.”
“Oh, yes, thank you! Thank you! I, uh, if you can’t tell, we’re hopelessly lost. Again, thank you!”
Grian cautiously felt through the Sensor system to take count of who had come. Gemini was standing off to one side with the wolf-fox fellow, Etho, was it? The strange Commander X with his dragon helmet was speaking with Cub, while the latest arrival, the Emperor Impulse, was talking with King Tango and Martyn.
With a sigh, Grian straightened from his personal console and sighed. He slicked his wing feathers before walking off the balcony and into the central atrium. He descended slowly, and everyone who was in the room caught sight of the sitter before he landed with a small flourish.
“Hello, honored guests, and welcome to the Sunset Coast! I apologize for my small absence; there was an issue with the security system that demanded my attention. I do hope you enjoy the food and entertainment this afternoon.”
With a (hopefully) dazzling smile, Grian was only barely able to snatch up a glass of glowberry juice before getting accosted by the very enthusiastic pair of Queen Gemini and King Tango.
The deer-like fae managed to get in a greeting first. “It is great to finally meet you, Sitter Sunset! I am Queen Gemini Taylor of the Crown of Needles; but you already know that! Your buildings are really incredible, with so much concrete and glass! Do you produce the materials here?”
Tango quickly interjected as soon as the queen had finished. “King Tango Tek of the Neverglades, sitter. Thank you so much for sending Martyn Junglewood over! He has been teaching me so much about you parrot-folk! And I concur with Queen Gem on the topic of construction materials. Do you produce the concrete yourself?”
Grian shook both their hands, his smile turning slightly sheepish. “It is truly great to meet you both, Queen Gemini, King Tango. And yes, we do produce concrete here. Lots of sand and gravel had to be dredged from the sea to build these towers, and Flare alone got us many tens of barges worth! If you’re ever in need of concrete, the Coast has you covered!”
As the three chattered away and bonded over their shared interest in complex building materials, Cub was still speaking with Commander X. The half-vex had correctly guessed that Grian was duly intimidated by the tall something in bone white armor, so he was trying to melt a little of the ice preemptively.
“Grian’s quite the character, if I do say so myself. He’s very fun when it comes to things he is interested in, like designing buildings, but he has no proper understanding of redstone whatsoever. There’s… something I would really like to hear your opinion on, but I don’t know if Grian is willing to share it yet. He’s kinda like you in that way.”
Despite the lack of outward facial expressions, it was obvious that X was smiling. “Oh, really? Well, there isn’t a lot that I haven’t seen at this point. Regardless, I do think I’ll like this parrot!”
In another shallow corner of the hexagonal room, Impulse was talking with Martyn and Pan on the topic of the Emeraldians‘ culture being so similar to that of the Labyrinth. Though the green parrot had been slightly standoffish (mostly due to Tango being an unreliable narrator), the Emperor’s extremely kind demeanor quickly won him and Pan both over.
“See? Our scrollwork is usually much more intricate, but the forms themselves are quite similar. Even your ships are similar to ours, just with equally sized canoes lashed together rather than a small outrigger and a larger vessel.”
“I see! It really is odd how similar they seem.”
“It makes one think of… oh, nevermind.”
“What, Pan? Don’t worry, nothing really surprises me anymore. Mini’s made sure of that.”
“Oh, well, it’s nearly a conspiracy theory, but, well, what if either the people of the Labyrinth or the people of the Emerald Lands came from the other? Perhaps there was some falling-out between the parrots and the ocelots, and one set out to live somewhere else?"
"Huh… sounds oddly plausible."
Suddenly, Grian jerked straight upright in seeming surprise. He pressed one finger to where his ear was hidden by his hair, and began frantically whispering into his wrist.
"What? What do you mean she's here already? Are you completely sure? Oh goodness…"
With a sigh, he rubbed his eyes before addressing the other people in the room. "I apologize for the interruption, folks. Two more rulers have just arrived, and though I have no objections to the presence of the Duke of Colors, the presence of the High Priestess of Great Blackwood will cause some issues. I have no wish to drag you into my personal battles, so if you would like to leave, you may do so now. And a warning to those who stay: this will get violent."
Tango looked on in confusion as the jovial and joking man he had been speaking to began checking his weaponry. "Uh, Sitter? I-If I may ask, what exactly is wrong with the High Priestess Pearl being here?"
The red-and-yellow-and-blue slid a potion back into its holster before turning to Tango, a somewhat sad expression on his face. "It's a long and rather boring story, but the short of it is… Pearl hates me because she owes me a debt that I extracted from her somewhat unfairly. And she's here to rectify that issue in some way, probably with a duel."
Gem suddenly popped into the conversation with a look of astonishment. "A duel?! Like, to the death?"
"Not to the death, but to humiliation. To surrender. If I surrender, she has no more debt to me. If she surrenders, she had more debt to me."
At that moment, Mini Muka burst into the atrium, followed by a rather confused looking Joeyish and Salem, each of whom had bundles of something in their arms. “Grian! I got what you wanted, and then some!”
The sitter smiled his wide smile, tinged with a little bit of viciousness. “I can always rely on you, Mafia. Thanks, and please get out of here.”
The grey-and-gold grinned back as he handed over the bundle. ”Of course, Empire. Just don’t hurt the mainframe.”
“Ha! I’ll try not to.”
“Mother Pearl! Are you sure about this?”
The high priestess looked back at Sister Harmony and Brother Michael, as Brother Reginald had decided to stay with the ship. “I am sure, younger sister. Great Blackwood and Great Blueskin are with me. I’ll either walk out of here myself, or you’re going to have to drag me out.”
“Uh, I’m sorry, Duke Scar, but, uh, I can’t let you off the ship.”
“Why not, Tomo? I don’t see anything on fire, or actively exploding, so it must be safe!”
“You’re staying too, Etho?”
“Yup. Don’t have anything else going on, and besides, I always love a good scuffle.”
Ren was crouched in the storage hull of the Undertow, desperately straining to hear what was happening outside. Everyone had known that he was on board, but didn’t want to ruin his mood.
Grian had barely finished hiding his new gear when Pearl marched into the room. Despite the moss carpet, her hooves clacked alongside her scythe. Her bright wool dress was hiked up to the knees, revealing strong leather armor on her legs. Matching guards covered her arms, neck, and chest, and for once, she wasn’t wearing her cowl. The colors of her clothes were made even more vibrant by the blazing magic aura that surrounded her.
“Sitter on the Dusk Throne, Grian Sunset,” she said, her face a mask, “or should I say, Grian Virida. I see you.”
Pearl barely recognized the bird who stood in front of her as the tiny noble boy she’d fought twelve years ago. He was taller now, but still lean and small, with even larger wings and longer legs. He’d tied back the long sleeves of his bright red robes with broad yellow ribbons, exposing flexible wood arm guards that had to have knives or needles or something else nasty hidden in them. His long belt was laden with even more weapons than before; knives, potions, darts, sticks of explosive and a flint-and-steel to light them.
She saw the parrot’s mouth contort into a mocking smile as he heard his real name. “Oh, that takes me back! Pearl Moon, Child of Great Blackwood. I see you.”
The priestess twirled her scythe into a fighting pose. “I challenge you to an honor-duel, to settle my debt to you, acquired twelve years previous.”
The sitter mirrored her, sinking into a crouch with wings splayed and cutlass drawn without a sound. “And I accept your challenge. No holding back.”
“No holding back.”
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astrologerintexas · 2 months
The Stars Align: Discovering the Best Astrologers Near Texas
astrologer near TEXAS
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Astrology has fascinated humanity for centuries, offering insights into our personalities, life paths, and potential futures by studying the movements and positions of celestial bodies. In Texas, a state known for its rich cultural tapestry and diverse population, astrology has found a receptive audience. Whether you're a skeptic or a true believer, the practice of astrology can provide a unique perspective on your life's journey. This article will explore some of the best astrologers near Texas, delving into their backgrounds, services, and what makes them stand out.
The Resurgence of Astrology
Astrology has seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years, especially among younger generations. This ancient practice, once relegated to the back pages of newspapers, is now mainstream. Social media platforms are filled with astrologers offering daily, weekly, and monthly horoscopes, and many people are turning to astrology for guidance in love, career, and personal growth.
The appeal of astrology lies in its ability to provide personalized insights. Unlike generic advice columns, astrology readings are tailored to an individual's unique birth chart, which is a map of the sky at the moment of their birth. This personalized approach can make astrology feel more relevant and accurate.
What to Look for in an Astrologer
When seeking out an astrologer, it's essential to consider a few key factors:
Experience and Credentials: Look for astrologers with a solid background and training in astrology. Some may have formal education, while others might have learned through apprenticeships or self-study.
Specializations: Astrology is a broad field with various branches, including natal astrology (focusing on individual birth charts), horary astrology (answering specific questions), and mundane astrology (predicting world events). Choose an astrologer who specializes in the area that interests you.
Client Testimonials: Reviews and testimonials from previous clients can provide valuable insights into an astrologer's accuracy and approach.
Personal Connection: Astrology is a deeply personal practice. Finding an astrologer you feel comfortable with and trust is crucial for a meaningful experience.
Top Astrologers Near Texas
1. Astrologer Aditi Sharma
Location: Houston, TX Specialization: Vedic Astrology, Compatibility Readings
Aditi Sharma is a renowned Vedic astrologer based in Houston. With over 15 years of experience, she has helped countless clients navigate life's challenges using the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology. Aditi specializes in compatibility readings, offering insights into romantic and business relationships. Her clients praise her for her empathetic approach and profound knowledge.
Services Offered:
Natal Chart Readings
Compatibility Analysis
Career Guidance
Spiritual Counseling
Client Testimonial: "Aditi's reading was incredibly insightful. She not only explained my chart but also provided practical advice that helped me make crucial decisions in my life." - Sarah P.
2. David Palmer (The Leo King)
Location: Dallas, TX Specialization: Western Astrology, Predictive Astrology
David Palmer, known as The Leo King, is a prominent figure in the astrology community. Based in Dallas, David combines traditional Western astrology with modern psychological insights. His dynamic personality and engaging delivery have made him a favorite among astrology enthusiasts. David specializes in predictive astrology, helping clients understand upcoming trends and cycles in their lives.
Services Offered:
Personal Horoscope Readings
Yearly Forecasts
Relationship Astrology
Astrology Workshops
Client Testimonial: "David's readings are spot on! He has a unique way of explaining complex astrological concepts in a way that's easy to understand." - Michael R.
3. Maria DeSimone
Location: Austin, TX Specialization: Psychological Astrology, Family Dynamics
Maria DeSimone is a respected astrologer based in Austin. With a background in psychology, Maria integrates psychological principles with astrological insights to offer a holistic approach to her readings. She focuses on family dynamics and personal development, helping clients understand their relationships and emotional patterns.
Services Offered:
Psychological Astrology
Family and Relationship Readings
Personal Growth Sessions
Astrology Courses
Client Testimonial: "Maria's reading was life-changing. She helped me understand my family's dynamics and provided guidance on how to improve my relationships." - Emily G.
How Astrology Can Enhance Your Life
Astrology can offer numerous benefits, from providing clarity on personal issues to offering guidance on future decisions. Here are some ways astrology can enhance your life:
Self-Awareness: Understanding your birth chart can provide deep insights into your personality, strengths, and weaknesses. This self-awareness can help you make better decisions and lead a more fulfilling life.
Relationship Insights: Compatibility readings can help you understand the dynamics of your relationships, whether romantic, familial, or professional. This knowledge can improve communication and strengthen bonds.
Career Guidance: Astrology can offer guidance on career choices and potential opportunities. By understanding your natural talents and inclinations, you can make informed decisions about your professional path.
Timing: Predictive astrology can help you understand the timing of significant life events. This knowledge can assist in planning important activities, such as starting a business, moving, or getting married.
The Future of Astrology in Texas
As astrology continues to grow in popularity, more people in Texas are turning to this ancient practice for guidance and insight. The state's diverse and open-minded population provides a fertile ground for astrology to thrive. With the rise of online consultations, accessing the services of top astrologers has never been easier, allowing Texans to benefit from the wisdom of astrology regardless of their location.
Astrology offers a unique lens through which to view our lives and the world around us. Whether you're seeking personal insights, relationship guidance, or career advice, the astrologers near Texas are equipped to provide the clarity and direction you need. By choosing an astrologer who resonates with you and your needs, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. The stars may not dictate our fate, but they can certainly illuminate the path ahead
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mattanaministry · 5 months
Mattana Ministry
Welcomes You To:
Weekly Bible Study: 7 May 2024
Theme: By Faith (5)
Scripture: Dan.1:1-7; Dan.2; Dan.3; Dan.3:5-6 & Dan.3:17-18
By Faith or By Fear
Today, we’re going to the book of Daniel to learn about three, brave young men. Daniel tells us that Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, came to Jerusalem and surrounded it. Jehoiakim, the current king of Judah, was delivered into Nebuchadnezzar’s hands, and the Temple possessions were captured. In addition to the people who were taken into captivity, this ruthless king wanted the most handsome and intelligent young men for his service. Among those chosen were Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
Daniel interpreted a dream that Nebuchadnezzar had about a gold statue. He was amazed at Daniel’s ability, and even fell down and worshiped Daniel’s God. Then, he appointed Daniel as the ruler over the province of Babylon and at Daniel’s urging, placed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in leadership positions as well.
Nebuchadnezzar’s newfound adoration for God didn’t last long as Daniel 3 shows him having a 100-foot gold statue built. The king had specific instructions for everyone when they heard music. They were to fall down and worship the image of gold. If people refused, they’d be thrown into a blazing furnace (Daniel 3:5-6).
Some astrologers told the king that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego chose not to obey his order, and it infuriated him. When he questioned them, they told him they didn’t have to answer to him. If that wasn’t enough to send Nebuchadnezzar over the emotional ledge, here’s what they said next:
If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and He will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if He does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up. Daniel 3:17-18 NIV
They knew saying this would land them in a furnace so hot that it would kill them instantly. But, not a single article of clothing or hair on their heads was burned. God protected them, and Nebuchadnezzar was astounded by their God.
The faith of these three young men is mind-boggling, isn’t it? They were Jews who worshiped God in the middle of captivity and knew what the punishment would be for their disobedience. Yet, they didn’t alter their allegiance, compromise their convictions, or let fear overtake them. They knew their God could and would save them, but decided ahead of time that even if He didn’t, they would never bow down to counterfeit statues of gold. They could have allowed fear to consume them, but instead chose their faith.
Most of us will probably never face this kind of persecution for our faith. However, we still allow fear to overwhelm us at times. So, how do we know if we’re living in fear or walking in faith? If we “what if” ourselves to death, we’re being consumed with fear. But, if we add “even if” to our vocabulary, we’re walking in faith. Whatever we’re facing, know that our God is bigger than any circumstance in our lives.
Please feel free to leave a review of this message.
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Excerpt from the weekly pre-Shabbat email from my local-ish synagogue with exact location details and names redacted:
Standing outside, the temperature will drop, and all natural light will fade. Nocturnal animals may even start to rouse themselves, fooled by the total darkness. You might remember a similar celestial occurrence, the "Great American Eclipse" of 2017. [...] If 2017 was a warmup, 2024's eclipse will be the real deal. And, according to NASA, the next total solar eclipse that will cross the US is expected in August 2044.
I've been excited to experience this eclipse since first hearing about it. [...] Plus, this eclipse occurs hours before Rosh Chodesh Nisan - the month that ushers one of four Jewish new years and is marked by the spiritual energy of freedom (representing the escape from Egypt and the birth of the Israelite nation.) As you might have guessed, I've had the date marked on my calendar for a while now, and most of the [synagogue] staff is tired of hearing me talk about it.
With that said, I was surprised to read that Jewish tradition views solar eclipses as bad omens. I expected there to be a bracha to recite upon seeing the eclipse, but with some research, I actually found quite the opposite. There's even a midrash that states that we should pray for the bad omen (the eclipse) to come to an end.
This burst my bubble. Plus, Jewish tradition certainly doesn't stand alone in interpreting an eclipse as a bad omen. Countless cultures and ample folklore link solar eclipses to impending doom. 
For me, this is a good time to instill a "when you know better, you do better" approach. Thanks to astrological and mathematical advances, we have a much better understanding of our planet and solar system than our ancestors did. Not only do we know the eclipse will end, we know it’s coming. So, while there isn't a long-established celebration of the solar eclipse in Jewish culture, it still feels important to me to sanctify this experience of God's creation.
I hope we can bring our modern wisdom into play to welcome this solar eclipse, rather than to fear it. I want us to revel in this wholesome, harmless natural phenomenon, and to celebrate this exceedingly rare opportunity to collectively appreciate God's creation, whether it inspires awe, doom, joy, or all of the above. And you'll be glad to know that – while there might not be a halachically endorsed bracha — Rabbi S says that reciting the following blessing would be appropriate:
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה’ אֳלֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם עוֹשֶׂה מַעֲשֵׂה בְרֵאשִׁית Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, oseh ma'aseh v'reishit. Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, Author of Creation.
[This has been scheduled to post on Sunday, 7 April 2024, or the day before the total solar eclipse.]
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Weekly forecasts for the next 3 months:
Marseille Tarot
Social life: Page of coins + The Emperor (IV) + King of rods
Economics & Development: 5 of coins + The Chariot (VII) + The Devil (XV)
I Ching's advice
Ta Ch'u Taming Power of the Great (26) & Chien The Creative (1)
Main astral vibes:
transits in Capricorn
tensions from Aquarius
Saturn in Pisces
Subscription options: on Substack or in Tres Mancias (both free).
For private readings, send a request here.
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taocrafttarot · 9 months
Learning Tarot is a process, and part of that process is repetition.
Last time we looked at Lenormand cards, we started to explore two card combinations, which seem to be a big part of the Lenormand style of Tarot reading. Often when particular combinations of cards are seen, the meanings for the cards change a bit, not unlike a reversal in RWS style cards and readings.
The best way to understand that connection seems to be two card sets. It makes sense to understand the foundation, the building blocks of a larger layout before using a larger layout. In RWS style, that foundational building block is the single card reading, which plugs into the individual positions of any layout which is then woven together in a meta-analytical, intuition driven way. 
I'm still learning Lenormand along with you, but it seems to me that building block isn't single cards, but the underlying connections between 2 or 3 cards, like a flat mat with dots (single card meanings) stuck on top.To put it in arts and crafts terms, RWS is knitting while Lenormand is paper-making with speckles on top.Today we have snake and fish. So starting with that foundational fabric, what is the common energy matrix behind the Flow and suppleness are common traits between the two. The fish are associated with prosperity. The snake in the guidebook is associated with typical western cultural meanings like deceit and deviousness. 
Intuitively, however, I am reminded of Chinese astrology. People born in the year of the snake are said to be competent, wise, intuitive and passionate. When I put all of those aspects together the two-together message is to protect your resources through wisdom and know-how (akin to a four of pentacles combined with an ace of swords sort of vibe)I'm not sure if or how the playing card insets factor into it. Queen of clubs with the snake is akin to the queen of wands - which reinforces the idea of self-care, in the form of caring for physical resources. The king of diamonds is like the king of pentacles, reinforcing the notion that this is about common sense, physical realm money management more than some sort of grand spiritual lesson.
Sometimes, as Freud said, a cigar is just a cigar. 
Sometimes, as these cards seem to stay, you just have to mind the budget, even at the holidays. The energy here is all about practical, level headed things, unrelated to spirituality or emotion. Once we make the physical stable and safe, then we can turn our minds and hearts to the spiritual, emotional and intangible.Between now and New Year I don't intend to hold to any particular schedule other than doing email private readings as they come in.Usually I try to do the Learn With Me on Wednesdays and the Substack newsletter as a weekly digest on the weekend, with one card posts as often as I can manage on weekdays.I'm still of two minds about the "path through the week" thing on Mondays.What do you think? What kind of readings or posts would you like to see in the blog? For goodness' sake don't be shy. As long as it isn't spam,  by all means post your questions or suggestions in the comments. Contact info is in the right hand column (or bottom of the page on mobile) too.I'm planning to do a bunch of re-introductory and behind the scenes posts over the next few weeks sliding in and around day job, private readings and the holidays.If you want a private Tarot reading by email, you can order it HERE anytime, 24/7 no appointment needed. I'll get the typed reading with a photo of your real-world card layout to you usually within 24 hours.Thank you so much for reading! See you at the next sip!via Learn With Me: Lenormand, snake and fish)
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alokastrology1 · 1 year
Astrological Answer: Why does CSK play better than other IPL teams in every season?
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The Indian Premier League (IPL) is one of the most popular and competitive cricket tournaments in the world. Every year, eight teams battle it out for the coveted trophy and the glory of being the best in the country. However, among these eight teams, one stands out as the most consistent and successful: Chennai Super Kings (CSK).
Know more about IPL 2023: CSK Match. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
CSK has won the IPL title four times, and has reached the playoffs in every season they have participated except 2012. What is the secret behind their remarkable performance? How do they manage to overcome every challenge and emerge victorious?
Some might say it is their skill, experience, strategy, or teamwork. While these factors are undoubtedly important, there is another factor that might explain their dominance, that is astrology. Yes, you read that right. Astrology, the ancient study of the influence of celestial bodies on human affairs, might have something to do with CSK’s success. How? Let’s find out.
The power of yellow
CSK’s team color is yellow, which is also the color of the sun. The sun is the most powerful planet in astrology, and represents vitality, leadership, courage, and confidence. The sun also rules the sign of Leo, which is known for its charisma, creativity, and generosity. These qualities are clearly evident in CSK’s players and captain, who always play with passion, flair, and grace.
The sun also has a positive impact on CSK’s performance in different aspects of the game. For instance, the sun governs the fifth house in astrology, which is related to sports, entertainment, and children. This means that CSK players enjoy playing cricket and have a childlike enthusiasm for the game. They also entertain their fans with their spectacular skills and thrilling matches.
The sun also rules the ninth house in astrology, which is related to luck, fortune, and spirituality. This means that CSK players have a strong sense of faith and optimism, and believe that they can overcome any obstacle. They also attract good luck and favorable outcomes in their matches, especially in crucial moments.
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The magic of numbers
Another aspect of astrology that might explain CSK’s success is numerology, the study of the mystical significance of numbers. CSK’s team number is 7, which is also the number of MS Dhoni, their captain and icon. 7 is a lucky number in numerology, and represents wisdom, intuition, and perfection. 7 also resonates with the planet Neptune, which rules dreams, imagination, and inspiration.
CSK players are guided by their intuition and wisdom in their decisions and actions on the field. They also have a clear vision of their goals and dreams, and work hard to achieve them. They also inspire millions of fans with their dedication and excellence.
CSK players are creative and innovative in their approach to the game. They also grow and improve with every season and every match. They also have a harmonious relationship with each other and their fans. They also have an abundance of talent and resources to win more titles in the future.
The verdict
As we have seen, astrology might have a lot to do with CSK’s success in the IPL. Their team color and number all seem to align with their destiny and potential. Of course, astrology is not the only factor that determines their performance. They also have to work hard, train well, strategize smartly, and execute flawlessly. But astrology might give them an edge over their rivals, and a boost to their confidence and morale. 
So, the next time you watch a CSK match, pay attention to the subtle influences of the horoscope and planets on their game. You might be surprised by what you discover. And who knows, maybe you can use astrology to predict their future results!
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nimits12345 · 2 years
Live gambling is best possible with the best playing satta app. Regular, King, and Starline are the three main bazars in the online satta. Day and night matka games are further known as submarkets. With features like guessing forums, weekly astrology, live chat choices, wallet, dpboss, satta matka charts, 24/7 customer support services, etc., players can enjoy live matka gaming.
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layla1morningstar · 2 years
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Discover how to correctly use extra features like satta matka guessing, satta results, weekly astrology, satta charts, wallet, feedback, online payment system, live chat sessions, etc. Players that play live matka need to understand how to use these aspects properly because it increases the likelihood of winning.
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tarotbylauren · 7 years
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Weekly Reading for Leo 1/121/18
King of Pentacles
This is a time when you are going to have to stay grounded as you will be making some difficult decisions. Take care of yourself by doing what is best for you even if it seems like it will be a long shot.
Deck: Modern Spellcaster’s Tarot by Melanie Marquis and Scott Murphy, Copyright 2016 Llewellyn Publications
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