#asuka fanfic
uranusgallery · 1 year
「 Neon Genesis Evangelion 」
[ Metadinhas Shinji Ikari & Asuka Langley Soryu ]
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Se usar, favor, creditar @UranusMang
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kyleoreillylover · 1 year
Beat Them or Join Them
Jey Uso x Reader
Summary: Jey has been trying to get you, his best friend to join him in The Bloodline. Will tonight finally be the night you listen to him?
TW: Typical wrestling violence, reader going to the medics.
A/N: The Jey bug got me, he is just too damn fine for me not to write for! 😫 Hope you guys like this! 😙
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Jey watched as you got ready in the locker room, your SmackDown Women's Championship resting on a nearby table. You and Jey had been best friends for years, and he respected and admired your independence. But lately, he had been persistent in trying to convince you to join the Bloodline. He had this burning desire to protect you, and he knew he couldn't do it alone from the sidelines.
"Hey sweetheart.” he began, leaning against the doorframe. "You know how strong we are together. Roman, Jimmy, Solo, me... We could dominate this whole place."
You smirked, raising an eyebrow. "I like doing things my way, Jey. You know that."
Jey smiled, shaking his head. "Yeah, I do. But think about it. Together, we'd be unstoppable. The family backing you.”
You playfully rolled your eyes. "Being friends with Roman, Jimmy and Solo is enough ‘family’ for me."
Jey laughed, knowing you had your own reasons. "Alright, alright, I won't bug you about it too much. Just remember, it’s always an option. And I’ll have your back either way. ”
You smiled at him. He was too sweet. “I've got a title to defend tonight against Asuka. But-" Your smile widened when he grinned in anticipation. "-you can keep trying to sway me after I kick her ass. I promise.”
He nodded, still grinning widely. He moved past you and grabbed the title off of the table. You thought he would hand it to you, but he shook his head. "Nah, turn around." You rose a brow but complied. You felt his arms wrap around you as he leaned down to your height, feeling his cool hands on your skin while he fastened the championship around your waist.
You giggled when he playfully tugged at the strap of your title, swatting his hands away. He laughed with you, opening the door for you
“Now, you can kick some ass.”
The match was intense, and despite your determination, Asuka's offense was relentless. Neither of you let up. Just when you thought you had her right where you wanted her, Asuka's mist caught you off guard, blurring your vision. Despite the burning in your eyes, you managed to flip her over and roll her up for the win. The pain was intense though, and you were helped backstage by the medical team.
Jey rushed to the ring, concern etched on his face as he supported you. "You alright, sweetheart?"
You winced, leaning on him for support. "Damn, that mist stings like hell."
In the medical area, you cursed and fumed, furious at both the pain and Asuka. Jey held onto your arm, his touch grounding you amidst the chaos. "Easy, girl.”he said, his voice soothing. "You got the dub, and we'll deal with Asuka later."
Asuka's taunts still echoed in your mind, her words gnawing at your temper. "I'm gonna rip her apart, Jey. Nobody messes with me like this."
Jey's hand cupped your cheek, his touch calming you. "I get it, uce. But you're a champ. You still won. You're stronger than this."
Your anger slowly subsided as you took deep breaths, your focus shifting from the pain to Jey's presence. "Thanks, Jey. You always know how to calm me down."
He grinned, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "That's what I’m here for."
You hesitated, looking at him thoughtfully. "You really want me to join the Bloodline, don't you?"
Jey nodded, his expression serious. "We're a family, you are my family, babygirl. We look out for each other. Imagine what we could accomplish together."
You sighed, leaning your head against his shoulder. "I'll think about it, okay? But no promises."
He chuckled, wrapping an arm around you protectively. "That's all I ask."
The adrenaline faded, the meds kicked and you let your eyes close, letting yourself relax in the arms of the person you trusted the most.
Jey looked down at your sleeping form and he couldn’t help but smile at you. You looked precious, even while sleeping. And he knew then and there that he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if you got hurt.
He tightened his arms around you, bringing you closer to him, and promised himself that even if you didn’t join the Bloodline, whatever decision you decide to make, that he would protect you with his life either way, his family be damned.
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natashadewinter · 7 months
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the soft light of the moon and the harsh light of the sun
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amyfartsart · 9 months
✨Pagan Lovesong✨
Chapters 1-4 fanart.
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This is BY FAR one of my favorite completed Devilman fanfics out there! It has held me in a tight grip for almost two whole years now!
Read the tags to see if this story is for you.
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takerfoxx · 6 months
(After)Life: Why the Evangelion Pilots Should Be Left Alone
Hey, throwing this up here before I officially publish it in a couple days as both of a sort of preview and also for feedback. This is the first installment of that Evangelion story that I've been talking about, a sort of in-universe opinion piece to introduce the premise and themes and whatnot. But basically, here's the general idea: it takes place over the course of about a century and a half after End of Evangelion, where Third Impact turned everyone into orange juice (LCL, whatever) and made humanity into a hivemind. Shinji and Asuka emerge onto that beach in a post-apocalyptic landscape like in the movie, Rei herself later returns under very odd circumstances, and after many trials and tribulations they eventually form a throuple. However, as more and more people also emerge from Instrumentality and society begins to rebuild, they find themselves needing someone to blame, and the Eva pilots seem the perfect fit. And since Shinji, Asuka, and Rei are afflicted with a somewhat modified version of the Eva's curse from the Rebuild films (basically, can't age, can't die), they're stuck with it for a long time.
So, basically the idea is for it to be a series of short stories released out-of-order, each of them taking place at a random point of time and touching in with how the trio are doing at that particular moment and keeping track of how society is reacting to them, and vice-versa. So, this will be very different than the more serialized stuff I've done in the past, and a lot more manageable as a result. Any installments will come out whenever I feel like working on this. Anyway, here's the first installment. Let me know what you think.
Why the Evangelion Pilots Should Be Left Alone, by Alice Glocke
One-hundred and twelve years ago, the world died, and ever since then, we have been seeking someone to blame.
A world still reeling from the horrors of Second Impact. A world under constant invasion by extraterrestrial monsters beyond comprehension. A world fighting desperately against increasingly hopeless odds not just to recover, but to survive, to not go quietly into that good night, to plant its feet and declare into the face of God himself that it not only existed, but would continue to exist, and woe be to all that would seek its destruction.
In this, it failed, and the world died.
In many ways, the horrors of Third Impact are less of a scar and more of an open wound, one bleeding LCL into our waters. Yes, we continue to rebuild, and life continues to repopulate and flourish. But though the brief moment in which humanity ceased to exist was now over a century ago, we still have those among us who were forced to take part in Instrumentality, only regaining their thoughts, bodies, and sense of personal identity through sheer force of will, and who had to eke out any means of survival that they could on a dead planet.
In the years following Third Impact, as society finally began to reconstruct itself and climb out of the muck into something that was at least functional, humanity has had to grapple with how to respond to the collective trauma that every person on the planet now shared. There was a great deal of righteous anger and a cry for justice, but with the entire SEELE Council still out of reach within Instrumentality, those cries went unfulfilled. Yes, a small number of NERV employees were found and taken into custody, but those were found to have nothing to do with Third Impact, with only that organization’s highest-ranking members working in cohorts with SEELE. And those individuals also remained out of reach.
And then, everything changed. Fourteen years after Third Impact, we finally had someone to blame. The surviving Evangelion Pilots had been found.
In a way, finding them had been a relief. So much bottled-up anger, so much unresolved pain, and those responsible were beyond justice. Now, humanity had the perfect scapegoats. Essential key components of SEELE’s Instrumentality Project, masquerading as fearless defenders of Earth while working the whole time to destroy it. Shinji Ikari, known as the Third Child, and son of NERV’s infamous commander Gendo Ikari, the man perhaps the most responsible for enacting Third Impact. And Asuka Soryu Langley, Second Child, daughter of one of the Human Instrumentality Project’s designers. And while there had been many to decry pinning the blame on those two, that it was unfair to place the sins of the parents on their hapless children, all of those protests faded away when Shinji Ikari made his fateful confession. It had been he that had been given the choice whether or not to allow Third Impact to take place. And it had been he who had made the decision to end the world.
Everyone knows that image of two young teenagers being led from the UN Council by their lawyers and bodyguards, being pelted with garbage from an angry crowd. Whether they saw it in textbooks, had it sent to them by friends as a meme, or even were one of those that watched it live, this is perhaps the most infamous image of the New World. And for a time, most felt that the anger directed at those two was fully justified. Certainly, the UN Council seemed to agree, finding them both guilty of aiding and abetting in SEELE’s schemes to end the world, Shinji intentionally and Asuka unintentionally. The two were then incarcerated in a “secure facility,” and that was that.
Since then, the condition of the two pilots has mostly fallen out of the public’s consciousness. No appeals, no interviews, no word as to what they were up to or how they were doing. Every single “Where are they now?” op-ed has always ended up as a rewritten version of the same events, with each one ending with “Shinji and Asuka: still locked up,” with the only significant change being the number of years between the trial and the newest article’s publication.
Which isn’t to say that they’ve disappeared completely, but rather they seemed to have ceased to become actual public figures and become more of caricatures. They appear in comic strips and cartoons as grossly exaggerated versions of themselves, usually with the destruction of the world as the punchline. They’ve become symbols, memes, representations of the guilt laid upon their shoulders, little more than villains straight out of a children’s story.
Which isn’t to say there haven’t been voices of support over the years. Asuka especially seems to have garnered a small but vocal following, pointing out that she actually had nothing to do with the implementation of Third Impact, and so forcing her to share Shinji’s fate was perhaps unfair. The phrase “Asuka did nothing wrong” has come in and out of vogue, and in time it seems that she has become something of a symbol of the unjustly persecuted. Even Shinji himself, who for so long shouldered the majority of the blame for Third Impact, has seen a turnaround in how the public has treated him, pointing out that perhaps placing the full blame for what had happened upon a child soldier indoctrinated by an evil organization of adult men is a bit unfair.
However, none of these voices ever gained much traction. Once the trial was over, most of humanity’s attention was directed toward just trying to heal, and there was little room for the Evangelion Pilots.
But then, nine months ago, all of that changed.
The hacking of the UN security files and the subsequent leaks of not only their own data on the pilots, but also all of the files that they had managed to recover from NERV, has been nothing less than earth-shaking. Granted, little had been revealed about the Human Instrumentality Project and SEELE’s designs that the public didn’t already know, though the full extent of their machinations had been troubling. However, it was the data on the pilots that had been the most troubling, and revealed how little we truly understood about the Earth’s murderers.
For decades, Shinji Ikari had been painted as a willing participant in his father’s schemes, Gendo Ikari’s heir anointed and trusted lieutenant. But now we knew the truth. He was little more than a child forced into taking part in a war that he wanted no part in and suffered greatly for. We listened to the recordings of his screams of agony, his enraged curses and threats, and his pleas for help on behalf of himself and his fellow pilots. We read the psychological evaluations of his frequent depressive states, his attempts to run away, and the lack of support that he received. We learned of his own father’s cold treatment of him, and how Gendo Ikari would psychologically torture his son to get him back into the cockpit of his Evangelion.
And with all of this came the truth. Shinji and the other pilots were deliberately abused. Evangelions were at their most effective when bonded with a broken soul. The pilots were traumatized time and time again in order to increase their effectiveness in combat and denied help afterward. In light of this new information, we ourselves were forced to confront an uncomfortable truth. Shinji Ikari’s decision to cause Third Impact was less the act of megalomaniac enacting his father’s master scheme as it was that of a suffering child drowning in a sea of rage and torment, desperate to escape the Hell that his life had become.
Who among us as children has not wished that the world would end at one time or another? Shinji was simply unfortunate enough to have the means to do so thrust into his hands when at his lowest, and he had far more reason to do so than anyone ever could have imagined. And by all accounts, he regretted it immediately afterward.
There is no justifying what he did, no taking back the suffering that he caused. But at least now, people have come to understand why, and feel that he had been unfairly mischaracterized by history.
But that was far from the biggest bombshell to come out of that leak. Just as everyone was coming to terms with what we had learned about someone so long believed to be a monster, we discovered something that pushed almost all discussion of Shinji Ikari out of everyone’s minds.
Rei Ayanami had survived.
If there is anyone among the Evangelion Pilots subject to more discussion, demonization, and blame for what had happened, it is her. And why wouldn’t she be? An artificial human, created by a combination of human DNA and genetic material gathered from Lilith, the secretly imprisoned second Angel, literally created to serve as Lilith’s resurrection and the one to carry out the Third Impact.
Rei had fulfilled her purpose. She had bonded with Adam, the first Angel, and transformed into an abomination. Those who witnessed Third Impact spoke of a monster, an enormous pale-skinned woman embracing the Earth. And there was little reason to doubt this, as her gigantic corpse had been found just offshore of the ruins of Tokyo-3 and sits in the Human Instrumentality Research Center to this day, alongside the recovered remains of the Evangelions themselves, the corpses of the Angels, and the last remaining pool of LCL, containing the souls of those who decided to remain in Instrumentality. Surely, if anyone deserves to be painted as a monster, it is her. And it wasn’t as if she were around to protest how the history books characterized her, as she had perished immediately after destroying the world.
Except she hadn’t, at least not permanently. She had come back, and had been found alongside Shinji Ikari and Asuka Langley. The whole time when the UN had been making scapegoats of those poor children, the actual monster had been in their hands, and they said nothing.
However, calling even Rei a monster had proven to be more complicated than anyone could have expected.
The topic of Rei Ayanami’s rebirth is woven into the enigma of her existence. Much has been made of her reincarnation as Lilith, while next to nothing has ever been discussed about Rei Ayanami the person, Rei Ayanami the human. And why would there be? All accounts of her painted her as a cold, emotionless being, as befitting her alien origins. What more is there to discuss?
As it turns out, there is plenty.
We have long known of NERV’s barbaric and, dare I say, downright blasphemous experiments involving the human soul, how each of the Evangelions literally had the soul of a person close to its chosen pilot embedded into its neural network. For Shinji and Asuka, it was their mothers. But what of Rei? What of this artificial person, created from a test tube, born from a vat? What person could possibly fill that role?
As it turns out, it was herself.
Three years after her creation, Rei was accidentally killed by Dr. Akagi, one of the scientists working on the Human Instrumentality Project. Her soul was preserved, thanks to its artificial nature. However, with her death, NERV saw an opportunity. Only half of her soul was implanted within a fresh clone body, while the other served as the core of Unit 00, the first of the Evangelions.
With only half a human soul, Rei’s capacity to experience normal emotions and form human connections was severely stunted, resulting in the passive, almost robotic individual described by those who knew her. She was likewise groomed to be utterly obedient, valuing little for her own life while carrying out her orders with no hesitation. And yet, despite these handicaps, connections did form. Notes from her handlers speak of a growing friendship between herself and Shinji Ikari, one that had NERV’s command concerned. After all, should she somehow break free from their programming, it could threaten all of their carefully laid plans.
This was further complicated by her second death, when Eva 00 became infected by Armisael, the Sixteenth Angel, and was forced to self-destruct before the infection could spread. Again, Rei’s soul was retrieved, but with no Eva to implant half of it into, the entire thing was placed within her new body. And unwilling to risk having a Rei Ayanami suddenly experiencing the full range of human emotions with no prior experience controlling them in such a critical stage, NERV using psychiatric drugs, tranquilizers, and mental conditioning to keep her confined within her customary passive and pliable state, right up until the end.
The topic of Rei’s latest resurrection has also been heavily debated. Certainly, her own recounting of the event has been less than helpful. We know that NERV had a number of clone bodies in reserve should she die in battle, but they were all destroyed leading up to Third Impact. According to Rei herself, a new body was formed by a “her,” presumably Lilith. Another time she claimed to have created the new body herself. But regardless of the body’s origin, following Lilith’s death, her human soul somehow found its way back into the final clone body, where she was later found by Shinji and Asuka, and remained with them for the next fourteen.
Part of the reason that the outrage against the UN has found it difficult to be sustained is that there is a lack of agreement on what exactly to be outraged about, as so much was revealed that turned everything that we thought to be true on its head, causing more confusion than anger. But perhaps the most revealing aspect of the leaks were what has since been dubbed the Pilot Interviews, recordings of the interrogations of the Evangelion Pilots following their capture.
Shinji Ikari’s were certainly eye-opening. Throughout his questioning, he was revealed to be a man haunted by his actions, someone who spent years drowning in guilt and who had only just begun to break the surface. He spoke of his many failed suicide attempts, of begging both Rei and Asuka to put him out of his misery, and seemed completely resigned to whatever justice he was to be sentenced to, though at times a passive-aggressive streak would surface, especially whenever the topic of his infamous father came up. Still, if anything, it was these series of tapes that did the most to rehabilitate his image.
Asuka’s, on the other hand, were anything but passive. If anything, she was downright hostile. It was clear that she did not feel that her and her companion’s capture was in any way justified, and felt compelled to explain her disdain to her interrogators in full, and often very colorful, detail. Nor did she feel the slightest bit remorseful for any part that she had to play in NERV’s atrocities.
There has been some debate if her attitude was warranted, with her defenders pointing out that she was correct, that she hadn’t actually had anything to do directly with Third Impact, while others claim that given the circumstances, her behavior reeked of haughty entitlement.
However, all of that was completely overshadowed by the third set of interview sessions, that of Rei Ayanami.
If Shinji’s were regretful and Asuka’s volatile, then Rei’s were downright unhinged. A far cry from the serene, almost emotionless person that she was said to be, this Rei was fully out of control, at times exploding with anger, screaming curses and profanities and death threats so detailed that they seemed less threats as they were expressed intentions that she would have carried out were she able. Other times she would collapse into a blubbering mess, wailing and pleading for forgiveness. Other times she would enter into a catatonic state, seeming to retreat within herself and not respond to any stimuli whatsoever. And still others times she would sink into a full depressive state, unable to respond with anything more than a few whispered, one-word answers, while frequently asking for death.
Certainly, the tapes of Rei’s sessions were disturbing, and to this day no one seems to know what to make of them. Is she truly the monster that she’s made out to be? An innocent victim? Nothing on those tapes seemed to indicate either way.
However, Dr. Anno of London-2 University seems to have what I feel to be the most likely answer. Rei was someone who grew up as an incomplete person. With half of her soul locked away in a gigantic bio-mechanical abomination, she was kept from experiencing the full range of human emotions, and thus never learned how to control her feelings when those emotions were returned to her. She then spent the next fourteen years thrust into a harrowing survival situation, where her only two points of human contact weren’t exactly the finest examples of emotional stability either.
However, as different as the three pilots’ reactions to their interrogators were, there is one thing that united all three: a fervent, almost desperate concern for the well-being of the other two. Rei was the most overt, with her episodes of rage especially largely spent demanding to see Shinji and Asuka and making graphic threats should any harm befall them, but Shinji and Asuka also frequently pleaded to be reunited with each other and Rei. It is clear that whatever their relationship had been during their time actually piloting the Evangelions, the fourteen years that they had spent together had formed an extremely close bond.
What followed next, we all know. Shinji and Asuka’s capture was made public, with no mention of Rei. Those two were then put on trial before the UN Council and found guilty, with the last time that the world saw them was them being led through a jeering crowd toward the waiting transports. And from there, they were to be taken away, never to see the light of day again.
However, we now know that the trial was, at least in part, a façade. An act. Almost a stage play. A deal had been struck with Shinji Ikari and Asuka Langley: take the fall for the Third Impact, and you will be reunited with Rei. And then the three of you will be taken somewhere safe to live out your days in peace. The world needed a scapegoat, and it was to be them. Naturally, they agreed.
At this point, the tide had fully turned in favor of the unfairly maligned Evangelion Pilots. Even Rei was starting to be treated with some measure of sympathy. But it was what happened next that fully won over people’s hearts.
As I said, we all have the image of Shinji and Asuka being led away from the trial burned into our minds. The sorrow on Shinji’s face and the resentment on Asuka’s. The featureless helmets of their bodyguards. The trash flying through the air, hurled by the angry crowd. But what nobody knew until now was what happened when they reached their destination, and when they were finally reunited with Rei.
The nature of the relationship between Shinji Ikari and Asuka Langley has, like everything else about them, been hotly debated, though it has been commonly accepted that they were lovers. And it was this moment that definitively proved that assertion, but with a new wrinkle: not only were Shinji and Asuka romantically tied, but Rei was equally involved with both of them.
It feels horribly gauche to comment on such an intimate moment, especially since it was no doubt intended to be private, but I feel that it was this moment that the world fully realized how cruel those grossly exaggerated portrayals in our media have been. These were not monsters. These were not villainous masterminds. These were people. People that loved one another, people that were willing to shoulder the blame for history’s greatest tragedy in order to protect one another, people that gave up everything just to be with each other. Yes, they had done terrible things, and yes, they should bear that responsibility. However, it is now clear that they are far from the monsters that history has deliberately painted them out to be.
But of course, it was not enough to completely upend everything that we had thought that we had known the Eva Pilots. It was not enough to smack us with the truth of Rei’s existence or her humanity. We were then confronted with perhaps the strangest revelations of them all.
And that was that the Evangelion Pilots were almost certainly still alive.
One hundred and twelve years have passed since Third Impact, and though people living past a hundred is not unheard of, it is still exceptionally rare. However, even before the leaks, people have pointed that despite the fourteen-year gap between Third Impact and the pilots’ capture, Shinji and Asuka still looked fourteen, when they ought to be in their late twenties. Was this the result of piloting an Evangelion? Some Faustian deal made with Lilith? A result of NERV’s experiments, perhaps?
Whatever it was that kept their youth, it persisted even after their incarceration. Shinji, Asuka, and Rei lived on under the watch of the United Nations for another eight years, and none of them so much as aged a day. What is more, tests ran on the pilots showed that their cells lacked any sort of molecular decay. Quite the contrary, their bodies stalwartly resisted any sort of damage at all. Any wounds were swiftly healed, any diseases immediately snuffed out, with even complete brain death being nothing more than a temporary inconvenience. A rather disturbing but revealing file revealed that all three pilots had attempted suicide a number of different times during the first few years following Third Impact, with Rei Ayanami especially taking painstaking notes on the various methods that she employed and their effectiveness, which was none. There was some speculation as to whether this strange regeneration would persist in the face of total disintegration, but no one was willing to give the go-ahead to check.
Regardless, the case was clear. Whether it be an undeserved blessing or an ironic curse, the three Eva pilots had been afflicted with some sort of immortality, frozen forever in time from the moment of Third Impact. As such, despite the decades since, they are no doubt living today, unchanged from those historical photos.
Unfortunately, there seems no way to actually check, as they are very much gone. As stated before, eight years into their incarceration, they simply vanished without a trace. A thorough, yet discrete investigation into the matter took place, during which a conspiracy sympathetic to the pilots’ plight was uncovered, with a number of UN staffers close to the pilots found to be complicit. However, no one could say where the pilots were now, as their point of release was known only to a small few, and deliberate effort was made not to keep track of them after they had been released.
Which means that Shinji Ikari, Asuka Soryu Langley, and, perhaps most unsettling, Rei Ayanami, the three most controversial figures of the last century, are currently loose somewhere in the world. Perhaps they are wandering the forests of the Americas, the deserts of Africa, or perhaps even returned home to Japan. Perhaps they took on new names, disguised their appearances, and are now living in some suburban home somewhere, or returned their old life from before incarceration and joined one of the many refugee camps in one of the cities slow to recover. They could be in a small Swedish village, in a cabin in the Australian outback, in a treehouse in the Amazon jungle, or any one of the literally millions of other points on the map.
Naturally, there has been much talk about finding them again, some wishing to make amends and publicly make up for the blame that they had been forced to shoulder, others feeling that they still had not repaid their debt to society and should be returned to imprisonment. And there are still others that do not care for either side, but instead insist that they remain a clear and present danger, that more was changed about them than granting them eternal life, that they are inhuman monsters fully capable of ending the world again and need to be stopped. But whatever the motive, something almost everyone agrees on is that they do need to be found.
And I am here to offer up a dissenting opinion. Regardless of whether you love them, hate them, feel bad for them, or feel threatened by them, the Evangelion Pilots should be left alone. This, I feel, would be best for everyone.
Whenever the exploits, positive or negative, of the pilots are brought up, there seems to be a sort of hierarchy to the degree each one is discussed. Shinji seems to be the one brought up the most, as he is still unquestionably the trigger-man of Third Impact. Asuka comes next, given everyone’s complicated feelings toward her and her swaths of supporters. After that is Rei, who, even before her survival was discovered, still occupied a very contentious place in history as the monster who directly ended the world. And then there is Kaworu Nagisa, perhaps the greatest enigma of them all, a half-Angel/half-human artificial being like Rei, created specifically by SEELE as a countermeasure to any possible treachery on NERV’s part, but was killed by Shinji Ikari before his plans could come about, and yet seems to have played as vital a part in Third Impact as Rei, but by the same token, apparently did not see resurrection like she did.
But there is a fifth name that is often forgotten in those discussions, a fifth Evangelion Pilot. And that is none other than Touji Suzuhara the Fourth Child.
It is not that Touji is totally unknown, but he exists in the public consciousness as a sort of footnote, a trivia question at best. Though he was selected as a pilot and given an Evangelion of his own, his Evangelion became possessed by Bardiel, the Thirteenth Angel, during its first test run, leading to its destruction. And though he survived, Touji was critically injured in the process, and with no Evangelion to pilot, he quietly left the program to fade out of history.
In a way, Touji was perhaps the luckiest one of them all. The early destruction of his Evangelion protected him from having to participate in the mentally harrowing battles against the Angels, and he was spared of being an active participant in Third Impact. Even afterward, he was part of the first wave of people to emerge from Instrumentality, even reuniting with most of his family and many of his friends, going on to live about as full of a life as one could in those desolate circumstances. And while the tides of history have mostly washed over him, some effort was made to locate him. During Shinji and Asuka’s trials, once it was discovered that he was among the refugees recovered from Tokyo-3, there were multiple news outlets attempting to seek him out for interviews. However, they were far too late, as he and his family were long gone.
And I know all of this, as Touji Suzuhara was my great-grandfather.
I have very little memory of Touji. Though he lived much longer than most, he at least was spared the immortality that afflicted the other pilots and passed away when I was six, and what little I do recall about him paints a picture of a quiet, reserved old man. However, in interviewing various members of my family, I was told of someone who made every effort to flee his past but was unable to fully shake its shadow. I heard stories of bullying and harassment in those early refugee camps, of the other survivors trying to blame him and his family for what had happened, much as Shinji and Asuka would be publicly blamed later. It got to the point that as soon as they were rescued and carried away from Tokyo-3, his whole family changed their names and fled, disappearing into a still-chaotic world to find a place where nobody knew them.
In time, they succeeded, eventually settling in Austria. Though they had nothing and did not even know the language, that mattered little as very few of their neighbors had much either, and they were far from the only immigrants wandering in. There, they were able to blend in, carving out a niche for themselves and building something resembling a life, and no one ever discovered their connection to history’s so-called greatest monsters.
But even so, my great-grandfather never forgot. Though he never neglected his family and tried his best to provide for them, everyone that I spoke to made him out to be a broken man, someone who had lost the light in his eyes, who would smile very little and always seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. It was forbidden to speak to him of the time before Third Impact, and the very few times he did talk of it, it was from the viewpoint of someone who never truly left Tokyo-3, haunted by ghosts.
Touji might have been forgotten by history, but he bore his scars. Unfair blame was placed upon my family’s shoulders for what had happened, and we know all too well what it is like to be made scapegoats by the those who need someone to blame for their suffering. And though I have never met Shinji Ikari, Asuka Soryu Langley, or Rei Ayanami, and know about as much about them as everyone else, I at least have some measure of understanding of how unfairly they’ve been characterized. And I am sure that they desire validation about as much as they deserve further condemnation, which is to say, not at all. As such, I feel that the kindest thing to do would be to just let them be. Wherever they are, leave them alone to seek their own peace. Because I assure you, they have paid for their sins in full. They pay every day, remembering their part in the previous world’s death.
And to those who still think them a threat, who still believe that they possess the power to once again end the world despite no evidence to back that up, consider this: they have had ample opportunity and reason to wield that power, and yet never have. As such, perhaps it would be best not to provoke them?
No matter how you feel about the Evangelion Pilots, I see little that can be gained by seeking them out. They have taken more than their fair punishment, and would likely shun any reward. And as the descendant of one of their number, I say, let my great-grandfather’s companions be and move on. We have all suffered enough.
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smuttyfang · 1 year
Poly!Akira and Ryo - Escape
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"how about a scenario where the reader is trapped by both Akira and Ryo and they try to escape but they get caught in time?"
Words: 641
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Your heart was pounding. You could hear your blood rushing through your ears when you stopped occasionally to catch your breath and take in your surroundings. Somehow, by some miracle, you'd managed to slip out of the bindings that held you down in one of the rooms of Ryo's apartment.
You didn't even understand what was happening to you. They claimed that they loved you. Said they just wanted to keep you safe. But the had completely changed. You weren't allowed to leave. See anything outside. Talk to anyone. They were protecting you.. from literally everything. They were not the same men that they used to be. You didn't want to live like this. You cared for them, but they were taking it too far. Their love for you used to feel so sweet and nice.. but no longer. Your loved ones must be searching for you as well surely. Turning the corner, you realized you had finally found what looked like the front door. You barely remembered since it had been so long since you had seen it, but it definitely looked familiar. Running toward it, you began to reach for the door knob.
"Oh, fuck.." You whispered to yourself. The door opened immediately. Ryo slammed the door against the wall, clearly showing his anger and frustration. Akira was standing right behind him, his eyes showing sadness and loneliness. For some reason, guilt ran throughout your whole body when you realized you'd been caught.
"Where exactly do you think you're going?" Ryo asked, walking inside and shutting the door behind him as Akira entered. "How did you get out?" Before you had time to speak, Akira placed his arm on your shoulder and squeezed gently.
"Please, stop trying.. this is the third time. We really are trying to keep you safe." You jerked your shoulder away from him in anger.
"Protect me from what!? My own family!? My friends!?" You screamed at them both. Looking at each other, Ryo sighed.
"Demons." He stated. You scoffed.
"You've got to be kidding." You crossed your arms. "Why the fuck could you not just tell me that, exactly?"
"Because, you're smart. And I did not expect you to believe it. However, you do know what Akira is." He sighed. "There are more of them, gaining in numbers every single day."
"Yeah." Akira added. "It's getting dangerous. We are trying to keep things contained and calm, but it's getting rough." He walked up behind you, pulling you into him for a hug. He squeezed you in his arms tightly. "We love you.. I.. we, can't let anything happen to you."
"He's right. We are protecting you. Whether you can see it or not." Ryo pointed to the door. "I was trying to spare your feelings, but fine. Go on outside, if that's really what you wish. I guarantee you won't survive the night. Not with Akira's scent all over you. You will die within the hour." Tearing up, you were unsure of how to respond to all of this. They had to be kidding.. right?
"I still don't understand why you couldn't just tell me." Akira reached up, doing his best to wipe your tears from your cheeks while still being behind you.
"Because.." Akira held you tightly as he spoke. It seemed like he was very hesitant. "You're too stubborn. You'd want to help. And we can't have you putting yourself in danger." He was right, and you knew it. "It's so bad out there.. please just trust me when I say that. I'm begging you."
"Now." Ryo began walking to you. He held your cheek with his hand, rubbing your face gently with his thumb. "Stop fighting. I will hold you here no matter how badly you want out." You knew it wasn't how it sounded. He simply cared for you. "Stay."
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buggreawlthys · 7 months
how it started:
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how it's going:
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sunrisevariant · 22 days
the way y’all write ryo being intersex makes me want to play frogger on an interstate during rush hour
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xanvasofxords · 2 years
“She’s such a cutie.” Lucy says, watching the little girl sleep peacefully. Grinning when Asuka mumbles something into her chest, the blonde gently rubs circles on her back.
“Yeah, only when asleep.” Natsu lets out a huff, remembering how she made him play horse and rode on his back the whole day. And did it take hours to put her to sleep. “Kids are dangerous, I tell ya Luce.”
Lucy giggles, throws him a look. She knows he doesn’t mean what he said. He loves being around kids almost as much as he loves eating and napping. If anything, she believes Natsu will be a great father to his children.
“You love her anyways.”
He laughs softly, “Of course I do.”
“I’d love to have a kid like her someday.” She expresses with a smile, “Though I don’t know if I can be a good mother.” Natsu places his hand above hers in reassurance.
“I think you’ll be the best mom.” His eyes reflecting so much adoration, it makes her heart flutter. Though she’s nowhere near prepared for what she hears a moment later.
“Our Nasha will be the luckiest to have you, as her mama.”
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Helloo I love your works could you do a Becky lynch x female reader
Reader likes Becky and Becky knows it but reader is soooo shy so beckys always teasing her, then one day in the ring reader gets hurt and Becky rushes out saying like “your okay I’ve got you I love you”. Basically reader getting hurt leads to their love confessions if that makes any sense at all
Misted || Becky Lynch x Reader
Summary: You get misted by Asuka in the ring, it leads to some interesting confessions
A/N: I really hope I did this request justice, I know that I didn't really get the teasing aspect in there but I had a hard time trying to weave the story together when I tried to include that
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As you step into the ring at SummerSlam, your nerves are on edge. The crowd roars with excitement, and your heart pounds in your chest. Tonight, you're facing Asuka, a formidable opponent, and you're determined to give it your all.
The match starts, and the intensity is palpable. You and Asuka trade blows, both showcasing your incredible skills. The momentum shifts back and forth, and the crowd is on the edge of their seats, fully engrossed in the action.
But then, during a crucial moment, Asuka manages to catch you off guard, hitting you with her signature green mist. The world blurs, and you can feel the burning sensation on your face. Distracted and disoriented, you stumble, and Asuka takes advantage, pinning you for the victory.
You lie there, feeling defeated and humiliated, the disappointment crushing your spirit. But then you hear the familiar music – Becky's theme. She comes rushing out, concern etched across her face as she approaches the ring.
"Hey, hey, look at me," she says, kneeling beside you. "You're gonna be okay, lass, I promise."
Tears of frustration and pain well up in your eyes, and you try to look away from her gaze, not wanting her to see your vulnerability.
"Look at me," Becky insists gently, cupping your cheek in her hand. "I know you're hurting, but you're strong. You've got this."
You can't help but glance at her, and her piercing eyes show nothing but care and affection. At that moment, you feel like she can see right through you, and your heart races at the thought.
"I love you," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the crowd's noise.
You freeze, unable to process her words. Did she just say what you think she said? But how could that be possible? You've been hopelessly in love with Becky for what feels like forever, and you never dared to believe that she might feel the same way.
She continues, her voice gaining strength, "I'm in love with you. And I'll be by your side through thick and thin."
Her confession leaves you stunned, and for a moment, you forget the pain from the mist. In that instant, everything else fades away, and all that matters is Becky's declaration of love.
She helps you out of the ring, her touch gentle yet firm, and leads you to the medical area. The medical staff attend to you, but your focus is still on Becky. She stays close, holding your hand, providing the comfort and reassurance you need.
"I don't deserve you," you finally manage to say, your voice trembling with emotion.
Becky smiles, her eyes full of affection. "Oh, hush now. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world."
As the medical team finishes their evaluation, Becky insists on accompanying you to the locker room. She stays by your side, tending to your needs, and you can't help but feel overwhelmed by her care and affection.
"I meant what I said out there," she says softly, her thumb gently caressing your hand. "I love you, and I want to be with you."
Your heart soars, the pain from the match now overshadowed by the joy of Becky's love. You never thought a moment like this would come, and now that it has, you feel like the luckiest person alive.
"I love you too," you whisper, feeling a newfound sense of happiness and hope.
Becky leans in, pressing a tender kiss on your forehead. "And I'm not going anywhere," she promises. "We're in this together, and nothing can stop us."
In that moment, you know that this is the beginning of a beautiful journey, not just as WWE Superstars but as two people deeply in love. With Becky by your side, you're ready to face any challenge that comes your way, and you know that your bond will only grow stronger with each passing day.
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uranusgallery · 8 months
[ Icongifs :: Girls Edition ]
彡 𝐀𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐚 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐲𝐮
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彡 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐢
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彡 𝐑𝐞𝐢 𝐀𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢
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➯ ˢᵉ ᵘˢᵃʳ˒ ᶠᵃᵛᵒʳ˒ ᶜʳᵉᵈⁱᵗᵃʳ @ᵁʳᵃⁿᵘˢᴹᵃⁿᵍ
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Hey here’s a random Asurei thing I thought up and then made into the starts of a fanfic. This has potential.
I thought about how the heck these two would go about getting together with all their disinterest in each other.
“Is this all there is? To life?” Wonders the blue haired pilot, her voice barely above a whisper.
“To pilot an EVA, or to abide by commands. The choices that are made by the others, they make up our fates, do they not?”
The other pilot scoffs. “Oh, so wondergirl doesn’t really have all the answers? Whatever will we do now!” She glances at Rei, whose stone faced expression does not change a bit. Oh how it pisses her off. She thinks for a second.
“What a dumb question.” Asuka finally says, crossing her arms. “You’re the one who decides your own fate, didn’t you know that? I’m sure even that idiot Shinji knows that letting other people control you is the weakest thing you can do.” Rei brings a hand to her mouth. Her eyes wide open. Mein Gott, she can’t possibly be THAT stupid?!
“Oh..” is all that can be heard in the quiet of the cold metal chamber.
~~~~~~~~ That night
Asuka and Rei lie on Rei’s bed, completely still. Staring aimlessly at the ceiling. The room feels like a hospital ward, cold and sanitary. However the warmth of the bed is very pleasant.
“I want to know what love feels like… REAL love, romantic, genuine love.”
“People do love you, Rei…”
“…Not in the way people love you, Asuka. I don’t want to be an object anymore! I don’t want to be a doll!”
The warmth radiating from Rei’s body…
Asuka turns over. She puts her arms around Rei and holds her close.
“Maybe, just maybe,” Her voice came out quiet and.. nervous, even. “If you can love me the same way.. I’ll consider not calling you a doll again.” Rei looks surprised once again, but only for a second before doing that smile that puts the beauty of the full moon to shame. The girls embrace as they feel their troubles float away.
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karizard-ao3 · 4 months
How do you even come up with all this? 😭 Seriously it's so good! *Slamming my first on the table!*
Can I suggest that: all boys try their luck asking her to prom, but she rejects them. She wants to be prom queen and, despite being realistic enough to know Shinji's not the perfect candidate for king, she at least wants him to ask her? Tries to charm him (That pool scene comes to mind). Shinji seems very ambivalent because he wants to go but is afraid of connecting with people that way, you know? (The cinema scene comes to mind). Shinji thinks she's not really interested in him, she thinks he's not interested in her, teenage misunderstandings.
Oh! Should we have a touching moment old Misato teaching Shinji how to dance, or could this be some much needed opening with Asuka?
Oh, so maybe she can be complaining about how there's no one good enough to go with, and she's going to need to craft the perfect prom date, and that's when Hikari is like, "Hee hee hee what about Shinji? He's such a loser, I bet you can't." That doesn't actually seem like Hikari, so I think we'd want to soften that up, but it would be along those lines.
So perhaps are we thinking that instead of out and out inviting Shinji to prom, Asuka simply tells him she's going to get him looking good enough to get a date for prom, then realizes she wants him to take her, and goes about trying to win him over? He wants to ask her but is too shy? WHAT IF THEY ALMOST GO WITH OTHER PEOPLE?
Perhaps! Misato teaches them both to dance like you suggested! And then! She steps out for a minute and that is when Shinji asks Asuka to prom? Like, she's kind of let her guard down for a moment and that's when Shinji suddenly feels brave enough to swoop in!!!!
"For someone who loves music, you have no rhythm!" Asuka snapped, grinding her teeth together as Shinji stepped on her foot yet again.
"Sorry!" he winced.
Sorry, sorry, sorry. He was always sorry, but he never changed. Asuka couldn't take it anymore. "Stop apologizing and stop stepping on my feet!" she ordered.
"Okay, sorry," said Shinji.
Asuka stared stonily over his shoulder. "You're so hopeless," she said. "I don't know why I agreed to make you over so you could get a prom date."
Shinji stopped dancing. "I didn't ask and you didn't really give me a choice!" he said. "You walked up, called me a charity case, and said you were going to cure me of my loseritis by getting me a date to prom."
Asuka's nostrils flared. "Well, you could have said no!"
Shinji shook his head, beginning to spin her around to the music again. Asuka bristled. Why was he so passive? Why wouldn't he look at her? She had taken extra care with her makeup this afternoon, hoping to get some kind of reaction out of him when he came over for the dance lesson Misato had offered to give them, but all he had said was, "You look nice, Asuka!" in that mild, pleasant way he had. He didn't care. Not like she did.
He was looking down at their feet, frowning to himself and counting the beats under his breath. Misato had stepped out to take a phone call, and they were all alone. Just the two of them. A boy and girl, standing mere inches apart. He had one hand on her waist and the other folded around hers, dwarfing it. He had surprisingly big hands, callused on the left fingertips from his cello strings. She had become painfully aware of him in the past weeks, an ache made all the more excruciating by how oblivious he was to her.
Ask me to prom, she pleaded silently, closing her eyes as if sightlessness would amplify her wish. Please don't go with someone else.
When she opened her eyes, Shinji was watching her.
"Are you okay, Asuka?" he asked. "Does your head hurt?"
"Why would my head hurt?" she scoffed.
"I don't know," said Shinji, his gaze skittering away from her. "You looked... I don't know."
The brief conversation died and Asuka wanted to die, too. Why couldn't she be more like Hikari? Would he like her better if she were sweet and uncomplicated?
"Hey, Asuka?" said Shinji.
"So... Who am I supposed to go to prom with?" he asked, looking at her like a puppy with his head ducked down. "You're doing all this stuff to my hair and my clothes, but I don't really know what I'm supposed to do about it."
This was probably her best chance. She could tell him to ask her and he would do it. He always did what he was told.
"Just ask who you want, idiot," she sighed. But want me.
Shinji was quiet for a moment. "Can I go with you?" he asked.
Asuka snorted. "Doesn't that seem like taking the easy way out? Asking me instead of a girl you're interested in?"
Shinji reddened, his hand tightening around hers. "This isn't easy," he said. "And I am asking a girl I'm interested in."
Asuka froze.
"If you don't want to go with me, just say so," said Shinji, glaring down at the ground, adding in a softer voice, "I shouldn't have asked." He let go of her, stepping back. "Sorry."
Asuka grabbed his wrist. "Stop apologizing," she ordered.
Shinji shrugged. "Sor-"
"I'll go with you," said Asuka, breathlessly, before he could change his mind. "I'll be your date."
And then of course their poor communication, opposite personalities, and self-doubt will continue to wreak havoc on their prom journey, but for now things are good.
It was really different writing their characters when I'm so used to doing Eremika and other AOT characters, so this was a fun little exercise. Didn't proofread. Spent way too much time on it. I think it turned out okay, though.
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amyfartsart · 8 months
✨Pagan Lovesong✨
Chapters 13-16 fanart.
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takerfoxx · 1 month
Oh my GOD!
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smuttyfang · 1 year
Ryo, Neglected
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"Hi, I hope you are feeling great, I must say I love your work and always find myself reading it thousands of times. If it's not too much trouble could I ask you for a ryo x reader fluff, I love your work <33"
Words: 442
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Scrolling on your phone as you lay on the couch, you became more and more aware of how lonely you felt. You weren't sure why, your boyfriend was right there beside of you on his laptop typing away. But you felt like he was always a thousand miles away. His mind was always somewhere else. You locked your screen, laying your phone down on the table. Sighing, you scratched the back of your neck, mostly because you suddenly felt nervous about bothering him with something like this.
"Hey.. Ryo?" He didn't move, but responded. Of course.
"Can I ask you something?" You twiddled your fingers.
"Yes." He continued typing away without missing a beat.
"Are you bored with me?" He sighed. He stopped typing and turned to look at you. His deep blue eyes always felt like they could see right through you. Well. You knew they could.
"You're feeling neglected, I assume." It kind of made you feel angry how he somehow always knew what was going on in your head. "I am not, nor could I be, bored with you. I enjoy just having you here beside of me. Do you want more than that in our time together?" You sighed. You didn't even get a chance to dance around anything with him, it was always straight to the point. Well, it did prevent you from feeling nervous a whole lot since he always knows everything.
"I just kind of.. would like to.. I don't know. Do more things together. I'd kind of like for you to seem more interested in me. Does that make any sense?" He didn't move or say anything for a moment, like he was contemplating what to do next.
"I will need to make some time for that, as you know." You nodded in understanding. "Lay your head right here." He patted the couch right beside of his lap. You felt a little confused, but did as he said out of curiosity. As your head hit the couch, you felt his left hand come up to your face. He gently pushed your hair out of your eyes, lightly rubbing your cheek and your neck with his fingers. You felt your whole body tingling with happiness just from him showing this little bit of affection. You knew it was hard for him, and you felt so grateful. "How is that, for now?"
"This is lovely.." You admitted as you sighed and melted into his touch. He hummed quietly, and began to continue typing on his laptop with one hand, with his other gently caressing your cheek and playing with your hair.
It was a start.
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