daughterofnero · 1 year
Continued from |here| @asunas-embers
Wounded as Ryu’s pride may be, he still smiled and leaned into Asuna’s hold. The kids were just trying to get them caught up, and really Ryu couldn’t be too mad about that. “Vicious kids. Still really sweet though.” He took the paper delicately, not wanting to damage it; if he couldn’t read the dates, he’d have thought these were from her childhood. Then again, with how Asuna’s youngest years had been, they might as well be from her real childhood. 
“I learned hiragana, for grammar and phonics. We only ever used pens and pencils to practice though, no brushes.” Ryu bumped his shoulder against Asuna’s and cleaned up where he’d been practicing. “Though, I did learn the kanji for our names. It took years for me to find out that they picked part of our last name from Kamen Rider!”
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floral-flames--a · 1 year
{ x } 
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          It was pure annoyance that was written along Jung-Hee’s features, brow cocked up as the woman spoke- his own gaze shifting onto the warrior he had in hand. Whatever cause Hisoki to come visit him unannounced was behind the young man, regardless here he was at the Sato home once more. 
          “I just simply have come to return this, truthfully I give you a gold star for dealing with him. It’s only been a hour and I already feel as if I’m losing it” Jung-Hee teases quietly, ensuring he did not wake the little one for the last thing he needed was a angry mama on his ass. 
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          Hisoki, on the other hand had his arms crossed and the biggest pout along his sharp features, eyes casted downwards for he couldn’t dare look his wife in the face- he FELT that wife look and was terrified. However, the softest of sighs fell from his lips, shifting slightly so he now stood next to his beloved, arms wrapping around her waist. A little tact of his to get out of trouble. 
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bai-cheng · 8 months
🌙🌙🌙 || @asunas-embers
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* ˚ ✦ - It had been quite sometime BaiCheng had visit, even had a nice talk with the pyromancer- just life has been hectic for both of them it seemed, so many things happening all at once. However, as Asuna answered the door the swordsman couldn't help but to smile ever so gently, ears perking at the sound of the woman's voice. Oh how he missed her dearly.
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"Tea sounds wonderful, gives us sometime to catch up as well hm?" answers softly, a small sigh escaping his lips before wandering into the household.
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phill-art · 2 months
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Commissions open!
My art of a Dragonborn Bloodhunter!
Here's the description of the character:
Brief synopsis is that Asuna was a former bard singing of a tragedy that befell an extinct group of elves, generally considered taboo. After unknown assailants killed her for the unrest she caused, she made a pact with the elves to seek revenge for them both.
race: Black Dragonborn
class: Blood Hunter
sex: Female
personality: Perceptive and calculating, with a subtle and consistent rage behind her eyes.
age (what they look like in human years): 30's
height: 6'1"
weight/build: 160lbs, with some curves at the waist. Her scales make up a lot of the space her build takes up, and is relatively skinny otherwise. Her tail is longer than most, stretching around 4ft.
hair style/color: Purple frills, with a brighter coloration than the rest of her skin.
eye color: Green
skin color: Dark purple scales, with light purple undertones. Her spines and frills along her forearm are a more vibrant shade, like royal purple.
items/weapons: Weilds a longbow in the left hand which is infused with a red mist that comes off of the small handheld braizer that she holds with her tail. Her right hand is used for blood magic, with blood coming off and evaporating to fuel the red mist.
On her left hand ring finger is a simple engagement ring with a small purple gem set.
Get as detailed as you can with the outfit/armor (and colors).
clothing top: Her top layer is a set of studded leather armor that has barely seen use. The leather of most of the armor is a darker brown, with highlights in a darker tan color. All metal on the armor is copper. The armor leads to about her elbows. Underneath her armor is a dark purple performer's dress that covers her arms to the wrists. At the shoulders, she wears a fur cloak that wreaths her neck in a white fur, and dark fabric that rests like a cape down to her calves. A small strip of her former bright royal purple gown has been wrapped around her neck to hide a scar across her throat. 
clothing bottom: The top layer is the torn bottom half of her dress which flows down to just below her knee. The dress has had the bottom portion of it torn off for ease of movement. At the back of the dress is a split to accommodate her tail, which rests behind her and holds a small handheld brazier with burning embers inside, giving off a red mist.
footwear: She wears some black leather wrappings that cover the soles of her feet while leaving the claws out for traction.
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heyyallitsbeth · 2 months
You Are The Daydream
Inspired by this comic: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/30173046
The morning light shining through the blinds was fragmented. A cacophony of birds sang out of tune. The room slowly shifted in and out of focus, an unstable 3D image of itself. My alarm was blaring, and the jarring sound rang in and out of my ears, a sensory overload I hadn’t ever felt. There was a crushing weight on my chest. A splitting migraine broke me into pieces. I reached for my phone to shut off the alarm, and was met with another hand brushing against mine. It was soft and gentle. Asuna’s?… Our fingers intertwined in an embrace, her knuckle lightly brushing up against the snooze button. I turned my head to the woman lying on top of me, we pulled into an embrace with a kiss. Except, instead of meeting the ember eyes I expected, a purple galaxy laid before me. Locks of ashen hair tickled my blushing cheek as we stared into eachother. Where had I seen these eyes before?
There was a light knock and the sound of the door creaking open.
“Kazutoooooooo- breakfast is ready, you better not be sleeping in agai-”
Sugu. Based on that reaction, she’s seen everything- shit. 
We pulled out of our lip-locked connection, a small trail of saliva linking us together remained as we pulled away. We looked towards my little sister, like a pair of deer caught in headlights. 
“K-kazuto?... Wh-what are you?...”
There was the sudden rush of her out of the room, followed by a frantic call.
“Emergency girl meeting Asuna- call the others- Dicey Cafe!”
Me and my bedroom intruder took a moment to meet eachother’s view. I knew who they were. On top of me was me. The me from Gun Gale Online. A mutual understanding was found as we rushed out of my room, my pajamas ill-fitting their slender feminine figure. 
“Huh… Yeah that is your GGO model huh?” 
Sugu anxiously bit into a waffle as they sat at the table for breakfast.
“Yeahhhhh we’re as confused as you I’m sure.”
My feminine twin sat beside me, finger on her mouth thinking.
“I suppose given the experimental procedures with our fluctlight, it isn’t impossible that our soul was cloned, but a full human body replicant seems beyond the current reach of our capabilities…”
I left behind another life in the Underworld, after 200 years the me that lived there had passed on. But… maybe these imprints remained in some form. But how could that imprint be beside me?
“Y’know Kazuto, I’m more curious as why your clone is a girl, and why you were practicing swordfighting with your tongues-”
“H-hey I assumed it was Asuna laying on top of me- And they’re a guy, but I’m not sure if that makes it better-”
I was interrupted by the other me patting themselves down in all of their delicate areas. 
“Nope! Looks like this time this model’s a girl- I mean I guess the parts don’t make a girl! But like- whatever you get it. I guess for convenience you can call me Kiriko instead.”
“Kiriko huh… Hey Kazuto, why’s it that you have a female name picked out already?”
Suguha pointed a fork in my direction accusatory.
“That’s confidential information… Wait why are we assuming I’m not the clone?”
“Well duh, you’ve still got my old body. Makes more sense that you’re the real one.”
“Fair point.”
“Alright- regardless we gotta head to Dicey Cafe. The girls are expecting me now, and I guess we need to get our introductions in order.”
Suguha and I walked into Dicey Cafe. Kiriko had decided it would be best to fix herself up slightly and she’d catch up afterwards. Liz, Silica, Sinon and Asuna were already waiting at a table.
“O-oh Kazuto’s joining us huh?”
Silica seemed genuinely shocked at my inclusion in the matter.
“Well, I mean, this is about me after all-”
I pulled up a seat beside Asuna, who was glaring daggers into my very soul.
“So you guys gonna tell us what all this is about? Why are ya draggin us out this early?” 
Liz made no attempt to hide any fury in her voice, luckily we were the only patrons in the cafe at this time.
“Given the circumstances, I would love an explanation.”
Sinon seemed more calm-spoken than the others, but there was an undeniable rage in her eyes.
“Sinon, you don’t have to worry, you’ll understand before anyone else.”
My eyes trailed away from the table, wishing this nightmare was really just a dream.
“I think it would be best for all of us to arrive before the discussion.”
Sugu did her best to cover for me, knowing it was slightly her fault I was being grilled at the moment.
“Huh? There’s more people coming?”
Silica perked up.
“Oh yes, our guest of honor…”
I grumbled out.
A ringing at the front door pulled the attention away from me for a moment. A raven haired girl in a plain face mask and girl’s school uniform walked in alongside Klein. He ran over to our table excitedly.
“Yo! Hey guys, I didn’t expect y’all to be here. I was just helpin this cute chick find her way here.”
Looking up at the girl, I could instantly tell it was Kiriko, and that she was doing her best to hide a blush.
“Sorry Sugu, Kii-boy, I got a biiiiiit lost following you guys.”
Her voice may have been slightly softer than mine, but it should have been unmistakably mine to anyone.
Sugu looked at me expectantly.
“So do you wanna tell him?”
“Oh no I wanna drag this on as long as possible actually.”
That comment elicited a giggle from Kiriko, and suddenly Sinon stood on end. She stared at Kiriko and back to me, then to Kiriko again.
“Oh you’re fuckin’ kidding me Kirito…”
“Ah so you’ve seen the issue huh?”
“Yup, it’s me, I’m the issue Sugu warned y’all about.”
Kiriko did a curtsey in her skirt, seeming to love the spotlight, even if it was a spotlight of daggers.
Asuna looked to me, tears at the edges of her eyes.
“Kirito… who is this?”
“So is that the no-good floozy you were sleepin with?”
Liz pounded on the table.
Kiriko and I both laughed and Sinon shook her head.
“Ugh… no you idiots. You- take off your facemask!”
Kiriko obliged Sinon’s request and showed off her face… which was just my own face with a bit more makeup.
“Recognize me yet?~”
Kiriko playfully winked at Sinon.
“Guys… that is Kirito…”
Sinon looked exasperated.
“Well, my name’s Kiriko now- but yeah pretty much spot on!”
She slid out of Klein’s grasp and into the seat beside me. Klein took one look at me, then at Kiriko, and then walked out of the cafe. 
“W-what do you mean that you’re Kirito- or Kiriko?”
Asuna stammered out, justifiably confused by all this.
“Well, today I woke up, and suddenly there were two of me. We don’t have a solid explanation besides the experimental work on my fluctlight, but that’s just a guess.”
I relaxed in my seat and held the hand of my dear wife. It felt almost identical to Kiriko’s.
“Jeez, with the urgency Sugu called us with, I thought she caught ya in bed with another woman.”
Liz relaxed slightly, pouting and crossing her arms.
Sugu giggled slightly.
“Well technically I did catch them sleeping in bed together.”
“Hey now, that’s unfair. If you called them every time I was sharing a bed with a girl, you’d have to call almost every morning last month when you kept coming into my room after your nightmares.”
Silica blushed at my comment.
“Y-you two sleep together?”
Sinon smirked a bit.
“Y’know I’m an only child but I’m pretty sure sleeping with a sister isn’t exactly typical.”
“Yeah well. She’s actually our cousin, and my parents are actually my aunt and uncle so like. That’s not exactly typical. I don’t think.”
Kiriko tried to defend us, but probably made it worse.
“I-I don’t think she meant it like that…”
Asuna was clearly having the roughest time with this news.
“Hey Asuna, it’s okay, I’m still me… And she’s just… Another me. So you don’t need to worry about anything. Everything is completely fine.”
Kiriko waved and blew a kiss at Asuna. I guess technically Asuna is her girlfriend too huh?
“Huh so I guess I am bi then huh… Well now I’ve got two Kirigayas to marry, I just expected this to be a lot worse.”
She slowly brightened up at the thought of having two Kirito-adjacent partners.
“Yeah, that emergency line is typically just for whenever one of us suspects ya of bein with another girl.”
Liz playfully teased.
“D-do you really have that little faith in me guys?”
“Well you’re constantly surrounded by new girls so…”
Silica could barely look at me as her thought trailed off.
A giggle broke the silence, erupting into a full blown laugh. Kiriko was beside herself.
“Hear that Kii-boy? The code is only for other girls! So everything we did with Eugeo is completely fair game!”
She laughed harder at her own joke, but as all eyes pointed back to me, I looked to her with death in my eyes.
“Kirito-kun, whose Eugeo?”
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heyyallitsbethfanfic · 2 months
You Are The Daydream
Inspired by this comic: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/30173046
The morning light shining through the blinds was fragmented. A cacophony of birds sang out of tune. The room slowly shifted in and out of focus, an unstable 3D image of itself. My alarm was blaring, and the jarring sound rang in and out of my ears, a sensory overload I hadn’t ever felt. There was a crushing weight on my chest. A splitting migraine broke me into pieces. I reached for my phone to shut off the alarm, and was met with another hand brushing against mine. It was soft and gentle. Asuna’s?… Our fingers intertwined in an embrace, her knuckle lightly brushing up against the snooze button. I turned my head to the woman lying on top of me, we pulled into an embrace with a kiss. Except, instead of meeting the ember eyes I expected, a purple galaxy laid before me. Locks of ashen hair tickled my blushing cheek as we stared into eachother. Where had I seen these eyes before?
There was a light knock and the sound of the door creaking open.
“Kazutoooooooo- breakfast is ready, you better not be sleeping in agai-”
Sugu. Based on that reaction, she’s seen everything- shit. 
We pulled out of our lip-locked connection, a small trail of saliva linking us together remained as we pulled away. We looked towards my little sister, like a pair of deer caught in headlights. 
“K-kazuto?... Wh-what are you?...”
There was the sudden rush of her out of the room, followed by a frantic call.
“Emergency girl meeting Asuna- call the others- Dicey Cafe!”
Me and my bedroom intruder took a moment to meet eachother’s view. I knew who they were. On top of me was me. The me from Gun Gale Online. A mutual understanding was found as we rushed out of my room, my pajamas ill-fitting their slender feminine figure. 
“Huh… Yeah that is your GGO model huh?” 
Sugu anxiously bit into a waffle as they sat at the table for breakfast.
“Yeahhhhh we’re as confused as you I’m sure.”
My feminine twin sat beside me, finger on her mouth thinking.
“I suppose given the experimental procedures with our fluctlight, it isn’t impossible that our soul was cloned, but a full human body replicant seems beyond the current reach of our capabilities…”
I left behind another life in the Underworld, after 200 years the me that lived there had passed on. But… maybe these imprints remained in some form. But how could that imprint be beside me?
“Y’know Kazuto, I’m more curious as why your clone is a girl, and why you were practicing swordfighting with your tongues-”
“H-hey I assumed it was Asuna laying on top of me- And they’re a guy, but I’m not sure if that makes it better-”
I was interrupted by the other me patting themselves down in all of their delicate areas. 
“Nope! Looks like this time this model’s a girl- I mean I guess the parts don’t make a girl! But like- whatever you get it. I guess for convenience you can call me Kiriko instead.”
“Kiriko huh… Hey Kazuto, why’s it that you have a female name picked out already?”
Suguha pointed a fork in my direction accusatory.
“That’s confidential information… Wait why are we assuming I’m not the clone?”
“Well duh, you’ve still got my old body. Makes more sense that you’re the real one.”
“Fair point.”
“Alright- regardless we gotta head to Dicey Cafe. The girls are expecting me now, and I guess we need to get our introductions in order.”
Suguha and I walked into Dicey Cafe. Kiriko had decided it would be best to fix herself up slightly and she’d catch up afterwards. Liz, Silica, Sinon and Asuna were already waiting at a table.
“O-oh Kazuto’s joining us huh?”
Silica seemed genuinely shocked at my inclusion in the matter.
“Well, I mean, this is about me after all-”
I pulled up a seat beside Asuna, who was glaring daggers into my very soul.
“So you guys gonna tell us what all this is about? Why are ya draggin us out this early?” 
Liz made no attempt to hide any fury in her voice, luckily we were the only patrons in the cafe at this time.
“Given the circumstances, I would love an explanation.”
Sinon seemed more calm-spoken than the others, but there was an undeniable rage in her eyes.
“Sinon, you don’t have to worry, you’ll understand before anyone else.”
My eyes trailed away from the table, wishing this nightmare was really just a dream.
“I think it would be best for all of us to arrive before the discussion.”
Sugu did her best to cover for me, knowing it was slightly her fault I was being grilled at the moment.
“Huh? There’s more people coming?”
Silica perked up.
“Oh yes, our guest of honor…”
I grumbled out.
A ringing at the front door pulled the attention away from me for a moment. A raven haired girl in a plain face mask and girl’s school uniform walked in alongside Klein. He ran over to our table excitedly.
“Yo! Hey guys, I didn’t expect y’all to be here. I was just helpin this cute chick find her way here.”
Looking up at the girl, I could instantly tell it was Kiriko, and that she was doing her best to hide a blush.
“Sorry Sugu, Kii-boy, I got a biiiiiit lost following you guys.”
Her voice may have been slightly softer than mine, but it should have been unmistakably mine to anyone.
Sugu looked at me expectantly.
“So do you wanna tell him?”
“Oh no I wanna drag this on as long as possible actually.”
That comment elicited a giggle from Kiriko, and suddenly Sinon stood on end. She stared at Kiriko and back to me, then to Kiriko again.
“Oh you’re fuckin’ kidding me Kirito…”
“Ah so you’ve seen the issue huh?”
“Yup, it’s me, I’m the issue Sugu warned y’all about.”
Kiriko did a curtsey in her skirt, seeming to love the spotlight, even if it was a spotlight of daggers.
Asuna looked to me, tears at the edges of her eyes.
“Kirito… who is this?”
“So is that the no-good floozy you were sleepin with?”
Liz pounded on the table.
Kiriko and I both laughed and Sinon shook her head.
“Ugh… no you idiots. You- take off your facemask!”
Kiriko obliged Sinon’s request and showed off her face… which was just my own face with a bit more makeup.
“Recognize me yet?~”
Kiriko playfully winked at Sinon.
“Guys… that is Kirito…”
Sinon looked exasperated.
“Well, my name’s Kiriko now- but yeah pretty much spot on!”
She slid out of Klein’s grasp and into the seat beside me. Klein took one look at me, then at Kiriko, and then walked out of the cafe. 
“W-what do you mean that you’re Kirito- or Kiriko?”
Asuna stammered out, justifiably confused by all this.
“Well, today I woke up, and suddenly there were two of me. We don’t have a solid explanation besides the experimental work on my fluctlight, but that’s just a guess.”
I relaxed in my seat and held the hand of my dear wife. It felt almost identical to Kiriko’s.
“Jeez, with the urgency Sugu called us with, I thought she caught ya in bed with another woman.”
Liz relaxed slightly, pouting and crossing her arms.
Sugu giggled slightly.
“Well technically I did catch them sleeping in bed together.”
“Hey now, that’s unfair. If you called them every time I was sharing a bed with a girl, you’d have to call almost every morning last month when you kept coming into my room after your nightmares.”
Silica blushed at my comment.
“Y-you two sleep together?”
Sinon smirked a bit.
“Y’know I’m an only child but I’m pretty sure sleeping with a sister isn’t exactly typical.”
“Yeah well. She’s actually our cousin, and my parents are actually my aunt and uncle so like. That’s not exactly typical. I don’t think.”
Kiriko tried to defend us, but probably made it worse.
“I-I don’t think she meant it like that…”
Asuna was clearly having the roughest time with this news.
“Hey Asuna, it’s okay, I’m still me… And she’s just… Another me. So you don’t need to worry about anything. Everything is completely fine.”
Kiriko waved and blew a kiss at Asuna. I guess technically Asuna is her girlfriend too huh?
“Huh so I guess I am bi then huh… Well now I’ve got two Kirigayas to marry, I just expected this to be a lot worse.”
She slowly brightened up at the thought of having two Kirito-adjacent partners.
“Yeah, that emergency line is typically just for whenever one of us suspects ya of bein with another girl.”
Liz playfully teased.
“D-do you really have that little faith in me guys?”
“Well you’re constantly surrounded by new girls so…”
Silica could barely look at me as her thought trailed off. It hurts to think even she would assume the worst in me.
A giggle broke the silence, erupting into a full blown laugh. Kiriko was beside herself.
“Hear that Kii-boy? The code is only for other girls! So everything we did with Eugeo is completely fair game!”
She laughed harder at her own joke, but as all eyes pointed back to me, I looked to her with death in my eyes.
“Kirito-kun, whose Eugeo?”
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5-cz · 2 years
Word of Honor (山河令) Episode 1 Vocab
this one's for you @asunas-embers since you recommended the show to me
善恶 (shàn'è) - good and evil
分别善恶 善恶不分
到头 (dàotóu) - to the end/at the end
这条街道头有一个邮局 一眼望不到头
助纣为虐 (zhùZhòuwéinüè) - aid the wicked (idiom)
lit. to help tyrant 商纣王 who was a king during the Shang Dynasty
灵 (líng) - quick/alert
涂炭 (tútàn) - mud and ashes; utter misery (literary)
生灵涂炭 (idiom - people are in a terrible situation)
惜 (xī) - to regret
勾结 (gōujié) - to collude with
密谋 (mìmóu) - conspiracy
造反 (zàofǎn) - to rebel/revolt
爹 (diē) - father (colloquial)
选择 (xuǎnzé) - choice
余地 (yúdì) - leeway
乱局 (luànjú) - chaotic situation
免受 (miǎnshòu) - to avoid suffering; to prevent (something bad)
折辱 (zhérǔ) - to humiliate/disgrace (literary, more common is 羞辱)
岂 (qǐ) - particle used when asking a rhetorical question (literary)
怪 (guài) - to blame
江湖 (jiānghú) - all corners of the country/the whole world
草莽 (cǎomǎng) - uncultivated land/wilderness
一把刀 (yībǎdāo) - a knife
仰仗 (yǎngzhàng) - rely on
晒 (shài) - dry in the sun
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transboykirito · 2 years
the great war is about the kirigaya siblings: more meta nobody asked for
here’s the song - let me explain to you why this song was written specifically for kazuto and suguha. i’m gonna end up doing this for the entire album at this point. oh dear.
“my knuckles were bruised like violets / sucker-punching walls, cursed you as i sleep-talked / spineless in my tomb of silence / tore your banners down, took the battle underground”
this is kazuto talking to suguha. “my knuckles were bruised like violets / sucker-punching walls, cursed you as i sleep-talked” is his ptsd attacks and the night she finds him crying after the incident at the hospital. “spineless in my tomb of silence” is the years he spent isolating himself from her after he found out he was adopted. “tore your banners down, took the battle underground” is him retreating into video games to avoid her.
“and maybe it was egos swinging / maybe it was her / flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur”
this is suguha talking to kazuto. “maybe it was egos swinging” is both of them (mostly her) getting defensive during their fight, making her lash out at him to protect herself. “maybe it was her” is her feeling jealous of asuna. “flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur” is her remembering not only the fight, but the time he spent avoiding her. the emotions and confusion she feels after so much comes back to her and distorts her judgement, making her act more defensive than she needs to
“all that bloodshed, crimson clover / uh-huh, sweet dream was over / my hand was the one you reached for, all throughout the great war”
this is kazuto talking to suguha again. the bloodshed is their fight. “sweet dream was over” refers to the time they spent after sao where things seemed back to “normal” and perfect again being broken by them fighting. “my hand was the one you reached for all throughout the great war” refers to suguha still trying to find comfort from him despite them not talking, or fighting with eachother,
“always remember, uh-huh, tears on the letter / i vowed not to cry anymore if we survived the great war���
suguha talking to kazuto again. “always remember the tears on the letter” is her talking about her crying during their fight and apology. “i vowed not to cry anymore if we survived the great war” is her promising to be stronger if they survive the fight and if she gets her brother back.
”you drew up some good-faith treaties / i drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone / you said i have to trust more freely / but diesel is desire, you were playing with fire”
kazuto talking to suguha. this is about her trying to reach out to him and him still shutting her out and not talking about sao or what was happening with asuna. he’s suffering alone, “poising” himself, because he doesn’t want to hurt her. she wants him to trust her, he wants them to just be a normal family again and stop pushing him to open up about what he isn’t ready for.
“and maybe it’s the past that’s talking / screaming from the crypt / telling me to punish you for things you never did / so i justified it”
suguha talking to kazuto. she lashes out at him because she’s afraid he’s going to abandon her again. this lyric honestly just reminds me of her saying she wishes he’d kept being a jerk so she never realised how she felt. she’s putting the blame on him.
“all that bloodshed, crimson clover / uh-huh, the bombs were closer / my hand was the one you reached for all throughout the great war”
suguha talking to kazuto again. “the bombs were closer” is the threat of him losing asuna getting closer, stressing him out more. “my hand was the one you reached for” is him reaching out to her to ask for help and letting himself be more vulnerable with her.
“always remember, uh-huh, the burning embers / i vowed not to fight anymore if we survived the great war”
this is kazuto talking to suguha. “the burning embers” refers to the raw emotion after the fight. “i vowed not to fight anymore if we survived the great war” is pretty straightforward - if they make it through this fight, he promises to not fight with her anymore. he promises to let her into his life and let things go back to normal.
“it turned into something bigger / somewhere in the haze, got a sense i’d been betrayed / your finger on my hairpin triggers”
suguha talking to kazuto. the feelings and emotions she’d been suppressing and telling herself weren’t a big deal all came out far bigger than she expected it to. “somewhere in the haze i got a sense i’d been betrayed” refers to the dreamlike haze of having kazuto back being broken by her feelings of jealousy and betrayal that kazuto’s heart belonged to someone he’d met in the other world (see: sweet dream was over). “your finger on my hairpin triggers” is her being sensitive to having him back, asuna, etc, and him not realising.
“solider down on that icy ground / looked up at me with honour and truth / broken and blue / so i called off the troops / that was the night i nearly lost you / i really thought i lost you”
this is actually both of them. from suguha’s perspective, this is her seeing how her words hurt her brother, and seeing the pain in his eyes as she’s screaming. she thinks that she’s lost him forever. from kazuto’s perspective, this is the moment he realises how much his isolation hurt his sister. he sees how much the years wore her down and thinks that, when she turns away and goes back into her room, he lost her for the last time.
“we can plant a memory garden / say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair”
kazuto talking to suguha. “we can plant a memory garden” is him offering to put the past behind them when he can finally come home for real. they’re both changed, their relationship needs nurturing while they both recover and the fight won’t disappear (”place a poppy in my hair”), but they can work on it together
“there’s no morning glory / it was war, it wasn’t fair”
this is both of them again. this is the aftermath of their fight, when they dance together after the party. it’s a bittersweet moment. there’s no sense of victory for either of them after their fight. it wasn‘t fair, they hurt someone they love.
“and we will never go back to that bloodshed, crimson clover / uh-huh, the worst was over / my hand was the one you reached for all throughout the great war”
again, this is both of them. they won’t go back to fighting anymore. the relationship still needs work, but the worst of it is done. they won’t be at war with each other again.
“always remember, uh-huh / we’re burned for better / i vowed i would always be yours / ‘cause we survived the great war”
kazuto talking to suguha (though it could go either way tbh). “we’re burned for better” refers to their relationship becoming stronger and more secure because they know that they’ve survived the great war. they can survive anything else as long as they work together. “i vowed i would always be yours because we survived the great war” is kazuto promising that he’s going to come back for real, only this time “the great war” refers to him surviving sword art online and then saving asuna. he completed what he needed to do, he can come home to suguha.
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kryoymir · 1 year
How about some fun facts about Kryo2020? I started writing this on Saturday and forgot about it. Been having a lot of stuff going on in my personal life.
The whole synthwave visual aesthetic was decided on before any considerable amount of work was done on the actual music
Despite the synthwave aesthetic, there's actually no retro-sounding music on the album. I tried, with Spaced In, but ultimately decided it wasn't going to be something I could produce at a level I was happy with
On the subject of Spaced In, I accidentally made a typo on the cover art for it and called it "Spaced Out" in one spot
Light It Up! was a last-minute addition that I whipped up in just a couple days. Despite this, it's still my favorite song on the album.
The Star King Rises is a reference to the end of the Alicization arc of Sword Art Online, where Kirito and Asuna are revealed to have become the Star King and Star Queen during their time in the Underworld. There's no deeper reason behind this title, I just thought it was a cool nod to one of my favorite series.
Dividend, one of the bonus tracks, was written as a sort of boss theme style piece. I thought it might work well in a more upbeat game.
Garden of Eden, one of the bonus tracks, is actually not a reference to the biblical location, but a girl I was close with at the time of recording it. I wanted to write something more mellow for her, but still give it a bit of my own personal flair. It's not a good song tbh, and I never showed it to her.
I'm not 100% on this but the melody in Encore sounds like a reversed version of Apathy's. I don't actually distinctly remember writing that one.
The 'clean' version of Foreword (the one without the audio of my car stereo) is actually an older version that was exported earlier in the recording process. I changed the snare samples towards the end of the recording cycle (which is good because it sucks)
Candychrome is one of my least favorite songs ever. I thought it was cool for the longest time but the more I listen to it the more I hate it! The outro is funny though, especially when it's my only explicit song ever.
The album both starting and ending with audio in my car was partially inspired by Breakin Benjamin's third album, Phobia, which is also my third favorite BB album behind Ember and We Are Not Alone.
Aforementioned car was a 2007 Ford Focus hatchback that was straight-piped. I loved that car and spent many an hour just driving it around for the hell of it. Eventually I traded it in for a Subaru Impreza but I intend to get a manual Focus in the future when I can afford a second car.
Recording this album made me realize I wanted to go back to darker music, and was partially the genesis for VOID NXLL's birth.
And now, for the update
I forgot to write on the board. My bad. But I didn't actually write anything new, I just listened to the current mix of the album and decided I don't think it's long enough.
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daughterofnero · 1 year
What appeared to be Asuna had slowly found her way to the entry to the Nightrider family’s kitchen. She was a little pale, a little clammy, her hair piled on top of her head and a blanket wrapped around her. “Roran… gan you make me a bowl ob okayu…. blease….” This pitiful request was hindered by a stuffy nose and punctuated with a sneeze. Hay fever was one of Asuna’s great nemeses.
Roran very nearly cooed at Asuna, the poor dear looked miserable. Instead, he pulled out a seat for her at the kitchenette table and started digging through the cabinets for the rice. "Of course Asuna. Do you want sticks of apple and ginger with it as well? How about some mint tea with honey, for your throat?"
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floral-flames--a · 2 years
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          The day was gloomy; the clouds hung low and dark, casting a dismal pall over the land. Hisoki sat under the comfort of the porch with a now cold tea in hand as Asuna and Himari slept in the other room. He stared listlessly out at the gray sky, content to just sit and think about the many things that now plagued his mind. However, despite his dreary surroundings, something about this day felt almost… dreadful. Maybe it was because he was surrounded by all these inner thoughts that threatened to consume him whole, or maybe it was because even though their world had been turned upside down everything seemed infinitely less important these days.
       Though, as Hisoki contemplated the events that recently unfolded, he could feel a tugging sensation within his chest. It was as if something was about to happen, but he couldn't quite identify what it was. Regardless, the inner demon continued its persistent scratching at the surface of his flesh, begging for attention. It's appearance had been growing increasingly erratic in recent days- demanding more and more of Hisoki's energy in order to manifest itself fully. It would be such a simple task for him to exorcise it... but he stubbornly refused to give into its demands. 
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          It was only then the rain began to fall upon the ground, the clouds darker as a slight stir could be heard coming from the house.
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spectresbase · 2 years
Tweetfics 11/7/22
Part of the Naughty November tweetfic set I've been running. Short, tweet length smut stories set to a theme. Today's themes: Tropical Getaway - College - Tickling.
They'd bought these swimsuits years ago, saving them for their first leave together. By the time Kelly and Linda finally hit the beach, the bikinis were straining to contain more mature curves. 5 minutes of playing in the surf and they snapped. Leave only got better from there.
"Chose, nerd boy. You've been stringing us along long enough."
"Go Go is right, Tadashi. We deserve a straight answer."
"You do." Picking Honey up, Tadashi deposited her atop Go Go. "I choose both!"
An hour of wild sex later, Honey burbled, "Both is good." Go Go just grunted.
Escaping to the Maldives to avoid the heat might be a little oxymoronic, but with the GCP hot on her trail, Selina thought it fit.
What she got for her troubles was sun, surf, an hours of back arching, bed staining, body shaking sex from a towel boy named Tim.
The lecture series went well. The professor thanked her for her efforts. And then after he left, the trio of stud's Lara'd spotted in the front row thanked her in a much more meaningful way: bending her backwards over the desk and stuffing her holes with college cock!
Last time she'd been in Cuba, walking the beach naked like this would've gotten Natasha shot. She still might, but this time she'd enjoy the shots.
Interrupting a volleyball game, she gave the boy's balls a workout instead, draining them right onto her face and tits.
"He-hehehehe-mphh! Snk!" Holding back giggles as best she could meant Hana had to clutch the arm rests hard enough they creaked. The arcade's tickle booth had a record of an hour, and she'd yet to meet a game machine record she couldn't beat. No matter how many tries it took!
Her class was a little confused when Najma relocated them to her beach house for a week. But then, she'd have gotten kicked out of the school if she'd taught in a bikini a lab coat there.
Here is just made the post class gang bang that much easier. Long as nobody squealed.
Maniacal laughter drifted down the corridor to Kim and Ron. "Sounds like he's almost ready! We better hurry!"
Putting on a burst of speed, they kicked down Drakken's door. Only to find the super villain tied the bed while Shego teased the head of his cock with a feather.
Tim blanched as he saw just who his class's substitute teacher was.
Being held back by Ms. Bertinelli made his friends laugh.
Ordered into one of the front row seats, Huntress mounted Robin right there in the lecture hall for some additional one on one tutoring.
The beaches might not be as nice as on Themyscira, but Diana wasn't complaining. Nor were the locals complaining about her adoption of the local swimwear. Which was to say, nothing at all.
Skin glowing golden in the embers of the fading sun, she looked like the goddess she was.
There'd always been a bit of a rivalry between Asuna and Suguha, one that usually came out in their sparing sessions. Usually. Today it was manifesting in a slightly different arena.
Tangled together in a 69, they were engaged in a deadly serious feet tickling contest!
The tourist industry hadn't quite made it to Kashyyyk's tropical section. Something about 1000 meter trees and killer undergrowth.
Rey liked the solitude. It meant nobody was around to hear her losing her mind as Chewie ruined her holes with his massive monkey meat!
"You will tell me what I want to know." Winter leaned menacingly over Weiss, locking the final cuff into place. "I have ways of making you talk." The feather brushed teasingly along the bottom of Weiss's foot. "So tell me. What is it you and Najma do on those weekend benders?"
Ron was pretty sure that without Shego, he'd have flunked out of college by now. It wasn't like she cooked his grades for him, but for every B he brought her, she gave him a blow job. B+ got him the kinda deep throat that left her make up ruined.
And A's?
A's got him anal.
Wasting a Spartan on college recruitment drive seemed, well, like a waste. But this was Olympia Vale's Alma Mater, and the dean had pull with the admiralty. So here she was, fully kitted out in her armor, passing out digi-fliers at career week. She almost laughed. 1/X
The athletic demo, both in and out of armor was at least as break from the booth duty. Showering off in the school's gym actually gave her a hit of nostalgia. As did the group that materialized to block the door. It'd been a while since she'd indulged in this sort of fun. 2/X
Apparently her reputation around the school had only grown in her absence, because interspersed with questions about how much action she'd seen, one brave soul had the guts to ask: "Did you really fuck the entire lacrosse team to exhaustion?"
She sucked his dick first. 3/X
That broke the ice, and soon the gang had her surrounded. A dick in each hand, she bounced her head back and forth, treating both to reckless and sloppy blowjobs while beneath her, the brave guy got to be the first to actually fuck her.
He wasn't the last. 4/X
Spartans in general were an uptight group, and Olympia hadn't gotten really fucked in ages. Augmentation might've increased her stamina, but what the individual guys lacked in that department they made up for in sheer numbers. She lost count of just how many cocks she took. 5/X
One of them broke out a marker, offering to help her keep track. It gave her an idea: "Write your student ID on me. I'll look each of you up after this for a one on one Q/A session about joining up." She licked a little cum from her finger. "Promise it'll be worth your time." 6/X
When she made it back to the booth, her recruitment liaison was furious. "Where the hell have you been?"
"Recruiting." She slapped the list of numbers in front of him. "These students want an interview."
The recruiter gaped. "That many?"
Olympia shrugged. "I'm good." 7/7
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thunderousmemes · 2 years
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Icons made for @asunas-embers​
These are specially made for the user above, please do not use
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seidanguard · 3 years
The general did not have time for Earthrealm ninjas. The human was unfamiliar, not in any databases or customs records.
Of course not. She was an Earthrealm ninja. They never went through official channels.
This meant, of course, that it was an inside job. There had to have been someone in the capital involved in this who had let them in.
That in itself was troubling. But what was even more troubling is that she was from the Shirai Ryu. Intelligence indicated that the Shirai Ryu were allied with the Lin Kuei, an enemy of Seido. But they had not arrested her upon discovery. Well, sort of, but they did not take her for arraignment; instead, when Hotaru learned of this he requested she be taken to his office. If he played nice, then they could gain intelligence regarding who on the inside facilitated her entry.
Hotaru disliked doing things like this - diverting somebody from an arraignment and also playing nice - but he'd do what he had to to keep the city in order.
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heamatic-archive · 3 years
@asunas-embers​  Continued from discord
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          :・゚ 🔥┇If the young woman appeared ill from a distance, she seems on the verge of death up front. The guards woman approaches with cautious steps, still on the lookout in case this was a decoy for something far sinister — until the girl collapses in the dry leaves. She kneels next to her, looks for a pulse: it is there, albeit feint. Still alive — smells like smoke and wet, rotting earth. Fingers draw to her lips — follows a shrill whistle to alert the other guards.
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            When the young woman awakens, the sunrays peer from a window, morning breeze rustling ruby red leaves. She rests upon a futon, thick blanket drawn up to her shoulders — however, would she makes an attempt at moving, she’ll find herself restrained, her wrists elaborately tied together with thick rope upon her belly under the covers. For a short while she is alone, until the shoji is pulled aside and a tall and imposing figure enters the room which suddenly appears smaller with his presence. One large hand he holds a tray with a glass of water and fresh bread.
            ❝You are awake❞, baritone voice drawls with a clear accent, ❝I was beginning to believe you may not awaken at all.❞
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           Carefully, the man kneels next to her, setting the tray by her side. ❝Pardon the binds — ❞, he continues, ❝— simple preliminary precautions. Here —❞, he helps her sit up, his hand warm against her back — holds the glass of fresh water to her, the rims sweating with cool beads, waiting for her to take. ❝The guards claim you sought Grandmaster Hasashi. Why?❞
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tsumaa · 3 years
@asunas-embers / liked.
 often , these soft edges of a woman and hanzo's mindless nature that suggested irritation and violence caused others to think them as a stark contrast . and while harumi had no doubt the man could burn so many worlds if he lost , she also knows he's kind enough to bring the young girl to her care and ask her to aid her even if he wasn't sure about her origin , nor her story .  her father was once a shirai ryu , he's told her and harumi wasted no time preparing the medical kit and herbs . she didn't have to be a shirai ryu for harumi to help . modern times didn't quite intimidate her , in fact she was rather interested in the way herbology had gotten better than her time . a few bandages around the poor girl's abdomen , she's checked for broken bones and found none . all was quiet until the younger girl had stirred awake , allowing harumi to take a glance in her dark eyes and give her a faint smile .
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 ❛ welcome back , dear girl . do not move , your head might feel dizzy . ❜
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