#at least it looks kindof decent
clipzicle · 1 year
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fanart is hARRRDDDDD
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This is somewhat based off the last request you posted, but it could really be anything. for the soul combined creeps, like if nights for example, didnt like the person candy was dating like, at ALL, it could literally be for any reason. would candy do something about it or anything? or what do they do in this situation? this could also be the other way around with candy not liking whoever terrors is falling for, etc. would they just tell eachother to suck it up, or if it was for an actual decent reason, would they talk about it?
this question was plotted better in my head than it is here.. but i hope it wasnt confusing
this also kindof links up to a break up questions i had in mind. say candy broke up with the reader(or anyone) about something, but nights was still “inlove” or still liked their company, assuming the break up didnt go well and candy is distant, how would this go?
I might have answered this before but I feel like in my opinion, the only way a relationship could work would be if they both at least liked the person. If one of them has a very strong dislike for the possible partner, and they aren’t even willing to try and get to know them, I don’t see it working out long term, because they exist in the same body and share the same thoughts/headspace. They both want to make existing in the same body as easy as possible for each other, and so I really don’t see them trying to date someone the other person couldn’t handle being around. To be fair though, Terrors isn’t really looking to get to know people and date on his own. I think Candy is the one going out and meeting people, and whoever he dates, there’s a chance Terrors could fall in love with them too, but I don’t see Terrors like actively going out and trying to find someone.
I think, though, that does not necessarily go for Brian/Hoodie and Tim/Masky, who are soul fused in my canon. I think Tim would date whoever he wanted, as Masky physically cannot feel love in my canon so I don’t think Tim really cares if Masky likes them or not. Brian I think tries to be mindful to Hoodie, but Hoodie is barely interested in relationships or getting close to people at all anyway, so I think Hoodie would probably just insist that Brian date whoever he wants.
I do also want to add at the end for your break up question, I don’t see a relationship working out if one of them breaks up, even if the other is still interested. It would be incredibly cruel to the person who decided to break up with the partner, and I think it would be too difficult to manage and in the long run probably wouldn’t work out. In this case the relationships really do just have to go both ways. Even Masky, in all of his hatred and not caring for other people, wouldn’t try to do anything with someone that Tim had broken up with. And I don’t see Terrors as the type to put his feelings above Candy, quite honestly, as he’s in Candy’s body and I think he puts Candy’s feelings first, even if he wouldn’t admit to that.
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prettywarriors · 4 years
Fate The Winx Commentary
Good morning internet! Today is the drop of Winx: Riverdale edition! I sure hope you're ready for my aggressive and unnecessary commentary, because it is coming for you either way!
The netflix landing page lets us know:
Fate The Winx Saga
6 episodes, 48-53 minutes each
"Genres: Fantasy TV Shows, Teen TV Shows, Italian TV Shows"
"This show is: Emotional"
As mentioned elsewhere, my Winx knowledge is limited, so I will be coming into this fairly fresh and will try to be unbiased. As I have seen trailers, the keyword here is Try.
Episode 1
'To the Waters and the Wild'
CW: Animal Death, Swears, Implied Child Death, Blood, Implied Teen Sex, Burns, Weed, Fatphobia, Whatever the term pussie falls under
Episode 1 TL;DR: We meet everyone, learn their dynamics, have the basics of the magic system beat into us, meet our monsters, and name drop Harry Potter. Standard first episode stuff.
I do want it on record before we start that I got about halfway into the first season of Riverdale, and the first season of Netflix Sabrina. They were, well, bland and boring imo? I did get through a few seasons of Teen Wolf, but that's because it was capable of Fun and Jokes. My current expectations are a few unintentionally funny lines, maybe some almost decent magic effects, and because it's 2021, one whole gay character (I did hear one of the boys (there are boys?) is bi, but also an asshole so I'm hoping for some wlw)
TV-MA LANGUAGE AND SMOKING OH FUCKING BOY Almost full moon (waxing) in opening shot- I Will be tracking moon inconsistencies if it keeps showing up that is a pet peeve but hey look a bunch of sheep That's a good start (it's ominous though. don't hurt the sheep) Swears count: Feckin' 2 Mystical portal barrier. Oh yeah s5 of the magicians is on netflix now WELP THOSE ARE SHEEP GUTS RIGHT OUT THE GATE HUH For CW it's up a tree, and the dripping blood is a good warning of what's about to be seen :( oh and then the man who was looking for the sheep dies offscreen save for a spray of blood. THIS ISN'T YOUR CHILD'S WINX CLUB it seems to say. I assume. How much blood was in the original winx because this is already at least a full cup. (Also the monster noises for whatever was chasing the man (werewolf it was a werewolf trailers are bad guys) were not very good)
Opening credit scene is 5-6 different blooming elemental wings. They're pretty, but it's unclear if the last one is secret 6th member wings (because the second to last ones are fire which is the main character's element right?) so maybe we'll get a late 6th addition? (I am in I.T. please give me the most relatable character you cowards)
KIDS IN THE CORNER BY AMBER VAN DAY PLAYING I like where they shot this but that might just be european woods pretty. The opening location was nice and mossy save for the sheep blood Fancy big stone school establishing shots (it's nice, and huge) and we land on a red head who seems less than pleased to be here Courtyard shot of... whatever the name of the replacment plant girl is, holding a tray of various potted plants for an older man (father? first day of school send off maybe?) Aisha(?) walks by, not talking to anyone, Stella(?) is taking Magical!Selfies with at least 3 other girls, Musa(?) has a suitcase and headphones and smiles at a passing girl Oh boy a boy with a pocketknife doing little tricks with it! Nothing says edgy like an actual knife edge. Gonna take this moment to point out I have some level of face blindness and while the girls all look fairly different from one another, if there is more than one tall blonde white boy as I fear there may be, I WILL NOT be able to tell them apart. Not through maliciousness, just general incompetence, so anything I say about the boy characters (I want to say they're the knights to the girl's faeries? is that right? this whole thing smacks of gender) should be taken with a heap of salt I've come to accept tv just. displaying text messages on screen as a storytelling method. It's never my favorite but it just Is a modern story element. Also Bloom needs to meet stella at the alfea gates Alfea I presume is the school- does the name mean something? It sure feels like the word elf and therefore fae but I don't feel like googling anything this early in Oh look two more blondish tall white boys. Pocketknife was wearing something else i think, one guy has a brown jacket and pink shirt (bad combo), the other looks old even by tv highschool/college standards and his jacket has a jock vibe. Jock jacket also has an earring? Is this the bi character who is an asshole? From this one second of him, only in profile, I will assume yes, he is an asshole I like Bloom's backpack Pink shirt looks at Bloom from across the quad. I am already tired of this romance Cool he walks up to someone he has identified as lost, and is 'impressed with [her] confidence in the face of complete ignorance' COMING OUT OF THE GATE WITH A NEGG HUH PINKY He even states he wasn't offering help Then Why Are You Talking To Her Jackass Subs are going with the fairy spelling, and Bloom confirms she is a fairy and we confirm this is College. Unless this is a european thing where they call schools different things. I think that's just for public and private? And maybe just england? I'm American all they teach us is 1492-ww1 over and over for like. 10 years sorry Rest of the World 'What Realm are you from?' 'California' Speaking of ameri-centric, I'm gonna Guess that original Winx, the italian cartoon, didn't have their main character be from cali usa? I am presuming this is a side effect of making this property for a more global distribution than I'm guessing winx was originally conceived as back in the early 00s The Otherworld. I assume this is the fairy realm and whatnot? And the magic school. Seems to be located behind a magical barrier in the earth realm?? If that's right it seems weird if basically everyone who goes to the school is from the otherworld Pinky doubles down on his rudeness but in a Fun and Cute way because :/ and the Specialist hall is Very Pretty, oh and there's a fairy hall. Are specialists the boy...things? magi knights? bros of the blade? guys who wear those 'here come a special boy' sneakers from that one comic? Stella sees this conversation which is great because they drop the term mansplain. why would otherworlders know that term even??? Edgey(?) sees Pinky and they hug it out Stella knows Americans are the type to wander off so I guess there's a lot of inter-world connections?
Miss Dowling- is this teacher going to be like the pedo in riverdale who got *checks notes* killed off by one of multiple serial killers later on? Dowling is the headmistress, gotta keep the otherworld a secret from earthers, time and place for portal making. all standard fantasy stuff so far, nothing to make this stand out Stella has a gateway ring, and frankly isn't too nice? all the backgrounders clothing is Bland and very normal 7 realms of the otherworld, Solaria is where Alfea is, i like magic globe Incase you forgot this was a modern tale, people update their insta stories here. 'I was kindof bummed I didn't see a single pair of wings' YOU AND ME BOTH BLOOM 'We had wings in the past, transformation was lost, tinkerbell was an air fairy' This is either a cop out for your glittery cowardice, or a set up for the main girls re-finding transformation magic later. I did like the Tink bit Bloom is a fire fairy and the subtext of this conversation is that bloom's magic did Something bad. I hope it was burn down her old school's gym a la buffy movie I like miss Dowling but in the I wouldn't Be Surprised if you turned out to be Evil way, and I guess Alfea is a very privileged upper crust school. What types of college do normal fairies go to then huh? damn privileged fairies 'our students have gone on to do amazing things like re-discover long lost magics' We Get It. You will give me Wings, but Only If I'm Patient Dowling throws a jab at Bloom about power control, but I like her necklace so It's Fine
Bloom video calls her parents while unpacking in the dorm, which may have come pre-fit with a heck ton of board games? Love it. Or new plant girl brought them along with her many plants Stella has a fancy mirror and lots of jewelry and fashion photos and makeup, Musa has a laptop and apparently not much else, gotta get those establishing personalities down I guess 'Ladies of the Flies honey don't be sexist' Bloom's dad for feminist of the year (these jokes are bad but i guess we can call it a dad joke as justification) Asiha gives Bloom a look and saves her from the call with her parents- yay friendship step one achieved Blooms parents think she's in the alps because magic secrets and what not Aisha asks bloom if she's never read harry potter and I guess Bloom is a potterhead (that's the term right?). Is this self awareness that all magical school fantasy series have the same basic bricks?  Bloom is a ravenclaw sometimes slytherin, Aisha is a Gryffindor Stella is changing because she's the fashion one and has a fun pastel rainbow skirt, and uses magic to make a real aggressive lamp. She's also a mentor (maybe older than the others by a bit?) I am assuming Stella here is something along the lines of a diplomats daughter the way she talks about appearances. She better get down and dirty later on to show her growth about how some things are more important than looks yada yada Fairy magic powered by strong emotions, i am waiting for bloom's backstory to be movie x-men rogue style tragedy Terra! Which. Of course is the Plant Fairy's name. Stella is a little mean to her about the plants and she takes it with a smile and some subtle snark back using classic literature Oh that's fun Terra points out the name-plant thing, and name drops her cousin Flora. That's. The one they replaced with Terra right? Terra's dad works in the greenhouse at the school which explains earlier (and her mum is named rose) Stella is indeed a second year and Musa's eyes change for. Lie detecting magic? and loves her headphones (Overstimulation?) Aisha wants somewhere to swim and we cut to a 'pond' by specialist training. Assuming she wants to sim because she's a water fairy, why Don't they have a pool? also this pond looks. Unpleasant for swimming
Girl specialist! Does that mean we have boy fairies? Boys. Fighting. Talking about girls. All gingers are nuts. Thanks edgelord AMAZING SHAGS THOUGH 'I didn't realize your hand was a red-head' it's not truly edge if we don't talk about sex every 10 minutes Subtitles earlier only said boy 1 boy 2 but now pinky or edgy is Riv Edgy smokes weed, and pinky is a big brother figure to him, and the head? of the special boys doesn't like edgy. Me neither older guy Bit of swordplay, more girls, every specialist has black training outfits, very military Pinky is Sky who is son of Guy of Place. an important lad. without context this is meaningless to me There's a giggly boy who laughs at the idea of a war in the future and gets a talking to. I suspect this boy will be re-occurring enough to die- he has those tertiary character elements with his intro and such (and he's black so I am prepared for your standard racist murder choices) Burned Ones exist outside the barrier, which makes me wonder if dead shepard was in the otherworld? There was nothing establishing that he was in any type of Other place but :/ Oh look edgey is having a smoke cross the barrier while we learn about the creatures that live beyond it. Time to find out these creatures no one young has ever seen are still kicking Specialist leader had to kill his own pa after a burned one got him. They also. Used a shotgun when trying to fight it. Do specialists even have powers or are they just good with weapons? Edgey finds the shepards corpse. Mostly blood 'it's been 16 years since the last sighting' 'Rosalind killed all the burned ones' ahh magical creature genocide hey when is abarat 4 coming out. and is rosalind hot?
School, gossip, Aisha and Musa are snarking at Tera for thinking the guy died of natural causes because we need to have these characters not actually like each other to make it stand out when they do Aisha talks about how she eats a lot and if she didn't swim she'd be massive and we cut to the plus sized tera looking uncomfortable are we really doing this? Tera points out that Musa was ignoring her earlier and it's all just uncomfortable and not great character conflict (but I thought I saw Musa holding an honest to god ipod? it's blue but it could be a phone case. Her hand is in the way) tera and dad interaction is nice, i'm also convinced they couldn't afford more than 3 magic adults
Girl with braids and metal in her hair! There were witches in winx right? Like 3 minor antagonist girls? I assume this is one of them. Because she has alternative fashion and is therefore evil /s Beatrix. Names in this series leave something to be desired (that something is subtly. I get it, they're carry overs from a series for a younger audience, she-ra had the same issue, but i can still poke fun) Swear count: Arsehole 2 Bollocks 1 Shit 1 She's a weird ass kissing with clearly ulterior motives
Bloom is Studying and her notebook is just FAIRY MAGIC POWER = EMOTIONS LOVE FEAR? HARTED? FIRE FAIRY CONTROL? in case you weren't paying attention Oh a flashback already to the magic triggering event? Her mother had pointed out she's an introvert, and past!Bloom doesn't Party. She goes Antiquing and is a Weird Loner (her 'basic bitch' of a mom's words) Swear count: Bitch 1 Bad daughter count: 1 Bad mother count: 1 Magic glowy eyes for Bloom: 1
Bloom Hates Parties and asks Pinky I mean Sky where she can be Away from People and he fears he'll be Mansplaing to her to. vague that it's dangerous outside instead of saying 'hey there's monsters and someone was just killed by possible one of them stay in the barrier' Stella wants to talk to Sky because they have History. I did hear there was a love triangle between these three. I am bored and everyone at this party is a nosey bitch who is watching their tense conversation. Also Something? Happens when Stella gets upset [mystical warbling] Random magic effects in the (very pretty) forest Bloom is trying to practice her magic on her own, and to do that she's gotta look at sad teen pics. And look, her burnt bedroom from her first power usage The fire magic is pretty good. I think fire is like. the opposite of water when it comes to cg where it almost always looks pretty good, while I swear i've seen the actual ocean look like a shitty render Magic out of control, bloom can't control her emotions, Aisha can stop her with water magic which makes some nice steam Bloom is angry at aisha for saving her. So far 3 of the 5 girls are abrasive at best remember when people made characters likeable? Swear count: Shit 1 (but it doubles as the literal meaning because of flooded toilets) Swear count: Bitch 1 Ass 1 Taking away your teen's door is. Really shitty. Not almost burn down your house worthy but damn cheerleader mom I do not understand sleep shirts with buttons. That seems painful if you lie the wrong way? Her mom was seriously burnt by first magic usage that's a backstory Shit count +1 Main character aspect time: dormant fairy blood line? awfully strong magic for that. baby who died day after it was born and now she's here? ...I was going to say changeling thanks aisha A Barbaric practice loving hints at long term world lore Hell is a bad word for kids!! Cutting to headmistress and her secret passage after finding out bloom is secret pureblood? this really is a harry potter thing
edgelord offers giggly some booze, and says pussies twice because he's Edgey and does peer pressure Tera calls him out and knows he's a sad nerd in disguise not a 'badass' and he says she's 'three people in disguise' because fatphobia shit +1 arehole +1 tera. chokes out edgelord with a vine because she's had enough of this shit. good for her edgelord is Riv, and he lived
OBLIGATORY GOOGLE SEARCH FOR THE TERM CHANGELING REMEMBER BELLA'S VAMPIRE GOOGLE GOD I LOVE TEEN FANTASY AND THEIR INSTANCE ON GOOGLING COMMON FANTASY TERMS OH hey the lamp bloom brought with her is the one she was fixing at home that's a nice touch Stella bonds with Bloom about homesickness, and the takes a selfie Musa is a mind fairy. So she. Is a telepath with purple eye magic? Oh there's types of 'connections' Memory, thought (others but i am cut off from the lore) Stella did Something to someone who Talked To Her Man last year and now lent Bloom her teleportation ring to send her some because miss mentor really cares more about her shitty man then helping the girls she's in charge of First World- earth Old Cemetery? Very Sexy. and bloom sweetie don't leave a mystical gateway open, and how will you explain to your parents how you're back so fast Wait she's only 16? SO this really is some european college where that's a funny way of saying High School Fire guilt, bad feelings about life shattering revelations, better connection with mother. I gotta say I have low expectations of this show carrying the family connection through the rest of this. That conversation felt more like a Hey We Made These Movements Onto Other Stuff Now
Lighting choices are interesting, with green, orange and purple for creepy warehouse. THE Creepy Warehouse where she would sleep without her parent's knowledge wow right that GIRL DROPS THE DAMN RING AT THE FIRST SIGN OF burned one looked more alien than werewolf-y here Decent Horror movie looks, and dude stole her ring. Rude. Saved by the headmistress, and tera/aisha/musa are here to great her Stella can't be here though because she has to greet a half naked freshly showered sky because life is suffering and producers insist people like to see teens half naked (who. Who?) shit +1 and she dumped him. pity part of one and using it to try to get your bone on. HEY A SONG I KNOW. IT'S WHATSITCALLED FROM THE BAYONETTA COMMERCIALS WAY BACK WHEN. in for the kill la roux. I do wish netflix would either commit to telling you what song was playing or didn't tell you at all
Riv offers Beatrix a hit from his joint because what Is a Bad Kid hasn't changed in like 70 years Blowing pot smoke into someone's mouth isn't as sexy as ya'll seem to think it is Musa has cute sleep socks with little pom poms, and I love Tera's floral jammies Tera offers a bluetooth speaker so they can listen to music together Musa also calls out Tera's fake happiness this is the good shit character interaction i live for Musa Empath Mind Fairy 'somber indie music'
If you kill a burned one in the human world Something? Extra bad happens? So the headmistress knows Bloom's a changeling, and ohhh that's the last time a burned one was spotted. Is Rosalind the famed Monster Slayer the birth mother of Bloom? Tera text flirts with Giggly who IS NAMED DANE and has a thing for. Sky? Riv? I told you these boys all look the same to me so if it's a half naked pic on fairy insta i'm out of context clues. Crymeariv is the insta name that answers that. Is this the slow burn enemies to lover mlm i can't finish this sentence i don't care riv is a dick Stella and Sky are in a bed and she doesn't seem to have a top on so Implied sexy times? MYSTERIOUS HOODED AND ROBED FIGURE CROSSES THROUGH THE BARRIAR AND SHOOTS THE BURNED ONE WITH LIGHTNING MAGIC OH IT'S beatrix
alt-J – Adeline as an ending song
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jerriisspeakingnow · 3 years
The difference in how much better I feel from one night of sobriety is really…I dunno, I kindof want to cry. It’s crazy how much clarity I can gain just from a single night.
And yeah, I’m sure there will be people that will judge me. Or some that will just be concerned about the length of time I’ve been consistently drinking almost every single night (it’s been happening for the past three months.) And no, that’s not a typo - three solid months. (Ironically yesterday was exactly three months from when everything felt like it was shattering and collapsing around me)
…for me to speak up and talk about any of this, for me to be open with anyone, is really hard some days. The last time I really got honest about any of this, I was half drunk/half still asleep and just crying so hard sitting on their bed, screaming about how I didn’t want to become my mother and I really wanted to get better. The look on their face was the only thing I can vividly remember, because the amount of kindness I saw was something I’d never experienced, especially not when I was still so new to them.
…But now I’ve lost them, and they’ve stopped caring about me all together (at least they’ve made it pretty clear to me.) I don’t get any random messages anymore, nothing to show they even cared to have me in their life like they said they wanted/said I could be. I get ignored when I send something, and any reply is at least the following day with a what feels like a half assed response.
…I’ve been fighting for three months just to feel decent again, and honestly I still wonder if it’s even worth all the appointments and the medication. I don’t understand why I need an answer to many of my questions, and I’m so tired and exhausted from chasing the answers down and trying to dig for them.
I’ve stopped doing it as often, and I’ve finally reached a point of being more “numb” I suppose? (Looks like I may have gotten my ‘Magnus Bane please take away my emotions like you did for Julian Blackthorn’ wish) But for now I’m starting to feel better at least, and if it’s enough to keep me going and start pushing forward again, so be it.
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faefictionblog · 3 years
Lovesick Street Puppy
I don't even know how to tag this relationship- kdjsksndf its the boys but they have dog ears, tails, and qualities.
Shiba Senpai x Weenie Boyfriend | Rushed drabble, I didn't check it for grammer or anything I was just bored in class lmao.
To say that Senpai was pampered was, probably a bit of an understatement. You would never find a speck of dirt on him, or heaven forbidden a hair out of place, his strawberry tinged orange tail and ears brushed to their peak fluff- he was considerably clean, spotless, all the time. He was treated as such as well when at school, receiving praise from students and pats on the head from teachers- all of it went a little to his head in personality, inflating his ego and ever increasing his need to preen himself like a peacock every minute. It stayed that way for years of his life, and he never wanted that to change-
Except unfortunately as all things do, It did, when a small weenie dog, and 2 of his companions which happened to be a small scruffy ginger munchkin cat, and a beautiful black cat with long flowing hair.
Senpai was to confident, far to cocky in his abilities to woo everyone on sight, neglecting the fact that he never really had to try with his classmates, as he was always there to look at and at overtime his admirers grew- however now, as he stared in shock at the tiny blue weenie dog that had defeated him in not 1, but 2 song battles, he felt more than deflated. He stormed off angrily, cold, and feeling a desperate ice to check that his hair hadn't become a mess in the battle...but.
The weenie followed him. After it talked with its two partners in crime the tiny blue dog just, continued to follow him. Everywhere in fact.
To the bus, around the campus, he was always at Senpais heel, like a speck of mud he couldn't get off his shirt. The street dog follows, and follows. Senpai was tired of it- finally breaking the act to shout at the dog.
"Alright worm, what exactly will it take to get you to leave me alone?!"
The weenie stared up at him quietly. Senpai stared back, waiting for some kindof reply, raising an eyebrow as the mutt opened his mouth...
Godamnit. What is this? The dog was barking rhymes and rhythms at him earlier but he can't talk like a normal person?!?!
"You can't follow me around and brag all day to everyone I know about how you beat me- you've ruined my perfect coat more than enough so you can scram now-!"
He huffs as the weenie stays put, having the least decently to tilt its head curiously at the taller dog.
"Boof bef beef boof"
He barks repeatedly at Senpai and the man groans, finally it comes to a head when the other follows him all the way home. After all its not like this mutt can come inside his house. He turns and looks at the weenie with a small glare.
"Okay, this is my home. You have to go now. I am putting my foot down that you cannot come inside."
It was dumb, he felt dumb that he had to say this to another person- like he was talking to an actual dog. The small blue weenie continued to stare at him and as he moved to go inside he noticed the dog continued to follow. He sighs and turns back around placing his hands on the tiny dogs shoulders, pressing down, the weenie dog gives no resistance and allows Senpai to force him into sitting position on the ground.
It was mostly a joke for acting like a legitimate dog around him, but when the tiny weenie actually sat there and didn't continue to follow him inside the home he raised his eyebrows with concern, surely this boy was smart enough to know he can't just sit out here all night. He'll go home eventually. Senpai sighs with utter exhaustion and continued into the house, letting the door close behind him.
Several hours passed. Senpai continued to think about that stupid weenie- he didn't even catch his name. Damnit. As he sat staring at his homework at midnight, unable to sleep, he tucked his face into his hand, pushing back his bangs and grooming himself a bit before deciding that maybe, he just needed some fresh air.
He opens the door and...
Two beady black eyes stare back at him sitting down exactly where he told him too, the weenie was...still there. The boy rubbed his eyes tiredly as if he was just sleeping out here til Senpai opened the door, speaking of which. The taller Shiba look absolutely panicked to see the smaller one still there. Genuinly concerned for this weirdos well being- he doesn't even think about it as he leans down and picks the weenie up an carries himside. The mutt was was getting dirt on him and he cringed at the feeling but he was a little preoccupied with making sure the other hadn't been picked clean by mosquitoes or ants or anything just sitting there.
"What the hell were you thinking?! I told you you couldn't come inside- that doesn't mean stay out there-!!!"
He was angry, rightfully so. The weenie boofed at him again and he could already feel himself dragging his hand down his face in exhausting if it weren't for the fact that he had just touched this mutt, after being outside all day. He stares at the dog before him and finally, with an absolute defening ache in his chest at the thought of leaving the other out there or attempting to get the guy home he caves in.
"Fine. Fine you can stay. Just. Stay in here crazy dog. Ground rule though, your filthy. I'm gonna get you a towel and your gonna wash off alright?"
Guess following your crush around like a lovesick puppy really does work sometimes.
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fasterthanmydemons · 5 years
Life Starts Now || closed with violetmagikia
@violetmagikia, continued from here.
Pietro felt... fine. It was strange to say that after being shot so many times, but he felt good, happy, ready for anything. Except for seeing his sister in the condition she was in. The confusion of waking up in a different place than he remembered being in and feeling surprisingly pain free after the excruciating reality of being shot multiple times melted away at the sight of Wanda crying. He didn’t know how he got there or why he wasn’t dead, but he did know Wanda was crying and it was his fault. That was a problem.
All his questions could wait until Wanda was taken care of. Ever the protective brother, he held his sister close as she struggled to get over the shock of seeing him so bloody and close to death. Pietro hadn’t remembered seeing Wanda so shaken since their parents’ deaths, since they were trapped under rubble for two days. He could feel her shaking in his arms, and although he was itching to move around and run, he found himself remaining rather calm for several days as Wanda shut down quite a bit, clinging to him and not really wanting to talk to anyone.
Pietro was well aware of where his sister’s head was at when she behaved that way, and he did his best to shield her from unwanted social interactions and to give her the reassurance she needed that he was going to be just fine. Whispering to her in their native Romani, he just kept telling here that everything was alright, everything had turned out well. The archer was fine, Costel had lived, even Pietro had survived. It took him several days and Wanda finally gaining her composure and mental stability back for him to begin asking why.
Stark’s technology, he had assumed, ready to scoff at the help while feeling internally conflicted about the whole thing. But not, he was told, it hadn’t been Stark’s tech that had saved his life, but his adopted daughter instead. Both twins felt rather conflicted about this, their connection to Stark being a vitriolic one at best, but they had met Leta once they broke from Ultron and joined the Avengers’ cause and she seemed... likable? They didn’t have the same history with her as they did with her dad, and so there was an obligation there that they both felt to give her a chance. The twins didn’t trust others easily, but saving one of their lives? That definitely earned points with them.
Plus, Pietro thought she was cute and decently tenacious. It was weird, at first, to have someone that was sort of able to keep up with him as he sped around, but soon he grew curious about her. He had hoped to maybe talk with her some more after all was said and done, but then... well shit happened. Now, to hear that she had been the one to save his life put everything into a different perspective.
Both twins still felt like they were walking on eggshells with the Avengers, with Pietro expecting some sort of punishment for initially fighting against them and Wanda a bit jumpy about what the “rules” might be for them remaining there and possibly becoming Avengers themselves. Even so, Pietro simply couldn’t let it go. He had to thank Leta for what she had done, not only for himself, but for Wanda. Seeing how much his near-death had traumatized his sister, he hated to think what his actual death might have done to her. He owed Leta a huge debt, and he wanted to make that known. So even if he might get into trouble for seeking her out, he had to do it.
When he heard that Leta was finally awake after a month of being in a coma - also his fault, regrettably - Pietro snuck to her room when nobody was looking. At least, he thought no one was looking. Stark seemed to have camera everywhere, though, it was kindof creepy. Opening the door a little, he knocked to get the girl’s attention. “Hello...? Is alright that I come in? Yes?” he asked, stepping inside and closing the door. “So... I hear that you saved my life. If that is really true, then... I owe you a great debt. I want to thank you.”
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thiscrimsonsoul · 5 years
☾ What is their favorite and least favorite thing about the night?
Wanda’s favorite thing about nighttime is how calm it makes her feel. Something about the darkness and nightfall, about others being asleep and quiet, and about the way the world seems to slow down a bit around her makes her feel calmer and less anxious. She is more creative at night, often wanting to draw or play with her magic. Her least favorite thing about nighttime is that she suffers from insomnia a lot, and so that’s when all the thoughts she avoids during the day tend to creep their way in. She thinks about her parents a lot, about traumatic events in her life, and after Pietro’s death, she thinks about him too. There’s no good way to kindof shut her mind off, and Wanda really doesn’t look forward to “thinking too much” at night.
🦉Could they stay calm lost in the woods all night by themselves?
Uhm.... relatively so? Wanda isn’t afraid of forests at all. As I mentioned over on Pietro’s blog, they lived in a vardo and traveled around for several years as children with their parents, so they passed through and near many forests and got used to foraging and helping with hunting and things like that, so forests hold no real terrors for her. However, Wanda’s imagination can run wild on her sometimes, and in the dark of a forest with all manner of odd noises attributable to insects and animals, she might imagine ghosts or other threats that might creep her out a bit. Being lost would also cause her a decent amount of anxiety, especially if Pietro wasn’t with her at the time.
🏡How much would they have to be offered to live in a haunted house for a month?
I mean... she wouldn’t be completely against it, although I think she wouldn’t much see the point in doing it. But Wanda can sense spirits and invisible creatures, so they’re a bit less enigmatic to her than they are to Pietro. Even so, if she doesn’t have to deal with them, then she’d rather not, heh, and money isn’t a big draw for her. Unless she really needed money for something, then I guess she’d ask for that amount, but I think she’d be easier to convince to do this than Pietro would.
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kvltprince · 5 years
1. Choose an OC.
2. Answer them as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same.
ive already tagged people *fingerguns* so if anyone wants to do this. or do it again. seriously. go for it. 
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What is your name?
”Jereldo Esparza, though hardly anyone I associate with has much use for more than a first name”
How old are you?
“Two hundred and twenty eight, unless I lost or gained a birthday in there” He frowns slightly, then half laughs.
What do you look like?
”A green glowing dried silt bean on a good day, I never seemed to get any bulk after becoming a ghoul. Didn’t have much anyway before.”
Where are you from? Where do you live now?
"Ah, well...” he clears his throat, “I was mostly raised in Southern California, spent a lot of time not much of anywhere after the bombs and did a lot of surviving like everyone else. I think I have lived in most of the cities that are left, for what they are. Now I am mostly living in Sunshine Tidings, though I have a bed in most places around the commonwealth, I prefer it a bit away from everything else. I also have a nice place built up behind the Red Rocket over by the Bottling Plant in Nuka World, I never could really get used to Fizztop but it is set up too.”
What was your childhood like?
”Fairly standard, I mean it wasn’t great, but my mom did a decent job. A lot of time sitting and drawing in museums and libraries. I was a bit of a shit in a greaser “gang” as a teen, but we never did anything too bad. Our world was imploding and we knew it. I was always getting into fights, and kissing boys, and getting into fights for kissing boys because no-one but me and the kissed boys seemed to like that much back then.”
What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions?
“The Pack and Disciples have run of the parks in Nuka World and a few outposts. Most of these other factions are kindof, well, pushy, or actively hostile.”
Tell me about your best friend.
”Gage? He’s smart and way better at planning things than I ever could be. He has never once told me my grenade use is overkill and unlike SOME people his only issue is my drinking. I am a ghoul and I think I have earned the drinks at this point. It isn’t too big of an issue. We might have started a bit strangely but he’s stuck with me.”
Do you have a family? Tell me about them!
“Not really, I seem to have a household of Gage, and these two cats around Sunshine Tidings, though”
What about a partner or partners?
”Nah, not in a while with any seriousness”
Who are your enemies, and why?
”How many enemies do raiders and ghouls get? It is pretty standard”
Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them?
”tchh” He waves off the question dismissively. “Lots of good power armor to salvage though here.”
What about The Enclave?
”Fuck those guys.”
How do you feel about Super Mutants?
”I have, and had my share of friends who are Super Mutants, have lots more who needed taken out though”
What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in?
“There was some real messy shit back in California, it really wasn’t anything like some of these fights now. None of the big ones are good to be in regardless.”
Have you ever fought a Deathclaw?
”Too many times, those big ones are a real bitch to take out though”
Do you like fighting?
”If I didn’t I would be dead.”
What’s your weapon of choice?
”My wicked spiked bat with a skull nailed to it, its great fun. Explosives are pretty good too, i like it when it rattles your bones and you worry a bit if the buildings might collapse.”
How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?)
”I am really quick and resilient, good with explosives and the big guns, can knock heads off. ”
Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them?
”I have been in a few of them, I don’t like them though.”
How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you?
”Has it affected me? No I’m right as a spring rain in the desert. The radiation doesn’t bother me, but I get out of the storms. Static is strange”
What’s your favorite wasteland critter?
“Right NOW some gunners in a rifle sight. No? Nightstalkers are cute when they aren’t lunging at you. Lots of critters are pretty good really.”
What’s your least favorite wasteland critter?
”Cazadors are pretty bad, Deathclaws are bad. Yao Gaui are bad”
How do you feel about robots?
“Most are pretty annoying, I have had a few that were alright.”
How many caps do you have on you right now?
”About three thousand?”
Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla?
Do you do chems?
”Within reason.”
Do you ever think about the Pre-War world?
”Yeah, of course, but that was a long time ago. This is a different world”
What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently?
”There are always fights or stupid decisions to regret, they are done.”
What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve?
“I have done a lot of things through the years, people disagree with a lot of it, a lot is a pile of small stuff”
What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world?
“Might as well keep going. There are still skulls that need cracking.”
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youmissedone · 6 years
A little rant about Doc from Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
First, I’ll say... this post contains MASSIVE SPOILERS for this movie, so if you haven’t seen it yet, don’t read on unless you don’t care if things get ruined for you, heh.
Next, I’ll mention that this is not a platform to shame the movies in general or to say Final Chapter sucked. I know a lot of you can (and would) say most if not all of the movies sucked, whether on their own or in comparison to the games, but I really love them, despite their flaws. So we’re not going to hate on the movies... except in fun ways, heh. There is a lot I have been able to enjoy, piece together, extrapolate on with these movies, maybe because I have a writer’s brain and a pretty good imagination, so I can overlook certain failings of horror/scifi movies and see their potential in other ways. It’s brain candy for me, so I can’t hate them too much.
Except... Final Chapter... Doc. (sigh)
Words cannot express how much I hated this character. I could just stop there. Buuuut, I won’t. XD Read on if you don’t mind spoilers or you hate Doc as much as I do, haha.
Right, so... Doc. This guy right here.
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Doc represents to me the epitome of bad writing, bad plot twists, bad plot twist reveals, and bad scripting. I cannot say bad acting, because... with what this actor was given to work with I think he did a good job. Too bad the writing and script made him look like a total ass. 
So, Doc was made exclusively for the trope of good-guy-turns-out-to-be-spy. I mean, it’s overused, but in some cases it’s an effective and even necessary trope. Not here. Aside from the fact that Doc served no discernible function in the entire movie other than to save Alice from a trap he let her ride into in the first place, Doc was written so poorly that anyone with a decent amount of experience in mapping out and writing story arcs could spot his flip a mile away. But then, once his duplicity is revealed, the movie’s banking on the viewer’s acceptance of this “revelation” is so complete and so obvious that he actually changes in personality, demeanor, and body language. Come with me while I rip Doc’s character apart for being such an affront to expertly crafted spy and betrayal arcs everywhere.
We first meet Doc when Alice wakes up from riding into a trap that full-body bitchslaps her off her motorcycle and causes her to fall unconscious. She wakes up to Doc trying to ram a needle in her heart and get her full of adrenaline so she’d wake up. (sigh) Imma already stop here. Because... already we have problems. When she asks him what's in the syringe, the conversation goes as follows:
“I needed you awake.”
“Somethin’s comin’. Somethin’ big. Same direction you came.” 
I just... *rubs temples* I have so many problems already. First of all, this is supposedly a group survivors that have barely enough to live on in a building crumbling so badly that it’s down to its metal framework. Where... the frick... is he getting pure adrenaline from? Okay, his “name” is Doc. I’m guessing that’s not his real name. Maybe he was supposed to be an actual doctor? I’m not buying it, and they never really went into that at all. Anyhoo... if we ignore that there’s really no way he would have something like that (unless it was given to him... but I’ll get back to that later), the bigger problem of how does he know something big is coming remains.
You might be like uhm... the armies of undead? Headed their way? That the Dr. Isaacs clone is leading to them? Duh. *wags finger* Okay, just wait up. First of all... how does he know what it is? What does he have like a sixth sense? I thought that was Alice’s job. And second of all, this would almost fly if they had said he saw it through the binoculars or something, but then later on when Abigail alerts Alice to the armies headed their way, she acts as if this is new news. Did Doc see it and just... not report it? I mean, if he was a spy, that would make sense, except that NOBODY REACTED AT ALL to him saying that. My first comment if I was one of the survivors would be, who the hell is this chick (Alice)? But my second one would be, wait what? What something big? Holy crap, Doc, why didn’t you say something?! But nobody reacts. Okay. Fine. Maybe it’s just bad script writing. Yeah, it is, and it only gets worse.
So then when Alice begins to succumb to the really bad wounds she sustained from hitting the trap, she’s taken to Doc’s little infirmary, where she’s offered... mouthwash? Hahaha, I mean that’s what it looked like to me, this bluish-green liquid that’s like... okay, wtf is this now, and where did he get it from? He says it’s the “specialty of the house,” and that it’ll have her on her feet in no time. Sure enough, Alice drinks this shit, and she’s all better. No limping, no more gross coughing, she’s fine! Wtf.
I wanna know what that stuff was, because nothing would have instantly fixed the bruising, possible broken rips, maybe a puncture lung, and possible other broken bones that Alice must have had from that trap. Unless... it was from Umbrella. Honestly, after I had written the earlier scene off as just not making sense because of movie crap, heh, this scene really made me think something wasn’t right with Doc. I immediately had the notion of... he’s getting information and supplies from Umbrella. That’s why he has this great stuff that heals people, that’s where he got the adrenaline from, and that’s how he already knows the armies of undead are coming. That combined with the “Alert our operative in Raccoon City” comment from Wesker pretty much confirmed it, but I’m not done with this scene yet.
So once he fixes Alice up, Claire and him have a little moment. And I mean little. Literally all we get of their relationship is this scene and a bit of hand holding later on. But yeah, they stand close together and that’s supposed to mean something, and then Claire says to Alice, “You know, he and I...” and Alice says, “I noticed.” That’s it. It’s almost like the movie was coming out of itself and telling the view, “Oh, by the way, these two are involved. That’ll be important later, so pay attention.” I mean, seriously, it was so blatantly, extraneous, and unnecessary, and therefore it felt out of place and odd. Also rushed. For all those reason, I already had Doc pegged as the traitor.
And how typical would that be? It’s always the guy you least suspect, right? The movie tries to set him up as a hero, an honorable badass. He’s involved with Claire, and we all like Claire. (Okay, not everybody likes Claire, or Ali Larter’s portrayal, but the movies assume you like her.) You’d never suspect the guy who helped Alice and who was involved with Claire would be a bad guy. They go out of their way to make Doc seem like a great guy - maybe too great - complete with the stoic, calm, suave persona the actor portrayed. He never lost his head, kept other erratic members of his group in line, was a natural leader, and seemed to have a lot of honor. All of these were red flags of a character that is being set up to be too glowing in a world of ambiguous and downright evil people.
Then... we have Doc’s participation through the standoff with the aforementioned zombie armies, the descent into the Hive, and eventually delving into the Hive. He was always asking Alice about things. Where are you going, what are you doing, have you seen (insert name of underdeveloped minor character here)? He really seemed to want to keep tabs on people, always know what was going on, always know what was happening next. To me, that’s exactly what a spy would do... except they would be MUCH LESS FREAKING OBVIOUS ABOUT IT. Double agents who are constantly asking WHATCHA DOIN’ THERE? don’t make it very far, heh. He couldn’t have been more obvious if he had an “I’m a spy” sign on his damn forehead.
And at this point, I feel like the movie might have feared that you were catching on, and it tried to point you in the wrong direction like a kid who says HE LOOK OVER THERE to get you to turn around and then runs in the other direction. I see what you did there, movie. When the Red Queen warns Alice about the “informant” Umbrella had in Raccoon City, the camera skips around to everybody present, Murder on the Orient Express-style, as if to ask the viewer oooooh, who could it be? And in doing so, the camera stops on everybody for a fairly decent moment, until it gets to Doc. Then it kindof flits away like WHOOPS you didn’t see him, don’t suspect him, it’s not him. (sigh) Yes it is, movie. I totally called it.
So yeah, that’s half the reason I hate Doc. They way he was set up was so contrived, and the path leading up to the reveal is so obvious, that I didn’t feel like it was a twist at all. By the time Doc is revealed as the informant, I was surprised at the movie’s insistence that this was big news. I honestly was shocked to realize that they hadn’t blatantly already told me that. That’s how obvious it was.
The other half of why I hate Doc is the change in him after he’s revealed as a traitor. Up until then, he was brave, unafraid, cool/calm/collected, stoic, tough, you name it. Golden badass boy. And a leader. Then we’re told that he’s an informant for Umbrella, and all of a sudden, he’s acting like a totally gullible, unintelligent, dumbass. This irritated me two-fold.
Firstly, the trope that good guys are sexy, calm, and collected, and bad guys must be irrational, erratic, and insane idiots in order to be bad is PLAYED and UNREALISTIC. Why does Doc’s personality need to change after he’s revealed to be a duplicitous asshole? Why can’t he still be a suave sexy bastard, but just be evil? The second he’s revealed as an asshole, he becomes a spineless follower instead of an honorable leader, sucking up to Isaacs by telling him he’ll disable the charges Alice placed in the Umbrella High Command cryo-tubes (even Isaacs patronizes him by saying, “You’ve done well, Doc.” It’s the way he says it. It’s clear he thinks Doc is nothing but a dog to order around...) and then begging for his life, first to Alice and then to Claire. By the time Claire is getting ready to shoot him, he’s yelling out loud in fear of being shot. Was this at all consistent with Doc’s bravery from before? I would have actually liked the character a whole lot more, even despite the crappy buildup, if he had remained the fearless leader-type character he was before he was revealed as a traitor. That would have been so much more interesting and frankly dangerous than the groveling, sniveling, erratic mess he became.
Secondly, I was really pissed off at how little he cared about Claire. And frankly how little she cared about him. Like... granted, their relationship really had no fleshing out whatsoever, but I have a writer’s brain and I tend to fill in blanks on my own. You tell me they’re in a relationship? I’m gonna assume a certain level of bonding has occurred. Now, this kindof goes along with the whole "good guys are badass and villains must be insane dumbasses" peeve, but why can Doc not be a spy for Umbrella AND be genuinely in love with Claire? It would have been far more interesting and compelling of an end to his arc if he had continued to love her and defend her until the end.
I mean, I can tell you why he didn’t. Because if the Resident Evil movies suffer from any catastrophic failures at all, it’s that they insist upon character fitting molds and tropes. It’s too difficult, tedious, and time-consuming to have characters that don’t fit the mold because then we have to address those feels. First of all, these movies don’t have time for that, they’re incredibly rushed. Second of all, they assume for us all as viewers that we don’t want emotions and uncomfortable psychological issues (outside the bare minimum norm for this genre) in a horror/action film. This is evident in them cutting many other scenes in the franchise that would have brought up difficult talking points and emotions, such as the White Queen questioning the morality of Dr. Isaacs butchering so many Alice clones in his obstacle course of death in RE: Extinction.
How uncomfortable and outside the box would it be if Doc still maintained the same affect he had before the reveal (strong, stoic, brave) AND defended Claire against Wesker. Not that he had a change of heart or anything like that. He can still be a villain, but can also genuinely love Claire. The two things are not disqualifying against each other. How cool would it have been if Isaacs ordered him to kill Claire and he said that’s the one thing I won’t do, and then he’s shot for it or dies protecting her from Wesker? That would have been...... awkward at best for the viewer, because you hate this guy. He betrayed Alice and Claire, but then oh... he does really love her and is a brave guy despite his morals not being in the right place. Uncomfortable.... but good.
But horror/sci-fi/action movies tend to not go to places like this with their viewers because they feel it ruins the action or the feel of the movie. To me, Doc would have been more compelling and seemed more realistic and human if things had gone this way instead of the way they did. Villains are real and they’re among us. They’re human just like us. They’re not robots, they’re not all insane, they’re not all grovelling spineless idiots. Sometimes they’re brave dudes who love people. Yes, villains can be capable of great love, and showing that in Doc would have been a very powerful moment. I also would have appreciate a tear or SOMETHING from Claire. I understand he’s betrayed you, but you’re in love with him, or at least involved somehow. Show us that you care, even despite knowing what you have to do.
Phew! *sits back and fans self* Okay. I feel better. I finally got out this long rant about this character that I’ve had in my for a while, haha. This was actually a lot of fun to write. If anyone has anything to add, feel free. if you agree or disagree with what I’ve said, let me know. I love talking about my rants, so feedback is welcomed!
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hummingbirdhina · 7 years
Any tattoo plans?
Ooh lots! 😀 Get ready for a decent sized post! Though I’m realizing as I’m typing this alot of this is pop-culture related. Eeeh oh well haha
So my next one(s? I guess) is/are going to be getting Mischief Managed (on the little banner things that stuff on the map is on in theHarry Potter movies) on the upper back of each leg. Its something Ive talked about getting for a long time!
Probably after that there’s a picture I drew which I might post after I post this that is Doctor Who related that I’m going to get on the front of one thigh (probably my left, just because I like the idea of it there). Its basically red/blue 3D glasses with a rose. Super simple and not always immidiately recognizable as Doctor Who.
I want to add more flowers and stuff around my hummingbirds, probably on either side of them at least. I was thinking specific flowers to represent important people in my life, but I need to figure out what they want/how to decide which first. Im either going to ask them their favorite flowers or, since im pretty sure most of them dont have a favorite, go off of birth flowers.
Then, I’m going to get the Serenity flying on my left shoulder blade along with the text “you can’t take the sky from me.”
I’m still figuring out where, but I’d like something pretty specific for a Tolkein/LOTR tattoo… its going to be Smaug in the center, and then placed in an upside down triangle shape 3 gems (maybe with water, fire or rocks, and stars or something around each of them) for the simarils, the inscription thats on the one ring in a cirlce around that, and then at the cardinal directions put the Eye of Sauron (at the top) something to represent the two towers on either side, and then the Tree of Gondor at the bottom. Maybe that makes sense? 😅 Its a bit weird, and I’m hoping I can find a tattoo artist with some Tolkein lore knowledge that I can describe it to and they can role with it (and possibly add to it).
I’d like something star wars related, and I’ve been thinking bout getting one of the unofficial Gray Jedi symbols somewhere, but I’m not super set on it and I’m still debating. I also want something Game of Thrones related, but again not sure what. Though I may just get Valar Morghulis somewhere (so origional right? Oh well).
I also kindof want something Magic the Gathering, but I’ve never beem super set on any of the guilds. Maybe something like the pentagram looking thing with all the guilds on it that you can find on Google, just spruced up to look cooler. Or just the 5 basic types around my ankle or something 😅 Who knows!
There are a few more kindof small and/or personal things, or just random stuff from shows and things in pop culture that I love. (Like something from Fullmetal, Gurren Lagann, maybe an eva head somewhere, shit like that). Theres so much pop culture stuff because, well, thats the sort of stuff I love, and I feel like alot of it is stuff that has shaped me as a person, or let me meet the people and friends that are close to me today. And its just things that have resonated with me as a person.
I did warn you it was alot! As always feel free to ask me anything! 😊 I don’t care if its personal or just some random thing you thought of! I’ll try not to be too wordy, but I do tend to ramble so no guarantees! 😜
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ianandjennyabroad · 5 years
Jenny Smid: the Gopher Slayer OR Moose Jaw to Drumheller and the Badlands of Alberta
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OK, so last night ended with a bit of bang.  As you know we were a might underwhelmed with the delights of Moose Jaw.  The city that did a pretty good job of killing it's downtown and moving its retail businesses into shopping malls on the outside of town.  Kind of a doughnut with a sad face filling.   Lot's of potential, and the hotel we stayed at was doing it's best,  but when you move out all the shops and move out the people what is going to happen?   So we were feeling a little sad, but decided to eat at the chinese restaurant next door.  A bit of a risk,because it didn't seem to be attracting huge custom,  and it seemed to be in a repurposed steak and seafood restaurant that had gone out of business.  As many people know I am a fan of Hakka Chinese cooking,  and the cook at this restaurant served us the best Chili chicken I think I have had, along with a pretty decent shrimp/chicken stirfry.  The chicken was moist and crisp with a nice slight sweet sour spicy sauce lightly incorporated into the dish.   Super amazing end to our Moose Jaw idyll.
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Next, onto the road.  Turns out that Saskatchewan is a lot more bumpy and hillocky than I thought.  At least until we got north of Swift Current an then things started to flatten out. So here we go.  A Saskatchewan view with  the long horizon and "fluffy clouds". This is the South Saskatchewan river with some  scrubby looking trees and some "fluffy" clouds. A minor road that we took across Alberta was kindof interesting for the intensity of it's straightness.  It did not deign to touch on any inhabited towns for the 200km that we followed it, and went through one deserted ghost village called Mantorio.  You may well ask what was going on there.   This is the road where Jenny exterminated at least four possibly six Richardsons Ground Squirrels aka Gophers.   In a kind of ritualized suicide dash the cute little rodents would throw themselves under the vengeful tires of  Jenny's chariot.  Quite affecting,  though I was worried that Jenny's futile attempts to avoid squishing them would endanger my own precious life.  (yes I know,  a very self serving interpretation of some quite tragic events}. At last Drumheller and the sight of a faithfully reproduced Albertosaurus that dominates the downtown.  A lesson to us all.  My name is Ozymandias.....
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judithcsmith · 7 years
So you’re telling me there’s a chance …
When Senators McCain, Collins, and Murkowski cast their fateful votes, pretty much everyone assumed that ACA repeal had reached its politically ignominious end. The klieg lights, cable TV, and the front page shifted to hurricanes Harvey and Irma. President Trump announced he would let DACA expire. Democratic leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi negotiated what appeared to be a tactically brilliant three-month extension of the debt ceiling. Senator Sanders released his single payer plan. The Senate HELP committee began the process of discussing a much less ambitious, bipartisan bill. The world kindof moved on.
Only a cloud no bigger than a man’s hand was still up there, called the Cassidy-Graham bill. At first, it seemed like a bit of a joke. Arcane Senate rules impose a final deadline of September 30 to pass an ACA repeal based on a simple Republican majority vote. For weeks, no one in Washington took Cassidy-Graham very seriously.
Until late last week.
By Thursday or Friday, liberal heavy-hitters were becoming a little concerned, then very concerned, then actually alarmed, as they saw Senator McCain and Republicans leaders warm up to this bill.
Red Alert#Trumpcare is back & Senate GOP has until Sept 30 to pass their bill. We need your voices more than ever!
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) September 15, 2017
Friend of HIO Charles Gaba, then Senator Schumer and others, issued “red alerts” that this thing might be real. Liberal activists were caught napping after the House’s initial failure to enact an ACA repeal bill. They are petrified of being caught napping once again. And with good reason.
RED ALERT: Dammit, GRAHAM-CASSIDY IS ON THE MOVE! https://t.co/2ikmu1KIkB
— ☪️ Charles Gaba ✡️ (@charles_gaba) September 15, 2017
Republicans must rustle up 50 Senate votes, obtain some sort of Congressional Budget Office score, and surmount other procedural obstacles within the before September 30. That would be hard, but Republicans might nonetheless pull this off.
Schumer and Pelosi’s deal suddenly didn’t seem so brilliant. It cleared a Senate calendar that would have otherwise been clogged by the debt ceiling and hurricane relief. Republicans freed more clock time by putting-off the required reauthorization of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), set to expire September 30.
Most ominously, Senators Collins and Murkowski haven’t said anything about this bill. Healthcare activists are nervously remembering that these two Republican Senators are not liberal stalwarts. Given the right opportunities, each has some good reasons to change her mind.
This is in no way a moderate bill
If you don’t follow health care closely, you might be forgiven if you somehow assumed Cassidy-Graham is some more moderate compromise, designed to obtain broader support. Because it passes so many critical decisions down to the states and backloads its most significant provisions, it’s hard to precisely determine its true impact. Partly for this reason, the pending assessment by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office might create better optics, too.
Senators Bill Cassidy and Lindsey Graham have often sounded moderate notes in the repeal-and-replace debate. Two months ago, Senator Cassidy wrote in the Washington Post: “Let a blue state do a blue thing and a red state such as mine take a different, conservative approach.” Senator Graham, for his part, harshly criticized the partisan process that produced the Senate’s failed repeal bill. A mild-mannered physician, Cassidy has spoken warmly of the “Jimmy Kimmel test” to evaluate any ACA repeal effort.
Despite all that, this is no moderate bill. Cassidy-Graham would also be enacted by precisely the partisan process Senator Graham had previously criticized.
Unveiling the bill, Graham commented: “If you want a single payer health care system, this is your worst nightmare.” If anything, he was unduly modest. Whether you believe in single-payer or not, his bill would be the biggest retrenchment of American health policy since the enactment of Medicare. (I happen to believe Republicans’ ACA repeal would hasten the arrival of single-payer by destroying plausible market-based alternatives. But that’s another story.)
Cassidy-Graham dropped the tax cuts for the affluent that proved so politically immolating to prior Republican repeal bills. The bill would still would convert the entire Medicaid program from its current state-federal partnership to a per-capita block-grant designed to encourage further cuts. It would, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, “destabilize the insurance marketplace” by cutting the Affordable Care Act’s subsidies for low-income people and eliminate the ACA’s individual mandate. It would also allow state waivers to permit insurers to charge higher premiums on the basis of preexisting conditions and other factors.
The stew is the same … and it’s toxic.
The indispensible Timothy Jost presents more nuts-and-bolts details here. Cassidy-Graham retains much of the junk DNA of previous repeal bills. It includes a one-year ban on federal funding for all Medicaid-covered services furnished by Planned Parenthood. (It’s possible that this provision is ornamental, placed into the bill to be dropped in return for Senator Collins’ vote. That doesn’t make Democrats feel any better.)
Other boring but important verbiage matters, too. For example, the bill would end federal funding of retroactive Medicaid eligibility. Since 1965, health care providers could treat car accident victims and others costly illnesses and injuries who were eligible but not enrolled in Medicaid when they required costly care. Cassidy-Graham would leave states on the hook for this.
As Sarah Kliff explains at Vox, and Jonathan Cohn explains at HuffPo, Cassidy-Graham would essentially replace the Affordable Care Act’s financing structure with open-ended block grants to states which could be used for high risk pools, measures to stabilize premiums, direct payments to medical providers, and more. It’s anybody’s guess how much of this money would actually help the poorest and sickest people who are now most reliant on ACA, and how much of this money would go to others or would simply be used to offset other spending that states would do anyway. Oh, and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities estimates that the bill would cut federal healthcare programs by something like $400 billion over the next decade before deeper cuts kick in.
Like other ACA repeal bills, Cassidy-Graham is wildly unpopular in its specifics. By wide margins, the American public wants Republicans to work with Democrats on a bipartisan health care bill. Americans oppose cutting Medicaid, support universal coverage. Every patient advocacy group, healthcare, and provider group opposes Republican repeal efforts.
The real mystery behind Cassidy-Graham is why it is being proposed at all, and why it actually has a decent chance of passage. I think three reasons bear further attention.
A man in my position can’t afford to look ridiculous
The most basic reason is the easiest to overlook. Republicans control the Presidency and the Congress. Their failure to repeal President Obama’s hallmark policy is a massive humiliation. In different ways, this is a particular humiliation for President Trump, for House Speaker Paul Ryan, and for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Particularly when Republicans are only one or two votes away, this provides massive motivation for another try.
American politics is so polarized that majority sentiment doesn’t particularly matter. Senators and Representatives know perfectly well that most Americans don’t want them to pass Cassidy-Graham or any other ACA repeal bill. For many politicians, though, that public sentiment is surprisingly irrelevant to their strategic calculations. Many congressional Republicans don’t need Democratic or independent voters to win reelection. As long as their base voters admire President Trump and are potentially drawn to conservative primary challengers, that’s what matters.
Cassidy-Graham exploits the personalized, undemocratic structure of the United States Senate. Republicans need 50 Senate votes to pass ACA repeal, with Vice President Pence available to break the tie. They have always had 47 or 48 of these votes available. The battle is over those final few.
Human relationships matter in this story. President Trump pushed hard for repeal. His and his allies’ efforts fell one vote short this summer, when their hopes came down to Senator John McCain. We’ll never know how much Senator McCain’s vote reflected his desire to honor Senate norms or his personal disdain for a President who weirdly disparaged McCain’s own Vietnam war heroism and weirdly profited from Russian interference in the 2016 election. Voting on this new bill, Senator McCain won’t be bailing out a President he despises. He would be supporting Lindsey Graham, one of his very closest friends and Senate colleagues.
Another factor matters, too. Republican governors – not least in Senator McCain’s own state of Arizona – had much to lose from the House and Senate repeal bills. Ohio’s John Kasich, Nevada’s Brian Sandoval, and other Republican governors played key public and private roles in turning back the repeal effort.
I’m glad governors matter to health policy. They actually have to run things. That often breeds responsibility, expertise, and accountability. Imagine a Medicare-for-All system with President Donald Trump and HHS Secretary Tom Price at the help. Liberals might ponder this thought as we consider states’ role in a single-payer healthcare plan.
The ’25-governor’ strategy
ACA also faces a baked-in problem, one that is as old as the U.S. Constitution and as unlikely to be altered. Wyoming (population 600,000), Vermont (624,000), Alaska (742,000), and North Dakota (758,000), and are entitled to the same two Senate votes as California (39 million), Texas (28 million), Florida (21 million), and New York (20 million). Generally speaking, small, predominantly white rural states are not bastions of support for universal coverage.*
Jacob Leibenluft and his Center on Budget colleagues ran these numbers, examining Cassidy-Graham’s impact on individual states in 2026. Overall spending on federal health programs would be roughly $80 billion below current baseline. Yet the impacts would be quite different across the country. California and New York, between them, would lose more than $46 billion. Red states that didn’t expand Medicaid would actually receive more money. And this understates things. The Center on Budget’s calculations do not include state-specific sweeteners one could easily provide Alaska and other small states, where moderate Senators such as Lisa Murkowski, hold this bill in the balance.
As one commentator put things, Cassidy and Graham can follow a “25-governor strategy.” If there is pork to throw around, they can buy off the smaller states, using funds extracted from the big, safely-blue states whose Senate votes are out of reach. Those punishing cuts to California and New York free billions of dollars in pork for every small-state Senate vote.
Former CMS administrator Andy Slavitt is perhaps the leading public defender of ACA. Responding to me over email, he doesn’t mince words:
You would have to be crazy not to worry about an effort to repeal the ACA, now backed by leadership. Remember, at least 45 Senators would vote for a piece of paper with the words “Repeal Obamacare” on it. The strategy to get the other 5 on board is to transfer money into their states to attract their Governor and Senator. Senators McCain, Capito, Gardner and Portman will be critical. As will Alexander and the success of his bipartisan effort. If that goes down, more momentum could swing towards Graham-Cassidy. It’s not time to watch from the sidelines if you feel you have a stake in the outcome.
Elections matter
ACA will never be fully safe until Democrats win back the Presidency, the Senate, or the House. Maybe that’s how it should be. Elections matter.
With 13 days to go, I’d say Cassidy-Graham faces an uphill battle. But as we know, American politics sometimes delivers unlikely outcomes. It’s foolish to take anything for granted.
* Washington, DC (population 681,000) is such a bastion. It enjoys zero Senate votes. The combination of partisan gerrymandering and Democratic urban bunching provides Republicans with an even bigger systematic advantage in the House of Representatives.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8246807 http://ift.tt/2wpmeEH
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Hasselblads X1D puts other medium format cameras on notice
Back in June of last year, I previewed the Hasselblad X1D. Then, it was a pre-production model, which I had hoped would launch and become the powerful mirrorless medium format camera that it is now.
First and foremost, the costs associated with a 50 megapixel medium format camera is something only a professional hardware (or a studio) could actually consider. But if you are in the market for a mirrorless 50MP camera, this could be the perfect fit. However, if youre not and are just curious as to what you can do with a 50MP camera, then keep reading.
Using it.like an everyday shooter
It only took a few photos for me to realize: you cant use the X1D like you would other mirrorless cameras. At least, not for all the same scenarios. When in use, theX1D is processing 8272 6200 pixel images,at an average of 1.7 to 2.3 frames per second.
Actually, now is a good time to list off specs, for clarity.
50MP CMOS medium format sensor, with IR filter
2.36MP XGA electronic viewfinder
60 minutes to 1/2000 sec shutter speed with XCD lenses
ISO range of 100-25,600
Dual SD card (UHS-II) slots
3.0-inchTFT 24-bit touchscreen
Weighs 725 grams (without lens)
USB-C, mini HDMI and audio in/out ports
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Its a lot of work, but also highlights what scenariosyoull be able to shoot with the X1D: landscape, urban settings, subject photography, etc. Action stills, sports and just about anything that moves quickly will usually be out of your range, simply because you wont be able to shoot consecutive stills fast enough. When you figure that out, its easier to make adjustments and have a better idea of what scenes youll best be able to tackle.
Shooting with the X1D is very much like taking screenshots in real-life.
One of my favorite features ofthe X1D is its colors: theyre 16 bit, with dynamic range up to 14 stops. This really matters most in editing, where a 50MP RAW image and the manner in which itreacts to changes in Lightroom is entirely different from most other cameras. As Veanne, our East Coast producer, put it: Theres so much more information and details to work with.
All the shots seen here are unedited, with the exception of resizing down so you dont have to wait for a 120MB file to load.
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With the lens hood on and the Spring sunshine, most of my outdoor photos came out exactly how I envisioned them.
For most of my time with the X1D, I exclusively shot in Manual mode, occasionally trying out the Shutter and Aperture priority modes. The f/3.5 30mm lens that my demo unit came which was useful for most of the situations the X1D is suited for (nothing moving fast, all stationary and at short to medium distance). As of publication, the X1D has only four XCD class lenses available and theyre all prime lenses but zoom, wide angle and one more prime lens is coming out later this year.
With the lens hood on and the Spring sunshine, most of my outdoor photos came out exactly how I envisioned them. Id say that the X1D is very rewarding to the kindof photographer who plans a shot beforehand; shooting with the X1D is very much like taking screenshots in real-life. But like anyone who takes too many screenshots and deletes them due to lack of storage, the X1D fills up SD cards like its nothing.
On average, a 16GB card holds 140 images. However, due to my shooting in both JPG and RAW file formats, Id often get less than that. Hence the dual SD card slots being useful for shooting just JPGS or RAWs, or both formats on the same card(s).
Regarding video, the 1080p HD capture is decent and eclipses most other mirrorless full-frame cameras, but isnt its strong suit. The built-in stereo microphone is prone to wind disruption (like most other built-in mics) and doesnt really pick up voices in an intimate manner.
Dont buy this camera if youre only looking to use its video mode; that would be silly.
A few words on battery lifeand heat
My two-week X1D test did not go without gripes. The battery, a 3,200mAh one to be exact, usually lasted only as long as the SD card did, before it was full. If you use the live view function, kiss your extra shots goodbye; the same juice-guzzling energy consumption applies to video. The battery takes an hour or so to fully charge, so its best you buy an extra. Thankfully, its easy to swap out: slide the latch, press down on the battery and itll slide out.
The battery takes an hour or so to fully charge, so its best you buy an extra.
Now a few words on heat: considering the sheer amount of processing going on, I expected the side of the X1D with the SD card to get slightly warm. This was always the case if I took more than 20 photos. What I didnt expect was for the heat to spread to other areas, like near the dials, grip and the lens. This is only something I noticed and isnt a deal breaker by any means, at least I dont think so.
Bottom Line
All in all, Im impressed and satisfied with the X1D. This isnt the camera youd go out and use for your next vacation, but if you do,send me some pictures.
The X1D will be best suited for those specialist, professional photographers who find everyday use for 50 megapixels and never went that route because of the sheer size and weight of most medium format cameras. If mirrorless cameras like the Sony Alphas solved the problem of unwieldy full-frame DSLRs for pros, then the X1D does the same for medium format photographers.
Despite the clientele for such a camera being very small, its a greatexample that even medium format cameras can slim down and puts pressure on everyone else who isnt following suit or innovating in the field.
Price as Reviewed: $12,990 total,$8,995 body-onlyor$3,995 for f/3.5 30mm lens
Read more: http://ift.tt/2ppzPZi
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2qbgGay via Viral News HQ
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Hasselblads X1D puts other medium format cameras on notice
Back in June of last year, I previewed the Hasselblad X1D. Then, it was a pre-production model, which I had hoped would launch and become the powerful mirrorless medium format camera that it is now.
First and foremost, the costs associated with a 50 megapixel medium format camera is something only a professional hardware (or a studio) could actually consider. But if you are in the market for a mirrorless 50MP camera, this could be the perfect fit. However, if youre not and are just curious as to what you can do with a 50MP camera, then keep reading.
Using it.like an everyday shooter
It only took a few photos for me to realize: you cant use the X1D like you would other mirrorless cameras. At least, not for all the same scenarios. When in use, theX1D is processing 8272 6200 pixel images,at an average of 1.7 to 2.3 frames per second.
Actually, now is a good time to list off specs, for clarity.
50MP CMOS medium format sensor, with IR filter
2.36MP XGA electronic viewfinder
60 minutes to 1/2000 sec shutter speed with XCD lenses
ISO range of 100-25,600
Dual SD card (UHS-II) slots
3.0-inchTFT 24-bit touchscreen
Weighs 725 grams (without lens)
USB-C, mini HDMI and audio in/out ports
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Its a lot of work, but also highlights what scenariosyoull be able to shoot with the X1D: landscape, urban settings, subject photography, etc. Action stills, sports and just about anything that moves quickly will usually be out of your range, simply because you wont be able to shoot consecutive stills fast enough. When you figure that out, its easier to make adjustments and have a better idea of what scenes youll best be able to tackle.
Shooting with the X1D is very much like taking screenshots in real-life.
One of my favorite features ofthe X1D is its colors: theyre 16 bit, with dynamic range up to 14 stops. This really matters most in editing, where a 50MP RAW image and the manner in which itreacts to changes in Lightroom is entirely different from most other cameras. As Veanne, our East Coast producer, put it: Theres so much more information and details to work with.
All the shots seen here are unedited, with the exception of resizing down so you dont have to wait for a 120MB file to load.
 View Slideshow
Previous Next Exit
With the lens hood on and the Spring sunshine, most of my outdoor photos came out exactly how I envisioned them.
For most of my time with the X1D, I exclusively shot in Manual mode, occasionally trying out the Shutter and Aperture priority modes. The f/3.5 30mm lens that my demo unit came which was useful for most of the situations the X1D is suited for (nothing moving fast, all stationary and at short to medium distance). As of publication, the X1D has only four XCD class lenses available and theyre all prime lenses but zoom, wide angle and one more prime lens is coming out later this year.
With the lens hood on and the Spring sunshine, most of my outdoor photos came out exactly how I envisioned them. Id say that the X1D is very rewarding to the kindof photographer who plans a shot beforehand; shooting with the X1D is very much like taking screenshots in real-life. But like anyone who takes too many screenshots and deletes them due to lack of storage, the X1D fills up SD cards like its nothing.
On average, a 16GB card holds 140 images. However, due to my shooting in both JPG and RAW file formats, Id often get less than that. Hence the dual SD card slots being useful for shooting just JPGS or RAWs, or both formats on the same card(s).
Regarding video, the 1080p HD capture is decent and eclipses most other mirrorless full-frame cameras, but isnt its strong suit. The built-in stereo microphone is prone to wind disruption (like most other built-in mics) and doesnt really pick up voices in an intimate manner.
Dont buy this camera if youre only looking to use its video mode; that would be silly.
A few words on battery lifeand heat
My two-week X1D test did not go without gripes. The battery, a 3,200mAh one to be exact, usually lasted only as long as the SD card did, before it was full. If you use the live view function, kiss your extra shots goodbye; the same juice-guzzling energy consumption applies to video. The battery takes an hour or so to fully charge, so its best you buy an extra. Thankfully, its easy to swap out: slide the latch, press down on the battery and itll slide out.
The battery takes an hour or so to fully charge, so its best you buy an extra.
Now a few words on heat: considering the sheer amount of processing going on, I expected the side of the X1D with the SD card to get slightly warm. This was always the case if I took more than 20 photos. What I didnt expect was for the heat to spread to other areas, like near the dials, grip and the lens. This is only something I noticed and isnt a deal breaker by any means, at least I dont think so.
Bottom Line
All in all, Im impressed and satisfied with the X1D. This isnt the camera youd go out and use for your next vacation, but if you do,send me some pictures.
The X1D will be best suited for those specialist, professional photographers who find everyday use for 50 megapixels and never went that route because of the sheer size and weight of most medium format cameras. If mirrorless cameras like the Sony Alphas solved the problem of unwieldy full-frame DSLRs for pros, then the X1D does the same for medium format photographers.
Despite the clientele for such a camera being very small, its a greatexample that even medium format cameras can slim down and puts pressure on everyone else who isnt following suit or innovating in the field.
Price as Reviewed: $12,990 total,$8,995 body-onlyor$3,995 for f/3.5 30mm lens
Read more: http://ift.tt/2ppzPZi
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2qbgGay via Viral News HQ
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