#at least my mutuals look me in the eyes before they ask me to pray to gods ive never heard of
little-mephistopheles · 4 months
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i feel like a dog that was chained up outside in the rain because he was framed for a crime he didnt commit and when he was let back inside the toddler had killed the entire family
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mari-the-bimbo · 20 days
Bus stops on dodgy roads
Sukuna x reader
A/N: Hey my lovelies! I know i been gone a while but he’s just a random thought I made into a fanfic! Enjoy! <33
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Going to University in a rough area is definitely not for the weak.
Classes finishing at 7 in the evening, studying the notes in the library until 11 because your dorm doesn’t have a desk, meaning you’re waiting at the bus stop in the dead of the night with the local drug dealers, police sirens blaring in the back, but you try to tune it out with ‘like a tattoo by Sade’ blasting your your earphones.
But you just happen to be god’s strongest soldier.
Well.. at least you think you are.
Strangely enough, you do not feel threatened by the drug dealers who wait for the same bus, the silent agreement to mind your own business is mutual.
But more strangely, you notice the drug dealers aren’t here today, so you sit alone at the bus stop, the dry air hitting your face.
“Here all alone sweetheart?” Says a croaky voice in the silence, you turn your gaze to the ugly looking man who reeks of blood and alcohol. You don’t recognise him so you pretend you didn’t hear him, silently praying it’s not your blood splattered next.
You flitch as he snatches your earphones out your ear and throws it to the ground, shit, why did it have to be you?
“Don’t pretend you can’t hear me you stupid bitch, how much for a fuck before I make you do it for free”
You subtly reach for your pocket knife and you answer him defensively “I’m not a whore, go ask somebody else”, calling police would be useless, by the time they arrive you’ll already be roadkill.
You watch him seeth at your attitude as you gulp, realising a bit too late that was the wrong move.
You watch a black Bugatti pass, a car you knew probably belonged to an even dodgier person but you were desperate. You throw a rock at the car and scream “HELPPP!!”.
The man only gets angrier as he punches you for drawing attention, you fall to the ground with curses from your mouth but luckily the sleek car halts, before reversing slowly until it’s in front of you.
“g-get up you bitch” the man hurriedly orders, reaching out to pull you up but your new found confidence allows you to kick him before you hurriedly stand up yourself.
Before you can react again, you hear a deep voice boom through the abandoned road’ “Oi”
The black tinted windows of the Bugatti slides down to reveal a tatted man, a bit older than you but scarily handsome nonetheless. The creep’s eyes widens before speaking “Boss! I- I was just going to deal with this bitch becau-“
“Who asked?”
You stare quietly, taking in the interaction between the creep and his boss in the car.
“Did I not order you to report back to me once you were done with the job?” The boss asked. You didn’t even want to guess what the ‘job’ was.
“Sir this bitch got in my way so-“
“Shut up” the boss cut him off before his red eyes connected with yours, a shiver travels down your spine at the contact.
“Leave us alone” he says, you take a step backwards thinking he’s talking to you but realise you’re wrong when the creep walks away shakily.
Your own legs start to shake slightly in realisation of who this man could be.
“Hey pretty girl”
You gulp “Hi s-sir”
A chuckle erupts from the man at your immediate obedience compared to how animalistic you were with the other. “Why you calling me sir, you work for me too?” He asks. You struggle to find words so you simply shake your head.
He keeps eye contact with you as he puts out his cigarette that was hanging from his mouth. “Call me Sukuna”
The leg almost threatened to give in from the shake as he confirms your fears, he was the city’s drug lord Sukuna.
“Thanks Sukuna”
“No worries dear, why don’t you be a good girl and let me drop you home” he asks, you know it’s a command rather than an offer.
“T-thanks but my bus will be here any minute” you reply with a shaky smile.
His gaze is unnerving as he answers “your bus won’t be coming”
Your confused silence allows him to answer the question you were thinking.
He points in the direction that the creepy man left, “You see, I ordered him to kill some rats on that bus, the bus will be terminated in 3..2…”
“What” you whisper in disbelief.
You look up at the digital bus stop timer.
‘Service currently unavailable. We apologise for this inconvenience’ the digital screen reads.
You stare back at him in disbelief. He was too good, devilishly good, and you were now putty in his tatted hands. All the questions left on the tip of your tongue disappears, Sukuna only offers an illegally beautiful smile to you.
“Well?” He says, “I really don’t like offering repeating myself dear”
Without missing a beat, you run to the passenger side door and enter the car.
To hell with morals and ethics, when you live in the ghetto, survival is your main priority.
You sit in the luxury leather seats with cowardly stature. Sukuna starts his engine and drives off.
“You know it’s breaks my heart to see a pretty girl like you wait in the cold like that dear” he teases gruffly, a new cigarette hanging from his lips. “Not your first time waiting there is it?”
“No” you reply but then you pause, wait how does he know that?
“How do you-“
“I know my city better than anyone, every corner and.. bus stop” he adds to lighten the mood, you can’t help the small giggle that escaped you, it’s hard not to when your saviour happens to be an big, attractive, clearly untouchable man who smells like oud and leather.
“Think I’m funny doll?” He says with a smile, red eyes still on the road.
“Only a little-” you reply before immediately closing your mouth in fear, you fix your posture when you suddenly remember this isn’t some friend of yours but rather the most powerful man in the city that could easily have your head.
He chuckles, “easy, easy doll. No need to humble me like that”
“Sorry” you say with a meek smile.
He looks at you and back on the road. There was no denying Sukuna found you adorable, you were amusing to him, and what kissable looking lips you had.
“You can joke around with me doll, consider me a friend hm?” He says as his hands move to the back of your neck, stroking it ever so gently, goosebumps quickly rise making the tatted man laugh as you look at him embarrassed.
He parks in the uni dorm car park. Before slowly turning his head towards you, you feel comfortable enough to look him face to face now, you offer him a smile “thank you dropping me off Sukuna… and also saving me back there.. I know he’s one of your man but still-“
Your sentence dies at the back of your throat when his rough hand strokes your cheek, “did it hurt?” He says, he’s serious now. “A bit..” you answer.
Your breath hitches as he leans forwards and presses his mouth to your ear “I’ll take care of him when I get back, you will never see him again, okay?” He says and you nod in understanding of what that entails.
“Such a smart girl” he coos gruffly as he presses a kiss to the shell of your ear.
“Thank you again Sukuna”
Another smile comes to his handsome face as he tilts his head “and how exactly do you wish to thank me dear?”
You gulp as you stare at the handsome devil, seducing you so easily, you feel embarrassed when he notices your thighs squeezed together, while Sukuna makes a mental note of the dirty things he’s going to do with those plush thighs next time.
He licks his lips, and you unintentionally imitate him. He shakes his head and bites his bottom teeth, he can’t hold back anymore, oh girl.. what have you started?
Suddenly his wet lips press against your own, moulding with the shapes of yours, his sloppy tongue makes sure you can taste the tobacco as you moan at the feeling, he chuckles into your mouth before pulling away.
You pull away with a gasp, he smiles, looking nowhere near as breathless as you, just admiring your beautiful face. He thumb plays with your bottom lip
“Well shit.. You’ve started something I gotta finish doll”
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michwritesstuff · 10 months
Loved You In Secret (Harry Potter: Mattheo Riddle)
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this is my first time writing about someone who isn’t exactly canon so after reading some other things and seeing a bunch of tik toks i’ve been inspired lmaoo. hope you guys enjoy :)
summary: female reader (she/her) x Mattheo Riddle When secretly dating the Dark Lord’s son turns out to be more than you expected, you can’t help but reminisce on all the good times and think about what could have been if you had met in a different lifetime as different people.
notes/warnings: angst, mentions of secret relationship, breaking up
word count: 1,265
The floors vibrated as the music coming from the common room travelled up the stairs. You could only assume that the party was in full swing as you could hear cheering and chanting from housemates and groups of friends alike.
Normally you would have already been downstairs chugging odgen’s old firewhisky from the bottle with Pansy and jumping on the coffee table when your favorite song came on. But for some reason you told her to go ahead as you continued to pace around your bedroom trying to convince yourself to just go downstairs and enjoy the party. But you couldn’t go downstairs.
He would be there. Mattheo was always there. Even when you didn’t expect him to be or want him to be…he was there.
You still remember the first time your relationship with him changed.
“Y/L/N” you heard a deep voice from behind you say.
Your head whipped around quickly, eyes meeting with Mattheo.
“Jesus Theo, you scared the shit out of me. What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing, you’re just standing in the corner” he countered, a smirk present on his face.
“I asked you first, you told Pansy you weren’t coming when she asked you at dinner.”
“Do you remember everything I say?” he teased, reaching to push a strand of hair behind your ear.
Swatting his hand, you rolled your eyes before answering, “Oh please, get over yourself.”
He just chuckled as he watched you scan the common room, taking note of all the groups of students gathered together. Every house was represented, your eyes linking with Fred Weasley who shot you a shy smile before looking away.
Mattheo didn’t miss the interaction, but you were praying that he didn’t mention it.
“You and Freddy huh?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” you answered quickly.
“Right…well if you want to stay here and be antisocial while you pine after weaselbee be my guest, but I’m going to go enjoy the party.”
Mattheo began making his way through the crowd before you grabbed his hand.
“No wait, I’m coming.”
He turned to look at you, a knowing look on his face before his eyes glanced to where your hands met, a blush rising to his cheeks.
You pulled your hand away quickly, shoving it into your pocket before smiling shyly at him.
“It’s all good darling,” he smiled, leading you to your group of friends.
You spent the rest of the night dancing with Pansy, constantly finding yourself looking for Mattheo.
You couldn’t exactly explain what you were feeling. You had one conversation with him, one that wasn’t particularly interesting either, and yet…you wanted to talk to him again.
From that moment on things with Mattheo had changed. You were always looking out for each other, mentally and physically. When Mattheo had caught an underclassmen making an inappropriate comment about you, he had hexed him into the next century.
Pansy was giddy with excitement, begging you to tell her what was going on between the two of you. But there wasn’t anything to tell, not yet at least. If any of the boys noticed something between you and Theo they didn’t say anything, but you’re sure you could guess that Mattheo had something to do with that.
What started as little glances here and there turned into longing stares and shy smiles that were mutually returned. Hanging out with friends became secret meetings in the corridors at night.
They started out innocently enough. You would both stay up for hours, talking to no end about the most random topics. Everything from your favorite colors, foods, and muggle movies to Mattheo’s emotional burden of living up to his family name.
You knew that you were done for after the first time that you kissed.
Slytherin had just lost to Gryffindor and Mattheo was pacing back and forth in front of you as you both stood at the top of the astronomy tower.
“Malfoy has some fucking audacity to blame me, his head is so far up Potter’s ass he cant even think straight. I just I—"
“Theo, will you please just stop for a second.”
“I don’t know what to do, the team is so upset that it’s my fault we lost. It’s a fucking team sport, how is it one person’s fault?”
As he continued to ramble on you couldn’t help but to grab his face as he walked past you again.
“Y/N what ar—”
“Oh will you shut up,” you whispered, pulling his face to yours as your lips met in the middle.
Your lips instantly synced together, moving as one as Mattheo pulled you closer to him with his hands on your waist, your hand pulling on the curls at the nape of his neck.
You pulled away breathlessly, your eyes meeting his.
“That was…” he started.
“Yeah” you finished.
That kiss was just the first of many over the next few years.
As time went by your relationship with Mattheo continued to grow and strengthen. He wasn’t what you expected when you thought about the “Dark Lord’s Son” as everyone called him. To you he was Mattheo, he had always just been Theo. He was smart and charming, charismatic to no end.
But as you guys grew you could tell that he was starting to feel the pressure of living up to his parent’s reputation, and it was taking its effect on your relationship. You guys had already been very private and secretive about your intimate relationship, only your closest friends knowing. You already knew what your parents would say about it, despite being a pure blood family, they weren’t exactly the biggest fans of Mattheo’s parents.
Hours together became minutes. Conversations became arguments. Love became indifference. Things were no longer the same and you couldn’t seem to stop him from going down the path he was.
You wished that things didn’t end the way that they did. That you weren’t the same people, that things could’ve worked out. Of course this was all wishful thinking.
Pull yourself together Y/N you thought.
Grabbing the bottle of firewhisky that Pansy left on the dresser you made your way down the stairs.
“Y/L/N! you’re here," Lorenzo exclaimed, stumbling over to you before throwing his arm over your shoulder.
“Yeah, I live here Enzo,” you smiled. You knew that’s not what he meant but you didn’t really feel like explaining yourself.
When things got weird between Mattheo and you, you had begun to pull back, choosing to skip certain events and Irish goodbyeing at others. It was easier this way, or at least that’s what you thought.
You took a look at your group of friends, smiling as you witnessed their drunken states, celebration was in order. Slytherin had won the quidditch house cup, what else was there to do.
As you looked from Pansy to Draco your eyes met with his.
“Y/N” Mattheo greeted.
“Mattheo…good job today. You guys did well all season, you deserve it.”
“Well thanks for coming.”
“I’ll always come to your games; you know that.” You smiled softly.
Silence faded over the two of you as Pansy interrupted, grabbing your hand to drag you to the middle of the common room. You gave Mattheo a small smile as you passed.
You didn’t know it, but it pained him to hear you call him by his name, and not Theo. He had always been Theo to you, but I guess things had changed. Because nothing lasts forever, and nothing stays the same.
check out the rest of my masterlist :)
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chvnnie · 1 year
han jisung x reader
word count: 3k
genre: smut — MINORS DNI
warnings: switch!jisung, switch!reader, mentions of alcohol, smoking (cigarettes — jisung), mentions of weed, jisung gets slapped, kinda enemies to lovers to kinda friends to lovers???, jisung refers to reader as his “property”, dirty talk, unprotected sex, mutual orgasms, rough but ✨sweet✨ and really i think that’s it? if i missed anything, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
summary: is there really much of a difference between hate and love?
a/n: if y’all have any issues, take it up with @j14sung!!! it’s all her fault!!! also no breath play? in one of MY fics? what is happening
this is a work of fiction. this fic in no way represents han jisung as a person or stray kids as a whole. you are responsible for the media you consume. please read responsibly.
taglist: @lix-ables, @rachalixie, @agustd-essert, @gibbysupremeacyisreal, @katieraven, @miamormi, @woahfruity, @hugs4chan, @stranger-thighs, @beautifulcolorgarden, @scottmcallisdaddy, @whatudowhennooneseesyou, @humayraaaa, @americanokisses, @djeniryuu, @epiphanynaffit
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The back patio’s railing really needs to be replaced. White paint falling off in mid sized chips, shudders in even the lightest breeze. This has to be a safety hazard; it’s shocking the fraternity hasn’t been fined for this.
So when Jisung leans against it, the creak of the wood can be heard over the heavy bass of the music. He flinches slightly, praying that tonight is not the night it decides to crumble. Once he realizes that he is stable, his shoulders relax, digging in his jacket pocket for the half empty pack of cigarettes.
He’s really not much of a smoker; the smell lingers, making all of his clothes smell like the mistakes he continues to make. Still, when he’s a little drunk, he can’t help but reach for the crutch. Placing the stick between his lips, cupping the flame so the wind doesn’t blow it out. One click, two click, three — god, he needs a new lighter. Can you tell how often he smokes?
It’s necessary for tonight. Jisung can’t face the idea of going back inside that party without a little buzz. Something to distract him from the fact that you showed up.
You were expected to show up. The circles you run in are so similar. If Jisung is invited, chances are, you are too. That’s not really the issue.
The issue is the goddamn mini skirt you walked in wearing. The issue is the thin strapped crop top that’s so tight, he can tell you’re not wearing a bra. The issue is that fucking silver waist chain, decorated with pretty metal hearts. Hugging your hips perfectly.
The issue is that you didn’t come to the party alone.
From the back patio, Jisung looks through the kitchen window. All of these people, most friends of his or at least friendly to him, careless. Happy. Not worried about a single thing, dancing and drinking like the night isn’t going to end.
Like he’s not shivering outside. A scowl fixed on his face as he watches you and this guy pass the window, in search of the bottle of vodka you like.
Fuck. This cigarette isn’t enough to numb this shit.
Stubbing it out with his boot, Jisung decides to go back inside. Maybe he’ll play pong with Lix, or smoke with Changbin. There has to be something inside to distract him. Navigating the crowd, he barely gets into the packed living room before there’s a hand on his arm, halting him from going any further.
“There you are.” A sickening sweet voice says, and he has to close his eyes so she doesn’t see him roll his eyes. “I’ve been looking for you!”
Someone from his chem class. Not very notable; she’s pretty, sure. Smart, though she always seems to be asking him for help with the easiest assignments. He doesn’t really care for her. Voice grating, her interest overwhelming. But that made her easy. All he had to mention was the fact that he was going to be driving past her place, and she was begging for a ride on his bike.
It was timed perfectly; Jisung’s motorcycle “conveniently” parked outside of the lit building. Right where you have class on Thursdays, ending at noon. The same time his chem class gets out. There was no way you could miss him putting an extra helmet on the girl.
Especially considering the way he wet his lips. Smiled. Waved at you. Making sure that you saw the girl get on his bike. The look of annoyance and distaste was so satisfying. Jealousy. God, it looked so good on you.
Was it worth it, though? Jisung was sure that move would be the end of this back and forth game the two of you have been playing — that you would reach your limit, lash out. How dare he take another girl on his motorcycle? What kind of fucking player flirts with you nonstop just to turn around and get another girl wrapped around his finger?
Or, at least, that’s how he expected you to react. He never thought you would retaliate.
Pulling his arm out of the girl’s hold, he glances down at her. Bored expression on his face. “Oh?”
“Yeah, I thought we could dance a little.” She moves in front of him, inching closer and closer until her body is practically pressed against hers. “Maybe you could take me for another ride—“
Over her shoulder, he sees you. Leaning against the wall in the corner, sparkly eyes staring at the guy who stole you. He has a hand resting by your head, leaned down. Whispering something to you that makes you laugh.
Oh, come on. That guy? You can’t seriously think he’s funny.
He barely hears the girl continue to go on, telling him all the things they could do when they get back to his place.
“Look.” Finally, he makes eye contact. “I’m not interested.”
She looks almost shocked, as if he hasn’t been fully checked out of the conversation the entire time. “What? But—“
“All I did was give you a ride. I don’t want to fuck you; don’t you think you would have seen my sheets sooner if I had?”
A hand strikes his face, hard. The rings making his cheek sting. Head turned to the side, he hisses in pain, temper rising like the color of his cheeks.
“Fuck you, Han Jisung.”
Fine. Maybe he earned it. He did use her. But what he thinks is really unnecessary?
The fact that you saw the whole thing. Smile on your face as you huff a laugh. Lips parting, mouthing something to him.
It’s like rubbing salt in a wound, the way you grip this guy’s jacket. Pulling his body into yours before you tilt your head back slightly, and bring your lips to his.
All the hard work he did to numb himself, the jealousy, the possession, the anger, fades in less than a second. A dull warmth climbs up his body rapidly, the blood vibrating beneath the skin. The entire party fades, silence replacing the joy. The fast, steady sound of his heartbeat the only thing Jisung can hear.
That, and the sound of his footsteps.
Just like you, Jisung grabs the guy’s jacket. Expect from the back, and not to kiss him. With an unnecessary amount of force, he pulls him off of you, shoving the taller man to the side.
Before you can even say anything, he glares at you. “Enough.”
The sounds of that fucking asshole’s protest are nothing more than an annoying buzz. Like the sound of a fly, something easily drowned out as Jisung grabs you by your wrist. Pulling you out of the party and onto the back patio.
It still smells like cigarettes outside. When the backdoor slams shut, your body is pressed against it.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Jisung—“
“What the fuck are you doing?” His voice has dropped a few octaves, a foreign sound to the both of you. “Who was that?”
God, you’re so annoying. Giving him the exact the same he gave you when he put that girl on his bike. You’re so fucking pretty. “What, you can give desperate girls a ride but I can’t bring another guy to the party?”
“Oh, you can.” Jisung agrees, nodding his head though his face is still cold. “But to let him touch you?”
“You don’t—“
“He’s lucky I didn’t fucking break his jaw.”
Your eyes narrow at him. “I’m not your property, Jisung.”
It’s his turn to laugh. Low, chilling. Tongue in cheek as he smiles at you. “Yes, you fucking are.”
He waits. Bracing himself for another slap to his already sore, possibly bruising cheek. After all, it is what you think he deserves. Instead your eyes drop to his lips, lingering only for a brief second before they flicker back up.
“Take me back inside.”
The two of you barely get upstairs before your bodies are twisting together; Jisung’s hands in your hair as you let your head fall back. Tongue rubbing against your own, sweet moans filling his mouth.
Neither of you know who’s room you’ve stumbled into. Does it even matter? Your body is against his, the smell of your perfume giving him the buzz he’s been chasing all fucking night. The world around Jisung doesn’t exist when you’re his entirety.
“I’m so sick of you.” You gasp, pulling your lips from his. Hands eagerly slipping under his jacket, you shove it off from the shoulders. “You’re so arrogant—“
“Yeah?” He huffs out, smirking when you shiver from his touch. Chilled hands under your pathetic excuse for a top, pushing the fabric up. “What else?”
“You’re an ass.” His shirt is next, buttons hardly hanging by a thread as you yank it open. “So fucking entitled—“
“Mm, I am.” Teeth nipping at your jaw, thumbs flicking over your nipples. Under his touch, he can feel your goosebumps rising. His touch driving you just as insane as you drive him constantly.
“Y-you—“ it’s getting harder to speak; his touch making you melt despite your best efforts not to. “You are such—“
When he looks up at you, you’re rendered speechless. Every strong opinion you’ve ever had of him fizzling away, extinguished by his gaze. Brown eyes blown out, darkened with lust and loss of control. But something. Something about the way he’s looking at you.
Jisung first met you in algebra. The first day of freshman year, in that class that started before the sun even fully rose. Three days a week, ninety minutes. Far too much time spent in a prerequisite class.
You were the last student to arrive, forced into the remaining empty seat at the back of the class. Right next to Jisung. Your hair was still wet, a pimple patch stuck on your left cheek.
Ever since, he was helplessly in awe of you.
Almost four years have passed, and he still looks at you the way he did when you first met. When he pretended to lose his pencil just to talk to you. When he would wake up earlier than necessary just so he would be the first face you would see when you arrived. All this time, and he’s always looked at you the same as he did when he fell for you.
It’s just taken you this long to realize it.
“I hate you.” You whisper, though the taste those words leave are disgustingly bitter.
Jisung gives you a lazy smile, not convinced even in the slightest. “Take off your fucking skirt.”
He makes you keep the waist chain on. The second your skirt falls to the ground, he’s yanking off your panties, sitting down on the end of the bed before making you straddle his lap. Lips catching yours, he keeps one hand on your hip, twisting the chain around his fingers, while the other slides down your back. Grazing over your ass, riding up the side of your thigh. Memorizing your body with his fingertips as a path is drawn to your core.
He moans louder than you when he starts to trace your folds. The slick makes it easy to feel you, taking his time rubbing from your clit to your entrance. Your fingers are tangled in his hair, tugging lightly when he starts to circle your hole.
“So wet.” Jisung mumbles against your lips. “Is this what I do to you, pretty?”
If time has taught you anything, it’s that he’s nothing but a tease. The circles are slow, hardly pressing down. Giving you just enough pleasure to make you whimper without actually entering you. Over and over he traces the shapes, not satisfied until you’re whining his name.
And then, he takes it all away from you. Moving his hand before you can grind down on it, chuckling when you yank at his strands in protest. He was so close, you fucking asshole. Why would you—
Jisung shushes you, bringing the pretty whines to an end as he pushes the wet fingers into your mouth. “Stop fussing. Let me play.”
You should bite his fingers. Take the control that rightly belongs to you. You’re not to be toyed with like this — but there’s a reason why you never fully pushed him away. Why you dealt with the torment, the push and pull, why you never told him no.
When he looks at you like he is now, starry eyed in wonder, there’s a feeling that only he gives you. One that’s been sought out, but never replicated. Only Jisung can make you fall hopelessly with just a look.
With a nod, your tongue works around his fingers. Lapping them clean, letting the weight on your tongue soothe you. Bringing you a peace you’ve been longing for since the day you met him.
“That’s my girl.” He mumbles, pushing his fingers back a little further. Stopping only when you gag around them, twitching in his lap. “So good for me.”
He lets go of your chain, working on the button of his jeans while you’re occupied. Once satisfied, he eases the fingers out of your mouth, entranced with the way drool clings from them to your lips. He takes the hand to his now freed cock, working the spit and slick mixture over his length.
Your eyes followed each movement, watching the slow motion of his fist. It’s almost shameful for you to admit how long you’ve been thinking about this moment — what he would look like. Taste like. Bigger than you expected, a girth that makes the breath catch in your throat.
Jisung catches your staring. “What, baby?” He coos in almost a condescending way. “Want my cock?”
God, there’s only so much more you can take of his incessant teasing. Rolling your eyes, you place your hands on his chest and push him, forcing him onto his back. Jisung tries to sit back up, but you keep one hand firm between his ribs while the other grabs his cock. Tugging with a firmer grip that he was allowing himself, causing his head to roll back and Adam’s apple to bob.
“Stop fussing.” You mock his earlier words, positioning yourself over his length. “Let me play.”
It’s almost too fast. Sinking down fully without giving yourself a proper chance to stretch. The sting runs up your legs, making your lower stomach ache where the tip hits. Your lips are parted, a breathy gasp overshadowing Jisung’s deep moans. His hands come to your hips, nails digging into your skin and fingers lacing through the waist chain.
“Fuck.” His voice could be a growl, head heavy as he looks up. Staring at where you’re sat on his cock. “Goddamn, baby, you feel so good.”
Dizzy from the pain, room spinning from the need, you use the hand planted on his chest to lift yourself up. Almost allowing yourself to get to the tip before slamming back down, skin slapping against skin. It’s not enough — falling into a pattern of slow upwards, but quick downwards. Teasing and chasing at the same time.
Jisung helps by lifting your hips, taking the exhaustion off your shoulders so you both can enjoy.
“I like the way you look underneath me.” You chuckle, words broken by pants. “It’s cute.”
He bites his lip and smiles, pinching your hips hard enough to make you yelp. “Don’t get used to it.”
Walls fluttering around his cock, heart bursting from your chest at the implication. Knowing this won’t be the last makes it even better, driving you to move faster and faster.
Moans have to be heard on the first floor, both of your throats turning raw as you cry into the unfamiliar bedroom. Jisung has started to us his hips, tongue between his teeth as he fucks into you roughly.
Stars are starting to dance in your field of vision, an ache in your core spreading through your body. It tingles your toes, shakes your thighs. Body almost falling limp at the yet to come.
“T-tell me.” You say, gasping when Jisung hits the perfect spot.
His brows furrow, sitting up on his elbows. He’s close, too — the tremble of his lip is a dead give away. “What? Tell you what—“
“Who—“ your nails dig into his chest, eyes squinting shut as tears start to sting them. Everything. Everything is fuzzy, and he is solid ground. “Who you belong to—“
“Fuck. I’m all yours.” He groans, barely letting you finish your request before he responds. It’s so easy for him to say, giving into your every wish. “I’ve a-always been, baby.”
With his words, you crumble. The ache overbearing, making your body start to fall slack. Jisung is quick to pull you into his arms, chest to chest as the rhythm of his hips slow. Working you through your orgasm and bringing him to the apex of his.
He smells like sweat, cigarettes, and oaky cologne. His hands are soft as they rub soothing circles on your back, lips feather light against your shoulders. When your name leaves his lips it’s like a hymn; your praises filling the heavens and earth.
“Okay?” You ask Jisung breathlessly.
His laugh could outshine the sun. “More than.” Having grown used to his cold, teasing demeanor, it’s almost as if you’re with a different person completely. The soft, gentle side of him blooming for the first time. Only because you were there to help it flourish. “You?”
“‘kay.” You mumble, nuzzling into his neck. “Better than, actually.”
A hum in response, more kisses to you shoulder. The party carries on beneath your feet, buzzing with excitement. Not a care for the world around them, no attention paid to what’s happening beyond their little bubbles.
Like Jisung isn’t in a perfect state of peace, the heat of your body helping ground him to reality. You’re here. You’re his. What does he need to numb?
When you turn your head, you accidentally bump into him. Tip of your head hitting his swollen cheek, the pain making him groan. You apologize profusely, cupping his face and kissing the now bluish marks left by rings.
That. That could use some numbing.
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dearestgojo · 1 year
Let Me See...
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Aki x Fem Reader
A/n: Will this be the end of writer's block??? who knows.
Warnings: 18+. Roommate to Lovers (kinda). Mutual Masturbation. Masturbation. Exhibitionism. Spit. Overstimulation.
Wc: 2.3k | CSM Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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The tops of your ears burn, your eyes staring down at your hands clasped together in your lap. Your words echo in your head while you stare at Aki's shoes, waiting for him to laugh, to call you a pervert for voicing what you have. But he stays frozen in his spot, the buzz of the open fridge filling in the silence between the two of you. The seconds tick by slowly, an eternity passing before you look up to find him looking at you with the tips of his ear and high of his cheeks painted red, eyes wide, and mouth agape. You realize your mistake and step back, pushing your hair out of your face as you ramble on, "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that out loud. Actually, I shouldn't have even thought about it, I don't know why I did when I could have just kept my mouth shut. Better yet I should have stayed locked up in my room." 
You turn on your heel and hurry back to your room, your request replaying over and over as you bolt towards the door, the warm messy pile of blankets you can hide on until tomorrow, and the rest of your lease. 
I wonder what his dick looks like.
God, you could have asked anyone else. You could have walked out into the street and asked any guy that came across you. You could have walked to the local bar, seduced your way into someone's pants, and asked them to pull down their pants and jerk off in front of you. But no, you'd walked out of your room feeling a little buzzed from the glasses of wine you had been drinking as you binged a few spicy movies. Feeling an insistent ache build between your legs with each sensual scene and glass of wine. 
You hadn't been expecting to run into Aki, who was coming in from work and getting ready to make his dinner, shirt untucked, and hair falling loose. The sight had you squeezing your thighs as you walked further into the kitchen, approaching the fridge that Aki was leaning on. The conversation had started normally before you'd blurted out your inner thoughts as you fantasized about him right in front of him.
There was no way you would ever be able to face him again. You'd remain to holed up in your room until the end of time - or at least until either of you moved out. 
Wrapped in the warmth of your blankets, your face still feeling warm and your ears ringing, the remote to the television digging into your stomach. Above the ringing you can hear soft footsteps approach your door, pausing outside of it. There's some shuffling before a knock on your door and the sound of Aki clearing his throat travels through the tightly closed door. You don't know how many times he clears his throat before he finally speaks your name, slowly trailing off by the last syllable, "Y/n?"
You freeze underneath the pile of blankets, the inside of your mouth becoming dry. The thumping of your heart shakes your ribs, and you feel your breath caught in your throat. Letting out a shaky sigh, you call back, "Yes?"
There's a pause, followed by more shuffling, "Can I come in?"
Swallowing down the saliva in your mouth and pursing your lips, you shift underneath the covers. Your stomach churns uncomfortably, and the corners of your eyes sting. It takes a long time before you respond, you silently pray that Aki's moved away from the door when you weren't paying attention. "Yeah."
The door creaks open, soft footsteps threading over your bedroom floorboards that become duller when they pad over the fluffy carpet that sticks out from underneath your bed. You remain frozen underneath the covers, your body shifting only when Aki sits on the opposite side of you, the mattress dipping under his weight.
"Are you gonna hide under there the whole time?" 
The lump on the bed moves again, the very top of your forehead peeking out, "Preferably. I can't look at you."
Aki breathes out through his nose, his eyes burning a hole through the blankets, "Okay...just know that I know that...you have nothing to be embarrassed about."
"I think I have everything to be embarrassed about," you grumble under the blankets. 
"Trust me, you don't. The amount of alcohol you've had made you say something you didn't mean. We've all been there trust me." 
"What if I meant it? What if what I said is true and I was only able to say it cause of the alcohol?" You ask, your voice muffled by the covers. 
The bed shifts again, and you feel two dips on either side of your body. Poking your head out, you find Aki has caged you down into your mattress, and that his face is inches away from you. 
"Then it means, I should be ashamed too."
Aki settles on to your bed, back pressed to your headboard. He slides his pants down his thighs before pulling onto his lap. Suddenly you're highly aware that you're only in an oversized t-shirt with no bra and only your panties underneath. Not only that but you're sitting directly on his groin, folds spread over the covered hardness. 
Your breath hitches when Aki's calloused hands slide up your thighs and back down. "You sure about this?" He asks blue eyes glued on the fat of your thighs, "We can talk about this when you're soberer."
The butterflies in your stomach flutter, heat traveling from the part of your skin Aki's hands massage up to your face. You squirm above him, grinding down on him in the progress, the two of you letting out breathy whimpers. His long and girthy, the head bumping against your covered clit. You tremble in his hold, letting out a sigh, the palms of your hands feeling clammy.
"Maybe we can take things slow," you breathe out, rubbing yourself more on his lap, hesitantly resting your arms on his shoulders.
Aki looks up at you, moving his hands further under your shirt, thumbs grazing the seams of your panties. "We can do things as slowly as you want," he mutters leaning forward to capture your lips in his. 
You return the kiss, tongues become tangled with one another. Teeth bump against each other as the kiss grows more greedy. Your fingers become ensnared in Aki's hair, tugging on the dark strands and deepening the kiss. Aki groans beneath you, his fingernails digging into your thighs. 
"Seeing you onto of me like this, kinda makes me wish you'd drunkenly confessed sooner," he murmurs against your lips.  
Your face becomes even warmer, "I certainly wish things had been done differently." 
Aki's fingers finally touch your clothed sex, his fingers sliding down your slit and pressing down on your clit with the tips, "I don't." Your lips collide once again, and you relax into him, the taste of tobacco lingering on your tongue when you pull back again.
You tug on the waistband of his boxers, sliding your pointer finger beneath the material. Bottom lip caught between your teeth, "I think it's time we lose these." 
One of Aki's arms encircles your waist, pulling you closer to him, his free arm sneaking between your bodies, "I do too." 
You feel him tug his underwear down his legs, kicking them off the rest of the way before his hand goes up your shirt to pull off your underwear. The palms of your hands start to sweat again, and your stomach starts to turn as you feel his cock rest on your thigh. Aki notices your nervousness, and he rests his chin on your chest, his fingers massaging the inner part of your thigh. 
"We'll go as far as you want, y/n, and if this is where you want to stop then we'll stop. Don't force yourself to go further." He presses a kiss on your chin, "We can talk about this tomorrow." 
"No, no, no. I want to keep going," you reply, falling back in the space between Aki's thighs, "but maybe we don't have to...go... all the way?"
Aki gives you a short smile, his hand coming up to cup your face, forcing your head down to kiss you on the lips. "Okay. That sounds good to me." Pulling away he brings his hand up to your mouth, running his thumb on your bottom lip. He pushes it into your mouth, pressing down on your tongue, a groan reverberating from the back of his throat when you wrap your lips around it and suck lightly. Removing his finger from your mouth, he holds his palm open beneath your lips, "Spit," he orders. 
You do as he says hesitantly, gathering a glob of spit in your mouth. Satisfied with the amount, you let it drop into the center of his palm. His eyes never leave yours.  
Settling against your headboard, Aki drops his hand down between your bodies. You don't realize you holding your breath until you hear the soft squelching sounds of something wet sliding along something, but don't feel the calloused touch of Aki's fingers on your skin. Looking down you find Aki's hand wrapped around his member, which makes you feel even more flustered.
You watch his hand glide up and down his cock, his hand twisting as he glides it up his shaft, applying small amounts of pressure on the head. The sight strangely have you squeezing your thighs, and forgetting about the heat you feel on the high of your cheeks. Aki's own face is a shade of pink, small strangled whimpers falling from his lips. He's struggling to keep his eyes open, the fingers of his free hand digging into your thigh.
"You know this isn't fair if I'm the only one," he huffs, biting on his bottom lip. 
You look away from where his touching himself and meet his lust-hazed eyes, squeaking out a small "Oh," before shifting your weight off your calves and slinging them over his thighs. Trying to ignore the heat that's rising to your face, you lift your shirt up to your stomach and lean back, resting all your weight on one arm. 
Taking in a deep breath you let your hand gradually drift down your torso, barely dipping in between your thighs, grazing the inner part of your thighs. Your entire body begins to burn as you tease yourself, squirming in between Aki's spread legs, letting go of his gaze to look down where he's pleasing himself in a similar antagonizing fashion. Mustering enough courage your spread your lips for him with two fingers, giving him a clear view of your clenching untouched hole. 
"F-fuck," he moans, his hand speeding up as he watches the juices spill from your pussy.
Swallowing down the embarrassment from being watched, you dip your fingers down, barely pushing them into your core, letting the heel of your hand stimulate your clit. You thrust them in and out at the same pace Aki moves his hand, your needy whimpers bouncing off the walls of your bedroom. A particularly deep thrust of your fingers has your hand tossing back, a gurgled moan escaping followed by a surprised yelp when you feel an extra hand on your thigh. 
Snapping your eyes open, you look down to watch as Aki pulls your fingers away from your sopping heat to replace them with his own, guiding your now free hand to his cock. He clears his throat before your fingers even graze his length, "Is-fuck you wet- is this okay?"
Your brain is starting to feel foggy as his fingers are already touching places you could never reach with his long fingers, and all you can do is slurp the drool falling from your lips and nod, letting him wrap your fingers around him. 
From there he does most of the work, guiding your hands up and down his dick while fingering you. His long fingers keep thumping up to hit that one spot deep inside you, making 'come hither' motions every time he moves them out. The feeling has your head spinning and unconsciously grinding your hips into his hand, walls clenching on both his fingers as you're propelled to the edge.
Aki notices and increases his effort, speaking through his own haze, "You're gonna come soon aren't you?" He receives a string of jumbled sounds as an answer, "Me too, so just hold on a little longer okay?" 
You nod as your eyes droop, drool coming out of the corners of your mouth. Your hand is slack beneath Aki's, your real effort on your behalf as your touch him, your thumb twitches and gazes at the head of his cock which pushes him over the edge, you falling close behind. His fingers keep moving you, helping you ride out your orgasm while he releases over your sheets and his stomach. Moans echo in the four walls of your bedroom coming out of your and his mouth.
Aki lets go of your hand once he finished coming, letting out a heavy sigh, but his fingers continue their ministrations prolonging your climax. He watches your body tremble long after he removes his fingers, your chest heaving up and down before he gets up to grab a few tissues from your desk to clean you with. Swallowing down the spit that forms in his mouth when you whimper and squirm as he does it. 
He tosses the tissues and get's back into bed with you, pulling the blankets you had used to hide over you. He settles into the bed and turns off your tv and lamp, wrapping an arm around you.
"What are you now?" you yawn, letting his arm pulls into him.
Aki shrugs and stares up at the ceiling, "Whatever you want us to be. We can talk about it in the morning though, you're basically half asleep already."
You nod and settle into his side and let sleep take over your body, feeling at ease around him once more.
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© Copyright 2022. Dearestgojo. All rights reserved.
Taglist: @enneadec @neologyro @shan-nein @lottahart @jolynegf @h1gh4ru @mulberrysilk
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penkura · 5 days
last forever [8/13]
Summary: Zoro only offered to marry you to keep you out of an arranged marriage with a man much older than you. You agreed with the caveat of ending it via annulment once you received word from your parents regarding the original engagement, despite your growing feelings for your close friend.
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!reader, mentioned Sanami later (like epilogue later so chill)
Warnings: Marriage of Convenience, Fake Marriage, referenced sex (waaaaaay later on), mutual pining, Zoro is bad at feelings but what's new there, eventual romance I promise, mention of past attempted assault (I'll warn in that chapter), creepy older dude later on
Note: This is my personal favorite chapter I've written. That's all I have to say lol.
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4] ● [Ch. 5] ● [Ch. 6] ● [Ch. 7]
“Hey, Sanji. Do me a favor.”
Sanji's nearly unconscious as Zoro speaks to him, his favor loud and clear before the blond passes out, leaving the swordsman to face Bartholomew Kuma alone.
You thought Zoro was going to die, you had convinced yourself he wasn't going to wake up. You'd stayed by his side, praying, ever since Sanji and Chopper brought Zoro back into Moria's mansion to treat his wounds and let him rest. Sanji won't tell you a word of what happened, no matter how much you beg him to.
“Mosshe– Zoro wouldn't want you to know. I doubt he wants anyone to know. Least of all you and Luffy.”
Whatever Sanji meant, you don't know, and right now you don't even care about what had Zoro knocked out the last little while.
Finally he was awake, it felt longer than it really was, three (agonizing) days, he had freakish healing like Luffy did, of course. But seeing he's awake, you can't help it, you throw yourself at him saying his name over and over like a mantra as you cry. Of course it freaks him out a bit, once he bites back a heavy groan from the pain you've just inflicted on him with your tight hug, it takes Zoro a moment to register you hugging him before he's able to do anything about it.
And he returns your hug slightly. Loosely wrapping his arms around you, one around your shoulders, the other barely touching your waist, an attempt at comforting you while you cry.
Damn it, he's tried so hard to push your feelings away, get you to stop looking at him like he was your world, but now Zoro realizes he's only stoked the flames by doing so, only made your feelings stronger without meaning to.
But, maybe he doesn't mind. He'd seek you out each morning, mostly asking if you'd gotten anything from your parents about your little sham marriage, but he'd also ask you to train with him if you weren't busy, and even be the one to go into town with you whenever the Sunny docked for a day or two. You never asked, you just knew he was coming with you so you waited for him, waited until he was by your side and then you'd smile and lead Zoro into the town to shop for whatever your heart desired (and your wallet could afford). In the time he'd started doing that, Zoro noticed different things about you.
The way you laughed with store clerks as they told you about an item you were looking at, your eyes would sparkle with every new find, how you'd hold onto his wrist to make sure he didn't get lost, you staying beside him when he'd nap on Sunny, you making sure he had enough water during his workouts.
How you'll help anyone on the ship with anything they need. You'll bring Nami the supplies she needs to make maps, help Usopp and Luffy fish for dinner, wash the dishes after dinner despite Sanji telling you he'd do it. You've been learning from Chopper how to treat wounds, you'll sit with Robin and listen to her tell you about history, you've even started helping Franky with his projects and helping to perform maintenance on Sunny if needed.
Then with him. With Zoro you're content to sit quietly while he naps, or watch him while he trains, never expecting a conversation. You willingly bring him whatever he needs, whether it's water or sake, you fix his shirts if they get torn, you even stay up when he has night watch and share drinks with him. He never thought someone would want to spend all their time with him or that he'd accept someone being so close to him, what had changed that made him actually want company during times he'd normally want to rest and be alone?
You. Damn, it was you.
You whose inner demons would infiltrate your dreams, causing you to slip into his bed for comfort, stability, as he slept soundly which gave you peace to do the same, a silent promise after the first time of yes, I’ll keep you safe. You who he had saved from drowning more times than Luffy and Chopper combined. You who made him feel like he was on fire with the slightest touch, even a brush of your fingers against his at dinner. You who had stitched him up multiple times, the first one turning into a jagged scar that if asked he'd say was his favorite. You who cared enough to stay sober in bars to drag him back to the hotel or the ship when you knew he needed to stop and rest.
You who would tell him every detail about the books you were reading, the ones you'd purchased or borrowed from Robin. The one time you told him the main love interest of a romance novel reminded you of him, making his face burn red out of embarrassment before he told you not to say such things, especially in front of the others (mostly Sanji).
Even after telling you in Alabasta that nothing was going to happen, you two weren't going to become a couple, he wasn't here to play romance with you or anyone else. Even after all that, you still stuck to his side almost like glue and didn't let it change anything.
Even with your argument after Robin joined, nothing much changed between the two of you. If anything, Zoro felt more drawn to you than anything or anyone else. He wanted to spend more time with just you and him. What a change from just a few months ago, he just realized.
Even once you kissed him and he returned it in Water Seven, you attempted to apologize soon after, before he stopped you. There had been nothing to apologize for, not from you anyway. If he'd thought about it at the time, Zoro would have apologized for not giving you a proper response then. For making you go to bed alone that night.
Damn it all.
What has happened to him? Ever since your sham marriage began something has been creeping into his mind every time he looks at you and remembers "Oh yeah I'm married to her" that makes him want to pull you away from everyone and damn it, he wants to kiss you again. There's another feeling of wanting, needing to protect you, despite how strong you are in your own right. Everything about this is weird, yet somehow comforting as well. Who put this spell on him, who made him have feelings like this? Are you secretly a witch on top of a swordswoman?
Zoro breaks out of his thoughts when you speak his name again, this time as a question, your voice shaking as you hold him tighter, trying your best not to hurt him again.
"I…” your voice shakes again, and you hide your face in the crook of his neck, briefly wondering if this was the smart thing to do, before the words fall out of your mouth, “I love you…"
He pulls you closer, just a bit, your whispered confession only loud enough for him to hear. He doesn't have a response, not right now, but you're fine with that. You'd accepted long ago he may never love you back, but you had to tell him. He had to know.
After nearly losing him, you had to get these feelings out.
So when he ever so quietly thanks you, pressing the softest kiss to your temple, it makes you cry even more. You feel there's a chance, however small it may be, that Roronoa Zoro may come to have feelings for you one day.
Chopper returns a moment later, not wanting to pull you two apart, but he's so happy to see Zoro's alive and awake that even he cries a little, before checking the swordsman's wounds as you release yourself from him, Zoro allowing you to continue holding his hand for comfort.
Not only for you, but for him as well.
“I probably won't make it out of this…so take care of her for me, got it?”
"I told Zoro I love him."
It becomes so quiet you can hear a pin drop after that. Nami had asked why you were so spaced out that day, she and Robin now both so surprised at your confession. Nami's jaw drops and Robin has a small smile, before they look at each other with one thought in mind.
Impromptu girl's night.
"I'm getting extra blankets and pillows!"
"I'll ask Sanji for some wine and snacks."
Once everything is together and all the pillows and blankets are spread on the floor, you have glasses of wine and small snacks, Nami demands to hear every detail and you tell her and Robin everything about your love confession.
"He…he thanked me and kissed me–"
"On the lips again?!"
You laugh and shake your head, taking a small sip of your wine. "No, just on my temple this time."
Nami squeaks a bit, Robin laughing lightly at her reaction and the longing look on your face. As soon as she joined she'd seen the love you held for Zoro on your face, anytime you spoke of him or someone else did, your eyes would light up and your cheeks would burn pink.
You were deeply in love with him, even though he showed no romantic feelings for you. Robin had given you a romance novel once specifically due to the fact the love interest even reminded her of Zoro, which you quickly agreed with and finished the book in nearly three days which surprised her.
Nami, knowing you and Zoro were married, wanted you two together from the start. Every time you told her something that made you fall more and more in love with him, she'd giggle alongside you which always got a strange look from Usopp and Luffy, who thought you were both insane. She'd push you two together so often, that when Zoro started following you off the ship she thought it was a good sign, since she didn't have to bribe him with reducing his debt or anything. He just went on his own.
"That's such a great sign!" Nami throws her arms around you in a hug, making you laugh while Robin nods. "He's starting to fall for you! Finally!"
"I wouldn't go that far, Nami."
"I would! After all these months, you guys could be a real couple!"
"Nami, let's calm down a bit," Robin smiles and puts a hand on your shoulder, "She and Zoro will need to talk things out eventually, but let's see if anything changes since she's confessed her love to him."
Sighing loudly, Nami nods but still holds onto you, seeing a strange look on your face. She's not sure if it's one of concern or what, but it makes her hug you a little tighter.
"I'm sure he loves you, maybe deep down right now, but, he's gonna tell you one day."
You smile a bit with a slight nod, hugging Nami back. You believe her, you really do. Even if it takes a while for Zoro to say anything back to you, it doesn't matter. You'll wait as long as it takes and not give up.
For Zoro, you'll wait a lifetime.
You're crawling into Zoro's bed a few nights later. Your nightmares had turned from your neglectful parents to losing him at Thriller Bark, waking you with tears and sobs that Robin tried to help you through, calming you down enough for you to tell her you were going to slip into his bed like you'd done every time before. She simply nodded and let you go, promising to tell Nami nothing about it, you didn't want her worrying.
Zoro's fast asleep, as always, as you quietly sneak into the boy's bunks and step over Luffy who had fallen out of his hammock. You hear him mumble something about meat in his sleep while Usopp snores and Chopper sleeps happily beside him, but you pay no mind to it. You feel lucky Franky's in his workshop, Sanji's still busy in the kitchen, and Brook is out on the deck playing his violin. None of them should cause you any problems this time, but does it matter if they do?
Your thoughts are entirely on Zoro and making sure he's okay. He's still injured, but you have to be certain nothing is wrong.
You quickly and quietly slip into his hammock once you reach it, wrapping your arms around him and burying your face in his back, hearing a slight groan from him due to his wounds still not being fully healed. You feel bad waking him, even as he turns around and throws one of his arms over you, looking at you as if asking what was wrong, even though he thought he knew. It's been a while since you've last done this, your nightmare must have been particularly awful for you to return to this habit he'd thought you'd stopped.
"You okay?" His brows are furrowed while he wipes a few of your tears away. He's never seen you this upset after a nightmare before.
You try to speak but all that comes out is a whimper and a quiet sob, making you grip his shirt tighter as you shake your head. You can't tell him, you can't get the words out that it was a nightmare about him dying after he’s told you numerous times he wasn’t dying until he became the world’s greatest swordsman. He came so close to death at Thriller Bark that you were just terrified deep down about it becoming reality.
Instead of inquiring further, Zoro just nods, pulling you closer in an effort to calm you down.
"You're safe here. Nothing's gonna get you while I'm around."
You feel the quickest of kisses on your forehead before Zoro tucks your head under his chin, closing his eyes to sleep again, and it's all so strange to you. You've not had time to sit and talk since you told him you love him, but he's treated you slightly differently lately. Still going into town with you, training with you, but now sitting beside you at every meal which pissed off Sanji at times, purposefully leaning against you while he napped as you read a book.
He let you hold his hand the other day in town, even stopping at a small café with you for lunch and refusing to let you pay for your own meal despite his own money problems.
Zoro may not be in love with you yet, but you can tell he definitely cares for you in how he treats you. He saw through your façade of acting like all was well while you were still nursing the pain from your parents treating you like property and trying to sell you off to someone nearly twice your age just for money, the pain your brother tried his hardest to lighten before he helped you run away. He'd noticed from the moment he met you that there was something you were keeping from him and when he got it out of you one night, he said he'd keep you from having to go back. That was why he married you, you had more to give and do than be someone's third bride, he'd help you achieve it himself.
"Thank you, Zoro."
He's still awake, but once you finally fall asleep, he opens his eyes and watches you, finally peaceful. He feels bad he doesn't have a true response to you yet, he’s still working things out in his own mind and heart. Telling you once before that he held no romantic feelings for you, but now realizing that his thoughts have changed, it’s hard to work through that without letting anyone know. He doesn't want to get your hopes up just to tell you he doesn't feel the same in the end.
But, Zoro thinks that maybe, maybe staying married to you won't be so bad. Maybe, once he works out his feelings, he'll try to properly court you, give you a relationship you deserve, he'll protect you from anything and anyone else.
And then, one day, you could revisit this being a married couple thing, maybe actually live as husband and wife.
There's a slight bit of teasing the next morning from Franky. He'd finally gone to bed at one point and was surprised you had snuck into Zoro's hammock, the swordsman having an arm around you as you both slept. Granted he's seen how close you two are, especially after the fiasco of Thriller Bark, but didn't think you were that close.
He's also surprised by none of the others, apart from Brook, saying anything about it either. Was this normal for the two of you, to share a bed like that? If it was, why didn't Zoro just join you in the women's bunks? Surely your bed was more comfortable than his hammock.
Your face feels like it’s burning all through breakfast, the same as when Sanji first caught you in Zoro's hammock and made a fuss about it. Zoro just sets a glare at Franky anytime he says something about you two getting cozy with a grin that tells him your shipwright is getting the wrong idea. You two hadn't done anything, you slept like the other times, there's no reason for this teasing.
Zoro eventually has enough and slams his hand on the table, frightening most of your crewmates, standing up and continuing to glare at Franky.
"Would you just shut up about it? She had a nightmare and came to me for help, that's all. Come on, let's go."
Luckily you're done with breakfast when Zoro tells you to go with him, nodding and doing so as you hear Sanji and Nami reprimand Franky, who's now wondering why Zoro, of all people, got so angry about a little bit of teasing.
"I don't get what the big deal is," Franky leans back in his seat, ignoring how Nami is still looking like she's going to smack him, "So what if they're together? Not like it's against the rules or anything."
"Except they aren't together." Sanji responds before Nami can, and all it does is make Franky question the situation even more. He's trying to diffuse the situation, making sure your arrangement with Zoro doesn't get out before you either annul or Zoro decides to stay with you.
Luffy nods, before saying "They're married though, but don't tell anyone else!"
"Luffy!!" Nami doesn't even wait to smack him over the head, making your captain whine and ask what that was for. "That's not our secret to tell!"
"Well they're gonna get an annulment thingy anyway, so why does it matter??"
"Wait what, what the hell?"
“I didn't know Zoro and [Y/N] were married!” Chopper sounds beyond excited, while Brook laughs.
“Yohoho, what a surprise!”
Franky and Brook try to question Luffy and Nami about the whole thing, while Robin smiles to herself.
She's heard you and Sanji talking about your marriage to Zoro every now and then, and knew most of the details already, but knowing your feelings for him, she’s sure it’s only a matter of time before you two actually became a couple.
Though, she’s also fairly certain that if you heard your marriage had been revealed, you'd crawl in a hole and die while Zoro would seriously consider throwing Luffy overboard, before saving him in the end.
"I don't think Franky was trying to be rude about it."
"He was being obnoxious is the point, [Y/N]."
Nodding in agreement, you keep your eyes on your book once Zoro comes back from showering after his morning workout. He'd gone straight to the crow's nest after leaving the kitchen, you running to get a book and joining him once you'd picked one out. You've been sitting there ever since, having small conversations with Zoro while he worked out, eventually leaving long enough to take a shower before coming back to you in the same spot. He didn't want to talk about the morning's events anymore, but you felt like you had to say something no matter how obnoxious Franky was about the whole situation.
Zoro sits beside you, and you barely glance over a few times, wondering if now was a good time to talk about your confession and what's next for the two of you, before he speaks first.
"Anything from your parents?"
Ah yes, that makes sense. He hasn't asked yet today, that's what was missing from this day.
Shaking your head, you close your book and lean back to stare up at the ceiling. "Not a word. Makes me think they forgot they had a daughter."
"We're three days out from having to divorce, right? So there's probably no chance of them responding in time."
You're not sure if you hear annoyance or concern in Zoro's voice, but again you nod.
You don't know how to voice that you don't want to annul or divorce, that your confession to him after he woke up at Thriller Bark wasn't a heat of the moment thing or simply crewmate concern. You really are in love with him, that was a fact you've come to know over the last few months but were only able to voice recently.
Why do feelings have to be so complicated?
"You meant what you said, after I woke up?"
He's very quiet, you almost miss him speaking, but your breath catches in your throat, and its all you can do to just nod, a small 'yes' coming out of your mouth.
Zoro's not at all surprised as he nods, trying to plan his next words carefully. He's not ready to say the same love confession to you, but he might be willing to try. Try a relationship with you and keep you safe, whether your parents ever reply to you or not. He's willing to give the two of you a shot.
It's strange, how just six months ago you were in tears to him about the arranged marriage and he quickly offered to marry you and keep you from going home, from leaving him. At first, he tried to convince himself it was because you were useful, you worked well with him when taking down bounty targets. You knew how to use a sword and could perform recon work on your targets, all of that was more than what he needed in a bounty hunting partner, when he'd never thought of having one before. Not until he met you in that dinky little bar when you were running away from home, nearly passing out when you ran into him because you'd had a fever and he kept you from hitting the ground. He lost a couple days of work taking care of you, a complete and total stranger, that you were so grateful to him you offered to help and he only let you do so after you sparred with him. You lost obviously, but Zoro was impressed enough to let you follow him if you wanted to.
The year and a half you had traveled and worked together was enough, he knew it when he told you he'd marry you. You didn't know it, still don't to this day, and Zoro would likely take the truth to the grave with him, but at this point he knew it.
He knew he had feelings for you, it was just telling you. That's the difficult part right now.
You'd said your side of it, Zoro just needed the right place and time to return your words.
"I want–"
There's shouting from down on the deck that snaps you both out of your little world you're in, and you sit up to look out the window, seeing what looked like a large fish tail and Sanji freaking out over something. You wonder what's going on, before looking at Zoro, who looks less than thrilled you two were interrupted.
"Something's going on! Let's go see!"
He doesn't fight or grumble while you grab his wrist and pull him up, there's nothing he can do about it now.
Maybe tomorrow I guess.
“What’s with the bird?”
You don’t even have the chance to untie the letter from your parents before Zoro asks, you just smile before petting your family’s carrier bird on her head, giving her a few scratches as she perches on your shoulder.
“My parents are wealthy, so they have their own carrier birds. We’ve had Chisa here since I was little, she brings me mail and letters all over, wherever I am she’ll find me.”
“Seriously? All of that just to flex their cash?” Zoro rolls his eyes when you nod with a small giggle, opening the latest letter you’d been sent by your parents.
Every one so far had been a demand to return home and “fulfill your duty” of marrying the man they’d chosen for you. It was ridiculous, you’ve let Zoro see a few of them, even though every letter says the exact same thing. The only one that had been different was a letter exclusively from Elias, telling you about his marriage because he knew you’d be happy for him.
You start to follow after Zoro as he attempts to lead you back to the town you’re staying at, not even sure why you’re reading the letter that’s most likely just their demands for you to come back, until you catch a new line in the letter that makes you stop in your tracks.
The second he hears your breathing pick up, Zoro stops and looks over his shoulder at you, eyes widening just a bit when he sees your shoulders shaking and it almost seems like you’re about to have a panic attack.
“Hey, hey, calm down,” he’s almost instantly in front of you with his hands on your shoulders, Zoro knows he isn’t good at this stuff, but he’s got to get you to calm down, “What’s wrong? What’s in the letter?”
“I…I’m eighteen.”
“Yeah…? So what about—”
“Shit, shit, they’re gonna,” Zoro can barely keep you from hitting the ground while you crouch down, still holding the letter but putting your hands on your head to try and calm yourself down, “They’re gonna find me and force me to marry him.”
Zoro takes the letter from you while you start crying over your fears of being forced back home, reading the letter himself to see there’s some caveat in the agreement between your parents and alleged fiancé, where you’d be legally married soon after turning eighteen whether you had a wedding or not. Scowling, Zoro starts to rip to letter up, watching you fist your hair and close your eyes tight. Whatever you went through while dealing with this arranged marriage situation, it’s left a bad impression on you, he’d be surprised if you ever chose to get married one day because of it.
After a few minutes, Zoro helps you back up, holding your shoulders again, before trying to speak to you.
“I can’t go back, I can’t!” Finally looking up at him again, you’re still in tears and griping his shirt so tightly, almost desperate for some way out of this arrangement, some way to keep from being found and dragged back there. “I won’t go back, Zoro, please, help me!! I can’t marry that man!”
What is he supposed to do? There’s very little chance your parents haven’t sent people out to find you, or sent your name and picture across government facilities that honor small village traditions, no matter how dark or outdated they may be. He doesn’t know what to do, this is so foreign to him! How is he supposed to keep you from marrying someone?
“I’ll marry you then.”
“W-What??” This isn’t what you expected for help, not even in the slightest. You don’t even think Zoro knew he was going to say that, or planned to, it seems like it just came out with no rhyme or reason.
But, it would fix the problem. If you married someone else, your parents couldn’t rightfully force you to marry someone else, whether they had chosen the person or not.
“I…” You shake your head, not wanting Zoro to feel like he has to do something, it’s not his job. All you’ve done is follow him the last year and a half, he’s not supposed to be your protector or anything like that, just a friend that let you go with him so you didn’t have to go back home, back to what you’ve fled. “We can’t! I mean, we aren’t—"
“If I marry you, will that keep them from forcing you home?!”
“I…I think so?”
Nodding, Zoro takes your hand off his shirt, watching you for any signs of rejection or if you want to say anything else. There’s something in his eyes, you don’t know what it is, you probably never will. But he holds your hand so tightly, keeping you from pulling away before he says it again.
“Marry me, [Y/N].”
For a moment, you don’t respond, wondering if Zoro’s screwing with you or not. But that’s not like him. You’ve only known him for about eighteen months, but you know that he would never joke around about something like this. He might be a little closed off still, but he would never play with someone’s feelings this way.
After another minute or so, you nod.
“I’ll marry you, Zoro.”
You’ve not thought about how Zoro offered to marry you in quite a while, the memory waking you up from a dead sleep in the village you’ve been in the last eighteen months. After receiving Luffy’s message about when to meet your crew again, you ended up staying in a village that excelled in training swordswomen, working your hardest every day and improving to the point very few of the other women even tried to spar with you.
Now I can’t sleep.
Sighing, you get up from your bed and go to the balcony in your little apartment you’ve been granted use of. Remembering the proposal that’s put you in this situation still, where you’ve been legally married for two years, have told Zoro--who was supposed to be your temporary husband--that you’re in love with him, and it seems like he might be starting to feel something similar towards you. It’s still all so strange, but it makes you smile while you watch the stars for a few minutes, silent prayers for your crew’s continued safety, and hopes that you and Zoro can make things work out.
“Happy anniversary, Zoro.”
You’ll be surprised to hear, one day in the future, that Zoro had the same dream about his impromptu proposal around the same time you did. He even realizes that it would’ve been your second anniversary at the time, give or take a few days, Mihawk doesn’t have a calendar or bother to keep him and the ghost girl up to date on what’s going on outside the island.
The dream isn’t enough to wake him the way it does you, but it does linger in his mind the rest of the day, even as he trains. It gets to the point that Mihawk stops him, asking what on earth could be distracting the twenty-one-year-old so badly that he’s making beginner’s mistakes, and Zoro decides to tell him, just to get it out there. Maybe that will help him clear his mind.
“Just… thinking about my wife.”
This earns a raised brow from Mihawk and a shout from Perona.
“A wife?”
“You’re married and never told us?!”
“You aren’t my crew!”
Perona sticks her tongue out at him, demanding answers about you and your marriage, questions Zoro refused to answer right now, before Mihawk interrupts them.
“I care not that you’re married. You can think about your wife later, focus on training now.”
Though Zoro knows Mihawk is right, he should be focusing on his training, thoughts of you and your strange marriage don’t leave his mind, despite his nodding.
I’ll talk to you soon then…[Y/N].
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letters2won · 4 months
09; Hiding in plain sight
wc: 1.07k, half written
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You checked yourself out in the mirror over and over feeling nervous about the way you look. So caught up in your mind, you jumped at the knock on your door. With one last look in the mirror, you give yourself a thumbs up.
Jungwon was anxious on the other side of the door as he knocked. Thoughts of you not reciprocating his feelings, and you getting bored of him were eating him alive. He combed through his hair and sighed.
You sighed on the other side and just as he was going to knock again, you swung the door open. With his fist frozen in mid air and your wide eyes staring at him. The air being sucked out of you both it seems. You offered him a shy smile which he returned slightly bigger.
“Hey! Our outfits kind of match” he giggles out, “you were thinking me the whole time, huh?”
You rolled your eyes playfully and teased, “i’m pretty sure you went through my closet yesterday, like me that much?”
He felt his heart speed up at the thought of you might knowing his true feelings for you but he kept his cool. “You ready?” and you nodded.
You two walked outside to where your ride was supposed to be at. When you saw it, you tried stiffening a laugh. “Won..what is this?” you snorted.
He turned around feeling offended, “Our ride… It’s couple bike!”. You melted at the sight of him being so proud of the bike as he struggled to put his helmet on. You had to turn around and calm yourself down before you let out a squeal for him.
Walking towards him to help him out, “You’re such a baby… let me do this for you” you shyly muttered. He stared down at you with a lovesick smile as you make sure his helmet on correctly before putting yours on.
The wind tousled your hair as you two pedaled side by side, joking around and almost crashing into trees because Jungwon was getting tired. At a stop, you sneaked a picture of you guys in the bike, it was going to be a core memory for you.
Arriving at the arcade, you two parked the bike and walked towards the entrance hand in hand. You started jumping excitingly seeing a Jujutsu kaisen claw machine, “Wonnie! Over there! Come on, come on!” you said as you dragged Jungwon to the machine.
He shook his head with a smile on his face and watched you insert coins happily. A Gojo plushie caught your eye and you immediately went for it. You tried at least 10 times at this point and Jungwon sighed to himself.
Cracking his knuckles and rolling his neck, “Move aside! Your knight in shining armor is here!”
You cheered on the side line which boosted his ego even more. He didn’t get it on the first try (took him almost 15 tries) but he eventually got it and was engulfed into a hug by you.
He prayed you couldn’t hear his heart beating like drums as you thank him. He tried acting nonchalant by saying it was easy but secretly he was giggling inside his head.
This time Jungwon spotted a dance machine and dragged you towards it despite you telling him repeatedly you’re a bad dancer. “It’s okay Yn!! Just follow the arrows and you’ll be a master at this!”
Picking a random song, you two get ready to make a fool of yourselves. Your squeals and mumbled words of profanity was the only thing being heard as Jungwon laughs covered your curse words.
Jungwon and your laughter echoed through the arcade as you two competed in various games hand in hand, your playful banter creating a comfortable atmosphere, an old couple smiling at you fondly. After an lovely time, Jungwon decided to ask if you were hungry which led you two to a cozy restaurant.
Over dinner, Jungwon and you felt a wave of nostalgia from the first time you guys came up with the fake dating rules. All of a sudden a comfortable silence took over with exchanged glances that spoke volumes.
The air was charged with unspoken emotions, and as they savored their meal, the hopeful thoughts of there being a chance that your guys feelings are mutual lingered.
Finally, Jungwon cleared his throat as he put his spoon down, took a deep breath and confessed, "Yn, I've been wanting to tell you something for a while now."
Yn looked into Jungwon's eyes, sensing the sincerity, and smiled nervously, "Me too, Jungwon. There's something I've been meaning to say as well."
You allowed him to go first, “Yn… the real reason why i agreed to fake date you was because i had a huge crush on you.. i had a crush on you since the day in freshmen year where you presented a Jacob Elordi edit in english class. We’re juniors now but feelings only gotten stronger after we first became friends. The day you got with Ricky, i felt my world crumbled and i know it was my fault since i was a coward back then. When you two broke up i was literally jumping with joy in the student council room! And it only gotten better when you proposed the idea of faking dating. Spending these past two weeks with you helped me gain the courage to confessed to you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same, it just felt right to tell you now before you break things off with me.”
You stared in awe. Jungwon really was there with you since the beginning. Hiding in plain sight as he watched you grow as a person. You felt your eyes tear a little bit, knowing you can’t share your overwhelmed feelings with him because your voice might break so you leaned over the table and grabbed him by the shirt to pull him closer. You left a kiss of sparks on his lips.
You sat back sheepishly and this time Jungwon stared in awed. He was frozen for a good minute causing you to worry before he broke into smile, “Can you do that again?” which you gladly did.
The arcade date had become the first moment in your two newly bloomed relationship, marking the beginning of a new chapter filled with shared laughter, genuine affection, and the joy of finding love in unexpected places.
╰┈➤ ONE MORE CHAP!! plus a few extra ones hopefully:3
SYNOPSIS in which you’re DEFINITELY not upset that your ex moved on really easily (spoiler alert: you are!). Yang Jungwon, the student council president is glad your ex moved on because it’s time for him to shoot his shot (just not in the way he wanted.. a win is a win in his book!)
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TAGLIST < open > @firstclassjaylee @sincerelyrki @w0nslvr @poollabug @mrchweeee @nanuer @jwonistic @nyfwyeonjun @jiamini @woninluv
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Mommy in the Office~ Narcissa Malfoy nee. Black xFem Reader
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I feel like there’s a lack of Narcissa Malfoy nee. Black works out there, so I’m adding to it lol. Also, I imagine this happening around or before Draco’s fifth year, but do what you want with the timeline lol.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, fingering, mommy kink, implied age gap (all legal), implied praise kink, Narcissa being addicting
About 750 words
Enjoy (;
You swore you only worked at the Ministry because you had to make ends meet, otherwise you would have quit a long time ago.
You were Umbridge’s assistant for gods sake. And you hated her. It was mutual as she loathed you as well.
But you needed the pay, so you stayed. You stayed through all the taunts, jeers, yelling, and degrading. All of the ugliness simply for a paycheck.
Terrible innit? 
One day in particular Umbridge was being extra nasty (at least more than her usual nastiness).
She had everything to say about anything you did, and it was boiling your blood that every time you just had to answer “Yes Ma’am” or “Right away Ma’am”.
She was literally a walking turn off. 
She had been slandering you for the skirt you were wearing in this particular instance specifically its length (which she wasn’t completely wrong about, but at this point you wanted to kinda piss her off), when a woman walked through the doors into the room.
She walked with her hips swinging with confident and determinations as she approached your tiny (unfortunately ugly pink) desk. 
“What can I do for you, Mrs. Malfoy?” you asked, praying to god you would finally receive a break from all Umbridge’s bullshit. 
“Shall we go in my office?” Umbridge quickly butted in and glaring at you as she directed Mrs. Malfoy into her office. 
After what must have been whispering, as you caught absolutely nothing of what the women were talking about, Umbridge came out of the room and dropped a massive pile of papers on your desk. 
“I will be out for the night, I expect those reports on my desk at 8am sharp” she squeaked, and then she just left.
You just sat there in shock, thinking how the hell you were gonna get all of those papers done that quickly. It was impossible was your conclusion.
Mrs. Malfoy who had apparently been at the office door the entire time just chuckled lightly to herself a bit.
God she looked good when she laughed...
Even if it was at you.
She had apparently caught you staring, because her face shifted back to her normal state. “You know, she’s right Darling, your skirt is pretty short” Mrs. Malfoy purred playfully.
What the hell was happening…What was she doing?
That stumped you.
All you could was blush and meekly say, “I’m sorry Mrs. Malfoy.”
She chuckled again, and came closer to your desk “Call me Narcissa.” then even closer to where she was leaning across your tiny desk at whisper shot from your ear “And if you’d get on this desk and spread your legs for me darling, I’d let you call me Mommy” she purred.
Now you were blushing even harder and a wet spot was starting to grow in your underwear.
No... Don’t do it.
You thought, but the look on Narcissa’s face when you looked at her; fiery eyes of lust and lushes lips being lightly licked by her darting, devious tongue...
You caved and practically jumped onto the desk. Narcissa smirked and grabbed your waist, pulling you to the edge of the desk, and knocking all the papers Umbridge had given you onto the floor. 
“I could fuck you right here in this skirt, that’s how short it is” she taunted as her cold yet luscious fingers crawled up your thigh and grabbing your knickers.
As she yanked them off, you moaned in anticipation. She quickly inserted her fingers inside your pussy, and you moaned even louder, while grinding down on her hand wanting more friction. 
“Your so wet for me, such a good girl for Mommy.” she purred as she began to fuck you with her fingers. 
“Yes Mommy, all for you” you whimpered and moaned from all the pleasure she was giving you.
In a matter of minutes, Narcissa had gotten you to the edge of your climax and you were begging her to let you cum, and she was relishing in it. 
“Please fuck... please let me cum, Mommy...please!” you mewled.
She chuckled darkly and moaned “Fuck Darling, cum on Mommy’s fingers”. 
And then you came.
And fuck, was it the best you’d ever had.
And then, Narcissa pulled her fingers out of you, licked them in front of you and simply left. With her hips swinging with delight, leaving you legs open on your desk post-fucking, trying to catch your breath. 
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angelkissiies · 1 year
my anderson girl
abby anderson x reader
cw : fluff !
wc : 1.8k
proof read : no | yes
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“God, this place is hell.” You stated, pushing around a pile of old clothes with the tip of your rifle, but generally referring to the radio station. It was everyone’s least favorite overnight patrol route, and you and Abby just happened to get lucky enough to be assigned to it during one of the rainiest seasons in Seattle. That meant that the ceiling had begun to leak, dripping slow drizzles of rain through old bullet holes in the plexiglass. 
Abby snorted, glancing up to check that the upper floor was quiet, before letting her heavy pack fall to the floor with an obnoxious thump. “Better get used to it, princess. If the rain doesn’t let up, we might be stuck here longer.” She threw out, clicking her tongue against her teeth gently as she stowed her gun away in her thigh holster. 
You made a face, pulling your rifle back around to rest against your back. “I’m gonna go check the rooms, see if maybe we have a dry place to sleep tonight.” You stepped over the pile, moving towards the west-end staircase. It was the one in better condition, seeing as the east end had cordyceps patches lining the railing that you didn’t feel like aggravating. “Will you check the side exit? We haven’t been back in a while so I’m not sure if it’s still blocked off.” 
She nodded, directing her attention to the puddle of rain that had begun to accumulate near the stairwell that concealed the exit. Silently, she prayed it was still blocked- as she didn’t have the energy to deal with a shambler on a day like this. “I’ve got it, be careful up there. Okay? Yell if you need me.” She enforced, looking back up at you as you halted at the first step of the staircase. 
“Aye, aye, Captain.” You chuckled, practically running up the stairs (much to Abby’s dismay). The second floor was your favorite place to be in the building, as it had windows as far as the eye could see. It gave the best view in Seattle, in your opinion, though you knew Abby would argue that the space needle would be better. Neither of you had ever actually seen the space needle, but it had been on your mutual bucket list for as long as you’d known the girl. 
Just as you’d remembered, the floor was bright and completely void of any pests. Something you’d grown very comfortable with in the past few months, as the rainy season tended to thin out the hordes of infected. You didn’t know why exactly, but the logistics really didn’t matter to you. The less the better, right? 
As you wandered around you made a deal of opening every door, peering in to check their sleepable status. So far, you were stuck between damp and moth-eaten. Not exactly the most comfortable, nor sanitary as you thought about it more. Your thoughts were subdued quickly, after opening the door to the main office. To your (pleasant) surprise, it was in almost perfect condition. You made a mental note to thank Leah when you got back, seeing as you knew she was one of the last groups out here. 
“Abby!” You shouted, hearing a small commotion as the sound echoed through the empty building. You moved to sit your gun down and then leaned against the desk that had been pushed against the window looking in from the hallway, glancing towards the window that looked out towards the convention center. You were barely able to make out a couple close buildings due to the heavy fog that accumulated right at the cut from the first floor to the second. 
Heavy footsteps carried through the building, accompanied by a mass of woman pushing through the doorway to look around hastily. Her hair was sticking up slightly and her skin was glowing with a slight sheen of sweat and rain as she gripped the hilt of her knife. “What’s wrong?” She asked in a slight huff, not taking note of any threat. 
You laughed, covering it with a halfhearted cough as you took in your girlfriend. Somehow your shout to her had translated into danger, though you hadn't realized it at the moment. “Nothing is wrong, but look!” You explained, pointing to the mattress on the floor that was complete with a clean-ish sheet and a blanket that would make due. It was nothing extraordinary, compared to the bed you shared back home but it was pretty great compared to the moth-eaten pallet in the room just next door. “Blanket and everything.”
Abby looked very upset for about half a second before she moved forward to scoop you up in her arms, peppering your cheeks with wet kisses. “You scared the shit out of me, I dropped my walkie-talkie and everything.” She groaned between pecks, her tone devoid of any real annoyance. She had a tendency to imagine the worst, especially when it came to you, so it didn’t surprise you much. “Don’t do that to me, I might die one of these days.” 
You shoved her playfully, giving her a sharp look. “You’re not dying anytime soon, hear me?” It was the truth, seeing as you’d do quite literally anything to keep the girl from harm's way- much to her dismay. She was beyond capable of taking care of herself, seeing as she did so for many years before you came along- but that didn’t stop you from doing everything you could to protect her, even if it wasn’t much. It always just made perfect sense to you, her life meant everything to you, so in turn you’d do anything to keep it safe. 
She rolled her eyes, tossing her knife down on the table as she looked around the room. You were right in your reaction, the room was perfect. A slightly lumpy mattress, blanket, even pillows. Not to mention the eye line from the said mattress was perfect, she could almost see both stairwells. “Well, how do you feel about settling in for the night? It’s getting kinda dark.” She hummed, shedding her thick jacket before nudging you with it gently. “Temps gonna drop, take it.”
“Or,” You began, taking baby steps towards the bed, bending down to unfold the thick duvet. “We could settle into bed together, and then we wouldn't even have to worry about the cold. Body heat, y’know?” 
Abby narrowed her eyes at you, watching as you let the heavy material fall flat against the plush surface before tossing yourself onto it- sinking slightly with a soft sigh. You were so captivating, always drawing her in when she knew she had other things to do. So many things to do at that. All personal requests from Issac that she’d fantasize about telling him where to shove them, she hated being his dog. His toy soldier. Though, he led her to you. For that, she’d forever be grateful, though it changed mostly nothing about the disdain she held for him. “If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were using me for my body heat.” 
You feigned a shocked gasp, placing a hand over your heart. “Me? Using you? How ever could I?” You teased, rolling over slightly to make room for her. 
She tossed her coat aside, kneeling down at the side of the mattress before wiggling in beside you. She couldn’t lie, it was beyond the comfort she was expecting from such a widely hated place. It was soft, albeit lumpy around the edges, and surprisingly didn’t smell like someone had died on it. Always a plus. “Man, gotta thank Leah for keeping it so nice here, this might be more comfortable than our mattress back home.” She admitted, turning to face you. 
“Much comfier.” Your hands snaked around her waist, drawing her into you until you could feel her breath against the side of your neck. Close was never close enough to you, always trying to bring her nearer and nearer until she ultimately made the joke that you wanted to fuse together or something. It was always good fun though, seeing as she craved the feeling of you just like you did her. “Babygirl, you’re so warm.” You sighed, feeling her rest her head on your collarbone, hand coming to settle on the soft round of your stomach. 
The woman laughed lightly, her fingers now tracing small patterns on the fabric of your shirt. Something about you always made her feel so safe, so vulnerable. You were the home she knew she could always find, always rely on. You made that very apparent through the endless nights you’d stayed awake for her, or went looking for her outside of the walls when you thought she might be in danger. It felt good, for once, to have someone care so much they’d put your safety above their own. It felt good to be seen as an equal instead of some jacked superhero. She was just as scared and tired as you, she just did a better job at coping with it. 
“I love you, Abigail.” You hummed, free hand moving around to toy with the elastic holding her braid together. “You looked really pretty today, you know.” 
She nuzzled her face into your neck, giggling off the comment lightly as a pink blush crept up her neck. She was still getting used to it, the whole compliments thing. After Owen, she felt defeminized- forced into a box of masculinity to fit in with anyone. “I love you too, princess.” 
“I always think you look pretty, actually.” You stated matter-of-factly, finally securing the elastic on your wrist as you slowly begin to take her braid apart. You knew from her countless nights of restlessness, how easy it was for them to make her head hurt- so you made sure that you took them out whenever you remembered to. “You just looked extra pretty today, I think the sun did your freckles well.” You finished, alluding to the sunny days you’d gotten just before the rain began. 
Abby couldn't control the giggles that fell from her lips as she muffled her noises of embarrassment in your neck. It felt weird, but she still loved it. Eating up every love-soaked comment you’d throw her way. Some would complain about your constant spew of compliments you had in store for her, some would say it was overkill- but for her, it was just enough. The perfect amount of too much and not enough left her teetering on the edge of her seat waiting for the next time she’d hear the praise fall from your lips.
You made her feel like herself again, after so long of putting up a front for everyone else, she felt like Abigail Anderson. Not a soldier. Not a bro. Not a dog to order around. 
Just Abby. 
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bradshawssugarbaby · 7 months
Timeless - III (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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A/N: As promised, part 3 in time for my birthday (scheduled to post at the exact minute I was born bc why not)! It's not my finest work, but I'm relatively happy with it. Also, I done goofed and gave OC a name but tagged it as "x reader" - please feel free to just pretend the character's name isn't there, I just didn't want to write "Y/N" over and over and over again - it's written from the reader's perspective so I'm leaving it as "x reader" (also bc I'm lazy and like the parts to all match so).
pairing: Lt. Robert Floyd x reader
warnings/content: mutual pining, some angst, swearing, mildly steamy makeout sesh, Bob drops a bombshell on miss girl.
word count: 1.6k
one - two - three -
You blinked slowly as you tried to comprehend what Bob had just said. You looked at him in disbelief, letting out an awkward laugh as you felt your blood beginning to boil at his words. As much as you’d missed him, pined for him, and longed for him over the last decade, you were frustrated by the fact that this could have been avoided easily ten years ago if you or Bob had just swallowed your pride and said something to one another. While you knew you were just as much to blame on that part, it was Bob who walked away in the end, and in this moment, you couldn’t help but resent him for leaving you, then proclaiming he missed you for so long without ever so much as attempting to make contact. He at least could have asked his mother to speak to yours and provide him the contact information necessary to talk to you - you didn’t have that luxury, a) because he was often away at sea, and b) because he had left you without as much as a goodbye, leaving you under the impression that he didn’t want to see you. For some reason, hearing Bob’s admission made something inside you snap, you suddenly felt bitter and cold towards him for leaving you in the first place. 
“You missed me? Do I need to remind you that it was YOU who walked away 10 years ago? Christ, Bobby, you didn’t even have the balls to come say goodbye to me before you fucked off,” you spat angrily. 
“Listen, Krissy, let me explain,” Bob began, a pleading look in his eyes as he tried to calm you down.
“First of all, my name is Kristen. No one has called me Krissy in years. Not since you left. Secondly, I’ve been waiting, praying, hoping you’d call me. You don’t get to come back after years and hit me with this romantic “I’ve missed you so much” bullshit when you haven’t even as much as attempted to get ahold of me over the years. Do you know how many nights I spend crying when you left, wondering what the hell I did wrong to not deserve a goodbye from you? I thought I was finally over you too, and then you show back up here and remind me all over again just how fucking much I loved you. How much I still love you, and how no other man is ever going to compare to you,” You exhaled sharply as you finished ranting, shaking your head as hot tears stung your cheeks as they fell. 
“Wait, you love me?” Bob frowned as he shook his head, his blue eyes welling up with tears as he looked at you.
“For fuck sake, Bob, out of all that, this is what part stuck with you? Not the part about me needing an explanation as to why the hell you thought it was ok to just abandon your best friend?” 
Before you could continue ranting, you felt Bob’s lips crash into yours, his hands firmly grabbing your waist to pull you into his body. His grip on you was tight and passionate as his lips continued to kiss at yours, and you couldn’t help but moan softly as his tongue gently traced along your bottom lip, almost begging for entry to your mouth. You pulled away breathlessly and shook your head, looking at Bob with a completely bewildered stare.
“Care to explain that outburst, Lieutenant Floyd?” You raised an eyebrow at him and folded your arms across your chest, your gaze intense enough to make Bob worry he’d burst into flames if you didn’t look away from him. 
“Listen, Kristen, I’ve always loved you. I assumed you just…didn’t.” He shrugged his shoulders sheepishly as he blushed, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, “I wanted to tell you, I really did, but every time I got myself psyched up to do it, I’d chicken out and back off. And then I sort of tried to forget about you - threw myself into my naval career, made sure I was one of the best WSOs in the United States, got into Top Gun, I tried my damnest to forget you, Kristen. I really did.”
Bob let out a sigh as he shook his head, his blonde hair becoming perfectly tousled as it broke free from its uniform combed back look. He frowned at you before opening his mouth, hesitating before he spoke, his voice almost in a whisper as the words came out.
“I couldn’t forget about you no matter how hard I tried. I tried dating and throwing myself into my career, I tried forcing myself to see a future with other women, but no matter how hard I tried to force it, it just made me realize I wanted you more. Then I came home and found out you’d moved to New York from Mama, and I wanted to go there and see you - I’d fully planned on coming over here and asking your folks where you lived so I could go visit, try and convince you to listen to me and give me the chance I know that I don’t deserve, and then, as I was getting my coffee the other day, planning on how the fuck I was going to do this all, you walked in and complete threw me off guard, but I love it. It just reminded me more that…that this is the right thing to do, Kristen. I could leave the entire US Navy behind, just walk away and never look back, but I cannot in good conscience leave South Carolina without telling you how I feel.” 
You sighed softly, shaking your head and frowning as your gaze met the floor, completely at a loss for words. You wanted so badly to stay mad at him for leaving without a word, but hearing that Bob had felt the same way you had for the last ten years, it made you soften towards him once again, another gentle sigh escaping your lips before you spoke, looking up to meet his cobalt blue eyes once again.
“Robert Floyd, are you saying that you love me as much as I love you?” You finally said, letting out a sharp breath that you hadn’t even realized you’d been holding in. 
“I believe that’s exactly what I’m saying, Kristen.” He laughed softly, raising an eyebrow as he gently reached his hand out to touch your cheek, wiping a tear away with his thumb, “I never wanted to hurt you, Krissy. I just, I was a shy and awkward 18 year old who was in love with my best friend, and I didn’t know how to tell you. I was scared you’d reject me and I decided I’d rather live with the fact that you just didn’t know how I felt, than risk telling you and you shooting me down faster than I can shoot down an enemy aircraft.”
“For a smart man, you’re kind of a dumbass, you know that, Lieutenant Floyd?” You laughed and shook your head to rid your eyes of any remaining tears that threatened to fall. 
“I know I am,” Bob grinned at you, leaning in to kiss at your cheek, just below your ear. As he pressed his lips to your soft skin, he murmured sweetly into your ear, “But, I’m your favourite dumbass, right?” 
You felt Bob’s lips turn up into a smile against your cheek, his face hovering against your skin for a moment longer as he took in the familiar scent of your perfume, the same one you’d worn since you’d turned 16 years old. His hand found his way around the small of your back as his lips trailed across your cheek playfully. When he pulled away, he gently tucked your hair behind your ear and smiled.
“What happens now? Because, knowing how you feel now, I can’t leave for San Diego without us deciding what to do about it.”
As you were about to answer, you heard your brother calling up the stairs to you both.
“Hey, Ma says to hurry it up with the serving trays, and Dad says to stop fooling around up there like a coupl’a teenagers on prom night,” You could hear your brother’s laughter echoing from the bottom of the attic staircase as he spoke. Your sister’s giggle could be heard in unison with his, and you shook your head as you shot Bob a sympathetic look.
“Nice to see they haven’t changed in the slightest,” Bob laughed softly as he grabbed two of the serving trays and smiled before leaning in to give you a peck on the cheek, “I should probably head back to my Ma’s for dinner before she starts sending out a search party, but maybe after Thanksgiving dinner is over, we can talk?” His voice sounded hopeful as he spoke.
“Absolutely,” You nodded quickly, trying to stop your cheeks from turning bright scarlet red as he kissed you, “On one condition though,” you started.
“What’s that?” 
“You promise to keep kissing me until you make me blush,” You smirked at him as you kissed his cheek, carefully straightening out his hair for him before sending him back downstairs to where your family was surely all discussing the possibilities of what could have taken place between you both in that attic.
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pecanwriter · 2 months
Pathetically Self-conscious Losers (SSBHM)
Themes: mutual self-consciousness, omegaverse but no mpreg mentioned 
Words: 2815
Part: 1/1
Jamal swallowed heavily, instinctively sucking in his gut. He checked the address on the website again. The building number checked out, but there was nothing on the door to indicate this was what he was looking for. Uncertain, he looked around. There was an omega sitting on a shaded bench nearby. With a resigned sigh, Jamal approached him. 
“Um, hi, excuse me?”
The man startled, glancing up at him and then quickly hiding behind his mop of black hair. 
“Are you waiting for the Speed Dating event as well? I’ve got the address here but I think I might be at the wrong spot.” 
“Oh, no, no…” The man shook his head vehemently “I could never do that. I’m just people-watching.” 
“What do you mean?” Jamal asked, feeling like this conversation was getting out of control already; this is why he hated talking to people!
“It’s nothing creepy!” The omega hastened to say, almost shoving a thick sketchpad in Jamal’s face “I draw c-comics… I mean, never mind, I’m sorry, I don’t know where your event is.” 
“Can I sit down?” Jamal asked, against his better judgement. 
The omega stiffened for a moment, but eventually nodded hesitantly, still hiding behind his cloud of hair. Jamal sat down, forcing himself not to grunt as his gut immediately strained against his shirt and his belt mercilessly dug into his underbelly. As casually as he could, he leaned back, spreading his thick legs slightly, to make room between them for his overhang. He saw the omega glance at his body but quickly looked away in embarrassment. Of course. Jamal was glad the omega was not looking at him anymore because he was sure his forehead was already coated with sweat. 
“Are those your drawings…?” He asked, unsure why when the omega was so clearly not interested in him. 
“Mhm,” He nodded, placing the book in his lap. His hand hovered over the cover for a moment before he flipped it open. 
The pages were dense with all kinds of drawings, mostly of people and an occasional animal. They were done in an exaggerated, confident style with so much expression it honestly surprised Jamal. 
“Wow, these are fantastic! You’re so good!” He exclaimed, genuinely impressed. 
The omega finally looked at him from behind his curly mane. He smiled and Jamal glimpsed a wide flat nose, large lips and cheeks with a heavy spattering of angry acne. 
“T-thanks, it’s not much…” 
“I mean it, they’re really good. You’re very talented.”
The omega went to brush his hair away from his face but seemed to suddenly remember himself and dropped his hand.
“Why are you hiding behind your hair?” Jamal asked, not sure what on Earth possessed him to say that. 
“I don’t like people looking at my face…”
“Because of the acne?” Again, what the fuck was going on with him, why was he suddenly Mr. Direct? And if his brain chose that day to rid him of his crippling self-doubt, couldn’t it have waited for the Speed Dating event at least? 
The omega nodded.
“It’s ugly…”
“It’s not ugly.” Jamal said with conviction “It’s just skin, nobody has perfect skin.” 
“Most people have better skin than me though…” 
“It’s not ugly,” Jamal repeated. 
The omega looked at him again. He had very large, brown eyes and arched eyebrows. Jamal had to admit, the acne was severe, but it didn’t make him any less pretty. 
“I’m Omari.” The omega said. 
“Jamal,” Jamal said, praying to whoever would listen that he wasn’t sweating as much as he thought he was “Ironically enough,” he added with an awkward chuckle. 
“What? What do you mean?”
“Jamal means handsome in Arabic.” He explained “I was adopted, but my white mother, bless her heart, didn’t want to erase my heritage and kept it. If I’m honest I wished she gave me some generic white name like Logan or something.”
“I think it suits you,” Omari said shyly.
Jamal looked away, his face hot. His flirting was one thing, but someone flirting back? That has never happened to him in his life. Suddenly, he had the urge to run away, but his fat ass didn’t stand a chance. 
Before he could come up with something to say, Omari spoke again.
“I think your event is starting.” he pointed to the building. Jamal followed his finger and sure enough, a steady line of pampered omegas and alphas in suits was pouring into the building. 
“Yeah, seems like it.”
“You should go, or you will be late.” 
“Or I could sit here and people-watch with you?” Who was he? Was he actually flirting with an omega he just met randomly out in public? 
“But you paid for it?” 
“Yeah, but it’s pointless.” He waved it off “Omegas are never interested in me anyway. I mean, obviously…”
“Why not? You’re handsome.” Omari said with the same firmness with which Jamal just told him acne didn’t matter. Were they actually flirting or were they just two self-conscious losers trying to make each other feel better? 
“I’m barely 5’10 and 500 lb.” He pointed out, staring at the massive gut hanging between his legs. 
“What does that have to do with you being handsome?”
“I supposed the same thing your acne has to do with you being pretty.” 
Oh, dear Lord, they were both. They were pathetically self-conscious losers who WERE flirting. 
“So,” Jamal said after a moment of awkward silence “Teach me to people-watch.” 
Omari chuckled, breaking the awkward spell. 
Somehow, an hour later, Jamal waddled to his car with an omega’s phone number in his pocket and without even going into the Speed Dating event. 
Could it be, were things finally coming up Jamal?
Things were not coming up Jamal. He was trying to find something flattering to wear for his date, but everything he owned made him look like a hog trying to stuff itself into human clothes. When he managed to somewhat contain his enormous belly his love handles would pop out, if he managed to cover them, his ass would stick out ten times more than it usually did. There was a shirt that looked good both around his belly and love handles, it even went well with the only pair of pants that wasn’t obscenely tight around his massive ass, but it, in turn, made his breasts look enormous and showed off his back rolls. 
He gave up with a dramatic sigh, flopping down onto the bed like a beached whale and pulled out his phone. 
“Hey, it’s Jamal.”
“Are you cancelling the date…?” Omari sounded as if that was exactly what he was expecting.
“What? No, of course not! I was just wondering if maybe instead of a dinner we could go to a movie?”
“Oh yes, please.”
Jamal laughed. 
“You sound relieved.”
“I really don’t like restaurants… Too many lights…”
“I’m not a fan of the dress code myself.”
“A movie sounds perfect.” 
“Alright, I’ll check what’s playing and text you.”
He hung up and couldn’t help a relieved sigh. Sitting in the dark for two hours without Omari getting any chance to look at his huge body? Score. 
When they arrived at the cinema, everything seemed perfectly fine. Jamal was hiding in his baggiest clothes and Omari was basically a head of hair without a face. The spirits were high.
“It’s been ages since I’ve seen an Indiana Jones movie,” Omari said. He was almost the same height as Jamal. As if the fact he couldn’t wear anything but a 7XL hoodie didn’t make him self-conscious enough, he also had to find the tallest Omega in America. 
“I don’t even know which one was the previous one” he mused.
The head of hair made a humming sound. 
“I don’t know either.”
Jamal laughed but didn’t manage to reply as they were the next ones up to be served. 
“Hello, two for Indiana Jones, please.”
“I’m sorry” The Beta said and her sour smile told Jamal she was the furthest thing from sorry. “There is a weight limit of 350 lb on the theatre seats.”
Jamal finally understood what it meant when people claimed their souls left their bodies.
“He’s 350 lb,” Omari said firmly. 
The cashier turned her disgustingly fake smile on him. 
“No, he’s not.” She said slowly, her smile turning even more fake. “I’m so sorry!” 
“You could’ve told us sooner, you saw us waiting,” Omari said. “Come on” He grabbed Jamal’s hand and pulled him away. Jamal was thankful because he doubted his body could move out of its own volition. 
As they were passing the queue, he heard snickers and someone shouting “fatass!” very obviously as he passed. He was sure that if his soul left his body already, it would have now left the planet entirely. 
They left the cinema and began walking down the street in silence. They passed a brightly coloured Ice Cream parlour and Jamal stopped, gazing through the glass longingly. 
“Oh, I could do with an ice cream cone, or three.” he let out a sigh “But I shouldn’t.” 
“Neither should I” 
“What? Why?” He asked, looking at Omari’s lean, delicate body. 
“Flares up my acne.”
“Oh.” Jamal looked at the display cases inside for a moment longer “It’s worth it.” He said firmly. 
Omari laughed. He was still holding Jamal’s hand and he now pulled him into the Ice Cream parlour. 
Minutes later they were sitting in a booth waiting, having ordered at the counter. 
“Isn’t the table digging into your belly?” Omari asked, cocking his head. 
Jamal looked away, mortified. 
“Yeah, but I don't think the chairs at the tables are sturdy enough to hold me up.” He admitted. But it was fine, his soul had already left his body a long time ago, and it couldn’t get any more humiliating. 
Omari, for some unfathomable reason, dove under the table. When he emerged Jamal glimpsed one eye and a piece of mouth behind the mass of hair. 
“It’s not bolted down! Just push it, I’m gonna pull it.” 
Jamal wanted to protest, but the truth was, that he could barely breathe. With a nod, he pushed. Omari pulled the table towards himself and soon, although it was still a tight squeeze, Jamal could breathe. 
“Thanks,” He said, meaning it. 
“No problem” Omari’s warm fingers gently touched his. “I’m sorry about the theatre…”
“Nope, I’m repressing that,” Jamal said firmly.
“Alright, I respect that.” Omari nodded.
The waitress arrived, placing two Sundaes on the table. Omari’s was pretty with one blue scoop, one pink and one purple, with a swirl of whipped cream and a blueberry syrup drizzle. 
“Forest fruits?” Jamal guessed.
“Wow, you really know your ice cream!” 
“I really, really do.” He said with an embarrassed chuckle, patting his enormous gut. 
It didn’t escape Jamal’s notice his Sundae was almost twice as large as Omari’s.
“What’s yours?” Omari asked, taking to the tippy-top of the whipped cream swirl with his spoon and popping his into his mouth. It was adorable. 
“Chocolate, salted caramel, hazelnut, cookies and cream, I believe that one is just called “Twix”, we have caramel…”
“You already said caramel.”
“Oh no, no. For you see, this one is salted caramel, this one is unsalted caramel.” 
Omari laughed. 
“There’s peanut butter here, a classic vanilla here…” 
“Peanut butter? I didn’t know they made ice cream like that.” Omari’s eye emerged from behind the hair again to peer at Jamal’s ice cream.
“Have a taste!” He offered immediately, diving expertly in, to scoop a spoonful of the specific flavour. Without thinking he outstretched the spoon to Omari. After a moment’s hesitation, the omega pulled his hair a little to the side to take Jamal’s spoon into his mouth.
“Ooooh!” Omari’s face lit up in excitement. “It’s so good!”
Jamal laughed. “I’m glad I could teach you something useful today.” 
Omari smiled shyly and went to pull his hair over his face. 
“Please don’t.”
One eye peered at Jamal questioningly, hand still poised halfway to his face.
“I’m super flared up right now…” Omari said weakly. It was true, his cheek was dark with inflamed cysts and zits. 
“It’s okay, Omari.” He reached over the table. “Please don’t hide. I want to see your face.”
“I want to see my date’s face.” Jamal insisted with a gentle smile, but Omari still looked terrified. “How about this, what if you just uncover your face on this side, facing the wall? Nobody will see except for me.” 
With a tiny sight, Omari pushed his hair back, revealing the right side of his face fully. The acne spread his entire cheek and went up to his temple. It really was bad, he could understand why Omari was self-conscious, but at the same time… He didn’t give a fuck about it. He couldn’t even if he tried. 
Omari peered at him anxiously, as if expecting Jamal would spit in his face. 
“Listen, I know you won’t believe me, but I’m gonna say it anyway. Your acne doesn’t make you any less pretty. Now, eat your ice cream, before it melts.” 
Omari said nothing, just took his spoon back up and scooped another spoonful of whipped cream into his mouth. 
“I went on a Tinder date once” Omari said and Jamal couldn’t understand how someone could look so defeated while eating a gorgeous Sundae. Wow, he really was a fucking fatass, wasn’t he? “He saw my face and literally walked out.” 
“Well, you’re in luck” Jamal said lightly “I’m not walking out of here until this Sundae is completely gone. And I’m pretty sure you’ll have to help me wedge out of this booth anyway. You should’ve gone on a date with a fatass sooner” 
Omari laughed weakly. 
“Hey, Jamal… You don’t have to joke about your body, you know that, right?”
“What?” He asked, unfortunately with a mouthful of chocolate drizzle and whipped cream. 
“You don’t have to justify your existence with humour.”
“That was uncomfortably perceptive.” 
“I told you, I people-watch a lot.”
Jamal said nothing, it was his turn to look defeated while eating ice cream. 
“I think you’re very handsome,” Omari said bluntly, making Jamal almost choke with caramel ice cream. He couldn’t help but vaguely not that it would be his preferred way to die. 
“Can we make a packt?”
“I will accept that I’m handsome if you accept that you’re pretty.” 
Omari stared at him. After a moment, he shrugged philosophically.
“Fine.” He said “We can make it even more interesting. “I will keep my face uncovered if you stop joking about your body.” 
Jamal frowned. That would take away ninety per cent of what he had to say, but if that meant he could see Omari’s face, then he was willing to make the sacrifice. 
He was sweaty and stuffed uncomfortably full of ice cream, his enormous thighs were rubbing painfully together which made him waddle even more than usual. But he didn’t care, because Omari was holding his hand as they walked to the parking lot. 
“This is my car,” Omari said, stopping. His face was uncovered and Jamal hungrily took every detail of it in. “I really enjoyed our date.”
“So did I, thank you for coming out with me” Jamal smiled and Omari smiled back. They stood still for a moment. 
“Are you… going to kiss me or should I just get into the car and stop making it weird?” Omari laughed nervously. 
“Oh!” Jamal was startled by the fact that was even an option. The only other two dates he’d ever been on ended exactly like that. With a moment of awkward silence in front of the car and no return phone calls. “I’m sorry, yes, I-I would like that.”
“Well?” Omari laughed again, spreading his arms expectedly. 
“Yes, I’m sorry!” Jamal stepped up to him. He misjudged the distance and bumped Omari with his enormous gut. Omari stumbled back, landing against the driver's side door. Horrified beyond belief, Jamal surged forward to apologise but somehow ended up stumbling and crashing into the omega with his entire bulk.
“Well, that’s now exactly what I meant, but I’ll take it,” Omari said with a cheeky smile. He gently placed his hands on Jamal’s thick love handles. 
Swallowing heavily, he placed one hand on Omari’s neck and the other on the back of his head; not wanting to touch his face and irritate the skin. 
Turning his head slightly and with a shaky breath, he closed the distance between them and kissed Omari’s soft lips. It felt unreal.
When they parted, Omari smiled at him. 
“You taste like ice cream.”
“So do you.” 
They both chuckled, going back in for a second, longer kiss. 
Some minutes later, Jamal waddled back to his car unable to stop the goofy smile from spreading across his face.
Things were finally coming up Jamal. 
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mochie85 · 2 years
Can you do one were for some reason, Loki and the reader have to do manual labor (like chop wood, milk a cow, using a hand pump and carrying buckets of water, stuff like that) and by the trope of ignorant alien boyfriend reader makes fun of him (in a good way) and is fluff and have some mutual pining
One-Shot Masterlist Complete Masterlist
A/N: Did I do some research while writing this fic? Absolutely. Did that research include watching Bradley.Thor on TikTok? Yes. And No, the irony was not lost on me. 🤣 I hope you like this Nonny! 🥰 Thank you for the request. Keep them coming.
Word Count: Almost 2k Warnings: Fluff Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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The weather was sublime. The warm afternoon breeze blew the fragrance of the wildflowers all around you. The serene view was marred only by the sound of complaints and grumbles from the god behind you.
“I can’t believe we’re stuck out here.” He mumbled to himself.
“Oh, come on Loki. It’s not so bad.” You smiled at him. He looked at you, the sun highlighting your silhouette in front of him. The only saving grace from this mission was that he got to do it with you.
“The sooner I can get back to modern civilization, the better.” He croaked.
You two were in an isolated masia in the middle of Catalonia. A safe house that was set aside for agents, and Bruce – whenever he needed his space to calm down. You spotted a few cows grazing along the western slope. And there were chickens in a large coop in the back of the house. You didn’t know if someone came to maintain the livestock, or if they were wild and set free from a time when this was used as an actual farm.
As stocked as the masia was, everything was either expired or inoperable. The faucets had run dry. The electricity was suspicious, to say the least. It seemed almost forgotten and in disarray by the time the two of you arrived.
“I sent the signal. The team should be intercepting it soon and then they can collect us. But until then, let’s see if we can find something to eat. Who knows how long we’ll be here.” Loki rolled his eyes.
“Do you think you can chop wood for the fireplace while I forage?” You asked him. He nodded.
“Will you be ok, by yourself?” he asked anxiously.
“Awe. Are you worried about me?” you teased. “I’ll be fine. I should go make use of the daylight before the sun sets.” You staggered off, giving him a reassuring pat on his shoulder.
You didn’t wander far. Only a minute into the sparse woods surrounding the ranch, looking above for any type of fruit you can gather. You found some edible mushrooms and berries. You were lucky to spot a pear tree with ripe fruit.
Birds sang from the trees and small woodland creatures scurried about the medieval plants. You didn’t want to try your luck at hunting. But you did hear a stream nearby. Maybe you can go fishing - if your stay ends up being longer than expected.
As you came back around the clearing, you heard the deep thud of wood falling. And the low growl of Loki’s voice. You watched as Loki raised his arms to swing an ax down. Bringing a cutting blow to the poor log below him.
You almost dropped the supplies you were carrying at the sight of his bare chest exposed in the sunlight. Each line, defined and strong, rippled as he reached for a new piece of wood and placed it on the chopping block. You would’ve never known the distinction of his muscles, the strength those arms had, under the many layers he usually wears.
His grunts and panting timed with the rhythm of his swing. He had a hard time with one particular log, “Come on. Open for me.” He brought the ax down with formidable grace and split that stubborn log into two. “Atta girl.”
You took a deep breath and hid behind a tree. You bit down on your lip to keep from screaming as you closed your eyes and prayed to any higher power that will listen to you. Gods, save me from these wicked thoughts.  Calm my nerves before I wreck this man and make a fool outta myself.
“What are you doing?” Loki said as if he were answering your prayers.
You screamed at the surprise appearance of Loki next to you. The pears you had in your arms fell to the ground. You noticed that he had put his shirt back on. Your eyes raked him once over.
“Nothing. I was just taking a break.” You lied. Loki bent down and helped you gather the berries and fruits that had fallen.
“You got quite a haul here.” He noted. Walking in step with you back to the house.
“Yup. Yeah, and you managed to get a decent amount of wood for the fireplace, I see.”
“Do you think that pump over there by the side of the house might work?”
“If the well isn’t dried up. Let’s see.” Loki handed you the fruit he had picked up and sauntered over to examine the water pump.
Inside the house, you dropped your foraged goods on the kitchen counter. You found large tin buckets by the entrance and brought them outside to help Loki.
The pump had gone dry. Loki flushed the handle repeatedly getting no luck. You stepped in to help, grabbing the handle. “I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.” He said as he peered into the spout.
“I wouldn’t put my face…” It was too late. The water had decided then to make its appearance and shot straight across towards Loki’s face, drenching him. A look of shock and a gasp tore through you as you covered your mouth, trying not to laugh.
Loki stood up slowly, his lips thinning in anger. His finger held up, warning you not to make a sound. “Don’t you dare say a word!” Loki snarled. Your amusement peeled away at his resolve as he listened to your melodic laughter.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry! Please, don’t -” but you couldn’t stop laughing anyway as he flailed his hands in your direction. Small drops of water flicking you wet.
Loki lifted the hem of his soaked shirt up and over his head. The lean muscles you spied on earlier making a full appearance. His lithe shoulders were wet from the water. Loki took that same shirt and wiped his face, his arms, and all along his chest. You watched him, quietly leaning on the pump.
“Enjoying the view?” he said realizing he had an audience. He threw his shirt at your face.
A heady mix of his scent and cologne flooded your senses. You hoped that his shirt hid the dark blush covering your face. “And so what if I am?”
Loki only shook his head, hiding the smile that formed. “Move over, you dangerous creature, and let me pump. Hold the buckets,” he instructed.
“I’m sorry for laughing.” You said. Loki only rolled his eyes. His embarrassment already gone after seeing your suggestive stare.
He kept his shirt off as he brought the full buckets inside the house.
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Later that night, the both of you had sat down, knee to knee, in front of a roaring fireplace. Eating all the things the two of you had gathered.
Loki had ventured out with you after your water fiasco, a basket in hand, to the chicken coop and tried to pilfer some eggs. He had no such luck as the hens kept trying to peck his hand away. You were lucky to grab some with gentle coaxing and a hypnotizing trick your grandmother taught you.
“Do you think you’ll have better luck with the cows?” you asked slightly teasing.
“Can you even wrangle one?” he asked doubtfully. You took that as a challenge and set forth to corral the nearest cow you could find.
Calming her, soothing her, you whispered to Loki, “Keep her occupied and calm while I collect her milk.”
“How do you propose I do that?” he asked aloud, wide-eyed.
“Shh. Just stroke her head. Talk to her.” You made your way behind her slowly. Patting her along the way till you were able to bend down with a bucket and start milking.
“Hello…ma’am,” Loki said with gawkiness, patting her on her head. You started to giggle. His awkwardness was endearing.
You laughed about it that night over dinner. You had cooked the mushrooms and made sunny-side eggs with butter churned from the milk you extracted. Loki’s seidr helped tremendously and saved you both from aching elbows and arms. You were always in awe whenever he used his magic.
And for dessert, berries with pears.
“This is delicious, darling.” He commented. “I’m so glad to have been stuck with someone as skillful and clever.” You flushed at his comment. “Tony could never.”
That’s when you started laughing. “No, he couldn’t.”
“Where did you learn such skill?” he asked.
“I grew up on a vineyard with my grandparents. My grandfather was a vintner and sold locally. He taught me a little bit about plants and foraging. But my grandmother loved animals. She kept a few chickens and goats. A cow name Lulubelle.” You sighed at the memory. “I miss them terribly.”
Loki stared at you. He felt awed that you would share such a precious memory with him. “What about you? Where’d you learn to chop wood?” you asked, remembering the scene from earlier today, heat crawling up your spine.
“Is that so surprising? For a prince to know his way around an ax?”
“Honestly. Yes. I didn’t picture you using anything other than your seidr.” He laughed at your candidness.
“It was part of training, to be with the Einherjar. You needed to be able to survive and build a make-shift shelter. Living off the land. You’d never know what kind of situation or planet you’d find yourself in.”
You nodded in understanding.
“It was one of the ways a fellow soldier could help the regiment overall. At times, Thor would always show off and split the wood with his bare hands.” Loki shook his head as he rolled his eyes. You laughed at the thought of Thor trying to impress his fellow troops.
Loki looked up at the sound of your laughter. He loved the musical tone it had. He loved the fact that he could make you sound like that. His errant thoughts ran away from him and he started to wonder what other sounds he could persuade you to make.
As if you could read his thoughts, his teasing eyes, and his inviting smile, you slowed your laughter to a quiet giggle. Turning away to hide your face, Loki grabbed your chin to stop you.
He leaned in close, brushing his lips on yours. His breath was sweet from the berries he just consumed. He paused for only a second, waiting for you to turn or to stop him. When you didn’t, he pressed further. Enveloping your lips fully in his. As you drew in his top lip, you ran your tongue along the length of it, hearing him whimper.
He pulled you closer to him, sitting on his lap. He placed your thighs on either side of his strong hips. Your hands delighted in the taut muscles under his shirt. Finally being able to touch what you glimpsed earlier.
Static from the radio reached both your ears. Steve’s warm voice echoed through the receiver. You pulled away to reach for it, but Loki held you firmly in place and pulled your chin back towards his lips.
He devoured you.
Loki ignored the transmit as if he knew he didn’t have much time left.
“Signal received. I hope you both are ok. The extraction team will be there in a couple of hours.”
“Well, darling. We don’t have much time left together. What would you like to do?” Loki said panting on your lips.
You kissed him back with as much fervor and proceeded to lift his shirt.
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All Taglist:
@alexs1200 @britishserpent @huntress-artemiss @mishief2sarawr @user13cabs @lokiprompts @lokisninerealsms @lokisgoodgirl
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dingertdongert · 1 year
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Chapter 4
You put on a forced smile "Happy Valentine's" you murmured to what seemed to be the millionth teenage couple of the day. You watched as they shared a shy glance and blushed, before picking up their carrier bag and walked away.
'Well at least someone here is happy' Steven piped up from behind you.
'Tell me about it, I personally don't see the romance behind mummified bodies and jarred organs, but to each their own'.
Steven stared at you in obvious offence 'I expected better than you to generalise Ancient Egyptian culture like that'. You couldn't help but laugh in response. 'Steven you know I didn't mean to upset you'.
'No, I know, it's just- it's just annoying, they're so much more than that'. You leaned on the counter, making yourself comfortable for another one of Steven's ever-interesting info dumps.
'You know Hathor, goddess of love, among many other things. She was married to Horus, and every year they would carry a statue down the river to reunite with him. After that, they'd have a whole festival celebrating their love- the Festival of the Beautiful Reunion'. He glanced to make sure he wasn't boring you, and you gave him a quick nod to continue.
'People would pray for her to make their lovers appear, and she was the goddess who had the most temples throughout ancient Egypt. I guess, what I'm trying to say, is that love was really important to them'. You nodded whilst fiddling with the Hathor chocolates in front of you.
You changed the subject, 'Why did we get so many of these for such a limited time, do you think we can take them home?'
'Are you a sweet person?'
'Oh Steven, I'm upset you'd even have to ask, you think I'm bitter?' you teased. 'No, no I-I just mean-' he desperately stammered
'No I know what you mean, don't worry. To be honest I would say I'm more of a savoury person, but there's just something about chocolate. I don't know, it's just satisfying'.
'Ah well I'm glad you've said that' Steven murmured. He lent under the desk and fiddled around inside of his satchel, pulling out a pink heart-shaped box. 'Happy mutual Valentine's day' he said, with emphasis on the mutual.
'Oh my god, Steven, you didn't actually-'
'Yeah well, we agreed. Just trying to make the day less depressing for us both' he shrugged. He pulled the lid off, helping himself to a pink sprinkle topped chunk before sliding the box over to you. 'They're not different flavours, so don't worry about that' he said whilst chewing.
You popped one in your mouth and started to eat, 'Mmm, these are pretty good' you said, covering your mouth. 'Yeah, this brand does the best vegan chocolate as far as I'm aware'.
You stood in silence together, making your way through the box of chocolates. You both watched all the couples walk through the door hand in hand, one after the other. All of them shared similar smiles, giggles and blushes, and occasionally you'd hear the sound of a gentle kiss. It took everything in you to not roll your eyes almost every time.
You walked out together at the end of your shift, shoulder to shoulder, and you turned to talk to him once you were out in the fresh open air. 'Hey so uh- thanks for the chocolates, that was really nice of you'.
'Don't mention it, bit offended I didn't get anything though'
You laughed shyly and glanced away from him 'Yeah sorry about that, I'll make it up to you'
'Oh yeah?'
You took your time to respond, thinking of the best way to say what was coming out of your mouth next.
'Well, we haven't hung out outside of work once. How about we change that? After all, we're friends now. There's a cool American-themed bar close to me, I'll pay for drinks' you hesitantly offered.
'Huh, well-'
'If you don't I understand. I know drinks and whatnot aren't really you're kind of thing, just thought it would be fun'.
'No I would like to. No one's ever wanted to hang out with me before, or at least asked' he murmured sadly, looking down at the ground, hands twisting his satchel strap. 'Well I'm happy to be the first' you said, giving him a reassuring pat on the arm. 'How about next Saturday?' you suggested and he nodded in return. 'Great, well I'll see you then, and before that, I'll see you in there' and you gestured at the big doors behind the two of you.
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
Series Candidates #3: Dragon Age Fandom
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In Death Sacrifice.
Alistair/Fem!Warden Elowen Cousland - rogue pairing. Currently 18 chapters are planned (can change). This one will follow the games storyline with some changes of my own and unique aspects to magic and the story. It'll include mutual pining, canon typical violence, fluff, smut, and oh my god ANGST THIS FIC DOES NOT HAVE A HAPPY ENDING IT WILL DESTROY YOU AND I WILL CONTINUE TO BRING IT UP IN EVERY OTHER DA FIC!
Blood stained the steel of his dagger, dripping onto the old stone with every step towards me he took. Duncan held the chalice out to me, face void of any and all emotion as he spoke, "You are called upon to submit yourself to the taint. For the greater good."
My hands were shaking as I took the cup, half filled with black blood. This was what I came here to do. Become a Grey Warden, stop Howe and the Blight. My fathers voice echoed in my head. A Cousland always does their duty.
I forced myself to drink from the plain silver cup, forced the pungent and burning liquid down my throat. Pain followed it, sharp and twisted as something dark washed over me. Voices echoed in my ears, visions flashed… A dragon… A horde of monsters… "You are going to die." A voice said, the dragon bearing its teeth to me. "Both of you are going to die!"
The second Elowen began to fall Alistair had foregone all notions of stoic tradition and taken hold of her. She was pale and shaking, her eyes clouded over with white darting frantically back and forth. Black veins pulsed up her arms as soft pained noises caught in her throat.
He'd seen The Joining before, countless times. He'd seen the death and corruption that came to those not strong enough to withstand the ritual. He'd seen it all and yet he held the girl in his arms, he smoothed his hands over her soft hair and for the first time in a long time he prayed. Not his usual, half assed prayers either, a true one. 
Duncan said nothing as the night dragged on, he merely watched and waited for her death or her to awaken again. She would wake up, he told himself, pressing his head into hers. She would wake up. 
He'd only truly known her for a few weeks, but… In an odd turn of events he'd never prepared himself for, Alistair had grown fond of this Elowen Cousland. She was a skilled fighter, far more cunning and fearless than he expected her to be at first glance, above that though she was nice… she laughed at his jokes, she offered her help to anyone that needed it and she never once complained even though she had so much to complain about. She didn't deserve this, any of it, not this pain and not whatever it was that drove her here.
If this world was willing to take someone as pure and selfless as her then the Blight could have it. Elowen would survive this… She had to. For once since his own Joining Alistair didn't think he could survive if she died now.
When my eyes cleared and the voices and ringing in my ears faded Duncan smiled down at me. Alistair's hands were firm on my arms, steadying me against him as his eyes looked at me in worry. "It's okay," he said, picking up on my fear. "It's over now."
"Welcome," Duncan said, squeezing my hand. "Your family would be proud."
Alistair looked away from me, to the bodies that lay beyond Duncans feet. "Two more deaths. In my joining only one of us died… But still it was horrible." He offered me a smile, small and modest, nothing like the one I was used to seeing from him. "I'm glad at least one of you made it through."
"How do you feel?" Duncan asked as he pulled me to stand.
Alistair kept me upright while I let my head clear. "That was… Worse than I'd expected."
"Such is what it takes to be a Grey Warden."
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dotster001 · 2 years
Prompt List
Anyone is free to use this, I'd love to see what you guys come up with. I will make it look prettier after the event.
That's about as far as she can go.
I can't say no!
Saved me? What do you mean?
Send him away.
A genuine princess is exceedingly rare.
Zounds, but you're clever.
Party of four?
Hello, my dears. (This one may be in my head, idk lol)
That's no reason why we can't be friends.
Many a new day will dawn before I do.
We've gotta have a little mutual admiration.
You carry me on.
We'll have apple strudel, and jelly beans too.
You've only to ask.
But where is he?
I could see myself marrying you.
What do you see?
Don't have to say a word.
With a brand new happy ending.
Your faith. It gives me strength.
Don't go there.
You'll be sleeping in the dog house if you keep up those remarks.
Can't you just see it, his little wife?
Build towering walls around me, change every lock and key; nothing holds all of me.
Off with their heads! (I fucking stand by this roll)
You, it was you?
Wash the bad away.
This is something different.
Pray that no one dies right before your eyes.
The very scary truth is that she means the most to me.
You can bet I won't be going around him.
Let's step into my darkroom, and we'll see what develops. (Keep in mind your author for this one 😭)
She put a monkey on a pedestal, and tried to make that monkey stay.
I don't mean him, you silly coot.
At least we know the button works.
(Hated this show, so I'm picking a line from another one) That explains the trouble that you're always in.
Someone stole my bread. (Good luck on this one 😂)
Why me?
These two are dying to get married before anything else can go wrong.
Goodbye, little dream, goodbye.
Oh my God! I see it!
I'm lonely, Phil. (Will change the name)
Does this mean you're not going to pay?
My darling…um…
Now it's he and not you who is stuck with a shoe, in a stew.
You're so…nice. 
That is the strangest thing I've ever heard.
Go ahead, you first.
I want it all. (I cheated on this one, shut up)
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aewd2812 · 2 years
Based on the Planttober of @palepinkycat. I'm not sure whether I'm going to do everything or just a few. Their prompt list was very interesting. Or is it just I was very inspired for this one?
This prompt has some triggering subjects.
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Poppy – mysticism, dream, eternal sleep, bridge between life and death.
“Are you kidding me! What kind of remedy is that! You should just ask us to die along! At least it would be clear!”
Matthew shouted at the restrained traitor. If he hadn’t claimed to know the sole remedy to Alice’s sickness, he would have already lost his life. Lucien’s tiredly pale face did not react at such a loud shout. Sitting at her bedside and holding her hand in his, he had been praying all day and night long during the past few days.
“… It doesn’t matter whether Emile’s words are false or not. If you don’t want to save her, I will. It has been my duty all along.”
At his words, Matthew turned around, ready to grasp him by the collar, only to be stopped at the sight. He knew how much she represented for the so-called butler. It wasn’t just mere duty as he claimed it to be. As much as he hated to say it, Lucien would always love her unconditionally, more than any of them could ever love her. Lucien state showed just as much. This was the reason for his stillness.
“… Haa.” Matthew sighed, brushing nervously his hair back as a habit of his. “I know I can’t stop you. But no matter what happens, please remember what Alice wants before all. You… honestly look like shit.”
“… thank you.”
As usual, only when the subject of concern was Alice, would these two ever agree on the same things. They may play around as rivals and protectors, it was a mutual agreement. Rising her hand for a last time to his forehead, Lucien stood up and turned to Matthew.
“Then, I should go. Are you staying?”
“I hate it, but I should. You know her better than I do.” He then muttered a curse in a low voice, before speaking out loud once again, causing everyone to smile a bit. “If you are going, I should stay to take care of the HQ. You may be a better assistant than me, but I can do all of a leader’s work. So, bring her back. Or I’m going in there to kill you myself.”
A smile showed up on Lucien’s face, before turning to Esther, who was holding the small vial of medicine. He nodded once and reached for the medicine before drinking its content.
His vision went dark. Faintly, he was really glad for the amazing family he had come to cherish, who was ready to trust him, wait for him and still love him despite his issues.
Alice had once told this to Lucien.
“My mind space? I have a lot of bad memories and I can’t remember colours. So… If I do have one, mine should be in different shades of black. And… maybe a lot of doors? Or a cabinet with many drawers?”  
That had been her answer. Which was why Lucien was rather taken aback at the sight laid in front of him.
As soon as he had opened his eyes in such a space, the first thing he noticed was how bright it was. Instead of a colourless space filled in black, there was a bright light. Similar to the real world but faded. All the colours were in pastel colours rather than bright sparkly ones. The second thing he noticed was the place he was in. It was somewhere he often heard of, but only stepped in for a few times.
It was none other than Strette Town. Alice’s childhood town. The place where all citizens avoided, whether they were of noble status or not. Not only were there crimes everywhere, but it was an insalubrious place. Lucien could hear his heart throbbing in his chest. Of all of what he expected, he somehow didn’t expect this town. The place where this Alice, may not be the one he had come to cherish and love. Maybe Matthew would have been a better choice for this. Matthew had always been better at understanding the lower class’s mentality and system.
Shaking his head, Lucien focused again on his goal. He had to find her and bring her back.
It was hard. No matter where he searched, no matter who he asked, there was no one who had remembered her. He didn’t expect much in such a town, but there was not a single trace of her. The rain had begun to pour, and even if the ground was unpaved, the footsteps and the already confusingly mixed smells had already disappeared, covered by the heavy humidity of the rain. Was there no solution? Was she bound to die with useless efforts?
Just as he was contemplating, never giving up – he was not one to give up on her, he began to hear it after closing his eyes.
‘I don’t want to die.’
It was a younger voice. Softer and higher than he remembered. A clear chime. It was her for sure. There was no one else who could seep and shake his emotions like this. It was a desperate and determined voice.
‘I don’t want to die.’
“I’m coming for you.”
As soon as it rang a second time in his head, he dashed toward where the voice was pulling him to. It was the first clue he had since coming here, and he was not ready to lose it anytime soon.
‘Please, someone… Anyone… Please kill me. I don’t want this… pain!’
After knocking into yet another civilian, Lucien jumped up on the roof. He didn’t have the time to apologize to every single passenger he knocked over. He had to move, and fast.
‘Gods… Devil… If you exist… no… you don’t…’
From the voice alone, he knew he was near her now. The houses had begun to reduce into piles of rubbles. She should be just around the corner. Just as he stepped forward, his heart stopped breathing. He tried to deny it. But it was there. An older man, eyes and hair of the same colour as Alice, barely taller than him was standing over her. Or better yet, he was holding her by the arm, the other one punching repeatedly on her. All over her. Her face, her stomach and even her legs. They were all covered in reddened bumps that were bound to bruise. Bruises that won’t disappear the next day, but after several days.
‘Why? Why are you hitting me?’
“It’s because I care for the family, and especially you. Don’t worry! After I’m done with you, you will grow some sense in you.”
Without even noticing, Lucien lunged forward, eyes seeing red. His clenched fists punched out repeatedly at the man who claimed to be her family, jaw clenched in an equally same tightness. After the first few hits, the man was already knocked out, but Lucien didn’t notice. He wanted this man gone from both his memory, but more importantly from her memory as well. If he could erase this man’s existence as well as the trauma he caused her, he was ready to fall in hell with him. For her, he was ready to do everything.
As he snapped his eyes to the small noise, his eyes softened in guilt. The younger Alice was covering her mouth with both of her hands, fear still present in her eyes.
‘Am I going to get hit by him too? He doesn’t look like that though… Although he did hit him…’
“I’m not going to hurt you.”
It was unbearable for him to hear these kinds of thoughts. It was never his intention to hurt her, nor to scare her. The young girl, noticing his eyes on her, immediately adopted a poker face. It was done so swiftly and in such perfection, Lucien could have doubted his eyes, had he not known better.
‘It doesn’t matter. I don’t know him. Whether it’s today or tomorrow, whether it’s big brother or someone else… I will die either way.’
If it was fear of a stranger, Lucien could arrange that.
“My name is Lucien. From now on, if you would like it, I will protect you from any harm.”
‘Protection is another word for controlling me. My schedule, my actions… My mind. Never. I’m never going to let them again.’
As the adrenaline dropped, he had thought it would be easier to convince and bring her back, but this was dangerous. It was going in a dangerous way.
“I’m not going to control you. I’m just…”
He hadn’t even finished his sentence. She had stood up and ran to the edge of the grass-filled cliff. In a hurry, he stood up just as fast to catch up on her, before living a few meters away from her, in fear of scaring her even more.
‘I’m a coward anyway. I know I won’t be able to refuse them. I might as well disappear just as she said. Maybe… Maybe at that time, they would regret it enough… to stop hurting all the people around us…’
“Alice… Don’t do this. Please, don’t do this.”
‘How does this guy keep hearing…’
“Come back to us. We will protect you. And if it’s too much, we will immediately stop.”
For the first time since entering this dream-like state, the younger Alice spoke up.
“Liars exist everywhere.”
It was barely louder than a mutter. Clearly meant to be heard, but at the same time feared of being heard.
“Think about it! Remember about us! Matthew! Sacha!”
It was a wild bet. But at this time, Lucien didn’t have any choice. Everything happening was out of his control. He was playing all of his cards at the same time. Time was running short and if there was any misstep, any small mistake on his part, he could lose both his life and hers. Her precious life could never compare to his.
Alice blinked a few times, suddenly eyes blurring in remembrance. Did she remember them? Did she remember anything?
“Remember when we were all fighting over the last piece of pizza! Or remember when Esther learnt about sex ed!”
It was really a tangled mess of ideas. If Matthew were to see his state, dishevelled with an incomprehensible mind state, he would have laughed until there would be no tomorrow.
“Lu… Lucien?”
It was an unvoiced question. But he could already see the change. Instead of the younger Alice that stood in front of him, mere seconds before, there was the Alice that he knew, looking up at him with teary doe eyes. He couldn’t stop the softness in his voice.
“Alice… Do you remember now?”
The blinking and confused eyes focused more and more. It was a good sight.
“I-… What are you doing here? What… What happened?”
A relieved smile showed up on Lucien’s face before panic began once again. The ground had begun to shake. The ceiling, which was supposed to be the sky, began to break and chunks of it began to fall. It was the end. They had to get out one way or another.
“I have a lot to explain, but for now, let’s get out.”
Looking up in realisation, she smiled.
“Don’t worry I got this.”
In a single hand gesture, everything disappeared.
“Tell me everything.”
She was amazing.  
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