#at some point i will be drawing the first time they fused. bc its in my brain i just want 2 finish the rest of the main cast first
doodlboy · 1 year
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They're here!✨️
Fusion deets under the cut! [Big Ramble]
So!! Aventurine is one of the most stable fusions in this au, as Mammon and El's personalities mesh very well bc they're both silly goofy lil guys. They are also the 2 that are most often fused for long periods of time because they get along so well, nearly garnet level of permafusion, but they do have to separate more often.
The inspo for them was japanese delinquents depicted in media [ex. Mondo from Dr1, Josuke from jjba], both Mammon and El are troublemakers, and their fusion is no acception to that trait. Also! I designed them to fit each other so they would fit this fusion bc Aventurine came to me before either of them were polished designs, and I really liked the concept!
Because of Elliot's attempted shattering, his gem [and psyche] is permanently cracked and can't be healed by any diamond's healing ability. This will carry onto every fusion he's part of. That's why the right side of Aventurine's sunglasses are cracked, so they can display that trait when the color of their glasses cover their one blind eye.
Aventurine's personality takes after Mammon the most, with Elliot's calm demeanor taking a backseat [unless they're destroying smthn, that usually all Elliot]. That being said, this is one of the more intelligent / tech-savvy fusions as well, combining Mammon's nearly instantaneous calculations and problem solving skills, and Elliot's extreme dedication to learning a new concept or hobby every few weeks and you get a very surprisingly intelligent fusion[to some].
Cocky and a bit of a smart-ass, It isn't uncommon to hear them go "Bow before the Great Aventurine!" puffing their chest out and strutting about the au equivalent of the House of Lamentation [possibly a ship? Currently unknown]. Though they're known to be a harbinger of mischief, Aventurine is a very level-headed and well-balanced fusion, so y'all will probably be seeing more of them sooner than later.
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ganondoodle · 1 year
totk rewritten (for me, specifically)
since i dont have time to get to drawing it right away AND im worried people might take this the wrong way, i thought i could write out some bullet points about my rewrite of totk (meant as a fix FOR ME not saying its inherently better) to give you a better idea on what im going for:
the core structure largely remains the same, the biggest change is no time travel, thus making zelda your travel companion, and zonau tech being lagerly gone/broken with shiekah tech instead
it is not shown but said in dialog that shiekah tech, such as the ancient furnaces, shrines and towers are either turning off or have flickering power supply and purah having calculated that all their connections point towards beneath hyrule castle
game starts pretty much the same as real totk, most zonau ruins are so withered away that they are barely recognizable and the further you get down theres more and more shiekah tech pipes and occasional a miasma vein, some pipes are broken and spill miasma, others flicker
instead of the room with the wall carvings theres one with old ancient shiekah research remains, old broken tech and prototypes you dont what their purpose was, all documents are too withered to read but zelda finds one that was sealed in a container and takes it with her (she got a backpack now)
theres a structure similar to the bed thingy of the shrine of life from botw but its working in reverse; within it is sealed ganondorf (i gotta work out the details around it still)
(details still missing) it breaks and zelda takes the enigma stone but doesnt touch it directly and puts it within a sealed container (you know kinda like you should do with soemthing you have no idea of what it is and was alsO LOCATED ON A CORPSE)
ganondorf isnt the elegantly talking villain type in this version but more of a mess, talking in different languages both modern and ancient but you cant make out any clear sentences, struggeling with suddendly being awake and half alive after spending thousands of years in an agonizing limbo, having witnessed every second of the passage of time yet also it feeling like everything just happened all at the same time
the ground breaks as he recognizes zelda (bc of her fighting calamity ganon in botw) but also not really, still sees her as a threat (also bc of the enigma stone in the container she still has in her hand) attacks her, link deflects with the master sword, it breaks and damages his arm, zelda drops her torch and pulls link away towards where they came in from and both run as the caves fill up with miasma like a flood with arms starting to reach after them while they both run back through the tunnels (creepy chase sequence anyone?)
cataclysm happens (ground breaks, miasma bursts out of the ground, especially where shrines and towers where since they were still connected to the pipelines) ground shifts massively in some places giving alot of the map a whole new structure; all shiekah tech that was not independent stops working due to power loss
links arm is amputated since otherwise the miasma would spread to his whole body; purah, robbie and zelda work out a prosthetic arm prototype to give to link (protoype at first will be upgraded at halfway point of the game) that can switch between multiple modes, like a hand to hold normal items or a weapon that isnt crafted, and a fusing ability (though maybe limited in the prototype) that lets you make weapons similar to the weapon fusing in canon totk (potential upgrades including an extendable guardian arm that doesnt break, grapple hook anyone??, also the ability to build stuff out of shiekah tech parts, not glue needed you actually screw it together, maybe zelda even helps)
now you are given free roam of hyrule, the goal is to explore and find what has changed and check on people, see what the underground has, new monsters have spawned etc.
zelda is your companion the whole time, she can use the shiekah stone/purah pad to analyze enemies for you, she also carries at least a dagger for her own self defense but doesnt contribute much to the fight (subject to change maybe), you can talk to her anytime and she usually has something to comment on depending on where you are or what you just did, can give you tips and advice IF ASKED FOR IT, when you discover ancient ruins, whether zonau or shiekah, she can either decipher it for you or take photos for later to find out more about everything that has happend and what it means, she also takes part in conversations when you talk to someone, her outfit changes with yours (meaning when you wear the tingle set she wears it too, opens up alot of funny interactions njfkdk)
purah has built new towers but they function different (still working on the details) mainly that they function independent from the energy source in hyrule castle
there are floating islands but they are bigger and in more connected clusters, when reaching them its ancient withered ruins that the ancient shiekah built support around (like the platform used by monk miz kyoshia) to keep them afloat; there are building like observatories and research labs, but all very overgrown due to being up there for so long, theres a titan prototype on one of the islands, its shaped like a whale and zelda deciphers it was called vah narisha (reference to the whale deity in skyward sword) (i havent decided yet if its fully broken and just a big piece of enviroment to explore or half functioning floating around, or maybe first broken but later half repaired so it can fly around at least giving you an easier way to reach other island, you cant steer it tho) some of them are falling bc of energy loss but the bigger ones have independent energy sources (work in progress)
the underground has more diverse zones depending on which part of the map it is located on, there are old mines (for luminous stone) from the zonau but all is extremely withered, in each one its been mostly built over by the shiekah but there are construct remains that were clearly dissected and studied, half built shrines and towers, you can find collectibles and lore there (working on more details, but an idea was to include remains of ancient shiekah tha fled there when they were persecuted by that old king of hyrule, adding to the eery vibe)
some titans (maybe two, and the other are still on the sruface, like vah medoh) feel down during the cataclysm, broken apart or malfunctioning/ possibly being a boss as in they were used by a big cluster of miasma hands like a hermit crab uses its shell, the inside filled with eyes and different sized hands dragging itself towards you like a drowing man grabs after anything to save him)
dongos are your go to transportation here and a little different, when you call one they dig a path to you (not permanent, just so they can always spawn near you) they glow in the dark and can climb on walls (bc why not), and can point you towards the next objective/point of interest, likely where theres a high concentration of luminous stone since that is what they eat and its usually where old mining/construction sites are (still working on a replacement for light roots that are less invasive)
the rat from the trailer is a miniboss/boss you need to defeat in order to get the broken mastersword back into your possession
(im still working on how the sages work, but the idea is to incorporate their abilites for more efficient and reliable use into links shiekah prosthetic, so you can still use their abilities but only when you actually want)
(again still working on details) halfway point of the game is you trying to find out where ganondorf went, not intending to fight necessarily but just to find out more but it devolves into you fighting some sort of miasma monster (either him or some sort of manifestation he made) and you get a bunch of short memory flashes from him, all vague and a wild mess from both the time he was sealed and from the time afterwards, maybe even a perspective shift from when link was fighting dark beast ganon, but from ganons view, from zelda when she was keeping that manifestation in check, random views from the malice eyes from botw, from the blights, maybe even from the fight with the old and new champions, from the point when shiekah built their tech around him while he had to watch not able to do anything etc.)
links arm gets upgraded from prototype to a full prosthetic, opening up more fusing abilites and other things (like the grapple hook, again working on it, im open for ideas lol)
i will reblog this and add more over time if you want, but do let me know if you like it thus far, bc im still unsure if its worth the effort of working more on this QnQ
(also if you dont like just keep scrolling, i dont need to know that you hate it, it literally changes nothing but make me annoyed xD)
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viro-lil-goat · 1 year
ghost au
Again shoutout to this post
For now im skipping 🔴👁️ hyde and 🟢👁️ jekyll since theres more info on it
Theres also another ghost au by @/bansheeoftheforest ^^ dont remember that much about it from discord except the fact that jekyll is a singular ghost there, since its been a long time. But if anyone's interested you can check it out too, i think theres also a fanfic on it.
Anyway! Heres a VERY old drawing (like, 2021 probably) i had to edit it bc the quality is dogshit.
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So yeah its pretty old i dont remember much but here we go In this au, i didnt really made a particular reason for their/his death, either something like accidental poisoning, murder or just soul leaving the body as its in a coma state.
Rachel and Robert notice that Jekyll is missing, and at the same time weird things happenning in Society of Mad Scientists. Like is there was a ghost or perhaps a poltergeist.?
So of course, they go to Maijabi, the only person in Society who specialises on that kind of thing
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He investigates, and does notice that there is infact a new ghost in society. He only needs for it/them to cooparate. He does something like a summoning ritual, and gives Rachel and Robert mixture that would let them see this ghost.
(new addition ) Meanwhile ghost Henry dosent want to show up, but Edward does. He wants to come in contact with Rachel . They summon them, and as they see that it's Jekyll, they are in shock, but its only the start, as ghost turns around they notice Hyde. And at this point they are stunned and dont know what to say, is this real? Are they dead? Why? And most importantly, why the hell they are connected into one?
I remember also imagining j&h ghost being kinda zomby like for some reason, like when R, L, and M summon them i imagined them saying something like:
Я ø b ë r t ЯR æ ç h ê l
As they try to reach their shocked friends. (Ooo body horror too 👻)
The first summoning ends, and Rachel and Robert dont know how to process what they have just witnessed.
Maijabi is also stunned, he remarks he has never seen anything like that before
R and L dont understand how that could be explained, Robert is especially in denial. As they calm down a little with a cup of tea, Maijabi tries to explain what he thinks about this, but the main conclusion is that Jekyll and Hyde are dead (duh XD) and thats not some sort of illusion. He knows an actual ghost when he sees one. Lanyon and Rachel cant believe it, their precious friend is dead, for Rachel its even worse because Hyde is also.
On the second summoning Maijabi finally gets to examine this strange case. His conclusion from this time, is that its not two souls tied together, but instead one soul split in two, and yet, not fully.
(new addition) And then its most likely Hyde is the one to tell the truth, Jekyll is so stubborn he wouldn't tell it even when hes dead.
Now that i think about it, i recall they are all goopy and zomby like because their soul is literally falling apart (since its already split).
The ending, as i recall, was something like Jekyll finally accepting himself, and his soul becoming one again, by that they fuse and Jekyll becomes fully himself again, and finding peace. And Lanyon, Rachel and lodgers as they find out of course – mourning.
(New addition) but if his body was in a coma state, after fusing, he would wake up, but finally fully himself again(could be an alternative ending if them fully dying is too sad ^^).
Thats it with the au , but on topic, of back then and still i believe that before drinking the amongus potion™ back in University, and basically his whole life he was fully himself, except for the fact he had a facade, but after drinking the potion, at first it was still his self, but with time they sapatated more and more. Now rarely able to control each other (red eyed hyde and green eyed jekyll), they can only watch and feel physical sences of the other half while they are in control.
Well, at least thats from my logical standpoint, but in general despite that, i still see them as sapatate, for example i really like Hyde but kinda neutral towards Jekyll, not negative, just don't like him just as much even tho they're the same person.
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laikahh · 3 years
asks you about your fansession 👀
gonna put it under cut bc this is just going to be my insane ramblings about the gay people living in my brain
SO !! if youre fortunate enough to not know what is a fan-session, its just a session of SBURB ( sburb being the game that they play in homestuck ) made by a fan :) p self-explanatory name
now, i may or may have not finished designing all the characters for it yet, so im only gonna go into detail about the ones that i have finished sprites for
starting with those two dudes that i posted a lil drawing of before !!!
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this is Gurrim Shōnay, the character on the left of that drawing. she is an olive blood, a thief of hope and a fucking vriska kinnie lol
she has a tendency to make Horrible Terrible Decisions that she WILL regret later ! also i just realised that i fucked up her sign lol, its supposed to be this one
she doesnt have any stupid mutations or whatever, she just dyes her hair ( alternian hair dye is really good ok )
this is her quirk !
Vn~ The quick brrown fox jumps overr the lazy dog.
(  Vn~ is supposed to look like a fox from the side, the V being the head )
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this is Kyle Broski ( holy shit i really went with this name ) !! it is a mage of space and after ascending it got to fuse with its axolotl the way jade did with bec in homestuck :] and this time there is no transphobic post-canon to ruin that !!!
I dont really have much to say about it other than the fact that it uses it/its pronouns and is also literally jade strider dave-ways i guess ??? good for it !!
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heres another dude that is not a dude !! her name is Tess Everett, she is the maid of void !!! it took me a good few days to come up with a symbol for her until i decided to just make it the null symbol but with an egg instead of a circle bc you know, transgender pog :)
she may look smart but she really is not, no thoughts behind those eyes, just cool ideas for some knitting or sewing projects to maybe later give to her friends
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Ryan time !!! i dont rly have a last name for him yet but one day ill find a good one !!! just you wait !!! he is the sylph of blood bc man, having friends is just the best !!! his bandana thingy was made by tess :D
he is the most protagonist-y not-protagonist on the planet lmao
also he gets a cool alien bf at some point :)
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Macy Porter !!! my beloved !!! the heir of life !!! she eats bugs :)
the little spiral on her shirt means something but i honestly forgot what it was afjdhghfjhh but if u turn it around it turns into the rebirth symbol ( or at least thats what pinterest told me ). during the first half of the story the spiral keeps getting smaller and smaller until the line becomes just a dot, then she dies and comes back cooler than ever !!! i dont know how will she get cooler but she will !!!
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Mila Everett !!! the knight of mind and pre-scratch tess !!! she is a hipster blogger and thats all i have about her for now
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Liam Porter :D !!! pre-scratch Macy !!! he is the seer of doom which is not a very fun classpect to have !!!
he wears skirts bc fuck gender !!!
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Veleta Voltas :0 !!! hes a seadweller and he has all the shittyness that comes with it !!! also hes a prince of breath so like !!! shittiness^2
later he gets like redeemed or whatever
also his stupid bodysuit was a pain in the ass to draw AND when i draw it in my style it looks like hes wearing a black body-suit and a bodice over it so like >:(( i dont like him that much >:((
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GAXOLOTL !!! a dumb stupid amphibian with sick world-ending powers that it wont use bc its literally a first guardian, its whole deal is protecting the world, not ending it !!!
its also Kyles axolotl that it fused with !!! that made the game significantly more difficult !!! cool !!!
for the un-sprited characters, we have:
the witch of time, pre-scratch kyle. she saved her sessions ass !!!
the rouge of light, pre-scratch ryan. they dated veleta for a lil bit and then had the messiest break-up ever
the page of rage, they get fucked over by gurrim a little bit lol
the bard of heart, no ideas for them yet but they exist !!!
and also the rest of the trolls session + their pre-scratch counterparts, those guys r irrelevant tho
the kids guardians and the trolls lusii, those guys are somehow even more irrelevant than the guys in the point above
and thats all for the characters !!! the story doesnt have a clear outline yet but here are some things that happen:
we see the post-scratch kids ( thats tess, ryan, kyle and macy ) enter their version of sburb, the whole story is told mostly through their eyes
the witch of time pulling something insane to time-travel her friends across alternate universes to join their post-scratch counterparts
( god i love witches )
session b2 ( post-scratch kids ) spending a good 3 years in the game bc the thing that the witch of time did somehow broke the clock counting down to the reckoning
them somehow fixing it with the help of the b1 session kids + the remaining a2 ( post-scratch ) trolls
gurrim doing a fucky-wucky and getting 8 out of 12 trolls from the a2 session killed ( oopsie ! )
the prince of breath ( destroyer of the lack of bonds ) and the sylph of blood ( creator of bonds ) working together !!! their classpects are somehow the same and completely different !!! thats so cool !!!
a fun ending hopefully :) 
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shadow--writer · 3 years
I Got a Feelin' I Might Have Lit the Very Fuse
hmmm it’s a writing weekend. And the start of what’s going to be an awful week haha. So expect more of me peddling my brainworms (halp I have fallen back in love with these two to the point where friends have started sending me prompts for them)
title (it’s slowed bc WHY TF NOT)
Maeve x Lucas. Second meetings might go better than firsts 3k
TW: none!
A week had passed, and it was slow. Her regulars, of course, had been popping in and out keeping things from being boring. As much as she appreciated that...she was going to kill them. 
How on Earth someone could anger a squirrel that badly she would never know. 
But today was calm. Calm and yes sure the ‘q’ word. 
She refused to even think of the ‘q’ word. Knowing her luck the moment she thought it, seven people would be flooding into her clinic. 
With food poisoning.  
She let out a low groan. Slow days were nice and all, but usually she had company. It was eerily silent when she was alone. 
And she was bored. 
Maeve pushed herself off the counter. She could stand to reorganize her herbs and medicine cabinet. She needed to relabel some of the bottles and jars anyways, with the amount she pulled them off the shelves she smudged her script.
She started moving the jars off the shelves, muttering to herself as she looked at the labels and did her best to decipher the smeared ink.
She had only pulled the herbs off the shelves and onto the counter when the bell above her door rang sweetly into the silence. She stopped her humming, pushing the fraying edges of her handkerchief away from her eyes. 
Oh yeah sure so now someone came in. 
Forcing a smile and a fake cheery tone to her voice, she turned around. “I’ll be with you in a moment!” she called. She couldn’t see the door over the stack of herb jars on her counter. Some were pretty empty, she’d need to stop at the market again or go foraging. 
Ugh foraging. 
It wasn’t that she disliked foraging. But it was time consuming. 
And she usually got lost.
But she didn’t like to talk about that part. 
She froze. She knew that nickname. She knew that voice. 
The smile climbing onto her face became real. 
“Giant!” she said, moving out from behind the counter. He looked better today. Not as bloody. In his arms he cradled the little boy from the dock. “Oh! You must be Will!” she said, dusting off her skirt. 
The boy looked much better than he had. Colour had returned to his face, and he didn’t seem to be in as much pain. That was good. She knew the bite must ache but it was good seeing him up and about.  
She stepped forward, offering her hand to shake. He shook it once, swinging their arms up violently before slamming them back down. 
Whoa there.
She laughed in her surprise. “Firm handshake you’ve got there!” she said, drawing her hand back to her side. “So what brings you to my corner of the world? Need more pain meds? The stitches okay?”
Lucas blinked at the questions, she directed her attention to the boy in his arms (who looked so tiny compared to Giant, she noted with a giggle). 
Will smiled, he was missing one of his front teeth. “Nope! Lucas brought me over to say hello! And bring you somethin!” Will ducked his head closer to her, mock whispering. Or whispering at the volume a seven year old thought was a whisper.
Aka not at all. 
“He also said he wanted to see ya again!”
Her eyes flicked back up to the man in question. His cheeks had been flooded with pink. The blush climbed all the way up to his ears. This was why she never told seven year olds anything. They had no filter, it was cute, but embarrassing. 
Though the way Lucas blushed was adorable.
She pressed her fingers to her lips as she chuckled. “Well, I’m glad you came by. It’s nice to see you again,” she said. “Would you care for something to drink? I have tea in the back.”
Lucas’ head snapped up. “We don’t want to bother you! To- W-Will here just brought a gift over to thank you.”
“Thank me?”
“You...saved his life.”
Oh yeah right she did do that. “And you’re just the messenger?” 
Will tugged on Lucas’ sleeve, the man gently setting the boy down on the ground. He was walking, that was great!
“The others n I made you somethin! Sylvie mentioned yer cloth head thing.”
She touched the ratty thing on her head. It was falling apart at the seams but she didn’t have time to make another.
Will held a deep green fabric up to her. She blinked, reaching down to grab it. It was made from a soft cotton, and it smelled nice. Like cinnamon and other spices. “So we made you a new one!”
She pulled the one in her hair out, shaking out her bangs. They were a gnarled mess, but soft against her cheeks. “Thank you,” she whispered, pulling the new handkerchief into her curls. She tied it under her ponytail, bringing her hand down as she smiled down at the little boy. “It’s beautiful.”
“Lucas also wanted ta help!” the boy chattered on. He reached over to Lucas, tugging on his hand. Lucas shuffled forward, looking a little embarrassed. “We couldn’t afford any fancy fabric so Lucas gave us one of his old shirts!” The boy beamed up at her, his hand so tiny in Lucas’. “Sylvie did the little flowers!”
Oh! She didn’t even notice the messy embroidery. She ran a hand against them, it was bumpy beneath her fingers. 
She loved it. 
She squatted down, it made it easier to be at eye level with him. “Well tell her I said thank you and that her flowers are beautiful.”
“She said they were bellflowers. Those are Lucas’ favourite flowers! They’re the only ones she knows how ta make though...”
She looked back up at Lucas. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there in that moment. She giggled. “Bellflowers are beautiful, Lucas has good taste.”
“Do ya like it?” He stood on his toes, eyes all lit up. 
She smiled, closing her eyes as she tilted her head. “Oh I love it! I’ve been needing something new to pull my hair back for a while now. It was very kind of you to make something for me.”
“I uh, also brought you lunch,” Giant said, bringing her attention back up. Squatting down to be at eye level with the seven year old boy was a smart idea. 
Until she realized how much more he would tower over her. 
Goodness gracious.  
She froze, teetering on her toes. “What?”
He held up a little cloth bundle tied with a string. A nervous smile worked its way across his lips. “It’s some extra stew I made to bring with me. A...thank you from me.”
“You didn’t have to do that. I’m fine eating out.”
“But a home cooked meal is much better than eating out, wouldn’t you think?”
She pressed her palms to her knees as she got to her feet. “Well...yes, but I don’t have time to make a home cooked meal. Let alone a good one. I am an awful cook,” she joked. 
“Oh I’m sure you aren’t that bad.”
She cringed. He was so very wrong. “...oh no I am that bad. ‘Permanent ban from the kitchen back home’ bad. And that’s when I even eat something- oh.”
He was glaring at her. 
She did not like him glaring at her. 
“What?” she asked, drawing out the syllables.
“‘Even eat something’? Thumbelina you’ve got to eat. You’re tiny enough already.”
“Well I don’t have time! Dumba- dumb people don’t wait.” She caught herself. No swearing in front of the kid. 
“You should still find time to eat something. Were you even planning to get something to eat today?”
“Well y-yes!”
He raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. 
“Okay, no, but I usually get something to snack on during slow days. What���s got your goat in a twist anyways? It’s not like we know one another well.”
Her words struck a chord. He looked away from her, rubbing the back of his neck. “I...I cook,” he admitted. “So I’ve started paying attention to people’s eating habits. Yours are atrocious by the way.”
“Atrocious? You only know my lunch eating habits!” She sulked, placing a hand to her chest. “You wound me.”
“It’s true. Worse than the kids at the dock. At least they come to bother me when they’re hungry. Like stray cats.”
“Hey! We aren’t stray kitties!” Will whined. 
Lucas affectionately rubbed his knuckles into the crown of Will’s head. He swatted at the taller man to no avail. “Well to me you sure look like cats.”
“Yer just blind then!” Will huffed, trying to smooth down his hair. 
Giant turned back to her, handing her the cloth bundle. She took it, her lips twisting. “I brought you lunch out of the goodness of my heart, so I expect you to eat it at a reasonable time.” His tone was teasing but she knew his words had weight. 
“How will you know if I don’t?” she asked, her voice taking a sing-song tone.
He was still not as impressed. Ugh he was no fun. “I’ll come back to check on it.”
“...you wouldn’t.”
“I would.”
“You have work!”
“I can take breaks. I work hard, the least they could give me.”
She sighed, cradling the meal he made her to her chest. “Fine! I give, I give! I’ll eat your lunch.”
He smiled. “Good.” His eyes kept moving to her hair. She touched the handkerchief, his cheeks darkened a little. 
Wait...if this was made out of his shirt…
She felt her cheeks warm. 
The spices she was smelling was him.
They locked eyes, before they both turned away. She swore she was blushing down to her toes. And she never really blushed. 
Damn you Giant. 
He coughed, looking back at Will who was watching them very amused. “We’d better go little man,” Lucas said.
“Awww but I wanna stay a little longer!” He had wandered off to look at her herbs before exploring the clinic’s many tables. Currently he was looking at the deep grooves on the table. 
Lucas caught her eye again. His eyes were still a vibrant blue. Reminded her of the water when it reflected the sky. “We don’t want to bother her anymore than we have,” he said with a low chuckle. “She’s very busy.”
“Not today I’m not!” she blurted out. She hated to admit it, but she enjoyed his company. Teasing or not it was nice to be able to talk to someone. 
Lucas paused, she bit her lower lip as she smiled nervously. “If you’d like, you can stay for tea. No one’s come in today, and so it’s been very...eerie. I’d appreciate the company.”
Lucas’ brows crinkled. She wanted to smooth out the lines. “Is...that okay?”
“Of course! I’m offering.”
Will grinned, grabbing her hand. “Well if she says we can stay it’s only polite! That’s what ya taught us, right Lucas?”
Lucas sighed, rubbing his eyes. “Sometimes I wonder if you guys listen to me and then you pull this crap.”
She chuckled. “As the little eel survivor says, it’s only polite.”
“Fine. We can stay for tea.”
She smiled broadly, leading them to her small backroom. There she kept a few extra aprons, gloves and her more powerful medicines (magic pills and all that) locked up tight. 
She grabbed her kettle, settling on the fruity green tea she’d found in the market a while back but hadn’t had the chance to try. She hummed as she put it over her small stove. 
Will was chatting with Lucas about the magic items she had strewn about. Lucas looked at her, pleading for help. 
She laughed, answering the plea. “You like my charms?” she asked. “I had help making them.”
“You can do magic?” Will asked, eyes lighting up. 
She was a little taken aback, but to a little kid, of course magic was...well, magic. She smiled. “Oh yes! I can do all sorts of things. Takes a bit out of me, but I can do some illusions, I know some healing. Herbal magic is fun. And palm reading was just something my sisters and one of my cousins picked up on.”
“Palm reading?” Giant asked as the kettle started to sing. 
She moved, putting some of the tea leaves in her infuser, letting it seep in the hot water for a bit. 
“Yes, palm reading. It’s quite easy actually.” She brought the tea over to the table. She could bring glasses and the ice when the tea was steeped enough. “I can do a reading if you’d like,” she offered. 
Will bounced up and down. “Can I help? Can I? Can I?”
Giant laughed. “Calm down little man, let’s let the fairy doctor do her thing first.”
She winked at Will. “I can teach you after I do his reading.”
Will grinned, sitting back. He wiggled in his seat. He was very energetic. It was refreshing. 
Lucas held out his right hand, she reached forward, their fingertips brushing. “Your hands are cold,” he said, his hand jerking back a little. 
She held firm as she laughed. “I’m aware.”
His palms were calloused. Rough under her touch. Scarred from hard labor. She traced the lines and creases on his hand. She felt his pulse jump under her fingertips as she brushed his wrist.  
“Fire hands,” she said, meeting his eyes. 
“Fire hands? What does that mean?”
“The type of hands you have. Our hands represent one of the four elements, just like astrology. Earth, air, fire, water. You can tell a lot about a person based on their hands.” 
She looked back down at his palm. She traced the length of his palm, and then her fingers danced over his own. “Fire hands show people to be passionate, confident, and industrious. Driven by desires and on a bad day you may lack tactfulness and empathy.”
“And what about your hands?” His voice was soft. 
She looked at her hand, her fingers freezing over his own. “Mine are...water hands. In tune with my emotions, intuition, and psychic ability. Fueled by compassion and imagination, often creative. Also extremely sensitive and my feelings are easily hurt, causing undesirable interpersonal stress.” 
He chuckled. 
She brushed the edge of his hand by his pinky. “Marriage line.” Her fingers moved down to the long line below the marriage line, it curved up between his middle and index finger. “Love line.” Below that was a small curve starting at the flesh of his thumb meeting his palm. “Wisdom.” Two more lines, starting at the bottom of his palm. One curved to match the wisdom line, the other straight up to the middle of his middle and ring finger. “Career and life lines.” Small sun line. 
She searched his palm for his health line. “What are you-” he cut himself off as she traced the broken up health line.
He paused at her touch, she could feel his heart beat race under her touch. “Well Thumbelina? What does my palm say?” 
She breathed in, letting the air out with a sigh. “Love and marriage,” she started, tracing his love line again. His hand jerked under hers. “Line is long and curved. A happy long lasting love. But it’s all in your hands. Communication is key with this love.” 
His eyes widened. “How can you tell?”
She winked. “I just can.” She brushed her thumb along his career line. “Career and business. You’re ambitious and have strong self-confidence. If you have a dream in your heart and you’ll work hard to see it come true.”
She bent closer to his hand. “Health. You’re easily tired. You exercise a lot but don’t take the breaks you need. Short breaks will keep you refreshed and healthy. Don’t forget to exercise even if it’s hard. Don’t forget to rest and take care of your body.”
He chuckled. “I think my work is all the exercise I need.”
“But you still work out?”
“And do you rest?”
“Thought so.”
She smiled, looking at the last lines on his palm. “Your personality and mental state. Connected to life and health. You know your mind well, you adapt easily. With your adaptability people look to you to lead them. Though reading other people and their feelings is a challenge for you.”
She looked up at him to see his face. 
But his face was close to hers. 
And he looked back at her at the same time.
So their foreheads slammed together. 
Hissing a yelp, she fell back, palm pressed to her forehead. He did the same, Will laughing at them both so hard he fell over. 
“Well now we have matching bruises,” she said with a groan, making sure they didn’t break skin. No blood. Just a bruise. Goddess of the unholy stars did that hurt. 
“My bad,” he wheezed, pressing a finger to the reddening skin. “You’ve got quite a noggin.”
She got to her feet, smiling a little. “Could say the same about yours.”
He watched her move back. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking about as she turned away from him. His forehead where they bonked heads was starting to turn red.
She got to her feet to go get ice and cups. She set three glasses down, pouring the tea over the ice. The ice cracked under the heat. She slid the glasses to the boy. Giant was still looking over his palm. Her fingers tingled from the small use of magic. 
She handed his cup to him. He grabbed the cup from her hand, their fingertips brushing again. 
There was a small spark of magic at the touch, making her jump. 
He didn’t seem to feel it. Or was able to hide the fact he could. She wondered if he had magic, it was like a surge of something strong coming from deep within her. It was unfamiliar. 
It had to be his. 
Waving her thoughts off and ignoring the weird flutter in her stomach, she turned to Will, who was gulping down the tea like a dog to water. 
She chuckled, holding out her hand. Her eyes were alight with the challenge and excitement she felt when she got to teach something. Her voice was low in pitch, but her tone was filled with lithe amusement. “So, wanna learn how to read palms?”
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krystal-calimlim · 3 years
Art Theories
Theories of Image and Text: Semiotic Theory
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The term "semiotic," also known as semiology, comes from the Greek word semesion, which means "sign." It's described as "the analysis of signs and how they are used." Ferdinand de Saussure, one of its founders, described it as the study of "the existence of signs within society." Semiotic started out in the field of linguistics, which then moved into psychology, then evolved in sociology and philosophy, and then finally into the arts. The word semiotic was coined in the late 18th century, but it has a long tradition that dates back over two thousand years, to the development of classical semiotic by Greek philosophers and medieval times. Since the 20th century, semiotic theory gained public attention and has been the subject of investigation and discussion between academics and scholars. Ferdinand de Saussure and Charles Sanders Peirce are two semiotic pioneers who made significant contributions.
Ferdinand de Saussure is a Swiss linguist who is widely regarded as the father of modern linguistics. In a few compilations of lecture notes made by his pupils, he coined the term 'semiology.' The material was then collected and published as a book titled "Course in General Linguistics." In a nutshell, Saussure's theory of sign emphasizes internal structure devoted to cognitive thought process or activity of human minds in structuring the physical (material) or intangible (abstract) signs of their environments or surroundings, including the structure of linguistic signs in the language system that allows them to function as human beings and communicate with each other. (Halina Sendera Mohd. Yakin and Andreas Totu. The semiotic perspectives of Peirce and Saussure: a brief comparative study.2014)
Semiotics in arts have a great contribution in its studies specially in understanding and interpreting arts. It can go back to the very beginning, human language all began in the use of symbolism and signs, Signs and icons are the building blocks of human civilization. Each may represent anything distinct from the other.
Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci
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Leonardo da Vinci, also known as a "Renaissance man," creator of the famous work Mona Lisa and many more. Leonardo da Vinci's The Vitruvian man is one of the most famous icons of the Renaissance and is an example of his outstanding scientific drawings. The Vitruvian Man investigates the concept of proportion, expressing Leonardo da Vinci's view that "everything connects to everything else."
“Vitruvian man”, also known as "the proportions of the human body according to Vitruvius," was produced between 1480 and 1492. It is kept in Venice, Italy, at the Gallerie dell'Accademia. Drawn on paper using pen and ink, Leonardo shows a man standing inside a square and a circle with four arms and legs, allowing him to achieve 16 poses at the same time. The Vitruvius man is based on Leonardo's perception of De Architectura, which was written by an ancient Roman architect and engineer Marcus Vitruvius Pollio. Vitruvius’ de architectura inspired a lot of architects, artist, and thinkers. According to Vitruvius, to be magnificent, a building should be symmetrical and proportionate. Both traits can be seen in nature, and the human body is a prime example. which he believed could be applied to architecture in terms of weight, proportion, and symmetry.
The notes along with the drawing, called canon of proportions or proportions of man, elaborately describe the interpretation of the drawing in geometric form. It clearly elaborates the architecture concepts of Vitruvius, as well as Leonardo’s view on proportions and geometry.
Golden Ratio
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According to research, compositions that use the golden ratio are aesthetically appealing. The use of golden ratio helps in positioning subjects and designing our artworks. Studies show that a person, even when he or she doesn’t or can’t recognize it, is attracted to it. There is indeed something pleasing when seeing proportion among elements.
The golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, phi, the divine part, the Fibonacci number, and the golden mean, is a mathematical theory that describes the ratio of two sums where the greater of the two amounts is equal to their ratio. It was used by many famous artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michaelangelo, Dali, Sandro Botticelli, Georges Saurat, and many others. Ratio and proportion go way back in time. The Parthenon statues were crafted by Phidias (490-430 BC), a Greek sculptor and mathematician, who used the golden ratio. Euclid (c. 325-c. 265 BC) described golden ratio as "extreme and mean ratio," which gave rise to the term golden mean. Leonardo Fibonacci (1170-1250) was credited with introducing the arabic numerical method to Europe, as well as his eponymous sequence, which became famous quite quickly. Luca Pacioli invented the term "divine proportion" in the 1500s. Martin Ohm (1792-1872), the first person to use the word 'golden,' invented the golden ratio in the 1800s. The term phi didn't come into use until the 1900s, when American mathematician Mark Barr used the Greek symbol to define the proportion.
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Futurism aims to express art in dynamism and modernity. It was first mentioned in 1909 on the front page of the Paris newspaper Le Figaro by Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinette in his Manifesto of Futurism. Futurism was one of the most outspoken critics of the past of modernist movements. This was due to the fact that in Italy, the weight of history was particularly overwhelming. In the futurist movements, elements of neo-impressionism and cubism are used to construct compositions. Some of the most known futurist artists are Giacomo Balla, Umberto Boccioni, and Gino Severini. Following World War I's horrors, many artists moved away from avant-garde concepts like futurism and other pre-war movements in favour of more traditional and reassuring approaches, a practice known as the "return to order."
Le Corbusier
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Charles-Edouard Jeanneret (1965) is a painter, sculptor, designer, urban planner, and architect. He continually mixed heritage and modernity throughout his career and is considered as the most influential architects of the 20thcentury. His work as an architect is now known as the international icon of the modern movement. Le Corbusier is credited with pioneering Modernist architecture, popularizing open-floor style edifices, widespread use of concrete in urban structures, and a variety of chair and sofa styles. He was attracted to cubism at first, but later switched to the purism movement. He was also a founding member of the journal L'Esprit nouveau, where he wrote his seminal essay The Five Points of Architecture, which was developed in the Villa Savoye in Poissy, France.
In his architecture, he fused the functionalist aspirations of his generation with a profound sense of expressionism. He was the first architect to master the use of rough-cast concrete, a technique that matched his taste for asceticism and sculptural forms. UNESCO has designated 17 of his works as world heritage sites. Le Corbusier devised a set of architecture standards that he used to create his works. Pilotis (pillars), roof gardens, open floor plans, long windows, and open facades are all examples of Le Corbusier's architectural ideals. In turn, Le Corbusier called for an architectural paradigm change. This is due to technological advancements and dramatic changes in living patterns during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Le Corbusier was always conscious that as an architect, he wanted to reflect on people as a large social entity, thinking as a visionary and inventor. He had developed cities, had built a city in India with Chandigarh, and had always worked hard to express his idea of urbanism in real architecture. Le Corbusier's urban theories are still the driving ideals of contemporary urban architecture. The impact of Le Corbusier on modern architecture is immeasurable. Almost all modernist architecture and urban planning is based on his ideas, and almost all current thought is simply a continuation of, or dismissal of, his ideals.
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patchdotexe · 5 years
Tell us more about shadowy
cracks knuckles. anon you have just opened the pandora’s box of leos infodumping
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so, to set the stage here: he’s part of a setting called Shattered Worlds, in a totally different continuity from Chaosverse (where Checkpoint / askchaosverse takes place). there’s totally different rules and worldbuilding and all that, and while it TECHNICALLY takes place in the same multiverse (and has some characters in common, if EXTREMELY AU) it’s… also basically shoved in the twilight cage and locked off from everything else. it’s also a setting from 2007 that lasted until 2014, so it’s about to get wild
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(it’s also gonna be under a cut bc this is gonna get VERY long. tl;dr: he’s a universe-destroying asshole that stumbled across an artifact of immense power, lost control of it, blew himself up, and is behind the entire plot of Shattered Worlds, both directly and because of consequences of him exploding. also he’s kind of an AU shadow/mephiles? i guess???)
Shadowy is something called an Outsider, which are… well they never got defined very well, but they’re a species that’s mobian-passing (and apparently is all hedgehogs, seeing as the 3 established Outsiders are hedgehogs?) and have the ability to jump from universe to universe at will, among other individual powers like Chrome’s telekinesis. they mostly use this to kinda hang out on various versions of Mobius, blending in as being an average mobian and either solving problems or causing them. Shadowy’s of the latter kind. they can be identified as an Outsider by their weird eyes, although that can get a bit blurry sometimes because theres some other SW characters that get them under specific circumstances which… usually involve an Outsider doing something.
anyway the point is Shadowy’s kind of a dick. the downside of being an outside force to the multiverse as we know it is… he doesnt really have any attachment to it? he’s not really a god but he’s near-invulnerable, can just bounce out of a universe as soon as he starts facing any consequences, and kind of sees everything as a game where he can just knock a few pieces over, see what happens, and then leave to do the same somewhere else but with a different method. he’s bored. the full effect of what he does doesnt really matter to him, he just entertains himself by making a mess of things. he’s also, like, a teenager with phenomenal cosmic power, which always goes well
so Shadowy’s running around from universe to universe, just kinda fucking with people to see how much he can get away with, when one of his worldhops kinda… fails. and instead of going through a portal directly from one universe to another, he falls into the void between worlds: Nullspace.
(”wait isn’t that a thing in sonic forces though” i came up with nullspace in like 2010 and can dig up old posts from my first blog talking about it, and there’s only gonna be more similarities to forces as this goes on, its COMPLETELY baffling and i swear to god it is a total coincidence that im still not over)
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anyway so Shadowy accidentally dumps himself into the void, gets lost, but finds something that had gotten sealed there ages ago, potentially by another Outsider: something called the Phoenix Orb. im bolding it because its very important. this is like, THE plot macguffin. it’s also basically the Phantom Ruby, because as soon as Shadowy gets his hands on it he goes from “asshole” to “asshole with total control over reality”. and he REALLY wants to see what this shiny rock can do, so he goes back to his deal of universe-hopping and picks a world he thinks will be very interesting to fuck with.
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meet Robo (left) and Recky (right)! Robo wants to be a hero. Recky becomes a supervillain to spite him. Robo assembles a team of random furries and they all go on a bunch of adventures, including meeting clones of themselves, having an EX Gear race, getting lost in the desert, and various other shenanigans, usually involving fighting Recky and his cronies O-Mel and Blade.
then Shadowy shows up.
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Recky’d gotten himself in a tight spot, so he wasn’t exactly going to turn down help when a random hedgehog showed up and allied himself with him. …sort of. Shadowy was just kind of a pest to Team Ultimate Robo (or TUR for short), and sometimes would even intervene on their side if things went south. it was kind of hard for anybody to tell what side Shadowy was really on.
finally, though, Shadowy had all his pieces in the right place and set his plan in motion. he approached Robo and took advantage of the metal sonic’s insecurities and tragic backstory, and convinced him to ditch his team in favour of destroying Mobius with him. Recky found out and alerted the rest of TUR, and they teamed up to race Shadowy&Robo to the Eclipse Cannon before Robo used it to wipe out everything.
while Recky was up in space, O-Mel and Blade decided to stick to Recky’s original plan and kidnapped the members of TUR that had stayed behind on Mobius to.. i dunno, do something. mind control them into working for Recky, probably? back at the ARK, Shadowy got his face kicked in by Robo after he was snapped back to his senses, and fled back to Nullspace to recover and plan his next move. Robo had just made things personal… and Shadowy hadn’t taken full advantage of his new powers yet.
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Robo freed the captured TUR gang and made a big distraction for them to escape, and in the confusion Shadowy appeared and kidnapped a specific hedgehog to use as bait. it worked, and Robo gave chase to try and rescue her. using the Phoenix Orb, Shadowy took control of SK and gave her enough power to near-totally destroy Robo, then sent her off to do the same to the rest of TUR. she basically got turned into Infinite, complete with having a realitywarping gemstone shoved in her chest.
it was a pretty solid plan, except it quickly fell apart when SK started fighting back for control and tried using the Orb’s power to attack Shadowy instead. he was losing control of the situation, and the two of them ended up in a struggle with Shadowy desperately trying to get the Orb back before she figured out how to use it. in a last-ditch desperate effort, Shadowy used the Orb’s power he could still draw on to forcibly fuse himself with SK in hopes that, if he couldn’t get it away from her, he could at least take control of the fusion and go from there…
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…and things very quickly went from bad to worse.
turns out taping together an Outsider, a hedgehog with a shitton of Chaos powers and potential, and an artifact with total complete control over reality, is not good for the universe. or any universe. enter the Shadowy Phoenix, who kinda goes full Solaris except with like… realitywarping instead of time control. the creation of the Phoenix was literally shattering the world around them, and neither SK or Shadowy were in control– it was basically just the Orb itself running rampant and at threat of not only destroying TUR’s Mobius, but the entire multiverse if it wasn’t stopped.
so it got stopped. and exploded. the sudden death-explosion of a superdimensional being tore reality apart and flung everybody across the multiverse, with both Shadowy and SK gone… until SK suddenly showed back up 3 years later with no memory and with a shard of the Orb still stuck inside her. this is when the main Shattered Worlds plot kicks off!
as for Shadowy, it’s… not really clear what happened to him.
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spectrumscribe · 7 years
Can you tell me more about your tmnt crystal gems au? Like gem placement, headcanons, just whatever you feel like sharing! I really loved the fusion posts and I've been thinking about the AU a lot I lowkey (highkey) want to draw some fan art whenever you get around to telling us about the designs a bit! You're super talented keep up the awesome work!!
Hello! It took a while to get back to this bc I hadn’t quiteworked out the gems for everyone. I have now, though! Because you reminded meto, lmao. also if anyone wants to get technical about the meanings or whateverof the gems I picked please don’t, I’m a lowly fic writer and did minimalresearch and don’t care to get super deep about things, thanks.
Alright, so I wrote that one ficlet a while back about Donnieand April, and they were the only two I had for sure down with what gems theywere. (I’ll recap them tho, in case folks missed it.)
Donnie = Purple Pearl.(because of reasons.) Gem placement is his forehead.
April = Yellow(or was it gold?) Tourmaline. Gem placement is her hip.
Raph = Pyrope.Gem placement is the back of his right hand.
Leo = Blue Iolite.Gem placement is between his shoulder blades.
Mikey = Jasper.(like, similar to canon Jasper, but smol like Amethyst ended up.) Gem placementis his chest, also like Amethyst.
Casey =(tentatively, may change if I feel like it) Onyx. Gem placement is his leftpalm.
Splinter = Fireagate. Gem placement is the same as Mikey’s.
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They essentially move from planet to planet once the whole crew is together and have interstellar travel once again, staying outside the range of the crumbling empire’s reach, but mostly hang out on one specific planet that’s got very little sentient life on it. Very relaxing for a collection of people who really need to calm down sometimes. except Casey who is raring to go any time all the time and needs to be stopped
And here’s some descriptions and stuff, because hell yes I’d love fanart pls and thank you:
Donnie: He is thelankiest fuckin Pearl you will ever meet, tall as hell and kind of maybeashamed of that. Like, garnet type tall or something. Red eyes, which stand outweirdly against his color scheme. He’s this pastel purple nightmare, and has along gauzy see-through skirt type deal with shorts underneath; you know, pearltype chic. Long hair, usually in a braid that goes to his midback. Coloring….Uh, probably pale purple for the shorts and shirt, lavender purple for theskirt, and dark purple for his shoes. They are ballet shoes. He will break yournose with said shoes if you antagonize him.
April: On theshort side, not overly big but pretty thick regardless. She was designed for war after all, not forcourt regality. Standard pants plus sleeveless shirt dealio. Something close toJasper’s in SU canon, but more yellow/orange color scheme. Her hair is likeTMNT canon, and her eyes are blue. (which has ~significance~ for reasons.)
Raph: short,stocky, power house build. Taller than Mikey by a small margin. Light reds anddark reds are his color scheme, with black boots. Hair is short and dark andspiky on top, p close to being a mohawk. Green eyes, bc it’s my AU I can dowhat I want. (his reason for being ‘wrong’ or whatever shall be revealedlater.)
Leo: a slimmerbuild than Raph, more appealing to the upper castes to look at and be around. (It’sall about appearances with court gems)He’s designed for both combat andaesthetic, would’ve been a high class guard, maybe even captain of said guard.(except the whole desolation of the empire happened and that didn’t work out) Darkblue and darker blue for his hair and skin, and purpley toned light blue forhis clothing; plus black shoes.  Navy blueeyes obvs speaking, and I imagine his hair to be very short. Close croppeddealio. (similarly to Raph, his reason for ‘wrongness’ will be revealed later)
Mikey: evenshorter than Raph, and the same type of power house build. Basically has thesame color scheme and Jasper in SU canon, though his hair is less flowy andmore curly. Kind of coily? If that makes sense. Blue eyes obvs, but other thanthat he resembles canon Jasper/Amethyst strongly. (y’all can probably guess hisbackstory already)
Splinter: tol. Holyfuck so tol. He was a general of sorts in the empire, and a very high rankingone at that. Body type is like his canon ratdad self, and his robe dealtranslates into this AU too. Honestly he just looks a lot like Hamato Yoshi didas a human. Same sort of dark red color scheme too. (bleh, boring, on to thenext one who is not)
Casey: skinnymotherfucker, about the same height as Donnie, and the most ‘metal’ gem to haveever come into existence. His clothing is a mess of whites and greys and black,mostly because he ended up coming out of the ground… kind of wrong? His gem hasa shard of foreign material in it, so while he’s still perfectly good in afight, he’s not entirely a gem and thus didn’t stick to the physical design hewas supposed to. He also popped out of the ground without a lick of knowledgeabout the empire, or gems, or even who the hell he was, so he never took thename Onyx. He’s always just been Casey, and he was raised up with verydifferent ideals than what other gems got.
Anyways. Bandanna boy looks like this scruffy skinny thing, andtends to change his outfit every time he regenerates. (which is often. because he’sCasey and he is always getting intotrouble.) dark grey skin, and black hair, etc. Canon him, but worse, because he can regenerate himselfand his weapons as many times as hewants. Cue endless chaos.
Uh, as for headcanons, I guess I’ll give an assortment ofrandom things I have in my head about this AU:
-Donnie doesn’t like sleeping. He says it feels weird and isuncomfortable with being unaware of his surroundings.
-Casey and Mikey are the only ones who eat food regularly. Everyoneelse either partakes on few occasions, or outright refuses because it’s gross.
-Leo has a vintage collection of sci-fi comics and books,and adores them, despite having… actually lived a sci-fi adventure… literallyhis whole life…
-how each of the boys, and then April, took their new nameshad to do with the books and bizarre timekeeping policies that came from adistant planet that Splinter found at one point and became taken with.
-Raph keeps pets, but not often, since he outlives them alland it feels like they die too quickly to make the pain worth it.
-when they found him, Mikey hadn’t ever met another gem. It was…an experience. For everyone involved.
-the first time Donnie met Leo and Raph, he kicked Raph hardenough he fell down a cliff. Then Leo too. That was also an experience foreveryone involved.
-gardening is a hobby everyone eventually gets involved in.Since the planet they spend the most time on is mostly uninhabited, they cancreate enormous gardens and come back in a few years to see how things haveprogressed. The perks of living extremely long lives, am I right?
-fusion is an iffy subject at first, because everyone isstill shaking off the old social ideals of the empire, but eventually itbecomes a very regular occurrence. The first ones to fuse are Leo and Mikey,because of a dire situation. I haven’t decided their fusion gem quite yet, but I’llget to it.
-no one is sure why Casey’s weapon is a hockey stick, or… all that clear on what that really is… but thatdoesn’t stop Casey from using it in battle. And during their down time. Andpretty much constantly.
-Donnie gets reunited with an old, dear friend at somepoint. It’s an important reunion, since this person helped him find theconfidence to own himself, and belong to no one.
-April’s past is something she keeps hidden for a longwhile, until they find a ship that has information in its mainframe about her,and what she was designed to do…
-sleeping piles happen multiple times, okay? Even if somemembers of the pile don’t actually sleep during it.
That’s about it for now. I should get back to this AU, sincea lot of it is really wholesome and full of friendship things, and a lot moreof it is about insecurities and hidden pasts and self-image issues. All things Iadore. :3c
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tboytoby · 8 years
Clutz and Tomalgam (And a lil SepraTorm at the start)
@tomalgam @rejectclone Here it is! The format’s a little odd since we used MSPARP to do this. 
Warning: It’s a little long
Clutz: Clutz is an Edd clone, this he knows. However, something he doesn't know, and would very much like to, is why he came out the way he did. He can't do a lot right. One of the few things that he can do correctly, though, is break things. He's broken more fragile items than he's even able to count anymore and as much as he hates it, it's who he is. He's tried everything but he just can't stop being so clumsy. At this point he's begun to think he was born with two left feet. What would that look like? He looks like he has a left and right foot that should work normally.. The clone is suddenly torn out of his thoughts about why he is the way he is as he trips on his shoelaces for the fifth time today. "Ow.." He lets out a soft sigh, ignoring the pain in his hand. He appears to have scraped something. Again. It's quite hard to keep a positive personality when all you do is fail at basic things such as tying your shoes. And walking.
 Separatorm: Well heres him, whos him? He is Separatorm, A reject. He was made when a tom clone and a tord clone somehow were messed with like play dough. They were smushed together than pulled apart. They didn't fully separate. Thats how they got their name. Separatorm. Even with this small little fact, for some reason, these clones liked each other, a lot. More like loved. how? we'll never know. They just love themselves. No fighting. They love themselves so much they speak in one voice all the time, unless there's an argument...but that's rare! They almost don't have any arguments. They sigh, with that giant mouth of there's. They were just leaning against a wall until they saw Clutz. They wave, and smile. And walk over. "You alright?"
 ((You did a good, babe
 ((I'm just gonna quickly have a shower while we wait for Candy uvu
 ((im also getting lowkey tired
 ((might d i e
 [4'2"] Scribble Tom [7'2"] Tomalgam (Candy) [] joined chat.
 SCRIBBLE: shit one sec-))
 Torm|Clutz (Sky)'s connection timed out.
 TOMALGAM: Big ol' Tomalgam was not really your average clone. Some just had little defects, like not having the same interests as the originals, or some were fused, but Tommie was very different. Standing at seven feet tall, with a couple of inches on top of that, he had a face made up of ten "eyes" and three mouths (one in the normal place, one on his cheek, and one above his eyebrow). That wasn't counting the other one on his neck, either. Six arms and four legs, walking was a nightmare for the poor babe. His torso was too heavy for his legs to hold up, so often he found himself crawling like a spider. Scuttle, scuttle! Right now the nervous reject was stumbling along, somewhere near that injured-looking Edd clone and the half separated Torm.
 SCRIBBLE: *eight arms and six legs
 Torm|Clutz (Sky) [] joined chat.
 ((Okay i'm finally back
 Clutz: Clutz rubs his hand a little. "Yeah, i'm okay. Tha...nks..." He pauses as he looks up at the reject clone before him. He's seen Torm before, even a few different variations of them, but never before has he seen a Torm this... Odd..? He doesn't want to think of the poor clone as scary, as much as they are to him, as that would be judging them just by their appearance and that's rude. He decides to just sit up, instinctively patting and brushing away any dust or dirt that decided to cling to his hoodie and his torn pants. He looks up again to notice a certain multi-limbed Tom clone. The clone looks rather uncomfortable as he walks. Even though Clutz knows he'll probably make it worse, he stands up and attempts to move over to the clone. "Sorry, excuse me." He smiles softly at the Torm clone before walking over to Tomalgam. "Hey, are you oka- Ah!" He trips. Again. He groans softly as he lands face first on the ground. Ow.
 ((Clutz is great at first impressions
 Separatorm: Oh. Hes..kinda..hurt? but he gets it. That tom clone seems like he needs help more than him. He sighs, and just watches, he pats his own back, reassuring himself. Ok, hes good. He coughs though, eugh.
 ((My replies,,,
 ((are gonna be short because im v tired
 ((Is ok
 ((You is a tired bean
 ((//Hugs// My tired bean
 ((Tfw you have two unfinished drawings bc you don't have the motivation to finish them
 SCRIBBLE: I have to do hw so ill bbl-))
 [4'2"] Scribble Tom [7'2"] Tomalgam (Candy)'s connection timed out.
 ((:0 Okie dokie
 ((//Pats Jam// You can sleep now bby
 ((fades into the astral plane
 ((There they g o
 ((hugs u
 ((now i sleep
 ((Sweet dreams, babe. Love you <3
 ((love you too :0
 Tom|Seperatorm (Jamie) [] disconnected.
 [4'2"] Scribble Tom [7'2"] Tomalgam (Candy) [] joined chat.
 SCRIBBLE: Heeey))
 ((//Faceplants// I'm ded
 SCRIBBLE: catches))
 SCRIBBLE: same))
 ((Do you wanna continue with the rp? :0
 SCRIBBLE: Yeah sorry im just drawing-))
 ((Ooh :0!
 SCRIBBLE: Two of the clones mouths yelp, creating a duet of fright. He looks down at the poor reject that just fell at his feet, eyes blinking in confusion. After a moment, three arms are held up to help the chap up. Tommie doesn't talk, he just tilts his head a little.
 Clutz: "Thanks." He wipes the area just below his nose, wincing slightly as he sees blood on his hand. "S-Sorry." He feels rather useless. He came over to try and help this poor clone, not to make a fool of himself and have to get help from this poor clone! "I'm fine, i-it happens a lot." He sniffles softly to try and lessen the blood coming out of his nose. He's probably smudged it all over his cheek at this point so he just gives up and gives Tomalgam a reassuring smile.
 SCRIBBLE: The maw on his neck chews its bottom lip testily, drawing blood. Tomalgam winces, looking at the blood smudged across this fellow's cheek. He lifts an arm and points at the spot on his own face, then at the place his nose would be if he had one.
 Clutz: He wipes the spot a little, mostly cleaning it. "Did I get it?" He looks up at the tall clone's face, only really mildly disturbed by his features. Clutz does, though, notice the chewing from the other's neck mouth. "Oh, are you okay? Does it hurt?" It hasn't even dawned on him the possibility of this Tom clone being mute. He'll probably feel really bad if he gets no response.
 SCRIBBLE: He nods at the clone's first question, then an arm lifts and forces the neck's mouth open, ceasing the biting. Another nod, Tomalgam doesn't like talking. He hates his voice :(
 Clutz: "Oh, good! Since I was gonna try and come over here to help you anyways." He smiles brightly. And he's obviously helped so much since he moved over here... He quickly dismisses the thought from his mind.
 TOMALGAM: Tilting his head again, Tomalgam points at Clutz, eyes blinking. It's meant to be a sort of "who are you?" gesture.
 Clutz: He thinks for a second. Oh, right. "Everyone calls me Clutz..." He doesn't really like the name but it's the only one he has. "Can you tell me yours..?"
 ((Oop brb
 TOMALGAM: same-))
 TOMALGAM: All of his mouths, save the one on his neck, set in a thin line. After a while, he reluctantly forces out, "Tomal...gam..." His voice is hoarse and rough, and he seems to struggle to talk. Must be difficult with a mouth pressing against his windpipe.
 TOMALGAM: eyy))
  Clutz: He jumps slightly, having been just about to ask if the poor guy was mute. "Oh, it's great to meet you Tomalgam!" He doesn't seem to pay any mind to the strain in the poor guy's voice. He's just appreciative that Tomalgam went to the trouble of projecting his voice for him.
 TOMALGAM: Nodding again, he holds out a hand for Clutz to shake. He has to stoop a little, tall babe.
 Clutz: He laughs softly and takes the tall bois hand. He's smol anyways at a nice 5'6. Taller than his mun by an inch.
 TOMALGAM: Coughs. Though his main mouth stays straight unlike him, the one on his cheek hesitantly smiles. Pure boy. Soft boy.
 ((They were both at 6'0, were they supposed to be? :0
 ((Cause I'm pretty sure my phone is just bein a butt
 TOMALGAM: oh, mustve not worked =]:/))
 ((What heights were supposed to be there?
 TOMALGAM: 7'2" and 5'6"))
 ((Ah ok!
 ((Man Clutz is tiny compared to Tomalgam
 TOMALGAM: imagine scribbs next to him))
 TOMALGAM: three foot))
 Clutz: It's okay everyone's gay in Wonderland He softly shakes the tol soft bois hand. Tall soft and small soft. Soft team.
 TOMALGAM: The tall soft of the soft team points at Clutz various injuries with another arm, head tilted. How the fuck can one guy get so many injuries-
 TOMALGAM: imagine if tommie picked scribbs up and fucking wrapped him up in a little arm cocoon-))
 Clutz: "Hm?" He looks at the arm. "Oh, I'm just really clumsy. I trip a lot.. Fall down stairs... A lot."
 Clutz: Hand* hecking
 TOMALGAM: He frowned sadly, that doesn't sound nice. He gently pats the soft smol's head.
 Clutz: He flinches a little but smiles. He,,, Has a head injury,,,
 TOMALGAM: nnnnoooOOOOO- He sees the flinch and frick,,, he hurt him,, He pulls his hand away, fuck, he did bad. "Sorry.." He croaks out.
 Clutz: "No, no, it's okay! I just hit my head earlier." Soft comforting arm pat.
  TOMALGAM: "No..." He whines, it's all his fault. He sniffles, black liquid starting to ooze from a few of his eyes. He's a big baby.
 Clutz: PANIC. He just quickly hugs the poor boy. "No, don't cry!" Or,, Whatever he's doing,, "I-It's okay! It's really not your fault! You didn't know." He buries his face in Tomalgam's hoodie, not wanting to see the poor baby cry. "It's okay. It's okay."
 TOMALGAM: ! Snuffle.. four of his arms wrap around the boy, a tight cocooning hold. The other two wipe his eyes. Poor cuties.
 Clutz: He smiles softly and rubs his cheek against the big boy(TM). He picked up a few qualities of cats by living with a few stray ones right after everyone escaped. He still owns said cats. Man he loves cats. They're so graceful. Wait he's hugging someone. "Soft." Soft, warm and safe from all of the accidents he has. He's very rarely experienced a hug, let alone one with so many arms.
 TOMALGAM: Tomalgam has never been called soft before. Scary, ugly, sometimes even horrifying, but never soft. It makes him feel warm and fuzzy. The other two arms join their brothers around the small boy(TM).
 Clutz: He loves the affection. He's p much smothered in arms at this point but he really doesn't mind, as long as he can still breathe he's okay. He lets out a little laugh. "You give great hugs." He absolutely loves compliments. Getting them, giving them. He just loves em.
 TOMALGAM: The mouth on his neck makes a little noise of gratitude as the arms hold him tighter. Tomalgam be careful youre going to hurt him-
 Clutz: He finds it a little harder to breathe but tries to take no mind to it. He's pretty durable but any tighter and he'll have to call it quits.
 TOMALGAM: After a while like this, Tommie finally pulls away. Don't want to kill him on the first date- He looks around, he's getting tired of standing.
 Clutz: Lowkey takes in a few deep breaths of air. His legs are starting to get tired so he just sits down on the ground with a soft hum before patting the ground next to him.
 TOMALGAM: He slowly sits down, careful to not fall. This is done by crouching, and leaning forwards onto his hands as he sits. Hoo. Job well done.
 Clutz: He smiles as a silent 'good job!' before hesitantly leaning on the other. He just likes how warm Tomalgam is.
 Clutz: Plus if he's close to someone he feels safer.
 TOMALGAM: Tommie feels safer too, he remembers cuddling Good Tord. He misses Good Tord. He puts all his arms around Clutz, pulling him into his lap. Soft.
 Clutz: Oop he's a teddy now. He lays happily in Tomalgam's lap, positioning himself as close to the other clone as possible. Aw yeah first friend that isn't dead or a cat.
 TOMALGAM: Who says Tomalgam isnt a cat? He'll purr if you stroke him in the right place. He buries him face in the lil ones hair, smiling.
 Clutz: Omg He becomes a lil blushing mess. Aaa what is this affection he is receiving.
 TOMALGAM: It's affection from a big cuddle monster. Tommie isn't blushing, he probably thinks this is platonic or something
 Clutz: He does, too. He's just a lil cutie that gets easily flustered He can't help but giggle. He's a happy smol and he's gotta show it.
 TOMALGAM: Tommie laughs too, a gravelly, wheezing noise. Hoo, babe that doesn't sound healthy.
 Clutz: He's a bit skeptical but doesn't want to ruin the situation. He can ask about it later. He just adjusts his position to be a little more comfortable.
 TOMALGAM: Ruin the situation, eh? Tommie takes this moment to lay down and turn onto his side, Clutz still clutched tightly in his arms. No escape.
 Clutz: This is how he dies- He makes sure he's facing the bby as they both lay down. He rests an arm on Tomalgam, just putting the other in a comfy position. He's happy with this.
 TOMALGAM: Clutz is now his teddybear. He hasn't been this calm in fucking ages, woah. He could almost... zzzzz...
 TOMALGAM: Okay i think im gonna skedaddle for a while, seeeeeeya))
 TOMALGAM: tommie will never let clutz escape))
 [4'2"] Scribble Tom [7'2"] Tomalgam (Candy)'s connection timed out.
 ((Oh whoops. Nearly passed out
 ((I wanted to sleep anyways lmao
 Clutz: Aw fuck it's a dang sleepin party. He yawns a little and falls asleep not long after Tomalgam. Sleepy beans.
 ((And I'm off. Night babies
Torm|Clutz (Sky) [PHONE] [] disconnected
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muggycuphead · 3 years
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TH!FPA_VB – Lord of Lies and Deceiving
Yo, been a while since I posted something on this account, but here we are, back at it again with a casual VB drawing like in good ol’ 2020
…Though, this time things got built on a different road of events as you can see, not to mention this is a spoiler to what’s to come for VB (but tbh I stopped caring at this point so yea)
First and for most however, there are quite a few questions surrounding this fic’s development I have to answer for our sake (mostly mine since I feel like mold spaghetti for not keeping up on things oml-)
Yes, I once said VB was on the way of getting completed and all that, I know
Problem is, the changes I want to do to the ‘lore’ (if you want to call it that way idk) are also retroactive to the events in the present timeline (aka past events that are mentioned but not entirely shown because ugh-), some characters that have some relevancy on the story but only come up at the very end chapters on VB itself, etc. etc. which are things that I personally find bothersome as its writer and the reason why I’d rather not make the ‘sequel-prequel’ of it where things get explained and all that
Instead, I’ll fuse both VB and TAF (the sequel-prequel’s name acronym standing for ‘The ‘ANOMALY’ files’ fyi) so it can focus on one party alone and I don’t waste any more time than what I already have done so (haha funny cuz me late to party amiriteeeimsorry-)
…And about the format for it, I’ve decided I’ll ‘upgrade’ it to a comic instead since y’know, I do art and it’ll also make my writing simpler so yea
Still tho, I’m kinda paranoic on if I should get going with the prologue by the time I finish its script or not since I don’t wanna make the plot a mess or leave things (important* things) unfolded by accident, but we’ll see how it goes (and hopefully I’ll make it out alive-)
Also, keep in mind that by the moment I’m writing this, I’m stuck in the Friday Night Fuc- I mean Funkin’ fandom, and y’all know what happens when the fandom switching happens…
My concept-creation-obssessive-self starts grinding gears like cuckoo -doesn’t mean I’ll abandon everyone else tho, it’s just that my focus splits on multiple parts and all that balloney
So, now that I did my little defense statement up there, let’s get rolling to the mainpoint down here
First, who’s this spider guy?
Well, he’s a ‘side’ antagonist, more specifically the person DPM is after (but doesn’t realize he is until very later)
His name is Q-Ross Sid, a ‘camel spider’ that lives in the Spider Kingdom as the royal executioner and prison head-guard/-caretaker
He’s what I’d consider to be an ‘anomaly’, since he’s a genetic fusion of graphite (20%), chalk (10%) and correcting fluid (70%), with the graphite being his ‘stabilizer’ component (osseous structure and skin/muscular tissue mostly) and the chalk his ‘cooler’ component (mostly on his defense and assimilation mechanism), not to mention he can only consume either correcting fluid matter derivatives…and/or ink matter derivatives, including living beings (mostly as an energy source and which his body somehow can partially convert into graphite)
…And by that fact alone you can tell that yes, he killed Isea -also known as Dizzy/Izzy Pants Girl (YESss I fINALLY GAVE HER A NICK ASDFGH-) in VB mostly due to her ‘special ability’ and stuff- by Queen Aris’ command. And yes, he can shapeshift, which explains why he got DPM to blame FPM for what happened, this that (but I think you might have figure it out already by the drawing alone so yea-)
However, although at first I thought his ability would be limited to mimick FPM’s appearance only, I now decided to amplify it a little, and instead he can shapeshift into any sketch/graphite-alike/related being, with FPM being his ‘link’ to them most of the time (stalkey tatics are not okey dokey my man but you do you I guess)
Though he can only shapeshift into stickfigs since he doesn’t have that much of ‘color filling’ for a human drawing itself (yeah ik they’re humanized in the story but things will make sense sooner or later I promise, for now just bear with me as we go on on this plz), and he cannot shapeshift into ink/liquid-alike/related beings because they’re not compatible and it’ll only lead him to corrupt his physical form –not meaning he can’t recover from it tho
But he can’t replicate them entirely, as his eyes and the ring are the two main red flags to spot him (but with some contact lenses and a little pocket, it can be fixed y’know-)
As for his robotic arm, it was after a fight that I’ll rather not explain due to not being that relevant; and even thought doctors refused to give him a prosthesis at first since he could simply let it rebuild naturally (yes he can regen too, but in a slower phase bc reasons), he got it anyways due to the fact limbs regen take way longer than physic injuries and/or internal damage (some even assumed that they probably wouldn’t actually regen anyway), which can be a bother on his job most of the time…and maybe out of spite too –he wanna look tough, yo-
Fun fact, during the hype I got from making this bad boi, I ended up attaching him to grandson’s song called ‘Blood/Water’ due to the lyrics kinda resembling his defamatory actions towards FPM (and also his wild and sometimes desperate hunger towards ink beings, yikes)
Second, what’s VB’s main plotline now and why did I expand it?
To resume it in the ‘signature phrase’ I made for the new version (which was also inspired on MARETU’s ‘Magical Doctor’ song –mandoilovethisvocaloidsongcomposerasdfgh)
Venomous Bittersweet (which I’ll rename in the future due to the fusion with TAF) started off with a simple plot -FPM going on a mission for himself to get cured from a spider bite he got all of a sudden, but failing in the process (bc plot convenience idk) and CPG is the one who goes to his rescue instead while showing off the things she learned from him, this that, wholesome ending blah blah blah- you know the drill if you read it to end.
But by the moment I began making those little ‘inside stories’ –specially DPM’s backstory explaining why he became so reckless and outgoing- I started to extent myself on how things worked on this AU, even how drawings come to life (ik it’s weird but that’s how I though it to be so ff-), and by such I felt the urge to give almost everything a background story, such as Aris’ reason to kidnap and take control over FPM’s body and mind (and maybe his soul too oops-), the Spider Kingdom’s origin and even the portals and ‘reality deterioration’ in SFPA, passing by DPM’s origins and stuff.
And even if I felt like hitting walls and taking things a little too in-depth most times, I think it did bring some good things for the new plotline I’m going for now
So, in the new story, all the weird, whacky (and disturbing) things that happen after SFPA and during OG VB plotline came by what I’d express as some sort of ‘time-space anomaly’ that made everything slightly unstable on the ‘other side’ of the studio (I won’t explain too much my brain is about to boil rn so take that as you will for now tysm), having a passive (but not unnoticeable) effect on the sketchbooks.
I can’t give much context why, how or where did the anomaly came to be exactly (you can make theories if you like, I’d love to read them 4real <3), but it’s main purpose is to take control over all existing worlds just to corrupt them to its will, to the point there is basically nothing left but despair and desolation to which all entities will be forced to endure and all that edgy jazz.
…And by that, the ‘anomaly’ will create incompatible matter amalgams –ink and graphite being the most coming-to-mind example in the story so far- in order to conquer all the sketchbooks, but as a consequence of this ‘anomaly’s’ arise, new worlds came to be fully developed (in other words, they finally exist as a whole), and with that, new ‘heroes’ are brought into the situation, each representing a type of artistic material alone –watercolor, oil paint, etc-, heroes with which FPM will encounter and interact with, as he’ll also help them in how to use their abilities to fight the baddies and stuff.
And because we need conflict to make things interesting, Q-Ross and DPM indirectly (but kinda) ‘team up’ to fabricate fake evidence and such in order to mess with FPM’s reputation towards the heroes by incriminating him and/or even mislead his actions (confusing wrong by right and vice versa, etc.) (because ink man is salty and corrector ass is a dick by nature –ofc), and even ocassionally with Q-Ross starting the job, just to get DPM to finish it; and sometimes they get the aforesaid characters to hold grudges –if it comes to succeed, or instead making them get more on his side by the same feeling of doubt –if they mess up on something, no matter the size.
As about his sickness, well, it also got a little twist.
We know that new worlds and material compositions come with new squiggle types, and even if ‘dust-related’ types don’t affect him for too long –chalk being the closest example I can bring up-, liquid or clayish matters, such as oil and crayon squiggles respectively, are toxic towards him, so in the way the more he interacts with incompatible squiggles, the more harmed his health condition gets, to the point it grips into the weakest part of his body –his core (I’ll later explain this just…let me get this out first plz), which limits him on doing most things he’s used to do normally.
…And well, the spider bite (which is also an abnormal matter amalgam times two, though I’ll keep it secret for now) was the last nail in the coffin on fucking him up entirely to a new level of corruption (damn is that a stretch I’m seeing-)
Long story short, this was also because I wanted ArPM to have a backstory that’s more than just ‘I’m evil nao bc me get poisond and mindcontrold by spoders out of spite hahahaha-’
Third (and lastly), who’s Ahetzo exactly and what’s his main purpose on the story?
This is a short one
In case you didn’t see my tweet on my Twitter account (here a linkie), this is a side character I made that’s supposed to be some kind of ‘spirit’ or something alike who’s the one in charge of the studio while ya dev boi is gone
In other words, he’s basically like Brad’s subconscious self (IK YIKES- YOU CAN HIT ME WITH THE CHAIR NOW I WON’T MIND-)
…and even though he tried to keep the anomaly thing contained as long as he could while figuring out how to disarm it or at least neutralize it (yes it was there way before, like during fpaw3 events or before so because AU logic lol), the more he tried to condense it, the more it multiplied itself until, well, y’know, shit blew up and everything just sdfghjk’d
And yes, he was the one who released the new worlds to keep the crazy stuff at range, this that
Oml my brain-
And before I finish here, I’d like to make a little ‘self-critic’ regarding my artwork here…and I gotta say, I’m really proud of it on most parts
As I began to retake on digital art lately –mostly due to my slight entering onto the FNF/partially NG communities and other things, I’ve been testing out new techniques and stuffs on GIMP 2 with the ‘routes’ tool and all that (that’s also why it looks almost symmetrical, but don’t fool urself it did took its time-), I even corrected some of the lines to make them sharp and fancy (haha funi joek im so quirkee-)
In here, I wanted to try mixing both solid and blurry shadows as well as replicating a ‘crystalish’ effect –as seen on Q-Ross’ eyes- and some line effects with the ink tool such as the liquid dripping out of Q’s mouth (yes that correcting fluid saliva now stfu-) and the graphite/correctfluid webs coming out of his clawtips/fingertips
And though I haven’t made an official palette for him, I think the colors I picked here suit him well enough in my own idea of such
Overall, I had fun making this, and I love how it came out
Still though, any criticism, opinion and commentary is welcome, both about my art piece and my little showcase over here
That’s all I got for now, see you all later on
K bai-
0 notes