#at the moment tho im looking forward to at least being a bit more polite with this cashier than just saying thank you over and over
hungry-hyena · 2 years
relearning sign language to talk to my local HOH cashier better
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venser · 2 years
heavily, deeply, incredibly disorganized thoughts about young justice phantoms eps 14-16 bc i got up at 4 am for this and have work in an hour and ZERO time to process all of that (spoilers, obviously)
first, kaldur's arc DOES appear to have at least four eps. whoever initially reported it only being 3 eps misunderstood and got that info mixed up with the premier being 3 eps
kaldur and garfield have the exact same emotional reaction to conner's death but are processing at COMPLETE OPPOSITE ENDS OF THE SPECTRUM. my guy is INTENTIONALLY letting himself get pulled nose-deep into political turmoil bc heaven forbid he take even an hour to like. process things
we're getting quite a bit of worldbuilding for atlantis, but not quite as much as we got for mars during the mars arc. i can't really say i mind all that much tho bc we're almost guaranteed to return to atlantis at other points in the series, so i'm fine with holding off some aspects of the worldbuilding for future episodes
episode synopses make sense tho. kaldur wanted to get FUCKED UP on algae and yknow what? i think he should.
there is a LOT to unpack with the political turmoil of atlantis but it's so deeply reflective of our own political turmoil i think i can leave it at that for now
im so happy for la'gaan
like he has mellowed out SO MUCH since invasion and he's got a husband AND a wife AND a child on the way and if ANYTHING happens to any of them i'm gonna go ballistic
i love wyynde i really do but i AM glad to see SOMEONE confront him about his past as a purist. i can accept that we haven't seen much of his growth bc of the time jumps, but it is so deeply reflective that you are CONSTANTLY going to be proving that you are actively working to unlearn the bigoted beliefs you picked up when you are young and impressionable
ronal ALSO got a taste of it too in a passive way but it wasn't quite as obvious as it was with wyynde
anyway go lori
i'm expecting a twist with the prophecy. i don't have time to get into what specifically but i have a strong feeling "the one true king" might not be arion OR orin (but i could be expecting a Grandon twist and maybe Grandon KNOWS im expecting a twist so they didn't do a twist in which case they know i know they know what im expecting and they pulled like a double twist and-)
ok that's enough its too early for that
non-atlantis thoughts:
i'm happy to see that dick acknowledged that he was wrong to ditch the team after wally's death in his own grief. i'm also glad that he confronted kaldur the moment it became clear that he wasn't going to slow down, even if he wasn't successful on that front
violet's conversation with gabrielle's mother about islam, from the perspective of an outsider, felt like care was put into the writing. i can tell they took the time to consult with people involved with islam, and if the aim was to dispel certain stereotypes and misunderstandings (not the word i want to use but i can't think of the word i wanted to use and it's early and i watched all of these episodes back to back cut me some slack), then i think they've made a good first step
SPEAKING of violet. i wish they had more time in the episode itself to get into their gender, but considering there's just so much going on in these episodes, i'm glad we at least got it in the credits sequence. i'm really looking forward to see where violet's story leads them
violet has also stated that they don't mind she/her, but until there's conformation that they alternate between the two, i'm going to pretty exclusively use they/them
i don't have time to get into garfield but i WILL say 1) IT'S ABOUT TIME and 2) it's going to get worse before it gets better, isn't it?
we DEFINITELY have confirmation that conner isn't dead and is trapped in a space between (I'll call it the phantom zone for the sake of simplicity but it is entirely possible that isn't the term greg or brandon would use)
but. how did wally end up there
like m'gann and clark and match? they're very clearly constructs of conner's imagination
but wally is in the same plane of existence as conner
which has officially finally 100% made me believe that yes wally WILL come back. okay, cool!
but that still doesn't explain HOW HE ENDED UP THERE
i'm sure it's tied to the legion but i have to wonder. do wally and conner believe each other to be constructs of their imagination? neither of them appear to be surprised to see one another
anyway ive gotta get ready for work but i have so many thoughts
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suggable · 4 years
Im going to write down my second experience seeing Day6 live mostly for me, but feel free to read it after the break if you want (please do not reblog it tho) ✨ a little warning i’ll probably get very emotional and personal and this is going to be Very long and probably will get incoherent at some point!!!!!
I saw Day6 yesterday in Madrid for the second time, and not to be dramatic but it was probably one of the best experiences of my life 😭💕 I already had lots of fun last year but this year’s concert was not only fun but very meaningful for me.
As some of you may know I finally finally finished this week my architecture studies after 6 and a half very long and tough years. The last two have been especially hard, aproximately the same ammount of time I’ve been following Day6 closely. When I first discovered their music I immediately fell in love with it, and I fell in love again when i got to know them. I can positively say they’re the closest artists to my heart, my soulmate band. I do love and appreciate a lot of other artists but the way I love day6 it’s.... unparalled. I’m gonna stop being cheesy now hfjjsjka but knowing that I was going to see them again and meet them after all the constant exhaustion that my master’s has been has given me so much strenght during those all nighters and endless days working on my project kjfdkjjks 
I’m privileged enough to have been able to get vvips tickets this time but tbh that’s not important, the whole experience of the concert it’s what makes it worth it. Me and my friends decided not to go queueing very early bc we wanted to be well rested and we knew we were going to have a good spot in any case. We were so lucky yesterday’s weather was sort of warm, considering our awful awful experience from last year jkdjkskj. I’m so happy we were so prepared this time, we brought lots of snacks and blankets for the queue. We also prepared some fanart freebies to share and trade and it was the nicest experience, everyone there was so so lovely!!! I had such a great time only waiting in line and chatting with myday ^^ After we got out numbered wristbands we picked up our signed entropy copies. I got the “Sweet” version which is my fave!!! I traded around the pcs so i ended up with all Sungjin and Dowoon jhjfhjsdj (and the loveliest Dopil pc 😭❤) I was so happy we didnt have any trouble with queueing or numbering this time!!!!! Then we went for lunch and almost didn’t make it back on time bc it took us ages to get out meals n we wanted to leave all the heavy stuff and coats at the car jdfjkdkjskk but!!! we made it thanks to the lovely people next to us in the queue!!!
We finally got into the venue (which is so big!!! and we filled it!! im so PROUD) and my friends were headed to the left side where Jae is but I noticed the middle section was also kind of empty so we ran there kjkjfd and ended up in 2nd-3rd row!!! so we were in the middle and had a great view of everyone ^^ i felt kind of bad bc the people around us had been queueing from 3am and we’d arrived at 8:30 :P also next to us there was this korean girl who runs a Dowoon fansite and she was very nice and polite and she must kind of hate now me a bit bc I didn’t stop moving and jumping  i hope her pics came out nicely anyway!!! we only had to wait for an hour inside n we had lots of sweets to keep our energy up so it was quite alright :)
when they boys came out i noticed i had the clearest Sungjin visual so I ended up looking at him most of the time kjfjdkkkdksd i just couldn’t help it like the pics don’t do him justice he’s just so cute and expressive and makes the funniest faces when playing!!! and sort of bounces when playing which is the Cutest thing!!!!  there was some sort of problem with his guitars at first n seemed a bit annoyed but it turned out alright!! I also paid lots of attention to Jae bc he has Such Energy performing, the truest hype man!!! when he plays you can see he’s genuinely enjoying himself and loves myday so so much :(((( he interacted a lot with us!! 
Dowoon was also in front of me but he was covered most of the time by his drumset :(( I could see him making all these baby bird pouty faces or mouthing the lyrics and it was.... so CUTE :((((( he’s so cute i 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 also i was in awe at his drumming technique like he’s so so so talented and you can clearly see how much he loves it!!! He’s the best boy!!!
I had to move my head a bit to see YoungK and Wonpil and I tried my best looking at everyone when they were singing, but my eyes would automatically go back to Sungjin jfdjskjkaskj I can tell you Young K is very VERY Atractive when performing, he has a sort of magnetism!! He also seemed soooo happy and would jump around non stop and smile at the fans and just Bless us in general!!! Wonpil was sort of serious when playing but you could tell he was concentrated !!! Also his piano and dj skills im!!!!!! like when he plays the Time of Our Life intro so easily!!! i play piano and let me tell you it is difficult as Fuck!!! he truly is so talented!! plus when he was talking with us he was so playful and cute :(((((
Some concert Highlights for me: hearing Best Part live, also So Cool, TOOL, Headache, wanna go back!!! how to love!!! SWEET CHAOS!!!! also hearing WARNING again which may easily be my fave song of them now (well no...we all know it’s impossible to pick just one but yeah jkdfjskkç) also Colors!! when the first chords started playing i started tearing up n then the chorus came n i just broke down crying jsdsk I also cried during I Need Somebody and that bit when we sang back to them and we sang I Smile :((( also the fucking SOLOS hello most talented band in the universe????!!! but like for real they all sound so good live!!! i love that you can clearly hear the drums and keys and all the instruments, plus their vocals are just!! so!! good!!!!!! Jae and Young K went Mad with the adlibs I was living my best life!!!!! 
at some point i locked eyes with Sungjin n my potato brain decided the best thing i could do was to send a flying kiss his way so i did n he got so SHY!!!! and made a 😳😳😳😳 face jkdfjkjkjks i felt v awkward afterwards like i didnt know he was going to react that way jfdkjksa 
Also hearing them speaking spanish...fucking surreal...but when they did their ments in English!!! wow!!! they’ve gotten so good!!!! they kept saying they were so happy and this was the best way to end the tour and they’d grown so much, and reminding us to always be happy i :((((( Wonpil’s ment was the sweetest thing and he sent such an important message and I started crying again (and i made eye contact with Jae while ugly crying so i had to hid behind my banner jkdskjjkjdskks) and couldn’t stop through the whole length of their ments :(( i barely remember anything from young k’s bc i was trying to compose myself a bit jkfkjkjd Dowoon’s was so cute!!! He’d wait for the translator and make such funny faces i :((( Sungjin’s English and like Everything about him im so gone kjfkjjkds and then JAE’S...........
that was truly the Highlight of the night, what truly truly made everything special and what i hope will make them cherish and remember this night forever. So a bit of context: we had prepared a project where during For Me we would take out some prints of some of Jae’s encouraging and inspirational tweets and held them up. So at first Jae was surprised but I guess he didn’t have the time to read which specific tweets we were holing. Then during like the second half of the song he realised n got like v serious like he was trying not to cry...I remember Sungjin also realised bc he was looking at Jae just Knowing.... When we took the concert pics Jae asked us to take an extra one with the tweets bc he wanted it for himself....and then his MENT he thanked us for listening to him and letting him know we hear his words and basically acknowledge and validate him when he passes those life lessons to us and that it meant more than we could imagine....and he was getting more n more emotional n trying not to cry but im p sure he did...and then Sungjin and Wonpil came to his side n started doing this weird dance around him hdjfjjkskjsdkjskkkladsslk n cheered Jae up THEY’RE SO PRECIOUS :((((  but like moments prior u could see Sungjin just Waiting for it n smirking jkjkfdsjkjkkjs also the fact he immediately tweeted about it after the concert 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
the whole hi touch thing was such a fiasco but tbh i didnt have much hope to begin with jkfdjkdkjs they made us wear face masks as a prevention for the coronavirus break.........but it didnt really matter bc there was an insane number of vips so we were a LOT of pple for the hi touch...we were rushed n pushed n screamed at by both security n mmt staff....i was laughing at the whole absurdity of the situation n wonpil saw me hjdfkjksjks...we barely had time to say something and high five them but i did manage to say thank u to each of them n look them in the eyes at least!!! (they’re so beautiful from upclose!! and GIANTS! and sungjins eyes.........otherwordly) i felt so bad for the fans that were looking forward to it and for them as well bc you could see their apologetic faces....but anyways everything else went so well im not going to dwell on that!! so yeah i’ve met day6 but i barely remember anything kjjkdsjkd it feels like a fever dream :((((
but tbh considering everything it was the nicest experience!!! im so happy i had the chance to see them again n i hope they come back again!!! also i really wish they’d tour more cities, like there are so many mydays that deserve to see them too :((( 
ok im done with this whole essay like i could keep rambling and rambling but this is the most essential of it!!! if you also read this thank you!!!! please be happy and trust and listen to day6!!!❤💖💕✨🌟
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas : Twin Star Runaways
Also on AO3! 
TL;DR:  On the run from houses they never called home, Bakugo and Izuku make some unlikely friends and make the worlds least conventional steps towards being heroes. 
They'll be amazing.
Bakugo and izuku were a little closer than in canon
when izuku's quirk didnt come in bakugo didnt jump straight to being mean and izuku didnt develop like, most of his issues because his best friend didnt abandon him
but everyone turned against the "quirkless weirdo" and when bakugo didnt leave him? they turned on him too
bakugo was a "villain in the making" or was crazy, scary, or "the weirdo's rabid dog" and he tries to play it off, like it doesnt bother him, but izuku gets angry, not that people are talking shit about him, but that they are coming after bakugo just for being a good person
not getting into canon, but in this au mitsuki is really abusive. inko is absent/neglectful because shes upset her husband divorced her and works nights as a nurse
so, the start of junior high, aged 11 and 12, izuku and katsuki run away because honestly anything is better than what they've been living though
as pretty cute kids they get pity food but they look so young no one will employ them
then they meet Touya, who for the sake of this AU is 17 at the time
so dabi runs into these 2 kids that look the same age as his little brother, one of which tried to blow him up within 20 secs of meeting him and the other was hiding behind a dumpster
and hes just like,,, "shit i cant believe i have 2 little brothers now"
that is cemented when he finds out izuku, hiding behind the dumpster? ya boy had a knife and was katsuki's backup
so dabi shows up where he knows these kids hide, he brings them food bc they are getting really thin, brings a new coat for katsuki bc he didnt have anything, teaches izuku how to use his knife better and sharpens it for him
he tells them about stain about corrupt heroes, and about his dad and katsuki and izuku latch onto this
katsuki's mum wished his quirk was "less violent" and that hed never be a hero because he was too scary and izuku's dad threw him away the second he realized his kid was Quirkless
and so izuku and katsuki decide they want to meet stain
dabi gives them some change and his email so they can contact him if they ever need to, and they set out for hosu (why is stain in hosu even tho it doesnt follow canon timelines? because i like hosu and i like tensei)
so in this au, stain skipped forward a bit, attacking hosu in some of his first rounds of hero purging
izuku and katsuki catch wind of a "cover up" by iidaten but izuku quickly realizes it was faked by another hero agency to try and get iidaten’s funding cut
and then they get a terrible feeling because thats the kinda thing that would cause stain to go after a hero so they end up running across hosu every night, taking turns to try and cover tensei as they look for stain
izuku and katsuki find stain over tensei, about to deliver the final blow and katsuki freezes because, stain is really scary and he has a bad vibe around him that almost made endeavour puke
but izuku throws himself inbetween tensei and stain
and stain is a little annoyed, but mostly impressed this scrawny kid is trying to stand up to him but then izuku tells him the scandal was faked and lays out every detail while hes pouring with tears because "ingenium is a good hero chizome"
and stain is like
(the answer? Dot connecting, the UA sports festival, and Steinhal. our boy is a smart cookie!)
at this point katsuki snaps out of his fear and tells stain he'll set off the loudest explosion he can manage if he doesnt step away from "one of the real heroes" and stain is honestly? pretty shook
so he does
and he just kinda, vanishes into the night
and izuku and katsuki swear because thats the guy they have been looking for for 2 weeks and they are out of food money and they just wanna get back to mutsutafu already so they start running after him
by the end they are freezing, 1AM and izuku is honestly worried about katsuki bc he gets cold easier because his quirk makes him sweaty even when he isnt hot and stain just takes pity on these kids and just kinda asks them is they have anywhere to go
izuku starts sobbing again because thats the kinda person he is, and katsuki tries to tell stain to go fuck himself but his teeth are chattering so hard he almost bites his tongue
stain just kinda sighs because god these kids remind him of Touya
and he laughs as izuku deadlifts a complaining katsuki and asks stain where hes gonna take them
also please: a subplot in this is tensei trying to work out who the kids that saved his life were
and he finds hospital records of katsuki and izuku for various brusies and broken bones
and sees that they havent been at school for 3 months, but also sees that no missing reports have been filed
and hes really upset because these kids are his little brothers age
anyway, after stain saves them from freezing they tell him ab how they cant be heroes but they wanted to be like him
and stain tells them they would make great heroes anyway and they cry
(at this point the AU changed from what was going to be a villain duo au into a vigilante au because its Soft AU Hours)
so, when they get back to mustutafu they meet up w dabi who says he has a present for izuku
(dabi said he join the leauge if afo gave izuku a quirk, and afo is interested to see how this goes so he said yes)
he would have joined the league anyway but he wanted to do his honorary little bro a solid if he could
afo was read to give izuku a kinda meh quirk honestly because the kid was going to want to be a hero and thats just bad business sense
then he finds out stain is fond of them and he pauses bc, thats pretty odd
then izuku walks in, is greeted by kurogiri and he bows to him bc hes a polite kid and afo is starting to like this child
izuku then tells shigiraki that he likes his shoes and shigiraki looks pleased with himself
so afo turns on the monitor and says hello and izuku pauses for a second and says
"sensei right? are you hurt? Why else would the video be off… oh sorry! I ramble when im nervous"
and afo just kinda,, "oh lord this child is sharp" so he chats with izuku a while and hears about how kids hurt him for being qurikless and afo kinda relates because people tried to murder him for having a quirk in the first place (i then ran through like 30 quirk ideas trying to work out the one I wanted to give him oops)
all for one gifts him the quirk guardian: can create hard light barriers. the more ambient light at the time of creation, the stronger the construct
he has the quirks perfect counter anyway, blackout: remove all light in a area, so hes not worried.
“where’d u get that quirk izuku”
“….enstranged uncle”
he works with katsuki to create barriers at the moment katsuki lets out explosions to maximise the strength
they start working as vigilanties
these lil baby 12 year olds and dabi is a big concered bro so he gets them some platform boots to make them look taller and masks to hide their voices
they wear big baggy hoodies bc they take them impacts and hide how thin they are
because they work at night they see aizawa a lot and aizawa is kinda confused because they have some pretty legit looking gear (big bro touya) so hes not sure if they are new heroes or not
izuku like, maybe stalked aizawa a little and found out hes a teacher at UA and izuku is so impressed and starstuck over this underground hero
katsuki is just grumbling because hes really impressed too but emotions are lame
izuku gets really hurt and katsuki knows this bitch is in trouble but he doesnt know what to do
katsuki asks eraserhead for help n aizawa is like "what going on??? are you a villain?" and katsuki rips off his mask, and is visible a super underweight 13 year old and aizawa just kinda feels his heart sink
and katsuki is trying not to cry and hes begging aizawa for help and aizawa is like "ahhhh fuuck I have 2 sons now"
vigilantes izuku and katsuki becoming wards of UA bc aizawa found them and has a deep seated hatred of the foster system
and the teachers just kinda accidentally adopt them
they take the ua entrance exam and manage to tie for first place, bakugo is all villain points and izuku got 50/50 rescue/villain points
and they have their letters playing at the same time as they hide in an alley way and the both start crying
because they really can be heroes
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benevadeca · 3 years
finished alice in the borderlands! final thoughts are
things that were good about alice:
hatter being like "im the hero! the main character who people need to die for!" and then immediately dying. it is how you say cinema
the variety of dramatic shots of people broodingly looking over cityscapes from rooftops, idk abt anyone else but i for one appreciate that kind of melodrama in my media.
the effects were like very tasteful and incredibly high-budget. if infinity train got the kind of budget this show got i would cry probably. anyway watch infinity train.
while i have some issues with the casting and design choices i do appreciate that they said we are going to hire actresses that can at least kind of do stunts. aya asahina's bio being like "hobbies: kickboxing, bouldering, dirt biking" yes ofc ma'am.
on a general level minus the obvious i do appreciate how they looked at the manga designs for characters and went those are suggestions not decisions and made almost everyone so much less ugly. (opposite tho i think this wouldve been a great show if everyone was just a little worse looking. a bit sweatier. higher rates of scurvy perhaps.)
the reversal of the smart but weak girl/dumb strong guy trope with both the two mains and also cheshire/caterpillar's dynamic. gender. i also appreciate that there was variety of the "murder is okay sometimes!" / "NO murder is always bad :(" dichotomy as well
that one scene w/ bald guy and caterpillar girl (i do not know anyone's name) where he's just being a little freak and she is leaning against the wall and they make sustained eye contact and she just winks at him and he's :0 it was so awkward and cartoonish which made it hilarious
a lot of the acting in most tv is people standing and staring at a middle point in the distance but shout out to my main man, whom i had to google the name of just now, aguni for that being most of his character.
aguni dramatically throwing himself at mister misogyny and running into the smoke but specifically that i was watching at x2 speed so this very tense dramatic moment was, to me, was so overwhelmingly funny in an if you will excuse me sonic the hedgehog kind of way. top 10 anime deaths
against all odds, the trans narrative ESPECIALLY paralleling weird bald guy in both the "i'm running from my past and forsook my family and decided to live for myself because i refused the hands that reached out to me and further alienated myself from reality/i was forsaken by my family to live the live i wanted and needed to live, and eventually reconciled with the one parent who even though she wasn't there for me when i needed her to be accepted me for who i am, and i chose to be there when she needed me as well, and despite all the hurt afflicted my past is what made me who i am and something i can accept while still moving forward and being true to myself"
this specific forever 21/starbucks ad placement
Tumblr media
things that were bad:
that they really went scooped up the plot directly through the manga to liveaction pipeline without any real "adaptation" happening no i did not read the manga so i dont mean it in a plot way since i know they changed some stuff i mean more. tonally? there are just some scenes that are very obviously like this was ripped straight from an anime like the scene w/ the 2 mains at the beach and main guy seeing rabbit girl in a swimsuit for the first time and its just a shot of him standing there staring awkwardly, which cuts to her also standing and staring there awkwardly until she eventually zips up her jacket? like i can just see the manga panel sequence where he blushes but only slightly and politely looks away because he is a Nice Guy and she also awkwardly blushes because they are in the infantile stages of their romantic subplot and it just doesn't work with real people is what i'm saying. same can be said about the "we are the same i look into your eyes and i'm reflected back" empath thing. it ONLY works and can be taken seriously in cartoons. anime eyeshine my beloved.
that one minor character from the running challenge with the broken leg that becomes recurring, that his beach outfit t-shirt didn't say "STAYCATION" like i thought it did for the first full episode of seeing him is genuinely so homophobic
haha. let's not get into that!
0 notes
franeridart · 7 years
I don't know if I like what the manga is doing with the eri story wise right now. Like, after the new chapter, if eri's quirk ends up doing what I think it does, it will probably be a huge loss for the manga story wise. (I love mirio and nighteye, but in this situation, to get them back this way, would probably feel like a huge cop out)
Ah, can’t say you find me on your side on this, anon - generally I’m a positive person! And I like bnha because it’s a positive story! So, yeah, if Eri’s gonna fix it and avoid deaths and permanent damages all around I’m not gonna mind it one bit. I understand your position on this tho, and I’m pretty sure you’re not alone on it. I guess it’s about what you’re looking for in a story, and what the point the story means to bring across is to begin with - you say that having an all around positive outcome to this arc is gonna be a loss for the manga, but bnha isn’t snk. It’s not Tokyo Ghoul, or D.Gray-man, or any other story made to drive across the point that life is sad and sad things happen and you just gotta deal with it as best as you can. The general point of HeroAca, since the very beginning, is that luck exists! Things can turn out for the best! Look at it, our protagonist didn’t even have a quirk and now he’s got the best one out there. Literally became the successor to the greatest hero alive without doing anything aside from being a nice guy
I mean. I get why you’d wish for a... more real story, I guess. I get that you might like the angst and the realness of life being shitty and bad things happening and all that jazz. But that’s never been bnha’s point? Since the very start? Deku’s whole arc is turning into a fight to show you that you should never lose hope and that even set futures can still be rewritten - and, about that, there’s also how big part of this arc is still about Nighteye and what he saw in All Might’s future, and about Deku wanting to prove that he doesn’t have to die, so a girl that can literally rewind said future to make it go some other way? That’s exactly what you need to counter Nighteye’s quirk. Deku might talk about twisting fate all he wants, but considering how Nighteye’s quirk works and how precise and definitive it is, without something that can make what Nighteye saw happen just to bring it back and change it there was no way Deku could have done much.
As I said, I get why you’d be disappointed in the possibility of a total fix-it, but as far as bnha’s plot goes I don’t think the story’s gonna lose anything with simply keeping up the positive-to-a-naive-point look on life it has always had, if that’s what it decides to do. You might end up finding the story less good then you’d been expecting, but that’s because you were seeing bnha as a genre it has never even tried to be. This is still a story in which at some point holding hands saved the day, after all haha
Anon said:you always thanks horikoshi for your life but seriously, thank you, for my life
sob you’re so sweet oh my GOD ;O; thank you so much, I’m so so happy you’re liking my stuff!!!
Anon said:Would you ever draw anything nsfw or at least a little bit steamy?? I would love to see some of that in you style
That’s actually answered in my faq! But yeah to keep it short the answer is nope, I try to keep my blogs as sfw as I can manage! Also why would you want to see that sorta thing in my style omfg hahaha I feel like it would just end up looking wrong lmao
Anon said:im legit crying over this kiribaku comic 😭😭😭 bless you
I’m super happy you liked it but please don’t cry omfg !!!!*hands you tissues* 
Anon said:......LISTen!! !! ! I LOVE U SO MUCH!!! !! ! and thank u for the super quality content b l e s s u p! ! !!!
Anon said:I rambled about it and I'm still blown away by it but that comic made my day so so so so so much I feel blessed. I was so excited when I saw how much there was and all of it!!! Was so good!!!! The art was consistently amazing and gosh u blow me away ur so good!!! I know it must've taken a lot and doing all that and SO WELL in 3 days??? I rlly appreciate the effort u put in and I wanted to let you know I think it was incredible C: I hope ur having as lovely as a day as that comic made mine
I’m gonna legit start sobbing, thank you so so so so much ;O; it did take a whole damn lot of work, but with how nice you’re being I feel like it was 100% worth it!!!
Anon said:your comic totally made my saturday, kiri is so cuuute wtf?? and baku so hella pretty? i mean, the way you draw him?? i cant rlly explain it but thank you for this beauty on my dashboard. i have all those warm mushy feelings when i see your stuff
Thank you!!!! and I’m happy I could make you feel the mushy feels hahaha feeling mushy mush is good I’m always glad when I’m told I managed to convey that !!!!
Anon said:your comics were so cute and so well drawn!! your art always puts a smile on my face :)
And your nice words put a smile on mine so now we’re both smiling and happy!!!!!! I love that!!!!!! :D
Anon said:bless you and thank you for the kiribaku content, you're making my day every time dude
You’re all!!!! so kind!!!!!!! aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you
That’s actually a nice idea, but can I maybe ask you to come around again with a “please” and “could you”? I’m sure you didn’t mean anything bad by it and I love the enthusiasm, but I prefer it when people are being polite when asking for stuff out of me
Anon said:Okay, how bout this? Bakushima Skyrim AU. This might be a little too close to the fantasy AU but hear me out. So Bakugoi Katsuki is a Breton Spellsword who is commanded by his lord (Aizawa) to go help the Empire with the Stormcloak Rebellion, he is then sent to Helgen by General Tullius to investigate its sudden communication silence. He then meets Kirishima (Eric the Slayer) at Rorikstead who is immediately fascinated by him, they end up traveling together and discover that Bakugo is dragonborn
I mean!!! That sounds like an incredible concept!!! But I’ve never played skyrim in my life before and I could barely manage to follow this ask all the way through, so I’m probably not the best person to suggest this to haha
Anon said:is momo your first option for our lil rocker lesbian or is it mina?
What a question! And one I don’t have a proper answer to, actually - I like both of them equally but for completely different reasons? MomoJirou is the type of ship I sorta see as more or less canon, like, they’re pretty damn obvious aren’t they? And they’re besties! And the aesthetics work so well! So generally I’m like, if I gotta pick one person for Jirou, basing the decision solely on canon stuff, I’m gonna pick Momo. They’re soft and warm too, have sort of a coffee-shop-AU feel to them, I love it
On the other hand Jirou and Mina don’t really have a significant relationship in canon yet - they’re friends and chill together now and again, but haven’t really interacted much in a proper way for me to say “yes, I can see it, this is a ship with some serious foundation” like I can with Momo. But. I understand this ship in a way I can’t seem to manage with MomoJirou. What Jirou would love in Mina and what Mina would love in Jirou, why they’d love each other, how they’d spend their time together and what the general feel of their story would be - the mood of it and the reasons behind it, I understand them, and I can’t seem to manage to do that with Momo yet.
So the actual answer is, if it’s about which of the two gives me more of a “this might actually be canon” feel, then it’s Momo. I do believe they love each other and their relationship is lovely. But if it’s about which of the two I have more fun thinking about, then Mina. It’s two very different ships with very different moods, after all haha
Anon said:your latest warm up my heart!!! man i love how you draw izuku and eri and mirio and well all of them but you dont often draw izuku especially congrats i never want to look away from it
I’M GLAD YOU LIKED THAT ONE I’m actually weirdly proud of how that Izuku came out since usually I can barely manage to make him look like himself, so!!!! thank you!!!!!!
Anon said:Fran, hi! I saw some drawings of you (like, YOU) and I got under the impression that you're really tall??? Would you mind telling us your height? If it's too weird and it gets you uncomfortable, please, just ignore!
I decieved you, anon lmao I’m ~160cm, more or less like my girl Mina! Still the tallest girl in my family, but a small bean none the less in the grand scheme of things haha
Anon said:Looking at your art reminds me that there still are good things to look forward to. Thank you.
This is such a soft ask??? Oh my god???? Thank you so much for the kind feeling!!!
Anon said:you did!! A background on the momojirou!! And I LOVE IT!!
I’M HAPPY YOU LIKED IT!!!!! It’s just flowers, tho haha
Anon said:Your art is so nice to look at, it's really soft and pretty and looking at it makes me really happy!! I fell in love with your style the moment I saw it. Thank you for making such lovely art and posting it here, I really appreciate getting to see it ♡♡♡
;O; thank you so much oh my god!!!! I still feel like it’s sort of all over the place, but this ask makes me feel so much better about it aaah!!!!!!
Anon said:minajirou!! i never thought about so thank you fran bcause its so cute!! and soft!! and bright!! my best girls yess
THEY’RE GOOD AREN’T THEY bright beautiful ladies they make me so happy hahaha
Anon said:Your blog has changed my life for the better. thank you
I’m sure that’s an exaggeration omfg but I’m happy I can make you happy!!!
Anon said:Gosh Fran, I just wait for Kirishima with his hair down to be animated. Thank god you indulge us with your doodles of his fluffy hair down while we wait! On another note... I love how you add some random details in your drawings (like Kiri's tag sticking out lol).
THANK YOU for noticing even the small things like that hahaha some details like that are more for my personal amusement than anything else, but it’s nice to know some people pick up on them too hahaha
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remcsluplns · 7 years
sad, boring american summer;;
In which Remus and the rest of the Marauders go to America for a month during summer break. warnings -- swearing, that’s it tho!! word count -- 1429 __________________________________________________ The summer before seventh year, James Potter decided that they had to do something big. It was their last summer before they were completely done with school and James wanted to make the most of it. Something big, he decided, was road tripping through America for a month. He’d personally always wanted to go to the U.S., a sentiment that some of his friends did not hold themselves. His friends actually only being one friend. That friend being Remus Lupin. “Prongs, this is bloody ridiculous. America? For an entire month?” He had been lying in his bed, reading, when James had ran in from the common room, excitement clear in his voice. He was now sitting up, clearly aggravated that he was the only rational one in the room. “Well, I think it sounds fantastic, Prongs!” Peter exclaimed, hopping off his bed. “Think ‘bout it Rem! It’s our last summer before we graduate! It’ll be brilliant!” “Missin’ the real appeal, Wormtail. Think about the girls, Moony,” Sirius butted in, standing up himself, and walking toward Remus. “American girls, Moony!” He took Remus by the shoulders, shaking him almost violently. “Do you know what they say about American girls?” Remus rolled his eyes, shrugging Sirius’s hands off of him. “They’re just girls, Pads. Same as they are here,” He insisted, flopping back down on his back, eyes glued to the ceiling. Three-against-one. He didn’t have a bloody chance with these fools. Sirius simply laughed, shaking his head. “Come, Moony, and I think they’ll prove you wrong,” He’d said with finality, and Moony knew for certain that he’d lost. And so here he was now, two weeks into their American adventure, and just as miserable as he’d been when James had announced the stupid idea. They’d gone from New York City, to Philadelphia, to Boston, and now, with the full moon approaching, they found themselves in a quiet area of Maine. A small town, with plenty of forest, for the guarantee that he wouldn’t harm anyone during his transformation. The boys had arrived in the middle of the night, and had fallen asleep almost immediately. Now, in the early morning, they found themselves woken up by an incessant knocking on their small cabin’s door. James began to get up, but Remus with his full moon moodiness kicked in got there first. Still just wearing his skivvies, he snapped open the door, undereye circles evident under his eyes. “What could you possibly fucking want this early in the morning?” He’d screamed, eyes still too swollen from sleep to register the small teenage girl at the door, looking up at him with wide-eyed terror. He was promptly pulled away from the entrance, Prongs taking his place with an apologetic smile. “Christ, I’m sorry, love. My friend’s a little grumpy in the morning,” He explained, a dopey smile on his face as he looked down at whoever was at the door. Remus couldn’t see them with Prongs standing where he was. “Don’t apologize for me!” He growled, emerging again from behind his better mannered friend. He could easily look over James’s shoulder, and shame burned in his chest as he made eye contact with a wisp of a girl, likely a year younger than them. Her pretty face showed exactly what she felt; confusion, fear, and behind her lips, a bit of laughter.
“What’s funny?” Remus asked, taking a step forward, edging James away from the door. He wasn’t offended, just genuinely confused. Though, he supposed he shouldn’t be. Pretty girls usually laugh at me, he thought bitterly. She looked a bit shocked at the question, and she shook her head immediately. “Nothing!” She squeaked, her hands clasped in front of her tightly. “I know I’ve got a bad habit of laughing when I feel a bit awkward, and I know it’s awfully rude. I’m sorry!” Now he was the one feeling awkward. What was she, apart of the military? He sighed, reaching up and pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’m not… you’re not… it’s fine…” He finally decided on, stepping from the door, and gesturing for her to enter. “You can come in, if you’d like.” “No, that’s fine, I was just --,” “I think it’d be easier to recover from my lack of sleep if the girl who caused this lack of sleep had a cup of coffee with me and my friends, and explained why I’m not sleeping right now,” He insisted, his voice a bit hoarse as he stepped away completely. She nodded and entered behind him, closing the door and standing awkwardly in front of it. Remus and the rest of the Marauders sat at the small wooden table in the corner of their cabin, but instead of eating breakfast, they all stared tiredly at her. What kind of grumpy teenage boy hell had she walked into? The one with the glasses, who had apologized for the angry one, was the only one with a kind expression on his face. “C’mere, love. Take a seat. Ignore these gits, they really need their beauty sleep, yeah?” She nodded, and walked cautiously over to the table. The only seat available was in between the mean one, and a small boy. She took it, eyes staring straight ahead at the boy with the glasses. There was a moment of awkward tension before the final one with the messy black hair spoke. “So, what demon urged you to knock on a person’s door at,” He picked up glasses boy’s wrist, and looked at the time. “Eight in the fuck-- ow, James! Eight in the morning.” He finally finished, rubbing the spot on his arm where glasses b-- James had hit him.
She swallowed her smile, instead opting for a more apologetic face, her hands clasped in front of her on the worn table. “I’m sorry, yeah? My father’s not the most understanding man in the world, and you lot were being rowdy last night. You woke ‘im up, so he sent me over this morning to speak politely to you guys, ‘cause he said he didn’t have it in him to do anything other than smack you all ‘side the heads. I guess we both forgot that most people don’t get up this early.” The girl spoke clearly, and she made eye contact with each of the Marauders at least once during the duration of her little speech. Well, except for Remus. She avoided his gaze like the plague, much to his disappointment. This whole ‘werewolf’ thing had managed to bite him in the ass in all areas of life, hadn’t it? James nodded, reaching across the table with a cheeky smile on his face. He clasped her little hand in his larger one, and squeezed tightly. “We forgive you, darling. And again, I apologize for the behaviors of my friends.” He leaned across the table, lifting her hand to his lips and kissing her knuckles chastely. “I’m James, by the way.” The girl smiled back at him, but she seemed more amused than interested, which, for some reason, gave Remus a burst of relief. “I’m grateful for your forgiveness, and your apology, James.” She stood, now glancing from each boy at the table. Even Remus. “We haven’t gotten off to a good start, boys, and for that, I’m sorry. I was always taught to be polite and kind, and I was neither of those things when I woke you all up. For that, I volunteer to come over tonight --” She was interrupted by Sirius’s cheeky little groan at her words, but nonetheless, she continued, “-- to make dinner for you lot. Is that alright?” Remus wanted to say no, it wasn’t alright due to the fact that tonight he’d be transforming, but Peter spoke quicker than him. “Of course it is! It's Peter, by the way!” He exclaimed, standing as well. The pretty girl smiled, and clapped her hands together. “Then it’s decided! I’ll be over at four!” She squealed, practically out the door when James got out his question. “Wait, what’s your name, love?” He called after her, standing up, and walking over to where she stood at the door. She peeked her head back in, and smiled at him. “Y/N,” She said, and she was gone, the door closed behind her, with eight hours on the clock ‘till she returned to them. Remus would be counting those minutes, he was sure.
there will be a part 2 to this, though I'm not sure when that'll be. feel free to send in any requests, as they're open!
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masterserris · 4 years
the rise of skywalker = good
spoilers under cut you were warned
we love sheev the movie
best movie? no. room for improvement? yes. a really good movie overall and the characters were good and made overall good/decently logical choices? absolutely.
 fin good. i love him. and the obvious hint he can use the force is 10/10 he did so much work in this movie. i like poe/fin or rey/fin. or all three together, fuck it, they all hugged in the end anyways
poe is good he’s a good boy him and finn are so good. poe gets a lot of development and care and we love that he struggles but loves his friends and wins in the end by believing in others to come. (he did think they lost but only for a second. he was proven right that people would come. thanks lando we appreciate you here.)
rey is amazing and her growth/struggle is great i love that she’s a palpatine that’s so metal. and she stays good oough yess. palpatine wins in the end? or at least A palpatine? the only survivor? no more sith OR jedi. just. rey palpatine and any other new force users like fin. FINALLLY, evil wins! kinda lmao hahhaahhaha
i like how technically the series stared with palpatine and ended with rey. 
it started with a slave child in the desert (anakin) who became dark, and ended with a child soldier in the dark who became light at the end (ben)
the sheev-ening. we love emperor step peppers. he’s so good in this. force storm ya’ll!! 
“hiS pLaN MakEs nO sEnSe!!1!”
shut tf up. either he possesses rey once she killed him, or he sucks the life outta her and restores himself once he found out about that bond power with ben or force healing whatever it was if she refused (like he did), or just kills her and sends his troops out to take everything over like. that’s not a bad plan bro. he wins either way. the only reason he lost is because the dummy killed himself with his own force lighting (AGAIN, DIDNT YOU LEARN FROM EPISODE 3 OLD MAN????). she did not strike him down, she defended. he killed himself, technically. she pulled a luke in that sense. it was not the jedi way. (though i guess by the end she is neither sith nor jedi)
plus he made an armada in secret the man was geared for success and had access to cloning tech too, as shown by snoke. if he couldnt have rey, he would have cloned himself or some shit. he has space voodoo, the man is scary and i love him for it. 
ben was. ok. kylo was much more intimidating and straight forward with his actions at least. and ben switching sides made sense. what i didnt like was his ending very much. why tf did he and rey kiss????? they were enemies for 2 and 3/4 movies. they didnt even speak until he showed up to help fight palpatine. 
there is a bit of tension but not romantic whatever, he just poofed once he resurrected rey anyways. rip all skywalkers 2019
she is an adopted skywalker and that’s nice.
side tangent bc i’ve been seeing some fans crying over ben’s death, which i get it if you are a big fan of him:
((i guess i was just way more invested into rey as a character than ben solo. he was. there. he was alright, i could see the struggle but the tone-shift from TLJ really threw things wack and i just ended up not caring too much when he died unforntuately. i wish i did more. i mean it was sad, it would have been neat if he lived, but i kinda saw it coming as soon as rey “died”
im like, oh, he’s gonna climb up bc of course he’s fine and then save her since he saw her use force healing, so he’s gonna try it. he’s resurrecting the dead so it’s either gonna kill him or really make him weak. we got the former so. yeah. it was anticipated kinda. leia dying was much more emotional for me i guess. the love between her and her son was way more impactful than ben and rey. 
like i said!! they were enemies for so long!! he tried to reach out, but he was a slimey dark side bitch who was trying to convert her and she knew it and wasnt down with that shit!! that aint romantic ya’ll!! christ! he was only good for 20 minutes before he died and they didnt even talk before he just showed up! if they had more time really getting into it and if he was good and reached out to her to talk, that would have been way better and more convincing is all im saying. 
sure they fought together on snoke’s ship and talked, but it was still very. scary for rey. and then he attacked her friends and rebellion again! bitch, why did she kiss him!?
nothing against reylo shippers, i really dont care, that’s your business, i personally enjoy fin/rey much more, im just saying it seems forced in this situation. they tried to kill each other so many times. that’s animosity, not love.))
WHERE WAS ANAKIN AND OBI FORCE GHOST UGH. at least we got all of the voices of the jedi past helping rey in the climax that was awesome (including jin, obi, yoda, anakin, luke, leia, ect)
yeah also rip leia. she should have died in the second movie but she was good in this and it really hit the feels since carrie is... dead for real.
luke was good in this!!!! helpful boy!!! nice boy!!! i liked the flash back to when he trained leia it was so sweet to see them young again, if only for a moment.
the han solo scene was good ough my heart. 
all of the character’s choices were overall good and made sense in the scheme of things, everything was streamlined bc it had to be.
it kinda felt like 2 movies crammed into 1 but it kinda worked and that makes sense bc of TLJ’s.... choices and changes in direction. 
i dont think this movie was a train wreck. it’d place it as my 3rd fav star wars movie. for now, i may shift things around but you get the idea.
my current rankings so far for main line live action sw movies 
(rogue one would be at 4 along with revenge of the sith and i didnt care enough to see solo.)
1. empire strikes back (obvious pick)
2. a new hope (luke is best boy)
3. rise of skywalker (as listed above)
4. revenge of the sith (clone wars show really got me to like older anakin. and obi is just. 10/10 in general. speaking of generals, i love grievous. and commander rex. rip all clones and jedi tho. F)
5/6. return of the jedi/force awakens (about even) 
[the thing about return of the jedi is that the ending whole section with the death star and vader and palpatine and the struggle against jabba were really good! it just a lot of other stuff is... meh in the film]
7. the last jedi (sorry had to do it to ya. also rip Phasma)
8/9. phantom menace/attack of the clones (ya’ll know why)
im so glad im rewatching the clone wars show it was so good and oughghghg so good. i love the clones so damn much and everyone so much
star wars good ya’ll
anyways, i already loved palpatine and im just wildin’ right now we love a emperor. a queen. a bad bitch you cant kill. just vibin. like damn, iconic. he said “do it” and everything. a meme legend and godsend
in sheev we trust. you belong with sheev. real sheev hours. the sheev-ening. palpatine-ception. you name it, we vibe with it
NOW I WANT A NICE AU WHERE THE CHARACTERS LIVE AND PALPATINE IS JUST A GRANDDAD. scary but nice granddad to rey or some shit. anakin is still around, they are all still around. just silly fun alright?
the reverse of TLJ and i can see why the stupid irony lmFAO
the “thank you rian johnson” tag trending on twitter is wack and it’s dumb. his movie was dumb ya’ll. that’s my take and im not alone. im not some crazy hardcore fan either nor do i care that much about the politics or what ever. the characters in TLJ made REALLY dumb decisions that got their butts kicked and people killed over and over and it was not fun to watch everyone being dumb and dying, alright? wack. bad vibes. 
i didn’t care for the “thank you jj abrams” tag either bc both tags ended up just being one taking pot-shots at the other and it was full of nasty vibes. just a lot of negative bullshit and only a few good comments just saying what they liked about those movies. i appreciate when people just say they like something. even if it’s something i PERSONALLY dont like, it’s neat to see. but when people bitch and moan, even if i agree personally, it isnt that fun. it’s annoying as hell, esp if it’s mostly unfounded or just repeated a million times.
like months later, or also about something from years ago, people still havent shut up about it. that’s when i get pissed off. like, sure, hate something. say you hate it, whatever. your blog your platform, go off queen, but then shut up please and dont drag it out forever. people dont like negativity so expect people to leave your ass behind if you keep at it. or get blocked or whatever. 
negative shit all the time just aint a good look is all im saying. just love what you love and show it. it’s nice. the good part about fandoms is sharing love for media.
but hey, it’s your life. you do whatever, who am i to say anything?
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comicteaparty · 5 years
April 1st-April 7th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from April 1st, 2019 to April 7th, 2019.  The chat focused on Stomp! by Brodnork.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Stomp! by Brodnork~! (http://stompwebcomic.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until April 7th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. What do you believe is in the box Silvergammel gives Stomp at the beginning of the story? Do you believe the box will open soon, or will it still be a while? What do you think will happen when it does open?
Hi! I was just caught up in setting up my April Fools gag on twitter that I completely forgot this was happening today
ironically yours is the gag that reminded me of the date cause i super had to double check i was tagging the right account on twitter cause i was so confused XD
Haha thats fair
It's actually a super convenient time for this sort of discussion, seeing as a chapter just ended and it's on a small hiatus for a bit.
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. How do you think Tandrad and Inkcrest are doing? What do you think happened in regards to the Hooligrin paying a visit to Tandrad ominously? What role might Tandrad have to play in the story?
1) my favorite scene this time i think is when they go to the moon and defeat the queen. i enjoy the humor that shes just so flat out fed up with them no amount of revenge is worth it. i just also love the simple aesthetic changes as well cause despite being simple, they really convey that feeling of alienness. 2) i mean the devil's advocate is the obvious choice. maybe its not tho. maybe its the deus ex machina that will save the die. like baby pictures of the hooligrin that can be used as blackmail. i feel itll still be a while before it comes into play, and i feel too stomp himself probably forgot about it. as for what will happen when it opens, probably some sort of epic fight whether related to the box or not. i also feel like silvergammel might not even know for sure whats in the box despite thinking stomp would like it.
3) Still Clomp because he's the cool one who has a dorky hat and sunglasses and i just like his overall joking sort of laid back attitude about everything. but mostly, hes the cool one. 4) Tandrad and Inkcrest are probably fine, but the theme park owners? probably not so much. Mostly becuase the Hooligrin can only be a bad influence on tandrad and probably said, "im your friend and i say you should murder them." but i think tandrad is gonna appear as an antagonist again next alongside the hooligrin and stomp will have to convince tandrad theyre still friends. then tandrad will betray hooligrin and hooligrin will curse them all while going for plan c.
Ooh, i like those theories about the box
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. What aspect of the world-building have you liked the most? What future role do you believe the aliens might have to play? Further, do you think Comp will learn to control his psychic powers?
5) im a huge fan of this more recent page, especially the last panel http://stompwebcomic.com/comic/214. i just adore the lighting effects on this page between the red and the glow. and i love the details on how the sword emerges with all the kind of partical spray. it definitely feels like a magical sword and like something truly amazing is happening. 6) ive really enjoyed in general just the world history. like the pirates, the hiss clickers, the alien war. i really love how this stuff is informing present day events while not being completely about it either. it makes the world feel super fleshed out without overriding whats going on. as for the aliens, im not sure theyll be coming back unless hooligrin makes even more "friends." but i do think comp is gonna pick up those psychic powers. just in the greatest time of need. hell show everyone how he can bend a spoon just like in the matrix.
Thanks, Im actually pretty proud of that panel but I was worried it wouldn't have the impact I wanted
This is really cute so far! It feels pretty slice-of-life-y
Thanks! I guess it sort of is slice of life, seeing as Stomp's life kinda involves going on adventures regularly
Rey first thought is this an enormous amount of work and that should always be celebrated
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. What do you think the Devil’s Advocate is? Who is the Hooligrin’s boss and why do they want it? Do you think Hooligrin does know where it is? How will this storyline continue to affect Stomp and company?
Stomp and the Uncle
Omgosh they are hilarious
My fav scene was the part with the rotten eggnog and he keeps saying random things like I do when I’m tired
“You’ll never take me alive.”
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. Of the adventures Stomp has been on so far, which one is your favorite? What did you like about it specifically? Also, which adventure played out in a way you didn’t expect?
7) the characters i probably enjoy seeing interact most are stomp and chomp. they really have such opposite attitudes about adventure, life, and the amount of safety precautions each will take. and i enjoy seeing that contrast be played around with and how inevitably, stomp is usually dragging chomp on adventures to. 8) the devil's advocate is clearly a device that just points out all the flaws in your argument. hooligrin's boss wants to use it to become the best politician in the world by weeding out all their bad arguments and understanding their political opponents better. but more seriously, probably something to summon a demon. and ya know blah blah get all that demon power to rule the world. i think hooligrin thinks he knows where it is, but i def dont think what he thinks is the correct location. and inevitably hooligrin is gonna have to go back to plan a cause stomp is the only good lead
RebelVampireLast Friday at 8:19 AM
9) i love how consistently the world design generally is. like the tree designs consistently look the same, the hiss clickers, and just like the fuzzy quality to all the creatures makes them all feel like they belong in the world. it really helps make the world feel like a cohesive and unique place all its own where characters are actually living. 10) I liked the moon adventure the most i think. I like how the shopping cart was used, how one of the main characters was tied in, and i just generally liked how the queen was defeated. cause it was sad and hilarious. as for adventures that played out in a way i didnt expect, thatd definitely be the treasure hunt one. mostly cause i thought theyd at least find something worthwhile. instead it was just danger and more danger. and yet, they were still happy cause yaay exciting adventures. plus, ya know, a flying shopping cart.
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. What do you think Cigast was up to in the mine in regards to collecting all the crystals? How do Cigast and Silvergammel supposedly know each other? What consequences will there be for Stomp failing to stop Cigast?
11) i think the comic's strength is its world-building and how it ties the world into the story. as i mentioned in an earlier question, i just really enjoy how the story makes the world feel like an actual place where characters are living. i also feel theres really a good balance in how the world is presented, as there are tons of relateable things and parodies that help connect you to the world. but even so, they are able to remain unique. but generally, theres just a lot of character to the world that feels as much a part of how the story unfolds as the rest of the story elements. 12) honestly i kind of think cigast is working with hooligrin in some manner. like not directly persay, but maybe a coworker or hooligrin's black market magic dealer. so i think stomp's failure is gonna spell trouble for stomp later in the next confrontation with hooligrin. cause if i go with my theory on cigast, then cigast is probably giving stuff to hooligrin to use. as for how cigast and silvergammel know each other, maybe they were buddies in college but then cigast went down the dark path and silvergammel didnt want to be buddies anymore and it was very sad.
Thanks for your comments about the world!!
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. Do you believe Silvergammel will actually tell Stomp his stories are fake? How might this affect Stomp? Do you believe Stomp should continue adventuring anyway despite the danger? Should everyone let him?
13) im looking forward to just seeing their adventures in general. i really like learning about the world they live in. but im also looking forward to stomp overcoming people's beliefs he cant go on real adventures. 14) i feel like maybe hell go for an inbetween. like say "well some of the stories arent real." mostly cause silvergammel already putting it off, so i dont trust him to for real tell stomp. but i feel this could go one of two ways. stomp will go on a big huge adventure to prove everyone wrong, or stomp will get depressed and go on a reluctant adventure. but in the long run, yeah, i think stomp will continue adventuring. not that he shouldnt be dissuaded, but stubborn is as stubborn does
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Stomp! this week! Please also give a special thank you to Brodnork for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Stomp!, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://stompwebcomic.com/
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Brodnork’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/A561YF0
Brodnork’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Brodnork
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zell-dincht · 7 years
It’s High-namura Noon
Chapter 2 Words: 2648 Rating: Still pretty vanilla. There will be smut eventually, tho. Of course. Summary: Hanzo is LOST. Notes: Please go to AO3 and read the comments.  They might actually be more entertaining than the fic itself.  Plz. (People yelling at me about involving China when there are 0 mentions of China and Hanamura is literally in the title) (HERE IS THE LINK TO AO3)
The encounter with the bandits had left Hanzo more exhausted than he realized. He had only meant to take an afternoon nap, but it was already fairly late in the evening, so he managed to sleep throughout the night and into the next morning.
The bus jerked to a stop, finally rousing Hanzo from his sleep. They had reached another waystation someplace in Arkansas, according to the driver. This was a different driver from the previous day, but Hanzo thought nothing of it. This was a long trip, and drivers and passengers would sometimes swap at the various Greyhound stations along the way.
As the passengers shuffled around, some disembarking for good, others simply taking a break, Hanzo remained in his seat and checked his phone for messages. Just as he had feared, there was nothing from Genji. He tried calling his brother again, but the phone went straight to voicemail. Hanzo didn’t bother leaving another message, but instead called their father to keep him up-to-date, conveniently leaving out the part where he fought highway robbers.
The bus ride continued once again for several hours, and there was more of the same nothing to see out the window. They eventually crossed the border into Oklahoma, but being unfamiliar with American geography, Hanzo didn’t notice anything was amiss until he left the bus to buy some snacks from a rest stop.
As he exited the gas station and found the bus, he saw in bright red letters just above the door: “Carson City, Nevada.”
As he thought back, Hanzo recalled his pursuit through the cornfield, then returning to the rest stop. He didn’t check the sign above the doors because it hadn’t occurred to him that there would be another bus there. His driver must have departed while Hanzo chased that cowboy, only for another Greyhound to arrive in the meantime. It was the only possibility.
Whatever happened, there was no use dwelling on the past. The fact remained that he was stuck here and would very much prefer not to get on that bus and continue further away from his destination.
Once again, Hanzo felt regret in his travel decisions. He should have taken a plane, and he should have brought his smartphone. But there was no way he could have ever thought this would happen. This was never meant to be a complicated trip. Just fly to Boston, pick up Genji, and return to Japan. Simple. Yet here he was, stranded in the middle of nowhere, with absolutely nothing but his wallet and a flip phone.
He made his way back into the gas station and spoke to the man behind the register. “Pardon me. My plans have changed, and I no longer need to ride this bus,” he lied, embarrassed to tell the truth. “Is there a phone number I might call to hire a taxi?”
“Sorry, buddy,” the man replied. “Ain’t no taxis ‘round here. Not much o’ anything, ‘less you wanna try hitchin’.”
Hanzo fell into a thoughtful silence as he pondered his situation, but before he could come up with a solution, the man behind the counter spoke up again.
“Know what? My cousin’s got an ol’ beater he’s been tryin’ to sell.” The clerk spoke loudly and slowly, which Hanzo suspected was because he was a foreigner. He narrowed his eyes a little, unhappy with the assumption, but still remained politely silent and allowed the man to continue. “If you want, I can give ‘im a call and have ‘im bring it down here. You can buy it and take yourself wherever it is you’re goin’.”
“Thank you for the offer. I’ll need a moment to consider,” Hanzo replied and stepped back outside.
The bus to Nevada looked like it was ready to leave any second. He supposed he could try his luck and ride the bus to a more populated town where he could rent a car or buy another bus ticket, but he didn’t know how much further out of the way that would take him. He had already wasted enough time on this trip. A car of his own would be much more efficient, but that would be a lot of money to spend on something he only needed for a couple days.
Hanzo called his father for guidance, this time admitting the truth to what he had done. Of course, that earned him a harsh scolding, but thankfully, his father offered a simple solution. He would transfer money to Hanzo’s account for the car, and once his trip was complete, he could get the money back by selling the car again.
Once that was settled, Hanzo returned to the clerk and agreed to look at this car. He waited outside the gas station for a few minutes until a man drove up in an old, beat-up Chevrolet. Hanzo cringed as he looked over the car, but reminded himself that as long as it would get him to Padre Island, he didn’t need anything fancy.
After a bit of negotiating, the man agreed to sell the car for $2000. Hanzo purchased a money order from the clerk, which he then gave in exchange for the car. Before driving away, Hanzo asked for directions to Texas, and the two men gave a quick description of which roads to take. With business settled, Hanzo started the car and set out alone.
Driving on the right side of the road felt a bit odd to Hanzo, but he quickly adjusted and maneuvered the vehicle perfectly well as he continued to follow the instructions he had been given.
As he drove on and on, he began to zone out and succumb to highway hypnosis. His eyes were so fixed on the road itself, that Hanzo almost missed the man walking along the shoulder with his thumb sticking out. At the sight of an approaching car, the man frantically waved his arms and jumped out into the road, finally catching Hanzo’s attention.
Hanzo slammed on the breaks, staring wide-eyed at this man who impulsively threw himself into traffic. Of all the people in this vast stretch of country, the hitchhiker just happened to be the very same cowboy from the Greyhound robbery.
“You again!” Hanzo shouted as he immediately shifted the car into park and jumped out of the driver’s seat.
“Well if it ain’t the little ninja that threw a wrench in my little scheme,” Jesse grinned.
Hanzo ignored the part where the man called him a “ninja” and simply lunged forward, roughly gripping the cowboy by the front of his shirt. “You shot that man.”
“Now, hang on there, I didn’t shoot anybody!” Jesse protested. “That was all Wilson. New guy, bit of a wild card. Never liked him.”
“He was one of your men - your responsibility,” Hanzo insisted.
“Ain’t my men no more,” the cowboy sighed. “They ditched me. Took the money and left me in the middle o’ nowhere.”
Hanzo paused thoughtfully, then shoved Jesse away, back towards the shoulder of the road. He wanted this man to pay for his crimes, but it seemed karma had already bit him in the ass.
“It’s the least you deserve,” Hanzo replied as he made his way back to the car.
“C’mon, man, you can’t just leave me here,” Jesse pleaded.
“Watch me,” Hanzo countered as he sat down behind the wheel.
But before the door was shut, the cowboy called out, “Thought you was goin’ to San Antonio?”
Hanzo paused. “That isn’t your concern.”
“Maybe not, but you oughtta know this is the wrong way.”
“The man at the gas station told me Texas is this way.”
“He ain’t wrong, if you wanna go to the panhandle,” Jesse explained. “San Antonio’s on the other end of the state. See? You’re fixin’ to get yourself lost. You need me.”
Hanzo gave an irritated scowl. He did not like this man one bit, but he couldn’t deny the outlaw had a much better lay of the land. “Fine. Which way is San Antonio?”
“Take this road ‘til ya see signs for 270. Make a right,” Jesse explained. “That’ll turn into 412. Stay on it, and it’ll take you straight there.”
“That’s all?”
“That’s all.”
“Thank you,” Hanzo tersely replied as he slammed the door shut. He could hear the cowboy’s muffled shouts as he shifted back into drive, but ignored the cries as he rode off, leaving Jesse stranded.
He easily followed the roads that the other man pointed out, but after hours and hours of driving, Hanzo found no sign that he was getting anywhere near Texas. However, later in the evening, he did pass a sign welcoming visitors to New Mexico.
Though he was out of his element, Hanzo was certain that the next border he crossed should have been from Oklahoma into Texas. He had followed Jesse’s instructions perfectly, yet he still managed to get lost. Unless…
That scoundrel gave him bad directions. Hanzo was a fool to think he could have trusted that man. However, it was getting late, and he was exhausted from driving most of the day. He decided to call it quits for the night and continue the drive in the morning.
When Hanzo reached something resembling civilization, he found a motel off the highway and booked a room for the night. After spending so much time on that awful bus, he relished the opportunity for a warm bath and a real bed.
Though, after his bath, Hanzo decided to wait a little longer before settling into bed. All of his belongings were still on that first Greyhound bus, so he needed to restock on a few supplies first. There wasn’t much in this town, but at least Hanzo was able to locate a large chain store that sold a little bit of everything. The clothing selection wasn’t much to his liking, but he managed to find a few suitable outfits and enough toiletries to hold him over until he could find Genji.
As he paid for his supplies, Hanzo realized he had barely eaten all day. There weren’t many places open this late, but on his way back to the motel, he spotted a small restaurant that still seemed to be serving customers.
He parked the old Chevy and made his way inside to find that although the place did advertise barbecue, the inside looked more like a bar. Hanzo felt so out of place, yet the rumbling in his stomach urged him to stay and order some food.
His eyes glanced over the crowd for an open seat, but he suddenly stood frozen in place, jaw dropped in shock as he noticed that once again, his path seemed to miraculously lead him to Jesse. Part of him wanted to leave before the cowboy could notice him, but deep down, he still felt an anger for this man and the fact that he had not properly atoned for his crimes.
In that brief moment of hesitation, the decision was made for him. Jesse glanced up and met Hanzo’s gaze. The cowboy grinned widely, seeming much less surprised to see the other man.
Hanzo quickly approached his table, glaring angrily. “I followed your instructions perfectly. This isn’t Texas.”
“Sure isn’t,” Jesse chuckled.
“You misled me on purpose?!”
“Hey, now, you left me for the buzzards,” the cowboy pointed out.
“Clearly you have not suffered the appropriate penance for your crimes. I will notify the local authorities that they harbor a criminal in their town.” Hanzo turned to leave, but Jesse suddenly reached out and grabbed him by the arm.
“Hey, now, don’t go do anything rash.”
“Like rob a bus?!” Hanzo loudly countered, despite the other man’s attempts at shushing him. “Hardly.”
“C’mon, sit down, have a drink, and let’s talk this over.” Jesse tried to give his arm a tug.
Hanzo, however, roughly pulled his arm away, and in the process, accidentally threw his elbow into a nearby biker who was carrying a full mug of beer back to his table. As the man stumbled forward, the drink sloshed over the edge of the cup, soaking the front of his shirt and his long, gray beard. He immediately turned on his assailant, glaring furiously as the rest of his gang slowly rose from their seats.
It was just an honest mistake, but Hanzo panicked and pointed towards Jesse, who had clapped a hand over his mouth and slid lower in his chair. “He did it.”
Naturally, none of the bikers believed the lie. There was no possible way Jesse could have been the culprit. The man who spilled his beer immediately launched a punch in Hanzo’s direction, but the attack was easily dodged. The biker had momentum, though, and his punch continued past his target and collided into the jaw of a different customer. Nobody cared to explain the mishap, or even listen to an explanation, so an all-out-brawl broke out in the bar.
The bikers split their attention between Hanzo and the second man who had been accidentally punched, while other patrons jumped in to defend against the bikers. Though Hanzo was very skilled in combat, he was still outnumbered. One of his opponents managed to grab hold of him and launch him several feet back, causing him to land flat on Jesse’s table.
Before the cowboy could say anything, Hanzo immediately shot him a furious glare and shouted, “This is entirely your fault!”
He remained sitting on the table and swung his legs around and planted a rough kick to Jesse’s chest, knocking him backwards onto the floor. But before he could follow up, somebody gripped the back of Hanzo’s shirt, yanking him away. Two of the bikers managed to hold him down and pin him to the wall. Just as Hanzo feared he couldn’t escape before sustaining a serious injury, a wooden chair swept across both his attacker’s heads. The bikers crumpled to the ground, bringing Hanzo face-to-face with Jesse, who stood there panting heavily, rubbing his chest.
Hanzo had absolutely no idea why the cowboy would come to his rescue, but this wasn’t the time for questioning it. He simply acknowledged Jesse with a grateful nod, then pushed past him to knock out another man who looked to be winding up to hit the cowboy.
As badly as Hanzo hated this man, it seemed he had no choice but to team up with him. This brawl was too out of control and there were too many combatants to go at it alone. Jesse’s fighting style was clunky and untrained, but he managed to hold his own surprisingly well.
Just as the two men were falling in sync, finding their rhythm, a sudden shotgun blast rang over the noise of the brawl. Everyone froze in place and looked to the door, where the local sheriff stood with his weapon pointed at the ceiling, wooden dust sprinkling down from where the bullets had lodged themselves. He was flanked by his deputy and two officers, who were all clearly ready to react if anyone so much as stepped a toe out of line.
“Who started this mess?” the sheriff demanded.
Although Hanzo had just been fighting alongside Jesse, he suddenly remembered the hatred he felt for the man and immediately pointed an accusing finger at the cowboy, who, likewise, pointed his finger at Hanzo.
“Good ‘nuff for me.” The sheriff nodded to the two men as he addressed the other officers. “Cuff ‘em.”
Knowing better than to fight a lawman, Hanzo simply stood in stunned silence as he felt the cold metal of the handcuffs as they clamped down on his wrists.
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asdnurafiqah · 6 years
daily rants
Shall update this daily :
-I feel bad. I feel insecure but i better not think of what happened yesterday night.
-Politics is indeed interesting. I am yet to discover so many things-both good and bad !
But at times, the information is a tad bit complicated. My brain izzZZZ tired
-I need a new phone already !!!! Or !!! At least !!! A camera !!!
- Yes, the thoughts come over and over again. I literally suck at every single thing that I do with my life. Be it academic or non- academic ! Why is luck always miles away from meh ? I hope things were easier, i wish i wont have to burden anyone, ever again. But things just happened, I couldn’t do much about it 😢
- i think it’s always a good idea to look up every single time we dont remember/decipher anything because most of the time, we overlooked at the things which, if acknowledged, can instantly lift the fog 🤔
- im going to further my studies very very soon. Maybe that’s why Ive started to feel homesick. That’s why ive started to cheerish every moment i have with my family at least during our daily dinner. I know they are the ones i’ll miss the most and always look forward to see every single day during my tertiary education. I’m sad that it’s time to leaving already 😪 I wish we were richer so that my parents can buy a house near my institution and live there 😶
-last before i sleep. I don’t even feel appreciated. I don’t even feel important. My feelings aint matter no more. Well, maybe this is exactly what i ever did to anyone. Deal with it ✌🏻
-wait, it’s just stupid feeling that way. One by one is leaving for scholarships but here I am catching feelings. What a sad life lmaooo
- okay now i miss my father . Ayah !!! Please come home fast !!!! 😭😭😭
- I had so much fun shopping with ibu & wawa. We were there for almost 6 hours and i bought so many things. I have We Bare Bear printed shirts 👚 I bought four !!! Im a happy girl indeed ! But what’s more important is !!! I bought also 4 body mists !!! We had so much fun Alhamdulillah.
-After all, it was a tiring day tho. Being at one place for 6 hours then going back home getting to sleep only for less than 30 mins. Then, having to go to pet shop + clinic + dinner and yes !!! Lastly, going back home just to find out that my cat hadn’t bathed yet + its cage was a total mess !!!! What else comes across your mind other than having to drag your ass and clean up !!! 😪
-There’s always one thing that doesn’t make me happy. Almost every day. But whatever !
- going to the hospital and find out everyone in the family was there is truly fun. Hoping to get more moment like this in the future 😆
-We talked more than the usual. I’m a tad bit happier, thanks.
-waking up every day just to feel even more disappointed. What am i truly doing with my life 😢
-i cannot bear this feelings 😪
-Ayah’s homed already. He bought me lots lots lots of chocolates & a purse. My fat ass is so happy, Alhamdulillah. May The Almighty grant more rizq for my family, Amin ❤️
- It’s Sab Bad’s birthday. I hope she knows how much she means to me esp during those days spent in MRSM. Any interaction with her always warms my heart. Her words always get me escaped from my gloomy days. Couldn’t be more grateful that our paths ever crossed 🤞
- I’m truly hurt 😔
- It’s hard to explain why. It’s hard being me. That’s it.
-You will never meet anyone’s expectations. So, simply be you.
-I love myself more than anything else. My feelings matter, my health matters. Never ever let all the bad things conquer me.
-Fuckkkkk I’m freaking not saddddd fuckkkkk this feelings !!!!!
-I tried. Maybe things just won’t work out. I hope you are happy.
-it’s always hard treating yourself heartless bcs deep inside, you know that you’re not.
-Too much to be kept. I’d rather write tomorrow.
-Was packing up my stuffs for this Wednesday’s preparation though tomorrow the upu’s result is coming out. Ibu really wants me to pursue matrics but my heart chose foundation. Haihhh I’m so in dilemma.
-“I wish i could tell you what’s truly kept inside me. I mean how much you really mean to me but i simply can’t show it. I know where i should stand but reality is, I don’t deserve you. These insecurities i have always boosted up my egos. I’m truly sorry if I happen to appear as a failure to you. Know that I’m always wishing for the best for you 😔”
-Sometimes, people aren’t nice. They just stop expecting too much and tired of being disappointed 😢
0 notes
franeridart · 7 years
are you going to draw more of that lovely erasermic? :o
Unless I find reasons to stop shipping them in the near future, then sure~ as I said, I really like that ship
Anon said:i love it when you draw chris and josh, you should do it more!! Your oc's are great!!
THANK YOU! I’m really really happy to hear you like them! I draw them just as much as I wish to, tho haha
Anon said:Honestly I love your ocs so much! I like seeing your fanart because you really flesh out characters we don't get enough development of, but I really love seeing your ocs. I can tell you love them and enjoy drawing them just by looking at it, and that makes me love them even more! You're a wonderful artist!
SOB thank you!!!!! holy heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O; I can’t believe how much love my kids get hahaha I’m so so grateful aaahhhh!!!!
Anon said:Okay, so I was just going to tell you how great your comic is (and it is), but I just read your last ask to that anon, and I'm sorry, but deku didn't do nothing to gain his quirk? Like, what? He risked his life and almost killed himself trying to say his exfriend/then bully? That isn't just "being nice"? He didn't know all Might would save him? He risked his life even though he was powerless just to help another person? He earned the quirk, all Might said so in the second episode, like, what?
Since you don’t seem to want a polite and civil exchange of opinions on this, and are actually being incredibly rude here (whether you meant for it or not, I don’t know) I hope you won’t mind me keeping this as short as I can. All Might worked in the beginning of the bnha manga as a textbook definition of a deus ex machina, came around, solved an otherwise unsolvable plot point out of the blue bending the laws that had just been established for that universe, and Deku literally (literally) didn’t have to go through any conscious trial, soul-search or any other self-aware journey with the intention of fixing his own problem. All he did was to be heroic and to be quirkless, which for him are circumstances since those are innate traits of his character. And the only singular thing he has is that he’s quirkless, his heroic personality is shared by all of UA (Mina acted in the exact same way in Kirishima’s backstory as he did to save Bakugou, didn’t get any cool op powers out of it)
All Might was supposed to give OfA to Mirio, the literal most heroic character in bnha, a boy who had been working his ass off to become a proper hero since he was a child, but instead he found a quirkless kid and decided that he deserved a chance to become a hero too. I’m not saying that’s not true, or that Deku didn’t deserve it. I’m saying that he didn’t actively or consciously do anything to gain that power. He simply acted in a way true to his self, and that was it.
I’m gonna have to make present to you that the next time I get an ask with that tone in my inbox I’m blocking you without answering. I’m not here to be called an idiot by the first random stranger I find online, if you want a conversation with me all I’m asking is for you to be polite, that’s not too much at all in my opinion.
Anon said:Your last BakuShima comic was so cute!!! AAAAA!! 💖
Thank you!!! I’m super happy you liked it!!!!!! :O
Anon said:I love you. So much right now. Can I give you a virtual hug because I swear
I dunno what I did to deserve this but SURE *holds u back*
Anon said:do you think you'd ever sell any minajirou merch? (maybe like the one with the flower background) because if you do i would buy 20 (not literally but,, i think you get the point) Sorry if this sounds annoying or anything! im just curious
Not annoying at all!!! If I remember right the one I posted was a bit small tho, I’ll have to see if I can work with the size in a way that would fit the default redbubble dimensions... if I can’t I’ll be sure to make the next one big enough to fit, tho!!!! And thank you for wanting to buy my stuff!!!!! :O
Anon said:I'M NOT THAT ANON BUT I CAN HELP W MOMOJIROUS & yes we totally agree they're fuckin gay and canon there's no doubts here. SO anyway I at least see them liking in each other exactly what you said- they have what the other lacks (or thinks they do), and still find the other to understand them and be interested in them in every sense of the word, also tol and beauty and smol and cute are def the first thoughts about each other, damn maybe I should have thought about word limit I need more space
Awwww anon I thank you for trying to explain to me why they work!!! But that’s not the problem I have with it at all haha I understand the ship on a superficial level perfectly, that’s why I ship it! I just can’t seem to find myself in the relationship anywhere, so empathizing with it comes harder than it does when it’s MinaJirou haha
Anon said:you draw kirishima's eyes so pretty I can't look away from them
THANK YOU Kirishima’s eyes are super pretty in canon, I’m so so happy I can portray that in my style well enough!!!!! :O
Anon said:Ok, sorry for going through ur hq!! tag sjeow, oh gosh I love ur art and ur art style and I love the way I draw the boys !!!! Aaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! Thank u for blessing my night!!!! I hope something makes ur day the way going through ur art *cough* again *cough* made my day!!! (Also a question: what's ur second fave ship from hq!! after bokuroo?? )
MATSUHANA :O and thank you so so so so much for liking my stuff!!!!!!! I hope you’re having a great day today too, anon!!!
Anon said:I love you Fran, but I completely disagree with what you told the last anon about the idea behind bnha. You had me with the positivity concept, and I would also love it if eri could fix mirio and nighteye, but the rest of that was just so far off to me; and probably for many other fans in this community. Like, first, a story does not have to be the level of snk or dgray man to have bad things happen. That is how all story telling has been since the beginning of time.
A good narrative story is never straight sunshine and happiness throughout, even if it doesn't involve death. People don't just enjoy the bad things that happen in a story because it's realistic or because it's sad, they enjoy it because that is how a story and it's characters grow. They make mistakes and learn from them; these moments help the characters change and pushes them forward through every new obstacle. 
 It helps drive them and gives their stories/actions/ideals meaning and gives the audience a reason to care. And that is where I wonder if we are even reading the same story, because this concept is shown throughout the entirety of bnha. It is no where near the "positive-to-a-naive-point" you seem to believe it is. The story starts off with a weak, defenseless deku being beaten by his once best friend?
Like, I really don't want to sound condescending, but I don't understand how you could come to this conclusion. Bakugou has an inferiority complex from hell and suffers constantly from his own inner turmoil, todoroki has an an abusive father with a horrid childhood, iida's brother/idol was paralyzed and almost killed, shigaraki unknowingly killed his parents as a child, toshinori may still be alive, but all might (the hero) is gone to the world forever,
eri was used and experimented on HER ENTIRE LIFE, believing she was a disease to the world and could only cause suffering. I could go on for pages about the suffering these characters have ALREADY gone through- but that is okay, because the story is better for it. Because we as an audience wouldn't have cared nearly as much for deku's gain of one-for-all, if it wasn't for the trials and turmoil he faced his whole life living as a quirkless child;
Bnha is a positive story, but it does not rely solely on positivity to get by. It is a story about determination; to push back against adversity, to go on even in the face of the unknown or impossible; even if fate itself is against you. It's about climbing your mountains and beyond that, dare I say, beyond plus ultra. It's is not trying to adhere to its genre, it's is trying to be everything the genre could be and more, and as succeeded thus far.
Which is why I can understand the disappointment from the last anon, because solving everything through friendship and "hand holding" has become a norm in this genre specifically- and bnha is anything but quick and easy ways out.
Sorry if this is long, and I really hope you don't take this as an attack against you or your opinion. If that is all bnha is to you, and if that is how you perceive the show, who am I to say you are wrong. But I hope you understand what I have said at least, because you still are a huge inspiration to me as an artist and in this community. Hope the rest of your day goes alright.
Alright, first off, if you don’t want to come off as condescending try and maybe don’t be condescending. I’m nearly sure you didn’t do this consciously, considering how you ended the rant, but going “are we even reading the same story” when you supposedly want a civil exchange of opinions is the worst thing you could do ever. You pretty much said “I don’t wanna disregard your opinion but here is a list of reason why you’re wrong and I’m right”, please next time you mean to keep it civil try and avoid that, because that sounds just as bad as you’d assume.
Second, I thank you for the recap of all the tragic backstories bnha gave us, but my answer was about conclusions to arcs, not beginnings. I literally never once said that bnha is a happy-go-lucky story from start to end, I only said it made an habit of reaching for the best possible conclusion it could ever go for by the end of every arc up until now.
“The story starts off with a weak, defenseless deku being beaten by his once best friend”, sure (aside from the “once best friend”, Deku and Bakugou were never friends to begin with, please do reread the second Kacchan vs Deku for Bakugou’s view on their relationship) that’s how the story starts, and it ends with Deku with the strongest quirk on the planet, mentored by his childhood hero, with a civil and friendly rivalry with his childhood bully, on his way to become the number one hero, happy and loved and respected. “”Bakugou has an inferiority complex from hell and suffers constantly from his own inner turmoil” again, sure, and he could have given in to it and become a villain or let his terrible personality just become worse and worse, every single bad thing happened to him could have made him closer to a bad guy or given him good reasons to go against the heroes, and instead he’s working to become better, is loved and cherished, has friends that will build him up and care for him and risk their lives for him, and is actually in a way healthier place than he was in the beginning. “Todoroki has an an abusive father with a horrid childhood” SURE and now he’s got his mother back, he’s learnt to be the bigger person and put distance between himself and his father to instead use him to reach his own goals, is happy and has friends and, again, he’s supported and loved and is in a way happier place than he was in the beginning. “Toshinori may still be alive, but all might (the hero) is gone to the world forever” yes, and in any other manga the reveal would have brought a whole damn lot of drama and people calling him a fraud and turning against him, but instead that scene is the most heartwarming one in the whole manga, the whole world supporting and loving him and yelling his name to cheer him on
I could go on, but I think I made it pretty clear? Every single arc, be it a character arc or a story arc, starts tragic to end up with the most positive outcome you can have for it. There isn’t one arc that has had a tragic conclusion yet. So is it really that weird for me to think it’s believable and not surprising at all that Eri’s story, for however tragic it might have started as, could also have a happy ending? That this manga never tried to present itself as one in which things can and will turn out for the worse?
I’m not even sure exactly what your incredibly long ask was about, man. What were you trying to prove to me? Which part of the answer I gave were you trying to disprove? You just went on about how sad everyone was at the beginning of the manga as if that proved somehow that Horikoshi isn’t actively working to give everyone the happiest future they could have. 
A recap of my answer is: “I personally don’t mind Eri having a fix-it quirk because it fits well in Nighteye’s plot and falls perfectly in line with how every other arc has turned out for the best up until now”
And you came at me with an eight asks long rant that can be summed up in “you’re wrong because people in the beginning of the story were sad”
Listen. I’m always open to conversations about different opinions and takes on a story. But, again, I’m gonna need you to be polite about it and open to an equal exchange. Simply going at the end “I hope you won’t feel attacked” and “have a nice day” isn’t enough if for the rest of the rant you talked to me as if you were assuming I’m an idiot. And I’m actually gonna need you to properly read my answers before trying to follow up with them, next time. Please. I don’t have the time to rephrase my answers sixty times just because people keep answering without actually reading them.
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