#at the same time idk why i even have this dilemma bc one it’s my own blog
merevide · 1 year
the urge to put every thing i enjoy on my blog as a sort of shrine to my interests vs. the urge to not let anyone know how much i’m consumed by things
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syndrossi · 16 days
the daenerys replies got me thinking of a resonant AU where dany also gets blasted into the past (maybe she goes to summerhall to look for jon after he goes missing?) but instead of being jon and rhaeger's sister, she reawakens as saera targaryen's 8yo daughter (perhaps with a volantene noble?). now this will probably have big effects to the volantis shenanigans, the evil ppl who are ecstatic that a prophecy baby and possible TPWP being born so close to home and saera is wary of all these wizard ppl who are suddenly so interested in her baby girl but oh look they just gifted dany three dragon eggs, wait hold on her daughter just hatched three dragons?? how is that even possible... and dany being dany is like well idk what's going on but it's time to fix volantis' sociopolitical structure with my cool new mom
i think dany would eventually get suspicious of the wizard people and decide to escape volantis and go back to westeros, especially if her dragon's grow as fast as they did in canon, then within a year or two they would be large enough to carry her and saera across the narrow sea. meanwhile in westeros, daemon and viserys worst fears are realized when they start getting reports about a valyrian girl in volantis with the control of three dragons. and she's headed straight for them?? but hold on is that aunt saera with her??
just them reacting to this little girl with three enormous dragons and daemon's immediately suspicious as to why dany looks more like she could be rhaegar's twin than jon, and hold on jon and dany seem to know each other?? what is going on... and poor viserys is in panic mode bc aunt saera has a prophecy baby??? with three balerions???? I need to get this girl betrothed immediately!!!!! and jon and dany are happy (if confused) to reunite and once dany realizes that rhaegar's here too she def gets emotional bc that's the brother she looked up to all her life and named a son and dragon after ;-;
Saera would have been so smug about bringing dragons to Volantis through one of her children! (She'd be an older mama, though--in her early forties at the time of birth if Dany is meant to be the same age as Jon and Rhaegar, and close to fifty by the time Daemon finds them.) Given that she had a bastard son with one of the Triarchs in the early 90s AC, it's not far-fetched to imagine Dany's father is the same man.
The nature of the sorcery that brought them here is such that Dany would be in some pretty big trouble that close to Volantis, though, so probably best that this wasn't the case! Otherwise, Saera would have needed to get her daughter out of there quickly/early, and I don't think her ambition would have allowed her to.
But in the event that Saera decided to forgo her "kingdom" in Volantis, Dany's own hatchling would have been too small to carry them away, so my guess is they would have done their best to hide the hatchling and secure passage via ship.
Which still serves as quite the surprise to those in King's Landing! Aunt Saera alive and back in Westeros after all those decades? Only Rhaenys and Viserys were even old enough to really remember her! Rhaenys would have been around 10 when she fled to Essos.
And Viserys's WTF WHY IS EVERYONE ELSE HAVING PROPHECY BABIES reaction? And the immediate dilemma of what's he's supposed to do. Do you wed two prophecy children together? Dilute the prophecy by marrying them back into the main line? HELP.
(Awwww, Dany reuniting with Jon and finally getting to meet Rhaegar. And he does look just like her, just as everyone had told her. And her immediately agreeing with Jon that he must be protected from all things Baratheon and Trident. And Rhaegar being like omg this is the Dany? The one who brought the dragons back? And Dany immediately spilling the beans about Rhaegar being Jon's dad because she doesn't know that Jon's been trying to keep that from him.)
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AITA for saying I don't give a shit about calorie counts?
Before I even start this, I'm going to say - if you actively have an eating disorder, please don't vote on this one. I used to have one and I know how badly ED screws with your reasoning regarding weight and food, even with other people. Onto the dilemma.
I (22M) and my friend (31F) are both on "diets" - in quotes because its a lifestyle change, but idk about her. I've drastically changed my diet, exercise, and general lifestyle for health reasons.
My friend also wanted to start dieting at the same time, and as far as I know, she just wants to lose weight. She has a healthy weight goal in mind and her methods of losing weight are healthy, basically the same as me - better foods and more exercise. Recently we talked about our goals because we both lost several pounds, and she asked me what my goal weight was. I told her I didn't have one, I might later but right now my only focus is making sure my body is in good health. She seemed to agree and the conversation moved on.
Another thing is, I recently learned that I LOVE to cook. I've been adding more veggies and spices into my diet as well - swapping french fries with marinated air-fried carrots, veggie dumplings, shredding cabbage for noodles, making my own stir fry sauce and blends, etc.
I cook for us sometimes, because I often make more than I need and I want to share my cooking with others. But she keeps asking my how many calories are in stuff. I tell her what's in the recipe and how it's made, but I honestly have no clue how many calories are in anything I make. I can tell her pretty much anything else, like it's rich in whatever vitamin, it's low cholesterol, it's a great source of iron, I used healthier alternative instead of whatever... but that's not the info she's looking for. And since a lot of my cooking is experimental, I can't look it up online. I've never noticed this to be an issue before, but I'm a bit clueless so it's possible she showed signs of being bothered by this and I just didn't notice.
It all came to a head the other day when we had dinner after our usual workout. I was charting the exercises I did that day. She asked me if I was tracking calories for the meal and started talking about her calorie tracker app. I listened to her spiel about empty calories and tracking food. When she asked if I was going to downloaded it, I laughed and said "I don't give two shits about counting calories. As long as the food is good for me I don't care." I said it light-hearted and joking bc I don't want her to think it's bad to count calories - it's just not what I'm going to do. But she got quiet and later texted me that it hurts. I explained that she can count calories if she wants, and I don't care if she does or doesn't, but it's not for me. She doesn't know about my eating disorder history and I'd rather not tell her, since that's another reason I don't count calories - I don't want to fall back on starving myself since I KNOW that's not healthy, so it's easier for me to just exclude calories from the picture entirely. Should I tell her why I don't count calories? Could I have told her that I don't care about calories in a nicer way? AITA?
Also, before anyone suggests it - she does NOT have an eating disorder. Idk why she counts calories, but she shares a lot about her life with me, and she eats plenty and eats well, and doesn't exercise excessively, just enough to stay healthy for what she wants to do.
What are these acronyms?
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mskinkyafro · 2 months
I have a question but don’t hate me for it. And I’m being deadass bc after today’s volume it has me thinking.
And I understand that my perspective is more lax and indifferent bc I’m not on a loyal route this season but I’ll ask here. I would on the Reddit but they’d bully me…anyway…
What do you guys consider is loyal? What is expected?
Bc don’t get me wrong, outside of narratively having all the Li’s react the same and question their compatibility with Mc being a huge mistake.
At surface value, I feel like this is one of these times that it feels like players/fandom want our li to just be passive. Like non-reactive to the villa. Only to be around and obsess with Mc.
Bc I get is a whiplash and sting to have your fave li, one you spent all the time with or gems etc just to have one date and that all is questioned. But that’s all apart of being on love island the games/show.
Like some people out of fear how fast their attachments and feelings grew, which is what the Li said causes them to second guess. But it felt like real motivation that was purely about them. And not Mc. And I like that.
Sometimes these Li act with only us, the player in mind. And I wish they’d be more independent from Mc.
Also I understand there was no true conversation it was kinda just put out there for Mc to deal with. And tbh I wish FB had committed to it being a TRUE DILEMMA. Because the impact was minimal bc your Li changes their mind in like 5 seconds. And it was waste of time.
Now if it was for a few days or for one full volume where they were splitting time between Mc and Uma or even as far as wanting to share with Uma at one point. That would be interesting.
And I feel like more and more as I keep playing these newer seasons I’m starting to realize I hate that. I hate the “loyal” route expectations of our Li.
And as I play other games and stories, I forget how GREAT it was when the characters have motivations outside of Mc. And if it potentially hurts Mc feelings or not what we as the player would want, we just have to deal with that. Bc the character is making a decision based on what is good for themselves in that moment.
Idk if I’m along sense, but it feels like nowadays the fandoms doesn’t want that. They like the way out Li is basically our pet.
Idk I’m just curious bc we say Mc is embarrassed or the Li wasn’t loyal but I mean damn, they can’t even decide what relationship is best for them. I know they say one thing and then it’s all like well maybe I’m second guessing. It’s dumb but felt like a real moment. Idk that’s why I’m asking like, is loyal to yall where your Li should never second guess or want anyone else ever. Is that really how you’d prefer your Li?
And don’t get me wrong, I’ve played most of these seasons on a loyal route so I get it. But maybe I’m just forgetting but I don’t feel like the older ones had this as bad as I’d say seasons 6-9 have lately. And on one hand it’s nice in some cases but todays volume really solidify that I like a challenge in these games or some sort of like story that yes I can influence but I want to see what they do and decide. I feel like I’m not making sense. Idk 🤷🏾‍♀️
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
finally put together my thoughts about last glass chapter, idk how comprehensible it all is but I dont have the words to praise it how it deserves
the use of the pythia in the ch27 is super interesting to me
there are moments where I wonder if he doesnt have a bit of a hard time letting go of the pythia title, its all he had for a big part of his life after all, it was what have him purpose in life
and the problem wasnt inheritly in the title or the role, it was in the rules and how he was treated, he deserved to be respected as a person even when he was the pythia
that cechovs syringe was really cool, at first it was scary bc the priests intentions were definitely to use it on wilbur and I really like how it went from a fear factor to our saving grace AND created wilburs whole dilemma about taking tommy away from his goddess but saving him
by having the priest have it at first and wilbur taking it it felt really smoothly incorporated into the story instead of wilbur just finding it somewhere or something
I hate how they blame wilburs change on the deathlings, the fact that he turned against clara, the tattoo choice, everything
even now its like they cant give credit for any decisions, for having a mind of his own and just cant imagine being a person without being the pythia
or even that hes someone while having the role of the pythia
and it just hurts to see so much
thats why schlatts change in attitude mustve hurt so much
clara failed wilbur and the other pythias that came before him so bad
like I understand that all those rules are man-made, but it feels like she should protect them when she uses them for her visions yk
is the curse real? like do you personally work with it as real? or is that something left up for interpretation (or will we learn next chapter maybe)? bc tommy was cursed and he did die but at the same time coming to the palace was dangerous in nature and the actual killing was enacted as jacks revenge and that has been going on way longer than tommy was cursed, everyone cursed was kinda set up for their death beforehand they even got cursed in a way
whether it is real or not it was yet another thing that built up to the moment of Wilbur deciding to save tommy and played a big role in it bc it was thanks to the curse that wilbur knew that tommy doesnt want to die and has been praying to krisitin bc of it and it looked like shes ignoring him and all this helped wilbur decide to save him
and I think he wouldnt have saved tommy without knowing all this. it goes against the deathlings' religion (at least i think? it was murder so im not sure sure but I think it was wrong on jacks side but on tommys side I dont think it matters how he died but taking him away from death is wrong) and tommy actually worshiped kristin of his own choice and wilbur knows that and he also knows what its like not to be respected
now ofc I cant be sure what wilbur wouldve done bc that crimeboys bond is STRONG and also in the heat of the moment, accounting it was murder and all, but still
oh my god
writing this I realised that you could say THE CURSE SAVED TOMMYS LIFE this is insane I am obsessed, I think this look on it makes it all really beautiful, storytelling wise
very interested in how theyll handle the fact that jack tried to kill tommy bc honestly this situation was very different from when tommy did it, it was PLANNED
glass!jack and glass!niki you are so interesting to me I am rotating you in my brain constantly, their path of thinking has captured me
I hope that schlatts confession about his opinion on the visions helps wilbur make his peace a bit, bc while it doesnt excuse how schlatt treated wilbur, it explains it and also shows that it wasnt wilburs fault that he was failing his role as the pythia when schlatt didnt listen bc he was basically set up to fail from the start
and yes wilbur is parting with his role as the pythia but this might still help him recover, bc at least he wasnt so bad at his one job all these year
and if it doesnt help at least we got schlatt calling wilbur pretty boy, obsessed
I love how in reaction to what schlatt says wilbur feels the pythia dying in the palace and leaving it behind
what a banger chapter, so much happened and it was all so interesting
all that happened and mainly the stuff around tommys dying just showa so perfectly what this story has been telling us this whole time, what the main theme is basically, and that is that in the end you when it matters the only one you can rely on is yourself, not some god and the scene with wilbur saving tommy and kristin not being there really pushes this on you so well I love it sm
rn im just putting all my hope on phil and the deathlings to save wilbur from being forced to be the pythia again
also probably very hypothetical question but im thinking about if wilbur got the option to kinda peacefully step out of his role of the pythia by getting a vision about the next one if he would do it or wouldnt bc he would refuse to bring that fate onto someone else
aaaa thank you, yes I really enjoyed playing around with using the pythia vs wilbur in this chapter. it's hard because I wanted the chapter to be mostly wilbur, but there were key moments where I knew he was going to slip back into the pythia mindset, mostly when he's talking to the priest and later to schlatt. it's not necessarily he's having a hard time letting go of the title, it's that he's spent so much of his life in this mindset that he's not a person, that he's supposed to be wholly devoted to this goddess that he keeps slipping in and out of that mental space.
I'm glad the syringe felt smoothly incorporated!! I was worried it would feel like too much of a "this is a surprise tool that will help us later" bit and while it definitely still was, I wanted it to be tied into what was going on and the worldbuilding and everything
I mean, wilbur has spent the last decade acting as a completely dedicated pythia. then he's gone for a little over half a year and suddenly he's gotten a tattoo and severed his ties to clara and is working with the deathlings? from the priests perspective you can kind of see how it's a bit difficult to believe he got there on his own. especially when they think of becoming the pythia as the highest honor anyone can attain, and how the dehumanizing aspects are meant to be more revered and honorable than anything else
oooo that's an interesting question about the curse. this is going to sound like a cop out answer but I swear it's not, I genuinely haven't decided if the curse is real or not. in a way I think of it like schrodinger's curse. it's both real and not real at the same time. all of the deaths can be explained away by circumstance, but that doesn't mean that the curse didn't cause them. I set it up so that it was completely up to interpretation. I hope that makes sense?
hmm that's an interesting take actually! I definitely think it was a combination of things that led to wilbur deciding to save tommy's life, but the ultimate deciding factor was simply that crimeboys have an unhealthy bond. wilbur will pull tommy back from death even if he's in the arms of his goddess, because he needs tommy by his side. tommy will fight to keep wilbur to himself and get jealous when he starts to heal and connect with other people. the two of them hurt each other because of how much they love each other. that was kind of the core of that whole thing, although I really like what you pointed out with the whole curse saving tommy's life in a way
glass!rocketduo are so interesting babygirls your logic is so screwed up <3
yeah, wilbur was set up to fail from the start. and it does help him find some kind of peace with it! it wasn't his fault, he wasn't a failure. schlatt was never going to listen to him for reasons outside his control.
yessss you get it, one of the primary themes is about relying on yourself and other people before relying on goddesses that might or might not choose to help you. the deities in glass are so far above humanity they can choose what they want to help with and when, and humanity is only left to try and understand why the goddesses do what they do but they'll never really be able to.
hmm that's also an interesting question... personally I think wilbur wouldn't pass on the teachings, but even then the priests would just do it for him so it wouldn't change much. I still think he would choose not to participate though.
thank you so much for the kind words i'm so glad you enjoyed!!!
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calliettes-posts · 9 months
okay so contrary to what many fans feel like (even me for the longest time), i'm actually starting to feel quite okay with the door thing being dragged out. solely bc we are watching teenagers in real time. It was anaïs' first ever crime and she was stuck between two of the people she loves most. i wouldn't have known what to do either at that age. I honestly feel like it's really realistic that she walked around with it for that long. okay granted, im still pissed at some of the writing choices, bc they made Bobbie loose all of her well roundedness as a character and im still pissed af they added that SA storyline. and the fact that it's again the black girl that has to take everyone into consideration. like pls how much shit did they throw on her this season? (maybe bv we called ada's season a snoozefest?? idk?) but i'm really feeling okay with everyting. between a&b too. They've reconciled and honestly there's still a lot they have to figure out, but i'm fine with that being something we'll see snippets of in the next season. i'm trying to channel my inner 16 yo. If i would have gone through the same shit they've encountered i wouldn't be where they are. they are actually willing to listen and grow!! we've seen this in bobbie and their friends! i'm actually so done with the narrative that everyone is shitty to anaïs. they're only just starting to navigate their way into adulthood. they've been noticing shit! shit man i was a depressed fuck going out with fake ID's and at one point i fell in love with a girl while still dating another. but still hella insecure and i was pretty bad at making friends irl so i spent most of my time on here. my life was freaking messy too. as a viewer it's easy to want shit resolved or see progression sooner bc it's more entertaining to watch. but i feel like they've done a great job taking in consideration we are watching them in real time. (if we forget how shitty the wtfock team is with their social media, i'm begging again, hire one of us pls). idk i'm just really happy to see this kind of representation in an original season. let's not forget we all loved sobbe, zoenne and like in other countries the other remakes bc it was tried and tested!! Imo wtfock had really redeemed itself after ada's season and they've taken notes from druck and skam france. good notes. end of rant.
That's actually a very interesting take, I haven't thought about it this way tbh. I think my biggest problem was that they added dramatic plots and dragged them out, just to resolve them in 1 minute clips, like why was there so much build up just for it not to matter in the end? And with the door plot, my biggest issue was that we saw the same conversation over and over again, but tbf, like you said, it kind of makes sense for Anais to act this way, i just wish theyd put more emphasis on her dilemma, if that makes sense, and if we had more social media, maybe I would've felt differently Also I felt like they put too much importance on Hanne and Bobbie instead of Anais, the actual main, because we had lots of plot lunes for her established in the first season, just to abandon in the 2nd half, and quickly resolve them last minute, and let's not even talk about the sa plot, that was so unnecessary
Tbh, I also think Anais season is way better than Adas, especially the first half of the season, it was more entertaining to watch, and the plotlines were all connected with eachother
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hijinxensues · 2 years
The Cloaking Brooch Dilemma - Part 8
RotTMNT Donatello x OC!AFAB
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Synopsis: Donatello considered himself, nay, deemed himself the greatest mind of his generation. He was known for his skills as a scientist, inventor, engineer and was a technological genius. Dare he throw in that he was a damn good brother and held the title of being ¼th ‘Protector of New York City’.
He could barely fathom that he didn’t piece together that the pretty barista he was falling for was simultaneously his gaming buddy (might I add, for the last eight years) and was working for Big Mama.
At this very moment, Donatello was sure of two things in his life. One of them being his life was a joke and the second being that he was fraternizing with the enemy.
All because he decided to run errands whilst donning his cloaking brooch.
Warnings: Aged-Up turtles, fluff, Half-Yokai OC, AFAB OC (does use she/her/they pronouns in writing), swearing, light angst
Ch 8 – Magenta
Despite your best efforts to convince Donnie to stay as the night closed in on the both of you, he politely declined saying that he’d make it home and that he was absolutely tougher than he looked. While he didn’t give off ‘string bean’ vibes, Donnie was very lean; you made a mental note to start feeding him more.
After ensuring he got home safe and bidding him goodnight, you cleaned up after yourselves and made yourself comfy in your own bed.
letty: not to give you a big ego or anything, but its like super lonely without you here lmao also vacuum up after ur rabbit fur ffs, why I also gotta clean up after YOUR shedding
gigi: my ego is so fucking large right now, also I pay for most of the groceries so. u can deal w the shedding ty bb
gigi: i will admit that i, too, have separation anxiety LOL its too late for me to make it over there
letty: donnie mentioned something about ‘portal magic’ or whatever being pretty common amongst yokai, maybe make urself useful and learn some, or better yet find someone who can do it for you
gigi: got, it will find hot boyfriend to portal me to ur place. Bc that’s SO easy. Also how was loverboy tonight?
letty: OMF I had a panic attack and then we like…semi cuddled or smth? Our shoulders were touching EEEE
gigi: THE SHOULDERS BABE!! youre ridiculous lmao im going to bed now, will swing by idk whenever ill just show up, night lov u bb
letty: ya whatever u got a key. that u got cut for yourself lmao
letty: NIGHT love u too
You rolled your eyes and made yourself into a little burrito before tucking your phone under your pillow and settling in. Having Donatello actively in your life the past few weeks was a bit of a whirlwind, getting past the initial shock of it all, the two of you established a bit of a routine and fallen into a rhythm. There were evenings where you had night shifts or he was just busy with family, but you’d made time to video chat or text almost all hours of the day and then to see each other at least every few days, schedule permitting.
Were you two…seeing each other?
No, that would be ridiculous. The prerequisite of two or more people seeing each other with romantic intentions would be that all parties would be in consensus to said suggestion prior to moving forward with it. On top of that, all parties would also have to be honest…guilt gnawed at you your hand finding it’s way to one of your ears and tugging gently. The ‘Cloaking Brooch Dilemma’ would have to be addressed sooner or later, but when? It felt like too much time had passed to just casually bring it up. Would he think you’re a liar? Worse, would he hate you for lying by omission? You should’ve just made the reveal the same night you found out he was using ‘Othello’ as an alias.
Sighing, you closed your eyes and let sleep take you. It was a problem for another day.
You hadn’t heard much from Donnie during the day, (he did have other obligations than answering your text messages back, unfortunately). Wiping the counter down at Rendezvous, you get a ping on your phone.
gigi: we out of milk can u get some on the way home plz
letty: we?
letty: WHOS ‘WE’? you and me? U don’t live there
letty: u fucking moocher
letty: also yes lactose free? venmo me bitch
After receiving a thumbs up emoji from your rabbit counterpart, you focus back on tending to the coffee machine and cleaning up. There wasn’t much longer to go until your shift here was done, you’d get a little bit of a break then you’d have a shift at the Grand Nexus. Making a mental note to put up milk in between your jobs, the telltale ring of the door goes off making it known someone’s come in.
“Hi, welcome to- oh, hey! It’s been a while!”
Your hands make quick work starting a latte for him and grabbing a cinnamon bun. You give him a once over which causes you to pause your rapid muscle memory. Your regular normally wore a black mask to cover his nose and mouth but he was without it today and you were met with a very familiar shade of green and purple. The purple clad individual was sans his goggles and in place a black beanie, but with his drawn-on eyebrows on his purple bandana, this was without a doubt, the terrapin who you’d had, not one but two, run ins with at Tio Huesos’. He looked so casual bundled up in his coat, faux fur lined the hood, his bottom half in well-worn dark grey sweatpants and then boots with dark purple socks poking out the top.
Thinking back to the other times you’d seen him previously, how have you not recognized him sooner?
You honestly weren’t sure how to feel, he’d always been a quiet and well-behaved regular. He’d never given you a hard time and had always given a nod or a half curtesy smile before heading out with his goods. Frustration brewed in your chest thinking back to all his attitude outside the Rendezvous walls.
“Hello,” his voice cracked, he smoothed over his neck with a hand and cleared his throat, “Salutations!” he tried one more time with a nervous chuckle and an awkward smile. You were almost tempted to think he was cute. Almost. “Tonight is an exceptional night for a stroll and a coffee, don’t you think?”
This was a very different version of the turtle you previously had run into with your rabbit ears equipped. Thinking back, he was much more nervous now than you’d ever seen taking in account the times he’d come by the coffee shop over the years, and he’d never previously tried to initiate small talk with you in the past.
“The same as usual, right? I’ve already got it going.”
He deflates, smile quickly replace with a tight-lipped nod. Eyes darting everywhere but your own as he paid for his order. He shoved his hands deep into his pockets as he stiffly made his way to the other counter to wait for his order.
Holding back a groan, you got his order ready, guilt seeping into your bones as your curt response wiped the smile off his face. He does have a pretty smile. Biting back a scowl you mentally reprimand yourself for thinking any boy with pretty eyes that paid you any attention was cute.
“Ah, sorry sir,” you start slowly, “just having a long day.”
You slide over two cinnamon buns instead of one, “An extra for you on the house.” Twirling a bit of hair around your finger, you tug lightly and offer as bright of a smile as you can muster to turn the mood around.
The terrapin almost fumbles his coffee cup as he puffs his chest out with a newfound confidence. ‘Oh god, there he is’, this energy was what you associated with him at Tio Huesos. He was but a shade away from exuding an air of arrogance.
“But of course! I did not at all take the pervious interaction personally in any capacity! Ha ha!”
Two things were made instantly clear to you.
1)     Purple Turtle was a shitty liar.
He pulls a giggle out of you, and you catch his grin widen marginally as his fingers clench and adorably thrum on the pastry box.
2)     You were too soft on Purple Turtle. (Note to self: Be an asshole and commit to it.)
He glances down at your nametag, and the gesture oddly reminds you of Donnie, “Violet, have a good evening.”
“You as well, sir.”
The terrapin struts out of the shop quickly and with purpose, a bit of a bounce to his step a stark contrast from his more subdued and jittery movements coming in. You almost miss him fist bump the air as he turns the corner and is out of sight.
‘You’ve been invited to ‘Girls Night!’ group chat’
Rapid pings happen on your phone as April, Sunita and Usagi spam the text thread. Quickly, you put the group chat on mute and save both girls numbers into your phone. Pocketing your phone to clean up after your mess you made another mental note to try your best and actual conversate and cultivate new relationships with Usagi’s other friends.
The rest of your shift goes by uneventfully and your co-worker comes in to relieve you as you clock out. Waving them a goodbye, you gather your things and head home to rest up before your night shift at the Grand Nexus.
Your apartment is rabbit-less when you enter, and you put the milk away in the fridge. Your nose twitches as you walk around the space, ‘I probably just missed him’, your sense of smell was slightly heightened post-mutation and you didn’t put it to use often but it was useful when needed.
‘125 Missed Messages’
Snorting you press the record button to record a voice note, “Hey girlies, sorry was at work. Just got home, but also going to head out to work again in a little bit. Uh, got the milk, Gigi. Also, lets plan for hanging out? I can host, my space is small, but it’ll be cozy! Hope yall don’t mind rabbit fur- Gigi is shedding.” Letting the voice note send, you prep another, “Also, 125 missed messages!?”
A voice note from Usagi pops up, “Venmo’d you for milk. Yes, catch up on the chat while you get ready for work. I’ll swing by later, probably? Love you.”
April: yall are too cute!! reminds me of my siblings but much less violent and annoying
Violet: LOL, how many u got?
Sunita: she has like, 4 brothers.
Four!? That would make April one of five siblings, in this economy? In New York City?! Settling into your couch cushions you catch up on your missed messages and send a few voice notes back to them.
April: okay, so girls night on Thursday? that gives us all a few days to prep and book off work!
Sunita: Already in the calendar!! SO EXCITED
Usagi: i’ll be there early to help set up the apartment
Letty: YAY okay sounds good yall, will talk later, just getting ready 4 the night shift
Getting ready you put your things together and leisurely pull out a post it-note and start writing to let Usagi know when you’d be home and to throw the garbage out when he got in. Sticking the note on the fridge, you double then triple check you have everything for your shift then set off to your destination.
“Did you ever find out what that turtle Yokai was snooping around for?” Draping yourself across the magenta chaise you play catch with yourself and a crumpled-up piece of paper. Catching the ball in your hand you make the next toss into a nearby waste basket.
The loud smack on the table startles you enough to almost slide out of the chaise.
“No, we didn’t. He was seemingly snooping around for nothing; nothing was out of place. Nothing was missing. It was virtually untouched.”
Odd, but what did you know about hero and villain affairs?
Usagi had pretty much confirmed that he was one of the color-coded vigilantes that saved the city from the alien invasion a few years back and so you were reticent to think he was doing something with malicious intent. You were very well aware through the grape vine that Big Mama was…’sketchy’ to speak plainly. If anything, ‘sketchy’ was a very watered-down descriptor of the woman.
Secretly, you hoped he got what he needed the last time so you wouldn’t need to be caught up with him again. You really did like the job at the hotel. The grandeur of the hotel used to make you feel out of place, but now it felt cozy to be surrounded by such warmth from the richness of the velvet furniture and the overdressed patrons.
The telltale flickering red light catches your attention and you let go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding, “Hello, front-“
“Intercom girl, I was hoping I’d catch you.”
How he was able to tell it was you based on two words alone stumped you.
The florescent blue clouds your vision as the line goes dead and the blue clad terrapin walks through and closes the portal behind him. A hand finds your emergency button immediately; however you find yourself not wanting to press it. Ears swiveling, you do a once over the lobby to confirm there was no other employees in the vicinity to see this. Your hand knocks over the switch for the security cameras trained on the front desk and you lie to yourself that you did it by accident.
Sticking your neck out for a stupid, blue turtle wasn’t on your to-do list today, but here you were.
“I think you already know what I’m going to say, but how can I help you?”
“You know, Intercom Girl, I can call you ‘Intercom Girl’ right? I think we got off on the wrong foot,” he flashes a grin at you that would surely make someone else swoon (but not you, purple was more your color), “The names’ Leo and I believe you and me might have a mutual friend.”
You follow his gaze to the button on your wrist to notify the staff and you guess he catches the way your eyebrows furrow uncertainly so he follows up with a, “I don’t bite, promise.”
“You’re going to need to give me more than just your name and an ominous mention about a mutual friend.” Rationally, you could guess he was talking about Usagi, given that Usagi himself confirmed the terrapins did takeout at Huesos. However, Leo could also be alluding to April or even Sunita? Though, those choices were less plausible since there was only one instance where you’d met them.
“We’re also on a time limit before someone comes down to check on me, so talk fast.” Pressing him for time seems to be the right play as he deflates momentarily as the jig is up. He glances around the same way you did before and leans in close, “So,”
“There’s this,” he runs a hand down his face and you don’t miss the way his cheeks are dusted with pink. Gesturing with your hand for him to keep going, he refuses to meet your eyes as he continues, “Rabbit Yokai at ‘Run of the Mill’.”
You were calling Usagi once you got off the clock.
“And you’ve come to me to confirm that we’re mutuals or?”
He fidgets with the wrappings on his arms, “I’m usually much more suave than this,” he chuckles nervously and pulls at an invisible collared shirt.
“Are you? Because it looks like rabbit got your tongue.” Confidently you smirk at him with your play on words.
“I can respect that, honestly. I made an IHOP joke last I saw you so I definitely deserved that. Point is, I’m just making sure he’s safe.”
Scratch that, you were calling Usagi the moment Leo left.
“Safe? Where is he? What’re you on about?” Panic shows itself in the way your fingers go to your pocket to grab your phone to contact him. Leo’s gaze hardens as he stares down your jittery form, “You work at the Grand Nexus, who’s owned by Big Mama- one of the biggest crime lords for the Hidden City. Can’t be too careful.”
“And? Usagi’s my best friend!” your mouth is too fast for your brain and you’ve revealed the only real leverage you had against him, “Are you accusing me of putting him in danger because of my night job!? How do you even know we know each other?! I would’ve heard about you if you were important to him.”
Usagi would’ve told you if he was seeing someone, especially if it was this guy. Right?
The doubt that’s sowed into your head is blinding and doesn’t help you think straight as you press the emergency button Leatherhead gave you.
“You should go. Don’t come back.”
Leo’s gaze doesn’t leave yours, his expression unreadable, as he opens his portal and walks through.
Your apartment door almost comes off the hinges with how violently you unlock and push it open. Your rabbit counterpart yelps and flops onto the floor unceremoniously from the couch. Usagi’s has his hand to his heart, he breathes heavy and fast, “What the fuck is going on!? It’s like, 1am in the morning!”
“I don’t know, you tell me! Do you happen to know a ‘Leo’? That’s also a turtle? Because I’ll tell you what there’s probably not many of those around!”
A flash of recognition runs across his face as he catches his breath, “Well, yeah? He comes to Tio Huesos’. Why did you have to give me a heart attack, for the second time, at 1am in the morning to ask that question!?”
Tears pinprick at your eyes as you collapse beside him on the floor and recount the encounter with Leo to Usagi, bottom lip quivering and tears painting your cheeks. “Do you not trust me?” Warm arms engulf you, “Letty, I trust you with my life. Leo can get overprotective-“
“So, you do know him?!”
“I do! But like, casually? I was actually waiting to see if it’d get more serious before I outright told you.”
“But we tell each other everything.” Her admission is barely a murmur. 
“We do, and I was wrong to keep it from you even if that wasn’t the intention. You know how quickly I catch feelings and I really just wanted to be sure before I brought it up this time. I’m so sorry, Letty.” Sputtering out a watery laugh you clutch at his sweater, “Lest we forget, Gerard the Frog Prince, your last ‘true love’.”
There’s a playful bat at your head and a tug on your ear, “Listen, I deserve that but also fuck you.”
The air in the apartment is much lighter as the two of you sleepily clutch onto each other, seeking warmth and comfort. Usagi reaches for the comforter and a few pillows, “We can do a pillow fort tonight?”
Wiping away your tears onto Usagi’s sweater you nod and get up to help him drape sheets over a few chairs before grabbing a few fairy lights from your bedroom to rig on the inside. You rummage for a few more comforters since you were too lazy to move your mattress and make a little den.
“Leo would have a fit if he saw this, he’d think we’re dating.”
“He knows I only like guys, but also, I definitely have to talk to Leo about whatever the fuck just happened, because you are the farthest thing from a threat. I think his family just has messy history with Big Mama.”
You snort, “Yeah, get your man babe, he’s out of control. You should also ask how he knew where to find me?”
“Well, he’s a ninja so I think he probably followed you. Maybe he’s seen us walk home together or something, I’ve brought you up very vaguely in conversation.”
Humming, you concede, that made a lot of sense, “That’s deeply unsettling. Speaking of turtles, my regular came in today and guess what? He’s the purple turtle from Tio Heusos I ran into! He didn’t recognize me obviously, but it was whack. I felt like I was in the matrix.”
“You’re kidding me.”
“That’s what I’m saying!”
Yawning you pull out your phone to see an onslaught of messages from the group chat and Donnie. You open Donnie’s text thread and start typing.
letty: had the craziest fucking day, I don’t think you’re awake but missed you today
letty: also my dishwasher is broken, can you come over and fix it plz lmao tyty my lil techie
donnie: Please do not ever call me ‘lil techie’ ever again.
letty: it’s your new rap name, but also go the fuck to bed
donnie: I missed your presence today as well and do tell me about your day later today. I am heading to bed now, but I’m glad I caught you. And yes, I will fix your dishwasher.
letty: perf, youre the best but u knew that already
‘Letty sent a photo attachment’
letty: check out this blanket fort, made it w gigi night lil techie
donnie: 3 things: Love the addition of fairy lights, fuck off and goodnight.
Usagi’s ears flop over your shoulder and you watch his even breathing signaling he’s gone to sleep already. You dim your fairy lights, get comfortable and let sleep take you for the night.
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usertoxicyaoi · 2 years
hey faiza i feel weird sending u this but ive followed u for quite a while now and the more u share ur inner thoughts the more my appreciation for how intelligent u are grows? like i said, i know this is odd, but ure smart, eloquent and very expressive when it comes down to sharing your opinions on specific subjects (regardless of whether i agree with them or not). anyway, u dont have to answer i just wanted to say this, thats all!
hiiii anon!!!
AHHHHH no no please don't feel weird!! thank you so much for this!!!! idk at 27 it feels like i still havent Lived a lot even though .... when i write it down, i Have?? and my opinions change a lot all the time and at first i wasnt cool with that, i used to feel very ... urm. hypocritical?? of myself?? or not true to myself. but overtime i've learnt that Living actually Does Do That To You. you gain new experiences and perspectives and learn a little more about yourself and so your opinions on things change too. and thats a Good Thing!
and i dont wanna censor myself anymore ig? i feel like ive spent a lot of my life doing that. i am who i am and i am what ive lived through and its not all been good but its not all been bad and its not all been wise but its not all been dumb but hey, we're here now! of course i can either choose to regret some things, or i can choose to say yeah i lived through that and it didnt work out or go well and its only bc i lived through it that i know that now, so i choose that view instead. and im also done with censoring and hiding and shying away from who /i/ am too. and once i used to be Very Frustrated bc i used to feel like i was too much and too many things and liked too much and too many things. how can i be muslim that wears the hijaab AND desi (and not Just desi but BOTH indian AND pakistani which is its own huge dilemma fhshxisjdjsj) AND queer AND a woman WHILST being born and living in the uk. how does all that even FIT into one human?? how can i like So Many Things that sometimes contradict each other?? for example how can i Love Sports and be so sporty and yet be an asian muslim girl bc that just doesnt work in our culture?? or so i THOUGHT it didnt bc thats what i was told as a kid, until i was like no something isnt right here bc at 11 i Loved my judo and football classes at school and then i saw amir khan, a british pakistani boxer from the same town as i am, win an olympic gold medal for our country when he was just 17, and i was like ... see?? it isnt weird. and even now i love working out and lifting weights, no matter how much my ammi looks at me and thinks "you're a Desi Girl though watching sports is one thing but you being into it and actively doing it is just Weird but ur my daughter and at 27 i cant tell you what to do". so sometimes, you have to be the one to break the mould, ig.
but. yeah. the more i immersed myself with things that look like me and feel like me and reflect who i am, the more i was like, yeah ... i Can be all these things and thats cool, man. if that makes me complicated and Too Much, i just dont care anymore. and its work to search for those things that look and feel and reflect you, but thats what makes you appreciate every facet of yourself. that yeah, its hard to find, but thats what makes it so special, bc its rare. and when you start finding a community of people that like those things too, for their own reasons, you're like ... yeah, there's gotta be something that connects us in why i like this thing along with so many other people too.
and like even now i havent figured out my maximum yet, but there's so much fun in knowing that i'll carry on learning more about myself, the more i live.
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nabrizoya · 4 years
RoW Theories and Things I Want to See
with RoW literally a few weeks away, here’s some theories your way. 
this is Really long. like, really very long; mind you. 
Nikolai might become a disabled character.
It’s just the vibes. If we can take reference from the Too Clever Fox story, there’s a line that says “...and his [Koja’s] fur never quite sat right the same...”, which might hint at it (mostly bc i don���t want him to die). Also if this is indeed possible, it can be used to address ableism if it exists in this universe, especially since Nikolai is someone in the highest position of power. 
Zoya will experiment the shit out of powers. 
Idk why the synopsis says that using her powers might be a great deal, which tbf will be because she is truly the most most powerful atm; but Zoya wouldn’t mind taking the step outside of the old norms and bend the orders until they serve their purpose. That’s the entire goal rly.
But all along, she will consciously keep herself mindful to not hunger or discharge her power in a way that may cause harm. She knows the tyranny of the Darkling and the ways he employed. She knows better. 
More character depth to Zoya. 
Given the excerpts, the book does seem to explore Zoya’s infinite grief. And of course her Suli heritage, which a great part of the fandom consistently wants to shadow what with the talk “white features/ part Ravkan” bs. 
But there’s more. I hope RoW will show Zoya’s dilemma (that was alr hinted in KoS) she has with the power she holds, the responsibility she has with having that power + using it in the way that will not be detrimental to her and the country. It will be a great way to portray her self-awareness and doubt and insecurity. She is a good leader, that much is told in text but not shown. There’s character development from the end of R&R until KoS that makes her evolve from a what she was then to the capable and mature 22 year old she is in KoS. 
Of course all of their capabilities will come to light in RoW but I think Zoya and the agency to her as a character will play an integral part. More so because Zoya is to be the conduit to reversing the current Grisha orders, which runs in parallel with the fact that she needs to go back, go back to the roots of her Grisha knowledge and roots of her i.e. her unending grief and trauma. 
She will need to forgive herself while also dealing with the guilt and anger she may have caused due to her position and power. All of this while dealing with her own complex and contrasting emotions due to her own trauma.
Nikolai is held for treason. 
The word of allying with The Darkling may be out and that is enough reason for the entire country to turn against him. The secret about the monster causes issues more than enough already, and this will plunge the country into deep political turmoil and threats to security. So RoW will be more politically driven. That said...
There’s no overt war. 
By this I mean that there will not be war on the battlefield, both armies or more charging at each others’ enemies and such. Ravka cannot afford one either. The excerpts have already proved that. There will be skirmishes akin to a war scenario, but a complete battle like the last battle in R&R? Like a final battle? That’s not going to be there, I think… What I’m assuming might happen is that the Fjerda and Ravka will take a possible Cold War route, if it isn’t already the case they’re already dealing with atm. 
Ravka’s monarchy will collapse. 
It may become a democracy or any other form of public or majority vote. But the monarchy (as well a possible dictatorship, esp with the Darkling returned) will be eliminated. ...Or so I hope, since it has been alluded to in KoS. 
But that poses many problems. With no one line for the throne, let alone with a crime so dark like a blot on Nikolai’s skill (of taking the Darkling’s help), it is possible that Ravka will shun it, right alongside being torn about it because Nikolai has been, for the best of his ability, a good King. All of this in line with the Resistance rising in West Ravka. 
This ties in with the court matters, especially if I want to hold the further points I make true. The resolution to acquit Nikolai of his charges requires a testification forth a jury which will then make a decision about his motives and future. 
Zoya as the Interim Head. 
After all of this, Zoya’s point about Ravka not accepting a Grisha Queen will be true after all, because there will be no monarchy to welcome such an arrangement. 
But Ravka will need a good and trustworthy leader despite Grisha powers and Zoya is the best person to take care of that. The comment “...becoming a steady leader...” and the “Welcome home, Commander,” were there in KoS for a reason (and this is what I think it will link to). 
That being said, there’s more nuance to this than my summary. Zoya is a character of colour. That—in addition to the already existing threats, objections and possible question of capability in the position—ill play into how she will be able to discharge her responsibility. It’s not going to be convenient.
EDIT: taken from a reblog/addition to the og post:
A smoother/more structured transition
Once after the monarchy collapses and a leader must be chosen, it will not be Nikolai. Nor will it be Zoya, though she might serve as an interim head. What I assume might be possible is that someone older is chosen, someone older and loyal and with the proof of knowledge and service to the country. Possibly by majority vote or elected by a council.
Instead of the sudden change, this can be a smoother (if that can even be said about such a major political scenario change) or more structured. I also say this because a. if Nikolai is indeed charged (and later acquitted), firstly his political career will already hold a blot if the word about using the Darkling as a resource is out and secondly, he’s way too young to serve as the leader (by modern standards, sure, but like, the required age will be set while drafting the constitution? currently its 35+).
Instead, the current cast can become representatives (which Zoya would already be, (mostly the head of the) international committee that safeguards the Grisha all over the world) and the Triumvirate will be dissolved. (it should be, tbh)
And hey, b. after all of this, they can and kind of need to take a step back. Nikolai and Zoya will be able to truly explore their relationship, given how Nikolai mentions how he wouldn’t marry unless he’d have had the chance to court someone and marry someone he barely knows nor knows him. For Zoya’s part, she does know Nikolai but surely probably not the extent of openness that a healthy relationship has, and on Nikolai’s part, he admits he barely knows her beyond as a General except for just little things about her.
They could be able to realize and work on their feelings while alongside being involved with the workings of the country and the constitution.
“One day you will overstep and I will not be so forgiving.” 
Need I say more? Something that Zoya does will cost her Nikolai’s goodwill and we know Zoya knows her practicality and the extent to which she will unapologetically move if there is threat to the country and its King. She will do what was right and required. 
A major part of that line ties in with Magnus Opjer and I think with the confidence in the versatility of her powers, Zoya might as well move w/o any word to the Triumvirate to eliminate the most direct threat to the throne. This will bring splits in Nikolai and Zoya’s relationship. 
How this tension between them will be resolved without compromising either of their values, without playing into fandom stereotypes and others must be carefully handled. All of this while showing the best of their dynamicity, practicality and priority as they carefully pull out just those weak sticks of the jenga without putting the whole country into trouble. And with a war in plain sight, they’d know better than pointlessly argue and would rather see how the two of them are wrong. This ordeal will bring out just how condensed power is in the current scenario, imo. 
Importance on the way women have shaped history. 
Something that KoS has already set precedence for. Zoya being a PoC, Nina taking into account of the sufferings of women she comes across and the consistent ‘Who will remember them?’ will be elaborated on further. As for how it is done and how well it is done, that remains to be seen. 
Baghra is alive but maybe not thriving bc she’s stuck in the Ice Court. 
They entered a chamber where an old woman sat with her hands chained, flanked by guards. Her eyes were vacant. As each prisoner approached, the woman gripped his or her wrist.
A human amplifier. [...] But the Fjerdans used them for a different purpose – to make sure no Grisha breached their walls without being identified.
Kaz watched Nina approach. He could see her trembling as she held out her arm. The woman clamped her fingers around Nina’s wrist. Her eyelids stuttered briefly. Then she dropped Nina’s hand and waved her along.
Had she known and not cared? Or had the paraffin they’d used to encase Nina’s forearms worked?
- Chapter 22. Kaz; Part 4: Trick to Falling, Six of Crows.
Nina will be the one to free her and together they might wage a war from Djerholm together.
This gets even more interesting because we know the anguish and scorn that Baghra feels for her son at the same time; she understands the wrongness that he used to seek and will continue to. Zoya does take Baghra’s name at the Fold when she mourns and rages over how people forget the destruction and most importantly, forget the women. Baghra could be the symbol of the stag as the art piece depicts, or will be shown with relation to the Darkling’s powers.
As for how she will play into the story, perhaps she will be the one to help reverse and find the roots of the orders, in the sense that changes the perception of the Grisha powers for the Grisha as well as the common folk of Ravka. She is the only other person other than Juris and the Darkling to have the age of eras together, knowing Ilya Morozova, and she will be instrumental in giving Ravka an advantage over Fjerda. Either that or she will help in scrubbing the prejudices of Fjerda slowly away with whatever powers she has left. Or both. 
Alina will reappear, but will not contribute to the plot significantly.
Zoya understands that the truth she knows about the Darkling is very minimal not enough to end him for once and for all. It makes sense that she will probably consult Alina for it. So, Malina appearance, possibly at the orphanage. Alina will not directly contribute to this war, but she will play a critical role in defeating the Darkling.
Besides, Alina —and Baghra— are the only ones who know that there has only ever been two Darklings. Zoya did sense, multiple times during KoS, that the Darkling is damn old. Yuri mentions it. And while it is not outright specified, the fact that Zoya thinks that she realizes just how ancient Lizabetha is in context of meeting the Darkling is enough proof for her to seek more information about the age and the older skill of the Darkling. 
And I think it goes without saying that I want to hope that the Darkling and Alina will not meet. Pls, she’s had enough. 
Lada is the lost, other friend that Zoya refuses to bury. 
“She saw her mentor die and her worst enemy resurrected, and she refuses to bury another friend.”
Liliyana is dead, we know. But there’s no other mention of Lada except for the “wondering what happened to the pug faced girl.” Lada is possibly a part of the group of women and a Grisha returning to Ravka from Fjerda, exploited by the parem. She might die being unable to withhold the sheer torment of the parem induction, which will devastate Zoya because Lada was also the closest she’s had to a family with Liliyana. 
Either that or Lada is already dead or dies some other way, and Zoya cannot bring herself bear the grief of losing her. 
Cameos: Inej and Jesper. 
The most likely of the crows to appear in RoW are Inej and Jesper and they’ll play equally important roles in the plotline. Here’s a breakdown of why:
Inej has taken the responsibility of becoming a slave hunter, and it makes sense for Inej to make an appearance in the book, given that there’s going to be a ship taking the Grisha from Fjerda to Ravka. 
The women aboard are vulnerable and require immediate attention, which Inej will immediately zero in on. She will have enough reason to suspect both Leoni and Adrik on the ship, especially when the jurda parem is still a secret. Leoni and Adrik cannot give that information away because they don’t trust Inej (and have no reason to either). Inej won’t trust them either, not until she understands that the reason why the women are being taken to Ravka and for what reasons. 
Which gives her excellent reason to step in, try to analyze the situation and help the women accordingly.
Here’s an exciting thought though. Once after the entire misunderstanding is overcome and Inej understands (esp. if Nina is brought into the conversation and security and secrecy of the conversation is ensured), there may be discussion about how the Grisha might find a safer space in Ravka.
Inej’s appearance might also extend to playing a pivotal role in giving Zoya the confidence to seek her heritage and where she hails from, to embrace the part of her past and forgive herself and others for her mistakes. 
Grisha finding a safer space in Ravka will mean that Inej can pitch Jesper’s case for him to Zoya. Being the highest authority who takes cares of the responsibilities of the Grisha, Zoya will be the best person to talk about this with. 
And so, here comes Jesper. 
For one, I wish Jesper and Leoni interact, talk and just bond like the iconic siblings they would be. <3 But more than that, Jesper plays very integral to the plot for more reasons.
Jesper’s arc will parallel Zoya’s. Both of them are new to their powers in their own individual sense; Zoya is trying to use her new powers in a way that hasn’t been done before, thereby breaking the Grisha orders of powers and Jesper (assuming he has decided that he might want to learn and embrace his Grisha powers) is learning them afresh. 
This journey of them trying to embrace, learn and relearn and reject older norms and experiment really work in tandem.
That will lead us to a further (plot) theories. 
Ties with Novyi Zem 
As of the KoS end, Ravka has no support from anyone atm. Sure the Kerch will provide funds but Ravka has no real allies. Here’s where Novyi Zem and Jesper come in. 
We know Novyi Zem is a new country and also that it is the second safest country for the Grisha in the universe. As of KoS, their agreements are not renewed and they would be since between Kerch and Novyi Zem, Ravka was forced to pick Kerch. Yet Ravka needs their help in acquiring jurda for the antidote. 
So here’s the deal: Ravka will get their jurda but at many conditions that the Novyi Zem will impose on Ravka to not let exploitation get in the way. 
The conditions imposed could be (these are just some at the top of my head but I hope there are more to ensure the safety and security of the Zemeni, in Novyi Zem and in Ravka too) : 
Naval support from Ravka
We know of the Zemeni ships and ofc Nikolai has been hard at work trying to develop plans to use the sea to its fullest advantage. While the news of the izmars’ya isn’t public, Zemeni can place a condition for technical aid from Ravka since Ravka does have the technical knowledge it can dispatch as a condition.
A Grisha School in Novyi Zem
Think about it. Ravka, despite being the safest place for the Grisha, still isn’t entirely safe. Not all Grisha become soldiers in Ravka, they have a choice to abstain but those who are training are still recruited a honed for purpose alike preparing for war, especially the teens and preteens from the time of the Civil War. The training does take a lot of time. Ravka intends to make a home first and then service, but at the moment, while the Grisha are provided safety, it’s not assured in the best sense. Both the facts about a home and service are in precarious positions atm.
TL;DR: Ravka isn’t entirely safe for Grisha therefore the Grisha themselves too are not + Ravka is war torn. 
So what happens? 
One of the conditions as the next best country that serves as home to the Grisha, Novyi Zem may put forth the prospect of building a Little Palace like institution for the Grisha in Novyi Zem. It sounds morally wrong in the sense that the Grisha there will also be trained for war, but the war will end and soon, the Grisha will not be subject to serve for something but engage in economic activities as anybody else with the progression of time.
All of this won’t happen immediately either; learning their powers, honing it in the way that is unocnventional from what it had been pre-RoW and that transition + the building of the establishment in Novyi Zem and laying foundation for the  transnational panel or committee for Grisha that Zoya talks about will all take so much time. 
A few Grisha representatives from Novyi Zem can learn at the Little Palace and by the time the construction of the institution is done in Novyi Zem, these Grisha, along with other willing Grisha who either want to return to the country they were born in (like Leoni) or are offered to teach in a different country can do so too. 
There will be stricter terms so as to not ensure exploitation and possible colonization in these nations. 
Zoya mentions in one of her chapters that eventually there will be a need for the a  transnational panel or committee for Grisha. Jesper can Zoya can make it possible, adding in other countries to the panel slowly as the war recedes. 
Kaz and Wylan? 
Least likely to make an appearance, in my opinion. I think they’ll be mentioned plenty of times or brought up once and given great importance for how they can help in the side plot. 
Shu Support: 
This is more a hope than an actually theory dfbkdhjadfh but Makhi might have to step down from the throne because Ehri will take the place; either as a Queen (no...) or she might oversee the process of strengthening Shu Han and finding a leader (if she doesn’t want to become one herself). 
Ehri is capable, more than capable despite the little we know of her from the last chapter in KoS. All I hope is for an understanding and friendship between Nikolai and Ehri (and the subsequent cancelling of the marriage duH) for this to happen. She has little interest in statecraft but with the time she might spend with Nikolai, she might change her views. Even if not then she still gets the happy ending she deserves with Mayu (which is canon at this point rly).
Emotional Development or Breakdowns
Okay but I really, really, really hope we get to see all the three protagonists lose their shit and deal with their trauma, seek help or trying to stop isolating themselves or anything else they do to cope? Nina, Zoya and Nikolai, all of them cry, all of them get to completely lose it, let themselves be human and healthily cope and learn to rely on the people they trust the most. Like the sheer power and potential to show the myriad of ways to deal with grief, sadness, stress and more and make use of the trio’s backgrounds to show healthy and diverse ways of helping themselves, by letting themselves and others help them is just *combusts* Incredible! 
That being said, can I also ask for moments of fear and desolation from the side characters too? Impending war isn’t small business, it will take its toll on people, and all these reactions just cement their fears and what they value the most so. pls. Humanizing them rly. 
The Saving Each Other 
As much as I mostly kinda hate this trope, there are traces in the KoS that Zoya might be the one to end Nikolai’s affliction. On the other hand, there is talk of Nikolai helping Zoya control her powers which seems counterintuitive when you consider that Zoya knows that there is a line that she must never cross and that she is very, very careful about it and will continue to be. 
They can instead be the ones who motivate each other in times of distress as they always do (as shown with how Nikolai tries to gain control over his monster during the burning thorn ritual in KoS, allowing himself the vulnerability but also knowing that giving up will be unforgivable to both himself and Zoya as well) but I seriously do not wish for each other to be the ones directly ending one another's misery. Or perhaps this is just a fear imo that Leigh wouldn’t even take the route of (in which case, thank fuck).
Stab Stab Stab 
Zoya gets the chance to kill the Darkling with the rest of her friends. After all, Darkling does call them all his old friends. Just Julius Caeser him all the way and put a bow tie on the book. *chef’s kiss* Everybody deserves a second chance... at ending a tyrant when it fails the first time. 
So far, this is it. Rule of Wolves is in less than a few weeks and im- asdfghjkl. not Ready. i’m more Worried than Ready.
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wishful-soda · 2 years
Okay as you saw in my previous ask I absolutely ADORED this chapter and was screaming crying throwing up the entire time reading it so thats established but I am back for my full entire review of the chapter in detail because I NEEEEEEED to point out my fave details ok thanks (AS ALWAYS SPOILERS HERE)
“And I only cannot stand him when Max is around, that dynamic seems to make him think he needs to be completely unbearable.” I HADNT THOUGHT ABOUT THIS and I wonder if its more significant than just playing a part or not… hmmmm
“If you had told him a single detail about your life, maybe this could have been avoided.” Charles didnt HOLD BACK yes icon
“BUT NOT CHOP HIS DICK OFF.  INTERESTING.” Max you are so close to getting it my dude please use your analytical skills I BEG
Actually max this entire night is what I just said. Dude, use sequential thinking and GET THERE BRO
YES AN APOLOGY KIND OF HAS BEEN ON HER MIND ALL ALONG MAX YOU GET IT. The fact he hits on her exact dilemma without knowing like she has wanted an apology for everything that she thinks he has done all along and now she is getting it… what is holding her back from being in love….
Drunkenly droning on about Daniel’s nose….. veryyyyyy relatable
GIRLIE WISHING YOUR PARENT COULD HAVE MET SOMEONE IS NOT A VERY PLATONIC FRIENDSHIP THOUGHT (also this was so emo and beautiful and I just want to say it felt so authentic)
Okay I need to take a second to sing your praises for the scene after Daniel walks in and max realises she called him…. This whole scene was written to perfectly make us as readers feel the increasing tension pressure and panic esp on the part of Charles and Daniel as they realise she doesnt really have a filter… as they get more panicked the more I was SCREAMING it was so perfect!!!!
Ok so the “I think im falling in love with him its so bad” was in one of the WIP games and I didnt think it could affect me more than it did then but in context I LOST MY SHIT
'You smiled at him like he was the only person in the room” FUCKKK shes so loud I cry; also max use your FREAKING brain I cant even with this man
“Did you ever stop to think that there must be a reason she called me instead of you?” OOOOOOF settle down Daniel, also yes he did think about it hes literally faking mate and you know this hes just the most jealous chaos monster as I like to say and I LOVE IT
“Because she. Fucking. Asked. Me. To.” His every action is centered on her I really cant take it UGHGHHGHHG
The way Charles and Daniel try so hard to prevent her from admitting something and snap out of their fight was somehow hot idk I was drooling tho. Panicking and drooling at the same time
“You had called Daniel because whatever you had wanted to ask him, you couldn’t do it without liquid courage. You weren’t lying, that was why you called him” Sure max…. Thats the only reason
“She told me she’s falling in love with Charles.” BUT DID SHE THO MAX??/? THINK REALLY HARD ABOUT THAT DID SHE SAY THAT???? Poor Daniel and also this justifies his jealousy in his brain and its only gonna get worseeeeeee I hope this gets cleared up soon bc I literally screamed NOOOO ITS SO BAD out loud when I read this part for the first time
At least max is starting to get curious and want to figure out what is happening bc I cant with him
The fact Daniel still went to take care of her after all that and was determined to be there for her its just so dreamy.  Also I know you are considering the bonus chapter with more info but I also want to know the process and convo of Daniel going to her place and how exactly it went down with her and Charles there?????? And yes her trying to seduce him would be COMICAL I would love to read it
“It was very considerate” and him smiling sent me to the MOON and I dont know why but it KILLED ME
HE WAS JUST SITTING WAITING FOR HER TO CALL???? again I say…. All his actions centre around her its too much 
HIM APOLOGISING ON HIS KNEES I DIED his fear of going back to enemies is so potent and it makes my heart clench
“Listen, I’m fucking proud of you.” And this whole speech… dont we all just need a Daniel Ricciardo to tell us hes proud of us????
FINALLY THE THIGH RIDINGGGGGGGG it lived up to the hype so well mate I loved it THANK YOU
I HAVE SAID IT ONCE AND I WILL SAY IT AGAIN. He pays attention to her and remembers every thing she has ever said to him over years and im supposed to believe he hated her? Nah he never did and its so powerful I cant
(Theres my girl….. peace out)
“This isnt what you want to hear” BROKE ME he is so insecure and worried about maintaining their friendship I CRY
ANYWAYS as you can see by the EXCESSIVE amount of notes here I clearly ADORED this chapter and am DYING to read more thank you so much for another masterpiece <3 <3 <3 
Hi my love!! Sorry about the delay in responding, work got busy and I slacked on responding to my asks, please forgive me 😭
I mean, we can't deny that Daniel becomes totally unbearable and obnoxious while Charles is around. I feel like he has this undeniable urge to let people know who reader is REALLY with and Charles and Reader are like wtf is wrong with you, we WANT people to think Charles and I are together.
Listen Charles is getting FED UP with their nonsense. He's like don't cry to me girly pop
I feel like Max knows on a subconscious level, but he can't like actually know and put it together because he's like no that's not possible because she's dating Charles so he's like dismissing his suspicions.
Honestly even Max is fed up at this point 😂 he may not get the whole picture but he knows enough to know they both want to be AT LEAST friends but they can't stop being idiots.
My husband has made fun of me lots for my love of Daniel's nose and I refuse to back down from my stance that it is perfect and beautiful NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS
Omg thank you, I'm so glad it felt authentic because that was like the part of the chapter that made me the most emotional when writing it. Like I feel like it wasn't super deep like "I want my mom to meet him so she could know my future husband and father of my children" it was just as simple as "She would have liked him."
THANK YOU!! That scene took the longest to write honestly because I wanted them to fight and Max to be like omg stop and also omg what's happening, but I didn't necessarily want everything revealed to Max right now so I felt like I was really toeing the line between saying too much and saying enough to have grounds to fight 😂 SO THANK YOU BBY
It hits different in context doesn't it 😭
Let's cut Max some slack here, the boy is so confused, he's being told and shown one thing and then there's something entirely different on the DL and he's like ??? Also this may sound heartbreaking, but I think Max truly believes she would never lie to him about something like this and if she was with Daniel, she'd just tell him.
Right? 😭 He couldn't NOT show up because he'd look bad or something, nonono it was all about if she needed him, he was going to be there goddamnit.
Okay idk how it's hot either, I don't really understand what happened there, but you're so right, it's 🥵
okay right, Max is making things SO MUCH WORSE and the oblivious doofus has no hint of an idea of the repercussions of his actions. Dude just thinks he's helping Daniel come to grips and move on and thinks he's helping protect reader from Daniel interfering with her relationship.
Max is finally fed up with being left out ok and he's about to figure some shit out
Right, like the importance of taking care of her and making sure she was ok trumped everything else and he was not about to just be like 'fine charles take over'. No way, she wanted him to take care of her and that's WHAT HE WAS GOING TO FUCKIN DO GODDAMNIT
and yes, I'm like 99% sure that the bonus chapter is going to happen because I agree, we need to see her making a fool of herself and Daniel being patient and Charles being like jesus fucking christ
ok right, she was drunk and boy is still thinking about her being considerate towards him. He thinks she just told Max she's falling in love with someone else and he STILL can't help but be mesmerized by her I stg
ok the 'proud of you' speech may or may not have stemmed from my own issues so I am sorry that was so self-indulgent 😅
I needed the perfect moment for the thigh riding ok, y'all have been begging for it but I'm like ITS NOT TIME YET TRUST ME 😂
Nope, never really hated her. And she's also realizing this, he never really hated her so cue the guilt over the fact that she DID really hate him
praise kink in full swing and I cannot apologize and it will definitely happen again in the future.
NEVER apologize for your notes, no matter how long because I honestly LIVE for them (even if it takes me a long time to respond I'm so sorry omg). They honestly make me so happy and I love hearing your thoughts and emotions throughout. I seriously look forward to it so much that it's what motivates me to finish my chapters like 89% of the time.
THANK YOU FOR BEING A RIDE OR DIE AND ALWAYS BEING HERE TO READ MY SHIT WITH SO MUCH ENTHUSIAM. I would say more but it makes me emotional so I'll just yell about how much I love you
ILYSM !!!!!! 🥰😭💖😘😘😘
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simonsrosebud · 3 years
what is kevin and betsy like? does he take therapy seriously or act more like neil?
(idk how therapy actually works since ive never gone so idk how accurate his sessions w betsy are okay bye)
kevin takes his therapy seriously, yes.  
at first he doesn’t, when he first comes to psu.  he’s too scared to tell betsy anything bc if she tells anyone then kevin is doomed.
but when riko is killed, he starts taking it seriously.  it’s the main reason why his anxiety is amplified and his panic attacks and nightmares become more frequent.  betsy is working through his trauma with him and bringing much of it back to the surface.
when kevin first meets dalton he knows he likes him.  but he still isn’t ready to tell anyone, not even betsy.
unfortunately for him, she’s really good at her job.
“i want to bring the conversation back to this boy, dalton, that you said you’ve been hanging out with.  he’s your friend?”
something like that.
“yeah, he’s a friend.”
“that’s good, that you’ve made friends outside the team.  how did you meet him?  i notice you’ve been bringing him up a lot lately.”
kevin kneads his hands in his lap.  of course he’d make that mistake.  “i was doing homework at starbucks, and he helped me with math and then asked for my number.”  she nods.  “now we hang out a lot.  mainly at his place.  i don’t want andrew and neil to scare him off.”
she nods again.  “what exactly do you think they’d do?”
kevin shrugs.  “i-i don’t know.  but they’d get in my business and probably tell nicky or matt who would tell the whole team, and then they’d be all in my business,” he keeps going when betsy’s face changes an inch.  just contemplating his words, but he reads into it.  “-and i don’t need that right now.  dalton doesn’t even really know that i’m famous.  it’s too soon, and i can’t be outed to the public, it’ll ruin me.”
he only seems to realize what he’s said when betsy starts talking.  “can’t be outed in what way, kevin?”  he stammers.  “i have a feeling you didn’t mean to tell me that, but is dalton really just a friend?”
kevin’s heart is beating out of his chest.  he digs his fingers into his leg.  “no.”
but betsy hasn’t batted an eye.  “that’s okay.  do you want to talk about it?  you’re clamming up.  take some deep breaths, you know i wouldn’t tell a soul if that’s what you’re worried about.”
he pulls his knees to his chest and drops his head.  fuck.  no one was supposed to know, not anytime soon, anyhow.
he composes himself, but doesn’t move.  “i… like guys.”  he lifts his head.  “and girls, but…” he looks away.  “i’ve been seeing dalton, more than just friends.”
betsy is smiling, softly.  “that’s good, kevin.  i know aren’t ready to tell the others, but you shouldn’t be embarrassed.  not with me, anyhow.”  he shrugs.  “would you like to talk more about dalton or move along?”
he shrugs again.  after a minute, wraps his arms around his knees.  “he’s twenty-four, he’s a grad student...  he didn’t have any clue who i was when he met me, i still haven’t really told him a lot.”
“that’s alright.  things take time.  i know you have trouble lettings new people in, and sometimes with physical touch, are there any problems there that you’d like to discuss?”
kevin glares at her, “i’m not talking about our relationship.”
she backs off with an easy nod.  she does a lot of that.  maybe that’s why she works.
somehow, betsy eventually cracks kevin on talking in depth about his relationship with dalton.  she hears all about it when andrew finds out, then when allison finds out, then when nicky finds out.
when the foxes play never have i ever with dalton.  that was a fun one.
“i’m not taking their side, i’m just asking, but do you think perhaps they could have been trying to get to know him and see if he’s all clear?”
he scoffs.  “if they were they’ve got a fucked way of doing that.  they got him plastered.”
“he didn’t have to keep drinking.  from what i’m hearing.”
“he wanted to impress them, he’d never met them before.”  he crosses his arms.
“did you try to tell him to stop drinking?  was it the drinking that really upset you or that your friends were trying to get answers out of him.”
he frowns.  “second one- but it wasn’t just answers.  they went further than just never have i ever dated kevin, they brought up things like wymack and me having to get blacked out to get my tattoo covered, and… i don’t know, sensitive stuff.”  the yakuza.  “it wasn’t okay.”
“did you express this to them?”  he nods.  “you weren’t ready for dalton to know those kinda of things about you, yet.”  he nods and looks away.
“stop reading my brain,” he mumbles.  betsy takes it with a smile, but he’d be lying if he weren’t a tad annoyed about it.  he didn’t think he was this transparent.  
or again, maybe she’s just that good at her job.
contrary to popular belief, saying i love you for the first time didn’t mean that saying it again became easy all of a sudden.  not for kevin.  not for maybe two weeks, until he can get used to dalton saying it more and more.
he talks to betsy about it, just barely.  despite everything he’s told her already, there’s something about this that he’s too embarrassed by.
the only reason he tells dalton is because he wakes up in his bed, sweating and panting in the middle of the night.  the first thing he does is squint his eyes and look for dalton in the dark, and takes a breath when he sees him stir.  he’s still here.  he didn’t leave you.  stop being delusional.
his hands are fists in the sheets, and he presses himself back against the headboard.  you’re fine.
but he still jumps a little when dalton sits up.  “hey,” his voice is groggy, and he rubs his eyes.  he almost reaches for kevin, too, but stops.  “hey, kev.  it’s d, baby, you’re okay.”
“i know,” he whispers.  “i’ll be right back.”
he steps out of bed, hands shaking, and zips across the room to the bathroom.  it’s dark, okay?
he braces himself against the sink.  “get yourself together.”  he splashes water onto his face.  it doesn’t help.  he’s just wet, now.
he leans back against the wall and slides to the floor.  here’s his dilemma.  there’s a part of him that loves dalton more than life itself, he thinks.  and by a part of him he means all of him.
so why is he so scared of it?  of saying it freely, or without a second thought?  he’s never done this before.  he doesn’t know how it’s supposed to be, he just doesn’t understand why he so scared that he’ll get used to saying it and one day be reject-
dalton is up on his phone when he leaves the bathroom, and turns it off when he crawls back into the bed.  “are you okay?”
“i’m fine,” he says.
kevin tucks his hands into the comforter and balls his fists.  “um, i had a dream that you left,” he mumbles. “i know it’s stupid, i just had a moment, it’s whatever-“
“no, it’s not stupid.  i’ve had the same dream before… s’why i said i love you the first time, actually.”
kevin purses his lips.  he can just barely see dalton’s frown.  “um, don’t judge, but i think… i have a hard time saying i love you,” he mumbles.  “so you just have to let me get used to it.”
“okay,” dalton says.  “do you wanna talk about it at all?”
kevin shrugs.  “i don’t know.”  but betsy’s advice swirls in his head.  the only way to know how he feels is talking to him, even if you’d rather not.
“you’re the first person i’ve had a real relationship with.  i think i’m scared i’ll get used to saying i love you and then one day you just won’t say it back.  reject me, or whatever.”  he lies back and feels dalton following.
dalton is lying on his stomach with an arm over kevin and his chin on his chest.  “you’re not crazy for being scared of that,” he mumbles.  “but i can tell you that i don’t see it happening.”  he brushes kevin’s hair from his forehead.  “i’m not leaving anytime soon.”  he kisses his chest since he can’t reach his face without moving.
“okay,” and kevin swallows his fear, or pride, he’s still not sure.  “i love you.”
the next week at his appointment with betsy he tells her of the late night realization, and how dalton reacted to it when he told him.
“the thing to remember about dalton is that we know he’s not going to reject you out of the blue, yes?  from what i see here and there, he’s not just a fling or a short time boyfriend, and he’s now made it clear to you.”
kevin holds his hot chocolate close to his face.  he hasn’t drank any of it, but it’s warm in his hands and the steam is nice on his face.  “yeah,” he murmurs, and without thinking, “i’m pretty sure he’s my soulmate.”
oh?  “i thought you didn’t believe in that kind of thing?”
he shrugs in attempt to hide his shock from saying it, and then tries to hold back a shit eating grin.  “yeah, well… it’s dalton.”
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parappah · 3 years
ok so i have a few thoughts about troy bolton from high school musical
I honestly think Troy has anxiety and that he's a people pleaser if not a complete pushover. and i feel like that shows in all of his relationships like with his parents, mainly his father, his relationship w gabriella, and his friendship w chad and like... whatever the situation is with him and sharpay. this shows in HSM1 by the like. dilemma he has with trying to choose between basketball and singing. like with basketball his interest in that is closely if not completely tied to his relationship with his father due to his father.... literally being his coach and its implied that Troy's father pushed him into basketball at a very young age and always pushed Troy to be the best into being the big star and that’s how Troy has always sought approval from his father is thru basketball. so when troy tries to pursue other hobbies that he might have not had exposure to because of his sole focus just being basketball, that puts his relationship with his father in jeopardy because that's the only thing their relationship is built on. And like of course that’s going to cause anxiety in Troy because he’s disappointing his father his coach his PARENT he feels worthless he feels like a failure like something is wrong w him for wanting to explore other hobbies and that shame doesn’t even just come from his father that comes from his friends and the entire school. My man troy’s entire personality his self image his entire humanity is based on basketball and other people’s views of him.
With his closest friend Chad, I won’t say that their relationship is also entirely based on basketball but like. Chad clearly hasn’t always been on Troy’s side at all times in the movies. In HSM1 he also gets mad at Troy for diverting his focus from basketball to other things (Stick to the Status Quo) and that whole nonsense with Gabriella and the webcam. And then in HSM2 when Troy is getting lots of attention from many different sources (which I’ll get into later). In HSM3 I think Chad takes a bit of a back seat but also he still expresses disappointment in Troy’s choices to go to a different college to be closer to Gabriella and seemingly choosing their relationship over a friendship that they’ve had since they were literally children. Like I honestly feel like Chad feels like Troy is constantly choosing other things over him and he’s justified in feeling like that even if the way he goes about expressing his disappointment isn’t always in the most…….tactful and considerate ways. But Chad definitely IS a major source of Troy’s anxiety and definitely affects the way that Troy views himself.
Ok so about HSM2 I feel like this is really the peak of Troy’s frustration and anxiety because it’s literally Troy being pulled in 75 different directions between Gabriella and getting to spend enough time with her and nurture their relationship, his friendship with Chad and being able to support him too in such a stressful work environment, trying to appease Sharpay, and also trying to think about his own future outside of everyone else (the college scouts and shit). Like this is literally everyone trying to rely on Troy and not being understanding that he’s under a lot of stress and he has other things going on his life other than them… but this is also affecting everyone else’s views of him because suddenly Troy is seen as unreliable and selfish and a bad friend/boyfriend who doesn’t actually care about his future. Like that total polarization from how everyone feels about him…. When he’s trying to please EVERYONE all at the same time because they’re all important to him in some way is seriously damaging… and the fact that no one else seems to understand what he’s going thru and all drop him like a hot potato when he doesn’t live up exactly to their expectations. This is exactly how it was in HSM1 too remember because as soon as Troy was trying to expand his horizons and do other things everyone turned on him!!!
Regarding HSM3 idk if I’m gonna write that much about it because when we were watching it we were mainly talking the entire time and pausing every 5 frames to take screenshots for art poses but like. Troy is under a lot of pressure to choose the right college. Like all of his options are between like… going to Julliard so he can nurture his newfound love of singing and music… going to a school that’s good for basketball because that’s what he’s worked toward for so long and also being a school that his bestie Chad is also going to… and then also a college that’s close to Gabriella because they’re in love and the center of each other’s universes or whatever bc it’s a high school relationship even tho they have their entire lives to become new people and find other relationships- okay that’s not the point but CLEARLY Troy has many decisions to make and it’s like. Does he want to please his father and his best friend does he want to please his girlfriend does he want to please HIMSELF…. And then as soon as he implies that he wants to choose something for himself for his own interests that gets everyone’s backs turning on him again. Troy literally cannot catch a break because ANYTHING he does to assert his own independence his own autonomy as a human being and make his own choices independent of anyone else’s thoughts are automatically disapproved of and everyone around him that he would expect to be loving and supportive just get angry at him. Like this constant cycle that Troy is thrown into would definitely cause him to be a people pleaser and a pushover because like. If he doesn’t do that then he’ll literally lose everyone and everything.
Anyway in conclusion this is basically why in every movie we have an angsty introspective Troy song (Get’cha Head in the Game, Bet On It, Scream). The dude goes thru a lot and no one else seems to care.
sorry i didn't talk about gabriella much because she's annoying and i don't think there's that much there LOL they barely have anything in common. like my friend luna said the only thing they have in common is the R in both their names.
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soft-serve-soymilk · 2 years
For Inigo
24 - how long does it take for them to call someone their best friend?
And from the soft oc asks: 12 - What's a childhood memory they cherish most?
Here, the first in the new line of ocs asks only you read :> Starting with best boy, of course~
Tumblr media
I made him in picrew ^^
So before i answer ur littol questions I think it's best to reestablish the context here,, since you don't really have a means of reading it hehe. Inigo is my witty, aroace, 13-year-old archer and the no. 1 consumer of coffee out of everyone :). Inigo got lost on the streets as a wee kindergartner due to a paper orphan-- or child trafficking-- scheme, which was so incredibly disorganized eventually he just ended up displaced and fallen through the cracks. Fortunately for him though, he meets Archie (who has run away from home in order to find his missing younger brother, Dism) :>. It is from here that he learns how to speak, and write, and he's given his name,, which was initially going to be Indigo (bc of the colour of his blood, he thought that's why Archie kept him around intially, because it's unusual like Dism's. Basically, he thought he was a surrogate) but since he couldn't pronounce it correctly it came out as Inigo. Anyway these two form an almost brother-like bond over the time they were together. However, because of their unfortunate situation these two end up almost starving to death eventually, and inigo gets coerced into throwing Archie's journal into the river to be washed away forever in order to secure a last-ditch supply of food. It's from here that he realises just how fallible Archie's mental health is-- how he gazes a little too long at highways, the lack of vivacity in his voice, how poor his self-esteem is -- and it troubles him. But alas, they had to be separated; Archie was to follow on the lead he gained, Inigo to go to Archie's hometown to some friends of Archie's dad Nate, who were an infertile couple who wanted a child. And so they went, silent goodbyes.
Bc Archie got himself stranded in the dream world Oskopnir against his will soon after, he was unable to give any indication of his still-existence to Inigo (he was told no-one knew where the dawn stone, or the portal between oskopnir and byrgir was, and it's impossible to travel things if you're not a lucid dreamer in the first place). And inigo, after years and years of no letters, no indication of anything at all, having learned of what depression and suicidal ideation actually is, now thinks he killed him~ :>. Why? Bc that same journal contained many many photos of Dism, which obv would've have made his search for him *a lot* easier. But at the same time, the actually more logical part of his brain reasons the opposite, which brings us to the present day.
Inigo has now put up an icy front against anyone he meets, now deliberating on the hedgehog's dilemma and choosing the answer that it's better to stay away to avoid hurting himself and other people (guess who's now traumatised haha). He still really is a marshmellow of sweetness and affection underneath though. He works very hard, almost unhealthily so, and is very, very intelligent-- he's advanced two grades to be where Dism and Cynthia are. He’s now very snarky and smug, and because of his trauma-induced guilt, self-destructive, self-loathing even. Not to mention impulsive. But for those that can see past the exterior of emotional dishonesty and borderline manipulation, there’s a caring, thoughtful, and most importantly devoutly loyal boy underneath :) OH and before I forget, he’s one of the lucid dreamers (the half-race people with a chance of being made when someone from oskopnir and someone from byrgir well... do it together. I mean kinks do exist and maybe you really do want to fuck a mushroom-person idk you do you) Indigo-coloured, he controls the aspect of intuition and has a range of extrasensory perceptive powers such as clairvoyance and predicting the immediate future :)
And now for your questions :>
24 - how long does it take for them to call someone their best friend? To put it frankly, a very long time xD. But in a more serious light, there’s really one ingredient crucial to achieving this coveted status: vulnerability. The rest follows. If you were to position yourself in such a way that he’d be forced to break and speak from the heart, with unwavering emotion and feeling, welp he can’t exactly cover that up can he? And now you have greater access to the fuller depth of his personality, and if you were as understanding and non-confrontational as Cynthia or Dism were, well you’re on a good track :D. If one does get this far, generally what was the slowest of burns becomes the greatest of flames; he’s fast besties with anyone at this point, and really treasures the trust people give him and gives great pains not to go back on it ever again :> It’s also this methodology that allows for his and Dism’s eventual QPR-- because Dism got to see him at his worst, just 1-on-1, it’s that relationship that eventually becomes one of his greatest ^^. Really, they defy all labels, and the only way I could put it is, it’s like two wounded people caught in the crossfire of a terrible disaster, broken and bleeding. But they bandage each other, and comfort one other even if it hurts god damn it, and they’re going to stay together until they’re both as happy and free as they can be, whereupon they’re so used to crying on each others shoulders, so used to the pleasure of each other’s company, that they just. What do you call this. It’s love, but so free of the taint of sexuality, or heated romance. Pure; endlessly giving. they build each other up and make each other better, and when they can’t build no more they send each other flying. Joyful flying, like something out of a ghibli film. I really hope that explains things for you :> can you tell i’ve spent an excessive amount of time daydreaming about these two
soft oc asks: 12 - What's a childhood memory they cherish most? I feel the need to say he’s literally 13, he’s only just out of “childhood” xD. And tbh, he still is smol baby to me anyway as the 3rd youngest oc xD. Since the thought of Archie dying is so severely traumatic, it’s clear that he treasured practically all the time they had together, as short as it was. Being on the rooftops together at midnight, looking at the still illuminated streets below, being passed down his hat (I realise why his previous designs felt so off to me. he was missing a hat. And this is actually why i have Naoto as my current pfp, it’s to subconsciously evoke him :>), that’s probably one of the things he holds most dear to his heart. But also all the stories they shared together, huddling and sleeping together to keep warm,, he has such a fondness for those memories it’s painful to look back on them now. He gets over it, though :> Also, he’d hate to admit it, but that time he defended cynthia from some nasty people by brandishing his pocket knife and getting himself suspended for a week. It’s the kind of fondness you get when you look at something stupid you did in the past. And again, it’s the vulnerability factor here-- he showed he cared about her and that’s how they became besties even though they’re complete and utter opposites :) (except for the fact they’re now outcasts. They had that in common at least) He cherishes a lot of things, it’s why his last name was initially saudade before his character development prompts him to change it to valere-vervain :> (plant theme!!). And yes, that means his full name is allllllll of his own design. He does not get it let go without a little friendly teasing from his friends xD
And that’s it for the first!!!!!! Hope you treasure and enjoyed it, i do recommend you copy and save this to your computer in case of another accident ahshdhdg
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janiedean · 3 years
if you ever wrote that rant about grrm making jon his chosen one deconstruction i'd be very happy to read it 👀
hello anon sorry for the lateness but here we go *deep breath*
sssooo, I had once ranted about it though not mentioning the thing I mentioned in those tags so lemme see if I can find the op and like... cp the main argument and amend it bc it was long, but okay so I found it, original anon asked me: why is Jon considered to be one of the most special characters grrm created? Why is he not the typical hero of fantasy books?, my original answer was here if anyone wants to go there but basically lemme just cp the first part making it shorter and then I'm adding:
first thing, the Typical Post-Tolkien Chosen One With A Shitty Life Before He Finds Out He Is Chosen™ character (I’m saying post-tolkien because every fantasy writer in existence who copies tolkien thinks that lotr went like that and instead it didn’t) usually goes through the following steps: his life sucks up until the beginning of the series, his family generally hates him/her or doesn’t appreciate them or abuses them or anyway doesn’t make their life easier and they’ve never known any different, but *something* never quite worked right and they always knew something was missing in their life, they just didn’t know why. suddenly someone who knows they were Chosen™ shows up and tells them that they’re actually Special because of this this and that and they have a quest to go on to save the world or something. our hero/heroine obviously is finally validated and while their quest is hard and full of hardships and maybe they lose a few friends along the way, finding out that they were Chosen gives their life meaning, they usually find love/friends/everything they didn’t have before until they fulfill the Prophecy™ and live more or less happily ever after, possibly after hooking up with the Person Of Their Dreams with whom they had UST up until the last twenty pages of the book. basically: being Chosen™ in regular fantasy novels is a good thing because suddenly you’re special and all the crap you suffered acquires a new meaning and in the end it made your life better.
jon snow is a complete overhaul of about everything in this sense because
instead of having a family who hates him he has a family who actually mostly loves him, and with ned it’s arguably so much that he risks royal treason by keeping him hidden from his *best friend* - sure, there’s cat and peripherally sansa, but his issues stem from the fact that he feels lesser because he’s a bastard (as far as he knows) and it’s a *class* issue, not a *my family hates me* issue not counting catelyn obv but that's what gives him freudian issues more on that in the emended part later
no one actually knows that he’s Chosen™ - like mel could get there and probably will and someone will put two and two together when his parentage comes out in the open, but he doesn’t have a gandalf or mentor who shows him The Way Towards His Quest
so instead of going from ‘my life sucks but I’m going on a quest which is gonna be a+’ he actively chooses to leave a fairly decent situation (a household he knows, siblings who love him - ned actually hoped he’d become robb’s counselor or right hand man or something from what we can gather) because he feels like he has to prove he’s better than his name and goes to the Crappiest Place In Westeros. like idk if people grasp it, but the wall is basically a prison and at the ripe age of fourteen he decides that it’s totally a good and honorable choice (his only choice actually) to go defend the realm in the freezing cold along with a bunch of criminals/derelicts/rejects of society
at which point he makes friends among said rejects and let’s remember that it’s the point where he actually has to do his first an only privilege when donal noye made him go like hey you were brought up with nobles these ppl are here because they stole bread, and that helps making him more into the person he is rn but like your tyopical fantasy hero who has had a shitty life doesn’t usually have to acknowledge that other people might have had it worse
then he goes on the Quest where he finds his first One True Love, and that’s where it turns even worse because usually the quest is where things start to go right for the Hero™, instead for jon they start to go wronger, because first he has to go undercover which pretty much tests most of his belief/code system, he falls in love with a girl he has to betray, half of his friends and his lord commander die along the way, while he’s off doing his thing winterfell gets taken/burned and robb dies when jon openly stated that he also was going to the wall to defend his family and keep them safe (yeaaah worked out real well), when he goes back to the wall he has to fight the people he lived with for months, the woman he loves dies in his arms and he can’t do anything about it and he’s aware it couldn’t have gone any other way, people put defending the wall on him and then put his loyalty in question, when stannis shows up with a legitimization (which is everything he ever wanted) he refuses because he doesn’t want to accidentally steal his siblings’s inheritance (which was what cat was so worried about hahaha) and actively chooses the crappy defending the realm life all over again. also in all this time his being Chosen™ hasn’t manifested or helped him in any way whatsoever - actually all his honor-moral code related baggage is what  moral dilemmas come from that. like, your usual chosen hero™ would always take the right decision and it all turns out good eventually, jon takes the morally right decision and it all turns SOUR eventually
at this point he finally gets elected LC, thanks to his friends also pitching in, which is about the one fantasy hero™ thing that’s happened for now. should be good, yes?
lol no, because he ends up with THAT hellish responsibility at sixteen, since he thinks that he has absolutely to be even better than that now and he has very specific notions about how you should lead and he knows he has to take unpopular decisions/decisions that he doesn’t necessarily like, he ends up either having to send his friends away forreal (sam) or detaching from them (pyp/grenn/the likes) and when as far as he knows he learns that his sister is married to ramsay he can’t do anything about it
never mind that it’s the same situation as when he had to pick the watch or robb in book one - he went there to defend his family and now being there actually prevents him from helping them in person. ops. meanwhile he’s trying to implement a new vision of things which is modern and smart and actually makes sense because why fighting the wildlings when you have ZOMBIES coming. your usual Chosen One™ would get people to approve just because he’s the Chosen One
instead jon gets stabbed to death - okay, that was also because he wanted to go get arya but it was the last straw, people were pissed over the wildlings plan first and foremost
so basically he’s gone through all the Chosen One™ steps but in reverse - he loses his family which did love him instead of finding another one that makes the first pale in comparison, he does find a new one who loves him but has to alienate most of its members for responsibility reasons as a consequence of what should have been the crowning achievement of his life choices (which eventually is NOT one), he falls in love and they don’t drag the UST forever but they never get a chance to be together without small print in between, he chooses the admittedly most masochistic life he could for his family as well and half of them die and he can’t do a thing for the other half, every other mentor-like figure he runs into after ned dies, instead of finding validation he ends up having to isolate himself and on top of everything HE STILL DOESN’T FUCKING KNOW HE’S THE CHOSEN ONE™
so instead of his life going better the more he learns stuff and matures as a person, he gets murdered. by the people he trusts and who were supposed to be his new family. haha?
never mind that when he finds out he’s the Chosen One™ it won’t bring him closure because all he ever wanted was being full stark like his father/siblings and then bam he’s going to find out his father’s actually targaryen and what does that even mean to him?
on top of that being AA will just be a pain because I don’t believe for a second he’s not going to get leftover ptsd and who the hell is gonna help him deal with it? or how is he ever getting over his *brothers* murdering him? and people are going to ask stuff of him all over again and he’s gonna have to go slay a mythical monster and if I know grrm it’s not gonna be fun, pretty or cathartic FOR HIM
on top of that, Chosen Hero™ fulfills the prophecy and gets a realm to rule and everyone lives happily ever after. money is that if jon does get that realm (and I think he is because he has the best claim if he's legitimate and most likely it'll turn out he was on the targ side but ROBB also legitimized him so he has double the legitimization), he’s going to hate every second of it and he’ll take it because a) duty, b) literally no one else is available, and like this guy didn’t want to rule a realm or be a king or anything he just wanted to be a stark, and instead he’s going to have to after all that shit thanks to Magical And Noble Heritage he hadn’t even known he had and probably didn’t even want up to that point because since when jon wanted to be a targ? yeah since never
obviously I hope he manages to be somewhat happy regardless because the alternative is too miserable, but basically being a Chosen Hero™ is what makes jon’s life worse rather than better and the fact that hew went through all the regular self-discovery journey for the fantasy hero list doesn’t mean he’s not flipping that over in his sl. the fact that he stayed a decent person more or less throughout it and that he hasn’t turned into a bitter asshole also doesn’t change the main point XD
tldr: jon snow is not a typical fantasy hero because he deconstructs that trope into tiny little bits same as robb deconstructed the arthurian flawless king hero trope
now ^^^^^ THAT was what I originally wrote for that meta but adding on to what I said in those tags
okay so... there is a certain tendency to also make the chosen one™ special in the sense that he's kind of goals - good looking, rich or set to inherit, gallant, takes the initiative, he's like.. social or anyway immediately makes friends etc and all that jazz which jon... doesn't really fit
like jon is an introvert who immediately makes friends just with outcasts and his siblings also bc he feels like one but he's hardly a social butterfly and charms everyone wherever he walks by
I mean ffs says all that the only person he charmed in that sense is stannis who is the literal only person in charge in the books who is more introvert than him and has worse communication issues and appreciates ppl going straight to the point
on top of that in the book he looks like ned.... and arya looks like ned and ned isn't described as being particularly handsome that was brandon so he's not even like... I mean kit h. is v. pretty and I think he was a good choice for the role and I'll die on the hill that he was born to play that character and he did it well but book!jon doesn't have that kinda pretty face so the concept that he's the HOT alternative to anyone to me is kind of iffy bc he's not
he's shit at social interactions and at PR which is why robb and him would have been a key winning ticket like he has a better idea of the larger picture but robb would have actually made sure ppl didn't turn against them bc he actually was good at that but like he doesn't go around rallying armies in his name does he
the one time he's been with a girl it was ygritte and like he courted her without realizing it and then she had to pursue him and he barely knew wtf to do on top of the fact that they slept with ghost in the middle of them like a sword which..... is.... I mean sleeping with the sword in the middle was a thing to make sure the maiden stayed a maiden and he's the one who is like i CAN'T HAVE SEX WITH HER EVEN IF I WANT TO BECAUSE I'M TECHNICALLY SPYING ON THEM like... he's not... gallant-knight coded
never mind that the moment they do the do she basically does everything until he decides to try the oral which I mean... isn't exactly alphadominatingmale out of jon which is not a given with the trope he's supposed to represent like he's not smooth he's not suave he's like WHAT THE FUCK when ygritte tells him he has a pretty face bc most likely no one else told him that and he like... doesn't pursue people like that in general which is also not exactly 100% what that trope usually goes for
we can add that he has a lot of passive-aggressive little shit sarcasm in him that they didn't let him go for in the show but like... usually chosen heroes™ don't think what he thinks about selyse in general
we can also add that he's not automatically above being better than his position like... he doesn't take winterfell bc ygritte is dead but he did think he'd have taken the deal sansa or not if stannis had said he could marry her and not val and if she wasn't dead, he basically went off the rails at the dude he was fighting with thinking about robb telling him that he couldn't be lord of wf because he was a bastard and he's absolutely not in the frame of mind of 'well I was born a bastard who cares it doesn't define me'
he's obsessed to the point of unhealthy with actually being defined by it which is why he was better off with the wildlings aka the only idiots in the realm who don't gaf about that
and that's like... I mean usually if chosen ones™ have parental issues it's like 'you were an orphan and raised by asses who weren't your parents but your parents loved you and you'll find out at some point and you'll be happier for it and make your own family', jon is like... he has the mommy freudian issues of the century bc of how cat treated him, on the other side he's obsessed with living up to ned's/his father's name and he hates that it makes him not-belonging or that he feels like he doesn't even if he does with his siblings, and at the same time when the truth about it comes out he's going to get the cold shower of the century bc like - he's spent all that time thinking BUT DID MY MOTHER WANT ME WHO WAS MY MOTHER and he's going to find out of who it was and how he was born and honestly considering that lyanna most likely did regret running with rhaegar the moment he finds that out and that she died birthing him how is he going to feel? - also he spends his life wanting to live up to his 'father's' name aka ned aka someone known to be honorable to a fault and then it turns out his bio father is... the dude who started that entire rebellion not doing a very honorable thing? - also if jon*erys is a thing idt that he'd take 'I fell in love with my aunt' so nonchalantly as he did in the show tldr: he's never gonna get over his parental issues in a short time and when that particular brick hits him in the face it won't be pretty
like the entire point of jon is that he goes through all the chosenone™ cursus honorum as we'd call it in high school when studying latin but each step that means smth good for the usual chosenone™ to him is something bad, being one is not going to make his life better and throughout the entire thing he does not fit that stereotype when it comes to look, personality, basic traits and familial history and like hell he's going to have the happy ending tied up with the bow - like I think he gets a bittersweet one and eventually goes off with the wildlings bc he belongs there after being jon snow first of his name (bc like hell he's not reclaiming his bastard background at the end of this entire mess I'm eating my hat if he doesn't) after splitting the seven realms and fixing things but that's hardly the neat happy ending the chosenone™ usually gets so that's my two cents
... christ this was long *raises hands*
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hematomes · 3 years
Ugh I’m in such a dilemma rn like I really do want c1 Hu Tao (she’s at c0 rn) because I just think she’s so cute and I also invested a lot of time and resin into her but I also heard that albedo is going to be the first banner for 2.3 and I’ve been waiting for his rerun ever since his first banner and then I also finally lost the 50/50 to Jean on Childes banner for the first time so idk what I should do with my  guarantee 😭. I just want my alchemy man and my weird girl bff but also itto the beloved manwhore why must this happen
what are your FUNDS
in all honesty and from my own perspective, i would say: save for albedo, bc i was in the same position (wanting to pull hu tao c1 but extremely interested in the 2.3 banners) and i decided that while hu tao's c1 is cool, im more interested in playing new characters (especially those you've been wanting for a long time)
however, it depends solely on what YOU want and what you're looking for! if you'd rather have an even more broken hu tao and give her justice, by all means, pull for her; who knows, you might also get a very early, surprise albedo (+ if you get hu tao and end up skipping albedo you might have enough for itto if you win the 50/50 early...... sigh)
at the end of the day it's a VERY TOUGH decision but you still have a bit of time to decide
anyway yeah, the main question is: which character you'll sacrifice. the one you already have but want to buff, the one you've been wanting for a long long time or the one who barged into the game unannounced and stole our hearts and primos </3
GOOD LUCK FAM, keep me updated!!!
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phantaloon-books · 4 years
(some) Riordanverse characters (bc I never read TKC) and which Hogwarts House I think they would be in
Warning: this is a long one
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Nico: the dude is definitely Gryffindor without a doubt. Like Sorting isn't about some traits and some characteristics, it's about core personality. He may have gone through some of the roughest stuff when he was 10-12, and he was resentful and bitter, but he was brave and bold af throughout everything he did. From learning about his powers, to using them relentlessly despite knowing how exhausted he is afterwards, to his willingness to do whatever is necessary to do what has to be done, because it has to be done. You can't change my mind that he's Gryffindor lol.
Grover: Do I even need to explain why he's Gryffindor? He's a satyr, and even if we're shown strong satyrs, they're not really supposed to be brave fighters. Yet he is one of the strongest, bravest nature spirits we've ever encountered in the Riordanverse, and one of the bravest in general. Like he's so passionate about doing what is good, he's a hero, and the only thing he doesn't match with common Gryffindors is that he's humble and as far from arrogant as could be possible, but it doesn't take his courage away.
Hazel: She's Gryffindor, and core personality-wise, she and Nico are very much alike. They don't ever think about themselves, like Hazel really always does what has to be done, no matter the cost, I mean she literally died preventing Gaea to rise the first time, and she freed Thanatos while believing he would take her back to the Underworld. She's brave af, and she has one of the most strong willpower we've seen in the Riordanverse. She's a passionate hero, and she's the closest thing to a real knight in shining armor.
Lester: I'm gonna place him in Gryffindor because I don't think he fits in in the other houses lmao. That said, as Apollo he's very shitty, but as Lester, he's one of the most courageous people. He's grown so much, he's so willing to actually do stuff now, and sacrifice everything to do what's right, including his life, even if he doesn't know he's gonna survive. Hell, he really went most of TTT with an incredibly painful wound that nearly turned him undead, and he cared more for the future of Camp Jupiter than his own life. Additionally, he's a bit arrogant and cocky, but he truly means well, I love Lester so much.
Clarisse: Look look, all I have to say is that no one could have pulled off less than half the stuff Clarisse has done, she's so Gryffindor it hurts. She's reckless and impulsive, but she's driven by her passion to do good, even if she's the daughter of war, and was bullied by her own father. She's daring, she's bold and she is the hero. She's also arrogant and thinks she can solve everything by herself, something characteristic more of the canon Gryffindors in the books, rather than what the fans have shaped. In fact, she's very much like Gryffindors in the books, who are actually very rude to other houses and think they're the best. Still, at heart, she's in this house.
Alex: I'm in a huge dilemma about where to put them, but I reckon they'd fit pretty fine in Gryffindor. Not only are they daring and courageous, they're proud of who they are, but not in a too full of themselves kind of way, rather in a 'I am who I am, and if you can't accept me, fuck off' kind of way. They can get carried away rather easily though, and very arrogant, thinking they don't need anyone else, when they do in fact need some company. They are one of the kindest and at the same time most ambitious characters we've met, but they are brave beyond understanding in a very personal way, thus, Gryffindor.
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Percy: I think it's fair to say he'd be Hufflepuff, because loyalty is literally his fucking fatal flaw, and he is the kindest sweetheart to all those who deserve it, he goes out of his way to help those who need help, whether that be mortals, halfbloods, gods, magical creatures or even his own enemies. He's too good for this world, and even if he's grown a bit bitter, he always looks to fight justly for what is right, and never loses faith in others. That, and the fact that he turned down immortality so that the olympians were more inclusive of minor gods, and their children were treated better. He's just a lovely soul, he's like 80% Hufflepuff so that's enough for me. All that and he's stubborn as hell.
Jason: Hufflepuff. Just, undoubtedly Hufflepuff. Like he seems to be this cold and self centered hero with a superiority complex (bc of all the son of Jupiter stuff) but he's the softest guy there is. Not only is he hardworking, open minded and kind, he appreciates justice but he doesn't seek for revenge or anything, he makes sure people are treated fairly and wants everyone to be accepted. Proof of that is how he continued Percy's job of including more gods, and made sure Nico felt comfortable with who he was. He truly has a heart of gold. (He deserved better btw)
Meg: God I can't decide between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, but I think I'll go with the former. She's so strong, my baby, she's faced so much wrong, but she's still so kind and understanding of others, especially those who deserve kindness. She puts up such a hard facade, but she's so patient and warm and inclusive. She's brave and strong (as strong as the big three kids, if not stronger), but she's also so loyal to her beliefs despite how she was forced someone else's beliefs for years, so I'll keep her in Hufflepuff. Also, she's stubborn af, and she can be lazy, so that settles it.
Will: I KNOW some people will say Will could be in other houses that are not Hufflepuff, BUT I won't have it any other way. Will is literally the warmest person ever. He is kind and sympathetic and enthusiastic and patient and inclusive. Like Helga Hufflepuff would take one look at him and lose her shit screaming "mine". He's the guy who saw the son of Hades so many people were scared of and immediately grabbed his hand and transfered him some warmth and didn't let him go ahead and get himself killed. He's also the one who everyone loves and likes, so much that Clarisse gets along with him and he can calm her down. He's the ideal Hufflepuff, you can't change my mind.
Magnus: I mean, what else can you expect from the son of the god of summer? He's literally a guy who heals others with warmth. He's also the guy who spent years on the street with the most difficult situations, and accepts every single person the way they are. He's inclusive af, and tolerant of everything. He's the guy who's closest include a deaf elf, a Muslim valkyrie, and a black dwarf, and he's dating a genderfluid person. Yes he's brave, and he's kinda smart, and he's ambitious, BUT none of those qualities overpower his Hufflepuff nature.
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Piper: Kinda debated whether Gryffindor or Ravenclaw fits more, but in the end I went with Ravenclaw. Even though she isn't a fighter, she's very very brave, yet her bravery isn't compared to her wits. Like others in the PJOverse, she wins her fights by outsmarting her opponents, but unlike others that's one of her strongest traits. She's witty and creative and a little on the negative side, she really struggled to work in a group rather than by herself. On another note, she's able to keep calm in crazy situations and come up with the craziest most unthinkable solutions (I'm talking borderline ridiculous) that always somehow work. She's not booksmart, but she knows so much about everything, and she's lifesmart you know?
Reyna: Why are some of these so hard? Deeply debating whether she'd be Ravenclaw or Slytherin. In the end I'd go more for Ravenclaw though. Reyna's smart as hell, she's strong and sharp, and she always sees the best way out of a situation. She's witty and observant, being able to keep her cool in battle and lead others in the best direction. She's always looking to grow, and she prefers to do things on her own, but she's a great leader. She has some Slytherin qualities, and she's not learning as learning oriented as others, but she's definitely Ravenclaw.
Sam: Let's face it, Sam has the only active neurons in all of MCGA, she's definitely Ravenclaw. I'm gonna be honest though, I've only read MCGA once, so I can't remember much of their personalities, but Sam is witty and clever, pretty much the only one who can come up with competent plans, while the others rely mostly on luck and whatever plan they can cook up in 5 seconds. She's loyal and true to who she is, and she's extremely courageous and proud of who she is, but her sharpness is what she stands out for me, which is why I put her in Ravenclaw.
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Annabeth: I know the obvious option is Ravenclaw, but I genuinely think she's also Slytherin. Yes she is booksmart and wise like Ravenclaw, but her personality matches Slytherins' ambitious, cunning and resourceful nature. She's smart as fuck, but she's calculative, she always finds a way to end up winning, and while she does so by outsmarting her opponents, she wouldn't need to outsmart them if she weren't so competitive. I feel like there's this 40/60 odds on Slytherin rather than Ravenclaw, but it's that small difference that counts. Plus her leadership skills are so powerful that people don't ask, they just know she's the boss.
(Also just picture the sweet and loyal Hufflepuff boy with the strong and cunning Slytherin girl, like it should be as opposite as it is with Poseidon and Athena, but they're so cute)
Leo: Idk what you can expect that's not Slytherin. This boy is the embodiment of ambition and determination. Reminder that not all Slytherins are bad btw (I'm slytherin myself), but like he's life smart and cunning, and he can analyze situations faster than anyone else. He's charismatic and talented, and there's no one to stop him from triumphing. I don't have much to say, I just know he'd be in Slytherin.
Rachel: She's kinda a difficult one, and I struggle between Gryffindor and Slytherin, and tbh I'm still not sure. But I think I'd place her in Slytherin, because even if she's brave af (especially since she was a mortal fighting in a war out of her power), her main trait is her determination. When she's set on something, she gets it done. You can't tell her she can't do something, because she will find a way to do it. She's kind, and she's only a mortal, but she still has incredible power unlike any other. I don't think I can really name it, but I think she'd be put on Slytherin with much difficulty from the Sorting Hat.
Luke: Where else could Luke possibly go? On the meaner side Slytherins have created themselves, Luke would be part of those misled by who preceded them, by those who want to take advantage of their mistreatment (bc let's face it, Slytherins are mistreated by both students and Hogwarts staff), and turn them cold and bitter. Luke is ambitious and manipulative, being manipulated himself, and it comes easily because of his natural charisma and talent. He's very freaking determined and cunning too. He'd fit right into Slytherin, but he'd be viewed as one of the rotten lot.
Thalia: I don't have much to say about this, but Thalia is the girl whose fatal flaw is their desire for power (or smth along those lines), just like most Slytherins. She's ambitious, she's smart, she's truly talented, she stands out between the rest, and she knows it, and she actually kinda likes it.
(Also I put Annabeth, Thalia and Luke in the same house because they're all kinda similar, even if their beliefs and postures are different.
Frank: Ngl I'm having more difficulty with Frank than anyone else. I'm kinda torn between Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. I literally can't choose. He'd fit perfectly in any of them lmao, I just can't decide where he'd go. You decide this one yourself.
Please keep in mind, this is my personal opinion and my take on the characters, and not all of you will agree, and that's fine! You can let me know what you think (kindly please, don't come at me), and if you want to, send me an ask on a character you want me to do the same as these (as long as it's not TKC, I'M SORRY I haven't read those) go ahead, don't be shy!
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