valkblue · 1 year
There are big, noisy ass birbs on my balcony!
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…I think my bird feeder is too tiny for them. 🤔
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stardust-sunset · 9 days
Soda and Steve were definitely the kids who just peed outside instead of stopping playing to come inside.
They were literally on the front porch.
LMAO The way they would-Soda’s mom’s just watching from the window and she just sighs because she’s told them a million times not to and she’s just given up lmao-she knows they’ll come in if they have to do anything more but she just gives up telling them to piss inside. athose boys have no shame, it’s so funny. They’ve definitely pissed outside the DX too because let’s face it, gas station bathrooms are nasty af
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kiersau · 1 year
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The inaugural Pentiment Fanwork Exchange has been revealed! We’ve added 23 works of art and fiction to the fandom. Thank you so much to everyone who participated, and especially to our pinch hitters. If you missed this round, I hope I can run another in the fall/winter.
If you enjoy these works, please consider leaving kudos and/or comments to the creators!
You can see all the works HERE! Masterlist with individual links under the cut.
Sketching and Flower-picking by jouyato (Andreas & Caspar)
Summer in Prague/Evenings in Sion by appledecider (Esther/Magdalene and Rudeger/Mathieu)
On the hill above the town by triflingshadows (Brigita/Veronica)
Inky poke! by trustflowerrr (Esther/Magdalene)
Seasons by SaintVesuvius (Gnaziu & Grett & Ulrike)
Christmas Feast by tacccja (Kazimierz/Alexander)
It’s a Perfectly Normal Looking Cat by UncastShadow (Guy & Zdena)
Untitled by Gotnospleengene (Paul/Caspar)
The Descent of a Poor Sinner Through the Vine That Strangles Reason by thesnadger (Werner & Andreas)
Is there an end of the world? Or does the world simply end with us? by waterzooi (Magdalene & Andreas)
Lunae Lumen by waterzooi (Gernot/Ferenc)
Thick as Thieves by Aikori_Ichijouji (Paul/Anna)
An Ounce of Beaten Gall by scribefindegil (Ulrike & Andreas & Mulleryn family) 
A Little More Light, A Little More Time by theladygeneral (Werner/Andreas)
A Bridge of Swords by theharellan (Illuminata/Zdena)
How to Disappear Completely (and Be Found) by athosity (Andreas/Claus)
August, 1544 by izzybeth (Andreas & Caspar)
tell me do you think it’d be all right by Eisoj5 (Werner/Andreas)
Long Upon the Land by azhdarchidaen (Paul & Caspar)
My Boy by Emby_M (Andreas & Caspar)
Chick as Thieves by athosity (Big Jorg & Veronica/Brigita)
another chance at life by testosterlonely (Magdalene & Andreas)
Contemplation and a Candle by lowkeywoodrow (Werner/Andreas)
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projectourworld · 17 days
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Twist and Jump, an image of a leaping stoat in Athose, eastern France, was taken by Jose Manuel Grandio from Spain and was highly commended in the behaviour: mammals section
Photograph: Jose Manuel Grandio/Wildlife Photographer of the Year/PA
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dettiqueen · 15 days
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captain-athos · 4 months
the other thing is that I've been going through athoses bc I was like. is it a rule that he gets reduced to a crying whimpering mess while milady holds a knife at his throat bc vincent cassel and tom burke both Did That very well indeed but then I checked kiefer and no he is sadly less sad and wet and pathetic when it comes to milady. a shame tbh his hair is so good in that film
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awgesh13 · 2 years
Happy Holidays
My 30 day challenge ended yesterday,I had fun posting and reading comments everyday!Thank you all that followed or put your two cents in,I must say it was a successful win! Any suggestions or have something to share,aThose are always welcomed here!I am sorry if I miss your post,I will respond within the day at most! Now that December is here,It is the craziest time of the yearHello winter…
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rosiethorns88 · 4 years
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larrikin-is-a-himbo · 3 years
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I added the last one because Holland fit none of the categories above it.
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anthillkid · 3 years
its so disgusting when is see one of thsoe those dd/lg or cnc blog sor something write like posts that ar e ment to be hot or somethign and it sjust its just something that has acually happene to me and its so gross i just wnana yell at them that its not hot its not hot you dont wna  it to happent to yu its not hot its hrrying 
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queer-adhd · 2 years
Is athose the name of ntd?
Ah. No. I have some suspicions as to what Athos might be but he's for sure not NTD.
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catfish-and-the · 7 years
yall kno that feeling when u love someone so much ur palms start sweating and ur heart starts racing out of control and ur cheeks flush and ur pupils dilate and ur filled with intense longing........ yeah well thats me at every fendi product
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dirty-comquter · 7 years
dont u see something is wrong when a whole country hates you??? celebrating murders is something you usually do??? mocking mothers because they are crying over the found bones of their killed sons after 22 years??
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formerlyroyal · 4 years
Lady Diana Panorama Interview vs Hasbeen and/or M
LD : "...and I wanted to share everything together, and I thought that we were a very good team"     H : But, no, we're a fantastic team. We know we are
LD : "...and continue my duty and my role as wife, mother, Princess of Wales"                                         M : I am here with you as a mother, as a wife, as a woman, as a woman of color, and as your sister
LD : "Well, we were a newly-married couple, so obviously we had those pressures too, and we had the media, who were completely fascinated by everything we did"                                                  M : And especially as a woman, it’s a lot. So you add this on top of just trying to be a new mom or trying to be a newlywed it’s, well…
LD : "Well anything good I ever did nobody ever said a thing, never said, `well done', or `was it OK?"                                                                            M : "And, also thank you for asking, because not many people have asked if I’m OK. 
Bashir : "So despite the fact that your interest was always to continue with your duties, you found that your duties were being held from you?"                                                                              H : What I want to make clear is we’re not walking away, and we certainly aren’t walking away from you. Our hope was to continue serving the Queen, the Commonwealth, and my military associations, but without public funding. Unfortunately, that wasn’t possible
Bashir : "Do you really believe that a campaign was being waged against you?"                           LD : "Yes I did, absolutely, yeah"                                H : Unfortunately, my wife has become one of the latest victims of a British tabloid press that wages campaigns against individuals with no thought to the consequences...
LD : "Well, I don't know. I mean, I did a lot of work, well, underground, without any media attention, so I never really stopped doing it"                             M : Remember athose "leaked" behind the scene help by the great Duch-ass? 
LD : "I've got wonderful friends, I've got my boys, I've got my work"                                                      M : I have the two best guys in the world so I'm really happy
LD : "But I am a free spirit - unfortunately for some"                                                                         M : Free spirit' Meghan Markle named in Time's most influential list - ITV News
LD : "... I'm about to go to Argentina, which I'm very happy with.."                                                      M : Remember where she did her internship using her uncle? Yes, Argentina 
Bashir : What role do you see for yourself in the future?                                                                      LD: " I'd like to be an ambassador for this country. I'd like to represent this country abroad" H & M : See what they did there?
There are alot more points in it, like how LD said that the monarchy needs to change (hence M wanting to modernise it), LD talking so much about the press intrusion which is a major script for the Markles to whine about but they are never harassed as LD was & about how LD was out to destroy the monarchy and M behaved so badly that she made people ask the same thing. I just sat down in disbelief after reading this
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decurionmortuum · 7 years
one thing declan doesnt miss about the mojave; overheating and heatstroke.
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#11yrsago SFWA European Hall of Fame: a chance to read sf from outside of the Anglo Bubble
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The SFWA European Hall of Fame is a ground-breaking anthology from James and Kathryn Morrow -- a collection of sixteen translated sf stories written by European authors. A down-side of being an English-speaker is that there's so much English-language material around that very little gets translated into your language, leaving you in a kind of bubble of literature written by people who speak the same language you do.
This is far less true for speakers of other European languages, who enjoy the pleasure of reading translations from many, many languages (including, of course, English), and are thus able to mix, match and remix the sensibilities, ideas and styles of writers from around the world.
It shows. The stories in The SFWA European Hall of Fame are not quite like any sf I've read before. Like much of the best sf, these stories tend to be allegorical, often absurdist, existential, and just plain weird. But there's a certain... stilted character to them that I came to realize was the emergent property of all those swirling styles and ideas, cross-pollinating and recombining outside of the Anglo Bubble.
I especially enjoyed the entries from the Greek author Panagiotis Koustas, "Athose Emfovos in the Temple of Sound;" the comic Romanian entry by Cezar Ionescu, "Some Earthlings' Adventures in Outrerria;" the Twilight Zonish and characteristically Russian fatalistic "Destiny Inc" by Sergei Lukyavenko; and especially the gorgeous conceit lurking in one of the Spanish entries, Jose Antonio Cotrina's "Between the Lines."
You would be hard pressed to find another anthology whose works were more different from one another -- and from the stories you're accustomed to -- than this one. It's a mind-opening journey: not always pleasant but absolutely rewarding.
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