adriheavymetal · 2 years
Fuck yeah !! Freedom baby !!! ✊🤘💯💀🌹🔫🔥👌🤘🤘
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truths89 · 1 year
If energy propels the engine of life, I am certain that joy is purer than shame. 
Life is a game, apply a mental reframe. Law of resonance is encoded into the mainframe.
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dailytimespro · 1 year
Why is a good attitude more important than talent, intelligence, circumstances, money, and luck ... If this is not just a mere phrase, it is necessary to know that a bad mood often comes due to a habitual, negative way of thinking, which is usually distorted and unrealistic, so it turns into grumpy apathy and helplessness. It is good to keep in mind that positive thinking and looking at the world around you can be learned, just like a negative. If you master this, you will not only get you out of discouragement and sluggishness, but you will also provide satisfaction to the environment and ot... Click the below link to read the full article. https://dailytimespro.com/why-is-a-good-attitude-more-important-than-talent-intelligence-circumstances-money-and-luck/?feed_id=478&_unique_id=63c175ce73adc
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yorkcalling · 2 years
New Music: The Silver Lines - Hotel Room
New Music: The Silver Lines – Hotel Room
The Silver Lines are a Birmingham-based indie rock band who have featured on our blog once before, though it was a few years ago. Back in 2018, Jane shared the video for their track Roamer. Since then the band have been busy, with their efforts culminating in their debut EP SLEAZE released earlier this year. Now they’re back with a new single. It’s called Hotel Room. (more…)
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hella1975 · 1 year
loveeeeeeee when my one very spoilt flatmate says some shit about how she treats her mum/how she talks to her mum and me and my other flatmate just look at each other for a silent moment and both just go 'no id be dead'
#like flatmate no.1 is the spoilt one and ive known her as well as flatmate no.2 since not just first year but FRESHERS#like these are my uni 4lifers we've known each other since the first two weeks flatmate no.2 i met on my first DAY#so it's quite funny bc ive SEEN flatmate no.1 change her atittude over time#and i think it's a joint effort of being exposed to different people at uni#and also bc ive just beaten her down every time she says something even remotely ignorant/spoilt#like i normally wouldnt give myself that much credit for a single person's character arc but flatmate no.2 BARELY saw us last year#and me and flatmate no.1 were basically joint at the hip so it was a proximity thing more than me just being super cool and inspiring#so basically what im getting at is that in first year she was sooooo shamelessly spoilt#and it was so clear she just had never hung out with people who WERENT spoilt#and nowadays she's v good at letting herself be the butt of the joke and she still gets iffy about dumb shit#but generally speaking she takes what we give her now whereas she used to ARGUE and that boiled my fucking blood#and it means we can talk more easily about these things and one thing that comes up A LOT is the difference in parenting#like i shit you not this girl uses a baby voice on her parents. it's actually uncomfortable#me however i was raised with a bloody mercenary whose genuine worst insult for us was to call us middle class LMAO#like my mum put tough love into the dictionary her VERBATIM catchphrase is 'fall in or fuck off'#and flatmate no.2 is ESTRANGED from her mum and has a very on-off relationship with her dad that has all round left her very independent#like for her there was no one there to spoil her and for me the person that was there would literally have rather died than have spoilt kid#so flatmate no.1 will say some bratty shit and me and flatmate no.2 are just there like??? are you fucking deranged???#the example that caused this post is that flatmate no.1's mum went into her room#and she was like '.... it smells like weed in here darling....' and my flatmate POINTED AT HER WEED AND WENT 'YEAH THAT'S WHY'#and she was telling us as a haha funny and i was like. THE DISRESPECT?#like my mum would be less angry about the weed than she was about the fact i didnt even respect her enough to hide it if that makes sense#she'd fucking clobber me id be out on the bloody street LMAO#spoilt kids and/or pushover parents just baffle me like i have never won a fight against my mum what are you even doing#'why didn't you do [rebellious thing] as a kid' BITCH I WAS SCARED LMFAO#hella goes to uni
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kasarian · 4 months
thing thats really tiring about seeing ur culture on the internet is like. filipinos will hate themselves over it. filipinos will hate seeing their own culture being mixed into a media an artist likes and try to be ironic and shit about it. di pa ba napagod? di na natigil katangahan niyo, nagmumukha nang kakaibang lebel ng papansin. kinnayo. leave artists who have fun with the media they like alone. they didnt comment on their art about pee noise moments or what the fuck ever. god.
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aliengirl · 2 years
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i was trying to take preview pics and Melody was like "i maxed out all my skills and you want me to play with that silly green baby?"
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honkaidiva · 2 months
>be me
>luscious leg hair
>wearing shorts to class for the first time this year
>comment to my mom on the way that im finally starting to get over my self consciousness of my leg hair just so i can spite weirdos
>go to class no problem. stop at the food truck offering boba
>see girl i know
>"hey your hijab is so pretty!"
>she looks down and says "oh you've got a lot of leg hair"
>she doubles down "do you not clean your legs"
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patheticpat · 9 months
The magical power for my mental health to immediately destabilize my emotional well-being the second something goes wrong. Love that for me. /s
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dark-twist-fairytales · 11 months
I'll be honest: making thos polls for ninja-less helped A LOT more than I expected.
Now to find the patience to write-
[Venting in the tags]
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adriheavymetal · 1 year
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fuck yeah
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littletroubledgrrrl · 2 years
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When I see people give the middle finger(s), I think of Stone Cold Steve Austin.
I feel like Stone Cold has the most iconic middle fingers of all time---so much so I even feel like he's invented that gesture even though I know he clearly didn't.
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antlergrave · 9 months
Alex Kralie: "You're lucky everyone loves you, otherwise I would've fired you in an instant because of your shitty attitude, boy."
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I like to think Tim has kind of an atittude problem/beef with Alex, but Alex doesn't wanna fire him since his popularity raises the ratings of his films and gets him bank. If he does fire him, his business will go to shit💀
to put it simply, Tim gets pretty privilege and still gets to keep his job lol
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scribblesofagoonerr · 5 months
Cos' sometimes sleep isn't enough anymore | Inner Demons
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⟫ Alphabet Challenge, C - Cos' sometimes sleep isn't enough anymore
Pairings: leah williamson x teen reader, arsenal wfc x teen reader
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I guess I'm on a roll tonight? 3 parts posted so far, I'm not even sure how many parts this will end up with but, um, yeah, i hope you like this one and it's not to heavy to read.
Absolutely none of it's proof-read so yet again it could seem jumbled up or not even make sense but umm I can't sleep and my brain is overthinking at 4 am so this is the result of it :)
Thanks for all the continuous love and support on this so far!
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Waking up in hospital, you think over your thoughts about what happened and wonder if you really did mean to do it?
tw: heavy angst, talks of SH, MH, suicide and death.
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Bright lights and slow repetive beeps followed by the sterile smell of a hospital enrivoment.
That's how you knew it was bad when you woke up.
You really hadn't mean for it to get to that point though, you made the mistake of cutting deeper than you should have and now you have landed yourself in the hospital.
This was definitely not your smartest move you had pulled.
Something tells you it wouldn't be so easy to hide your pain behind a fake smile now.
You felt the wet tears covering your own hand along with the heavy weight of another body practically leaning on you.
"Geez, did somebody die in here or something?" Was the first words you spoke since you had fallen unconcious and of course, it was with your usual cocky teenage atttiude.
Dark humour has always been your go to, you hate to show any type of vulnerability.
"Y/N/N" Leah voice croaks in surprise as she sits bolt up right to look straight at you. "You're awake, finally!" she immediately breaks down into sobs again as she reaches towards you and wraps her arms around you.
"Yeah, I'm awake but there's no need to cry about it" You struck back with the same cocky atittude, that drove your team mates crazy but loved you never the less. "Seriously though, did someone die? Cos' you're crying that much right now that I'm begining to think so" you note, hiding your own pain behind the smile.
Just keep smiling, nobody will ask questions.
Everyone will think you're fine.
"Seriously, Y/N?" Leah is quick to smack you around the back of the head as she's now giving you one of her famous glares, one that you knew all too well. "You scared me to death, you little shit!" she admits, showing her vunerability.
"Ow. Ow-- Hey, you can't hit me, I'm fragile right now" You can't help but pout and hope for sympathy from the older blonde girl.
"Fragile, huh? You seem fine enough to be making jokes" Leah remarks as she continues to glare at you.
"Come on, you know that dark humour is the way to go sometimes Le" You grin at the blonde, who doesn't seem to have the same idea.
See? Totally easy to hide your pain.
Leah just stares at you in disbelief you're really cracking jokes right now, "You're unbelieve sometimes, Y/F/N" she mutters aloud.
"Uh oh, your using my full name, am I in trouble now?" You can't help to continue with your cocky, I don't give a shit attitude never the less you had worried all of your team mates like you did.
"Right now I'm just glad that you're alive," Leah admits as she rewraps her arms around you and squeezes you gently. "But if you ever scare me like that again then we'll be having a very different conversation!" she tells you, sternly.
"Okay" You wince slightly as the tightness of the hug that the blonde was very reluctant to let go off you. "Seriously, Le. I'm fine now, why are you still crying so much?" You ask, confused.
"I'm crying because I... I thought I had really lost you this time" Leah speaks her thoughts aloud as she still holds onto you like you would disappear all over again. "When I found you, like the... like the way I did, I thought you was going to die" she adds in, quietly.
Your own amused smile starts to falter as you glance down at the bandages wrapped around your arm. "I'm sorry... I am really sorry for scaring you like that" You apologise quietly, starting to realise the seriousness of it all.
You must've had all of your team mates so worried and right now you were only acting like a total jackass about it.
"I was so scared" Leah replies as she pulls away from hugging you before she readjusts to move onto the bed beside you. "There was so much blood, Y/N/N. I... I thought when we arrived at the hospital, it would be too late and I'd be saying goodbye to you instead" she explains, swallowing the lump that formed in her throat.
Shit, why did I go and do that? I've made Leah almost have a nervous break down.
How could you be so selfish? You didn't deserve the love you recieved from your team mate.
"I bet the bathrooms' a right bloody mess now then" You can't help the comment that slips out of your mouth.
Once again, dark humour is a key to hiding the reality of pain.
Leah clicks her tongue at your comment, although she can tell exactly what you're doing now.
You had been doing it all this long so easily, it was just that nobody realised it.
"Why didn't you tell me that it was getting bad again?" The blondes' question is something that catches you off guard.
Guilt-striken to hear her words, you found sudden interest with the crisp white sheets currently covering you.
There was a lot of things that you could have said, but would she want to hear any of it?
Nobody can help me with the way I feel,
I'm so tired,
I wanted to relieve the pain, I wanted a way out.
All of the questions racing through your mind, you actually began to wonder if you had cut yourself that deep on purpose? Did your own selfishness overshadow any other feelings inside of you.
The battle with your inner demons was just too much sometimes, you was just so exhausted now.
So, why couldn't you have just been left to die instead?
"What's going on inside your head, Y/N/N?" Leah's next question brought you out of your dark thoughts. "Talk to me, you know that I'm here to listen" she states with a gentle tone of voice.
Although the next words that you speak are nothing that she can be prepared to hear.
"I think... I think I wanted to die, I wanted an out on life" Your voice quivers as you admit the truth to the blonde, finally.
"W... What?" Leah looks at you with a mixture of shock and hurt.
"I'm so tired, Le-- I'm just so fuckin' tired. I... I can't do this anymore" You express your feelings as you feel yourself tearing up.
It was as if Leah hadn't quite regestered the words you had said, or she had but she refused to believe that you actually did want to try and kill yourself.
"The girls all went to get coffee, um I think that all of the girls will be back soon though" The blonde tells you quietly as she wraps her free arm around you and gives you a small smile.
Denial, it was so easy to pretend there wasn't anything to read into with your most recent confession.
"I bet they'll be happy to know that you're awake now" Leah cut you off as she continues to give you that weary smile, you weren't sure if she was now clutching onto you a bit tighter in fear of you pulling another stunt like you did.
"Leah, didn't you hear me? I said I wanted to die!" You shout loud enough for her to suck in a sharp breath.
"I heard you, Y/N/N-- I heard you, I saw you, I... I was there for it all. I was the one who found you in the bathroom; You was lay in a pool of your own blood while you were slipping in and out of unconciousness" Leah broke her game of where she didn't pretend you as she turned to face you, you had her whole attention now. "I sat there, pressing a god-damn towel against your cuts, praying that you would make it and you... you tell me that you want to die? You don't get to die. You can't, we need you-- Damn it Y/N, I need you! Y... You're my family! So you don't get to tell me you want to die!" she tells you, the shake in her voice so evident that she's close to tears again.
"What? You... You want to die?" Beth broke the tense silence as she has a distraught look on her face.
"Do you really mean that?" Lia questions as her eyes widen in shock.
Neither you or Leah realise that some of the older girls had made their way back to your room, when they arrived they were delighted with the realisation that you were now finally awake after the long 24 hours but that quickly turned into shock and hurt when they heard Leah's words so boldly, that even the patients down the hall probably would've heard.
"I do, I did... I don't know. I'm tired, I can't... I can't keep doing this anymore" You admit out loud for every single one of them to hear.
You hear the blonde beside you suck in another sharp breath as she keeps her arm firmly attached round your shoulder.
The confession is left hanging in the air, leaving a tense feeling and it was suddenly so quiet that in the room that you were certain that you would even be able to hear a pin drop.
Nobody utters a word, a state of shock written across each one of their faces.
"Sometimes sleep isn't enough when it's my soul that's tired" You tell them, leaving them all stood there grief-stricken with the realisation that you really had been struggling for longer than you wanted to admit.
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memewhore · 21 hours
Doing: Ghost hunting
Place: Randolph County Asylum, Winchester, IN
Temp: 90 F
Makeup: None
Hair: Frizzed
Atittude: Hell yeah!!!
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y-eowang · 8 months
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Hyuna 'Atittude'
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