#atlantis? atlas? delphi?
witchofthesouls · 2 years
Man, something tell me Jack Darby would be terrified by potential past life memories from Megatronus Prime? How would Team Prime and June Darby handle that mess?
Oh, no. The Darbys wouldn't even know they're descendants of Megatronus "the Undefeated" Prime and bonafide alien-fucker unless some really buck wild events happened, such as:
Ingestion of Dark Energon which may awaken some superpowers that are reminiscent of said Prime and/or a direct link to Unicron (the God that their ancestor was created to destroy and was a reflection of said god)
Earth got cyberformed by either the Decepticons (they were really close) or the Quintessons (a planet with Cybertronian relics, Cybertronians, Energon, and a workforce where a majority could survive the massive upgrade: insert It's Free Real Estate meme), and now they are integral to the Cult of Megatronus within the worshippers of the fractions.
Cyberformed Earth with the Cult of Megatronus, but now Earth has reverted to its primal, savage state of ancient mythos. The Decepticons fucked up. Earth isn't ready to move in. The Quintessons are salivating, but Grandpappy Prime's Titan is sleeping under the unfathomable depths of the sea and reawakes to kick ass, mentor, and help these knuckleheads.
(I imagine this Titan would be absolutely upset by Megatron's audacity to take their Prime's name, bastardize it, and fucking drag in all the melted, crumbled slag; and by Optimus, because it's another Prime and ancient Grandpappy didn't have a good relationship with other Primes. They will shut the gates at the Cybertron's Cybertronians and seethe at them until June coaxes them to begrudgingly let others in.)
If anyone is going to be the direct Prime of Chaos, it will be June Darby. This would be a fucking roller-coaster because it's not a reincarnation, it's actually the Goat himself.
Unicron is a petty SOB, he would remake his brother's distorted image of Unicron's nature and keep the Prime/Primordial deity on Earth.
AU where Magic Exists but it's limited to past events that wiped out a lot and/or holey separation of the physical and the Other lands.
Perhaps June had been deep asleep in the Abyssal zone for millennia and finally woke up in the latter half of the 20th century.
Cue a half-feral, very tired mother that's trying to remember human tongue, needs to play catch up, and keeps a low profile with a full-feral, magical toddler.
If anyone checked her rental history and cross-referenced it with local news, ohhh the things that happened for June to keep her boy safe.
June would keep it to herself, especially with Prima's revisionist history of what really happened...
The very few things would change her stance: Jack's living status, the Decepticon Omega Keys plan, and the return of the Quintessons
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myth-lord · 4 months
ALl greek myth characters I love
Achelous (Triton) Achilles Achlys Acmon (Dactyl) Actaeon (Stag) Adephagia Aeacus (Daemon Judge) Aello (Harpy) Aeolus Aergia Aethon (Caucausian Eagle) Agamemnon Aglaope (Siren) Agrius (Bearman) Aigle (Hesperid) Akheilos Alastor Alecto (Erinyes) Amethyste (Oread) Amphisbaena Amphitrite Antaeus Anteros Antiphates (Laestrygonian) Apate Aphrodite Apollo Arachne Ares Argus Panoptes Aristaeus (God of insects) Artemis Asclepius (Medicine/Healing) Askalaphos (owl) Atalanta Athena Atlas Atropos Attis Autolycus (Master Thief)
Basilisk Bellerophon Boreas (Anemoi) Briareus (hekantoncheirus) Brontes (Cyclops)
Cacus Cadmus Calliope (Muse, Poetry) Callisto Calydonian Boar Calypso (Nereid) Cassandra Cassiopeia Castor & Pollux Catoblepas Celedones (two) Cerambus (Beetle) Cerberus Cercopes (Passalus & Aclemon) Ceryneian Hind Ceto Cetus Chalcon (Telchine) Chaos Charon Charybdis Chimera Chione Chiron (Centaur) Chloris (Dryad) Chrysaor Chrysomallos Circe Clio (Muse, Art) Clotho Coronis (Maenad) Corvus (Raven) Cretan Bull Crocotta Cronus
Daedalus Deimos (Machai) Delphin Demeter Diomedes Dionysus
Echidna Echo (Oread) Empusa Epiales (Pet of PHobetor) Erato (Muse, Literature) Eris (Mania) Eros Erymanthian Boar Eurus (Anemoi) Euryale (Gorgon) Eurynomos Eurytion (Centaur) Euterpe (Muse, music) Evenor (Atlantis King)
Gaia Galatea Gegenees Geras Geryon Graeae (Deino, Enyo & Pemphredo) Griffon
Hades Harmonia Hecate Helen of Troy Helios Hephaestus Hera Heracles Hermes Hestia Hippocampus Hippolyta Hybris Hygieia Hypnos
Icarus Ichthyes (Aphros & Bythos) Indus Worm Iris Ismenian Drakon Ixion (Daemon)
Kampe Karkinos Keres Khalkotauroi (Colchis Bull) Kholkikos Drakon Kobaloi Kratos
Ladon Laelaps Lakhesis Lamia Leonidas Lernaean Hydra Limos Lotus (Lotus-Eaters) Lycaon
Manticore Marsyas (Satyr) Medea Medusa (Gorgon) Megaera (Erinyes) Melaina (Thriae) Meleager Melinoe Melpomene (Muse, Tragedy) Menoetes (Daemon) Midas Minos (Daemon Judge) Minotaur Mneme (Muse, Memory) Morbus (Nosoi) Mormo Moros (DooM) Morpheus (Oneiroi)
Narcissus Nemean Lion Nemesis Nephele (Aurai) Nerites Nessus (Centaur) Nike Notus (Anemoi) Nyx
Odontotyrannus Odysseus Oedipus Orion Orpheus Orphne Orthrus
Pan Pandora Panotti Paris of Troy Pegasus Peisinoe (Siren) Peitho (Persuasion) Peleus (Myrmidon) Peloros (Spartoi) Penthus (Mourning) Periphetes Persephone Perseus Phaea (Crommyonian Sow) Pharmacea (Nereid, Poison) Philyra (Odor, Parfum) Phobetor (Oneiroi) Phobos (Machai) Phoenix Phorcys Phthisis (Nosoi) Plutus (Wealth / Chrysus) Polyhymnia (Muse, Silence) Polyphemus (Cyclops) Poseidon Prometheus Proteus (Triton) Psyche Pygmalion Pyrausta Pyrois (Sun Horse) Pythia (oracle of Delphi) Python
Rhadamanthus (Daemon Judge)
Sciron (Cercyon) Scironian Turtle Scorpios Scylla Selene Sisyphus (Daemon) Skolopendra Sphinx Stheno (Gorgon) Stymphalian Birds Sybaris Symplegades (Planctae)
Talos (Automaton) Tantalus (Daemon) Tartarus Terpsichore (Muse, Dance) Teumessian Fox Thalia (Muse, Comedy) Thanatos Theia (Sight, gems) Thelxiepeia (Siren) Theseus Tiresias (Shade) Tisiphone (Erinyes) Typhon
Urania (Muse, Astronomy)
Xanthus (Mare of Diomedes)
Zelos Zephyrus (Anemoi) Zeus
Shades / Myrmekes / Gadfly /
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screeching-0wl · 3 years
Apollo and the mythical land of Hyperborea
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Along with Atlantis and Thule, Hyperborea was one of several terrae incognitae to the Greeks and Romans. Classical writers reported that people lived to the age of one thousand and enjoyed lives of complete happiness.
One of the earliest written mentions of this realm comes from Hesiod. In Histories, Herodotos also recorded Hesiod along with Aristeas and even Homer as sources that supposedly mentioned the Hyperboreans, the latter purportedly having written of Hyperborea in his lost work Epigoni. Later classical authors were also known to describe or reference Hyperborea in their works.
Pindar on Hyperborea, Tenth Pythian Ode
Never the Muse is absent
from their ways: lyres clash and flutes cry
and everywhere maiden choruses whirling.
Neither disease nor bitter old age is mixed
in their sacred blood; far from labour and battle they live
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Summary of the myth
Hyperborea was a beautiful realm of eternal spring located in the far north beyond the home of the north wind; that's exactly what the name means, "Beyond Boreas". It's described as a continent-bound land bordered on the north by the great, earth-encircling river Okeanos, on the south the peaks of the Rhipaion Mountains, home to Boreas whose chilling breath brought winter to the lands of the south. Its peaks were inhabited by Grypes and its valleys by the fierce, one-eyed Arimaspoi tribe. Beneath the southern slopes lay Pterophoros, a desolate land cursed with eternal winter.
Hyperborea's main river was the Eridanos whose banks were lined with amber-weeping poplar trees and its waters home to flocks of white swans. Blessed with eternal spring, the land produced two crops of grain per year, but most of the countryside was wild and covered with stunning forests, the so-called "garden of Apollon."
It was said that its people were descended from Gaia and that they were a blessed, long-lived race untouched by war, hard toil and the ravages of old age and disease. The oldest myths portray them as favourites of Apollo.
The land was ruled by three priests of Apollo, known as Boreades, sons of Boreas. In the capital, there stood a temple dedicated to the Apollo where hecatombs of asses were sacrificed in his honour. The people also celebrated their god in an eternal festival of music, song and dance whose hymns were joined by the sweet song of the circling Hyperborean swans.
The Hyperborean folk were themselves believed to transform into swans upon reaching old age by bathing in the bitumen swamps of the river Eridanos. The normally mute swan was further believed to sing a dirge as its death approached, reputedly the sweetest of all bird songs.
Sounds nice, huh? Well, it certainly did to the Greeks, which resulted in several versions of the myth and speculations about the location and even the existence of this paradisiac land. Some even claimed to have travelled there.
More about Apollo & swans, mentions of Hyperborea: LINK
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Myth and cult
There are several myths mentioning Hyperborea:
The mythical hero Perseus travelled to Hyperborea and was entertained by its folk when he was searching for the Nymphs who guarded the treasures of the gods, also known as the Graiai, swan-bodied women who could reveal the location of Medusa. Herakles made the same journey on two separate occasions. The first time was in his quest for the golden-horned deer of Artemis which fled north during the chase and the second time he sought Atlas and the golden apples of Hesperides.
The myth of Hyperborea was also quite significant for the Delphic and Delian cults of Apollo. According to some stories, its people were the founders of several important Greek shrines and in some cases, Hyperboreans were even linked to the founding of the Olympic Games.
But let's get back to Delos and Delphi:
The Delians told a tale of how Leto came to the island from Hyperborea accompanied by a pack of wolves where she gave birth to Apollon with the assistance of Eileithyia who was summoned from the northern realm to further the labour. After this event, the Hyperboreans sent pilgrims to the island - five men and several maiden-priestesses. However, it was said that after the maidens were either raped or killed, the Hyperboreans ended the pilgrimage and instead delivered their offerings indirectly through neighbouring tribes and peoples, for example, Herodotos spoke of said offerings coming to Scythia packed with straw, being passed from tribe to tribe until they arrived at Dodona and later arriving at Apollo's temple on Delos.
In Delphi, the second of the early, mythical temples of the shrine was said to have been built by Hyperborean pilgrims out of beeswax and feathers. When the army of the Gauls tried to seize the temple in historical times, phantoms of these prophets were said to have appeared on the battlefield, routing the army.
The Greeks also believed that Apollo spent the winter among the Hyperboreans. His absence from the world caused coldness and this was marked as his "annual death". He returned to the world during the beginning of the spring. The Theophania festival was a celebration of the return of Apollo to Delphi.
Annual death? Aren't the gods deathless?
It was more of a metaphor or a way to somewhat explain certain things but the myth was also an important part of the Delphic cult of Apollo.
Let's take a look at what happened to the sanctuary of Delphi during this time and what it may have been an explanation of.
The "non-mythical" things that we should take into account are the position of the sun or more specifically, the illumination of Apollo's statue at the sanctuary and the disappearance of Lyra and Cygnus - two constellations associated with the god. Another thing is the high probability that the gasses emitted in this place were affected by the change in seasons. These biogenic gases were shallow subsurface gases and when they were present, visitors to the Temple would have experienced an altered mental state. During the winter months, the "pneuma entousiastikon" [spirit of euphoria] was rarely triggered due to the absence of gas. Because of that and since Apollo was believed to be absent, no prophecies were issued during this time.
Back to mythology; Apollo left the sanctuary for winter and travelled to Hyperborea. That's where Dionysus comes in! He was believed to inhabit the temple during Apollo's absence.
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When trying to look for an "irl" Hyperborea, the mythical descriptions might point us somewhere towards the North of Europe.
Several classical Greek authors came to identify the Hyperboreans with their Celtic neighbours in the north and some linked it to Thrace.
More modern interpretations regarding the location connect Hyperborea to Central Asia, specifically Siberia due to the myth telling us about how Heracles sought the golden-antlered hind of Artemis in Hyperborea. As the reindeer is the only deer species of which females bear antlers, this would suggest an arctic or subarctic region.
The possible location is also placed beyond the Dzungarian Gate into northern Xinjiang.
Hyperborea is sometimes theorised to be Eastern Europe, mostly because of the presence of amber in the mythical river Eridanos which could be linked to the Vistula. Since amber arrived in Greek hands from someplace known to be far to the north. Avram Davidson proposed the theory that Hyperborea was derived from an explanation by the Greeks for the insects, which apparently originated in a warm climate, found embedded inside the amber arriving in their cities from cold northern countries.
Because of this, the Greeks might have believed that the coldness of northern countries was due to the cold breath of Boreas, the North Wind. So if one travelled "beyond Boreas", one would find a warm and sunny land and thus called it Hyperborea.
Delphi and Cosmovision: Apollo's Absence At the Land of the Hyperboreans and the Time for Consulting the Oracle
Calendric Aspects of Myths and Cults Involving Apollo's Visit to Hyperborea by T. Bilić
The American Journal of Philology, Amber, Avallon and Apollo's Singing Swan by F. M. Ahl
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Hisoka is a name that often appears in old rumors, tales, historical narratives and in many secret documents of underground societies all around the world and in different centuries.
In 1919, when the first World War was over and the main focus was on recovering and building, a German soldier found a report about the time right before WW1 in the basement under the palace of Prussia. But he was found dead before he could share these documents because of a headshot. The culprit is unknown and the only hint left was a paper with the following sentence: "Verdammt, Hisoka!" ["Damn it, Hisoka!"]. There the research about that name began and it turned out to be a person who surpassed the natural laws and has been living for many centuries.  Also it is pretty sure that he is the biggest asshole in history.
His story is way too outrageous and goes beyond logical human understanding so that it has been kept secret in order to keep the balance of the world's history.
The "True" Mastermind behind major Disasters
Excluding the Greek "crimes" it can be said that Hisoka’s first deed was giving Brutus the knife to stab Caesar in 44 BC. Then until the 14th century not a single trace of Hisoka could be found. This is the longest break in the known sightings of Hisoka.
In 1378 he broke the nose of the Sphinx and blamed a Sufi Muslim who was later hanged for vandalism.
Furthermore he was responsible for the Spanish Inquistion in 1478. In fact it was Columbus who discovered America in 1492 but of course Hisoka was the one who started killing the natives.
As time went by the next disaster linked to Hisoka was the Great Fire of London (1666). The fire started at the bakery of Thomas Farriner and spread. The major firefighting technique of the time was to create firebreaks by means of demolition; this, however, was critically delayed owing to the indecisiveness of the Lord Mayor of London whose name (coincidentally) was Sir Thomas Bloodworth. And by indecisiveness it is meant that he was woken up, annoyingly said "Pish! A woman might piss it out!" and went back to sleep. So how much Hisoka is involved should be pretty clear.
To escape the mess after the fire he moved to Ireland but about 200 years later he got bored and decided to pull a "prank" causing the Irish Potato Famine (1845-1852).
After his return to the United Kingdom in 1895 he found out about H. G. Wells’ time machine and used it to travel back in time to visit Atlantis and sunk it for an unknown reason. When he came back in 1897 he started the legend of Dracula.
Then in 1912 he sabotaged the guidance system on the RMS Titanic and 1937 on the LZ 129 Hindenburg
Consequently the ship sunk and the passenger airship burned and crashed to the ground in two of the biggest disasters of the 1900′s. Big Surprise. 
While traveling from the UK to the Russian Empire, Hisoka stopped in Austria to kick A. Hitler out of art school leading from his journey to the army and later in to politics.
Later upon arriving in the Russian Empire he started preparing an inevitable plot for WW1 which would ultimately sabotage Russia, so that it will not be able to last till the end of the war. But right before the beginning of the war Hisoka went on vacation.
On his way to Hawaii he met Santa Claus and killed him (Krampus is still free though).
A few years later he returned to Germany to cause the Hindenburg disaster and afterwards traveled to France for WW2.
Near the end of WW2 when the reinforcement from the US arrived he used the chance to finally return to America after over 400 years but did not stay for long. From there he flew to Japan and dropped the nuclear bomb on Nagasaki (but not Hiroshima) in 1945.
Back in the US he triggered the Vietnam War (1946) and decided to go back on vacation in Bora Bora this time.
His third vacation resort was somewhere in the Caribbean, he stole the Russian nuclear bombs that played an important role in preventing the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) from escalating so his vacation didn't get ruined by the fallout.
In the early 1970s after his vacation he peacefully enjoyed his time by taking enthusiastic walks in Northern California and somehow gained the title "Zodiac Killer".
Later in January 26, 1986, the 10th flight of Space Shuttle Challenger (OV-99) broke apart 73 seconds into its flight. Its failure caused by breach (made by Hisoka) in the SRB (solid rocket booster) joint it sealed.
For some nostalgic reasons Hisoka was "missing" the east side so he made a few calls to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and somehow because of that, on April 25, 1986, the Chernobyl disaster happened.
Surprisingly he was not the slightest bit involved in the 9/11 incident in 2001. At that time he was occupied by a very hard puzzle of 1000 pieces without anything to rely on because he threw away the box and could not remember the picture. He started working on the puzzle in January, and after many months completed it in December. 
Unfortunately that puzzle could not keep him focused long enough so he made a short trip of a few days to Fukushima on March 9, 2011 and 2 days later the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was on every media of the world.
Secretly the governments worldwide are still looking for that man in the shadows to avoid further disasters but without any success.
Hisoka’s   Mythology
Hisoka was born as a mere human boy who coincidentally managed to find and keep the Holy Grail until he went to Olympus and took one of the Golden Apples of Hesperides for his immortality. Then after destroying the Holy Grail he kidnapped the Oracle of Delphi to know which major events to have fun with later on.
His sarcastic nature is beyond human understanding which can be clearly seen by his plot against the gods of the ancient times. It simply started with a prank on Ares by replacing his helmet with a hornets nest and (temporarily) ended with killing Zeus then dumping him in the closest volcano (because he was being a pain in ass) that happened to be Mount Vesuvius. So after the huge eruption of raw power of the volcano, Pompeii was doomed. Also he killed a few more gods and demigods and buried them in the resulting explosion.
Therefore he gained the title King Hisoka. His name was well known during the Hunter era but made it easier for Ares to find him. In the 1700s Ares came for revenge but was defeated utterly. Leaving only one "enemy" for him: DEATH, who has been trying to find Hisoka for 700 years.  Everytime Death finds him, Hisoka steals his scythe and escapes. This has happened 9 times so far.
Nowadays the name King Hisoka has disappeared from the mainstream media. Hisoka is staying low, living on Earth and waiting for his next oppurtunity. There are still going to be more wars for him to start, people to kill, a there are still a few gods around that owe him debts and also some imprisoned gods whose fate has not yet been decided.
List of Gods killed (sorted by pantheons)
- Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Chronos, Hekate, Hera, Hermes, Iris, Nike, Pan, Zeus
- Bastet, Horus, Isis, Osiris, Ra, Serkhet,  Set, Sobek, Thoth
- Frigg, Hel, Odin, Thor
- Innana, Tammuz
- Ryujin
- Xolotl
List of Gods imprisoned
- Achilles, Amphidrite, Atlas, Dionysus, Ganymedes, Helios, Hercules, Hestia, Hyperion, Hypnos, Nereus
- Amunet, Aten, Khonsu
- Ba'al
List of Gods owing Hisoka favors
- Apollo, Nemesis, Persephone, Prometheus, Triton, Zephyros
- Loki
- Questzlcoatl
- Raijin
- the Morrigan
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pomegranatehqs · 4 years
anonymous said: do you have any mw for ocs? like certain titans, gods/goddesses, children of them, etc.?
yes, absolutely ! we haven’t thought to compile a list but i can whip some up for you right now. 
for titans, i’d personally love to see atlas ( titan god of the sky ), cronus ( titan god of time, king of the titans ),  mnemosyne ( titan goddess of memory, the inventiveness of words and language ), phoebe ( titan goddess of the oracle of delphi and intellect ), rhea ( titan goddess of fertility and the female body ), iapetus ( titan god of mortal lifespans ), themis ( titan goddess of divine law and order ), and menoitios ( titan god of violent anger, rash reactions and human morality ).
as for other gods and goddeses, i’d love to see the siblings, eos ( goddess of dawn ), helios ( god of the sun ), and selene ( goddess of the moon ). and i’d also love to see bia ( goddess of violence ), eris ( goddess of discord ), psyche ( goddess of compassion ), hecate ( goddess of magic, witchcraft, necromancy and crossroads ), nemesis ( goddess of balance, consequences and revenge ), thanatos ( god of peaceful death ), and triton ( god of ships, prince of atlantis ). 
and i can honestly say, when it comes to children, we’d really love to have any of them, especially since there’s such a wide range and you can get really creative with it ! but for demi-god children specifically, i had mentioned before in a previous question that i’d love to see children of hermes, demeter, dionysus, apollo, and any of the big three, poseidon, hades, and zeus !
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