#hes nicknamed jinx because hes unlucky
the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
Genloss oc wiwiwiwiw
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disappearinginq · 6 years
For @blazeofobscurity, who helps more than she knows with plotting out things for Magnum-verse. I am a solid 99.9% positive this isn’t how first meetings went down between Rick and TC, but it’s totally my head canon and you can pry it from my cold, dead fingers (even if they cover it in the show). Oh, and @chrisii-the-random-whump-writer - this might count as whump, so I don’t know if you want to be tagged in this or not, but lemme know if you don’t, and I’ll fix it!
Three gunners in six months. That had to be a new kind of record.
“I think I have just the guy for you,” Greico said, a slow, Cheshire like smile forming. “Yeah. I know I got just the guy.”
“He good with guns?” TC asked. “And heights?”
Greico shrugged. “Who fucking knows? He’s a scout sniper. Lost his spotter to a case of nerves, or so he says. Personally, I think he’s the one who scared the guy shitless.”
TC raised an eyebrow. “And you’re gonna give him to me? It’s not even the same MOS.”
Greico waved his hand. “It’s the Sandbox. It’s like Kansas. Nobody cares about us here. But he’s the best shot I’ve seen in…shit, years. And he’s good under pressure. Last place he and his spotter were dropped was shy of the Korengal and nary a scratch on them.”
TC whistled appreciatively. The Korengal was a nightmare to fly. High mountains, trees obscuring the ground, radio interference, no place to pick up or set down and crawling with Taliban looking to take pot shots at low flying hueys with everything from rocks and slingshots to RPGs. Visibility was crap in the air. He didn’t want to imagine what it was like from the ground.
“Who is he?”
“Orville Wright,” Greico said, and TC accidentally inhaled his water instead of sipping, coughing and spluttering as he tried not to die.
“Are you fucking serious? That’s his name? His actual name? Not just some weird ass nickname I don’t even want to guess the origin for?” he wheezed in between breaths.
Greico edged another glass towards him, curling his lip slightly at the spit all over his desk. “God given, apparently.”
“Christ,” TC gasped. “No wonder he likes shooting people.”
“I didn’t say he liked it, I said he was good at it,” Greico amended, then looked thoughtful. “Though to be fair, he has been known to whistle on his way to work, so…who knows. He might be a psychopath. We don’t screen for that type of thing anymore.”
TC frowned. “Budgets?”
Greico snorted. “I wish. Nah, now it’s considered discriminatory to ask about someone’s mental health before we hand them a rifle and ask him to kill on behalf of Uncle Sam and the Sons of Liberty.”
“So your plan is to give me a sniper who may or may not be a serial killer in uniform who doesn’t even have the right MOS for the job? Is it because you hate me?”
Greico snorted into his coffee cup. “No, that’s because of budgets.”
TC sighed. Perfect. Just what he needed. Another ulcer.
“You want to meet him?”
“Good,” Greico said, slapping his hand on the desk as he put his feet on the ground. “Come with me.”
“Besides being a possible sociopath, anything else you can tell me about him?” TC asked, easily keeping stride with the senior officer as they made their way across base.
They were considered a combat zone, despite being on base, so fortunately no one saluted. It was one of the things TC hated about being an officer, but if it meant he got to fly, it was a small price to pay.
“You mean besides his parents clearly hated him?” the colonel asked, snorting. “Yeah. His enlistment papers are bogus. But he’s good enough at his job no one cared enough to look into them. No drug history, so that’s a solid. A little temperamental.”
TC pulled up short. “Hold up. How ‘temperamental’ are we talking here? I ain’t flying with a moody itchy trigger finger.”
Greico didn’t even break stride, forcing TC to jog a few steps to catch up. “Nothing too extreme. Can’t be too twitchy if you’re gonna hit a target at 2000 meters.”
TC blinked. “2000 meters? Was that a freak shot, or what?” That was over a mile.
“Don’t know. Kid’s been in closer quarters ever since, but I betcha if money was on the line, he could make it at 2100. Or further.”
Well, shit. No wonder the Marines didn’t go poking to heavily at his history. The longest sniper shot on record currently was just shy of 2500 meters, a little over a mile and a half.
“He’s not a bad kid,” Greico said. “Got a hell of a chip on his shoulder for reasons unknown. The ladies seem to like him well enough. Hasn’t stabbed anybody, on purpose or otherwise, so that’s a plus. Got an attitude problem though. Thinks he’s the toughest guy around, and so far, he’s been right. Naturally, it’s caused a little…friction with some of the other men.”
“Wow, sir. Way to upsell this kid. Sounds like I’ve struck gold.”
Greico snorted at that. “Ha! Like you’re one to talk. You’ve lost three gunners, Major. And no, it doesn’t matter that only one of them died it was just a lucky shot by some haji with a rifle. No one wants to ride an unlucky bird.”
They were getting towards the enlisted quarters now, which were just row upon row of numbered Quonset huts. The air conditioning units by the doors shook and rattled and sounded like they were on their last breath – which they probably were.
“Here we are,” Greico announced proudly. “Lucky number 13, Major. Looks like it’s fate.”
TC fought the urge to roll his eyes as he followed the colonel through the door.
It sounded like Fight Club.
It looked like Fight Club.
Over a dozen enlisted in various stages of dress – some in their full BDU’s, some still in their tees and boxers, and everything in between gathered around the far end of the Quonset, shouting at the top of their lungs. They stood on tip toes and braced against their friends’ shoulders to see over heads, stood on top of bunks and whatever available piece of furniture there was to see whatever the hell was in the middle of the circle they’d formed.
“What the hell is this?” TC shouted to be heard over the cheering.
There was a crash, and a roar erupted from the crowd. TC could just see someone being lifted and slammed like a linebacker onto something that broke with a crunch.
Greico offered a shrug and tapped the shoulder of the closest Marine. “Hey, who’s winning?”
The younger Marine whipped around, clearly about to rip the colonel a new one for interrupting when his eyes caught the eagle on Greico’s collar.
“Officer on deck!” he shouted, elbowing his buddy hard in the ribs as he jumped back a step to the foot of a cot, snapping to attention. As Marines noticed what was going on, and who was suddenly in their midst, they scrambled for their position in front of any rack available.  
As they jumped to either side clearing a path, TC could finally see what they’d been cheering on. Two Marines, still oblivious along with the edge of the circle who were only now realizing what was happening, were in the middle of a fight.
Both of them looked like they were giving as good as they got – the one still standing was tall, broad shouldered and the poster child for the term jarhead: tattoos up and down both arms that were as big around as TC’s neck, boot camp styled high and tight haircut and wearing his BDU’s. His nose looked soundly broken, or at the very least, sufficiently bloodied, one eye darkening with an impressive shiner.  
The one on the ground was only slightly smaller and a lot younger, built less like a brick shithouse and more athletic and considerably shorter, dirty blonde hair just shy of being too long to be in regs and the beginnings of an unauthorized five o’clock shadow darkening his jaw – though that might be more bruise than beard. He only had his BDU pants on, though they were comparably faded from what they should be. Like other guy, one eye was starting to swell shut and his teeth were stained red from a sliced inner cheek and he was lying amongst the wreckage of what was presumably once a table he’d just been slammed into by the Hulk towering over him.
Neither one seemed to notice the officers, until one of their buddies shouted, this time much louder without the added jeering of the crowd to cover it, “Officer on Deck!”
The tall brute of a Marine snapped to, hands obediently and expertly snapping to his sides as his heels audibly clacked together.
The one on the ground stayed there, breathing hard and not impressed enough by a colonel and a major to pick himself up off the ground.
“I present to you sergeant Orville Wright, Major,” Greico said proudly, stepping to one side as he gave a Vanna White impression. “Your new door gunner.”
TC eyed the muscle bound Marine dubiously. He looked like a serial killer. Or a flunkie bad guy from a Rocky sequel. He would be surprised if the man could even fit in a ghillie suit, but Greico seemed impressed enough with him, so TC figured he at least owed the guy a shot.
“Nice to meet you,” TC said, about to extend his hand in greeting.
The Marine on the ground took that exact moment to rear his knee back and slam his foot into the other guy’s groin.
The jarhead made a noise that wasn’t quite a scream, and not quite a squeak as he curled in on himself, doubling over and collapsing to the deck in the fetal position as he turned a violent shade of red and purple as every other man in the room hissed and winced in sympathy as one entity.
“Nice to meet you too, Major,” the kid on the floor huffed. He turned his head to the side and spat out a wad of red before turning back to TC, looking at him upside down from the ground as he held out his hand, knuckles torn and bruised. “You can call me Rick.”
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sweetdollfromhell · 7 years
So I know it's either too early or too late for that but… Here are my theories and wishes for riverdales season 2.
1.       Chip Cooper: I'm excited to see Betty's brother but I hope we will not get the same stupidity as in gossip girl. I don’t want FP to be the father of Alice's baby. But he does not have to be the son of Hal necessarily. I would also like him to be a badass as in comics (He is an FBI agent).  Finally, I know that the casting is not always accurate for the age of the characters but I have my doubts about Ross Lynch be the lost brother of Betty and Polly: he look to young and it ruins the suspense.  I think he is a red herring and will play another character to let us by surprise by the revelation.
2.       Fred will not be dead (for now). Probably in the comas but I believe that in the end, he will die. It's a way to keep Archie in Riverdale, His mother, without being perfect, does not seem to be of the sort to separate his son from his father in such a tragic situation.
3.       We'll see Gladys and Jelly Bean. I think Jelly Bean will be sick because Jughead to talk about hospital bill with no reason. FP would very well join the serpents to pay the care of his daughter. This would also make the behavior of Jughead's mother more understandable. If she alone can look after a seriously ill child, she may not be able to take care of her son too + she may sincerely not know how bad the situation of Jughead is.  But if I'm wrong, look at me well come with the signs I hate Glady Jones. Oh and Jelly Bean will probably wrap the fandom around her little finger.
4.       I believe Hiriam will be good for make us forget that he is not a good person. He will be a good husband, a good father, maybe even a good friend but definitely not a good person. I think he's trying to separate his daughter and Archie too. I also believe he will be an antagonist over several seasons.
5.       I would like the show to explore Betty's mental illness problems and in a way realistically please.
6.       Jughead will definitely find his dark side too. Whether Betty will follow him or leave him remains to be seen. (I hope they stay together but I understand if it happens).
7.       I think Veronicas will become darker too, she will clearly be placed in a difficult situation between her father, her mother, Archie, Betty and the others. There will be no easy solution to satisfy everyone.
8.       More Pussycats please: Josie, Valerie and Melody need more love and screen times!
9.       It seems that we will have an episode centered on Kevin (yeah!!!!). I think he will have drama in his romantic life (Moose does not seem to want to get out of the closet and his heart was wounded by Joachim). We are supposed to learn more about her mother too. I have three theories about her: 1) She died under really odd circumstances and this will be one of the plots of this season. 2) She is in the army and that was the reason for her absence (Kevin is the son of two soldiers in comics). 3) She did not accept the homosexuality of her son and left them for it. I do not think we often see stories or it is the father who accepts the homosexuality of his son rather than the mother. In addition, if we lose Fred, we need a new good dad.
10.   I hope the new Regiss will be as good as the previous one. As there are rumors of parring with Josie, I hope we get a jerk with a heart of gold for his personality.
11.   For Sabrina, I read that she would be a human escaped from a cult perhaps played by Dove Cameron. Again I see 2 possibilities: 1) Your classical cult with a good inspiration of the chilling adventure of Sabrina with explain his bizarre beliefs. 2) She comes from a cult like the Latter-day Saints or batterros church and to believe in Wicca is his personal rebellion. (think Misty Day but not a real witch). For her aunts, I'm really split: one side I like the creepy aunts but it well cool too sees Zelda and Hilda be as a couple rather than sister and being a good family for Sabrina and Jughead.
12.   Veronicas or Cherryl be bisexual. The two actresses said to be interested in played a character bis and if it is not just for the fanservice I am on board for that!
13.   Now we need to talk about Chuck: I know this was a last minute replacement for a Reggis bow but that remains problematic. Two possibilities: 1) Give to him an enormous Freudian excuse and a redemption arc which makes him go through hell. Or 2) He has a cousin, brother, random guy who looks much more character and we forget not Chuck.
14.   New characters we could see:  Midge (I hope she will be a nice girl who serves as a beard for Moose voluntarily) Richy Rich (He can be a rich asshole or a good guy, dam you could make his father an expy by Donald Trump who is an opponent of Josie's mother),Raj Patel (we have seen his sister after all) Nancy (For a bow of redemption for Chuck or better, make her the talented artist!)Brigitte Reilly (Who would not love a girl proud of her curves and a talented musician; she could even make a duet with Archie).
15.   For the new school of Jughead and by extension the snakes: Toni Topaz (She has already confirmed and she is a good friend of Jughead in the  comics) Fang Fogarty (He is a bully in comics and Fang sounds a nickname someone who is trying to be frightening) Jinx Malloy (Only for the nickname again and for a character who is supposed to be unlucky, to be born on the wrong side probably counts) Cricket O’Dell (A girl who desperately needs money and seeks it by all means for more tragic reasons this time) Ambrose Pips (He was in little Archie, so making it a former childhood friend would be doable + It would be easy to merge the character with Sabrina's cousin who bears the same name, perhaps he helped his cousin escape from the cult ?) Trula Twiyst (she was fun in comics but with retreat, she is terrifying: She manipulates people to get what she wants, play with their heads and her behavior with Jughead can be close to yandere territory) Sassy Thrasher (Replace his skateboard with a motorcycle and you'll get a rebel punk with bad temper) Harvey Kinkle (I do not think Sabrina will be a snake but her boyfriend could be and you can keep the story about escaped from the sect with him).
16.   DON’T YOU DARE KILL POLLY OR THE BABIES!!!!!!!!!! If you want to put them in the background or them all live on a farm with Nana Rose, very well. Just not use their dead for cheap drama.
17.   I think it would be fun if the Halloween episode was based on one of Archie's horror stories: Legend about zombie, that Riverdale is a trial story for witchcraft, werewolf or vampire with our heroes having an ancestor victim of it respectively Betty and Cheryl, Jughead, Josie.
18.   A flashback episode with the parents (maybe played by their children?)
 Sorry, I had a lot to say (and I had to make a million mistakes) Thank you for reading me and do not hesitate to respond or say your ideas :) 
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xbarrjallenx · 8 years
Requited Love
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Pairing: Cisco Ramon x Reader
Request: “hello darling! i’d like to request a cisco imagine. i feel as though i’m as unlucky in love as cisco is. could you maybe create something where cisco falls for a girl and she actually reciprocates?”
Word count: 1.349
A/N: Hello there! This is the first request that I received and I hope that you like it. I’m sorry if I took too much, I had no time in these days. Hope that I satisfied your expectations, if not please bear with me, I started writing just for awhile. I would love to receive a feedback from you, please. Thank you.
- G.x
It was a normal day of work at S.T.A.R. Labs for you: Caitlin was analysing some evidences that a meta-human has accidentally left in the crime scene the previous night and Barry was running on his working thread mill, improving his speed, while you were watching him through the big transparent glass window and controlling his speed range and vital signs from time to time. The only strange thing for you is that Cisco was working absent-mindedly. It was not only for that specific day, but he has been overthinking for the whole week by now. “Cisco, are you doing fine?” You shouted from the room you were in, hoping for him to hear you, but he didn’t even turn his head to deign you a glance. You were starting to worry for Cisco’s behaviour in these days, because Cisco was normally jolly and playful. He used to work with a sweet smile on his beautiful face every time, he used to trifle on work stuffs and he used to make fun of every meta-humans that Barry fight with by giving them silly funny nicknames. He was the clown of the team, because he can cheer everyone up, especially during those hard and tiring days at work. You were busy thinking of Cisco until you heard an irritating sound from the computer, followed by a loud thump. “Holy Molly, Barry!” Your eyes grew wide when everything sank in you. You quickly turned the irritating noise off and you ran inside the room where Barry was. You saw him on the ground, suffering from pain. “I’m so sorry.” “It’s okay, (Y/N)!” He weakly smiled, hiding the pain as he knew that you really feel bad about it. Barry is that type of person that pretends to be fine when it comes to the team, so no one would feel bad about it. After all, your goal is to keep him alive, safe and sound. “C’mon, let me help you.” You bit your lower lip harshly and you helped him to get up from the ground. You then let him sit on a chair and you quickly checked him up, figuring it out if he broke or fractured any bone. “What were you thinking of?” Barry blurted out while you were checking him up. You stopped yourself from doing anything for awhile and thought if you should tell him. He then raised his left eyebrow and flashed a playful grin. “Fine!” You rolled your eyes, giving up on the thought of not saying him anything. “It was about Cisco.” You unleashed a long deep sigh and continued checking Barry up. “Oh, I noticed that he’s a little bit quiet in these days.” He nodded slowly. “He never opened up.” “That sucks!” You nodded as you found no fractures in Barry’s body. Well, that wouldn’t be a problem either: he heals just as fast as he runs. “I’m starting to worry; did you know that?” “I am too.” He shortly answered. Barry was talking fast and you could barely understand what he was saying. You started to think that he was hiding something too, maybe he knew something but he couldn’t tell anything because he promised Cisco not to. You were about to confront Barry about him knowing something, but you let the idea go and didn’t mind his actions. You sat on the chair across Barry and you started to think once again. Maybe it was some sort of family problems, maybe it was about work or maybe it was something about love. Who knows? You knew that Cisco has never been successful when it comes to love. He liked someone, but he always failed, mostly when it comes to admitting his feelings towards the girl. What a loss for those girls though, because Cisco can be a shy and an introvert nerd, he has a weakness for sweets and candies and he can be a little bit childish in some circumstances, but he was an adorable and a lovely person for you. Those were some of things that made you fall in love with Cisco, but there was no way you were admitting it to him. You are just afraid to tell him everything, because you never had a successful love life neither, just like Cisco. “Hey, you’re overthinking once again.” Barry snorted and you rolled your eyes in response. “Try to talk to him, maybe he opens up to you.” “You think so?” You asked him, a little bit puzzled. “Yup. There is nothing wrong on trying, right?” He smiled widely and shrugged everything off. “Fine, whatever you say, Allen.” He smirked and he thrusted his head to where the door was located, as if he was saying that you should talk to Cisco immediately. You then nodded your head and you stood up, leaving your friend alone in the room. “Are you feeling better now?” You asked him before going away. “Yes, Madame!” He playfully answered. “Don’t worry.” “Alright.” You somehow calmed yourself down. “No eavesdropping, Bar!” He raised both of his hands in air as if he was defending himself. You let a giggle out and went to your office to get some sweets and then you proceeded to the Cortex, where Cisco was staying. You sat on the chair beside Cisco’s and waited for few seconds if he would turn to you and talk to you. “Hey Cisco!” You caressed him on his right shoulder using your left hand. “What’s up?” “Hey (Y/N)! Nothing’s wrong.” He looked at you to flash a weak smile and looked back at his computer screen once again. “Oh, c’mon!” You insisted and pouted your lips when you had no success on convincing him. “Tell me what’s bothering you, please.” “I’m fine, (Y/N).” He bit his lower lip harshly. “Do you want some?” You offered your hand full of his favourite sweets and his chocolate-coloured eyes grew wide, just like a kid eager to have some candies.“Sweets will never fail you, as a matter of fact, they are always there to cheer you up.” You gave him the sweets and he wrapped his arms around your waist tightly. “Aw, Cisco.” You were fluttered for his gesture and you smiled widely. You returned the hug tightly too. “You’re just like these sweets, you always know how to cheer me up.” He complimented you shyly. “I love you.” Cisco confessed then confidently while you were still hugging each other. “Oops.” You both heard a girl’s voice from the laboratory and you quickly broke the hug you were sharing. “Sorry.” Caitlin apologized and went to the room where Barry was. “What was that, Cisco?” You asked him, confused. You heard what he has said, it was loud and clear. You asked him to repeat it just to be sure that he really felt that way, because you were more than happy with his revelation. “I-I’m sorry.” He stuttered. “I-I didn’t want to.” He harshly bit his lower lip for few times. He was so afraid of what your reaction might be. You smiled warmly and he stopped torturing his lip, instead he unleashed a long and heavy sigh. From his corrugated forehead, his facial muscles softened. “I love you, (Y/N)!” He repeated it for one more time. You stared at him for a short moment to create the suspense factor between you two, but then you just laughed. “What?” Cisco asked sadly. “I love you too, Cisco.” You confessed right after and you slowly leant in to lock your lips with Cisco’s. You both shared a short, but full of love kiss. “Thank God!” You both thought to yourself because you finally had a requited love after a long long wait. “Isn’t requited love great, Caitlin?” You and Cisco quickly broke the kiss and turned to your friends standing under the Cortex’s door frame. “It is.” Caitlin answered with a wide smile on her face. “It always feels right and wholesome.” “Right!” You and Cisco agreed in unison. “Jinx! Jinx again!” You laughed together as your two friends watched you happily from afar.
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kaunis-sielu · 8 years
It was an accident, you hadn't meant to wander into the little pet store, and you certainly didn't know that they were having an adoption day. If you had you'd never have gone in, your biggest weakness was animals. Dogs, cats, horses, turtles it doesn't matter. You'd decided to get Lucky some treats. That's what had sealed the deal for you to come into the store and oh boy were you in trouble. "Hi Loki." You say with a smile as you enter his room. You're one of the few that he's allowed access at any time, mostly because you too have ice powers so when he's in a rage, or one of his other less pleasant moods, you can go in and help calm him. You don't mention what you bought him, not yet. Instead you curl up on his bed next to him, he laughs and throws an arm around your shoulders. "Hello my little snowflake." He says not looking up from his book. "How is it that you're always so much warmer than me? We both have ice powers." "It's more complicated than that snowflake." He drawls and you'll never tell him that you love the nickname. "What did you bring me?" "Bring you?" "Snowflake." He says snapping the book in his lap shut. "I know when you're hiding things from me." "Okay, okay." You laugh holding your hands up in surrender, the small fabric ball in your lap moves and Loki jerks away from you in surprise. "I got you something today at the mall." "Something that moves." You unwrap the blanket and the small, black kitten pops its head out with a tiny meow. "Snowflake. What is that?" "This is Jinx. She's the runt of her family and completely black." "I don't understand." "A runt means that she's going to be small and all black is part of the belief system that black cats are unlucky." "So you got it for me? What if I freeze it to death?" "Loki, you're not going to freeze it to death. Animals are incredibly therapeutic and you've got control over your powers. Sometimes you just to make sure she's not in your room when you want to play with your ice magic." "But-" "Loki." You cut him off, "She can be our cat. Look she likes you." You tell him as the kitten perches on his shoulder and takes a swipe at his long hair. "It is attacking me." He says as Jinx bites on his collar. "She's a kitten Loki. She doesn't know any better." You laugh and take the kitten off his shoulder. You put the kitten in the litter box outside the door and keep her there until she does her business. You give her a bit of kibble then bring her back into Loki's room. She plays around on his bed for a while jumping on Loki's feet a few times. He watches the kitten in amusement, you watch Loki with a small smile on your face. Jinx falls asleep not long after, curled up in a tiny ball on Loki's shoulder. "I guess it is not so bad." He says softly, his fingers sliding gently over the top of Jinx's head and she purrs in her sleep. "It's a she Loki." You tell him resting your head against his arm. "Thank you for the gift. Our cat." "You're welcome." You tell him snuggling into his side. "I'm glad you like her." ———————————————————— You don't often see Loki without Jinx. She follows him around like a shadow. Her favorite perch is clinging to his shoulder, sometimes with a piece of his hair in her mouth. Her second favorite place to be is on your shoulder. As she gets older she likes to lay across the back of your neck. "Snowflake?" "Hmm?" You say not looking up from your book. "Could we get another?" "Another?" "Cat." You look up at him in surprise. "You want another cat?" "Yes. Look at this one." He turns the laptop toward you and you see a white cat with one eye. "You want a one eyed cat?" "Yes." "What are you going to name it?" You ask instantly suspicious. His dad only has one eye. "Not after my father if that's what you're thinking." He smirks over at you. "I came to Midguard to get away from him. This poor cat has been at the shelter for three years." You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from smiling over at him. "It says here that he is fixed, good with other cats and likes to be with people." "We'll have to bring Jinx with us to meet him so that we make sure that they get along." "So? We can?" "Yea Loki. As long as they get along." You agree and he wraps his arms around your waist, spinning you around. You can't help but laugh at his pleased expression, you knew that Jinx would be a pleasant addition to your little, dysfunctional, family.
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fafsernir · 5 years
These Are The Days Of Our Lives (3)
Title: These Are The Days Of Our Lives
Fandom: Good Omens (Crowley/Aziraphale)
Chapters: 3/? (Read 1, 2) (#TATDOOL on my tumblr)
Summary:  Everything was fine, tickety-boo, as Aziraphale said. And Crowley knew that because he saw him every day, not because he loved him. Because he didn’t. (Teachers!AU)
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Crowley was walking in the street when he heard his name being called. Crowley wasn’t a usual name, so there wasn’t much doubt that someone was calling him. The thing was, he didn’t know a lot of people. Not a lot that would call him across the street, begging him to wait, at least. He had to do his grocery shopping, because Aziraphale was coming and Crowley wanted to cook something, but he had realized very late on that his cupboards were empty. Sometimes, being too minimalist was just a tad too much.
With that in mind, it seemed natural for Crowley to ignore the person who desperately wanted to talk to him. Odds were that the feeling wasn’t mutual. But he knew the voice, and after four times, people were staring at him as if they had clearly identified him as the source of the annoying noise. It was partly his fault; the person would stop screaming across the street if he would just stop and turn. So he eventually did. Right when the person had caught up with him, which resulted in them colliding into each other.
It didn’t take long for Crowley to recognize the clumsy man finding his balance again. Apparently, he was still as clumsy as before.
“Yes! Crowley! Hi! You must have been listening to music, I was calling you…”
“Oh, I heard you,” Crowley answered before Newton would start one of his rambles. He rambled, a lot.
“Cool. Anyway! Fancy meeting you here.”
Oh, this was about to be very awkward, wasn’t it? Crowley put this thought aside and tried a smile.
“I haven’t seen you in ages, not since—”
“Uni! Graduation day! We didn’t really keep in touch. I wasn’t expecting you to do so, to be honest. How have you been? Scared any child with your plantamania yet?”
“That’s not how—” Crowley started, then gave up. They’d had this conversation over and over, and Newton persisted in calling that plantamania, because he liked the word. “I’m doing great, what about you?”
“Computers are still not agreeing with me…”
“You’re still working in that?”
“Of course! Only now I advise people, so I’m not technically touching the computers. Found my way around it.”
Crowley scoffed. Newton had always been particularly unlucky when it came to computers. He loved them, he understood them, he was great at them, but they didn’t want him near them. There was always something wrong, as soon as his fingers touched a keyboard. But he was passionate about them anyway, which had always sounded odd to Crowley, but who was he to judge?
“And I’m married now,” Newton added, showing his ring proudly. “We thought about inviting you, but Anathema said you wouldn’t come anyway, and she’s always right so… I hope you don’t mind. We thought about you, though!”
“You married Anathema?” Crowley asked, surprised, to say the least.
They had been a chaotic couple. Not that they argued or anything, they had actually been really sweet and all, but individually they already presented chaotic characteristics, so when they came together, it was… a lot of weird stuff happening. Crowley had thought they wouldn’t survive real life as a couple, but apparently their dynamic had worked well, because Newton seemed very happy to be married. And Anathema too. Even if Crowley couldn’t see it, he knew she would have left long ago if she hadn’t been happy.
They had all met in First Year, through a social meeting – one of the rare Crowley had gone to. After artificial and very bad icebreakers, the four of them – Aziraphale was the reason why Crowley was there –talked and laughed. Even if none was in the same degree, they stayed close together as a small group. They didn’t see each other every day, but they often gathered and liked each other’s presence. As Crowley knew Aziraphale already, he had never really needed anyone else in his life, and thus had never been the closest to anyone. He had very much enjoyed discussing with Anathema, though.
Newton and she had started dating somewhere during Year Two. It had been a surprise for no one, except Newton himself, maybe. To be fair, she was a very beautiful woman and Newton had a low self-esteem. Crowley could relate.
“Of course!” Newton said, interrupting Crowley’s thoughts. “How about Aziraphale?”
Bold of him to assume that Crowley still talked to anyone from Uni. But then again, Aziraphale wasn’t from Uni, but way before, so it was only natural that he still talked to him. Well, he had stopped talking to him after Uni, so he hadn’t been an exception back then – it wasn’t true, he had always been an exception.
“We work together now,” Crowley smiled. How small the world was, sometimes.
“Oh, is that right? It must be useful!” Newton seemed excited, and Crowley couldn’t see how useful it was.
“Sure. We do hang out a lot.”
“I wish I worked with Anathema.”
Something definitely sounded wrong. Crowley’s guts told him that the conversation wasn’t going in the way he wanted. He ignored the feeling.
“Are you sure?” he asked, instead. Nobody wanted to work with their partners, right? That meant no break from that person, surely it would be weird to see each other constantly.
“Is it not going well with Aziraphale?” Newton looked almost apologetic. Crowley was starting to lose the point of the conversation.
“It is, but it’s not like we’re married,” he shrugged.
“Do you guys want to get married?” Newton asked, as if the question had been in his mind for years. “You’ve been together for a while, now.”
“Not really,” Crowley answered before the rest of the sentence sent signals and alarms up his brain. “Sorry, what?” he thought he asked. It might have sounded more like “Uh, I- whu—“, though. He couldn’t be sure.
Newton looked puzzled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up something awkward,” he quickly said.
“Wh-why would we be married?” It’s not that Crowley didn’t like the sound of that. But that was absurd. Why would anyone think that?
“That’s what couples do, I guess. I mean, not that every couple has to get married, but it’s just, you know, part of it, I guess? Maybe you guys aren’t into it, I mean…” The man was digging his grave by now. Crowley wasn’t even listening.
“C-c-couples? I’m not—we’re not…”
“Oh f—sorry! My bad, I thought you said… I’m sorry, what happened? You guys were so close? Oh, it must be awkward then, working together…”
“We’ve never been…” Crowley flailed his arms for a bit, then finally managed to get the word out, “a couple.” He almost whispered it, as if saying it might curse him. Or jinx the possibility of it being true. But why was someone thinking they were together?!
There was a silence. Then a profusion of excuses that gradually formed sentences.
“I thought you were… oh, my bad… But, I mean, everyone just figured you guys were together, back at Uni.” And then more excuses and ramble.
“What do you mean, everyone thought we were together?” Crowley asked, suddenly very, very intrigued. How had no one ever said anything?
“Yeah,” Newton frowned, as if he was the one not quite grasping the point of the conversation, now. “We went on double dates!”
“Those were dates?!” Crowley exclaimed. Oh, how his perspectives on a lot of lunches were changing suddenly. He wished he had known that. He didn’t know what that would have changed, but maybe…
“We just thought you guys weren’t much for PDAs. I mean, you did call him ‘angel’ all the time.”
Crowley wasn’t sure how he could still hold a conversation, but he was doing exactly that. “That’s… That’s a nickname. Because of his name.”
“That’s a term of endearment.”
“It’s not!”
“Who else do you call ‘angel’?”
“Well—uh… No one, but that’s because they’re not named after an actual angel.” Now, that wasn’t quite true, but Newton had never met Aziraphale’s family, so he didn’t need to know that.
“Sorry, but everyone thought you two were together… And we all thought you were adorable.”
Filing that last bit of information away, Crowley focused on not reddening – even if his cheeks felt very warm, suddenly – and on what Newton was suggesting. “Who’s everyone, anyway? We didn’t talk to many students…”
“Oh.” Another silence. Crowley started to dislike those silences, which seemed to come before life-changing statements. “Literally anyone that knew the nerd from the library? Aziraphale got quite the reputation for staying up late, being always there, with the most impressive pile of books that he would borrow and give back in a record time… Only to borrow all of them again, setting up other kinds of records…”
“So, everyone that walked in the damn library?”
“And more. People talk. Especially when there’re gossips about the tall, handsome man that is the only thing that seems to matter to the nerd, except his beloved books.”
Crowley was speechless. Not even for a deconstructed speech. He remembered being in the library a lot, to drag his friend’s ass out of the damned place. Sometimes, it was to drag himself away from studying too much. He had never spent as much time as Aziraphale on books – who had? – but he had been studying hard, nonetheless. His eyes wouldn’t let him work so long on books, anyway. So breaks from learning anything that his brain agreed on swallowing were welcomed, and always called for Aziraphale to be here. Because it was Aziraphale. And Crowley enjoyed his presence. It smoothed him.
To know that people, that everyone, thought of them as a cute couple, was weird. Disturbing and weird. But oddly comforting.
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Character Development
Full Name: Jason Glen Argyle Nickname: Jase (occasionally Ginger, but he takes serious offence to that) Sex/Gender: Male Birthday: 13th November 1960 Age: 19 Astrological Sign: Scorpio Occupation: Trainee Auror Spoken Languages: English, some Scots Gaelic Sexual Orientation: Straight Birthplace: Inveraray, Scotland Relationship status: Single (although this can change on a weekly basis)
Race: Human Ethnicity: White British Hair Color/Style: Red, rather short and kept tidy Eye Color: Blue Accent: A fairly broad but relaxed West Highland Scottish accent. Height: 6′1″ Tattoos: None Piercings: None Unique Attributes: A heavy scattering of freckles across his face, arms and torso. Defining Gestures/Movements: Tossing his head or running a hand through his hair when excited or angry. Posture: Generally fairly relaxed and lazy-looking; he basically makes himself at home wherever he is.
Pet Peeves: Having people misjudge him because he was a Slytherin before they’ve even spoken to him. Hobbies/Interests: He plays Quidditch casually, and keeps up both Scottish dance and fencing as he has been learning them since he was quite young. Special Skills/Abilities: He can cuss people out in two languages at once, and knows a number of obscure, not-quite-authorised spells. Likes: Chocolate Frogs, flying, Exploding Snap Dislikes: The colour orange, early mornings, sheep Insecurities: He’s not as good at studying and handling paperwork as he should be, and worries that this may be a sticking point for his career and a let-down for his parents. Quirks/Eccentricities: Often swears in Gaelic, enjoys jinxing people to talk in duck noises Strengths: Honest, courageous and affectionate Weaknesses: Impulsive, hot-headed, and overconfident Speaking Style: He’s quite a smooth talker, relaxed and not too rushed. Temperament: He’s generally easygoing and is good at cheering people up, but has a quick, hot temper that’s easily set off when he’s offended.
Family: Glen Argyle (father), Kenna Argyle (mother), Elizabeth Kenna Argyle (sister), Micheil Argyle (paternal grandfather), Jean Argyle (paternal grandmother), Rory Macmillan (maternal grandfather), Ealasaid Macmillan (maternal grandmother), Fergus Macmillan (maternal uncle) How does he feel about his family?: He is very fond of all of them; as the eldest child, he’s always been pushed to excel, but he appreciates all they’ve done for him in helping him become the kind of person he likes being. He is particularly close to his sister and is very protective of her, though he is reluctantly accepting that he needs to let her make her own way. Although he has chosen not to join the family business, he’s been encouraging about them keeping it up. How does his family feel about him?: They are very proud of him, although they were taken aback when he ended up in Slytherin. As most of the family are Gryffindors or Hufflepuffs who have no interest in the pureblood philosophy, it was something of a shock; however, the fierce ambition he makes no secret of, and his staunch loyalty to the family, have reassured them that he is in no danger of slipping into less savoury ways. Elizabeth adores him and, although she makes a point of being an annoying little sister at times, will defend him fiercely against others. Pets: He has a tawny owl, which he has named Alastair. Where does he live?: In the family home on the outskirts of Inveraray, Scotland. What is it like there?: It is far enough away from the main town that the environment is reasonably quiet, and with the loch close by the entire area is tranquil and comfortable. Description of his home: The old stone house is reasonably spacious for its age, though this is partly due to having been expanded a few times with magic. It has a garden surrounded with a low stone wall and hedges at the back of the house. Inside, it’s furnished in a cosy, old-fashioned style, with lots of old furniture and dark wood, but the decor is light enough that it doesn’t feel too cramped. Description of his bedroom: It’s not very large, but it’s comfortable, with an old wooden bed against one wall that’s covered in a patchwork quilt. A slightly battered old school trunk is at the foot of the bed. Against the other wall are a desk and wardrobe made of oak, and in one corner is a well-cared-for broomstick. The room is tidy and painted in a light green.
Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert - Jason’s a friendly young man who enjoys a good time. Optimist or Pessimist?: He’s very much an optimist, confident in himself and in the future he plans to help shape. Leader or Follower?: It varies; in a social situation, he’s much more likely to take the lead, but in a serious situation he tends to turn to his best friend for guidance, or failing that some other person he trusts. Confident or Self-Conscious?: He’s very confident in himself. Cautious or Careless?: He’s quite careless at times - he’s not naturally inclined to consider a situation before plunging into it. Religious or Secular?: Secular. He was never raised in any religion and only occasionally attends church for significant holidays if he’s at home. Passionate or Apathetic?: Most definitely passionate. There are very few things he has no opinion on, and he doesn’t like to sit aside and let things happen around him. Book Smarts or Street Smarts?: He’s got more street smarts than book smarts - he’s well-educated, but he doesn’t rely on academia to get along. Compliments or Insults?: He’s more likely to fling an insult, whether in affection or anger. Pajamas or Underwear?: Pyjamas, usually loose, light cotton. It’s a defence against family members who barge into his room.
Favorite Color: Green - deep, warm shades specifically. Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: Jason likes to dress simply but stylishly - well-cut robes or Muggle jeans, shirts and a leather jacket are his preferred outfits. Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: His favourite music is actually traditional Scottish music, but he loves wizarding pop bands as well. Favorite Movies: He’s not seen enough to choose a favourite. Favorite TV Shows: He’s never watched TV in his life. Favorite Books: As he’s not much of a reader, he doesn’t really have a favourite book. Favorite Foods/Drinks: He will definitely kick up a fuss for a bacon sandwich, and loves Chocolate Frogs, although he insists he just likes to collect the cards. He’s also a bit of a coffee addict, and enjoys Firewhisky on occasion. Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: He’s mad on Quidditch, and his fiercely defended team is Pride of Portree, based on the Isle of Skye. Favorite Actors/Actresses: N/A Favorite Time of Day: Evening. He’s not a morning person. Favorite Weather/Season: He’s fond of sunny days, and especially summer - despite the fact he sunburns like nobody’s business, he loves being outside when it’s hot, increasing his freckle count. Favorite Animal: He’s got a serious soft spot for his pet owl. Beyond that he doesn’t mind animals, other than sheep.
Fears/Superstitions: His main fear in life is the Death Eaters getting to his family; he knows they’ve come recruiting and were firmly shown the door by his father. As for superstitions, he has several, being raised in an environment full of them - black or black-faced sheep are unlucky; white heather is lucky; you should never place new shoes on the table; if you spill salt you should throw some over your left shoulder; rowan trees ward away evil; silver coins bring good luck. Political Views: He’s very much on the liberal side of wizarding politics. Religion/Philosophy of Life: He’s not really got much of one - he’s just trusting that it’ll work out in the end and not worrying too much. Allergies: Other than getting up early during holidays, nothing. Addictions: Coffee, though it’s not severe. Best/Worst School Subject: His best subject was Defence Against the Dark Arts; his worst was Astronomy. How does he get money?: He’s on a trainee Auror’s salary. How is he with technology?: He doesn’t hande it too well, to be honest. He likes Muggle things, but anything more complex than clockwork tends to go wrong in his hands.
Fondest Memory: An evening when he was about nine years old. His father and grandfather took him to see the final of the Quidditch League, in which their beloved team Pride of Portree were playing. The Prides won the Cup, and Jason still recalls screaming himself hoarse with delight. Deepest, Darkest Secret: Outspoken as he is against the Death Eaters, he can’t help wondering sometimes if there was anything that could induce him to join them. Dream Vacation: He’d love to go somewhere warm and secluded, where he could just lie around in the sun or go flying whenever he liked. Best thing that has ever happened to this character: Graduating from Hogwarts with excellent results, allowing him to achieve his ambition of entering the Auror Office. Worst thing that has ever happened to this character: Being forced to walk away from a gang of bullies threatening his best friend, knowing said friend was going to get cursed to hell and back, in order to protect his little sister. Jason still feels terrible about abandoning William like that, though they both know it was necessary to protect Elizabeth and William holds no resentment. What does he want to be when he grows up?: He intends to complete his training and spend a good while in the Auror Office, and then once he feels unfit to be on the front lines any more, he intends to go into politics and make a few changes to certain restrictive laws. Perfect Date: A pleasant afternoon wandering around a quiet little tourist village somewhere scenic, followed by a nice meal at a good restaurant. Alternatively, spectating at a good Quidditch match.
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