#reblogs okay though ^^
the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
Genloss oc wiwiwiwiw
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ashleyeveerson · 5 months
Haven't been able to think about anything other than the victorian/edwardian/WW1 twink and his 80's punk almost-boyfriend for a week, send help
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miitopia-cake · 10 months
I wish some aces would stop excluding other aces with complex sexual experiences. like I get why but you have to realize that being ace does not mean they don't enjoy sexual experiences and it's weird when you complain about allo people and boil it down to "people who have sexual experiences" and also shame people for their sex life and kinks as if your own community doesnt INCLUDE those people. because there are other aces out there who still masturbate, who feel sexually attracted to their own body, who barely experiences sexual attraction but still enjoys sex, who like consuming sexual media, who like sfw kink. being ace is so so much more complex than just "disliking sex". and also aromantic exclusionism in the same genre of posts is something i see a lot. especially aro allos. I hate hate hate seeing a community that SHOULD be inclusive boil down sexuality and exclude people.
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femivi · 3 months
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original post ノ such a cute picrew ! 🌷 no pressure taggies for @ajiax @sleepyqinfei @amphoraei @mewnbuns <3
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soonysy · 3 months
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Day 191 is Scar's Desert design!!
It is not finished and definitely will be changed at some point
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majachee · 1 year
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Normal CSP test hehe :^)
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auriidae · 1 year
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goofy hermit doodles!! because uhh why not!!
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loonybun · 3 months
hey whump writers turns out even when you’re on heavy painkillers and have a high pain tolerance it still stings like a bitch when you’re getting wounds cleaned/irrigated.
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revvethasmythh · 7 months
I do find it really fascinating, per Marisha's statement at ECCC, that she interpreted Laudna holding onto Imogen during the flare as "literally, physically holding her back." Having now seen the moment, it's obvious that a) Marisha is thinking about this as the moment happens, and b) that Laura seems to be interpreting the event rather differently. Laudna is clinging onto Imogen and looks worried as she tries to keep her close. Meanwhile, Laura seems to just use it as an opportunity for Imogen to reach out to Laudna for an embrace.
Laudna perceiving the moment as "holding Imogen back" is interesting for a couple reasons, but first: because the power Imogen is getting from these flares is not necessarily a good thing. Yes, it is good for them to have currently because it makes Imogen (and Fearne) stronger. But also, gaining strength in her powers, reveling in the joy of floating into a flare, feeling at home and welcomed by Predathos' embrace--those are causes for concern, which Laura confirmed on the panel as well (i.e. her discussion of Imogen's increasing desire to give in to Predathos). But it does pair perfectly with the ideological track Laudna seems to be on, as she willingly feeds Delilah to gain power, that something that isn't good, per se, can still be plenty beneficial. Her stated willingness to stay by Imogen even if she does give into Predathos, her questioning whether Predathos is Imogen's ultimate destiny--those things feel very at home with where Laudna is standing mentally right now.
It's also, however, somewhat at odds with the defining trait of their relationship: tethering. That was the thematic crux of their relationship for a very long time, this idea that they could tether each other to something better than the forces trying to tear them apart, whether that be Imogen's Ruidian connections or Laudna's relationship with Deliah. What Laudna did for Imogen in that moment was quite literally tethering her. So the fact that Laudna felt negatively about the moment, that she was holding Imogen back instead of keeping her grounded, feels like a major shift in that conception of their relationship. It does also feel consistent with Laudna's perception of power and how much she wants Imogen to have it. How can you tether someone when you want them to be chasing power like that? Is your tether a noose or a lifeline? Because Laudna seems to be thinking of it as the former, but I'm not sure that's how Imogen sees it at all
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brinkle-brackle · 6 months
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hello all. they r hugging
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 years
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this one should have a transparent background to fly him around your computer screen. he loves it :)
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> Rose: Confess to Kanaya!
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Rose: I love you.
Kanaya: Y Yo Ati, Rose.
> Rose: Get swallowed by something that looks like Venom.
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> Rose: Get sent to super hell!
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> Kanaya: Have something very gay and homophobic happen to you.
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Kanaya: ...
What an absolute diversity loss. You find yourself thinking "love loses!"
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salty-dracon · 1 year
the mere existence of harue shigima paranormasight absolutely flies in the face of every piece of 2012-2016 feminist discourse arguing that “you can’t write a compelling self-sacrificial housewife character” or that “housewives are antifeminist” because it subverts 0 tropes and relegates women away from the public eye and makes them only child managers. and i LOVE that about her
not only is she an important character within the narrative of paranormasight, including the most important character in her side of the story because you’re playing from her point of view, but it is HER choice to resurrect her son, no matter the cost. it is 100% her choice, and you hear that from her point of view. in fact both ayame and richter argue it at the end of her route, and they’re totally right that harue is ultimately being selfish. harue may be driven by grief and anger, but it’s 100% her grief and anger, not given to her by anyone else.
she doesn’t lack agency because she’s a housewife either. she’s more than willing to commit murder under her own set of conditions, if that’s what you call agency, and her movements aren’t restricted by anyone. richter himself pretty much does whatever she tells him to, with his role being the investigation ability needed for the operation.
and there is so much depth to her. there’s a total apathy for everything, and a dislike for her own home. wouldn’t you be hollow inside if there was only one person in the world you truly loved, and it was taken away from you by a murderer? beyond that apathy is grief for her loss, and anger for the one who killed her son, and selfishness and yes, her choice to sacrifice herself if necessary for the sake of her son. still, it’s not all negative. she has fun watching richter horse around with kids, for instance. her point of view shows you so much about her personality, and it reflects the thoughts of a person, not the thoughts of a throwaway housewife.
basically, i support women’s wrongs, but there’s so much depth to those wrongs and i’d be doing a disservice if i didn’t point out that she is an amazing character before those wrongs.
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niko-jpeg · 5 months
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First of MANY Camp Green Hill Doodles. Camp Green Hill is my silly summer camp AU, and since I've been on a 06 kick lately, lots of silliness with that case running through my brian. Context and explanations under the cut <3
Alright! Camp Green Hill takes place at its namesake. It’s a pretty nice, isolated place in the middle of nowhere, and a safe haven for Mobians with or without ‘supernatural abilities’. Sonic is a permanent resident and under the care of Ranger (“Uncle”) Chuck, who is currently in charge of the camp. Onto the doodle explanations:
“Sonic the Hedgehog”: Just a little doodle of our resident hedgehog. He’s well known both around camp and around town for being bright, full of energy, and very competitive. He possesses a super speed ability and loves to let it show.
Sonic and Tails: Sonic and his little brother, Tails were found in the woods around the camp around 10 years ago. Their origins are pretty much unknown, and neither of them say anything about their old homes. It came to light that Sonic kidnapped Tails after keeping an eye on the toddler and noticing he was severely neglected by his community. Sonic’s origins remain unknown. Uncle Chuck speculates he also came from a neglectful family, which is why he took Tails and ran. 
Drowning: Sonic cannot swim. Despite this, he hangs around water frequently, especially when pissed off or upset. This has resulted in many near drownings. 
Uncle Chuck: Artists rendition of how Uncle Chuck became an uncle. Sonic just kind of wandered into the camp, decided he liked it and its weird owner (Chuck), and declared him their uncle.
Sonic Enjoys Rock Climbing: It's one of his favorite camp sports! He’s gotten pretty damn good, but for the sake of setting a good example, will make use of the safety equipment.
A Completely Normal Cat: A completely normal cat with a completely normal vibe who cannot talk, I promise. Just kidding, that's resident half god Mephiles! They prefer to take on the form of a cat most of the time, mostly to not throw other campers off. And yes, they are in fact, a camper. It's a long story. If you want to know more. My ask box is open ;) 
Friendship Bracelets: Silver is buddies with Mephiles, but neither of them have been properly socialized. He and Blaze have matching friendship bracelets, so he made Mephiles one too. They wear it as a collar, since cat wrists aren’t the best for jewelry. 
Lawn Chair: There's a little filler ‘episode’ where Silver, Sonic, Blaze, and Shadow all go to a waterpark outside of town, and Silver enlists the help of Meph to get them in, since they know a certain illusionist jackal who could help them out. They pretend to be Shadow’s older sibling to get them in, and hang out with Blaze far away from the splash zone. 
They/Them Icon: Just a doodle of Meph I did to fill space lol.
Blaze and Silver: They have a long, complicated friendship. She appeared to him when he was younger shortly after losing his whole family to a catastrophic apartment fire. She’s a secret friend from another dimension, and his only real friend. Little does he know, Blaze was the one who accidentally started the flame, and now feels bad for orphaning him. She grapples with the guilt a lot. Meph was messing around in the future during the off season and accidentally befriended the two, which was their ticket to the past at the camp.
Also, Silver visits Blaze’s dimension frequently! Once he’s comfortable around people, he’s full of spunk, and loves a good adventure. He’s not as innocent and shy as he paints himself to be, not even by a lot. He’s still nervous around Mephiles though, given the whole ‘god’ thing.
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jurbily · 2 days
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scitties · 7 months
Recent events has touched me in a way that's hard to explain.
I owe so, so much to Shelby because it wasn't even two weeks ago that I opened up about my own situation with an abusive ex, closely aligning with the events of her situation.
I was met with the reaction I feared the most, however—complete disregard for me and my well-being. The first person I opened up to made it entirely about themself with no empathy towards me whatsoever, the second called me inappropriate for sharing conversations between my ex and I, and the third straight up ignored me once I revealed who it was about. I chose to open up to three people that were mutuals friends between him and I—that saw things unfold—and all of them turned their backs on me.
Everything keeps playing on repeat in my head, constantly circling between confidence and courage to plaguing uncertainty that I'm in the wrong. I keep thinking that I should've sucked it up. That I presented everything disproportionately. My anxiety has improved significantly since last year, but I really took a hit for this one. Were it not for my other, closer friends, I would've most likely gone down another spiral of self-loathing.
Were it not for Shelby opening up about her own experiences, deep down I would've kept thinking it was my fault for getting those responses.
Yes, you have the right to be dubious. There are false claims made out there to stain reputations for entirely selfish reasons, and it's something we should stay wary of.
But your first reaction to someone opening up about this? To let themselves be this vulnerable? To talk about something that many, many will never speak up about?
Regardless if it ends up true or false, you take it seriously and listen.
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