#atleast i have an au for the moon design i liked now
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This is just an idea for an au
Idk the name would probably be something like the "(not so) imaginary friends au"
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Alright, I took a quick nap and Ive decided that I wanna get the UTM reenactment over with as quickly as possible so Im reading chapter 42 and then I'll reward myself with some pain au chocolats and not thinking about this book for the rest of the day and watching the 2002 takarazuka flower troupe production of elisabeth instead. lets go
Chapter 42
here we fucking go with the illyrian wingspan-dicksize correlation, how would Amren even know that isnt she above sex or something. Honestly, I think Cassian would know wayyyyy more about that. on account of all the gay sex hes having i mean. I thought of that joke and then I realized that you could interpret it to mean that he knows about that because hes illyrian and has a dick, but I want to make it very clear that this is a gay sex joke
how come wings are so sensitive that just barely stroking them makes you moan and shudder but you can still fly with them in harsh winds with no issue. My headcanon is that wings arent actually that sensitive, Rhysand and Cassian are just weirdos with a specific kink
This conversation Feyre and Rhys are having about his wings is so weird, its like dirty and yet uncomfortably clinical
oh Rhysand is quicker than death just fucking kill me, im getting so angry again
Syphons are called 'Trichtersteine' ['funnel stones' or 'funnel gems'] in german which is more accurate to how we're actually told they work imo but it sounds pretty lame
Is it just me or is Rhysand being kinda weirdly paranoid rn. I mean granted, they did just get attacked with ash arrows so maybe hes actually doing a good job for once and Im just biased against him
Okay so we finally get some night court fae wearing white, but of course its not for moon symbolism its so they can blend in with the rock of the mountain because this series does nothing but disappoint me
The Hewn City actually sounds really cool, why couldnt this have been the secret city where we spend most of our time, you couldve made it a whole thing about Feyre healing from her trauma UTM through like, exposure therapy or something idk. That wouldve been neat and dramatic, her healing from her UTM trauma in the place that inspired it with the person that inflicted it. I mean, maybe that would be less healthy and even more controversial than Feysand already is but then you could atleast lean into the dark romance of it
I mightve said this already but you knowwww sjm is NOT a painter and consulted ZERO painters because Ive never heard of anyone think about creating art the way feyre does
and Mor is wearing red AGAIN why would you make this a trigger for Feyre just go back and edit it out its not like it matters
God, the description of her outfit is so deeply discomfortingl like it literally is exactly what she wore while she was being drugged assaulted but atleast they left the bodypaint out this time
"[Keir] looked at my face, then my body. I had thought that he would stare and drool greedily but... there was nothing. No emotion. Just ice cold. Shaking internally, - from anger and revulsion - I followed Mor." Im sorry, is she mad that Keir doesnt find her hot????
Theres something uncomfortable about Feyre referring to Rhysand as 'Mor's Lord' especially when we just had a whole paragraph describing her as a proud and empowered queen
"Usually, one Syphon was enough for an Illyrian to to able to steer his urge to kill down the right path." what???
Now shes describing Azriel as dark and beautiful as death and oughhhhhh i knoww im the only who cares about this and its for a pretty stupid reason but I care a lot and it makes me very angry
Feyre referring to a 19 year old Mor as 'barely more than a child' is weirdddddd
of COURSE hes wearing a black tunic for this, I cant believe this is the guy that the fandom has designated the fashion lover when he has two (2) outfits
Feyre describing Rhysand as sooooo powerful and beautiful with a face of nightmares and dreams makes me want to vomit, but more importantly, it makes me yearn to rewatch the 1996 takarazuka star troupe production of Elisabeth with Asaji Saki as Death who unirionically fits all of Feyres descriptors 1000 times better
Not Rhysand using Feyres Cursebreaker title while hes thoroughly humiliating her
Now Feyre is calling him a god, bro youre not gonna be able to have sex if you jack him off this hard hes gonna be all sore
Imagine being a hewn city noble and you all get together because your high lord wants something from you and youre kinda scared because hes the worst, and then you just have to watch him finger some random lady. and you cant leave because then he'll just kill you
I dont like that this is framed as empowering to Feyre, i think its one thing to write a female character who sexualises herself in order to empower herself but the fact that Feyre is doing this at the behest of Rhys automatically renders it non-empowering to me. Like yeah, she obviously consented to this but it wasnt her idea but this was not her idea and this is not something she usually does, the only times shes been sexualized like this is because it was part of some plan that Rhysand came up with
"[Keir] apparently clung to the power. But Rhys was the power." i hate that that sentence made me think of Keir/Rhysand as a ship why am I so goddamn yaoi-brained. And yeah, i know theyre related but according to Rhys himself, he and Mor are only cousins in the most distant sense, so. Man, that would make the IC dynamics so much more fucked up but also so much funnier
Theyre trying so hard to make this hot n sexy but its just so unappealing and dragged out. Granted, sorry if this is TMI, but I did just jerk off so Im all out of horniness for the next little while so maybe I just dont like this because Im not in the mood but idk. theres something so annoying about this, i think its how over-the-top and artificial Rhysands hotness feels, not to mention the fact that he is absolutely not my type
Imagine being Keir rn, just trying to do your job and tell your high lord everything that he needs to know, meanwhile his high lord is sitting in front of him fondling his new sex slave and you just have to keep a straight face. i mean, he sucks ass so i guess he deserves it but man
Presented to you with no further comment: "My breasts became heavy and full, longing, desiring, just like my crotch."
goddamnit, Rhysand just said that he put Feyre on his leash and then Keir made a kinda slutshame-y remark about her clothes and then I thought Rhys was like "maybe I'll put you on a leash too" but it was Feyre who said that. another loss for big gay incest
"He liked this as little as I did" uhhhhh no offense girlie but you actually seem to be having a pretty great time rn
I dont even know what to say about this part where Feyre is like, detaching herself from her thoughts that are calling her a traitor a liar and a whore ?? I think thats whats happening here?? Like, its trying so hard to be sexy but its invoking the imagery of Feyre's (and even Rhysand's) trauma and its just very strange
It took Rhys a fucking eternity to actually touch her pussy
What if Keir developed a voyerism kink because of this. would that be fucked up or what
Its so weird how Feyre thinks about how maybe Rhysand doesnt like sex or being desirable anymore because of amarantha and that certainly sounds like a trauma response he should have but instead it just never matters
"I had been tortured and tormented but my pain was nothing compared to his." YOU DIED
Oh man I cant believe I completely forgot about the absolutely iconic part where Rhysand gets so mad Keir for calling the woman he introduced as a whore a whore that he telepathically breaks his hand about it
what was the point of doing that, Feyre didnt even seem to like it that much
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animalechochamber · 2 months
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Did another wc design challenge! This time the white cats with blue eyes except I swapped out two cats and added Whitetail bc I love her <3
I feel like rambling on the cats so that’s under the cut for those who want to read my little design ideas and au lol (warning very long esp on mobile. My bad)
For the easier one at the top right is Icewing, current cat in ASC and also a former dark forest trainee who watched her son Beetlewhisker be killed by Brokenstar. Her design is one I’ve had in my brain for awhile and it is based off Swan Lake, with the idea of a white and black swan. Her fluffy belly is meant to sorta read as a tutu and her patches as feathers. I gave her purple eyes too bc it’s a mix of red and blue, which often are the colors for evil vs good. I have so many thoughts on her. Where’s my Icewing novella. Plz authors give us a Icewing’s Nest book (Nest bc her motherhood and in the idea of how swans get over their chicks, only for her own to die in a place she encouraged him to go. It’s also a unique name for a novella)
Now onto the bottom left. With my beloved Snowstorm (Snowfur) and her daughter, Froststorm (Whitestorm/Frostfur). Yes I know Snow didn’t live to see her kit this big but also canon Frosty isn’t transfem so just let it be alright? Transfem Whitestorm is something I thought of in a now scrapped rewrite that I cannot unravel from my brain. And I wanted to draw her momma bc she’s been a favorite of mine forever. Snowstorm has a few blue spots bc I wanted to blue from her father to show in atleast one of the sisters (since I made Blue albino) and I can imagine how she feels about her name. It fits. It’s suiting for her personality and ambitious nature. But it’s her father’s prefix, the one who never even visited them as kits, neglected her momma, left them for a cat just barely older then her- yet in her own self conscious way she can’t help but see himself in her, that same ugly storm of anger brewing in her belly that lead him to his death. In my warrior cats universe Snowstorm doesn’t die and is a spicy elder in TPB who, after his daughter talks to her, becomes a advisor to the young Fireheart. She would be pretty snippy and very much xenophobic to him at the start and probably until Tigerclaw is exiled before she starts realizing how his heart is in the clan, where he came from doesn’t matter, and what he brings to the clans culture. She was the mate of Thistleclaw for the stars sake! And despite how they’re relationship was passionate and aggressive and doomed from the start, the cat he created in that bloodthirsty monster is clear. His ways of thinking were tangled in Tigerclaw’s mind like they were in hers. How had she let him do so much damage? So she turns around. Starts growing. Tears the thorns from her pelt at last.
(Tw for a few transphobic ideas that Froststorm had placed in her by Thistleclaw)
And Froststorm- she was originally Milkkit (after the milk thistle, her dad insisted on her having a name that related to him) but after her mom is out in a coma for her first 9 moons of life she is almost entirely groomed to be her father’s son. But it didn’t feel right. She felt wrong every time he told her what to be. Not only because she had no say at all against her father but because being that warrior meant being… a tom. She wouldn’t come out till after her father died, around half a year after her being named. After her mom finally woke up by some Starclan miracle. She was weak but the cat his father had told her she was wasn’t who woke up. She was a blizzard in a cats body- powerful, swift, covering, but cool and once calmed down soft as a fresh layer of snow. The moment she opened her eyes and saw her how much her small kitten had grown she wouldn’t let go. Thistleclaw was oddly angry when she awoke. He felt the control he and over his kit slip away as she came in a plucked what he’d placed in her pelt. The two would fight. And they could never agree. It was upsetting, especially when Thistle would come to her and tell her how her mother was a stupid, selfish molly who couldn’t hold her tongue. Things he once loved about her were now faults all because they didn’t align with his view. But it also showed her that she could stand up against him. She finally went outside her direct circle and talked to a cat her dad fell out with, her aunt Rosetail. She wasn’t ever allowed to speak to her when her dad was around. He told her she was a confused tom, that she went around with soft bellies, and that she spit on starclan’s place for her. But she was nice, and kind, and so sweet it made her stomach twist. Milkpaw asked her what her father had meant by her being a “molly minded tom”- and she learned something that would change her life forever. Rosetail was originally a tom but found she was a molly at heart. Through herbs and training she was able to change what she was, transitioning. That word made her heart twist so suddenly it made her vision swim, like the stars themselves told her this was it. Her aunt wasn’t going against them, she was just righting what she was meant to be. To her aunt who she had only now gotten to talk to, she came out, and crying there wrapped in Rosetail’s hug felt like the best she had ever felt.
The day of her ceremony to be made a warrior she asked her other aunt Bluestar if maybe she could be renamed… not coming out officially to the whole clan but starting the steps to eventually. Then there at the event she was named Froststorm. Bluestar told everyone it was Starclan’s decree for her to be Frost instead and then added -storm after both her sister, being Frost’s mom, but also for the force she and become. She wasn’t a destructive one but one that would bring great rain, wash away the sick and bring in the spring, and fuel the future. Her father though would blow up, partly publicly and then far worse in private. His sudden loss of control would end with him attacking a peaceful Riverclan patrol that was just coming to discuss an agreement between the warring clans, leading in him being drowned by the enemy warrior. At last with him gone Froststorm comes out as trans. Some are happy for her, others less supportive, some a little hostile. But that didn’t matter at all to her because her family loved her as her.
Anyways transfem Whitestorm is my favorite thing ever I love her so so much <3 she would be partners with Lionheart, and with a dame, they have Cinder, Bracken, Bright, and Thorn. Though I think in this au they’d be Cinder, Bracken, Bright, and Dandelion (cuz no way in the dark forest would she name one of her kits anything CLOSE to Thistle. Nope. Also Dandelionclaw is so long it’s funny I think it’s cute). The Sorrel, Soot, Silt (Rain) litter would instead be kits of Speckletail and some sire (she wouldn’t go outside the clans. Just can’t decided and they wouldn’t be a part of the kits lives).
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shinmiyovvi · 10 months
Hello hello! Poppin in to see how you're doing!
I've been a bit absent so I've come to wrack your brain, any new updates or projects you'd want to share about??
I hope you're doing well Shin!
Hello, Spengs, hope you're doing well too 💖 This is gonna be a long read so buckle up
I did some think thonkin for a while even if my brain was already wracked when school started last week (Senior year was now being an ass on me for a freshman as myself) but anyways, enough of that. Let's jump in to what I have in mind for my projects and updates
Update: Barely hanging while trying to run this abomination of a blog with changing the blog's color, header, and tumblr website's theme while dealing with school and trying to brace myself this Saturday for my birthday as I try to accept that I am now getting older 🫠 (Also forgive me for throwing a bunch of MW content if you ever come acrossed with it)
Art Projects: Now, I am atleast trying my hardest to bring myself to draw my Cod MW oc Noemi in which I haven't quite made a proper reference sheet for her. Now that MW3 2023 was announced and will be releasing on November(?), I need to work on her new design for the sequel. I have made her MW2 2022 design and not with her MW1 2019 which is I am planning to do. Her info was still on a wip and the shipping was somehow changed? To tell you what, Noemi is turning into an oc/self insert and I am not complaining about it. Going to CoD Zombies, you thought those reference sheets of my ocs are final? No, and I hate it 🙃. There is just so many ideas of changing their outfits and I rarely even draw the Ultimis versions of them and also my other oc crew Salvatorix. I even have a lot of changes for my self insert design as well and need to work on it as soon as Christmas break comes or in Summer. I also need to add some casual outfits for my ocs for easy drawing cause I know sometimes whenever we had an art trade together, I feel like the designs are getting the best of us so I am hoping to draw their casuals to give ourselves a slack. But if you're still fine with their usual outfits then that's fine by me 💖. I'm still working on with my ocs' infos and also the Ultimis voice claims so stay tuned if I ever find a gap to my time to work on it. I will also make some references for the fic I am working on which is an oc x canon one. Lastly, I need to draw my SoE oc cause I haven't even talked or posted something about her for months now.
Fanfiction Projects: I still have 3 fics that are discontinued or still ongoing but ran out of ideas.And now we have 2 new additional fics. I've answered this from an ask from a friend of mine but I'll tell you as well. Under the Red Moon and Echoes of a Certain Past are two fics that I've planned. Under the Red Moon is an old au concept for the Primis crew but I changed the idea and use it for the lore change of the Vampire Knight and Noble Prince Au from before. Basically the story will be an oc x canon one since it focuses on Primis Nikolai and Primis Val. Echoes of a Certain Past is a fic that will be containing the past of my ocs, from Primis to Ultimis as the story will be divided into two parts, separating the two from each other. In the story, the story will be divided into four parts for each oc, starting from Val to Dragomir. If you want to know where to read them, these two stories will be posted here, Ao3, and in Wattpad but I'm still undecided to post in Wattpad since I've already made their cover pages of the two stories but let's see how these two will unfold. I may be a bit rusty when it comes to writing but I will try my best to make you all entertain as I will also try to research more and more about my ocs so atleast I could add up the historical vibes of it even if there will be also inaccuracies so please bear with me on this.
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stargazer-balladeer · 3 years
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Setting: Kingdom AU
[King! Zhongli x Female! Reader]
Notes: At first, I didn’t know what to write for the Valentine’s Gift in Discord. I was about to just write a Diluc fic when I came across the Cendrillon video. I rewatch it and loved the idea. Zhongli fits the prince (im making him a king here-) perfectly, this is going to follow the Vocaloid Cendrillon version (because the actual Cendrillon is basically the Cinderella movie-), but I’m gonna tweak it a bit. I hope I manage to capture Zhongli’s personality, atleast a little- 😅. Hope ya’ll like this!
Warning: small mentions of being blackmailed, abandonment and blood.
Word Count: 4.7k
» A valentine gift for @zhonglisemptywallet,, I hope you like this- hshshs
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“Say, Zhongli, do you know the story of “Cendrillon”?” “Hm… it doesn’t ring a bell, I’m afraid. May I ask why you ask of that?” “I used to read it when I was young. Since you don’t know of it, would you like to read it together? Or are you currently busy?” “I was about to ask you if you want to have tea with me, but since you suggested that, of course I would read it together with you.” 
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The warm hue of the light that illuminated the room and the chatter of the people within greeted you immediately when you stepped foot inside. Your eyes darted from person to person, not familiar with any of them. The target isn’t anywhere in the vicinity it seems, perhaps later. The warm atmosphere made you sigh in relief, it was a great contrast to the coldness of night outside. Not wanting to be of disturbance to those entering, you quickly went away from the entrance. You were overwhelmed by the grand interior of the room, walls decorated with golden brown and amber designs, one you usually find in an antique item, waves, vines, flowers, all sort of design. Golden-colored chandeliers hanging in the ceiling in a row, making the room brighter. The golden curtain being tied to the side, revealing the full moon in its finest glory. 
The palace king really likes golden-colored stuff, you noted. Everything looks so ancient, like there’s a history in every design and every item inside. Glancing around, you adjusted your dress, making sure your dagger isn’t visible underneath your skirt. An assassin tasked to kill the king of the Liyue nation. A joke, you thought at first, a child’s play. This task is usually seen in a fairytale, but you suppose it’s inevitable when you have 7 kingdoms, each with their respective king and queens. Breathing out a sigh, you take a glance at the moon. Your task is due at midnight, when the moon is high above the skies. Precise exact hour, no seconds shall pass. If failed, execution shall be your punishment. 
Then a ring rang through the room, gaining many’s attention including yours. You gaze at the balcony-like booths on the second floor, seeing familiar faces of the members of the Qixing. Them being here isn’t gonna make your mission any easier, well, it wasn’t easy to begin with. Quickly switching your attention to the butler, making sure your actions aren’t suspicious. “We thank you for attending this royal ball, hosted by our beloved King. I shall now introduce you to the special guests tonight.” The butler’s voice rang, sounding young yet stern. He nodded to the area of the Qixing members. “Please allow me to introduce Lady Ningguang of the Qixing, miss Keqing of the Qixing and Miss Ganyu of the Qixing.” 
Many people started clapping for them, you decided to join in them in order to not appear suspicious. Ningguang, in her fullest glory, stood up and waved elegantly to the people below her. Her eyes, which reminded you of Rubies, scanned the crowd before befalling on you. You stiffened at the coldness within, was her eyes always this harsh? You thought she was about to call you out but she simply turned around and sat on the throne-like chair. You breathe out a sigh of relief, closing your eyes when you feel the tension on your shoulder being released. But you knew that her gaze on you was a warning. She knew your intention, she could’ve called you out right there but she didn’t. Why? Was she amused that there was an assassin in the ball, wanting to kill the king? It doesn’t make sense.
You tuned out the butler, who was introducing the four Adepti, the counsel of the king. You couldn’t care less about them, but you were still on guard. Although they all respect their king and would kill anyone who dares to threaten his life, the young-looking guy is the one you’re watching out for. The young adepti, Xiao was his name, Conqueror of Demons, swift like the wind. “Now..” Your ears pick up as you look at the butler once more. “The moment you all have been waiting for. May I introduce the host of this evening, please applaud to the king of Liyue, Rex Lapis!” 
And just like that, an applaud of cheers erupted into the room when the king was announced. You joined in with the claps, feeling nervousness rising within you. Now’s not the time to get nervous. This is an important mission. You shall not fail this one. The light in your eyes darkened when the king made an appearance, there in his crowning light was Rex Lapis. With eyes like the Cor Lapis, hair like the soil of the land, and clothes fitting for a ruler. He has a small smile present on his face, as he nodded to the crowd. “Thank you for coming to my ball on this humble night. Please enjoy yourselves to the fullest with the prepared banquet and dance.” His voice is so soothing…
He reached out his hand, snapping his index and thumb. “Let the feast begin.” 
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“What?” You breathed out, staring at the man before you with eyes wide and face in disbelief. Not knowing whether to laugh or what. The mission you’re given, to kill the king of Liyue, Rex Lapis. How absurd. “You expect me to kill that wanna-be king?” You scoffed, letting out a few chuckles. You thought it was a prank, a funny joke, and that your superior was made to do by one of his subordinates. You bet your money that it was that “Childe”. You tried searching his face, any sign of him lying or joking, but there wasn’t. He was serious. 
Coughing lightly, you straightened yourself up again, staring at the eyes of your superior. He sighed before placing a document on his desk, facing you, with a dagger on top. “You should be grateful that the Tsaritsa decided to give you this task, if I were to choose, I’d choose someone else. But alas, she chose you. How unfortunate.” He scoffed, shaking his head in disapproval. You paid his indirect insult no mind as you stared at the dagger, which you noticed was laced with poison. The dagger was silver in color, with the hilt decorated with light blue and white snowflakes. The end contains a Cor Lapis gem. 
Hesitantly, your hand rose to reach the dagger. You can feel the sharp eyes of your superior on you, taking note of your shaky hands and hesitated moves. When you finally grasp the well-designed dagger, your superior’s voice rang through the room once more.
“Do not fail this mission.”
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How are you going to approach this exactly? You felt your sweat drop when you realized you didn’t prepare a plan on how to kill the king. Which is pretty dumb, now that your thinking about it. Like, what did you expect to happen? You going up to him and just stab him? Before your dagger could hit the king, your head is already on the ground. You groaned in frustration, leaning back on the white-colored pillar. Great, now you're stuck. You sighed, rubbing the nape of your neck, as you gaze at the scenery before you. 
Gazing at the people dancing, you couldn’t help but feel the green of envy rising within you. Unlike you, they have the best life. Once living in the slums of Snezhnaya, many times almost freezing to death. One of those times is when you met the queen of the frozen land, the Tsaritsa. Many wondered why she took you in, a girl abandoned in the streets. From her patience and pitied love for you, she took you in and made you a member of the organization known as the “Fatui”. Trained under a strict teacher, you grew up to be an assassin. An assassin whose hands are stained with the blood of the victims you killed for the Tsaritsa herself. 
“Excuse me.” A voice so silk, maturity evident in it, one that you heard earlier. You look up from your gaze at the ground to meet the eyes like the sun. From the distance, you didn’t notice how his white iris looks sharp, but now upon closer inspection, you can see it clearly. He gave you a soft smile, moving his hand from behind his back and extended it to you. You stared at it, confusion dancing in your eyes before gazing at the man you were destined to kill. “Would you care for a dance with me?” He said, amusement clear in his eyes. You felt your cheeks warmed up at your obliviousness. “Uhm… sure.” You said in a low voice, placing your hand on his. Despite the gloves you two are wearing, you can feel the warmth radiating from within. 
Feeling albeit awkward, obvious tension in the air, he guided you to the dance floor, hand firmly yet gently grasping yours. You weren’t sure if he noticed the air of tension surrounding you two or if he was simply ignoring it. Twirling you around a little bit, he stops your mini twirl by placing his large hand on your waist. You, knowing the dance steps ever since you had to undercover in a masquerade party, placed your hand on his shoulder and took a step back, him following suit by stepping forward. A dance with the king of Liyue, what a cliche moment. You can feel his eyes on you, feeling embarrassed about his obvious staring at you (and the stares you were getting around you), you continued staring at the amulet on his chest. 
“You know, when dancing, one must look at the eyes of their partner. Not at their chest.” The king said in a low voice, chuckling a little. How is he amused at this situation? The king is really a strange person. Flushing in embarrassment for getting called out, you look up to meet his expectant gaze. Seeing his lips quirking up as your gaze met his, he tilted his head slightly as he spun you around in tune with the others and held you close when you faced him once more. “Tell me, where do you hail from? I don’t think I’ve ever seen your face before.” You knew that this was coming, so you rehearsed your answer while going here. “I came from Inazuma, being sent here by my father, Chief Haruki. I came as a replacement for him, he humbly apologizes that he cannot be here at the ball tonight.” It wasn’t technically a lie, chief Haruki was indeed a real person living in Inazuma and was secretly working for the Fatui. 
You noticed how his eyes narrowed slightly, yet his entire face still remains unchanged. Closing his eyes while sighing softly. “I see.” You stared at him a couple of minutes before opening your mouth. “The people around us.. They’re not all nobles, are they?” Asking softly, only reserved to the two of you. His eyes scanning the people around you two before leaning in your ear, his hot breath near your ear made shivers run down your spine. “Quite an eye you have, my dear. But nevertheless, you are correct. Some of them are the orphans I’ve taken in under my wing.” You let out a chuckle. “How noble of you, your highness.” “Call me Morax instead.” Leaning back, he lets go of your waist as he clasps his gloved-hands on yours, dragging you gently. 
You raised a brow at this. “And where do you think you are taking me, Mr. Morax? I have no intention of doing any frisky rendezvous with you.” You can hear him laughing in front of you, turning his head to the side to glance at you. “Rest assured, my dear. I have no intention to take you to bed. I just thought a fresh air is what we need.” He explained, chuckling at the end before facing forward again. Flushing a bit at his laughter, you pouted while glaring at him. “You could’ve just told me that.” You mumbled angrily. He simply ignored your complaints, using his free hand to push open a door leading to a garden. 
You marveled at the sight of it, it was beautifully decorated with glaze lilies and silk flowers. Adding to the beauty were neon-orange-colored butterflies flying around. While you were in awe at your surroundings, you didn’t notice the fond look that the king was giving to you. He lets go of your hand as he steps forward into the enchanting garden. Missing already his large hand against yours, you followed suit, resisting the urge to hold his hand once more. “What a beautiful garden.” “Thank you for your kind words.” He slightly leaned forward to hold a glaze lily in his hand. “Did you know that glaze lilies only reveal their beauty at the sound of music? A pure song, one that used to belong to someone who loved this flower more than any other.” He said, on his face is a gentle smile, yet you noted how sad it seems. 
His eyes and smile so captivating and warm, yet hiding so many secrets. It made you want to know more about the man in front of you, not as the ruler Rex Lapis but as Morax. You stayed silent as you gaze at the flower in his hand. “They used to be everywhere in Liyue, but now… there are hardly any of them left. They are now rare and almost to the brink of being extinct.” He said, not hiding or masking the sadness in his voice as he lets go of the flower. Straightening his back again, turning to look at you, smiling apologetically at you. “Apologies. It seems like I went into my infamous rants.” Morax said, bowing his head slightly. 
You shake your head, smiling in return. “It’s fine. Your voice is oddly.. soothing.” He chuckles at your comment. “Indeed. I have gotten comments about my voice being soothing to hear.” “That’s why I shall suggest that you continue your rant. I can see it in your eyes that you have much more you want to share.” You chuckled. His eyes widened a bit, surprised that you manage to see through him before shaking his head slightly while huffing in amusement. “You are an interesting girl, my dear.”
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“Why should I have a ball to begin with?” The question left Rex Lapis’ lips before he could stop them, making every head within the room turn their heads to the king. He doesn’t need to host a ball when there is no special occasion to celebrate as. “Rex Lapis, you must understand that the nation needs two rulers. A king and a queen. It would not only be beneficial for the people, but for you as well.” Ningguang explained, spinning her smoking pipe around her fingers, her gaze sharp as ever. Her red eyes staring at Rex Lapis’ face, curious at what his reaction would be. Rex Lapis only sighed. “I see..”
Closing his eyes as he stands up from his chair, opening his eyes to look at his fellow Adepti and the people in the Qixing. “I think this meeting is over. I shall take my leave now. Good day to you all.” Without any wait for a reply, he quickly left the room. When the door closed behind him, he sighed deeply as he started walking to his sanctuary, the garden. The garden that used to belong to his previous wife, the previous queen of Liyue. Opening the doors, he smiled at the beauty of the garden. It was as if she never left. 
He sat down on a nearby bench, gazing fondly at the geo-Crystalfly, only landing beside him. He gazes at it before sighing once more, running a hand through his hair, messing up his front hair slightly. “‘A new queen’ they said. ‘Beneficial for both the people of Liyue and me’ she said. I don’t understand mortals at all.” Rex Lapis tried to understand the minds of his people, but he still can’t grasp how extreme their minds can be sometimes. And this makes Rex Lapis more intrigued with them even more. The growing desire inside him continues to grow each passing day. Since when did this desire to be one of the mortals began? Was it when his late wife used to speak so fondly of them? He’s not sure but a thought kept lingering at the back of his mind, his attention shifting from the butterfly to the silhouette of Liyue Harbor in the distance. 
Should he leave the crown for good now?
He gazes at the blue-colored sky above, silver linings around the clouds as they form various shapes. “... not yet.” He whispers to himself. “It’s not yet the right time.”
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Your laughter breaking the silence of the night as Rex Lapis finished telling a tale. It seemed like his knowledge about many things concerning Liyue is unending, you didn’t mind listening to him ranting about how the Guhua Plains came to be, how the rocks formed in various places in Liyue, and so on. A blush dust your cheeks as you stared at Rex Lapis who was about to tell a story yet again. Suddenly a sudden gush of cold wind blew your way, making you visibly shiver, cursing in your head for not wearing something suitable for the cold. You blink when you felt something placed on your shoulder, looking up, you noticed that Rex Lapis wasn’t anymore wearing his coat. Connecting the dots, and looking at your shoulders, you felt your face become more warm when you realized he noticed you shivering and gave you his fancy coat. “T-Thanks..” You mumbled, clutching his coat tightly while giving him a shy smile. “It is only right for me to share my coat when I was the one who dragged you out in this freezing evening, no?” He chuckles as he picks up where he left off in his tale. 
You stared at his back, now noticing how well-built he is from behind. You tried your hardest to not stare at his lower area, it is sacrilegious afterall. You let out a loving sigh, but that made your eyes widened in horror. Deep inside you, you felt something unknown yet so familiar. It was welcoming and warm. Heart thumping widely in your chest, the warm feeling spreading, the warm smile and that sigh just now. Realization struck you hard, making you even more scared than before. The horrifying truth you’ve concluded when adding all of your symptoms. You were falling in love with him. 
Rex Lapis noticed that you stopped walking judging from the lack of footsteps behind him, his words trailing off as he turned around to see what was wrong only to be surprised at tears falling from your wide eyes. “Are you alright, love? Why are you crying? Did I say something that made you cry? If I did so, I apologize sincerely.” He was panicking. It was evident in his voice that he’s panicking as he walks to you and wipe away the tears flowing with his thumb. Worry etched his face as he gazed at your [E/C] eyes. You continued to sob, not anymore needing to hide the tears. Why? Why did you have to fall in love with someone you were meant to kill?
What made you even more surprised, and made your poor heart jump, is when Rex Lapis leaned in and kissed your eyes. “Shh.. Don’t cry. Tears don't suit your beauty afterall.” You felt your face heat up at his action, wanting to shy away from him but at the same time, wanting more of his gentle touch and lips. You sniffed as his hands wiped away your leftover tears. Looking at him, you were met with his gentle and reassuring gaze. A smile that says everything would be alright. Lies. You inhaled sharply as your eyes travelled from his face to the clock, conveniently placed, behind him. It was almost midnight. His death is almost due. 
Please don’t let the bells sound for midnight. Please no. 
But you knew you needed to. Despite the limited time you two have, he was able to give you unforgettable memories that you’ll forever cherish with all your heart. Who knew you were into this kind of cheesiness? Childe would always tease you about being secretly cheesy, it seems like he’s right about this one. “... Are you alright, love? Is there something still wrong?” Your gaze shifted back to Morax, who was looking at you with great concern. You take a deep breath. It’s now or never.
You gave him a smile, a smile holding regret and love for the king. Even if your feelings were mutual, it would still remain unrequited as you take his life. “Thank you for this night, my king. This has been a wonderful evening indeed.” Rex Lapis stared at you with a blank face, his smile that you were used to seeing isn’t anymore visible in his face. It was replaced by a hard and stoic face. Deafening silence surrounds you both in this chilly evening, the silence making you shift slightly. After what seems like forever, he opens his mouth to speak. “You sound like you’re saying farewell. The ball hasn’t reached its conclusion yet.” You can feel tears starting to build in your eyes again as you forced them back. “I’m really sorry.”
Before he could make a comment about your apology, you grab your dagger and try to stab him through the chest but thanks to his fast reflexes, he was able to dodge at the last minute. Your dagger grazing at his clothes slightly. His eyes wide, maybe he was surprised at your betrayal? Was he furious? Would he call for the guards now? You cannot hesitate, not now. Not when you’re so close in fulfilling your mission. You went for the kill again, and without missing a beat, he dodge, catching your hand in the process. “Stop this, my love.” He whispered in your ear. You inhaled sharply, feeling your heart fluttering from the closeness, but you shouldn’t let this feeling of yours get in the way of finishing the king. 
Summoning a dagger made out of water, using your ‘delusion’, on your other hand, you strike him with it. Rex Lapis eyes widened as he tried to dodge your incoming second dagger by jumping back, but he wasn’t fast enough as it stabbed him in the side. He groans, placing his hand on the wound. The blood was staining his shirt as he clicked his tongue. You huffed, breathing in and out before opening your eyes, clouded with bloodlust and nothingness. It was glowing beneath your bangs. “Target spotted. Killing target now.” Your voice resembles a robot, a mindless slave. 
His eyes saddened at the thought of what you have been through to be like this. He knew you were after his life, Xiao and his fellow Adepti warned him about this. But he was intrigued by you the moment he laid his eyes on your lonesome figure. Even though you tried to hide it, he noticed how your eyes shone with awe as you gaze at the ornaments decorated the room. Cute, that was his thought. A childish girl behind the cold facade. Interesting. He knew you were part of the ‘Fatui’. He knew that you were ordered to kill him before midnight. He knew and yet he didn’t care. The possibility of dying in your hands still lingers at the back of his mind, yet he can’t help but get drawn to you. You were special in his eyes. A glaze lily, so rare and beautiful. 
You could even say he was falling in love with you with each passing second he spent with you.
Rex Lapis lets out a chuckle at the thought of his fellow Adepti reprimanding him for falling for you, but he can’t do anything about it. A heart wants what a heart wants, he knew that perfectly. And from his foolish love for you, he allowed you to strike him in the chest, piercing the amulet in the process. Your eyes widened at what you did, not believing what you had just seen. Why didn’t he move? He could perfectly dodge it like he did earlier so why? While your mind is in a frenzy, he allowed himself to hug you in his chest as he bled out. 
“W-Why-? Why didn’t.. you dodge?” You whispered in pure disbelief. He chuckles, running his hand through your hair, destroying its style earlier. “Who knows..? Even I am wondering that.” Feeling himself weakening, he pulls himself away from you as he gaze tenderly in your wide, frightened eyes. He smiles gently, moving closer to kiss your forehead. “You should probably get going, my love.. You wouldn’t want to get caught by the Millelith now.” He whispered. You didn’t say anything as you pulled away from his hold. Looking at his eyes as he nodded his head, urging you to go. Without saying anything, you run away. Stumbling a bit with your heels, you felt it slipping from your feet but you could care less about it as you continued to run, leaving the shoe behind. 
Watching as your figure disappeared from view, he placed a hand over his wound, feeling himself healing from his wounds. He knew he wouldn’t just die from a simple stab. What he didn’t account for is that the dagger you used is laced with poison, making him weak, to the point he has to sit on the ground. Huffing and puffing his eyes landed on the forgotten glass slipper, chuckling a bit. “Maybe.. It is truly time to depart.” 
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“Eh? What do you mean Rex Lapis disappeared?!” 
“Calm yourself, Keqing. There must be an explanation for this, I presume?”
“We don’t know, lady Ningguang. We tried searching for his highness everywhere but he can’t be found. But there was blood in the garden along with a glass slipper.”
“Hm… I see.”
“What should we do then? We can’t just tell the people that Rex Lapis just mysteriously disappeared.”
“I speculate it was an attempt of assassination. But the question is, where is he? Where is his body?”
“An assassination for the king?! Who would dare to do such a thing?!”
“Hm… let us think this thoroughly with the Adepti. Now that Rex Lapis is gone, we must take over as the Qixing of Liyue.”
“... alright.”
“You. Call the Adepti. An important meeting is about to happen.”
“Yes, lady Ningguang.”
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“.. Your highness?” Appearing before you like the wind was the king himself, but you noted his appearance changed. Despite still appearing all regal, he seems more lax than the last time you appeared before him. Guilt consumed you when memories of that night came rushing to you, but it made you wonder. Why was he here before you? Why was he still alive? Weeks passed since you ‘killed’ Rex Lapis. But it appears you failed your mission since his highness is before you, looking healthy and alive. Questions filled your mind, making you more confused than ever. The Qixing and the Adepti have already announced his passing, his Rite of Passing was due a few days from now. So what exactly happened-?
“It seems my appearance has confused you, my dear.” He chuckled, calm as ever with the same amused glint in his eyes. You tried searching for anger or resentment in them, for ‘killing’ him but you couldn’t find any. All you saw was amusement and affection. “Why are you still alive..? Did the Qixing and the Adepti lie about your death..?” You asked, your voice barely a whisper. “.. may I at least come inside? I’ll explain it to you once we’re out of the public eye.” He said. You numbly nodded, still couldn’t wrap your head around Rex Lapis still being alive. Did the poison not work? Did I fail my mission-?
“By the way… you mustn’t call me Rex Lapis or Morax anymore.” He said, entering your humble home. Staring at you with the eyes you fell in love with, the same one glinting beneath the moonlight and under the light of the dozen chandeliers. “Call me Zhongli.”
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214 notes · View notes
crybabyjam · 3 years
ship: bakudeku
rating: t
au: regency era romance, maybe?
summary: Being selfish isn't all bad.
word count: 5k
available on ao3 here, based off of art
Gentle light filters through a stained-glass window, and Izuku tiredly rubs at his eye as he watches squirrels chase one another up a thick maple tree trunk.
His breakfast has gone cold, plate settled on his lap as he sits on a stool he'd dragged over from the bar. The window is open, angled in a way that it paints pretty colors across the porcelain dish stained with strawberry juice and pancake syrup.
The smell of it mixes with the smell of summer outside: of sunlight through sweet tree boughs, and the perfume of freshly watered azalea bushes.
All of it together is too cloying, almost.
Izuku sighs to himself, fiddling with the half-eaten food for only a moment more before he sets it on the windowsill.
"I'm not cleaning that if it falls and breaks."
Izuku startles at the deep voice, fumbling with his own hands as he twists his head out the window.
On the other side of the wall, Katsuki rests. He's leaning against the stone, taking a rest from yard work by the ruddy stains on his knees and the dirt clinging to his forearms.
He shoves away perspiration from his brow, watching Izuku with an appraising eye, and Izuku laughs nervously.
"I won't break it," Izuku says as he moves the plate away anyway. "I'd clean it up myself, either way."
Katsuki only grunts.
His hair has grown longer over the past spring season. It was the beginning of summer, but already wisps of his sunlight colored hair tickle at his dark eyelashes. Just a bit. Izuku can see some of it clinging to the side of his face, sweat-slicked.
He glances away when Katsuki quirks an eyebrow at him. They're separated by a wall, but Izuku feels like Katsuki can see right through him at any moment.
(read more)
He gives a wobbly smile, eyes darting up again, but Katsuki has already turned away. He's rubbing at his callous-hardened palms, probably aching after working all morning.
Izuku had woken up an hour or so prior, and he remembers seeing Katsuki already hard at work in the garden.
A marble statue had gotten sun-bleached over the years, and Izuku had finally decided it was time to get it repaired. He hadn't expected them (that is, Katsuki and the other help) to get to it so soon, but they'd always been fast.
Katsuki most of all.
Others may have come and gone, but Katsuki had always stayed. He'd been with them— with Izuku— for years, even before Izuku's mother had passed and left him the estate, and knew more about the home than Izuku did, probably. More about the grounds, definitely.
Sometimes Izuku will sneak off with a good book to a quiet, untouched part of the garden, and some hours later would find flaming red eyes watching him from afar.
And, every time without fail, Izuku would find that 'hidden' part of the garden repaired the next day, in a way that he can sit comfortable in the sun for hours; fresh cushions placed upon marble benches, or grass beds cut low so that bugs can't hide in them.
Izuku can't help but be enamored with his ever-so-watchful groundskeeper.
"Would you like something to drink?" Izuku asks, quiet as if he doesn't want Katsuki to hear as he begins to walk away.
But he does hear. He turns, broad shoulders relaxing, and his eyes go dark and lidded as he appraises Izuku again.
Katsuki steps forward. The window is just low enough that he can cross his arms atop the sill and lean his head in.
"And what are you offering?"
Izuku laughs, high pitched and for too long. Katsuki watches him the entire while, and Izuku is sure his face goes red like the chopped up strawberries on his plate.
"Just… j-just a moment."
Izuku jumps up, and the stool teeters on one leg. He catches it midfall, and Katsuki's laugh is like liquid gold being poured over him, like he was a gilded ornament made to be strung up onto a glass chandelier.
He shivers as Katsuki's smooth, enticing voice calls after him, "Water's fine."
Izuku chooses his favorite glass to fill with the pitcher of water he keeps in the fridge. It's ice-cold, freezing against his clammy palms, so he doesn't bother with actual ice.
Instead, he fills it to the brim and takes carefully measured steps back to the door so that he can present it to his groundskeeper.
The glass is engraved, designed with a pale bird midflight, air jets circling down across the glass until the eye follows where it's near landing in its nest.
It reminds Izuku of the summer he had found a baby bird at the base of a tree, long ago. He was still a kid, and had cried and cried at the thought of it being stuck there until its parent got back.
He'd cried harder when he ended up stuck in the tree himself trying to put it back, too scared of heights.
Katsuki hadn't yet been hired then, but… it was a good memory despite everything. Sometimes, now, Izuku imagines if Katsuki had been there. If he would have helped Izuku down, laughing and teasing him all the while.
Izuku minutely shakes his head, both to clear it and to admonish himself. They were barely friends, after all.
"Here you go…" He murmurs, shooing the stool away with his foot so that he can lean out and place the cup directly in Katsuki's palms.
"Thank you, young master." Katsuki's voice is completely teasing as he says it, low and rough like a bass instrument being tuned.
Their fingers brush.
Izuku holds his breath as the pads of Katsuki's fingertips feel against the jut of knuckles. Neither of them move for a moment, the glass of water hanging between in limbo as neither grabs and neither lets go.
Katsuki purposefully lifts his other hand, eyes staring Izuku down to his unbreathing core. Then, he places it against the back of Izuku's. His thumb rubs a soft circle across the skin, softer compared to his own, and Izuku breathes in so sharp that his lung protests with a sharp pain.
Izuku pulls away first, with a cough.
They'd never really touched hands before. Never touched anything before, not even in passing brushes or accidental stumbles.
It was always as if the air between them was thick, impermeable. Not solid like brick, but thick like water waves, and Izuku couldn't read the tide well enough to breach the surface.
Izuku so desperately wanted to break through, and hold Katsuki tight. To promise him the world and the moon and the stars, and actually get them for him if he so wished.
But Izuku couldn't ask that of him, not when there was a very real chance of him saying no.
Katsuki's livelihood relied on their relationship, after all. He had to stay atleast somewhat cordial with his master if he wanted to get paid. Izuku was sure he thought that way, which is why he teased and darted away.
If Izuku were a better person, he'd make it so Katsuki wouldn't have to do that song and dance. Make it so he could come and go as he pleased without worry of Izuku— or give him all the money Izuku had just so he could choose his own path.
But Izuku was selfish.
And that touch, the simple brush of rough skin against skin… He couldn't let it go. Izuku would still keep him, pay him double even, if Katsuki said he hated his guts.
Katsuki laughs again, at the way Izuku jerks away. Just once, even quieter than before. And then he drinks.
His head tips back as he swallows down the water greedily, throat bobbing with each heavy gulp. Izuku watches as a drop slips past the curve of his lip and paints his neck translucent.
It trails lower, following the swell of his neck and briefly getting caught at the clavicle and pooling there. Katsuki shifts, breathing in a deep breath, and it journeys further, dipping lower and lower still.
Izuku jerks his head away before he gets hypnotized past the point of no return, eyes darting away from the shirtless groundskeeper.
The glass makes a dull sound as Katsuki sets it on the windowsill, thoroughly emptied. It stays silent between them for a moment, until Izuku nervously licks his lips.
"Back to work?"
Katsuki tilts his head, leaning back against the windowsill. He shifts up onto his toes, just a few inches, and leans in far enough that the smell of him encompasses the entirety of Izuku's head. He swims in it, eyes fluttering shut briefly before he forces them back open.
Katsuki angles close enough that the ends of his hair tickle at Izuku's forehead. Izuku tips forward, subconsciously, to chase the enticing feel.
Like this, the sun is entirely blocked, light let in only by the glass window. The colors, reds and blues and greens, overlay across Katsuki's face until he's like an oil painting come to life.
Izuku traces the shapeless shapes with his eyes, losing himself between the shadows cast across Katsuki's face and the curve of his lips.
Katsuki calls his attention back by grinning, clicking his tongue, and dropping back on his heels.
"See you around, young master."
Then, Katsuki stalks away. He stops briefly to pick up his shovel, hooking his foregone shirt over his shoulder, and then disappears around the corner in the blink of an eye.
Forgotten condensation rolls down the bird-engraved glass. A real bird sings in the distance, far beyond the treeline.
Izuku doesn't know what to do with himself in the aftermath.
His hands shake, just a bit, and he holds them close to his belly to get them to calm. And, just like he can't stop them from trembling, he can't stop the smile lighting up across his mouth.
Katsuki smells of lemongrass and honey. Sharp and sweet.
Izuku closes the window so that it stays with him a few moments longer.
 Izuku lays himself across freshly trimmed grass, unworried at how his crisp, fresh shirt will stain. He has ever many more in his closet to romp around in, after all.
Instead, he worries about the book in his hands. The pages are small against his palms, and the spine is well worn. It's a favorite of his, and has been for many years.
He settles down into the piece of earth laid out for him that afternoon, rolling onto his belly so that he can lay the book flat, and hums happily to himself as the words wash over him.
Katsuki watches him from the house. He's settled atop the roof, just having finished repairing a few thatches and cleaning out the gutters. After he washed up, he'd take his lunch break and spend the hour or two keenly examining his mental picture of the young master, as he always does in his downtime at work.
Izuku is unaware of the eyes he has on him, by the way he twists in the grass and lets his shirt get untucked from his pants.
Katsuki has a perfect view of the strip of skin that gets exposed to the summer heat, and watches as Izuku idly fiddles with the hem, as if he's ready to take the entire thing off.
He's in a quiet part of the garden, in the small backyard rather than the vast front. He's all but surrounded by flowering shrubs and trees and dandelions that he refuses to let the gardeners get rid of. He loved to lounge on boring days and blow their white tuffs out across the landscape, to encourage more to grow.
Katsuki rolls his eyes at the thought. He'd be the one who had to deal with the shitty flowers, but it wasn't his estate. So he'd let the young master do what he pleased without fuss.
Katsuki settles back against the roof, leaning against one of the crown of the chimney spire that juts out of it.
He rests his head against his palm and watches as Izuku laughs out loud to himself and rolls onto his side, taking his book with him. His face is buried so far down in the pages that the ink might as well be staining his nose and freckles.
The pages have been rebound with leather, to keep them all together after the many years of love they've received from their owner. Katsuki feels his jaw tense for a moment, idly caught between wanting to tear it apart and replace it with himself in Izuku's hands, or turning away.
How idiotic, to be jealous of paper.
Izuku had a gentle touch, though.
Though he was rough on his hands, always nicking and grazing them with stupid actions, he was ever so gentle. He could cup an egg in his palms and go tumbling down a mountain, and the egg would be in better shape than it was before.
It was so strange, too. Despite his beansprout attitude, Izuku was a full-course meal. Strong around the middle with expansive shoulders. Large hands, strong thighs.
Though he was older than Katsuki by a handful of years, he still acted like a baby lamb, just barely taken from its mother's breast. It was astounding to watch, really.
Especially when the lambskin shed and he became a wolf. Not to say Izuku was dangerous— would always and forever be the furthest thing from that— but rather… fierce. Headstrong. Stubborn as a fucking ox and impulsive like a long-horned goat.
(Katsuki snickers, imagining a green-haired, fuzzy goat animal like that. What a sight his young master would be, if he were anything else but human.)
If Izuku got an idea in his mind, it'd be a hard-pressed ordeal to knock sense into him. Katsuki was the only one willing to try, it sometimes seems.
Yeah, well. Katsuki was never one to turn down a challenge. Not one like that, anyway.
Izuku may now own the lands, but the grounds were Katsuki's. Had been urged up by his fingers and conquered solidly by his will. Not a thing happened on this estate without his say-so, inside and out if he were being honest.
If Izuku were less stubborn, or Katsuki more nefarious… it'd probably be a problem. But Izuku was an alright master of the manor.
Was… kinder than Katsuki deserved, half of the time.
So Katsuki would treat him kind back, from the shadows. Where he belonged, as servant to his young master.
That was all he would ever be.
Because despite the way Izuku ogled him and let Katsuki get in his space, he'd never once reciprocated the advances. Never tried to get closer beyond passing by in the halls.
The closest they'd ever gotten was Izuku ducking out of the way as some extras carried furniture from one end of the estate to the other, accidentally breaching into Katsuki's personal bubble in the process.
They didn't even touch, then, but it haunted Katsuki even now— the feel of Izuku's body heat breeching against his own.
They were always orbiting one another, but never in the same galaxy. Katsuki was waiting for Izuku to reach for him, but was too stubborn to reach out first.
And he was too selfish to let Izuku go.
To quit and let him find another man to tend the grounds of his estate. To leave and let Izuku be swept up in whatever mess he did, and not care because his beautiful, fucking stubborn, eyes weren't on him anymore.
If Katsuki were a better person, maybe.
Katsuki stands up straight, tongue sour and heavy like lead in his mouth. It was time to be done with his daily glare at the estate owner.
He sighs, stretching his arms high above his head.
Izuku sits up, partially drawn by the motion in his periphery, but mostly from whatever is happening in his book. He gasps outwardly, soft but audible even from where Katsuki sits on the roof, and that is enough to startle the wildlife.
Butterflies burst from a small shrub to Izuku's front. A plethora of them, mostly in one color— must all have been from the same brood. They cyclone out of the greenery, and then lazily drift through the open air to find a new place to rest and eat at the flowers.
Katsuki growls beneath his breath at the sight of them, thinking only of the many larvae he'll have to cull lest they get an infestation all over.
That thought process stutters, though, when the young master gasps again and jumps to his feet to watch the cacophony of colors class across the clouded sky.
It's as if he'd never seen color before, with the way he drops his precious book to step into the mass of wings. Katsuki settles his chin across his hands, hugging his chin back against his palm to watch all over again.
Izuku holds his fingers out to the bugs that want nothing to do with them. They leave a wide berth around him as they flutter up towards the trees, etching an Izuku-shaped hole in their swarm.
Izuku pouts when not a one stays to give him butterfly kisses. His nose scrunches up as he does, lips soft-looking and plush as he juts the bottom one out.
Katsuki snorts and, once the last butterfly has gone to find a new branch to perch on, turns to get back to work.
 It's been a number of days since their last significant contact, but Katsuki is (as always) a beautiful sight; resplendent even in the shade of the oak tree.
Izuku isn't sure, exactly, what excuse he could have for being out there at that moment, other than just wanting to see Katsuki in the sunlight and the shade. He was stunning.
And, at the moment, he was between tasks. As he seemed to be more frequently these days, when Izuku would sneak out of his own house and sit in the grass for no reason at all.
For that reason, Izuku was avoiding eye contact with the imposing figure he created. Even relaxed, lounging in shade as he waited for the sun to go past its apex, Katsuki was sharp like a poisoned dagger, but sweet as though he was dipped in honey.
He was alone, too.
Not that Izuku had many hired help, but generally Katsuki was barking orders at them because their work wasn't up to his standards. And, even though Izuku often had to convince him to take it easy on them, he did appreciate the effort.
Izuku could see it clearly in the cut of the landscape and the shine of his estate. Not a brick was chipped, not a hedge overgrown. Katsuki worked hard.
He deserved the break.
Izuku watched as he lifted his hands behind his head and settled against the oak tree's trunk. The bark must be uncomfortable against his skin, but he doesn't seem to mind as he lets his sweat and the shade cool him off.
And though the shade is thick, wisps of sunlight still filter through. Everywhere it touches seems to turn his skin to gold. Everything about him is magnificent, from the hard curve of his workers' muscles, to the soft of his eyelashes.
"Your stare is heavier than fuckin' lead, Deku."
Izuku startles and turns away as Katsuki squints his eyes open all of a sudden.
He feels his face go red and getting caught so easily, so soon.
There's a shift of clothing and grass, and then Katsuki stands and stretches. Izuku pointedly doesn't look his way at the soft sounds, even as something blooms deep in his tummy. Almost like the flutter of the butterflies from the few days prior, it was like he was being swarmed.
They weren't incredibly close together; Katsuki under a tree, and Izuku closer to the middle of the yard. Still, it's close enough that Izuku can feel him move without seeing.
He was coming closer.
Izuku glances up as Katsuki stops in front of him, arms loosely crossing. He has an intense look on his face, that would be stinging sharp if Izuku hadn't gotten to know Katsuki's mannerisms by now, over the years.
He's pleased. His eyes sparkle with a tinge of mirth and his lips are just barely traced with a hint of a smirk.
"Somethin' I can do for you, young master?"
Katsuki squats, slow so that he can get in Izuku's face, and the latter loses himself in the motion. His eyes dart all across the twists of Katsuki's body, as if it were being offered to him, before he catches himself and looks up at the bright sky instead.
Izuku breathes in deep. Shyly says, "Sorry…" even as he smiles.
Katsuki tilts his head.
He eyes the way Izuku's shirt, half open from the chest down, reveals the way his blush has painted across the skin of his pecs. Tilts his eyes lower to watch Izuku squeeze his thighs nervously, tensing them in the tight material of his silken pants.
"How long are we gonna keep playing this game, Izuku?"
Oh how the sound of his given name from Katsuki's lips is like a gift from the heavens. Would it be too much to hear it again, Izuku dazedly wonders as Katsuki stands straight.
He openly gapes as Katsuki watches him over his shoulder, stalking across the yard to finish up his job of the hour.
Katsuki laughs to himself as he feels Izuku's eyes on him the entire time. Always, he felt those eyes on him— sweeping across Katsuki like he held the secrets of the universe beneath his sternum.
It was a rush. A luxury that half of him felt he deserved and that the other half desperately worked for.
He shoves his boot against the head of his rake, digging it as deep as it can go in the earth. Izuku hadn't requested this but Katsuki was building him long rows of sunflowers to outline the sidewalk.
How presumptuous for him to not even consult his master before he changes the makeup of his yard, right?
But this spot was in perfect view from Izuku's bedroom. In the mornings, when the light was low on this side of the house, the sunflowers would remind him of everything good in the world.
And, after the sun has risen higher in the sky and painted the ground yellow and bright, the sunflowers might just make Izuku think of Katsuki. Was it selfish to want Izuku to think of him always?
It wasn't much off from what already happened.
Though Katsuki has already gotten into the rhythm of sowing the ground, Izuku's eyes have not left him. Katsuki can see him in the same position as before, legs curled beneath him and palms flat against the earth. His reflections in the rakes and shovels are warped, but it's still him, watching Katsuki.
Every so often, under the pretense of taking a breather, Katsuki will lift his head up and watch how Izuku's eyes crinkle at the corners as he unwittingly smiles. Watches how he blushes deep and red when Katsuki stretches a crick out of his neck and groans purposefully loud.
Sweat pools down his bare back and Katsuki doesn't have to glance up to know Izuku is following the trails they daub across the small curve at the base of his spine.
Katsuki finishes the first few rows where the seeds would need to be planted, and still Izuku has done nothing more than stare.
Katsuki wants to hold him.
A breeze dances between them, curling around their bodies and urging them closer.
Katsuki contemplates resisting for a moment, thinking first of the work he has to get done today. Second of the chance that Izuku may just be content in ogling and not actually feeling him. If maybe he was risking it all on an inkling, a hope, a dream.
He doesn't think of anything third, because Izuku perks up when Katsuki turns to him, handsome face melting from a pleased smile to an enamored, open-mouthed gaze.
Never before had Izuku seen Katsuki look like that before; never so vulnerable than he looked in that moment. His eyes were awash with want, and they were focused only on Izuku.
They both seem to hypnotize one another, all at once.
Katsuki steps forward, hesitant as the shovel lands soft in the dirt, and Izuku shifts a leg beneath him to stand.
They move together, closer.
How desperately selfish they were, to do this to the other.
Izuku shoves hair from his face, wavy like layered grooves in a cliffside or rivers cutting through a forest like a new wonder of the world. Would Katsuki want to see the world with him?
Katsuki holds his hand out to him, hands rugged and cut and harsh. But gentle, for once offering everything he could. Would Izuku be content with a rough hand such as this, holding his close?
The wind picks up and pushes them closer.
They meet in the middle.
The yard is completely open, to both the air and the stare of any help that might be watching. Katsuki doesn't care, and neither does Izuku. Not when they touch, skin to skin.
First a little, like the spill of a cup, and then a lot: like a tsunami.
Katsuki crashes his full body against Izuku and drags him down to the earth, toppling him down down down like a dragon taking out a mountain. Izuku flops to the grass with hardly a sound beyond tinkling laughter.
"Kacchan," Izuku sighs, voice strumming across Katsuki like gentle chords from an old guitar.
"Deku," Katsuki responds, straddling Izuku's waist. Their fingers are weaved tight together, like yarn in a mitten, and he squeezes down when Izuku murmurs something soft and sweet beneath his breath.
"Is this okay?" Izuku asks, as if he wasn't shoved down flat by his groundskeeper and about to be ravished like a meal for a starving man. Katsuki desperately wants to know how he tastes.
"You hold the power, young master." As always, the title is a joke, a tease. This time it was a plea, too. Katsuki lifts their joined palms and presses the back of Izuku's to his mouth as he says, "My life is in your hands."
The words wound Izuku, accidentally. If he were a better person…
Izuku's fingers loosen, but not to pull away.
Katsuki kisses them as they go, and then sucks in a breath when Izuku presses them to Katsuki's jaw and pulls him in close. He holds all of Katsuki in the palm of his hands, and he treats him gently like Katsuki always knew he would.
"Katsuki." Izuku whispers his name like a promise and the world's sweetest curse. There wasn't much that Katsuki could offer to Izuku beyond his body and his work, but he would promise it all just for him to say his name like that again.
Izuku nods encouragingly when Katsuki begins to thumb at the few buttons still done in his shirt. Katsuki was already shirtless, always was when Izuku was around.
Still, the motion of trust leaves his heart feeling thick and syrupy inside, sticking to his ribs with every beat of it. His lover trembles as Katsuki kisses across where Izuku's own hides, peeling the shirt off of him and offering him up to the sunlight.
As more and more of his skin gets revealed with each button that gets unlatched, Katsuki falls deeper in love with him.
Izuku is broad all over. His chest is wide and full, and his belly is stout and strong. His shoulders are broad as ever, and if he were ever anything but soft, he'd be imposing. Now, he's water in Katsuki's hands— or clay, ready and waiting to be lovingly shaped by him.
Izuku shivers when he swipes his fingers across the thick of his skin. He's covered in hair, dark but thin and soft. Katsuki likes the feel of it against his knuckles, and then against his chin when he leans down, briefly, to hear how his heart beats in his chest.
Izuku lets him do as he will, encouraging by the hand cradling the back of Katsuki's head. He keeps him close, desperate and clinging, but lets Katsuki explore at his own pace.
He stops breathing when Katsuki kisses at his neck, teeth nibbling at the heartbeat felt through his veins there. And he starts breathing again, deeper, when Katsuki whispers his name: "Izuku."
Katsuki thumbs at the hair sprouting from Izuku's chin, rubbing across the stubbly hairs until he's satisfied. Then he presses a kiss to it, the curve of his chin. Izuku whimpers, almost, or moans maybe. It all gets lost in the loud silence of his own head, focused on Katsuki and Katsuki alone.
Freckles dot his young master all over, carefully placed in each inch of his skin as if the painter of life wanted to be sure they were appreciated. Katsuki appreciates them happily, lips grazing them over and over and over again.
They arc all the way across Izuku's breast until they get hidden from sight by the shirt still wrapped around Izuku's arms and back. 
Katsuki lets them hide away, and promises himself to give them as much attention as Izuku can stand, later.
Instead, Katsuki wants to kiss him. Wants to brush their lips together and feel the tingle of it echo across his skin, and he wants to see how Izuku would react to it. Would he still blush pretty and coyly twist away, or would his eyes go wide like he wanted more?
Katsuki has to shove his knee against the grass to get high enough again, and Izuku grunts as the weight of Katsuki comes to rest flat against his chest. His hand, at the back of Katsuki's neck, tightens briefly to keep both of them steady, and the other only idly squeezes at Katsuki's wrist when they settle in their new position.
He's waiting, breathless from the way Katsuki laved love across his skin moments prior.
His lips part when Katsuki stares at them, and he bites his lip when Katsuki doesn't instantly give him what he wants.
So, Katsuki kisses him.
For Izuku, it's like everything he'd ever dreamed. He feels like he's drowning in stardust, or like Katsuki was reaching into him deep inside and tying their souls together. It's only a kiss, but… it's everything.
It's a chaste kiss, lips against lips and barely anything more. Izuku fleetingly opens his mouth to gasp, and their tongues hardly brush before Katsuki pulls away.
For once, he's blushing in the way he makes Izuku blush every day. Instead of like gold, he's like the blooming peonies in the garden, fragile and soft and oh so beautiful.
Izuku pulls him back for another kiss. And another, and another, until they're drunk off the taste of one another. It's overwhelming and addicting, finally doing this.
Neither of them can ever go back to being the same after this. No more uncertain glances or wistful stares from the shadows.
No, now they get something better.
They get to have each other.
 "I've never kissed anyone before," Izuku admits, softly against the curve of Katsuki's cheek when they end up just holding one another in the soft grass. The hurricane of their want passed, but who could say if it was over or if they were just in the eye of the storm.
They're twined together, face pressed to face and chest pressed to chest. Izuku can feel Katsuki's rumble when he laughs and speaks, and it's more than Izuku ever imagined.
"Mm. Me neither."
Katsuki tilts his head back to watch as Izuku hides his smile away. Katsuki brushes hair from his face so he can see it anyway.
"Guess we'll be teaching each other, hm?"
Izuku wraps his arm tight across Katsuki's chest to hold him close, as he'd always longed to do. Katsuki feels himself melt the embrace, and presses his lips to the tip of Izuku's nose just to look him directly in the eye, just as he's always wanted.
Maybe they weren't so selfish after all.
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pinktatertots99 · 5 years
something for @keiiilalei i promise to make you a fic that isn’t too sweet to read! and i shall bestow upon all the powers i can to do just that!
takes place in kei’s speedrunner au because i love it and knock 2 birds with one stone in this...or guess 2 slugs with one gem...y’know what i mean.
synops: the usual lifespan of a slug was at max 5 years. the moon may’ve slowed down the progress of age, but just the slightest interaction with earth could’ve caused the timer of life to start...and he didn’t even notice till it was too late.
yawning lightly barbata got up, loudly stretching with a drawn out grunt from it. looking around he could see the sun through his window at it’s usual distance that was morning time equivalent on the earth.
“so noisy.” he looked back and smiled lightly at the piercing green eye glaring at him sleepily. “not like you mind though right?” he chuckled lightly as aculeatus nuzzled into the pillow he was holding. “just get to work you meanie.”
“don’t you want breakfast or something?” he watched as the slug shook his head. “...not even actual breakfast?”
“as if your one to talk tendrils.” acu huffed as he sat up a bit. “not like you mind either though right~?” he gave a light yelp as barbata flicked his forehead lightly. “yes yes you little shit.” he gave a light chuckle as he started getting dressed while acu moved to lay down again. “so, no nothing?”
“i might get leftovers later. not feeling hungry right now.”
barb raised a brow. “you sure your not sick?”
“how can a slug get sick?”
barbata stared off into space at that question. “...well there’s definitely leftovers if you want any.” acu nodded as barb put on his jacket. “maybe i’ll make ya Zhajiangmian then when work’s done.” he looked just in time for the slug’s face to perk up, blushing lightly at it. “i’ll take that as a yes ehehe.”
“the lapis particles are at a 40% of completion.” barbata nodded at the other scientist as he smiled lightly to look at the small restoration dome that was shrouded with the view of both the ghost quartz and ‘cairngorm’ as they called themselves; both watching it with anticipation.
“our lapis is coming back.” ghost mumbled as barbata chuckled lightly and patted their head while cairn gave a pout. “took them long enough. will have to get their head ready.”
“i don’t wanna leave them though.”
“me either.”
“they won’t be going anywhere really.” barbata said, gaining the twin gems attention as if they were surprised by his presence. “sides, a hardness of six is gonna take a while, i’m sure you’ll have time”
“it’s just...felt so long.” ghost sighed as they watched the dome as lapis’s parts slowly started coming together. “we’ll finally be together again...to think we’re here to see just that-”
“BARBATA!!!” all three looked up to see the turquoised colored stream of light that rushed so close to barbata he almost thought he’d be dissipitated as phos panted lightly infront of him. “aculeatus! somethings wrong! doctors! hurry!”
he never thought he could run so fast as barbata panted leaning on the side of the door frame, a few of the medicalists’ were standing around a sitting up aculeatus as barbata looked at them.
“...please say this is all a prank.” he panted out, hoping for some sort of silly response. all he got were everyone looking away, acu being the only one to give a light smile.
“wow, your cute when you care eheh.” he laughed half hearted-ly as barbata stood up more appropriately, feeling phos holding his arm gently like a kid. “mister barbata?” he looked down to them as they gave a concerned look, leaning down lightly as they gestured him to. “what does, ‘limited time left’ mean?” despite not being a human he thought his heart had stopped. “they won’t give me an answer for it when i asked.”
his shocked face looked to the others as they looked further away from him, ventri turned her back as even acu couldn’t stare into his face.
“...well? someone gonna tell me or what?” he asked almost demanding-ly as one of the doctors cleared her throat. “the...during the snail mission, both miss ventricosus and mister aculeatus were affected by the earth’s atmosphere. we’ve run tests and found that the usual admiribalis we kept here have lasted longer due to their aging being slowed down through generations of reproduction. however...the usual ones on earth used to last...about five years and, when both went to earth they well, both their...time was, set off so to say.”
it felt like there was led in his ears as barbata could still feel the words vibrating through his being as if he was being prayed away. “...that...that can’t be the mission was only-”
“it’s been close to five years.” the doctor interrupted as barbata could feel a chill run by his spine. ...he forgot...how quickly time went by for them. for so long he’s grown used to time being nothing but a construct but now...he couldn’t overlook it anymore.
looking to acu he could see him playing with his tendrils, trying to distract himself he noticed. he always did that when he was nervous. “...how...how long?” he choked out.
“at maximum a month. however,” the doctor drifted off slightly as they looked to their board. “the dust intake he’s had over the years can make the passing...harder. he may stop eating, or if he tries to it’ll be painful. same with drinking, even breathing to an extent.”
“can’t you guys take em out though?” phos interjected as they all looked to them. “we get fixed all the time when we break, can’t you guys..?”
“even if we did it’d just make his passing less painful. he still would only have a month to live. the dust only increases chances of his death happening quick-”
“can you PLEASE stop referring to him as if he’s not here!?” everyone looked to see ventri glaring at them, tears pricking from her eyes. “just...just atleast have some decency to not sound like he’s an object....that we’re both not objects...” she choked out, phos moving away from barb’s arm as they moved to hug her whilst the doctors looked to the floor almost ashamed.
“apologies.” they both stated. “we’ll...leave you be then.” barbata nodded to them as they both left the room leaving the four be. looking to acu he could see he moved his legs to hold them tightly, head hiding in them. walking over he looked to him as his ear flaps despite not moving he felt like they were watching him with their eye shaped design.
“...i’m sorry.” he mumbled out as he heard a muffled chuckle from the other. “for what?” he asked as he moved his head up slightly. “it’s not like you stabbed me or anything.”
“i...should’ve known...”
“...it’s not like anyone can blame you. even i forgot that i’m...not like you.” looking up acu could see the dark grey trails from his eyes down his cheeks. “the earth is cruel regardless, isn’t it?”
barbata didn’t even answer as he glomped onto the other in a hug, nuzzling his face into his shoulder. acu could feel his breathing starting to get shallow, hugging him back with a sad smile. “your awful at hiding your emotions.”
“so...are you.”
“...guess we really are meant for eachother then..” he gave a light chuckle. “...promise me...that wherever we go...i’ll get to see you when your prayed away. so we’ll...finally be together again.”
his eyes started to overflow with tears as barb held acu closer as he choked out. “promise...i promise.”
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sterek-bingo · 5 years
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New year, new themes, we hope you lovely senpais out there will notice us!
That's right folks, the official Sterek Bingo 2019 themes are here!! A little delayed, as this year, we decided to release the descriptions and themes at the same time, so without further ado, click "Readmore" for our list of themes- we hope to see you in May!
The Raven- Quoth the raven, nevermore! According to Teen Wolf, there are three kinds of tricksters, a fox, a coyote, and a raven, in the series the raven bit fell a little short, but now with this theme you have the chance to fix that- if you want to! Otherwise, using a normal raven is just fine, perhaps a witch's familiar or even taking inspiration from the famous poem, anything you want, as long as it involves a raven of some kind, is accepted! You could even take a note from Teen Titans and use The Raven as a superhero name, sounds a little like Stiles if you ask me
Masquerade- Historically, masquerades have always been a great device used in literature, plays, film, and just about any other art form you can think of, a great way to move stories along or develop them from the ground up, with beautifull costumes and elaborate masks, now is your time to play with the creativity that the beauty and mystery of a masquerade will bring
Opening a door- Often times when people call out to spirits- through oujia boards, EMFs, and even ghost hunting- it's said that they're opening a door to the other side, letting evil in.... your job with this theme is to decide what door opens, what opens it, and what crosses over- or lies within- once it's ajar, it could be paranoia that says opening a door always invites evil spirits.... or it could just be the truth in plain sight
Astrology- According to the official Teen Wolf calander released with season 3A, Stiles is an Aries, and Derek is a Capricorn- the ram and the seagoat, what a cute combination! ... Ofcourse, other sources say that Stiles may be a Gemini and Derek might be a Scorpio, in the end though, you don't even have to use official sources, what matters is that astrology comes to play into your peice in some form, it could be real, or fake, or ambigous- it might not even apply in terms of birth dates at all, as long as astrology plays a role, this is the theme for you!
Revenge- Perhaps it's a dish best served cold, or perhaps the best kind is living well, however you take revenge, it's appropriate for this theme, use the theme however you wish- Stiles or Derek getting revenge for eachother, or for a loved one, or perhaps someone getting revenge on them, maybe revenge doesn't actually even take place, but is persuaded against, all that matters is that the subject of revenge pops up somewhere in your peice
Flower Language- Red roses mean true love, blue violets mean love between women, and those are just two of the most promising, despite it's name, flower language doesn't stop at just flowers, all plants have some sort of symbolism- grass represents homosexuality, Witch Hazel means magic, and there are thousands more where those come from! You can feature any plant, any meaning, as long as flower language is featured in some way, you're coming up roses for this theme
Music- Music is the language of love... and heart-break... and just about every other emotion, music can communicate what's often too hard to say in conversation or to express to people directly, music can make us feel, it can inspire us, and that's what you need to do for this theme- get inspired by music, or feature it smewhere in your peice, unlike other themes, music doesn't have to be directly featured, it can serve merely as inspiration if that's preferred
Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things- A popular tag on AO3, and an even more popular sentiment amongst Teen Wolf fans, Derek Hale has been long deserving of some nice things in his life, a break, a vacation, even a nap, your job for this theme is to give him some of those much desired good things, or atleast one of them, make up for all of the wrongs Teen Wolf did by giving this sweet boy something nice!
Foxes- Ever since the nogitsune, fox!Stiles has been a staple of the fandom, and now you have the choice to join the trend... or throw a curveball and do something else! Fox!Stiles, fox!Derek, or perhaps somebody else, hell it doesn't even have to be a werefox or fox-shifter at all, it can be a normal fix or even a toy fox- any fox will do, as long as it's featured in your peice
Vampires- From Buffy to True Blood, The Vampire Diaries to Twilight, vampire-centric media has often been apt to feature werewolves, but the opposite isn't necessarily true, one promise Jeff Davis came through on was that vampires would never exist in Teen Wolf, but now it's your chance to change that! Canonverse, AU, crossover, it doesn't matter, choose your opportunity to bring vampires to the world of Sterek
Disney- When you wish upon a star.... the dream of Sterek may come true, depending on who you ask, Disney could represent a great number of things, childhood innocence, dreams coming true, cooporate monopoly and the sustaining of puritanism... hopefully that last part won't play into your peice too much, be it a crossover with an existing Disney property, Disney-fying your art or writing style, or simply using Disneyland, Disney Studios, or some other real-world example of Disney as a part of your work, this theme offers as many different choices as there are stars in the sky
Chocolate- Mmmmm ... chocolate!! Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, hot chocolate, chocolate ice cream, chocolate sauce, chocolate cake, and just plain ol' chocolate candy, it's hard to come across a sweet treat that doesn't have an association with chocolate of some kind, all you have to do is choose your favorite flavor and design a peice around that, what a treat this theme is!
Murder Husbands- Though the phrase was popularized when Freddie Lounds proposed it in Hannibal, the theme of "Murder Husbands"- a couple, be it romantic or platonic, who kill together- has been around since atleast the 40s, with Alfred Hitchcock's "The Rope", and has even existed in real life, the cat-and-mouse aspect also can't be ignored, from Hannibal it's self to the more recent Killing Eve, there's definitely something to be said for the thrill of the chase, described by Rachel Roth of "Fansided" as "a modern day Hades searching for his Persephone; an innocent's descent into Hellfire", there are plenty of ways to go for a killer theme like this- partners in crime, vampire boyfreinds, a cop-and-killer chase, the only thing that can be truly certain is that this theme is recomended for those who like their Sterek with a darker twist
Games- From the intellectually stirring challenge of chess, to the athletic trial of lacrosse, to even the magical feilds of Quidditch or the strategy-straining Duel Monsters, games can be anything from a fun pass-time to a freindly competition, or, as seen with examples such as the Triwizard Tournament, Shadow Games, and even game-based horrors like SAW and Escape Room, trials of life and death, even these themes are a game when you think about it, all you have to do now is decide how to play this one
Dragons- Here be dragons! One of the world's longest standing magical creatures, dragons can be found all over the globe, and in every form of media too, from the dangers of Harry Potter and The Hobbit, to the excitement of How To Train Your Dragon and Avatar: The Last Airbender, it's hard to find fantasy media that doesn't atleast mention dragons... and yet, there's Teen Wolf, wich sadly, only ever came as close as kanimas, but now is your chance to fix that! Take to the skies and use any kind of dragon you like to make the world of Teen Wolf better, brighter, and more fire-breathing than ever!
The Lake- Depending on your personal veiws, lakes can represent all sorts of things, from a fun family vacation, to a romantic summer date, to a spooky atmosphere with something lurking just beneath the surface... your peice can be any tone or atmosphere that you like, as long as a lake is featured in some way, perhaps Sties is a merman living in the local lake, or the pack takes a vacation to Lydia's lakehouse, or maybe whatever is living in the lake in Beacon Hills finally makes it's self known, however you want to spin it, time to dive in with this aquatic theme!
Puppy Pile- Aww, puppy piles! What's cuter than a puppy? An entire pile of them, and what's cuter than a werewolf? Well, you get the picture, the fun thing about this theme is that you can use humans, werewolves, normal wolves, or even actual puppies! The choices for who piles up for a nap- or a night of sleep- in this theme is all up to you!
Triskelion- The sun, the moon, the truth; Alpha, beta, omega; past, present, future.... triskelions can represent alot of things, and that's just what they signify on Teen Wolf, in real life, there are even more things for triskelions to symbolize, this theme can be used in just about any way- Derek's tattoo, the mantra-disc he tried to use as a teenager, a rune, or even just what the triskelion means (IE: a peice about the past, the present, and the future) however you twist and turn it, all that matters is that a triskelion is somehow featured in your peice
Faeries- One thing I really wish had been better explained in Teen Wolf is the fact that banshees are technically a type of faery, meaning that faeries are canonically part of Teen Wolf- and everything they bring with them as well, from faery!Stiles, to "Faeries made them do it", fae folk are a common theme to be brought up in fanfiction, as well as in folklore, throughout history fae have been presented as everything from good to evil to morally ambigous, weather they have wings or magic or telepathic abilities, living in their own realms, communicating with nature, or controlling their size, there are a million different ways you can go with the faery theme, now's your time to take off and fly with it
Strangers On A Train- In 1951, Alfred Hitchcock's "Strangers On A Train" was released, featuring two strangers making a murder pact after meeting on a train, wile this theme is certainly one that you can use- it's been used ever since in both media and in real life, after all- it doesn't *have* to be, the theme can be much more fun and fluffy, or mysterious and strange, or dark and twisted, the idea of meeting someone on a train who ultimately changes your life hasn't dimmed with time, even if trains are significantly less common of a transporation system these days, they still make a splash in media, from the iconic Hogwarts Express to the setting of 2017's "The Commuter", it's time to get on board with this peculiar theme
Other Realms- One of the things that was touched on, yet not nearly explained enough, was that there are in fact other realms in Teen Wolf, The Wild Hunt made that more than clear, but what extent exactly does this go to? Faery realms? Atlantis? Afterlives? It's up to you to decide, you can use as few or as many different realms as you'd wish, and are as always, free to make it an AU, just as long as you feature atleast one alterante realm in some way in your peice
Cosplay- One of the greatest forms of expression in fandom, cosplay has turned "Dressing up" into an Olympic sport, be it a simple store-bought costume, a pain-stakingly hand-made costume, one that's affordable or one that takes your life savings, cosplay isn't about looking theatrical or professional, it's about having fun! Be it for Halloween, a convention, or a party, let the fan flag fly with this theme
Cabin In The Woods- Peacefull life of flannel and fireplaces.... or horror movie setting of death? The Cabin In The Woods, much like The Lake, has two very conflicting atmospheres to them, the peacefull, content relaxation of being away from society, in the woods or the mountains, surrounded by nature and without the stresses of every day life.... and being in the middle of nowhere, without the use of electronics, where anything can happen and no one can hear you scream... it's your choice for wich version of the theme you'll use- or perhaps you could even use a different one, alot can happen when your theme is only the setting after all!
Mechanic- Finding a good mechanic is every non-car-person's deepest desire, and that's probably even more so for Stiles- who drives what I'm generously calling a "fixer upper", and Derek, who's Camarao is probably worth more than my life value, now's the time to give them the car help they need- or perhaps allow one of them to be a mechanic himself! Fixing cars is no easy task, but hopefully finding a way to plug a mechanic into your theme won't be nearly so daunting
Unicorns- This theme is a very special unicorn.... literally! Much to my surprise and delight, unicorns are a pretty common theme in this fandom, and now is your time to make it your own, from unicorns who follow virgin "maidens", to those who are attached to folks with good hearts, or maybe they aren't necessarily attached to anyone at all, perhaps they're just minding their own business when Stiles or Derek stumbles upon them, maybe one of them is a unicorn herder, or possibly something else that I've yet to describe, the magic of this theme is that you can get as creative as you want
Urban Legends- From Diet Coke and Pop Rocks to organ harvesting in a bath of ice, urban legends have a tendency to be odd, macabre, and ... questionably realistic, after all, it wouldn't be an urban legend if there didn't atleast sound like a crumb of truth was contained inside, your job is to use any existing urban legend- or to create your own!- in your Bingo peice, it can be a rumor gone wrong, a legend disproved, or perhaps even that grain of truth inside the urban legends, whatever you decide, I'm sure it'll be legendary
Past lives- Reincarnation is definitely one of the most fascinating themes I can think of, it has the potential for everything from mystery to angst to even fluff, so when one starts exploring Stiles and Derek's past lives, you know you'll be in for a treat, or, perhaps, Stiles and Derek *are* the past lives being explored, it's perfectly possible that your peice focus on future incarnations of their souls as well, as long as we can tell that it's these two idiots in love, any incarnation is applicable
Pack parents- Pack Mom, Pack Dad, whatever you call them, it's clear that Stiles and Derek are the "parents" of the pack, even without either being the Alpha (though if you want to Alpha-nize either of them that's definitely fine by us) Stiles and Derek have, since the beginning, treated their packmates like children, and with good reason, now is your time to capitalize on that! Be they literal parents or just using that as a figure of speech- maybe even a sarcastic one- it's time to have a sit down with the pack parents and feel young again
Alpha & Emissary Gathering- Werewolf symposiums, supernatural conventions, Alpha & Emissary gatherings... they're all essentially the same thing, an opportunity to show off the fun of a convention with the stress of a supernatural hot spot, be it Alpha!Derek and Emissary!Stiles, Alpha!Stiles and Emissary!Derek, or some other combination to surprise us with, it's time to gather your ideas and ready one of them for this fun theme
Wild Card- This is the obligatory bingo square in the very middle where you can do absolutely anything you want! That’s right. There’s no restriction, no guideline, no THEME! It’s your freebie to do anything you may have been wanting to do, but haven’t really had the time or inspiration to do until now- here’s your chance. Now go forth and create Sterek!
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gem-jewelz · 7 years
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Ok so i came up with these in school. I did look up if any of these already existed and for the 1st AU, i didn't find any exactly like it. Like people  would swap Marco and Star's colors, but nobody really made a Marco as princess of Mewni AU. Atleast not that I could find. So in my first Au Marco (Mars) is princess of Mewni and Star (Sam) is a regular ol boy. There are only a few other things different in this AU. I'm gonna make River's hair brown, but Moon will pretty much be the same. I may tweak her a bit idk yet. Mr.Diaz will be the same but I'm gonna change Mrs.Diaz's hair and eyes to blond and blue, so Sam would have gotten it from her. But that's it, everything else is the same.
Ok so in my second AU I swapped Jackie and Star! Jackie is now Juno Butterfly, princess of Mewni. Star is now Sophie Lynn Thomas, chill skater girl. These two are the only things changed in my AU, Marco and everyone else is the same. I’m working on designing their wands at the moment
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