#atomic skunk
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“That, in my opinion, was the most diabolical aspect of those old-time big brains: They would tell their owners, in effect, 'Here is a crazy thing we could actually do, probably, but we would never do it, of course. It's just fun to think about.' And then, as though in trances, the people would really do it--have slaves fight each other to death in the Colosseum, or burn people alive in the public square for holding opinions which were locally unpopular, or build factories whose only purpose was to kill people in industrial quantities, or to blow up whole cities, and on and on.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, Galápagos
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felis-rach · 2 months
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Oh yeah here's a skunky I doodled some months ago. Terrible guy I love him <3
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burakku-jakku · 11 months
Zamuse Astro Boy Super Famicom commercial (1994)
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blackberryhexee · 1 month
Lately I've been wanting to interact with more fandoms, especially those fandoms where I'm not so close🫶
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good-wine-and-cheese · 5 months
Gambling Apocalypse Tenma AU
As I rewatch Kaiji I inevitably end up wanting to combine show I like with other show I like and stuffing fav characters into show. So here we are.
This was uh going to be a short summary type thing but I accidentally wrote a novella about it sorry
This AU starts off with a much more depressive Tenma. After Tobio's death, rather than immediately pour his grief into developing a robot version of his son, he recedes into himself, psychologically paralyzed, likely turning to alcohol to drown out his anguish.
His mental state is taken as an opportunity within the Ministry of Science to have him ejected from his position; Tenma was never the most well-liked director, and there were those with ambition to usurp him that would jump at the chance. Not that he especially cares in his state.
He's eventually dragged out of his stagnation by Ochanomizu - who, inadvertently, becomes the very catalyst pushing Tenma to develop a robot replacement to his child. This was not what he meant by encouraging Tenma to fill the void left by his son.
...But, well, he is no longer the director of the Ministry of Science. His access to limitless government funds and resources for "scientific research" has been cut off, and this is a project he cannot finance on his own. He can't ask Ochanomizu for help, but...interestingly...a representative of a certain shady organization known as the Teiai Corporation reaches out to him, offering to finance and support his project. A sane and well-minded Tenma might think better of it, but grieving and desperate, Tenma accepts their offer and is able to create a robot in the image of his beloved Tobio. For a while, there's joy in his life.
But the bill, as ever, comes due: Tenma must pay up, and the very resources that had been at his disposal will certainly ensure that he will, or else. Of course, he doesn't have the money; instead, he is given a choice. He can relinquish the robot Tobio in order to wipe out his debt - the child is a sophisticated and powerful robot, after all - or he can participate in a certain illicit event hosted by the Teiai Corporation.
It's nothing major...just a four-hour gambling cruise with a collection of desperate, damned souls that were also swept into debt with Teiai. The conditions are simple: Those who choose to participate are given a chance to clear their debts wholesale should they win. And should they lose...?
Well...no one really knows what happens to the losers seized by Teiai. It's said that they labour away their debts under Teiai's watchful eye and are freed once their work has covered their debts, though it's rumoured that most perish before they reclaim freedom.
There's only one answer Tenma can give, of course; he's not willing to lose Tobio again.
Thus is Tenma's debut into the Gambling Apocalypse, where he must become cutthroat in order to survive; if he wants to see his son again, he must make choices that will doom the hapless to miserable servitude, with a nonzero chance it ends in their death.
He survives the cruise, but of course, it was hardly enough to clear his debt; the cruise was never going to be the end of it. Teiai doesn't let go of its victims that easily. He will be called on again: this is a weight that hangs over him, all while he returns to his son Tobio. The same hands that have pushed innocents into hell must now be the hands that can embrace his child.
He wants to protect Tobio from the truth and enjoy what peaceful moments he's allowed with his son, but it's difficult. It's difficult to be the parent of a child who cannot understand the danger that looms ahead; this "happy" home is not to last. Tenma angers quickly and easily. He turns that anger onto Tobio.
As Teiai's games become more and more vicious and unrelenting, as his conscience holds onto the last vestiges of thread that remain, Tenma even threatens, once, to give the boy in: it would all end, then; the debt would be clear and no longer would he have to endure Tobio's childish annoyances, his ungratefulness.
The next time that Tenma is beckoned, Tobio takes matters into his own hands. He does understand, now; and he would have, if only Tenma had bothered to explain sooner. If it's a debt that needs clearing, he will work. He will help his father clear his debts however he can. Of course, it's difficult to find work as a child; but a circus troupe finds amusement in the idea of a child robot, and takes him in. He is whisked into a certainly unpleasant working situation, but he remembers his father, and what he must be enduring. Tobio, also, will endure.
When Tenma returns, Tobio is gone.
All that held Tenma back from becoming something monstrous has disappeared. All that kept him going has disappeared. When he is called upon by Teiai, there is no knowing what sort of person might come out the other end; whether a monster clawing his way to freedom regardless of what actions he must take, or a desolate husk surrendering defeat.
There is still a light, however dim: Found by Professor Ochanomizu and rescued from the circus, Tobio - now Atom - is able to shed light on the situation which Tenma took great pains to keep hidden from his old friend. With time running out, Ochanomizu and Atom must do what they can to save Tenma - from Teiai, and from himself.
UHHH and that's a wrap!!!! I couldn't quite decide which way Tenma would go after hitting Rock Bottom in this AU, and tbh it would really depend on the kind of mental state he's in at the time. On the one hand I like the narrative of Ochanomizu and Tobio racing to prevent Tenma from crossing a line (actual outright murder probably) - or having to pull him back into humanity (and yknow, his ensuing penance)
But on the other hand having him get sent to Teiai Evil Hell Prison would be interesting because a) there's a lot of narrative potential having Tenma faced with what Teiai is doing with the people that lose the games and b) need him to decimate the foreman at chinchirorin Kaiji style
Tenma's whole character is definitely a much different guy in this AU, he starts off pretty sympathetic, the guy you wanna root for, he just ends up having an inverse character arc where he gets worse instead of better. His conflict with "Tobio" is also kind of reversed, less about being unsatisfied with Tobio as a son and more not being able to handle the fact that he probably has intense PTSD now and isnt capable of coping with it in a way conducive to being a parent (or like, coping at all)
Anyway that's gambling apocalypse tenma!!!
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darkkpastels · 1 year
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The long awaited sneakpeak into the upcoming chapter 18
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surrender-souls · 2 years
i like putting my own stuff into characters designs it just feels nice
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moon-buggg · 3 months
So scp Moon holds heat and later Sun can use it. . . So what would happen if there was no heat for Sun to expel? (Say sun expelled it all and they are at a cold place so Moon was unable to absorb more?)
Vice versa, would Moon feel a sort of emptiness if there was no heat to absorb? Maybe more comfort?
And is there a limit to how much heat their body can maintain?
Their abilities are their main lines of defense, so I imagine being without would make them feel quite vulnerable.
If Sun, for example, got in a fight and expelled a great deal of energy, their internal temperature would be lowered and they'd feel kind of gross and sluggish until Moon has a chance to absorb more. Over a long period of time, assuming Moon is for whatever reason unable to absorb more, things would get more dire. Hypothermia would be a concern, especially if they're in a cold place.
But it would be very hard to Completely prevent moon from absorbing energy.
So the light and heat that moon absorbs are stored in the same way in the body, as energy, and are more often than not that energy is used by sun to create light and heat at the same time. Thermal energy, heat, is the rate at which atoms vibrate and collide. The faster the atoms move, the hotter something is. Even in a cold environment, atoms are still moving just at a slower rate
So if you put moon in, like, a walk in freezer, he would still be able to take in energy, it would just be an extremely slow process. Sun would have to be extremely careful not to expend that hard earned energy, but over time it would still regenerate.
The act of making a room colder is more passive for Moon. He enjoys using it to freak people out, but if you put him in a cold environment I don't think he'd really miss it. I would say he'd more more upset about losing the ability to absorb light, but that would mean putting him in a very dark room which is his happy place anyways lmao. Assuming they have comfortable energy reserves, Moon wouldn't be too worried. I think sun would be more uncomfortable without his heat & light production in general
Their abilities to make humans sleepy/extremely energetic are kind of similar to a skunks spray ability I imagine. They have some sort of chemical they can make that effects humans stored up in their bodies, and can release it at will. If they ran out they just have to wait for their body to produce more, but I don't think they've ever ran out
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During lunch at work, I ate 3 plates of beans (which I know I shouldn't). When I got home, my husband seemed excited to see me and exclaimed delightedly, "Darling I have a surprise for dinner tonight." He then blindfolded me and led me to my chair at the dinner table. I took a seat and just as he was about to remove my blindfold, the telephone rang. He made me promise not to touch the blindfold until he returned and went to answer the call. The beans I had consumed were still affecting me and the pressure was becoming unbearable, so while my husband was out of the room I seized the opportunity, shifted my weight to one leg and let one go. It was not only loud, but it smelled like a fertilizer truck running over a skunk in front of a garbage dump! I took my napkin from my lap and fanned the air around me vigorously. Then, shifting to the other leg, I ripped off three more. The stink was worse than cooked cabbage. Keeping my ears carefully tuned to the conversation in the other room, I went on releasing atomic bombs like this for another few minutes. The pleasure was indescribable! Eventually the telephone farewells signaled the end of my freedom, so I quickly fanned the air a few more times with my napkin, placed it on my lap and folded my hands back on it feeling very relieved and pleased with myself. My face must have been the picture of innocence when my husband returned, apologizing for taking so long. He asked me if I had peaked through the blindfold, and I assured him I had not. At this point, he removed the blindfold, and twelve dinner guests seated around the table, with their hands to their noses, chorused, "Happy Birthday!"
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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When you’re flying at 90,000 feet you don’t expect to bring insects back from the ride.
A weird thing was that after a (A-12) flight the windshields often were pitted with tiny black dots, like burn specks. We couldn’t figure out what it was.’ Norman Nelson CIA’s engineer inside the Skunk Works.
Ben Rich the leader of the Skunk Works after Kelly Johnson wrote in his book “the Skunk Works” : “A weird thing was that after a (A-12) flight the windshields often were pitted with tiny black dots, like burn specks. We couldn’t figure out what it was.” And the Skunk Works could figure out anything as they did.
We had the specks lab tested, and they turned out to be organic material—insects that had been injected into the stratosphere and were circling in orbit around the earth with dust and debris at seventy-five thousand feet in the jet stream. How in hell did they get lifted up there?
‘We finally figured it out: they were hoisted aloft from the atomic test explosions in Russia and China.’
Linda Sheffield #A-12 #SR-71
@Habubrats71 via X
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[atomic skunk]
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“Anything we have not had to decipher, to bring to light by our own effort, anything which was clear before we looked at it, is not ours. From ourselves comes only that which we drag forth from the obscurity which lies within us […]”
— Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time, Vol. VII
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felis-rach · 6 months
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Astro boy fanweek day 6 - Innocence | Responsibility | Lie
No, you're wrong! Mr. Skunk is my friend!
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qcontinuumumum · 4 months
Mortarion AU
After many hours climbing up the last fortress on Barbarus through the toxic mists corroding Mortarion's armoured suit. Blisters, boils and bruises formed on his skin, his breathe became short and ragged as he made his way to the front gate.
The alien guards chuckled at his pain as they aimed crossbows at him, their warp-infused bolts shattered pieces of his armour as he trudged towards them never staggering.
He stopped short of them, the guards still jovial as they were far away from any peasant farmer's makeshift sword, their laughter stopped when he drew his scythe.
The poisons intensified as he approached the door, it's odour foul enough to turn the extinct terran skunk away. This was it, he was going to confront the being that was both his father, the one who taught him in matters of strategy, warfare and artifice; and his tyrant, the one who held him prisoner and used his kind for vile sorcery.
As he approached the high overlord of Barbarus he felt weaker, the strength being drained as if his spirit was being slowly devoured. He fell. He failed. He would falter at the final battle of his own fate.
The tyrant smiled a wicked grin as he held up his hand towards Mortarion, it glowed green with arcane energy and would be the death of both his heir and the freedom of the humans on his domain. "No" Mortarion stubbornly bellowed, "I won't let you win".
The next moments Mortarion heard a deep voice that resonated from everywhere as if atoms could speak to him, it was both jolly and cruel. "You do not have to die, i can teach you to defeat death and all you have to do is to come into my embrace" the sinister voice spoke true and without intervention there was no other fate.
Except for the soft words that were wreathed within the other, it was quiet and gentle and whispered with the sympathy of another rooted to be caged by a cruel master. "do not fear death for it is not the end of all things, for if you live you will never know liberation".
After hearing those words Mortarion let go of his stubborness, his unrelenting will and died. His tattered armour clanged on the ground, his last breathe exhaled and all colour was gone from him. His name meaning the child of death, had died.
A tear dropped onto the rotten wood floor, it seeped through cleaning the mucky surface and sprouted a small blue flower, it was a trumpet in shape and of power as it grew and enveloped the corpse of Mortarion, carressing him into its petals. It cocooned him and glowed with light of life and hummed with sounds of souls once lived among stars shown first fires.
A figure emerged from the cocooned flower as its petals turned into wings, veins that carried poisoned blood now became roots, skin hardened to bark and it had a crystal sphere on its forehead.
The tyrant of Barbarus shrivelled from the radiant light and life from this being as parasites within his body cannibilised each other to survive as his body devoured itself.
The figure spoke "I was Mortarion, slave to death no more".
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jungle-angel · 2 years
More Headcannons about Rhett and his feral sons (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Rhett loves his boys, but oh do they leave him exasperated
One time, the twins were running full speed towards the house and ate shit on the screen door. Royal was laughing to himself the whole time, but Rhett had to pay up since Perry was paying for the truck repairs
Once Tatum found a weird pile in the grass and was like “OH LOOK A WEIRD PILE OF SHIT!!!! GO TOUCH IT TANNER!!!!” 
God, did they fucking stink. Rhett hated being on bath duty for that one
You and Rhett caught them getting into the coffee one morning. Rhett turned them outside for the entire day and they didn’t come back until the porch lights came on. By that time, they were covered in mud, the knees in their jeans were ripped and they both had some pretty alarming road rash on the knees
The boys are still kind of young, but every now and again they’ll honk your boobs when you least expect it.......they get it from their father
To say nothing of the fact that they once tried to jump into the bullpen while the head bull was laying in the grass at the far corner of the pasture. Rhett practically leapt over the fence and chased them through the maze of cows. Royal was standing close by taking a video on his phone of his grown son chasing his two small grandsons
Other instances include you finding the boys under the porch with the skunks
And giving each other atomic wedgies
Indian burns......sooooo many Indian burns
Rhett caught them trying to instigate a game of Rock Wars with the other feral ranch and rez brats. You and Rhett went from being exasperated to refereeing with the other parents
They also tried to give themselves mohawks with Rhett’s electrical razor. You sent them both to school wearing a baseball cap to hide their God awful haircuts
On Mothers’ Day the boys each brought you a bouquet of flowers they said they picked themselves. When you found out they were from Gale Burch’s yard, you and Cecelia were nearly in hysterics from laughing
Yet at the end of the day, when you see Rhett snuggling your boys and your girls to get them to sleep
You realize that your boys mean everything to you and Rhett
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mushyroomswebkinz · 5 months
First thing first, Im in love with your art, I love how round it is
Second, which arcade game is each turtle's favourite/least favourite?
Hope you have a good timezone!
First; TYSM!! And also I love this question!
This gets my gears turning since there're so many different games in the arcade (when on desktop). Also no doodle this time!! My wrist has been giving me issues lol, so take my ramblings instead!
I think their faves and least faves would be these tho!
Leo: Smoothie moves, both Cash Cows, Atlantiles, Dex Dangerous and the Lunar Lugbotz (of course), and Stardrops! She doesn't like Tulip Trouble 2, Scrambled or Hide N' Skunk. (She doesn't always admit it but she's a huge Dex Dangerous fan.)
Mikey: Jazz Monsters, Skater Kat, Jumbleberry Fields and Whimsy Skies. He doesn't like Home Before Dark or Lily Padz/Picnic. (Likes a good challenge but struggles with some puzzles.)
Raph: Dogbeard's Gold and the bathtub battles. He also likes the Wacky games out of spite. (Donnie says he hates something and now all of a sudden it's Raph's favorite. He's a menace.) Hates matching games with a passion. Please do not ask him to play tile towers or solitaire.
Donnie: Goober's Atomic Adventure, Goober's Lab and Booger gets an A is his all time favorites, matching games really. Least favorite would be Zacky's Quest, it stresses him out too much and makes him cry. Actually any Wacky games stress him out
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