chrisbitchtree · 2 years
I been really stressed out and emotional lately could you maybe write some fluffy harringrove. You don't have to if you don't want to. I just really need the cheering up rn
I’m sorry to hear things have been rough lately! I hope that things get better soon!! 💕💕💕
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this quite literally fluffy fluff, and that it helps cheer you up!!
The last word that Steve would ever use to describe Billy Hargrove would be soft. Emotionally and physically, he was as tough as nails and hard as a rock.
The few times that Steve and Billy had slept together back in high school, Steve had barely had time to finish before Billy was slipping his clothes on and making his way out the door, still pulling his shirt over his head as he went.
Steve never got to see behind Billy’s mask, never got to see him without his guard up, rings on, drenched in cologne, hair perfectly done, all working together like a suit of armour to stop anyone from getting close to the real Billy. If Steve did manage to get his hands into Billy’s hair, they barely managed to penetrate the shield.
Now though, ten years out of high school, the morning after a chance meeting at a club in Chicago, where Steve had gone to visit Robin for the weekend, Steve was finally getting to see the real Billy.
He’d stumbled out of the other man’s bed in search of a bathroom, and had happened upon the other man, standing at the bathroom counter, towel wrapped around his waist, hairspray at the ready.
“Wait,” Steve cried dramatically, almost causing Billy to drop the hairspray in shock.
“What the fuck, Harrington,” Billy said, glaring, about to pull the trigger on the hairspray.
“Sorry,” Steve replied, sheepish. “I was just wondering if I could touch your hair? Before you spray it, that is? I always wonder what it felt like under all those products.”
Billy looked at him like he was nuts, but lowered the can, tilting his head down so Steve could get up close and personal with it.
“It’s so fluffy,” Steve said, his eyes wide. “You’re so fluffy! A fluffy little bunny! No, not a bunny! It’s more like a baby chick! So downy soft! Who knew this was under all that hairspray!”
“Shut up or I’ll spray you in the eyes,” Billy grumbled, even as the quirk of his lips betrayed him. He turned back to the mirror, finally spraying his hair. “You know,” he continued, as he lifted and twisted pieces of his hair, trying to get them just right. “I think you should make me breakfast for that.”
“Breakfast for what?” Steve cried, incredulous. “It’s your house! You have a guest over, then expect them to make you breakfast?”
“You made fun of me. Doesn’t that at least get me pancakes?”
Steve pretended to hem and haw for a moment. “Do you have bacon?”
“There should be a full pound in the fridge.” Billy replied.
“Bacon and pancakes coming right up then, fluffy bunny!” He just narrowly escaped the puff of hairspray aimed his way as he beat a hasty retreat to the kitchen.
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grey-sides · 2 years
I saw this post you reblogged and in the tags you said how Billy is tired from riding Tommy's dick and let's Steve know it.
Could you do a fic where Steve and Billy try to setup a three-way but Tommy is the only one available. Steve sits on the side while Billy rides Tommy and he gives Steve a similar bored look like the one in the post
This is so, so late, but here it is! I am mean to Tommy in this one, I choose to believe he likes it.
(Also for those not in the know, that gifset is from S2 when Billy's driving the Camaro, suledins grabbed it and made it look nice and pretty)
~700 words, lemon, CW for cuckolding that doesn't work and Tommy Hagan being there
Cuckolding. Steve wanted to try cockolding and apparently Billy was really into that idea. Maybe more into it before it turned out that Tommy H was pretty much the only person willing to agree to the idea. But still.
It was supposed to be fun. Steve getting to watch Billy, but not touch. Billy getting a little extra spice in his life. Something to make their relationship just that much more exciting.
But it's Tommy Hagan. Tommy Hagan who can't ever keep his eyes off Billy's ass anyway. And who can't help but try and neg Steve like Steve actually likes it.
It was probably a bad formula from the start. Steve doesn't like being forced out of his own relationship and he definitely doesn't want to capitulate to Tommy over everything.
And he had been feeling a little mean. Had hoped it would be fun to rub into Tommy's face later. Billy saw his dick and still didn't want it at the end of the day.
Instead, it's kind of going nowhere. Sure, Tommy's laid out on the bed, seemingly having a grand old time. Steve's naked in his armchair, his dick flagged a long time ago.
And Billy looks like he might just fall asleep on Tommy's lap. He'll turn every so often, look up at the artwork hanging above their bed and open his mouth. Let out a huff or a sigh or something, enough to keep egging Tommy on.
But he keeps looking at Steve. Mouth drawn tight, lips pursed together as his eyes drop to Steve's lap and his less than impressive lack of a boner. Steve wants to feel bad about it, but mostly he wants Tommy to get off his fucking bed and go home.
"That's it, baby," Billy coaxes. His voice is sugary sweet, breathless with desire as he moves. But his eyes are dead and annoyed, staring at Steve, pinning him to this armchair.
They're definitely never doing this again. Steve drops his cheek to his fist, looks over at Tommy who has his eyes squeezed shut.
"Fuck him good, Tommy," Steve adds, trying to make himself sound as enthused as Billy seems to be able to do. "Make him see stars."
Billy laughs, shakes his head and his impressive mane of hair back. He looks up at the ceiling again, curls his fingers around his cock. He's ready to be done.
He squeezes down around Tommy a little more, glancing down at him. "Come on, Tommy, show me what Carol's always gushing about."
Tommy's eyes fly open and he snarls at Billy. "Leave her out of this!"
"Baby's got bark," Billy says, looking unimpressed. Tommy and Carol are on the rocks again, it's probably the only reason he's allowed to be here.
"Get the fuck off me, bitch," Tommy snaps. He shakes his head and shoves at Billy, wiggling out from underneath him.
Steve chuckles under his breath as Tommy gets out of the bed, taking off the condom and tossing it into the trashcan. It seems like no one is having a good time at this point.
Billy lays back on the bed, stroking his cock as he watches Tommy. He doesn't want to fight him to get back in bed, but he does want to know if he can get Steve to get it up again.
"See ya later, Tommy," Steve says when he gets dressed. Tommy flips him off as he heads to the door, slamming it behind him. Their front door slams a moment later.
Steve snorts, shaking his head. He looks at Billy and spreads his legs, really leaning into the armchair now.
"I always did like your solo work more," Steve says.
Billy bites his lip, arches his hips into his hand and begins to work himself up for real this time. He keeps his eyes locked on Steve sitting across from him and getting steadily aroused himself. This time, though, his eyes are alive and dangerous.
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every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
I really do! Want Eddie Munson to come back. Not because I hate him I actually love his character, but his return would feel like ann insult to not only his character arc and making his sacrifice meaningless. But it's also an insult to ever other character that was killed off (Barb, Bob, Alexei, Patrick, Fred, Chrissy... BILLY!) I don't mind Joseph coming back as a vision of the Vecna or a flashback to when Dustin first met Eddie but aside from that there's no reason for him to return. If you want his character to have justice and his name cleared, have Dustin tell the truth to the world or smth. The only way I'll allow him to come back is if it means everyone else who died comes back including, the Vecna victims, Barb, Bob AND Billy!
I think I'm just a little pissed because if that does happen imagine how unbearable the antis /steddie Stans will be?!!! It makes me mad just thinking about it😡😡😡😡
Yeah, I'm not looking forward to what antis and st3ddies (not all of them, some moots of mine are cool and this isn't about yall don't worry 💖💖) will be like if Eddie does come back.
I agree with what you said about his arc. His storyline was literally him running away from things, and he chose in that moment to stay. I personally think his death was both predictable and avoidable. The DB keep killing off new characters (like Bob, Patrick, Chrissy, Fred, Aleksei etc.) while stretching out plot armor for the main characters. Plus... running away is literally a human reaction.
There's no shame in running away. Every time a character has any sort of human reaction and they aren't a part of the main character crew, it's treated like something that needs to be fixed.
It would be a bad decision to bring Eddie back (so I'm sure the DB will end up doing it).
Billy was one of the most human characters on the show not just because he was relatable to so many people, but because he reacted. He felt real. He was one of the first characters on ST to have some sort of reaction to trauma.
How trauma impacts a character is not a flaw, and it shouldn't be treated as such. There's a reason why the other characters fell flat. If you're going to fuck your characters up, show how it impacts them. I don't care if it's a Sci fi show- if you want a character to come alive, let them be human. Let them be messy. Let them get angry about what happened to them. Let them go apeshit.
Personal opinion: no matter what genre you're in, if your goal is to add some sort of realism to your story, the best thing you can do is let your characters react. Think of it as improv- and I say this because the best moments of ST weren't in the script. Since the actors are in character, they are acting as they feel the character would react, which if executed naturally (instead of forced) can bring a level of authenticity to both the role and the story.
I view writing books the same way. The moment a character takes on a life of their own, I sit back and let them improvise. It's their story, and I'm just along for the ride. They start off as figments of my imagination, then I do my best to breathe life into them so that they aren't cardboard cutouts. I let them go fucking wild.
If they do bring Billy back as well... at least Dacre will be there, and we know he won't demonize Billy.
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Your anchor!Billy CEO!Steve has genuinely inspired me to create something 💙💙💙 I would love to share it with you hopefully (are you on the subway and shenanigans discord) I'd love to tell you about it there!
Oh hi! sorry i didn't saw this😭
Yeah I'm on that server you can share it with me 💖💖💖 Id love to read it!
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psychicskulldamage · 2 years
Hey I just saw some of your artwork of Billy x Kurt and I immediately fell on love with it, it's SO GOOD! It's such a rare ship so it's always great to see some content being made out of it Keep it up your artwork is amazing 💖💖💖
omg thank you so much!!!💖🥰 I'm so obsessed with them right now, I'm glad people are getting into this weird ship as well 😂
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Fuck that anon you are amazing 💖💖💖 don'tet some stuck up piece of shit ruin your love of writing
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Thank you darling 💖💜Yeah fuck em! But I don't think I'm gonna write anything for now tho.
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bigdumbbambieyes · 2 years
Your Chrissy/Billy headcanons are amazing!!!
I made a fanfic a while ago centering around their friendship! I think the concept of them having a really close relationship that's strictly platonic is really interesting and I'm always excited whenever I see post about it!!!
thank you so much, lovely 🥰 it means a lot!
I just read your fic and I loved it. Please please please keep writing Billy and Chrissy, I will read every single one - promise! 🤍
I’m so glad you adore their friendship, too! A lot of people seem open to the idea and it makes me so happy 💗 I believe she could’ve saved him from the Mindflayer had she been introduced in S3 instead of S4 😭 and now that I think about it, Chrissy and Heather could’ve been the ones to save him! Billy needed just one friend to save him from the MF, but two of his best girls?? The MF wouldn’t have stood a chance!
sorry for rambling a bit lol thank you so much for sharing your fic with me, keep up the great work!! 🤍
and, idk if you saw it, but i made a silly little edit for your reverse harringrove au 🥹
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disdaidal · 1 year
What font do you use on your GIFs? And what app/website do you use to create them? I ask cause I'm planning on making my own gifset
Oh hey! So nice to hear that! ♥
I actually use different fonts on different gifs of mine, completely depending on my mood. :D My most commonly used font is probably Arial Rounded MT Bold (here). Sometimes I also use Lato Black Italic (like here).
I always make my gifs with a desktop version of Photoshop, currently PS 2021. Which is sadly not free can be done heh or light to use, especially on a cheaper computer. :/ GIMP is a good free desktop alternative for PS, or so I've heard. :P
I sadly don't know any good gifmaking websites or apps so I can't really help with them. But perhaps someone else could reply to this post and point you in the right direction?
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femmebilly · 2 years
Grape!!!! For the ask game
ummmmm hit me up pls you’re so cool <3
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hephaestn · 2 years
So here's a list the have for my Harringrove vibes songs:
wicked game by Chris Isaak
be my baby by the Ronettes
as the world falls down by David Bowie (labyrinth)
Never tear us apart/need you tonight by INXS
Lovefool by the cardigans
Darlin', God only knows, and wouldn't it be nice by the beach boys
Sorry for the long list
wicked game is a staple in this fandom’s playlists, i see 👀 i don’t think i’ve listened to any of the others?? so i will add them to the queue, can’t wait to listen to them!! thank you and don’t apologize omgg i’m eager to find new music so thank you so much for sending them 🤍🤍
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Imagine Heather and Billy becoming the mungojerry and rumpleteaser of Hawkins. Going around and causing as much havoc as humanly possible
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chrisbitchtree · 2 years
Steve waking Billy up with a bunch of kisses and Billy trying to hide under the pillows and sheets to get away blbut Billy always manages to find a way to smother him with kisses. Hope you're feeling better ❤️❤️❤️
Awwwww!!! My heart is melting!!!! This is exactly what I want for them, just sweet, silly softness!!! Thank you for sending this my way!!! This definitely cheered me up!!! 💕💕💕
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grey-sides · 1 year
How would you describe Steve Harrington?
So far in my fics I've often referred to him as the brunette but with Billy or Eddie I can call them "the Californian" or "the metalhead" what others words can I use to describe Steve in that way?
Hello!! I meant to get to this earlier but boy howdy, busy day today. SO!
I don't tend to use a lot of those titles unless it's for a reason IE Billy doesn't know his name, but I'm happy to try and help!
I would probably use the brunette still, could also use "the taller one" since he is taller than Billy (and Eddie I believe?). Maybe "the jock," "the prep," "the rich boy."
In general, I tend to use his name or a very silly title like "Mr. Boobies" because I think it makes it clearer. But you could also use a descriptor from a specific scene. "The one in the striped polo" or "the one in the yellow pullover," "Mr. Video Tapes."
I hope these help!
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every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
Red and blue for the ask
ILYT!!! *insert Keanu Reeves meme* YOU'RE AMAZING (I don't think that's exactly the meme but idc lmao)
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Hey would it be okay if you tagged me? I love you post so much 💙💙💙
Awee of course I'd tag you 💖💖 i love your posts too💖💖
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AU where Steve somehow ends up in Billy's room and stays with him until he falls asleep. 
Billy's bed doesn't have much room for two bodies, but Steve solves that by clinging to Billy like a koala, careful to make sure he doesn't press on any of his bruises.
"Why?" Billy hiccups, trying to hold in his tears for a little longer. He doesn’t want Steve to see him like this. Pathetic. Weak. In other words, the real Billy Hargrove. Now King Steve’s going to tell the whole school what he saw, and everyone will know that he’s a crybaby. 
“Why am I here? Or why am I in your bed hugging you?”
“Something told me you shouldn’t be alone tonight.”
Fine. If he won't mention It, that's just fine by me.
“I’m always alone.” He’s not exactly fit to lie at the moment. Besides, it was a mutual understanding when they started seeing each other that they'd try being honest. Plus, Steve could see through even his best lies anyway.
His impromptu guest inhales sharply before gently kissing the spot where he’d collided with the shelf. The dam holding back his river of tears breaks, and he tries to hide his face from Steve to try and preserve some dignity. Neil’s already called him a pussy for crying like a little bitch.
Steve wasn’t heartless, but he was about as emotionally available as a tree stump, or so Billy had heard through the grapevine. According to Tommy, Steve hadn’t cried since he was eleven when his grandmother died, and he “dismissed the feelings of those closest to him until they couldn’t take it anymore”.
For all of Tommy’s literal shortcomings, he’s known Steve a lot longer than Billy has.
“I don’t like this.”
Billy shoves down the temptation to shove Steve out of his bed. You won’t. You couldn’t even push your old man.
“I mean... I hate when you’re hurting. When you’re sad. I don’t know what to say to make this better. I open my mouth and I... I hurt people.”
Against his better judgment, Billy turns over to stare at Steve, who may look increasingly uncomfortable at all the emotion on display but hasn’t shown any signs of pulling away yet.
On nights like these, Billy usually holds his own hand for comfort. As he’s about to complete his sad little ritual, Steve taps Billy’s palm twice, and then with unexpected tenderness, holds his hand, conveying more than words ever could.
In the morning, the only proof that last night really happened is Billy's hand molded to fit the shape of a bigger one.
@flashwaves @thebussynotes @shieldofiron @thatgirlwithasquid @jad3w1ngs @usaqaix @hargrove-mayfields @thecrabnebula @talesfrom-theupsidedown @emeraldwitches @robthegoodfellow @magellan-88 @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @spaceboxkitty @ashyyboyy @harringrovsonsworld @martyreasemymind @awkwardgravity1 @fizzigigsimmer @captainrexshusband @atomrose @billyhargr-a-ve @gracethieved @anarcha-queer-horror @skyesayshi @hgrve @angelshiba @jaethecreator @thissortofsorcery @suometar @ilydacree @femmebilly @nogitsunbae
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