#atsushi murasakibara oneshot
imagineanime2022 · 10 months
Shy S/O
Tetsuya Kuroko X Reader, Taiga Kagami X Reader, Shintaro Midorima X Reader, Daiki Aomine X Reader, Ryota Kise X Reader, Atsushi Murasakibara X Reader, Seijuro Akashi X Reader
Warning: Self Doubt, Bullying (kinda)
Tetsuya Kuroko
👤 Literally no one on the team knows how you got together, they literally watched as you often communicated without words and read each other's faces. 👤 You would have had to have been one of the other miracles siblings, otherwise you would both have walked past each other everyday and never said a single word to each other. 👤 Kuroko is very much a trusting person so you didn’t have to be going to the same school to continue dating and honestly he never worried about what you were doing he trusted you wholeheartedly. 👤 The only thing that he worried about was that he wasn’t there to cheer you on when you found something that you liked, where you were too shy to sign up for clubs that you liked so he’d always go to the first meeting with you to see how you felt. 👤 While Kuroko is quiet he wasn’t necessarily shy so when you found it hard to voice what you wanted or needed, he would come out of nowhere to help you out. 👤 Given the fact that you spend a lot of time on the outside looking in, you always knew where Kuroko was, bonus if you like basketball because you were one of the only people that never lost him on the court. 👤 Holds your hand to remind you that he’s there. 👤 Never asks you to come to his games but he’s happy when he sees you there, you used signs because you're just too shy to scream your praise for him. 👤 He finds you in a crowd and immediately moves to stand next to or behind you, everyone thinks that you are unbelievably cute.
You had come to one of Kuroko’s matches and he gone to get changed, you had gone to seat on a bench away from the large crowd that had gathered to get autographs and talk to the team, you were happy to wait for him while he dealt with the fans. You were scrolling through your phone when a shadow loomed over you, their hand reaching out to grab you and pull you off quickly. “It’s alright, it’s just me.” Kuroko finally said as your eyes found the back of his head. “What are you doing?” You asked. “Come on before they notice.” He said pulling you out of the arena and off down the road. “Are you sure that you should run away from all that?” You asked. “Don’t worry, Taiga loves the attention, there’s only one person that I want to be that close to.” He answered as he pulled you into a restaurant, where he ordered food for the both of you and you sat and talked for a while.
It only took about 10 minutes before his teammates and manager found you “Kuroko there you are! We were worried.” Riko said as waved frantically. Kuroko groaned next to you as a tray was slammed down on the table next to you as an arm wrapped around your shoulder “Hey little mouse, you two lovebirds on a date?” Taiga asked. “If we were you ruined it.” Kuroko grumbled as he linked your hands under the table giving it a reassuring squeeze. “We can just leave if you want, I know they’re all a bit loud for you.” Kuroko mumbled and you looked at him and smiled. “It’s okay.” You said softly as you moved a little closer to Kuroko. “Say the word and we’ll leave.” He whispered as the rest of the team sat around you as Riko and Hyuga tried to get the rest of the team to sit down, shut up and eat like normal humans.
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Taiga Kagami
🐅 Taiga does see you around but it takes a little while for him to actually take notice of you, he immediately thinks that you are afraid of him and as he always does he rushes in to interrogate you. 🐅 You were alone when he found you and demanded to know why you were afraid of him, unfortunately the natural aggression and his stature caused a stuttered reply about being shy. 🐅 Que a flustered apology as he scratched the back of his head as he stuttered through his sentences and exited quickly. 🐅 He made sure to wave at you when he saw you after that, you were shocked but it became second nature to shyly wave back to him in the halls and before you knew it you were spending time together outside of school. 🐅 You don’t know when the relationship shifted but Taiga did ask you out, he didn’t make a big deal of the first date, he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable but dates become easier the longer that your dating. 🐅 He’s loud enough for the both of you so if you need to say something then he becomes your voice. 🐅 He moved at your pace, whatever it would be, he’d never force PDA but he’s not against it. 🐅 Your biggest supporter, he was the one that you could hear cheering you on if you were into sports or any time of performance art, if not he’ll always tell you how proud of you he is. 🐅 He savoured the calm that you brought with you were the only person who could calm him down and get him to think straight sometimes.
Taiga was having a bad game, it was unusual for Riko to call on people from the crowd but she had seen the way that you calmed him down in practice matches, in less than a second and they went on to win, she needed that now. “(Y/N) you're up!” Riko said as Koganei led you down to the team. “M-me?” You asked. “What…” “Just do what you always do.” Riko muttered as she pushed you towards the brooding Taiga. “W-what’s going on T?” You asked, jumping at the loud cheer from the crowd, realistically you knew that they weren’t even looking at you they were all focused on the game still in full swing but the moment that you flinched Taiga took your hand leading you into the secluded hall way that lead back into the changing room. “What are you doing down here?” He asked, “It's too loud down here.” “Riko wanted me to come down here to talk to you.” You answered. “But this makes you uncomfortable.” He said taking your face in his hands and gently running his thumbs over them. “I don’t like seeing you like this, you know you have to be careful if you want to be able to jump like you do.” You mumbled and he smiled leaning forward to rest his head against yours. “Doesn’t mean you gotta be uncomfortable.” Taiga said as he pressed a kiss to your temple. “Then promise that you’ll be careful and think everything through please.” You pleaded and he looked at the game and then you. “I’ll try.” He nodded with a smile, despite the fact that the game was only 6 feet away from you he felt like it was your world and there was nothing that could change that. “You have a game to win.” You said softly as you pointed towards the court and he leaned forward a smirk on his face. “You bet I have.” Taiga said before pressing a kiss to your lips and jogging back to the bench where he was begging Riko to put him back in.
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Shintaro Midorima
♋ You have Takao to thank for this partnership, since you were put next to him for most classes he adopted you as his introvert before he even knew Midorima. ♋ Takao literally took you everywhere, so you ended up at practice with him most of the time and met Midorima. ♋ Midorima drew a lot of attention to himself with the antic that he pulled but he taught you a lot about being comfortable in your own skin, now that didn’t mean that you were shouting from the rooftops or anything but it did mean that you were happy with the fact that you didn’t talk as much as other people and that was okay. ♋ Midorima became a silent guard dog, watched people’s behaviour and the way that they talked to or about you, correcting anything that made you uncomfortable or upset. ♋ Would bring your lucky item to school with him (by bring I mean get Takao to find it wherever it might be for him to hand to you when they meet up with you). ♋ Takao of course was the one to realise that you liked Midorima and gently guided him in the direction of his own realisation (literally had to spell it out to him, Midorima is academically smart and socially stupid). ♋ When you guys actually started dating there was a lot that you had to figure out, mostly about boundaries. ♋ Though he might grumble he’ll help you with anything you ask him to because he knows how hard you find it to actually ask for help. ♋ You guys are like an old married couple, he holds the door open for you, forehead kisses and hand holding.
Takao had watched you in your last couple of classes and it seemed that there was something bothering you, he didn’t know what it was and everytime he asked you what was wrong you’d brush him off and tell him that it was nothing. When you didn’t show up to lunch that day he decided to talk to Midorima about it. “Hey is something bothering (Y/N)?” Takao asked. “What?” Midorima asked. “Well they just seem a little distracted and they won’t tell me what’s going on… Plus they never usually keep us waiting.” Takao explained. “Yeah they’re apparently at the library.” Midorima answered with a shrug. “Well will you just check on them some time?” Takao asked, Midorima would have dismissed any other request but considering it was to check on you he gave a non committal grunt instead before standing up and disappearing out of the cafeteria in search of you.
You were surrounded by books as you hurriedly wrote notes about something, Midorima watched you for a second from where he was leaning against the bookcase “what are you worrying about?” He asked softly as he walked towards you. “I need to pass this exam, this is the third time that I’m taking it.” You mumbled as you looked over the book again groaned after your finger traced a sentence three times. “Why didn’t you just ask for help?” He asked. “This is my problem, I don't need to bother anyone else with it.” You explained as you waved him off. “You aren’t bothering anyone, what are you studying?” He asked, you tried to deter him but he just reached over you and grabbed the book that you were looking at and nodded before closing it. “I can help you with this after practice today.” “Hey!” You said quietly, Midorima would have laughed if you were alone, he’d never heard you raise your voice even a little and you trying to sound intimidating made him want to laugh. “I mean I’ll help you later, it doesn’t matter what you need help with, ask me.” He said. “But-” “You're the only person that gets the privilege so use it.” He ordered pushing his glasses up his nose “now come on, you need to eat something before our next class.” “T-thank you.” You mumbled playing with your fingers as he linked your hand and pulled you out of the library.
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Daiki Aomine
💤 Again someone else was the reason that you met Aomine, Momoi befriended you and dragged you to practise. 💤 From the moment that Aomine saw you he thought that you were cute and let's be honest he thought the personality was a jackpot. 💤 He took every opportunity to tease you, given his height he’d just lean over you, crowd you into a corner or lean down to your ear to whisper something usually “this making you nervous?” 💤 It didn’t take him long to realise that he wanted more than just the teasing and actually asked Momoi to help him. 💤 There was a lot of work involved in him getting you to believe that he wanted you but he did. 💤 Aomine has and always will be a tease so that often meant that he’d come out of nowhere to press kisses to whatever part of your skin he could reach. 💤 Always steal whatever food or drink you have and if you try to stop him he’ll bite your fingers if they’re close enough to his mouth. 💤 He honestly loves to show you off, especially if he knows that there was someone around that liked you. 💤 Momoi sent you to go and get Aomine when he was skipping out on practice which always resulted in him getting something that he wanted from you in return.
You climbed up the ladder catching sight of your lazy boyfriend, who seemed to be taking a nap. “Dai?” You asked softly, you saw his eyes flicker open as they moved to you. “Was just dreaming of you.” He smirked as he put his hand out towards you, you rolled your eyes as you took his hand letting him lead you closer sitting up at the same time that he directed you to sit straddled over his waist. “She sent you, didn't she?” “They just want you to show up for practice.” You said softly as he pressed a kiss to your cheek, hoping to distract you. “You know they send you here because I can’t say no to you.” He mumbled face now buried in the crook of your neck. “Can you please just go to practice?” You asked. “Mm if you do something for me.” He muttered. “What?” He asked. “I’ll tell you when I want it.” He said. It seemed like a terrible deal but it was probably the only thing that could get him to go to practice. “Let’s go.” He smiled tapping your thighs for you to stand, you watched as he jumped down from the small heightened part of the roof, you often forget that he was an athlete with the amount of time that he spent lazing around, he turned back to you “come on beautiful, I’ve got you.” He helped you down before walking towards the fire exit with your hands connected.
When you got to the gym, they had finished their warm ups “oh! You got him!” Momoi cheered and you nodded. “Yeah.” You nodded. “Thanks (Y/N), you're the best.” Wakamatsu said, you blushed as you nodded at him, and Aomine grabbed your arm. “About that favour.” He mumbled pulling you back by the waist holding you close “I want a kiss.” “R-right now?” You asked. “Mhm.” He hummed leaning closer “In front of everyone?” You asked. “Mhm.” He hummed again before pressing a kiss on your lips making a show of kissing you in front of the rest of the team before pulling away still close to you “now go wait with Momoi I’m not done with my favour.” “B-but you only asked for one.” You frowned. “Wait for me.” He winked as he jogged off to the team and Momoi pulled you over to where she was sitting to watch them practise.
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Ryota Kise
📷 Kise was and still is a sweet boy, he saw everyone as they were and he never treated anyone as if they were below him despite the fact that he was a model. 📷 He got a lot of attention and you assumed that meant that he had no idea who you were because you faded into the background easily. 📷 Kise noticed you after you bumped into him, he started to see you around more and more, he would never get you to say anything but you would smile and wave before someone else demanded his attention. 📷 He decided that he wasn’t going to let anyone deter him one day and made his way over to you introducing himself and asking for your name, it didn’t take long for him to make a friend out of you, though it did take a little longer to convince you to go on a date with him. 📷 Once you became official, there were very few people that knew about it, he made a statement to say that he was no longer single but he made sure that no one knew your name. 📷 At school you guys seemed like good friends but when you got some time alone, Kise never stopped pressing kisses all over your face or any other skin that he could find. 📷 Kise never forced you to do anything that you didn’t want to do, he respected your personality, he did love it after all. 📷 Likes to spend time with you in one of your bedrooms just talking especially after having a tough day. 📷 Take on your conversation if he can see you getting uncomfortable or flustered.
You had been with Kise for months now and while you were happy there was one thing that was bothering you. Kise had kept your relationship a secret in the hopes that it would make you more comfortable and in all honesty it did. However over the last couple of weeks you had noticed how close people were getting to him like, the fact that no one knew how he was dating meant that they could still try to get his attention. You hadn’t said anything to Kise. You were sure that it was your own jealousy but Kasamatsu, who you had become friends with since dating Kise, had noticed a difference in you.
“What’s bothering you?” Katamatsu asked. “Huh? Nothing. I’m fine.” You answered as you continued writing notes at your desk. “You're a terrible liar.” Katamatsu glared at you and watched as your eyes moved down so that you weren’t actually looking at him anymore. “I’m just working through some things. It's fine, nothing to worry about.” You said playing with your finger. “Have you talked to Kise about it?” He asked. “He doesn’t need to know about it.” You argued and he nodded. “So it has something to do with Kise?” He asked. “He didn’t do anything wrong!” You said quickly, you knew that Kasamatsu often looked for the worst in Kise even if they were friends. “Okay… So what’s going on?” He asked. “Ust people seem to be gettin closer to Kise you know, people who are probably better suited to him you know…” You explained. “You're worried?” He asked. “He doesn’t make me feel like I should be but I am.” You admitted. “Hey Kasamatsu can I talk to (Y/N) for a second?” Kise’s voice made you jump, as you gritted your teeth with your eyes closed, neither of the boys said anything but you heard them change places and then Kasamatsu left. “Please look at me.” Kise pleaded and it took a minute but you finally looked up at him, he smiled softly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” You were thankful that he wasn’t going to make you say it again. “I thought it was me… I was trying to think of something that would make this all go away.” You explained “I wanted to have a solution.” “You can’t figure all of this out by yourself.” He said softly, he was careful how loud he talked. “I know…” You answered, he could see the tears in your eyes and he wanted to hug, to comfort you properly but he couldn’t. “I want to hug you.” He mumbled as he looked at the people around you. “You could if you wanted to.” You mumbled. “People will see.” He reminded you and you nodded. “I know.” You answered. “Maybe we can fix everything, I’ll hug you now and later we can talk about a picture to announce you as my girlfriend, if that’s what you want, if you're ready for that.” He suggested coming around the table to pull you into a hug kissing the top of your head. “Yeah, maybe we can.” You mumbled burying your face in his chest relishing in the feeling of him hugging you.
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Atsushi Murasakibara
🍬 You were out buying snacks the first time that you had ever interacted with Atsushi, you were trying to decide on what to get and he just leaned over you to grab what he wanted. 🍬 He leant down his voice low and lazy as always, he was right next to your ear as he told you what one you should get, then he was gone. 🍬 You blushed as you caught sight of him walking past the window of the shop but nothing more happened from it. 🍬 At least for you nothing else happened, you assumed that he’d never remember you that is but he noticed you around the school more often. 🍬 One day he saw you, there was a guy around your age leaning over you, he saw that you were uncomfortable, that was enough to have him walking over but when he saw the guy take the food that you had been eating he was ready to go into battle. 🍬 He scared the guy off and then made sure to tell you to protect the snacks before heading off. 🍬 You guys were cute together, everyone thought that you were cute, given the fact that he was the scary kid that no one could approach and you were the sweet innocent student that no one expected him to be interested in. 🍬 Scary dog privileges, he watched you closely and always appeared when you needed him. He hated it when you shared food with other people, he was always worse when you did that. 🍬 The moment that you both seemed to remember most was the moment that you properly fist met.
It had been after he had saved you from the guy who had attempted to steal your food, you started to leave snacks in his locker or desk, at first he thought that he had left them there by accident and was pleasantly surprised but when it became regular he wanted to figure out who was doing it. Atsushi waited one day he was across the hall watched the door to his classroom and then he saw you, you weren’t in his class, he walked towards the other door looking in to see you slipping the sweet treat into his desk, he snuck up behind you so when you stepped back you bumped right into him. “What are you doing there little mouse?” He asked. “I-I um…” You didn’t seem to want to admit what you were doing. “Are you the one leaving all those snacks for me?” He asked. “You helped me before, I’m just saying thank you.” You answered stepping away from him but given his height he still seemed imposing, so close. “You could have just said thank you” He smirked, his desk was against the wall so when he moved both his hands to rest on the desks on either side of him you had nowhere else to go. “I-I’m not very good at talking…” You explained. “Mm, this is the first time that I’ve heard your voice.” He smirked. “How about you just give me my thank you gifts in person and we’ll leave it at that?” “In person? Why?” You asked, he just smirked as he reached around you grabbing the snack that you had hidden in his desk and winked. “I got to go meet a friend, thanks, next time give it to me in person okay?” He asked before you could answer and he disappeared out of the classroom leaving you with a blush on your face paired with a smile.
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Seijuro Akashi
👑 Your parents knew each other, that was how you ended up meeting however, you never made him feel like he needed to be anyone except for himself. 👑 You guys would seek each other out when you knew that both your parents would be at an event together. 👑 You knew each other well and that was why you were one of the first people to notice the personality change and you told him as much but you still didn’t leave his side. 👑 Akashi made sure that you were looked after at school, even with everything that was going on with him, you were one of the most important people in his life and did not plan on leaving you. 👑 You didn’t treat him any differently with the personality change in fact, you stuck closer than you ever had before, you never really said anything but you were there if he needed you. 👑 Akashi would always ask if you had eaten before providing you with something if you hadn’t. 👑 You congratulated him on every win and attended every game no matter what was happening the next day. 👑 His eyes found you in the crowd every time, his eyes landing on you where he gave a subtle nod in appreciation and you gave a shy wave. 👑 He didn’t notice how important you were until the end of the match with Kuroko when he finally accepted everything but he didn’t wait to tell you.
You were sitting in the crowd, you were happy that Kuroko had managed to win, you had been friends with him before you all went your separate ways but you were more devastated for Akashi who was facing his first loss, you attempted to find him on field and realised that he wasn’t there, he was with Kuroko minutes ago you looked away for a second and then he was gone, you hoped that he wasn’t taking it too hard, you stood from where you were sitting turning to leave but came face to face with Akashi. “Oh! Sorry I didn’t know that you were there.” You said taking a step back to put some space between you. “Yeah I was looking for you.” He said “Glad I caught you before you left.” “Is there something that you need?” You asked. “Actually there is.” He said softly, you waited for him to continue talking, you were expecting some kind of favour like taking something for him, or delivering something for him but what came out of his mouth was something very different “Will you go on a date with me?” “M-me?” You asked, looking down at your hands. “Yes you.” He laughed, it had been so long since you had heard him laugh, you missed it, it brought a blush to your cheeks and it only worsened when he lifted your chin to look at him “what do you say?” “U-um I would love to but are you sure?” You asked. “What do you mean?” He asked. “You could probably have anyone here, are you sure that you want me?” You asked, he hated that you seemed confident in that one sentence, that you were sure that he would pick someone else so instead he leaned forward, the smile now softer and almost sad. “I’m sure.” He answered before pressing his lips to yours in a long awaited kiss, one hand cradling your cheek and the other around your waist to pull you closer to him. “Come on.” He pulled you after him ignoring the staring, focused solely on you as he led you to the perfect place for your first date.
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Request Here!!
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yanderederee · 1 year
紫薔薇 x 飴と雨
Atsushi Murasakibara who loves his 150cm tall girlfriend so fucking much.
He loved the way you walked. He loved the way you looked. The way you look up at him with such difficulty. He’d chuckle about giving yourself a neck cramp. You giggled back. He loved your giggles.
Atsushi loved when you let him dig his fingers into the back of your neck, rubbing the muscle there for working so hard. He. Fucking. Loved. Touching you. Feeling you. The way your body gave up to pleasure when his digits circled the muscle joining your neck and shoulder together. He smirked.
Atsushi Murasakibara’s sweetheart.
Fuck. He loved the way you fucking moan every time his grip digs deeper.
Had he wanted to, he could wrap the fingers of one hand to swallow your neck whole.
He loved the way you smelled.
—-the way you tasted.
Atsushi Murasakibara’s favorite sweet treat.
Swallowing your whimpering lips in a hungry kiss, he bore down his equally hungry gaze into your misty eyes.
So sweet, the way your tongue rolled and weaved around his own with such feverish excitement.
So fucking sweet, the way your hands grip his much much larger shoulders for dear life, the pace he works you into being too much to keep up with. He was so kind though, helping you grind without having to move at all. He simply had to fist your exposed hips with his crushing force, and rut your throbbing core against his well toned thigh.
He could keep this pace up for hours.
The way he used your cute little body so easily, like a toy he could wind up and taste whenever he desired. He openly grunted into your neck, his head tucked there so gently with your in-capturing embrace.
There you go again.
with those sweet little moans.
“Hmm? ya’ need a break, or more?” He asked casually, his vibrato tone sending shivers down your spine that ended up going straight to where you were most sensitive, earning a high pitched whine. Fuuuck, his eyes rolled back for the first time that night.
“More,” he ordered without another second or hesitation, all patience to working you up suddenly lost.
Atsushi Murasakibara loved when you let him fold you in half, and tie you up with a bow and ribbon. Displayed so cute and exposed.
Can you tell I love this man? I have a fix coming up soon when his gf buys Gummy Bear shampoo+conditioner+bodywash+deodorant. Why? Bc I own Native’s candy shop line and it smells so good and all I can think of is my big baby boy💜
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willowed-wisp · 4 months
misread horoscopes.
character: shintaro midorima x reader word count: 4,129 categories: suggestive themes, pregnancy, fluff
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She had had to keep it dwelled inside of her, sitting on the information she had for two weeks prior to her seated position. Her mind wasn't in the game that ensued forward, her husband playing some of the best basketball that the world had seen, it dwelled on the fact that she didn't know how he would react to the news.
Despite being married for seven years, together for six before he popped the question, they hadn't discussed bringing another member of the family into their world- but that was a possibility on the table. Y/N had always wanted children, however, Shintaro was the wildcard. The man had always liked his life to be lived in a particular way; buying his lucky item to avoid life threatening situations daily and wearing that stupid tape to ensure that nothing was left to chance with his three-pointers. The fact that she was pregnant could stir their relationship for the worst if the Boston Celtics shoot guard took it the wrong way.
The whistle blew, sounding the end of the match- with both teams shaking hands respectively. The spectacled member of the Celtics searched for his usually exuberant wife who wrapped her legs around his waist when victory had been achieved by his team. However, she could be seen out on the side lines- chewing on her nail with an absent-minded expression written on her features. He found team victories tedious anyhow, making it guiltless to examine his love. "Isn't your lucky item working today, my love?" He stated, as soon as she heard his voice, her sleeved arms latched around his neck while her legs rested where they had to due to his height, around his waist. It was an understatement to say that the male was taken aback by his significant other's behaviour. He knew the cameras were focussed on the couple in that moment as he felt dampening cover his shoulder. Why's she crying? Was his immediate thought as the verdant-haired player waltzed with his wife in his arms so that they could have some privacy. Members of his team would approach, motioning to the cradled Y/N Midorima and he would bat them off (partially due to his obliviousness to this entire situation, as well).
Calculatedly, the twenty-nine-year-old reached an empty bathroom. Y/N was set down on the countered sinks while her counterpart rotated the lock to the door; securing them in with each other. The woman saw the reflected picture of herself- dripping makeup spearing from her eyes. She pinned the pregnancy hormones for the out of character behaviour. "Are you going to tell me what just happened?" His position motioned towards her- gripping her wrists with enough precision to be gentle. He just wanted to look into those eyes he focused on when he became frustrated.
She wanted to brace her arms on the hilt of the sink that was beside her. It was as if the pressure of his possible reaction had her hefting the weight of the world on her shoulders. "I'm on my period and the cramps are hurting like hell." A complete lie from in between her teeth, and he could sniff out his wife's bullshit even if she hadn't had been directly in front of him.
An exasperated sigh originated from the male, his middle fingers pushed up his glasses in frustration with her attempted deceit. "I know I've not been the most tolerable person to talk to- but you don't have to lie to me." Her eyes always found their way back to focus on his lower lashes; constant jealousy was the likely cause, but so had been the verdant rays which trickled within his vivid irises. His arms tugged her in close, she had nowhere else to look but him. "Oha Asa said unprecedented events would take place today and to be prepared for what lay ahead..." His mind relapsed into the hidden intricacies of the horoscope for that exact date, he thought maybe one of his teammates would become injured during the match or something insignificant in Shintaro's life- not that his wife was the unwarranted circumstance in which he was not in control of.
Despite the grotesque possibility that he would prevent her from having a child he planted inside of the womb within Y/N's body, the woman in question had nothing to lose but a barely developed month and a half year old foetus. "Actually, Shin… I can’t be on my period..." She had no idea why her body felt so small whilst under his attentive gaze as she awaited him to connect the dots in that intelligent brain that Midorima possessed. "Shintaro, aren't you gonna say anything?"
His hands had since dropped away from his wife and one held his face up- as if pondering something. "My mother has a remedy for excess stress... that train crash caused overtime at the hospital for yo-"
Her body slumped against the tiles that wound around the bottom half of the walls, proceeding to squeak down their glossy surface. Taking her husband by surprise and catapulting him into a sort of alert mode. "It's not the stress, Shin..." The woman began to fiddle with her hair in her own kind of frustration. "Y'know the day after the heated game against the Bulls- and we didn't have a condom but we did it anyway because you were so pent up?" His hair waved along with his neck, signalling his understanding.
His uniform creased by his forearms contorting under his chest. "That was two months ago- I'm shocked you still remember that." And it confounded how oblivious he was to such matters of pregnancy- probably because he had never had to deal with the experience and wouldn't have to. That was her job, an employment she happened to be dealing with in that precise moment.
Her sunken head raised as his fingers plucked her chin in an upwards motion, their faces unbelievably close- as they had been an infinite amount of times before that moment. While he was crouched, she gripped his other arm- placing his flat hand onto her stomach which carried his unborn child. A flicker of light cast from his glasses, he was finally in a daze of reality. "I'm pregnant." His entire being straightened upwards until he stood in front of the woman- whose eyes dripped with molten tears. "I'm sorry... I never meant for this to happen..."
It was her turn to bolt upright, at a lower rate to her love. "Sorry?" His voice echoed subconsciously in her ears; rattling any sense of safety she had in their relationship- this had the capability to end it because no matter what he said, she could never abort the baby growing in her uterus as the debacle ensued. Y/N's vision caught sight of his clenched fist as some moisture fell onto the solid floor beneath his body. "You're sorry about all of this, Y/N?" She was unsure of the tone he held, too out of tune with reality to intake that sort of information. Her hands caught her head as it collapsed along with the pool of fluid that escaped the sanctuary of her tear ducts. 
Y/N knew he would be angry because he didn't want to be a dad- but it had a confounding effect on the woman. 
Is this the end of our relationship? She questioned worriedly in her soul. However, she doubted if she had the strength to leave the side of the man she loved with every cell and fibre in her figure. Y/N didn't know if she could raise a child knowing that Shintaro Midorima had abandoned the two of them in the most dire of situations.
There was a sudden pressure felt on her bump-less middle. His emerald eyes resonating into her own, and the gleam wasn't from the glasses shielding his orbs- it was the reciprocated waterworks that enveloped what seemed to be his entire body. "And you're not playing around? You're one-hundred percent sure?" She knew he didn't let chance dictate his fate, even in this circumstance. Which meant this was the normal Shintaro Midorima she had met while he was a rookie for the team in which he played for in the current moments they spent with each other. Her head nodded- providing the man with a verified answer. "How long have you known for?"
"A couple of weeks but I was having symptoms two weeks before that.I thought I was overworked by how tired I was." He picked his wife up and rested her on the chic-looking sink counters. The stadium was furnished lushly for the players and this was one of the private toilets in which VIPs and/or players could utilise. Shintaro fitted in between her legs which had been only slightly parted but had been tapered to allow for him to have a deep seated connection with his one and only.
His head nuzzled in her neck meanwhile he cocooned her into an engulfing embrace; shifting Y/N's legs to resort to the position they had been whilst on the court. "I guess Oha Asa was right about the 'unprecedented' part of your day." Her words were clear as day while her lips were dangerously close to his sensitive ears. A chunk of green lurched, tickling the woman's neck in the shared second they endured together- caused by the monotonous chuckle that strayed from his direction.
"I'll overlook your doubt this one time..."
Seven months had passed and for Shintaro Midorima, it was the second most important match he had ever had the pleasure to play. The championship match between the Phoenix Suns, against his most challenging opponent who could easily block his always-on-target three-pointers; Atsushi Murasakibara. His wife was, however, ready to pop any day- making the decision to watch the match from home. A couple of hours before his match ensued, she had felt a faint inclination that resembled a subliminal menstruation ache and Y/N had thought nothing of it. She was no obstetrician but she wished she had been over the past eight and a half months of pregnancy- the surgical resident was terrified. At least Shintaro was glad that there was to be a new addition in the family, which she had been anxious about throughout the first third of her first trimester. Y/N assumed that it was from the chocolate she had eaten earlier in the day.
In front of her, placed on the transparent, lowly structured table had been the assortment of indulgences that would have the privilege of being devoured by Y/N while the game was in action. Despite this, it would be extremely impressive if the woman could consume all of the snacking regiment before the long haul game was expected to finish. There were two powerhouse players that could delay the forty-eight-minimum minutes of gameplay. That along with the anticipated interviews that would take place despite the diversion of victory. As soon as the whistle signalled that the first quarter was in effect- with her eyes on her athlete husband, Y/N's cramping became somewhat staggering for her to endure. Her focus dissipated on Shintaro's game and onto the feeling that she expected clothing to experience while being ironed. She neglected the fact that she had described them as 'period cramps', now dubbing them as what a stabbing victim was forced to discern when that metal breached their flesh. However it seemed that the perpetrator lived beneath the skin. She knew in that minute what was occurring.
"Why now?!" She grumbled with gritted teeth concealing the already evident pain lingering in her tone. Her digits grasped tightly onto her smartphone as another wave of agony swarmed her abdomen. Pelvis gauged into the cushioned surface in which Y/N rested up, smartphone in hand- the woman had been compelled to clutch the bump that would hopefully dissipate once the being encased inside of her had been freed. "Fucking hell!"
Speedily her fingertips found the contact she had already accounted for- impatient whilst she awaited an answer from the other end. "Answer the fucking phone, Kise!" Neck craned with trickles of sweat sprinting down its side. Y/N knew that the pain would cease to exist once the delivery was finished, however, something told her that that wouldn't be close until she entered the intense stage of labour; signalling the moment when her water would eventually break.
Pant after pant, it had been an eternity to the woman but finally his voice rang in her ears, "Y/Nchhi, I'm sort of watching your husband's match at TD Gardens-"
"The baby's coming, Kise! I need you to, uh," another power wave of torment struck- leaving Ryota in action mode due to the reality of the ongoing situation. The call had been cut from Kise's end of the line, Y/N became plagued with worry as her eyes lingered on the television- devoid of focus on her husband as the blond locks of the Warriors' Small Forward pulled aside the coach of the Celtics. Something she hadn't wanted to happen- this was Shintaro's first love (other than the Oha Asa horoscope) and his wife did not want to relieve him of it.
"We see Midorima going in for another shot from the mid-way line and from this man's record, that means another three points for Celtics- who are up 10:2 against the Suns and their almost as incredible player Murasakibara."
"And what do we have here, Shaq? Celtic's coach Ime Udoka is calling a timeout... a possible injury, maybe?"
"It all seems to revolve around their Shooting Guard, for sure. We'll get information from Ime- wait, Mike... is that San Francisco's Kise down there with Udoka and Midorima?"
"Seems so... it's as though this is a personal issue of some kind- we both know his wife, Y/N, who is somewhere in TD Gardens cheering Boston on for victory."
"This young man has enough dedication to his sport and hasn't missed a single match in the entire season."
"Midorima seems to be... staying to play for his team in this NBA final at the home of the Boston Celtics... and there is still no news concerning the discussion that has taken place, however, we do know that Jaylen Brown will not be sent on during this match as the Celtics Shooting Guard- there is still hope for his position as a Short Forward to help his team claim victory over the Arizona side."
The power immediately departed from the television, as the woman managed to hobble over to the bathroom of their apartment. Making sure to support her body weight on various items of furnishing which scattered around her course- hand latching on the bag that she had prepared earlier. It ranged from the blanket in which they bought for their new born upon their entry into the world, to the lucky item that had updated every single day for the two probable zodiac signs for the baby for all of the eight and half months. This time, it seemed as though it was the frog plush animal that he held their first date- it was as if April 12th was the perfect date for their first born to enter the world (hopefully, with no complications). She only hoped that it was lucky for the match in which she knew her beloved would be striving in while she would be in labour.
He had been made to wait outside of the room, down the Maternity Ward- however, the blond could hear the wailing of one of his closest friends. While inside of the room, Y/N was too dilated to have the epidural that would have numbed the already molten nerve endings that she would have sworn would be melted at this point. Water had flushed out of her undercarriage twenty minutes prior- warning the woman of the intense labour pains she could expect. "Y/N/N, you're fully dilated. We need you to push, sweetie." It may come off as unusual, however, the doctor delivering her baby was one of Y/N's good friends at the hospital- considering she had been a resident for the past eight years. She saw how her pregnant friend's eyes prickled full of water- but Danielle had no time for nicety, the baby's oxygen would be depleting now there was no amniotic fluid to protect it with.
"I need him here, Danie! I can't do this without Shintaro!" It was as if she was referring to her husband as being dead. The woman automatically pushed, nevertheless, causing more of the baby's body to appear from her legs.
"You got this- I can see the head. Just a few more strong pushes!" The other woman in a state of reddening agony exasperated lengthy gasps proceeding to squeezing. She hadn't realised the sheer force that her bare hands had laid waste to on the bedding, which was stained with sweating imprints as the rest of Y/N's being was shifted at the foot of the furniture. "Just the legs to go, Y/N. You've got this!" She began to ready herself for the strain in which a final action would inflict on her own entirety. That was until she began to notice the blur of verdant that stood vacantly in the wooden doorway- the sheen on his spectacles stood our the most, other than his entire shamrock uniform. He didn't remain still when his wife released the last amount of effort she had held onto- it was enough for her baby to flood out and into Danielle's arms.
Shintaro instantly dropped his bags at the door- having darted to his beloved; pulling her lips onto his own, not giving in until he was satisfied with the duration required. "I'm so proud of you, darling..." His husky tone held her focus as he spoke against their formerly conjoined limbs.
In that moment, it had been as though nothing had occurred, the searing halted almost immediately from the lower regions of her body- feeling the relief about the entire experience that had progressed fairly quickly considering the long-haul births that some women can experience. From outside the squealing had been replaced with the electric tears of newly given life. Those who had produced their masterpiece were united in their display of waterworks all as her miniscule creation was nestled into her arms by one of the scrubbed nurses scattered around the room. Upon sighting into those bright blue eyes; ones that she was fairly sure would develop into ones alike her husband's- Y/N knew that Shintaro was not the only thing in this world that she would love unconditionally no matter what they did. "Y/N/N, Shintaro- meet your son!" The two had neglected learning the sex of their child, Shintaro would have obsessed over how Aries and Taurus men and women differ towards each other and because he actually wanted fate to decide something of its free will for once without his influence.
 All that they were focused on was the new apple of their eyes- their baby boy. "He's gonna have your eyes," he smiled at her heartfelt statement, "and your crappy eyesight." Shintaro was instantly sent into a cascade of having his face sunken at that comment, but known fact, by his wife. However, he let it go- he didn't care as soon as he peered into both sets of vibrant eyes displayed before him. Those of Y/N Midorima and their newborn, unnamed son. "Did you win?"
His mossy hair began to contort with the vertical motions his own head spurted into fruition. "The media got wind of this. That blond brat should be banned off of Instagram, idiot broke the news on his story..." The muscles inside of his neck had begun to tense as he spoke, causing the woman beside him to brush her fingertips across the span of his cheek- which descended his gaze to their boy an additional occurrence. Not once had his under lashes flickered in boredom or falsity- it was genuine. He had never loved another being in the way he had the baby before him. Of course, Shintaro adored his wife- but the kind of way he felt for his own son was unconditional.
Y/N caught onto the subconscious want of her husband in that moment, her arms raised toward her right side. "Hold your son, Shintaro." There had been no hesitation on his part when his tapped left hand spread to cup the child's head while his right arm cradled the rest of his diddy body.  "You're... surprisingly good at that~" A light chuckle shook the waves of sound around their vicinity- surveying the two men in her life from the moment that their child entered the world.
His deep green eyes delved into the baby azure ones- silencing the stifled cries from the being held in his arms with surprising ease. "Nobody is ever going to hurt you..." He had become even more of a softer person in a span of twenty minutes. It melted Y/N's own heart- it was burning in her chest. Especially when Midorima's nose and the junior version of himself began to rub their noses with each other; exuberant laughter rattled from the young infant. A gleam prominently illustrated across the Shooting Guard's features- a marvel in itself; it was painful for people to get him to smile- but this was more than that, he beamed with rays of energy. "I apologise for being late- they chose me to be the MVP for the season."
Her ears spiked up, "That's fantastic, Shin! Been a great season, huh?" He gave a long nod, eyes still focused on his son. "I think I have a name idea, honey..." His attention fixated on his wife. "This city has had such an influence on us this year and this little guy was born on the day his dad won with his team."
"I'm not opposed to that idea. But, it would be in fate's favour to have something linked to his zodiac sign."
"I know you, Shintaro... zodiac duty was already yours, babe." There was no hesitation in her booming, confident vocals. "You were already going to write on the birth certificate..."
"In sports news, well... revolving around sports news... the Most Valued Player of the ended NBA season, Shintaro Midorima has become a father. Fans watching the events at TD Gardens were shocked as halfway through, Celtics' head coach, Ime Udoka, called off the Shooting Guard and speculations arose surrounding personal matters that could take him out of the game."
"Yes, Martha. Despite the events occurring, the Japanese player remained on court, only to receive the NBA championship win and the title of MVP for the Season."
"Details have been revealed by the couple. In an ode to the team that Midorima has won four championship titles with, their baby boy was named Boston."
"What a wonderful way to pay homage to the team that has held their Shooting Guard since his NBA debut. Wishing their expanded family all the best as celebrations continue among Boston fans, and commiserations dwell for Phoenix supporters."
"This has been Martha MacCallum-"
"- and Bill Hemmer, signing off on your six o'clock news."
Her head shook in disbelief, pressing the red button on the remote. "Why did Kise have to be the only one there at the match? He's airing out information to the press- unintentionally!" Her hips had become gripped by the man laid back on the reclining leather couch, causing her to crash onto his lap. He had precision after how many years they had been together. Y/N toppled gently across his legs before scuffling to splay out horizontally- her head resting on his thighs; eyes focused on the ceiling.
"Don't get worked up- Oha Asa says Scorpios are supposed to be having a relaxed day." Her cheeks puffed, as she grinded closer into his body. That was until the consistent shrills sourcing from the nursery became increasingly aware to the parents. "I'll get him, darling..." Before she could blink, he had plonked her onto the furnishing and had disappeared behind the door- the cries in which Boston had released ceased to exist as soon as he was in the arms of his father.
They both appeared from around the corner, with an addition. "He just won't accept any lucky item, other than this frog plush- does he know the terrifying things that can happen when not carrying your lucky item?" Y/N felt the tension of Shintaro envisioning what life would be without his compulsive habit. His eyes flickered wide at the hidden chuckle he had heard stray from Y/N- not acting on his disbelief; still fixated on the adorable vision of his bright-eyed two-day-year-old son. "Maybe it's not a horrendous turn of events, he may even look cute with that frog. Don't you, Boston? Yes you do!" She had never seen acting so... childish before, and it was a positive change for the woman who had only ever seen her partner act like an adult, even when he was a freshman university student with his basketball scholarship.
Not that Y/N would want to alter anything about Shintaro Midorima, it was a never-seen-before element to the man she loved.
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akxminarchive · 9 years
Fandom: Kuroko no Basket. Pareja: Murasakibara/Akashi. Clasificación: T. Advertencias: Universo alterno | Mpreg | Fluff | Intento de humor | Dialogue Heavy.
Akashi acaba de contraer una extraña enfermedad, o eso es lo que él cree al principio. Una rápida visita al medico es lo único que podrá decirle cuanto tiempo le queda de vida o qué clase de milagro ha llegado a las vidas de estos nuevos padres primerizos.
Escrito para el primer aniversario del grupo MuraAka Fans.
También publicado en Amor Yaoi.
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kleftiko · 1 year
Request for Murasakibara oneshot where he drags his s/o along while they're wearing roller skates bc he walks too fast with his long legs? Manz could have both hands full with snacks while reader is just holding on to the back of his jacket. Also, I've really enjoyed you content ❤️
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cw: none, this is fluff, mentions of food
no because that’s such an adorable thought😭 and thank youuuuuuuuuu<3
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* okay so my university campus was huge so i actually was about to get those roller skate shoes from tiktok to get between my classes😭
* if you’re dating murasakibara, you should get them cause man’s has legs that would KILL on rupauls drag race. you’re never gonna be able to keep up with him
* you two are gonna marty mcfly this situation
“atsu-kun, slow down a bit.” you ask your boyfriend. he has the annoying habit of thinking everyone is 6’11 and can keep up with his pace.
he grunts and mumbles, “‘m hungry.”
you grab onto the back of his shirt and tug. the intention is to get him to stop walking, and thank goodness he obeys because a hangry murasakibara is a mean murasakibara.
as quick as you can, holding onto him for support, you deploy the wheels on your shoes before reaching into your pocket to pull out a box of koala’s march, shaking them like you would to get the attention of a pet.
the bored eyes of your boyfriend light up for a split second before he’s snatching them away and turning back forward. you get comfortable holding onto his waist and shirt (he needs both hands for snacks after all).
“okay, let’s go.” you say and he starts walking again.
your main focus is on not tripping or bumping into atsushi’s back as you glide along. his happy munching does a good job at setting a rhythm for you anyway, so it’s only a minute before you ask him,
“where are we going?”
“convenience store.” his mouth his full.
you furrow your brows despite the fact that he can’t see you. “but i just gave you a snack.”
he shakes the empty box over his shoulder to show that he’s finished. and you’re about to say something when he whips his head to the side.
“ice cream sale!” he gasps and changes course.
the only problem with this is that roller skates can’t turn on an axis, so instead of smoothly following him, you yelp as you come crashing down onto the pavement—immense pain shooting through your butt.
“ow! fucking—”
but you can’t finish your exclamation cause your asshole boyfriend is busting out laughing at you.
“not funny.” you snap at him, but he doesn’t stop his giggling.
at least he picks you up though, dusts off your pants and offers you a piggyback instead.
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toji-bunny-girl · 1 year
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♱ Aomine Daiki
୨ thirst ୧
aomine and his tits
jealous over you
୨ headcanon ୧
him as a love trope
♱ Kagami Taiga
୨ thirst ୧
jealous over you
୨ headcanon ୧
him as a love trope
♱ Murasakibara Atsushi
୨ headcanon ୧
him as a love trope
୨ oneshot ୧
his pussy satisfaction — 17+
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stqrriichiigo · 10 months
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pairings ! ━━ murasakibara atsushi x blk!f. reader ( she/her prns. )
synopsis ! ━━ Y/N waking up to her bf trying to find snack at 12 am in the morning
cw ! ━━ established relationships. short. fluff. midnight walk. kisses. grumpy atsushi ( until he got some snacks. ) annoyed reader ( only for a short while. ) unintentionally chaotic. college au. poorly written. angst ( if you squint. ) very rushed. you and aomine have a small talk. shitty oneshot line up. aomine is your dorm mate.
wc ! ━━ 0.4k +
notes ! ━━ I need to sleep, I'm fucking exhausted :) and I am very annoyed :p. I was also half asleep while writing this but enjoy! :>
tags : none! 💀
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12 : 07 pm. the clock on your night stand showed it was 12 in the morning and you were awaken by the shuffling you heard coming from the kitchen in your dorm and you didn't have guess twice that it was atsushi, who sneaked in your dorm trying to find food you were way too tired to get up but you had to anyway. you let out a annoyed sigh and finally you gathered enough strength to get up out of the bed dragging your feet to the kitchen area only to be greeted by the gaze of your gigantic boyfriend, whose mouth was stuffed with snacks you brought from your home country to munch on in classes or whenever.
" atsushi "
" hm? "
" how did you get in here? "
" yur roufmathe leth me in " he replied with his mouth still full.
" swallow your food please " you replied rolling you eyes. " well then since you've robbed me of my snacks are you satisfied now "
" mmhmm " he hums while nodding his head.
you sigh. " let's walk to your dorm " you suggested pushing him in his back and towards the door.
" Y/N - chinnn " he whines.
" hmm? " you hum.
" aomine said I should tell he's gone to a party. " he says while going through the door having to stoop down a bit because of his height.
" yeah I know, I saw the message on my phone, thank you tho " you replied giving him a warm smile.
" your welcome " he replies pulling another snack.
" baby you gotta save those snacks for when you get to your dorm. " you suggested to him hoping he would listen which he did and ate the snacks a bit slower.
For the rest of the walk to his dorm, not much was said, just him telling you to carry back more snacks for him later at class which you replied to with a yes, you two finally arrived at his dorm and knocked on the door and you were greeted by his dorm mate Tatsuya, and you greeted him back and told them both goodnight, gave atsushi a kiss on the cheek and started to walk back to your dorm. On your way back, half way across the campus to get to your dorm you bumped into Aomine which caught you by surprise.
" your back early something happened? " you asked him.
" party was boring as fuck so I just decided to come back and go to sleep " he replied
" well then at least it was me who you bumped into so we can both go back together "
" yeah " he smiled " but where are you coming from? "
" dropped off Atsushi at his dorm. "
" oh yeah, I almost forgot I let him in. "
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VOTD : Psalm 46:1 - "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."
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theehcneypot · 2 years
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"If we give our best in something we love, we'll enjoy the victories from the bottom of our hearts.” - Tetsuya Kuroko.
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Coming soon...
Coming Soon...
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99liners · 3 years
love of your life — m. atsushi;
pairings: murasakibara atsushi x ex!female reader x gojou satoru
genre: angst, bittersweet ending (no happy ending in my halal household hahahah i refuse it. i deny it.)
words: 2.726
warnings: depressive periods of time, mentions of makeup sex, breakup.
request: Anonymous said: first at all, i love your blog and your writing. Well, my request is angst, Murasakibara (or all you want) been invited to the wedding of his ex s/o. They have a bitter ending in their relationship. They loved each other but the stress, and really bad arguing make her leave. What happen? try opposing the wedding? S/O cancel the wedding for her own decision? Or make the wedding to the end and marry? I hope you have a great day.
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atsushi kept staring at the invitation card in his hands. the material of the fine art paper only catching the moisture from his now sweaty palms and turning a bit soggy at the spots where his fingertips touched the card. the quality of the paper is really good but atsushi is also going through a weird rush of nervousness.
the embellished ink, the brusher font, the gold and silver fragments adorning the text; all indicate that it is a lavish event and it is one.
you are getting married after all and atsushi would not have expected otherwise. your aesthetic is unmatched and he cannot help but smile softly to himself (even through the nervousness) at the minimal yet eye-catching invitation card.
albeit, he keeps pondering on one question: why the hell are you inviting him, your ex, to your wedding?
being in a relationship with atsushi is a huge undertaking. it is not just an emotional investment but a bigger mental one where one always has to be okay with their boyfriend being gone for days and weeks on end. on top of that, even when he is with you, it does not necessarily feel like he is with you, owing to his daydreaming nature. he is often lost in his own thoughts, more often than not replies in weird analogies to even a simple ‘do you want to watch a movie tonight?’ question. one might think that his obsession with food would pose a threat in any kind of romantic relationship that he will be involved in but rather, it is his personality which often metes out cold and unwelcoming responses to which, even a warm person grows desensitized.
it was painful to watch how the relationship turned so sour. life would have been better if he just had a simple tsundere personality but he does not. it is a more ‘i cannot be bothered’ personality which, unfortunately, rubs off the wrong way in most situations, even when you try your best to not let it affect you much. 
he loved you, still does today. the only issue being: he is so bad at emotions that he makes a tsundere look like the most romantic person on earth. he has no hobbies or any kind of general goal in his life. atsushi only ever gets excited when he is facing a particularly strong opponent during a match; basketball being the only thing which burns any kind of flame of passion inside him. even in that field he is usually faced with disappointment because not a lot of people can overcome his level. even if they overpower him with techniques, they usually fail in front of his physical stature. which brings us to a six feet ten inches creature with little to nothing to live for.
one might wonder that he has love in his life so that is a reason to live for, it is one but not a very strong one to keep you going in life. atsushi does not crave for death or any such pessimistic things but he is also not equipped with a lot of optimism every morning that he wakes up.
you are usually by his side, your naked form sprawled next to him, the white sheet on top of your body slipping with every movement your soft actions make and he cannot help but stare. he adores you deeply, is truly in love with you but boy is he lost. he is lost in life, he has no path to go on, has no goal to fulfill, no aspirations to look up to. it is all just a huge question mark and no matter how much he tries to fill the voids in his life with things to do, they always fall short.
basketball has stopped being a sport to him, it is more like a daily workout that his body has grown used to. he does not care about what the coach says or what his teammates expect from him, do they even talk to him? he is not sure anymore, and it certainly does not help much that himuro is gone back to the states.
you on the other side, feel the same way. being with a person who has no inspiration in his life feels counterproductive because it robs you off the energy to work too. you wake up in the morning in an empty bed, the soft rhythmic flow of the washroom shower filling up the ambience. when you first started dating, you two used to stay up all night in each others’ arms talking. talking about everything and nothing, from NASA’s new mars expedition to the new flavour of boba tea unveiling at the local store downstairs, the two of you just had something to talk about but with time everything just faded away into thin lines and soon they disappeared to the point where when you remember the memories of your conversations with him, they feel like fever dreams and not the past reality. the atsushi then and now are two different people but i guess that is what happens when people lose their will to move on in life.
being naturally talented, atsushi has always tasted nothing but victory from the very beginning and that has robbed him of a lot of opportunities for growth; leaving him as an unproductive mess.
most instances, you are supportive of him. you always support him in whatever he decides to do or not do, irrespective of what it is about which kept the relationship alive, really.
the worst part was the arguments which became inevitable day by day. arguments with him were dumb, down right stupid because he never knows what you are upset or angry or frustrated about. it is times like this when his cold behavior really makes an appearance because if he does not care about you or your feelings, why exactly are you in this relationship? why are you constantly trying so hard to accommodate him in any way so he can also find a resolution someday? why are you trying so hard to inspire him, lending him your energy and then coming up as void yourself?
well, every argument ends with him picking you up and throwing you on the bed as you both tear each others’ clothes off. that is the only solace left in the relationship; crazy monkey sex. if it were not for the condoms, one would think you two breed like rabbits. but sex has an expiry date, the physical urges die down and sometimes need the emotional push to go back to the old sexual equation.
which was never present in your relationship in the first place so when you both got tired of makeup sex, the relationship fell apart like a house of cards built on a sandcastle. it was noiseless, weightless. a glance of his eyes told you, he has lost the energy to even fuck you. physically he can, but he cannot look you in the eyes with love and adoration in his eyes like he has always.
so you left; no words, no pleasantries, no painful goodbyes. you woke up one day and just left after moving out your stuff from your shared apartment.
at first you thought life would be hard without atsushi around. your giant of a boyfriend had really grown on you but it was ironically, very easy. you soon fell into a schedule: working, going out with friends, partying in the weekends, going on vacation trips to exotic countries — life kept throwing different experiences at you and you grabbed at them like a man in a dead desert. you were hungry for experiences, for newer things to try and hence never wasted any time to try everything out which effectively kept you quite busy in life, even happy with the buzz. atsushi soon became a past, a past which had kept you chained but now you were free like a bird.
that is how you met your now fiancé, gojou satoru. he was your seatmate on an airplane to the maldives. by the time the plane landed on foreign soil, gojou had you on a laughing train owing to his never ending goofiness. his striking personality amused you to no end. after deboarding the plane, you kept looking at the back of his slender figure waiting for his cab. your hands clutched on the handle of your bag tighter as you fought between the urge to approach him again or quietly walk away.
you have not even been on a date after your break up with atsushi although a lot of people did approach you but you turned them all down claiming that you needed time to replenish your energy that you lost. it was not a lie but it was not the entire truth either. a part of you was also afraid that you would never come to love another man as much as you loved atsushi. but at the moment, standing there at the terminal on either side of the roadway, clearly destined to opposite directions, you could not help but let your feet carry you towards the charming magnet that was gojou satoru.
a slight tap on his shoulder and gentle pleasantries later, you found yourself in his hotel room at night. yes things were moving too fast but nothing in life has ever felt more right than being in the same room as satoru. the actions that followed till the wee hours of the night became a routine during the rest of your trip which went from a solo trip to a couple trip soon, filling up your camera roll faster than any beautiful scenery ever has. he was a ball of joy and you could not help but keep him to yourself, hell with the world if one chooses to call you selfish. you were selfish when it came to satoru.
atsushi walked in the wedding venue with kuroko. he convinced kuroko to accompany him to the wedding because he had no courage to show up alone, simultaneously he did not want to miss your wedding either. how can he miss it, you are the love of his life, after all.
on a side note, he partly wishes to win you back right before when you and your fiancé exchange vows and then run away with you. where? he does not know but he owes it to you to at least try once, to repay you for all the times that you have tried for him.
he was dressed in a dapper suit that he had to get tailored because of his unusual body specifications. it cost a fortune because of the short time of notice but he looked like the life of a party, contrary to how he last looked like to you: lifeless.
atsushi had tied his long locks back in a low ponytail, the shorter strands in the front falling gracefully near his eyes, lending him a darker yet powerful aura.
he guessed you would in one of the green rooms, still getting ready for the big day ahead. so he excused himself from his blue haired companion who diligently reminded him to not end up doing anything regrettable. the cautious words fell on deaf ears as atsushi walked towards the back of the building with conviction in his eyes, to win you back. yes, he has a goal finally. this is what he needs to do and he will not rest till he achieves it. atsushi felt a rush of adrenaline, a smile on his lips to commemorate the high flow of epinephrine through his veins.
however, instead in one of the changing rooms, he found you sitting in front of the bar. his eyes fell on your figure sat on the bar stool, a glass of what he assumes is gin and tonic in your hand. 
a face full of makeup and yet your natural beauty outshining every product that was sitting atop your skin right now. you were dressed in complete white from head to toe. the dress hugged your figure perfectly, the cleavage though subtle but owing to your sitting position, it let on a deeper delve and he was not complaining. all he could think at the moment was how you would feel now. how would your soft skin feel against his, underneath him again. he is too impatient to find out as he rushed his feet nearer to the bar.
you were laughing, your hand one hand on the bar counter supporting your titled head which was directed at another figure sitting in front of you. atsushi was unable to see who it was because of a huge pillar right in front of his field of vision but he assumes it is probably one of your friends.
he cannot help but feel the same butterflies that he had felt when he first saw you back on the first day of university. you had crashed into him and while he helped you up, all you did was gawk at him because of his height. he was quick to apologize and you were quick to smile back, and the way your eyes crinkled, his heart clenched tighter and it is clenching tightly even at the moment when he noticed the same crinkles forming near the crescents of your smiling eyes, your lips never losing the soft smile.
atsushi feels like he is complete again but as he nears closer to you, instead of one of your girlfriends sitting in front of you, he finds a man there. sitting on a barstool, his figure directed towards you and his knees touching yours. he was dressed in a black suit, the bow tie still undone and just lying around his neck. his silver hair was pushed back, his blue eyes shone like sapphire as they only maintained their gaze at you.
atsushi felt a sudden wave of disheartenment but kept walking till he was in earshot range and heard your laughter. it filled him with absolute joy but what followed the laughter brought him back to the reality.
“satoru that’s enough!” you exclaimed at your fiancé who kept listing the sex position he wants to try with you after marriage. satoru was legit counting on his fingers as he kept thinking of different positions. you kept laughing, embarrassed, hitting his chest when he spews out something dirty.
that is when it hit atsushi who the guy was. he did not miss the name of your fiancé on the wedding card, rather it was etched on the back of his mind. as he was brought back to reality, he started wondering why you were sitting in the bar before your wedding ceremony, talking with your fiancé. you two did not even look like you were getting married in less than a few hours, rather two lovebirds who merely came to attend another’s wedding and that is when atsushi realized, that you are not meant for him.
he suddenly cannot even remember the last time he made you laugh like that or when he had a proper conversation with you.
sitting in front of him, you looked like everything he wanted and needed in life but alas, he does not deserve you. you deserve happiness, you deserve wearing the smile that satoru was giving you, not the hopelessness atsushi ever brought you.
he watched you for a few more moments, your hand slapping satoru’s arm as you blushed uncontrollably at something the man must have said. atsushi inserted his hands in his trouser pockets and turned on his heels, joining kuroko.
“what happened?” kuroko asked, seeing his friend.
“nothing. i am glad i came,” atsushi flashed him a smile, a warm one as his slender fingers undid the hair tie keeping his hair together. with a short shake of his head, he let his hair fall back near his shoulders, running a hand through them to make sure they were untangled.
he has a new goal now: to clap the loudest with a huge smile on his face when you tie the knot with the love of your life because that is what he owes you for all the love that you have bestowed on him. he is blessed to call you the love of his life. 
feedback is deeply appreciated.✨
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- jaimie
© 𝟫𝟫𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈, 𝟐𝟎𝟤𝟣. 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃.
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darie-zai · 3 years
-> angst, sad
-> author note: first oneshot I’m writing so no hate please :3                                                           enjoy!!
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You were walking to school, head filled with thoughts. You weren’t your usual self today, you weren’t humming songs while thinking of your boyfriend, you weren’t rushing to get to school to see him. You were exhausted, you never thought this day would come, it felt like a nightmare but you had to do this. It had taken a lot of thinking and decisions for this day to come, you couldn’t turn back now.
After a long dreadful walk, you had finally reached your school. Your first thought was “he’s not here again”, you expected him to be in class and eating his snacks on his desk. You would usually go look for him but you just couldn’t today, it would just destroy your effort in settling down your emotions and you couldn’t risk it. You decided on sleeping till homeroom started instead.
Sleeping wasn’t an option for you because the moment you closed your eyes, you were awoken by your boyfriend’s friend, Tatsuya. “Good morning y/n-chan” chirped Tatsuya, “good morning Tatsu-san, where’s Mu-kun?” you asked sleepily. “he was dragged away by Kura-san when he was buying his snacks” said Tatsu, “ah, why’d you wake me up then?” you questioned the boy, he looked down and said “I wanted to ask if you were really going to do it, I’m just worried and the winter cups are coming soon so I don’t want it to affect his performance”. You weren’t really feeling it to get mad or answer his question so you just turned your head and said “ if you only woke me up for that please go back to your seat, I really don’t want to talk about that right now sorry”. 
You lied, you couldn’t go to sleep now that he mentioned it, you and Atsushi have been dating for 2 years. You first met when you both argued over a last pack of snack, in the end you gave it to Atsushi since you could just buy a different one even though that was your favourite, that is when you started meeting each other and founding out you both went to the same school, you would always go eat food together after school or go over to each others house to eat snacks. You always made great memories whenever you were together, you started dating after 2 months, you both confessed at the same time by giving each other your favourite snacks along with a small note, you bursted out laughing first and Atsushi joined after. You two were called the couple goals of the school. However a month back is when you felt you both where losing that spark you once had, the affection and the time. It just wasn’t there anymore, you had tried and hoped for it to come back if you hanged out more than you already did but it just felt like two people being forced together. All that could be heard were fake laughters and smiles. 
It’s basically two people who don’t love each other anymore but don’t want to let go of each other. You still did love each other however this relationship was turning unhealthy for both sides. No he did not cheat neither did you, you both trusted each other, the hope of staying together for the rest of your lives was crushed as it didn’t last how you two hoped.
You were broken out of your thoughts when someone patted your head. It was Mu-kun. No words were exchanged only a small smile at each other. 
Classes started after the small interaction, it was normal but it felt more slow and agonising today. It was as if time had slowed down. Although slow classes had finally ended and it was time for you to talk to Atsushi.
After packing all your belongings you approached Atsushi, “Mu-kun can you come with me for a moment”, Atsushi nodded as an approval he’ll come with you. You went to a nearby park and sat on the swings.
“Mu-kun you’ve noticed too haven’t you” 
“hmm yeah”
“then you must know why I called you out today, I love you you know and I enjoyed all the memories we’ve created, we ate, we laughed, we cried and those moments where we showed affection. I treasure all of those but we can’t go back to before, the feelings and the sparks aren’t there anymore.”
you turned to look at him, he was staring at you
him staring at you caught you off guard, those beautiful violet eyes that you loved so much, that face that you loved to caress and smoother with kisses, you couldn’t help but reach out your hand to caress his face once more. Thinking that this would be the last time you’ll ever get to do this was the last string, your body had decided to betray you and let out the tears you’ve been holding.
“Mu-kun this is the last time i’ll be able to touch your face, this will be the last time I call out your name, thank you so much for everything I love you” you smiled bitterly 
Atsushi knew this couldn’t be fixed, even if he wanted to it was not possible so for the last time he said
“y/n... as my last request could I hug you one last time..” 
you slowly nodded your head, and was immidiately pulled in a tight hug. What was more shocking was the feeling of your shoulders getting wet, he was crying too. It was a long hug, it was a goodbye hug. 
you both slowly retracted from the hug 
“Mu-kun don’t cry, you’ll make me cry again hahahaha” you used your thumbs to wipe off his tears. 
“y/n i love you”
even tho shocked from the statement you said
“this is a goodbye then Mu-kun” 
“goodbye Mu-kun” 
that was the end of your unlasting relationship. 
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tiaragqueen · 4 years
✂ Pairing: Yandere! Murasakibara Atsushi x Reader
✂ Word Count: 871
✂ Trigger Warning: Possessiveness, stalking, slight manipulation
If you like my writing, please support me on ko-fi!
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“Now we're going steady, been together several weeks. I check out all the other guys who we see on the streets. When I say, hands off she's mine.” - Hands Off... She’s Mine [The Beat]
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Murasakibara wasn’t stalking. No, of course not. Who would have time for such a useless activity anyway? He had a lot of things to do, like eating the potato chips he’d bothered to buy or watching TV. You weren’t at your house today because an old friend of yours decided to invite you for a reunion at the last minute. Being a creature of habit, he hated change especially the abrupt ones. Didn’t they know that Sunday was supposed to be a home date for you both? It wasn’t as if he had the privilege to see you every day due to you enrolling in a different school, and now some nameless bastard had easily taken your attention away from him?
This was unforgivable.
Due to his hefty and imposing figure, he couldn't hide and skulk around for too long. His presence alone had already garnered curious and wary glances from other passersby, and soon, you’d notice that he’d been following you both. That wasn’t what forced him to reveal himself, though. Rather, it was the familiar way your friend touched you and his tender smile. People might think it was purely platonic, but not Murasakibara. In his eyes, that guy had violated his belonging by acting all touchy-feely.
Didn’t he know that you already had a boyfriend? If not, then Murasakibara would be more than happy to show him.
A huge shadow loomed over yours, swiftly decreasing your laughter to awkward silence. You glanced over your shoulder and spotted Murasakibara standing behind you, his chin raised haughtily. Beside you, your poor friend had started to tremble from the sheer aura he emitted, both from his stature and displeased expression.
“And what do you think you’re doing with my girlfriend, huh?” he asked, squinting slightly. “Are you trying to steal her?”
“Murasakibara!” you hissed. “Don’t be rude! Also, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at home already?”
“I was bored being left alone in your house, so I went out to buy some snacks.”
While you didn't doubt the story after seeing a large plastic containing snacks and sweets on his hand, it still didn’t ease your irritation the least bit. Well, nobody liked it when their lovers followed them around anyway. “So, you decided to stalk us then?”
“It was only by chance I saw you two outside the market, but you didn’t see me. Besides,” he averted his gaze to your friend and glowered. “I need to keep an eye on him in case he gets too friendly with you.”
“The hell? That’s a violation of privacy–”
“Ah, it’s okay, [Name]. I understand his feelings, so don’t worry.” Your friend tittered, trying to diffuse the situation before it went out of hand. He was too nice, and you pity him for being trapped in your ‘lover spat’ when he didn’t even do anything remotely wrong. At least, from your perspective. “I still have to go somewhere, anyway. See you later!”
You watched his back quickly vanished among the crowd and turned to your boyfriend with a vicious glare. “What the hell are you doing, Murasakibara?! I was showing him around the city. He’s just moved in! What if he got lost or accidentally went to some shady places?”
The familiar lethargy swiftly reclaimed its spot on his face as he shrugged. “Well, I guess that means he needs to be more careful later.” He ripped open one of the snacks and munched the chips, ignoring your deepening scowl. That little trip around the neighborhood had consumed every piece of food in his stomach and unleashed a roaring beast. “And I’m sure he’s not completely clueless, anyway. Unless he’s a bumpkin, in that case, it’s his fault.”
You clicked your tongue, huffing. You knew that once he started eating, he wouldn’t listen to anything else. Sometimes, you wondered why you ever thought of his snacking habit as cute. “You’re such a possessive jerk, you know that?” you grumbled, acknowledging the futility of arguing with him even further. But before you could leave him to blow off some steam, a large hand seized your wrist.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Murasakibara drawled, the snack momentarily forgotten. “You owe me a date for abandoning me earlier.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You tried to pull away, and as disappointing as it was to admit it, your strength was nothing compared to his. “Let me go, Atsushi. I don’t want to be with you right now.”
“Not unless you accompany me first. Sunday is supposed to be our time, after all, and that guy has ruined it.” He squeezed your wrist, face darkening. “Don’t make me have to force you, [Name]. You wouldn’t want to see me angry.”
No, you didn’t. If he was willing to curb your freedom and movement in his selfish mood, who knows what would happen if he blew up? You gritted your teeth, suppressing the shiver that came from the image of his ire.
“Fine.” You finally managed to yank your hand from his and looked away. “But you better not pull this shit again.”
Despite his lazy smile, you could discern a glint of triumph within his eyes. “I can’t guarantee anything, [Name].”
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Dating Headcannons For Atsushi Murasakibara
Atsushi Murasakibara X GN!Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Murasakibara from Kuroko's basketball with a male reader that's taller than him? Or just general dating headcannons. Noticing a lot of your current content is pointed towards obey me and Bungo stray dogs. Are you getting bored of writing for those?
a/n: Kept the reader gender neutral so as many people as possible could enjoy this, though is geared more towards male reader I hope as that is what you asked for.
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🍭 For starters there is probably a large amount of time that he spends not noticing you but you definitely noticed him, you were working in a convenience store that frequented.
🍭 You always kept his favourite snacks back for him and that was when he started to take notice of you. 🍭 The first time he really saw you, you were teaching some kids how to play basketball. He could see that you were good, the way that you interacted with the kids and taught them. You glanced over and waved before calling him in. 🍭 The real indication that liked you was actually playing one on one match with you to show the kids a real game. That was the day he realised that you were taller than him, you were always behind a counter or miles away from him he’d never noticed before. 🍭 You started talking more from there on but then his team needed a new manager so he asked you. 🍭 You took the position and that meant that you spent even more time together, you often brought his favourite food, just to get him to take part in practice properly or snap him out of whatever mood he was in. 🍭 You started calling him ‘Sushi which he seemed to love. Everyone noticed that you were very close but the person to say something was Tatsuya, nothing came from it until after the match against Seirin after his first loss he found himself looking for you to find comfort and it was after that that basically declared to the world (you included) that you belonged to him. 🍭 He never really officially asked, he did give you every chance to reject any advancement or shows of affection at any time. 🍭 You guys are probably the cutest thing that most people have seen, he’d often feed you if he knew that you hadn’t eaten and he always knew. You didn't know how but he always did. 🍭 He asked you why you didn’t play and you explained an injury that you got when you were younger so you just helped people that played instead. Since hearing that he’d always watch you and if he deems it necessary (which he always does) he’ll just carry you places or take your bag and carry that for you. 🍭 He’s the stronger of the two of you despite the fact that you were taller than he was, you always worried about him carrying you around but he dismissed the concern by jolsting you around and showing you he could hold you easily. 🍭 Everyone comes to you when they need to convince him to do something and he’ll usually do it but only if you would come with him, so be careful what you agree to. 🍭 The rest of the generation of miracles are all surprised to see him with you, mostly because he’ll often be standing there with a bag of crisps and he’ll eat one and then feed one to you, they were shocked the first time they all saw it, like they all just stopped talking at looked at him, which annoyed him and you had to calm him down after that too. 🍭 You doted over him when he broke his arm in the Jabberwock match and he loved it soaked up every bit for affection. Side note he’ll have you tie up his hair before every match as well often with the excuse that he can’t be bothered to lift his arms. 🍭 Often calls you sugar or sweetness and you could see Tatsuya roll his eyes every time. 🍭 You have to tell him off for being mean to everyone even if his nicknames were absolutely hilarious, you were in charge of keeping him out of trouble when Tatsuya wasn’t around. 🍭 You help him study a lot of the time if you can and he’ll listen to you though it’s always hard to get him to actually focus in the first place, if you're both hopeless then it just devolves into messing around. 🍭 When you guys cuddled up together, you usually wrapped around him, in some way, he’d be the one to pull you down to cuddle because you just won’t stop moving and he stopped caring about that task you had set for yourself and just wants you close. 🍭 He doesn’t like it when he doesn’t know where you are or can’t see you but there is only so much that you can do about that but you’ll text and call him as much as you can to make him a little more happy. 🍭 You don’t argue very often but small disagreements are common, considering his lazy and resistant attitude, you argue playfully about his attitude towards something, he’ll likely walk away from you and then wait for him to approach you again usually offering some kind of food for peace. 🍭 If he ever hears that something happened to you, he was there before you even knew what happened, he’d drop anything, he’d skip class and practice if it meant that he’d be able to make sure that you were okay. 🍭 All in all he loves you a lot and it might take him a while to say but he’ll show you everyday, just be sure to show him as well. He’s easily bored and if he doesn’t get back what he gives he’ll leave.
Request Here!!
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linkemon · 3 years
Thief (Murasakibara Atsushi x Reader)
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you're interested.
Other oneshots can be found here.
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ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴡᴀɴᴛꜱ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ᴘᴏꜱꜱɪʙʟᴇ ᴏᴘᴇɴ ᴅᴀʏ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏ̄ꜱᴇɴ. ᴍᴜʀᴀꜱᴀᴋɪʙᴀʀᴀ ᴘʀᴏᴍɪꜱᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇʟᴘ ʜᴇʀ ʙʏ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ ʙᴀꜱᴋᴇᴛʙᴀʟʟ. ʜɪꜱ ꜱᴜɢᴀʀ ᴀᴅᴅɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ, ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ, ᴄᴏᴍᴇꜱ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ...
ᴀᴅᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ:
1. ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ɪꜱ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜱʜᴏʀᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴍᴜʀᴀꜱᴀᴋɪʙᴀʀᴀ ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ɪɴꜱᴇʀᴛ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜰɪɴᴇ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ʜᴇ'ꜱ 208 ᴄᴍ ꜱᴏ ɴᴇᴀʀʟʏ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴅᴡᴀʀꜰꜱ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀʀᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜɪᴍ.
[Reader] looked up at the stands again that afternoon. The sight of bored children made her sad and angry at the same time. Everything was going wrong. It was supposed to be great. Young people should lose themselves in the game now. Cheering, screaming out of breath. They loved basketball. They could become future Yōsen students. After all, that's what open days are for.  
A loud whistle echoed around the hall. Sports shoes squealed on the slippery surface immediately after it. They had the second quarter behind them. The time has come for a fifteen-minute break.  
The girl got up from the bench. She shook her head in disbelief at the sight of her boyfriend. He wasn't even trying today. She knew his real power and how good he could play whenever he wanted to. He would go wild then. An untamed giant that swept away all opponents. It wasn't that day, though.  
— [Reader]-chin, can I get a candy bar? — He asked in a monotonous voice.  
She looked at the plastic bag full of sweets. She bought them with her own money. All his favourite snacks. Chips, sticks, pocky, lollipops, gums, candies and much more. When she stood at the cash register, the saleswoman stared at her in disbelief. Someone in the line said it was unhealthy. She left the store embarrassed.
Everything to make this game a success. To say she was upset would be an understatement. The whole team gave her a wide berth. They saw her tightened eyebrows. It didn't bode for anything good. Little people like her could be dangerous. Everybody usually underestimated them.  
— You won't get it! — She pressed a finger into a muscular chest.  
— [Reader]-chin is mad? — Atsushi looked down at her.
Sometimes it felt as if she was talking to a child. It was easy to bribe and provoke him. In addition, he terribly liked to bicker. She didn't always know when he was joking or when he really didn't understand the situation. Just like now.
— That's not what we agreed upon. You promised me you would do your best! — She looked up.  
She didn't care that half of the people in the stands were looking in her direction. 
— I promised to try. — He yawned. — That makes a difference.  
He really didn't feel like running after the ball. Zero strong enemies and real attacks. He didn't even sweat. It wasn't a real game. The demonstration for future high school students sucked all his strength out of him. He could use it more nicely. For example, taking care of food...  
— It is important for me. If there won't be a good game, you won't get anything out of the bag.  
She could not disappoint the school council. They entrusted her with the organization of open days. She didn't sleep at night, making plans. She put a lot of heart into it, not to mention the work of other students.  
Everyone would like to see the basketball ace in action. Especially a member of the Generation of Miracles. An unforgettable impression was sure to encourage sports fans to choose Yōsen.  
She knew there would be problems but not that much.  
The boy slowly scratched his neck. She could see the gears in his brain turning. He wondered. There was a hint of hesitation in his eyes. He felt sorry. She recognized it as he looked down at the floor.
— I'll play for [Reader]-chin but I need something sweet — he muttered.  
— No way.— She pressed the candies to her chest.  
She had no intention of succumbing to him. He should learn something eventually, instead of bargaining child's play.  
Then something happened that the high school was gossiping about for the next week.  
Murasakibara walked over to the girl and unceremoniously tossed her over his shoulder. The trainer, team, teachers, students and guests stared at him. He didn't mind them. He didn't even bother to see what they were saying.  
The viewers became much livelier, curious about the situation unfolding before them. They exchanged whispers among themselves. There were also some laughs.  
— Let me go! I'm not a sack of rice! — [Reader] felt her cheeks turning red. — I'm wearing a skirt!
The last sentence made the giant think. Maybe he was lazy but he was definitely not going to let people see her underwear. He took the sweatshirt lying nearby and covered the student with it.  
After a while the girl gave up trying to free herself. It made no sense. Her opponent was far too strong. So she looked at his broad back. Purple hair in a ponytail tickled her face every now and then. She couldn't see where they were going. She drowned under the warm and dark fabric of the garment. For Yōsen's ace it was just right but she disappeared in it without a trace. She was wearing it more than once. The sleeves were terribly long and the hemline was far below her thighs. Not very comfortable but apparently it looked cute so she agreed.  
He carried her gently. But she hadn't expected anything else. Despite his flaws, he always cared for her. Even if he showed it in strange ways at times. She felt safe with him. Nobody harassed her because the mere sight of him scared people away. In addition, his great height was useful to a small person like herself. He pulled things off the shelves for her and reached where she couldn't. He also supported her when she could not see anything in the crowd of people. He even took her on a piggyback if she asked sweetly enough.  
She was starting to get a little hot and stuffy. She was glad that Atsushi wasn't sweating a lot yet. On the other hand, it meant that he was playing hard enough. She did not know which was worse.
Murasakibara always smelled of sweetness. Even his hair shampoo smelled like candies. She took a breath, feeling it in her nostrils. She chose it with him at the drugstore. She didn't know he was using it. He might as well have changed it.  
Her thoughts were interrupted when her feet touched the ground. The top became the bottom again. The boy held her for a little while just in case. She felt dizzy after this strange trip.  
They didn't go far. They were standing in one of the less traveled corridors behind the gymnasium. At this time of day, no one had ever passed this way. Everyone sat in the classrooms or helped organize the open days.
— Why did you bring me here? — She crossed her arms over her chest. — I'm not giving you the bag.
— To play for [Reader]-chin, I need something sweet. — He tilted his head as if he were speaking the most obvious truth in the world.  
The girl didn't flinch a millimeter when he brought his face closer. He leaned in gently, staring her in the eye the whole time. Cunning glinted in the lavender irises. He smiled. Just like when saw his favourite candy bar. She felt a light brush of his lips on hers. It was just a peck but it poured a pleasant warmth into her. Probably that's what people meant when they talked about butterflies in the stomach. She dreamed up. It was so unexpected but also terribly cute.  
Before she recovered, he turned and walked away. It took a minute for her to realize that the bag was gone.  
— Atsushi! Come back here, you thief! — She ran after him, untangling herself from the huge sweatshirt.
He was definitely a thief. A triple one. He stole her sweets, her first kiss and her heart...  
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jotatetsuken · 2 years
Moodboard Masterlist
I'm going to make moodboards a regular thing since I'm so grateful for the responses received with the moodboards and I'd love to look back at them :D I'll be adding to this list as and when I make them. Also, lmk if you want the drabbles in these moodboards to be made into oneshots <333
Ryuuguji (Draken) Ken - Y2K Aesthetic
Kenma Kozume - Cute Date Aesthetic
Nozel Silva - Soft Aesthetic
Tooru Oikawa - Blue and New Love Aesthetic
Atsumu Miya - 70's Aesthetic
Atsushi Murasakibara - Grunge/Sunset Aesthetic
Atsumu Miya - Soft/Pastel Aesthetic
Tetsurou Kuroo - Dreamcore
Wakatoshi Ushijima - Nightluxe
Suguru Geto - Black and Gold
Ryomen Sukuna - Goblincore/Fairycore
Shuuji Hanma - Lovecore (suggestive)
Shinichiro Sano - Indie
Daichi Sawamura - Cottagecore
Mirko - Baddie
Kei Tsukishima - Light Academia
Jotaro Kujo - Gold
Kento Nanami - Dark Academia
Ermes Costello - Beach/Summer Vibes
Rintarou Suna - Confession on a rooftop at dawn
Hajime Iwaizumi - Monochromatic
Julius Novachrono - Soft Aesthetic
Megumi Fushiguro - Chilling in the car and home
Levi Ackerman - Cleaning with him + Simp + Control Freak (suggestive)
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hi!! i was wondering if it’d be alright to request a clingy and/or protective Murasakibara oneshot?? i love everything you guys write sm 🥺💗💗
Of course you can bb~! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it~! ;; We’re so happy you enjoy everything we write~! It gives us so much motivation~!
» » Admin Ko
ᴍɪɴᴇ | ᴍᴜʀᴀꜱᴀᴋɪʙᴀʀᴀ ᴀᴛꜱᴜꜱʜɪ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | One-Shot
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Flipping through the clipboard, she couldn’t help but let out a low hum at the various notes she had taken on each of the players at Yosen. Despite being one of the new managers, she was diligent in her work and tried her best in memorizing the terms as well as taking the extra time to monitor and help with the health aspects for the team.
Thus lead to her current situation with her boyfriend, the one and only giant, Murasakibara Atsushi. How the pair came to be, not even she knows. All she remembered was sharing some of her snacks with the purple haired male, and from then he frequented around her. Helping her with minor things whilst complaining how boring it was, though the little gestures he did helped her in getting through the first semester at Yosen.
Though, she wasn’t sure if that could change as she clutched the bag of sweets to her chest as she gave him a stern glare. A pout subconsciously forming on her lips as she diverted his hands away from the bag as he couldn’t help but furrow his brows at the motion.
The impatience in his voice was evident as he took a step forward, his hand reaching for her again as she shook her head once more. 
“Atsushi! You promised that you’d at least try to hold back until after the season ends! I worked hard on that meal guide too!”
Another irritated sigh and he couldn’t help but huff as he retracted his steps, the thought dawning on him as he seemed even more upset. Though despite this being a normal occurrence for the pair, it still shocked the team to no end at how she was able to control the child-like giant. 
“Then what am I suppose to have that’s sweet (Y/N)-chin? It’s hard to focus without having something tasty close by...” 
“You can figure it out Atsu, so please just hold out until the end of the season okay? I’m going to put these away.”
With that, she rushed off, not giving him a chance to even retaliate as he watched her disappear around the corner. 
Gently closing her locker door, she let out a sigh of relief. Despite how gentle the giant was with her, she couldn’t shake how intimidating he could be and how kind and adorably childish he was, he could still terrify the living hell out of her. 
“Maybe I should talk to him about it...he at least deserves to know that...”
Walking back towards the gym, she hadn’t noticed the two figures she had bumped into. Her thoughts now jumbled as she let out a small squeak as she realized what she had done.
“Oh! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to bump into you both! I was just lost in thought.”
Hoping to get by without any issues, she gave them both a quick bow before attempting to go around them. Though in her haste to return to the gym she felt her body moving against her as she was pulled back. The breath knocked right out of her as she made contact with the wall. 
Fearing the worst, she kept her gaze low as she watched the two teens cage her in. Escape being far out of her grasp as she felt her body curl in as her fight and flight instincts began to slowly awaken.
“Sorry? You should’ve watched where you were going little miss.”
“You’re (y/n), aren’t cha? In class 1-C?”
The pressure she felt was uncomfortable, and the proximity that they continued to push for had a scream itching to escape her throat as she tried to meld herself into the wall as much as she could. Though before they could even attempt to ask any more questions a third, larger figure loomed overhead as a frightening aura came from the figure.
“She’s my girlfriend, so get the hell away from her you bugs.”
The usual child-like and monotone voice she was used to was replaced by a sharp cold tone that was much more suited to the appearance of her boyfriend as the two students paled, hurriedly bailing as they scampered away. 
With a soft sigh, the giant relaxed as he leaned down to peck her forehead. 
“...Are you okay (y/n)-chin?”
“H..How did you--”
“I couldn’t last long without my favorite snack.”
The statement had her huff, ready to scold him as the previous situation slowly began to disappear from her mind, though the answer he gave had her flushed dark red and turning into a stammering mess as she couldn’t help but stare at the taller.
“Didn’t you know (y/n)-chin? You’re my favorite snack. You taste the sweetest after all.”
With her completely stunned silent, Murasakibara couldn’t help but lift her into his arms. His lips stealing a quick kiss before he licked his lips and leaned in for one more when instead of her lips, he was met with the tips of her fingers.
“O-Only one a day Atsu... i-if you want more you have to do well, okay?”
“...haaaa? That’s unfair....”
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ao3feed-haikyuu · 5 years
Sports Idiots: One-shots and Drabbles
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31eNLDI
by Blossoming_Dreamer
A collection that so far consists of Kuroko no Basket and Haikyuu!! characters x reader oneshots.
Words: 565, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Kuroko no Basuke | Kuroko's Basketball, Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou, Tsukishima Kei, Akashi Seijuurou, Murasakibara Atsushi, Susa Yoshinori, Kasamatsu Yukio
Relationships: Kuroo Tetsurou/Reader, Tsukishima Kei/Reader, Akashi Seijuurou/Reader, Kasamatsu Yukio/Reader, Murasakibara Atsushi/Reader, Susa Yoshinori/Reader
Additional Tags: Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31eNLDI
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