#attack on titan volume 13
rivangel · 1 year
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Attack on Titan – Vol.13 ||| The Uprising
At great cost to the Garrison and the Survey Corps, Commander Erwin has managed to recover Eren from the Titans who tried to carry him off. But during the battle, Eren manifested yet another power he doesn’t understand. As Eren and Historia find new enemies, the Survey Corps faces threats from both inside and outside the Walls. And what will happen to Ymir, now that she has decided to make herself the Titans’ prize?
Vol.12 ⎮[source] ⎮ Vol.14
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lookingforariaa · 2 months
Attack On Titan: Actor AU ᝰ.ᐟ
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ᯓ★ From the very first "Attack on Titan" table read, Eren Jaeger and Y/N L/N been locked in a personal war. They had hated each other, for their own personal reasons. But, now, fate (or the writers) had dealt them a cruel hand: their characters, the series' central love interests, were about to share their first intimate scene. actor!eren x actress!reader
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Ensconced in the makeup chair, you flipped through the script with practiced ease. Your brow furrowed in concentration as you absorbed the scene directions and drilled the lines for today's shoot into your memory.
If 13 year old you thought it was bad enough having to share your first kiss with Eren Jaeger at the end of the season 2 finale with a bunch of camera's pointed at you, she would probably want to kill herself for this scene.
Smiles were plastered on for fans, talk show appearances, the whole nine yards. But everyone on set knew the hatred simmering beneath the surface between Eren and you. But your reasons for the animosity ran deeper than just hating him for the funsies.
You'd always bristled at entitled people like Eren Yeager. His producer father had undoubtedly greased the wheels for his leading role alongside you. He hadn't earned it like everyone in this series had, and he had gotten one of the leading roles in the series.
It wasn't fair. The rich always win.
The first table read had confirmed your worst fears. You had extended a friendly hand, introducing yourself as his love interest and the second leading role in the series.
Eren's response? A dismissive scoff and a head-to-toe sweep that spoke volumes. That self-satisfied smirk ignited a fire in your gut. People like him, who waltzed into success on silver platters, were everything you weren't. You'd clawed your way up, and his arrogance was a slap in the face to everything you'd achieve
The hatred towards Eren only intensified on the first filming day. His arrogance wasn't confined to you. He barked orders at crew members and treated his assistant like an indentured servant. Your blood pressure skyrocketed.
These were people, not props for his entitled performance.
He treated them like they weren't human.
The scene triggered a raw nerve. You knew all too well the sting of dehumanization. The humiliation. Your mother was a single parent forced into sex work to keep a roof over your head. Even if you lived in a brothel full of sex workers, you didn't ask god for anything else other than to get your mom another job.
You had watched your mom try her best to hide you from the men coming in so you wouldn't have to fall into the hands of prostitution as well. The way those men treated her - a flicker of desire followed by callous dismissal, like a discarded rag.
Like she wasn't even worthy enough to be called a human.
You had clawed your way out. Your striking features - the cascading dark blonde hair and the mesmerising hazel eyes and amazing acting skills - were your ticket to this role, a chance to give your mother a life she deserved.
Seeing Eren was like looking into a mirror of your traumatic past, seeing your mom thrashed around like an object.
Blinking back the sleep in your eyes after having drinks with Sasha the entire night, the scripts pages wavered in your hands, the words blurring at the edges.
Sasha's death still felt unreal. You'd sought solace in her company after they killed her character, clinging to the real Sasha for as long as possible.
A yawn stretched your lips into a wide, ungainly shape. The gentle hum of the hair curlers and the soft touch of the makeup brushes did little to dispel the exhaustion clinging to you like a second skin.
The last layer of blush being applied felt strangely cool against your warm cheeks. You lowered your heavy lashes as they started applying a gentle layer of mascara to your makeup as the finishing touch.
The problem with Attack On Titan was the fact that all the makeup had to look natural. But at the same time all the girls, especially you and Mikasa, had to look beautiful.
Which wasn't hard, because both of you were drop dead gorgeous. But both of you were too humble to ever admit it out loud.
You skimmed through the script one last time as the Matt, your gay best friend who mostly does your hair, brushes them out slightly to make them look more natural.
Perfect," he sighed dramatically, a playful smile on his face. "Ready for today's shoot?"
You rolled your eyes, a groan escaping your lips. "Absolutely not."
"Yeah, figured," Matt chuckled. "t's funny honestly. Do you actually have to ride his thigh? God, the writers hate you."
"Oh shut up!" You scoffed, slapping his arm with your script as you looked a laughing Matt through the mirror.
"Okay, come on, they're asking for you."
"Tell them I'll be right out."
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The director barked out his final instructions, taking help from Isayama as his gaze flickering between you and Eren.
Both of you stood with arms crossed and brows furrowed, listening carefully to the director and Isayam. Eren, clad in his iconic faded green shirt and a the black jacket over it.
While you wore a white button-up strained slightly against your chest, the small black corset tied right beneath your chest emphasizing your hourglass figure beneath it.
"So, remember, Y/N you hate him in this scene, you despise him." The director emphasized, looking down at the script.
"Yeah, that's gonna be easy to act out." You scoffed, rolling your eyes.
Eren smirked, leaning down for his mouth to reach your ear. "Don't forget what scene we're filming." His breath tickled your ear. You didn't know what sent the chills down your spine-- his mouth being so close to your ear, or the fact that he was referring to how you had absolutely no control in this scene.
The director clapped his hands, snapping you and Eren out of your silent standoff. You cleared your throat, forcing your attention away from the infuriating green shirt and towards the man barking orders.
"Y/N," he said, pointing at you, "when you say, 'So you're going to kill billions of people for what?!' I want a reaction. Fling your arms wide, like you're trying to grasp the weight of those lives. Let your anger crackle in your eyes, burning into Eren as you demand an answer." You nodded.
His gaze shifted to Eren, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Eren, when you deliver the line, 'For you,' I want hesitation. Let out a sigh that speaks volumes. Run your hand through your hair, whatever. Turn away, build the drama. Then, do a dramatic turn around back towards Y/N, unleashing that scream with every ounce of conviction you have. Got it?"
Eren nodded understandingly, pursing his lips. "Got it."
"Great! Let's get this scene rolling!" The director boomed, clapping his hands. A flurry of activity followed as the set crew started getting the prison set ready for filming, fixing any minor misplaces in it.
You and Eren stood by, the tension crackling between you like live wires. Within minutes, the set was prepped, the harsh overhead lights casting stark shadows on the fabricated brick walls. You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the emotional rollercoaster about to unfold.
"Scene 27, take 1."
"Lights," The director sighed, "Cameras." He pointed, "And.. action!"
The sterile light glinted off the metal bars, casting a harsh glow on the tense scene unfolding. You stood across from Eren, your voice laced with barely contained fury
"I know what I'm doing," you spat, the words sharp as shards of ice. "But do you, Eren? Do you have any goddamn clue what you're doing?!"
Eren was positioned before a cracked mirror, avoided your gaze. His knuckles tightened around the chipped porcelain sink, the strain evident in his posture. A sigh, heavy and laced with despair, escaped his lips as he stared down at his clenched fists.
"Yeah," he muttered, his voice barely a whisper.
"Yeah?" you shrieked, disbelief and frustration clawing at your throat. "Because from where I'm standing, it doesn't seem like a single thought has crossed that thick skull of yours!"
Your hands flew to your hair, tugging at the strands in agitation. Frustration boiled over, and you flung your arms wide, the metal cot scraping against the wall with a jarring clang
"Eren!" you roared, your voice echoing off the cold stone walls. "You're about to make billions die at the hands of a horrifying death! And for what?!"
Eren remained silent, his back a rigid wall against your onslaught. A shaky breath escaped him, his jaw clenched so tightly his teeth seemed ready to shatter. Slowly, he raised his hand, running it through his hair in a gesture of defeat. His eyes, half-lidded and shadowed, flickered towards his reflection in the mirror, a flicker of something akin to shame crossing his features.
Then, with a dramatic flourish, he spun around, his voice laced with a desperate conviction that bordered on hysteria.
"For you!" he screamed, the words echoing through the cell. But as quickly as the outburst erupted, it died down. A defeated sigh escaped his lips, and he repeated the words, this time a mere whisper, "For you..." His half lidded eyes met yours.
"Well, that's fucking stupid!" You screamed out.
"Cut!" You furrowed your eyebrows and turned your head back to the director. "Y/N! Your resolve breaks for a second, okay? You still love him deep down and when he looks at you like that your heart aches." The director says, clutching at his own heart to emphasise. "So wait for a second, show emotion, and then say the stupid line."
"Idiot." Eren muttered under his breath, loud enough for you to hear.
"Okay, got it. Everything else was fine?" You asked, ignoring his comment.
"Yeah." The director responded, "Let's take it again from Eren's line."
"Scene 27, take 2."
"Lights, camera.. action!"
Eren sighs once more, "For you.."
A tremor ran through your composure. Your eyelids fluttered shut for a brief moment, a shaky breath escaping your lips. When your eyes reopened, the anger had returned, but it felt brittle, tinged with a flicker of something else - confusion, maybe even a hint of pain. It was a fleeting glimpse, quickly masked by the familiar fury
"Well that's.. that's fucking stupid!" You stammered, trying to showcase your characters resolve breaking.
"Is it?! I think it's fucking stupid that you aren't understanding that Marley wants to take you so you can make pure royal blooded babies with my brother so they can take the founding titan easily!" Eren roared, turning back to you.
"Babies?" The word hung in the air, a foreign concept amidst the weight of Eren's plan. The anger you wielded began to crumble at the edges.
A shaky laugh escaped you, a humorless sound that echoed off the cold stone walls. "Is that it, Eren? All this so I don't sleep with your fucking brother?!"
Eren's jaw clenched tight. He ran his hands through his hair again, his voice laced with a desperate edge. "You aren't fucking getting it! They'll use you, Y/N! Turn you into a breeding machine for their twisted agenda and then kill you! This way, at least you're..." His voice trailed off, the defiance flickering for a moment.
"Atleast i'm what? Safe? You fucking sociopath! You're killing all these people for one person?!"
"Shut up."
"That's what you are.. a murderer, a psychopath!"
"Shut the fuck up." He growled, grabbing you by your neck and pushing you against the wall, choking you slightly. The camera followed both of you in kind.
You smiled, scoffing. "Or what? You'll kill me?"
He choked you harder, making you stretch your neck up as you whimpered slightly.
"I told you to shut the fuck up."
"Make me."
A tense silence stretched between you, punctuated only by the ragged rasp of your breath. Disgust simmered in your eyes, a mirror image of the icy loathing reflected back from Eren. The space between you crackled with unspoken hostility
He was supposed to kiss you now, but you were glad he wasn't, otherwise you might've barfed in his mouth. He looked at you with the same expression etched on his face: disgust.
"Cut!" The director yelled out and Eren rolled his eyes, sighing as he released your neck and immediately walked away from you.
The director slammed his script down, the sound echoing through the soundstage. "Alright, what's going on here? You two are supposed to be passionately making out, not glaring at each other like you're about to duel."
Eren scoffed, running a hand through his hair. "Maybe that's the point. Maybe our characters wouldn't actually kiss in this situation."
You crossed your arms, your eyes narrowing. "Oh, and why wouldn't they? Because your fragile ego can't handle kissing someone who doesn't fawn over you?"
Eren's smirk vanished, replaced by a cold stare. "Funny you should mention ego. It takes a certain level of delusion to think anyone would be interested in someone who constantly reeks of desperation."
You bristled. "Desperation? At least I earned this role on my own merit, unlike some nepo baby." You smirked. "At least I don't need a daddy with a fat wallet to buy my way into a role."
Eren's voice turned low and dangerous. "Careful. You wouldn't want to upset the golden goose who keeps this whole production afloat, would you?"
Y/N leaned forward, her voice a steely whisper. "Don't you dare pull that daddy producer stunt on me. You think your money can buy you everything? It can't buy respect, and it certainly can't buy genuine affection."
Eren's smirk faltered for a moment, his jaw clenching, much to your amusement. "Oh, touchy subject? Truth hurts, doesn't it?"
The director sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Look, can we focus? This scene is supposed to be about raw emotions, about their need for each other. Let's take it again, both of you are professionals, I know you can handle it."
"Scene 27, take 3."
"Lights, Camera... Action!"
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The boy holding the movie clip snapper sighs, exhausted, even from a simple job as his. "Scene 27... take 23."
"Okay, guys, If it doesn't happen this time then we'll have to redo this tomorrow. And then we won't have time to film the scenes scheduled for tomorrow, hence the season 4 premiere will get delayed. So, just be professionals for once. You aren't kids anymore." The director sighs, putting his cap back on as he leans back in the chair.
Both you and Eren get back into place as the director yells action and Eren quickly slams you against the wall.
"Shut the fuck up."
"Or what? You'll kill me?"
He choked you harder, making you stretch your neck up as you whimpered slightly.
"I told you to shut the fuck up."
"Make me."
You and Eren looked at each other for a second and you almost thought he was going to chicken out once more, so did the director as he rolled his eyes and slid a hand across his face.
But he didn't.
Eren quickly brought his lips to yours, rough and full of all the hatred that's been simmering between both of you all this while. It was a frantic kiss, as the director had wanted. Both of you were breathless as his hand stopped choking you and went to the side of your neck and the other clutched at your waist, and your hands went to grasp at his hair.
It was a tangled mess of limbs as your heads moved together at the speed of light, begging to deepen the kiss, begging to explore every inch of each others mouth. The air crackled with unspoken desire, the kiss a whirlwind of exploring touches and desperate needy moans. 
Everything was a blur. Gasping breaths mingled with the frantic rhythm of your kiss, his tongue had even made an appearance. It surprised you, because when kissing a co-star the other doesn't use tongue to keep the kiss professional and to show the person respect.
But what would Eren Jaeger know about respect?
His hands gripped your waist, a possessive ache that mirrored your owns as one of your hands tugged at his hair and the other caressed his cheek. The kiss deepened, your heads moving together frantically, a battle fought on bruised lips and tangled tongues.
A whimper escaped your lips as Eren grabbed your hair and tilted your head backwards, the kiss turning urgent, so frantic. It felt like an eternity, a culmination of unspoken longing poured into this single, desperate moment.
Your hands twisted in his hair, pulling at it harshly on purpose, hoping it would hurt. With the groan that he let out into the kiss, you were sure it did.
Then, with a swift movement, Eren shoved his knee in between your legs, your surprised moan swallowed by the next searing kiss.
His hand shot out, gripping your throat as your heads whipped back and forth, a frantic chase for deepening the kiss. A tender moan left your lips as Eren's grip on your throat tightened, his tongue thrusting deeper. The sound of your kiss echoed in the room, into the mic, a desperate rhythm. You let out another soft, breathy moan and it was muffled into his mouth as he tried to get even closer to you.
And with the directors snap, which was your cue to start grinding on his thigh, you did just that. A soft moan escaped your lips and muffled into his mouth. "Eren." You sighed into the kiss, as you disconnected your lips and connected your forehead with his, grinding on his thigh.
Fuck. You didn't expect this to happen, especially not with Eren, but you could feel your pussy pulsate and throb with need. You just hoped he couldn't feel it.
"We shouldn't do this." You said in a soft moan as you threw your head back, giving Eren the chance to kiss down your neck.
"We shouldn't." He sighed into your neck.
"It's a bad idea." Your grinding intensified and his hand came to grab at your hips to help you, a sigh of pleasure escaping you, your nails digging into his shoulder.
"It is." You could feel his breath on your neck.
"I loathe you."
"The feelings mutual."
The air crackled as your eyes locked with Eren's. You guys locked eyes for a moment, as written in the script.
And then you leaned down as you were slightly lifted above the ground with a surge of undeniable desire. Your lips met in a frantic kiss, a tangle of emotions that both fueled and fought against your self-control. The kiss was so rushed, such a blur. Both your heads moving so frantically to fight for dominance.
It was like you were fighting to crawl into each others skin.
A strangled sound escaped your throat, a mix of surprise and something more primal. A flicker of uncertainty crossed your mind. Fuck, why were you enjoying this?
Shame threatened to choke the rising tide of sensation, but Eren's touch, a hand gently yanking at your hair, grounded you. In that moment, you were caught in a delicious storm of confusion and exhilaration.
You tore yourself away from the kiss, gasping for breath. Eren mirrored your action, his chest heaving slightly. A ghost of a smile played on his lips, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. Both of you gazed at each other with longing and confusion, almost disgust and hate for themselves because deep down they know they liked it.
''Great job! I love the intensity. We'll just need to film some POV and closeup shots for the sex scenes and we're done for the day." The director smiled, praising both of you. "Let's take 5."
You started to walk away, but before you could leave, Eren grabbed your hand. "Also, by the way." You sighed and rolled your eyes.
"I could feel that, you know."
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sugar-grigri · 8 months
care to share some of your analyses about Attack on Titan?
Sorry for the late reply! Unfortunately, my analyses can't be found, they were posted on my previous Twitter account, when I used to analyze SNK and Vinland Saga a lot.
There's an anthology of great analyses and interpretations of SNK, it's a manga with a big community that has always taken the work very seriously (unlike CSM's) so I think in any case, it's not hard to find some nice gems.
To give you an idea Anon, I was analyzing things that I felt I didn't see very often, I was very interested in the character of Berthold, who is SNK's most symbolic character, just look at the mark the colossal titan has left in the imagination of fans. Yet his host, the human behind him, is overshadowed, and what's fascinating is how Isayama has treated the character in an implicit, subtle way, notably through symbols (yes, I love symbols).
The figure of the man hanging upside down is an image that permeates the entire end of SNK, and it was set up by Berthold.
I've always been fascinated by Eren too, but I've always analyzed him as he was written, a deliberately pathetic character.
I'm not being negative when I say this, he remains one of my favorite characters, but he has suffered from idealization. His tragic and pathetic aspect is what made Eren very human, but also quite original.
I've been following SNK since I was 13, I'd turned away from manga for a while, I even found it cringe-worthy, I had my popular girl phase who didn't like nerd stuff (which is what I've become).
One day, my twin sister dropped Berserk Volume 1 on my desk and ordered me to read and see the SNK anime that had just come out.
It was a monumental slap in the face………
So I spent my adolescence with SNK, a work that means a lot to me, even if I now see many of its flaws with a more critical eye.
But just as I see them in CSM! I don't necessarily talk about them, my analyses are personal, but I also try to make them neutral enough to make sense to many people.
I don't have any more analysis but I do have some drawings that I haven't posted here, sorry for not having more <3
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sweetsummercourier · 4 months
Can you talk about what inspired you to create your AOT characters and why you picked Eren and Reiner for their partners? Do they have any pet peeves when it comes to their partners?
Have a great day!
Hello! I got so excited for my first ask I made little character banners for my ocs ^^ please note: I have updated Saoirse's surname
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Saoirse was my very first OC in the AOT fandom when I watched it at 13 years old. Granted, I wanted to watch Claymore on Netflix, but it wasn't on Netflix and AOT was recommended as a close second so I watched it and well I just fell in love.
Now, if you asked 13 year old me about Saoirse, you would've gotten the most Mary Sue, most power broken OC ever because well, 13 year old me was in no way shape or form good at making characters.
I know in the beginning I was inspired by the Titan Shifters to make an OC, as others were doing the same. However now that I'm older and have had the time to breathe new life in Saoirse, I can say my inspiration for her was to simply make her better.
Why Eren - 13 year old me loved the angry crackhead a lot. As a youngster, all I cared about was the MC and I was hooked lol. But as an adult and having rewatched the series, that love for Eren is still there, but now that I have the power of critical thinking, I see him in a different light that I can appreciate. I'm very excited to explore their dynamic now.
Pet Peeves - Saoirse doesn't necessarily have pet peeves with him, but early on she was definitely annoyed by some things he did when they were younger. She was definitely irritated as all hell by his speeches of freedom, defeating all the titans, so on so forth. It was a sort of "okay we get it" after some time, and his loud volume for the longest time genuinely pissed her off.
Come S4, oh, what she wouldn't do to have him back...
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Ghislaine is relatively new! I got Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle for the Switch like 2 years ago, and I originally played as Saoirse (as expected), but I wanted something new. So, Ghislaine was born!
At first I had no idea what to do with her, and only in the last few months did I actually start to craft her. One thing that definitely inspired me was I wanted someone who was the opposite of Saoirse. and I was inspired by the Christa/Historia thing as well.
Ghislaine is a warm and kind individual, but is equally cold, calculated, and ruthless - if not more so.
Why Reiner? - after rewatching and completing the series, I focused on the characters other than Eren, and again, gained a new appreciation for each and every character (again, critical thinking skills).
I came to deeply appreciate Reiner and his development, and I feel deeply in love with him. I think also as someone who struggles with mental illness, I was able to relate with him and find comfort in his character. I figured he would be the perfect match for Ghislaine, especially considering she is half-blooded too.
Little fun fact, Ghislaine and Reiner are a couple in all but name come season 4. Everyone knows it, but they're just not saying anything.
Pet Peeves - like Saoirse, none necessarily. If anything, the rapid deterioration of Reiner's mental and emotional state greatly concerns her. At first she sees it as a burden considering the gravity of their mission, but during the time skip into season 4, she completely changes her tune and becomes both like a caretaker and partner to him.
Thank you for the ask!! I hope I answered your questions ^^
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0peachy-hearts0 · 9 days
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˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ My Roleplay Fandoms
I'm interested in writing these fandoms! Depending on the plot characters may be aged up to 18+ since some I enjoy writing within the canon story. Down below I’ve listed fandoms, if I’m newer to the media, my love interests on top for oc x canon roleplays, I privately can discuss the characters I can write in return but if I write everyone I’ll list it bellow. . My top preferences are in bold. Be sure to check out my rules!
ATTACK ON TITAN {veteran fandom enjoyer, been here for 11 years I've seen the whole anime and am currently re-reading the manga}
❥• Eren Jaeger, Armin Arlert, Pieck Finger, Sasha Braus, Reiner Braun, Jean Kirstein
I’m all for canon divergent plots, modern, historical fantasy, or any other AU types
AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER {Iwatch this series every 3-6 months like clockwork, read the comics, currently watching LOK}
❥• Zuko, Sokka, Mai
I’m all for canon divergent, post-main series any AUs, the worldbuilding with this series is just so fun
BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA/MY HERO ACADEMIA{I’m on season 5, on volume 13 of the manga}
❥•Keigo Takami, Shota Aizawa, Katsuki Bakugou, Tamaki Amajiki, Denki Kaminari, Nemuri Kayama, Nejire Hado, Sero Hanta, Ejirou Kirishima, Momo Yaoyorozu
I’d prefer a university AU that keeps the canon story that or really any AU like fantasy, everyone becomes a pro hero, etc
DANGANRONPA{Suffered through all the games}
❥•Kazuichi Souda, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Rantaro Amami, Shuichi Saihara, Kaede Akamatsu, Ibuki Mioda, Yasuhiro Hagakure, Kirumi Tojo, Kaito Mamota, Hajime Hinata
I don't enjoy killing game style plots but I do like the settings of the games, AUs, all that
DC COMICS{I pick and choose what I read, I follow the fandom method of check the Tumblr blogs, go off specifically Tumblr fandom since its goated}
❥•Jason Todd/Red Hood, Dick Grayson/Nightwing
There's so much you can do with DC I’m all for any plots from any comic, AUs, etc
JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE{Finished the anime, currently reading the manga and on Phantom Blood}
❥•Caesar Zeppeli, Noriaki Kakyoin, Josuke Higashikata, Bruno Bucciarati, Leone Abbacchio, Guido Mista, Ermes Costello, Joseph Joestar, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Okuyasu Nijimura
I'm all for canon divergent, canon adjacent, AUs of any kind all of it with JJBA
JUJUTSU KAISEN{On season 2, starting the manga}
❥•Kento Namami, Suguru Geto, Ryomen Sukuna, Choso Kamo, Satoru Geto
I'm for canon divergent, various AUs. I'm kind of a sucker for historical period plots
OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB{One of first animes, I know it like the back of my hand, owner of nearly every manga volume}
❥•Tamaki Suoh, Kyoya Ootari, Takashi Morinozuka
Personally I love post series plots with this one, arranged marriages, perhaps a Ouran University Host Club type thing or again AUs
OSOMATSU-SAN{I’ve been in this hellhole long enough to have seen the pilot before it was banned}
❥•Choromatsu Matsuno, Karamatsu Matsuno
This series offers so so many ideas you can do. I'm all for main Oso-san or one of the endless AUs
TOKYO REVENGERS{Currently starting season 3, finished the manga but am re-reading}
❥•Takashi Mitsuya, Ken Ryuguji, Keisuke Baji, Hakkai Shiba, Chifuyu Matsuno
Yes I’ve finished it I know the end but I still love jump in time plots with this one, canon divergence and AUs
HAIKYU!{Caught up on anime, reading the manga}
❥•Tetsuro Kuroo, Hajime Iwaizumi, Keiji Akaashi, Osamu Miya, Kōshi Sugawara, Kōtarō Bokuto, Rintaro Suna, Daichi Sawamura
There's so many fun AUs to do with the volleyball fools, I’m game for those, post-canon or canon divergent plots
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fearsmagazine · 4 months
ATTACK ON TITAN: THE MUSICAL, Live On Stage at New York City Center Oct 11-13, 2024.
ATTACK on TITAN: The Musical a new live 2.5D Musical entertainment based on the wildly popular manga (comic book) by Hajime Isayama and published by Kodansha, will play New York City Center (131 W. 55th Street) from October 11-13, 2024. Directed by breakdance world champion Go Ueki (HYPNOSISMIC -Division Rap Battle- Rule the Stage), ATTACK on TITAN: The Musical had its world premiere in Osaka and Tokyo in January, 2023 to great success. The New York City Center engagement marks the musical’s first international performance.
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ATTACK on TITAN: The Musical has book by Masafumi Hata, music supervision by KEN THE 390, and lyrics by Kaori Miura, and combines conventional musical theatre techniques with state-of-the-art technology, performed by a cast of 35.
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A century ago, the grotesque giants known as Titans appeared and consumed all but the last remnants of humanity. The survivors took refuge behind giant walls. Today, the threat of the Titans is a distant memory, and a boy named Eren Yeager yearns to explore the world beyond his current circumstances. What began as a childish dream, though, will become an all-too-real nightmare when the Titans return and humanity is once again on the brink of extinction.
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The ATTACK on TITAN manga was serialized in Bessatsu Shonen Magazine by Kodansha from 2009-2021, winning numerous awards across Japan and the US including the Kodansha Manga Award and Harvey Award. The manga is comprised of 34 volumes, and there have been many adaptations including anime television series, video games, novels & more. ATTACK on TITAN has sold 140 million copies and has been translated into 18 languages and published in over 180 countries. Over the last three years, ATTACK on TITAN has won more than 10 awards from the Crunchyroll Anime Awards for the anime version, which celebrates the creators, performers, and musicians powering the global love of anime with more than 34 million votes cast by fans this past year.
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In Japan, there are stage productions based on manga, anime, and video games, which started to be called 2.5 dimensional musicals by fans around 2000. Manga and animation are in 2D, and live theatre is in 3D. Therefore, they call performances based on manga and animations 2.5D.
Another 2.5 the musical made its US premiere in 2019, when “Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon” The Super Live played Washington DC at Warner Theatre and New York City at PlayStation Theater.
ATTACK on TITAN: The Musical will be performed in Japanese with English supertitles.
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The cast of ATTACK on TITAN: The Musical includes: Kurumu Okamiya as Eren Yeager, Sara Takatsuki as Mikasa Ackerman, Eito Konishi as Armin Arlert, Ryo Matsuda as Levi, and Takuro Ohno as Erwin Smith. Also featured are: Shota Matsuda, Kazuaki Yasue, Yuuri Takahashi, Sena, Mitsu Murata, Takeshi Hayashino, Masanori Tomita, Mimi Maihane, Mitsuru Karahashi, Riona Tatemichi and more.
ATTACK on TITAN: The Musical is produced by Michiho Matsumoto (Nelke Planning), Rie Yoneda (S-SIZE) and New York Producer Kumiko Yoshii (Gorgeous Entertainment).
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FOLLOW ATTACK on TITAN: The Musical ON TWITTER/X: https://twitter.com/shingekimusical ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/attackontitan_themusical ON YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@shingekimusical
ATTACK on TITAN: The Musical plays at New York City Center (131 W. 55th Street) on October 11 through 13. Performances are Friday, October 11 at 7:30PM, Saturday, October 12 at 2PM and 7:30PM, and October 13 at 2PM. Tickets are $55.00 - $185.00. For tickets, please visit www.nycitycenter.org or call 212-581-1212.
For more information, please visit: www.attackontitan-themusical.com.
Presale tickets go on sale for Crunchyroll, Kodansha, and Kinokuniya fans on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, at 11AM (EST) and members can purchase tickets before the general public through June 3, 2024, at 9AM (EST).
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mxanigel · 1 year
in the moment tag game~ thanks @poetikat and @mxkelsifer <3
Last song:
(every time I think of an OC this fits, my heart goes oooooof.)
Currently watching: Taskmaster Series 14. I didn't think another group could steal my heart like Series 13 did, but holy crap the Series 14 crew is an absolute delight. The episodes are completely free on YouTube if you want to see humans trying zany ways to complete ridiculous tasks. Also, the most recent seasons are generally less harsh and more charming.
Currently reading: I just finished volume 12 of KonoSuba (God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!). Are the characters good? Nope. Are their less-redeemable qualities excellent at engendering chaos and hilarity and keeping each other (sort of) accountable? Yes, and goodness do I need that kind of story sometimes. Plus it has found-family vibes.
Currently obsessed with: Um. If it isn't obvious, Attack on Titan. Specifically Levi, Hange, and my OC Shion. No, I didn't expect them to put me in a chokehold and never let go, but they're my beloved OT3 now and make me happy when my darker thoughts don't interfere with the joy of playing in their world. I wish I were better at untangling canon, but hey, at least I have spreadsheets and an extensive fandom wiki.
No-pressure tagging @spindleweedss, @galfrey, @lazyadmiral, @druckkugelschreiber, @anderstrevelyan, @saraptor, @milesmentis, @cassandra-pentughasst, @cairamelcoffee, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @equusgirl, @dr-paine, @marythegizka, and anyone else who feels like playing~
(if you've already played and I missed your post, I'm sorry! work's been hectic today)
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madraleen · 1 year
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Attack on Titan - Hajime Isayama Vol.13-16: A “there’s still a lot we can do inside... like knitting” commentary.
-Look at the cover of volume 13, all of my darlings on the cover looking badass.
-I read the chapter title “Squad Levi” and I’m just grinning from ear to ear.
-Eren did turn into an indecisive whiner for a bit, you’re right, Jean. You’ve both changed based on your experiences, isn’t it great
-D o m e s t i c i t y, help! Help, this is soft!
-Levi just loooves talking about toilet stuff.
-People get broken in such subtle ways throughout the story. So quietly. It’s not a huge flashy thing, and they’re still them when it comes to big moments, but in the small intimate moments they get more hesitant, more cautious.
-The fact that Hange’s answer “There’s still a lot we can do inside... like knitting” is said in earnest
-Hahaha, is Titan Eren writing with a freakin log?! Lmao, amazing.
-Yes, random person, Levi is smol bean, what about it?!
-The Survey Corps not working hard enough? The disrespect of the randos, ffs.
-What is this sulky Levi doing on the cover of volume 14
-”We just have to enthrone Historia Reiss as the Queen,” he says. There’s nothing JUST about that, Erwin!!
-The variety of outfits, I love it.
-Wait, Levi ACKERMAN? What’s he to Mikasa?!
-Well. That plan with Reeves went well. *cries in merchantese*
-See Squad Levi and Hange’s people turn into outlaws or sth
-Why do you show me people in hoods, I’m weak for fictional people in hoods.
-Hold up hold up, Kenny is also an Ackerman? Am I misunderstanding something? Am I experiencing a conundrum of Ackermans?
-The scale of everything is getting so big. And I really like the action scenes.
-To be Armin, to have killed your first human, and to have LEVI talking to you about it. True hell. He doesn’t have the manners is what I’m saying!
-Oh wait, he’s not doing too bad tonight. Way to go, Levi.
-When are we getting the juicy Levi backstory?
-”Captain Levi... in the flesh...” That’s right, Marlowe, that’s how I react too whenever Levi appears.
-”It was everyone’s individual choices that brought change to our world.” I’m crying and you can’t stop me.
-The fuck are they doing to Eren. The fuck is he in chains? RELEASE HIM!
-Yeah, no, I hate this the most, unchain Eren now.
-No!! Baby Titan Eren killed his father?!?! I gasped so loud (I assume he was also a Titan, with the whole turn into a Titan and eat a Human Titan so that you can control it?).
-No, I don’t buy the Grisha slander, we need to get to that basement.
-I’m gonna slap Historia so hard.
-Ugh, Baby Eren’s little hand on Grisha’s adult hand as he tries to stop him from injecting him, little baby :((((
-I’m reading this so consistently and intensely that I’m pretty sure when I’m done everything will be a blur.
-I can’t even imagine how angry the Survey Corps must be. I’m livid.
-Asdfsfd, Levi and Mikasa synchronized jump out of the smoke, help.
-Jean killed! Jean killed!
-The audacity to call Squad Levi et al monsters when Kenny’s gang was literally waiting to kill them in ambush!
-Listen to him, Historia, listen to Eren! (For context on how ridiculous I’m being, Eren is currently saying “Mmmff!! Mmmhh!!”)
-Oh, Levi’s Kenny’s nephew then? Mikasa’s cousin?
-I want to smack Historia so hard.
-Hold up hold up, Eren, easy there on the guilt trip. This family has had this damn power for one hundred years, why would FRIEDA change the world, why didn’t they change the damn world earlier, it’s not adding up!
-Thank you, Historia! Like I said!
-The masterful, masterful way that everything in Historia’s life has led to this moment. That every self-empowering interaction between two side characters led to Historia rejecting the serum.
-Shut up with your pseudo-shonen protag bullshit, Eren, you’re not being eaten, it’s bad for everyone if you DON’T keep on living, shut up shut up shut up!
-Historia responded with “Shut up, you stupid crybaby,” and now I love her.
-Yeah, so, fuck what I said, I love Historia. My apologies.
-”You hear me, shirtless wonder?!” Hahaha, J E A N!
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demon-blood-youths · 1 year
Van Ink Za Tatsu No Harem || Part 13: On The Hunt: Assault on The Mansion Pt. 1
Hi everyone! This is Deamon-mun! And I’m here to write part one of this drabble volume. Part 2 would be written by my lovely rp partner, @the-silver-peahen-residence so I’m setting the mood and setting up for her to go from there! 
Have a great reading! If you need to catch up, please read the previous chapters below.
Part 1
Part 2 - New Challenger
Part 3 - Planning Operation Party B̶a̶c̶h̶e̶l̶o̶r̶e̶t̶t̶e̶
Part 4-   Party Time Descending Into Chaos
Part 5 - Party Rumble - ( Part was Written by me. :)  )
Part 6 - How to Settle This
Part 7 - Love Jeopardy
Part 8 - Love Jeopardy Second Half
Part 9 - The game wars
Part 10 - Resolution???
Part 11 - Peak of Anger
Part 12 - Head Hunt
------ Summary ----
After the attack on the party and getting the intel based on the evidence and statements from the captured mercernaries. The boys and the fraction leaders are having a plan in motion through Dazai and Eraserhead’s briefing. 
Enjoy the show!!
----- Four Months Later ----
In the criminal underworld, a hitman approaches a client who is sitting at the table inside a dive bar. He is fidgeting and nervous. This must be his first time.
“Alright. I got your call. What’s the job?”
“This one....you gotta kill this monster. I hear you’re the best at what you do..” The client passes a photo. A bounty. The hitman looks over the name and wide his eyes slightly.
The 20-something client chuckles. “Got your attention, huh? Good. Do this and you get-”
“Forget it.” The hitman cuts him off. 
“Huh?! Why?! This damn lizard and their damn team cost me my weapon-smuggling business!!!” The client yelled.
“Do you have any idea who this person is?” The hitman sighed, tapping on the photo.
“Yeah. Van Ink The Dragon. I heard she lead a bunch of punks acting like pro-heroes without licenses, taking down bad guys. They’re nothing compare to you!”
“And you already heard that she took down that anti pro-hero, Iron Titan, right? Fought Killer Night a year ago. And a few others?” The hitman wrinkles his cigarette in annoyance. “Yeah but those guys are-” The client argues but the hitman cuts him off
“Then forget it. Just take the loss and move on. Van Ink The Dragon isn’t someone you want to mess or else the Six Claws will go after you and makes sure you will regret.” The hitman tells him.
“The what-now?” The client blinks stupidly. 
“Ugh...I’m going to tell you what happened the last time when someone who tried to target Van Ink The Dragon. Wanna know what happened?”
“Fine! Can’t it be that bad...” The client huffs, crossing his arms. “Heh. You got no idea...” The hitman begins to tell the story of The Dragon and her Six Claws. “
It took time but thanks to the efforts of Mouse and Fosh with the support of ADA and a few pro-heroes such as Eraserhead. They found the identity of the person who send the mercenaries: Ray Decham. Said to be businessman whose hobbies are hunting, art collecting and is known for a money-laundering business and smuggling naroctics. He looks to be in his late twenties or early thrities, has a knack for throwing huge auction parties. He had that look that similar to a lackey from a Yazuka gang. He has pericngs on his ears as he has boastful look. 
A meeting is being held in a huge office by the ADA who find proof along with Eraserhead and Dazai who are spearheading the investigation behind the incident. 
The fraction leaders are in the meeting in person while their core teammates are watching via online. The DBT are also in person as well as they want to take down the ones responsible. Ink is in the hospital, is fine but unconscious so it’s going to take time for her to wake up. 
Dazai briefed that the motive is that Ray targeted Ink not only for the bounty but he has a reputation in underworld saying that he will take down the Dragon and he has a few friends who have a grudge against her for indirectly messing with their illegal business and he works with a doctor, Adam Ripper who is seen with him on a patio in a photograph having wine. Adam Ripper, an infamous doctor who has a reputation in illegal organ trafficking and his hobby of occult. Dazai theorized that Adam wants Ink or rather her power due to Adam’s pervious crimes. 
So in short, Decham works with Ripper. Decham hired the mercs as he has money as he wants the reputation to take down the famed Van Ink The Dragon and Adam gets to keep her body if succeeded! This got everyone disgusted besides Dazai and Eraserhead who kept a serious straight face. 
But man....they did not take in account for the six who cared about Ink so deeply or the fact their plan failed miserably the moment their hired goons attacked the party the other night.
As the meeting went on, the fraction leaders sense something off. Or rather....everyone in the room knew. The DBT and other fraction leaders can sense the anger and fury, especially Kali. She can sense how angry the boys were. Atsushi gave Dazai notes but she can tell how quiet and eerily calm he is. She sees glimpses of his tiger eyes time from time when Dazai explained the motive of these two men. Rin and Yukio are here too. Yukio had to look towards his brother a few times in concern when Rin keep his mouth shut. Kali can tell he is snarling right now, holding it in. 
Denji and Ren are with the DBT on request to which the fraction allowed them so. Denji muttering something under breath. ‘Fucking bastards..’ and whatnot as he gripping his arms tightly as he is gritting his teeth. 
Ren was silent more than usual. He zeroed in the faces of Ray Decham and Adam Ripper when Dazai summarizes the motives of these two men like he is going to murder them in their sleep. 
But it’s nothing compare to the two upcoming pro-heroes of UA. Midoriya and Bakugo.
 Bakugo hasn’t said one curse throughout this meeting. Not one. There is no outburst from him that disrupts Dazai and Eraserhead’s briefing. Which is worrying DBT and the fraction leaders.  But Midoriya? Yeah, they all FEEL that he’s pissed off because he is not saying a word and he held a blank face.
He hasn’t said one word until he asked.
“So where is Ray Decham located?” Midoriya asked calmly. There is no emotion in his voice. But damn, his voice can cut the tension with a knife, which made the fraction leaders startled. Yuuka, who knew Midoriya, who is not known for anger in class 1-A. He is a happy green bean who is so cheerful and inspires everyone, so hearing him speak like this scares her a little. 
‘Damn....these guys are PISSSSED.’ Fin thought, now pitying any SOBs who tried this shit now.
Guam gulped a little while Joshua and Rex are comforting Ashely, who is now worried about the mission.
“As you can see, this is where Ray lives. In the South Bronx, like the mercenary leader has stated. However...he has a few properties; a mansion in Riverdale which is straight north from the South Bronx. Not too far, another in the Hamptons, and one in Yonkers.” Eraserhead said before listing other properties.
“So the guy is lying-?” Denji growled, now wishing to chop the bastard’s dick off. 
“No, the GPS is correct. The location acts as a checkpoint. Endeavor has arrested his associates who hand in giving the mercs weaponry and has given up Aaron’s whereabouts to us.” Eraserhead added. “We checked the properties with other fraction and it leaves Riverdale. Given the structure of the mansion, it is said to be that Decham lives on this property.
"That said, we have you two along with Atsushi, Rin and the DBT to go to Riverdale and apphrend Decham. We have yet to find Adam Ripper..."Dazai said. 
This got the fraction leaders.
“Wait...are we not participating in this?” Rex asked. 
“Oh no! I think it’s best if we leave in their hands.” Dazai smiles with a laugh. As if he knew what the six are capable of right now. 
‘In their hands???’ Yuuka thought. Knowing Midoriya and Bakguo, they’re top of their class and work under Endeavor so they’re more than capable. So they can handle them. Atsushi? He’s good and he can transforms into a weretiger. She heard Fin that he made some good progress Not sure about Ren but she heard good things about him from Oblivion. Rin? He has a demon sword and can set things on fire. Denji. After what his idea of busting the mercernaries’ balls in getting them to talk?! Yeah...these guys are going to tear the place up. And nothing will stop them.
“Now let’s get this mission on the road!” Dazai laughed.
The fraction leaders has a feeling that Dazai is going to enjoy the destruction oif Ray Decham and his estate. Just like him, Kali nods. “Okay let’s do it. I will accompany them. We have rides! Bernard and Welsey can drive them there.”
“Jaron recovered so he can drive us there as well.” Shdwkyz stated. 
“Hm...” Ren nods. And so the mission begins.
-------- Ray’s Mansion, Riverdale, Bronx -------
There were guards stationed around the manison and inside. There were maids and bulters around doing their routine of housekeeping. Further down the hall, Ray Decham is on a phone call near the pool at his backyard, talking to someone. “No. I haven’t heard anything from Condor and his team. yet” He said. “Huh?! You’re saying they failed?! How?! You said these guys are pros at what they do, Ripper! Tch. Those guys aren’t going to talk. Or else they can forget about being paid! Huh? Go with the back-up plan. Yeah, okay! That’s fine. I will do that.” Ray then blinks. 
“Huh?! You’re leaving?! But what about the dragon?!”
Then he heard a loud explosion that made him stagger, making lose his balance and sits down on a chair. 
“What the fu-” Ray heard it before he hears another explosion. A terrorist attack?! There is shouting and gunshots running out the building. 
“B-boss! We’re under attack!!” Said a guard as he bursts through the doors. There were booming sounds and yelling as the guards were trying to fight something or someone. 
“Hah!?! Under attacked?! By who?!” Ray asked. “The pro-heroes?!”
“Yeah...but uh..”
“Yeah but what?!” Ray demanded to know what’s going on.
“There’s six of them!” The guard cried. 
“SIX?!” Ray yelled in disbelief. 
----- Outside of the Ray’s Property ------
“Well shit! They go through the front?!” Kali said watching this thanks to Mouse and Fosh’s drones who is recording this on the scene. She is eating popcorn and passing this to Oblivion and Rust who are invested in this. 
“I have my money on Atsushi here!” Dazai laughed, watching unfold. He is going to supervising this. Of course....
“I go with Bakugo...” Maggie said.
“Nah...Denji!” Rust said. 
“You guys...” Fosh sighed while Yuuka sighs, “Can you guys take this seriously?!” This is serious but then again. Seeing how the guys took out professional mercernaries. Those guards are no match for them. 
“This is going to be itneresting.” Hellmare said while sipping her frappe. “How much damage are they going to inflict.”
“Till the place in rubble.” Oblivion said.
“Yeah...no doubt about that.” Shdwkyz said. “They’re going to tear the place apart in search of Decham.” 
“Shit.....” Navarro slumped his shoulders. He is thanking god that these guys are not the enemy because holy shit. They are fucking everyone up except for the housekeeping staff. They got fuck of there and went into hiding. 
Navarro can hear the yelling from here.
And so the assualt on the manison begins....
To be continue.
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vixvaporub · 1 year
April 3rd to April 10th Read and Watched List:
Currently Reading:
Tokyo ghoul - chapters 31 to 40
Queens quality - chapters 7 to 10
Scums wish - chapters 1 to 20
Chainsaw man - chapter 125
Gokurakugai - chapter 7 (lmao the no suicide at the dinner table part) 
Blood on the tracks - chapters 141 and 142 
Hirayasumi - chapter 47 
Shadows house- chapter 160
Ice guy and his cool Female Colleague- chapters 40.3 and 41.1 
Completed/Caught Up:
Boy Meets Maria - 6 chapters; about a boy who falls for a gender nonconforming kid , I thought this was ok... wasn't really my favorite, tw child sexual assault)
Fuan no tane - 72 chapters, 3 volumes; by the same mangaka as PTSD Radio, if you enjoy paranormal episodic stories you would also enjoy both series. The best way I can explain Fuan no tane and PTSD radio is that they are like 2 sentence horror stories but for manga
A lollipop or a bullet - 13 chapters; a dark manga about a girl who lives in a small town whom the new transfer student who claims she's a mermaid wants to be friends with. The series was decent
Vinland saga season two - episode 12 and 13
Hell’s Paradise - episode 2
Attack on titan the final season part 2 - episodes 1 and 2 
Skip and loafer - episode 1 
My love story with yamada-kun at lv999 - episode 1 and 2
Demon slayer season 3 - episode 1 
Cigarette and cherry - wasn't really catching my interest… I also just couldn't with the mc 
Ohana holoholo - chapter 8 - I liked it at first but then I just was getting bored of it. Ngl I'm not the biggest fan of how the artist used panels, made it feel a little messy as I read it  
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darkxmartcom · 7 months
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Attack on Titan Japanese Hepburn: Shingeki no Kyojin, lit. ‘Attack on Titan’ is a Japanese manga series composed and represented by Hajime Isayama. It is set in reality as we know it where humankind is compelled to reside in urban areas encompassed by three colossal walls that shield them from monstrous man-eating humanoids alluded to as Titans; the story follows Eren Yeager, who committed to eliminating the Titans after they achieve the obliteration of his old neighborhood and the demise of his mom. It was serialized in Kodansha’s month-to-month magazine Bessatsu Shōnen Magazine from September 2009 to April 2021, with its parts gathered in 34 tankōbon volumes.
An anime TV series was delivered by Mind Studio (seasons 1 to 3) and MAPPA (season 4). A 25-episode first season was communicated from April to September 2013, trailed by a 12-episode second season broadcast from April to June 2017. A 22-episode third season was communicated in two sections, with the initial 12 episodes circulating from July to October 2018 and the last 10 episodes broadcasting from April to July 2019. A fourth and last season debuted in December 2020, broadcasting 16 episodes in its initial segment. A subsequent part comprising of 12 episodes broadcasted from January to April 2022, and the third and fourth parts circulated in two specials; the main debuted in Walk 2023, and the second debuted in November 2023.
Attack on Titan has turned into a basic and business achievement. By November 2023, the manga had more than 140 million duplicates available for use, making it one of the most outstanding-selling manga series ever. It has won a few honors, including the Kodansha Manga Grant, the Attilio Micheluzzi Grant, and the Harvey Grant.
The narrative of Assault on Titan fixates on progress inside three round walls. As per the information proliferated locally, it is the last enduring remnant of human civilization. Its occupants, known as Indians, have been persuaded to think that quite a long time back, mankind was pushed to the edge of elimination after the rise of humanoid monsters called Titans, who assault and eat people without hesitation. The last remainders of humankind withdrew behind three concentric walls and delighted in approximately a hundred years of harmony. Inside the walls, the possibility of wandering outside is unequivocally disliked and deterred. To battle Titans, the country’s military utilizes Vertical Moving Hardware (VME), likewise called Omni-Directional Moving Stuff (ODM Stuff): a bunch of midsection mounted catching snares and internal combustion drive empowering huge portability in three aspects. Swords made of ultrahard steel are utilized related to the stuff, and in the long run rocket launcher-like weapons called Thunder Lances are additionally evolved.
There exist various sorts of Titans. Unadulterated Titans are the most fragile and most nonexclusive Titans, whose conduct is not difficult to anticipate, making them simple to kill. Strange Titans are Unadulterated Titans whose conduct is more challenging to anticipate, making them undeniably more hazardous. The Nine Titans, otherwise called Titan Shifters (Assault, Gigantic, Protected, Female, Monster, Jaw, Truck, War Sledge, and Establishing), are the most grounded Titans; each can move to and fro among human and Titan structures to get to their Titan’s capacities. Numerous Titan Shifters likewise can solidify specific pieces of their bodies voluntarily, normally to make them invulnerable, or to reinforce their blows during battle.
Unadulterated Titans are made by infusing Eldians with Titan spinal liquid. Assuming an Unadulterated Titan eats the human body of one individual of the Nine Titans, said Eldian will return to human structure and gain that Shifter’s powers, whereupon they are reviled to reside just 13 additional years. If their powers are not acquired by one more Eldian before their passing, their powers will be acquired by an Eldian child conceived Presently, paying little mind to distance or blood relations. As the story advances, the real essence of the Titans and the presence of progress outside the walls is uncovered to the characters and the crowd.
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smithqjohns · 9 months
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🤓What books did you read in 2023? I’ve seen people say things like “I normally read way more books” and it comes across in a way that I don’t want to come across, so I’m not gonna say that, that’s how great I am. A handful of these I read with/to my kid. (*Asterisks denotes my favorites and the ones that I recommend most.)
1. The Action Hero’s Handbook (2002) by David Borgenicht and Joe Borgenicht (6.1 stars out of 10)
2. Adventure Time, Volume 2 (2013) by Ryan North (6.6 stars out of 10)
3. *All You Zombies (1959) by Robert Heinlein (9.5 stars out of 10)
4. And He Built a Crooked House (1941) by Robert Heinlein (6.5 stars out of 10)
5. Attack on Titan (2012) by Hajime Isayama (7 stars out of 10)
6. *(The) Best of Dear Abby (1981) by Abigail Van Buren (9 stars out of 10)
7. *Beyond Lies the Wub (1952) by Philip K. Dick (8.5 stars out of 10)
8. Bone in the Throat (2000) (5 stars out of 10)
9. *Bossypants (2011) by Tina Fey (9.6 stars out of 10)
10. *The Grapes of Wrath (1939) (9.8 stars out of 10)
11. (The) Hoboken Chicken Emergency (1977) by Daniel Pinkwater (6.3 stars out of 10)
12. How the Irish Saved Civilization (1995) by Thomas Cahill (6 stars out of 10)
13. In the Garden of the North American Martyrs (2015) by Tobias Wolfe (6.9 stars out of 10)
14. Lights, Camera, Accordion: Eye-Popping Photographs of Weird Al Yankovic, 1981-2006 (2022) (7.9 stars out of 10)
15. Lullaby (2003) by Chuck Palahniuk (7.5 stars out of 10)
16. *A Long Way Down (2006) (8.1 stars out of 10)
17. *Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs (2004) by Chuck Klosterman (9.6 stars out of 10)
18. Take Me With You (2018) by Andrea Gibson (7.5 stars out of 10)
19. *Spy x Family 1 (2019) by Tatsuya Endo (8.4 stars out of 10)
20. Spy x Family 2 (2019) by Tatsuya Endo (7.5 stars out of 10)
21. *Theft By Finding - Diaries 1977-2002 (2017) by David Sedaris (10 out of 10 stars)
22. Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe (4.9 stars out of 10)
23. Until I Find You (2005) by John Irving (6 stars out of 10)
24. Zeroville (2007) by Steve Erickson (6.4 stars out of 10)
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sunbadger · 9 months
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Kuklo and Sharle from the attack on titan: before the fall manga is one of my favourite canon couples in media i've ever seen
it's always obvious when female characters are in love, but for once it's finally reciprocated by the guy here. I see so many like Eren and Mikasa & Subaru and Emilia where the girl carries the entire relationship. It's so refreshing to see a guy in a manga that is emotionally available, kind to his girl, and not afraid of physical intimacy
i've been thinking about them since this chapter (but the second picture is from one of the earliest chapters)(but his little "...oh...." as his eyes soften kills me) i'll have to see if they keep it up once I get my hands on volume 13 and onwards
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hopeformankind · 1 year
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@savior-of-humanity continued from here.
Shinji's hands trembled violently, barely able to keep the pistol secured in his own grip. He was silent, though the look of cold-blooded fear plastered on his face spoke volumes. It was only after a moment that he allowed the gun to drop out of his hands, clattering to the ground, before he immediately wrapped his own arms around himself - knees pulled close to his chest.
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"I'm sorry, I-I thought- I thought..." That you were going to hurt me, were the words that went unspoken. Shinji was familiar with the concept of otherworldly horrors that tried to kill him and his friends time and time again - but he was used to them looking like monsters. Nothing could have prepared him for the things in these woods. At first glance they looked like people - but the similarities between them and humans ended. They moved and acted like beasts, shambling like drunkards, distorted bodies swaying like they were about to fall over at any moment. And, to top it all off, they apparently had an appetite for human blood - Shinji was unfortunate enough to bear witness to an entire group of people, armed with gear and clothes and weapons utterly foreign to him, fall victim to only a handful of them. That was how he got the gun in the first place. That was also how he nearly died to one that caught sight of him - as a matter of fact, he'd be dead if it wasn't for her. His EVA. He didn't know why it was here. How it was here. Only that it wasn't 80 meters tall anymore but a mere 13 - and it was alive. When he'd been scrambling on the ground trying to get away from the monster looming over her, she had come from nowhere - moving like lightning, screaming, throwing a punch at the thing's head with such force and fury that it blasted its head clean off in a spray of blood and gore. That had been hours ago. Neither the EVA or any of those things were in sight, thankfully. But he didn't know how long it was going to stay quiet for.
Finding people outside of the Walls, at this rate, seemed to be growing more common than expected. It happened once before, when Shadis was still in the Survey Corps, not to mention with everything at Shiganshina... and now, it was happening again. A young man, no doubt, very young-- armed with some sort of weapon that was no doubt mostly unfamiliar to those within the Walls, Erwin himself included, with Shinji's EVA moving like one of the many Shifter-Titans that they'd found. Specifically... it reminded him of Eren's Attack Titan.
Erwin stood there as his white horse stared with its big eyes towards Shinji and the other Scouts that looked around in the area, keeping guard for their still-alive Commander, whom now spoke with a shockingly softer tone to Shinji.
" It's okay... I can understand how terrifying it is-- especially when those Titans look so much like people, seeing what they can do. But you're not going to be hurt by any of them. My name is Commander Erwin Smith of the Survey Corps, and we were originally here on a mission. I'm going to approach you, but I will keep my hand visible to show you I won't have it anywhere near my anti-Titan weaponry. " Explain his intentions now. " I want to check you over for injuries, and if you are injured, I will make sure you're brought to a medic on the wounded cart to be properly tended to. If you're not injured, then I'll keep myself at a distance if it helps you feel safer, since I know we don't know one another. "
" I'll help you to one of our spare horses, and we'll take you back to our Headquarters within the Walls to ensure your safety and wellbeing. "
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" You're safe. I promise. "
They needed to get out of here. But he'll be damned if he terrified the boy further-- he'd get Shinji out of here in one piece, even if they'd just met. He refused to have a repeat of Shiganshina.
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taleforquill · 1 year
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As promised, here's my very belated April 2023 wrap-up. I originally posted this to my Instagram in early May, but I forgot I could post it to Tumblr too 😅.
I read 13 books in April. Quite a lot, but many of them were audiobooks and manga volumes (which I always get through faster).
In April I finally started my Hunger Games reread and I really, really enjoyed it. 13 year old me thought the first book was okay, and the rest sucked. But 13 year old me was also completely incapable of media literacy. 22 year old me thinks the books are mindblowingly good.
During April I also continued the Shatter Me series (which I still do not enjoy), and I decided to read some books I'd been hyping up in my mind. Mainly: The Turn of the Screw and Red, White and Royal Blue.
I'll start with Red, White and Royal Blue.
God... What a disappointment. I was a bit hesitant about it to begin with because it's a mlm story written by a non-man (as far as I'm aware). And while I do think that people can write about whatever they want, I prefer to read own-voices when it comes to queer books.
This book is disgustingly millenial. It centres 2 Gen Z kids who prefer to calls themselves millenials "because the press likes them better that way." Which is such bullshit (avocado toast, anyone?) that my brain can't even comprehend it.
It is also filled to the brim with H*rry P*tter references. This book came out in 2019! R*wling's TERF behaviour was well-known, even then. Millenials really need to let that series go. Get a fucking grip.
The author is projecting their own Millenial thoughts on Gen Z kids and it just doesn't work. It feels wrong. I'm reading about people in their early 20s, who think and act like they're in their mid-thirties.
No fucking self-respecting Gen Z would say "wow, you're definitely a Hufflepuff". Not even ironically. Yet it happens in this book. Multiple times.
They call a dog a Slytherin for fucks sake.
The way Alex interacted with his siblings also gave me the ick. Besides, he had no reason to hate Henry. And the press acted quite unrealistically and was only a problem for the characters when the plot demanded it. I'm also a bit too cynical to believe in a world where a divorced female US president with an interracial family could exist.
So yeah, rant over. But the Turn of the Screw was kind of disappointing too.
I expected to get the Haunting of Bly Manor in book form. And I kind of did? Even the lesbian tension was there. It just wasn't as good as the show. And I still highly prefer the show over this book.
I also finished the Attack On Titan manga, which I've been reading on and off for 10 years. I haven't liked it much since the Marley arc started and I still have very mixed feelings about it. I'll never forget how mindblowing the anime was when I was 13. And how much I enjoyed the first ±90 chapters.
But then it turned kind of meh and everything started dragging on for way too long. And the blatant imperialism and possible fascism and antisemitism came up. And just no.
So yeah, now that I've finished it, I'll let it go. Maybe I'll think about it once or twice but I definitely won't post about it (not in a positive context anyway).
ART: A Thorn amidst Roses by James Sant (1887)
Edit by me.
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🏹 ATTACK ON TITAN VOLUME #13 🏹 🏹Se me ha hecho un poco espeso este volumen sobretodo al principio, no diría que tiene "mucho texto" pero si y además en parte las conversaciones eran como un poco irrelevantes a lo que es la trama y por eso quizás se me ha pasado lento por si fuera poco es un volumen muy transitorio. A partir de por aquí me he dado cuenta de que la principal amenaza de la humanidad comienza a ser otros humanos o circunstancias tan comunes en un mundo real como pueden ser la falta de alimentos para la población, falta de recursos y espacio para todos, en el volumen anterior la principal amenaza eran los titanes y ahora es cuando se empieza a fundir la línea. 🏹 Más desarrollo por parte de Historia creo que ya lo dije en la review del 12, Historia es uno de los personajes con mejor desarrollo de la serie y aquí ya se empieza a notar. También todo este desarrollo de los poderes de titan de Eren...siento que no le dimos suficiente aprecio en el anime, además leyendo el manga tengo la percepción del tiempo cambiada a como fue en el anime es como que leyendo el manga todo parece estar mucho mejor conectado en un línea temporal, diría que sientes más el tiempo fluir aunque todo haya pasado muy rápido. 🏹 ⭐⭐⭐ 🏹 #mangahaul #mangacollection #attackontitan #shingekinokyojin #aot #snk #ataquealostitanes #進撃の巨人 #leviackerman #historiareiss #attackontitanmanga #manga #mangalove #anime #collection #otaku #mangacollector #book #bookworm #weeb #mangavolume #mangacommunity #mangaart #mangastyle #mangashelf #mangastagram #mangaphotography #mangacommunity #instamanga (en Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmeBJRAsIdK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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