sachesky · 7 years
Steps to get married: 1) Arrest a thief; 2) Cut off his hand; 3) Marry him.
Irene of Attolia probably.
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sixmorningsafter · 8 years
[5/?] bonnie's instinctive reaction to damon and kissing him without thinking is kind of EVERYTHING to me?? i love it, i love that she can't keep her hands/mind/mouth away from him. and even though we haven't gotten his pov in a while it's clear that he's getting there too. but i also like that she knows when to draw the line and he (more or less) respects those lines. and i like that she still teases him like 'where do you get these horrible lines' bless her
i'm excited for this date, i wanna see the romantic stuff go down now that the sexual side has been acknowledged. i ESPECIALLY wanna see stefan/caroline react to bamon. i feel like caroline will probably think it's a joke at first because damon around bonnie would be so different from the damon she knows from hooking up. (also i'm excited for tyler's appearance/reaction in the epilogue or w/e even though that's far away). ANYWAY i've been reading this fic for forever so i figured it was time i left you a thesis. you're doing fantastic and this is one of my favorite fics, i can't waaaait for the next chapter. (someone email it to the tvd crew like THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOULD BE FILMING)
Oh, my friggin’ God, it has taken me forever to get around to this, like I can’t even believe I let it get this long given how over the goddamn moon this review made me when I got it, BUT LET ME FINALLY RESPOND TO THE SECOND HALF OF THIS GLORY. 
Okay, so first off it’s actually kind of nerve-wracking answering this when 15′s already up, lmao, ‘cause all I can do is hope that it lived up to what you wanted from it. But circling back to 14, I’m so happy you liked the impulsive kiss for them. I actually didn’t know I was going to write it that way until I did, and usually I go back and edit the hell out of my first pass at romantic/sexual/physical moments, but I wrote that part once and just kept it because the abruptness of it seemed to really work? I wasn’t sure how it’d read to someone who didn’t know it was coming, but I’m so, so happy it delivered for you. It seems like you got exactly what I was hoping you’d get from it - that they both just have this instantaneous draw to each other now that’s almost elastic - and while the feelings are lagging, they’re going to be coming in a little more steadily. Like the physical stuff’s kind of masking the slower emotional build happening underneath all that. 
LMAO, I’d say he got a little looser with the boundaries thing in 15, but I definitely tried to keep it within a range that still felt harmless/equalized, like if she ever actually put her foot down, he’d back off immediately. I feel like relationships like that only work if the two people have a kind of equal push-and-pull and neither dominant personality is constantly winning over the other, so that’s what I’m going for with Bamon. And ahhh, the date is officially underway - there were definitely still a bunch of nods to their sexual chemistry going around, lolololol, but I think by the end (and even occasionally throughout the sexytimez), you got to see the romantic/emotional feelings flickering in. I think 16′s going to have a lot more of that though, tbh, since there’s the emotional aftermath of that panic attack to deal with. Confusing romantic feelings are definitely taking center stage soon. Damon’s rattled. And there should be a pretty cute Damon x Kai moment that shows Bonnie a side of Damon that makes her feel some things (like the side of Damon that likely came out with baby!Tyler). 
WOOO for reactions! I love that prediction for Caroline’s reaction, how she’ll just be like ‘LOOOOOL’ because she doesn’t know Damon the way Bonnie does. That’s really cute. I think she’ll just be happy Bonnie’s dating someone fun, honestly. And haha, Stefan, oh man. There’s just a MESS of reactions coming up after this night comes to a close and I can’t wait for it, because it’s almost like when the brotps and otps finally collide. And it’s just going to be a constant whiplash of emotions, because one second someone’s being called out and apologizing and the next they’re like ‘hold up WHAT YOU AND HIM!?!?!?!’ and it’s just a loud mess of yelling and hypocrisy. Also, I was JUST thinking of Tyler’s reactions to everything today, so I’m glad you’re excited for that! He’s going to be a really nice breath of fresh air, I think. 
ANYWAY, thank you so, so friggin’ much for the thesis - I adore the hell out of your writing so hearing that you’re enjoying this tropefest of a story is insanely flattering and makes me ridic happy. I’m still so in love with the teen Bamon drabble you wrote and totally headcanon it as some meeting they don’t remember but actually happened because that’s how into it I am. I’m going to stop rambling now but thanks so much for this. Seriously xx
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winnifredburkle · 7 years
this is like a job-interview question but how did you end up going into video game design in the first place? both why did you go into it/what did you have to do cause it sounds interesting
I love this question????
So I ended up in game design sort of on accident? (Which is like, a really common theme when you talk to game designers, probs bc it’s such a relatively young industry?) You see, for my undergrad thesis I was going to do it on female superheroes. And I expanded it to other media, and then I started talking about Ellie from tlou and NEXT THING I KNEW I had thirty pages on her.
So I went to my advisor and I was like “I did not intend this but it happened what do I do” and she was like “I mean, you can cut it back or you can expand the other sections” and IF YOU KNOW ME if there is one thing I am COMPLETELY INCAPABLE OF it is SHUTTING THE FUCK UP about the last of us.
so of course I chose to keep that whole section and then talk more about all the other girls. (I posted the section on arya and dany on here before, but I also talked about wonder woman and buffy summers.)
anyways, it was doing this that I found that the most interesting work i was doing was the stuff about Ellie and video games, and that’s how I kind of realized that that is what I wanted to do.
I also had always intended to go to grad school eventually (I took a gap year which was honestly the right call) bc I honestly do not know how to do anything but be a student so might as well roll with that.
I applied to both like, english/media/game studies programs and to game design programs. Because while my background was in studies what I would really like to do is be able to make a game that gives back to the world a little bit of all the things that video games have given ME. I think games have a unique ability to tell stories that resonate with people and I want to tap into that. 
In terms of what I had to do, I applied for like five grad programs. For the game specific ones I submitted the Ellie portion of my thesis. Other people in my program submitted previous games that they made, stories that they wrote, art that they’d done, code that they’d written.
I actually managed to get into my number one choice of program which….????? I’m honestly still shook over it lmao.
Honestly, grad school tends to be sort of an excitement killer, so I’m really glad you sent this! Because I actually do love what I do, it’s just very easy to forget that I love games.
Also everyone feel free to talk to me about this more!!!
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grraveryl · 8 years
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nothing yet i was just thinking bc this happens all the time when i like something either fandom/or just the site in general just ends up ruining things for me it sucks 😖
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darwinquark · 8 years
who is karen and why did she suck lmao
LMAOOOO she’s from a show called Smash that was like… this super OTT (but fun) musical drama about putting on a broadway show, and the basic plot was this group of producers and directors and writers were making a giant musical about Marilyn Monroe and needed to find their Marilyn, so the show introduces these two rival characters and one is clearly supposed to be the scheming cutthroat villain and the other one is supposed to be the sweet young ingenue from Iowa who can do no wrong, and the former was played by actual Broadway dynamo ray of vivid sunshine Megan Hilty who could sing the fucking phonebook and win a Tony for it and the latter was played by the most lifeless, dead-eyed, poppy-voiced Katherine McPhee (who seems lovely in real life but OH MY GOD as Karen she was like watching paint dry) and somehow just by literally existing and doing lackluster things like blandly singing ‘Beautiful’ by Christina Aguilera in her audition this ingenue was incredible and amazing and became the director’s muse, whereas Ivy (the ‘bad’ girl), who came with 10 years of paying her dues being a chorus girl and had the most incredible voice on earth and made the stage come alive whenever she was on it, was just consistently portrayed as ‘not enough’ or missing something and WHAT A JOOOOKE. And then as the show goes on Karen becomes like super entitled and seems to think she’s worked so hard for everything and is owed the chance to headline a Broadway show and work with top directors when she literally just flew in from Iowa and had people fawning over her lifeless presence for no reason, whereas Ivy struggles with all kinds of mental breaks and gets cheated on and treated like dirt by her mom and it’s just liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike. One is a super flawed, compelling, lightning rod character with a Broadway voice and an incredible stage presence and a redemption arc like whoa and the other is a self-righteous Mary Sue with a mediocre voice who’s treated like God’s gift to musical theater by literally everyone on the show even though Karen Cartwright wouldn’t ever get an audition in real life and it’s just like… the amount of disbelief you have to suspend to watch this show is unreal. Like it’s so funny and quirky and compelling at times, but the Karen worship and the fact that you’re supposed to be rooting for her when she’s UP AGAINST NOTHING was its downfall IMO. They either needed to pick a different actress or be less in love with the character to make it work.
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amosnaomi · 8 years
attolirene replied to your post: the longer shadowhunters season allows them to add...
what happened, i didn’t watch tonight
a) continued upset @ izzy’s storyline rn bc it’s So Shitty and b) how straight relationships vs lgbt relationships are treated
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how are you JUST NOW on the mercer train tho
look. LISTEN. i didn’t get it until i saw a couple of non cr-related things and then i sorta got it when i saw more of what he’s actually like in a recent talks machina and now i’m just... resigned
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talishepard · 8 years
the flash for that ask meme?
hmm this is a hard one
1. show iris as Investigative Ace Reporter more, in fact just show more of everyones lives outside of star labs
2. stop giving caitlyn a new love interests that only last a season
3. bring back linda park and give iris some more foc (friends of color)
4. stop changing the version of harrison wells with each season
5. become a more ensemble show and show the relationships between all of the characters
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silver-handed · 8 years
3, 4, 5?
honestly this one is really hard?? I’m torn between the dishonored games and Mass Effect 2, all of them area really solid and i love the stories and game play in them a lot
DARK VOID. It had a lot of promise but was just so horribly executed and glitchy and good lord. And i’m sure I’ve played worse games but that one was just such a let down that it sticks out in my mind the most
Any fighting game series is something i just can’t get into. I’ve tried so many of them and idk my brain just doesn't get them for some reason?? I can see the appeal but i am so bad at them
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bonneibennett · 8 years
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Thank you so much to everyone who has indicated an interest in this fan project so far! HERE is the original info post, for anyone who missed it. The response was so much bigger than I ever could have imagined. Can’t wait to see the amazing stuff we’ll be able to build together!
The next step at this point is a brainstorming session for all of the writers. This is not mandatory (ie. if you’re not available to attend, you can still write), but this is possibly the one opportunity to influence the overall arc of our season.
How the brainstorming session will work:
The session will be held as an AnyMeeting webinar. This is a format that worked pretty well in the past for the book!Bamon book club meetings. It’s basically a gotomeeting where people can either chat via audio or via text, depending on their comfort level. It’s available for international users, and it’s free.
I will come to the meeting with a very basic framework outlined in a google doc, and I’ll share my screen during the meeting so everyone can track our plotting progress as we go.
I’ll review the basic structure that’s planned, including stuff like how many chapters we expect to have, and then we’ll open the floor to ideas on content, flow, and pacing within that framework, as well as the specific character arcs and themes we want to employ through the whole project. This will be the part where we decide which major plot points will fit in which chapters.
Also, writers: please come to the brainstorming session with a list of scenes/concepts you would like to see! Examples of scenes/concepts include: Bamon bathtub scene, Bamon dance 2.0, etc. So essentially, it’s not overarching plot elements, but instead more like inspiration/wishlist items that will be sprinkled throughout the chapters along with the major plot points.
We’ll compile the lists all together and go through the items as a group to decide which ones could fit in which chapters.
After that, we’ll make the assignments, which will be a randomized process to make sure that it’s fair for everyone. If you happen to get a chapter you really don’t want (like you don’t like writing endings, or something) or are struggling with, please reach out to me, and we can of course see if I can help inspire/guide you, or get you swapped with someone else’s assignment. The goal is for everyone to have fun with this!
I know it’s ambitious to try to do all of this in one sitting, and if we get started and find that we need to meet again, then we can certainly do that. But as the canon series nears its end, we also don’t want to lose any steam! So we’ll cross that bridge when we get there :)
Now, we have to figure out what time is going to work best for everyone to meet, which... is probably going to be difficult, given the fact that time zones are a thing. But let’s see what we can do. 
If you are a writer for this project and you plan to attend the brainstorming session, please fill out THIS DOODLE POLL to let me know when you are available (the time zone for the poll is ET, and please put your tumblr url/twitter handle in the “Name” field). Let me know if you have any questions!
Lastly, here is the list of writers currently signed up for the project (this doesn’t include the artists just yet). If you are on this list but have found that you’re no longer available to participate, please let me know ASAP. Alternatively, if you’re not on this list and you do wish to write for the project, also please let me know ASAP. I’ve place the list under the cut, for length:
@jads1000 @iamamurderousparadox @fangsxandxleather @nicdelenf @lightninginmyeyes @nikkinzulz @damnbamon @atonalremix @attolirene @j-mo115 maulmall (twitter) @eleusinianmystery @rosegoldexile @trashywestallen @ambelle (co-writer if available) @rosielockswatson @4ft10tvlandfangirl @stephaniethebamonfangirl @bdotbennett @introvertedxxmusings @maniq1 @bamon-babies @tungsten-illusionist @aninotane @darwinquark
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sixmorningsafter · 8 years
I just realized that Bonnie going out with older, sketchy guys in SMA is kinda ironic considering the many teen/centenarian romances on the actual show. Elena was like, 16 when she got with Stefan, right? Putting everything in a modern context demonstrates how fucked-up the whole show situation is. (I think it also helps that with the fic you can picture actual teens instead of their 25-year-old actors, for a certain definition of "helps".)
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah, lmao honestly, looking at TVD with a remotely critical eye makes the entire show fall apart, so I think it’s one of those things where you just have to take everything at face value and roll with it. The actors look age-appropriate together so you have to just believe it, even though the story they’re telling is 70000x different kinds of yikes. I actually made a post once on my other blog where I recast all the TVD characters with age-appropriate actors to point out how ridiculous the lines and actions of all these high school characters were, and it was so comical. Like comparing how TVD handled teenagers and families and high school stresses and stuff compared to, say, TW, was just nuts to me. Parents die left and right and these kids just live alone and fuss about their love lives, statements like ‘you are the woman that I love’ are said by a 200 year old guy to a sophomore/junior in high school after knowing her for a few weeks and it’s supposed to be romantic rather than creepy, bold, pseudo ‘epic’ declarations of love and life and hardship are made completely unironically by 16-year-olds and without the frame of ‘teenagers are dramatic’ and we’re just supposed to believe them - yadda, yadda. TVD is basically a show that’s telling a paint-by-numbers victim story without making anyone out to be a victim. It’s pretty wild.
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winnifredburkle · 7 years
what did you do during your gap year? do you think taking one make it easier/harder to get into grad school?
I did a WHOLE LOT OF NOTHING during my gap year lmao. I worked at a panera bread for a few months to make some money, but mostly I just really needed to recover.
I honestly don’t think it really affected my admittance to grad school? I mean, maybe it helped bc when I was filling out applications for grad school I didn’t have to focus on anything but those, whereas if I had gone to grad school straight from undergrad, I would have been applying for grad schools while also still working on my undergrad work.
I also DEFINITELY could not have done it; I was totally burnt out after my undergrad and there’s no way I could have jumped into grad school right after without some sort of complete crash/breakdown.
And gap years are incredibly common, lots of people will take multiple years off, so taking one really won’t hurt your application if you’re worried about that!
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amosnaomi · 8 years
attolirene replied to your post: silver and madi? they’re cute
can’t wait to see fandom hate on her for ~stealing silver from their white fave tho lmao
oh my god you should’ve SEEN them when madi first came on screen they immediately began fretting and clutching their pearls and shit it was so embarrassingly funny
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silver-handed · 8 years
@attolirene it really does seem so cute and so fun! It also seems like they took out or reworked a lot of the elements I didn't like from the books and I kinda love them for that
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sixmorningsafter · 8 years
YO THAT DRABBLE IS ADORABLE. I love that we're getting into Damon's childhood drama now, and his self-awareness of it really feels IC to me. + Bonnie being so no-nonsense about "you're hot, so what?" is hilarious and really refreshing.
AW, yaaay, thanks, love! So happy you liked it! And super happy you’re into getting more on Damon’s past because that scene definitely takes a pretty serious turn into Childhood Drama-ville - that basement setting gets to him a little more than he gives it credit for, and we’ll get to see the effects of it from his PoV, so I think that’ll give some much-needed insight. It’s still patchy because it’s Damon and for some reason I just can’t write his memories as linear stories, he thinks about his past in flashes and flickers, but there are more flashes and flickers than we’ve gotten before, so. Hopefully it delivers! I’m writing that scene now and it’s fighting me, lololol. And hahaha glad you’re enjoying Bonnie - she’s definitely taking ownership over herself after spending the past few chapters with her tail between her legs, so to speak, so I think it sets up a fun dynamic in 15/16. 
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winnifredburkle · 8 years
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I was separated from humans to bite, so I bit and scratched myself instead.
                                                  Noah Schnapp as a young Remus Lupin
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