#au: canon + brady
ok, hear me out...dead poets society in a teen beach movie plot
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hogans-heroes · 6 months
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Master AU List 8/?
It’s the Roaring ‘20s and London is full of disillusioned veterans who have nothing to lose.
It’s the 1930s, and emerging from the Depression means rival mafias are vying for the power vacuum in New York City.
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thedivergingpaths · 1 year
Time is Not Linear
Lucina and the other children are split apart further than they could have imagined, but they still do their damnest to make a good timeline.
Lucina and Laurent are the only ones who make it - Laurent is still thrust five years prior to Chrom and Robin finding each other, ans he hides in the desert, and Lucina emerges as Marth with the Risen invasion.
But the pair begin to see traces of their friends in an already altered timeline.
Cynthia was flung far into the past, further than the rise of the Grimleal, but after Grima's released. To the current citizens of Ylisse and surrounding kingdoms, she is a fable.
Oh, she hunted for the dark dragon, to find who he was ensnaring. She never did, but she was remembered fondly through song and story, and she was a tale of hope to sleeping children.
Inigo landed in Valm a couple of decades before Lucina lands in the past. Ylisse has not invaded Plegia - this invasion is still a few years away - and Valm has not yet been re-consolidated under the conqueror Walhart.
Inigo finds his way into Walhart's inner circle, creating a Valm that is strong but not on a tenuous thread of fracturing and being blinded by the Grimleal. Inigo had Walhart's ear - Walhart knows Validar is a threat who is bringing Grima back.
The Grimleal murdered Inigo a couple years before Lucina landed. Laurent is distraught they missed him, because Laurent could have tried to find any others (and gods, his feelings get worse when they discover the fates of other comrades).
But Inigo created a Walhart willing to be an ally to Ylisse, to Chrom and Robin, in the shadow of a coming monster.
But there are more travelers, more children missing. Where have they gone?
Not all were flung far enough into the past to be on the same path as Lucina. Lucina barely made it to the right timeline, because their lives have splintered the coming future.
Owain landed in a peaceful Ylisse, where he is but a baby without dreams of heroism. He takes the name Odin, and bears the burden of prophecy.
The Grimleal start tearing apart the world with Risen and their workings to fully revive Grima, but there is a hero who knows what they want. A hero who will do anything to prevent the dark future.
His story branches on its own. He is alone. He never finds his family and comrades - and they never learn he is the past and the future. Odin is a name remembered forever when the ashes settle and flowers grow again, however.
Yarne is flung far enough back that there are other Taguel, and he has a choice. He could join them, and possibly die when his mother is a sole survivor of a genocide. It could be peaceful for a time. Or he could hide with his head in the sand, away from Taguel and people. This is a crueler time to be a Taguel, after all.
Yarne could also decide to save his people. He could be brave like his friends have encouraged him to be. He could do it - for the honor of Taguel, for his own pride, and to show his mother long gone he can be a brave rabbit boy.
Lucina and Laurent are dancing around Ylisse in preparation to fight Grima, and Valm has sworn to fight the Grimleal on Ylisse’s - Chrom and co’s - side when a small but mighty army appears made entirely of rabbit Taguel. Yarne could not save his mother’s nest, and Panne had believed she was alone in the world, but Yarne emerges a man leading an army of Taguel ready to defend the Exalt with their lives.
Yarne weeps when he sees Laurent and Lucina, and they embrace him. There is still a chance to find their other friends - they can do it together.
They can kill Grima once and for all.
Morgan appears, amnesiac and from another, darker timeline. They join the fight, and Robin begins to plan how to end Grima once and for all. Robin may also be amnesiac, but they know in their bones they are the key to Grima’s awakening and Grima’s slumber. Even if it is just one timeline, one place in the greater universe, Robin could turn the key the other way.
(In secret, Naga confirms Robin’s musings, and they begin to plot behind Chrom’s back when the fire emblem is restored to glory).
When Grima revives with the soul of a future Robin, Lucina thinks the fight is over. When the future Robin releases three thralls to keep the army grounded during Grima’s flight, Lucina knows they have lost.
Kjelle, Gerome, and Severa are bound to Grima now. Chrom and Robin, and a select entourage go to fight Grima. Lucina leads the fight against her thralled friends, even as it breaks her heart.
Severa is the first brought down by Lucina’s sword. There is a moment of lucidity. Lucina had been convincing herself that they were Risen, they were dead and gone.
But they’re not, and Lucina just killed her friend.
“Thank you,” Severa sighs as she dies. Lucina stops in the fight.
What sort of future is worth doing this?
Kjelle is taken down in a pile of Taguel, and Yarne hears her last words. She begs to remembered for her strength, for her mother to know she didn’t choose this. Yarne holds her as she dies as herself.
Gerome goes to strike down Lucina, when Laurent brings him down with wind magic. Bones crack and shatter. Gerome’s body is tangled with Minerva the wyvern’s. His last words are not heard, but his face isn’t twisted in the pain Laurent would have expected for such a violent crash.
It is not peaceful but there is almost a satisfaction there. A release.
Grima falls from the sky. Robin turns to ash on the wind. The Grimleal fall apart.
Chrom, shoulders heavy, leads the world into a new era of light.
Yarne takes his new Taguel family and disappears into the woods. His mother and her human lover follow.
Laurent and Lucina disappear from the public eye, and then the historical records.
Nah reappears generations later to make sure history remembers what they sacrificed to bring down a monster once and for all. And then she disappears again, fading into her own myth.
Brady and Noire never fall out of the time stream. They clasped hands, and they are desperately afraid to let go. It may release them back into existence, or they will be alone in the endless fall.
They fall, and fall, and fall.
Check out my previous post, Macedon’s Twist of Fate, if you like these “what if” scenarios
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swifty-fox · 4 months
Hiii i love kfak so much I’m gritting my teeth every week for fresh pain (and hopefully a resolution 😭). Do you have any recs for similar or just good MOTA fics? Xx
Resolution is coming!!! i'm a little stuck right now on some plot points but I've got a buffer of words for the next couple weeks at least to keep things moving.
My current fic recs:
Take the sweetness by anonymous
two parter smut series about Gale learning how to have sex and then how to dance.
Second String by @reallylilyreally
another two parter and my current obsession. It's Brady (and later Brady/Demarco) focused and follows Brady's perspective through the war and then after. It's....divine.
Anything by @soliloquy-dawn but especially:
King of the Compound
Stalag Smut. There's armpit licking. I'm obsessed
Literally anything @bucking-mustangs-with-wings writes but especially their rodeo au Barbed Wire Hearts
hold me like a knife by storm_warning
Another Stalag fic. john's a fucked up little guy, mind the tags
Reverie by @avonne-writes
Canon compliant (sort of) AU. John and Gale are soulmates to share dreams
absolutely always and forever in our bedroom after the war by @stereobone
This one is probably closest to Kfak in that Gale fixes up a house and it explores their lives Post-War. it's a deeply different (kinder) look at things and feels like a warm hug
theres SOOO many more but if I linked them all i'd be here all day
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cornskin · 1 month
My brain is itching for me to write a Glassheart Teen Beach Movie AU
These are my ideas so far:
-Chloe is obviously Brady and Red would be Mack
-Takes place in the “real world” so not Descendants canon. Red and Chloe are best friends who met in middle school while at the beach.
-Chloe is a fun loving surfer who hasn’t experienced enough of the “real world” to really mature. She’s still very naive and believes in the pure good of everybody.
-Red lives under her mother’s thumb and feels like she has no room for her own choices in her life. She’s very reserved and has never opened up to Chloe about this. It’ll probably come up as a plot point that Chloe may have been too busy living in her own jaded world to notice how messy Red’s was.
-Red secretly wants to be a sculptor and whenever her and Chloe go to the beach, she’ll watch Chloe surf as she makes elaborate sand models. Of course, she always shrugs it off as just a little hobby and tells Chloe that she’d rather take over her mother’s growing chain of flower shops.
-One day, Chloe convinces Red to go to the beach despite a large storm brewing. Red advises against it, but Chloe has just been handed down her father’s surfboard that he used to win multiple national titles, and she’s itching to use it. (The board was made by a family friend named Faye). Red watches anxiously from the shore as the rain gets worse and Chloe gets knocked off her board. Red sees Chloe struggling to surface amongst the waves and dives in to save her.
-They resurface but the weather is totally different. This is when they find out they’re in Chloe’s favorite movie musical: Wet Side Story
-In this universe, Chloe’s dad was cast as the male lead and that’s how he met her mother who was getting her breakout role in the film. They constantly told their love story of how they fell in love when they had their kiss at the end of the movie.
-When Chloe realizes they’re in the movie, she tells Red that they need to make sure that Charming and Ella’s characters fall in love. They just need to do a play by play of the movie. Of course this is complicated when Red accidentally becomes the object of Charming’s eye.
-The movie sort of continues from there with similar beats but with slightly different character arcs. Since Chloe is a girl, the guys don’t want to listen to her advice. She has a hard time understanding why they wouldn’t take her opinion just because she’s a girl. Sure, she had experienced similar stuff before, but never to that degree. It’s an eye opening experience for her.
-Chloe also has a really hard time taking in the characters’ flaws since she can only see them as her parents. For example, when Charming’s character won’t stop pursuing Red despite her stating she’s not interested, Chloe defends him since he’s just trying to shoot his shot.
-Red’s main arc is about empowering the women in the biker gang (also imagine Red in the biker fits, I would die) by showing them that they can do anything they set their minds to. In the process she’s convinced that she can forge her own path at the same time.
-I think the random supervillain plot to get the gangs together has always been kinda stupid, so I’ll probably take that out and have them actually come together through friendship and bleh bleh bleh.
-Once Chloe and Red fix the movie, they end up going home and they have a fun little talk on the beach which mostly resolves their character arcs and stuff.
But that’s just a little tidbit. Like I said, I’d have to rewatch Teen Beach to really put it all together, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.
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bcolfanfic · 6 months
will maybe flesh this out fully into a fic but. young vet auing w/ @swifty-fox bc they asked what canon deaths i diddd keep in the au and...bubbles </3
which really makes shit hit the fan because its an IED. and croz rationally knows the EODs cant possibly prevent every little thing. but he's heartbroken and angry and his friends are who he feels safe to take it out on so he snaps. gets really into it with bucky, and brady (who as mentioned in esos is also an EOD) steps in to break it up- but then croz gets mean to him too so he's like actually you know what bucky whack him again!!! i'll help!!!
eventually it's *actually* broken up by gale and rosie. rosie gets ordained to croz duty and tells him to c'mon, they can take a walk or something. which maybe wasn't his brightest idea when he bites back with "oh i'll pass , might not be safe y'know," looking over his shoulder to make sure bucky and brady caught that. gale has to keep them both from lunging back across the room towards him.
its fine. war is hell. its fine.
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trashbag-baby666 · 2 months
I was thinking about my trauma of having to run the mile every year in gym class…so enjoy these head canons from my hs au!! :3
Goes try hard, runs the entire time, has to be the first one done: Curt, John, Everett, and Dougie (although he gives up half way.) (Everett’s the first one done because he runs cross country.)
Tries their best: Gale, Brady, Ken, Bailey.
Gets out of it from a doctor’s note: Croz and Benny.
Walks half/runs half: Rosie, Bubbles, Quinn, Babyface.
Walks the entire thing/doesn’t care: Hambone.
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avonne-writes · 2 months
Hi! I want to start by saying that I love your writing, it's well-planned and easy to follow, but captivating and detailed at the same time, and I've spent so much time rereading your works that it's honestly embarassing, but I can't help myself, because each time I find some other detail to focus on, which makes it all worthwhile.
But I wanted to ask about your HS AU - specifically about the other canon characters from MOTA. I remember you mentioned that they (Brady, Benny, Curt, and all the others) don't know the severity of Gale's home situation, only that he spends a lot of time at Bucky's. But they surely had to notice something? Especially after the events of "Broken Things"? Maybe they didn't know about the situation in details, but if the boys (or just Gale) missed school in that period of 10 days between "Broken Things" and "Silence", they must have asked questions? They must have sent messages to both of them? Maybe Gale and John tried to cover it with an illness or a roadtrip or something, but there must have been times, after he came back to school, when he didn't feel quite like himself, and when Bucky was visibly distraught when Gale wasn't near or when he was more quiet than usual, etc. Sorry for rambling, I'm just very curious, in general, if they ever suspected something, or how Gale and John handled that at school, with their closest friends?
For satisfying my curiosity, thanks in advance <3
Hi dear, thank you for the ask! ❤️ Nothing makes me happier than to hear that you guys are enjoying my stories. These were great questions!
Gradually, their friends became more aware of Gale's family issues as Gale's mental health started to deteriorate before Broken Things. They put two and two together and filled the gaps - sometimes incorrectly - with their own assumptions.
When Gale cracks, there's no hiding it, but Gale and Bucky try not to share how bad it got.
Bucky goes back to school on day 2 after it happens but Gale is absent for a few more days. Their friends can already tell from Bucky’s agitated, sleep-deprived, unusually quiet behaviour that something is very wrong. To their questions, he just says that Gale is away because of family issues.
Some of the boys message Gale, but Gale brushes them off. He pretends it's a much less serious issue than it actually is.
When Gale comes back to school, their friends are ready to move on and carry on as usual, but they can tell that Gale is not okay. He goes through all the motions but his and Bucky's interactions give it away, because they're not as playful as usual. Constant worried looks from Bucky, half-embraces that look more protective than possessive, quiet affection instead of over the top flirting.
The boys are all texting each other separately to discuss what's going on. Bucky told one of them that Gale moved in with him, Gale told someone else that he just didn't want to feel anything anymore.
It's Curt who eventually takes the plunge, texts Gale and finds a way to stir the conversation to what happened, and then he doesn’t let up. He tells Gale that they're his friends and worry about him.
This is all through text, which is lucky for Curt because that's why Gale is eventually able to open up a bit. He says that he considered taking his life and that's why he needed things to change. He still paints a less severe picture than reality, but it's better than nothing. He gives Curt permission to tell the others but also says he doesn’t want to talk about it.
The issues John and Gale struggle with for the rest of Year 12 affect their friend group negatively. With some other things (like new girlfriends, university plans etc.) also pulling them away, it becomes less tight-knit than it used to be, and they don't hang out as often as in the past. Their paths diverge, and it's mostly just Bucky-Curt and Bucky-Brady who stay in touch regularly after high school.
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jakes3resin · 4 months
Fic Rec Friday
I did one of these before, and I love fic rec lists so why not do another one :)
dallas girl. by hconeymooners(romqntics)
One of the most beautiful fics ever written I swear. The ending is so bittersweet, and it's one of those stories that show that even though the love is there the ending will never change. I love the writing style as well as how Gale's emotions seem to scream out from your screen.
You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate by MarionetteFtHJM
I am never not thinking about this fic. The boys all watching Bucky wondering why he's so magnetic, and then Gale watching Bucky.
Stories where it's Gale pining for Bucky are also some of my favorites in general, but this Gale is just so delightful with how utterly sick he makes himself trying and failing not to love Bucky. His very being seems to be attuned to Bucky while he tries so so hard to resist and be good, be a simple friend.
Amongst the Vines by TiredAvenger17
I've seen two episodes of Bridgerton, but if this AU was the show I'd be a diehard fan. Every episode memorized, and I'd be tuned tf in.
Love the dynamics with Helen and Marge as well as how every character was brought into the Regency period while still keeping their canon characteristics. Definitely a must read for MOTA AUs.
Nine mothers' sons by ReallyLilyReally
If you aren't a Brady fan before this fic, you will be after you read it. It's heartbreaking. It's beautiful. It's everything. You fall a bit in love with him and every man he watches over.
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latibvles · 3 months
12:30am mota frat boys au thoughts because it’s rotted my brain and also harrie’s hoedown throwdown birthday party is a canon event (there’s a list in my docs of things i wanna write for this). Anyways here’s outfit + decoration brainrot
It’s at the Mu-Eta Pi House (girls’ sorority) because duh. Viv and Fern did a lot of the planning. Fern was the one who rented the mechanical bull. They had a strict no boots no hat no entry policy. Backyard full of check print and hay bales etc. String lights, they really went all out okay? Everybody loves Harrie.
Meanwhile around the block…. [several 100th frat boys scrambling for clothes. not Curt though. He’s got it all sorted]
The outfits are cute and very specific in some aspects in my head so indulge me a little here
Viv’s got a sheriff’s badge. Cute little crop jacket with tassles. She’s got a white and gold color scheme going on and it works. Willie has a matching deputy badge and a black hat. Of course they’re a matching set. Black bandana top, black boots.
Fern is peak “Cowgirl Barbie.” Daisy dukes, hot pink bedazzled cowboy hat (*more on that later), auburn hair in two pretty French braids.
June and Lorraine are also a matching set kinda. They go the outlaw route. Black jackets, silver details on the boots. Lorraine wears her bandana over half her face for a lot of the night. June has a lasso. This lasso ends up around Benny at some point and they have pictures of it.
Carrie’s in a cute little very “southern belle”-esque checker patterned dress with a very nice sleeveless leather vest. Lena’s got a double denim thing going on with cowprint patterns on her jeans. Her shirt 100% says “save a horse, ride a cowboy”
Jo’s got the poofy-shirt tucked in to faded cutoffs thing, brown hat and boots and a bright red bandana around her neck.
Inez is also in a dress of sorts, and braids, she’s got shorts on under it though. She’s also got a corset on and the cowboy hat is in fact her own from home.
And Harrie? The birthday girl? Everybody pitched in to help customize her hat so everyone knows it is her birthday. Sparkly jacket with all the tassels. Bandana around her neck, she’s having the time of her life.
Seeing as this entire au was spurred on by Ben Radcliffe looking like a frat boy, everyone please look at the visual reference for Brady’s fit for the function. I do not care if it’s lazy of me to say that, this is what it looks like.
On that note though, Bucky’s got pants that are fully cowprint buttons of his shirt undone bc he’s annoying and a bolo tie he got from their thrift store field trip
Dougie has the cowboy cutout pants (forgive me for the shein link i do not shop there) because “this is why you don’t skip leg day, fellas.” Blakely’s doing the “bandana as a shirt” thing. Did I mention that those two and Fern have a lot of pictures together?
Benny and John are in a similar boat though — lots of brown. His shirt is black and sparkly though. Also they took pictures with Meatball before leaving with Meatball in a very cute horse get-up.
And as aforementioned. He’s got June’s lasso around him at some point. Because of course he does.
Speaking of Fern’s bright pink, bedazzled cowgirl hat: that ends up on Curt’s head at some point. Curt went all out. Curt looks like he just walked off the set of The Good The Bad and The Ugly. Curt also lasts the longest on the mechanical bull.
Marj dressed Buck for the occasion but let it be known that her overalls with patches on them are adorable. Buck’s also got the outlaw thing going on for him— bandana on half his face in several pictures. Black vest. He’s also got a bolo tie (thanks Bucky)
Honest-to-God Croz looks like he just walked off the set of Woody’s Roundup and it’s very funny. He’s got spurs on his boots and by God is he proud of them.
Just boys dressing as cowboys for a birthday party okay? It’s very special to ME!!
Go ahead and ask me about outfits i can do this all day.
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mercurygray · 24 days
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yes i made another banner and what about it.
None of these are technically works in progress. Just...spare ideas.
a wild HOTD idea appears!
-Iselde in the aftermath of Erryk's defection -Gwayne Hightower...something? IDK. He kind of fascinates me. Maybe him and Elin, with whom he has a history?
regularly scheduled programming:
Space Race AU for Cord and Bucky? overly protective mission control when, cape cookie who
Fred and Brady honeymoon
Cord and Bucky bicycle ride (canon timeline - bonding for just the two of them.)
Cord + Gale being protective of his best friend's already slightly bruised heart + backstory on how it got bruised?
Marion's perspective on their last spicy bit
Marion and the phrase 'old man' (affectionate/incendiary)
Marion Harding Artist AU (everyone say thank you Cam)
Vampire AU based on the new stills of The Radleys re: Dick and Joan
crossover ships no one asked for:
Crank and Marjorie (admit it you can see their children playing hockey already and they're really stinkin' cute)
Billie and Harding (for REASONS okay)
Joan and Gale (have i said this before? I'm saying it now. Mrs. Warren will flip out.)
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solar-halos · 3 months
guys. teen beach movie odesta au. PLEASE hear me out
i know the predictable route would just be making annie be mack and finnick be brady but tbh? even though it is canon that finnick is very chill and easy going, i think that’s more how the capitol sees him and how he’s *expected* to act, but i don’t think it’s that far fetched to think that he’s studious and goal oriented, so id love to see how that would present in a modern au where the stakes are lower. i’m not saying annie can’t be studious or goal oriented—theres just more wiggle room since we don’t rlly know much abt her in canon. im also very in love with my troublemaker!annie cresta hc. or maybe not trouble maker bc brady just wants to surf but like he’s definitely not studious and im also in looove with annie cresta doing her own thing. also, if being oddly obsessed with a random 1950s movie isn’t annie cresta, idk what is
then there’s mack’s grandfather. aka mags. and there’s a bond with brady and mack’s grandfather in canon so that already works out very cutely. they fangirl over the 1950s beach movie. it’s called wet side story but idk maybe if i actually write this i can change the title to something more panem-adjacent
so then blah blah blah finnick’s aunt comes for him like “time to go to private school!! <3 also hey annie… hate u girl” which i think parallels the academy in hg canon. finnick is all angsty about getting to do something for himself for once instead of being a perpetual people pleaser and goes surfing in a riptide at their annual surfing comp despite everyone telling him to get his ass OUT of the water omg. naturally, annie goes in to save him
then they get transported into wet side story itself, complete with musical numbers and flirty surfers. annie is pissed at finnick for not telling her abt him moving so they’re on a bit of a break. some biker kisses her on the cheek during a musical number and she’s like >:) and then finnick catches some girl from tripping and falling and eating SHIT and annie is like >:( bc why is he looking at other bitches?? it’s fucked up
anyway this makes no fucking sense if u haven’t actually watched teen beach movie but long story short the two main love interests in west side story fall in love with finnick and annie so they’re like awkwarddd and scramble to fix the plot of the movie. this is especially important bc annie and finnick met bc of the movie (finnick hated it—annie LOVED it. it was an opposites attract moment. then the rest was history!). so, if the movie changes, how will they meet? and how will this effect other ppl irl? then there’s even more stakes when they realize that they’re literally becoming characters in the movie. like, the bathing suits they changed out of suddenly disappear and they’re suddenly singing/dancing against their will whenever there’s a musical number. sounds lowkey terrifying tbh but since it’s a dcom it’s chill and funny and silly
okay that’s it. i just think it’s such a perfect summer writing project. like ik i literally just finished a (halloween) time travel au but maybe that’s just my niche idk
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Fic master post
Been seriously thinking about getting back into writing SPN fan fic. Since I realised I never actually did this before I thought I'd put together a little master-post of all (most) of my existing fic to encourage myself.
On Ao3:
-Long fic:
Steps Toward the Water
Words: 16,161 (5 chapters)
Case fic, set early S11 (but written before S11 came out so canon divergence).
Winter has come early bringing with it the biting chill of the years first frost, there is the hum of electricity in the air and people are going missing. Sam dreams of Jess and faces in the ice. When a young woman named Liz disappears Sam is certain there’s more to the case than first appears. Meanwhile Dean is drawn in by tales of people vanishing on the shores of Coldwater lake, strange wordless songs and a woman standing out on the frozen water. It will take all of Sam’s cleverness, bravery, and perhaps just a smidgen of psychic ability, for him to be able to piece together the cases and bring a lost soul to rest.
-One shots:
Make Something Good Out of It
Words: 1,631
Sam/Ruby, (vagely) NSFW, dub-con overtones. Not shippy.
The water feels good, cleansing and cooling, soothing the ache in his head as he lets it run through his hair and over his body. He leans his back against the wall of the shower and slides down the length until he’s sat pressed against the cold tile. There’s a grotty looking flannel laying abandoned on the shower floor to his left and he grabs it up in his hand, scrubbing it harshly over every inch of flesh he can reach, his skin reddening under the friction of the rough cloth. He can still feel the ink, seeping deeper into him. He scrubs harder.
Would you stay, as you are lying there?
Words: 1,343
Sam/Madison, canon divergence, (vaguely) NSFW.
A Sam/Madison slight AU, wherein Sam and Madison get to spend one last night together, even though the outcome is still the same.
Silver and Flames
Words: 1,640
Angst, young Sam.
Sam is bought a knife for his ninth birthday.
Ice and Blood
Words: 1,797
Angst, young Sam, a follow up to Silver and Flames
The story of Sam's first kill.
Words: 929
Jess finds out there is more to heaven than just her memories
On Tumblr:
These vary in length but are mostly drabbles/prompt-requests. Most don't have real titles so I've given them vaguely descriptive ones lol.
Stamford Letter (young Sam)
November 2nd 1997 (young Sam)
November 2nd (young Sam)
Reason for Hope
Bones (Young Sam)
Soulless Sam drabble
After the funeral (s3)
Why I'm Leaving
I'm Proud of You (Sam/Jess)
Riot (Sam/Amelia - although its mostly about the dog)
Riot2 (again mostly about Riot but Sam/Amelia)
Loss (Sam/Jess)
There's a Storm Outside (Sam/Jess)
Night (gen, mentions of Sam/Brady, Sam/Jess)
The Nightmare (this one's actually pretty long - young Sam)
Once, when we were kids
First Kiss (Sam/Brady, demisexual Sam)
Sam Poetry master-post
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swifty-fox · 19 days
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Current Fics & AU's
Eudaimonia: A Modern/1990's Outlaws au. Clegan tag
meet me at the chapel interludes coronae borealis jump the gun run your race childrens story (UPCOMING)
Little Beasts: Pure smut Priest!Gale and Burnout!John. Emotional slow burn. tag
Little Beast Amoretti Song of Songs it's not true that I had nothing on LBP5(UPCOMING)
Sonnet of the Sweet Compliant: Show Canon Post-War fic. Includes both Clegan & Benny/Brady as a pairing main tag
my kingdom for a kiss upon your shoulder TAG sledding story understanding in a plane crash (bennyxbrady) TAG love song from a dog (WIP) TAG we sleep now with the light on (UPCOMING)
Other WIPS
Pirate AU
Perfect Binary (Sci Fi AU)
Halloween fic
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upontherisers · 14 days
ugh, friend, i’m so sorry you’re not feeling well (again) 💕💕i love hazel and jack a normal amount and if you’re in the mood i would love to hear about any thoughts for them you’ve got rolling around? canon, au, anything~ — @shoshiwrites
cc-ing @latibvles because she is my co-creator on this but there's an AU of an AU of sorts where dungeon master jack kidd has been running a dungeons and dragons home game at lake harding for a group of counselors every summer for the past few years and as it's now jack's last year, hazel wants to play for the first time
there's are too many people at the table already but jack cannot say no to her so he helps her build a character (a way of the open hand harengon monk named hoppy meadows) and she sits down for her first session having never played before, surrounded by nine level 10 players who've been doing this for awhile now and jack has given them his word that he will not slow things down so that hazel can catch up because they're in the middle of a huge arc in which the party seeks to avenge the death of apollonius julius (bubbles' pc and twin brother to apollonia, mahalia's pc)
but as soon as they start playing, it's obvious that he's going to take it easy on hazel and every npc has something flattering to say to hoppy and in combat, every enemy hits every other pc twice before hitting hoppy once. usually, this would have brady tossing around the word "favoritism" and bucky trying to blow up jack's carefully laid plans, but brady's seated next to willie this year and mahalia's across the table from bucky so they're both a bit distracted.
there are some sweet moments:
hoppy getting the killing blow on a dragon that was trying to destroy her warren
hazel's delight when she realizes the capital of the kingdom they're in is basically fantasy dublin (she studied abroad in ireland her junior year of college and she goes back every few years. it's her favorite place)
a young sailor fancying hoppy who doesn't make it out of a battle with guards once they get to port and hazel finally understands why people play dnd for years (they weren't supposed to be on the ship longer than a session but jack had them take the long way round because hazel liked the nautical-theme music he picked [he reaches around his dm screen and holds hazel's hand for the rest of the session because she's a bit sniffly])
cros' scruffy highlander dwarf scribe reads romantic poetry to hoppy and jack is NOT jealous but if ernest can't pass any of his checks for the next two hours, it’s in the dice
hazel is having the best time and no one has the heart to complain because it's jack's last summer and it's nice seeing him do something for himself for once (even if it's subconscious). he's using the story to tell her all the things he loves about her and show her all the little ways he loves her. the last session is a thing of legend
sick day q&a!!!
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sergeifyodorov · 1 year
have been meandering my way through various hrpf ships over the past few months and have finally been captivated by the dark shadow in the corner throughout it all, aka quinn hughes. if you’re into giving recs, you got any fave quinn fics?
now how did EYE become a quinn scholar of all people… honoured to be brought up in this way. i have not seen much quinnfic and am typically an eastcoast reader so i did research for this… found some good shtuff out there
i can't say anything for x readers if you're looking for that, it's simply not my thing and thats ok, but i did find some otherstuff. generally quinnfics are either quinn/brady (most popular, they've had the longest history), quinn/petey (which we should pay more attention 2 in my humble opinion), or brock/petey but quinn is There
arranged in wc order, short to long:
say cheese! by pxint, 2k, quinn/brady
sometimes you see a fic and you’re like “only someone who is very good at writing or very bad at writing would confidently publish something this weird sounding”
it’s the former
it’s a pizza place au and josh norris is also there. lighthearted in an existential dread sort of way. minimum wage existence suits quinnifer’s dead eyes very well
be my upstairs window by mundanememory, 3.9k, quinn/petey
largely a fic about rookie hazing + Being The Weird One + kind of the intrinsic quinnpetey thesis, which is largely to do with the dual shouldering of the canucks’ future. it’s well-characterized and awkward and features BRADY CAMEO
Someday Like Fire by Quinntessentially, 4.3k, quinn pov brock/petey
quinn is a ghost! a very tired ghost who wants to matchmake. just for something to do, yaknow?
something about magical realism fic that can really grind my gears is inconsistent or vague lore… but this one knows exactly what it’s telling us and when and i really like that!
to dig in by meganface, 22.8k, quinn/petey
okay my problematic gay trait is that i lovvvve stories about guys who like. Hook up w girls and stuff but it’s all superficial and then they Have An Experience with a guy and then the bulk of the story is about their ~realization process~
this is that kind of story. largely canon compliant otherwise (ie takes place during the 22-23 season, etc) but yeah.
good fast pace too, feels a lot shorter than it is (honorific)
by any other name by mundanememory, 23.1k, quinn/brady
this is a DELIGHTFUL college au
the essence of it is that quinn is a nighttime radio host and brady is on the hockey team. youll have to read it to get anything more out of me
this is like FLUFFYYYYY in such a good way it’s absolutely hilariously funny and the pacing is AMAZING it just moves like no one’s business
mundanememory if you’re out there shoot me a dm i need to shake you like im churning butter you’re so good at this
thank ye! have fun o7
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