#sam x amelia
winchestergifs · 1 year
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Sam Winchester Appreciation Week
Day Seven ➙ Happy Birthday Sam!
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dailyspnpolls · 1 year
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I like that you're broken, broken like me Maybe that makes me a fool I like that you're lonely, lonely like me I could be lonely with you
Broken by Lovelytheband
Ok, this is what Sam and Amelia were about. They were both broken in the same way, lonely in the same way, and for a while sought solace in each other. Not healthy for a long term relationship, but for the time they had, hopefully it was healing.
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jew-flexive · 2 years
do you think amelia still worries about sam? do you think she stays up at night, sometimes, remembering how he flinched whenever she touched his neck during sex or the way his eyes would go all hazy and far away whenever he heard a loud car or a man raised his voice? do you think she still has to close her eyes when their song plays on the radio, and her husband (who she loves and she missed and who she chose, in the end) mindlessly starts to sing along? do you think she feeds riot extra bacon from the table because she used to give sam such shit for over-feeding him but now it feels cruel to punish the dog just because sam had to leave? do you think her dad asks about him once, awkwardly, and amelia hates herself for making up some story because she hasn’t heard from him in years? do you think amelia still worries about sam?
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wisefoxluminary · 10 months
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dorkybooktrash · 2 years
God the whole Amelia storyline sucks
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I may be the only Supernatural fan in existence to actually like Amelia.
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weirdbrosinc · 5 months
im sorry but the scene in 8x09 where dean fucking has a phone WITH AMELIAS INFORMATION??? IN CASE HE "NEEDED IT"??? TO CALL SAM TO GET HIM AWAY FROM SOMETHING?? BECAUSE HE KNEW HE'D RUN STRAIGHT TO AMELIA???? there is no way that is normal brother activity
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b0ng05 · 9 months
Master list/ Request list
•I only write fem! reader
•I do write smut,angst,fluff,g!p,etc.
•I sometimes forget to proofread, so deal with it lol.
About Me: Hi! I'm Bongos, I use she/her pronouns and I'm 18. I'm chronically online but post occasionally. You may be wondering, 'Bongos, why did you choose the name, Bongos?' Well, because if you look at my username, it kinda looks like bong, and I usually post after I smoke, so in short, it makes me giggle. Please send asks or just random things.
Scream -
Sam Carpenter
Tara Carpenter
Amber Freeman
Grey’s Anatomy/Station 19 -
Amelia Shepherd
Arizona Robbins
Teddy Altman
Maya Bishop
Carina Deluca
The Rookie -
Lucy Chen
Angela Lopez
Celina Juarez
Wednesday -
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Bianca Barclay
Yoko Tanaka
Morticia Addams
Larissa Weems
Scream -
Grief- Sam Carpenter x fem reader pt.1 Angst
Grief- Sam Carpenter x fem reader pt.2 Angst
Injured- Sam Carpenter x fem reader SMUT!
An Idiot- Sam Carpenter x fem reader SMUT!
MLT- Sam Carpenter x fem reader SMUT!
Velcro Shoes- Sam Carpenter x reader Fluff
Coffee- Sam Carpenter x fem reader pt.1 Fluff
Flowers- Amber Freeman x fem reader Angst
Pretty In Red- Amber Freeman x reader SMUT!
Grey’s Anatomy/Station 19 -
Nothing yet… :)
The Rookie -
Aura -Celina Juarez x fem reader pt 1. Fluff
Aura -Celina Juarez x fem reader pt. 2 Fluff
Home -Angela Lopez x fem reader SMUT!
Working -Angela Lopez x fem reader Fluff
Confinement -Lucy Chen x fem reader Angst
Uncover - Lucy Chen x reader Fluff
Wednesday -
Nothing yet… :)
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slytherintothedms · 5 months
i cannot and will not get over the parallels between sam and amelia and dean and benny. like charlie literally asked dean if he’d gone through a breakup (which let’s be real he had)
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buffyfan145 · 11 months
Ended up getting 5 "Rings of Power" season 2 spoiler scoops this week from Fellowship of Fans and really excited about them, especially since some are about Halbrand/Sauron!!! :D Also confirmed more about Ameila Kenworthy's character too.
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Starting off with the Twitter thread FOF made and the order they posted them. The first spoiler is that Pelargir will be a location in season 2 and that soldiers will arrive by boat to get there possibly from Númenor as this city does play a big part when the downfall of the island happens and the flee to Middle Earth.
Halbrand will be at one of the human villages, possibly Pelargir, as well as a forest in Surrey to recruit humans to his side. They confirmed Charlie was filming at both locations. It makes sense that he keeps the Halbrand form as they already trusted him as the King of the Southlands and a lot of us were thinking he'd keep using this form to get the men and his 9 ring bearers to his side.
Sam Hazeldine/Adar, Ameila Kenwothy, and Zates Yatour were all spotted at the village speech too.
Amelia and Zates' characters are likely not human and there's now speculation that they're playing either dark elves, vampires, werewolves, or for Amelia even the human form of Shelob if they do the same as that video game (which I'm a bit surprised about if it's that) and she will be on the show in spider form or the human form of vampire Thuringwethil.
Amelia also had a chemistry test with both Charlie and Sam. I didn't expect this at all and makes me even more curious who she is playing to have tested with both of them meaning they'll share a lot of scenes together. It also all but confirms she's not Celebrían, not only since most of us are certain she hasn't been born yet, but it's highly unlikely that she would be sharing scenes with Halbrand/Sauron and Adar. This seems more to be she's on their side and either is a dark elf, vampire, or Shelob. Though this also makes me think of when "Buffy" had Spike with Harmony and she realized he was in love with Buffy and didn't feel the same about her and with how much she and Buffy looked alike, as there is a resemblance between Amelia and Morfydd Clark's Galadriel, so I can see this from a Haladriel perspective too. Not sure if this show would get that soap opera like but would be crazy if there was whatever you call a love triangle but with 5 people involved (Halbrand/Sauron, Galadriel, Amelia's character, Adar, and Celeborn LOL). But would also be nice to show that Sauron can have romantic/sexual feelings for others as some of the purists seem to think he's not capable of that. LOL :)
ETA: It would be a love pentagon or pentagram. LOL Didn't even know that was a thing. :D
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hatchetation · 1 year
me from a year ago can’t imagine current me voting for mon/sam of gap the series over luisa/amelia of #luimelia in autostraddle’s march madness. love surprising myself lmao 🥲
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regaliasonata · 1 year
More PR twitter image doodles
Wingman Amelia trying to help Ollie get a date with Sam Winchester(bad pickup lines)
Ziggy sending an “I Quit” photo to Fresno Bob with Dillon
Amelia demands Marshmallows from Javi
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popculturebuffet · 8 months
Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space Retrospective: Moai Better Blues (Patreon Review for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy freelance police and welcome back to my look at the sam and max telltale games! We're onto season 2 episode 2. After a little christmas in august we're having a science fiction double feature for halloween as this review ended up behind due to a new member of the family.
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This is Maddie. She's 5, she's precious, she's very loud , and she's very attached to me.
But even new fluffy good girls with spangly collars can't stop the march of sam and max.
Following up from our heroes adventures in the north pole, this ep finds our heroes dealing with an adventure that's weird even by sam and max standards. And I want to let that sink in because we spent last season stopping a child star hynosis crime ring, starring in a one episode sitcom with a british chicken don knotts, inflitrating a mafia chuck e cheese, running for president against a horny lincoln memorial, murdering the internet and finally facing down with a sentient plankton colony via psychic powers and magic tricks on the moon. And that's not even getting into that guy who would never put his hands down. What was his deal?
So what lies in the greatest mountain of sam and max madness? Stoned Moai, triangular portals, sea monkeys, ghost godlfish, baby jimmy hoffa and horny statue love triangles. So join me under the cut for the madness.
We open with our heroes returning from the North Pole a month after the previous game, with it now snowing, providing a nice atmosphere to things. Before they can get back to the usual banter some fresh nonsense comes in: A triangle chasing their beloved friend Sybil.
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It has a neat design too, red, pulsating with lines... it's an excellent triangle all things considered. B+
At any rate we need to stop it, so we go to the wisest sage for weird shit there is: Bosco. It's a nice way to keep him still useful while not having him be one of your item guys. Bosco is getting ready to bunker down from T.H.E.M.
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But tells our hero their new foe is a bermuda triangle, an eldtirch shape that sucks people up to another place, and can only be stopped with most of the shapes. Most.. never come into play and are just for a good joke, like blue polyheadrons making them really want to roll them dice and maybe start a live play with a dungeon master with long hair and the voice of god.
The important one is red hexagons stop them.. and the game was REALLY unhelpful with this one. I did have my hints flavor blasted up to the maximum max could do without bursting a kidney.. but he just kept saying the shape and outright told me to go back to the office.. where it entirely wasn't. WE do have a new trophy though, boxing betty. So.. that's nice?
The solution lies in Stinky's diner, where i'd gone earlier since the Cops can't do buisness over the sound of screaming. Amateurs. Stinky can though even with the racket outisde and gives us a granite sandwitch that i'm pretty sure just.. sat in my inventory all chapter. Seriously you don't relaly use it for anything even when you think it'd be obvious like replacing a stone max's ear, and it's more just to set up getting a basalt sandwich from her later. It's on the kid's menu only though.
She is useful in that she has a stop sign for you and with some spray paint from your headquaters, you can make it deep red. Before we go though another beloved supporting character makes a cameo: Flint Paper. I just love how despite being grizzly and willing to beat up random strangers for money, as are we, Flint just.. cheerfully greets our heroes with a hey fellas every time. He's just so happy to see our heroes and they have a deep genuine admiration for him. Like with Sybil in the first episodes, it's nice to see someone our heroes actually like and unlike Sybil, it's nice to see there's at least one person they haven't traumtized. Yet. He's watching Bosco for Bosco's Mom who'se understandably worried about her son because you know, his whole deal.
For now though we go to stop the triangle in the name of love... only for hilariously this all to be mostly pointless as once Sybil stops, Abe shows up , gets sucked in and she goes after him. It's off to Easter Island!
Turns out Sybil and Lincoln are fine and are just enjoying the nice weather. Once again.. this is a dead end puzzle wise as the two are just there to move their subplot along. Unlike the sandwich though, it's at least entertaning.. and mildly creepy as Abe perves on one of the moai present.
Why the bermuda triangle lead to easter island.. is not something we'll be getting into here. What matters is the moai see sam and max as their savior. Well the middle one, a kindly lady moai abe's creeping ion, is. The left one has half his face buried and is contstantly upset, projecting storm clouds when pissed off that are naturally useful, and the right one is
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And is largely useless, mostly just sniping at you.
Each has a power of the elements: Rain for the buried one, wind for the nice one and earth for the pedantic douchebag. The fire one was sadly was scattered to the winds long ago, but he did leave behind a son at least to carry on his legacy
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At any rate before we can use the powers of nature itself for fun and profit, we have some problems: As it turns out the nearbye volcano is about to erupt and murder them all due to some understandable but tragic errors
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Problem is someone's guarding his lair... and if you haven't played the game yourself, I warn you: You are not remotely ready. I sure wasn't. So whose in our heroes way? Why it's Jimmy HOffa in the body of a baby!
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Yeah... look I love Sam and Max for being so gloriously weird. Weird as hell is one of my faviorite kinds of humor as long as their's direction behind the chaos. But It's still easily the biggest what the fuck moment the franchise has thrown me so far and that's with this happening last chapter
Granted I got spoiled there is some sort of payoff to the Mariachis via a thumbnail, and there is some actual logic behind this.. but even for this franchise "Jimmy Hoffa whose in the body of an infant because he drank too much from the fountain of youth pointing a gun at yoU" is a bit much. And more to the point they NEVER explain why he's working for the episodes big bad.
I.. can't help but love it though BECAUSE it's such a uniquely stupid swing: they had this idea, found a way to have it logically make sense and then put it in the game in full, all while giving us a ton of great jokes as Sam cannot ressit teasing him on the fact he's a baby.
We'll deal with this teamster later, for now we meet the other rugrats on this island: Amelia Earheart, DB Cooper, and The LIndburgh Baby... .
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Their mostly here to set up a surfboarding mini game which frustrated me. It's not the game itself, it's a fun enough little distraction if fairly hard to get the analogue controls down on my switch version. It felt like the kind of browser game i'd play as a kid.
My annoyance.. is that the game dosne't tell you that you get nothing for it until you've triggered the right story event. So I went through the whole thing for nothing. Thankfully I also enabled mini game skipping.... I still will TRY not to use it often as these are part of the game and thus need to be evaluated as much as the point and click parts, but in this case i'd already done the actual task so when it asked me to again. As for why again, the trick to getting rid of our little friend involves serving him a drink, using a tiki glass you can pick up at the bar those dumb babies are at. But he'll only take union waitstaff, so you have to play the game to get cerfitied by him. IT makes about as much sense as it sounds. Ah back to normal for this franchise.
To actually do anything though we need some fountain of youth water unfortunately there's something in it
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So to take care of them we have to complete a few other tasks
First is the COPS. As i'm guessing is standard for every chapter,we have another driving VR Game from them, this time a fun rythum based one with the beats going as you drive on them. THey thought it'd change the world.. those poor dumb bastards. It's clearly a jab at guitar hero, but it's a decent challenge while still being a lot of fun.
With that we get a car horn and that's the key to our next puzzle: We need to help Glenn Miller, a wwII era band leader whose also now a baby, stage his comback by giving him that new sound he's been looking for. Since the horn plays i've been workin on the railroad, it's just the ticket. He just needs a whistle sound, which you easily get by dumping some gasoline disguised as a drink into a nearbye fire, setting off a tea kettle. He gives you a conch with the single recorded on it. Apparently The Bermuda Triangles also visited skypeia.
Using the dial, we can finally solve our pirahana puzzle.. in theory. In practice it's utterly frustrating if you can't figure out the trick, not helped by Max CONSITENTLY telling me to use the thunder storm moai.
Breaking it down: using the glen miller dial conch, you play it for the nice moai, which gets her whistling. Now when you tick off her half buried friend next to you, which naturally max does with ease and maybe too much glee.. in fact i'm starting a " Going to Hell For This" counter, for each time we ruin someone's life, torture them or what have you to progress, or just for funzies, as we did it a LOT last season and so far have done it a lot. Now I"ll make acceptions for say outright villians or people who deserve it. And even then it'/s about proportions. For example, pelting the soda poppers with urine and bleach? Acceptable, their the soda poppers. Need I say more. But even if Jimmy Two Teeth sucks a LOTTT, nearly driving him to unalive himself is a bit much, not helped by Max's reaction essentially being
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He certainly thought it hard enough. So we'll count that one, still keeping leonard hostage after almost a year, sending santa to hell (even if he was possesed), and not bothering to actually help save christmas. So going into this episode we have
Things We're Going To To Hell For: 4 And we can add from this episode taunting that poor moai.
Things We're Going to Hell Fort: 5
So I assumed both from the hint ONLY mentoing the moai , who creates a little storm cloud when uspet and the wind we were supposed to blow it at jimmy hoffa. Instead... it does nothing. It just dissipates if blown too far and never gets near him. Instead we use the portals, which are frustrating as the game makes it clear the two near the entrance are connected.. but dosen't make it clear EVERY portal is connected this way.
The solution is to open one by the fountain of youth, then open another next to the underground moai, have the good moai blow the cloud and boom, a LOT of dead pirhanas and a free fountain of youth. Also
Things We're Going To Hell For: 6
And with that we can use the glass to scoop some up, give it to hoffa... and blink him out of existance. THings We're Going To Hell For: Still 6 (He Deserved It Yo) It's REALLY sad when killing someone by making them age themselves out of existance isn't the worst thing we've done today. Or even this month.
This event also moves along Sybil's subplot for the season and who boy. Strap yourselves in because I haven't seen a character nosedive this fast in many moons. So the whole episode, Abe and Sybil have been picnicking, only doing that on Abe's suggestion.. and only so he can oggle the middle good moai. Yeah after several episodes of at worst being out of touch and mildly annoying.. abe's somehow lept straight to the bottom and is perving on someone right in front of his girlfriend and THEN asks her to have plastic surgery to look more like the moai.
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Sybil runs off in tears.. and SOMEHOW, SOMEHOW, this gets worse... as Abe THEN tries to hit on the moai. To her credit she shoots him down fast and we get a great response out of him, a casual "that's fair". So he's still funny he's just WAY more of an asshat. I mean granted we just committed two murders in a row, so i'd SAY we can't judge.. but those murders were to save a LOT of lives from death and were of a bunch of fish and a murderous infant man.
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Anyways with this we enter our final puzzle set, continuing from the formula laid out last time. Sadly.. they also fall into a fairly trite, terrible stereotype. It's forgivable enough for the time.. but it's still pretty tone deaf. I can't blame them for fixing it as unlike the various lines corrected for save the world, this is a large part of the plot and thus really coudn't be futzed with.. but it's still not great.
Okay so for our final stretch our heroes run into your standard tone deaf "the natives are stupid and belivie anything is their god" plot only this time it's sea monkeys.
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Yeah.. they.. really coudl've thought this one out a bit more. We have to convince them max is their god/chosen one/whatever instead, in order to replace an old advesary: Mr. Spatula, sam and max's goldfish whose mad he's died and thus is willing to take an island with him. Now you may recall, even if I didn't name him last time, he died. And he did. THIS IS HIS GHOST.
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So to prove ourselves we have to do three tasks. The first is easy and I stumbled into accidently: We have to make the water into BANANG!, an energy drink powder bosco happens to have a lot of.
To get it away from him, we have to torment him.. again. This time we simply radio in, claim to be THEM
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And Bosco goes deeper underground, there's too much panic in this town. So we got the powder.. but we also traumtized a friend for life so
Things We're Going To Hell For: 7
Next is adding an ear to a rock formation that looks like max. Once again the sandwitch is useless.. except as a clue. We finally need that basalt sandwitch for kidz, so it's time to use the fountain of youth water on ourselves.. and ONCE AGAIN the game gets frustrating as you transform back very fast from drinking it. The trick is to use a gong I honestly forgot about in Stinky's diner max reminded me of. I can't tell if I just suck at adventure games or this is poor level design.
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Anyways we get the Basalt and get a really funnys equence with douchecanoe moai as it turns out dude just needed to blaze it and basalt gets moai REALLY good and fucked up. With that he casually laughs and dislodges a stalctite we use to finish the max.
We then finish this section. The stone feet of the buried moai are needed to anoit us. Also yes they have hands and arms stuck in there. We simply use the shell again, this time on a portal next to the best moai , she whistles, he taps his toes and we win. Kinda.
Problem is the island's still errupting with Mr Spatula planning to take us with it. The only way to stop it? Some clever puzzlery. We get a high preist medallion from the Sea Monkeys, dip it in some red slime, then shoot the triangle, using the portals to send the red triangle through it , eating the lava.. and presumibly murdering someone but we won't worry about that. Our ride home is gone though but Abe offers a lift while the moai celebrate.. before being sad they can't move. Then their abducted by what seems to be aliens!
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Moai Better Blues... is a very mixed bag. The writing as usual is hilarious, and while it's a very
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Sort of chapter, it's a FUNNY sort of what the fuck is this, from the various babies, to the black comedy shenanigans as usual, to our heroes riding out on Lincoln's head. It continues episode 1's mean streak, but the weirder setting and more over the top weird black comedy bits like unexistinsing hoffa help it feel far less opressive than last time. The deaths and what we do to bosco are way more over the top. Even abe and sybil's breakup, acompained by the mysterious maraichi's, is more funny than genuinely sad. I DO feel bad for Sybil, but abe is such a dick and he gets karmically punished for it as the moai lady SHARPLY rejects him, multiple times if you want, and he looses Sybil.
Gameplay wise.. it's a lot more obtuse. A lot more relying either on memory (Which isn't good for me but is at least fair) or hoping you figure it out and with most of the max clues being way less helpful. It's a pretty meh chapter all things considered and hopefully as we get spooky next time, we also get back to our quality. Speaking of which
Next Time: VAMPIRES! Just in time for the season. And since it's the 2000's their angsty emo eurotrash vampires! Oh BoY! Thanks for reading!
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elejahfanfic · 1 year
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amelia x oliver_
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spinachcattt · 8 months
Pumpkin Carving - Sam Kiszka
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Warnings: x OC, FLUFF!!! Sam being dramatic
Summary: Sam and his girlfriend Amelia carve pumpkins together :)
“eW!” Here we go again. The yearly charade of Sam and Amelia carving pumpkins. Amelia had already scooped out her pumpkin and was currently waiting for her lovely over dramatic boyfriend to finish scooping out his. “Okay Sam, let's chill out.” As she heard the kettle begin whistling she went over to take it off the stove, pouring herself and Sam a cup of warm, apple spiced tea. “I cannot ‘chill out’ Milly. This is gross.” Amelia laughed but went over to help him. He watched as she finished scooping out his pumpkin for him. She dumped the seeds and flesh (fLeSh) onto the paper that was gently placed on the table beforehand. (gently placed meaning Amelia yelled at it for being folded weirdly and now it wouldn't spread out all the way.) The fliers crinkled underneath the weight of the pumpkin as she set it down in front of Sam. “There you go, princess,” Sam smirked and kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you baby” ‘mhm’ She grabbed the sharpie and started marking out a face. “Yanno, I feel like your pumpkin is always better than mine.” Sam said as he grabbed his own permanent marker. “Well, I don’t change my idea every two seconds. Makes it easier.” She smirked at him as she watched his face fall in faux shock and disappointment. “Listen it is not my fault that my ideas are simply too complex to sketch out on a measly pumpkin” She laughed, it echoed off the walls and filled the space with a sense of comfort. The two of them sat in silence for a little while as they finished drawing all over their individual pumpkins. “I really like these moments. Just hanging out with you. Like we used to, before we got all gross and couple-y” Amelia said, as she continued drawing on her pumpkin. “What, you mean when we would sit and glare at each other before you beat my ass at poker?” Amelia laughed, “precisely”
Once the two were finished, they showed each other the finished product before going to the porch to light the candles inside. “It's wonderful” The two watched as the light shone through the cut holes, flickering in the wind before blowing them out. Going inside to watch the Addams Family and have some more tea.
FIRST FIC POSTED!! I hope it's not too bad lol, enjoy :)
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