#au; my soul calls to yours across the years (modern)
starseternelle · 3 months
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a kiss on the inside of the wrist. ( modern!au bike ride vibes ) // @nightstriumph
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__________🏹      CAREFULLY,        SHE     COMES     TO     STRADDLE        THE     BIKE     BEHIND     HIM.        his   smile,     thrown   casually   over   his   shoulder,     is   still   enough   to   leave   her   as   breathless   as   the   first   night   she   met   him.        she    could    have    never    known    then    just    what    he'd    come    to    mean.     once   she's   satisified   she's   balanced,     she   feels   him   reach   back   to   gently   grab   her   arm    &&    place   a   kiss   against   her   inner   wrist.     right    over    where    her    archer's    arrow    tattoo    lies    inked    into    her    skin     (     he's   joked   it's   pierced   him   straight   through   the   heart.     a   wound   he'd   gladly   take     again    &&    again        )     she's   lost   to   him   for   a   moment,     even   as   he   reminds   her   to   put   her   helmet   on   &&    with   one   final   look   back,     violet   eyes   reflecting   underneath   his   visor,     remember    to    hold    on    this    time.     she   instinctively   reaches   out   to   tap   his   own   helmet in protest,        but   he   takes   off   too   fast.      she    leans    forward,     arms    wrapping    around    his    middle    to    keep    from    falling    off.        though   it's   lost   to   the   wind,        she   can   almost   swear   she   hears   his   laughter   echoing   through   his   chest   as   they   leave   the   city   behind   them.
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ladykailitha · 3 months
Across a Crowded Room
*grumbles* I can't believe this IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE CUTE AND SHORT! Not only has it gotten a little angsty in middle there, it's about to breach 10k words. And I'm not even CLOSE to the ending.
The fuuuucckkkkk.
I was meant to be working on other things. Like editing a story to be beta'ed so I can put it on AO3 for you all, extending Batshit soulmates because I was skipping over too much, and wrapping up Glitters.
Guess who did none of those things because this story consumed my soul?
I will be posting this on Saturday as it's not one of my regular WIPs.
Enjoy. *sniffs* I guess.
Summary: Modern, no monsters AU. After they all graduated from high school the older teens drifted to other parts of the country. And while Steve and Eddie have made short trips to see each other, usually with the whole, they really haven't spent much time in the same room in years.
That all changes when Eddie is able to spend a week in Chicago with Steve and Robin.
But when Eddie sees Steve for the first time in years, he gets scared. Will have the courage to walk across that crowded room to be with Steve?
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Eddie hadn’t seen Steve in years. After high school when they became friends through mutual parenting of six absolutely terrifyingly smart teenagers, they kinda went their separate ways.
Steve and Robin had gone to Chicago for college and Eddie and his band had gone further west to LA to try and make it as metal artists.
This is was the first time in a really long time that their schedules lined up. They talked all the time. Friends on all their social media. But they hadn’t seen each other since they said goodbye in Steve’s driveway four years ago.
Eddie was standing at the bar entrance where he was supposed to be meeting Steve, just staring at him.
God, he had been gorgeous in high school. Because of course he was. Captain of the basketball team, co-captain of the swim team, and the baseball team’s best hitter.
But he looked even more so now.
His honey colored, wind tussled hair had grown out a bit. A lock of hair flopped devastatingly in front of one of his hazel eyes. He had filled out some, once thin and wiry, now deep chested and toned. Even in the winterscape hell that was Chicago, Steve’s skin was warmly tanned.
He was laughing with a group of people and never had Eddie felt more out of place in his life, and that was saying something. He had been dropped off at his Uncle Wayne’s when he was twelve. Been nicknamed the “Freak”. And had always been flamboyantly himself: a big, gay, metal loving geek.
Eddie was about to turn around and go back the way he came when a familiar voice called his name.
He turned around and there was Robin Buckley. Steve’s platonic soulmate and best friend.
“Hey,” he croaked.
“Did you just get here?” she asked brightly.
Eddie nodded. “My flight was delayed three times. I haven’t even been to my hotel yet.”
Robin winced. “That sucks.” She looked at him more closely and he gulped. “You weren’t thinking of cutting and running were you?”
“Me?” Eddie said, dramatically clutching his hands to his chest. “I would ne–”
She raised an eyebrow at him, effectively shutting him up.
“I wasn’t gonna,” Eddie said mournfully, “until I got here. He just looks so happy. He doesn’t need someone like me coming back into his life like a wrecking ball.” He pulled out his phone and waved it at her. “Once I can get this charged, I’ll message him and tell him my flight got canceled and that’ll we’ll reschedule.”
She looked at his phone and then back up at him. “What happened to your phone?”
“My charging cable port snapped,” he grumbled. “And it died after the first delay.”
Again she winced in sympathy.
“You’re in love with him,” she said, “aren’t you?”
Eddie sighed and looked back over at Steve. One of his friends must have told a joke because Steve was laughing so hard his eyes were mere slits. He looked back at her and he sighed.
“The sky is blue, Midwestern winters suck,” he muttered, “and I’m in love with Steve Harrington.”
Robin rolled her eyes, then she got this calculating grin on her face.
“Uh oh.”
“I’ll tell you what,” she said slyly, “you let me do a little experiment with a small wager. If I win, you man up and tell him how you feel. If you win, you can tell him that your trip has been cut short and you have to go back in a couple of days and blow out his life again.”
Eddie pursed his lips and looked at back at Steve.
“What’s the experiment?” he asked.
Robin jumped up and down with glee. “I’m going to text Steve that I found you. You aren’t going to take your eyes off him the whole time. Then when I’m done, I’ll show the conversation.”
He licked his lips. “And what’s the wager?”
“You think he’s happier without you,” she said. “If that’s true, he’s not going to show a lot of excitement. He’ll be relieved and happy that you’re here, but no real enthusiasm. Right?”
Eddie just nodded, not trusting himself to speak.
“I know he’s going to flip out,” she continued with that sly grin. “He’s going to be jumping up and down and looking around for you, trying to find you in the crowd.”
“What if it’s somewhere in the middle?” Eddie asked honestly.
Robin cocked her head to the side. “Then you stay the full week and suss him out.”
Eddie let out a long sigh. “All right. You’re on.”
“Good!” she said. She grabbed him by the arms and moved him a little. “There. Now he won’t be able to spot you immediately.”
He had let himself be manhandled because he had long since learned that Robin could and would kick if he didn’t do what she wanted.
“Now, keep your eyes on Steve.”
Eddie scoffed. “Easiest thing in the world.”
Robin snorted and got out her phone.
He really wanted to look over her shoulder to see what she was typing because he was eaten up with curiosity about what she was sending Steve. But he did as he was told. He kept his eyes on the most beautiful boy in the world.
Steve pulled out his phone and then his head snapped up. He looked around excitedly. He started flapping his hands and talking animatedly with his friends. Eddie watched as he smoothed down his hair and wiped his hands on his jeans. He pulled out a breath mint out of his pocket and ducked his head when his friends obliviously teased him for it.
He looked over at Robin in shock.
“What the hell did you tell him?”
She turned her phone around and he read their conversation.
-Guess who I found by the door looking like a lost puppy?
-He’s here?
-Eddie’s here?
-Why didn’t he text me? :(
-Calm down, I’ll bring him to you.
-The idiot’s phone died and his charger broke.
-I can’t be calm, how can I be calm? He’s here! He’s finally here.
The little frownie face at the end of the “Why didn’t he text me?” message did Eddie’s heart in.
He cleared his throat. “Um...if I were to, say, I don’t know, go over there and kiss his lights out, would I get hate crimed?”
Robin laughed. “No. And there is no one in his friends that would be nasty about it either.”
Eddie nodded. “Lead the way.” He bowed and waved his hand dramatically so that she would go first.
Eddie cackled as he followed her to the table. Steve was on his feet the instant he saw him.
Eddie was a weak man. That had been pretty well established tonight. So he thought he could be excused when he picked Steve up by the waist and swung him around.
“Eddie!” Steve giggled.
Robin scoffed. “Gays are so disgusting.”
“Says the lesbian,” Steve said when Eddie had put him down.
“Lesbians are a different flavor of gay and thereby aren’t disgusting,” she said with a half shrug like it was a truth universally acknowledged or some shit.
He shook his head and turned back to Eddie, who had yet to let go of his waist. “I missed you, too, Eds.”
“I missed you so much, Stevie,” Eddie whispered back.
“Yeah?” Steve asked, hopeful.
“Yeah,” he breathed and lifted Steve’s chin. He pressed their lips together and suddenly Steve’s crowd of friends erupted into cheers.
Steve broke the kiss and stared up at Eddie in awe.
Eddie giggled. “You like that?”
“Yeah,” Steve said, more than a little breathless. “You’re stuck now. That’s how I want you to greet me every time now.”
Eddie’s face split with a large grin. “You got it, baby.”
Robin cleared her throat. “May I remind you two that we are in fact in public?”
Eddie and Steve looked over at her and then back at each other. Robin isn’t sure who started it, but soon they both were laughing like children.
Steve introduced him to the small group of friends.
There was a sofa near the table Steve’s friends were sitting at so Eddie sat down there, so Steve could cuddle up on his side.
“How long are you in town for?” A punky Asian girl with pink and purple streaks in her short cropped hair asked. Steve had introduced her as Maria Nguyen. They had a couple of classes with each other.
Steve looked at Eddie as if he had been wondering the same thing.
Eddie chuckled. “That’s the surprise I was telling you about, darlin’. Me and the boys got a record deal and their headquarters and studio is right here in Chicago. So I will be moving to the fair Windy city.”
“You’re staying?” Steve asked, his voice rising with excitement.
“I’m in town for about a week to look for apartments and shit,” Eddie amended. “Then I will move here at the end of the month.”
“Holy shit!” Robin said, glaring daggers at him.
Steve picked up on the latent hostility, but Eddie shook his head and whispered, “I’ll tell you later.” He pressed a kiss to Steve hair.
“You have a band?” a large young man with freckles and braces asked. He had red hair and wire rimmed glasses. Steve said his was Jason, Justin...Jarren! That was it.
“Sure do!” Eddie said. “Corroded Coffin. Me and my three closest friends, besides Buck and Stevie here, have been out in LA playing our hearts out.”
“Buck?” Maria asked, rearing her head back.
“Buckley!” Eddie explained.
“So what kind of music do you play?” Jarren asked, leaning forward, very interested.
Maria snorted. “Like that’s Steve’s least favorite kind of music.”
Steve sat up. “It is not! There are all sorts of music I don’t like. Metal can be good. It’s just the screamo shit I can’t stand. Corroded Coffin isn’t like that.”
“Yeah,” Robin agreed. “Hell, Steve would put pop music below metal and you know how much he loves Tears for Fears.”
Eddie groaned. “I still can’t believe of all the 80s bands out there to be your favorite you pick Tears for Fears!”
“What? They’re great.”
“Stevie, darlin’, love of my life,” Eddie said sweetly. “You cannot honestly tell me that their version of ‘Mad World’ is better than Gary Jules.”
“Wait?” Jarren said. “They did a cover of ‘Mad World’?”
Steve shook his head. “They sang it originally. Here let me show you.”
He pulled out his phone and handed it over. Robin, Maria, and Jarren huddled around the phone as they watched the video for it.
“That was trippy as hell,” Maria said, handing the phone back to Steve.
“I know, right?” Eddie said.
Steve rolled his eyes. “He does have a point regarding this one song. The original version is too fast for what the song is about.”
Eddie cackled with glee.
“I still maintain that Shout, Head Over Heels, and Everybody Wants to Rule the World are absolute bangers,” Steve huffed.
Eddie kissed his cheek and Steve blushed.
“Wait!” Jarren said, “Do my eyes deceive me or is Steve Harrington, the man, the myth, the legend, blushing?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Not that again. I don’t believe it was ever a thing.”
Eddie sat up on the sofa, too and looked Steve in the eye. “What’s this, babe?”
“Stevie here made a girl come just by talking to her,” Robin said with a grin.
Eddie licked his lips slowly and Steve blushed deeper. “Did you now?”
“No!” Steve insisted. “That was just the excuse she used for running away after I badly flirted with her.”
Maria scoffed. “Dude, I was there, you did not flirt badly.”
Eddie pulled Steve close to his side and murmured in his ear. “I fully expect the full Harrington Charm experience, sweetheart.” His voice dropped really low. “Because I bet you could make me come just from the sound of your voice.”
Steve’s eyes went wide and he ducked his head.
Maria shook her head. “I can’t believe that King Steve got out rizzed by this swagless loser. How in the hell?”
“Maria!” Jarren hissed. “He does not look like a swagless loser. You take that back. He’s cool.”
Eddie turned to Steve. “Looks like you’re going to have to be the tie-breaker, sweetheart.”
“How’s that?” Steve asked. “Robin hasn’t said anything yet.”
“Ah, but that’s because I think I’m cool,” Eddie said holding up one finger, “and I know that Robin would vote for swagless loser.”
Robin snorted. “Damn right I would.”
“So it’s girls verses guys,” Steve said thoughtfully.
Jarren snorted. “More like lesbians verses the gays.”
Steve cocked his head to the side and then nodded.
“I dub thee my really cool metalhead geek!” Steve said solemnly.
Everyone’s eyes narrowed at him.
“Babe...” Robin said. “Did you just go down the middle of the road to avoid an argument?”
Steve batted his eyelashes at her. “Maybe...”
Eddie huffed and crossed his arms in front of his chest, pouting. Steve leaned forward and kissed the bottom of his jaw.
“How about my very cool, gorgeous, metalhead boyfriend?” he murmured softly.
Eddie looked down at him eyes wide. “Holy shit, you mean that?”
Steve nodded.
Eddie swiftly brought their mouths together and kissed Steve deeply. “That is acceptable.”
Steve giggled.
The night past in good company and drinks.
Eddie had duck out early because he still had to check into his hotel, but he kissed Steve goodbye and left with a spring in his step.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Also, also. I forgot to mention that the title comes from a song by Counting Crows called Long December. So in my head I was singing, It's been so long since you came to (Indiana) I think you should!
Never mind they're in Illinois and the actual lyric is California.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
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writingmochi · 1 month
i only said | a visualizer and a teaser
cast: soobin ✗ fem.reader
synopsis: as you stood on the crowded train while making eye contact with the boy from the neighboring school. light shines into the dim train car as it becomes empty and filled with sand. approaching you is a humanoid figure, who calls you the king and queen of viliya—the island kingdom that is plagued with nightmares that haunt its people which you and the boy are also not immune to
genre: two lost souls find comfort, silent lovers, magical realism, meet ugly, hurt/comfort, adventure, thriller, coming of age, romance, high school au (both are 19 and in senior year), late 2010s au, modern royalty au, angst, fluff, mature content (phobias, trauma, war, explicit smut)
inspired by: music my bloody valentine's "i only said" (1991), txt's 2019-2020 star seekers music videos ("nap of the star", "magic island", "eternally"), and movies bridge to terabithia (2007) and tigers are not afraid (2017)
word count: 361 (teaser)
release: will not write so i can shock you ;) but it's going to be in 2024
message from the moon: i've been noticing a drought of epic and fantastical txt fics lately. so, i'm gonna do it myself :]
p.s. yes, late 2010s are already nostalgic enough that it can be its own au with its own style and tech
part of the loveless anthology
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you always experience something weird when the train is nearing cheongdam. it is as if your senses are being attacked in a sweep when goosebumps form in a wave before it calms down. then it starts again as the train approaches the outdoor part of its journey to cross the body of water. the lights inside start to flicker as you see outside to view the han river from under the bridge, yet sometimes, it's not a river, but a beach.
the sky is the clear turquoise blue that reflects the seawater. the view of the river bank turns into sand that's lining the barrier of land and sea. you could sometimes hear the sound of crashing waves from it even if you only see the setting sky as it changes from day to night. though now, that turquoise sky is getting darker and darker, even darker than the sunset you usually see when you cross on the hanging tracks from the cheongdam bridge to ttukseom park.
then you see it: the visions.
quick timelapse of the neon street, crumbling buildings crashing down as their support couldn't hold on, humanoid beings who can fly as they attacked something dark. only the color orange highlights everything before you see flickers of a woman with long platinum blonde locks and white dress, calling out your name as your eyes are trying to focus on her heterochromia ones.
you've always held onto the nearest surface as you glance at the dots turning red between cheongdam and ttukseom park stations, breathing in and out as you felt your palm getting sweatier when you felt the whole compartment seemed to shake more and more as you approached the bridge and let the light from outside coming in. recently, the shakiness is getting rougher and the vision more frequent. but, you've always try to comfort yourself and see the boy across from you if he is okay.
because it seems like you're not the only one to notice all the things you've experienced, especially when you see him mumbling whilst staring at the red dots lighting up on top of the door when the train approaches the bridge.
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taglist: @raeyunshm @leilasmom @evidive @boba-beom @kwiwin @heesw1fe @aloverga @endzii23 @fluffyywoo @camipendragon @hiqhkey @wccycc @cha0thicpisces @y4wnjunz @yeehawnana @beansworldsstuff @kimipxl @blurryriki @amazzwon @stayzentiny @rebsmoonn @angelbythewindow @ttyunz @itzzz-yerin @shinrjj
© writingmochi on tumblr, 2021-2024. all rights reserved
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lymoncat · 5 months
AOT HCS MODERN AU! What pet you guys own
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he has a dog I’m not even gonna lie, he comes across as a dog person, he doesn’t care what breed but prefers big dogs specifically German shepherds he bought a dog when y’all moved in together and he’s actually really close with the dog, you named the dog bobo you chose the name cuz you thought it would be cute, the dog is very attached to eren
a cat, an orange tabby cat. Armin comes across as a more calm less crazy person meaning he would want a cat to chill and read with. He named the cat tangerine cuz it’s orange. You bought him the cat for Christmas one year since you didn’t know what to get him. It’s the wholesome moments, when you see him on the couch after work holding the cat, you fall in love all over again with your gentle small ray of sunshine
you may think that he has a horse but your very wrong, he has an annoying green parrot that calls you mom, you can simply walk by the change and you’ll hear “food mom?” And you eventually get used to it and get another parrot for them to play together and stop bugging you
oh you poor unfortunate soul, him and that tortoise. Jk he has a dog still, you poor unfortunate soul, him and that dog do everything together, he has a border collie that joins you two in everything, taking a shower, the dog is at the door, using the bathroom?, the dog is staring into your soul, trying to leave? The dog is following you out the door. The dogs same is bacon cuz the dog loves bacon
Bull dog off the bat, he has a big dog strong like him, they wrestle on the living room floor all the time, go on walks, play fetch, chase little kids- wait- what?! Yeah, they think it’s funny to chase children in the park especially the snotty teenager brats over in the corner doing some not so innocent things, the dog is a female named Presley very energetic and playful but don’t expect any unwanted visitors there will be none, middle of the night a robber comes ain’t no way that person getting out alive, maybe in a body bag but not alive.
a tortoiseshell cat with gold eyes, you guys went to an animal rescue center for your anniversary and he fell in love with this cat, he was begging you until you said yes I mean how could you not?! He’s batting those pretty green eyes while on his knees with the cat “please can we get her? I’ll do anything my love” it was a yes in that very moment and next thing you knew you were on your way home with a cat named pineapple don’t bother asking how that name came across his mind but it’s always nice to see him in one of his weird sleeping positions with pineapple splayed across his chest on her back
a lazy pug named Mr. There’s no question just a fat lazy pug that sheds buckets of fur.
you begged him to get an animal and he kept saying no until he came home to you having bought one without his permission, he glared and looked pissed until that fat fluffy black cat looked him in the eyes with her emerald ones. He caved in. The cat was named jasmine and he allowed you to keep it because cats are very hygienic and easy to take care of. He hates changing the litter box but will do it for Jasmine. And when he does actually sleep it’s curled up with you and jasmine and absolutely precious, jasmine sits on his lap when he’s doing work and he shares his food with her all of the time strangely enough she loves lettuce, you’ll be in the kitchen making salad and she’ll prance over and sit there meowing for lettuce
I hope you guys liked this, please comment your thoughts and send me requests and don’t be afraid to give me feedback ❤️✨
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unicorncornflakes · 1 year
Wedding Dress - Modern AU! | Final Chapter + Epilogue
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Previous Chapter |
Paring: Jacaerys Velaryon x Reader x Aemond Targaryen.
Summary: You have always seemed happy. A perfect life: a good job, a good family… and a good boyfriend. Finally, you are going to marry Jace after three years of dating. Everything seems perfect, but you know it's not.
Everything falters the same night you meet Aemond Targaryen. You are no longer sure of your decisions… let alone about the wedding…
Tags: Alternate Universe – Modern/ Setting Enemies to Friends to Lovers/ Emotional Hurt/ComfortDrama & Romance/ Eventual Smut.
Author´s note: Hi everyone! English is not my first language, sorry for any mistake! All of them are my fault! Pls, enjoy! Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome!
Word Count: 7.4K
Tag-List (If you wanna be tagged, let me know): @tssf-imagines @nika-sophie05 @hkmultifandom @thetrueblackheart @chainsawsangel @darkenchantress @itsabby15 @afro-hispwriter @ipostwhatifeel @kezibear @thedamewithabook
You saw yourself in front of the mirror. You felt uncomfortable with the new dress, uncomfortable and sad. But you didn't want to wear the old one either. You felt like your soul was breaking into a thousand pieces. They had all been right in the end. Jace was the right one. Just when you had already opened your heart to what you really wanted, Aemond had torn it to pieces. He was a…
"You look so much prettier like this" your grandmother replied when she saw you in front of the mirror, with an approving smile. “This is the dress. I would have killed to wear it ”she answered happy and complete, and you wanted to give her a glance that was anything but pretty. You only sighed without strength or encouragement. You had changed the dress. You had pleased your grandmother, Jace, and his mother. Brilliant. You were going to be the most submissive of all wives. Congratulations. And you hated yourself, you hated yourself at that very moment. Alara rolled her eyes at your grandmother's words, but she said nothing. She just remained silent, looking at you with concern while your future mother-in-law and your grandmother seemed ecstatic with the change of dress. All the workers around you working in hurry. The big day was approaching and it was necessary to have it already prepared. Yes, it was very necessary. They continued with their work while you looked at yourself in the mirror. You were sick of everything, but you were too sad to be able to show it.
Aemond sent you another message again. You must have blocked him because nothing was coming to you and he couldn't see your profile picture anymore. He needed to talk to you. He needed it desperately. He had tried to call you several times without success after what had happened between you. He hadn't been successful. He had stood at your doorstep for hours in the car, the rain pouring down on his beloved car, and he hadn't seen you once. You should… you should have gone to live with… Jace. He hate him. He hated him with all the strength of him. Sitting across from him in that room, in that new contingency meeting. He had a stupid smile on his lips. You two must had fucked last night, and Aemond was only jealous. He wanted to kill him, he wanted to destroy him… he wanted you to reply to that message, to tell him that you forgave him, that you were staying with him… He looked at Aegon, sitting next to him, who was looking at the screen of Aemond's phone with a worried grimace. He still had a black eye, and everything indicated that he was going to continue to be that way. Their mother hadn't asked what had happened between them. Aegon had said that he had hit himself in the dark while drunk, and that was the end of it. Aemond turned off the screen on his phone. The last thing he wanted was for Aegon to see him crawling for you. He continued to attend the meeting, but this time he said nothing. Jace asked him what he thought, out of courtesy, and Aemond, for the first time in a long time, didn't care in the least about the future of the company.
"Hey!" just as Aemond was walking out the door of the company building, Aegon called out to him. It was raining heavily and Aegon ran drenched to his umbrella. He tried to look at his little brother with a smile and his hair soaked, as well as his jacket. "I have the car in a review, can you drive me home?" Aegon wondered and Aemond rolled an annoyed eye at him. He knew that the car was not under review. It was just a pretext to talk to him.
“Okay,” his brother replied, as he strode to his car under his black umbrella. Aegon trailed behind and climbed into the passenger seat once they arrived. Aemond made a disgusted sound as he drenched the entire leather seat.
"I'll pay you for a new upholstery... no, better, a new car" he commented as if he realized what his brother had just thought. Aemond laughed sarcastically.
"If we get to the next term without losses, what you should do is stop living at home with father and mother" Aemond commented without paying much attention again and starting the car.
"What? Mom and dad adore me…they couldn't live without me, who else would they comment on cooking shows with?” He said, really proud, as if he believed that his parents really needed him at home. After a moment of silence, he spoke with a voice heavy with feeling, “She left me because of that, you know? She told me that I wasn't mature enough for what she wanted,” he commented, opening up to his younger brother for the first time, talking to him about the waitress, trying to make him see that they were both in the same situation. Aemond did not answer. He just kept driving in silence, he didn't feel like comforting the guy who had spoiled all the hopes he had for you. So, Aegon continued speaking “I didn't know you really liked her. I wouldn't have spoken if I had known,” he mused silently, sounding for the first time convinced and regretful of what he was saying. "I thought…I thought you wanted to annoy Jace…I'm sorry…"
"Forgiveness only silences the minds of the guilty" Aemond responded with his gaze fixed on the road, explaining to him that this forgiveness was of little use to him now. It was of no use to him.
“I can talk to (Y/N), if you want. Explain to her what happened, and… and…” he began to speak and Aemond took advantage of that traffic light to look at him wide-eyed.
"No" was all he answered to turn his gaze to the front.
"I'm sure if I explain, if I explain things…" Aegon tried to explain to his brother, to whom he shook his head again in his direction in annoyance.
"Of course, she doesn't pick up my phone or answer my messages and she's going to do it with you" he blurted out without any love, driving again once the light turned green. Aegon looked out the window, annoyed that his initiative didn't seem to improve the situation between them at all.
"I care about you, okay? Even if you don't believe it, I care about you ”he sighed defeated with his head resting on the car window. Aemond kept his gaze fixed on the road, trying not to answer those words "You should have been the oldest..."
"It wouldn't have changed things." Aemond finally broke his silence. He hated driving when it was raining, and Aegon was getting sentimental on top of that.
"No, I wouldn't have screwed up so much if I'd had you as an example." Aegon smiled sadly. For the first time in his life, Aemond looked at his older brother with an ounce of compassion, as if something hidden in his mind was making contact with the rest. However, Aegon at that moment was Aegon again "Let's party, tonight" he roared loudly "I can introduce you to some friends who…"
"It's Tuesday" Aemond groaned tiredly, passing his hand over his face in a gesture of disbelief, did Aegon take a break from his lifestyle at some point?
"You see it? You're so much better than me.” Aegon smiled sadly again and leaned his head against the glass again. He closed his eyes to the sound of the rain and Aemond continued driving in silence to his parents' house. Something was changing between them, and Aemond wanted to think it was because you had taught him to be a better person.
"I don't like the ending" Daemon leaned back in his chair with his gaze lost in the rain of that day. You sighed without really wanting to argue, but you had finally finished writing your book, and the ending was not something debatable. It couldn't be a happy ending. You didn't see yourself with the strength to write a happy ending.
“I can't write anything better, it's what I feel. It stays that way" you answered him with a cold look and he responded with a sad smile. You didn't want anything else. You couldn't anymore.
"I have not said that it is bad. I said I don't like it. It's very sad ”he replied, getting up. You already knew his routine, he was going to serve himself a drink. Meanwhile, the water continued to crash violently against the glass. You heard a bottle cap pop open and the liquid hit the ice. But for the first time, Daemon poured two glasses in your presence and offered you one by carrying it to your table and sitting back in his chair. He took a drink looking into your eyes and ended up smiling at you. "Drink" he told you, pointing at the glass again with his gaze. You licked your lips, and he smiled silently, as if he knew what was happening. He knew, even though you hadn't told anyone, he knew “I'm going to publish it. It won't be a very large run, but... we'll talk about money, okay?" he told you he with a sweet voice "So let's toast to the success of your book"
You looked at him on the verge of tears, finally... Finally, after so many years of hard effort... the reward was there and it came at the most bitter moment of your life to cheer you up. You walked over to him and hugged him with tears rolling down your cheeks. He had no idea what it meant to you, or maybe he did, and that's why he was doing it. Be that as it may, you were finally going to see what you had worked so hard on come true "Thank you" you whispered to him, and he hugged you back still sitting in his chair.
"Call me crazy, but... you should tell it yo the guy you inspired the main character..." he commented with a sweet smile on his lips and you pulled away to look at him confused.
"I don't understand you..." you told him with a small voice, but of course you understood. You understood perfectly.
"I don't know what has happened between you, but everything has a solution, except death" he joked at the end, taking a last swallow of his drink and leaving it already finished on his table.
"He's an asshole, you know that?" you said sad, without wanting to go into more detail. And Daemon laughed heartily.
"I know. I know him before you do,” he laughed cheekily, turning on the desk chair he was sitting in. "But he's the kind of asshole you like"
"No, believe not" you shook your head, looking elsewhere. "It's over" you told him shrugging your shoulders and drinking the entire contents of the glass at once. Daemon looked at you with concern, because he knew that it wasn't over, it was just beginning.
"We've closed another contract with a company from the summer islands," Jace informed you terribly happily, while you two ate dinner at that expensive restaurant. You tried to smile, but everything stayed in a sad grimace. You were in no condition at all for it. You hadn't even told him about the publication of the book. But, you had realized that your marriage was going to be like this. Jace needed a quiet woman by his side, who wouldn't interrupt his success. He took a drink of wine and looked at you with a look full of love. You tried to smile again as you sliced that rare steak. You remembered Aemond and you hated yourself, or well, you didn't even know if you had stopped thinking about him at some point. "With this, most of the worries go away" Jace whispered to you, stretching his arm across the table to reach your hand and intertwine his fingers with yours "The big day is coming..." he whispered it to you in love and lost in the sad depth of your eyes that he confused with nervousness.
"Yes" was all you could sigh, faking a smile as you returned your attention to your food, chewing slowly. You hated rare meat, why did you order it rare?
"I know that these last few months we've been under a lot of pressure... but now, we have to relax and think about the future," he commented, taking another sip of his glass before speaking. "After dinner, I'm going to take you to see a surprise," he smiled at you. seductive.
"Everything will be closed when we go out, it's late and on a Tuesday" you told him with what you tried to be a tender smile, but it didn't come out and Jace could only outline a worried grimace.
"Wait and see" he informed you, to later continue talking about work, plans for the future and how excited your families were about the wedding. All those topics was not a single one to your liking.
Jace drove in silence with a smile. You looked out the window confused. This was a residential neighborhood on the outskirts of the city, one of the most expensive there was. You sighed, there are few things that could be there that you could be interested in. He stopped in front of a newly built house, "What do you think?" he whispered to you, pointing his head at that house thatimitated an old and sober style.
"That it's a house" you shrugged, looking at him with a confused smile.
"It's not just a house" he returned a smile "It's our house" he took out a key and placed it in front of you. You saw them sway silently in front of your face and could only look away. I had bought a house, a bloody house... without consulting you, without asking if you liked that neighborhood. You didn't have a car and it was at least thirty minutes from the city center at best. You felt like you were going to isolate yourself in that house, without the opportunity to be close to the things you liked... neither... nor... you began to get overwhelmed and Jace caressed the bare shoulder of that black dress that didn't keep you warm at that time of year … “Do you want to come in and see her?” he whispered to you, but you didn't even know what to say. You looked at him on the verge of tears and he confused it with immense happiness, he didn't even know how to read you... "Come on" he said it full of enthusiasm, getting out of the car and immediately opening your door. You sighed when you found yourself in front of that big house, you didn't like it.
Jace opened the door and you followed with difficulty as he explained everything about the house, holding your hand. Although you weren't listening, you hadn't heard anything for a while. You just wanted to run away from there. If this was his idea of something that could move you, he was sorely mistaken. "It has good schools" you heard him say and you looked at him coming back to reality.
"What?" you told him, tilting your head trying to understand.
"It has good schools, the area" he told you with a smile and surrounding you with his arms "I want to have children soon, as soon as possible" he smiled captivatingly at you, bringing his lips closer to yours, and you quickly moved your lips away. All this was overwhelming you, you had realized that Jace and you did not want the same thing. It was impossible. That house was the reflection of it. How could you have been so blind? You needed to think calmly, you needed to not think about your future as that of a bored housewife in that expensive and isolated neighborhood, so far from everything you liked... Who did Jace take you for if that was his idea of life? your ideal fantasy Maybe it was just his, as always...
"I don't feel well" you whispered, "I think dinner made me sick" you lied, but you didn't even know what to say.
“Oh, so let's go back to my apartment, and…” he started to say to you, but you cut him off quickly.
"No, please, take me to my house, please" you asked, heading towards the exit of that horrible house. Jace looked at you confused to end up looking at the ground as he followed you closely. Didn't you like his surprise? And most importantly, why did you want to sleep away from him so close to the wedding date?
“We are going to toast the imminent success of your book” Alara said it in that bar while you looked with a confused smile at the cupcake with a birthday candle that she had brought and left on the table where you were sitting that afternoon, on that terrace. You both toasted, although your smile was far from happy. You pointed at the cupcake with a confused look and the first genuine smile you had in a long time.
"What is this?" you told her, trying not to laugh.
“It's clearly a celebratory cupcake. It's the best thing that has occurred to me, so you're already blowing out the candle and eating it ”she snapped at you, annoyed at your laughter about the ridiculousness of the scene. You blew out the candle to her amusement, a quick timid blow and you looked at her. Alara had an approving smile that you found funny.
"I'm not going to eat it" you smiled at her, trying not to be rude.
"Now you're going to bullshit me over the line for your dress" she rolled her eyes, disgruntled, crossing her arms to finally scold you with a look. "Eat it."
“I've been throwing up all night.” you confessed, taking your hands to your hair and leaning on the table. You were nervous, and you didn't know why. The phone screen lit up just at that moment. You took a quick glance at it while Alara did so cheekily. He'd called you again and with the block you'd put on him, his call had gone straight to voicemail.
"Aren't you 'Friends' anymore?" Alara looked over her shoulder at you accusingly. You sighed. You were going to confess. She was your best friend. She wasn't going to tell anyone, and you couldn't go on like this, not after Jace had bought that awful house without consulting you, your grandmother and Rhaenyra had chosen the dress…
"I slept with him two weeks ago" you blurted it out without thinking, suddenly, like a pull of cold wax. And in that moment you felt relief and disappointment.
"Wh-what?" Alara had turned pale at your confession, as if she hadn't expected that, as if she was seeing a completely different woman. “H-how…?”
“I argued with Jace because of him and he took the opportunity to take me to bed. That's all” you sighed, taking a sip of your drink, not daring to meet her eyes. At that moment, you wished you could have told that anecdote with a different ending, like the beginning of your relationship with him. But, you just sighed and looked down at the ground. "Turns out he just wanted to be my friend and sleep with me to screw Jace over something that happened at the company.” You felt used and mistreated by him, but then Alara asked you something that made you think.
"Then why does he keep calling you?" she asked with a frown.
"I don't know" you sighed. The screen lit up again with another forwarded call and you put the phone away. "In the voice messages that he leaves me, he always tells me that he has to explain things to me."
"Are you listening to his messages?" She asked you, returning to her usual tone of voice, as if she had recovered from the blow you just gave her. “You're hooked for him, (Y/N). Assume it"
"The thing is... I don't think I want to marry Jace" you confessed, for the first time in all those years, you expressed how you felt "I have to think about it, weigh it up. I haven't seen him for a whole day... I can't. I don't think I can have the life he wants."
"We have finally found the key" Alara sighed with relief, as if she always knew that this was what was going to happen, as if she had waited for that moment all her life, the moment to open your eyes, no matter how painful it was " You won't be happy if you marry him."
“He has bought a house, without consulting me. In an area with 'Good schools' ”you shook your head, as if everything was overwhelming you, because you were. “I don't know what his idea is, but it's not mine, and…and…” you regretted it right then. You were seriously sleep deprived the night before. "I have to think"
"In what?" Alara snapped at you, not believing what was happening.
"What do I really want to do" you sighed. The phone vibrated at that time. Jace was writing to tell you that he was picking you up at 8:00 to go to another one of those stupid company parties, because of the new contract. You rolled your eyes and wondered if these people never got tired of having parties. Besides, you didn't know if you were ready to see Aemond without crying.
Daemon grabbed you by the shoulder to hug you while you toasted with him, Rhaenyra and Jace to the new contract at that luxurious party in that expensive hotel. People surrounded you. There was music, food and happy people. Apparently that was a contract even more important than the one that had been signed with the Starks and Jace was delighted to have achieved it, although the truth is that he couldn't lie that that contract had been signed due to Aemond's change of attitude in the In recent weeks, much more permissive, as if he no longer cared where they were going, but he wasstill tenacious and with a nose for business.
"To new beginnings," Jace said, and the four of you toasted. You smiled at him, seen from the outside you seemed like a perfect couple, and best of all, at that moment, without seeing Aemond at that party, you believed it was so. You all drank from your cups.
“Yes, and because of (Y/N)'s book. Let's hope it's a super seller” Daemon said and the two of you toasted in tune. However, you felt Jace's grip on your hips falter.
"What book?" He smiled in bewilderment, and then you remembered that you hadn't told him about the publishing or that you hadn't even told him that you had finished it.
“I have finished writing it. Daemon is going to publish it” you told him with a smile, hoping that he would be happy for you, as if you had waited for that happy moment to confess it to him.
"Oh, good, good" Jace looked at the ground, suppressing something that seemed annoyed, pressing his lips tightly "If you'll excuse me, I have people to say hello to" he just left your hug and you watched him, confused, leaving your side. And you felt unprotected at that party with so many people. Alone again. What had happened to him? Daemon nuzzled your shoulder, as if he knew what was wrong with Jace and spoke in a whisper almost like a father to his little daughter. You kept seeing Jace in the crowd, waving like nothing was wrong, while everything was happening.
“How about we go for a drink, (Y/N)?” Daemon spoke to you, saying goodbye to Rhaenyra and leading you away, seeking some kind of protection for you. He knew what was about to happen.
You were sitting alone at one of the tables in a corner of that huge room, drinking in silence. Daemon had been claimed by someone and left you there. You hadn't seen Jace again all night. It was already late when you saw a shadow of blond hair flicker out of the corner of your eye. He was similar to Aemond, but not the same, and you sighed with relief when your heart began to beat again. It was Aegon approaching you with a smile and his eye still black. It hab been two weeks ago, how long was that blow going to last? You sighed angrily getting up from his seat when you saw that he was approaching you, but that terrible boy kept approaching you until he blocked your way with a smile that tried to appear innocent on his face.
"I promise you that when they told me you were going to be here I thought: This is my chance" he smiled at you charmingly, and you narrowed your eyes.
"But do you ever think?" you said tilting your head in annoyance and Aegon just laughed.
“No wonder he is crazy about you. You two are the same” he continued laughing and just when he saw that you were going to leave, he grabbed your arm to talk to you, approaching you and whispering in your ear, worried this time “Look, it was my mistake. I thought that what he was feeling was a tantrum to screw Jace over, but in the end it turns out that no, he really likes you, and I can't stand seeing him like a beaten dog anymore... I love that he's screwed, but not like this" he sighed, moving past his free hand across his face in a gesture of weariness.
"Why would I believe you?" You answered him, scrutinizing his face, searching for what he had told you to be true. You couldn't trust anyone anymore.
"I can bet you want to believe me" he smiled again with a quick and fleeting smile. Your heart skipped a beat, because you knew it was true. You were in love with Aemond, to death, like a disaffected puppy. Just then, you heard right behind you Aemond clearing his throat of him. He looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks, despite being dressed for the occasion. Aegon released you instantly, like a child caught in a prank. You knew that even though you hadn't seen him all night, he did you, waiting for the right moment to get closer to you. But you left there without a word, with your head held high. You wanted to believe what Aegon had told you, but Aemond was still an asshole. "You are welcome. I've already done more than you have,” Aegon whispered, brushing past him as Aemond continued to watch you move through the party, so far and so close to him.
Just as the party was ending, Jace finally walked up to you. You saw him for the first time in your relationship slightly drunk "We need to talk" he whispered in your ear, you could smell the alcohol on his breath and you just nodded your head in the affirmative, while he took your hand and led you to the terrace of the lounge of that hotel. He leaned on the railing, breathing hard and he was frank, direct, and only with those words, he managed to dynamite everything you felt for him, if there was still something left.
“I don't want you to publish the book” he told you without looking at you, gripping the railing tightly. His knuckles white with tension.
"What?" You told him incredulous at what was happening. Your heart started beating fast, you felt like it was going to jump out of your chest at any moment, what was going on inside Jace's head? "Jace..." you tried to get closer to him, but Jace just looked at you with contempt.
“I don't want you to publish it. Don't do it "he shook his head again" where are our plans for the future if you do it? The house, the children…” he sighed tiredly, but then you realized that those were not your plans. Your heart stopped dead.
"We can do everything..." you started to justify yourself, trying to salvage something from what was left in that shipwreck, but Jace attacked again.
"No. We can not. We have to focus, not chase stupid dreams, we have to start a family…” he began to tell you, but then you responded with a broken voice.
"Do you think my dreams are stupid?" you told him, trying to understand what was happening, the sweet boy is turning out to be rather a bitter boy who wanted what the others told him that he had to want his age.
“The book question is stupid. It has stolen our time during these three years, and… ”he tried to explain, but you turned, broken with pain, watching from the open door of the terrace as there were fewer and fewer guests at that party.
"You don't have to take me home" you told him, cold holding back tears.
"Please, (Y/N), be realistic..." he sighed, trying to reason with you, but even Jace himself knew that he had lost you at that moment. You ran to the bathroom, crying, but just at that instant, you bumped into Aemond, and seeing how he looked at you, you knew that he had heard everything. His mania for listening to your conversations with Jace was becoming a habit, but he didn't say anything. He just took you by the hand in silence and led you away from that party until they all left. You sighed. You knew you weren't going to stay with Jace, now the question was whether you were going to stay on Aemond's side. Later you returned in silence to that room still uncollected and abandoned. He took you by the waist and smiled "I've been wanting to ask you to dance all night" he smiled sadly, resting his forehead on yours. You looked at him with tear-filled eyes. Broken by everything that had happened in the last few weeks. "I don't think wanting to fulfill your dreams is stupid" Aemond whispered. Maybe for him or maybe for you. The two of you stayed dancing in that lonely room of that expensive hotel. Confetti on the floor. Lights off. Just leftovers from the party. But it had always been that way for him. All to the Strong boys, the rest to Aegon, and thanks to him. There was no music to follow, no more stupid, fake laughter. It was just him and you. The city lights were the only focus that illuminated your dance. Your head rested on his chest and the only thing he could think about was that you weren't his. He just closed his eye and smelled your hair. One corner of his mouth turned up. That perfect scent. I was going to do something stupid, but acts of bravery always begin with acts of foolishness. Your tears keep falling down your cheeks. Yet it was there, in Aemond's arms, the only place you found peace those days. Why would you fool yourself? He stopped taking the initiative. The hand that was holding yours traveled up to your cheek while the other remained on your hips. Your moist eyes met his bright violet eye. His thumb brushed across his lower lip so softly and terribly slowly. The touch of him felt so right. “You deserve more and just ask me. I'll go find him." He grabbed you by the neck and brought your face closer to his, closing his eye.
Your hands on his chest closed around the fabric of his shirt the same moment your lips met his. Your body adhered to his. Your soul belonged to him, your body would always be his… It was so easy to let yourself go. Jace was the right choice, the good guy in your story, even though Aemond made you feel more secure. He was arrogant, sometimes almost cold, maybe all the time. Always so condescending. The bad boy… However, your lips continued the kiss, in silence.
“What happened that weekend…” he began to tell you once the kiss ended, looking at you like a wounded puppy. You smiled That was where you should be. You were meant for Aemond, you belonged to him…he was what you needed, what you had always needed.
"Your brother half explained it to me" you smiled, although still hurt by everything that had happened.
"So I don't have to kill him, hmm?" He smiled, completely happy, as if everything was already settled for Aemond. Still dancing with you in silence, alone in that forgotten room of that hotel.
"Not yet" you felt how he squeezed your hand, the hand that was just over his heart. He didn't want to let you go. He couldn't let you go.
“I would die for you because I love you” he suddenly confessed to you, only to continue telling you everything he had thought during those weeks without seeing you “I would cross the seas because I love you. I would bring you the moon because I love you. You complete me. You make me a better man. You make me think that I am a normal boy in love with the most beautiful girl in the world, that I am not… Crippled…”
"Aemond..." you wanted to tell him how perfect he was, how much you loved him... you were going to explode with happiness at that confession, but he continued with his studied speech.
“Just please stay here. Please stay by me. Please. Please" he begged you. You didn't think Aemond could go to that extreme, but there he was, in front of you, loving you and hating you at the same time for the things you made him feel. And you continued dancing in silence, with the moon as the only witness of that silent promise that both of you had made without the need for words.
You canceled the wedding that same morning, your grandmother thought she would die of disgust, but you knew she would accept it, that it would go away... and if it wasn't like that, you didn't care anymore. You were tired of others dictating what you had to do. Alara was very happy, more than for you, because she could recover the money for the dress and the wedding gift that she had given you. You resist her reaction. You feared that Daemon might fire you, but he didn't, he cared about you too much to do so. And Jace... Jace just went looking for you like a lovesick puppy at your grandmother's house, where she let him in without any problems, as if showing up the following week, drunk at her house was the greatest act of love that had ever been seen. You found him undone when you opened your bedroom door and he didn't speak. He just sat on your bed and you closed the door to give you more privacy. He already knew what had happened with Aemond or at least he sensed it. He had been drinking all week and barely sleeping too, as if losing you was too much for him. At last you were going to talk about what had happened. You hadn't confirmed anything with Aemond yet, but it was visible to everyone that you were together despite the fact that you had told him that you needed to think things through. You sat on the ground in front of him.
"With how excited your grandmother was about the wedding." Jace sat next to you on the floor. A bottle of vodka in his hand. You had never seen him drink like that, he must have been devastated.
"You can always marry her, I'm sure she would be excited about it" you teased sadly and he laughed softly. He looked at you with bright eyes, as if he were seeing the girl he fell in love with in college again. He offered you a drink. "No thanks," you declined with a painful smile.
"(Y / N), the truth is that I don't care that you and Aemond…" he began to confess. "I'm still in love with you"
"You're too drunk to see it clearly," you laughed, and at that moment, Jace tried to kiss you again. You quickly averted your face. "Jace..."
"I want to be with you. That's all. You're not going to be fine with Aemond... he doesn't know how to take care of anything other than himself... ”he snorted desperately. “I need to take care of you, protect you…”
“We're late for that, Jace. We didn't grow up together as a couple, or as partners, or even as friends... you decided to live your life and I let myself get involved because everyone said what a good couple we were"
“You're not going to be happy with him either,” he declared, completely exhausted, his head leaning against the wall, “Daemon was right. You are wind and the wind cannot be caught. That is something Aemond does not know."
"It could be" you smiled. You didn't say it out loud, but there was a fundamental difference between Jace and Aemond. Jace was solid, grounded…he was a strong boy. And Aemond was volatile, he was a dragon. And dragons can bend the wind.
You laughed again at his words. On the other end of the phone, Aemond kept telling you that what he said you was true. "I swear she is missing you. She doesn't sleep with me. She goes to the sofa and curls up in the blanket you use when you watch TV ”he explained to you again and you laughed again.
“Vhagar is quite glad that I am not there. Now she has you all to herself like before” you laughed. Daemon in the bed next to that motel narrowed his eyes with a smile and put on his airpods. That was the last night of that promotional trip for your book that you had in Sunspear, and after a whole week with Daemon you were looking forward to getting back with Aemond. It wasn't that you didn't love Daemon, you loved him more if there was still room, but you were beginning to notice how you both needed space.
"You know it's not true. She misses you... just like me "he answered you with what you knew was a smile painted on his lips. Aemond ran his hand over Vaghar's back, who was sleeping next to him. A furball on the blanket you used to use, because he was using it too. He had tucked himself in with it just before calling you, sitting on the sofa you always shared in front of the TV.
"I miss you too" you told him with a soft smile and heard Daemon say sarcastically that you had only been apart for a week, but you didn't care. You were still hooked on the phone, no matter what I said. You had lived together for a year. Unlike with Jace, you had moved in with him within a few months of dating, and even if you never said it out loud, you knew it was because he was the one. "Hey, do you know what happened to me today?" you told him, trying to continue talking to him on the phone.
"Tell me" he asked you with a smile, listening attentively, in love with you, lost for you. I didn't know what was happening to her every time you spoke but it was as if the world stopped.
“I had to lose the ring my parents gave me” you commented with concern, “I thought I had put it in the vanity bag, but no. It wasn't there when I went to wear it today for the promo photo” you sighed. You liked to wear that original Valyrian ring in honor of them when you had important events, but you had lost it with your bad head.
"Well, it will show up. Surely you left it at home ”Aemond smiled, thinking that perhaps he should have taken another of the rings that you kept in the jewelry box for the mission that he had proposed while you were on that trip.
"It's just that I put it in the toiletry bag" you sighed, thinking that it could have fallen in any of the hotels where you had been. "I swear, I remember putting it in" you told him with conviction.
Aemond smiled. Yes, and he remembered having taken it out in your carelessness to take it, that same afternoon when you took the plane, to a jewelry store. There, with that ring, so important, they had taken the reference of your size for one that he hoped would be even more so for you. Amond sighed. He should have taken another ring. "Don't worry, because it will show up, do you trust me?" he told you in a soft tone.
"Of course" you sighed at him, at the same time that Daemon turned off the light on his nightstand. "It's late, and my favorite editor wants to go to sleep" you laughed seeing the figure of Daemon curled up in the next bed, trying to fall asleep. "See you tomorrow then?"
"Of course" he smiled at you. "See you tomorrow, princess"
"See you tomorrow, my dragon" you said as a goodbye. And you got ready to go to bed. He would always be your dragon because in this story the dragon had stayed with the princess.
Aemond hung up the phone and Vaghar mewed, stretching out on the blanket, as if she were asking him to leave her new sleeping place. Aemond got up from the sofa and the cat stretched out on the blanket, taking out her claws and going back to sleep more spacious now. He went to bed, but not before taking the case out of the small bag they had given him at the jewelry store and putting it in the pocket of his jacket. He carefully left the ring your parents had given you in the jewelry box and he got between the sheets. He breathed deeply and with a smile on his lips. Tomorrow would be a great day.
You and Daemon waited for the bags at the King's Landing airport. The number of people traveling at that time of year always strucked you. And Daemon sighed tired with every step. According to him, it had been a killer trip but one that would be worth it for the publishing and the book. “Do you want us to take a taxi?” you asked him, but he gave you a nod, indicating something in the crowd.
"They have already come looking for you" he smiled at you and just when you turned you saw Aemond waiting for you, standing there with his perfect presence as always. You ran towards him forgetting your suitcase and you hugged him to end up kissing him.
"What are you doing here? I told you you didn't have to come” you smiled at him. You knew how much it bothered him to miss work. He shrugged before speaking.
"I needed to see you" he answered you with a tender smile. Daemon cleared his throat behind you and kindly asked Aemond if he could take him to his house. The truth was that since he was dating you, Daemon tolerated Aemond a bit. But just a little, not much was necessary, just enough to make you happy.
Aemond walked out with you hand in hand, heading for the car. If he had to take his uncle his home, the big moment would have to wait, but he felt like the box of that engagement ring was weighing on his pocket. The question now was if you would say 'yes'.
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taytak3syou · 1 year
valentine’s gifts💕
★ Atsumu, Iwazumi, Makki, Noya, Sakusa, Bokuto, Kenma
★ fluff content, lowercase intended, modern au, gn!reader
Really late valentines special😭
got you a teddy bear bigger than you😭
you were shocked when you saw how it wasn’t reaching the ceiling.
it was big and fluffy and he told you that you could cuddle it when he went away for games
you told him it’s 10x bigger than him and that it wouldn’t feel the same, but you still cuddle with it while he’s gone
“atsu! this thing is bigger than you and me combined” you said as you were holding the bear. it was heavier than you expected so you were trying not to fall over. “but it’s so you can cuddle it while i’m away my love” he said and you couldn’t help but smile.
js a chocolate and a card
he was never that big at saying his feelings, but much better at writing them.
therefore, he poured his heart and soul out into the card and hopped you’d love it.
he also got your favorite chocolate
(if you don’t/can’t eat chocolate, js imagine candy and if you can’t/don’t eat that, js imagine ur favorite snack)
he was away at work but he came back on valentine’s day. it was around 8 and even though he said he’d be back by 5 you thought he wouldn’t so u thought you’d js spend it alone this year. around 10 you got into bed and called him only to hear buzzing in the hallway. you walked out and saw a bunch of roses leading down the steps and a smile spread across your face. you ran down and saw him standing with a box of chocolates and a little card. you ran up to him and hugged him and he picked you up and shoved his head into your neck.
lowkey forgot☠️
he only remembered 3 days before valentines because of something mattsun had said
he got you earrings and a shirt you had wanted
turns out you already got the shirt and he was upset that you beat him to it
you told him it was okay and that you love the shirt so much that now you can wear it twice
“makki, baby it’s okay!” you said as you held the bag with the shirt in it. “no it’s not! i fucked it up, if only i got it earlier, ugh” he said and you smiled and kissed his cheek “it’s the thought that counts babe” you explained and he mumbled a ‘yeah whatever’ and started to kissed your neck, making you giggle
forgot too😭
since he took you out the country with him, he decided you two could have dinner at some restaurant.
you two did and had a great time
it was all good until you two got back to your hotel room and you couldn’t stop throwing up
you soon found out you got food poisoning from the food at the restaurant
“and then i said that tanaka should do it and ennoshita was like nono don’t do that but tanaka still did- hey you look sick are you okay..?” noya asked and you held your stomach and groaned “no.. i don’t feel good..” you explained and before noya could open the door, your cheeks puffed up as they filled with throw up. you quickly banged on the door and he opened it as fast as he could. you ran to the bathroom and continued throwing up that night. noya only sat next to you, patting/rubbing your back while apologizing.
took you out to a date at a nice restaurant and proposed
you two were eating dinner and he got on his knee and asked you to marry him
you obviously said yes and you both called it the best valentines ever
“oh my gosh you should’ve seen it! then hinata went- why are you on the ground…?” you asked as sakusa kneeled down on his knee. you assumed he dropped one of his utensils so you looked on the floor and he tiled your head up and he was holding a small box. “y/n, i love you so much, i have since highschool and i don’t ever think i’ll stop loving you. so, i wanted to ask..” he opened the box and your eyes teared up. “will you marry me? to make sure we’re together and in love forever?” your eyes lit up, you couldn’t believe what you were hearing.“yes! yes i love you so much sakusa!” you shouted and he smiled and took out your hand and slid on the ring and kissed the ring and then stood up and kissed you.
got you a teddy bear and took you on a date
it was pretty simple but bokuto made it cute
he got you your favorite dinner and treated you like an absolute princess
he ran you a bath, got rose petals, made your favorite dinner, everything.
“bokuto, you don’t have to get me a bath! i could’ve done it” you said as the large man carried you to the bathroom. “i know but i need to do this for you” he said and you smiled and kissed his cheek. “you don’t have too. i appreciate it though bokuto” you said with a small smile
Got you a bunch of clothes you wanted
he basically got your entire pinterest board of clothes
pants, shorts, jeans, cargo, crops, long sleeve, absolutely everything you had been wanting for the past few months
some of the things you didn’t even talk to him about but he somehow still got them
“kenma! you must’ve spent a fortune! oh my god these pants are like 80 dollars?!” you said as you pulled a pair of pants out a bag. kenma was sitting next to you, a small smile on his face “it wasn’t that much. do you like it?” he asked and you nodded and hugged him tightly, saying thankyou in his ear about a million times.
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arcielee · 7 months
Interview With a Writer
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Thank you so much @dragonwanker for allowing me to pick your brain on this wonderful story and allowing me to continue this series! 💜 As always, Interview With a Writer is my ongoing series of the talented souls on Tumblr and ao3, and their brilliant writing!
Dividers by @saradika 💜
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Name: dragonwanker
Story: The Commune [on ao3]
Paring: modern Aemond Targaryen x Female!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MDNI. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns. This fic contains dark themes such as; descriptions of depression, manipulation, coercion, noncon/dubcon, and incest. Please mind the tags for each chapter.
So, when did you start writing?
Oh, just in September this year! I wrote my first fic and published it then, it’s called “Warm Me Up” 😊 But I’ve been obsessed since it aired last October and I’ve read miles of Aemond fanfic especially!
I’ve always been like a day dreamer, who needs a fantasy to escape to. I didn’t think I’d be any good at writing and avoided it for so long, but then I felt inspired and brave and thought I’d give it a shot. Fanfic really helped me last year when I had a pretty bad time mentally and I thought if someone would enjoy my stories like I’ve enjoyed so many others, I’d be happy!
What made you decide to start writing in English? Do you have any advice for budding new writers where English is not their native tongue?
I think I decided to write in English since I only read fanfics in English, there really isn’t a community in Swedish. Most Swedish people have high enough English literacy to read in the language, and being able to read and write in English opens up to so much more content. As for advice; I’d say read read read! Even if it’s just fanfics, there is so much talent among ff writers and so many lovely pieces to chose from!
I don’t think I would have been able to write without having read so much fan fiction in the last year honestly! I only ever read books in Swedish, or really boring text books and academic articles in English. So, reading has really helped me understand the tone that I enjoy reading in. And helped me understand how to describe and paint a picture for the reader.
I’ve had some time to practice writing in English though, I did both my bachelors and masters in English, but the papers I wrote in school were all boring academic papers.
But that did help me articulate myself and get my point across, something that I think might feel challenging when writing in a second language.
Where did the plot for The Commune come from?
Since I am new to writing, I thought I’d explore writing something darker (also cause Halloween was just around the corner hehe) but wanted it to be different from other stories I’ve read.
I studied politics in uni and was very focused on nationalism, identity and national identity. I think theories surrounding those concepts, like Benedict Anderson’s theory on ‘imagined communities,’ inspired me to write something about a secluded community, and then I thought of a cult.
And the idea works ‘cause Aemond (in canon, I mean) was brought up in a religious family, and I felt like the Seven would be fun to explore more, especially since the story takes place in a modern AU of Westeros.
And his personality really reflects other cult leaders, like Jim Jones (I used Jonestown as a bit of an inspiration for The Commune). Aemond is highly intelligent, calculating, persuasive, knowledgeable about the Seven, and authoritative.
Can you expand a bit more on your interpretation of Aemond. What drives him? Why is he the way he is in The Commune?
I’d say the trauma from losing his eye as a child drives him greatly, and that has both good and bad consequences. Like in canon, he utilises that when studying, and it’s implied that he is extremely intelligent, which I’d say is a result of his tedious work. The need to prove himself drives him greatly.
I also think he has a inferiority complex as a child that develops into a superiority complex as he gets older and praised for his amazing work in school.
So, he takes a natural role as the leader within The Commune (I mean, he’s the mastermind behind it) since he believes that he’s superior to everyone else, even those older than him (with more experience in life or in research). That is where the idea that he could be the father reincarnated comes from; his incredible intellect and how sure he is in everything he does.
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Was there anything in specific that inspired your Reader portrayal?
I felt like some of us needed a relatable depressed girl whose too tired of her meaningless job to fight the manipulation.
But I guess I drew a lot of inspiration from real life, and having battled a bit with mental health issues, I utilised that. I wanted the ending to be a bit ambiguous; so that we don’t know if she chose to stay or if she was “brainwashed” into staying. So, she needed to be displeased with life from the start, otherwise she wouldn’t want to leave her career.
Plus, cults often pray on people like her: depressed and disappointed in life. So it felt fitting 😊
Do you think your Reader complements Aemond?
I’ve thought about it and in a twisted way, yes, I think she compliments him (or his delusions haha). He uses his scar and the trauma he went through as a child as a way to manipulate his followers, and having the girl who (he thinks) wronged him by his side as a devoted partner helps him further reinforce his agenda as this outer worldly leader!
That’s one more thing that drives him marrying her: he thinks she’ll help in his selfish goals of gaining more power.
So really, she complements his end game.
Were there any other characters in your story you enjoyed writing?
Oh yes, I loved writing Alys and Helaena! They’re only the two other real ‘actors’ in the story but it was so fun exploring how their characters would translate onto this dark, modern setting.
Helaena being depressed in King’s Landing and finding solace in the country where she can pursue a life without the stresses of modern society felt realistic to the way I interpret her character; someone who craves connection to nature (actualised through her fondness of insects) yet gets pulled away from that and thrust into the chaotic mess that is the Targtowers.
And Alys being this highly intelligent PhD student in phytotherapy; having vast knowledge on plants and ancient healing practices! Gets charmed by the young and confident political science student (Aemond) who promises a better life under a brand new philosophy.
Do you think you will do a sequel to this story? Or a new piece you might post?
Hmmm no, at least not at the moment! I like the way it ended and feel like I don’t have anything else to add that would elevate the story… but if inspiration strikes I’m not opposed to the idea!
I’m currently writing a series called ‘Rumours’ that I think people who enjoyed ‘The Commune’ might like; it’s not a dark!fic but there’s plenty of angst and drama 👀
Do you have a personal favorite fanfic you'd like to share?
I am beyond excited for more of @theoneeyedprince Tom Bennett story ‘As the World Burns’ and @humanpurposes modern!Aemond story ‘It Will Come Back’
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dashinhfuzzydeer · 11 months
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"For a ancient being you are quite knowledgeable about the modern world" The blindfolded man spoke playfully as he looked over his partner's shoulder.
"My planet was just like you, and I am no ancient being" The man with short black hair spoke with a scoff as he scrolled across his phone.
"Well the time dilation between your and my solar system is billions of years and you came all the way here soooo...." The taller male spoke to prove his point but was cutted off.
"I can travel through dimensions in seconds you dumbass" The other put his point before walking ahead faster.
"Well, then you are techinally younger than me so you should call me senpai" The albino jogged his way to his friend, catching up with him as he spoke with a playful tone.
"Ew, never. I am not gonna call you that" The man in black made a disgusted face as he pushed the other slightly and walked ahead.
"Hahaha! Common! I was joking! Don't get mad!" The sorcerer tried to woo the other from being mad at him, he didn't want his soulmate to be made at him and go back to his home planet afterall.
In a world where humans are blessed with different forms of powers, they are also blessed to be never alone in this world. Every being has hold of it's soul in it's body and the other half in it's soulmate's. The divine beings gifted them with the power to sense the presence of their soulmates.
What he didn't knew that it could be done across the universe, but he is glad it is possible. Or how would he have found his soulmate in this vast universe, quite literally?
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bogbees · 8 months
I was gonna go to bed but I think I came up with a soulmate au perfect for Matt n Gil 7:48 AM · Apr 20, 2020
so it goes like this: when you touch somebody, their mark appears in your palm. there's several placements you can have, like for family bonds (mother's will generally always be the first bond a person has), friendship, love, probably hatred idk
over time, when a person dies or the bond fades, the mark scars, becoming the abstract background for new relationships you make
so Matt n Gil are pretty much immortal in canon. not so much Gil anymore, but he's been around a long time, so his palms are probably scared to fuck with marks —
everywhere but the love area. sure, some friendships skittered around the area, but while he might hate soulmates with his old age, he's stupid ab the idea of true love.
it's kinda fucked him up a bit in the modern era lmao. been alive so long and yet here he is
so canon au would have Matt touch Gilbert first. he doesn't know who owns this mark, bc he doesn't pay attention, so he thinks it's some mortal and he's kinda sad ab it, bc it's big, at the very centre of his palm and those are like, Best Kind, but c'est la vie
(while Gilbert has been having the opposite problem, mortals finding their love in him lmao)
while Matt and Gil have no idea the other exists (well ish. Francis probably goes off ab the other to them all the time), Matt discovers love in mortals to patch up the horrid fact he never even got to meet The One. a couple marks scar a ring around his centre mark
until one day in like, the 60s, he notices "yo this never scarred. it's always been solid" and goes maniac with glee and relief and a weird sense of wasted mourning
Al finds it funny that no one picked up on that fact all this time. bc their family all has solid centre marks and their friend family marks are still pretty solid
some of Matt's lovers picked up on it, but he dismissed it as "I don't know who they are" and it's dismissed and they better make the best of what they have
Francis tells Gilbert ab the delightful news "oh Matieu never lost his soulmate after all!! he's immortal!" and Gilbert is like pained smile grumble "oh good for him!" while painfully recalling every conversation Francis had ab Matt's current so
he figures it makes sense but good god
they can't figure out who the fuck out of their entire group is Matt's so. Francis wants to hold an event bc he's dying to know, but Matt's like, "I thought they were dead for 500 years, I'm cool to find out naturally."
Arthur casts a divination after and he n Francis go nuts once they learn the truth of the matter. Francis drinks so much he needs his stomach pumped. Gilbert calls him, and just hearing his voice, Francis gets into a giggle fit, they don't talk for like, 4 years
over the next 40 years, Matt n Gil will Wonder ab the whole soulmate thing. Matt bc he can't imagine who it could be, and Gil bc he's like, sad he himself doesn't even have that clue that they're even out there
they properly meet in 2009, the whole pancake and maple syrup thing, but no one touches. they form a bond of course, mutual understanding of loneliness, turns out they're like two peas in a pod
Francis has no idea they even became friends until 2016. he peaks at the palms of their hands, and is delighted to see Gilbert's centre is finally marked
and it's not for another ten years that they realise they're each other's soul mate 😔 7:48 AM · Apr 20, 2020
actually that's a dumb ending, bc I was falling asleep 5:09 PM · Apr 20, 2020
new ending: Gilbert always touches the ppl he likes. pulls them in for hugs, slaps on the back, drags them off to do things. the first time he crashes at Matt's bc he thinks they're best buds, he slaps Matt across the back for being a goof
he is of course surprised by how solid Matt is, and wow his hand actually hurts, so he rubs at it and notices the mark. he short circuits.
Matt is like "dude you didn't break your hand did you? sorry oh my god lemme go get the first aid kit for a splint til we get to the hospital ah fuck"
and Gil is like "no no no I'm fine! don't worry about it! hah hah hah I'm gonna go nap I'm actually pretty tired, jet lag"
Matt thinks it's weird bc he was just do animated a moment ago, but shrugs it off, can't be too bad right?
only Gilbert doesn't pop up for dinner. doesn't come out of his room at all. matt's like "damn he must have been real tired," leaves him a note saying he's got leftovers in the fridge
but Gilbert is just going insane. the note didn't help bc it implies smth surely.
what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. so the dude Matt thought was dead for the last 500 years was him??? if they interacted back then, why didn't Gil touch him??? what the fuck Happened
Gil frantically texts everyone he knows. Liz, Antonio, Al, they all just congratulate him. His brother gives him a five paragraph lecture on being nice. Feli sends him a bunch of cute ideas on how to tell Matt. Roderick has him blocked.
Francis. Francis grins like a loon the moment he sees the text and calls Matt "mon garçon," he starts, "your heart is closer than you think" and Matt, tired of this old man's cryptic romantic bullshit hangs up sighing heavily
Al visits too. now he knows and he wants to play wingman. that's his brother damn it. so starts the most horrible wingman stunt. everyone is so uncomfortable. when it doesn't work, Al goes to sulk in his guest bedroom
"that was weird even for him" Matt laments. Gilbert, knowing full well what brought it on just cringes. how the fuck did ppl do this whole thing??
Matthew isn't like. bothered? at first he was curious to know if Gil got a mark for him, but after seeing he didn't get any new ones, he was resigned to their friendship not meaning anything. sure he had hoped but ugh, best not to think about it
and Gilbert is freaking out like "why isn't he questioning if they have each other's marks??" he knows ppl do that, he's done it himself! god knows they've been stuck to each other's hip this last month so why?!
so he decides to just ask. "hey did you get my mark?" "oh no, I never got it." and he fuckinh blanks.
then Matt brings up his hand, showing Gil his palm, and there in the dead centre is Gil's mark surrounded by a ring of love. "see," Matt says, "it's the same as when we first met."
Gil had seen Matt's palms a couple times before the revelation. he didn't think seeing it now would affect him much but boy, he's gone brain dead
Gilbert raises his own palm, "mine isn't," and he knows Matt knows he's never had a mark in the dead centre. but there's one now.
"oh," Matt goes, thinking ab all the ppl he and Gil have met over the month, "congratulations, I suppose we'll have to find out who it is…"
which makes Gil go crazy, "no, no, no, how did you—no, Matthew it's you." Matt stares at him like "are you off your rocker?" and Gil recounts the event that gave him the mark, and telling everyone asking for help and how Francis was no help at all
and Matt's like "Yo! Francis called me that evening, saying how my heart was closer than I thought. I thought that he was just drunk, but if…. Tabarnak!" pacing around the room suddenly speaking quick french
there are tears suddenly but he's not wailing, instead smiling wildly, "I thought you were dead!" and Gilbert grins back "I thought you didn't even exist!"
(and idk ab you but this last bit gets me grinning wildly bc Gilbert Will Die, and Matt is usually forgotten to the point he can go ghost. he he he)
so they like. just exist with each other being stupid ab how stupid it all is 8:05 PM · Apr 20, 2020
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darksvster · 1 year
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temptations high tonight — ➥ e, 6/6, 29785 words 23 years ago, Daemon was exiled from King's Landing after the birth of Viserys Targaryen's firstborn. Rhaenyra grows up groomed and shaped as the heir to Targaryen Dynamic Enterprises, one of the world's top weapons manufacturers and military tech firms. But when her father dies after losing her mother, Daemon returns to reclaim what was taken from him. Nothing goes to plan when he intrudes on a board meeting and catches the scent of his estranged niece. He should hate her — she is his rival. But her intoxicating scent seeps into his soul and he must wrangle with the fact that he's found his mate in the exact person who usurped him.
a modern a/b/o au where daemon and rhaenyra are mates but have been pitted against each other.
ao3 link
"Rhaenyra, Daemon still holds a large percentage of the shares of the company. He is just short of a board seat, but we believed that his experience with Bar-Vel and his own consulting agency would —"
"Spit it out, Harrold," she demands, interrupting the man in his explanation.
"You are still young, Rhaenyra," and it's Lyonel Strong who speaks, with his rotund belly and red face. "But with Daemon by your side, you two can make this company stronger than before."
What? Daemon shifts in his seat, leaning forward to get clarity before Rhaenyra beats him to the punch.
"I'm sorry, what? By my side? What does that mean, Lyonel?"
"Well, marriage has—"
But he can feel the wave of irritation roll off of Rhaenyra and now he's sure that everyone else can too because the people in the room shift in their seats uncomfortably. "I've been working here for the last four years, and two before that unofficially. This company is what I live and breathe. What need do I have for a man who hasn't even been in the country for years? A man my own father exiled." She rounds on him, "Do you even know the state of my company?"
"Our company," he corrects and enjoys the way her cheeks flush in anger at him. He takes distinct satisfaction in his advantage over her. "And I've been in this industry about as long as you've been alive. Are you sure you don't need a guiding hand?" His age and experience overshadow hers and the thought of his guiding hands on Rhaenyra cause another riotous upheaval inside of him. Her scent is so faint when she's this far away, but it's still there, like a virus in the back of his mind. It influences and pollutes his every thought.
She tilts her head up proudly, every inch the bratty, spoiled girl he suspects her to be. "Then stay with us as an advisor. I don't need a husband," she says crossly. He wants to roll his eyes again and tell her that, of course, she needs one. She needs a mate, right now she's a child in a room full of men. What will happen when she's in heat? God, the thought actually awakens his cock.
But Harrold speaks up again. "Rhaenyra, our stocks have plummeted since your father died. Investors have been calling and we have contract renewals coming up. A betrothal to Daemon could offer us some reprieve and reassurances to stakeholders."
She looks unconvinced, but the rest of the board is nodding in agreement. And that part of him is in agreement as well. Grasping and eager, it reaches out from within him, as if to crawl across the table to her so it can bury itself in her scent. Mine.
"I'll do it," he says, and the table turns to him in surprise. Rhaenyra almost looks betrayed. "But, it must be a long engagement. You can float rumors to bring up stock prices but no public announcements." He gestures to Rhaenyra, trying to seem unaffected. "I barely know this girl, and I don't know what's happening with this company. Remember, you called me. I can just as easily go back to Bar-Vel or Dark Sister." He tells himself he's keeping his friends close and his enemies closer.
"Then go back, Daemon," Otto snidely retorts. "Rhaenyra is capable of handling this on her own." Ambitious and oily Otto Hightower. It seems now that Viserys is gone, he can sink his teeth into Rhaenyra. Once a leech, always a leech.
There's a moment of silence as he waits for Rheanyra's decision, she seems unaffected by Otto's flattery. Finally, she turns to a third man in the room, an old man with rheumatic eyes and a quavering voice. "Beesbury, what do you think?"
Beesbury is a relic, he was old when Daemon was still the heir to the company, and he was ancient now. The old man looks at Daemon and he feels like he's being examined from the inside out. "Your father treasured this company, and he wanted you as his heir, this is true. But with Daemon at your side, you could become even more powerful than Viserys." Sighing, he strokes his chin in contemplation. "It's worth the consideration, to continue the legacy of your family, which I know is important to you."
He can read the conflict painted on her face, she wants an opposing point of view but none exists in the room. She's being cornered and she doesn't like it. But finally, flipping her hair over her shoulder, she nods curtly. She's trying so hard to look gracious in defeat. "A long engagement," she tells the table, before looking straight at him. "And I will break it if I need to."
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heedmywarnings · 2 years
♡Modern AU
Part One!
Ya so I saw red an angst fic, and to heal my broken soul I'm gonna write fluff, bc fuck it why not.
Venti was quite a popular figure at your school. Girls and boys would gush over the beloved green haired boy, and naturally, you would too. So when you saw him alone at the outdoor cafeteria, you figured to say hi, maybe get to know him or something. But you couldn't have possibly known how deep your relationship could go with him.
"Not many students come here, quite rare to see a popular guy such as yourself to be all alone here" You said, chuckling a bit after your sentence, Venti was a bit surprised at the sudden voice talking behind him but he smiled once he saw you, "I do enjoy the attention people give me, but I also enjoy alone time, Y/N" He said, giving you a closed eye smile.
You were a bit shocked, you were basically a background character, always blending in with the wall in school photos, how could he know you? Let alone know your name? "Oh? Did a little birdie tell you my name?" You said teasingly, "I guess so, It was an adventure to get even a sliver of information about you" He replied honestly. Your mouth formed a small "o" making Venti giggle from your cute expression.
"I was being sarcastic"
"I know~!"
He asked you to take a seat and you gladly obliged, "So! Why were you trying to find info about me?" You asked, "I want to get to know you of course" He said ecstatically, you smiled wider from the boy next to you.
"Hm, why don't I tell you things about me myself?" You said, "Sounds good!" He replied, and there started a small friendship. Just friendship, right?
He only meant to be friends with you, you were an interesting figure, but not his type. Well YOU became HIS TYPE. Whatever he liked before was replaced with an image of you. It's like you were a dessert he can't get enough of!
So months turn into years. Six years to be exact, you graduated highschool, and you both went to the same college and live in the same dorm (coincidentally, today not because of Venti or anything, hehe)
You entered your dorm room, exhausted. Once Venti saw your tired form he immediately called out, "You wanna cuddle, birdie?" He said, calling you the pet name he gave you 'birdie' you wordlessly nodded and collapse onto Venti's body who was sitting on a red beanbag.
You groaned as Venti chuckled at your fatigued behavior but took no offensive to it. "I'm tired" you said, your face was buried in Venti's neck but he's sure you had a frown on your face, "Heh.. off topic, but can I tell you something?" He asked, "Sure" you replied.
He was sort of thankful you couldn't see him, because he was as red as a tomato, he was mentally cursing himself for keeping you waiting because of him stumbling over his words but he managed to get what he wanted to say past his lips.
Y/N.. um, I love you..." he said shyly, you lifted your head up to see his face clearly, he was looking away but you could clearly see the shades of red flushed across his cheeks, "What?" You asked, did your ears deceive you? Surely not, he then turn to meet your gaze then started stuttering, "Uhm, n-nothing, it's nothing Y/N. Forget about it" He said, regret started to course over his body, cursing at himself for bringing the foolish feeling up.
"No, no, I won't forget about it, tell me. It was something about loving me, right?" You said, determination filled your heart along with the excitement of Venti actually having feelings for you.
"If you heard me, then why did try yo make me repeat myself..?" He asked, trying to hide his flustered face but failed. "You.. love me?" You asked, head tilting, trying to keep the fine line of your surprised face and your face of excitement stable. "Yes! For thr last few years... I was too scared to ruin our friendship if I told you.." He confessed looking straight into your eyes, with expectant eyes filled with adoration and anticipation.
"Venti..." you called out, "Y-Yes?" He replied nervously, oh dear he ruined everything didn't he? "I fell for you before we even met!" You confessed as well with your smile unwavering. "H-huh? So can we be like, official??" He asked, his eyes sparkling with a newfound future, a future you with you. You nod, as you both confess more about your feelings for each other and how it came to be.
Apparently your first meeting with Venti was calculated by him. He kind of uh, memorized your schedule for that..
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starseternelle · 3 months
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modern feyre body aesthetic
[ non-mutuals do not interact ]
dimpled smile, usually favoring one side (single dimpled in a lopsided grin)
shoulder-length honey brown hair, often worn twisted, half-up, or braided
freckled face, nose ring
archer's arrow tattoo on outside of right wrist
planet spine tattoo
hand drawn stars/celestial bodies from the ic on right ankle
line art sleeve on left arm with phases of the moon on inside
manicured nails, engagement ring
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rambling abt lizzie, lin, and gen bc @ceoofmetagala wants more liz content and i still love them dearly
this is gonna be kinda hard to put down with no spoilers since they get important AFTER ksj but im doing it anyway!!! lizzie my beloved <3
So. Over here in Soul Journey, as a part of the main book, Elfilis doesn’t play that big a part, nor do Genesis or Elfilin.
The former two are still important to the story, though, since they’re Nycto’s parents, Nycto being one of the next-generation Heroes of Yore.
Elfilis was not one of the heroes on Galacta’s team — instead, they were just an odd Dream-Matter Astral that wanted some universal control. Besides, they’re not old enough to have been Galacta’s Dream-Matter ally anyway. They’re half his age.
Gen was someone who came across them while they were conquering random planets some twenty-thousand years ago. They had similar goals in mind, and though they fought about who was more deserving of controlling the universe for a while, they eventually settled on taking over together. They started a romantic relationship about ten years after they met, and now they’re on Site 3 and occasionally Popstar being… mostly docile.
And Elfilin’s there, too.
Both in game canon and this AU, Elfilin is a separate part of Elfilis that actually felt compassion, love, regret, and other such things. They were parted from Forgo due to an accident during some experimentation, and escaped Lab Discovera alone. In Soul Journey, Lin was only able to fully separate from Forgo with the added help of Genesis’ magic, which despite being significantly weakened in the chamber was still strong enough to pull a small part of Elfilis out of the chamber and free them. Gen’s determination to save the one person they truly cared about helped them push through the oppressive barrier in the chamber preventing them from using their magic and get Elfilin out. They intended to teleport Elfilis out as a whole, but that didn’t end up working. They decided to settle with that small part of them that was already being torn from their Soul being freed, in hopes that they’d return and save them and their other half.
In modern day, Lin’s relationship with Liz is sort of like what you would see in two siblings, though the former is much more tolerant than the latter.
Elfilis is only capable of compassion because they absorbed a part of Morpho, who is a very kind and loving being. That part of them that allowed Elfilis to return as a spirit also allowed them to have a mostly full Soul again (when I say mostly, I mean part of Elfilis’ Soul is still separate from them, taking the form of Elfilin). Since they still have that part of Morpho inside them, they’re able to use some of the abilities they did in their Chaos form, but not all of them. They’re only able to utilize the few abilities they have because of their already powerful Dream magic.
Speaking of their magic, it is really powerful. Like, powerful enough that they could be one of the Heroes of Yore if they wanted to be. They honestly don’t care enough to actually take up that job, though. They prefer just lazing around and attacking shit.
As seen in the game, Elfilis is capable of full mind control, which is something pretty damn rare in Dream-Matter Astrals. Of course, Dream Magic is also called Psychic Magic for a reason, but it’s really unlikely for a Dream-Matter Astral to wield the ability to take full control over a sentient being’s mind.
Uh. I’d ramble more, but I’m really tired rn, so. Sleep time. Enjoy your food Mocha
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mythicalartisttm · 2 years
wait wait you have a SSBB Link in your Au???
There's some very complex things involved timeline wise, but a I'll try to give you the condensed version ft. my own personal LoZ timeline theory (that no one I've come across yet can fully dispute, mind you) (it's my crowning achievement in the general theory department) (this theory works fine on its own, but for the au specifically I use it to slip the Smash games and a few others as LoZ canon without actually messing anything up)
So you know how in the HW prologue, it states that the previous Link severed Ganon's soul into four and scattered them throughout the timeline? Well, based on how LoZ works, there's a potential opening for a new timeline based on every major action the Hero makes, so long as it's endgame related (the Downfall Timeline as a whole, the abandoned Adult Timeline being submerged under water, Vaati winning during Minish Cap's bad end being a flawless opening for a differently-arranged Downfall Timeline (look up "downfall minish model")). From this, we can easily assume a timeline split for every piece of Ganon's soul placed throughout the timeline.
One in the Skyloft Era, one in the Era of Time, one in the Era of Twilight, and one however many years before the War of Ages.
Now, this obviously means the the Hero of Souls/Warriors/Gates/Whatever and the rest of the modern Hyrule army is traveling to the siphoned timelines. Here's the kicker though: Hyrule Warriors? The entirety of it takes place in THE siphoned timeline.
I said before that there's a potential timeline split for every bit of Ganon's soul that gets displaced. And while the order does matter for this theory to be the cleanest version of itself, we'll just go with it.
The Skyloft fragment is placed before the events of Skyward Sword, and we know this from Fi's lines, saying that HW Link is not "the Master, but [she] can call [HW Link] a master" and the fact that she transforms into the Goddess Sword as opposed to the Master Sword. If we combine this information (SS has not happened yet) with the previously discussed information (assumed timeline split from the soul fragments) then we end up with a timeline split that happens well before the Cycle of Hatred even begun. And consequently, a new LoZ timeline.
This is the version of the timeline that gets meddled with. This is version of the timeline that has Zant bowing before a sorceress instead of a warlock. This is the version of the timeline in which characters that should have no combat experience get to tear enemies apart because they are not the originals. They are alternate selves! Hyrule Warriors doesn't disrespect SS, TP, OoT, WW, or any of the other mainline LoZ titles because this is how those stories unfolded in these split-timeline history books.
A handful of closing thoughts bc I'm exhausted and can't actually get around to the Link you asked without potentially falling asleep as I type this (which I will at least try to get to tomorrow): Because there's weapons, characters, and enemies from every era in HW and are explained within full reason bc of the Gates of Souls - including ones that are harder to explain otherwise, like MM and LA - that means everything that happens in these games can be feasibly be recorded in detail and accuracy since ppl in the HW era actually go there themselves.
Accurate references that would be impossible to get otherwise...
Like how a statue carved into a mountainside depicts a chief and his child from a world no one would've known about, or how a tiny village in Hyrule can be named after another village that only existed in a dream that was dreamt centuries ago.
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More stuff about the mailman. Just fun triva.
He dosent understand modern tech but if you leave him with pretentious he'll manage to find a way to repair and recreate the tech.
He hates the vees. He sees vox as whiney vellette as a moronic child and despises anything connected to Valentino.
He drops some of the most random lore at times. (Sinner:Dude! He's twice your size! Stampy the mailman:oh please. I've wrestled bears as a job when I was a younger fool. *wins the brawl*)
He somehow has thick skin when it comes to susan. He actually laughs as her insults saying 'I was called worse my whole life!'
Being a few years older then alastor but dying a year before Vox did he's well aware of how people of alastors time are. He's also been around almost every block due to him delivering mail to every overlord and even the royal families.
He jokes his soul is owned by Roise. But it's not he just thinks he owes her a favor for her helping him his first year in hell.
He's actually setting up a post office and a warehouse which actually doubles as a factory and at some point a fight club to get out aggressions. He's actually close to being an overlord. Almost all his workers are hellborn and he's actually able to teleport across the rings cause of it. He never tells anyone cause he dosent trust the sins to not try to obliterate the sinners that try.
He's got dirt on everyone. He's also quite silvered tounge if he wants to insult you.
And finally he's considered an enigma while alive. (His town was burned down and wiped out by a plaige and he hoped around a lot under several fake identities so yeah. Not a lot to go off on. Dosent help he's an orphan who hates his bio parents.)
(( Interesting! 👀 I love that he's not bothered by Suzan because come on...even Alastor is bothered by her, and he doesn't seem to let anything bother him, least of all other people's opinions 😭
I know it's an unpopular opinion but I love to imagine the cannibals are an hellborn race and not sinners. I know it doesn't make sense but that's my little AU thing. The fact the town was also called Cannibal Colony at first really makes me think of a bunch of people who saw an endless source of food in sinners and decided to move in. Though I really do hope Rosie has an actual demon form... ))
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saintobio · 3 years
romeo ♱ juliet.
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↳ fushiguro megumi/reader
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wherefore an age-long rivalry between two of the most powerful imperial families shall pay the price through the souls of a young couple whose tragic love vow’d for the reconciliation of their empires
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genre. angst, forbidden love, historical/royal au
tags/warnings. ooc, monarch, prince!megumi, princess!reader, megumi is a zen’in, reader is a gojou, clan wars, suggestive, violence, blood, tyranny, rebellion, feral!megumi in the end, suicide, major character death(s)
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“Will you enlighten me with your distaste towards the Crown Prince of Astheryn?”
A snort of disgust filled your ears as your brother in his greatness strode across your balcony in measured footsteps. “Soon to be the emperor,” he corrected, tidying up his white tunic before he rested his lower back against the balustrade. Long slender fingers ran up to fix his ivory hair with a peek of his cerulean eyes that shone like diamonds under the sunlight. “Haven’t you heard? His Majesty, the Emperor of Astheryn, has died.”
It was the first time you’ve heard of the unfortunate news and you were saddened thinking about the grieving family that the emperor of Astheryn has left behind. Howbeit, with the lack of sympathy on your brother’s countenance, you were reminded of your place as the princess of Caelum.
To lament you must not, for you were a Gojou. The death of a Zen’in should not be of your concern as they were your families’ sworn enemies after all. Granted an empire among the three that divided the nation—Astheryn, Caelum, and Exalos. The Gojou’s ruled Caelum while the Zen’in’s reigned supreme in Astheryn. Both nations were of equal prosperity, but a clash in significant power was what birthed half a century of bad blood between two families. An ancient grudge that came forth from two ancestral foes, now doth with the descent of the new generation whose enmities remained fifty years unresolved.
The Crown Prince in this empire you call home was your older brother, Satoru, with whom a ten-year gap made him much more respectable in the palace in comparison to you. He embodied the stigma of a dominant ruler with great hopes to unite all three empires as one—an ideology befitting for an heir to the most powerful throne.
Natheless, he was also a fellow filled with hubris. All knowing, all bearing. A warrior and a trained potentate, a gentleman of preserved anachronistic values. Satoru possessed a god complex similar to that of your father’s and he was not one to hold back in showing an outward loath for the imperial Zen’in family. He thought of Prince Toji as nothing but a bitter foe simply because the blue-blooded man was his biggest rival.
“I will mistake your silence as grief,” his tone hinted at derision. There was humor in the flutter of his arctic lashes. “Unlike you, I am not affected by an old man’s demise. Sure, the empire of Astheryn is in bereft but the ranking of that tyrant, Toji, is what irritates me.”
Now that the man was to be crowned as the emperor, it only enkindled rage within Satoru’s deep-seated ego. The Crown Prince Toji was no longer, for he was to become the emperor of Astheryn. The passing down of the crown was what Satoru wanted for himself in Caelum, not for his enemy to receive the prestige before he did.
A silent sigh crawled out of your lips. In all honesty, you wished not to share the same rancor towards the Zen’in imperial family. “My question still awaits your answer, brother. There must be a legitimate reason for—”
“What answer shall my little sister have? It is simply by his name that he is an enemy. Nothing else is to be said.” Standing up straight to regain his pomposity, he added, “When all three empires unite, a powerful emperor is what I will be. But before all that, our parents, the emperor and the empress, must step down on their thrones.”
That cruel smile plastered on his face, you recognized it so well. What a fool he is. “In that case, do you await our parents’ ill-fate?”
Was Satoru willing to imbrue his hands with his own parents’ blood for the sake of attaining the highest throne? Was the lovable prince a tyrant beneath his seraphic exterior?
“Now, words of those did not come from myself,” he played it off with a sneer, “you must be aware that these walls are thin, my sister. I do not speak ill of His and Her Majesty.”
You were aware indeed, but never were you in favor of his covert schemes. Should he turn out to be a traitor to your own kin, you would simply retreat back to your seat. A single word would not be spoken. Participating in this war between families, much less your own, was a disgrace you shalt forswear.
Sincerely, you didn’t ask to be born of royal lineage. You didn’t ask to partake in these imperial quarrels. You didn’t ask to be a Gojou.
Because Megumi, your first love, was a Zen’in.
“Giddy up!”
Prince Megumi had a tight grip on the reins as he steered his horse on the path leading back to the palace. In the long hours of the morning, the prince was feeling down in the dumps. Not once did a bright expression paint his face in three consecutive nights. Could it be due to the death of his grandfather, the Emperor? Or was it a specific princess in a neighboring empire that beget his melancholy?
His royal advisor, Lord Giuseppe, had already guessed that the latter was the answer. Megumi was an open book despite the stolid mien that incessantly veiled his handsome face. “A peek into the heart, I must. Is it a woman that Your Imperial Highness yearns to see?”
“Giuseppe,” the prince suppressed an exhale, “you know who caters to my fancy.”
The bumpy path added a few extra jumps from their horses that Megumi had to maneuver his horse out of the dim woods, treading a nigh away from the stable. His eyes found the highest balcony of Astheryn’s royal palace, with which a panoramic view overlooked the palace of Caelum environed by lush green hills.
Whoever decided to put these two palaces near their borders without thinking that they could be of surveillance to each other’s walls from a distance?
But what great comfort will it bring to see my love? Prince Megumi mused. A love that sparked since his sweet sixteen, a love that still lingered even now that he was in his nineteenth.
“Ah, it is Princess Y/N of Caelum indeed,” Giuseppe spoke, formal and yet playful. “‘Tis what I call young love.”
It has been two months since the graduation. As part of the imperial arrangement, the children of each empire were to study in The Providence—a premier private academy solely for the monarchs and the elites. The academy was where he first met you, a classmate of his with whom he ought to see as an enemy, but instead has housed herself in the breadths of his heart. He has fallen in love long before he could stop himself.
How couldn’t he? You were the loveliest flower among the bunch. An angel in your own grace with a face that could launch a thousand ships just like Helen of Troy. In that sense, perhaps you could raise a thousand swords for he would go to war for you. Your smile brought him felicity and he considered himself the luckiest man for being granted of your heart all the more.
With sixty days that passed since he last saw you on graduation day, your lack of presence now had him deep in forlorn. Were you to continue a degree in university? Or nought but to remain in your chambers in the palace?
“If my heart speaks to you, Giuseppe. Tell me, then. What are the odds of me seeing her again?” he inquired, pulling the reins to halt the horse’s movements. “Could you be of assistance for a clandestine meeting between her and myself?”
“I am afraid not, Your Highness.” Giuseppe hoisted himself out of the horse’s back and guided Megumi inside the stable. “It is a difficult task you ask for. His Majesty’s exequy will happen by eventide and your father’s coronation will commence in a fortnight. Your presence is heavily expected.”
Heavens. “Family matters,” he released a huff of exasperation.
Lord Giuseppe has been a royal advisor since Megumi was a juvenile. Now, in the prince’s nineteen years of age, the lord treated him as though he was his own child. Seeing him so morose, he decided to give in, “Fair enough, beseech me tomorrow at sunrise to be your herald. I will get in contact with my folks from Caelum and ask the princess’ servant myself.”
The smile of triumph finally adorned Prince Megumi’s face before he raised himself out of the horse to embrace the kind man. “Thank you, Giuseppe. I long to see my lady.”
And so that evenfall on the burial rites for the late Emperor, Megumi was participative for the family’s gathering. The outward display of woes, the shed of tears, and the deliverance of eulogies all roused distaste in him—only for the fact that some of his family members were discreetly joyful for his grandfather’s death. Everyone in the Zen’in clan was hungry for power for all its merit.
He would leave his cousins Duchess Maki and Mai on the conversation as such women hadst not shown any interest on the throne. It was his uncle, Duke Naoya, that appeared to have a particular eye for the crown that was now all Prince Toji’s to claim. Only, Duke Naoya didn’t have the guts to ever be in a conflict with Megumi’s father.
“How splendid!” Duchess Mai hid a smirk behind her black veil that complemented her dark, lacy gown. “You’ll become the Crown Prince.”
Megumi peeked at his father who stood outside of the Zen’in family’s catacomb to bid his final farewell to the Emperor. In two weeks time, his father would be the most powerful man in Astheryn and Megumi would be the rightful and direct lineal heir to his throne.
“Can you not overwhelm him, Mai?” Duchess Maki, the twin that he preferred, had spoken beside him. “Megumi will be our hope. That imbecile Toji will just endanger this empire with his rivalry with Satoru. They’re both tyrants.”
Maki’s bold choice of words and lack of courtesy for the imperial family never failed to make Megumi smile.
But a smile that he deeply yearned for was a smile that came from you, his only love.
Fifty seven, fifty eight, fifty nine, it is now four o’clock!
As the clock struck four, you were high in enthusiasm when the doors to your bedroom swung open and your personal attendant stepped in to deliver a news that you’ve been anticipating since daybreak.
“What says of my love, Lady Geneva?” you jumped out of your bed to embosom the woman with wide eager eyes. “Is he to come see me? Is he? Speak of only great news for a bad one will my ears refuse!” You let out a dreamy sigh, thinking of the Prince. “Unbeknownst to him, I am an ardent woman ready to give him all—”
“Good gracious, Your Highness! An eager woman is not equal to an easy woman, especially of the highest nobility as yourself,” the lady reminded, fixing your silk nightgown before patting your heated cheeks. “However, yes but in privy confirmation. The Crown Prince of Astheryn would like to arrange a tryst with you come Monday.”
How could you have forgotten? Megumi was now the Crown Prince since King Toji had claimed sovereignty over their kingdom. No wonder Satoru had nothing but chagrin in his face to supper last eve.
But forget those fifty years worth of imperial vendettas! The stars in your eyes still held glee over this planned rendezvous. A sweet kiss was what you awaited from your lover of three years. “Much obliged. I owe you, Lady Geneva!” You embraced her with gratitude while she mirrored your delight. “You have served your princess well.”
“Where is the Princess? Y/N? Y/N!”
“Oh, here comes Her Majesty,” your lady-in-waiting rushed to fix the sheets of your bed. “We shall not speak of our secret tidings with a lord and his prince from Astheryn.”
Startled by your mother’s voice, you straightened your back and called out, “I am here, Your Imperial Majesty!”
Your mother entered your bedchambers in her austerity, hair arranged into a chignon and a dress bedight with crimson prints. Her gaze towards the ladies-in-waiting that followed her was unmistakably dour. “Leave us alone to talk, kindly. All of you.”
With a single command, all servants curtsied with utmost respect before scurrying out of your room to give you privacy. This woman was your own mother and yet her presence was suffocating. You felt small under her rigid stare. One step closer and she began tucking your hair behind your ear. “His Majesty and I have proposed an arrangement this morning with the Kamos.”
Your breath steadied in dismay. “And what did you propose, Your Majesty?”
“You, my dear,” the Empress began, icy hands caressing your arms, “How does marriage sound to you?”
Marriage? Oh, now what is this she speaks? Your heartbeat quickened exponentially. Is it between you and a gentleman from Exalos? Oh, God…
“I… I do not think of marriage, mother.”
With your answer, she raised her chin and narrowed her stare. Was Satoru around to save you from your mother’s intimidating presence? He was the only one whose voice they partially listened to.
“Then you must think of marriage,” she spoke again, this time more forcefully, “Prince Noritoshi, he is an heir to the throne in Exalos. Sagacious, valiant, and chivalrous—what more can you ask for a man? He was an upperclassman at The Providence, wasn't he?”
An arranged marriage without my consent!
Your chest oscillated in heavy breaths, heart filling of rage and defiance. “You wish to use me to unite the two empires, don't you? ‘Tis nothing but a political marriage!”
“Why, what other use can my precious daughter be?”
“Mother,” you strictly replied without addressing the woman of her rightful status. With the rate of your oozing temper, your nails were digging on the flesh of your palms to leave deep crescent marks. “I refuse to get married to a man I love none!”
The Empress’ face hardened into stone. Her eyes ignited fire of the worst kind and with gritted teeth, she asked, “And who do you seek for love? Tell me.”
Your heart ached and your tears brimmed on the corner of your eyes. If only love had no boundaries, such lamentation would not have embraced your heart. “That whom I love is Prince Megumi—!”
Slap! A rough, unforgiving hand met your cheek with a painful blow. “Y-You wretched whore!” yelled her. “You ungrateful brat! How dare you speak of an enemy’s name!”
Your own hand flew to your cheek, soothing the sting that your mother has given you. Such cheeks became incarnadine and were now damp with tears. “But if Prince Megumi, was he not a Zen’in, you would not be enraged. What’s in a name if that is not of love, Your Majesty?”
“You dare shame us for your childish infatuation?” She didn’t hesitate to add another hard smack, this time with you falling on your bed. “Speak of our enemies’ name again or you will be lock’d inside the palace dungeons, understand?”
No! “But m-mother—”
“Silence! I am an empress first before I am a mother,” her words were a spit to your face. Words that left you sobbing in despair. “You will be Prince Noritoshi’s betrothed and you will seek his affection. Understand?”
No, you do not.
“I said, do you understand, Princess Y/N?”
In silent acquiescence, you offered a curtsy to the Empress.
The rhythmic melodies of the orchestra did not affect your silent woes. All this grandeur and aristocracy only left a bitter aftertaste in the walls of your mouth as you peered at the Emperor and the Empress who gracefully danced amongst their peers and peeresses to celebrate your father’s special day.
Prince Satoru was a domineering gentleman who stood high and mighty next to you. You were not one to miss the glances that you and your brother received from the flock of noblemen and women. How regal, they mused, of siblings dressed in similar fabric of the finest kind.
As customary, Satoru’s attire was a champagne frock coat embellished with golden aiguillette and royal badges. He also donned a navy blue cloak that rested atop his broad shoulders and ended beneath his leather heels.
Yours was an off-shoulder gown of champagne silk embroidered with gold threads, accentuated with a tight corset that hugged your waists down to your hips before it flared into frills forming a beautiful A-line. What suited your elegance was your hair that was braided into a half-updo and locked with a glittering tiara.
“How old is father?” your question was barely audible as you looked at your brother. The blend of dulcet melodies from the violins and pianoforte formed the perfect classical music.
The corner of his lips upturned. “Quite daring with your lack of proper title for the Emperor. His Imperial Majesty is sixty-eight.”
His courtesy to the Emperor and the Empress was no better than an act of blarney. Your eyes could well see through his tainted soul. The malicious intent that he was scheming in his head was not difficult for you to discern.
“My question remains, do thou await his ill-fate?” you asked with the underlying intention to make him admit to his planned treason. “Same goes for Her Majesty.”
Satoru’s crystal orbs landed on the faces covered in colorful bauta and colombina masks that crowded this masquerade ball. While half of their faces may be sealed, their ears were free. The prince himself knew not to speak a word.
“Mutiny lies within your tone, sister,” he whispered, keeping his chin up high. “If your intent is to inveigle me into rebelling just to help prevent your arranged marriage, I will not back you.”
“Neither will I marry him!” you replied in a hushed voice, lowering it down before anyone could hear. “Prince Noritoshi of Exalos is a courteous man, but my heart rests with someone else.”
The white-haired man looked around the ballroom before turning to you. “You have a traitor’s heart, Y/N. Exalos is our ally, Astheryn is not. The Zen’in family are our greatest foes. You are not in the position to ruin the plans that we—”
“Is it truly we that you speak or just you?” How could your brother, one that used to love you dearly that he would protect you over his parents’ ill interests, had now turned into an ambitious despot? “You wish to overcome all three empires for when the emperor’s throne is given to you, plotting to overthrow the crowned monarchs by imbruing your hands with your own kinsmen’s blood. You art the real traitor, Satoru Gojou.”
Satoru’s saintly face transformed into a statue, a sight caught off guard but a stance not giving away. The pivot of his heel was an act of admission withal. “Say whatever you want to say. Princess Y/N, you’re the least I care about from hereafter.”
Running through the hallways of the palace was what you did after your quarrel with your brother. That, and your decision to withhold from further staying in the ballroom led you to reason with the Emperor and the Empress that you were too unwell to stay through their night of waltzes and classical music.
Somehow, in the middle of your strides within the carpeted floors, a stranger seized hold of your hand and pulled you towards the orchard.
“Excuse me!” you resisted, withdrawing your arm from the masked man. His mask embellished with metallic green linings was a volto that covered his entire face in anonymity. “Let me go at this very instant or these palace guards—”
He turned on his heel by the time you reached the empty orchard, removing his mask to reveal the face that procured your very love. And, with a smile, he greeted, “My love.”
Handsomest is he!
Your heart took a pause. “M-Megumi?” you whispered, looking around in panic. “What brings you to sneak inside these heavily guarded walls?”
A hand was placed on your cheek as he pressed his sweet lips above yours, moving in perfect synchronization followed by satisfied hums and eager touches. You had not realized how tightly your arms were wrapped around his neck when he pulled away, verdant eyes gazing at you from under the moonlight.
“Unease lengthened my days. I’d to come see you after I was informed of the news,” he admitted, lifting your chin with his index finger. “Was it your decision to marry Prince Noritoshi?”
Your response was a desperate shake of the head. “Of course, not!” you gave him a kiss, “No, absolutely not. I vow to the heavens, you are my only one.”
A sigh of relief escaped his lips, but worry lingered on his angel face. “What does this leave us with if it is your parents' will?” he asked, encasing your waist around his arm. The vibration of his chest could be felt against yours. “Shall I send you off to marry him? Be in my despair to see my lady, a wife that is not mine?”
Your finger traced the collar of his suit. “That is the last thing I wish to—”
“Make haste and find the Princess!”
The nearby voices of your ladies-in-waiting made you stumble on your heels as you pulled Megumi, only to end up plunging into the swimming pool upon losing your balance at the slightest second.
“I believe she is in her room, Lady Catrine.”
“Her Royal Highness did say she is unwell and wishes to be left alone.”
With a finger pressed on your lips, you gestured for Megumi to keep his silence in the midst of your submerged situation. “Shh. When our palace guards find you, they will murder you.”
Contrary to the graveness in your voice, your lover was amused. “You are in the presence of a Crown Prince. There will be war if they dare lay a finger on me.”
A Crown Prince. A grin was plastered on your face as you grabbed his wrist and swam towards the small artificial cave to hide from the palace guards. Surely, said guards had all eyes on the Emperor and the Empress for tonight’s celebration, but you would not take any risks of being caught. They could be wandering around for all you knew.
“Why now, my lover is an heir to the throne, is he?” You beamed at him, wrapping your legs around his waist as he pressed you against the wall. Your dress flowed from underwater, but you paid no mind. Nothing hindered you from enveloping each other’s mouth with a tight-lipped kiss. “Mm—but still, you are in Caelum’s w—” he swallowed the entirety of your lips, before trailing kisses down your bare neck, “—walls, my love. An act of trespassing beknown to all, especially as you are a Zen’in. You will be warranted with a punishment.”
“Then I will take all the punishment,” he answered without faltering. And by pressing his forehead against yours, he added, “Lest it be my last hours on Earth, there is no ounce of regret in seeing the woman I love.”
So eager, so desirous were you and him in locking each other’s lips now with the use of tongue exchanging dominance inside the walls of your mouth. His hand held a tight grip on your cheek, tilting his head to the side in an attempt to have the kiss at its deepest entry. You had to catch the breath that you’ve lost when you looked at him. “Megumi,” you cupped his cheeks, lips swollen, “make me a wife. I refuse to douse ourselves into matters of imperial rivalries any further.”
“A proposal to elope,” he mouthed the words in deep thought, “You’ll run away with me to marry? To give up our crowns in exchange for our romance?”
Certain you were not if Megumi would be willing to forsake his throne, whereas you would take any chances just to escape the forthcoming tyranny of this kingdom. Caelum was no longer home.
“Sworn by my love, I’ll no longer be a Gojou.”
That same eve was spent with fiery touches and shameless admissions of love. In your bedchamber where you lay the scene, of him unlacing your corset, of you unbuttoning his tunic—all nought but bare in your virginity. From your balcony, the moon enviously stared at the two lovers under the sheets doing thus what lovers do.
Long forgotten was the Emperor’s birthday for the Princess engaged in an intercourse with her greatest enemy. Neither your dulcet moans nor the Prince’s orotund grunts would escape the palace walls for everyone believed that you were alone in your chambers.
Alone, you stifled a giggle at the thought as Megumi kissed the smooth skin where your neck met your shoulder. His hand had interlaced itself around yours, pinning you above your own mattress to strip you off your chastity. With every jostle, he was reaching your most sensitive places.
“M-Megumi—!” You withheld yourself from releasing a whimper as two manly hands gently squeezed your bosom.
While he, in a chase to reach his own high, knelt on his knees to finish the deed. “Just a little… more.” A kiss to silent your cries. “I love you.”
“I love you.”
That morning, you woke up entangled around the prince with only your soft sheets covering your unclothed selves. The fluttering of his lids were not due to the ray of sunlight but of the feathered kisses that you placed along his jaw.
“Care to entertain my curiosity?” You propped an elbow to look at his face, fingers caressing his bare chest. “How did my prince infiltrate the palace of Caleum?”
He enclosed your waist around his arm. “With the kind assistance of thy cousin,” he spoke in a raspy morning voice, “Knight Commander Yuuta. He is to render one last assistance to me until I reach the borders back to our empire.”
Ah, you now recalled. Yuuta Okkotsu, instead of being granted a dukedom, had chosen to receive the honorary title of being the commander of the Imperial Order of Knights. He was yours and Megumi’s upperclassman in The Providence—naturally born a cavalier, a savior, and a protector. However, just like you, he had fallen in love with an enemy and Maki Zen’in was her name. There was no question as to why he would willingly help an enemy as that of a Crown Prince because he was in the same plight. Love was simply love.
His loyalty was where his heart lies. Once caught aiding the monarch of Astheryn into the palace of Caleum, he would be deemed an accomplice and would subsequently be exiled in the orders of your own father.
Did Megumi understand the lengths and the risks that your cousin just took? A reward of sincerest gratitude was what Yuuta deserved, especially not forgetting the fact that he acted heaps better an older brother than Satoru was as of late. Yuuta considered you a sister and all he ever wanted for you was to choose your happiness. If there was anything you could learn from him, it was how a royal title would never guarantee you the felicity that you wanted.
And thus, by his name that you speak of, Yuuta’s distant calls from beneath your balcony was a signal for Megumi’s retreat. On the other side of the door was a hubbub from the ladies-in-waiting which could only mean that a presence of a royal would soon enter your boudoir.
“I will take my leave,” your lover announced, arising from your bed to hastily put on his clothes. At your own effort, you sheathed your naked body with a robe. “Our tryst shall push through. Sir Yuuta vowed to escort you. Nine at Saint Peter’s, we will marry then.”
You’ve given your oath long before your marriage was decided, but this did not prevent a triumphant smile from adorning your face. “Expect your future wife to arrive,” you promised, hearing footsteps nearing your door. “Not enough time. Shall you leave without the satisfaction of a good morning kiss?”
His hand found the small of your back before encasing his lips in a perfect lock around yours, “I’ll await your presence there,” and another kiss to seal his love.
In lightning speed, Megumi was jumping out of your balcony in hurried guidance of Yuuta and you ensured to give the former a flying kiss before bidding farewell. “Adieu!”
As your lover departed, His Majesty arrived in a stance so ruthless befitting for the great ruler that he was, even more stern and forbidding than the Empress. Behind his tail was Crown Prince Satoru who was quick to notice the indentations on your mattress. His crystal blue eyes scrutinized you from head-to-toe with the conclusion that his sister shamelessly brought in a man.
A man not of common birth, but of royal blood.
He would be a hypocrite so to speak. He slept with many noblewomen, even as far as bringing courtesans to his bedroom every fortnight. The only difference between you two was that your lover was the son of his greatest foe.
“Your Majesty,” you humbly greeted, curtsying before your father.
He eyed you with an unrelenting gaze. “Dress up. Your attendance is required by high noon.”
You traded glances with Satoru whose eyes were full of judgment before you asked, “Where does Your Majesty wish to summon me?”
“To make an acquaintance with your fiancé.” Your heart fell heavily to the floor as your father added, “Your marriage with Prince Noritoshi of Exalos is to commence on Monday.”
“N-No.” Horror painted your now pallid face. You were hysterical, then in much denial. “No! I refuse to—”
“Interfere with my plans or you shall be dealt with!” The Emperor roared in vexation with little care for your emotions.
More domineering when he swung his cloak, much swiftly when turned on his heel. He left you in your chambers begging on your knees, pleading in desperation for him to abort the marriage while your brother unsparingly looked down at you with no ounce of sympathy.
Satoru. You wanted the old Satoru back—the Satoru that would quickly take you in his arms and place comfort in his gentle hands, the Satoru that would protect his sister even if it meant harming other people on her behalf. This was not the same brother.
Alas, he informed you of the most devastating news of all. “The Prince of Astheryn will be executed for entering the borders of Caelum without notice. Their Emperor has been apprised.”
A gasp escaped your lips just as fright painted your face. “Prince Megumi can’t be—!”
“That is not the most important part. Toji is far unconcerned,” Satoru cut you off, hands buried deep in his pockets. “There is something you should be aware of that boy that your innocent heart is head over heels for.”
Between the two empires, it was known that Astheryn was more barbaric. If Caelum was ruled by Greeks, consider Astheryn as ruled by Romans. More vicious, more hostile—God forbid even their own kinsmen were not excused to the Emperor’s brutality. In his belief, and in all monarchs precedent to his current throne, any member of the imperial family must hold a high regard for their name.
A Zen’in was equal to that of a supreme being. Neither Emperor Toji himself nor any of his kinsmen must associate themselves with an enemy if they wish not to be deemed a traitor. The Gojou family shall not be spoken of in all lands there were of Astheryn.
Now, why has a son of his, a crown prince even, has willingly involved himself in this predicament of being mandated with a death penalty?
As per The Amendment when Prince Megumi was escorted through the border between Caelum and Astheryn, the dictum was to either administer his immediate execution or the Prince would be released but the two empires would hereafter declare war. Neither was an option, but Emperor Toji had to spare his son’s life regardless of his reluctance to put his empire and military power at stake.
“All for a whore?” His Majesty growled from under his breath. “You are causing us war in exchange for a whore?!”
The back of the Emperor’s hand was forcefully thrown at the Prince’s face as the man in question stood before him. Toji was enraged, but more so was he ashamed of his son’s actions.
The same son balled his hands into tight fists, then. The hardening of his jaw and the fury in his eyes were to show his dissension. “A whore you call’d her then a whore you must call your concubines. My only love sprung from one woman. You can’t say the same with my deceased mother.”
There was not the faintest trace of deference in his tone because his pique dominated him much to his father’s ire. A clash between two of Astheryn’s most powerful rulers was impending.
“You dare bring that up as defense?” Toji emitted a deep chuckle of distaste. “The matter at hand is on the subject of your stupid childish love! Thousands of women walk on Astheryn’s streets and you still choose the youngest daughter of a Gojou?”
“A Gojou, whose name carried she, is no longer my enemy but a wife to be,” said he, “nor did I ask to partake in this fifty-years of imperial strife. I am choosing her over my crown.”
The Emperor drew out his sword in vexation, but what surprised everyone in that room was how Megumi himself also pulled out his brand in act of defense as the father and son threatened each other’s throats.
Twenty swords from the knights were then pointed at the Prince’s head in protection of the Emperor. The suspense was high as the supreme ruler and his son kept their rigid stance, not moving their swords an inch away from their necks all while the knights remained with weapons at hand.
It was after a minute within the stares of death shared with his father until the Emperor himself lowered his silver brand and commanded, “Drop your swords and take your leave. I need a private word with my son.”
His Majesty’s sword was long sheathed back to its original place, now standing in less tension. Megumi knew where this was heading to and saw how the palace guards were confused for the whole sixty round of the minute hand that went through the clock. Thus, by the Emperor’s word, they retreated out of the room and left the father and son alone.
Alone, out of earshot to rest from the performance they have delivered in front of the servants and the order of knights to create a story based on hearsay. ‘Our great Emperor Toji and Prince Megumi fought over that woman from Caelum’, was an expected rumor that would soon spread throughout Astheryn. This would allow the citizens to grow wroth towards the other empire for causing their own rulers to be engaged in a bloody fight. They would hate you and your family enough to participate in a war to overthrow Caelum.
The Emperor soon erupted into a laugh, such boisterous laughter plagued Megumi’s ears while he returned to his grim visage. “Very well played, son. I’d have almost believed you. You have the brilliance of an actor.”
Megumi kept a detached stare. “Father, I’ve fulfilled your orders. What else must I—”
“And you shall continue until the war ends,” the cruel, tyrant Emperor announced, “What have you gathered in Caelum aside from playing with that awful girl’s heart?”
He took a deep breath and released it into thin air. “Satoru Gojou conspires to assassinate his own kinfolks, be in the highest throne, and hence take sovereignty over three empires.”
“Pathetic.” Toji showed boredom by sitting at his throne knowing that his rival’s treason would not eventuate because Astheryn was ten steps ahead. Megumi came to the palace of Caelum with a purpose and it was for the rivaling empire to corner them into unprepared war. He was meant to be caught and taken to the borders. You were just an instrument to their plans. Toji took his son’s forbidden romance for granted and used it as a tool to fuel his own interests. “That girl, you love her?”
Megumi’s breathing became still. He was a traitor, but never to his own land. “I love my kingdom more.”
The Emperor blessed him with an approving nod. “And what is our goal?”
How heartless can this man be? “To expand our suzerainty and overthrow Caelum until they are forced to submit.”
Toji ascended from his throne only to descend and meet his son down the steps, patting his back with much regard. “Stand high and be proud. A woman is replaceable, but a kingdom is not,” said his father, “You will serve as a good emperor one day. This is everything I expect from you.”
In Megumi’s head, he could see the flowery smile that you gave him before he left. The kisses you gave for when you saw felicity through him. His heart ached the more ill words he spoke. He did not want this, but he ought not to disobey his land.
“I care more for my throne than the daughter of my enemy.”
Instead of being outraged, you were melancholic. You refused to believe Satoru’s words when he said that Megumi’s true intent was to be a spy in your own land. Wooed by his words was a foolish woman like you, but the three years of being in this secret romance thus earned you a right not to doubt the man that you loved.
Who do you believe? Is it your brother or is it your lover? When your heart was in grief, marrying a man not of your worship such as Prince Noritoshi of Exalos was never an option. You were in desperate need to give Megumi a chance to explain himself, clear himself, be honest with himself and for his three-year love.
Covered in a cloak and a face concealed with a hood—in a carriage meant for mails was how you trespassed the land of Astheryn. If Megumi could sneak through your walls, then you ought to do all the same. What was there to lose? Your father and mother never saw you as their own child, but as a mere pawn that they could use as their trump card. Satoru cared more for his ambitions than his own kin.
You were alone in a palace that was meant to be your home.
Lord Giuseppe saw you roaming outside the fences of the palace, searching for your prince in hopes of having the discourse you sought to have. You would have been long dead should the palace knights catch sight of you, but blessed were you that Megumi’s trusted man was the one who found you sneaking in at their orchard.
“Dearest God! Princess Y/N, you must not be seen in this palace—”
“Stop not a desperate woman,” you spoke, restraining your weak sentiments as you peered at his face from under the moonlight. Hurt was evident on your countenance. “Have me a word with the Prince.”
Giuseppe’s face enshrouded in panic. “A word can be exchanged through heralds. Come, I will take you back to your empire safely.”
You stubbornly refused, a burning ache was seeping through your chest. “A word with Megumi,” close to breaking into tears, “P-Please. I refuse to think that he betrayed my love.”
“Betrayed I have.”
The both of you swiftly turned to the owner of the deep voice to see Megumi walking closer through the darkness of the orchard. Such as the stars on a clear sky did not appear in his eyes. First you were frozen, second you were running to his arms.
“No,” your voice came out shaky, but you embraced him tighter, breathing the comfort of his scent where you now seek home, cupping his cheeks where your lips were once planted on. “You have been true to me, you had not lied—”
Megumi had his hands wrapped on your arms, pulling away from your touch with a detached gaze. “Trusting an enemy is not what you should have done.” He looked down at you in insouciance before ceaseless tears cascaded from your eyes.
“Y-You, how could you say such a thing after having been my lover for three years?” you cried, throwing a fist on his chest as you sobbed your heart out. “Your words of love were never lies! We’ve been together since we were sixteen!”
“And I have lived as a Zen’in since I was born,” he responded, looking away from your morose eyes. The pain in his chest was sealed by his stern front. “We were never meant to love. We were never star-cross’d lovers.”
Oh, as if the universe had thrown its gravity on your shoulders. As if the sun could never shine again to welcome the day. As if your heart gnawed your chest, blazed by fire and left in ashes. If this was never love, then what could be? If such enmities were a plague for two people to love freely, you wished not to be a princess any longer than you have.
Your feet carried you a few steps back as you looked at Megumi with wide tearful eyes. “Did you not love me? Are you not willing to fight for me, continue the marriage with me?”
The Prince failed to answer nor could he meet your eyes as he turned his back on you, “Giuseppe will escort you back to your empire. I will pretend to never have seen your presence in our land.”
You drowned from your tears as you watched Megumi walk away, fading farther and farther from your sight with each step while you incessantly called for his name. Betrayed your family only to be betrayed by your lover. Was this nothing but a wicked game?
“This is not what your heart truly speaks, Prince Megumi!” was your last words to yell before having Giuseppe pull your lethargic body to escort you away.
You were no longer looking to see how Megumi stopped in his tracks to look back at you. You were no longer in sight to watch how he closed his eyes in despair and swore himself a million times for breaking the heart of his one and only love.
You were back in your bedchambers in Caelum, comforted by your brother while Megumi was in his room being whipped by the callous Emperor, receiving bloody laceration on his back as punishment for letting you leave the palace unharmed.
It would have been the perfect chance to have held you hostage, the Emperor said, unbeknownst to the fact that his son was the real hostage in this tragic fate.
The war had begun.
Yuuta was exiled and your arranged marriage was put on hold as the royals—that of the Emperor, the Empress, and the Prince prepared for the bloodshed between the citizens of Astheryn and Caelum. How could Megumi let all of this happen? More importantly, what kind of person were you to risk your empires and the lives of civilians that arose from your selfish love?
Because of your actions, you were locked up in the palace dungeons while the war was on-going. It had been a week since you last saw daylight and your refusal to eat anything had you weak and sickly.
You were better off as skin and bones. If Megumi could not love you because he was tied to his role as the Crown Prince, then who else would look at you in the eyes and adore you the same way? His words back at the palace were nothing but lies because you could not accept that he betrayed you.
How could those secret messages, those clandestine meetings, those stargazing back at The Providence be all a lie?
Satoru came down to see you in the palace dungeons one day in full armor as though he had just gone through an arduous day of sword fighting. He saw you in your travail, chains around your wrists like an animal kept in a cage. At that moment, the old Satoru came back. Pity bathed his eyes as he crouched down to look at you.
“I’ll get you out of here,” he promised, planting a kiss on your forehead from behind the bars. His jaw had clenched before he spoke again. “Have my own hands besmirched with blood, I vow to kill all of them.”
You gave a weak smile through your lassitude. “You admit to your high treason?”
“Father and Mother do not deserve to rule the empire. You best not see what they’ve done to our own people,” he claimed as he found his seat on the ground, “Our knights were made to protect only the imperial family. They let the civilians shed their own blood for us.”
Your eyes widened in horror. “Th-That is—”
Satoru could only shake his head in frustration. “I am not a tyrant, Y/N. It is the likes of our parents and Toji who caused plague to both our houses.”
The inability to meet Satoru’s cerulean eyes was due to your regretful judgement towards your brother’s true motives. He had always been a better ruler than your parents, despite his rivalry with Toji, you could now see the reason why.
Satoru only despised the traditional system set by the two empires, but he would not go as far as to harm his own citizens in exchange. Had he communicated his plans more clearly, these would all have been prevented.
“Endless apologies must come from me unto you,” you said, deep in forlorn.
“That’s long forgotten,” he reassured, reaching for your hand, “As for the rivaling empire’s Prince, he…”
How could such a name cause somersaults in your stomach? “He what?” Injured? Or perhaps, dead?!
On the unfortunate side of the spectrum, the stiffness in Satoru’s face could only mean bad news. Your heart was left unprepared when he said, “The kingdom of Ellesmere will aid Astheryn in this war to ensure our downfall, only with the condition that he’ll marry the princess who will bear him a child.”
The revelation had your soul leaving your body, ceasing to feel the searing pain that brought your heart to oblivion. You suddenly lost the will to live—no, you wished not to live to see him with a wife by his side. The screams of your heart were the loudest silence of all.
“Seek me the apothecary,” you pleaded, sinking back to your dungeon to be engulfed by sorrow. “Afterwards, go and tend to our people, Satoru. You are the only hope of this kingdom.”
He was the only hope for you have long given up.
Vestiges of war were left of Caelum when Megumi led his horse to pass through its empty streets. The warfare had ended in armistice with Emperor Toji and Prince Satoru heavily injured after their sword fight. Not only did the current rulers cause their own downfall, civilians have also formed an uprising against their own empires after realizing that they were being mercilessly used for bloodshed.
Megumi was at a point of extreme weariness. He was tired of the chaos ensuing between two empires, protecting the civilians and fighting for peace through war. He was tired of being a puppet by having to marry the princess of Ellesmere, not by his choice but of his father’s. He was tired of the combative fighting, the number of knights he had encountered, the amount of souls he had taken away by imbruing his hands with their blood.
He had not heard from you after weeks since you came to Astheryn that one Thursday night and it was most ruthless torture he had to ever go through. However, a word from Yuuta stating that he had to see you in person led him back to Caelum to get a glimpse of you.
As he hoisted himself out of the horse, he entered Saint Peter’s chapel where an aisle of candles and flowers greeted him and his bloodstained armor. Like the promised wedding, you were there at the end of the aisle as if he was the bride who was walking towards you. In your ivory dress, enwreathed by white roses waiting for your prince charming by the altar.
Only, your body lay still on your deathbed like an angel in her peaceful sleep contrary to the war of demons outside of the chapel.
Megumi was benumbed. His feet could barely drag him proper steps as he slowly made his way to meet you across the aisle with a heart bleeding through its crevices. Alas, such a broken man was also breaking down.
You took your own life with a poison to help you, Yuuta told him, in your grief after hearing that he married another woman. You died thinking that Megumi never truly loved you and had done the unforgivable act of betrayal.
Megumi’s eyes were filled with tears when he reached your deathbed, staring at your face thinking that you were just in a deep slumber. Not even the warmth of his fingers when he traced your cold cheek nor did the droplets of tears that fell on your chest had awoken you.
“Forgive me,” he whispered, blinking the tears that clouded his vision. He leaned down to press his lips against yours to kiss you for one last time, even as the recipient was nought but a soulless body. “There were no lies within my truths. My love, whose face is as fair in her eternal sleep, is the only woman that this heart seeks.”
The torturous pang inside his chest grew more painful with a torment so unbearable that he had to hug your body, head on your chest while he listened to your nonexistent heartbeat. His love, his only love was gone.
You were victims of your family’s rancor. A strife between kinfolks that put their pride above all else, but resulted in casualties that halted a love so free, so beautiful, and so innocent.
Megumi wiped his damp face with his hand, standing back up in realization. So innocent but tainted, he bitterly laughed to himself.
And he laughed more. He was in a fit of maniacal laughter through his tears, staring at the Holy Cross as he fell unhinged with the shock of bereavement.
His mind then took him back to the day where his father harassed him to fulfill his duties as the Crown Prince. The father that taught him that love could not make him happy as much as power would. How could he be stupid? If it was true, then why was Emperor Toji miserable despite being seated on the highest throne?
“This,” he looked up at the cross with a manic smile that did not match his sorrowful eyes, “This is how it ends!”
For fifty years of imperial strife shall end tonight.
“I’ll see you and come to you. I’ll keep you in a true love’s embrace, take you in my heart and never have you leave,” he mumbled one last time, a kiss sealed on your lips before he unsheathed his dagger. The sound of skin ripped through the air and echoed through the chapel as Megumi stood still, blood gushing out of his pierced heart before he fell on the ground next to where your body lay.
In peace was where both lovers rested.
Thus, when the dead bodies of young Y/N and Megumi were found at the chapel of Saint Peter, citizens of Astheryn and Caelum broke into insurrection against their own empires to place an end to their families’ fifty-year grudge.
Long buried was the fatal war between the Gojou and Zen’in families, hereby decreed with a peace treaty signed by the ruling emperors, Toji Zen’in and Satoru Gojou, wherein no warfare shall continue henceforth. The truce shall heal the nation’s grief and mend each family’s loss with the promise of reconciled empires and restored relations.
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