#aubrie berry
pigeonplaysgod · 2 years
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so Aubrie unfortunately passed away last run, but Merlot was lucky enough to spend some quality time with (and get his ass kicked ✨Magically✨ by) his Mama <3
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Ashlesha & Toxic Relationships
Tw: abuse, incest, rape, death, domestic violence
I feel like Ashlesha's mommy issues have been covered by others before but I really wanted to explore how Ashlesha nakshatra natives often find themselves in toxic relationships, be it in their own homes or in romantic relationships. I think many of the patterns many people repeat in adult relationships has its roots in their childhood relationships with their family and I see this very evident with many Ashlesha natives. They're often abused at home and later suffer abuse at the hands of partners.
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Halle Berry Ashlesha Sun
Halle's father was a violent man who abused her mother repeatedly. He abandoned them when she was 4 and she's been estranged from him since.
She moved with her mother and sister to an all-white neighbourhood where she was exposed to racial discrimination while attending school. Halle admits that these struggles motivated her to succeed. Later in the ’90s, when she moved to New York to pursue her acting career, she was forced to stay in a homeless shelter for a while because she couldn’t afford accommodations.
In 2011, Halle said: "It was only when I was in an abusive relationship and blood squirted on the ceiling of my apartment and I lost 80% of my hearing in my ear that I realised, I have to break the cycle."
Halle is divorced from Gabriel Aubry (in photo with her above) who, she accused of being a racist (he used racial slurs towards her and their daughter), refused to acknowledge their daughter as biracial and court documents revealed that Berry accused him of having been in an incestuous relationship with a family member, abusing their daughter and even revealed the couple only had sex three times a year, with Aubry struggling with the effects of his incestuous relationship.
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Charlize Theron- Ashlesha Sun, Moon & Mercury
One night, when her verbally abusive alcoholic father came home with his brother after drinking heavily, he threatened her mother with a gun. He began shooting and Theron's mother grabbed her gun and shot back, killing Theron's father and wounding his brother. Police later determined it was self-defence. They later moved to America so Charlize could pursue an acting career.
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Lily Collins, Ashlesha Moon
Lily Collins says she was once in a toxic relationship where she faced "verbal and emotional abuse" that made her feel "very small." Looking back, Lily says her then-boyfriend silenced her feelings and even fuelled emotions of "panic" and "anxiety" -- and it's something that still affects her even though she’s now in a healthy relationship.
"He would call me 'Little Lily'…and he'd use awful words about me in terms of what I was wearing and would call me a whore and all these things," she said on the "We Can Do Hard Things" podcast. "There were awful words and then there were belittling words. I became quite silent and comfortable in silence and feeling like I had to make myself small to feel super safe."
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Tina Turner, Ashlesha Rising
Tina’s violent marriage with Ike Turner is well known, largely thanks to the film based on her life, What’s Love Got To Do With It. In the film the singer suffered severe beatings, was raped and had cigarettes stubbed out on her body. Her husband Ike is portrayed as a violent, controlling sociopath, and when Tina’s autobiography was published Ike actually admitted that the book was largely accurate. The pair were married for 16 years before Tina had the courage to leave. Ike is now dead.
I found something she said in an interview to closely correlate to Ashlesha:
"Part of my spiritual practice is to “change poison into medicine,” to take negative situations or roadblocks and transform or remove them through positivity. The force of my positivity pushed all the discriminatory “isms” standing in my way right out the window."
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Whitney Houston- Ashlesha Sun & Venus
Their turbulent relationship is well documented, but even though the rumors were that Bobby used to hit Whitney, she actually claimed it was the other way round. In an interview with the Associated Press over 10 years ago, the singing star said: “Contrary to belief, I do the hitting, he doesn’t. He has never put his hands on me. We are crazy for one another. I mean crazy in love, love, love, love, love. When we’re fighting, it’s like that’s love for us. We’re fighting for our love.” Brown, however, was later arrested in 2003 for misdemeanour battery, several years after Whitney said this. The pair eventually divorced after 15 years of marriage in 2007.
Unfortunately, Whitney passed away in 2012 and I firmly believe Bobby did it. Her daughter, Bobbi Brown also passed away in the exact same way in 2015 and there's just no way those 2 deaths were a coincidence. Anytime I hear news of anybody dying in their bathtub after overdosing on a cocktail of drugs, I just know they were murdered. Its very easy to write off deaths as suicide or to make it look like one. Its all the more convincing if the person has a history of drug abuse.
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Sridevi, Ashlesha Sun & Rising
Sridevi was forced into acting by her mother (who aspired to be an actress and had failed in her pursuit) when she was 2-3yrs old. Sridevi never received formal education and appeared in 200 films by the time she was 25 years old (she did 300 films total). Her mother and stepfather had another daughter whom they favoured. Sridevi was the cash cow of the household. It was once reported that Sridevi would come home from a long day of filming and spend many hours massaging her mother's feet at night instead of sleeping. Her mother once locked up Sridevi in a dark room and starved her as a 5-year-old because she was too scared to do a scene that involved fire. She became a heroine at the age of 11 years and was paired opposite men who had played her grandad onscreen when she was a child star🤮🤮🤮she was sexually assaulted by many of these men as a child and teenager. Sridevi's mother managed all her finances and did not permit her to go out or meet others and she did not even know how to do virtually anything by herself as her mother kept her under lock and key.
Her husband Boney Kapoor is a movie producer who was married to another woman and had 2 kids when he first met Sridevi. He creepily wooed her for 10 years but Sridevi paid him no mind. In 1995, Sridevi's mother passed away and Boney took full advantage of her vulnerability because even though she was 32, she was basically a child due to the way her mother forced her to live. Sridevi had no one to rely on (her stepfather had died many years prior and her sister sued her for properties and since she was so isolated, she had no friends despite being such a huge star) and Boney took her in. She lived with Boney and his wife and kids but before you knew it, Sridevi was impregnated by him and he soon divorced his wife and married her. In 2018, Sridevi was found dead in a bathtub in Dubai under suspicious circumstances. The case was wrapped up pretty quickly and no one really knows what happened. She allegedly "drowned" but like I said, I dont think all these celebs drowning in their bathtubs is a coincidence.
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Zsa Zsa Gabor- Ashlesha Moon
She was married 9 times and many of those marriages were hella toxic. She was married to Conrad Hilton (Paris Hilton's great-grandfather)
She said of the marriage:
"Conrad's decision to change my name from Zsa Zsa to Georgia symbolized everything my marriage to him would eventually become. My Hungarian roots were to be ripped out and my background ignored. ... I soon discovered that my marriage to Conrad meant the end of my freedom. My own needs were completely ignored: I belonged to Conrad."
Gabor's only child, daughter Constance Francesca Hilton, was born in 1947. According to Gabor's 1991 autobiography, One Lifetime Is Not Enough, her pregnancy resulted from rape by then-husband Conrad Hilton.
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Marilyn Monroe- Ashlesha Rising
Marilyn had a very difficult life. She grew up in foster homes, her mother was schizophrenic and her father was an alcoholic. Her marriages were unhappy and she was treated like shit by the industry. I don't want to elaborate too much because I feel like everyone already knows about her life story but its truly tragic how things were for her :((
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Lucille Ball- Ashlesha Sun
She was married to her onscreen husband Desi Arnaz and they had a horrible toxic marriage where he cheated on her repeatedly and emotionally abused her. He was also an alcoholic.
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Bella Hadid, Mars in Ashlesha atmakaraka
"I constantly went back to men -- and also, women -- that had abused me, and that's where the people-pleasing came in," Hadid said on the Victoria's Secret podcast, "VS Voices."  "I started to not have boundaries, not only sexually, physically, emotionally, but then it went into my workspace….I began to be a people-pleaser with my job and it was everyone else's opinion of me that mattered except for my own, because I essentially was putting my worth into the hands of everyone else and that was the detriment of it."
Everybody already knows that Yolanda is toxic as hell, made Bella get a nose job at 14yrs of age and in Bella's own words she was made to feel like the "uglier sister".
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Viola Davis, Ashlesha Sun
She and her sisters were sexually abused by their brother. "Sexual abuse back in the day didn't have a name. The abusers were called 'dirty old men' and the abused were called 'fast' or 'heifers,'" she wrote in her memoir.
Davis wrote about the volatile relationship between her empathetic mother and her violent, alcoholic father. With brutal candidness, she channels the unrelenting terror of living in a household of domestic abuse: “There are not enough pages to mention the fights, the constantly being awakened in the middle of the night or coming home after school to my dad’s rages and praying he wouldn’t lose so much control that he would kill my mom.”
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Lil Kim, Ashlesha Moon
When she sat down for a candid interview with Newsweek back in 2000, the rapper revealed that she developed a complex about her appearance thanks to a string of unsavory suitors. "All my life men have told me I wasn't pretty enough — even the men I was dating," she revealed. "I'd be like, 'Well, why are you with me, then? I have low self-esteem and I always have," she admitted. "Guys always cheated on me with women who were European-looking. You know, the long-hair type. Really beautiful women. That left me thinking, 'How can I compete with that?' Being a regular black girl wasn't good enough."
It wasn't just the men she dated in her early days that messed with Lil Kim's head — according to the rapper, her own father added to her issues. Her parents divorced when she was 8 and, despite the fact that she wanted to remain with her mother, her dad won custody. When she spoke to Newsweek ahead of the release of her second studio album, The Notorious K.I.M, she revealed that her father would regularly make her feel as though she wasn't good enough. "It was like I could do nothing right," she recalled. "Everything about me was wrong — my hair, my clothes, just me."
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Ella Fitzgerald, Ashlesha Rising
At a young 15 years old, Fitzgerald was left motherless and fatherless. To make matters worse, she began being abused by her stepfather. The beatings were physical, but they scared her emotionally as well. She was a beaten and battered child. Her grades fell to be nearly unrecoverable, and she began skipping school regularly. It was an era of racial segregation and Ella is also believed to have been physically abused by her teachers along with some other black students.
Ella and Marilyn were good friends and are said to have bonded over their similarly traumatic lives.
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Katie Holmes, Ashlesha Moon & Rising
She escaped an abusive marriage with the sociopathic Tom Cruise and his cult??? need I say more?? I am so happy she is alive and well and that she has managed to protect her daughter as well. Scientologists are insane people who absolutely destroy the lives of anybody who tries to leave their system so its a miracle that Katie is alive and doing well.
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Glenn Close, Ashlesha Rising
I don't know what it is about Ashleshas and being trapped/escaping a cult but I've noticed several Ashlesha natives all have this experience
Oscar-nominated actress Glenn Close, for example, was part of a cult called the Moral Re-Armament, from the young age of 7 all the way up to 22. “If you talk to anybody who was in a group that basically dictates how you’re supposed to live and what you’re supposed to say and how you’re supposed to feel, from the time you’re 7 till the time you’re 22, it has a profound impact on you,” she once told The Hollywood Reporter.
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Patricia Arquette- Ashlesha Moon
Oscar winner Patricia Arquette wasn’t just raised in Virginia’s Skymont Subud cult, but her parents were the founders of it. The so-called “spiritual movement” was known for not allowing access to bathrooms, electricity, or running water in the name of “inner guidance.” 
While still living with her family, she and her family left the commune to return to a more conventional life. Per ABC, however, the Arquette family wasn’t any better at that time either. “There was a lot of drama in the house,” Arquette said in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. “There were a lot of chairs flying around.”
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Brie Larson- Ketu in Ashlesha
Brie starred in two movies, The Glass Castle & The Room that both deal with abusive relationships (she is the one stuck in them)
Our Ketu placement is where we draw our creativity from, so its interesting that Brie has played so many characters who have to deal with toxicity.
According to Hindu mythology, Ashlesha nakshatra is associated with the story of the Naga King Vasuki. It is said that Vasuki and his wife were cursed by a sage to become snakes. In order to lift the curse, they sought the help of Lord Vishnu, who advised them to perform a penance in the ashram of a sage named Jaratkaru. After performing the penance, the sage granted their wish and they were able to regain their human form. Since then, Ashlesha nakshatra has been associated with transformation and the power of penance.
In the list of celebrities I have mentioned, many of them survived their abuse and went on to live good lives but many others met with tragic ends. Being "cursed" is part of Ashlesha's mythology, which is why they receive an unfair share of bad experiences and abuse but to perform penance is very very important and something not many are going to be able to do. When so many terrible things happen to you, you're bound to think "why me? I'm a good person, I don't deserve this" and that's absolutely true, no one deserves abuse but the ones who can outlive these negative circumstances are the ones who can in Tina Turner's words "turn poison into medicine". Penance literally means inflicting punishment upon oneself but what it actually means in this context is to turn all your negative experiences that feel like you're being punished into something you can rise up above against. Poison is also part of Ashlesha's lore and while this does make Ashlesha natives rather malicious and manipulative towards others, they need to be able to use this poison as medicine to heal themselves. Otherwise, they end up succumbing to it.
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inexplicifics · 1 month
More snippet requests: L/A/V save that alpha, L/V/M begone to the witchers, Stitch witch Milena. (Am I going through and asking for snippets of everything that I think sounds interesting? Yes, yes I am.)
Save That Alpha:
The thing is, Lambert is one of her favorite uncles. He taught her to throw a bomb accurately, and curse like a drover, and make a human-safe version of Swallow. He’s prickly and coarse and short-tempered, but he was one of the few Wolves who treated her as anything but a strange burden. She doesn’t want him to spend the rest of his long life mourning an alpha he lost when he was even younger than she is now. And she’s the Lady of Time and Space, isn’t she? And a fully-trained witcher, even if she’s not mutated. That means there shouldn’t really be a challenge out there she can’t overcome with wits or speed or a good sharp sword.
Begone to the Witchers:
“How did the training hike go?” “Well enough; one of the lads found a berry bush.” Aubry is smiling faintly; he’s very fond of his little lads. He’s been in charge of the youngest trainees - the lads too young even for weapons training - for a few decades now, and he’s good at it, patient and calm and gentle. Lambert would’ve been a lot less of a bastard if his first trainer had been someone like Aubry. “Are there any berries left on it?” Vesemir asks dryly. Aubry snorts. “A few. Very high up.”
Thread mage!Milena:
Three big men come storming in through the doorway. Milena has a split second to choose: flee through the portal, or try to protect her bound Guardian. Any other mage she has ever met would run. She lunges across the cabin to fling herself across Aiden’s body, between him and the drawn swords of their attackers, crying, “No! Leave him be!” as she pushes power into the embroidery of her cloak, the shield spell throwing brilliant light onto the walls of the cabin. It ought to deflect weapons made of anything from steel to obsidian, as Milena throws enough power into it that she’s surprised the cloak doesn’t disintegrate. To her surprise, the Wolves pause, swords still held high. And then their leader, a big redhead with a wild light in his eyes, snaps, “Bind and bring them both!”
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pupsmailbox · 6 months
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NAMES ⌇ adelina. aeon. aether. aimee. alaina. alette. alfre. alvar. ami. amy. aoibhann. archer. ash. aubrette. aubri. aura. aurora. avery. ayesha. barry. basil. bell. belle. berry. blaze. bloom. blossom. bolt. briar. brooke. calypso. caspian. cassian. celeste. charlotte. clover. collin. corbin. cosmo. crow. dahlia. dalia. damien. dela. dew. dewdrop. dewey. diana. dianna. drop. elfie. elida. elisa. ella. ellie. elliot. elly. elm. elvenia. elvina. eros. fae. faebelle. faeriette. faette. fairiette. faith. fallin. fawn. fay. faye. fayetta. fayette. faylinn. felix. ferun. feya. finch. fleur. flix. flora. frost. glimmer. glow. gray. holly. hope. ilayda. iradessa. iris. ivy. jinx. jynx. keijo. lendabair. lili. lilli. lillie. lilly. lily. linetta. loona. luna. lynette. mariam. mariposa. mayblossom. meadow. melody. migina. mina. mischette. mischie. mischievelle. mischievette. moon. moth. musa. nix. nixie. nymph. nymphelle. nymphette. nymphie. nyx. odette. olette. oliver. onyx. opal. periwinkle. petal. pix. pixi. pixie. poppy. rose. rosemary. satu. shayla. shaylah. shayleen. sheelin. starla. stella. síobhra. tania. tanya. tatania. tiana. tinca. tink. tinka. tinker. tinkerbell. tinkerbelle. titania. trick. trickselle. tricksette. trix. tryck. tryx. tunder. tünde. tündér. vidia. whim. whimsey. whimsie. whimsy. willow. wing. älva.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ bloom/bloom. dew/dew. dust/dust. elf/elf. fae/fae. fae/faer. fae/faerie. fae/faery. fae/fairy. fai/fai. fai/fairy. fai/fairytale. fairy/fairie. fairy/fairy. fay/fay. flight/flight. flower/flower. frog/frog. honey/honey. jest/jest. jinx/jinxe. joke/joke. mischie/mischief. mischie/mischievous. mischief/mischief. mischief/mischievous. moss/moss. moss/moss. mush/mushroom. oak/oak. pix/pix. pix/pixie. prank/prank. shimmer/shimmer. shine/shine. shroom/shroom. spark/spark. sparkle/sparkle. spring/spring. sprite/sprite. trick/trick. trick/trickster. vae/vaer. ven/venus. wing/wing.
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simslegacy5083 · 8 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 8 Ep. 187: Family Ties
That year Love Day caught the whole household in-between romances, so they spent the holiday showing love to their family members.
They started by visiting Valentina’s daughter Kelsie in Willow Creek. She and her husband had just adopted a sweet baby girl.
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Peachy and Valentina hung out in the nursery with the new mom and Valentina’s first granddaughter while Luigi chatted with Kelsie’s husband Luca.
Luigi’s conversation didn’t go so well. Luca gave him a look as if he smelled something bad and after a very brief chat excused himself to go start lunch on the grill. Luigi wasn’t sure how he’d managed to screw up socializing again, but he refused to let it get him down.
Setting up his laptop he continued working on improvements to a mod he’d made for Sims Forever. He really liked how programming let him tweak his favorite game just the way he wanted, and he got additional rewards from skill building and appreciative Sims who enjoyed his work.
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As Valentina was preparing to put Aubrie down for a nap and gather up Luigi for the meal Peachy got an unexpected phone call from August.
The oldest member of the “Strangerville four”, their Uncle Ash, had passed away. The heartbroken brothers agreed to meet up at the Arts Centre later to commiserate and share memories of their fallen comrade in alien weed killing. Luigi got the meal started by serving some sparkly juice while Valentina thanked her baby girl for the invite, promising to spend lots more time with her and her young family in the near future.
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Arriving at the center a short time later Peachy and August spent some time remembering the good times they’d had with Ash before parting to enjoy time making and viewing some art with their living loved ones.
August joined Luigi at two of the easels conveniently located all around the building while Peachy and Valentina headed into the gallery to see the professional works on display. They spent a lovely afternoon chatting and painting before heading to their final Love Day destination.
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When the “twins” had heard Paul was too busy at the ranch with chores and the new babies to join them at the Arts Center or enjoy Love Day, they knew that the gift of babysitting would be the perfect way to show their love for the youngest member of their long-ago Strangerville adventure.
They arrived at the ranch to share Happy Love Day greetings with Paul and Nikita and take over watching the twins and animals as a family.
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The frazzled young parents were quite grateful to have Love Day to themselves and headed right out for a romantic evening at the Exhibition Center.
Little Shaq and Tina had a great time with their uncles and older cousin, and Valentina enjoyed getting to know the resident horses. It was a lovely night for everyone, and when the amorous couple returned home, they ironed out childcare to attend Peachy’s upcoming Black and White Bash.
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Their love day may not have checked any of the boxes that usually defined the holiday that year, but the household was quite pleased with the good times and good feelings that spending the day with their loved ones had left them with. That Love Day was a success in its own special way.
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Want To See More? View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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entrelac · 4 years
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I'm done with you!
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thescoopess · 2 years
Halle Berry Shares Rare Photos of Daughter Nahla to Celebrate Her 15th Birthday
Halle Berry celebrates her daughter’s 15th birthday. Berry took to Instagram to share rare photos of ‘Nahla’, whom she shares with her ex, Gabriel Aubry. “ One of the greatest gifts the universe has given me is my daughter, Nahla. She is the sun that never fades and the moon that never wanes! Please join me in wishing her a happy 15th Birthday today! I love you sweet angel 👼🏽” Berry captioned…
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blackberrywars · 2 years
I think you know I'm like *contractually* obligated to ask about Lemon Eyes. And gimme some of that Oops! 💕🍋💀🔥👏✨😍
(⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ
xx, lem
Hello!!! Thank you so much for playing! I just answered your obligatory Lemon Eyes —I'm sure you'll be delighted to know that everyone was interested in it. Onto Oops! (your exclamation point has now been added to the doc title).
Summary: Eskel-pades fill for Blackberries & Brotherhood. I think I didn't finish this because someone else made a really similar fic, but I still love the concept of lil wolves Eskel + Geralt getting into some blackberry-related mischief. I too have contractual fruit-related obligations.
It’s an open secret at Kaer Morhen. One of those delicate things that every witcher knows that they don’t know, up until they’re old enough to find out for themselves. One of those hidden things no one —the trainees nor the grown witchers and masters— ever talks about aloud, but not the same way that no one talked about the Trials or the pyres after them. Those secrets bring pain. Knowledge that, of the twelve yearmates Eskel had once shared his life with, six had already withered into husks on the laboratory tables, and another two or three would die before Rennes put that medallion around their necks. Knowledge that it isn’t always animal flesh burning in the valley below. This secret brings something far rarer.
Just ahead, across a small clearing, a massive blackberry thicket scrapes the lowest tree branches, towering above their heads. Dots of red and purple and black cover the curved branches, thousands of berries ready for the picking in the height of Kaer Morhen’s mild summer. His new nose hurts with the scent. Even through the smell of earth and their combined sweat, he can nearly taste the sweet-sour fruits. Eskel whoops, hauling Geralt with him until they stand in front of it, neither one of them moving forward. He groans.
Up close, the berries they’d seen from across the clearing are too high for either of them to reach, even stacked atop each other, or else buried deeper in the brambles, protected by a cage of cruel thorns. All along the front, the bottom branches almost shine with how they’ve been picked clean. The grown witchers must have come through earlier in the season to take all the easy pickings. Leaving the rest for them. An image flashes in Eskel’s mind of that morning, of the small ceramic jar that Frank stationed by his plate at their table, and the knife perched atop it, coated in a dark film. Bastards. He squeezes his free hand into a fist. The thicket could be one of Kaer Morhen’s walls —hard stone and harder iron— for all the ways Eskel thinks they could get through it, but at least the keep has a gate. 
“Shit. This is gonna hurt.”
“Yeah, probably. I did say this was a bad fuckin’ idea. Vesemir warned us about going into these woods alone.”
“Eat shit already if you’re going to be such a kiss-ass.”
“Did little Lambert teach you that one?”
 Eskel punches him in the arm, ignoring the fact that he had overheard the line from the little monster in question, and Geralt responds in kind, swiping at his head but not before he comes back. But Geralt reaches too far, his weight shifted forward. (Overcommitting, as Varin would say, and now he’s saying it inside his fuckin’ head too). He crouches and kicks out, trying to copy something he’d seen Aubry do that knocked Traj on his ass the other day, bracing for the pain in his shin against Geralt’s. He yelps when it works, knocking him over. Right towards the thorns. Eskel leaps forward, shoving Geralt down, barely catching himself on top of him with his hands scraping the ground as his heart beats loudly, slowly rising from where it had dropped into his stomach. Below him, Geralt cranes his neck up, rubbing the back of his head. His face is so  close. Close enough to kiss, or something like that.
“Ow, the fuck, Esk? No need for dramatics.”
Nope. No kissing. Absolutely not, he can’t kiss Geralt at all, no matter how pretty his face is or how close it is to his own. Doesn’t matter that his lips look nice even after the wind’s chapped them to pieces, or that there’s a tiny scar at the bottom edge where his tooth came in early. Embarrassed, he leans back so he’s upright. Sitting on Geralt. Fuck. He braces his feet against the ground and falls right on his ass when Geralt bucks upward, reaching for his arm. It’s then that he sees blood running down to his elbow, and a mess of little cuts all over his palm and fingers.
“Dumbass! What did you think was gonna happen? Did you catch yourself on the thorns?”
“I was stopping you from falling into them!”
He tries to bring his hand back, but Geralt catches it first, wrapping his thin, pale lips around Eskel’s thumb. Nevermind that he can feel the wound closing already, barely a pinprick, but Geralt’s tongue soothes the sting, and his mouth feels like silk, even with the threat of his new fangs growing in. Strands of white hair fall into his half-lidded eyes, and Eskel desperately wants to touch them. He could tuck them back behind his ear or into his leather headband, making sure he could see those pretty eyes. Gently, he presses against the soft roof of Geralt’s mouth, barely suppressing a sound at the slight hollow that forms in his cheeks. 
Don’t get a boner don’t get a boner don’t get a boner, fuck, please don’t get a boner or smell horny or blush or fucking anything.
Geralt’s sharp hip bones dig into his ass, and it makes him want to scoot back that bare few inches further up, just enough to feel more, except then he’d absolutely get a boner, right on top of Geralt. He’d see it, and he’d…… he wouldn’t even laugh or get angry. That would be a blessing. Knowing him, he’d just get quiet and uncomfortable, maybe avoid him for a few weeks. The thought hurts enough that he shoves himself up and away. When he looks back, Geralt’s frowning, but he has his hand outstretched for Eskel to pull him up, the same way he does when they spar. He obliges. It was just like sparring. Nothing strange when he steps away, and Geralt lets him go.
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indiejones · 1 year
Position.  Name.
1 Barbara Stanwyck 2 Olivia de Havilland 3 Meena Kumari 4 Geraldine Page 5 Audrey Hepburn 6 Suchitra Sen 7 Vivien Leigh 8 Ginger Rogers 9 Elizabeth Taylor 10 Katharine Hepburn 11 Kate Winslet 12 Julia Roberts 13 Norma Shearer 14 Nathalie Lissenko 15 Hasmik Agopyan 16 Catherine Deneuve 17 Chulpan Khamatova 18 Nataliya Vdovina 19 Elena Solovey 20 Brigitte Bardot 21 Aleksandra Khokhlova 22 Jeanne Moreau 23 Anna Karina 24 Isabelle Adjani 25 Romy Schneider 26 Léa Seydoux 27 Mélanie Laurent 28 Audrey Tautou 29 Ekaterina Chtchelkanova 30 Vanessa Paradis 31 Simone Signoret 32 Emmanuelle Béart 33 Isabelle Huppert 34 Sandrine Bonnaire 35 Carole Bouquet 36 Anne Parillaud 37 Fanny Ardant 38 Sophie Marceau 39 Nathalie Baye 40 Anouk Aimée 41 Alexa Davalos 42 Josiane Balasko 43 Clémence Poésy 44 Natalija Janichkina 45 Laetitia Casta 46 Eva Green 47 Elodie Yung 48 Kristin Scott Thomas 49 Anna Mouglalis 50 Astrid Bergès-Frisbey 51 Charlotte Gainsbourg 52 Capucine 53 Roxane Mesquida 54 Jane Birkin 55 Bérénice Bejo 56 Olga Kurylenko 57 Leslie Caron 58 Josephine Baker 59 Pom Klementieff 60 Noémie Merlant 61 Adèle Haenel 62 Adèle Exarchopoulos 63 Emma Mackey 64 Yael Grobglas 65 Emmanuelle Seigner 66 Juliette Binoche 67 Ellen Burstyn 68 Madhavi Mukherjee 69 Isabelle Weingarten 70 Sarah Adler 71 Christa Théret 72 Karin Viard 73 Déborah François 74 Marie Gillain 75 Juliet Berto 76 Mélanie Doutey 77 Monique Mélinand 78 Stéphane Audran 79 Léa Drucker 80 Dominique Labourier 81 Angélique Litzenburger 82 Françoise Lebrun 83 Valérie Donzelli 84 Bernadette Lafont 85 Sylvie Testud 86 Cécile de France 87 Katia Leclerc O'Wallis 88 Zouzou 89 Françoise Fabian 90 Maria Schneider 91 Agnès Jaoui 92 Valeria Bruni Tedeschi 93 Aurora Cornu 94 Stacy Martin 95 Lola Créton 96 Laurence de Monaghan 97 Dominique Blanc 98 Béatrice Romand 99 Mélanie Thierry 100 Caroline Cellier 101 Michèle Moretti 102 Geneviève Page 103 Elina Labourdette 104 Anne Wiazemsky 105 Marie Dubois 106 Claudine Auger 107 Annie Girardot 108 Juliette Mayniel 109 Brigitte Fossey 110 Martine Carol 111 Dolly Scal 112 Patricia Gozzi 113 Marilou Berry 114 Maria Mauban 115 Janine Darcey 116 Suzanne Flon 117 Colette Marchand 118 Françoise Arnoul 119 Ludivine Sagnier 120 Béatrice Dalle 121 Claude Nollier 122 Josette Day 123 Nicole Stéphane 124 Catherine Salée 125 Dominique Sanda 126 Marina Hands 127 Cécile Aubry 128 Nicole Ladmiral 129 Bulle Ogier 130 Véra Clouzot 131 Simone Renant 132 Sylvia Bataille 133 Suzy Delair 134 Jane Marken 135 Nane Germon 136 Lucienne Bogaert 137 Renée Carl 138 Catherine Frot 139 María Casares 140 Arletty 141 Odette Joyeux 142 Marguerite Moreno 143 Madeleine Robinson 144 Héléna Manson 145 Paulette Dubost 146 Micheline Francey 147 Ginette Leclerc 148 Mady Berry 149 Edwige Feuillère 150 Jacqueline Laurent 151 Mila Parély 152 Florelle 153 Claudette Colbert 154 Danielle Darrieux 155 Rolla France 156 Annabella 157 Anne Chevalier 158 Lya Lys 159 Simone Mareuil 160 Maria Falconetti 161 Yvette Andréyor 162 Musidora 163 Nora Arnezeder 164 Virginie Ledoyen 165 Michèle Morgan 166 Marine Vacth 167 Louise Bourgoin 168 Caridad de Laberdesque 169 Pauline Carton 170 Sévérine Lerczinska 171 Odette Talazac 172 Léora Barbara 173 Simone Simon 174 Marion Cotillard 175 Mireille Darc 176 Edith Scob 177 Chantal Goya 178 Emmanuelle Riva 179 Chiara Mastroianni 180 Claire Maurier 181 Marika Green 182 Delphine Seyrig 183 Mylène Demongeot 184 Marie-France Pisier 185 Françoise Dorléac 186 Marina Vlady 187 Stella Dassas 188 Marpessa Dawn 189 Elsa Zylberstein 190 Bleuette Bernon 191 Sara Forestier 192 Pascale Ogier 193 Amanda Langlet 194 Julie Delpy 195 Linh-Dan Pham 196 Nelly Borgeaud 197 Nicole Garcia 198 Irène Jacob 199 Myriem Roussel 200 Arielle Dombasle 201 Marie Rivière 202 Solveig Dommartin 203 Émilie Dequenne 204 Ariane Labed 205 Zabou Breitman 206 Romane Bohringer 207 Sabine Azéma 208 Hafsia Herzi 209 Andréa Ferréol 210 Jeanne Balibar 211 Isabelle Renauld 212 Mireille Perrier 213 Juliana Samarine 214 Catherine Mouchet 215 Aurora Marion 216 Anaïs Demoustier 217 Judith Chemla 218 Marie Laforêt 219 Michele Valley 220 Hélène Alexandridis 221 Anne Consigny 222 Macha Méril 223 Anne Brochet 224 Miou-Miou 225 Anne Teyssèdre 226 Joséphine Sanz 227 Gabrielle Sanz 228 Fantine Harduin 229 Charlotte Véry 230 Élodie Bouchez 231 Natacha Régnier 232 Pili Groyne 233 Yolande Moreau 234 Emmanuelle Devos 235 Nina Meurisse 236 Florence Darel
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genderqueer-dream · 2 years
hi! would you mind doing a moodboard related to autigender, acegender, and the name aubrie? thank you so much!
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[ID: a nine-square moodboard. The very middle square is smaller than the rest because the two images beside it are longer than the rest. It contains the autigender flag, the acegender flag, and pictures of growing fruits, berries, cats, and a tiger. End description.]
I hope you like it! The name Aubrie is so cool omg
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Top 10 Celebrity Couples:
There are many celebrity couples I like -- here are some of the top ones:
Stephen Colbert and his wife
Katherine Schwarzenegger and her husband
Nicole Kidman and John Stamos
Natalie Dormer and Prince William
Katherine Heigl and Ryan Reynolds
Bjork and Andrej Pejic
Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry
Linda Evangelista and Billy Porter
I don't know how people ever think they'll find someone else who can replace Katherine Heigl -- she has a real gift for acting, a real sense of being a woman in the world -- but it's hard to be sad about it
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pigeonplaysgod · 2 years
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i love this little family...
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teamtrisha · 3 months
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Gabriel Aubry/Halle Berry - Trishas parents
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Problemas legales más comunes que enfrentan las celebridades
1.- Demanda por difamación:
Las celebridades son propensas a ser objeto de rumores y especulaciones en los medios de comunicación y las redes sociales.
Las declaraciones falsas o difamatorias sobre su vida personal o profesional pueden dañar su reputación y carrera.
Ejemplos: Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard, Britney Spears vs. The New York Times.
2. Demanda por invasión de la privacidad:
Las celebridades viven bajo un constante escrutinio público, lo que puede conducir a la invasión de su privacidad.
Paparazzis o fans obsesivos pueden acosarlos, tomar fotos no deseadas o irrumpir en sus propiedades.
Ejemplos: Justin Bieber vs. paparazzis, Beyoncé vs. Star Jones.
3. Demanda por incumplimiento de contrato:
Las celebridades firman contratos con estudios, marcas, agentes o representantes.
El incumplimiento de estos contratos puede generar demandas por daños y perjuicios.
Ejemplos: Lindsay Lohan vs. E! Entertainment, Paris Hilton vs. Carl's Jr.
4. Demandas por derechos de autor:
Las celebridades pueden enfrentar demandas por usar material protegido por derechos de autor sin autorización.
Esto puede incluir música, fotos, videos o incluso ideas para proyectos creativos.
Ejemplos: Pharrell Williams vs. Robin Thicke, Taylor Swift vs. Kanye West.
5. Problemas fiscales:
Las celebridades tienen la obligación de pagar impuestos como cualquier otra persona.
Sin embargo, su alto perfil y complejos ingresos pueden aumentar el riesgo de auditorías y problemas fiscales.
Ejemplos: Al Capone, Wesley Snipes, Chris Evans.
6. Cargos criminales:
Como cualquier persona, las celebridades pueden enfrentar cargos criminales por diversos delitos, como conducir bajo la influencia de drogas o alcohol, asalto o posesión de drogas.
Casos de alto perfil pueden generar una intensa atención mediática y afectar negativamente su imagen pública.
Ejemplos: Sean Penn, Robert Downey Jr., Martha Stewart.
7. Batallas por la custodia de los hijos:
Las celebridades con hijos pueden enfrentar disputas legales por la custodia, la manutención o la visitación.
La atención pública puede complicar aún más estos asuntos sensibles y privados.
Ejemplos: Brad Pitt vs. Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry vs. Gabriel Aubry.
8. Demandas por negligencia:
En algunos casos, las celebridades pueden ser demandadas por negligencia si sus acciones o productos causan daños a otras personas.
Ejemplos: Madonna vs. Live Nation, Michael Jackson vs. AEG Live.
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leanstooneside · 1 year
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moonssugar · 1 year
🍬🍄🧁🌷 for the big ask gameee (for any oc/whoever you want to talk abt the most!)
thanks for the asks dallon!!
[candy]🍬: sam would like to receive (more) plushies, trinkets, a bundle of wildflowers, art prints, random cool looking pebbles and minerals his s/o found, (more) art books and most importantly a big kiss and a hug that lasts for 10 minutes. chelsie would like the game she's had on her steam wishlist for two years that she hasnt been able to buy, dinner at her favorite restaurant, novelty trinkets and oddities, (more) bangle bracelets, maybe a movie date and also a big kiss and a hug that lasts for 10 minutes. aubry would like breakfast in bed, flowers her gf found on her walk, a stroll through the woods (holding hands), to go swimming in the river and at the end of the day some stargazing and falling asleep in rocking chairs (holding hands).
[mushroom] 🍄: sam will pick up mushrooms to 'taste' them and see if theyre safe and thinks every mushroo, must be good because theyre mushrooms?? little fun guys? whats the worst that can happen? they're not ripe yet? (sam only thinks of food in terms of ripeness). he has only eaten store mushrooms so he thinks theyre all fine, maybe if theyre cooked first? he doesn't live in the lush part of arizona where mushies are common and his mom, being the amazing conservationist and ecologist she is, somehow missed the mushroom identification part of his wilderness education. bone apple teeth :3 (kaid has more sense than him though and keeps finding excuses for him to not eat random mushrooms mostly by knocking them out of his hand. you will catch this coyote nibbling on berries though and who can blame him for that?)
aubry watches in horror as she sees her friends put strange mushrooms in their mouths without knowing exactly what they are first because she has exhaustive knowledge about her local berry and mushrooms plants implanted in her brain by her dads so she doesnt die from eating the wrong thing. and she's heard way too many stories about people getting seriously ill from 'chicken of the woods' they misidentified because they don't listen. she has to teach them about it which would make her the least likely to eat random mushrooms and flora like wildberries. minus that one time she almost ate something that looked identical to a blackberry but contained neurotoxins. don't blame her though that species doesn't exist in her universe. chelsie will eat anything if shes hungry enough which makes her very likely to eat random mushrooms. she'll be somewhat disappointed when they don't cause her to trip or make her feel less hungry but do give her tummy problems. we can tell from this that aubry spent her childhood outside in the american (us) south east but sam grew up in the american (us) south west which requires completely different environmental knowledge. aubry does think you can survive a week without water and that sunscreen isnt necessary though. even though shes a whole ginger. this is why you have friends that fill up the gaps in your knowledge. chelsie is just living in permanent fuck around and find out mode and grew up in various cities. does she even know mushrooms can kill you? doubt it. anways nom
[cupcake] 🧁: ive described chelsie smelling faintly like lemon citrus before and i know im taking this literally now but i think i'd describe her as lemon citrus too and oranges, personality wise. citrus tasting: tangy surprising, a little (or very) overwhelming at times, something to savor. she can be a sweet clementine when she wants to be and she is that person for some but the citrus is still there and anyone that loves her doesn't ever want to change that 🍊 . sam can also be described as fruity tasting, ive been associating him with mangoes 🥭 and apricots since day one, sweet, honey smooth, pleasant and welcome, very natural tasting. there's nothing artificial here, its the real thing or nothing. those fruits are comfort food for him. aubry i would describe as strawberry 🍓 flavored, the just before ripe ones that you think are just sweet and nothing else that are actually tart and sweet when you bite into them. the seeds make a little rough fuzzy exterior but really she's a softie on the inside. i made them all fruity lil fruits this was a natural conclusion to draw from them 🏳️‍🌈 sorry this became what "what fruit are your characters" answer. as a bonus, fatima could be described as how kiwi and fig maamoul cookies taste, rich, bready, sugary and down to earth tasting. with a little tartness (kiwi)
[tulip 🌷] sam's favorite flowers are sunflowers, roadside wildflowers and cactus blooms and he's always trying to collect the cactus blooms for his mom and his fingers are screaming because of it. chelsie's favorite flowers every since she was a child have been chrysanthemum and cosmos flowers because an old lady that used to be her neighbor grew them in her garden and because of that memory she named chrysa and cosmos after them. she also likes tiny daisies. aubry loves white clover blooms and braiding them into people's hair, wisteria, lavender and forget-me-nots.
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