monstersoffilgaia · 3 months
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howlkyatt · 2 years
New OC Drop!!
I’m on a roll I love designing characters
Meet Aughisky!!
She’s a merchant that sells tarot cards and depending on which area you find her (silk cradles, anchordeep) she can sell you that special item in bulk (like spider silk or Anchordeep crystals).
She’s most common in Anchordeep but will venture out every once in a while.
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Horses are a very important animals to me so I just had to make a horse oc for COTL <3
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jadequarze · 2 years
I saw your burb post about the lesser green broadbill, and you might also enjoy the delightfully haunted and derp face of the "potoo" bird. They're my absolute favorite.
Oh I know that bird. Saw it in a post once and immediately fell in love with it. Look at its big stupid eyes. The sound it makes though, ughhh
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It looks so ridiculous, I love it!
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maypoleman1 · 11 months
10th November
Martinmas Eve
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Source: Bing Images/ Mandy Baker’s Medium website
Today is Martinmas Eve. It falls in the favourite season for the emergence of Aughiskies from the depths of the Scottish lochs. These strange sea horses are prone in November to swim up from their subterranean lairs and to gallop madly across the fields and beaches surrounding the lakes. If you are able to catch and saddle one, the aughisky will become a faithful servant but with ten times the strength and endurance of ordinary horses. Few try this feat however, because if the aughisky sights water while you are out riding it, it will hurtle at the loch or sea and will be impossible to rein in. The creature will plunge into the waves and you will be incapable of flinging yourself clear. Once under the water, the aughiskie will turn on you and devour you. Sometimes aughiskies go hunting. The tale is told of an aughisky that lured seven sisters of Aberfeldy in Tayside, onto its back. Once the excited girls were in place, the equine monster plunged into the nearby loch, the sisters glued to its back. The next morning seven disembodied livers were washed ashore.
Today is also a day for divining. In Scotland the Trial of Three Dishes can be held. Fill one dish with clean water, a second with dirty water and a third with nothing. Ask a friend curious about their future love life to choose a dish blindfolded. If they choose the clean dish, they will marry a maiden or bachelor; if the dirty dish is chosen, their future partner will not be a virgin; if the empty dish is chosen, they will remain forever single. The ceremony must be performed three times and if the results are the same each time, the participant’s romantic future is revealed.
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queersrus · 4 months
Mermaid Theme
[mermaid theme]
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includes sirens, selkies and other fishfolk as well as general water dieties.
if you see duplicates let me know
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loralei/lorelei/loralei/loelai/lorelay/loralay/loreley/loraley/lorelie/loralie, lake, loch, limniad, lara, leucothea, lamia, leucosia, ligia, ligeia, laume, llyr, lir, limnade, leiminide sire, siren/syren, shiren/shyren, sel, selk, selki/selkie/selky, sea, seara, searsia, sirena/syrena, sjokona/siokona, sireno, styx, stheno, scylla, segeta, sequana, souconna, sirona, sinnan, saga, sjora, shoopiltee mer, merma, marmay/mermei/mermai/mermey, mermaid/mermaide/mermade, mermi/mermie/mermy, mermist, mermista, merman, mermen, mermaiden, mermix, melusine, melyzin, melusna, mel, merwif, meremenn, meer, merrow, marina, meermin/meerminne, min, meri. minne, merimin, meremin. maree, medusa, melusina, morgan/morgen, marimorgen, moryana, moryanki, moriany ocea, ocean/oceane, oceana, oceania, oceanix, oceanic, oceanice/oceanis, oceanus, oceanid, oceanide, ondine ran, rain/raine/rayn/rayne, river, revine/ravine, rainy/rainie/raini, rusalka, rhine, rura, rusalki pearl/perle, pearla/perla, pearly, poseidon, pisces, proteus, palaemon, phorcys, pontus, potamoi, psamathe, parthenope, pisinoe, peisinoe, pegaeae nymph, nymphie, nympha, naiad, neried, neriede, nereid, nereida, nereide, nix, nixie, neptune, nessie, nereus, nerites, nantosuelta, nodens, nehalennia, nerthus, njoror, nuggle, njogel kelpie, kymopoleia water, wodnik undine/undyne, uiara haffru, hiara, hippocampi, hippocampus, hi, hip/hipp, hippo, hippoca, hafgufa, hydra thala, thalasso, thalassa, thalia, tethys, thaumas, thetis, triton, triteia, tritone, thelxinoe, thames, telchine, tangie ceasg, calypso, ceto, coralia, carcinus, cancer, cymopoleia, coventina, condatis, charibdis, crinaeae, camenae atargatis, amphitrite, achelous, aegaeon, alpheus, anapos, asopus, asterion, aino, asrai, aglaope, aglaopheme, aglaophonos, acionna, aegir, aspidochelone, ahti, Aughisky, adara, adaro derketo, doris, dynamene, damona, danu, dana, duberdicus, durius, davy yara galene, glaucus, gorgon, graeae, glashtin brizo, belisama, brigid, boann, bandua, berehynia eidothea, electra, enipeus, eurybia, euryale jones ichthyocentaur vedenemo, vallemo, vodyanoy, vodník, vodnik, vodenjak, vodyanitsa
1stp prns: i/me/my/mine
mi/me/mers/mermine si/sire/sirens/sirine si/se/selkies/selkine sci/sce/scy/scaline fi/fe/fish/fine(fishine) ti/taile/tailes/tailine ny/nymphe/nymphs/nymphine nai/naie/nais/naiadine(naine) wai/wate/waters/watine
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
mo/mer/mers/merself so/sir/sirens(sirs)/sirself(sirenself) so/selker/selkirs/selkirself sco/scaler/scalers/scaleself(scalerself) fo/fisher/fishers/fisherself to/tailer/tailers/tailerself(tailself) no/nympher/nymphrs/nymphself no/nair/naiars/naiadself wo/water/waters/waterself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/themselves
mer/maid, mer/folk, mer/man, mer/mers, mer/mermaid, mer/merfolk, mer/merman, mermaid/mermaids, merfolk/merfolks, merman/mermans si/ren, siren/sirens, si/siren, sel/kie, sel/selkie, selkie/selkies, sca/ale, scale/scales, sca/le, sca/scale fi/sh, fi/fish, fish/fishy, fish/fishes ny/nymph, ny/mph, nymph/nymphs, nai/ad, nai/naiad, naiad/naiads wa/ter, wat/er, wat/water, water/waters, water/nymph
the mermaid, the merman, the oceanic, the sea/ocean dweller, the swimmer, the devine river, the fish folk, the one of fish-like descent, the descendant of oceanus, the descendant of poseidon/neptune, the nymph, the naiad, the water nymph, the god/goddess of merfolk, the deity of the sea/ocean, the dweller of the deep
*one who dwells in the dark waters, one who has scales, one who lives in a tail and gills, one who breaths with gills, one who rules the deep, one who lives among the creatures of the deep, one who is half fish, one who controls the waves, one who's voice enchants, one who sings of the hearts desires
(*) you can replace "one" with any pronouns
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thewapolls · 1 year
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CORAL EATER oddly there are types of starfish that do literally eat coral, but this is not that. This is a walrus with weird eyes. I dunno what that's about.
SABER TOOTH is another weird name. Obviously this would bring to mind a Smilodon; a sabertooth tiger. it is not. It's another another walrus...
KELPIE is the classic mythic Scottish water horse. Sometimes they take human form, but generally they're just a wet horse that will drown people in the rivers they dwell in.
AUGHISKY aka EACH-UISGE are the Celtic version of basically the same thing as the KELPIE. Despite some trends towards making them both into some kind of reverse fishtaur or horse mermaid thing they are basically just wet horses that will murder you on purpose.
CAPRICORN everyone's favorite astrological sea-goat, named after the constellation Capricornus and as with the zodiac as a whole lifted from Babylonian astrology; the Capricorn specifically from the Makara.
CHIMERA MUSE it's just one of WA3's elemental CHIMERAs, recolored from CAPRICORN. An appropriate pick but not especially exciting.
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sunwarmed-ash · 2 years
A little challenge: Pick out your favorite sentence that you've written recently. One sentence. No context. Tag some friends.
“Don’t give god the credit, I’m the one who’s fucking you,” Matt growls, and Parker’s legs tremble.
From my Petercest/Matt Murdock fic I posted last night 😈
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Thank you @ooo-protean-ooo i love these!
@babygirllinds @ariesbilly @ezra-starkiller @eevylynn @youweremovingyourfeet @ainti-pretty @disdaidal @mjanddeacy @lizzy0305 @houndstoothjacket @ickypuppi3 @aughisky-miran
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wickedsrest-rp · 2 years
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NAME: Kelpie
ALSO KNOWN AS: Each-Uisge, Each-Uisce (Irish) or Aughisky (Anglicized Irish)
RARITY: ★★★★☆
THREAT LEVEL: ★★★☆☆ | Capable of being deadly, but don’t necessarily target people. They thrive on trickery but can be avoided. Most likely to be correctly identified by wardens.
HABITAT: Found most frequently around lakes and ponds, but they are sometimes seen along the coast by the ocean, or by sources of brackish water. The bull variant is most often found on farms.
DESCRIPTION: These dangerous water fae most often take the form of a strikingly beautiful horse with black or grey fur. However, they can assume a variety of guises; other forms include a sea bird or handsome young man (who can be discerned by the seaweed in his hair). Their shapeshifting allows them to trick their prey – they pretend to be a friendly horse, and may even approach people and beckon them to mount it. This is a trap. Once someone mounts the kelpie, it will quickly and abruptly plunge deep into the water, eventually devouring their drowned victim. They consume everything other than the liver, heart, and lungs, which later wash ashore as evidence of the altercation. 
Kelpies don’t necessarily target people; they’re happy to consume sheep or cattle, too, although they use different ruses for this. While kelpies are almost always hungry, they get great enjoyment out of tricking their prey, and rarely feed in the easiest or most direct manner. Despite their shapeshifting and intelligence, kelpies seem uninterested in living among other fae, especially ones in more developed settings. They have at times been known to cohabitate with nymphs who live in more natural environments. Some allow other fae to ride them provided they’re treated with respect.
ABILITIES: In addition to the aforementioned shapeshifting abilities, the kelpie has human intelligence, the ability to understand and speak any language, and an abnormally long lifespan of several hundred years. The kelpie also has some sort of adhesive on its back that prevents anyone who mounts it from escaping, though this doesn’t affect other fae. They can run with the swiftness one would expect from a horse, and their physical strength is on par (though no greater). When in a more humanoid form, their strength and agility will be proportional.
WEAKNESS: Like all fae, the kelpie can be slain using an iron weapon. They can also be decapitated or struck through vital organs. However, the best way to survive an encounter with one is to either avoid it or approach with caution. Due to their agility and shapeshifting abilities, they aren’t an easy match, though they themselves can be tricked. Because kelpies cannot change forms in rapid succession, they may be lured into taking a humanoid form, or another form with less physical strength than their horse shape. This makes them easier to dispatch. Should one wish to find a kelpie for whatever reason, the scent of roasted meat on a deserted shore in a region they are known to frequent allegedly serves as a lure.
Tarbh uisge: These kelpies take the form of large earless bulls rather than the more typical horse form. They will sneak into the fields of farmers and graze among their herd, pretending to be a normal bull in order to do mischief. While not as immediately aggressive as other kelpies, the tarbh usige is known for transforming into a handsome man with seaweed in his hair, who flirts with whomever catches his attention. They’re overprotective and obsessive about whoever accepts their affection, to the point any killing any rivals or anyone their fae mind perceives as a threat.
Marlíðendr: First mentioned in Norse sagas, these kelpies dwell on the astral plane as shadowy fae horses. They trample dreamers without mercy, which manifests as physical hoof wounds upon waking. They may also lure dreamers into taking a nightmarish ride through the astral plane. Like other kelpies, marlíðendr are intelligent shapeshifters, though their humanoid appearance tends to be feminine. They treat mares and other beings who cause nightmares with wary respect (in addition to fellow fae), and might provide transportation through the astral plane to those who prove themselves worthy.
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eachuisge-cc · 2 years
Uhm - is your name DELIBERATELY "Horse Water" in Scottish Gaelic? Like... your banner and your avatar suggest maybe???
lol I mean almost, it's "water-horse." the Each Uisge is a creature from Scottish folklore that's a lot like a kelpie, same shape shifting horse-thing that pulls you into the water and eats you deal, but they're considered to be more powerful and vicious, inhabit salt water lochs and sea inlets rather than rivers, and can also take the form of a handsome man and (in some versions) giant bird. They've been known to work with humans on occasion and help with farm work etc if you can find their bridle and get it on them, but if they scent water or a human climbs on their back they'll go all murder-y again. Some sources will also state that kelpies take the shape of a pony while the Each Uisge takes the form of a larger horse.
(there's also the Welsh Ceffyl Dŵr, the Irish Aughisky, the Manx Glashtyn, idk what it is about that part of the world but they fucking love horse fae things that live in the water and eat people)
it's the handle I use for all my modding endeavors because my usual name was taken on the nexus so after several more attempts to find a free name that made sense, I just started throwing increasingly obscure mythical creatures at the box until one worked.
I'm eventually gonna make some waterhorse-based cc to justify it.
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bode-leone · 2 years
jake as an aughisky.....yeah i'll incorporate that into an au
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the-hacker-news · 2 years
Researchers Detail Malicious Tools Used by Cyber Espionage Group Earth Aughisky
The Hacker News : A new piece of research has detailed the increasingly sophisticated nature of the malware toolset employed by an advanced persistent threat (APT) group named Earth Aughisky. "Over the last decade, the group has continued to make adjustments in the tools and malware deployments on specific targets located in Taiwan and, more recently, Japan," Trend Micro disclosed in a technical profile last week http://dlvr.it/SZtCKg Posted by : Mohit Kumar ( Hacker )
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cyber-sec · 2 years
Researchers Detail Malicious Tools Used by Cyberespionage Group Earth Aughisky
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Source: https://thehackernews.com/2022/10/researchers-detail-malicious-tools-used.html
More info: https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/22/j/tracking-earth-aughiskys-malware-and-changes.html
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hackingnewsde · 2 years
Forscher beschreiben die von der Cyberspionage-Gruppe Earth Aughisky verwendeten bösartigen Tools
Forscher beschreiben die von der Cyberspionage-Gruppe Earth Aughisky verwendeten bösartigen Tools
Eine neue Studie zeigt, dass das Malware-Toolset einer APT-Gruppe (Advanced Persistent Threat) namens Earth Aughisky immer ausgefeilter wird. “In den letzten zehn Jahren hat die Gruppe immer wieder Anpassungen an den Werkzeugen und der Malware vorgenommen, um bestimmte Ziele in Taiwan und seit kurzem auch in Japan anzugreifen”, so Trend Micro letzte Woche in einem technischen Profil. Earth…
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mi6-rogue · 2 years
Researchers Detail Malicious Tools Used by Cyberespionage Group Earth Aughisky
A new piece of research has detailed the increasingly sophisticated nature of the malware toolset employed by an advanced persistent threat (APT) group named Earth Aughisky. "Over the last decade, the group has continued to make adjustments in the tools and malware deployments on specific targets located in Taiwan and, more recently, Japan," Trend Micro disclosed in a technical profile last week https://thehackernews.com/2022/10/researchers-detail-malicious-tools-used.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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heti330 · 3 years
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Faebruary 10th - Aughisky
These are the water horses of Ireland and are similar to the Each Uisge and Cabyll-Ushtey. They gallop out of the crashing waves up onto the shore, venturing inland. They are supposed to make excellent mounts for whoever can catch one but riding a Aughisky is not without risk. If they hear or see the sea they set off in an uncontrollable charge, galloping straight back into the water depths where they came from, taking their helpless rider with them to be torn apart.
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birdghosts · 4 years
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ocean man take me by the hand
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