#august 2023 prompts
jilymicrofics · 1 year
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How Does This All Work?
See a prompt you like? Go for it! Use it however you like and then @ us in your creation to be reblogged! The focus of this blog is jily so we ask that your micro be about at least one of the pair. But your fics can be told from any characters POV. Jily can be enemies, friends, lovers, you name it! Canon or AU. It’s all up to you! All we ask is that you try to limit your pieces to 3K words or less. These are just some tiny prompts to hopefully get your brain and creative side firing. For longer inspired fics tag @jilymicro-oops in your post! There’s no specific order or timeframe you have to follow, you can combine prompts if you like or not use them at all! It’s all in the name of fun and fandom!
FAQ | PREVIOUS PROMPTS | AO3 COLLECTION | For a discord invite please DM
For any additional questions our ask and DM is always open!
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drarrymicrofic · 1 year
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Happy Bad Poetry Day ✍🏻!
Today's prompt is skirt, for which we can thank @ghaniblue!
Happy Writing! -The Microfic Mods 📜✨
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redandbrown · 1 year
Romione microfic prompt: beginnings. @romionemicrofic
Couch Plans
Rated: G
Hermione sat on the cozy worn couch in the Weasleys’ living room and hugged her knees to her chest.
Of all the challenges they had faced in the past year- the hunt, the doubt, the hunger, the cold and damp, the uncertainty- this was by far the hardest.
The cushion sunk deeper with the weight of Ron’s large form joining her.
“Accio blanket,” he called.
Hermione felt the blanket envelope them both as he put his arm around her. She laid her head on his warm chest and instantly felt sleepy.
“Another funeral down,” he said, kissing the top of her head.
“So many more to go,” she sighed.
“Hell of a time to start dating,” he lamented.
Hermione pulled her head back to look at him. “Are you having second thoughts?”
“What?! No! I just meant this isn’t how I wanted it to start!”
“How did you want it to start?”
Ron’s ears turned red. “With, you know, taking you out, seeing you in a pretty dress…”
Hermione’s face split into a wide grin. “Yeah?”
Ron couldn’t help but grin back. “Yeah,” he confirmed.
She sat up to kiss him. “It’s a deal, Ron Weasley. When all these funerals are over, you can take me out, and I’ll wear a pretty dress, just for you.”
“Wicked!” He said and she giggled.
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crimson-catalyst · 3 months
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oh mister mapmaker, bring me your dreams- nah it doesnt work too many syllables
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vrgssmncht · 1 year
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This is the bird whose just a guy I think
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nikolai-alexi · 1 year
For @jegulus-microfic Prompt: Swear WC: 230
Tags: none for once! Just over dramatic Jegulus and tv shows and an obligatory drowning reference. Also Omg look at me remembering the “micro” portion of this! Who am i???
James’ eyes are cold. They’re narrowed and dark as he looms over Regulus. He’s pinned quite firmly to the bed beneath him, James’ grip tight and his face deathly still.
“I swear to Merlin, Morgana, Circe, and the Saints, Regulus Arcturus Black, if you restarted Supernatural without me again, I will drown you in the lake,”
Regulus is desperately trying to stop from laughing, forcing a mock serious look to take over his face, “Who, me?” He drawls, “Take the opportunity to thirst over Dean Winchester without you throwing a tantrum about it?”
He looks James straight in the eyes before allowing a smug smirk to curl around his lips, “I would never,”
James instantly moved in for the attack with a faux enraged gasp; his ribs and torso are mercilessly assaulted with tickles he can’t escape from no matter how hard he wiggles and flails in James’ grasp. Regulus screeches like a banshee and desperately tries to escape being tickled, but eventually, when he has literal tears rolling down his cheeks, his stomach hurts from laughing, and his face is red for lack of oxygen, he concedes defeat and cries for mercy.
“I swear!” He huffs, “I won’t watch anymore without you! Fucking hell,”
James sits on his haunches like a puppy, looking pleased as punch, “Now was that so hard?”
Regulus shoves him off the bed.
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anthrofreshtodeath · 10 months
I think the OP just turned on the first two seasons of R&I and jotted down this list of prompts 😂
How about a little " hangouts that start to feel more and more like dates" please and thank you.
I do hope this won't be your last prompt challenge!
Sorry this is so late 🫠 but hey, I wrote something!
The first time they’d hung out, Jane had brought a giant bag of peanut m&ms and extra butter popcorn. Maura had called it a movie night, after all. It was early on in their friendship, and Jane had been excited when she trotted up to the front door with her snacks in one hand, and a six pack in the other. She’d hiked up her long leg to press the doorbell with her boot, and was in the middle of putting it down when Maura swung the door open.
“H-hi,” Jane said, cheeks ruddy from sheepishness as much as the crisp fall air. 
Maura had smiled, and then looked down. “Can I help you with something?”
Jane held the grocery bag with the food in it. “Thanks,” she said, “sometimes carrying stuff is still, uh, kinda hard.” She didn’t brandish her scars, but their pointed eye contact told her Maura had understood.
Maura then nodded to the beer. “I have a place in the refrigerator where you can put that,” she told Jane. “Come in.”
Jane had whistled. “Nice place you got here,” she commented as she looked up at the high vaulted ceilings and the gleaming marble countertops.
“I rent,” Maura confessed. “I just moved back to Boston… well, when we met, actually. And I am being judicious about where I would like to own. So most of the decor came with the house.”
“I woulda never guessed,” Jane said. She pointed to the fridge, stainless steel, wide, and clean. Maura affirmed. “No offense, but rich suits you.”
“None taken. I am rich,” said Maura, with palms against the fabric of the jeans on her hip. 
Jane would have spit beer out of her mouth if there’d been any. “And humble, too,” she chuckled. Both at Maura’s comment and at the fact that Maura could no longer resist the bag she brought in. Maura rummaged through it with equal parts fascination and disgust. “You good?”
Maura peered up. “Do you really eat all this during one film?”
Jane curled a brow. “No…” she elongated it. “I got it for us to share.”
“Oh!” said Maura, then her face fell. “Oh, that… that’s very sweet. I…”
“You don’t eat any of this junk, do you?” asked Jane kindly. Her eyes crinkled and her lips pursed like she was trying not to laugh.
“Not at all,” said Maura on a whoosh of relieved air. “The hydrogenated oils are-”
“Don’t.” Jane held up her hand, “ruin it for me. But, that’s good to know. What do you like to eat during… films?” she asked with no small amount of humor. But when Maura opened her mouth to answer, Jane stopped her. “No no. You know what? Don’t tell me. I’m your friend; lemme figure you out.”
Maura had blushed and said nothing. But she’d smiled and showed Jane to the living room where they’d be watching what she’d picked out.
Subsequent hangouts got easier. Like this one - a long week called for a late Friday night at home. Maura had purchased the townhouse on Pickney about half a year prior, and since Angela moved in not long after, it was the place Jane thought of when she conjured the word home in her mind. And, yes, it was movie night, but a newer venue also called for newer fare - namely, gourmet charcuterie from the deli a few blocks from Jane’s apartment, and a good wine from the Whole Foods in Beacon Hill. Not, y’know, a six hundred dollar bottle a-la Tommy’s FBI debacle the previous week, but something good. 
Something Jane knew Maura liked. 
Something she and Maura had drunk before. And so, balancing everything in one hand, Jane used her key to open the door, and when she heard the muffled voices of a conference call on the second floor - the governor did tend to call Maura late, much to Jane’s chagrin - she set the items on the counter and went to the cupboards to pull out the decanter. She’d peeled off all the horrid labels her mother placed under each shelf when Ian was here, and it’d felt like something she’d had to do.
Strip Maura of the stinging past, restore the present to as it was before him, so that they could move forward into the future. 
Put off by the taste of that experience, Jane pulled out the candles Maura reserved for those truly trying times: decadent spices and citrus that reminded Jane of herself. And she thought it sounded egotistical but she had enough comfort in Maura’s space to own that - she liked the house to smell like that because she belonged there, not because she wanted to mark her territory. Ian’s mountain of medical supplies had felt like the opposite. Felt like a threat. 
Tommy’s bottle of wine had felt more like fumbling in the dark. Like something he wanted and knew he couldn’t have, but had to take a shot at anyway. 
Jane’s bottle of wine, the one she poured into the decanter, and Jane’s candles, which were really Maura’s, the ones she lit to waft up to Maura, to ease her into relaxation on the way down from her call, felt like what a Friday night should be. 
Felt like a well-worn routine. 
To further the routine, she pulled a board out from a cabinet next to the oven, and arranged meats, cheeses, and dried fruits in the pattern Maura liked, the one that seemed most calming. Before Maura, Jane didn’t even know that meat could be arranged in a calming way. After Maura, Jane learned that most perceivable things could bring calm, or bring stress. She’d adapted well, considering. Went for easily identifiable, separate food groups. 
“You’re early,” Maura’s voice roused Jane from her contemplation. She was barefoot, and had changed into yoga pants and an oversized sweater, with her hair pinned up. “Oooh - figs.” She reached over as Jane worked, and their fingers brushed on her way to the fruit. “Thank god autumn is here.”
“Those are all you,” Jane teased, “I’m all about the prashut’ right here.” She lifted the paper thin meat to her mouth and dropped it in. “Things, uh, things go well on your call?” 
Maura shrugged. “The governor is an obstinate man,” she began, “but I know how to bring him down. And explain artfully that Popov is not really my problem, but his.”
“That guy is everybody’s problem,” Jane commented when she pulled a beer from the new, glass-door fridge. “If you need me to forcefully suggest retirement to him, just let me know.”
Maura laughed, bubbly and bright. When Jane returned, Maura placed a hand on her shoulder. “I trust he’d take the hint,” she said.
“I’m good at givin’ hints,” Jane joked. She caught the blush with which Maura stared down again at the spread, and it confused her. She caught the wistful glance toward the wine, aerating in the fanciful glass Jane’d poured it into, and maybe Maura was just hungry. Just tired after a long day and needing a drink to take the edge off. 
“Hmm,” was all that Maura offered in response, like an agreement but about something else.
The something else itched at Jane. “I’ll take this over to the couch,” she said, moving slow, balancing the board in her left hand and nodding toward the living area.
“I’ll bring the wine and start a fire,” said Maura. When she looked up, she smiled softly at Jane, as she often did.
This time, Jane shuddered just before she headed toward the coffee table. 
“I heard,” Maura breathed out when she answered the door. 
Jane stood there, still dressed for the work day, just like Maura. This was what hangouts between them sometimes devolved into now - Jane felt worn out, and felt like she looked it, too. Maura looked just as perfect as when she’d started the day, when Jane had waltzed into the foyer a much happier woman in search of her morning coffee. 
Maura had handed it to her, like Maura handed her a beer now. The clock on the microwave read 11:12 PM and she had work the next morning, but Jane wanted to get drunk. She scrunched her face in displeasure, crossed her eyes to be silly and to note her frustration. “Honestly surprised it took this long for Tommy to knock someone up,” she said. When she walked in, Maura hovered close behind. Jane felt Maura-ness all along her back. 
Maura caught Jane’s hand just as Jane went to pop the top of her beer off on the granite. “Don’t ruin my counters,” Maura warned. She took the beer back, twisted the cap, and waited. 
Jane knew what she waited for, too, so she turned around with haste, between Maura’s front and the lip of the countertop. “It’ll give ‘em character,” Jane teased.
Maura rolled her eyes. “And you don’t know that Tommy… knocked someone up,” she continued, the colloquialism familiar to her brain but foreign on her tongue. “It’s just a possibility.”
“I think it’s more likely than my pop doin’ it, at his age,” Jane grumbled. She lifted the bottle to her lips and let the Blue Moon rush down. Cold, bubbly, tangy. Perfect. 
“Well, I know nothing about your father’s sexual health, but given that we can assume he slept with Lydia multiple-”
Jane’s hand flew to Maura’s soft, soft lips. Had they always been this soft? It made Jane’s fingers jittery with the need to move, to touch. She pulled her hand down when Maura stopped talking. “Please, please don’t. Don’t go there.”
Maura put up her hands in surrender. “I ordered a pizza,” she offered a branch of reconciliation. 
Jane sighed. Pizza? Beer? The night, all because of Maura, seemed to be turning around. “Sounds perfect. You know, why can’t Tommy find something like-”
Uh oh. 
This time she stopped herself, not Maura. Something like this? Something easy, something heady, something in a nice home with a beautiful woman who… Jane needed to run. She’d already said too much. But, Jane was trapped.
“Like this,” Maura chanced. She moved closer. Jane’s anxiety wafted toward Maura on a noxious wave of fear and need, but, Jane watched Maura persist. She watched conviction literally light up Maura’s eyes. Increased moisture catching the light over the kitchen island, Maura would have said, but still. Maura unclasped her own hands and opened her arms, not wide out at her sides like a barrier, but palms out, close to her sides like an invitation. “Like you. And me.”
Jane nodded, and then her face crumpled. What in the hell, besides this very reason, was she doing at her friend’s house at 11 at night, drinking beer and sulking because her brother just made all of their lives so much more complicated? Didn’t women call their girlfriends to vent all about life problems as they had a nice night in at their own places, watching shitty reality tv and drinking? Didn’t they send a text saying something along the lines of “OMG my brother’s an asshole and I’m struggling and really need to talk to you about it over coffee tomorrow?” 
They certainly didn’t show up at their friend’s place close to midnight to stand in front of them, soul bare, and blurt out… feelings.
But Maura didn’t really seem interested in what women usually do with their friends either. She knew what they did. So, Jane slumped forward, into the invitation, and Maura caught her.
“I don’t think many people get to find something like this,” Maura began, wrapping her arms around Jane’s tired shoulders and pulling her even closer when Jane sighed. “Do you?”
Jane still held her beer in one hand between them, with the other clutching at the fabric of Maura’s dress between her shoulder blades. “Nah,” she answered. “I guess not.”
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mrgabel · 1 year
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Avian August Day 06, Puerto Rican nightjar (Puerto Rico Nachtschwalbe)
Liebe diese Kleine, schaut sie euch doch mal auf Fotos an! 😄
Love this little one, you should take a closer look on her on photos! 😄
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ssluggart · 1 year
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this was for day one of my own bird related art challenge (i wasnt aware avian august was already a thing LMAO). the prompt was Nestor meridionalis, the new zealand kākā !!
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g0nefischin · 1 year
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Yeehawgust 2023
Day 28 - Gunsmoke
ASGORE attacks!
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rexsoka-monthly · 1 year
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August’s prompt has arrived!!
Quick reminders:
Any type of content is welcomed. This includes fanfic, fanart, video edits, gifs, photo manips, crafts, etc. If Rexsoka inspires you to make it, we’d love to see it!
Submissions are always open. Submissions for a specific prompt are open as soon as that prompt is posted and never close. We’ll accept content for any prompts even after that month has ended. The more Rexsoka content, the better!
No underage Rexsoka, unless it’s platonic. This means no content where Rex is an adult and he is sexually attracted to Ahsoka when she is a minor. Unless their ages are adjusted, no explicit romantic content before season 7. Pre-relationship fluff and Ahsoka having a baby crush are acceptable.
Please review our full list of rules before submitting!
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Want to talk all things Rexsoka/Star Wars? Support more Rexsoka content? Join us on Discord!!
Send an ask to this blog or DM one of the mods for the invite!
Mods: @whamgram / @ahsokathegray / @darthgoosegoose
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drarrymicrofic · 1 year
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Happy Be an Angel Day 👼🏻!
Today's prompt is The Great War by Taylor Swift! Thanks for the suggestion, @starlitsilvereyes!
Lyrics | Listen
Happy Writing! -The Microfic Mods 📜✨
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August 2023: Purple
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blitzbee-week · 1 year
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Welcome to the third month of Blitzbee Monthly! A challenge to keep the ball rolling until the next Blitzbee Week in 2024. Every month, we will be offering one single-sentence prompt for artists and writers to create for!
Our prompt for the month of August is:
Blitzwing flies Bumblebee up into the sky for the first time.
We hope you have fun with this prompt! 💛💜 Please make sure to tag us / #BlitzbeeMonthly for us to share :)
The deadline is September 1st, when the next prompt is posted. (But we will, of course, accept late entries as always!)
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toxiclxki · 22 days
New fic posted!
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Title: Bucky Barnes Season of Whump chapter 7: lost and found and lost
Author: ToxicLxki
Rating: Teen+
Pairing: Bucky&Steve
Warnings: Mild blood and gore
Word count: 4161
Bingo squares filled:
@stuckygeekevents Stucky Geek Bingo, square O4 - Blood loss
@buckybarnesbingo C1 - Whump
@buckybarnesevents Build-a-Bucky Bingo, August prompt 'bathtub'
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romionemicrofic · 1 year
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The first prompt is here, we hope lots of people can write about this couple! Remember to rate the story if pertinent, mention us as @romionemicrofic and tag us as romione microfic so we can reblog your story and creations.
Guidelines, rating format, nsfw policy and more HERE.
Also, if you want to help us reblogging this so it can reach more people it would help us a lot!
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