#august:osage county
anindoorkitty · 6 years
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The first time ever I saw your face I thought the sun rose in your eyes And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave To the dark and the endless skies... The first time ever I saw your face Your face, your face - lyrics by Ewan Mccoll
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rakonteur · 6 years
I don’t know what it says about me that I have a greater affinity with the damaged. Probably nothing good.
Tracy Letts (August: Osage County)
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joanatristaoart · 5 years
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Benedict Cumberbatch
Pencil Drawing, 2017 - by Joana Tristão 
Fields of Gold, Tipping the Velvet, Silent Witness, To Kill a King, Cambridge Spies, Spooks, Fortysomething, Dunkirk, Heartbeat, Hawking, Nathan Barley, To the Ends of the World, Broken News, Starter for 10, Amazing Grace, Inseparable, Atonement, Stuart: A Life Backwards, The Other Boleyn Girl, The Last Enemy, Agatha Christie’s Marple, Burlesque Fairytales, Creation, Smalll Island, Four Lions, Third Star, The Whistleblower, Frankenstein, Tinker Tailor, Soldier Spy, War Horse, Wreckers, Parade’s End, Girlfriend in a Coma, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Star Trek Into Darkness, 12 Years a Slave, The Fifth Estate, August: Osage County, Little Favour, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, The Imitation Game, Penguins of Madagascar, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, 9 Kisses, Black Mass, Hamlet, Zoolander 2, The Hollow Crown, Doctor Strange, Sherlock, The Current War, The Child In Time, Thor: Ragnarok, Avangers: Infinity War, Patrick Malrose, The Grinch, Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle, Brexit, Avengers: Endgame, Good Omens, Between Two Ferns 
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thoroughlyskeptic · 5 years
So I stumbled across this post as it was so distinctly expressed by a blogger who opposes the majority of the commonly held skeptic view points.
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I have a legitimate question? Why should we except what you do not? You speak about Genealogical evidence. The first bit of evidence that the skeptics presented was a copy of Burke's with a different year for Sophie's birth but clearly her. It was rejected out of hand because it didn't fit the nanny narrative. Several Geneaolgy sites either do not list them as married or do not have supporting evidence. Some of the skeptics found this because they are related to either Ben, Sophie or both. Then again about half of the US population of European descent is related to them.
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Straight from the beginning, there was a rift among superfans and between those who just watched Ben in the movies.
You also claim to have seen evidence on UK centric gossip sites. Which sites would they be? The Mirror or the Mail? They don't encourage discussion. Jezebel or Gawker? Not really UK only sites. But these sites are still around and have archives. Surely, it would be easy to find the link to the people mentioning the kids, show a screenshot showing someone saying something like, "no he's straight" that predates the involvement of Sophie? (August 2014 or there abouts?)
You can't prove a negative with the absence of evidence. Particularly when that evidence does exists.
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These are from Lipstick Alley 2013/2015 and none are from current skeptics. I took the names off but left the little tag on that identifies the "well-known member" of LSA. There were also comments on Datalounge as well. You would have to look at pre-2014 because after that the forums had issues with trolls that didn't like the commenting style on that particular site.
I, personally, have never believed Ben has a massive drug problem like some, but to say that he just smokes cigarettes and drinks is to deny his own words from interviews. There is also this interaction from around the taping of August:Osage County.
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The only people I've seen that have mentioned talking to the third child or knowing someone who has is furriesandus,tumblr,com. Their information has always been less then consistent. In fact, they once said they were related to Sophie close enough to have access to her birth certificate, but couldn't seem do decide how she was related to her. There are records of those interactions as well.
So in the words of the nastiest guy I ever met, "put up or shut up". You complain about our lack of evidence yet say that same lack of evidence IS your evidence.
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fclocalyokel · 8 years
Please don't...on second thought this could be so fun for us!!!
Please don’t…on second thought this could be so fun for us!!!
What indeed!!!
Yesterday, we brought you news of the Facebook family drama that was going on between the different factions of the Young family. The Frederick News Postalso wrote a little about it. Most families, after they were made aware that lots of people were looking, would perhaps take pause, maybe even delete the post or at the very least STOP ADDING TO THE DRAMA!  Well, none of those…
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Benedict Cumberbatch singing from the soundtrack "AUGUST:OSAGE COUNTY" ❤❤
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jushosaku · 7 years
#jusho #newsJP [okmusic.jp]第42回菊田一夫演劇賞が発表された。「菊田一夫演劇大賞」には麻実れいさんが決定した(『8月の家族たち August:Osage County』のバイオレット、『炎 アンサンディ』のナワルの役の演技に対して)。 また、「菊田一夫演劇賞」は四人。中川晃教(『ジャージー ...
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gone2soon-rip · 7 years
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MARIAN MAYBERRY (1965-Died August 1st 2017,at 52.Ovarian cancer).American actress,whose notable roles included the film,War of the Worlds (2005),as Monica Corbett,in the US police procedural tv series Law & order:Criminal Intent,and on stage,in the 2005 Boradway play August:Osage County. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariann_Mayberry
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londontheatre · 8 years
The one thing that the new year is guaranteed to bring with it is a lot of people making promises to change some aspect of their life. Visit any gym in January and you will find it heaving with sweaty folks in brand new gear working their bodies. Unfortunately, as with many things, the good intentions slip away and by February, the gym is back to being populated by ‘dedicated keep fit types’ and their ilk. Life gets in the way of good intentions and a good demonstration of this is to be found in Anton Chekhov’s play Three Sisters which is the first presentation of Phil Willmott’s 2017 residency at the Union Theatre.
The play starts with a birthday party for Irina Sergeyevna (Molly Crookes) the youngest of the three Prozorova sisters. As you would expect on such an auspicious occasion, Irina has her family and friends around her. Chief among them are her sisters Olga Sergeyevna Prozorova (Celine Abrahams) and Maria (Masha) Sergeyevna Kulygina (Ivy Corbin) – married to local schoolteacher Fyodor Ilyich (Steven Rodgers) – and their brother, the academically brilliant Andrei Sergeyevich Prozorov (Benjamin Chandler) – who is in love with local girl Natalia (Natasha) Ivanovna (Francesca Burgoyne). The family was originally brought up in Moscow and vow to return soon to that city which has become in their minds almost a Shangri-La type paradise. However, for now, they are in a provincial town and, as a family of a certain class, their main company is composed of officers of the local army battery – most of whom seem to be in love with Irina. In the lead for her affections is Baron Nikolai Lvovich Tuzenbach (Tom Malmed) but his place in her heart is keenly fought for by his closest friend Captain Vassily Vasilyevich Solyony (Hugo Nicholson). Also in attendance on the lovely young lady are Sub-Lieutenant Aleksej Petrovich Fedotik (Jonathan James) and Vladimir Karlovich Rode (Will Henry) but, to be honest, as far as Irina is concerned, they are very low on the pecking order of her affections. Finally, the house party is made up of sixty-year-old army doctor Ivan Romanovich Chebutykin (J. P. Turner) and the family’s beloved old nurse Anfisa (Corinna Marlow). As the family celebrate they are joined by the new commander of the battery Lieutenant Colonel Aleksandr Ignatyevich Vershinin (Ashley Russell). The Colonel is welcomed to the party and as the festivities gain momentum, there is talk of marriage in the air. Over the course of the next three years or so, the various members of the family and their friends go on with their lives and in the case of the girls in particular, never forgetting their dream to return to the bright lights of Moscow.
One of the problems with reviewing works by renowned writers such as Chekhov is that it is really difficult to criticise the writing. If you do, then you run the risk of being accused of being some sort of philistine who doesn’t have the intellectual capacity to fully understand the master’s work. Still, what is life without some sort of risk? I will proudly say, I really didn’t like the Three Sisters as a piece of written work. The main issue for me was that it seemed to take an awfully long time for not that much to happen. Now maybe this was meant to make the audience feel the same way the sisters did with their lives I don’t know but, for me, it was rather irritating. On the odd occasion something exciting did happen, it took place offstage and everyone spent a long time talking about it. Even allowing for the fact this version was an interpretation by playwright Tracy Letts, I still found it rather plodding and dull. So, call me a theatrical neanderthal if you wish, but that is how I felt about the story.
How about the production itself? Well, Phil Willmott has assembled a really good cast to bring the play to life. Possibly my favourite was Francesca Burgoyne who took Natasha from socially inept country girl to châtelaine of the family house, lording it over everyone she meets, in fine style. I also really warmed to J. P. Turner’s portrayal of Doctor Chebutykin, a fun and lively friend of the family who undergoes a major existential crisis at a time when he is needed most and holds a secret in his heart. A lovely nuanced performance from Turner.
I wasn’t entirely certain about staging the play in the round – there are often problems of sightlines and sound I find – but this worked really well and enabled the cast to use every entrance and exit point that the Union Theatre had to offer, making the whole space part of the large and impressive Prozorova house. I really liked Penn O’Gara’s costumes, particularly the way the army uniforms were kept very simple but effective. Sean Gleason’s and Sebastian Atterbury’s Lighting and sound were good and used appropriately to enhance the story but I would question the amount of smoke that opened the second half. Yes, there was a fire ravaging the town outside but there did seem to be slightly too much of the stuff in the theatre for me.
So, whilst I really didn’t like the story in Three Sisters this is a pretty good representation of it. If you are a fan of Chekhov, then I think you will really enjoy this production. If you aren’t familiar with his work and are in the Southwark Lambeth area, then it’s probably worth giving it a go.
Review by Terry Eastham
In a UK premiere, one of America’s most celebrated contemporary playwrights, Tracy Letts, hones and focuses Chekhov’s depiction of three young Russian women, in a back-water town, whose dreams are eroded by a series of encounters with guests, lovers, family and the proletariat.
It was first performed in 1900 to reflect an increasingly obsolete leisured class, struggling to find a purpose in an age of great social change. At this precise moment in time, when the intelligentsia have become irrelevant at the ballot box it couldn’t feel more pertinent.
Refreshingly, amidst a crowded market of Chekhov adaptations, Tracy Letts, the Tony award-winning actor and Pulitzer prize-winning author of stage and screen hits August:Osage County, Bug, Superior Donuts and Killer Joe, makes no radical changes to the setting, story or characters.
Instead, he brings a directness of motive and linguistic clarity that only a brilliant actor and an undisputed master of contemporary drama can offer.
CAST Olga – Celine Abrahams Masha – Ivy Corbin Rode – Will Henry Solyony – Hugo Nicholson Chebutykin – J. P. Turner Natasha – Francesca Burgoyne Irina – Molly Crookes Tusenbach – Tom Malmed Kulygin – Steven Rodgers Ferapont – Lawrence Werber Andrey – Benjamin Chandler Fedotik – Jonathan James Anfisa – Corinna Marlowe Vershinin – Ashley Russell
CREATIVES Director – Phil Willmott Costume Designer – Penn O’Gara Assistant Director -Nastazja Domaradzka Production Manager – Toby Burbidge Casting Director – Adam Braham Production Photographer -Scott Rylander
THREE SISTERS BOOK TICKETS BYAnton Chekhov IN A NEW VERSION BY Tracy Letts BASED ON DRAMATURGICAL TRANSLATIONS BYCharlotte Hobson and Dassia Posner DIRECTED BYPhil Willmott DATES4th January – 4th February 2017 http://ift.tt/X5izhB
http://ift.tt/2iN5tLy LondonTheatre1.com
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anindoorkitty · 8 years
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rakonteur · 6 years
This is not the Midwest. All right? Michigan is the Midwest, God knows why. This is the Plains: a state of mind, right, some spiritual affliction, like the Blues.
Tracy Letts (August: Osage County)
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lookout-lookout · 8 years
Bill is such an unnecessary character imo
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we-are-burning-mtl · 10 years
“Thank God we can't tell the future. We'd never get out of bed.”
― Tracy Letts, August: Osage County
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jushosaku · 7 years
#jusho #newsJP [okmusic.jp]第42回菊田一夫演劇賞が発表された。「菊田一夫演劇大賞」には麻実れいさんが決定した(『8月の家族たち August:Osage County』のバイオレット、『炎 アンサンディ』のナワルの役の演技に対して)。 また、「菊田一夫演劇賞」は四人。中川晃教(『ジャージー ...
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iwishimadethese · 10 years
August: Osage County
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After watching this movie, I’d like to recommend anyone who haven’t and want to watch this movie to watch it in two sitting, just like I did. Because even though I did that, I was still emotionally tired afterwards. Not that I don’t like the movie, I love it so much. I have the utmost respect to anyone who’s in it and who created it. I happen to like movies with dysfunctional families but I’d never thought I’d see something as crazy as this one. You can’t help but feel so much sympathy towards these characters. The things they did for each other is extraordinary, both in bad and good sense. You can’t help but notice Meryl Streep’s impeccable acting in this movie, as always. No wait, you can’t help but notice EVERYONE’s amazing acting on this one. I learned afterwards that this movie is based on a stage play. I can’t imagine how amazing the show must have been. With all the stage settings and the amazing aura sent by the actors. Oh gosh, how I wish I could watch the stage performance someday.
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benbenny · 10 years
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bcgifs - Little Charles
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