agentmultifreak99 · 2 years
So….ummm…I did these 2 pics for 2 nice folks on Discord…
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…well heck…I just noticed…I made (the 2019) Rogan younger than his remake—-oh well…
Does 3 even need a remake? Nah…game developers have lots of stuff on their hands already…besides, 2 remake ain’t even here yet…
Since I’m already here anyway and I was being stupid bored out of my mind…
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…100% have NOTHING against remake Rogan. Promise. It’s just…a silly idea. 😂
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I swear one of these days…I’m gonna redraw this expression. Heck, just this shot. XD
You don’t get to see a mad scientist being confused as heck everyday.
That’s all for now.
Have a great week! 👋
ps. Right…early X-mas greetings, bruh.
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agentmultifreak99 · 2 years
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I can’t believe I forgot to post these folks here yesterday. Darn.
Anyway, have a great day/night.
ps. Seriously, calm down. Scary and angsty style of house of the dead is cool and all but I’m sure folks need some cute stuff every once in a while.
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agentmultifreak99 · 2 years
Hug a stuffed toy or get a glass of chocolate milk…cause imma post some sad and disturbing headcanons of house of the dead. Plus, may have some triggers warnings like animal cruelty and graphic descriptions.
(Sad and Disturbing Headcanons)
- Dr. Curien got a few dogs for Daniel to keep him company while he went off to work. When Daniel didn’t “wake up”, the dogs were depressed and didn’t leave his side…until Dr. Curien lost his morality marbles and…got a twisted idea about making guard dogs. A pack of Kenfis was the result.
- Goldman and “Thornheart” had a very flimsy partnership and respect towards each other due to morality differences. The last straw that made Goldman lost all respect to Thornheart was dragging Dr. Curien into their mess while he was having “severe family matters”. That drained his spirit and pushed his sanity off the edge. The events of 2 (and 4) was Goldman’s giving Thorny the middle finger way to prove Thornheart wrong about humanity that not all of them are beyond saving and there are actually good people out there who have to strength to survive and hope for better future.
- Lisa has a habit of staring at doors, even the sliding ones. It was her deep desire throughout her childhood to see her father come home more often and walk through the door to greet her and mom.
- Amy became claustrophobic after the events of 2.
- Sometimes Daniel called the Wheel of Fate “father” and when he did, Daniel got mad at himself for saying it. It didn’t help at all when the accursed thing can imitate his father’s voice.
- Hangedman dropped those 2 researchers/scientists out of spite. To be fair, they experimented on his flock of bats.
- Thornheart didn’t make those monuments of his two associates out of respect. He sees them as nothing more but ‘stepping stones’ that lead him to power and a step closer to his personal goal.
- Sophie was so traumatized by the incident that she developed an alternate persona named “Carole”…who pretty much can handle herself with firearms and isn’t afraid to fight dirty. Lisa learns a few “fighting tips” from her. Rogan…didn’t take this new development well.
- G eventually had to…“off”…Varla when he came to a conclusion that keeping her in that state would be a torturous existence.
- He never realized it but Daniel’s scleras became completely black when he became too emotional. Stupid side effects…
- Almost every night, Rogan has nightmares about that same incident and it always ended with him shooting Sophie in the head. Sophie never know why Rogan seems sad when he looks at her.
- Wheel of Fate made use of the Sun’s mutated pheromones to control every specimens in the facility, thanks to the air vents. He can make them docile for a moment and hostile a second later. Daniel sometimes get affected by it, much to Wheel of Fate’s dismay.
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agentmultifreak99 · 2 years
So I found my old sketch in my old sketchbook.
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It looks horrible, I know.
So I think to myself. Should I make this in digita—-a-ah—-AH—-ACK-CHOO!
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Yeah. That happened.
Guess that works too. Have a nice day.
ps. Keyboard Insurance…it is a real deal. HECK batteries however…nope. Sorry but no.
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agentmultifreak99 · 2 years
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…because I have to.
It should NOT take me this long to finish the small pic here. Oh well…
Siblings be like—-
Anyway, these two. I’m not sure if they’re trying to make a joke or something but the situations that they went through in the game…
…kinda parallel each other, huh?
Uh. Never mind. I must be talking nonsense due to sleepiness or something.
Have a nice day/night!
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agentmultifreak99 · 3 years
It’s…2022. Oh boy…
That means…Casual Journals of AMS is coming already?! O_O! (Internal Screaming)
We saw how the bosses of this game are chaotic as heck.
…folks…agents also have a their chaotic moments too. Both in HQ and during mission.
Final teaser:
What is Gary hiding from his fellow agents?
Where the heck is G’s actual folder on the bosses’ weak points?
When did they approve of the new AMS PDA?
How did the agents handle the office work?
Will Everyone finally call Rogan’s name right?
Is anyone reading this sentence at all?!
Hmm…should I give the date? Pfft. Probably around the end of February or in March?…post it episode by episode? Or I should just post them the same way as Bosses Have Issues series? Like, multiple episodes in one post.
Anyway, hope y’all have a nice day.
ps. Hey, just because this is mainly about AMS agents doesn’t mean that bosses don’t get cameos. It’d be weird if they don’t show up at all. I mean…they are part of the cause of all the hectic stuff in AMS agent’s life after all…
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agentmultifreak99 · 3 years
Hey folks…
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Happy Valentine’s Day 2022!
…ok, so uh…well…
Some folks were offended when I greet them with this ‘holiday’ and uh, sorry about that.
I understand the reasons. I just hope that they (maybe you are also offended too?) have a nice day.
At least the chocolates get heavy discount…?
…ummm, anyway, Moon jokes. Lol. Over the moon you go…no cows jumping. X’D
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agentmultifreak99 · 3 years
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“It’s kinda awkward when ya gotta send a letter to the usual party-wrecker that ya don’t want them there…”
Thornheart has his way with words…
Wish y’all Happy Thanksgiving Day. …umm…yeah, I know this isn’t as fancy as the previous year’s art for Thanksgiving. Let’s just say that Thornheart wants to have a private party. XP
Kind of.
(Update: …uh, thank you, random stranger, for telling me of the spelling mistake on the letter. Man, how embarrassing…) 😓
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(Update 2)
I planned to stop at that “denied invitation” there but I guess I wanted to add something extra.
So here ya go. Lol
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agentmultifreak99 · 3 years
…just for fun.
Here’re some weird headcanons(?) for my version of House of the Dead stuff:
Chariot’s early days had a huge problem with his armor. They kept falling apart so often that he has to use belts to keep it together. …unfortunately, it became too tight, that made him walk weirdly. Years later, Thornheart fixed the problem. The armor fitted Chariot well. The only downside of that armor? …no built-in air conditioner.
Hangedman has a cousin name “Wilder”. A rabid, flying hyena that has a thing for setting things on fire…and fights anyone who bad-mouthed his cousin. Hangedman would often have to get his cousin out of trouble.
No matter how many times he tried, Strength can’t flirt Empress right and always ended up with a slap to the face or get a beat down. Most of those incidents are Hierophant’s fault.
Hermit is forever single. Because of obvious reasons. Male spiders don’t have good life insurances.
Temperance and Justice are best friends…and they love ganging up on bullying Star. (To be fair, Star is being a jerk to them)
Emperor is a control freak. He absolutely hates children storybooks, especially the story call “Emperor’s New Clothes”.
Of all the bosses, Empress the sanest one. Yes, she hates transportations but at least she makes good lemonade.
This sentence is a joke.
The only reason why Magician was willing to work with Goldman was because he was invited to Thanksgiving party…the promise that Goldman regret til the last day of his life.
Ironically, Moon has fear of heights. And he will add iron rod to the list of fears. X-)
There we go. Lol.
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agentmultifreak99 · 2 years
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C’mon, let them have fun in EFI Facility, bruh.
Besides…when you have all the time in the world, ya would teach these creatures how to do stuff too.
…unless they keep following you around for no reason. XP
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agentmultifreak99 · 3 years
Bosses Have Issues went pretty well for 2 seasons…so…
Ya think the agents don’t have issues?!
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”As ordered by the Director of AMS, all agents (and you) are required to carry a small notebook with themselves along with the AMS PDA. You are free to express yourself by writing down in the provided notebook to prevent further unnecessary damages to the practice dummy in shooting range. By the end of the year, we will evaluate every agent’s state of mind and put your paycheck in consideration…”
They’re getting paid? With what, a cookie?!
See your favorite agents next year, folks! XD
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agentmultifreak99 · 3 years
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While this is wholesome and cute…I’m a bit surprised nobody even ask where the heck did they get all the candies for the kiddo over there…
…wait a minute, do artificial creatures even know what candies are? Hmmm…eh, never mind.
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agentmultifreak99 · 3 years
Casual Journals of AMS
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…this is just a prologue.
Yes. We’ll dive head first to see the ideas of how the agents are doing behind the scenes. Dealing with creatures, bad guys, paperwork, gun training, drive insanely, rescue people, feed the fish with spring onion and spew off one-liners….in an epic way. (Or in some cases…epic fail)
Don’t worry, again, while this is mostly about agents, we’ll see some bosses cameos too. 👍
That’s it for now. Have a nice day/night.
ps. Hide the cookies…
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agentmultifreak99 · 3 years
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...being the only human ain’t so bad if the zombi—-oh, sorry, I mean “creatures” are friendly as heck.
Hey, since this is Daniel, I’m pretty sure the Wheel of Fate won’t let anyone or anything hurt him in any way. Otherwise.....BOOM. You’re history.
Lol, that’s just me though, having fun with the AU.
Have a nice day/night.
ps. ...how the heck can a creature in any game that is almost a freaking skeleton moves around with little to no muscles at all? Magic?! ...actually. Nah. Don’t think too much about it. -_-“
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agentmultifreak99 · 3 years
...in case you were curious how the heck I did THAT pic.
I was going to draw Daniel as an adult...but then I changed my mind at the last second. XP
Then the rest of the bosses came in the view. (The Sun? Yeah, I can’t stuff her in there. She’s a big tree.) ((Yes, I know the game didn’t say if the Sun is a male or female...or both since it’s a tree but eh, I’ll just call that tree a female because why not.))
So yeah, time lapse thing again. It’s a good thing I didn’t delete the old file. Kinda. O.o
Have a nice day/night.
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agentmultifreak99 · 4 years
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So in the “Bosses Have Issues” comics, been thinking if I’m going to update the looks of the Hangedman boss or not. Well, I tried but I ended up making them separate beings instead. Hey, it might add some flair to this bat boi over here. Maybe.
The OG flying bat boss guy and a flying hyena....uh, yeah, sorry. A ‘bat-faced’ flying hyena. (-.-)”
Thornheart has a sick sense of humor...
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