#aura dynamo
regaliasonata · 11 months
So with the lore building and story stuff going on in the Dustin/Hunter AU I decided to make a post about the power system.
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First things first the shinobi(or ninjas, however you want to put it) all have teachings under the five schools. The Wind, Thunder, Wave, Fire and Earth Academies. Each school has a fair amount of the same stuff but alternate with various aspects to offer.
Now for sources, the three sources for abilities and techniques are Qi, Dynamo and Lotus everyone including those unaware of it's existence host qi.
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Qi is the force that drives life within a being but also can be charged and weaponised. With it ninjas are able to use their elemental affinity and in some cases have a unique effect with them(comes out as an aura, color depends on the person).
Second source is Dynamo, a sort of energy deriving from the second dynamics of each person in the AU. Writing the a/b/o aspects as non 🔞 but the trope is altered around by me for stuff and with details in powers and lore areas, dynamo involves mainly the senses of a person and soul ambience. This one is an innate one that everyone has as it activates no matter what when it comes to scents, qi boosts etc etc it will all develop as we go on, also depending on the dynamic a person has it there may be different effects(main way it's shown is through the present marking a person has)
And finally Lotus, nature energy which comes for the world itself. This is a potent yet powerful force that only a few have mastered, it's worth noting the samurai prioritize this power the most with their abilities.
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Elemental wise the five elements are Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Thunder. Worth noting not to take it from a literally sense but more of a metaphorical one even with the generic powers as it can refine itself depending on the user. Some individuals may have a full on variation depending on say a family, the individual or overall output(Ex: Kapri having ice)
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There's also stuff like scrolls, tools etc but that's a wip. This is what I have so far but yeah if anyone has any thoughts etc I'm all for answering 👀 wondering what Hurricaneger characters could appear(already mentioned blue and red)
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Turbolent Plasma - The Source of the Universe's Magnetic Fields?
I promised days ago, now here I am.
Have a nice picture of the Whirlpool Galaxy: the lines you see are the lines of the magnetic field - impressive & stunning,right?
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Credit: NASA, the SOFIA science team, A. Borlaff; NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI) and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
The origin & evolution of cosmic magnetism is one of the most profound mysteries in astrophysics & cosmology.
Physicists at MIT have developed a new paradigm for understanding the origins of magnetic fields by studying how the microphysics of collisionless plasmas affect macroscopic astrophysical processes.
The plasmas between stars & galaxies are low density, which means that the particles in cosmological plasmas never collide, a key property that was included in the model the researchers developed.
By including detailed small-scale effects of plasma dynamics on macroscopic astrophysical processes, the model demonstrates that magnetic fields can be spontaneously created from flows in collisionless plasma.
What is plasma?
It is one of the four fundamental states of matter, along with solid, liquid & gas.
It is an ionized gas consisting of positive ions & free electrons.
It was first described by chemist Irving Langmuir in the 1920s.
Side note: The solar wind was the first astrophysical plasma in which direct measurements of turbulence were made.
Most of the visible universe is in a plasma state & usually the flows in these plasmas are turbulent.
So what does 'turbolence' mean?
From a fundamental point of view, turbulence is a paradigmatic example of nonlinear dynamics in open systems with many degrees of freedom.
It's basically what one would describe as chaos. Which is an okayish description. The image is important.
The system typically establishes a quasistationary self-organized state far from thermodynamic equilibrium. For this to happen, a permanent input, redistribution & output of energy is required. Basically, to have a stable system, you have to have a constant energy flow.
Various fundamental aspects of turbolence still belong to the most important unsolved problems of classical physics.
Alright, now that we've got THAT covered, let's dive into the study, shall we?
Why is all THIS important anyway?
Observation have shown that there are massive magnetic fields in our galaxy & in the intracluster medium (ICM) of galaxy clusters, but the why & how is still unclear.
It is widely believed that such dynamically important magnetic fields first arose as weak "seed" fields generated by cosmic batteries, subsequently amplified to currently observed levels by the turbulent dynamo of the plasma: a fundamental plasma process that converts the mechanical energy of plasma motions into magnetic energy through electromagnetic induction.
The origin of planetary, stellar & cosmic magnetic fields, the physics of accretion disks, the acceleration & propagation of high-energy cosmic rays, as well as many other space & astrophysical processes could be these turbulent plasmas!
There are two broad perspectives on the origin of cosmic seed magnetic fields:
The primordial origin (early universe)
The galactic origin
In the primordial origin seed fields are generated before recombination or the era of structure formation.
The earliest seed fields can be generated by exotic early-Universe mechanisms during inflation & cosmological phase transitions. At later times during the radiation-dominated era, seed fields can be produced e.g. through plasma fluctuations. These mechanisms potentially explain the pervasiveness of magnetic fields, but with predicted amplitudes that are typically weak (∌10−20 G).
Scenarios based on a galactic origin postulate that seed fields are generated through gravitational collapse or collision-related events occurring during structure formation & stellar evolution in the early Universe
(I won't go into the details of HOW because then I'd go completely through the roof & loose you all, but there are MANY ways for the birth of these seed fields).
These seed fields generated locally within stars or galaxies, are typically much stronger than the primordial seed fields & can potentially be transported into & diluted throughout the intergalactic medium (IGM) or early intercluster medium (ICM) by powerful galactic winds or jets.
Once formed, seed magnetic fields are thought to be amplified & sustained by the turbulent plasma dynamo after reionization, when the baryonic material in the universe becomes electrically conducting.
The possibility that turbolent plasma could also be the origin & not just the thriving force of these magnetic fields had not yet been explored yet.
In conclusio: they did simulations & they showed that, in addition to generating new magnetic fields, the turbulence of plasmas can also amplify magnetic fields once they’ve been generated.
This helps explain how magnetic fields that originate on small scales can sometimes eventually reach to stretch across vast distances.
Further research remains to be done.
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A composite image illustrating the birth and growth of magnetic fields in turbulent plasmas, from weak fields on small scales (top left) to strong fields on large scales (bottom right). Credit: Columbia University
Have a cookie for reading, fellow nerds!
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redey3core · 1 year
Joy Headcanons
I feel bad bc I've been so busy this week but :] here's some silly hcs for Joy hehe
24 years old.
Italian-American (second generation). Spoke Italian at home growing up.
Parents died in a car accident when she was 6-7 years old. She was raised by Papa Louie after that; her mother was Papa Louie's younger sister.
On the topic of her parents, Joy is a dead ringer for her mother. They look so alike it's crazy.
Gives off the aura of someone who's super confident and outgoing. If she's not at the pizzaria, she's always out and about doing something. Her friend group includes Liezel, Perri and Lisa.
Used to be really into superhero comics after her parents died. She related a lot to the heroes losing loved ones. She grew out of them after a few years, but she gave all her old comics to Roy.
Learnt to cook from her mother. Papa Louie was very happy to have Joy cook with him after she moved in, and it really helped Joy to cope with her grief & accept Louie as her new guardian.
Did competitive gymnastics for 12+ years and planned to be an athlete for it. When she was a senior in high school though, she suddenly realised it wasn't what she wanted to do anymore, hence why she turned down the university scholarship.
After turning down the scholarship, she went through a severe period of depression. She felt completely lost and no longer had any idea what she wanted to do in life. The thought of what could have been still haunts her.
Louie was the one who suggested she take time off to travel around, and he was very supportive of her decision to turn down the scholarship. She left shortly after high school and returned home when she was 21.
Spent her time in Sakura Bay doing odd jobs and trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. She fell in with a suspicious crowd in her first year there that ultimately helped fuel her desire to become Ninjoy.
Being a pizza delivery girl was NOT her first choice of a job when she returned home, but Louie is preparing her to take over the entire -eria business with Roy.
Still does gymnastics for sport and recreation, but is no longer competitive.
Very strong and flexible thanks to her years of gymnastics.
Close with Roy, although she doesn't believe him when he claims Moe is actually the Dynamoe.
Alongside gymnastics, she's also a very good dancer.
Has problems handling her negative emotions; she tends to bottle them up until she explodes.
Has been acting as Ninjoy since she was 22.
Began acting as Ninjoy after a significant crime increase in the city. It's gone down since then, but she never let go of the mantle. Part of her was also fueled by the bad experiences she had in Sakura Bay.
Takes her job seriously. A little too seriously for someone who runs around in a ninja costume all night.
Her job isn't always to just catch and beat up bad guys. She also assists with good deeds such as finding lost pets and cleaning the streets (literally). People who have met her via these deeds describe her as being closed off but someone who cares deeply for her community.
Uses the Ninjoy persona to channel out her frustrations and anger, especially when she's beating up bad guys.
Although initially beginning as a vigilante, her values began to change after dating Moe (& after finding out his identity), tilting her more towards an anti-hero.
Only two people know of her identity- Roy, and eventually Moe.
Taught herself to fight.
Feels like she has an obligation to be Ninjoy. It causes her a lot of stress on top of her personal life issues.
The stress of the job leads to her being snappy, no-nonsense and intolerant of anything she deems to be a nuisance pretty often. This includes the Dynamoe.
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aurevoirmonty · 1 month
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Je plains ceux qui ne sentent pas jusqu'Ă  l'angoisse, jusqu'Ă  la sensation du dĂ©sespoir, la solitude croissante de leur race. L'activitĂ© bestiale dont l'AmĂ©rique nous fournit le modĂšle, et qui tend dĂ©jĂ  si grossiĂšrement Ă  uniformiser les moeurs, aura pour consĂ©quence derniĂšre de tenir chaque gĂ©nĂ©ration en haleine au point de rendre impossible toute espĂšce de tradition. N'importe quel voyou, entre ses dynamos et ses piles, coiffĂ© du casque Ă©couteur, prĂ©tendra faussement ĂȘtre Ă  lui-mĂȘme son propre passĂ©, et nos arriĂšre-petit-fils risquent d'y perdre jusqu'Ă  leurs aĂŻeux.
Georges Bernanos - La grande peur des bien-pensants.
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askbombasticblake · 2 months
If Haim Saban wasn't a Fucking Coward & started Power Rangers in the 80's, these would be the Team Names:
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Power Rangers Dynamo
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Power Rangers Bio Force
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Power Rangers Mythic Force
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Power Rangers Prism Blitz
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Power Rangers Aura Fury
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Power Rangers Beast Force
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Power Rangers Turbo (no not that one)
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Power Rangers Supersonic
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Power Rangers Take Flight
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Power Rangers Dino Force (no not that one)
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Power Rangers Aura Thunder
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Power Rangers Ninja Force (no not that one)
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Power Rangers Zeo
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Power Rangers Full Throttle
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contest-winning-pest · 8 months
"... So my first question is-- how are you in Lavaridge? I figured you lived in Mauville."
"Even therapists need to relax, Kerry." Xi wore the red suit, with the blue tie, this time. Was it someone different? Surely not.
Kerry wasn't sure how to take that answer, but sighed and laid down. "So now I'm interrupting your vacation, too."
Xi shook xir head, looking outside at the hot springs. "Let's keep the focus on you for now, please. I know this is tough for you, but, if you could, tell me from your perspective what happened over the past week or so."
"... Well, I got my Dynamo Badge."
Kerry found herself taken aback by this simple compliment. "Th-thank you? I-- Well. Wally and I-- I talked about him before--"
"Yes, when Ripley got injured, I remember."
"Anyway, we tried to go to Lavaridge together, but..."
Part way through-- "I see. So you knew these Pokemon?"
"-- Oh! Yeah. Mama Laxxy and Papa Loppy are my grandfather's. ... Were my grandfather's, I guess."
"You seem to care about them a lot?"
"Yeah! They were really the best. Mama Laxxy was always so warm, and I learned a lot of what I know about Pokemon care from Papa Loppy. Sure, it was basic stuff like brushing, first aid, massage, and things like that, but he was also-- well he was more patient than Grandpa."
"-- Hm. You don't seem to have a high opinion of your grandfather."
"No! No, he was fine. He was good. The village didn't like me much, but they tolerated Grandpa, and so when he took me in, they didn't complain at all."
"-- How did you know they didn't like you? Did they ever tell you?"
"Aura-sensitive, remember? I could tell every time they were feeling pity and disgust, or pity and anger, or shame." Kerry sighed. "It was pretty obvious by the time I was eleven that they saw me as a mistake. But. I am Iridia. And I want to bear their hopes forward. I guess... No, what am I saying? Someone got kidnapped, and I rushed out the door to help."
"Aha, I take it this brings us to the crisis."
"Well... The start of it, anyway. It's a long way from Fallarbor to Meteor Falls. It's about the same way from Meteor Falls to Verdanturf. The doctors said that I shouldn't have done that, but..." Kerry wrapped her arms around herself. "What else was I gonna do? I couldn't leave anyone captured and getting beaten on to get information. And even if I wanted to-- Even if I wanted to, how could I not go on to Mt. Chimeny knowing what I know? It was horrible. According to the routes I went some 95 kilometers over two horrible rides. By the time I got to Verdanturf, the doctor says I should have been useless for at least a week.
"Instead, I spent the night and made ready to climb Mt. Chimney."
"-- So, let me ask: why didn't you contact Security Team or other Survey Team members?"
"Well... Brendan had already been beaten by Team Aqua. And I don't know who Birch had in the area, but..." Kerry bounced her head from side to side. "-- Security Team's an odd way to say it, though."
"-- I like to occasionally be a bit more archaic in my speech."
"-- I see. Well. I could have called up Wattson, it's true, but..." She paused. "I was too tired. I didn't think of it."
"-- Well, that's progress. I suspect that before today you might have said 'who would believe me'."
"Because I have. Several times. It-- it'd make this story longer than it already is. So... Wally and I go up to Mt. Chimney...." Kerry continued.
"I have to ask-- was there a better way to have left the crater area?"
"Better? Yes. Quicker? No. And Wally was already choking, even with his respirator. I didn't have any gases on hand so I had to get him down the mountain as soon as I could." Kerry rubbed her head, at the temples. "I... Well. I took Jagged Pass instead. It... It was probably too much risk. I probably could have taken the cable car. But at the time, all my head was full of was... Mud, and worry."
"So. Do you remember the task I set you at our last meeting?"
"... Yeah. But ... If I hadn't been here, what would have happened?"
"An important question to Lavaridge, to be sure, but..."
"But this isn't their session it's mine," Kerry groaned, and then found herself calming again, before the vibes the therapist gave off. Warmth. Like she was in arms she didn't realize existed.
"So. On the one hand, I think you already talked through why this was a few different lapses in judgement. And the time in hospital wasn't very fun for you by all accounts."
"And you mentioned feeling the hopes and dreams of the Iridia clan on your back, which is strange, I think, if you're so certain they hate you."
"... I wish they could take me back."
"Why can't they?"
"Dunno, ask them." Was she... Crying? "I wish there was somewhere I'm okay. Somewhere people don't fear me or hate me. But there isn't. And that's fine. I'll live. But it hurts."
"I think your world view is a little out of sorts, here..."
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frattocri9724 · 1 year
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Stand Name: Live N’ Runnin’
Stand Origin: Live and Learn, by Crush 40/Runnin’, by Adam Lambert
Appearence Classification: Natural Non-Humanoid Stand Type: Close-Range/Integrated Stand Appearence: Live N’ Runnin’ takes the appearence of a small cute real life hedgehog with blue quills, deep black eyes and a white belly. When summoned, it rests on Sonic’s hair and when supercharged, the hedgehog emits a blue electric aura and his eyes color change accordingly.
Destructive Power: C/A (When enough enery is built up) Speed: A Range: E Durability: B Precision: C Development Potential: C
Stand Abilities:
    · Speed O’Sound Sonic: The primary ability of Live N’ Runnin’ allows its user Sonic to move at incredibile speeds, so much so the world around Sonic looks frozen in time. The ability is linked to the blue electric aura emitted by the Stand which only activates when Sonic starts running. The power works like a dynamo: the more and the faster Sonic runs, the higher the power output of the Stand becomes. Once reached a certain amount of power, the user can decide to unleash the energy into a radial blast which diameter can extend from a minimum of five meters from his current position to cover a whole city. This radial blast overcharges and disrupts all electronic devices in its range. The blue aura also protects both the user and the surrounding environment from collateral damages, allowing Sonic to fight at high speeds without destroying whatever he runs into. It appears the maximum speed limit the Stand allowed to reach is the speed of light, at which point Live N’ Runnin’s energy output, if unleashed, would have the potential to bring down the entire planet’s technology in one go. Fortunately, this didn't happen yet as Sonic would never use his power so recklessly. However, all of this is possible only if Sonic keeps running to keep building up his energy to use; without any motion, the user cannot supercharge Live N’ Runnin’. Also, considering Sonic’s young age, he still has troubles controlling the blue aura and thus ends up causing collateral damages anyway every now and then.
    · Speed Steal: Live N’ Runnin’s second ability grants the user Sonic to “steal” the speed of moving objects or even his opponents, causing them to “lose” all their speed, thus turning into statues of sort. The ability works so long as they’re near Live N’ Runnin’s range; when it moves too far away, the object/person which speed was stolen can move freely once again.
Live N Runnin’ Requiem
Stand Type: Requiem Stand Stand Appearence: Once struck by the Stand Arrow, Live N’ Runnin’ evolves into Live N’ Runnin’ Requiem. The hedgehog’s body “sheds” as it opens up to reveal a golden fluid which envelopses Sonic’s body. The fluid then solidifies and transforms into a sort of golden medieval armor, with the user’s now crimson eyes visible from the helmet’s visor. The aura surrounding Sonic turns golden as well.
Destructive Power: Unknown Speed: A Range: A Durability: Unknown Precision: A Development Potential: E
Stand Abilities: Once evolved into its Requiem form thanks to Sonic’s will to protect his loved ones and friends, Live N’ Runnin’s stats skyrocket to god-like levels. The Stand receives a massive increase in its pure power, to the point where Dr. Eggman considers him “a threat for the entire planet, and possibly, the entire galaxy”, the ability to fly, move at speeds far higher than what’s physically possible, allowing Sonic to fly at speeds massively faster than light, and total invincibility to any possible form of damage. The only limit is that the Requiem transformation doesn’t last very long and the Stand will revert back to its original form very quickly.Power Over Reality: Aside from the monstrous increase in power, Live & Runnin’ Requiem displayed  a limited form of “reality warping” which allows the user to essentially play God and change different things, from the laws of physics – which may explain his ability to fly or his invulnerability -  or even summoning whatever he wants to his will, like for example an infinite supply of his favorite food, chili dogs. The exact limits of such abilities aren’t exactly known, and the reality-warping effects disappear the moment the Requiem transformation ceases.
dA: https://www.deviantart.com/frattocri Twitter: https://twitter.com/Fratto_Chri97
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enzozelocchiofficial · 1 year
Enzo Zelocchi: Hollywood's Rising Dynamo with Incredible Potential
Embarking on a dynamic journey, Enzo Zelocchi shines as an emerging Hollywood powerhouse. Infused with a captivating aura and a talent that embodies authenticity, Zelocchi emerges as an influential figure in the entertainment world.
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His extraordinary potential illuminates his every role, leaving a lasting impact on both viewers and industry insiders. Positioned as a rising dynamo, Zelocchi's Hollywood trajectory points towards a future of remarkable achievements, heralding an era of unparalleled cinematic excellence.
To delve deeper into his inspiring story and explore his evolving career, visit here: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enzo_Zelocchi
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thewul · 1 year
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Ah oui! Effectivement!
Les 2 turbines et la dynamo au centre, rĂ©alisĂ©es en cĂ©ramique, Ă©galement les conduits ont lĂ©gĂšrement Ă©tĂ© augmentĂ©s, ce n’est pas beaucoup mais cela fait une diffĂ©rence
Donc ce qu’on voyait sur la vue de la quille ne sont pas des hĂ©lices?
Absolument pas, ce sont des attrapes filets comme je les appelle, ils servent a empĂȘcher des filets de rentrer dans les turbines, ce sont effectivement des hĂ©lices hĂ©licoĂŻdales mais elles ne sont pas motorisĂ©es
Il n’y a pas d’attrape filet devant la dynamo?
La prise d’eau de la dynamo est grillagĂ©e, toutes d’ailleurs, un grillage a maillage hexagonal assez fin mais solide en graphĂšne, a part les filets il s’agit Ă©galement de prĂ©server la vie marine
Voila, et les prises d’eau?
On ne les voit pas sur cette vue, elles sont situĂ©es sur les flancs du navire plus a l’avant
Et devant les turbines?
La motorisation double, au fioul et Ă©lectrique organisĂ©e sur la longueur, en 2 plans les turbines et les prises d’eau sont situĂ©es sous les moteurs, Il y a sans doute des gĂ©nĂ©rateurs Ă©lectriques au fioul Ă©galement dans ces blocs
Donc ces turbines ont 2 roues de transmission c’est cela?
Oui a l’avant et a l’arriĂšre, mĂȘme chose pour la dynamo qui elle dispose d’un gĂ©nĂ©rateur Ă©lectrique qui transforme ses rotations en courant Ă©lectrique
Une configuration possible puisque nous avons 2 roues de transmission est de scinder le moteur Ă©lectrique en 2 moteurs Ă©quivalents, donc gĂ©nĂ©rateur, moteur Ă©lectrique, compresseur, moteur au fioul, moteur Ă©lectrique, le challenge avec ces moteurs est d’opĂ©rer sur le mĂȘme axe de transmission du moins pour les 2 moteurs a l’arriĂšre  mais c’est faisable
Que sont ces bandes en bleu sombre autour du conduit des turbines?
Ce sont des cercles d’injection pour les gaz d’échappement des moteurs a fioul et des gĂ©nĂ©rateurs a fioul si nous en disposons, qui auront au prĂ©alable Ă©tĂ© comprimĂ©s par les compresseurs, c’est plus simple que la chambre de compression que nous avions prĂ©vu pour les expulser
Bravo! Ainsi ils sont brassĂ©s par l’eau des turbines!
Exact Professeur, possiblement cela réduit la charge de travail des compresseurs
Donc la chambre de compression des gaz d’échappements est une scorie de BCS qu’il faudra retrancher, mais elle aura servi a une rĂ©flexion sur la durĂ©e qui a finalement abouti a une solution beaucoup plus simple a implĂ©menter, plus Ă©lĂ©gante aussi
Et en dernier lieu?
Il s’agit des plateformes de la salle des machines, ou la motorisation ainsi que les divers Ă©quipements sont positionnĂ©s sur les turbines
Tout a fait, ce navire est trĂšs puissant?
Effectivement Professeur, il ne s’agit pas uniquement de rĂ©aliser un soumarin, nous souhaitons obtenir l’effet tunnel et l’étudier, qui s’applique Ă©galement pour le spatial
TrĂšs bien!
Merci pour vos Ă©claircissements! J’ai une suggestion pour amĂ©liorer ce dispositif d’attrape filets!
Dites Professeur
En situant des camĂ©ras a l’avant qui permettent de les inspecter avant de plonger!
ApprouvĂ© Professeur, c’est une excellente idĂ©e effectivement
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regaliasonata · 1 month
Power system updated - Ninja Storm AU
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So the rundown, this is the chart of the powers system
Let’s start off with the outer layers
Energy Sources
-Qi is the essence of life, it flows from within and everyone no matter knowing of it has access the energy. Individuals practicing this can manipulate the elements and use ninjutsu techniques for various situations, it can be channeled when a person activates their aura which comes in different colors(Ex: Dustin’s being yellowish and gold with earthly dust, Kapri’s being pink with frost and icy chips). The power of Qi can also be amplified through the usage of Dynamo via its synergy with other people.
-Dynamo is the secondary source, mainly involving the expelling of the soul. This revolves around people’s secondary dynamic (ABO) coming into play with abilities and qi usage, it is a bit more difficult to master due to sensory overload but those being on part with using qi can do a wide variety of things, with this a person can use specific powers with amplifying their senses and performance with skills (Ex: the rangers doing team finishers or boosting their powers together). Also stronger if someone’s bonded with another person or cooperative(Ex: Hunter and Dustin in chapter 2 increasing the output of their elements together).
-Lotus, the third and most difficult source. This source originates not from a person but from the world itself, nature and world energy connected to everything and the elements. It is not really known much as practices of this have been inaccessible for a while, but legend does describe it as being extremely useful when mastered with the other two sources. This source is mainly utilized by the samurai and others associated in their affairs, ninjas are capable of accessing it but there’s a lack of information of the practice due to time scarcity and the dangers that come with abusing it’s power.
Elements and Techniques
Now when a person awakens their Qi this in return activates their elemental affinity, there are five main categories for these being Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Thunder. Though in a few cases some individuals may display having a unique element(Ex: Marah having Plasma and Kapri having Ice).
Some may wonder why there would be some other elements like Ice if Water has many uses such as solidifying itself but the thing is imitating that power instead of having it on its own doesn’t really give off the same experience. So in a sense Tori using Ice with her Water isn’t as effective as Kapri’s actual element of Ice, the same way with Hunter’s Thunder and Blake’s Lightning.
Techniques are the second basis to using an element as users are able to perform specific attacks and effects with these skills. Most being dubbed as [Element Release: ???], some tend to not be based on elements but can be used in a similar manner like the Iai move that Hunter has. Techniques can be learned two ways
-By teaching ones from the past that have been stored in books and old records, after gaining familiarity a person may end up adding some sort of unique structure to the skills to fit their own strengths.
-By making your own, a little harder as it takes more focus to really settle in a set form when creating techniques but this can pose as a good teaching lesson.
There’s more I have planned here but I’m not going to dump all that in one post, let it play out gradually.
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@crxssjae @sentinelofstories @azurezfiction âœšđŸ‘€đŸ‘ŒđŸŸ
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v-l-d-s · 1 year
Dynamo Engineer
As an early alchemical thesis states: if the fundamental energy of magic could be captured within physical substance, there would be no need for magic-users. Some alchemists have founded their careers on this notion, inventing and iterating upon small devices known as spell dynamos, which can store and manipulate arcane energy. These dynamos can be configured to store their energy at a specific resonance, such that, when it is released, it perfectly replicates the effect of a spell. Indeed, these few alchemists have begun to brave the frontier of spellcasting without an ounce of arcane talent; just a knack for tinkering and endless inventiveness.
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SPECTRUM ANALYZER Starting at 2nd level, you have invented a small device shaped like a monocle capable of rendering magical auras visible to the naked eye. You can cast the detect magic spell once without using a spell slot or spell components. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
SPELLCASTING Also at 2nd level, you can cast spells by storing and releasing energy in spell dynamos. See the core rules for the general rules of spellcasting and the wizard spell list. Spell Dynamos. You power your spells through handheld arcane devices called spell dynamos, which each hold a single spell slot. The Dynamo Engineer Spellcasting table shows how many spell dynamos you have. The table also shows what the level of those slots held in each of your dynamos is; all of these spell slots are the same level. To cast one of your wizard spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell dynamo. You regain all expended spell dynamos when you finish a long rest. Preparing Spells. Unlike other spells, you must prepare the spells held in each of your spell dynamos in advance. When you finish a long rest, you configure each of your dynamos to cast a particular wizard spell you know. You can only use a spell dynamo to cast a spell to which it is configured. When you finish a short or long rest, you can reconfigure your unexpended dynamos to hold different spells. Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You know three 1st-level wizard spells of your choice, two of which you must choose from the evocation and transmutation spells on the wizard spell list. The Spells Known column of the Dynamo Engineer Spellcasting table shows when you learn more wizard spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be an evocation or transmutation spell of your choice, and must be of a level for which you have spell slots. The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can come from any school of magic. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots, and it must be an evocation or transmutation spell, unless you’re replacing the spell you gained at 3rd, 8th, 14th, or 20th level from any school of magic. Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your wizard spells, since you cast them using cutting-edge arcane technology. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. Use your bomb save DC as the saving throw DC for a wizard spell you cast, and use your Intelligence modifier when making an attack roll with one.
FORMULA: ARCANO BOMB Starting at 6th level, you can craft arcano bombs. By adding an unexpended dynamo to your bomb (and thus expending the dynamo’s spell slot), you can change it into an arcano bomb. An arcano bomb deals force damage instead of fire damage, its damage dice are d12s, and it deals one extra die of damage, as if a reagent die were added to it.
COUNTER-DISCHARGE Beginning at 10th level, when a creature you can see casts a spell that affects you, you can use your reaction to expend a spell dynamo to release a wave of disruptive magical energy. If the spell requires you to make a saving throw to resist its effects, you have advantage on the saving throw. If the spell deals damage, you have resistance against it. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
ARCANE RECYCLER By 18th level, you can convert otherwise wasted magical energy into a usable form. When you miss with an arcano bomb, you can recycle the spell slot stored in the dynamo and transfer it to one of the empty dynamos on your person.
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wandervogel-france · 2 years
Inauguration de l’Auberge de Jeunesse Dynamo - 1938
Dimanche 26 juin aura lieu l’inauguration de l’A. J. Dynamo, chalet de la Schellimatt (Petit Ballon), altitude 1 100 mĂštres. Cette fĂȘte est placĂ©e sous la prĂ©sidence d’honneur de M. LĂ©o Lagrange, prĂ©sident du C.L.A.J., et sous la prĂ©sidence effective de M. le prĂ©fet du Haut-Rhin, M. Brenier, prĂ©sident de la Ligue de l’Enseignement, M. Bourgoin, inspecteur gĂ©nĂ©ral, et du camarade Marc Augier, du

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magicalmonsterhero · 2 years
The Astonishing Ardaths trailer
A seemingly ordinary suburban family realizes something is amiss, and that they may not be so ordinary.
Very loosely inspired by WandaVision Part of the Tachyon universe
Major Characters: -Adam Ardath/White Knight -Lucy Ardath/Aurora -Connor Ardath/Chameleon -Gloria Ardath/Titaness -Matt Ardath/Kid Comet -‘Sophie’/Sofia Cruz/Miss Fortune -Charlie Reynolds/Silhouette -Donna Martin/Dynamo -Kelly Atchison -Michael Killian -Jonathan Caldwell/Red Reaper
(Open on a shot of the Ardath house as “Penny Lane” starts to play in the background. Cut to Adam and Lucy Ardath in their kitchen.)
Adam: Another fine day in suburbia.
Lucy: Yes, yes it is.
(She kisses him. Cut to Lucy standing outside, watching her elder son Connor and daughter Gloria get on the school bus. Her youngest Matt stands next to her, adjusting his backpack. Cut to Lucy having lunch with her friends Sophie and Donna.)
Lucy (v/o): And yet, I can’t help but feel...
Donna: I can’t believe he didn’t pass out!
Sophie: Yeah, well, I‘ll never be able to look at mac and cheese the same way again.
(A sitcom laugh track is heard as “Penny Lane” suddenly stops.)
Lucy (v/o): ...that something is not right.
(Cut to Lucy staring out a window as “What’s Up” by 4 Non Blondes begins to play. Suddenly, her hands begin to glow with greenish-blue light, and she looks down at them in surprise.)
Lucy (v/o): I can’t explain it, but somehow, this doesn’t feel real.
(Shot of Adam grabbing a metal railing, which crumples under his hand. Cut to Adam and Lucy in their bedroom.)
Adam: Do you remember your life before here?
(Shot of Kelly Atchison and Michael Killian leaning in close to look at a viewing screen. Shot of Sophie fingering a necklace with an esoteric-looking symbol on it.)
Sophie (v/o): They're starting to figure it out.
(Shot of Connor in front of a mirror, watching as he fades into invisibility. Shot of Gloria growing large enough to catch a falling support beam with her bare hands. Shot of Matt surrounded by a multicolored aura, flying at great speed through the air and leaving a trail of sparkles behind him. Shot of Adam and Lucy, as White Knight and Aurora, facing off against several large robots. Cut to Adam, Lucy, and their children standing outside their house.)
Adam: So what do we do?
Lucy: We do the right thing.
(Shots of Adam, Lucy, and their kids in sitcom-esque scenes. Cut to the Ardaths in a group hug. Tears roll down Lucy’s cheeks, but her smile makes it clear they’re happy tears.)
Lucy: I love you all so much!
(Shot of the Ardaths, along with Sophie and Donna, surrounded by robots. All are in costume and all are in 'ready to fight' poses. Cut to title card.)
The Astonishing Ardaths
(Cut to Adam and Lucy kissing. The camera slowly zooms out to show the image is on a TV screen.)
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eight-house · 4 years
The Moon Signs in Bed
Aries’ passion is immediate; love and desire do not build up gradually, but begin  full force and proceed with high intensity. In the bed- room, you enjoy taking the lead, and go after what you want with intensity and determination. Between the sheets you’re a fiery lover—easily aroused, with physical desires that urgently demand satisfaction. You have a strong appetite for anything new and innovative, and a talent for keeping the spirit of your love alive and thriving. You’re open to trying anything that is fun and adventurous—at least once. Although your sexual needs are high, intimate involvement with one person may become a source of conflict, because you require a great deal of personal freedom. It’s often easier for you to commit yourself physically than emotionally, so you deflect what you’re feeling into your sexuality. Then you deal with your emotions on that level, instead of confronting them directly. For you, a successful permanent relationship needs to be based in friendship as well as in love and romance.  
Your needs and desires are simple and of a practical, physical nature. Highly physical, your enjoyment of lovemaking is direct and unabashed and all types of physical contact appeal to your strongly sensuous nature. While you have no trouble drawing your lover to you, you actually enjoy being seduced. Initially shy, you  become a sexual dynamo once aroused. For Taurus the neck is a major erogenous zone, and you welcome slow, sliding kisses along your neck as a prelude to love- making. Your personal recipe for love consists of equal parts passion and romance. However, while romantic, you don’t overlook the realities of life. No matter how passionate, hasty couplings in bleak, uncomfortable places hold little appeal for you. The bed partner who sets the scene with candles, music, and flowers, and plies you with delectable goodies such as exotic fruits, chocolates, and fine wines truly knows the surest way to your heart.
More mental than emotional or physical, your major erotic zone is between your ears. You get off on fantasizing and talking about sex. Your aversion to boredom makes witty banter and subtle promises of previously untried bedroom techniques the ideal come-on from a prospective lover. You expect sex to be fun and prefer making love in unusual places. Risk provides an added thrill, and the possibility of getting caught in the act fuels your erotic imaginings. Even at home, you dislike having your lovemaking confined to the bedroom. Variety and change stimulate your desires, and you’re willing to try anything new or different. Since you love gadgets, sex toys and devices are a welcome addition to your erotic activities.
In an intimate union, the intensity of your sexuality is directly connected to the depth of your feeling for your companion. The act of love can carry you to incredible heights or leave you feeling deflated and let down. Sex for its own sake is just not your style. In the bedroom, your approach is romantic, sensual, tender, and always considerate of your lover’s wishes. You long to be courted and love to kiss and cuddle between the sheets. In intimate moments, you’re shy and sensitive, but in your dreams, you’re bold, imaginative, and audacious enough to take risks that you hesitate to pursue in reality. Your ideal bed partner coaxes you out of your shell, and gets you to reveal your most erotic imaginings. When acting out your secret fantasies, you engage your entire being in an exotic game of joyful seduction.
Love is your ultimate aphrodisiac, and your idea of the perfect turn-on includes tons of affection and admiration. As a lover, you’re not a big fan of subtlety and believe that actions really do speak louder than words. While aggressive and dramatic in the bedroom, you’re never crude or boorish. Your sunny, romantic idealism permeates your lovemaking just as it lights up every other area of your life. Physical intimacy makes you feel alive and fulfilled, and your sexual prowess and ability to please your lover are exceedingly important to you. Because your plea- sure-seeking instincts are strong, you’re eager to experience all the joys lovemaking has to offer. Your sex drive is greatly enhanced by the comfortable accoutrements of the good life, and you get off on being pampered and wooed luxuriously, as befits your regal, leonine status.
Because of its introverted aspect, Virgo is not a very sexual position for the Moon. Even when your deepest feelings are engaged, your shyness makes it hard for you to be demonstrative. You want a close union based on mutual respect and affection, and appreciate the refined elegance of beautiful, tasteful surroundings. Getting physical with your lover allows you to relax and forget about mundane worries. Since pleasing your mate is foremost in your mind, once you feel comfortable with your bedmate you make an amazingly skilled, generous bed partner. When you find a new way to gratify your lover, you hone the technique until it approaches perfection. While not the most exciting lover, you’re definitely one of the most considerate and obliging. Moreover, like a fine wine, your sensuality becomes richer with age and experience
Your approach to lovemaking is glamorous and alluring. You appreciate the intri- cate rituals of old-fashioned courtship, and enjoy being wooed with finesse and sophistication. Sex and romance are intertwined in your mind, and you prefer artful seduction to a carnal free-for-all. Your erotic sensuality emerges most readily in a sumptuous setting that engages all the senses. Luxurious bedding, sultry nightwear, soft music, flickering candles, and fresh flowers add the requisite spice to your lovemaking. A special night dedicated to love, in a romantic setting with moonlight and whispered words of adoration, serves as a genuine turn-on and affectionate gestures and loving words draw out your passions and get your sexual juices flowing.
Imbued with a smoldering sexuality, when you turn on your sultry charm, few can resist you and, once you get going beneath the covers, you have tremendous staying power. Your passionate lovemaking requires a dynamic bed partner with physical stamina equal to your own. Your innate fascination with sexuality inspires numerous fantasies of erotic seduction. Acting out these scenarios with your mate provides an outlet for your active imagination in addition to being a guaranteed turn-on. An extremist, you equate sex with power and control, making you a de- manding, but wickedly delightful lover. You intuit your partner’s secret desires— and make them come true. Sharing your lusty thoughts with your beloved serves as tantalizing foreplay for steamy nights of intense lovemaking.
Your sex drive is strong, but erratic. At times, your bedroom style can be wildly experimental, and you’re always eager to explore new ways of expanding your sen- sual horizons. Physical attraction sparks your interest initially, but it takes intel- lectual stimulation to hold it indefinitely. Spontaneity, fun, excitement, and adventure turn you on and matter more to you than grand passion. A short getaway is relaxing, and camping, hiking, and making love under the stars reinvigorates you. Your natural exuberance, candor, and lack of guile in the bedroom allow you to express your sexual desires openly. More interested in action than fantasy, having sex in different locations—at home and otherwise— is a real turn-on for you. Why be restricted to the bedroom when there are so many other appealing places to make love?
When aroused the strongly sexed lunar goat is capable of intense and sustained ardor. Where lovemaking is concerned, you like to take it slow and get it right and you work at love with the same diligence and dedication that you apply to other areas of your life. Your style of lovemaking, while respectful and refined, tends to be no-nonsense and you consider coquettish games a waste of time. Nevertheless, whatever you lack in the romance department, you more than make up for in skill and sexual prowess. Despite your down-to-earth attitude toward sexuality, you can be vamped and seduced. Your ideal lover knows how to lure the horny goat out of hiding by creating an atmosphere of sensuality where you can relax and give full rein to your many erotic desires. 
In the bedroom, you’re daring and unconventional. A genuine nonconformist, you’re sexually uninhibited and predisposed to experimentation; if something sounds fun, you’re willing to give it a go. You exude a sex appeal that positively crackles with electricity, and you believe that nothing is too far out as long as it pleases both partners. However, no matter how much you enjoy making love, you always keep your wits about you and never allow yourself to be totally swept away by passion. Lovemaking has little meaning for you unless it truly engages your mind along with your body, and you respond as readily to verbal suggestion as to physical stimulation.
For the fish, love and sex are irrevocably intertwined, and nothing gets your attention faster than an old-fashioned romantic courtship. You want a lover who quotes poetry, scatters rose petals, and makes all-consuming love by candlelight. In turn, you enchant your lover through subtle seduction, and your unpredictable nature makes you endlessly fascinating. In bed, your aura of vulnerability brings out your partner’s protective instincts. Although you love to kiss and cuddle, the physical side of sex matters less to you than an emotional connection with your lover. Even so, you’re no slouch between the sheets. Prepared to give your all, you readily set your own needs and desires aside in order to satisfy those of your bed- mate
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heliosthegriffin · 4 years
He’d be a pretty good trainer
Remnant is pretty much a death world, so the wildlife must be pretty insane too having to deal with things like Grimm, whatever arcane things the Brothers left behind,  humans, Dust and it’s effect on the environment, and likely ghosts.
That said most animals can be tamed, or at least trained to an extent. All living things from the smallest bacteria to the largest whale, to the smallest algae to the largest grove of trees is capable of aura.
Jaune is an aura amplifier, see where I’m going?
Jaune is strongish on his own, he’s strongest when working with others. He’d be at his pinnacle commanding an army of beasts, going full druid, on his enemys. 
Sending murder after murder of Ravens, Crows, and Rooks at his enemies to scout information, and harass supply lines, and take out lightly armored units like beowolves with sheer numbers or even better... Send one murder of crows of over the battle field carrying flour, coal dust, gun powder, or even just packets of oil, then send one higher flying murder dropping lit torches. Or they could be lame and make carry small flechettes. Huh, they could even step the battlefield by dropping caltrops and other small traps that could injury feet on unsuspecting enemies. 
Sending in his packs of armored dogs, wolves, and hybrids to further harass and distract enemies, using hit and run tactics to take out weaker units then pulling back and hiding when outmatched, stalking them and whittling down forces. Or sending them to take down larger solo larger units like alpha’s or elder Grimm, attacking them in swarms then retreating while sending in the next pack, not giving the Grimm rest, not letting them heal or learn eventually killing them with a death by a thousand cuts.
Sending in passels of armored boars to break enemy lines, or Grimm packs. Younger Grimm being killed instantly under the weight of the war pigs, while older Grimm are gored as they charge pass them. Clearing entire areas of edible plants to decrease supplies for enemy forces, while feeding them.
War elephants to deal with super-heavy grimm, to break enemy fortification, to transport supplies and arms. Carry lighter animals like crows or foxs, or even allied humans, humans who can fight from ontop of the elephants. 
Having a pride of lions as his honor guard guarding his flank and back. 
WHALE SQUAD! ORCA UP! Dolphins to deal with underwater threats, Orcas to deal with heavies.
With each and every animal’s aura unlocked, boosted, and possibly with semblance, it’d be a massacre. That said I’m sure most animals would have simple semblance that are easy to find and master. But, simple does not equal bad, no, if anything it just grants greater chance for growth.
The potential is endless, yeah, it’d be a time investment to tame those animals, but start with the Crows and work up, get people to help.
Sure you could argue, oh no way he has enough aura for that! You’d be right, at first. But, semblances evolve and change based on how they are used, and Jaune in constant aura dynamo state would increase his reserves, as his semblance is natural the giving type, so to give more it’d increase his already large reserves until he’d have enough on tap to supply his beast horde. Then it’d increase his aura regen speed to keep up with the damage they take in. Hell, it’s not outside the realm of reason that Jaune’s semblance could evolve in the following line of thought, like a creating a link between him and living be allowing him to give aura from a distance, then it further evolving allowing a two way connection via thought, and then allowing him to telepathically control his armies from miles away while still boosting them
Also, food? Like 90% of Remnant is unclaimed, give him time to build his power base and he’ll figure it out.
Anyway, I think Jaune should be Remnant’s equivalent of a pokemon master.
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eligalilei · 3 years
Musings on The Dark World and the Autopoetic God
The beginning is probably underwater (or perhaps some other rare solvent) and moves upward and outward.
The challenge is to imagine life without light. Perhaps the surface is bathed in the aura of an active galactic nucleus, but it is somewhat unlikely that this would play a major part in the initial part of our story.
The realization of light (if present at all) would not be a gift of evolution proper, but rather a technological achievement of the highest order.
The ingredients required for the ever-patient Absolute of the dark world's masters are nought but a long slow heat, time, and the protective magnetic field of a gas giant.
I have fantasized that the field itself could somehow animate the matter rendered pliable by tidal heating, perhaps creating, over the span of eons, an autopoetic mind, alone and mystified by its situation.
The are approximately three possibilities here:
In my first dream, a metallo-electric entity is formed out of some kind of pre-animate clay, stirred by the dynamo of its planet. Endless random mutifications of the fields of substance produce an earthy aquatic thinking machine. Billions of years of random disturbance produce a mind which self-creates by thinking all of its permutations. It acquires a hand, first in the form of a few mobile magnetic particles, by means of which it can alter the very substance out of which it is created. Thoughts become blind random movements of tiny metallic particles.
Perhaps some repetitive miscellatory process begets tiny magnetic neuron-like marbles. The field of the planet fuses the immobile and the mobility of random thoughts, which are themselves its movements, prevents the solidification of freely moving points of articulation.
Perhaps in this near-eternal randomness it continuously creates and destroys itself and its parts before settling in some permanent form capable of connecting at will by some weird plug-hand into various parts of its field of thought-machines.
However poetic, the dreamer abandons this as fanciful and unlikely to produce a being capable of true self-understanding. Tiny magnetic whorls and marbles are not neurons, and a rock-formation, however (very lightly) electrified, is not a computer. A series of electric arches and an aleatoric hand, however eternal, are unlikely to simulate our reality. Complexity of emergence requires variation and repetition: an ecosystem, at least.
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