passion-fruitxx · 2 years
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parceirob · 1 year
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carrotcreativeside · 1 year
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zaehlynthorne-spnoc · 2 years
𝘈𝘶𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘺 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘟𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳
29, 𝘍𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦, 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵
𝘚𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘖𝘊
𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘱; 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘞𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 | Open |
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renmorris · 3 months
Wait, has Cooper ever been anyone's first choice, romantically speaking? Has there ever been a person (in-universe) that was like "Yes, I want Dale Cooper, and only Dale Cooper, because I love him specifically!"?
Like, Andy was cheating on her husband with him, and more or less treating Dale as a disposable sex toy. April also already had someone else before meeting him. Marie appears to have only liked Coop because he was non-threatening. Aurdrey is more interested in the archetype of the Bond-eque FBI agent. Caroline was married to Windom Earle. Lena married her high-school sweetheart with no attempt at re-establishing her relationship with Dale before that, and I honestly suspect she was kinda (maybe unintentionally) using him to get over her trauma.
Maybe Annie falls out of this category, but she is in such an ustable situation when meeting Dale, it's hard to say if she's actually in love, or if he is just the first kind guy she met in her life.
Please, correct me if I'm wrong, I'd really fucking like to be wrong. Because if I'm right: Poor Dale!
Well there’s Diane and Albert…and Harry but. Oof yeah.
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Aurdrey!! STOP sleeping in until 1 AM!!! I'M TIRED OF HAVING TO CLEAN UP YOUR SODA CANS!! Get a better sleep schedule or I'm gonna EXPLODE your sword all the way to Mohabumi!!!
Hi Miriam. One am is the hour after midnight. If you meant one PM, then I was doing serious buisness. It is very tiring. ALSO SOME PEOPLE ARENT EARLY BIRDS MIRIAM!
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consumare · 11 months
making aurdrey watch b.eetlejuice for the first time, but hmu to plot / chat.
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dinopant · 2 years
OHH SAMMI YOU GOTTA WATCH LSOH. I THINK YOULL LIKE IT!!!!! seymour and his bad bitch (aurdrey) he pulled by being autistic
I just struggle to watch movies and alone and keep forgetting to try and watch it with ppl when I'm with them loll
But I think I'd reallykke it from what iv seen 😭
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
The Aftermath Of War, The Battlefield Of The Mind
A/N: Inspired by the House of Dragons headcanons I've read on here. Added in with bits and pieces of Pillars Of Eternity.
A/N 2: More like this will come after I sit down and watch House of The Dragon.
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Eye sockets were bare and hollow; her eyes were carved from her skull, her eye sockets empty and hollow. She danced with demons and sang with the angels and now she's lost everything as her screams echoed into the breeze and her pleas went unanswered. Her gods hadn't answered long before this happened to her. "It wouldn't have gone this way if you went with them," an older woman said to her.
"Like you would have known this would happen like you would have even a remote idea that this could have happened. You never said a damn thing about it" Her frustration about this woman consistently speaking as if she knew more than she let on. Like she knew the secrets of the universe or knew how it worked.
"For someone that got her eyes cut out, I wonder why they haven't cut out your tongue as well. Make it even," the older woman said firmly placing a sweaty hand over her mouth, "I wonder how they didn't just kill you." Her tone is now more of scornful tone.
There was no royal wealth in her family like there is in a royal family. But wealthy when it came to the import and export of goods, and services and studying the understanding of spirits, and death. Some members of her family knew about things before they happened. Others could gauge a person's emotional state just by looking at them. Despite what some would like to believe, even her children had the same type of gift or curse as she did.
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"Don't bring my children into this" She said to them, "Don't you dare bring them into this mess that you have made."
"I don't think you ought to say anything else. Unless you want them murdered, sold to the richest merchants in town or adopted by families better suited to help them,"
The way they took her children, it added insult to injury and the way they took her husband's head from his shoulders didn't make it any better. This is only one moment in their family's history and it was only getting darker since the death of Aurdrey, the one who cursed the gods and her attackers after the demise of her hopes and dreams.
Her death caused a bigger mess for years to come. The castle she lived and died in, along with her four husbands in the following years after the disaster. Her family lived and died there just as she did. As the centuries rolled for what it felt to be an eternity. The castle went through renovations and had expanded twice the size it originally.
The curse is said to believed to be on going, right up until the shrill cry of a child named Evanna Lavellan. Their youngest female at 13 years. Only one to not have the same type of powers as the ones around her. She saw the dead, spoke to them and had night terrors about the deceased long before seeing them.
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"I reccomend that you remove her from that school, it's not safe for someone like her," Her father said to her mother.
"Remove her? So she can stay here and end up as some wife to some poor idiot somewhere?" Her mother responded, "She needs this more than any of us. I will not have her unfit to serve anyone, as a wife or anything else."
Evanna's upbringing is based around her being denied, rejected and looked at with pure disgust with such an intensity that her family feared that she'd die long before her time.
Unfortunately or fortunately, this is only just the begining of this story and it's going to get much worse from here.
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toriaurorawriter15 · 26 days
Love Torn Chapter 2: Audrey's Departure
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Audrey's brown curls flow around her face as her brown eyes focus on the newly remodeled Pier's floor. She sits on a wooden crate beside the Schooner ship as several strange animals in human-like form start preparing for the voyage.
Beyond the busy scene in front of her, there are three fairies in the colors: red, green, and blue. They are talking to a cat-like woman in a blue caption outfit. Each is talking aggressively with the Captin about the plans for Audrey's new life.
The exiled Princess doesn't acknowledge anyone's presence on the wooden Pire. Instead, she begins to imagine everyone's reaction to hearing about her departure.
Jane, the daughter of Ella's fairy Godmother, would probably be too busy to realize that her best friend is gone. Typical for the straight-A student in her class, Jane always had her mind on the Auradon Preps or that wimp of a guy; what was his name- Farkle?
Lonnie, the daughter of Mulan, would be sad. But she would work out her emotions by playing Swords and Shields at Auradon Prep with that other V.K. Jack?!?
Audrey surges her shoulder to readjust her muscles before continuing with her daydream.
Ben, the love of my life, he- what does it matter?
None of them came to ask how she was doing after those wreckage kids went off the island of the lost.
And when she received the wedding invitation, no one showed up to comfort Aubrey as she cried herself to sleep.
She knew Ben wouldn't come because he was obsessed with his fiancé.
Plus, she didn't want him anywhere near her after witnessing him cheating on her at the pep rally.
Jane and Lonnie, daughters of Fairy Godmother, and Mulan both knew how much Ben meant to her. So it was strange to see them not concerned for her feelings. Maybe it's because she pretended to be okay around the two.
Still, what hurt the most was seeing her best friend Jane's cursive penmanship on the invite and Lonnie giving her the invitation with a carefree smile on her face.
All of them betrayed her. Except for one, Charming.
Charming Jr., the son of Ella. Oh my goodness, that boy! He will be devastated after receiving the letter she wrote for him last night.
At this moment, Lonnie would be practicing with that so-called son of Jafar. Jane would be preparing for the wedding with that fashion villain kid. And Chad: he couldn't come because his parents grounded him for failing his latest history test.
Audrey couldn't blame him for not being there tonight. But her so-called friends: had already moved on.
"My goodness, Princess! Last night, you said that you don't resemble your mother. Well, I can prove to you right now that you're wrong! You look like your mother did when she arrived at the castle on her 16th birthday. Devastated and heartbroken!"
A spunky short fairy in a blue gown, a blue witch hat, and a blue cape clipped with a blue circle states in a sarcastic tone.
Audrey's right hand goes into the depths of her sky-blue silk gown robes before looking at her favorite fairy, Maryweather.
A small smile appears on her voluminous lips as Princess Aurdrey replies, "Mary, I don't know how my mother will recover from the news of my exile! She'd be devastated, and I cannot-"
Maryweather shushes Audrey from her rant before putting her hands on the princess' shoulders. A bittersweet smile forms upon her round face as she holds her left hand in a shushing manner over her thin lips.
The fairy looks around with her big brown eyes before commenting in a low tone. "Not so loud, my dear. The last thing we need is Flora coming here with her big ears and asking us; why we are not helping out for the departure."
Audrey chuckles from seeing the blue fairy's dreaded facial expression before solemnly changing her posture.
The seventeen-year-old girl glances behind the short fairy to see two other fairies in similar outfits to Mayweather.
One of the two fairies is in red attire, and the other is in green.
The fairy in red is named Flora, while the fairy in green is named Fauna.
Miss Flora is talking to a cat-like woman, the Captain of RLS Legacy, but that is all Audrey knows about the blue-eyed cat-woman.
Aubrey then looks towards Miss. Fauna directions to see the fairy starting down at her list as she double-checks Audrey's Samsonite Winfield pastel pink luggage for missing articles.
After getting a clear sign that both fairies are busy, she brings her attention back to Maryweather with determination behind her hazel eyes. She takes a few deep breaths in and out before discretely removing the pale pink envelope with the word "Charming" written in cursive pink ink from under her coat.
"Miss Mary-" She pauses to control her emotions before whispering, " Can you please do me a huge favor?"
Maryweather's gaze turns into curiosity as she responds, "What is it that you need, Princess? in a soft-spoken tone.
The tips of Aurdrey's lace-up gloves grab the paper into her right hand before pulling out the envelope from her clothes. She hides it from everyone's view by placing the bulky batches of folded paper in between them.
The Princess takes another glance at the faires behind Mayweather and then asks in a pleading tone, "Don't allow Flora or Fauna to see this letter. For we both know that it will end up in the hands of my Grandmother."
"Ohhhh, I can't believe that woman is sending you away because of that cheating boy!." Maryweather mumbles under her breath.
Audrey almost smiles at the fairy's comment but stops by stating in a firm tone, "Mayweather, you have to promise me that she won't know about this letter. It is the only way-- the people of Auradon need to know that I can't set foot in this universe."
Maryweather lets out a flustered growl before replying, "You have my word, Princess Aurdrey."
The fairy then brings out the chubby fingers of her small right hand for the girl to hand over the pastel envelope. Audrey places it into her hands before seeing the fairy hiding the farewell John letter into the bottom of her loose lace corset. Maryweathers moves her dress side to side, which allows the pink envelope to slide away from anyone's sight. Audrey's eyes stay on the embroidered black corset before relaxing back into her seat as she waits for her assignment.
"Miss. Starmoon, we are ready for you!" The young Captain states in a professional tone.
Audrey jumps onto her feet from the unexpected statement before fixing the multiple layers of her pink skirt.
"Apologizes, Madam! As I was telling--hum- Flower over here-"
"It's Flora!" The red fairy cuts off the cat-woman but is silenced by Fauna by placing her right hand over the fairy's big mouth.
The female cat-like woman rolls her vile green eyes before continuing, "Anyways, I am the Captain of RLS Legacy. My name is Amelia. I am a dear friend of your father's. There is not much else to say about that situation. Nevertheless, we are on a short time limit. Therefore, I advise you to hurry up!"
Captain Amelia turns away from the three fairies and moves straight toward the ship's main deck.
Audrey follows the tall cat-lady into the ship before asking, "Where are we going?' in a firm tone.
"Ah, good thing you asked!" Captain Amelia states with a smirk on her thin lips as she starts making orders towards the men and women of her crew.
Audrey quickly ducks under two ship crewmen who rush into the ship with some cargo in their arms and shoulders as everyone boards the ship.
Another man with blue eyes, brown hair, and baggy clothes approaches Captain Amelia. He stands in a casual pose before addressing the Captin.
"Everything is set to go onto Earth!' He yells towards the Captin before glazing in Audrey's direction with a, "I don't have time to talk to you" look.
Audrey stops walking after hearing the rude man's statement as she processes the news of her new home.
Earth doesn't exist in the Fairytale Universe.
It's a place where humans, magical beings, and all types of species exist together. Some species disguise themselves as humans, but they live in the ocean. Meanwhile, others live around humans on land. Humans don't know that other species exist, and the others want to keep it that way.
"We are going to an alternative universe!" Audrey states in shock.
"Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. Already crew, let us finish up setting up for our travels." is the last thing Captain Amelia says as she starts firing more orders.
The ship crew scrabbles around before rushing into their positions above deck as their Captain prepares to fly them over a glowing green portal that just appeared out of nowhere.
The small hole starts to grow as the ship approaches the entrance of the portals.
Within seconds of chaos, the ship gets into the portal, and all goes silent.
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audr3yyyyy · 1 month
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aurdrey ˚₊‧꒰ა ♱ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ big glaive enoyer among other things. just here to shitpost and yap ig ?????
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sillyname30 · 8 months
It's Tuesday. It's opening night. I don't know if Little Shop of Horrors is doing red carpet every time they have new actors for Seymour and Aurdrey, but I hope so.
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Custom horror chest piece tattoo by Sean Ambrose of Arrows and Embers Tattoo in Concord, New Hampshire. Find us on Instagram for more! @arrowsandemberstattoo
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putitonmydash · 2 years
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Amina Aurdrey
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passion-fruitxx · 2 years
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shcisty · 4 years
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