#aurora pollock
duusheen · 2 years
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family party at the Pollocks to celebrate!
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musicarenagh · 5 months
“I Want Everything”: Pork Pie’s Auditory Ticket to Psychedelic Infinity In the shadowed alcove of today’s musical bazaar, where neon echoes pirouette with soporific reluctance, emerges “I Want Everything” – a phantasmagorical mosaic from Pork Pie that distills the wistfulness of an Elysian bygone era through a prism of anarchic dance-floor defiance. With Shane Brett's drums raining down like cosmic anvils against Michael Laverty's bass-lines - serpentine rivers carving valleys into virgin planets – this osmotic tapestry unfurls like fever dreams in an opium den. https://open.spotify.com/track/2soIwTad0D6NtAVfk3nudK Amidst this genesis springs forth Stafford, alchemist and siren both; his vocal cords spun from gossamer spider webs woven tightly around our collective longing. His literary wand taps upon piano keys morphing pain to solace while his alto sax exhales lost love letters found in attic chests. Peter Laverty on lead guitar ignites comet tails that lick at heaven’s door—every riff a Pollock painting mid-stratospection. "I Want Everything" catapults you into kaleidoscopic realms—a bacchanalian marriage between 60s psychedelia and modern tempestuous groove—its DNA redolent with garage rock sweat and indie effervescence crystallized under Dundalk’s Lockup watchful gaze: Pete Rust the conjurer; Fergal Davis the enchanter. Each note is a testament to their deft craftsmanship as sonic tailors who snip away till nothing but raw ethereal emotion remains. [caption id="attachment_55215" align="alignnone" width="2000"] “I Want Everything”: Pork Pie’s Auditory Ticket to Psychedelic Infinity[/caption] Pork Pie dares us—with audacity verging on lunacy—to sip from their chalice laden with liquid auroras in auditoriums where memories cavort untamed alongside pulsating cadences. Though birthed as progeny of "Pterodactyl," this latest offering is no mere fledgling—it surges forth emblazoned with plumes iridescent enough to blind Zeus himself. Ah! But fear not: for amidst such celestial braggadocio lies poignant humanity within every harmonic turn—an odyssey sailing agitated ocean-waves inside our marrow—the tangible ache of desire singing its universality straight through skin and soul alike... This is music that doesn’t simply demand your attention; it seizes it voraciously like Prometheus gripping fire—a decadent uproar meant not just for cognoscenti ears but any being dared dream beyond mundane finitude. “I Want Everything,” whispers golden-leafed infinity ascending—from deep-rooted nostalgia erupts esoteric present dancing furiously towards future crescendo yet unwritten—for Pork Pie hath sculptured sound into radiant rebellion befitting gods amid mortals. Follow Pork Pie on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok.
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mermanthommy · 2 years
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😅All I can hear in my head is,… 🧝🏻‍♂️My Precious!!!💍 - Tell me I’m wrong!!! - 😂🧙🏻‍♂️🤣 - @mermanthommy Aurora Waves Compression Shorts and Sleeves by: @mertailor @mertailormen (10% off with code THOMMY10 at checkout!!!) Photo by: @digitalfluke Shot on: @canonusa Edited with: @affinitybyserif - #mertailor #mertailormen #mymertailor #ad #themertailor #compressionshorts #mensleggings #leggingsformen #meggings #meninspandex #menintights #meninlycra #lycramen #spandexmen #tightsmen #auroraborealis #auroraboreal #catchoftheday #waterfallsofinstagram #waterfallsfordays #gaysacramento #gaycalifornia #gaymodels #swimsuitmodel #malemodeling #menonthebeach #hotmensbody #ketolifestyles #ketoforlife #sixpackabs (at Jenkinson Lake Trail, Pollock Pines) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdnwISzrcd2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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¿Existo? ¿O soy sueño de algún cobarde? Quizás sea lágrimas de náufrago que sabe que nunca verá tierra firme o tal vez, remitente de una carta enviada en botella al mar. ¿Existo? ¿O soy obra de Pollock, película de Hitchcook o pensamiento superfluo de Mondrian? No soy aurora, quizás, musa frustrada  a quien nadie inspira. ¿Quién soy? Quizás si existiera lo sabría. 
- Gabriela Requino.
Imagen: acuarela de Alejandra Pizarnik
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backinaflash · 5 years
Enter: Barry Allen
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Hey, Hi, Hello! I’m excited to be here! Under the cut you will find my interpretation of Barry Allen! Please do not hesitate to contact me, I’m really friendly and I’m excited to meet you all! 
Given / Birth Name : Bartholomew Henry Allen Nickname / Preferred Name : Barry Allen Alias(es) : The Flash, Mightiest Leaguer (Self Proclaimed)  Birthdate / Age : 19th March. 34 Place of Birth : Central City General  Current Location : Central City, but he travels a lot for work and ‘work’.  Gender Identity : Male Sexual / Romantic Orientation : Sexually Fluid  Ethnicity / Race / Cultural Heritage: French, Israeli and English Marital Status : Married but it’s complicated Occupation : Forensic Scientist  Religious Beliefs : Jewish Cultural Background
Height : 1.91m  Weight : 75kg Body Type / Build : Slim but toned Eye Color : Blue  Hair Color / Texture : Brown Recognizable Features / Scars : None Speech Patterns / Accent : None Languages Spoken : English but is a fast learner and can always learn more. Powers / Skills / Abilities: 
Speed Force Generation, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Durability, Speed Force aurora, Accelerated Healing, Dimensional Travel, Decelerated Aging,
Electrokinesis, Enhanced Mental Process, Enhanced Senses, Molecular Acceleration, Time Travel, Vortex Creation, Hand to Hand Combat, Chemistry, Criminology, Investigation.
Overall Health : Extremely Health and Fit but is working on his mental health. 
Order of Birth : N/A Number of Siblings : N/A Father’s Status + Relationship : Deceased  Mother’s Status + Relationship : Deceased  Sibling Status + Relationship : N/A Loyalty / Affiliation : Justice League, Wally West
MBTI : INFP- Hobbies : Does crime fighting count? Reading, Video Games, Movies, Trivia, Does eating pizza count?  Bad Habits : He tends to push people away and he’s a workaholic.  Three Positive Traits : Goofy, Moral Integrity, Loving Three Negative Traits : Cocky, Introverted, sometimes nonchalant Moral Alignment : Chaotic Good
One Song : Bohemian Rhapsody One Quote / Piece of Art : Jackson Pollock, Number 1A One Fear : Death of his Family One Strength : Hope One Object : Wedding Ring One Place : Home One Food : Caramelized Onion and Pepperoni Pizza One Scent : Fresh Dew One Lucky Charm: His Suit Ring
WRITING EXAMPLE: (TW: Mental Health) 
Barry pinched the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes and sighed. Central City had fallen quiet outside his office window whilst he worked away at a few cases. A tablecloth of ink and paper concealed his desk in front of him. He was working on four different work cases and two personal cases at the same time and he felt himself spread thin. Sure, he could always ask the Watch Tower to run a search on the DNA in front of him or a facial recognition on recovered camera footage but he didn’t want to ask for help, he wanted -- needed to complete these cases alone. He stretched across the table in an attempt to reach for a report but instead, knocked over his half-eaten chinese take-out. “Shit!” He muttered to himself. On a normal occasion, his instincts would have allowed him to have caught the container, but this, whatever he was putting himself through, was nowhere near normal. 
“You’re overworking yourself Allen.” He said to himself as he cleaned up the mess he had just created. Having nobody at home to return to meant that there was nobody to stop him from staying at work for as long as he wanted. He pulled out his phone to a low battery alert before opening up his messages and scrolling through them. It had been a while since he had reached out to any of his friends. He hadn’t messaged Iris for who knows how long, and he hadn’t contacted Wally in at least a week which was uncharacteristic. He knew what kind of hole he was falling into and what the doctor said he should do when this happened. He sighed again before locking his phone and slipping it into his pocket. He slowly organized the reports on his desk back into piles and turned off his computer monitor. The thing he needed the most right now was sleep and a good run in the morning to get himself out of this rut. 
He left the office building and began his walk home. He’d normally just speed off, but tonight, tonight he wanted to at least enjoy the walk. The smell of the crisp air surrounded him as he passed Central City Park. There was something revitalizing about the smell of freshly fallen dew on the grass. The streets had hushed to a slow buzz, cars only passing every minute or so now. He enjoyed the peace, or, at least the atmosphere that felt like peace. 
He was just round the block from his apartment when a shadowy figure leaped from under a tree and aimed a weapon at his head. “Give me your wallet!” The figure demanded, forcing himself into Barry’s personal space. “You don’t want to do this man.” He said calmly, placing his hands into the air. “I said, give me your fucking wallet!” It was at that point when lighting buzzed through the air as Barry quickly disarmed the man and knocked him off his feet. The slight smell of singed hair now poisoned the scent of dew as Barry began to secure the disoriented man’s hands behind his back. “I told you dude, you really didn’t want to do that and you still fucking did it anyway.” He now pulled the man up to his feet and sighed. “I was really looking forward to finishing my walk and climbing into my bed but now I’ve got to turn your ass in first.” And with a flash he was off. He dropped the man off at the nearest precinct and speed home. 
“What a fucking day.” He said before climbing into his unmade bed and placing his phone down to charge on his bedside table. His head had just hit his pillow when an alert went off on his phone. He knew the tone, a tone that he could never ignore. With a loud reluctant grunt, he picked up the phone and read the message. “Sorry cuddle pillow, not tonight, Bats needs me” and with a flash he was gone.
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fali26 · 4 years
El uso generalizado de mascarillas podría evitar nuevas olas de COVID-19
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3/3 © Reuters. FOTO DE ARCHIVO: Un miembro de la tripulación aérea es visto usando mascarilla en el aeropuerto de Heathrow en Londres, Reino Unido, 8 de junio de 2020 2/3 Por Kate Kelland LONDRES, 10 jun (Reuters) - El uso generalizado de mascarillas entre la población podría reducir la transmisión de COVID-19 a niveles controlables y podría evitar nuevas olas de la enfermedad pandémica en combinación con las cuarentenas, según un estudio británico difundido el miércoles. La investigación, dirigida por científicos de las universidades británicas de Cambridge y Greenwich, sugiere que los confinamientos por sí solos no detendrán el resurgimiento del nuevo coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, pero que incluso las mascarillas caseras pueden reducir drásticamente los índices de transmisión si un número suficiente de personas las usan en público. "Nuestros análisis apoyan la adopción inmediata y universal de las mascarillas por parte la población", dijo Richard Stutt, quien codirigió el estudio en Cambridge. Según Stutt, la combinación del uso generalizado de mascarillas con el distanciamiento social y algunas medidas de confinamiento, podría ser "una forma aceptable de gestionar la pandemia y reabrir la actividad económica" antes de que se desarrolle una vacuna eficaz contra la COVID-19, la enfermedad respiratoria causada por el coronavirus. Las conclusiones del estudio se publicaron en la revista científica "Proceedings of the Royal Society A". Al comienzo de la pandemia, las pruebas científicas sobre la eficacia de las mascarillas para retardar la transmisión de enfermedades respiratorias eran limitadas, y no había datos sobre COVID-19, ya que se trataba de una enfermedad previamente desconocida. Sin embargo, ante los estudios publicados en las últimas semanas, la Organización Mundial de la Salud dijo el viernes que ahora recomienda que todo el mundo utilice mascarillas de tejido en público para tratar de reducir la propagación de la enfermedad. En este estudio, los investigadores vincularon la dinámica de la propagación entre las personas con modelos a nivel de población para evaluar el efecto en la tasa de reproducción de la enfermedad, o valor R, de diferentes escenarios de adopción de mascarillas combinados con períodos de confinamiento. La tasa o número R mide el número medio de personas a las que una persona infectada transmitirá la enfermedad. Un valor R superior a 1 puede conducir a un crecimiento exponencial. El estudio concluyó que si la gente usa mascarillas cuando está en público es dos veces más eficaz para reducir el valor R que si las mascarillas se usan solo después de que aparecen los síntomas. En todos los escenarios analizados por el estudio, el uso rutinario de mascarillas en un 50% o más de la población redujo la propagación de COVID-19 a un número R inferior a 1,0, aplanando las futuras ondas de la enfermedad y permitiendo un confinamiento menos riguroso. Expertos no directamente involucrados en el nuevo estudio británico se mostraron divididos sobre sus conclusiones. Brooks Pollock, experto en modelización de enfermedades infecciosas de la Universidad de Bristol, dijo que el probable impacto de las mascarillas podría ser mucho menor de lo previsto. Trish Greenhalgh, profesor de la Universidad de Oxford, dijo que los hallazgos eran alentadores y sugirió que las mascarillas "probablemente sean una medida efectiva para la población". (Información de Kate Kelland; editado por Aurora Ellis y Alex Richardson; traducido por Tomás Cobos) Read the full article
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High Cost of Wildfire Insurance Hurts California Home Sales
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Home sales are slowing in wildfire-prone areas of California as insurers retreat from high-risk regions, say real-estate agents and homeowners.
Insurance companies have continued to reduce their wildfire exposure in the past two years after paying more than $24 billion for California wildfire losses in 2017 and 2018. Home insurers have declined to renew policies for tens of thousands of homeowners across the state, and regulators expect more nonrenewals in the coming months.
Real-estate agents say potential buyers are having difficulty obtaining insurance and are backing out of purchases or lowering their offers after realizing how much insurance would cost, which can be thousands of dollars a year or more in wildfire-prone areas.
Lauralee Green, co-owner of Z Group Real Estate in Pollock Pines, Calif., now requires prospective buyers to submit an insurance quote before making an offer.
“I’ve had so many deals fall through,” she said. Ms. Green said she sold about $4.7 million in real estate last year, down from $8.8 million in 2018.
Much of Paradise, Calif., was destroyed by the Camp Fire in 2018.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
“We’re just going to get a bunch of houses sitting on the market that won’t sell,” she said.
Housing economists say the highest-risk areas in the state are relatively rural, and the effect of insurance pricing on the home market can be difficult to parse. But anecdotally, real-estate agents around the state say home insurance has become a major issue in certain areas.
Housing demand has been high in some of these communities as buyers have been priced out of bigger cities.
Increased insurance costs could slow the pace of home-price increases by making homes less affordable to middle-class buyers, said Jordan Levine, deputy chief economist at the California Association of Realtors.
“It really exacerbates an already challenging environment” for home buyers, he said. “Putting an even higher bar on the financial requirements of homeownership means that some folks are going to get priced out.”
The association found in a survey of its members last year that 27% had issues with fire insurance either personally or with their clients. Within that group, 34% had a potential buyer decide not to buy because of the difficulty of finding fire insurance.
In early December, California regulators banned insurers from refusing to renew home-insurance policies for one year following a declared wildfire disaster. The initial ruling applied to about 800,000 households, and the state expanded it on Dec. 19 to apply to more than a million households across the state.
But the order offers no relief to home buyers, who are seeking to buy new insurance policies, not renew existing ones. The order also doesn’t apply to areas of the state that didn’t have a wildfire in 2019.
Lenders typically require homeowners to have insurance. If homeowners let their insurance lapse, lenders can enroll them in “force-placed policies,” which can be very expensive.
Homeowners can always buy insurance from the state insurer of last resort, the California FAIR Plan.  But FAIR Plan home policies have maximum coverage limits of $1.5 million and don’t include standard coverages like liability and theft. To fill those coverage gaps, homeowners often buy a separate “wraparound” policy.
FAIR Plan policies can also be expensive. In El Dorado County, Calif., insurance agent Aurora Mullett estimated that about 75% of the homes in the area can’t buy standard home insurance. Houses that are several miles away from fire departments can pay more than $5,500 a year for FAIR Plan coverage, she said.
Before the deadly Camp Fire in Paradise, Calif., in 2018, Ms. Mullett had three clients with FAIR Plan policies. Now she has 232, she said.
Michael Angles was hoping to sell his mother’s house in Placerville, Calif., in 2019 to pay for her nursing-home expenses, but he is now waiting until later this year in hopes that the market improves. Her home insurance was about $3,800 in 2019, up from $3,000 the previous year, and Mr. Angles recently got a renewal quote for $19,000. He opted to buy insurance from the FAIR Plan instead for about $6,000, including a wraparound policy.
Mr. Angles said he previously hoped to sell the house for between $400,000 and $500,000.
Now, “I’d be lucky if I got $375,000,” he said. “The insurance situation has hammered the real-estate market up there.”
The post High Cost of Wildfire Insurance Hurts California Home Sales appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/real-estate-news/high-cost-of-wildfire-insurance-hurts-california-home-sales/
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desingsbydaetriel · 8 years
Edge Of Mod
Edge Of Mode
This concept sprang out of my head very last minute when I got a MAYDAY call from a client that needed a photo shoot coordinated in two days. MOD is the Modern Fashion of London in the 60’s. I decided to put my own spin on it making featured model Aurora O’Brien into three very different women of the time. She executed each look and personality beautifully. Thank you to all of the photographers…
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micaramel · 4 years
Artists: Danica Barboza, Genesis Belanger, Meriem Bennani, Sascha Braunig, Florencia Escudero, Hadi Fallahpisheh, Anna Glantz, Ivy Haldeman, Christina Quarles, Emily Mae Smith, Greg Parma Smith
Venue: Petzel, New York
Exhibition Title: A Love Letter to a Nightmare
Date: July 15 – August 14, 2020
Click here to view slideshow
Full gallery of images, press release and link available after the jump.
Images courtesy of Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
Press Release:
The skeleton was as happy as a madman whose straitjacket had been taken off. He felt liberated at being able to walk without flesh. The mosquitoes didn’t bite him anymore. He didn’t have to have his hair cut. He was neither hungry nor thirsty, hot nor cold. He was far from the lizard of love.
–Leonora Carrington, The Seventh Horse and Other Tales
As we reopen, Petzel Gallery is pleased to present A Love Letter to a Nightmare, a summer group exhibition that will be on view from July 15 – August 14 at the gallery’s Chelsea location. The exhibition’s premise is to take into consideration contemporary visual modes and expressions that trace back to historical movements such as Surrealism, Symbolism and Pop, through the lens of our current uncertain existence. Call it vamped Surrealism and Symbolism. The show ponders how the aesthetic of modern surrealism/symbolism has been dressed up and added upon, sexualized, feminized, and reworked in the 21st Century. How does the state of a bound subconscious affect these artworks? This has become especially prevalent while the world shelters from the coronavirus pandemic and confronts centuries of inequity in a moment of historic unrest and great potential for revolutionary change. Beneath our daily struggle for normalcy bubbles a shared unconscious anxiety, fear, loneliness, despair, and trepidation of the future. In these times, the fabric of society is now both flattened into two dimensions as we socialize through screens – from our Zoom meetings, family check-ins, and “cocktails with friends,” to the daily State and Federal news conferences, Instagram stories, and Tik Tok videos – and yet simultaneously burst open in valiant action both intellectual and physical as we gather, protest, and organize in efforts to reimagine and rebuild a more just world. Our dreams have become more “vivid” and “menacing,” according to The New York Times, and, of course, in fantasy there is room for radical possibility. How might these practices of contemporary Surrealism, Symbolism and Pop, be read and implemented in reaction to the current upheaval? As one of the artists offered – how might these daydreams and nightmares be used as “forms of resistance, or in addressing trauma, enfranchising the masses, and envisioning necessary escape?” The exhibition asks how does each artist’s subjective work – painting, sculpture, installation, and video – explain a world riddled with multiple “objective” truths?
A Love Letter to a Nightmare includes work by Danica Barboza, Genesis Belanger, Meriem Bennani, Sascha Braunig, Florencia Escudero, Hadi Fallahpisheh, Anna Glantz, Ivy Haldeman, Christina Quarles, Emily Mae Smith, and Greg Parma Smith.
Danica Barboza (b. 1988, New York) is a multimedia artist who elaborates a rich personal mythology through the mediums of sculpture, drawing, writing and assemblage. Her work portrays a mystical marriage between her and a mythologized lover, and in her sculptures’ shifting identities she explores questions around celebrity, psychology, and desire. She had her first institutional solo exhibition at Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin, Germany in 2020, and recent exhibitions with Lomex (New York) and Galerie Buchholz (Cologne).
Genesis Belanger (b. 1978, USA) Belanger’s work is characterized by the treatment of objects as surrogates for the body. Sculpted in porcelain and stoneware, metal work and upholstery and tinted in fondant hues, everyday objects take on human features, made uncomfortably familiar as they begin to resemble us. Belanger’s sculptures address themes such as feminism and the objectification of the female body, the psychology of consumerism and power structures in modern history. Belanger has upcoming museum solo shows at Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, in Ridgefield, Connecticut (September 2020) and the Consortium Museum in Dijon, France (April 2021).
Meriem Bennani (b. 1988 in Rabat, Morocco) lives and works in Brooklyn, USA. She received her BFA from Cooper Union, New York in 2012, and her MFA from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris in 2011. Solo exhibitions of her work have been held at C L E A R I N G Brooklyn; The Kitchen, New York; Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris; Art Dubai; MoMA PS1, New York; and SIGNAL, Brooklyn. Her work has also been featured in numerous group exhibitions, including Whitney Biennial, New York; Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement, Geneva / Turin; Public Art Fund, New York; Shanghai Biennale; Jewish Museum,New York; Saatchi Gallery, London; MANA Contemporary, New Jersey; and Palais de Tokyo, Paris. Her exhibition, Party on the CAPS, is currently on view at the Julia Stoschek Collection, Berlin. Later in 2020, she will have a public commission at LAX airport. Meriem Bennani’s work is part of the collections of the Guggenheim Museum, New York; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris; Fondation Cartier, Paris; Kadist Foundation, Paris; and FRAC Ile-de-France, Paris.
Sascha Braunig (b. 1983, Qualicum Beach, BC) is a painter who creates nontraditional portraits and still lifes. Even as Braunig reduces bodies to witch-like cut-outs, barbed skeletons, or wireforms lit with an internal neon glow, she finds a possibility for expressing freedom and tensile strength through these humanoid scaffolds. In 2016 Braunig had a solo exhibition at MoMA PS1, and her work was featured in the 2015 New Museum Triennial. She holds a BFA from The Cooper Union and an MFA in painting from Yale University. Braunig was awarded a studio residency from the Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program in 2016–2017, a Pollock-Krasner Foundation award in 2016, and a Macdowell Colony Fellowship in 2013.
Florencia Escudero (b. 1987, Singapore) is a multimedia artist recognized for her soft sculptures that use fabric printed with digitally rendered images. Her work aims to flip the narrative of the objectification of the female body. Escudero received her MFA from the Yale University School of Art and her BFA from the School of Visual Arts. Her works have been shown at the Instituto Cervantes, New York and the Pratt Institute, New York.
Hadi Fallahpisheh (b. 1987, Tehran) is a multimedia artist that specializes in photography, performance and installation. Often commenting on conditions of displacement, his work questions the ability of representation to convey truths, revealing the gaps between public perception and personal experience. Fallahpisheh received the Artadia Award in 2019, and his work was included in 2020 in the group exhibition In Practice: Total Disbelief at the Sculpture Center.
Anna Glantz (b. 1989, Concord, MA) creates paintings that consider the poetic connections between personal, invented, and historical imagery set within psychological landscapes. She received a BA in Art and Linguistics from the University of California, Los Angeles and an MFA in Visual Art from Columbia University. In 2020 she will have her first UK solo exhibition at The Approach in London.
Ivy Haldeman (b. 1985, Aurora, CO; lives and works in New York) is recognized for her nuanced, and disarmingly languorous, renderings of anthropomorphized sausages swathed in pillowy buns, pantomime hand gestures, slapstick unions of heels and banana peels, and women’s suits depleted of bodies – illuminating relations between consumerism and desire while both allegorizing and eroticizing slippages among the unequal distributions of finance and femininity. Her work has been the subject of recent solo exhibitions at Downs & Ross, New York, and Capsule, Shanghai. The artist received her BFA from the Cooper Union in 2008.
Christina Quarles (b. 1985, Chicago, IL) paints abstracted figures that are subject to identity politics. Her gestural, distorted human forms explore the ways in which race, gender, and sexuality intersect to form complex identities. She will have a solo exhibition at Museum ofContemporary Art, Chicago in 2021, and her work was included in the group exhibitions Made in LA at the Hammer Museum; Fictions at the Studio Museum in Harlem; and Trigger: Gender as a Tool and a Weapon at the New Museum.
Emily Mae Smith (b. 1979, Austin, TX) is an artist whose subject matter plows the Surrealist genre with Feminist psychology. She layers her paintings with popular and underrepresented Art Historical references, often marrying them with pop culture motifs. Smith has had solo exhibitions at Le Consortium, Dijon and the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut.
Greg Parma Smith (b. 1983, Cambridge, MA) creates visionary paintings that combine mystical symbology with a personal and experimental painterly language that draws upon and synthesizes languages from the Renaissance, medieval illustration, as well as modernisms from Miro to Jasper Johns. Martha Schwendener explained: “His ultimate tactic seems to be to show how painting can accommodate multiple ideas and worldviews, rather than what art’s gatekeepers allow at a given moment.” Smith’s work was presented in a solo exhibition at Musée d’art moderne et contemporain, Genève in 2017 and was included in a two-person exhibition at the Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis in 2010.
Link: “A Love Letter to a Nightmare” at Petzel
from Contemporary Art Daily https://bit.ly/2DvEbpj
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Lumia: Thomas Wilfred and the Art of Light is the first exhibition on this groundbreaking artist and his spellbinding light compositions in more than forty years. As early as 1919, well before the advent of consumer television and video technology, Wilfred began experimenting with light as his primary artistic medium, developing the means to control and project colorful, luminous forms that have been compared to the aurora borealis—and which he referred to collectively as lumia. The exhibition features nearly half of the extant light works by Wilfred representing each phase of his career, from early at-home instruments made for individual viewers to his most ambitious public installation, Lumia Suite, Opus 158, commissioned by the Museum of Modern Art, New York, in 1963 and recently restored in a joint conservation project by the Gallery and MoMA. Also included in the exhibition are sketches and diagrams from the artist’s archive, now in Yale University Library’s Manuscripts and Archives collection. Recognized as an innovator by artists of his time such as Jackson Pollock, László Moholy-Nagy, and Katherine Dreier, Wilfred has since disappeared from the story of American modernism. Lumia restores this avant-garde artist to his rightful place at the forefront of kinetic and light art.
Thomas Wilfred uses metal, glass, electrical and lighting elements, and a frosted-glass screen in a hinged wood cabinet, indefinite playing time in this mesmerising exhibition. I believe viewing it in real life would be completely different rather than in youtube videos as its difficult to determine the size of each installation, which I think would create an different impact in the audience as if its a large installation it would feel different rather than the small one on the screen.
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andreanlub · 5 years
Das Loucuras (transparente como a telha da varanda) Vendo no espelho o cocuruto reluzente, Iluminado pelo sol que vem agora, Através da telha larga e transparente Vejo que ausente é a telha em minha cachola.  Sinto-me uma hiena sorridente, Num mundo louco que só quer que você adoeça... Não salgue o meu ser – antes que me lembre; Não adoce meu café – antes que me esqueça. Pela absolvição dos meus pecados Sairei em busca do que desconheço por agora. Deixarei sinal de fumaça e bilhete como recados; Levarei sal de frutas, kiwi e torta de amora. Queria algo mais ilustrado na minha alma, Tipo um misto de Kandinsky e Jackson Pollock. Por enquanto sou um desbotado preto e branco, Como a fumaça do cigarro numa aurora. Sou livro aberto nesse poço cheio d’água Onde o mundo afogou-se em suas guerras. Tentei salvá-lo, mas lembrei de não ter guelras... Chorei mil rios dentro de uma mesma mágoa. (16/1/20) #AndréAnlub #Anlub® #Poeteideser #poemas #PoetaHeiDeSer #AbsolvidoPelaLoucuraAbsorvidoPelaArte #editorabecalete #DasLoucuras #academiadeartescienciaseletrasdeiguaba #AcademiaInternacionalDaUniaoCultural https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Z7LjYnZOT/?igshid=vp84b1yfh57w
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duusheen · 2 years
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the whole family came to meet Leif. the grandparents were very excited and everything was going well until Adina started yelling at Journey and the party had to end soon. Seb wasn't too happy with the way she was treating his son 😕
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Todd Cohen, Frank Castagna, Angela Susan Anton, Harvey Manes and Dr. Charles Riley (Photos by Tab Hauser)
On paper, it may seem that science and art are polar opposites, but when they are brought together in a visual form, the two subjects make perfect sense. That is the case for the new exhibition at the Nassau County Museum of Art titled “Energy: The Power of Art,” on display through Nov. 3.
In a groundbreaking effort for a fine arts museum, top-tier science and major art by Jackson Pollock, Alexander Calder, Jasper Johns, James Rosenquist, Julie Mehretu, Frank Stella, Joseph Cornell and Man Ray will be fused into one dynamic and interactive exhibition. Working with the Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Tesla Museum, this innovative project juxtaposes masterworks in many media with images produced by the most advanced scientific instruments, and even an active “cloud chamber,” to explore the supposedly “invisible” world of energy.
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Museum board members and artists at the reception.
Dancing on the Beach, 2019, oil on canvas, by Doug Argue
Cathy and Gary Krellenstein of Port Washington pose in front of Doug Argue’s work, Dancing on the Beach, 2019, oil on canvas, which was especially created for the exhibition.
Members of the Museum Ball committee from left: Gayle Finkelman-Cohen, Joan Hope MacNaughton and Dee Dee Brix
“My art is energy made visible,” Pollock famously declared. Miya Ando, whose unforgettable aurora borealis installation embodies the energy of the heavens, is one of several works commissioned for this show.
Other highlights include monumental paintings by Richard Pousette-Dart, Julie Mehretu, James Rosenquist and Doug Argue, Stella’s most recent sculpture, a rare portfolio by Man Rayand watercolors created directly for NASA by Barbara Prey. The laboratory of Nikola Tesla is re-created, using some of his historic instruments and spectacular images from a “beamline” at Brookhaven capture the beauty of physics. The science of art meets the art of science in one power-packed show.
The Nassau County Museum of Art is located at One Museum Dr., Roslyn Harbor. For more information, visit www.nassaumuseum.org.
Nassau County Museum of Art debuted its new exhibition which unites art and science with energy. On paper, it may seem that science and art are polar opposites, but when they are brought together in a visual form, the two subjects make perfect sense.
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mermanthommy · 2 years
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🧜🏻‍♂️What do you prefer,… scale print or scale print with markings???🦵🏻 - I love the markings myself,… but I can’t wait to see which one wins in the comments!!! - @mermanthommy Aurora Waves Leggings by: @mertailor & @mertailormen 10% off with code THOMMY10 Photo by: @digitalfluke Shot on: @canonusa Edited with: @affinitybyserif - #mertailor #themertailor #ad #mertailor #merman #mermen #mermanhair #mermanlife #professionalmerman #mermaid #mermaids #mermaidhair #mermaidtail #mermaidlife #professionalmermaid #bigfish #aquamancosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #gaycosplayer #gaycosplay #pollockpines #jenkinsonlake #waterfallsofinstagram #malemodeling #waterfallsfordays #waterfallwednesday #aquamanmovie #splishsplash #imnotcold (at Jenkinson Lake Trail, Pollock Pines) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdlfKtTJ7wK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chocolateheal · 6 years
The Seven Steps Needed For Putting Why Is Jackson Pollock Important To The Abstract Expressionist Movement Into Action | why is jackson pollock important to the abstract expressionist movement
Abstract expressionist painter, Jill Krutick, is appreciative to present her aboriginal abandoned architecture exhibition at the Coral Springs Architecture of Art. Bruce Helander, apple acclaimed art analyzer and above Provost of Rhode Island School of Design, curated the exhibition. The actualization will booty abode in the ample 5,000 aboveboard bottom capital arcade of the architecture and affection added than 35 ample calibration works. Ms. Krutick is a ascent brilliant in the art apple and was aforetime in the apple of accounts and media.
The artist’s appropriate actualization is based on the attempt of abstruse expressionism, a movement that is advised one of the best important abnormally American inventions in abreast art. This access is apparent best conspicuously in the aboriginal works of Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning as associates of the New York School, which developed in Manhattan in the 1930s. Krutick additionally was aggressive by beforehand changeable artists such as Helen Frankenthaler and Lee Krasner, and has been exploring the artistic aspects of accumulation handsome blush and textural apparatus into her paintings, such as bouncing and adroit ambulant forms that action the eyewitness a cast of beheld balladry that is distinctive, but additionally idiosyncratically apparent as Krutick’s signature. Curated by acclaimed artisan and analyzer Bruce Helander, the exhibition will affection added than thirty all-embracing canvases that bless the bewitched configurations of abreast abstraction, absolute by areas of blush and generally acute textural surfaces and the actualization of depth.
An important work, blue-blooded Moonstone (image attached), is appropriate of the artist’s oeuvre, area a artistic mix of spinning and twirling abstruse shapes assume to actor elements begin in nature, whether baptize or sky. In these called works, Krutick demonstrates a auspicious and adept painterly actualization that invites an admirers to booty a abrupt adventure into a custom-built belvedere brimming abounding of movement accomplished from hand-fashioned disparate shapes and alive structures. In added paintings that beset blush acreage arrange after complete borders, she takes a cue from aboriginal “action painters” by architecture up assorted cellophane layers of active hues, alms an apparition of amplitude and animating her compositions that generally are presented as diptychs or triptychs, while in some cases paintings are placed calm angular or angular alike admitting they are two or three absent panels.
In designing the exhibition, the artisan and babysitter accept cloistral assertive patterns and identifiable formats into absent galleries, including her aboriginal Ice Cube alternation that utilizes absent squares in a array of “frozen” stages in cellophane shades of icy blue, or her atomic expressionist blush abstracts such as Aurora Borealis, area a basic galaxy of active drops and drips interacts with the accepted amplification of endless tints and shades that calmly fit into three ample vertical panels. The actualization offers a attenuate absolute 360-degree angle of works created to be absent but equal, as the eyewitness engages in a across-the-board appearance with the aforementioned “technique” and adeptness and beheld accepted denominator.
Krutick afresh had exhibitions at the celebrated National Arts Club in Manhattan and at the Center for Artistic Education in West Palm Beach. Her assignment is represented in clandestine and accessible collections as able-bodied as accumulated commissions and architecture collections.
Jill Krutick abounding The Art Students League of New York from 2011-2015 and has served on the boards of The Art Students League, The Recording Academy (NY Chapter), Hoff-Barthelson Music School, The Wharton Arts Network and National Amusements.
The exhibition continues through May 18, 2019. For added advice amuse contact: Jill Krutick, 914.522.0420, https://ift.tt/2TdipNH
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gtarealestatepros · 6 years
GTA Listings Sept 25 2018
GTA Listings for Sept 25th 2018
Listings for across the GTA as of Sept 25 2018.
Street and TownMLS CodeLink 56 Cedar Springs Dr, Richmond HillN425536456 Cedar Springs Dr, Richmond Hill 150 E Manor Rd, TorontoC4256861150 E Manor Rd, Toronto 34 Bush Ridges Ave, Richmond HillN425489234 Bush Ridges Ave, Richmond Hill 660 Carlton Rd, MarkhamN4256121660 Carlton Rd, Markham 197 Siderno Cres, VaughanN4255357197 Siderno Cres, Vaughan 9 Lloyd Sanderson Dr, BramptonW42556709 Lloyd Sanderson Dr, Brampton 82 Hanna Rd, TorontoC425479482 Hanna Rd, Toronto 26 Townley Ave, MarkhamN425519226 Townley Ave, Markham 1052 Westmount Ave, MississaugaW42549511052 Westmount Ave, Mississauga 255 Ossington Ave, TorontoC4256200255 Ossington Ave, Toronto 108 Glenn Hawthorne Blvd, MississaugaW4255473108 Glenn Hawthorne Blvd, Mississauga 6911A Hickling Cres, MississaugaW42551886911A Hickling Cres, Mississauga 8 Greystone Rd, MarkhamN42557308 Greystone Rd, Markham 6 Tredvalley Grve, TorontoE42558206 Tredvalley Grve, Toronto 2056 Hixon St, OakvilleW42571602056 Hixon St, Oakville 130 Colvin Cres, VaughanN4256609130 Colvin Cres, Vaughan 42 Scrivener Dr, AuroraN425584542 Scrivener Dr, Aurora 492 Lansdowne Ave, TorontoC4254702492 Lansdowne Ave, Toronto 935 Red Pine Cres, MississaugaW4256611935 Red Pine Cres, Mississauga 147 Ellerslie Ave, TorontoC4256198147 Ellerslie Ave, Toronto 145 Ellerslie Ave, TorontoC4256196145 Ellerslie Ave, Toronto 1243 Wood Pl, OakvilleW42551361243 Wood Pl, Oakville 87 Roberta Dr, TorontoC425512987 Roberta Dr, Toronto 53 N Kenneth Wood Cres, TorontoC425613253 N Kenneth Wood Cres, Toronto 3132 Seabright Dr, MississaugaW42552653132 Seabright Dr, Mississauga 15 Cape George Tr, KingN425556815 Cape George Tr, King 27 Canterbury Crt, Richmond HillN425590927 Canterbury Crt, Richmond Hill 519 Lauder Ave, TorontoC4257031519 Lauder Ave, Toronto 55 Andrews Dr Bradford, West GwillimburyN425738855 Andrews Dr Bradford, West Gwillimbury 252 Park Home Ave, TorontoC4257211252 Park Home Ave, Toronto 134 Glenforest Dr, VaughanN4257561134 Glenforest Dr, Vaughan 30 Hadley Crt, AuroraN425598630 Hadley Crt, Aurora 28 Houseman Cres, Richmond HillN425756228 Houseman Cres, Richmond Hill 31 Roth St, AuroraN425485431 Roth St, Aurora 9 Birchbark Crt, Richmond HillN42563479 Birchbark Crt, Richmond Hill 14 Oak Ridge Dr, Halton HillsW425695614 Oak Ridge Dr, Halton Hills 9 Junetown Circ, BramptonW42561399 Junetown Circ, Brampton 2167 Vandorf Sdrd, Whitchurch StouffvilleN42569072167 Vandorf Sdrd, Whitchurch Stouffville 89 Burnhamthorpe Rd, TorontoW425764289 Burnhamthorpe Rd, Toronto 255 Pleasant Ave, TorontoC4255637255 Pleasant Ave, Toronto 16 Antrim Crt, CaledonW424776116 Antrim Crt, Caledon 8 Riding Mountain Dr, Richmond HillN42563738 Riding Mountain Dr, Richmond Hill 16 Oak Ridge Dr, Halton HillsW425573616 Oak Ridge Dr, Halton Hills 50 Glen Long Ave, TorontoW425488950 Glen Long Ave, Toronto 41 Forest Edge Cres, East GwillimburyN425740241 Forest Edge Cres, East Gwillimbury 19 Braid Bend, Whitchurch StouffvilleN425719019 Braid Bend, Whitchurch Stouffville 12 Carrville Woods Circ, VaughanN425586312 Carrville Woods Circ, Vaughan 1450 Samuelson Circ, MississaugaW42555791450 Samuelson Circ, Mississauga 11 Ashcreek Dr, BramptonW425574711 Ashcreek Dr, Brampton 33 Concorde Dr, BramptonW425492633 Concorde Dr, Brampton 198 Elson St, MarkhamN4256151198 Elson St, Markham 110 Belladonna Circ, BramptonW4257434110 Belladonna Circ, Brampton 11 Clark St, TorontoE425677211 Clark St, Toronto 1029 Ivsbridge Blvd, NewmarketN42568121029 Ivsbridge Blvd, Newmarket 13 N Bering Rd, BramptonW425528513 N Bering Rd, Brampton 473 Becker Rd, Richmond HillN4257074473 Becker Rd, Richmond Hill 238 Garden Ave, TorontoW4256961238 Garden Ave, Toronto 52 Wild Cherry Lane, MarkhamN425541852 Wild Cherry Lane, Markham 151 Ernest Ave, TorontoC4257589151 Ernest Ave, Toronto 88 South Belair Dr, VaughanN425721488 South Belair Dr, Vaughan 45 Central St, TorontoW425567745 Central St, Toronto 151 William St, TorontoW4257007151 William St, Toronto 969 S Clarkson Rd, MississaugaW4257502969 S Clarkson Rd, Mississauga 2724 Galleon Cres, MississaugaW42572692724 Galleon Cres, Mississauga 324 Pleasant Ave, TorontoC4255343324 Pleasant Ave, Toronto 1163 Lovingston Cres, MississaugaW42559581163 Lovingston Cres, Mississauga 9 Lorne Glen St, MarkhamN42575709 Lorne Glen St, Markham 21 Kirkhaven Way, BramptonW425732221 Kirkhaven Way, Brampton 563 Alfred Hughes Ave, OakvilleW4255964563 Alfred Hughes Ave, Oakville 233 La Rocca Ave, VaughanN4255731233 La Rocca Ave, Vaughan 640 Vaughan Mills Rd, VaughanN4255528640 Vaughan Mills Rd, Vaughan 44 Township Ave, Richmond HillN425596844 Township Ave, Richmond Hill 39 Lealinds Rd, VaughanN425492439 Lealinds Rd, Vaughan 95 Beckett Ave, East GwillimburyN425690295 Beckett Ave, East Gwillimbury 40 Kalmia Rd, BramptonW425722240 Kalmia Rd, Brampton 181 Scarboro Cres, TorontoE4257260181 Scarboro Cres, Toronto 142 Planter Cres, VaughanN4257142142 Planter Cres, Vaughan 86 Wright St, Richmond HillN425743386 Wright St, Richmond Hill 1023 Syndenham Lane, MiltonW42573961023 Syndenham Lane, Milton 9 Rondeen Rd, VaughanN42549909 Rondeen Rd, Vaughan 24 Shadetree Cres, TorontoW425644924 Shadetree Cres, Toronto 22 Biltmore Crt, MarkhamN425586622 Biltmore Crt, Markham 34 Bonnieview Crt, BramptonW425526834 Bonnieview Crt, Brampton 116 Elderslie Cres, VaughanN4257037116 Elderslie Cres, Vaughan 14 Golden Trail Tr, VaughanN425587214 Golden Trail Tr, Vaughan 201 Allegro Dr, BramptonW4255648201 Allegro Dr, Brampton 3085 Gardenia Gate, OakvilleW42565383085 Gardenia Gate, Oakville 50 Aidan Dr, VaughanN425712050 Aidan Dr, Vaughan 3664 Pollock Rd, GeorginaN42562403664 Pollock Rd, Georgina 1989 Vivian Rd, Whitchurch StouffvilleN42554761989 Vivian Rd, Whitchurch Stouffville 1575 W Eglinton Ave, MississaugaW42561501575 W Eglinton Ave, Mississauga Blk6 3 Arianna Cres, VaughanN4255247Blk6 3 Arianna Cres, Vaughan 34 Hunwicks Cres, AjaxE425698634 Hunwicks Cres, Ajax 4942 Aurora Rd, Whitchurch StouffvilleN42568204942 Aurora Rd, Whitchurch Stouffville 175 Kaitting Tr, OakvilleW4254727175 Kaitting Tr, Oakville 2 Bellefond St, VaughanN42549342 Bellefond St, Vaughan 51 Forest Edge Cres, East GwillimburyN425738151 Forest Edge Cres, East Gwillimbury 17006 Mccowan Rd, Whitchurch StouffvilleN425528317006 Mccowan Rd, Whitchurch Stouffville 217 Johnston Ave, TorontoC4257255217 Johnston Ave, Toronto 123 Cartmel Dr, MarkhamN4254853123 Cartmel Dr, Markham 7 Vaudeville Dr, TorontoW42559497 Vaudeville Dr, Toronto 2336 Millstone Dr, OakvilleW42554842336 Millstone Dr, Oakville 2408 Conquest Dr, MississaugaW42550292408 Conquest Dr, Mississauga 16 Ravencliff Cres, TorontoE425667816 Ravencliff Cres, Toronto 298 Fredericksburg Crt, MississaugaW4255060298 Fredericksburg Crt, Mississauga 129 Collie Cres, Whitchurch StouffvilleN4254857129 Collie Cres, Whitchurch Stouffville 174 Leitchcroft Cres, MarkhamN4254708174 Leitchcroft Cres, Markham 58 Joseph Aaron Blvd, VaughanN425693758 Joseph Aaron Blvd, Vaughan 150 S Prince Edward Dr, TorontoW4255524150 S Prince Edward Dr, Toronto 36 Robert Baldwin Blvd, East GwillimburyN425670136 Robert Baldwin Blvd, East Gwillimbury 403 La Rocca Ave, VaughanN4255891403 La Rocca Ave, Vaughan 1231 Tupper Dr, MiltonW42563971231 Tupper Dr, Milton 93 Wintermute Blvd, TorontoE425550493 Wintermute Blvd, Toronto 118 Johnson Ave, WhitbyE4255035118 Johnson Ave, Whitby 2 Watts Meadow, AuroraN42576392 Watts Meadow, Aurora 2162 Pinevalley Cres, OakvilleW42576122162 Pinevalley Cres, Oakville 112 Dunlop St, Richmond HillN4256822112 Dunlop St, Richmond Hill 6 Featherstone Ave, MarkhamN42562266 Featherstone Ave, Markham 5 Benton Dr, MarkhamN42555925 Benton Dr, Markham 3523 Trelawny Circ, MississaugaW42558373523 Trelawny Circ, Mississauga 119 N Regina St, WaterlooX4255625119 N Regina St, Waterloo 2563 Misener Cres, MississaugaW42553312563 Misener Cres, Mississauga 180 River Glen Blvd, OakvilleW4255766180 River Glen Blvd, Oakville 201 Christie St, TorontoC4255704201 Christie St, Toronto 51 Nature Way Cres, NewmarketN425703551 Nature Way Cres, Newmarket 175 Mary St, NewmarketN4255752175 Mary St, Newmarket 1078 Stephenson Dr, BurlingtonW42568791078 Stephenson Dr, Burlington 19715 Bathurst St, East GwillimburyN425691819715 Bathurst St, East Gwillimbury 50 Crescent Rd, TorontoC425525750 Crescent Rd, Toronto 17 Cachet Pkwy, MarkhamN425628617 Cachet Pkwy, Markham 5150 Lakeshore Rd, BurlingtonW42570825150 Lakeshore Rd, Burlington 2330 King Vaughan Rd, VaughanN42557832330 King Vaughan Rd, Vaughan 14 Oakcrest Ave, MarkhamN425575914 Oakcrest Ave, Markham 96 Arjay Cres, TorontoC425581696 Arjay Cres, Toronto 1372 Devon Rd, OakvilleW42553781372 Devon Rd, Oakville 60 Balsam Ave, TorontoE425524860 Balsam Ave, Toronto 31 Timberlane Dr, TorontoC425638731 Timberlane Dr, Toronto 48 Fonthill Blvd, MarkhamN425622148 Fonthill Blvd, Markham 55 Pomander Rd, MarkhamN425608055 Pomander Rd, Markham 58 North Dr, TorontoW425689058 North Dr, Toronto 104 Westwood Lane, Richmond HillN4255134104 Westwood Lane, Richmond Hill 11 Royal Troon Cres, MarkhamN425623511 Royal Troon Cres, Markham 275 E Glen Manor Dr, TorontoE4257648275 E Glen Manor Dr, Toronto 91 Ridley Blvd, TorontoC425697091 Ridley Blvd, Toronto 19 St Andrews Gdns, TorontoC425680119 St Andrews Gdns, Toronto 124 Old Orchard Grve, TorontoC4254882124 Old Orchard Grve, Toronto 305 Crawford St, TorontoC4257195305 Crawford St, Toronto 391 Cortleigh Blvd, TorontoC4255230391 Cortleigh Blvd, Toronto 7765 16th Sdrd, KingN42565177765 16th Sdrd, King 214 Dunforest Ave, TorontoC4256419214 Dunforest Ave, Toronto 122 Lytton Blvd, TorontoC4257047122 Lytton Blvd, Toronto 61 Bowan Crt, TorontoC425715861 Bowan Crt, Toronto 242 Chaplin Cres, TorontoC4256629242 Chaplin Cres, Toronto 108 Braeside Rd, TorontoC4256596108 Braeside Rd, Toronto 43 Mason Blvd, TorontoC425546243 Mason Blvd, Toronto 18 Mcarthur St, TorontoW425545118 Mcarthur St, Toronto 2081 Wakely St, OakvilleW42557372081 Wakely St, Oakville 39 Garden Ave, Richmond HillN425540139 Garden Ave, Richmond Hill 56 S Maple Ave, MississaugaW425750856 S Maple Ave, Mississauga 10 Tollerton Ave, TorontoC425655310 Tollerton Ave, Toronto 60A Oriole Rd, TorontoC425663460A Oriole Rd, Toronto 19851 Island Rd, ScugogE425508419851 Island Rd, Scugog 212 Reiner Rd, TorontoC4256981212 Reiner Rd, Toronto 19 Sanibel Cres, VaughanN425615719 Sanibel Cres, Vaughan 183 Melrose Ave, TorontoC4255005183 Melrose Ave, Toronto 32 Fallingbrook Cres, TorontoE425739832 Fallingbrook Cres, Toronto 203 Bowood Ave, TorontoC4255293203 Bowood Ave, Toronto 16 Vomano St, Richmond HillN425635816 Vomano St, Richmond Hill 13 Buggey Lane, AjaxE425519713 Buggey Lane, Ajax 110 Horsham Ave, TorontoC4254722110 Horsham Ave, Toronto 8 Strath Ave, TorontoW42572978 Strath Ave, Toronto 503 Merton St, TorontoC4257313503 Merton St, Toronto 317 Holmes Ave, TorontoC4255190317 Holmes Ave, Toronto 40 Glen Agar Dr, TorontoW425675840 Glen Agar Dr, Toronto 103 Esgore Dr, TorontoC4256791103 Esgore Dr, Toronto 105 Mcallister Rd, TorontoC4256402105 Mcallister Rd, Toronto 51 Woodland Park Rd, TorontoE425724651 Woodland Park Rd, Toronto 50 Ria Crt, KingN425588850 Ria Crt, King 54 Chiltern Hill Cres, Richmond HillN425632754 Chiltern Hill Cres, Richmond Hill 157 Florence Ave, TorontoC4255642157 Florence Ave, Toronto 6 Cedarcrest Dr, TorontoW42575966 Cedarcrest Dr, Toronto 58 Bond Cres, Richmond HillN425756458 Bond Cres, Richmond Hill 414 Samford Pl, OakvilleW4256130414 Samford Pl, Oakville 157 Roe Ave, TorontoC4256379157 Roe Ave, Toronto 4370 Wellsborough Pl, MississaugaW42567284370 Wellsborough Pl, Mississauga 172 High Park Ave, TorontoW4256415172 High Park Ave, Toronto 19 Old Oak Dr, TorontoW425760419 Old Oak Dr, Toronto 21 Old Oak Dr, TorontoW425760521 Old Oak Dr, Toronto 2 Huntingwood Crt, VaughanN42562072 Huntingwood Crt, Vaughan 58 Forest Park Cres, MarkhamN425612658 Forest Park Cres, Markham 765 Glengrove Ave, TorontoW4257021765 Glengrove Ave, Toronto 3339 Meadow Marsh Cres, OakvilleW42568433339 Meadow Marsh Cres, Oakville 296 Patricia Dr, KingN4256683296 Patricia Dr, King 5292 Walkers Line, BurlingtonW42556915292 Walkers Line, Burlington 197 Garden Ave, Richmond HillN4256514197 Garden Ave, Richmond Hill 15 Old Oak Dr, TorontoW425760115 Old Oak Dr, Toronto 17 Old Oak Dr, TorontoW425760317 Old Oak Dr, Toronto 12266 Kennedy Rd, CaledonW425483612266 Kennedy Rd, Caledon 250 Heath St, TorontoC4257573250 Heath St, Toronto 181 Pearson Ave, TorontoW4257526181 Pearson Ave, Toronto 82 Rowland Crt, MarkhamN425756082 Rowland Crt, Markham 42 Lunau Lane, MarkhamN425508642 Lunau Lane, Markham 24 Ainley Tr, Halton HillsW425515224 Ainley Tr, Halton Hills 2447 Bon Echo Dr, OakvilleW42550992447 Bon Echo Dr, Oakville 6B Farrell Ave, TorontoC42564296B Farrell Ave, Toronto 688 Village Pkwy, MarkhamN4257267688 Village Pkwy, Markham 25 Moray Ave, Richmond HillN425717125 Moray Ave, Richmond Hill Lot 6 Newst Off Jane Osler, RdW4255871Lot 6 Newst Off Jane Osler, Rd 1358 Tansley Dr, OakvilleW42555781358 Tansley Dr, Oakville 77 Agincourt Dr, TorontoE425727277 Agincourt Dr, Toronto 22 Sweet Anna Crt, VaughanN425582222 Sweet Anna Crt, Vaughan 170 Elmpine Tr, KingN4254689170 Elmpine Tr, King 1103 Crofton Way, BurlingtonW42554381103 Crofton Way, Burlington 557 Aintree Dr, Whitchurch StouffvilleN4255892557 Aintree Dr, Whitchurch Stouffville 3420 Cedar Springs Rd, BurlingtonW42551123420 Cedar Springs Rd, Burlington 161 Morrison Rd, OakvilleW4257036161 Morrison Rd, Oakville 71 Sylvan Brook Ave, VaughanN425724971 Sylvan Brook Ave, Vaughan 79 Chaiwood Crt, VaughanN425575479 Chaiwood Crt, Vaughan 146 Lisgar St, TorontoC4257484146 Lisgar St, Toronto 456 W Kingston Rd, AjaxE4256900456 W Kingston Rd, Ajax 10852 Victoria Square Blvd, MarkhamN425571410852 Victoria Square Blvd, Markham 138 Castle Cres, OakvilleW4256401138 Castle Cres, Oakville 22 Mockingbird Dr, Richmond HillN425608822 Mockingbird Dr, Richmond Hill 65 Glenvale Blvd, TorontoC425705365 Glenvale Blvd, Toronto Lot 8 Worthington Ave, Richmond HillN4255569Lot 8 Worthington Ave, Richmond Hill 38 Kentbridge Way, VaughanN425658138 Kentbridge Way, Vaughan 93 Queen Filomena Ave, VaughanN425638493 Queen Filomena Ave, Vaughan 208 Mortimer Ave, TorontoE4256030208 Mortimer Ave, Toronto 369 Powell Rd, WhitbyE4256990369 Powell Rd, Whitby 140 Holmes Ave, TorontoC4255794140 Holmes Ave, Toronto 779 Willowdale Ave, TorontoC4254844779 Willowdale Ave, Toronto 87 Lagani Ave, Richmond HillN425697987 Lagani Ave, Richmond Hill 31 Marinucci Crt, Richmond HillN425549031 Marinucci Crt, Richmond Hill 87 Woodgate Pines Dr, VaughanN425575787 Woodgate Pines Dr, Vaughan 13 Mezzo St, BramptonW425607213 Mezzo St, Brampton 420 Gladstone Ave, TorontoC4256510420 Gladstone Ave, Toronto 25 Conistan Rd, MarkhamN425764925 Conistan Rd, Markham 86 Tyler St, AuroraN425582486 Tyler St, Aurora 99 Alpine Cres, Richmond HillN425688699 Alpine Cres, Richmond Hill 12 Kilpatrick Pl, TorontoE425640512 Kilpatrick Pl, Toronto 122 White Spruce Cres, VaughanN4256355122 White Spruce Cres, Vaughan 21 Oldham Rd, TorontoW425698521 Oldham Rd, Toronto 37 Mann Ave, TorontoC425750337 Mann Ave, Toronto 136 Armour Blvd, TorontoC4256498136 Armour Blvd, Toronto 259 Pleasant Ave, TorontoC4254963259 Pleasant Ave, Toronto 23 Alex Black St, VaughanN425644723 Alex Black St, Vaughan 3112 Parsonage Cres, OakvilleW42554643112 Parsonage Cres, Oakville 20 Bowerbank Dr, TorontoC425621120 Bowerbank Dr, Toronto 36 Geoffrey St, TorontoW425670436 Geoffrey St, Toronto 102 Baber Cres, AuroraN4256541102 Baber Cres, Aurora 2390 Thruxton Dr, OakvilleW42568752390 Thruxton Dr, Oakville 127 Ward Ave, East GwillimburyN4254875127 Ward Ave, East Gwillimbury 241 Seaton St, TorontoC4257616241 Seaton St, Toronto 83 Golden Orchard Rd, VaughanN425739083 Golden Orchard Rd, Vaughan 691 Merlot Crt, MississaugaW4257111691 Merlot Crt, Mississauga 3919 Glamis Crt, MississaugaW42547133919 Glamis Crt, Mississauga 66 Hyde Park Dr, Richmond HillN425675966 Hyde Park Dr, Richmond Hill 30 Riverview Gdns, TorontoW425749530 Riverview Gdns, Toronto 14759 Dixie Rd, CaledonW425569414759 Dixie Rd, Caledon 136 Ellis Ave, KingN4255717136 Ellis Ave, King 4 Ashley Rd, TorontoW42568804 Ashley Rd, Toronto 11 Heritage Estates Rd, VaughanN425562911 Heritage Estates Rd, Vaughan 38 West Ave, TorontoE425737238 West Ave, Toronto 21 Hewlett Cres, MarkhamN425626221 Hewlett Cres, Markham 725 Millwood Rd, TorontoC4255061725 Millwood Rd, Toronto 74 Hesperus Rd, VaughanN425729374 Hesperus Rd, Vaughan 41 Rosegarden Cres, Richmond HillN425485941 Rosegarden Cres, Richmond Hill 16775 Humber Station Rd, CaledonW425537216775 Humber Station Rd, Caledon 50 Forty Second St, MarkhamN425528750 Forty Second St, Markham 67 Thompson Ave, TorontoW425728767 Thompson Ave, Toronto 35 Martin Byrne Dr, BramptonW425563035 Martin Byrne Dr, Brampton 175 Willis Rd, VaughanN4256208175 Willis Rd, Vaughan 234 Ellis Ave, TorontoW4254955234 Ellis Ave, Toronto 58 Brownsville Crt, KingN425508058 Brownsville Crt, King 33 Minto St, TorontoE425475033 Minto St, Toronto 168 Cunningham Dr, VaughanN4257103168 Cunningham Dr, Vaughan 14 Kentbridge Way, VaughanN425644614 Kentbridge Way, Vaughan 16 John Carroll Dr, BramptonW425587916 John Carroll Dr, Brampton 184 Park Home Ave, TorontoC4257094184 Park Home Ave, Toronto 161A Locksley Ave, TorontoW4255672161A Locksley Ave, Toronto 29 Marathon Cres, TorontoC425665929 Marathon Cres, Toronto
GTA Listings Sept 25 2018 first appeared on: GTA Real Estate Pros 154 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON, M5V 2R3 647-362-2000 https://goo.gl/Yj7G5g
source https://www.gtarealestatepros.ca/gta-listings-sept-25-2018/
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