#autistic coded reader
panics-side-blog · 2 years
New Cycle - Chapter 4 - 3AMstoryIdeas - Transformers - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
I totally forgot to upload the link oops, anyway here it is. also question is the new text format good?
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luckyythirteen · 10 days
How do you imagine Wesker loving someone romantically? I often think it's very hard, almost impossible to make him tick. And if he does, afraid it's may be already too late, at that point he probably did some irreparable damages to his relationship with said person...
But I headcanon he would be the kind of man who falls hard for the "unobtainable", despite Wesker himself deemed that unpractical. Shit like "some things are beautiful because they can't be obtained"
I imagine it's hard for Wesker to fall in love as you said. Personally, I headcanon him as someone who falls on the aromantic spectrum like I do. In an interview regarding him, his voice actor states that he thinks Wesker's attraction isn't gender specific or "person specific". He is intrigued by people who can match him physically or mentally, which implies he enjoys someone who is hard to get or at least someone on his own level.
I digress, I don't see him as the man to canonically pursue a relationship due to his line of work and the dangers he puts himself or others in. He wouldn't be able to hold one down realistically, not because he's incapable but the guy has a lot on his plate with his world conquest plan yknow?? I think if anything he'd might indulge a cat and mouse game or he'd do a fling but that's about it.
Now if we're talking hypothetically, saying he can work in a relationship and wants to, I think he'd be an... Alright partner. You'd have to be able to keep up with him and keep his interest, though. I think he's the type of man to express his love through actions rather than words. He may not serenade his love to you, but he's let you hug him and he doesn't stiffen or push you away.
He may not constantly say the phrase, "I love you," but he'll take note of your favorite foods, your interests and provide them for you and indulge. He'll ask how your day is, he'll sit with you and even let you be in his personal space while he works. Most of all he's protective of you, he doesn't want you to get hurt. You're very precious to him and the idea of something happening to you tears him apart inside... He may not be a gentle man at all, but with you he will be. It just may not present itself in the stereotypical ways.
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entrop-y · 8 months
i know it was almost certainly unintentional, but watching season eleven, it really seems like reid just has devastatingly hopeless, unrequited feelings for morgan
the online discussion of ‘queer coding’ in criminal minds often leaves a lot to be desired (and often fundamentally misunderstands what queer coding is) so i am not even arguing that—especially by season eleven—reid is an explicitly/intentionally queer coded character, but the dynamic of their relationship (the specific dialogue, the body language, and how reid handles morgan’s departure) just accidentally, but so clearly, frame it that way
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Percy Jackson is canonically punk and should be potrayed as such:A meta of sorts by an irl punk
Percy within every single book,including sidestories,fills out every requirement for being punk
Nonconformity/most likely transgenderism:He's amab but gender neutral/feminine presenting and it's a running theme and core trait of his he's nothing like traditional men to the point it was a major plot in Titans's Curse of him proving himself to Zoe and is always potrayed as and proven to be correct
Direct action:A lifelong bully beater which escalated into fighting the goverment in the form of an actual pantheon
Anarchism:'Does not like to be restrained' and encourages the same of everyone else no matter what rules there are against it and finds the idea that going against society is bad to be nothing but privileged loser mentality
Anti-capitalism:Hates rich people due to growing up poor and therefore on classism and refuses to accept any kind of power specifically because it's corruptive and he knows it facefirst
Activism:Helps mythos beings that're seen as lesser live better lives such as him telling the gods to pay child support(bonus points for never wanting immortality at all and actively abhoring the idea)and with ordinary things too(willingly lending a hand whenever asked and even when not even if it's not a world saving deal)and participates in Rachel's charity events and protests with her in the mortal world
Sense of community:Looks out for other minorities specifically(including the enemy sided ones as seen with Chris and Ethan and instant forgiveness of Silena!!)but especially the younger ones because they need to the most,to the point he basically adopts them as younger siblings and pseudo-kids,including riding harder than anyone else for a lil darkskin black girl(Hazel)except her actual brother
And finally,listens to punk music:Alluded to frequently and confirmed to listen to The Ramones as he gifted Nico a shirt of them
Percy is also mentally disabled(audhd,dyslexia,ptsd and bpd),poor and was accidentally made afrolatino.The last one isn't simply a headcanon but a concrete canon only with no contradiction reading of texts-Percy is from El Barrio,insulted a group of classmates in Som by calling them 'rich white boys',has 'a mediterranean complexion' which is an umbrella term for brown skin and the shade is never specified and quite literally gets profiled in the mortal world all the time and he says it's always happened to him.It's important to note Sally was played by a black woman in the musical and that Percy is much more aware and therefore respectful of racial and gender dynamics than explicitly white characters,the gender part being relevant due to how gender and blackness' intersection is treated
And Percy's main villain and direct opposite is Luke,who is a VERY hardcore fascist and has illusions of being the martyr of the gods Percy actually is.Luke's life was pretty easy compared to Percy's,to most demigods in fact!,but he was a much worse person and this is absolutely a reflection of the victim complex openly violent bigots have.He's constantly telling Percy he dosen't understand how bad the gods are but the thing is,Percy instantly knew they were bad.He'd been dealing with gods,male authority figures,since he was a lil boy so he never liked them even in TLT because he sensed their bad intentions they hid behind masks he could never wear unlike them which they punished him for.As the story progressed,Percy fought against Luke's supremacy with zero hesitation as he couldn't not take him down in his heart and did other good things for everyone who deserved it along the way and even made detours to accomplish it sometimes and Luke didn't do any damage to the gods or fix the system or even nurture the Titan's Army members despite his supposed want to give them a better world and that's how propaganda works irl.Percy gets called 'stupid' for not articulating himself perfectly or elegantly most of the time but he's not at all,he's just audhd and bpd and he walks the walk every time and Luke is the reverse of him,his speeches and promises being grooming,gaslighting and propaganda.Quite literally,Luke grew up in a fantasy land(Camp Half-Blood)and Percy grew up in the real world(ours)
The 'should be potrayed as such' bit refers to how often Percy is ooc'd into a punk stereotype made by normies instead of legit punk rep.Percy is punk as a survival tactic,out of a wish for a better world for everybody and just natural traits he has due to his life experiences.He's not 'trying to look cool',he's an asshole because he's traumatized as fuck and never learned how to mask and is a cocky asf yet self-loathing combo in the same way many black men are,not like a white fuckboy who think he a bad bitch 'cause he's a misogynist 'ironically' and has a janky ahh mohawk.He's also uncaring of 'ruining his image' and has cutesy/kiddy interests in addition to punk ones openly and thinks positively of femininity as proven by his descriptions and interactions with the femme girls of the verse.He said Annabeth has 'princess hair' and it's a physical wince moment when you find out Annabeth is a butch who hates femininity for herself but is fixed by Leah Jeffries' role and makes perfect sense princess-y black girls is his canon type considering 'names have power' and 'Perseus and Andromeda'.Percy being black4black plays into him being afropunk,which is the perfect kind of punk for him considering the rest of this and how punk was started by black people for character accuracy and historical accuracy
In a representation way!Sorry Luke apologists and gods apologists as you self-proclaim but not all history is good history and many,if not most,greek people are rightfully disgusted by their ancestors' treatment of women,transgenderism and pedestary in the same way a lot of japanese people are against perpetuating their country's imperialist background as they correctly believe it's nothing but backwards thinking that hurt and still hurts people and should've never existed as a result and same goes for tons of cultures of color you use as scapegoats without listening to or even caring about the people of color who made them.Just like you do punk culture in fact!Luk.ercy and Goddsshipping automatically makes Percy and you a poser as you can't be punk and support fascism or corrupted systems and yeah,hooking up with people who're doers and in charge of them counts.You are what you eat,to use the best phrase that fits i can think of.'Shipping isn't activism' isn't said by anybody who does what is activism.Y'all don't know what it means is clearly the reason and you refuse to learn what and how to do it 'cause you're too busy writing Dead Dove Do Not Eat of a kids book series to 'fight cencorship' instead of fighting for rights and decolonization(did you even know that word exists?Yeah,didn't think so)
In conclusion:Perseo Isadore Jackson is canonically punk and in the hands of a way better author,would be explicitly afrosolarpunk,audhd,transfem bigender and reach the full potential he deserves,wants and has earned by revolutionizing the greco-roman mythos world and having a black pastel punk girlfriend he's childhood best friends to lovers with and is the same as him yet his opposite because book!Percabeth was a mistake and ooc on every level for every character even besides Percy and Annabeth themselves.Handing him a blue loaded burger and his estrogen i diy'd rn since he finished cleaning his piercings
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
Was Simon cleaning her room to like look for something or is he just the kind of guy who likes to clean? Or is it something else?
(I have a feeling this is going to get the gif as a response)
He was rizzin' with the 'tism
yeah he was just cleaning cause he took one look into her room and went "not in this house".
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mockerycrow · 1 year
Roommate Simon who is always willing to be your impromptu weighted blanket.
at first he hesitates because he’s big n heavy but you assure him that it’s fine. you usually ask him when you need to stay grounded, but sometimes you find yourself completely unable to ask. locked up on the couch in a ball, your hands clenching with your heart beating a million miles per minute and you just can’t seem to catch your breath—
simon gently unravels you from your makeshift ball and lays himself on top of you, not enough to crush you but enough to apply good pressure and already feel yourself calming down, wrapping your arms around him, allowing yourself to focus on his weight on top of your chest
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chris-continues · 1 year
Fluff Alphabet!
With the one and only Nai Saverem! These will be answered with the idea that you’re in a college au (following the plot + ideas I’ve set up for my college au Knives via drabbles + hcs)
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/ o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Nai is a very introverted person. I don’t think he’d really enjoy an extroverted partner- and your relationship started by quietly studying beside one another. (Hence, appealing to one of his love languages, quality time). He could sit in a room while you both do your own thing (aka, body doubling, because Knives is neurodivergent and so is reader)
So- basically anything with you. But preferably at home. Cozied up. He relishes in embracing you.. or possibly you embracing him. He’s very grateful to have you, so he’s not too picky on whatever you’re doing, as long as it’s not in an overstimulating environment.
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
As cheesy as it sounds, your smile. The way you beam was practically (and to his annoyance) engraved into his mind. There’s also your intense yet focused eyes. When you’re studying intently you have certain ways you focus, and when you’re excited your stims are very endearing.
For him? He finds his markings beautiful. He’s very proud of his plant heritage and when you’re eager to know more, he’ll tell you whatever he can. It means a lot to him that you care to ask, many brush it aside or don’t bother. (Which it is the bare minimum, and he acknowledges that, but he is somewhat eager to interest you and inform you. Plant heritage is a special interest of his he enjoys, and a past hyperfixation. Nowadays he’s more focused on composing music.)
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He knows the feeling all too well- and he’s comforted Vash many times as well. Depending on your preference, (which you would’ve discussed beforehand and he would’ve known because he’s prepared like that), it can go two different ways.
1. If you don’t want touch. He’s fine with that, that’s what he tends to lean towards since he’s normally very touch repulsed, especially when upset. He’ll speak to you, sitting in front of you in a firm voice, grounding you. “You’re here. Breathe. It’s ok.” He’s very good at this.
2. If you crave touch, he’ll give it to you. Holding you, cradling your head in the expanse of his chest and lulling you, (and as mentioned above), grounding you with his voice. He’s got a very assertive presence and he makes that clear when comforting you- you’re not alone.
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Knives has thought about the future- academics wise. Romance wasn’t really on his “list of things to think about,” as much as creating a stable life for himself and Vash if needed. He’s a young “adult” forced to grow up far too fast, and while he enjoys you, reveres you, cherishes you- he’s thought of other priorities. But, if he managed to sit down and think about it.. a future with you would be nice. He just doesn’t really know what that would look like yet.
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Knives is a very dominant and imposing person, and he mostly knows what he wants and needs. He'll voice his opinions to you and (most of the time) will be direct with what he wants. He enjoys having a sense of control, so while he will do his best to listen to you, you will have to take the reigns of communication and remind him this is a two way street.
Your input for things (such as where you both should get takeout, where you'll study, etc) is very reasonable, so he won't be disagreeing unless he has good rhyme or reason.
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
When you do argue, like 90% of the time it’s because of him. You’re a good communicator in comparison to him, and while you’re patient with him sometimes things happen. Knives has a love hate relationship with his anger, because it’s what’s kept him alive, but it’s also what drives you away.
He’d plead for your forgiveness by leaving things at your door, such as snacks and food, letters and short texts wishing you well. Not that they sound tender, they’re abnormally stiff, just like the rest of his texts. You’ll have to initiate a meeting in person with him, he waits until you’re ready and he apologizes by silently murmuring, “I miss you” repeatedly into your hair as he holds you.
He’s sorry he’s like this.
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Knives is for the most part, aware. He never wants to take you for granted, even though he does sometimes. After your first fight, he makes an effort to acknowledge what you do for him more often by being more reactive, thanking you more in the small ways he shows his love.
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He has his own past, and he’s had his own struggles, they’re not really secret, but he doesn’t talk about it much. They certainly do define how he sees the world, and how he understands certain things and experiences along with aspects of his life, but they don’t necessarily define him as a person.
He’s always kept more to himself, and while the situations he’s been through certainly made that more extreme, he’s his own person regardless of his experiences. He doesn’t hide it from you, but it will take him awhile to say much about it to you. He doesn’t consider it to be too important towards your relationship- if you open up about any experiences you’ve had he’s most certainly willing to listen though.
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You’ve definitely helped him become more touchy. Not with anyone else really, just you. You’ve also aided him in conveying his feelings, and he’s most certainly not proficient but you praise him for his progress.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Knives would hate to lose you- especially since you’re one of the few good things in his life besides his studies and Vash. He has very few people he prioritizes, but when he does, he loves with his whole heart and it terrifies him. If someone is going to take you away, he’s wary of them. He reminds himself that he can trust you- you reassure him on this every time you speak of your love for him, and if he communicates this or you pick up on it you’ll spoil him with extra affection.
But it takes him awhile to admit it, so how does he handle it? Shoving it into the recesses of his mind in hopes the problem won’t arise again. It’s been his response to such bothersome things for years now.
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
The first kiss? I have yet to write that.. good idea. But it was an awkward mash of lips that led to embarrassment and regret until you spoke of it, reassuring him you’d like to kiss again. Later down the line in your relationship, he enjoys teasing you with a light brush of his lips until you’re beckoning him in for more, because god is he so sweet.
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Beautiful, true genuine words that have been on simmering in his mind for awhile, on the tip of the tongue awaiting until they boil over. Until he can’t take it anymore. You’re so wonderful, so elegant, so sweet, so soft, and he yearns and longs for you- how could you keep teasing him and being on his mind all the time? It’s so aggravating, he needs you.
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Referring to “Dreams” up above, he hasn’t put much thought into it. The idea of marrying you someday doesn’t rest on his mind until it somehow does, whether it be by Vash’s joking comments or cheeky notes from Wolfwood, or even if it’s you that mentions it. It would be nice to permanently be with you, in such a way.
But right now? He’s got too much going on.
I do think that if he ever does propose, it would be thoughtful and full of small mementos from your relationship subtlety placed. Knives is a romantic, a poetic person, and he wants something of utmost importance such as a proposal to be meaningful. Because he loves you, irrevocably and deeply.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Being a true romantic, whenever he does use nicknames it would be, “dear,” or, “my dear.” If he’s feeling in a teasing mood, he’d murmur: “my darling…” against your skin, brushing past your ear as he continues to walk past you. Hallways are convenient like that, are they not?
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Denies. Deny. Deny. Deny. Deny.
Mutual pining is a phrase that perfectly describes your relationship with Knives, and as you enter a relationship with him down the line both of you realize:
“Wait that one time you- when you did that- it was because you liked me?”
“Yes, yes it was.” And the other sighs, an amused smile on their face.
Vash can tell, easily. Knives hides it pretty well at first, but he’s a total dork at heart. He’s so desperate for you- it’s so sweet.
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their so in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Knives won’t hide your relationship- but he won’t particularly brandish it either. He’s got a sense of class and while showing you off on occasion is rather gratifying, it’s not something he does often. He’s not a very touchy person, and most of the time in public he’s not in a very touchy mood considering he’s usually in a work/school mindset. But he has his moments.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
There are a few I wanna say-
1. He’s intimidating. When someone won’t take your, “no,” as an answer, and even when you say, “I have a boyfriend,” and they continue?
That’s a moment where Knives has a glare meant to kill, arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you to his toned chest. You get surprised every time, but enjoy it endlessly.
2. He’s a good cook. He had to cook for Vash- Vash was normally too tired, and depressed back in highschool, especially when they started living together due to the accident. He’s a very domestic person, and cooking is a way to show he cares.
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He’s very romantic. He’ll write letters when texts just don’t cover it, leaving them at your door. He memorized your classes, so he knows when you’re home and when you’re not. Thanks to @coffinbeananteiku , we know that Knives has troubles picking the color of a wax seal- he analyzes the colors, “red is too passionate”, “blue is too clean”, so he ends up deciding on black or white because they’re all the colors or the absence of color. He’s classic when it comes to romance, he’s truly a gentleman when he wants to be. Hangs up your coat for you, opens doors (of course he’ll make fun of you but that’s just the fun banter of it).
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He will admonish you for your goals if they’re unattainable or unrealistic. He worries and nags, and he’d rather you hate him than you get hurt. He doesn’t want you overworking yourself into your grave- he knows the feeling all too well.
He does believe you can do what you set your mind to though, you’re very determined, and he admires your passion.
Thrill- Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Knives needs routine. It’s what he’s most comfortable with and without it, he ends up overstimulated, distressed, and overwhelmed. (Reference autistic Knives tag). If you want to try something new, you’ll have to introduce it to him and give him time to think about it and adjust to the idea.
Understanding- How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He has troubles with empathy. Sometimes- he most definitely understands what hardships you’re going through, and sometimes all he can do is listen. That’s what he does regardless.
He knows you very well- he’s very observant and truly notices small shifts in behavior about the ones he cares about.
Value- How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth compared to other things in their life?
As much as it’s a hard pill to swallow, Knives will not drop everything for you. He won’t leave school, he won’t leave Vash, and he won’t leave the opportunities he has where he is now. Does he love you?.. yes. It takes him awhile to admit it, but yes. But he wouldn’t move countries for you or anything.
He wouldn’t leave in the middle of class if you wanted to see him, he’s occupied. He’ll see you afterwards- as much as he misses you dearly he has priorities.
Wild Card- a random fluff headcanon.
He cuddles with you by draping your legs over his on the couch, practically holding you in a bridal carry laid against him as he kisses your neck. This is also convenient for when you’re both body doubling.
XOXO- Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
In private? He loves to- on some days. He can get overwhelmed by touch sometimes and it truly fluctuates. If you’re the same way he definitely understands, you don’t need touch to love someone. You don’t need to talk to love someone.
When you do cuddle though, he reveres you. You’re absolutely divine, a beautiful sight he holds tenderly.
Yearning- How will they cope when missing their partner?
Your smell. I truly believe he has a heightened sense of smell (#autistic knives tag) and he has some clothes you borrowed from him that have your smell. It comforts him, as he wears his petal cloak that definitely doesn’t smell like you.
If he’s desperate, he’ll read through your texts. Not sending anything- he doesn’t really know what to say. Perhaps a, “When will you be back?”
But if you don’t mind him touching you, he’ll hold you close the minute you’re in private together.
Zeal- Are they willing to go through great lengths for the relationship? If so, how far?
Referring back to “Value”, he does have other things he values, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. He’d escort you wherever as long as it didn’t clash with his schedule, he’d give you snacks (because you don’t seem to take care of yourself well enough, ugh), and he’d do many more small things for you.
Since this is a college au, no, he wouldn’t kill for you, and no, he wouldn’t destroy the world for you. But he certainly will cherish you- and while he messes up sometimes he does truly try to make up for it. He feels he’s not enough for you- you’re so soft and tender and he’s rough and jagged, unable to understand. He would treat you well though, and he makes a genuine effort.
Nai Saverem is in love with you.
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prettyboypistol · 1 year
Okay so how about getting ruined by engineer, bc he got frustrated that others were messing with his work.
So to help take his anger out, you let him go as rough as he wants. And can use whatever toys he wants on you.
Blowing Off Steam || Engineer x M!Reader +18
[Rough Sex][Spanking][Dirty talk][Ambiguous Genitals for Reader][Oral][Engie calling you a "good boy"]
minors dni
A loud bang on a desk made you and your coworkers jump and look directly towards the thundering sound. Dell pointed to the door and demanded in a voice none of you had ever heard come out of him before. It was cold and laced with an edge of danger as he demanded only two words.
"Get. Out."
You had been glued to your place in the room as the other men slinked out(or, if you were Scout, sprinted). Dell glared at you, but you could only put your hands up in a surrendering gesture. You and Dell had been messing around with each other for a couple of months now, but the post-sex pillow talk had really brought you two together.
Dell stormed past you and slammed the door and loudly locked it, only to drag himself back to his workbench as he dropped his head onto the metal table. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. was the only noise that echoed through the garage as he hit his hardhat against the steel. You couldn't help yourself. You stepped forward.
"Dell," You murmured gently, "hey man, wanna talk about it?"
Your Engineer groaned in response. "He's been, pardon my fucking language- fucking around with my machines again!"
"Scout?" You guessed.
"No, Demoman! That bastard's been tinkering with my turrets for a week now!"
Oh, that was a surprise. Tavish wasn't too bad of a person from what you had seen, but you couldn't condone drunken tampering with your man's machines.
"And like, yes the man's brilliant. Fuckin' amazing at bombs and explosives. I've looked over them- uh, them sticky bombs! Brilliant! But that don't give him the right to sneak into my workshop and fuck with my babies!"
"Oh I absolutely agree. There's a difference between explosive intelligence and mechanical intelligence. Two very different fields." You didn't know really what you were talking about, even then, it just felt right to say that. You were speaking off the cuff, and apparently it worked.
"Y'see, I don't think he'd like if I snuck into his testfield and "upgraded" his toys." Dell grumbled, his gloved hand drummed rhythmically onto the table. You tapped on the table to tell Engie that you had arrived at his side, then rubbed his shoulders. He sighed as you tried to work the knots out of him.
Dell let you explore his back through your massage, his temper dulling with every push and knead. Suddenly, you were flipped onto the table with Dell kissing your neck with an open mouth. While you weren't too upset with the change, it was quite surprising.
He tugged your shirt up as his hand slid around your chest, his large hands groped your chest as he sighed into the crook of your neck.
"Y'know babyboy, I think there's a great way to help me blow off steam, if you're willin', of course." Dell murmured before he kissed your ear softly.
You couldn't help but smile.
"Well go on Professor Genius, blow off some steam."
He shrugged his overalls' straps off of his shoulders as he kneeled down, your pants quickly unbuttoned as Dell completely overwhelmed your senses as he went right for the spot he had found that made you hold back a scream that he had found last week. Your hand slapped over your own mouth as he swallowed and laved his tongue in the exact ways that ruined you. God, he was evil.
You had given him fair warning, really! You knocked his hat off, you grasped at his shoulders, hell, you even near-sobbed that you were close! Still, he carried on and took all you had until you couldn't help but kick him away from the oversensitivity. Dell seemed to take that personally, if him grabbing you and placing him over his lap was anything to go by. "Say 'Bee' if I'm too hard." Dell explained. Before you could comprehend what he meant, a harsh smack to your ass made you squeak. Again and again, Dell spanked you until tears welled in your eyes. With every wind up and subsequent slap, Dell grumbled about the situation, accenting every grievance with a spank. After he was apparently done, he manhandled you oh so easily into sitting in his lap. He shushed you and gently kissed your neck and cheeks as his gloved hand reached onto his workbench to grab a little container of lube. He unscrewed the cap and dipped those large and boxy fingers of his deep into the liquid, only to press the slicked fingers against your entrance. "Good boy, c'mon, let me in." Dell crooned. "Let me get inside you darlin'." It felt like seconds, but soon enough Dell lined himself up and pushed you down onto him. God, he was too fucking thick for his own good. His hands on your pelvis tightened as he lifted you up and down in tandem with his hips pumping into you. You felt used. You felt as if he wasn't the Dell you loved, but a man full of horny anger that needed a release. Somehow, that was really fucking hot. "God dammit, I'm so fucking pissed off, love. So. God. Damn. PISSED." Dell ranted as he railed you. Every word was accentuated with a deep push inside you. "Ohhh why can't people leave my shit alone, hm? These nasty fuckin'-" The ranting felt like the horniest dirty talk that could ever be uttered as you sobbed in pleasure. You couldn't do anything but beg and whine as Dell rearranged your guts. There wasn't a real way to tell when Dell was close, but he suddenly switched positions to place you bent over the desk. "Good boy, fuckin' take it. Lemme get you all ruined, okay?" Dell growled as he made your screams bounce and echo off of the walls. You could only let out an excited moan and nod as he sped up. A loud groan and stilling was the only signifier before you were pressed down with rough hands and a chest against your back, keeping you in place as Dell came inside you. A few little pumps to drain himself fully made you sigh and giggle in delirium. "F-feelin' better?" You mumbled. "Yeah." Dell assured as he kissed your back and neck. "Thank you darlin'."
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oisins-stuff · 1 year
Little Person
-ˋˏ *.·:·.⟐.·:·.* ˎˊ-
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lo'ak sully x metkayina (slightly autistic coded) male reader
warnings; nothing severe- mention of insecurity/not fitting in, sorta mental health mentions but in a gay way
summary; "One person in a sea // Of many little people"
no use of y/n
lyric inspired (Little Person by Matt Maltese), color thingy used?? {please tell me if the color idea is good or not}
I'm just a little person
Lo'ak sat on the shore as the village settled down for the night. Him and his family had been there for a little while, so he found out that the ocean looked beautiful at night. The boy that soon walked past, however, made the ocean seem like another plain thing. You were beautiful, even if you didn't look all that unique. Lo'ak watched as you sat on one of the bouncy, netted pathways and dipped your feet in the water. As much as he wanted to say hello, to try to make a friend, he didn't think he should. He was already seen as a freak- demon blood- what would happen if he humiliated himself?
One person in a sea
Of many little people
He thought about it for a few moments; even if he did somehow embarrass himself, it's not like he'd see you that often. There are a ton of Metkayina in the clan, what would it hurt? Lo'ak slowly approached you, trying his hardest to not seem like a nervous mess, because he had no reason to be. "Hey." he finally forced the words out as he stood in front of you. You looked down at the stranger just as the eclipse started and the ocean began to glow. "Hi." you stopped kicking your feet in the water and scooted over, silently inviting him to sit beside you. There was a long silence as you two look at one another, staring as if the other is a rare specimen. After a while you broke the silence, "You're Lo'ak, right? From the forest?" He nodded.
I do my little job
Live my little life
Eat my little meals
Miss my little kid and wife
You and Lo'ak continued to talk for a few days, becoming decent friends. It was nothing exciting, life went on as usual, but it wasn't boring either. He was a nice addition, he made things fun. You never planned on making any more friends; your social group was already enough for your standards. You weren't very out going, but you couldn't really remember if you were born like that or if that's how you ended up as you grew older. Either way, you were okay with it. Your simple life was alright, it was better than being miserable, so that meant it was good, right?
And somewhere, maybe someday
Maybe somewhere far away
Lo'ak had been deeply upset by the sudden uprooting of his life, literally moving continents one random day. He knew it was what needed to be done, but that didn't mean it wasn't painful. It was more than just moving away from everything he'd ever known; it was the fact that he had to because of what happened before he was born. He felt like he was born into this fate- like he'd always be a part of his parents past war - and it was true. He faced the consequences of the things before him, but you made it better. You made almost everything okay, and you didn't even try. You were funny, you made him laugh, you knew what to do to help. You were one of the few people who understood what it felt like to not want to acknowledge an issue, to distract yourself instead, and you helped him do that. Even though he had to travel far, far away from his home, you made it worth it. In a way, he left home to find a better one with you. You made any place feel like home.
I'll find a second little person
That pathway by the ocean had become your spot. Whenever you two needed something, you'd go there at night. It was a safe spot, it was where you had your deepest conversations. It was where you'd met, where you'd gone from strangers to friends. Lo'ak decided that this would also be the place you went from friends to something more. He accepted how he felt, because there was no way a friend would make him feel like this. He sat patiently waiting for you, ears perking when he finally heard you. You sat gently beside him, letting him start the conversation. "I think... I think we need to talk." he muttered after a while, looking down at the glowing ocean. "What's up?" you sounded calm, but really, you were terrified. Losing him would be the worst thing to happen, especially with all the war. You two needed each other, and that need was so strong that not having him would genuinely be unhealthy for you.
Who will look at me and say
"I know you
You're the one I've waited for
Let's have some fun."
Lo'ak took a deep breath, held it, and let it out. His voice was almost shaky as he spoke, "I think there's something more than a friendship between us." Although his words were literally meant to be a confession, your heart dropped. You'd never really opened up like you were about to, but the words almost spilled out. "Lo'ak, I think there's something wrong with me. I don't think I'm the way I should be." you didn't look at him as you spoke, instead you watched the stars. Lo'ak didn't speak for a minute, so you continued. "I'm not like the others. I don't mean that in a fun way, I mean I really don't fit in, and I can't. I'm weird, I'm quiet, I don't talk to people, I don't get them, and they don't get me." maybe this was your way of confessing. Maybe your fear of being different was so deep, that it would be a part of your biggest confession. "Maybe that's why I feel the way I do. Because you get me, Lo'ak. Maybe... maybe I like you the way I'm supposed to like a girl." the familiar silence settled between the two of you again, but this time it was different. Lo'ak finally spoke up, his eyes fixed on the shimmering water ahead. "I'd rather not fit in than pretend I don't feel the way I do. I... I don't think I care what the others think, I like you like I should like a girl." It was almost impulsive, but you hugged him. You hated hugs, they were always so forced, but it wasn't like that. He hugged you back, and there seemed to be some level of relief shared between you two. Such a relief, a calming effect, that you fell asleep right there in your favorite place.
We'll take a road trip way out west
You're the one I like the best
I'm glad I found you
I like hanging around you
Things didn't change much for you two, besides the occasional kiss and label as boyfriend instead of friend. You weren't bothered, though. The fact that you didn't act differently was actually comforting, it meant your connection was so deep that it didn't matter what you labeled it as, it didn't need a label. The idea was cute, though. As much as you didn't want to admit it, the dates Lo'ak would drag you to were cute. If anything; Lo'ak calling you his boyfriend made you want to become his husband. Even if you couldn't have children, it didn't matter. You loved one another so deeply that it was impossible to convince yourselves otherwise, and that made everything you had to go through better.
(I'm sorry for not writing for literal months; I've been so busy with moving and school and my surgery and school and moving and and and)
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panics-side-blog · 2 years
New Cycle - Chapter 3 - 3AMstoryIdeas - Transformers - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
Chapter 3 is out!
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worstsequence · 6 months
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fave version of autism mind palace ive encountered he had to picture the mona lisa so the viewer knew he was making connections between da vinci and the fibonacci sequence
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boatemboys · 3 months
"the curtains are just blue" really did ruin things cuz idk about u but every time i draw/write there is meaning behind it all down to each individual word or stroke
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ur-fav-is-autistic · 7 days
leopold mountbatten from kate & leopold :3
Leopold Mountbatten from Kate & Leopold is Autistic!
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
If you're a Pjo fan who wants to get into DC and read for a Percy-esque hero specifically,then look not for male heroes but no further than Stephanie Brown!
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Is this not Percy Jackson but purple flavored?@/jlquarterly has a complete reading list for her and you can find the list of parallels between Perce and Steph in my 'Percysteph' tag that functions as both platonic and romantic🙏🏼
"But Tim Drake's middle name is literally Jackson and he's a skater boy-"Nobody cares babygirl <3 Skater boy is not a personality trait or an aesthetic and Stephanie's good but troubled kid turned punk Team Parent slay is canon Percy behavior,cope!!!
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suddenlybambi · 1 year
sat at my desk and the sudden wave of inspiration for a new fic flooded my brain and it is all I can think of
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jestiamy · 1 year
fandom. don't erase autism coding in fanfiction in order to make a character more 'appealing.' challenge quite literally impossible I think.
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