pygartheangel · 6 months
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GOOD & PLENTY: “My Name Is Barbra” Book Review
Streisand had trouble with both of her Broadway leading men, Sydney Chaplin and Johnny Desmond.
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elviramac22-blog · 9 months
Being Henry
I had a chance to listen to Henry Winkler’s “Being Henry” his memoir. This has been the year of the memoirs. We have Britney Spears doing hers but, I decided to read Henry Winkler’s. I listened to it on Audible and it was a wonderful experience. Listening to Henry Winkler talk about his life was wonderful. It was like an old friend telling stories about their lives. He has wonderful stories of…
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otakunoculture · 1 year
From a Personal Journey to Embarking on a New Mission, Omoiyari, A Song Film by Kishi Bari is....
It's not too late to see Omoiyari, A Song Film by Kishi Bari. After it's New York and Los Angeles screenings, the message and meditation will still go on, and we got a #moviereview of this #musical #documentary and journey at:
For screenings near you, please visit the official webpage. Kaoru Ishibashi‘s goal in Omoiyari, A Song Film by Kishi Bari (his stage name) is not just to reveal where he comes from. Had he announced his new purpose in life while wearing Ray-Ban sunglasses, I’d say it’s one from God. But no, he’s not a Blues Brother. I feel his desire to preach the value of how to do well unto others as you would…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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”Knives, Soft Beds Now in Life of Paroled Man - Free, After Fifteen Years, Lifer Tells Of His Experiences In B.C. Penitentiary,” Vancouver News-Herald. December 31, 1942. Page 3. --- Prisoner 2146 has not had a visitor at the B. C. Penitentiary for the past five years.
Inmates allowed one visit a month by immediate relatives. They must sit in a screened cell. Between them and their visitor, also in a screened cubicle, sits a guard who warns against what may or may not be said. ---
The last time Prisoner 2146 had a visitor, it was his sister. She had her two small children with her. The children wanted to know what all the bars were for and why their uncle was kept locked up behind them.
“That got me. I couldn't stand the sight of those youngsters looking at me through the bars. I told my sister not to come back any more."
Prisoner 2146 was a "lifer" in the B. C. Penitentiary - reprieved from the death sentence to life imprisonment. Next month will mark the fifteenth anniversary of his entrance behind prison walls.
But he won't be there to mark it off on the calendar.
Prisoner 2146 is free. He is with his sister and his niece and nephew and brother-in-law. He has been paroled.
"Prisoner 2146" is not his correct designation. His name, too, remains a secret. He has paid his penalty for murder, he has a chance to start all over again and make good. He intends "making good."
Wednesday afternoon I chat-ted with him for an hour or more.
He was paroled, with another life-term prisoner, on the day before Christmas. The first thing he did was rush to buy Christmas presents clothes, shoes, a hat, ties and shirts for himself and lots of toys for the children who had not seen him for so many years.
The other life-termer was sentenced with him, 15 years ago, for the murder of a fellow-rod-rider on a freight train.
What would you do what would you want to do first, if you had been right out of the world, behind prison bars and high walls, for 15 years?
Well, Prisoner 2146 wanted to sleep in in the mornings, most of all.
But he can't do it. He awakens at 6 every morning and he hasn't been able to sleep very well since his release.
"It's the soft bed," he told me. "You know, you roll over and sink down in that mattress and you think you're falling and you wake up with a start. And you hear unfamiliar sounds and you find you're not in a little cell - and you can't go to sleep again."
He's still quite amazed by his freedom. He was scarcely 19 when he was sentenced to death, was reprieved to the half-life of a penitentiary for 15 of the longest years any human being could experience.
He has served six months in solitary confinement, on bread and water for days at a time, in a tiny cell below ground level.
In 15 years he has seen more than 2100 prisoners come and go - he gave me the exact number instantly - has seen many of them die, many go insane. It was more than "stir crazy" they really went off their heads.
"One afternoon a prisoner walking by my cell (he named him) looked in at me and said: "The doc says I've only got five hours to live,' and that night he died. It was heart trouble. So-and-so, (he named another prisoner) went crazy and was taken to Essondale. But he wasn't crazy. He was just putting on an act. He came back after awhile."
Did you every try cutting meat and eating all your food with only a fork and spoon?
Prisoner 2146 has been doing that for 15 years and he's having an awful time trying to get used to knives, plates, saucers, cups, glasses, serviettes and other gadgets of an ordinary household table.
No penitentiary prisoner is allowed a knife - it could be a lethal weapon or a means of escape. He presents a metal tray at a long counter in the kitchen. It is filled with food, he is given, a metal mug, his spoon and fork, and he returns to his cell to eat behind locked doors. In the morning, after breakfast, he re-turns that tray to the kitchen to be cleansed.
He goes to his cell at 4:30 every afternoon, is allowed out for breakfast at 7:30 a.m.
Prisoner 2146 has never driven a car or truck he doesn't know how. He has seen. only one talking picture during his 15 years in prison. That was an educational film. Since his release he has been attending a lot of movies.
He is somewhat terrified of city traffic, and street cars, he admits, have him goggle-eyed.
"You dodge in front of one street car," he tells me. "and there's another one tearing at you from the other direction."
He has tried riding on the street cars, but he's a bit nervous about them. To begin with, when he gets out of the centre of the city he is lost. It is the only part of town he has learned to know.
He knows he is safe on a Number 1 car, because it just goes around in a circle. But several times he has taken a street car to go somewhere in the city, has become utterly confused and has had to return downtown to "get my bearings again."
The war and labor regulations have caused him some confusion, too.
His first thought on being released was to join the army. He wanted to go overseas.
But yesterday he took his "medical" and the doctor put him in "C" category but told him he probably wouldn't last long in that. What's the trouble? If you had lived for 15 years on concrete floors would you be surprised if the doctor told you you had flat feet! And the army doesn't want flat feet!
So he thought he would return to logging, which he knew in his youth. He found it had changed a lot since then, but he went to the Selective Service office to arrange it all.
He grinned inwardly when the clerk asked: "Previous occupation?"
Finally it was arranged that he would get a job and when you read this he'll probably be on his way up the coast to a big logging camp.
He has a lot of lost time to make up. He's looking forward to the clean life out-of-doors after 15 years of close prison walls.
He will probably be British Columbia's most enthusiastic logger.
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myobsessionsspace · 3 months
The moment Jungkook uploaded GCF in Tokyo. His first video recorded and edited solely by himself with Jimin as the only person focused on.
Can we even be more excited for their show than Jungkook was for his present to Jimin?
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Excerpt from BTS Autobiograpy ‘Beyond The Story - 10 Year Record of BTS’
The moment he uploaded GCF Tokyo their trip together planned and paid for be Jungkook for only him and Jimin.
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Spending sleepless nights editing and putting such a meaningful and loving song to it.
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Finally presenting it to the world, a video with one leading person, the reason for it all.
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I don’t know if we can match Jungkook’s euphoria in that moment…
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But I’m damn near close.
I CAN NOT WAIT for their show!
Anything with THEM is just 🤌✨
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Sliding in your messages to warn everyone about the Shuster book. This is a cash grab and the biggest bullshit I've read in a while. Calling it an "autobiography" or an attempt of it is an insult to every existing autobiograpy out there. Your fanfic Showman is more accurate and researched (and better written which is fucking embarrassing for TIME) than whatever the fucking hell this book is.
Besides the absolutely horrible book campaign they start now with clickbait articles and kind of bullshit about Ze (sending a "fuck you" to Shuster) ... I had the unfortunate "pleasure" to be able to read the book.
I wasted a lot of my lifetime for a fucking Propaganda book. That's what it is. And when I say Propaganda I mean anti-Ze. And a disturbing number of times pro-Russian.
I have so many issues with that book. I suffered through it because I wanted to be informed and I bought it but after that it ended up in the trash. It's not worth the paper it was printed on.
And I hope Simon Shuster vanishs into total irrelevance and he never, ever touches Ukraine again and hopefully Maks punches him as hard as possible the next time this slime, pro-Russian fungus steps a foot inside Bankova.
Thanks for letting us know, anon!
Could you maybe send me another message with all the issues you had with the book? (or some of them)
Well, sounds like everyone's gut feeling after the article was true and it's going to be similiar terrible piece from Shuster. 🫣
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robert11112005 · 1 year
I am Robert Centro Llasus, I was born on November 11, 2005 in Cabanatuan City, Philippines. We are 2 siblings in the family. I am the youngest child. My mother's name is Cristina Centro Llasus, she is from Guimba, Nueva Ecija and my father's name is Frederick Monses Llasus, he is from Cuyapo Nueva Ecija. I took my elementary education as well as my high school education at St. Pius X Institute located at Cuyapo Nueva Ecija. I had a happy childhood living with my parents. My hobbies are biking, playing codm, playing badminton and basketball and also hangout with family, friends and also my loveone's. I study hard for my family, and for myself, because I pursue my dream to be a police and I want to help other people and also i want to be a police to help my parents, to repay all their hardships. One day I will be a police officer because I want to make a large money and to build my dream house and I hope that I can graduate in high school and colleges to repay soon my hardwordship parents.
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kayespencer · 2 years
#Bloganuary Jan 30 - Chapter titles for my (make-believe) autobiography #wordpress
My autobiography would be good for one purpose: an insomnia intervention. However, in the spirit of #Bloganuary and today’s writing prompt, I will assign three song titles to the chapters (years) of my make-believe autobiograpy. Chapter 1 – Up to 10: Don’t Fence Me In | Fishin’ in the Dark | Grandpa, Tell me ‘Bout the Good Old Days Chapter 2 – 11 to 18: Rodeo | Who am I? | I Got You, Babe Chapter…
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Villainy Playlists
So ive been listening to a lot of “Villain but the main character” playlists a lot of other similar stuff whilst scrolling my favorite Hellsite, and ti has me thinking, how great would it be if i wrote a villain who fucks mothers, but the moms are in no way part of his crimes, instead he just commits crimes like tax evasion and unarmed robbery AND also so happens to fuck moms. So far the sex scenes are a little much and the action scenes are a little bland, not to mention i don't think the main character is likeable, but oh well, Im enjoying my Autobiography 
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nathanfryerwoods · 4 years
Lucky Stars - Blurb and Introduction - Nathan Fryer-Woods
Comically depressing… Lawrie is trapped in an undisclosed location in southeast Asia. It's undisclosed, as Lawrie is a real life boy, still stuck, still in danger. An illegal alien, through no fault of his own, and now a father for the first time. As a mysterious disease ravages the world outside, Lawrie is trapped on the edge of the jungle and civilization, in the most tribal part of the country with the feral in-laws he now calls family. While trying to teach and help his son to grow, he's constantly battling against the bad habits, tribal practices and the deeply embedded superstitions, passed down over the generations. No matter how futile his attempt would seem, all he can do is try… what could possibly go wrong??
www.gogetfunding.com/luckystars        www.paypal.me/whliteraryagent
I hope you like reading…
They say, it's all about the first line. So now that's over and done with, hi, my name's Nathan. Originally from the UK, but now (and I've always said this as a bit of a joke, but these days it has new meaning), happily trapped in south east Asia. My almost 9 month old Son is doing just great. My wife's family are certifiably crazy, which wasn't a problem till we started living with them. Unfortunately, it's rubbing off on me, and I'm stuck here between a rock, and a bit of a pickle. Not the place I intended to be, whilst raising my first and probably only child.
Thanks to the madness currently possessing the world, my options, just like most people's, are thin on the ground. But as a foreigner in this country, with no government bail out like I'd be getting back home, I expect I'm currently somewhere towards the top end of the world's poverty chart… I've chosen not to openly disclose where I am exactly, as publishers in this country need to exercise a very careful caution, and the laws here regarding slander and defamation of character, mixed up with my legal status, could end up making my situation much worse. I'm not trying to cast a negative light on this place, but it might sometimes seem that way, with how I write about it. I love this place, I just hate this situation and feel so helpless.
I realise I may also at times sound very unappreciative. That's because I am... my body doesn't appreciate white rice every meal of every day. And though I'm used to picking things out of my food, when bugs are a part of the recipe, it feels a bit rude. My lungs don't appreciate the smell of burning bottles every night, and I'm sick of moving the big piles of plastic that mount up outside the room where my son sleeps. I'm also not too keen on the kitchen knife under his pillow, this turned up there, not because of my wife's heavy hands waking him up in tears, but the bad dreams caused by the ghosts. And even though we all know the only way to scare a ghost away is with cutlery, I think I'd prefer a bad dream every once in a while, than one time having a kitchen knife lodged in my neck.
All this being said, I have chosen, for many reasons (and very few alternatives), to ride this out as long as possible for the sake of my Son. The book I am writing explains my situation, and by reading it you should be able to fill in the very odd, small gap. But if not, fire me a message and we'll have a chin-wag.
In a nutshell, I was robbed of the money for my renewal of a very important document by a tour operator. Due to my own naivety, and being busy working in a different city, it was almost 3 months before I realised there was a problem. At the time, my wife was pregnant, and the little money I had was to take care of the hospital bill. After taking some bad advice, I scraped together $500 and paid someone who's family are high up in government and the police, to sort the problem out (at the time, the standard practice was to lock people up waiting for someone back home to cough up). Now, I'm down an extra $500, and the document I need to pass through ports is nowhere to be seen. Which is a bit of a worry. I've been here long enough, seen it all before, and by now have learnt that there's nothing much I can do to sort this, without having the cash to pay the overstay. And going to my embassy wouldn't do any good either, they can't help me out of this, not if I don't have the funds.
The area we now live in is very rural, nothing but farmland for miles around. My skill set is absolutely useless out here. I've spent most of my time in this country working in tourism, mainly managing guesthouses, a skill I'm very thankful for being able to pick up. At the time the world began to fall apart, I was project managing the build of an eco-resort. I wasn't making much, but the potential was there. My manager made the right decision at the time, and cut his losses. A few months later my wife gave up and went back to her parents while I kept trying. But when she told me her and her family (that day there were 5 people not including children), were sharing 2 eggs between them, I decided to come back too. I know what these people are like, and can't let my son grow up like them.
When he was born, I was told it would be 6 weeks before we could get out and back to work. It had been 2 months when I was told the in-laws wanted us to go back to work, leaving my child here. Another month later and they finally got the message. There's no way I'm leaving my boy with a man who gives 3 year olds energy drinks at 8am, while the rest of the family spend their time beating and screaming at him as he's got too much energy, or is crashing from the sugar. This poor boy has all black stumps for teeth on the top row, no pants on all day as he rolls around in the dirt people have been pissing in, and takes worming tablets. This boy, does not need energy drinks. Grandma, loves giving the 22 month old, the dregs of her antihistamine medicine. It tastes nice, so it must be good. Ma can't read the back of packets, instructions or warnings. 
Now, the only real option I have is farm work on the family plot. I did this last time we were here when our son was born, usually earning somewhere between $3.75 & 7.50 every 2 days. This time of year, the farm is out of season. Once this years crop is ready, the total worth of the farm's produce will be around $5.00 every 2 days as the 1st month creeps by. This time around, as it looks like I'll be staying for the foreseeable future, I've got to come up with a real plan, I can't put up with this much longer. I used to be vegetarian, and though we're surrounded by farms, I haven't seen a vegetable in 10 days. Now I eat fish heads.. the cheeks, the brains, their faces. I give the eyes to my wife's brothers…I had to draw the line somewhere.
My only way of making a decent wage out here, is to work online. Ideally I'd like to teach English. But most of the day, we're in a black hole for data connection, and with the lack of a certain document, signing up as a teacher isn't possible anyway.
So what's the plan? Well, I guess I'll carry on clutching at straws, keep writing the book, prepare the land for this years harvest and raise the boy. Plenty to keep me busy, but I need way out of this, before my boy grows up like his feral cousins. I feel like I'm living in a George Orwell book, and I don't mean 1984, that's the outside world. We're still stuck on Animal Farm.
I always thought I'd be somewhere in my 50s/60s, when I finally thought about penning my first book. When I had something to write about, and my fingers couldn't handle playing music any longer... As it turns out, I have plenty to write about, and it's spilling out with ease. I've always written, but a novel seemed a little too daunting to even think about. I wouldn't like to guess just how many songs I've written since my first, 25 years ago (which was terrible, and I hate that I still remember it). But the 2 albums trapped in my head are pretty good, at least I recon so. Hopefully they will see the light of day, at some point in the future.
I started the novel on the night of the 21st December 2020, and as of today - 29th Dec, I'm over the 10,000 word marker (though I've been doing a daily, rough edit as I go, I've been advised to try and avoid this, but I wanted the intro to be somewhat polished for upload). I'm hoping to entice some of you in, with the first few chapters. If it's something you're into, super duper. I'm looking for 'donations', to help my family out of this situation, but all donors will receive a copy of the book when finished, and after it's final edit.
A little can go a long way out here, and anything would be much appreciated as I'm raising my little champ. The link to the funding site can be found below, or by clicking here.
If you're not able to spare anything, no worries, but do keep checking back to my blog as (and don't quote me on this), I'll probably be adding to and updating as I go, up to the point of a ghastly cliffhanger, obviously, nerr... Once I've finished writing and editing, anyone who's helped out will be sent a link to download an e-book copy, and if and when I'm lucky enough to have it published in printed form, each will receive a copy of that in time, a few things depending. All will get a mention in both copies on a dedication page as a huge thank you (unless requested otherwise). And I'd like to offer people the chance to leave an inspirational message/joke/clue to where buried treasure may be hidden, or of course, just absolute nonsense, for the outside world to read alongside their dedication. Heck, use it to promote your auntie's dog wash service, see if I care. Could be quite interesting, and sounds like fun to me.
At the rate that I'm writing, I expect to be in the final editing stage by about mid February.
The novel is written as a fiction, but at the same time, is almost completely autobiographical. Names and places have been changed to help protect our safety here, but the story, and its characters are real. I can promise that, as I'm living it.
And just before I get back to work, I must say… I know that sometimes my use of punctuation, Capitals, and commas, may be a little unorthodox,,, but just so you know, I do know most of what I'm doing wrong, I did fairly well in school (not so bad)… but, I knew better… and still think that I might. And besides, I've got some good friends back home with already published work, who are going to help with the final cut… I've not pestered them so much as of yet, and what's down currently, is me with very little coaching, but with a little help from my friends, in the end, it'll brush up alright. Any questions, comments or advice would be more than welcomed, you can find my email address below.
Oh, and no matter how important the first line of a story must be, I just couldn't help myself… A tongue-in-cheek nod to my future self, hopefully showing how far I've come. I'm sorry, you'll get over it.
Thank you for reading, you're welcome to carry on, and I hope you do.
Nathan Fryer-Woods
[The light that shines from within me, bows to the light that shines within you]
I know for any publisher, having a plot outline is very important and often essential for most first time authors. Although I am a true 'pantser' in life in general and writing this whilst in the thick of it, day by day. I do have my main outline. The middle marathon (with all potential real life disasters averted), being based on one or more of the many fears I have for the future, and twists in the plot coming from actual past events which have happened to me whilst being here. But as I say, this is all providing nothing major happens as I'm writing, and with all that's happened here already, would be an unexpected, and highly unlikely surprise. I have also been writing daily outlines, more detailed and over a smaller time frame, for the following days work. I will happily provide the main plot outline, and an up-to-date manuscript upon request. Nice one.
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bitchy-diary · 6 years
I feel like i haven't done enough fun things to write in my autobiograpy
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olplus · 2 years
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Jérémy Clément se raconte dans « Pour le plaisir », de Paul Le Guen à Didier Barbelivien (20 Minutes : https://olplus.fr/u92R6)
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“KINGSTON PENITENTIARY SECRETS UNFOLDED BY RECENT INMATE,” Hush. July 13, 1942. Page 6 & 13. ---- Amazing Disclosures By Ex-Convict Told To Hush ---- From behind the stone walls of Kingston Penitentiary - those grim stone walls which hide more of hell on earth than could be found anywhere outside the battlefields of Europe, Asia and Africa - comes to HUSH from a one-time prisoner, an authentic, first hand glimpse of some things that go on within. This informant is no grouch, no enemy of society with an axe to grind. On the contrary he is a man of considerable intelligence who made a mistake, paid the penalty in part, went through mental tortures which no one could wish upon the damned, and is concerned now only with turning on the light a little on dark corners and making life a little safer for those, even the worst of them, who remain.
Kingston Penitentiary! A place where men and women who have sinned against society go to be made ever into something better; where they are interviewed by a kindly warden, segregated into classes - the bad and the less bad, taught useful trades and occupations according to their own choice, fed and exercised to keep up their physical strength, preached at regularly to maintain their spiritual morale, all of it under strict discipline, of course, to teach them the meaning of control, then ultimately released, chastened and made wiser, to become useful citizens of the world. That, in part, is the public and judicial conception of this Institution. It is looked on more as a place of correction, a place where penitents repent, than house of punishment.
Kingston Penitentiary, A grim, closed in concentration camp equal to anything ever devised by a dictator - a mental and moral lazaretto, where human beings are herded and goaded like cattle into a compound, forbidden every normal exercise of civilized life, subjected to the whims of brutal guards, punished, starved, for infractions of rules - yes, even for speaking to each other or for what might be interpreted as a dirty look, kept always on minimum rations, taught nothing really useful, and ground down into a state of sullen desperation which seeks only one or both of two things - freedom and vengeance. That to Kingston Penitentiary as it is. Anyone not rotten, corrupted and criminal beyond hope before going in, becomes so before, getting out: and the process by which that is achieved would be a black and incredible page in Canadian history if and when it were told in all its horrible details.
Said HUSH informant in words which were taken down almost verbatim:
"Publish this, and demand that prisoners be given humane treatment. Many of the convicts there are ex-soldiers who fought for their country. Others have fathers and brothers fighting now, and are themselves willing to give their lives for their country at any time. Don't fall to publish this. You may save a lot of lives.
"That place in much worse than any German concentration camp. We were compelled to work under a rifle in each shop. There is a built-in gun cage occupied by an armed guard. Each cell has a peek hole through which the guards repeatedly spy on the men inside. Men are reported for the pettiest offences, and given severe penalties; 21 days in the hole without a meal is commonplace for the most trivial reports. It is a house of hate, and men live for only one purpose: revenge. Men enter the gate normal human beings, and leave as creatures, and brutal. 
"After the riot there in 1932, much money was spent on a Royal Commission to investigate. Nothing has been done. Kingston penitentiary is a real hell-hole where men are permitted no entertainment, only persecution and punishment at the hands of ignorant, brutal guards. The food is unwholesome and meagre; $25,000 was cut off the prisoners’ food allowance.” 
That and more HUSH was told - some of it too horrible even to be believed; It was told in language which indicated a more than average brain and an unusual degree of sensibility, substantiating the account in part, HUSH was shown a recent "News Bulletin" issued within the penitentiary for the "edification" of convicts. It contained about five war items condensed. Most interesting of all was the following paragraph:
“It has been brought to the attention of the Warden that the convict population is being circularized with the intention that letters to relatives this month contain the request to have the Minister of Justice petitioned widely, imploring him to give time off to the convicts in the various prisons in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of Confederation this year, Letters containing such reference will not pass censorship, and it is considered that any effort on the part of the convicts to "stampede” the Minister in this or any other policy would not be favorably looked upon by the department. The circularization must cease, and any convict hereafter found in possession of copies of the circular or furthering the movement will be subject to disciplinary action.”
So, apparently there had been a little official conflab behind the scenes; and the Minister of Justice doesn't want to be bothered by people exercising their democratic right, and any luckless prisoner who dares to seek mitigation of his sentence will be ground in the mill without mercy!
A penitentiary, reformatory, all, or any other official place of punishment, is a very necessary part of this civilization of ours; and there are men in all such places who, by their crimes, forfeited all claims to pity. There are cow.... who, like Red ....be deemed fit....to dump...mass like...potatoes...mentality...fuse the democratic....ed to me...survival....immunological...punishable...boys were...offences no great ....being a summons to court.
Thinking back over the...civilization, we of the... ...are horrified to find that it has been until comparatively recent years, a history of barbarism and bestiality In many directions which would put some so-called savage races to shame .We profess Christian enlightenment: savages can claim some excuse on grounds of ignorance. And sometimes we wonder if the progress we have made in dealing with law-breakers is not only a bit of camouflage and veneer hiding instincts which found expression Iin the "Hanging Judge” Jeffreys. 
If civilization, Christian enlightenment and British democracy mean anything more than a surface covering for human tendecnies which have their roots in the jungles; they mean conservation of human bodies and souls, they mean the seeing to it that every man, woman and child adequately fed, clothed, sheltered and given an opportunity to find expression in whatever kind and degree of usefulness and productiveness, mental and physical, of which the individual in capable. Yet even when they are at liberty, hundreds of thousands of them are compelled to go hungry, naked and homeless; and when they run foul of the laws of the land - often driven to it by her desperation our penal system dedicates itself to crushing them instead of trying to rebuild their broken lives. Out of that hell bole at Kingston have come worse criminals than ever went into it - men driven to rebellion and revenge by the brutalities experienced.
Democratic governments are noted for their indifference to evil right under their noses. Indeed, unless there are votes in the offing, they are masters of blindness and cover up in matters of Individual sufferings and general human needs. If the federal government had no knowledge of something rotten in Canadian penal institutions, why did it appoint that Royal Commission? Having appointed it, why did it not take some action on the report turned in? Look at the direct relief and the unemployment situation of the past ten years, and you have the answer.
HUSH presents the story as I was received. No daily newspaper in Canada would touch such a thing. HUSH, in the public Interest, tells it to the world and holds it squarely up before the face of Ottawa in the hope that it will bring some sort of action to remove a blot from Canadian political history.
[AL: A Canadian tabloid publishes first hand testimony from an ex-convict - though some of the arguments are dated, the criticism of both of the informant and the newspaper is remarkable for the period or even today. I don’t know who the writer was, however, but his account of conditions is not inaccurate for the period....]
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twosheds · 3 years
is a liar's autobiograpy (film) worth the watch? or is the book much better?
Hello! I have actually not read or watched A Liar's Autobiography yet! :O I bought the DVD a few weeks ago and it's still sitting on my shelf waiting to be watched! I'm sure some of my followers have read and watched it though so will probably be able to give you a much better answer than this one XD
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luck-13 · 2 years
Christa Winsloe and Lota de Macedo Soares. Similarities and more. Photos as well.
\\ Also, end (PART TWO) of the post is about some important changes on this Tumblr blog (finished today.) //
In the past, I thought about this, but no post until now.
Two famous people. Far away countries (half a World away or so), more than 21 years in between, but a lot of similarities anyway. 
(Click Keep reading to see whole post.)
A. Christa Winsloe (der 23 Dezember, 1888), German/Scottish, born in Deutschland, Darmstadt. 
B. Lota de Macedo Soares (16 de Março, 1910) (Full name (longer) described as "uma brasileira de muitos nomes e sobrenomes" — Flores raras e banalíssimas. (I have it (as e-book), but haven't read yet. It has VERY rare photos.)) Brazilian, born in Paris (Father from high society worked in the Navy (or whatever it is) and was in France at the time.) 
A: a) Art = At first (since small child, I guess), drawings (also some were sold for magazines by the single adult (free from husband), "studied art" (said by Christa herself \ some time after school) = sculpture (~ I was a bit unhappy (by Christa too)), but then became a wonderful sculptor (people at first, then focus on favourite animals), b) then complete switch = writer. 
B: a) Art = as higher education, studied painting and graduated at about 25 y.o. (has some paintings at home => she was in her 20's when she stated to study (and some of fellow students became very famous later.) \\ b) without any training switched to and became architect and landscape designer. 
A: Mädchen in Uniform (related = before, a play, and after, a book.) 
B: Parque do Flamengo em Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. 
A: Smart, clever; talented, cracked jokes; very emotional; passionate; low self esteem as an adult (at least since or in US), communicative introvert (the most correct of all what I've been thinking for months, I hope); black hair = long as a girl, then short  hair (since soon after school = 18.5 was finish, I guess), height ? (tall as a girl if compared with classmates, the fimal height is unknown) 
B: Smart, talented, very emotional, passionate, extrovert (and was bossy when needed), long black hair in a bun & years later, muuch shorter (no idea when cut, as the film (see in the part titled background) can be  wrong, height = short (in the film, 160 cm.) 
A: Mum died when Christa was 11 or so (no information when, supposedly in late 1899 or early 1900, thanks to Das Mädchen Manuela and one (still not posted anywhere) document related to brother Ralph Winsloe.) 
BUT despite Mutti (Mum) was favourite and affectionate parent, Christa didn't hate father for that she was sent away to boarding school Stift with military-like regime. (It wasn't even his idea, but he agreed only.) The proof: anywhere in the part about the school (the book Das Mädchen Manuela) main character Manuela (Christa's semi-autobiograpy) tells about father positively (books she brought to the school were from his library, and it was the way for Christa the writer to recommend her favourite writer Émil Zola), and in "what could happen" parts about father in Italy, only positivity, and also that he missed his daughter (parts inside of the big part about the school as well.) 
B: Mother died when Lota was a girl, and she spent part of childhood with only father whom she hated. (Maybe other relatives lived there too, I don't remember, but as parent figure\to raise, no one more. She had a sister, but it wasn't much help for nervous system, I guess.) 
A: Father was cavalry Lieutenant-Colonel (his highest rank before retirement.) He (and Mum later, since he married at 28) had invitations to Royal balls which they had to attend. (Mum from countryside wanted to do something important instead of it, but had no choice.) 
B: Lota was from high society (e.g. family (or father inherited it) had a farm, when older, she was friends with & knew famous people, one close friend was Carlos Lacerda, a person who ran for President as an opposition towards communist party (see part Communism somewhere below), and as far as I remember, was imprisoned for some period (political situation was Hell, so no wonder if it is correct).) 
O filme\the film (Flores Raras = original title): When a person (no spoilers who) read Lota's father's name in an article in a newspaper incorrectly (as Spanish, instead of Portuguese), she corrected, [Zhoze Eduardu] (if use English to write sounds) and then added who he was (alive still), as the response to a question, "He slept with my mother nine months before I was born." Not a word like father, dad, relative, etc. Despite indecent phrasing, the idea to distance oneself from a horrible close relative is exactly as he deserved. (He hadn't been close as a person for years (wonderful).) As it was said to me by a former friend, somebody (no spoilers who) encouraged Lota to forgive her father. (It's not in the film.) Soon after that, the horrible man died.
A: Pansexual . . . (as far as it understandable, not bisexual = a  person, not gender was important at the time of falling in love) . . . but a lot of sources say lesbian and no mentions of at least one man* since somewhere in 1934—?, not long), as the reason is probably that when trying to "woo" Hertha Thiele (in 1932, I guess), the words or subtext was that she was lesbian. *There were three men (two as relationship) in total (and 2/3 (platonic and not) were before the "your aunt's family won't support you, so let's marry" marriage.) 
B: Lesbian. Also, a quote, ~ "My father wanted a grandson, but I couldn't give him that." (Source: most likely, English book The More I Owe You (a Texan gay (= man) wrote it, and therefore, not Portuguese at all, only in very rare cases (I haven't finished it yet).)
A: Christa got a lovd poem from Dorothy Thompson, but it wasn't for publication.
B: Lota's girlfriend (no "spoilers" who) wrote some poems for Lota (about her) and one book of poems was dedicated to her. 
A: A member of German Communist Party which (as I understood last year after having read it) gave access to French Resistance membership. Christa received difficult tasks, "but she completed them all." (No idea which source, but quoted words are correct.) It means the fight not only against Devil Hitler, but against tyranny at the same time. 
B: Brazil in 1960's or so (not exact years here) had horrible regime of communist party similar to partly prison-like situation when even drivers who crossed some boards (between states, maybe) needed to show documents. Lota hated the regime with its Hell, but I guess, she hated communism itself too (unfortunately.) She was from high society, after all. BUT she was against tyranny at the same time. 
A & B: It can be summarised as, why men can have possibility to get a job at good companies and\or possibility to do something important, but the access for women is denied? 
A: French was the first new language, then (also) English at Stift, later (in no particular order), Italian, Hungarian (no idea to which extent, but French was (almost?) like a native, as second boarding school was in Swizerland (French part) and then during the war, France with French Resistance where tragedy happened. In later 1900's or early 1910's, Christa taught young clerks English. 
B: For some period as a girl, Lota studied in Belgium, so French was the first new language, then a little of English. Plus, she taught or helped to learn Portuguese (to at least one of 2 known girlfriends.)
A: Girlfriend journalist Dorothy Thompson wrote a sonnet (as one article said) about her huge love for Christa. It was personal (not for publication.) 
B: Lota's girlfriend (no "spoilers" who) wrote some poems to Lota (about her), and one book of poems was dedicated to her. 
A: Mutti (Mum) (kind of, the closest to it) When Christa and Dorothy Thompson spent time (four weeks, as far as I remember) in Southern Italy, they went there with Dorothy's baby son Mike and his nurse. Christa was 45‐46 years old. 
B: Mamãe (Mummy.) Lota adopted infant daughter (she was maybe 45* y.o.), before (= years before the events in the book & the film) she adopted a son (no idea what happened (lived together or just financial help) and how exactly as the film has no mentions of this person.) The daughter is the one who helped with information to create the film. (After all, it was in 2013, almost fourty five years after Lota left us.) 
*mistake fixed
A: Car driver, had a cook (for some periods.) 
B: Car driver, had a cook (for long time, I guess.) 
A: Christa was shot by the criminal Lambert when she was almost 55.6 years old. (No idea whether or not horrible girlfriend (abusive\addict\etc.) Similone Gentet was killed as well, but hopefully, she was, as she deserved it.) 
B: Lota was very emotional, and after some time in mental hospital (due to horror in the country) and some travelling with two women to  (Europe, if I remember right \\ not in the film), her nervous state became worse and worse, and later (how long?), she  committed suicide (hospital couldn't save her.) The film has different "thing" of what led to the end, but the same "kind") and different premise of suicide itself. (No Idea why the film changed reality.) Lota was slightly older than 57.6 years old. 
MORE (IMAGINE WHAT IF :D): As understandable, these two incredible women had a lot in common. What if, just to imagine them together, at least, as friends or more, much more ;) (without any talks about\mention of politics.) 
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 unknown date *Queen Christa*
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Goddess Christa (sometime (late 1920's?, no idea) in München, Deutschland)) 
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1927 (if I'm not mistaken) 
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(Maybe in her 40's)
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Short hair (unknow year)
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Film version (short hair, I mean.) How incredibly beautiful she is. How is it even possible? <3 
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tartan shirt :D and a bun (unknown year) 
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In the centre. Fofa (cute) :D Time: early 1960's or so (during the time of building Parque do Flamengo.) 
Personally, Christa & Lota are so very yes (jaaa & siiim.) 
Despite I have a lot in common with both, if think seriously who, it's Christa as the number one (if sum up various personal reasons, not also think about similarities with, for example, my relatives), and no matter who else famous can be favourite ever,  she's the one, and it's 9+ years of Christa in my life. 
Danke Sehr, held König(in) Chris(ta). (Thank you very much, hero King/Queen Chris(ta).) (This wonderful woman used Chris & Christian about herself in letters to Dorothy Thompson.) 
Muito obrigada, rainha Dona Lota. (Thank you very much, Queen Dona Lota) 
Glück ist as duas mulheres famosas (Zusammen? Como uma ideia, siiim.) (Happiness is the two famous women. (Together? As an idea, yyyeees.))
As the very top says, "no post until now." 
Something similar to not until now. Due to some political Hell, in 2017 or so, Tumblr reset blog themes of some users (based on where they lived at the time), and I had to restore chosen & modified themes of blogs (blogs that I had at the time.) 
Plus (no idea how many years ago), one day, Tumblr cut all the description (if a user had it longer than something short.) It was fixed, but it took a lot of time (to find all missed information.) 
BUT (if about this Tumblr blog only) that restoration of the original theme & description fix took a lot of time & even HTML of the theme was fixed a little (if something couldn't be changed using special panel with parameters of the theme.) 
And it hadn't been fixed completely until today. I thought that date format of posts is exactly as I wanted, but no, so HTML fix worked.) Even additional description (link to a post) in so called "about" (on sidebar = the left side of the blog) was just the same "copy and paste" information which was as part of muuuch longer text edited in late 2019 (so long ago, dammit.) 
HTML fixes are exhausting, but when a theme is just few (hopefully, possible) fixes away, it worth it. 
Christa said it the best (different circumstances, but no matter), "I want to rest, but he, oh, he—"      (Change "he" to HTML \ theme fix + description changes or fix (with all the links if Tumblr demands something, e.g. https:// only, if http:// the site doesn't let save any changes, HTML and description alike.) 
Plus, yesterday or a few days ago, I realised that (damn you, changes on Tumblr) any links (that lead to a tag that has 2 or more words) need to have + in between of words, instead of ‐ as before, so it needs to be fixed on other (not abandoned) thematic Tumblr blogs. (Fixed here finally.) *sigh*
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swsequelsalt · 5 years
An Excerpt from Disney CEO Bob Iger’s New Autobiograpy regarding How they Discarded Lucas’ Sequel Outlines (and George’s Disappointment)
From the segment about Disney’s purchase of LucasFilm and Star Wars.
At some point in the process, George told me that he had completed outlines for three new movies. He agreed to send us three copies of the outlines: one for me; one for Alan Braverman; and one for Alan Horn, who’d just been hired to run our studio. Alan Horn and I read George’s outlines and decided we needed to buy them, though we made clear in the purchase agreement that we would not be contractually obligated to adhere to the plot lines he’d laid out.
He knew that I was going to stand firm on the question of creative control, but it wasn’t an easy thing for him to accept. And so he reluctantly agreed to be available to consult with us at our request. I promised that we would be open to his ideas (this was not a hard promise to make; of course we would be open to George Lucas’s ideas), but like the outlines, we would be under no obligation.
Early on, Kathy brought J.J. and Michael Arndt up to Northern California to meet with George at his ranch and talk about their ideas for the film. George immediately got upset as they began to describe the plot and it dawned on him that we weren’t using one of the stories he submitted during the negotiations.
The truth was, Kathy, J.J., Alan, and I had discussed the direction in which the saga should go, and we all agreed that it wasn’t what George had outlined. George knew we weren’t contractually bound to anything, but he thought that our buying the story treatments was a tacit promise that we’d follow them (at least at some level), and he was disappointed that his story was being entirely discarded.
I’d been so careful since our first conversation not to mislead him in any way, and I didn’t think I had now, but I could have handled it better. I should have prepared him for the meeting with J.J. and Michael and told him about our conversations, that we felt it was better to go in another direction. I could have talked through this with him and possibly avoided angering him by not surprising him. Now, in the first meeting with him about the future of Star Wars, George felt betrayed, and while this whole process would never have been easy for him, we’d gotten off to an unnecessarily rocky start.
Of course the book goes on to say that Lucas was largely unimpressed by The Force Awakens, and Iger goes on to say that J.J. Abrams created something “near-impossible” — “a perfect bridge between what had been and what was to come.”
But we know better....
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