#av medium
deliciousdelinquent · 8 months
sakiko really viewed the mujina carnival bot as a doll.
bots specifically being faceless and able to mimic humans similar to the mujina=badgers used for the carnivals namesake.
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sakiko gently caring for things created in the image of humans including bots that are easy for people to discard once their intended purpose is fulfilled.
despite the response she was meant to cause in the players the bot still had responses for being told thank you & farewell.
she didn't see her as a tool & when everything was over the she was put to sleep.
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fromtraveldiaries · 1 year
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Indian paradise flycatcher (male, white-morph), Ganeshgudi, Karnataka, December 2022
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seniouesbabes · 3 years
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Lily Maymac 🌸💋🍒🌸 Enjoying a spring day in the FLORE crepe de chine top ❤️ @hausofsong
Also AfterPay is now available on their e-boutique. Buy now, receive now, pay later #AfterPay #AustralianLabel #fashion #stvle #HAUSOFSONG
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keeps-ache · 1 year
we didn't have internet yesterday so i was playing with this music box app i found :>
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albatrossisland · 2 years
Episodic Medium | Myles McNutt | Substack
This is one of my favorite parts of the internet these days, and if you were a fan of the AVClub before the corporate takeover, Episodic Medium is the next best thing.
And, if you'd like to try it out, let me know; I can give up to 6 people a free month (will need an email address FYI).
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avaloniaofficial · 10 months
me when hot chicken
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general-cheezits · 1 year
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Contemporary Bathroom
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🌟 For sure! I need that reminder sometimes... maybe instead of avoiding, I gotta fight the tiger!
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should-be-sleeping · 6 months
Long shot, but there's thousands of you and only one of me...
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An old friend of mine is missing. His name is Anthony and he was last seen in Macon Georgia on foot near Courtland Ave and Montpelier Ave on December 27, 2023, but also has ties in Northeast Ohio and Central Florida. He has schizophrenia and suffers from kidney failure and may be in need of immediate help.
Anthony is 5'10" and about 175 lb, with long straight medium brown hair usually worn in a ponytail or braid and brown eyes (see photos). He likes video games and motorcycles and his family and friends miss him desperately. A Missing Person's report has been filed in Bibb County Georgia as of January 1, 2024.
If you've seen him or see him, please contact the Bibb county sheriff’s office at 478-751-7500 or anonymously call Macon Crime Stoppers at 1-877-68CRIME.
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vestaignis · 5 days
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Болотная сова (Asio flammeus) – среднего размера сова: длина ее тела колеблется от 34 до 42 см, вес самцов - 0,23-0,39 кг, самок - 0,24-0,43 кг. Крылья у нее длинные, ноги украшены пучками из перьев, на голове расположены маленькие вертикально стоящие "ушки" из перьев.
Болотная сова распространена очень широко, она обитает на всех континентах, кроме Австралии и Антарктики и населяет соленоводные болота, прибрежные равнины, хвойные леса, тундру, трясины, поля, прерии, высокотравные степи (часто с солончаками), луга (в поймах рек и озер), гористые местности и субальпийские луга, сельскохозяйственные угодья и парковые насаждения. Во всех местах обитания болотная сова придерживается открытых пространств.
Большую часть рациона этой птицы составляют мелкие грызуны (мыши, полёвки, лемминги, крысы, хомяки и ондатры), кролики, землеройки, летучие мыши, птицы (кулики, крачки, мелкие чайки, жаворонки и дрозды), насекомые (кузнечики, жуки, гусеницы) и иногда рыба.
Охотится болотная сова в любое время суток, низко паря над открытым пространством. На добычу она обычно нападает с полета или из засады и несёт ее в когтях. Болотные совы – моногамы и образуют постоянные пары. Самец привлекает самку на свой участок красивыми пируэтами в воздухе. Иногда в брачных полетах участвуют обе птицы: они гоняются друг за другом, сцепляются когтями или в шутку борются. Гнездом обычно служит расчищенная самкой ямка диаметром до 40 см на вершине плоской кочки среди густой травы или тростника. В кладке 4–7 яиц, которые насиживает самка.
Swamp Owl (Asio flammeus) – medium-sized owl: its body length ranges from 34 to 42 cm, the weight of males is 0.23-0.39 kg, females - 0.24-0.43 kg. Her wings are long, her legs are decorated with tufts of feathers, and small vertically standing "ears" of feathers are located on her head.
The is very widespread, it lives on all continents except Australia and Antarctica and inhabits saltwater swamps, coastal plains, coniferous forests, tundra, bogs, fields, prairies, tall grass steppes (often with salt marshes), meadows (in floodplains of rivers and lakes), mountainous areas and subalpine meadows, agricultural lands and parkland. In all habitats, the swamp owl adheres to open spaces.
Most of the diet of this bird consists of small rodents (mice, voles, lemmings, rats, hamsters and muskrats), rabbits, shrews, bats, birds (sandpipers, terns, small gulls, larks and thrushes), insects (grasshoppers, beetles, caterpillars) and sometimes fish.
The swamp owl hunts at any time of the day, hovering low over an open space. It usually attacks prey from flight or from ambush and carries it in its claws. Swamp owls are monogamous and form permanent pairs. The male attracts the female to his site with beautiful pirouettes in the air. Sometimes both birds participate in mating flights: they chase each other, lock claws or jokingly fight. The nest is usually a hole cleared by a female with a diameter of up to 40 cm on top of a flat hummock among dense grass or reeds. There are 4-7 eggs in the clutch, which are incubated by the female.
Источник://www.ebirds.ru/vid/225.htm,/bigenc.ru/c/bolotnaia-sova-bb9577,/zoogalaktika.ru/photos/aves/strigiformes/asio-flammeus, //www.mos.ru/news/item/86280073/,://ecology.polotsk.museum.by/node/42982,/russia.birding.day/v2taxon.php?s=423&l=ru.
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detroitlib · 29 days
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View of an advertising card for J.V. Lisee, depicting a cat watching a butterfly on a shoe. Printed on front: "School shoes a specialty. High and medium-cut home manufactured. J.V. Lisee, 146 Woodward Ave. Lowest prices guaranteed."
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library
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lueduar01 · 7 months
What does OVA mean? I like the style of the Amazing Digital Circus stuff but I'm lost on the concept :D
OVA (Original Video Animation) are animated productions intended for consumption on Beta, VHS, Blu-ray and DVD.1​2​ OVAs have their origin in the 1980s, where a generation of young animators opened their own freelance production houses and independent after having worked for large or medium-sized television animation production companies. Likewise, these productions were not tied to any type of limitations, call it censorship of any kind, and were carried out with as much freedom as possible to expand the market to mature sectors, equivalent to manga productions that also satisfied various sectors in the market. 3 Outside Japan they have been called OAV due to their correct pronunciation in the original English animation video; However, in Japan it continues to be called OVA to avoid confusion with the acronym AV.
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the-enzyme · 2 months
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I'm done modifying my MYou Bettina's eyes!! I am pleasantly surprised, that the Plastic Putty worked, considering how much larger this head sculpts eyes are, compared to the much tinier Leon's eyes. There are many things that could be improved, as I am just learning and I suck, to h3ll and back. However, I am pretty happy with how he looks now. I am not satisfied with my modifications; I wasn't able to sand the material as smoothly as I would have liked. It just doesn't sand well, sadly. And because this is not meant to do sculptural modifications, it is a bit of a learning curb for me. I am however, going to keep using it for tiny mods. I might change my mind later on and splurge on a tiny amount of Aves Apoxie, only not to ever use even a tenth of the .25z, I believe the product is as a whole. But for now, I am happy I found this works rather well.
I might try with my Mano too, since it's a tiny area that I want to mod (I want to widen his upper lip, so it would just be the outer corners that I would need to add material to). Next, I will try on a few fashion dolls that I've been itching to repaint and mod and will try to smooth out the product before it cures, so that I void needing to sand it, because it's definitely a pain in the gut to actually sand it.
I love my Bettina very much, I just wanted him to have smaller eyes, as those are my personal preference. I do like giant eyes, but I prefer them on hyperstylized cutesy younger dolls. Not so much on "older" characters, and he's supposed to represent my fan-art version of Ken Kaneki, so I wanted his eyes smaller. That's why I went with Bettina, instead of my initial choice of Alan, but I guess I made the wrong choice, as Alan's eyes appear to be much smaller, considering the eyes my Bettina is wearing are his and the iris are half the size of the default Bettina ones. Live and learn, I guess. I do love all the MYou sculpts, however, so I don't mind. I did always wondered if I got sent the wrong sculpt, but none of the Myou tinies, or at least the earlier four, have giant eyes. I wonder if the molds got warped by the time I got mine, and that's why I got a head with much larger eyes? I guess I'll never know. Although, I did need to mod his eyes smaller in the end. Lol! DX
The last photo was taken before I sealed the work, the shininess is due to the acrylic mediums I use; it makes layering multiple extra thin coats of paint, shine bright like the rays of the sun! Kind of like I rubbed oil all over his face! Lol! (:
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familyabolisher · 18 days
where are all the places i can read ur essays?
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deez-nut-free-zone · 29 days
Hmm maybe if we drank together i’d feel more natural about the accent. Then we could go and beat up yankees fans or whatever it is two drunk boston girls do :3
If two boston girls r drunk together you may see the Spirit of Boston. see one night i was with some of the girlies, hitting the hip flask on mass ave. as is our god given right; smoking that green monster; when a great beast on the wing came barreling out of the sky
It was a fuck-off-massive seagull; dive bombing a garbage can on the sidewalk. Impressive on it's own, yes, but no more than strange animal behavior
Then it emerges, like a phoenix from the trashes; taking flight from the garbage can with two great flaps. A Dunkin medium iced regulah held firmly in its beak, the great spirit of boston took to the skies once more. but not before shitting on someones car
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moneymoneygreengreen · 3 months
Satosugu fanfiction #6 (I think)
heavy smut, this is an au/headcannon, so don’t take it seriously.
The white spiked haired, pale skinned young man, Satoru Gojo shoves his friend, Suguru up against a closed door in the classroom after their sensei, Yaga and had left the two alone to clean the classroom as punishment because of a certain mistake that happened during a mission. They let a curse escape.
The two started arguing on whose fault it was as soon as Yaga left and the room started to grow intense. Soon after they started shoving each other and hitting eachother. This what lead Suguru to be pinned up against the brown wooden door with his collar in Satoru’s hands. Satoru stared up at Suguru’s purplish-brown eyes with his cold, icy blue ones.
they glare at each other for a very long time before Satoru instantly leaned in and smashed lips with Suguru. His tongue making it through Suguru’s lips as he made out with him abruptly and rapidly, not caring if their kiss was sloppy or not. Suguru kissed him back without much thought as soon as Satoru’s tongue touched his own.
Satoru lifted Suguru off of the floor and let Suguru’s legs wrap around his waist as Satoru himself pinned the raven haired boy’s hands over his head with one hand while he used the other hand to unbutton Suguru’s uniform and discard it to the floor. Suguru broke the kiss by pulling his head away to look down at Satoru’s now love-lust filled blue irises. They were both panting heavily for a very long time before geto asked, “what if we get caught…?”
Satoru responds with a devious smirk and darkened eyes. “It makes this little “game” more exciting…” Gojo let out a deep voiced chuckle before letting Geto’s hands down and latched his lips onto Suguru’s neck. Sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin. Leaving red and pink trails on his skin. This, of course makes Geto shiver down his spine and make quiet, soft grunting sounds. Satoru then rises his hands underneath Suguru’s white long sleeved shirt and tosses it to the floor along with the black uniform. Now Suguru was completely bare on the top. His physique was well shaped, abs were chiseled into his torso, and his beautiful pecs were medium sized yet very fluffy, to Satoru’s eyes. He really wanted to take a bite out of those really squishy breasts, but he decided to contain his desires until Suguru was completely naked.
Satoru carried Suguru to one of the desks and layed him on top of the table, his back making soft thud sound on the smooth wood of it. Satoru continued to make out with Suguru, but instead, he was being much more gentle with it this time, as if to sooth Suguru while taking his clothes off. Suguru lied there, completely on board of what his beloved Satoru would do next. Satoru sat up, breaking the kiss to pull his own shirt over his head and throwing it onto the floor. Showing off his slim, yet muscular build. He dosent waist anytime and starts to pull down his own pants while Suguru pulled his own thick pants off of himself.
They were both now only in their underwear and Satoru thought he should maybe tease Suguru a bit before going on with full intercourse.
Satoru crouches down in between Suguru’s already spread legs and gazes down at the medium sized tent in Suguru’s grey boxers. His smirking lips parted and his teeth started to show. He was now grinning. That sadistic bastered…
Satoru leans over and licked Suguru’s still clothed bulge, making Suguru whine softly. This was like music to satoru’s ears. He does it again, but this time, he ran his long, thick tongue on the bulge more slowly and provocatively. After, he gave the Cotten made boxers an open kiss and tugged at the fabric with his teeth before pulling the boxers off with his teeth on the middle part and his hands on the strap of the underwear.
that is when Suguru’s slightly curved, pale, thick meat pole sprang up. Satoru gave a quick snicker before giving his friend full on top. Bobbing his head slowly, up and down over the thick, average sized shaft of his raven haired best friend. Groans and grunts started to come from Suguru’s throat as Satoru continued to take him in his mouth. Suguru was a complete mess, his face was completely red from cheek to ear tip, his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were closed. He didn’t think he’d have Satoru give him a blow job. His fingers roam through Satoru’s pure white, messy hair as he continued his groan, grunt melody.
Soon enough, after Satoru bobbed his head one more time one Suguru’s dick, Suguru finally makes a loud gasping sound along with a slightly high pitched groan as he shoots his seed down Satoru’s throat. Suguru’s legs were shaking heavily from the impact of his orgasm. His breaths were coming in heavy as he continued to whisper the name, “Satoru” over and over again.
Satoru sat up and wiped his mouth with his arm. “Hey, don’t start whimpering my name out like that yet,” he stood up to his feet and pulled down his own boxers, his erect, long, thick rod begging for attention. “I’m not finished with you…” Geto gulped and sat up on his elbows. He looked down at Satoru’s penis and gulped nervously but whispered, with his voice ragged and horse, “make sure you prepare me first…”
“of course, Suguru.”
After gapping Suguru out with his fingers, making Suguru orgasm for a second time, Satoru stands back up again and aligned himself with Geto’s anus. He gripped Suguru’s hips for leverage as he entered his friend’s forbidden hole. Making Suguru gasp deeply at the way it stretched him out. Satoru continues to travel inside of Suguru until he stopped at a certain point. He waits for Suguru to adjust before moving out of Suguru slightly and pounding back inside of him, hard. that was when he began to move his hips, back and forth. In and out of Suguru’s trembling body. The tip of his long, pale pretty dick finds its way into Suguru’s G-spot and starts rubbing, hard against it. Making Suguru’s soft, low groans turn into full voiced moans and whimpers. His legs were wrapped around Satoru’s waist again as Satoru continued to pound hard into Suguru’s abused ass. It seemed as if he wasn’t stopping until he himself made it to orgasm.
Satoru tossed his head back as he started to make short, shallow breaths while running through the tight walls of Suguru’s void. He knew he was close. Extremely close, and he knows he wouldn’t have enough time to pull out, considering he didn’t have any condoms with him at the moment because he didn’t really think he’d end up fucking his best friend.
then, after one big push inside of Suguru, he ejaculates. Painting Suguru’s insides with his white. Sticky warm liquids.
the two students breathed in and out, heavily. There breaths were quick, shallow and rugged as they slowly came down from the high of both of their orgasms. They were both so high from their heavy orgasms that they didn’t even hear the door of the classroom open. Stupid Satoru and Suguru. They didn’t lock the door.
The two froze immediately at their teacher, yaga’s voice. “What are you two doing, having sex on the desks!? Your both suppose to be cleaning up in here!”
-shit- they both thought in sync -we’re screwed-
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