#ava tlc
Picture of today‘s boredom:
Family time! ^^ (Requested by @armiaochima )
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valentineradio · 11 days
ೃ⁀➷ shld honestly just make this a hub blog rather than an actual rp blog bc i just. keep making more sideblogs. i need to be euthanized
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For a prompt: Butch Bea being soft and tender when Ava needs some extra TLC for whatever reason!
'ughhhhhhh,' you say, as dramatic as possible, while you flop back onto bed. you do your best to flop on top of beatrice, your favorite place, you think with a smirk.
she puts her book down and runs a finger up and down your spine, featherlight, unbothered by your head on her chest and your hips against yours.
'do you feel any better?'
'no,' you groan.
'not even a little?'
'fine,' you say, 'maybe. maybe a little.'
she rests her hand in your hair, playing with the strands softly. you squirm around until you can see her face. she has on her glasses, sage green acetate, mostly round frames, that she'd gotten a few months ago when you had seen her squinting at everything in the distance and pestered her until she went to the optometrist. she came home grumpy and with some trial contacts that had been a fucking saga to get in her eyes the first few times, but she'd gotten the hang of it and wears them out most of the time, but she wears her glasses at home, especially when she's working on her computer. they're fucking adorable and you tell her that, over and over again, because you want her to know but also because the little blush beneath her freckles kills you every time.
'whenever you feel like releasing me, i'll go get you your cold meds.'
'i can't breathe,' you groan. it's not true, but your nose is stuffy and your throat hurts and you have a headache; you'd felt sick the day before but it had gotten worse overnight, and hadn't gotten all that much better with the hot, steamy shower bea had suggested. you tuck your snotty nose into her neck and she just brings her arms around you, unfazed. 'this is so stupid. what good is the halo if it can't heal me from a measly little cold that's ruining my life?'
'i'm sorry you're not feeling better, ava.'
to be fair, you have pretty significant chronic pain and issues with mobility, and it's been a journey — of your own, and with bea — to sort through your feelings around disability, and care, and being cared for. but a cold is easy; everyone gets colds, and beatrice is happy to help you. she's always happy to help you — quiet and competent and so cute, in a cutoff tank and boxers. eventually, you roll off of her and pout, still in a thick robe.
'do you want anything for breakfast? i can make your favorites, or something gentler, if you're not too hungry. i think the meds won't be great on an empty stomach.'
'maybe just some scrambled eggs.' you put your hand on her hip, the v that sits beneath the waistband of her boxers. 'and toast?'
'we have muffins, from the bakery, that i picked up yesterday, if you'd rather that? but i'll make whatever.'
'fuck yeah, muffins.'
she laughs and kisses your forehead, tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. 'okay. i can bring it up if you'd rather.'
'i'll come down.'
'are you sure? i don't mind.'
'i know,' you say, and you do: beatrice loves you all the time, in the smallest of moments, in the gentlest of ways. she listens, when you want to do things on your own, even on days where your pain is significant and your mobility is extremely limited. when you do ask for her help, she just nods and does whatever you need without any pity, without any anger. with love, with love, with love. 'hey.'
she tugs on some joggers and then runs a hand through her hair, messy from sleep, and your heart swells. she was worth it, you think — dying and saving the world and coming back from hell — she was so worth it. 'hmm?'
'i love you. i love you so much.'
her smile is tender, just for you, sunbathed. 'i love you too.' she takes a few soft steps toward you and kisses you gently.
'i'm gonna get you sick.'
'i don't get sick.'
you roll your eyes. 'well, i'll take care of you in a few days when you do.'
she laughs and kisses you again, then sits on the edge of the bed and pulls purple socks into her feet. when you had first come back to life, you had been blown away by the biggest things: the ocean, the stars. you still are, all the time, but now — the curve of her spine under her shirt, the pull of the strong muscles in her arms, the way she presses her thumbs into her arches before she pulls on each sock — you're blown away by how wonder is stored in the stitching; wonder is stored in the lifelines of her hands that you trace while you get coffee near your house, or the way she lets you clean up her neckline between haircuts, or the champagne you share some nights, just because you're alive, and together, and that's enough. joy is not meant to be a crumb, you remember — and your joy is stitched everywhere with her. your joy is infinite.
beatrice makes you breakfast and you eat it curled on the couch; she brings you cold medicine and it makes you feel high as fuck; you walk into a wall trying to bring your empty plate to the dishwasher. bea just laughs and leads you by the shoulders back to the couch; she brings you a mug of tea and you only manage a few sips before you start to fall asleep, your head in her lap.
a few days later she has the sniffles and the a fever in the middle of the night, and you make her soup and tea and hold her, even when she sneezes all over you.
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stuck-in-2012 · 1 year
Theres nothing wrong with you, its true, its true
“Hey, have you seen...” Peter trailed off as he looked around the room searching for the one missing face among his team.
“I thought they were with you?” Ava asked, watching Sam’s face slowly contort in worry, hand reaching out to his helmet, ready to zip away in a blur of blue light.
“Yeah… they were. I’m here for…” Peter pointed at Sam.
All eyes turned to Nova as he stood slowly, nerves getting the better of him. Something was wrong. Not ‘time to dive over the tricarrier and make a dash before they hit the ground below’ level wrong, but Webs’ brows were knit and he came looking for Sam specifically. That only happened when a special kind of TLC was needed. “Where?” Sam’s terse voice came out like a demand as he put his helmet on.
“The usual”. Peter hadn’t gotten three syllables before Sam was gone down the hall.
“So what happened?” Ava asked as Spidey sat down.
“Fell into the wrong corner of the internet.” At Danny’s confused look Peter went on. “ ‘Phobes, “that doesn’t exist”, just crummy people being crummy people.”
Iron First nodded and frowned at the hall sympathetically.
 Nova stopped outside the locked door. “Babe? It’s Sammy, can I…” He paused, not so much waiting for a response but listening for… The door panel light changed to green indicating it was open from the inside. As Nova opened the door, light flooded the room. …’sign 1: sitting in the dark’. “Oh, honey…”
He took his helmet off and sat nearly flush on the bed. Sam held his arms open slightly. Not a demand, just an offer. A welcome one at that, tangled hair got pressed into the side of his face as he was pulled close. Sam could admit he wasn’t the best at comforting and worse at offering affirmation but thankfully he was dating someone that gave really good preemptive instructions for how to help and what to do when/if they get like… this.
“Mm?” Sam prompted, nuzzling.
“Mm-mm.” Well, alright then… ‘sign 2: not having emotional energy to communicate verbally’.
“Do you…” before Sam could offer things he knew they liked they started to cry. “Yay, there you go I gotchu…”
“It… it sucks!” they clutched onto the gold straps of his suit as shaky breaths turned into earnest sobs. “Just, sucks.”
Gentle pets and tight hugs, helped the tension ease and the tears flow. Letting it out always was the best thing for them. Sam took a deep breath -one they mimicked trying to calm down. “No, no no, let it out, gumball, let it out”- hearing them sob like this was always contagious, making his eyes water. Sam reached for their phone, their ears must be ringing like sirens in the silence... ah, yup. A familiar icon; four houses: three blank, one with colorful stripes.
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As the emotional chords and lyrics filled the small space as did more tears and sobs. Sam held the shaking body close as the song looped again and again. When the first yawn broke through he knew they’d feel better soon. They tugged at the strap they still held getting Nova’s attention. When he looked down they pressed the tips of their fingers to their chin and pulled a flat hand away from their face.
“Don’t thank me, baby. You don’t have to thank me. I love you, I’ll always be here when the world sucks.” That got a little giggle, before the sobs came back and they latched on like a vice. A few tears slipped down his own face. He couldn’t help it, as much as he’d like to be a calm and collected comfort watching the dysphoria hit always broke his heart to see.
“Ooh! Hol’ on a sec.” They let go and scrubbed their face as their boyfriend searched through their regular day bag. “Ah ha!” he sat down just as they tossed away a soiled tissue. “Bam. Passport and driver’s license are next.” Sam set a small card in their hand. They looked at the piece of plastic and smiled before clutching it to their chest. Their S.H.I.E.L.D. I.D. was the only official document they had that had the correct name on it. It was useless everywhere else but still made them happy to have.
“I love you, Sammy.”
“I love you, too, handsome.”
A pause. “Promise?”
“Yeah. The real you.” His statement accentuated by running his fingers over the bump of each scar on their chest. “We can talk to Connors about bottom and T. tomorrow if you feel like it then?”
They nodded and presses kisses to his shoulder as they pulled him to sit in their lap, tangling themselves together snug. More tears flowed, again and again as they curled tight. After what felt like could be an hour a knock tapped at the door. They nodded into the boy clutched in their arms prompting Sam to hold them tighter and turn to the door, “It’s open.”
The team peered in with matching sorrowful expressions. Sam may be the one actively in a relationship but all five of the team had grown to need the young agent. Danny held out bottle. Sam looked down. “Do you think you could try and drink some water, love?”
They sniffled and sat up eagerly, nodding and pulling stray hairs off their wet face. Danny smiled at their immediate interest in hydration. Sam pressed a kiss to their temple after they swiftly downed 3/5 of the liquid. When they yawned for the n’th time Ava ushered the others to leave and let the couple be.
“What’s up?” Peter asked from the doorway.
They pointed to Sam, then to the team, then snuggled back into their boyfriend. Surly they weren’t asking for Sam to leave (they didn’t do it like that). At Peter’s confused face Sam spoke to his partner loud enough for the others to hear the message being translated to them, “they’ll grab me if Nova’s needed.”
“Nah, dude stay, we go-” Sam cut Luke off with a shake of his head and continued quieter, “they’ll spiral if they think they’re keeping me from something.” The taller boy nodded as the four heroes bid the two goodnight and closed the door.
“Think you could sleep?”
The start of a nod before a shrug.
“Wanna try?”
Soft nodding.
“Okay,” Sam sighed as he spoke and laid down. He felt the familiar weight and warmth as they curled around him and pressed a few gentle kisses to the back of his neck.
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happy-lemon · 2 years
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After Fable stepped out of the limelight, the whole family moved to Isla Paradiso. Ciaran, Fable, and Ava found a cozy house on the mountainside, where Fable can spend her days painting. Ciaran took a job at the school and Ava became a paper girl, her first step toward a career in journalism.
Mara moved into the tiny cottage on the bluff overlooking the ocean, where Nara Hinata once lived. It had been battered by time and weather, but with a fresh coat of paint and a lot of TLC, Mara made it her home.
With the rest of her family settled, it's time for Mara Delaney to shine.
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canadiankazz · 4 months
Thank you for tagging me, @rosettyller! I did this meme a few years ago, but I'm happy to do it again. Hopefully with different songs though. I've tried to go back and find my old answers, but you know how the tumblr search bar is... I only remember the ones I used for the Z's lol.
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people.
C - The Chain by Fleetwood Mac
A - Automatonic Electronic Harmonics by Steam Powered Giraffe
N - No Scrubs by TLC
A - Addict by Silva Hound, etc. The extra song they did for Hazbin Hotel. (The version I've linked has the sad reprise at the end. Arguably the best part of the song.)
D - The Devil Went Down to Georgia by the Charlie Daniels Band
I - I'm Just Ken by Ryan Gosling from the Barbie soundtrack
A - all the good girls go to hell by Billie Eielish
N - Nosferatu by Paul Roland
K - Kings & Queens by Ava Max. (I think I may have picked this last time too... oh well.)
A - All I Need by Matchbox Twenty
Z - Zombie by the Cranberries (I kind of HAVE to use it again. There are only so many songs I listen to that begin with Z)
Z - Zombie Prostitute by Voltaire
I tag @cravatfiend @impossibleclair @webbyghost @anyboli @laurenthemself @crowleyholmes @saintclay @rositalagata @otterlyart @tricksterkat209 @inthefallofasparrow and @itwasanangryinch
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shibotaibo · 6 months
Our dog Ava cut herself jumping over the fence today. There wasn't a bunch of blood so we didn't notice for HOURS. Poor baby, she was hurting and we didn't see 😭
She's being rushed to the closest emergency vet....about an hour away. We're all praying she just needs stitches and lots of TLC.
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wynterlanding · 1 year
Welcome to THE BACHELOR simulator: SEASON TWO ALL STAR REBOOT EDITION! We head to final four in reality shotgun wedding style! This beats any trashy TLC reality show in your entire existence? Don't trust us? TUNE IN AND FIND OUT!
Hometowns & Fantasy Suites!! The FINALE IS HERE
Note: sim glitched showing player 1 and player 2 so I edited in names for the verbal beef
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Rebecca snatched a date rose 🌹 from Maddy but Mad troublemaker herself remains given another shot despite losing the date   Rhea is a standout yet again as she puts an end to backyard bitch brawl 2K23 Ava and Chloe finally bite the dust! Ava's attitude finally gets her booted & Chloe's fixating on her ex is a no go for our bachelor
Eliminated:  Ava, Chloe 🥀
TOP FOUR !!! we move onto the home town & fantasy suites!
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Down to the wire as Landon visits each of hometown of his final four rose seekers. The date with Rhea ends on a sour note when her father interferes Maddy’s date ends similarly when our bachelor is accused of being a dirty ass playa! Rebecca and Landon connect on a deeper and passionate level Things go off without a hitch with Hyacinthe who keeps leaving a great impression
Eliminated:   Maddy   🥀
After losing nerve and freaking out over the closure of the competition, Maddy exits stage left leaving behind THREE to vie for the final rose
TOP 3!! Move to fantasy suites!
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Rhea has second thoughts on everything last minute. She decides to leave the competition. One wonders what went down behind the scenes? One wonders if producers forced her out! Things get spicy behind the scenes with Hyacinthe and Bex! Clearly the favored pair for this finale! However, it became certain where this was heading.
Eliminated:  Rhea, Hyacinthe 🥀
Hyacinthe and Rebecca went head to head for the final rose! Consistent with their impressions on Landon they awaited a decision, both anticipating a proposal. Ultimately our bachelor confirmed what he must have known for a while! He offered the final rose to Bex! And popped the question! OH MY WEDDING BELLS??? ONLY ON REALITY TV!!
WINNER !!! REBECCA BEX HAYES !!! @magicmadnessx
@paprcranes @depictedmorada @kndaoverit @rennisaturate @fcllederage @godccmplex @ixonmaiden @mutatedangels
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c0rnd0gge · 1 year
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propaganda submission for @transfemswagbracket !! <3
this is ava!! she's in a band called keyword:trying with her two besties from middleschool, where she plays keyboard & bass !! she might be hard of hearing, and she may be insecure about that, but with the help of her buddies, she's living her dream of inspiring hope and joy through song <3
she's known to most as being rather shy; she dislikes eye contact and gets visibly nervous in crowds- save for when she's on stage, where she feels able to relax and move with the music- with her friends, however, she's just as silly and chaotic as they are; she only wishes that she had the confidence to be as expressive in public as she is in private.
the three of them decided to attend the same college and major in different classes, with ava taking on the production aspect of being in a band; studying music theory, production, composition, and arrangement, in addition to choir and vocal lessons. as their lore currently stands, the three of them are living out of a cheap loft in need of serious TLC, and most, if not all of their furniture is second-hand- their money, when its not going towards food, bills, and other necessities, is used to fund their musical equipment. the band's primary income coming from their vocalist's mechanic job, secondary being the drummer's serving job, and their tertiary income being local gigs
i dont quite have all the details of her backstory, but i'm working on it .... <3. she's also 6'1" because tall girls rule
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avathescientist · 2 years
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☆゚. * ・ 。゚intro !
ava. she & her. poc. jack champion, jenna ortega, brant faiyaz, sza, tlc, aaliyah, mariah the scientist, jorjah smith, tv girl, lana del rey
i take gif requests and fanfics!. ( just dm me )
notava#0222, wattpad
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mckinlily · 2 years
I got tagged by @void-tiger so here we go:
Last song I listened to: according to my phone it was Battle by David Guetta but I was just playing a random station. The last song I listened to on purpose was So Am I by Ava Max
Ideal pizza toppings: probably like…pineapples, mushrooms, and olives. Maybe more veggies maybe not. So basically I’m a pizza heathen, don’t @ me
Dream vacation: Hmmmmm, somewhere international for sure and somewhere I haven’t been before. I really like unique architecture, especially old architecture or ruins, and if there’s cool nature around too that’d be awesome. Just something completely fresh and new compared to my usual experience (but also wifi please)
Earth, Air, Fire, or Water: Am I completely biased by how cool fire was animated in Avatar the Last Airbender? Totally. But like. Flames. Colors. Light! Are there other characteristics I’m to base my answer on? Not today!
Childhood cartoons: Magic School Bus, Thomas the Tank Engine. Uh….that it? I didn’t watch a lot of cartoons growing up. My sister and I mostly watched Animal Planet and TLC birthing shows for whatever reason…
Favorite scent(s): not sure? Strong scents after a while tend to make me feel sick no matter what they are. So I tend to need to mix it up or not have scents at all. But I like like the pumpkin spice scent mix. And pine this time of year :)
tagging @synergetic-prose and @headspacedad if you want to play, but no pressure!
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So the kids are coming, well all of you stay safe. Also who is chance going to stay with?
Second: Chance and Missing will stay by King and Purple. They are used to babysitting the younger ones.
Missing: WHAT?! Why am I also supposed to stay by papa?
Second: Missing, you stay. No buts.
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demonecelestiale · 8 months
under the cut all the albums i listened to in 2023 (the list is in italian but i think it's still understandable)
GENNAIO (21 album ascoltati su 31gg, -10)
• Ritorno al Futuro/Back To The Future - Elisa (2022)
• Querencia - Chung Ha (2021)
• Stamp On It - GOT The Beat (2023)
• Doublast - Kep1er (2022)
• Rush - Måneskin (2023)
• Moss - Maya Hawke (2022)
• I Am Me. - Weki Meki (2021)
• Hold The Girl - Rina Sawayama (2022)
• Confetti - Little Mix (2020)
• Plastic Hearts - Miley Cyrus (2020)
• Am I A Girl? - Poppy (2018)
• Currents - Time Impala (2015)
• Crash - Charli XCX (2022)
• Diamond & Dancefloors - Ava Max (2023)
• Loose - Nelly Furtado (2006)
• Hounds Of Love - Kate Bush (1985)
• Panorama - Hayley Kiyoko (2022)
• The Gods We Can Touch - Aurora (2022)
• The Loneliest Time - Carly Rae Jepsen (2022)
• Campi Elasi - Elasi (2020)
• Oasi Elasi - Elasi (2022)
FEBBRAIO (36 ascoltati su 28gg, +8)
• Happier Than Ever - Billie Eilish (2021)
• Taste Of Love - Twice (2021)
• Traumazine - Megan Thee Stallion (2022)
• Numeri Primi - Hu (2022)
• Only Love, L - Lena (2019)
• Disco - Kylie Minogue (2020)
• Impera - Ghost (2022)
• Fanmail - TLC (1999)
• If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power - Halsey (2022)
• Between 1&2 - Twice (2022)
• Youngblood - 5 Seconds Of Summer (2018)
• Fetch The Bolt Cutters - Fiona Apple (2020)
• Gaslighter - The Chicks (2020)
• Ok. Respira - Elodie (2023)
• Spice - Spice Girls (1996)
• Confessions on a Dance Floor - Madonna (2005)
• Dreamland - Glass Animals (2020)
• Arrival - ABBA (1976)
• Cause Perse - Sethu & Jiz (2023)
• The Electric Lady - Janelle Monáe (2013)
• Cabin Fever - Purple Kiss (2023)
• Nel Caos Di Stanze Stupefacenti - Levante (2017)
• Planet Her (piratato) - Doja Cat (2022)
• Blu¹ - Giorgia (2023)
• This Is... Icona Pop - Icona Pop (2013)
• True Romance - Charli XCX (2013)
• Gloria - Sam Smith (2023)
• Diamond Life - Sade (1984)
• She Wolf - Shakira (2009)
• Blu Celeste - Blanco (2021)
• Opera Futura - Levante (2023)
• Assemble - tripleS (2023)
• Cani Sciolti - Francesca Michielin (2023)
• My 21st Century Blues - Raye (2023)
• Pipes and Flowers - Elisa (1997)
• Sheer Heart Attack - Queen (1974)
MARZO (16 ascoltati su 31gg, -15)
• seOul cOllectiOn - OnlyOneOf (2023)
• Magellano - Francesco Gabbani (2017)
• Motomami - Rosalía (2022)
• Heal - Loreen (2013)
• Amelia - Mimi Webb (2023)
• Un Meraviglioso Modo Di Salvarsi - Coma_Cose (2022)
• Solar Power - Lorde (2021)
• I'm Your Baby Tonight - Whitney Houston (1991)
• Club Topperia - MYSS KETA
• Laurel Hell - Mitski (2022)
• Ready To Be - Twice (2023)
• Lowlife Princess: Noir - BIBI (2022)
• the Billage of perception: chapter three - Billlie (2023)
• Rausch - Helene Fischer (2021)
• Whitney - Whitney Houston (1987)
• Desire, I Want To Turn Into You - Caroline Polachek (2023)
APRILE (0 ascoltati su 30gg, -30)
MAGGIO (4 ascoltati su 31gg, -27)
• Unforgiven - Le Sserafim (2023)
• My World - aespa (2023)
• I Feel - (G)I-DLE (2023)
• The Fifty - Fifty Fifty (2022)
GIUGNO (0 ascoltati su 30gg, -30)
LUGLIO (19 ascoltati su 31gg, -12)
• Magic Still Exists - Agnes (2021)
• Spiceworld - Spice Girls (1997)
• La Tigre Assenza - Maria Antonietta (2023)
• Bu Bu Sad - La rappresentante di lista (2018)
• Reboot - Wonder Girls (2015)
• The Age Of Pleasure - Janelle Monáe (2023)
• Voglia di vivere - Angelina Mango (2023)
• Rockabilly Carter - Colla Zio (2023)
• I've IVE - IVE (2023)
• Daydream - Mariah Carey (1995)
• In Pieces - Chlöe (2023)
• Impossible Princess - Kylie Minogue (1997)
• bellodrama - Ana Mena (2023)
• 777 - Latto (2022)
• Elephant - The White Stripes (2003)
• Fever - Kylie Minogue (2001)
• Endless Summer Vacation - Miley Cyrus (2023)
• Dietro le apparenze - Giorgia (2011)
• Version Up - Odd Eye Circle (2023)
AGOSTO (6 ascoltati su 31gg, -25)
• Game Plan - Jeon Somi (2023)
• Teenfresh - STAYC (2023)
• MUHAN - tripleS (2023)
• Barbie The Album - Artisti Vari (2023)
• AR - Addison Rae (2023)
• That! Feels Good! - Jessie Ware (2023)
SETTEMBRE (3 ascoltati su 30gg, -27)
• Loossemble - Loossemble (2023)
• Endless Fantasy - Anamanaguchi (2013)
• E poi siamo finiti nel vortice - Annalisa (2023)
OTTOBRE (16 ascoltati su 31gg, -15)
• Bewitched - Laufey (2023)
• Popstars - Lollipop (2001)
• Welcome To The Doll House - Danity Kane (2008)
• Poster Girl (Summer Edition) - Zara Larsson (2021)
• Tension - Kylie Minogue (2023)
• Sorry I'm Late - Mae Muller (2023)
• Heat - (G)I-DLE (2023)
• Silence Between Songs - Madison Beer (2023)
• Red Light - Elodie (2023)
• MUJUK - tripleS (2023)
• Howl - Chuu (2023)
• 1989 (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift (2023)
• Takin' It Back - Meghan Trainor (2023)
• Access - tripleS (2022)
• Aestetic - tripleS (2023)
• K - Heejin (2023)
NOVEMBRE (3 ascoltati su 30gg, -27)
• Drama - aespa (2023)
• Heaven knows - PinkPantheress (2023)
• The Loveliest Time - Carly Rae Jepsen (2023)
DICEMBRE (11 ascoltati su 31gg, -20)
• i may be an actress, but i cant fake how i feel - Laura Marano (2023)
• I've Mine - IVE (2023)
• Amici Come Prima - Colla Zio (2023)
• LoveSexDrugs - Michael Medrano (2023)
• Va' e Torna - Napoleone (2023)
• Kiss Of Life - Kiss Of Life (2023)
• Born to be XX - Kiss Of Life (2023)
• Unlock My World - fromis_9 (2023)
• i used to think i could fly - Tate McRae (2022)
• CLIQUE - Citizen Queen (2023)
• Così Speciale - Diodato (2023)
• Sweetener - Ariana Grande (2018)
• Ok. Respira - Elodie (2023)
• Pink Tape - f(x) (2013)
• E poi siamo finiti nel vortice - Annalisa (2023) (in ordine diverso però)
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hey!! I'm obsessed w your writing about butch bea -- it's been super life-giving and I feel so seen when I read it :) lol it's gotten to the point where I am BEGGING my gf to watch warrior nun for the sake of being able to read the butch bea universe... anyways. it's incredible. show-stopping. legendary.
I did have a question, though -- what kind of music do you think bea listens to? to me (read: I'm projecting lol) she'd love "take the sadness out of saturday night" by bleachers, "in defense of my own happiness" by joy oladokun, and boygenius (both the first ep & all three of their solo work). and of course ava loves to sing "solid" by muna to bea.
anyways, again, I LOVE this universe & am very grateful that you've spent so much time & energy fleshing it out :) have a great day!
well i have none of these songs as ones bea would listen to but that’s cool! do whatever u want!! i have no agenda w music ppl fuck w so do ur thing lol
maybe bc i’m in LA, but i think she’s p vibey. lots of frank ocean, moses sumney, blood orange. especially blond & negro swan as like fundamental albums for her. bea is also fun!! i think she loves like alicia keys & tlc, really good classic r&b, & subsequently like solange. also i obviously love arooj aftab but i do stand by like. the supreme holiness in her music so i think bea would rly love it. it’s like profoundly undeniable. in that vein, sufjan stevens & leonard cohen as well. i think bea would also rly love like… karen o, silversun pickups, paramore kinda vibes too when she’s Feeling It. & god help anyone who ever plays a love supreme for her
mm for me ava is a pop girly!! which is my favorite!! i literally mean this w like i think pop is the most supreme genre of all time ever, so like… carly rae! charli xcx! caroline polacheck! she is here to feel! she is here to have fun! she is here to be sexy! she is here to be sad! she is here to be in love! the intelligence & excess of pop & its like silly yet obsessive nature,,, how could ava not fall in love. how could anyone not fall in love. pop forever. + the entirety of the insecure soundtrack (which bea probably has half of on vinyl) — best show of all time re:music. (somewhere in there there’s them watching insecure as an ode to LA but i digress lol). i do think ava also probably loves anything justin vernon does (hymn alternatives, the poet of our generation — a word about gnosis, it ain’t gonna buy the groceries), & also she loves contemporary classical.
both of them are absolutely feral abt florence + the machine, all of her discography but i think her latest album maybe more than anything
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whyislenaluthorsohot · 9 months
JC is being such a good dude to Ava. The poor kid is a ball of wrecked nerves and needs some tlc
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songofsilentechoes · 1 year
"Oh, you're right, Cait! She deserves a little TLC, if you ask me..." She's practically purring.
Noelle shudders and smiles a little at the purring voice and she glances back at Ava, her face still bright red.
It's all so much, she's feeling lightheaded.
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