#avoid the villagers lest they pitchfork me to death
smute · 1 year
this is going to sound arrogant but i have yet to hear about a fancy office job that doesn't make me go "oh wow i could do that" and yet when i read an ad for something like junior assistance assistant that pays minimum wage and makes access to indoor plumbing sound like a perk im like "god im so underqualified"
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Lost and Found
A/N: Hi! I have just gotten into Resident Evil 4′s remake, and it has re-ignited my love for Leon. So, I went looking for fanfiction, and I couldn’t quite find what I was looking for. So, I wrote it. Maybe it’s terrible. Maybe it’s not. I’ll let you decide. I gave the character a name but I didn’t describe any physical characteristics so you could easily insert yourself into the story.  This follows the story of the game with Ella thrown in. Also, this is really just a rough draft. I will probably edit it, and definitely add to it. Think of this as just a snippet. So please give me all of the constructive criticisms. Thanks! Genre: Horror, action, adventure, Slow-Burn,   Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Named Reader (Named but not Described) Summary: Ella was one of the missing hikers who was kidnapped by the villagers. She narrowly escaped being sacrificed, but her friends weren’t so lucky. Managing to survive out in the woods with her previous skills and knowledge, she runs into Leon, and that meeting begins the longest, most dangerous adventure of her life as she tries to help him save the girl she saw being taken into the church. What will happen along the way? Only one way to find out.   Warnings: Canon typical violence and gore, Death, Murder, Monsters, Suicidal ideations mentioned, Ella has little regard for her own life and is dealing with the loss of someone closest to her while also fighting to survive with waning self-preservation instincts. Please be cautious if that triggers you. Word Count:3,555 Edited and Extended Part 1
Ella crouched behind the old, worn down wooden building, peeking around the edge to get a look at what she was dealing with. She did her best to not engage with the villagers as she tried to find her way out of this damned area, but she was starving, and there were animals hare, so she didn’t have much choice. Fortunately, there weren’t many villagers around, Ella only noticing the one in her view. She couldn’t see much else, though she was pretty sure she heard a woman grumbling nearby, so she had to be careful. Gripping the rusty kitchen knife tightly in her hand, she began to slowly stalk forward, keeping low as to not be noticeable. Her combat boots made it hard to keep her foot falls quiet, but she managed. She had gotten used to it over the past few days, as she had been doing a lot of sneaking around. The villager was none the wiser, and as she neared the front of the building, she peaked around to make sure there was no one else. She could see the slightest movement of a pitchfork behind the barn, letting her know there was another villager, but otherwise, it was clear, save the animals. Whoever was by the hay should be none the wiser as long as she did this properly. Moving forward once more, she did her best to not disturb the animals, lest they give her away.  She was able to sneak up right behind the male villager, keeping her breathing quiet as she assessed her best move. He was a bit taller than her, but she would have to deal, as she didn’t have any other choice. She had enough knowledge to know where the jugular was, and with a quickness she had gathered over the course of the last few days, she stood up straight, jabbing the knife deep into his neck and moving her hand around to cover his mouth to keep him quiet. He flailed lightly, but his body began to drop, and Ella did her best to help him fall quietly. However, grown men were heavy, and she stumbled back just a bit, narrowly avoiding falling on her ass as the man’s body thumped to the ground. She grimaced, looking behind her and praying the other villager behind the barn hadn’t heard anything. After a few moments, the coast seemed to be clear, and she let out a breath. However, it wasn’t over yet. She had to clear the small barn area, or she risked being caught as she tried to cook her meal. Getting up, she dusted her torn and dirtied leggings off as much as she could, before wiping the bloodied blade of her deteriorating knife on the dead villagers clothes. She would have to find another one soon. . . She stood up straight, turning around and beginning to slowly walk forward to gain a better view from behind the barn to where the other villager was. As she got closer and closer, she saw the hay, but not the pitchfork, her brows furrowing. They must have left. . .but then where were- She stopped, her eyes widening as she took in the dead body of the female villager. What happened? Did she just die? Ella supposed it was possible considering these people were infected by something, but she hadn’t seen them just keel over before. What was the alternative? Was there someone else here? The very thought made her heart pound. She had just adjusted to the villagers and the large man in the hat and robe walking about. What else could there be? It was then that she heard the slightest sound of movement behind her, and she spun, holding out the knife as she readied to defend herself against whatever else was in this village. However, what was behind her made her heart stop and her mind reel. A gun was pointed at her, the man behind it giving her a suspicious and cautious look. He looked. . .normal, and not from around here, with his not pale and sickly skin, steel blue instead of red eyes, relatively clean clothes, and damning of all- the gear she could see peeking out from his jacket. An outsider. Possibly a police officer, agent or- she didn’t know, but possibly someone here to deal with whatever the fuck was going on in this hellhole. Finally coming back to herself, Ella immediately put her hands up, showing she meant no harm. “Wait-” She breathed, her throat a bit hoarse considering she hadn’t used it since escaping. “I’m not like them- I’m not infected.” She tried to explain, but her mind was reeling from the shock of this. “I-I was out here hiking with some friends, but we- we were attacked, and I escaped.” He still wasn’t saying anything, just staring. Ella could only assume he wanted her to continue. “I just want to get out of here and go home. . .please. I swear I’m telling the truth.” Surely he could tell she wasn’t a villager, with her combat boots, black tights, dark jean shorts, black t-shirt, and dark green flannel. He had to know she was telling the truth, because why the fuck else would she be out here in the middle of nowhere? Surely people had reported them missing, right? The blonde man seemed to take in her words, and a moment later, he lowered his gun, holstering it. Ella let out a breath of relief, though a dark part of her mind that had surfaced since this hell had started wondered if him shooting her would have been the best thing for her after everything she had endured. She pushed it away, her waning self-preservation instincts shoving them in a dark corner in her mind. “How long have you been out here?” He spoke for the first time, seeming the slightest bit surprised. “Um. . .a few days. I think four.” She answered, having stopped keeping count and focusing on just surviving. This man didn’t seem like he was one for facial expressions, but the twitch of his eyebrow made her think he was at least a little shocked. Ella moved her flannel shirt to the side, revealing a metal water bottle hanging at her hip. The bottom of it was an orangish brown to dark brown, revealing it had been burnt multiple times. “I boil water and add iodine tablets for good measure, I know some edible plants, though there aren’t much around here, I was about to kill a chicken, and these villagers leave *a lot* of kitchen knives laying around.” She answered his unspoken questions, and when he didn’t say anything, she shrugged. “I was the survivalist nut of my friends.” She murmured, leaving the explanation at that. The very mention of her friends sent a sharp pain through her heart. “It shows.” Was all he said in response, before turning his head to seemingly scan their surroundings. It was then he noticed the dead villager on the ground, glancing at her once more, but not saying anything about it. She waited for him to ask anything else, but he was quiet, Ella wondering what he was thinking. After a moment, he reached into a large pouch at his hip, before holding something out for her. Her brows furrowed as she looked to see what it was, but the moment she realized, her eyes widened. It was a granola bar. Food. She practically snatched it from his hand, not able to find it in herself to care as she almost tore it open with her teeth. She refrained, opting to tear the wrapping open and making sure not to waste a single bit. “Thank you.” She breathed, relieved she didn’t have to kill another defenseless animal for now. He nodded in acknowledgement, before he moved to the open building, looking around, and Ella focused on her food. She was careful not to eat too fast, taking a couple bites before unclipping her water bottle and taking a swig. It didn’t taste great, especially compared to the honey flavored granola, but when you were in survival mode, it didn’t matter how it tasted. Just that it was clean. She was practically finished with the bar when curiosity got the better of her. “So what about you? You seem prepared, you’ve clearly come out here on purpose, and you don’t seem like a cop to me.” He stopped at that, turning his head enough for her to know he was listening to her. “Why are you here? Did someone you know come out here and go missing?” She probably shouldn’t pry, but he was the first normal person she had seen in days. Well- save the girl she had seen being carried into the church. “Something like that.” He grabbed a green herb that was growing into the barn, picking a piece off the stem and putting it into his pouch. He had more knowledge on plants and herbs than she did, as she had no idea what he had just grabbed. “Does it happen to be a young girl? Blonde, kinda like you?” She went out on a limb, and it was the correct one, because his head snapped to her, the most emotion she had seen from him thus far showing in his expression. “You’ve seen her?” He questioned, and Ella nodded. “Yeah, they carried her into the church. I tried to help her but. . .she was surrounded and all I have are these crappy knives. I was hoping to get help once I got out of here.” If the girl, or herself for that matter, lived that long. . .Ella had felt terrible leaving her behind. After everything she had lost, the last thing she wanted to do was leave that young girl behind. But she knew going in with just a rusty, deteriorating knife wasn’t going to be of any help to her, and Ella’s best bet was finding help. It seemed she had found some much sooner than she thought. “The church. . .” He was speaking mostly to himself, taking in the information Ella had given him. “Yeah, it’s that way.” She pointed in the direction she knew the church to be, the man's eyes following it. His brows were furrowed lightly in determination, and Ella could tell that getting that girl back was important to him. She didn’t know why. She seemed a little young to be his girlfriend, but maybe she was his sister. They were both blonde, but that was about where the resemblance ended. To be fair, she hadn’t gotten a great look at her. “Is she your sister or-?” She asked, but she had a feeling she wouldn’t get an answer. As suspected, he looked back to the area around him, clearly preparing to leave without answering. Ella pursed her lips, unsure of what happened next. Was he going to leave her here? Clearly that was for the best since he was venturing deeper into this village and she was trying to leave it, but. . .She had no idea if she was going to make it out alive by herself. That, and that girl kept flashing into her mind. She couldn’t shake the guilt of leaving her behind even though she knew there was nothing she could have done for her. All she could think about was Alice’s terrified expression right before- Her heart twisted, and she had to bite the inside of her cheek to push the feelings down. “If you’re going to save her, I want to come with you.” The words were spilling out of her mouth before she could stop them, but she looked at him with determination nonetheless. He met her eyes then, his expression unreadable. “I know some basic self defense, and I’ve clearly handled myself this far. Plus, I don’t think I’m going to make it if I keep going on alone anyway, so I don’t have anything to lose. I won’t get in your way. I just want to help.” She explained her decision before he could ask, but she could see he was unconvinced. “Look. . .I lost the most important person in my life to these occult assholes. If there’s a chance I can help stop whatever the fuck is going on here, and save someone in the process, I want to take it. Even if I die in the process.” She wasn’t kidding when she said she had nothing to lose. Alice had been everything she had, and she was gone. Ella could do nothing but watch as those villagers in robes sacrificed her on the stone table with an axe. She didn’t want to sit by anymore. And truthfully, she didn’t see a life for herself after all of this. Not after everything that happened. Not without Alice. So if she was going to die, it might as well be trying to do something good, like saving someone else’s person. “Also, you don’t seem like the kind of guy who leaves people behind so. . .’ Maybe that was a low blow, and for all she knew he was the type, but it was her last ditch effort. She saw his chest fall in exhale as he relented, and she knew then that she had read him right, and that she had won. What she hadn’t expected, however, was for him to grab another handgun from his waist belt, holding it out for her. “Do you know how to use this?” He asked her, seemingly doing some of his own reading. Ella looked to the black handgun, reaching out to take it and examining it. She tested the weight of it, and noted its specs, before looking back up at him. “Well enough.” She answered, and it was true. She knew he knew that by the way he had watched how she handled it- the way she purposefully kept her finger off the trigger, or how she checked to make sure the safety was on, or the way she seemed to know how it was meant to be held. Ella had handled a gun when she was younger. Her dad, who also taught her all the survival skills she knew, wanted her to know how to use one. Ella didn’t like guns, and because of that she had left the skills in the past, but considering their situation, she knew this was an exception. She’d get the hang of it quickly as she remembered all she was taught. The man seemed satisfied with her answer and his own analysis on whether or not she should have a firearm, turning as he continued his exploration of the area around them. She tucked the gun in the waistband of her shorts before she moved to follow him. “What are you looking for?” She questioned curiously. “A way to open the gate.” He answered simply, clearly not a man of many words. “Gate?” She did not remember any gate. To be fair, she had stumbled upon this barn area from the woods so. . . “Do you know another way around?”  “Not a quick way.” She huffed, knowing that going through the woods wasn’t a good idea. First, she had almost gotten lost multiple times. Second, it would take a while if they went that way, because there was a fence that she had to find an opening in to get to here. Something told her he’d rather go through than around if it meant saving time. With that, she began looking around herself. Eventually, they found their way into the windmill, and Ella stayed behind as the man climbed the ladder to the top. After some rustling and shuffling, Ella contemplated going up herself. “We need to find a wooden cog.” His voice called down just as she moved to climb up. A wooden cog? She didn’t remember seeing one anywhere they looked. “Oh, maybe it’s in the barn!” She suggested. They hadn’t been able to find a way in, but perhaps there was a way from up there as she remembered seeing a platform up top. “I’ll head that way.” Aka, she stays down there and waits for him to open up the barn from the outside. Fair enough. She sighed, crossing her arms as she awaited any news or a sound from him that told her if he found a way in. She began to look around the windmill, and it was then that she noticed another green plant just like the one he grabbed before. Hm. He clearly wanted them, right? Doing as he did, she grabbed a sprig of it, putting it into her back pocket. With that, she looked up to the second floor, no longer hearing him walking around on the wooden platform. Taking that as her que to head to the barn, she left the windmill, and that was when she noticed the large man with a boar head and a giant hammer, her eyes widening. “Hey!” She shouted just as he slammed the large hammer into the wood of the barn, hoping to get the guys (she should really figure out his name) attention, as well as the boar man. She pulled out her gun, ready to test her neglected skills as she took a moment to aim, before opening fire. The recoil shocked her, as she hadn’t remembered how that felt, but hopefully the shot still landed. She got him right in the head, but it didn’t seem to slow him down. To make matters worse, other villagers seemed to be coming. Great. Before she could think of what to do next, a loud bang rang through the air, making her flinch and look to the barn in shock. The boar man was on his knees, and the guy came out with a shotgun, before landing a spin kick to the creature's head. What the- where the hell did this guy come from?! She couldn’t focus on that, deciding to take care of the villagers that were on their way to him. She took aim again, and this time when she fired a head shot, it was effective. Feeling more confident than she had in days, she stepped forward, continuing to shoot the remaining villagers, dealing with them just as the boar man fell to the ground dead. “What the hell was that?” She questioned as the adrenaline left her body. “I’m not sure.” The man responded, talking about the boar man though that hadn’t been what she was talking about. “No, not him. You. That was skilled training. Knowing how to use multiple kinds of guns, remaining calm under this kind of pressure, and that spin kick? Who are you?” She couldn’t help but ask, having not expected that from him. He reloaded his shotgun, seemingly contemplating his answer. “I’ll explain later. Let’s go.” He replaced the shotgun on his back, which had been hidden behind his jacket, before grabbing the wooden cog they had been looking for off a table and walking past her. Ella took a moment to process, before letting out a sigh and turning to follow him. As he was back up the ladder, she finally decided to ask an important question. “Can you at least tell me your name?” She called, though a moment later she heard the mechanism start, the creaking of the door sounded from outside and she turned her head to look. It was then that the man decided ladders were unnecessary, jumping down and practically startling Ella to death as she put a hand to her heart, willing it to calm down. “Leon Kennedy.” He answered, and Ella could have swore there was a hint of amusement in his eyes as he walked past her again. The sly bastard. . . She followed him out, half heartedly glaring at the back of his head as they passed through the gate. “Ella Monroe.” She returned, deciding to keep her full first name to herself. She hated it anyway and no one but her father called her by it when he had the pleasure of ever speaking to her. As she looked ahead to where they were going, she stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening slightly. “Oh hell no.” She found herself saying as she took in the rickety old wooden bridge. Leon stopped, turning to look at her with raised brows. She could practically see the question in his eyes. “Oh come on, that looks so unstable.” She pointed out, though it wasn’t really true, but he didn’t budge, and she sighed, relenting. He could see that she had, as he started forward once more. “I said I wanted to die helping out your friend. Not falling to my death after going over an obviously deteriorating bridge.” She grumbled, missing the way Leon’s steps faltered just slightly as she was too busy looking over the edge of the bridge. Isn’t that something they told you not to do? Oh well. She couldn’t help herself. All it showed her was that if she fell, it would probably be an instant death because she couldn’t see the ground, so there was that. This trip was already putting her in life threatening danger. But, she supposed that’s exactly what she wanted. xXx A/N: Again, constructive criticism is appreciated! Also, please let me know if there are any warnings I missed or if I could write them better. Hopefully you guys like it! 
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