#awkward lawyers
littlestuffstohide · 5 months
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When Vasquez said she had a question, Phoenix already knew it wasn't going to be good.
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I had completely forgotten the motive. It's refreshing to replay AA after so many years. I feeeel so old.
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Oh Milessssss. You do remember Mia and Phoenix were ready to give up three times the day before. ahahaha.
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Constipated Phoenix has entered the picture. Phoenix is literally just as bad at it as Miles.
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Winning, losing, yup. The opposite choices of words to say.
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Phoenix... You got there after seeing him like this. You are so weak to Miles. He is also so weak to you. And cueee the music. Cue us cheering Phoenix on.
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Will Powers introduction and he goes... stumbling and glaring. Eloquent Miles is gone. Of course he is! He's meeting his idol. So adorable Miles.
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Wow. I feel offended for Miles.
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He is so calllm again. Us being Maya... "meeting again?""
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All I could think was... cue the angst Miles. Why I did not answer any letter? Why I never wanted to remember? Remembering Phoenix was remembering the most painful thing.
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Mr. Unnecessary feelings which he will carry 'til the end of time.
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He can't not see him. They live in the same city and would possible cross paths. We all know what he's thinking.
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Phoenix? What's your angle? Accidently screen shot Maya like this. This would be Maya's face after years of seeing them both pin so muuuch!
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thesongistheriver · 2 months
The blond bloke in the suit swallowed heavily. “I’m looking for a Mr. Gaius White.”
Merlin’s mouth twisted. “That was my great-uncle, but he passed away. I’m the shop proprietor now.” He straightened to his full height and held out his hand. “Mer—”
Blond Bloke cut him off. “I’ll need some proof of that.”
Face scrunching up in distaste, Merlin snapped, “Why? Who the hell are you, anyway?”
Reaching into his breast pocket, Blond Bloke pulled out a business card. “My firm—er, my father’s firm—handled all the business legalities for Dragon Egg Books. My father has sent me to this ridiculous backwater to ensure our association continues.”
“It’s basically a suburb, not the bloody hinterlands, you posh tosser,” Merlin muttered, looking at the card.
The bookstore Merthur AU has begun!
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stupid-elf · 4 months
Growing up with strict, neurodivergent parents while neurodivergent yourself will have you as an adult acting like you've recently escaped the feywild. What are the tricky rules? Is everything accounted for? How do I ensure I don't accidentally step over the line into Impoliteness. You know the consequences aren't death and dismemberment but you might look down one day and find you've lost your shadow and all of your friends if you're not careful
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orbmanson7 · 1 year
Why Logan is Trapped by the Narrative: A Quick Analysis on the Effects of Thomas' Black-and-White Thinking
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Why is Logan so caught up on not being seen as a joke?
Why does he care so much about what Thomas and the others think of him?
Can't he just be Logic without having to deny he has feelings, without constantly filling only the roles of exposition in the show and the voice of reason for Thomas?
Well, here's the thing: Logan is trapped by the narrative.
Thomas' perception of the narrative, to be exact.
Think of it this way - you know how so many people argue that we can't have a female president in the US because she would somehow be "too emotional" to handle the position properly?
While complete nonsense (at least in comparison to plenty of emotional decisions men can make, too), the point is that people see the role of a president as someone who is calm, collected, and in control. They know that person will have to make very important decisions, so it's believed they need to be someone who is informed and level-headed.
Similarly, if you were to hire a lawyer, only for that lawyer to constantly get angry and loud and scream at people when someone argued with them, would you trust them to be able to do their job properly?
If you went to the doctor, only for your doctor to cry and sob with empathy for you, only offering up niceties and positive words instead of factual information to improve your situation, would you ever go back to such a doctor or trust them to help anyone?
People perceive certain jobs and roles in very specific ways.
It's not that a lawyer can't get emotional, but they need to understand how to keep their calm when they are doing their job. It's not that a doctor can't have empathy and care about their patients, but they need to not let it interfere with their work.
People tend to see the world as more black and white than it actually is. We perceive people for their roles, not as the multi-faceted folks that they truly are.
Just because you see a coworker who's always quiet and reserved doesn't mean they are like that when they go home. Just because your teacher is strict and quick to find faults doesn't mean they are like that when they're on vacation.
Often, people think someone can only be one or the other, not varying shades of both and more. But even people we know very well can have aspects that we don't know or understand.
Logan exists within shades of gray, removed from those arbitrary constructs society holds but still required to operate within them because of Thomas.
This is why he has to insist on being heard, being taken seriously, not making mistakes.
Because everything relies on Thomas' perception of him.
If Thomas doesn't find Logan reliable? He won't be reliable.
If Thomas doesn't trust him when he tells him the truth? He won't be trustworthy.
If Thomas thinks Logan is wrong about something? Then Logan will be wrong.
It all comes down to how Thomas' mind perceives everything, and Logan is always, always torturously aware of that fact. Thomas is human. He has a lot of black-and-white thinking that he hasn't challenged just yet.
It's because of this that Logan knows he can't mess up, because then Thomas will see those mistakes as him. He will be identified in that way.
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We see this with the other sides a lot, too, by the way.
Patton isn't taking seriously even when he has good suggestions because he's always telling jokes and relying on feelings. But Morality is something important that should be listened to and taken seriously at times, as it's meant to guide your actions.
Roman is reprimanded a lot for arguing and yelling at others, but he is constantly fueled by passion. He's built to stand up for what he believes in, even if he's wrong or making an impulsive decision in the moment! Tampering down that passion would prevent him from expressing the Creativity that he embodies!
Virgil's entire role is to scare Thomas into not doing things that could potentially hurt him, so Thomas perceived him as scary and villainous for a very long time. But without it, Thomas could easily get hurt!
The same can be said for Janus and Remus, too. They initially come off as villainous, bad, and evil, despite their actual purpose and intentions, only because Thomas has perceived them and their roles in that way.
Logan cannot make mistakes because then he'll be seen as unreliable or wrong. He can't display emotions because then he'll be seen as emotional, compromised and unable to make unbiased decisions. He can't be seen as a joke or not taken seriously, because then Thomas' perception of him as a voice of reason, as someone with valuable knowledge, as someone he can always trust to tell him the truth...that will all be gone. It will warp Logan into something that he's not, so he has to maintain those rigid guidelines as much as absolutely possible to remain in his position.
Does this mean Logan really can have emotions? Can he enjoy silly activities or a good joke? Yes, of course he can.
But it needs to be kept separate from his role as Thomas' logic.
And this is where the issue arises. Because Thomas wants his sides to constantly act as their own characters, this puts a lot of spotlight on Logan even when he is in private. He can't be perceived at any time as someone Thomas can't trust or rely on, so his role as Logic invades the other part of his existence, too.
If a lawyer was stoic and formal even at home with their family, their family would probably find them odd, and the lawyer would probably feel stressed about being completely unable to ever unwind.
If a doctor could not show empathy even to their own children, relying only on facts, unable to comfort them because their coworkers could see their every move and they couldn't risk being seen as emotional for even a moment, the doctor would likely have a very stilted relationship with their kids, unable to connect with them in the way they want.
For Logan, he has to remain a reliable, unbiased, unfeeling Logic at all times because he is constantly being perceived as such.
Because it's all about who's watching and what's expected to be seen.
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Logan wants to be more than his role as Logic, more than what is expected of him. But he knows the consequences of him trying to do so could harm Thomas in the long run, leaving him without a much-needed voice of reason.
So he's not going to let that happen, even if that means he has to hide away all the parts of 'Logan' that don't quite fit what Thomas expects of him.
Because Thomas needs him to be Logic a hell of a lot more than he needs him to be Logan.
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kaesaaurelia · 6 days
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Friends, tonight's Hero Forge theme is betrayal, heartbreak, and having entirely too many dogs.
Companion to this.
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kiraman · 5 months
Heartthrob Caitlyn & Heartache Vi
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inspired by their letters
"You’re entirely too short to be stacking shelves, did you have to bribe someone to get this job?" The slow, polished, smooth drawl comes directly from behind her, and Vi stiffens for a moment, her jaw locked and clenching, suddenly annoyed by her posh accent, the way her nerves set alight, how one word from her has got her fucking losing touch with the world around her. She presses her free hand to her jaw and breathes in dust, breathes out nerves, chuckles somewhere in the back of her throat, and it's cool and unbothered, too aloof: she won't get stuck, candycoated in the sound of her voice, the shape of her mouth around her name, won't budge, not this time. She's left Caitlyn on read for four days, hasn't returned her calls because she's still not done giving her attitude over how she had pulled away from her like she had been struck by fucking lightning, had forcefully pried her hand out of hers when they had suddenly ran into her college friends while walking her back home from that party Vi had taken her somewhere in Zaun a little over a week ago.
"yeah, well. someone's gotta do it, princess. We don't all live in palaces." She doesn’t turn to look back at Caitlyn, only gives her a fleeting glance over her shoulder, the little spray of freckles over her cheeks smooth and warmed by the heat of the day, and then her eyes are back on the shelf, the cans in the box at her feet. Instead, she presses the heel of her palm to her temple and sighs, rolls her shoulder into a stiff shrug (it's still killing her from when she fucked it up during boxing training and Vi does not notice, but Caitlyn frowns at her back when she does that, concerned) continues to stack cans, standing precariously on tip toes. She can hear Caitlyn fidgeting, shifting, her heels clicking on the parquet floor, her breath becoming shallow, sharp. She doesn't care, won't cave in. Her jaw is set, aching under the strain of the pressure she's imposing on it.
"Vi... I..." Caitlyn suddenly sounds strange, her voice soft, like a kiss, like an apology, and Vi's hand jerks at the sound, the can she's holding wobbles and the entire row begins to shift gently.
"Oh- careful-" and then she’s there, pressed against Vi's back, and Vi can feel her exhaling around her, the faint aroma of her perfume, warmed by her blood. The air is warm and filled with so much something that for a blinking second she forgets her anger. Caitlyn's hands are gentle on the back of hers, pressing the stock back into place. Her palm is smooth, narrow. It could fit right into hers. Cait tightens her fingers around her hand and squeezes, and Vi squeezes her eyes shut. "See," Cait teases, and it's for her ears only, her voice pitched low and breathless, a smooth, awkward drawl, the apology leaking through the words. "you’re a danger to us all." 
Vi snorts, but it's more air than sound, choking in the back of her throat, and the charge of her electricity is skittering up her arms, and it's stupid, it's stupid how badly she wants her, what it does to her, touching her, kissing her, being anywhere near her; how she unravels, like a torn thread, loses her head; she looks at her and the air sucks out of the room, the world narrows down to her hands in hers, her eyes, her mouth, how she reaches for her, pulls her back in; she's been up and down and out of her mind for years, but ever since she's met Cait, every place she runs to is a place she knows how to find and Vi does not know what to do with it.
She feels Caitlyn's breath on her neck now, and something inside her snaps- she doesn't wanna hold onto her anger, her heart already, forgetting to hold its place, frantically trying to drag itself out of her body and onto the floor to crawl into her arms, starved for scraps of her warmth, her attention.
Her fingers curl into a fist and she feels the muscles in her left shoulder spasm, rolls it sharply into a shrug. Caitlyn gasps, surprised, her hand slipping off of hers. "you gonna move, cupcake?" she demands, finally turning around.
Caitlyn's just standing there, fidgeting, her hands smoothing her skirt, brushing a nonexistent speck from her sleeve, and it's almost funny, how Vi's immediately folding, how their eyes meet and with her, so close, the world feels alive; less dull.
"I don't want to." Cait whispers, with her red lips tight, and her hands now clasped tightly together, toying with her fingers. The little silver ring on her index finger's glinting under the lights.
"what am I supposed to say to that?"
"Something... Anything!"
Vi sighs, feeling her shoulders slump. They are all alone, it's 7:24 in the evening, and the cafe is empty. She stares at her, and feels the sting of her nails biting into her palm, suddenly aware of how hard she's been squeezing her hand into a fist. Last night, she had lain awake in her bed, staring at her picture until her eyes had glazed (Caitlyn looked happy in it, carefree with the sun behind her. Vi had scrolled past the one where her hair was spread out behind her like a fan. She had thought about how it had looked over her pillow, how waking up to her in a too-small bed in her too small room had felt, how warm she had been...) It had been three in the morning when her phone had died. Afterwards, she had dreamed of the two of them sleeping next to each other, but not touching; had dreamed of that night the two of them had laid under the stars together, how Caitlyn had taken her hand in hers and traced constellations across the sky, told her their names. Caitlyn's hair spread open like wildflowers and her laugh still hanging in the air; she had gotten mud on her shorts and squealed a lot about it, and Vi had snorted, called her a princess, and that had earned her a prim scowl, a slap on her bicep. And laughter. Caitlyn had straddled her waist and pinned her down, breathless. She had dreamed about that, too. How her mouth had tasted like flames on her tongue, her hands searching wild under her shirt, whispering "I want you, I want you, I need you".
"Okay... Something." Vi says, and it's petty. She pushes past her, and Caitlyn sighs, rolls her eyes, exasperated. She grabs onto her wrist and pulls her back, and Vi goes with it, doesn't pull away, but her jaw is set, and her eyes are hard, flaming, lit with the sun.
"Stop it!" Cait pleads, and Vi shrugs, doesn't back off when Caitlyn steps closer, her hand on her wrist.
"you stop it. I am working."
A huff, and there it is, that obnoxiously posh, perfect drawl filling her ears.
"oh, please! you've been avoiding me for days!"
"wow. your perceptive powers know no bounds."
"stop! Vi—" Caitlyn hisses, furiously grabbing onto her wrist when Vi tries to walk off and back to her work.
Bursts of sudden, blood-red anger pound like a fire alarm through her chest, and she is turning around again, her cheeks red, hot to the touch, and, "what do you want from me?" Vi shoots back, suddenly crowding her against the shelf. The cans and plastic cups on it rattle violently. One of them crashes onto the floor.
Caitlyn doesn't say anything, but lifts her chin and her lips part in a breathy gasp. Vi's eyes drop to her mouth, watching her lips when she licks them, says her name, or thinks she says her name, she's so breathless, blind with anger, the world has been narrowed down to the space between the two of them, the way it's pulsing as though it's alive, begging to be filled; Cait's mouth opens then closes. She shifts and the shelf rattles again. Vi feels her fingers suddenly on her, poised at her hips, and her eyes slip off her mouth to her hand on her hip; Caitlyn immediately pulls it away, her hands listless, falling onto her sides; her mouth is slack. She feels her breath everywhere at once like a hundred sighs. Her eyes trace the shape of Cait's mouth, and she can feel that muscle that's aching in her shoulder spasm again; feels her jaw work, stiff and hard, like she's been punched. Her watch starts beeping loudly and they both look down at its warning, it saying abnormal heart rate detected.
When she looks up, Caitlyn's eyes are already on her, fire-bright and drowning. She's got a strange smile on her mouth, like she's won something. She surges forward and crashes her lips to hers.
Caitlyn's fingers find the side of her face, the smooth moon of her sharp jaw, squeezing hard. Vi's fingers are in her hair, pulling, and she is gasping, harder than Caitlyn now, she wants the heat of her with sharp teeth and wild desire, licking it off the roof of her mouth, sucking on her tongue, putting her mouth everywhere she lets her, on her neck, beneath her jawbone, licking frantically, kissing her cheek, her ear. She feels Cait's hands on her ass, her teeth sinking into her shoulder, and she loses her mind, melting under her mouth when Cait draws her back in, her lips finding the crook of her neck to drag across her throat, to her jaw, to her mouth, kissing her harder. She tastes sweet, and her heart hammers against her ribs. She cannot breathe and her cheeks are bright pink and that moment stretches out like a flood, drowning them both in its furious depth, they are both wild and all heat and quick bloodstreams and passion like exposed wires. With a hiss, she breaks apart from Cait, breathing hard.
When they break apart, her head's spinning round and round, but Caitlyn's there, already cupping her face, her thumbs splaying out over the swell of her cheeks, drawing her back in to the world around them. "I am sorry" she is saying, all blue wide eyes, mouth still redpink (Vi's is on fire and probably, she thinks suddenly, covered in the sheen of Cait's slightly glittery lipgloss). For a long time, Vi doesn't say anything.
Her lips are on her forehead and her jeans are ruining the lace of her skirt with their coarseness. She presses her nose to hers, breathing in hard. Caitlyn's rubbing her thumb across the arch of her cheekbone softly, and she can feel her shaking against her, a slight, soft tremor.
"your lipgloss tastes strange." she whispers, finally, and surprise explodes across Cait's face like a firework, her lips parting again, but then, she's smiling, and Vi's smiling too, or as good as, her eyes are glazed over and she's still reeling from her, her lungs burning.
"shut up..." Cait says primly.
She’s done for. A flush returns to her body, and her skin ignites with goosebumps.
When she kisses her, the world stops spinning, it's just she and her, and her mouth on hers, and Caitlyn's thighs, and her hand between them, her nails on her back, how she says meet me tonight? and she doesn't even think about it, she's already saying yes, yes, it's agony, it's starvation, she wants her; she's missed her; afterwards, she feels that kiss on her mouth everywhere she goes, like a secret, like a warning, but she holds onto it like it's everything she's got that is hers only, and doesn't say anything when Jinx asks her why she's smiling at the walls. She shrugs, says, I'm going out tonight. Tell Ekko, I'm sorry. Next time I'll join. Jinx gives her weird looks, and she chugs her energy drink in one go.
When Caitlyn shows up, with her sharp, perfect smile and eyes that scream their hunger everywhere they touch her, it feels like she loves her and there aren’t words enough and there never will be. She's tall and beautiful, and when she slips on a rock, her thigh high boots too high heeled, Vi catches her and they're laughing when she calls he klutz and Caitlyn punches her in the shoulder, and for now, that's enough. The two of them, in the shadows; the two of them alone, under the sky; them and the stars and Caitlyn's hand in hers, tracing their shape.
Her and the stars, and Vi watching her mouth when she tells her their names.
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kanerallels · 2 months
For @laughingphoenixleader, who requested Kanej in a superhero/villain au
(tw for vague mentions of drug deals and human trafficking, though there's nothing explicit)
The streets of Chicago were clogged with criminals. One couldn’t take a step without seeing a carjacking, a drug sale, a mugging. It was the perfect place for a criminal enterprise to begin and flourish.
It shouldn’t have been a surprise to anyone, then, when someone other than the corrupt law enforcement rose up to stop them.
The Wraith. No one had seen her face, but everyone knew the name. A figure in dark clothing, using knives and carrying out judgment against the traffickers and the dealers before disappearing into the shadows again. Those who used humans as a commodity seemed to be the biggest targets.
Which was lucky for the city’s latest big player.
“Kaz Brekker,” Inej murmured, studying the blurry image on the computer screen. He looked young, though how old she couldn’t tell with the quality of the photo. All that was really obvious was dark clothing and hair, a pale face, and the cane in his gloved hand. Both of which look…familiar.
“Why is he on our radar?” she asked Nina, who was slouched in the wheeled chair in front of the computer.
The young woman shrugged. “Possibly because he’s the main suspect in seventeen different robberies, but no one’s been able to prove it. Or because his right hand man shoots like no human being should be able to. There’s also the fact that he sprouted up out of nowhere overnight. Looks like he took control of Per Haskell’s gang, but he was there all along. We just didn’t see him until now.”
Inej frowned. “Why?”
Getting up from her chair, Nina headed towards the kitchenette in the corner of the basement room Inej used as her headquarters. “Probably because he didn’t want to be seen. And you’ve had other, bigger problems on your mind. Toaster waffle?”
Absently, Inej waved her off, mind spinning. Kaz Brekker. If his plan was to set himself up as the crime lord of the city, that could be a problem. Especially if he was as good as Nina said he was. “I might have to pay him a visit,” she muttered, more to herself than anyone else.
Nina answered anyway as she popped two waffles into the toaster. “Just do me a favor and don’t get stabbed. I have class tonight, and stitching you up doesn’t actually count as homework.”
Despite her cavalier words, Inej could hear the concern hiding behind them, and she smiled. “I’ll be careful, Nina. I promise.”
The other woman didn’t look overly comforted, but nodded all the same.
Later that night, after Nina had cajoled her into eating and resting, then swept off to her night class at Ravka University, Inej slipped out of her civilian clothes and into her suit. It wasn’t quite Superman quality, but the clothing was comfortable and good for sneaking and climbing. She checked to make sure her knives and gear were all secure, and set off into the night.
Brekker seemed to have set up shop at the Crow Club downtown. Inej knew of the place, but Per Haskell—the former owner—had never caused enough trouble for her to have risked the trip, not yet. She’d had bigger prey to track.
Slipping in was a simple matter. One of the windows was unlocked, and Inej eased through into what looked like an office. A desk lined with papers and books stood in the middle, with a cot pushed up against one wall. Does Brekker live here?
A key clicked in the lock, and Inej ghosted into a dark corner, keeping her steps quiet and smooth. A second later, the door swung open, and Kaz Brekker stepped inside, limp obvious, cane swinging.
She caught the barest glimpse of pale skin and high cheekbones before his back was to her, standing at the desk. His movements precise, he flipped through a file, gloved fingers tapping against the outside.
The tapping paused, and his head lifted a little. Then he spoke, his voice rasping and rough.
“The Wraith, I presume.”
How did he know I was here? Inej brushed aside the surprise. There was no use in pretending now. She moved out of the shadows, and Brekker turned to face her.
Inej’s heart skipped a beat. Not for any silly, romantic reasons—though the young man facing her was handsome enough, in a severe way. He was all sharp angles and dark shades, his dark brown eyes taking her in like she was a problem to be solved.
No, the reason her heart skipped a beat was because she knew him.
She hadn’t known his name at the time. But they’d met once, years ago. Before Inej became the Wraith, before she’d escaped the life that had driven her to take this path.
The police had found her. An undercover cop, Detective Nazyalensky, had made contact, and promised her that if she informed on Heleen and her entire organization, she would go free. Inej had been going to meet her the day of the bust when Heleen had summoned her into her office.
She’d known. Inej was sure of it, and if she went into that office, she would be beaten, or sold, or worse. Fear had threatened to choke her, and she’d wavered. Should she run? But she wouldn’t have made it, not if Heleen wasn’t distracted.
And then he’d walked in. He couldn’t have been more than sixteen, but carried himself like a full grown man. But he didn’t look at the girls as he came in, and that struck Inej as curious. The other customers ogled freely.
Maybe he wasn’t a customer. Perhaps he was one of the information dealers who came to Heleen for what the girl’s customers knew. In which case…
She moved toward him quietly, her feet brushing the floor. He was standing at the door of Heleen’s office, facing away from her when she said, “I can help you.”
He’d been startled when he turned to face her, though it faded quickly. He’d lifted an eyebrow, looking a little curious when Heleen’s voice had rung out from the office.
“Enough hiding, little lynx! I said I wanted to see you, and I want to do it now.”
Inej had flinched, unable to prevent the visions flooding her mind. The boy facing her frowned, just a little. Then, he’d spoken. Not to her, but to Heleen.
“You have an appointment to keep with me, Heleen. Haskell won’t wait forever.”
Grumbling, Heleen had appeared at the office door and waved for the boy to follow her in. Before he moved away, the boy had looked at her. “Don’t let them see your tell,” he’d said, voice too quiet to Heleen to make out. “And don’t look back.”
He’d entered the office, and Inej knew. It was time to run.
And so she did. She made it, and Heleen was locked up 24 hours later. Inej was free, and it was thanks to the actions of a stranger.
He had, whether he knew it or not, been the reason she’d gotten away, the reason she’d been able to tell the police everything.
His eyes narrowed a little as he looked at her, and for a second Inej thought, He knows. But then—no. He couldn’t. Her face was covered, and it had been close to four years since her escape.
“And you’re Kaz Brekker,” she said, keeping her voice cool. Business like. “The newest boss on the block.”
“Here to stop me?” Brekker asked, an eyebrow going up. “Bring me to justice like the Black Heretic? The Lantsov family?”
“The police took the Lantsov family,” Inej said, and Brekker snorted.
“The police in this town couldn’t solve their way out of a cardboard box. You handed them the arrest.”
He’s smart. “How do you know that?”
“I make it my business to know.” Folding his hands over his cane, he said, “So, what have I done to merit your attention? I thought I’d kept a fairly low profile.”
“You haven’t done anything. Yet,” Inej said, letting her hand rest on the knives at her waist. Brekker’s gaze followed the movement for only a heartbeat before locking back onto her masked face.
“Ah. Threatening me into submission. Interesting method. Unfortunately for you, I have plans that can’t be put on hold. And you don’t kill anyone unless what they’ve done meets your criteria.”
Inej wouldn’t show her surprise. “You’ve done your research.”
“It’s good to know who I’m dealing with. And to know how you intend to be rid of me.” Continuing, he said, “If you were going to kill me, I’d be dead. Everyone you don’t kill gets handed over to the police, and there’s nothing on me for the police.” The thinnest sliver of a smile appeared. “So, Wraith, your threats are to no avail.”
Oh, he could be dangerous. “Then consider this an appeal to your better nature,” Inej told him.
He laughed, sharp and bitter. “I don’t have one.”
“You have common sense. Don’t give me a reason to come after you, and I won’t.” Inej met his gaze, hoping he would see the intent in her eyes.
He was still for a moment, then inclined his head. “Then perhaps I will see you again, Wraith. Or perhaps not. We’ll see what your code dictates.”
Without another word, he turned back to his desk. Inej hesitated for a fraction of a second, then slipped out the window. Activating the ascension cable she wore strapped to her wrist, she fired it and swung out across the city. She needed to find somewhere to think before her nightly patrols began.
She had a feeling then that she would meet Kaz Brekker again. And she truly didn’t know if she hoped for it or dreaded it.
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nikkiruncks · 22 days
It’s funny how Theo is the ideal guy for Nikki on paper, and how it should work, but in the end, her heart still wanted Nate.
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Okay, Mia definitely played Gumshoe like a fiddle for evidence, but I would have killed to see Phoenix attempt her tactics after her death and just have Gumshoe very sadly and sincerely turn him down.
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my favorite dumb ship trope is the “how am I dating them they’re so out of my league” thing where both of them are clearly thinking it about each other but absolutely could not conceive of the other person thinking it because, like, duh have you seen them   
i.e. beautiful six-foot tall, blonde, FBI agent former-lawyer wicked smart Kate (”but I’m awkward and lanky and don’t open up easily”) Whistler and heart and soul of the team former cheerleader little ray of sunshine Lucy (”there’s no way someone would understand what I do or who I am and someone like Kate must be embarrassed of being with me in public”) Tara. 
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boxwinebaddie · 4 months
hi uncle nina! it's my birthday today and u don't have but will u pretty plz consider reposting that part of ch6 of rm where raven in on the phone with kenny b4 his hate with jers? i thought it was super cute and i really wanted to read it :3
awwww, happy birthday, darling! i hope it's as lovely as you are!
and i--sigh.
i hate complicated feelings surrounding chapter six ( aka the introduction to the iconique ravesey hate that i deleted from stress ) because i actually did love it...i just rushed the hell out of it, didn't plan it out very well and it was a mess. it could have been a lot better.
part of why i deleted it was actually because of that ravenstan/kenny phonecall because i felt worried that i revealed too much about how not cool and actually boy-failure-y stan was too early and could have kept the suspense going longer but aaaaaa i just wanted y'all to see how CUTE he was, like??? and how nervous! AAAA!!!
buuut considering the cat has been out of the bag, or rather, the raven has flown the nest for some time now...and it's the beauteous day you were born...i will humbly present you with this b-day present in the form of my incompetent idiot girl ramblings/writings, though, i fear it is not at all as grand the gift of your life is.
so, without further ado darlings, here is the endearing, embarrassing phone call ( it was over discord actually ) that ravenstan had with kenny prior to showing up to blondie's for his little hate-date with jerseykyle. it's a mess and unedited, but regardless, please know that from whatever hurts or harms you, i hope you heal, please rem(ember) to smile, pendejos,
and to now, as always, angels:
please enjoy the very, very...
worst part of your day. ;)
-uncle nina <333
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jimmyspades · 6 months
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doctorwhoisadhd · 7 months
who in the torchwood team would hate nardole the most.
#torchwood#doctor who#nardole#dr who#dw#cannot figure it out#the one (1) thing im sure of is this: andy and nardole would get along SO well. they would LOVE each other. they meet like‚ ONE time in the#presence of at least one torchwood team member & like INSTANTLY hit it off in the background while whoever it is investigates smth and when#theyre done they come back to find nardole nd andy having a very quietly intense discussion abt smth extremely mundane & the team member#is like that photo of ben affleck with a cigarette. & then gwen finds out later that nardole and andy meet up every week to play mah-jong#also nardole would NOT fuck andy theyre just friends. and both of them get defensive if anyone ever suggests it.#in particular nardoles response is: (in a high and mighty tone of voice) 'actually. i dont sleep with cops thank you.' andys like 'whats#that supposed to mean' (a little offended) and nardoles like 'no a-dog its just a bit too messy for me‚ what with the legal system and all.#i dont do lawyers either. beyond clingy you know how it is' and andys like 'yea you know what thats reasonable i guess'#ari opinion hour#also andy DOES NOT KNOW THIS but thats the only thing preventing nardole from trying to fuck him like a bird doing one of those#weird ass mating displays. thank god for this also because it means we are all spared from whatever That would be (which‚ awkward‚ mostly)#ALSO YES NARDOLE WOULD HAVE A NICKNAME FOR ANDY BY THE END OF THAT FIRST CONVERSATION. IT WOULD BE SO FUNNY.
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At first I was like “what if I made 11 sibling OCs for the March Hare from Alice in Wonderland and named them all after months of the year” as a joke. But bro, I don’t think it’s a joke anymore.
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immagrosscandy · 1 year
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okay so ace attorney 2023
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memelordotherblog · 7 months
Mortimer’s dad: I'm such a good dad aren't I?
Sylvester who has been watching his child for weeks because he couldn't hire a babysitter to make sure Mortimer didn't hitch a ride with him: ..........You are a very funny fella Mister Mouse.
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